WEEKLY STATISTICS May 18-22nd, 2015
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Selama sepekan IHSG ditutup naik tipis sebesar +1.68% menjadi 5.315,15 pada akhir perdagangan minggu lalu. Indeks LQ45 mengalami kenaikan yang lebih tinggi dibanding IHSG yakni sebesar +2.19%. Indeks sektoral yang naik paling tajam adalah sektor finance dengan kenaikan +4.36% sedangkan yang turun adalah sektor mining 1.64%. Selama pekan lalu tercatat aksi jual investor asing (foreign nett sell) sebesar Rp1,17 triliun. Sumber: IDX
Index Composite Index LQ45 Agriculture Mining Basic Industry Miscellaneous Industry
Hi 5,315.15 927.39 2,308.87 1,271.47 469.61 1,350.52
Low 5,237.81 909.12 2,249.91 1,257.69 464.12 1,306.82
Close 5,315.15 926.60 2,278.89 1,257.69 466.69 1,310.94
Change 1.68% 2.19% ‐0.45% ‐1.64% 0.17% 0.91%
Consumer Goods Property & Real Estate Infrastructure Finance Trade & Services Manufacturing
2,342.00 556.50 1,053.38 785.79 965.34 1,344.02
2,318.23 550.67 1,043.00 756.75 955.41 1,329.35
2,342.00 556.50 1,053.38 784.05 965.34 1,335.95
0.67% 2.22% 0.99% 4.36% 0.81% 0.62%
Value (Rp)
Freq. (X)
Warrant ETF REIT
Value (Rp)
Freq. (X)
Total Transaction Foreign Transaction
Net Buy (Sell)
TOP TRENDING NEWS April Trade Surplus Declines (18/05/2015) Indonesia's trade balance has booked a US$454.4 million surplus on April 2015. However, compared to the US$1.02 billion recorded last year, the number is considerably small. Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel said that the surplus came from non-oil and gas sector. "The global [oil and gas] market is currently sluggish, we're still trying to maintain the trade balance to remain surplus," said Rachmat on Monday, May 18, 2015. Rachmat added that the surplus decline was influenced by economic slowdown of several countries, such as Malaysia, which currently attempting to cut down its state budget expenditures in relation to low income estimation from the country's oil and gas sector. Thailand is also experiencing an economic slowdown as the country attempted to increase business and investment opportunities, especially on its Special Economic Zone. Rachmat said that even though the April 2015 surplus was decreasing, the general trade balance is still much better compared to the same period last year. (Sumber: Tempo)
BI Pertahankan BI Rate di 7,5% (19/05/2015) Bank Indonesia (BI) memutuskan untuk mempertahankan suku bunga acuan atau BI rate di level 7,5%. Hal ini sejalan dengan keputusan Rapat Dewan Gubernur (RDG) BI pada Selasa (19/5).Bank sentral juga mempertahankan suku bunga deposit facility di 5,5% dan suku bunga lending facility di level 8%. Gubernur Bank Indonesia Agus Martowardojo mengungkapkan, keputusan mempertahankan BI rate di 7,5% yakni sejalan dengan upaya mengendalikan inflasi di kisaran bawah 4% plus minus 1% di tahun 2015 dan 2016. "Juga mengarahkan CAD ke level yang lebih sehat 2,5%-3% terhadap PDB dalam jangka menengah," ujar Agus di Jakarta, Selasa (19/5). (Sumber: Kontan)
TOP 10 GAINERS & LOSSERS Top 10 Gainers No. 1 2 3 4 5
Issuer Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk Dharma Samudera Fishing Industries Tbk Jakarta International Hotels & Dev. Tbk Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk Ratu Prabu Energi Tbk
6 7 8 9 10
Bhuwanatala Indah Permai Tbk Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk Star Petrochem Tbk Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat Tbk
Last Week This Week Change No. 338 450 33.14% 1 110 138 25.45% 2 670 825 23.13% 3 1000 1200 20.00% 4 138 161 16.67% 5 83 260 505 50 23750
96 300 580 57 26850
15.66% 15.38% 14.85% 14.00% 13.05%
6 7 8 9 10
Top 10 Losers Issuer Last Week This Week Change Alakasa Industrindo Tbk. 680 410 ‐39.71% Siwani Makmur Tbk. [ 170 120 ‐29.41% Multifiling Mitra Indonesia Tbk. 370 270 ‐27.03% Capitalinc Investment Tbk. 125 98 ‐21.60% Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk 3515 2800 ‐20.34% Apac Citra Centertex Tbk. Wahana Pronatural Tbk. Cakra Mineral Tbk Indo‐Rama Synthetics Tbk. Indo‐Rama Synthetics Tbk.
112 73 272 950 1460
90 61 236 825 1270
‐19.64% ‐16.44% ‐13.24% ‐13.16% ‐13.01%
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