EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS VS vreest aanslag in haven Amerikaanse havens zijn in hoogste staat van paraatheid omdat zij het volgende doelwit van terroristische aanslagen kunnen zijn. Zeker 20 schepen, geladen met explosieven, chemicaliën of wapens, wachten op volle zee hun kans af om toe te slaan. De schepen zijn gecharterd doorhet terroristische netwerk van Bin Laden en varen onder de vlaggen van onder meer Cyprus, Liberia en Panama. Dat heeft de Britse krant The Observer onthuld. De namen van de schepen, waarop al bijna drie maanden wordt gejaagd, zijn bekend, maar worden geheim gehouden. David Cockcroft, de secretaris-generaal van de Internationale Federatie van Transportpersoneel, zegt dat schepen die een Amerikaanse haven willen aandoen, dat 96 uur voor aankomst moeten aankondigen. Ze dienen een volledige lijst van opvarenden te overleggen. Hij wil dat Groot-Brittannië dezelfde maatregel afkondigt. Het gevaar voor aanslagen in de lucht is ook nog niet geweken. Zaterdag probeerde een man boven de Atlantische Oceaan een Boeing 767, die van Parijs onderweg was naar Miami, op te blazen. Eén van zijn schoenen bleek een bom te zijn. In de hak zat de springstof C-4 verborgen. Een kleine hoeveelheid daarvan richt al grote schade aan. Een stewardess wist een ramp te voorkomen. Zij rook de zwavel van de lucifer waarmee de man een lont wilde aansteken en dook bovenop hem. Met behulp van passagiers werd de man, een Sri Lankaan die op een vals Brits paspoort reisde, overmeesterd en met broekriemen vastgebonden. Artsen dienden hem een kalmerend middel toe. Volgens de Amerikaanse senator Richard Shelby, lid van de Commissie Veiligheidszaken, ging het om een zelfmoordaanslag. Het is niet duidelijk of de man, een moslim, lid is van al-Qaeda. Het vliegtuig, met 185 passagiers en 12 bemanningsleden, week uit naar Boston. De dader, Tariq Raja, die onder de naam Richard Colvin Reid reisde, had geen bagage bij zich en was vrijdag al teruggestuurd toen hij van Parijs naar de VS wilde vliegen. Het explosief C-4 is met de huidige controleapparatuur op vliegvelden niet te traceren. Alleen speciaal opgeleide speurhonden kunnen dat.
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JAPAN’ S COAST GUARD In this image made with infrared video camera and and released Monday, Dec. 24, 2001by Japan Coast Guard, Japan's Coast Guard patrol boat, unseen, fires warning shots on an unidentified ship in the East China Sea after the ship entered illegally into Japanese territorial waters, Saturday, Dec. 22, 2001. The unidentified boat sank after an exchange of fire with Japan Coast Guard boats. At least two bodies of the crewmen aboard the suspicious ship were found while two coast guard personnel were slightly wounded in the shooting
Sir Peter Blake Hundreds of yachtsmen take to the water Sunday, Dec. 23, 2001, honouring Sir Peter Blake on Auckland's Waitemata Harbour in New Zealand, for a memorial service for the great yachtsman, who was murdered by pirates on the Amazon River on Dec. 5, 2001. Blake won the Whitbread round the world race and also won the America's Cup for his home country
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Malaysian gas field opens THE Angsi offshore oil and gas field in Malaysia has begun production today, state owned oil and gas company Petronas announced. Petronas Carigali , ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia have developed the field jointly. The initial flow of oil is 15,000 barrels per day (bpd) while gas production started at about 60M standard cubic feet per day (SCFD). At its peak the field is estimated to produce about 65,000 bpd per day and 450M SCFD of gas. The three platforms that make up the Angsi complex were fabricated almost simultaneously at multiple yards in Malaysia. The 52-slot drilling platform, said to be the largest in the region and the 13,000-tonne central processing platform were fabricated in a record time of 16 months, Petronas has stated. Over 300 km of pipelines has been installed marking the emergence of Angsi as a new hub for transporting gas to shore.
Star gets new Hawaii cruise era underway As the first wave of passengers boarded the new Norwegian Star for the $400 million ship's inaugural Hawaii cruise last weekend, the aging Patriot -- a vessel that once operated under now-bankrupt American Hawaii Cruises -- remained nestled, empty, at a nearby dock, visible from the port-side windows and balconies of the new ship docked near Aloha Tower Marketplace. The juxtaposition signaled a passing of the torch from the modest Independence and Patriot to a new generation of massive cruise ships -- operated by billion-dollar corporations -- that are expected to bring 250,000 cruise passengers on 18 ships to Hawaii next year alone. But the potential lucrative economic impact -- an estimated $90 million from the Star itself -- comes with a price, critics say. The U.S. industry infused $8 billion into the U.S. economy and ferried 6.5 million passengers in 2000. But the major carriers, mostly foreign-based, are exempt from U.S. corporate taxes and labor laws, and environmentalists criticize the industry's waste and pollution practices. The state concedes that harbors lack the pier capacity and dockside facilities -- island by island -- to serve the booming cruise market, going to the heart of sustainable development debates. The Norwegian era Norwegian Cruise Line, the fourth-largest cruise line in the world, will be the first international cruise operator to home port in Hawaii. Other international lines like Holland America and Princess offer a few cruises a year in Hawaii during the fall and winter months. A total of 18 ships will visit Hawaii in 2002. For NCL, the move was part of a companywide effort to promote "homeland cruising" and to offer new itineraries to vacationers. The ship will make four port calls in Hawaii over seven days each week: Honolulu, Nawiliwili, Kona and Lahaina. Federal maritime laws require foreign-flagged ships to call on at least one foreign country when conducting coastwise trade; the Star will stop at Fanning Island, Kiribati, to comply with the regulation. The Norwegian Wind will ply in Hawaii on a 10-day cruise for eight months of the year starting in 2002 to test the waters of the local cruise market. The move, using a vessel for cruising in Alaska during the summer and Hawaii the rest of the year, is something many other cruise lines want to imitate, says John Hansen, president of the North West CruiseShip Association. The association is a trade organization for international cruise lines in Alaska. Colin Vietch, CEO of Norwegian Cruise Line, noted that Hawaii was on the top of the list of cruises passengers want to take. And the Star is at 96 percent occupancy level for the first three months of 2002 and 80 percent for the following quarter.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER More for Hawaii The cruise association predicts a substantial growth in terms of capacity and visitor numbers on cruises. In 2002, the state's cruise visitors are expected to increase to 250,000 from 160,000 this year. Also, the number of port calls in Hawaii will increase to 538 from 237 previously. This includes the four port calls to be made by the Norwegian Star each week. Advocates in the state's maritime industry like Bill Thayer, president of Waldron Steamship Co. Ltd., have been promoting the state as a destination for even more cruises. "A number of other international cruises are looking at the possibility of home porting vessels here," says Troy Brown, assistant manager of Waldron. Representatives of international cruise lines have met with the governor, the state departments of Transportation and Land and Natural Resources and legislators. The association also took part in the discussions. "Cruise lines are interested in Hawaii cruises and bringing ships to the Hawaiian islands," says Hansen of the association. The group conducted a study with the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism on the state's cruise passengers. The survey showed more than half of cruise passengers will be first-time visitors to Hawaii. "Cruise lines are an important market in Hawaii and we join them in these endeavors," says Chris Kam of the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau. United States passengers make up nearly 85 percent of the global cruise market, according to the International Council of Cruise Lines.
Mexican navy seizes more than eight tonnes of cocaine MEXICO CITY: The Mexican Navy has seized more than eight tonnes of cocaine from a ship, the largest seizure in three years here, officials said Sunday. Mexico's federal prosecutor indicated that the cargo-laden ship was spotted Friday in international waters off the Pacific coast by a US Coast Guard vessel, which alerted Mexican authorities. They boarded the Mexican-flagged ship and took its 16 crewmembers into custody. The Secretary of the Navy suggested Saturday that only four tonnes of the narcotic were aboard the ship, but the prosecutor's office said Sunday it was more like eight.
Conoco to develop Magnolia field Conoco this week announced that it, will develop the Magnolia Field , in partnership with Ocean Energy, Inc. Magnolia is located in nearly 4,700 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Initial estimates call for the $600 million deepwater development project, located in Garden Banks blocks 783 and 784, to deliver 150 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). Conoco, as operator, holds a 75-percent working interest in the field with Ocean owning the remaining 25-percent. The Magnolia Field was discovered with the first well drilled by Conoco’ s Deepwater Pathfinder in May 1999, and two further appraisal wells confirmed the field’ s commerciality. A platform capable of supporting a completion rig will be installed during the summer of 2004, some 180 miles south of Cameron, Louisiana. The location of the Magnolia facilities, approximately 30 miles from existing infrastructure, will enable Magnolia to be a regional off-take point for future Conocooperated developments or third party tie-ins located in Southeastern Garden Banks. Negotiations are underway to determine whether a Tension Leg Platform (TLP) or a Spar will be utilized, and to determine the off-take provider and route. The design capacity of the production facilities will be 50,000 barrels of oil per day and 150 million standard cubic feet of gas per day. First production from the field is anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2004, with peak production occurring in 2005. "The Magnolia facilities will strategically position Conoco
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER by providing early infrastructure in a very active part of the deepwater Gulf of Mexico to handle the tiein of future production, " said Rob McKee, Conoco's EVP, exploration and production. "The deepwater Gulf is one of the foundations for Conoco's growth in North America, and the rapid development of fields such as Magnolia supports that growth strategy."
CASUALTY REPORTING Schip vermist bij Azoren LISSABON - Voor de kust van de Portugese eilandengroep Azoren wordt sinds zaterdag een Cypriotisch vrachtschip vermist. Volgens de Portugese autoriteiten is het vaartuig met 27 bemanningsleden aan boord waarschijnlijk gezonken. De Christopher had voor het laatst op zaterdag radiocontact met de rederij. Toen meldde de bemanning dat er zeer hoge golven waren en dat er aan de voorkant van het schip water naar binnen liep. Een zoektocht met een vliegtuig heeft gisteren niets opgeleverd.
CMA CGM Ravel last to join FAL service
RAVEL, the last of a series of the CMA CGM group's eight new 6,600-TEU container vessels, has entered the French Asia Line (FAL) service, the group's main service linking Asia and Europe. The CMA CGM Ravel was built at the South Korean shipyard Daewoo Heavy industries and will fly under the French flag. The newbuilding is 300 metres long with a speed of 26 knots, which, the company claims, makes it one of the world's fastest container vessels. ( Left : the CMA CGM Balzac which is a sistership of the new CMA CGM Rafel ) With its seven sister ships of the same capacity - Bizet, Berlioz, Debussy, Verlaine, Beaudelaire, Voltaire and Balzac - the FAL fleet is now complete. These eight vessels offer CMA CGM customers improved transit with a gain of four days and improved reliability. The FAL service port rotation is Shanghai, Ningbo, Yantian, Hong Kong, Port Klang, Malta, Le Havre, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Zeebrugge/Anvers, Southampton, Malta, Khor Fakkan, Hong Kong, and back to Shanghai.
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French owner boosts ferry fleet
FRENCH ferry operator Compagnie Meridionale de Navigation (CMN, “La Meridionale”) has surprised the market by announcing the purchase of the Aretousa, a Greek ferry owned and operated by Minoan Lines between Venice and Greece, for a reported price of Euro61.2M ($54.5M). Purchase negotiations have been held discreetly for some time, although Minoan Lines had recently made it clear that it wanted to get rid of several ships, including the Aretousa. Built in Norway by the Fosen Mek yard in 1995, the 23-kt Aretousa can carry 1,500 passengers and has a lane capacity of 2,170 m. It will be delivered to CMN in January under the new name of Girolata and will be deployed between France and the Corsican ports of Bastia and Ajaccio. The purchase of this vessel by CMN was generated by the recent award of the public concession for the operation of subsidised ferry services between France and Corsica.
NAVY NEWS MOMBASA, Kenya Four British warships, including the aircraft carrier Illustrious, have docked here for a Christmas break, British officials said Sunday. They firmly denied speculation that the ships' arrival indicate an imminent attack on neighboring Somalia, often cited as a potential haven for Osama bin Laden.
MSC PORT SUDAN De MSC PORT SUDAN (8021505) kwam in december 2001 voor een dokbeurt bij Niehuis en v.d.Berg naar de Rotterdamse Eemhaven. Het schip een van de eerste echte conbulkers werd in 1982 gebouwd door de Howaldtswerke in Kiel (Bn 167) voor J. Wesch en kwam daarna onder beheer bij Peter Dohle in Hamburg. Sinds 1993
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER is het schip eigendom van Blue Spartan Shipping Ltd op Cyprus en berust het management bij Dioryx Maritime Corp. uit Athene. De afmetingen luiden als volgt GT 18656, dwt 25150 ton en containercapaciteit 1418 TEU. De Loa is 169.15 meter bij een breedte van 25.94 meter. De hoofdmotor een Sulzer van 9250 bhp (6804 kW) geeft het schip een snelheid van 16.5 Kn. Het schip heeft al onder veel namen gevaren nl : REBECCA WESCH-83, NORASIA REBECCA-86, BLACK HAWK-86, VILLE DE VENUS-87, CALEDONIA-88, VICTORIA BAY-89, ATALANTA-92, CORINTHIAKOS-93, NEDLLOYD SANTOS-96, CORINTHAKOS-97 en met nu als huidige naam MSC PORT SUDAN. Foto + Tekst : Jan van der Klooster
AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Woman on SIA flight dies from blood clot After 13 hours on board, Briton flying from Singapore to London collapses and dies without regaining consciousness
LONDON - A young British businesswoman who has lived and worked in Singapore for 18 months has died from deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) on a flight home for Christmas aboard a Singapore Airlines jumbo.A doctor, a nurse and a paramedic made a dramatic, desperate 20-minute attempt to save the woman's life.Helped by cabin staff of the jet, they continued their efforts as the plane came in to land at London's Heathrow airport, but to no avail.Miss Alayne Wake, 28, was a passenger in the economy section of the Boeing 747-400 airliner. About 13 hours after taking off from Changi, when the jumbo was just 193 km from London, she got up to go to the toilet. It is believed that a clot which had developed in the calf of her right leg while she was sitting, moved, possibly towards the lung or heart - and she collapsed. Medics rushed to her aid, but she died without regaining consciousness, at 4.15 am on Thursday.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER A report being prepared for the coroner lists DVT, also known as economy-class syndrome, as the cause of death. The thrombosis is linked to long periods of sitting still on long-haul flights and although most victims have been passengers in economy class where seats have less leg room, people in business and even first-class cabins have also suffered from DVT. Miss Wake moved to Singapore last year after landing a job as Asia-Pacific region custom-services manager for Oberthur Card Systems, which makes credit and telephone cards. Her family lives in Sunderland in the north of England and her father, Mr Kevin Wake, 57, was waiting at the airport there to meet a shuttle flight from Heathrow. Mr Wake, a former commercial manager for Sunderland Enterprise Council, said: 'Alayne was a very intelligent, happy girl and she loved the excitement and buzz of living and working in Singapore. 'She was coming back to spend Christmas with her younger sister, brother-in-law, grandmother and myself. 'The irony is that I bought the medical stockings to prevent DVT when I went out to Singapore to visit Alayne earlier this year. 'I asked her to wear them also. If only she had listened to me, this tragedy...would not have happened. 'I only hope that people will now realise that economy-class syndrome hits not only old people. Alayne was young and she was healthy.'
Vliegmaatschappij ontkent kaping
ADEN (ANP) - Een toestel van een luchtvaartmaatschappij uit de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten is maandag na een technisch mankement van zijn route afgeweken. Een woordvoerster van de vliegmaatschappij ontkende maandag nadrukkelijk dat het om een kaping ging. Het vliegtuig landde zonder problemen op de luchthaven van de Jemenitische havenstad Aden. Luchthavenautoriteiten hadden eerder gemeld dat het om een gekaapt toestel ging. ,,Een controlelampje in de cockpit ging branden en toen heeft de piloot besloten op het dichtstbijzijnde vliegveld te landen. Het landde zonder problemen'', aldus de woordvoerster. Het toestel, een Boeing 777-200, was onderweg van Dubai naar Nairobi. Het had 272 passagiers en vijftien bemanningsleden aan boord. Die zijn allemaal gezond en veilig, aldus de woordvoerster. Er wordt nog onderzocht waarom het controlelampje ging branden. De melding dat het om een kaping ging, kwam van de luchthaven in Aden.
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Air Force grounds C-141 jet fleet ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- The Air Force temporarily grounded its fleet of C-141s to determine why the wing of a C-141 Starlifter collapsed during refueling for a trip to Germany. Military engineers from Warner Robins Air Logistics Center near Macon, Georgia, were in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday to investigate the incident, which happened Friday night at Memphis International Airport. The damaged wing of the Air National Guard aircraft spilled about 9,000 gallons of jet fuel onto the tarmac at the National Guard facility
located on the grounds of the airport. "We're trying to ascertain whether it's just a single airplane problem or if it's a fleetwide problem," said Col. Fred Smith, vice commander of the 164th Airlift Wing of the Tennessee Air National Guard. The Air Mobility Command at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois ordered the "stand down," which affects 99 C-141s in the worldwide Air Force fleet. "The C-141 is and has been an extremely reliable aircraft during its tenure with the Air Force," said Lt. Col. Tom LaRock, spokesman for the Air Mobility Command. The C-141, a 1961 model, was headed to Ramstein Air Base in Germany to replace one of four C-141s that fly supply missions for military bases and the Navy in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and elsewhere as part of the European Strategic Intertheater Deployment, Smith said. The plane also is used in medical evacuations, and was used to bring the body of CIA officer Johnny "Mike" Spann, the sole American to die in combat in Afghanistan, back to the United States, Smith said. Its temporary grounding "will have a fairly significant impact," Smith said. The C-141 is not used in Afghanistan, where larger, more modern C-17s are used for cargo missions, he said. Crews were able to contain the spill before fuel reached Nonconnah Creek, Smith said. The C-141 was holding 120,000 gallons of fuel when the wing collapsed, and some of the fuel still was being drained on Sunday. An airman who slipped in some of the fuel suffered a broken leg, and another strained his shoulder, Smith said. Another got fuel in his eye, but was able to flush it out, and required no medical treatment. Of the 99 C-141s, 63 are used by the Air National Guard and Air Force reserves; the rest are on active duty at McCord Air Force Base in Tacoma, Wash., and McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey, Smith said. The Lockheed-built C-141 Starlifter fleet entered service with the Air Force transport in 1964 and has since logged 10.5 million flying hours. "It is obviously one of the older planes in our fleet and the Air Force is in the process of retiring the plane and replacing it with the larger C-17," LaRock said. The Air Force plans to retire the planes by 2006.
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SHIPS EXPECTED IN ROTTERDAM Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25 Dec-25
65918 998 8454 107512 3465 1845 1851 39800 4995 1656 58911 1616 48508 9829 2035 43704 80942 2446 17991 21367 3818 68687
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