VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl
[email protected]
The CMA CGM VERLAINE in the port of Zeebrugge The vessel is built under yard number 4070 at the Daewoo yard in 2001 and measures 300 mtr in length and a beam of 40 mtr. Photo : Piet Sinke ©
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EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS STOWAWAYS FOUND ON PUERTORICO-BOUND BARGE TEN stowaways from the Dominican Republic have been caught trying to enter Puerto Rico on a barge. A US Coast Guard port security team, assisted by DHS partner agencies Customs & Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), arrested 10 people on the barge Sea Islander in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Stowaways have been discovered on the barge on previous trips from the Dominican Republic. A US Coast Guard statement said: “Crewmembers on board the barge were complying with a Coast Guard requirement to check the vessel for stowaways prior to entering US waters when they found evidence that some stowaways may be on board. The Master of the vessel notified the vessels agent (a local representative who assists with logistics and scheduling) who alerted the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in San Juan.” According to the USCG, the stowaways had been aboard for at least three days and two required medical attention from injuries they received while underway, one with lacerations to the leg and the other with a pelvic injury.
SINGAPORE-FLAG TANKER ATTACKED BY PIRATES OFF BALONGAN, INDONESIA A Singapore-flag aframax tanker has been attacked by pirates while waiting off Indonesia's Balongan refinery in West Java, according to a Dow Jones report which quoted Intertanko’s Asia Pacific John Fawcett-Ellis. He was quoted as saying at press briefing that the loaded 100,000 dwt tanker belonging to an Intertanko member was waiting to discharge when it was attacked. Intertanko’s London office said it was gathering and verifying information. Other informed sources indicate that the attack was a violent one, involving firearms and the tying up of engine room personnel. Unusually, engine spare parts appear to have been targeted while no attempt was made to steal personal items and cash.
Nederlands schip redt 83 Griekse vissers De bemanning van het Nederlandse schip ms. Inger heeft zondag voor de kust van de Westelijke Sahara 83 opvarenden van een brandend Grieks visserschip gered. De kapitein van de Nederlandse drooglader liet maandag weten dat de Griekse vissers ongedeerd in Las Palmas op de Gran Canaria zijn afgezet en dat de Griekse boot vermoedelijk is uitgebrand en gezonken.
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MINISTER PEIJS OP BEZOEK BIJ SMIT Afgelopen maandag bezocht minister Carla Peijs samen met de Amerikaanse ambassadeur Sobel en zijn vrouw de nieuwe locatie van Smit aan de Waalhaven in Rotterdam, na een introductie werd er een
rondleiding gegeven door het nieuwe “pakhuis” waar al het SMIT materiaal staat opgeslagen waarbij Marco Mentink uitleg gaf aan Minister Peijs over de diverse middelen welke gebruikt word door o.a. de duikers bij SMIT foto boven : SMIT © Na een gezamelijke lunch werd het gezelschap verdeeld over de SMIT LOIRE en de TEXELBANK waarna een stukje is gevaren door de Waalhaven en op de rivier, nadat minister Peijs het roer over had genomen van Capt Peter vd Gaag van de SMIT LOIRE kon ook de vrouw van de Amerikaanse Ambassadeur niet achter blijven en nam
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 073 de controls van de TEXELBANK over van Capt Wout Dijkstra.
Na een vaartochtje werd er weer koers gezet naar de Waalhaven waar het gezelschap uit elkaar ging, Minister Peijs vertrok met een helikopter direct vanuit de Waalhaven naar haar volgende bestemming. (foto’s : Piet Sinke)
Barendrechts bedrijf versleept SS Rotterdam Het Barendrechtse bedrijf MCS international Marine Services heeft de opdracht gekregen om de SS Rotterdam voor een opknapbeurt naar Gibraltar te slepen. De Rotterdam, het voormalig passagiersschip van de Holland-Amerika-Lijn, is door de gemeente Rotterdam gekocht en zal uiteindelijk als topattractie op Katendrecht komen te liggen. In het schip komt ondermeer een hotel en een casino. De SS Rotterdam moet eerst grondig worden opgeknapt en dat gebeurd dus in Gibraltar. Het schip ligt nu nog op de Bahama's. 15 juni begint het Barendrechtse bedrijf MCS met de sleep. Het duurt dan 3 weken voordat het schip in Gibraltar is.
CASUALTY REPORTING MORNING EXPRESS (PANAMA) Following received from the Korean National Maritime Police Agency, timed 1020, UTC: Product tanker Morning Express (56285 gt, built 2000) and bulk Pos Bravery (110593 gt, built 1992) were in collision in lat 34 39 15N, long 127 57 00E, at 0440, local time today. Morning Express sustained damage on port side. Damage to Pos Bravery is currently under investigation. London, May 26 -- A press report, dated today, states: A 110,000-ton cargo vessel (Pos Bravery) carrying iron ore and a 56,000-ton oil tanker (Morning Express) collided in the sea off South Korea's southern coast early this morning, maritime police said. The collision triggered some oil leakage in the sea, about one mile south of Namhae, South Gyeongsang Province. No casualties were reported in the accident, the police said.
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HYUNDAI NO.105 (PANAMA) A spokeswoman for Eukor has strongly denied reports that oil leaked from the vehicle Hyundai No.105, which went down south of Singapore over the weekend with 4,000 vehicles worth $40m following a collision with an MOL crude oil tanker Kaminesan. The Indonesian Coast Guard claimed to have spotted a small oil spill around the car carrier, which was carrying 990 metric tons of bunkers when it hit trouble eight km from Singapore in waters 40m deep. The Indonesian government says that it would deploy oil booms for the spill which was described as minor. However, Patsy Phay, representing Eukor, said that the salvage company employed to empty the bunkers, Svitzer Wijsmuller, has found no sign of an oil spill. Ms Phay has become so irritated by reports of oil spills from the car carrier that she instructed the salvage firm to take photos of the area to prove that none has leaked.
SHIPYARD NEWS Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Cruise Ship "Sapphire Princess" To Be Delivered to Princess Cruises Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. will deliver a large cruise ship for Princess Cruises at its Nagasaki Shipyard & Machinery Works. The delivery ceremony of the "Sapphire Princess" will be held on May 27th in Nagasaki, Japan. Mr. Peter Ratcliffe, CEO of Princess Cruises; Mr. Kazuo Tsukuda; President of MHI, and Mr. Kazunori Ohta, Managing Director and General Manager of Shipbuilding & Ocean Development Headquarters of MHI, will attend the ceremony. The delivery of the "Sapphire Princess," following the sister ship "Diamond Princess" delivered in February this year, marks the completion of the project to build two largest cruise ships ever built in Japan, which was achieved by integrating the cream of the yard's shipbuilding technology. The 116,000 GT (gross ton), 290 meter-long, Sapphire Princess has a height of 54.0 meters above water surface, almost equal to that of a 18-story building. The vessel is designed to satisfy the diversified needs of its passengers with numerous features, including an abundance of luxurious public areas, such as dining restaurants, a theater, dance lounge, casino and tennis courts, and seven swimming pools. To accommodate guests of 1,339 cabins, the vessel has various facilities equal to luxurious hotels. The vessel is also engineered to provide the ultimate comfort required in a cruise ship. Its multiple power-generation system combines an aero-engine-derivative gas turbine and a lowemission diesel engine, together enabling a high-output electric-power propulsion system while achieving low noise and vibration. The Sapphire Princess also integrates today's most advanced technologies addressing environmental demands. The vessel is equipped with a sophisticated system for processing large amounts of diverse wastes on-board, rather than disposing of them in the ocean. The system encompasses a sewage treatment unit incorporating next-generation biotechnology, as well as advanced flue-gas purification equipment. MHI received an order for two cruise ships for Princess Cruises in February 2000. Construction began first with the Diamond Princess, followed by the Sapphire Princess. The delivery of the first ship was rescheduled by a fire accident in October 2002. By having agreement with Princess Cruises to build the second ship first as "Diamond Princess," MHI and its employees have made their greatest efforts to
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 073 achieve revised completion schedule and to accomplish unprecedented project to build two large cruise ships simultaneously. Major Specifications of Sapphire Princess Gross Tonnage: approximately 116,000 GT Total Length: 290.0 meters Breadth (maximum): 41.5 meters Height (above water surface): 54.0 meters Total number of passenger cabins: 1,339 (about 3,078 passengers)
Keppel lands US$639 million rig deal from Brazil A consortium led by Singapore's Keppel Corp, the world's biggest rig builder, has won a US$639 million contract to build an oil rig off Brazil. Government-linked Keppel said on Wednesday the project was awarded by Petrobras Netherlands. The rig, to be deployed in Petrobras' Marlim Sul oilfield, will take 47 months to complete. Production will start in 2008. When completed, the rig will be able to produce 180,000 barrels of oil and 6 million cubic metres of natural gas a day. The Keppel consortium consists of Keppel-controlled FELS Setal, which has a 75 per cent stake, with the balance held by France's Technip. Keppel already has a similar contract in Brazil worth US$775 million, which was awarded late last year.
Volharding haalt voor 225 miljoen aan orders binnen Met een nieuw orderpakket van in totaal 225 miljoen euro kent de Volharding Groep voorlopig geen zorgen. De werven van deze groep, met het hoofdkantoor in Foxhol, zitten daardoor bijna allemaal tot 2006 vol. Volharding, de twee na grootste wervengroep in Nederland, zet binnenkort een geheel nieuwe stap door een joint-venture met een Chinese werf aan te gaan. Het nieuwe orderpakket omvat een serie bijzondere schepen. De Merwede uit Hardinxveld is een samenwerking met Volharding aangegaan voor de bouw (in Harlingen) van twee grote schepen. Met de totale opdracht is 72 miljoen euro gemoeid, ongeveer de helft daarvan is voor Volharding. Verder is geboekt een bunkertanker die in Foxhol gebouwd wordt, drie containerschepen van 750 teu (romp komt uit het buitenland, afbouw gebeurt in Nederland), vier tankers van een nieuw type van 14.000 m3 (romp buitenland, afbouw in Nederland) en vier multipurpose drycargo (drogeladingschepen) die volledig in China gebouwd worden. 'Foxhol' blijft overeind De goed gevulde orderportefeuille betekent dat de locatie in Foxhol overeind blijft. Er was lange tijd twijfel bij directeur-eigenaar Geert-Jan Bodewes of er voldoende werk zou zijn voor Foxhol, waar de Volharding Groep zijn oorsprong heeft. Bodewes: "Er zijn vorig jaar veertig banen verdwenen, waardoor het makkelijker is geworden daar een goed resultaat te halen. Het kan zelfs uit als er een paar dekhuizen worden gebouwd." Tot midden 2006 is er nu werk voor Foxhol.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 073 Enkele van de nieuwe orders vallen zonder de zogenoemde Tros-regeling. Dat is de steunmaatregel die onlangs werd verlengd en waarvoor de werven en hun werknemers gezamenlijk naar Den Haag gingen om te protesteren. Blik verlegd naar China Bodewes heeft zijn blik het laatste jaar verlegd naar China. Het afgelopen decennium liet zijn werf veel rompen bouwen in Roemenië, nu worden er volledige schepen in China gebouwd. "We hadden er al een order voor acht schepen lopen en daar komen nu nog eens vier bij", aldus Bodewes. Volgens hem worden in de bouw veel Europese materialen verwerkt. Het ontwerp en de engineering komen van Volharding. Met de opzet van een joint-venture met een Chinese werf, waarin Volharding een meerderheidsbelang krijgt, hoopt Bodewes meer greep te krijgen op de orderportefeuille van de werf. Bodewes: "Ze bouwen daar anders alleen hun eigen types. Het is de bedoeling dat wij hier ontwerp en engineering gaan doen en dat we daar nieuwe types gaan bouwen." Volgens Bodewes vormt het werk daar geen bedreiging voor het werk in Noord-Nederland. Er zijn specialistische schepen die beter in Nederland kunnen worden gebouwd. Waarom hij nu wel een jointventure in Chine opzet en eerder niet in Roemenië, is volgens hem simpel te verklaren: "In Roemenië praat je over hele grote werven die niet bij ons passen en waar dus bovendien veel meer geld mee gemoeid is." Volharding op vier locaties De Volharding Groep telt op dit moment iets meer dan 400 medewerkers. Daarbij is de deelneming in MSN (Marine Service Noord) en Impas meegerekend. Een tiental jaren geleden was de groep niet meer dan één werf, Volharding Bodewes in Foxhol. Sindsdien zijn Pattje (Waterhuizen) en Frisian Shipyard Welgelegen (Harlingen) overgenomen. De groep zit nu op vier locaties. Er wordt gebouwd in Foxhol, Harlingen en Eemshaven, terwijl het hoofdkantoor sinds kort is gezeteld in het voormalige kantoor van MSN. MSN ging een paar jaar geleden failliet en kwam daarna in handen van Volharding.
K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail :
[email protected] Telex : 24390 wosh nl
GOOD Q1 FOR JAYA SINGAPORE-based offshore support and shipyard group Jaya Holdings has reported an 86% boost in Q1net profit, to S$10.6m (US$6.3m) million on the back of a buoyant Asian market.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 073 Managing director Pang Yoke Min: “The need for efficient and modern vessels to meet increasingly stringent safety and performance standards is getting more acute. Even if oil prices should drop tomorrow, for the yards we still have this renewal work that is ongoing, and I think that would keep us busy for the next three to five years." Jaya is expanding its fleet rapidly with 30 vessels on order.
EX-CSX JONES ACT CARRIER SOLD AGAIN NEW York-based private-equity investment firm is buying Jones Act shipping company Horizon Lines for US$650m. Horizon, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, was part of CSX until February 2003 when it was bought by Washington-based private-equity investment firm The Carlyle Group. Owning owns 16 vessels and approximately 21,700 containers Horizon is the largest Jones Act container shipping company and handles 37% container traffic between the US mainland and ports in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and Puerto Rico. It is the only carrier serving all of those markets. "This is an outstanding company with solid growth prospects," said Marcel Fournier, the Castle Harlan managing director who led the negotiations. "It has a highly stable revenue base, well diversified cargo shipments and a stable core of strong customers." Horizon recorded revenues in fiscal 2003 of more than $830 million, up 9.6 percent from the previous year, Mr Fournier added. Castle Harlan is acquiring the company from The Carlyle Group, a private-equity investment firm based in Washington, DC, that had bought the company from CSX Corporation in February 2003. Earlier this month, Castle Harlan agreed to acquire Caribbean Restaurants, LLC (CRI), operator of 165 Burger King restaurants in Puerto Rico, for $340 million. CRI is the market leader and the most successful quick-service restaurant franchise on the island. Both CRI and Horizon will be purchased by Castle Harlan Partners IV, L.P., an investment fund totalling $1.163 billion in commitments that closed last September.
K LINE ORDERS ANOTHER GIANT ORE CARRIER MAJOR Japanese shipping group Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) has broken into the Atlantic long-term market by securing a deal with the largest steel mill in Italy, ILVA. K Line has ordered a second 300,000 dwt super large ore carrier from Japan’s Universal Shipbuilding Corporation, to be completed in 2009, specifically for this long-term voyage. The newbuilding, a sistership to one recently ordered to meet a charter from order for JFE Steel Corporation, will carry Brazilian ore to Taranto, Italy.
FRED OLSEN ENERGY WINS US$9.75M CHARTERS NORWEGIAN-based Fred Olsen Energy ASA says it its subsidiary, Dolphin Drilling Ltd has received letters of intent from three separate companies for Mediterranean work programmes with the semisubmersible drilling rig Bredford Dolphin, in total worth US$9.75m. The first programme is for accommodation support duties offshore Tunisia with a target commencement date of mid July 2004 and duration of approximately 90 days. The estimated contract
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 073 value is US$3.25m. The subsequent two programmes are offshore Spain and involve the drilling of two wells in direct continuation of the Tunisian programme with duration of approximately 100 days. The combined contract value of these two wells is approximately US$6.5m. Fred Olsen says that the letters of intent remain subject to contract finalization and the oil companies being granted governmental authorization. The Bredford Dolphin is presently offshore Malta following expiry of a drilling program offshore Libya for Agip Gas.
Top : The LYKES PILOT - Photo : Marcelo Vieira © CP Ships subsidiary Lykes Lines has expanded its services with the launch of another link between the US Gulf, the Caribbean and East Coast South America, using three 1,700 TEU ships. “This new service, called the US Gulf-Brazil service, will launch at the end of June,” says Senior Vice President Tony Bruno. “We believe it will be particularly attractive to Brazilian exporters, especially as we will include a call at the northern port of Vila do Conde, in the province of Pará, on the northbound leg.” The port rotation is: Houston, New Orleans, Caucedo (Dominican Republic), Puerto Cabello (Venezuela), Imbituba, Santos, Vitoria, Salvador, Vila do Conde (all Brazil), Puerto Cabello, Cartegena (Colombia), Houston. “The service, operating every two weeks, will allow us to offer some of the fastest transits on the trade between Houston/New Orleans and the Dominican Republic/Venezuela southbound, and between northern Brazil and the US Gulf northbound,” claims Mr Bruno. In the last few months, Lykes Lines has launched a third weekly transpacific service – the Asia North America Sprint, and a direct service from North Europe to the Caribbean. It has also upgraded its services between West Coast South America and Central America/California.
Standing its ground over IJmuiden lock Gritty determination appears to be the stance Amsterdam Port Authority executive director Hans Gerson is adopting when it comes to the authority’s much-coveted second lock at IJmuiden. Despite the fact the Dutch government has made it clear that it will not be putting its hands in the public purse for such a scheme until at least 2010, the port authority is adamant that a second lock is crucial if the port is to be able to cope with future growth.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 073 In January, the port authority was asked to prepare another report into the lock, after the Central Planning Bureau looked at its initial report and concluded that the second, wider lock was not necessary. The port authority is planning a slightly cheaper version of the second lock and has to go to the government again in October. Mr Gerson recognises that at around €700m- €800m ($833m-$952m) such a lock does not come cheap but he emphasises that such a development is likely to see the port through for at least another 60-80 years. He alludes to the history of the port town of Stavoren, the fate of which has entered into Dutch folklore. An extremely prosperous Frisian port in the Middle Ages, the harbour did not have the vision to invest, so lost its leading trading position. These days the port is a quaint little town. Amsterdam must not become a Stavoren, stresses Mr Gerson. With such a lock taking around eight years to plan and build, and considering it will be needed in a decade or so… “a decision must be taken this year or 2005 at the latest”, he says. At the moment, the planned second large lock would be 500 m x 70 m, with a draught of 16.3 m. If the government decides against it, he worries, it is likely that companies will decide they cannot wait anymore and shift their business elsewhere. Even with a modest growth rate of 3%-4% a year, waiting times at the first lock will get longer. The port authority’s prediction is not based on double-digit growth figures but the lock is still vital to cope with even a moderate expansion of traffic, says Mr Gerson. If ships start getting delays, “it will already be too late”, he urges. Such a second large lock is justified on several fronts, the port authority argues. Importantly, it is vital if Amsterdam is going to be able to cope with the next generation of bulk carriers. The existing lock routinely handles 45 m-wide vessels and, exceptionally, wider ones but Mr Gerson would like to see the new lock able to cope with the 52 m-55 m generation of the future. In terms of reliability, as well, around 80% of cargo goes through the existing lock, so if there ever was an incident the consequences would be immense. It may also be necessary for the existing lock to undergo heavy maintenance at one stage. If it had to be closed off, where would this leave the regional economy?, he questions. Trying to address the money issue, Mr Gerson says there are several ways of financing the project which will reduce the government’s outlay. A public-private partnership, whereby a company takes on the lock, operates and controls it for 30 years, while paying the government a yearly fee, for instance. “This limits the risk and the capital outlay.” Amsterdam City has also indicated it will be willing to put around €45m into the venture. The new government does seem to be aware of the port’s importance, he adds. Amsterdam’s ports employ around 70,000 people and contribute €5bn per year to the national economy, he adds. The second lock is just as important as the second Maasvlakte in Rotterdam, which has been given the go-ahead by the government. “The lock really should be part of the national ports’ policy.” He adds that it is not just important for the regional economy. “If we don’t invest in the port it will damage the national economy. “It is necessary and it is worthwhile.” It comes down to one question: “Do you believe in the future of Amsterdam port?” says Mr Gerson. If the answer is “yes”, a second lock is inevitable.
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Shipping lines begin weekly Asia-Europe service THE New World Alliance (TNWA), which consists of APL, Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) and MOL, has agreed with carriers CMA CGM and Norasia to introduce a new weekly Asia-Europe service in response to growing customer demand. Starting in mid-July, the South China Express (SCX) will deploy seven vessels to provide muchimproved access to key sourcing and manufacturing destinations in South China and South East Asia. Ken Glenn, APL's vice president for the Asia-Europe Trade, said: "Our ships have been full on this trade for some time and customers have been telling us they need more connections - particularly between South China and Europe." The SCX port rotation will be Hong Kong, Chiwan, Singapore, Salalah, Zeebrugge, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Singapore and Hong Kong.
The F 231 ARGYLL arrived in the port of Amsterdam for a port visit – Photo : Joop Marechal ©
Russian navy denies plan to mothball subs A top admiral alleged that the head of Russia's navy has decided to mothball its most powerful nuclear submarines after refusing to modernize their missiles. The navy denied it Monday and accused the admiral of divulging state secrets. Adm. Gennady Suchkov, head of the Northern Fleet, said Adm. Vladimir Kuroyedov had ordered the navy to decommission the Typhoon-class submarines, depriving Russia of an important component of its strategic nuclear arsenal. "Nuclear weaponry is the only thing that brings respect to our nation," he said in an interview published Monday in the newspaper Novaya Gazeta. With a displacement of about 27,500 tons, the Typhoon-class submarines are the world's largest. Each is equipped to carry 20 intercontinental ballistic missiles. Suchkov said in separate comments to the Interfax-Military News Agency that the Northern Fleet had
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 073 three Typhoon-class submarines - the Arkhangelsk, the Severstal and the Dmitry Donskoi. He said his pleas for modernizing the missiles had fallen on deaf ears, and that only the Severstal carries 10 missiles, while the other two are unarmed. Suchkov said the navy had refused to earmark about $1.1 million, a sum he said was necessary to upgrade the missiles. Navy spokesman Capt. Igor Dygalo insisted Monday that there were no plans to scrap the Typhoonclass submarines. He also assailed Suchkov for unveiling what he said was confidential information about the submarines' weapons. The outspoken Suchkov has long been on a collision course with Kuroyedov, the navy chief. President Vladimir Putin suspended Suchkov as Northern Fleet chief after the sinking in August of a decommissioned nuclear submarine. A military court convicted him last week of negligence that led to the death of nine of the submarine's 10 crew members and gave him a four-year suspended prison sentence. Many in the navy blamed Kuroyedov for the accident and alleged that Suchkov had been a scapegoat.
MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet
[email protected] http://www.multraship.nl
The FAIRLANE was seen in the port of Antwerp – Photo : Francois Brose ©
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The TROMS TITAN visited the port of Rotterdam Photo : Nico Ouwehand ©
Seatrade’s NOVA SCOTIA moored in the Waalhaven in Rotterdam Photo : Piet Sinke ©
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M/V Santa Barbara - Malta flag - 9HOG3 - General Cargo/Container ship - Build by Nakskov, Denmark - hull nr. 219 in January 1979 Ex: Sinaloa (DEN), Krasica (MLT and CRO) Owned by John Giavridis Inc., Greece 23.721 dwt x 159,42 mts Photo : Marcelo Lopez ©
The Mc ALLISTER BOYS heading into McAllisters yard at Mariners Harbor Photo : Bob Mattsson ©
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The UMVOTI seen here in 1957 was built in 1942 as the EMPIRE BARRIE, in 1945 renamed in OLAN ALPINE,in 1957 she was named UMVOTI, in 1959 renamed in CLAN ALPINE untill 1961 when she was scrapped in Pakistan – Photo : Coll. Piet Sinke ©
JACQUELINE’S GOODBYE After a long and rewarding period with Workships Contractors B.V., I have decided to pursue different goals and opportunities and consequently have resigned from my Commercial Manager's position with Workships as of the end of this month. Naturally it was a difficult decision because, after 17 years, Workships was more or less my life and home and I have nothing but good memories of the years I have had the pleasure in having been one of its team. In my position I met many great people and enjoyed working actually with each and every person that had an impact in my work, and in the contracts that resulted from those special contacts, people and companies. My responsibilities will be taken over by Maarten Hardon, who will obviously be pleased to continue working with all of you and advancing the opportunities that might be available in the future. Guus Lemmers will assist Maarten. Rest me to thank you for your personal input you provided in making my career with Workships such a wonderful rewarding one and to wish you continued success in your personal endeavors. With kind personal regards, Jacqueline Kuil PSi-Daily Shipping News
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AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS India is negotiating with France on the outright purchase of 18 Mirage-2000 jets, to be followed by the licensed production of 108 units in India
The SMIT LOIRE which operates in the Port of Rotterdam – Photo : Piet Sinke ©
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SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail:
[email protected]
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