Paraffine op IJmuiderstrand opgeruimd
IJMUIDEN AAN ZEE - Bij het eerste daglicht is vanmorgen begonnen met het verwijderen van paraffine op het IJmuiderstrand. Rijkswaterstaat gaat op zoek naar het schip dat op eerste kerstdag met de illegale lozing de kuststrook van Egmond aan Zee tot aan Zandvoort vervuilde. De gele vettige bolletjes worden in IJmuiden aan Zee weggehaald met shovels voordat het hoog water wordt. Verspreid langs de kust ligt ongeveer twintig kuub, aldus een woordvoerster van Rijkswaterstaat. Volgens haar is de stof niet bijzonder schadelijk voor de vissen of voor het milieu. ,,Vogels kunnen er last van hebben, maar anders dan bij olie raken ze niet helemaal besmeurd.'' Paraffine wordt gebruikt in de kaarsenindustrie en om Hollandse kaasjes mee in te pakken. Volgens Rijkswaterstaat is het op zee toegestaan de ruimen van schepen die paraffine hebben vervoerd schoon te spuiten en het vuile water over boord te pompen. Ruim twintig kubieke meter is echter veel te veel om van een legale lozing afkomstig te zijn. ,,Zoveel blijft nooit plakken aan de tankerwanden. Dit is een illegale lozing of een ongelukje op zee.'' Rijkswaterstaat heeft een monster genomen van de paraffine. Het Rijksinstituut voor Integraal Zoetwaterbeheer en Afvalwaterbehandeling in Lelystad onderzoekt nu of het daadwerkelijk paraffine is en of er schadelijke stoffen inzitten. Gegevens over de exacte samenstelling kunnen worden gebruikt om het schip op te sporen dat het spul heeft geloosd. Iedere verlader is verplicht een monster te bewaren. Rijkswaterstaat gaat de komende dagen de verladers af om de monsters te vergelijken met de paraffine op het strand. Eerste kerstdag werd rond het middaguur alarm geslagen bij de Kustwacht nadat strandwandelaars bij eb de vervuiling hadden ontdekt. Een vliegtuig van de Kustwacht vloog gistermiddag laag over de kust om de ergste plekken te lokaliseren. Bij Egmond werd de vervuilde zandlaag vanochtend met speciale schraapmachines verwijderd. In Zandvoort wordt morgen begonnen met shovels. Halverwege dit jaar spoelde ook al paraffine aan op de Noordhollandse stranden. Toen bleef het bij enkele kubieke meters.
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De STENA DISCOVERY voer niet uit en de STENA BRITANNICA kwam met moeite los van de kant gedurende de storm van Vrijdag. ( Foto : Jan van der Klooster )
Government losses mount in search for missing contraband ship
CEBU CITY — The government not only lost roughly P33 million representing the cost of MV Great Faith and the value of the 20,000 bags of smuggled rice on board when it escaped from Customs custody, it is also spending heavily for the massive sea and air search for the missing vessel. Lt. Col. Michael Manquiquis, spokesman of the AFP Central Command, said the government is spending at least P1 million a day for the fuel alone consumed during the search. Manquiquis said several Navy patrol craft, two Air Force helicopters and a Nomad plane have been searching for the Great Faith since Dec. 25, the day it was reported to have slipped from its Customs guard at the Ouano wharf in Mandaue City. He said one helicopter alone uses up to two drums of A-1 jet fuel in one hour of flight, each drum costing about P5,000 or a total of P10,000 per helicopter per hour. Manquiquis said the search for the Great Faith has already covered one-third of the total sea area of the country from the Visayas to Mindanao, including Palawan. Still the search yielded negative results at the end of the third day since the ship vanished. Yesterday, Customs Cebu deputy collector Santiago Maravillas went on a wild goose chase to Naga following reports that a cargo ship with a rice shipment on board had anchored offshore. What he found there instead was the MV John Roger of Villa Shipping Lines, its cargo bold empty.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER Sampaguita Shipping Lines, the Zamboanga City-based operator of Great Faith, yesterday denied any involvement in the disappearance of its ship while under Customs custody. Edward Go, the general manager, in a telephone interview with The Freeman from his office in Zamboanga City, said company officials were shocked to learn the ship escaped, knowing it had been under Customs custody the past three months. The Great Faith was apprehended by Maravillas himself with a cargo of 20,000 bags of suspected smuggled rice last Sept. 13. The ship and its cargo were subsequently ordered forfeited in favor of the government by Customs commissioner Titus Villanueva on Dec. 12. Meanwhile, the escape of the Great Faith has taken on a new twist, with a Coast Guard official raising the possibility that the ship may have been actually hijacked by its own crew.
CASUALTY REPORTING Three adrift Indons rescued MUAR: Three Indonesian seamen, who had been adrift in the Straits of Malacca for about 16 hours after their timber-laden vessel sank on Friday, were saved by a marine patrol unit on Friday. The crew of tanker MT Damansara relayed a distress call to the maritime centre in Port Klang when they spotted the seamen adrift in the sea. The centre then relayed a message to the marine police here, which sent its PC 16 patrol craft, commanded by Kpl Mohamed Maarof, to search for the drifting seamen.
SHIPYARD NEWS British yard builds US tycoon's £30m yacht THE world’ s biggest single-masted sailing yacht is being constructed at a British yard in Southampton at a cost of about £30 million. When completed, the Mirabella V will command what is expected to be a record charter fee for a sailing vessel of more than £210,000 a week. The yacht, which measures 246ft from stem to stern, is being built by the Vosper Thornycroft yard for the American businessman Joe Vittoria, a former chairman of the car rental firm Avis. He is a keen sailor and owns four other yachts. The boat will dwarf the big yachts of the 1920s and 30s
Zeebrugge dit jaar uitgegroeid tot belangrijkste autohaven van Europa De haven van Zeebrugge is in 2001 uitgegroeid tot de belangrijkste autohaven van Europa. Het heeft in dit marktsegment de kroon overgenomen van Bremerhaven. In het aflopende jaar werden er in de Vlaamse kusthaven zo’ n 1,26 miljoen personenwagens behandeld. Dat is een toename van 22,5% ten
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER overstaan van 2000 en verdubbeling van de trafiek in amper vier jaar tijd.
DB Cargo verwerft 7,5% van Zwitserse groep Hangartner De goederendivisie van de Duitse spoorwegen, DB Cargo, heeft aangekondigd dat het een participatie van 7,5% genomen heeft in het Zwitserse gecombineerd vervoerbedrijf Hangartner. De prijs van de transactie werd niet meegedeeld. Volgens bepaalde bronnen zou dit slechts een eerste fase zijn. DB Cargo zou een optie genomen hebben op de rest van de aandelen, een optie die in de loop van volgend jaar gelicht zou kunnen worden. Beide bedrijven weigeren deze informatie te bevestigen, aldus DVZ.
NAVY NEWS MSDF vessels to refuel British ships Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels will from next month be allowed to refuel British warships in the Arabian Sea, government officials announced. British forces involved in the U.S.-led war against terrorism will be the second to benefit from MSDF support, following similar assistance provided to U.S. forces in the Arabian Sea under the anti-terrorism special measures law. Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka plans to announce the government's decision to her British counterpart, Jack Straw, during a visit to England next month, officials said Thursday. Defense Agency officials, meanwhile, denied the SDF will be among the multinational force deployed to Afghanistan to maintain order in the war-ravaged country, despite British involvement. ``MSDF forces will refuel British naval vessels jointly deployed with U.S. warships in the Arabian Sea as part of the operation to capture Osama bin Laden,'' Defense Agency officials said. ``But this does not mean they will take part in the multinational coalition force.'' Officials decided to clarify the Self-Defense Forces' role in the operation following criticism from some government officials that the SDF should not offer support to the multinational forces, sources said.
The guided missile cruiser USS Antietam (CG 54) moves alongside the Japanese supply ship JDS Hamana (AOE 424) for a refueling at sea (RAS). This is the first time the two ships will conduct an RAS together. Both ships are part of the coalition of forces supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
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Explosives seized from Navy officer Government intelligence operatives seized an undetermined amount of C-4 explosives from the locker of a naval officer formerly associated with the defunct Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF) in Sangley Point, Cavite on Friday. The seizure came in the wake of rumors of coup reportedly hatched by a group of disgruntled members of the military and police. But a ranking intelligence police officer, who refused to be named, dismissed the seizure of the C-4 explosives from the locker of a certain Maj. Miraflores, as nothing but routine inventory to account for ordnance supplies of the Navy. He also refused to divulge other details on the so-called ordnance inventory, nor say if Miraflores was arrested or placed under restriction. Miraflores used to head the Navy’ s elite Special Warfare Group (SWAG) whose unit was attached to the defunct (PAOCTF) then headed by then PNP chief and now Sen. Panfilo Lacson.
SPAARNEGRACHT (9202558) Spliethoff Amsterdam 2000 Tsuneishi Numakura GT 16641 dwt21402 TEU 1110 Loa 168.2m Bm 25.3m Van de Botlek naar Point Lisas. ( Photo / Tekst : Jan van der Klooster )
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CAP POLONIO (8710962) Hamburg Sud Lib 1990 Flender Lubeck GT 29739 dwt 33221 TEU 2022 Loa 200.3m Bm 32.2m Van de Alexanderhaven naar Hamburg. ( Photo / tekst : Jan van der Klooster )
AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Man arrested at airport with loaded pistol
Suspect had been on two previous flights MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Authorities said a Florida man who was arrested with a loaded 9mm semiautomatic pistol in his carry-on luggage had already boarded two flights before the gun was found. Barry Brunstein of Tampa, Fla., was charged Friday with attempting to board an aircraft with a concealed weapon.
An FBI affidavit filed in U.S. District Court said Brunstein flew from Tampa to Atlanta, switched flights and continued to Memphis. Brunstein was preparing to board a Delta Air Lines flight back to Atlanta on Friday when he was selected for a random search, said Larry Cox, Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority president. That search turned up the pistol in his carry-on luggage, said the affidavit by Memphis FBI special agent Daniel Sobolewski. Brunstein acknowledged the gun was his. A U.S. official said the gun "got by security in Tampa." Brunstein declined comment when reached by the Commercial Appeal newspaper. He was released on $5,000 bail. Delta officials said they were unaware of the incident and had no comment
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RIJNMOND WEATHER maandag 31 december 9 uur 's ochtends temperatuur: 0 graden kans op neerslag: 30% wind: matig (14 km/u) uit NW 5 uur ’ s middag’ s temperatuur: 3 graden kans op neerslag: 35% wind: matig (14 km/u) uit NW
… . SHIP OF THE DAY … ..
Norsky was delivered by Aker Finyards 18 months after the contract was signed, and began service in July 1999. Norsky is owned by Bore Shipowning BV and chartered for eight years by P&O North Sea Ferries. Both parties had an input in the design of the vessel. The vessel is deployed on P&O’ s Teesport to Zeebrugge service. Norsky was followed in the Autumn of 1999 by a sister vessel, the Norstream, which was destined to be deployed on the same service as Norsky.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER The vessel flies the Netherlands flag and has Lloyd’ s Register classification. DESIGN Norsky has been designed to provide flexibility and maximum freight capacity, both for its current operator and any future deployment. Reflecting this, the vessel has exceptionally high deckroom on the main deck level, enabling P&O North Sea Ferries to optimise its double-stack ro-ro container transportation method. Clearance on the main deck is 7m. Deck scantlings and the vessel’ s general sturdiness reflect the provisions made for a lifetime of transporting industrial exports in Northern Europe. The vessel has also been built to Finnish-Swedish 1A ice class requirements, and has received the relevant notation from classification society Lloyd’ s Register. Norsky contains the equivalent of 2,630 linear metres on three decks, corresponding to a full load of 210 trailers. Norsky features a split stern ramp and has dispensed with the mezzanine deck sections seen in earlier ships. Cargo access is provided by a MacGregor designed system based on twin, 16m long axial stern ramp/doors at main deck level. The wider starboard ramp caters for traffic to the main and tanktop levels, while the narrower port ramp feeds freight to a fixed ramp leading up to the weather deck. Transfers to the lower hold are by way of a ramp leading down from the aft part of the main deck. Norsky has a deck load rating for 120t on 40ft mafi-type trailers at main deck level, and has the ability to transport 100t loads in the lower hold, with a headroom of 5m. Access to the upper deck level via the 7 per cent gradient ramp on the port side imposes a 5m headroom limitation. On the upper deck, maximum load is limited to 55t for trailers, but the design of the area is also conducive to lo-lo working of container stacks up to 60t. Freight stowed on the weatherdeck gains a large measure of protection from the seas by way of the forward superstructure and also the raised bulwarks. The latter meet the height requirements of the chemical industry. The vessel has a fully Dutch crew of 14 and, in addition to crew quarters, has six two-berth cabins for commercial drivers. Given the shortness of her current trading pattern, these are not likely to be used often under the current charter. PROPULSION
Norsky is propelled by two medium-speed Wärtsilä NSD 46-series C nine-cylinder engines. Each gives an output of 9,450kW at 500rev/min. Drive is through reduction gears to a pair of controllable pitch propellers. Each gear has a power takeoff for a shaft generator, dimensioned for 1,200kW at 1,500rev/min. The shaft alternators, covering electrical energy requirements at sea, are complemented by two Caterpillar 3508B diesel generator aggregates yielding 856kW at 1,500rev/min. A pair of Kamewa 1,100kW thrusters built into the foreship section improve the vessel’ s manoeuvrability. The vessel’ s propulsive equipment gives Norsky a service speed of 21 knots. Norsky’ s bridge control operations feature the Ship Control Centre (SCC) concept developed and engineered by STN Atlas Marine Electronics. The 55-2 integrated navigation and command system (Nacos) has been installed. One of the features of the Multipilot workstations that has been encompassed by Nacos 55-2 is the ability to superimpose radar and ARPA on to the electronic chart.
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