DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER : Sunday 01-07-2001 Note : Due to absence of the compiler of the shipping news the next newsletter will be published on Wednesday July 4th .
EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Vier Nederlandse duikers betrokken bij berging Koersk
MOSKOU (ANP) - Bij de berging van de Russische atoomonderzeeër Koersk zullen ook vier Nederlandse duikers betrokken zijn. Dat zei directeur Hans van Rooij van de bergingsfirma Smit International vrijdagmiddag na afloop van een persconferentie in Moskou. Hij lichtte daar samen met Mammoetdirecteur Frans van Seumeren en de Russische vice-admiraal Michail Barsjkov de verschillende fasen toe van de bergingsoperatie in de komende maanden. Ze maakten daarbij onder meer bekend dat de duikers al tien dagen eerder aan hun werk zullen kunnen beginnen dan was gepland, namelijk rond 9 juli. Het daadwerkelijke optakelen van de Koersk zal, als de weersomstandigheden meezitten rond 15 september plaatshebben. Werkwijze : Met video-animaties legde Van Seumeren uit hoe de berging in zijn werk zal gaan. Het voorwerk zal vooral door de duikers worden gedaan. Zij moeten eerst de zwaar beschadigde boeg van de kernonderzeeër scheiden van de rest met behulp van een kettingzaag. Vervolgens zullen ze gaten boren in het overgebleven deel van de Koersk. Daarin moeten pluggen verschijnen die de onderzeeër via hefkabels zullen gaan verbinden met een ponton dat boven de Koersk moeten komen te drijven. Vanaf dit ponton, genaamd de Giant 4, dat momenteel in Amsterdam wordt gebouwd, zal de Koersk uiteindelijk omhoog worden gehesen tot net onder de waterspiegel. Vervolgens zal de onderzeeboot naar Moermansk worden gevaren en daar in een droogdok worden afgeleverd. Aandeel Russen : Op dat moment zit het werk voor Mammoet en SmitTak erop. De romp, het gedeelte van de Koersk waarin zich vorig jaar augustus tijdens de ramp de noodlottige explosies hebben voorgedaan, zal dus door de Russen zelf worden geborgen. Ook met de stoffelijke overschotten zullen de Nederlanders niets van doen hebben. Zowel Van Seumeren als Van Rooij toonden zich opmerkelijk optimistisch over de goede afloop van de bergingsactie, ondanks de beperkte tijd die daar feitelijk voor is. Top : The Giant 4 at the Shipdock shipyard in Amsterdam where the barge is under conversion for the “Kursk” project . – Photo : Piet Sinke
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Minder zeeschepen hoeven loods te nemen De Nederlandse loodsen krijgen minder te doen. Het kabinet heeft vrijdag besloten dat meer zeeschepen zonder loods de havens in mogen varen. Door betere internationale regelgeving en moderne navigatiesystemen is het niet meer nodig om op alle schepen van langer dan 60 meter een havengids mee te sturen. Per haven komen er aparte minimumlengtes. Minister Netelenbos van Verkeer had lange tijd het voornemen de loodsplicht in alle nationale havens te laten vervallen voor schepen tot 100 meter lengte. Dit stuitte echter op hevig verzet van het Loodswezen. Deze koepel vreesde chaos in de havens als alle schepen met de lengte van een voetbalveld 'onbeloodst' hun aanlegplaats mogen zoeken. Left : The Pilot vessel MARKAB operating in the approaches to Rotterdam – Photo : Ane Ree Het kabinet heeft nu besloten de loodsplicht in Rotterdam en Amsterdam te laten gelden voor schepen vanaf 70 meter, vaartuigen tot 90 meter kunnen ontheffing krijgen. Voor de Schelde wordt de loodslengte 75 meter, voor Noord-Nederland afhankelijk van de vaarweg 60 tot 90 meter en voor de Eems 150 meter. Ook in deze havens zijn ontheffingen van de loodsplicht mogelijk voor schepen die iets langer zijn. Om in aanmerking te komen voor zo'n ontheffing moet de bemanning de omgeving goed kennen en Nederlands of Engels spreken. Zeeschepen met een gevaarlijke lading krijgen geen ontheffing. Het Loodswezen spartelt al jaren tegen bij de vermindering van de loodsplicht. Volgens de koepel zullen veel van de zeshonderd Nederlandse loodsen het economisch erg moeilijk krijgen. Vooral de havensgidsen in het noorden des lands vrezen voor hun toekomst. Tegen de wil van de sector in bereidt het kabinet wetgeving voor waardoor de markt geliberaliseerd wordt. Netelenbos bakkeleit al tijden met het Loodswezen over de invulling hiervan.
Shooting should not affect ties, says Indon navy chief
JAKARTA: Indonesia has said the fatal shooting of a Malaysian fisherman by the Indonesian navy last Monday should not affect ties between the two neighbouring countries. Indonesian navy chief Admiral Indroko Sastrowiryono said he had discussed the incident with his Malaysian counterpart. "We explained the truth. We told him that the case is being dealt with. Our relationships with Singapore and Malaysia are quite good, particularly at the leadership level, because we always maintain a high level of communication among us," he was quoted as saying by the national news agency Antara. In the incident, Indonesian warship KRI Teuku Umar opened fire on a Malaysian trawler in the Straits of Malacca, the world's busiest sea lane
Costa Cruises Announces New Ship Names HOLLYWOOD, Fla., June 29 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of the CostaTropicale's christening activities Costa Cruises took the opportunity to announce the names of its next four ships coming on line
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER through 2004. They are as follows: In 2002 Costa will welcome the Westerdam to the fleet. The ship, purchased from sister company Holland America Line, will enter drydock in the spring of 2002 re-emerging following a modest refurbishment as the CostaEuropa. She will weigh in at 53,872 grt and will carry 1,494 passengers in lower berths. Upon entering service for Costa, the CostaEuropa will offer 10- and 11-night sailings throughout the Mediterranean. Summer 2003 will bring the launch of the CostaMediterranea, sister ship to the highly acclaimed CostaAtlantica. Presently under construction at the Kvaerner Masa Yards in Helsinki, Finland at a cost of approximately $330 million, the CostaMediterranea will be 86,000 grt and have double occupancy capacity of 2,114 guests. The ship will debut in time for Costa's Europe season followed by a Caribbean winter sailing from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Costa will end the years 2003 and 2004 with the introduction of its two largest vessels ever: the CostaFortuna and the CostaMagica. Both vessels have been commissioned from Fincantieri of Genoa Sestri representing an additional combined investment of $800 million. The ships will each weigh in at 105,000 grt and each carry 2,720 double occupancy passengers. Their deployment is expected to follow that of Costa's newest vessels -- summers in Europe and winters in the Caribbean. When Costa accepts delivery of the CostaMagica the Costa fleet will grow to 12 ships for a total capacity of more than 19,000. In total, Costa has committed more than $1 billion to be spent over the next three years. This investment includes the addition of four new ships, plus the recent addition of the CostaTropicale and the multi-million dollar refurbishment of the CostaClassica. "This is a very vigorous expansion program," remarked Pier Luigi Foschi, Costa's Chairman and CEO. "This program further exhibits the faith we place in our capability and determination to maintain and strengthen our position as Europe's #1 Cruise Line." Costa, Europe's #1 Cruise Line, has an international fleet that spans the globe offering cruises of 7 nights and longer throughout the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Northern Europe, South America and Transatlantic. Costa Cruises is a member of the World's Leading Cruise Lines alliance which also includes Holland America Line, Cunard Line, Seabourn Cruise Line, Carnival Cruise Lines and Windstar Cruises. Together, these member lines share a commitment to quality and value, offering cruise vacations that appeal to the widest range of lifestyles and budgets and sail to some of the world's most exciting destinations.
ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES Containerterminal Sloegebied grote toekomst voorspeld
VLISSINGEN - De Westerschelde Container Terminal (WCT) behoort tot de wereldklasse. De kade, geprojecteerd aan de buitenkant van het haven- en industriegebied Vlissingen-Oost, voldoet precies aan de eisen die gelden voor de containerstromen met de grootste groei in Noordwest-Europa. De verwerking van de containers en de indirecte werkgelegenheid die er uit voort komt, moeten 2200 tot 2700 arbeidsplaatsen kunnen opleveren. Voor zowel Rotterdam als Antwerpen kan de WCT een rol spelen als ondersteunend knooppunt. De terminal is noodzakelijk om de Zeeuwse havens deel te laten uitmaken van internationale vervoersnetwerken. De aanleg betekent bovendien dat de haven van Vlissingen-Oost minder afhankelijk wordt van een beperkt aantal industriële verladers. Een en ander staat in een onderzoek naar de economische haalbaarheid van de Westerschelde Container Terminal. Het nog vertrouwelijke rapport is gemaakt door de adviesbureaus Ocean Shipping Consultants/ Bridgecraft en Buck Consultants International. Het onderzoek vormt een van de bouwstenen voor het milieueffectrapport voor de WCT. Schifting De samenstellers van het rapport voorzien dat de toenemende inzet van grotere schepen zal leiden tot een schifting tussen terminals die als wereldklasse gelden en havens die tot de substandaard behoren.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER Een wereldklasse terminal ligt dicht bij open zee, is ook bij laagwater bereikbaar voor schepen die veertien meter diep steken, beschikt over minimaal 1800 meter ononderbroken kadelengte en biedt een hoge snelheid van laden en lossen. De beoogde ligging van de WCT, de geprojecteerde kadelengte van 2600 meter en het voornemen van het Antwerpse overslagbedrijf Hessenatie de behandeling van de containers voor zijn rekening te nemen, betekenen dat de WCT aan de eisen van de wereldklasse voldoet. Het containervolume in de Noordwest-Europese havens is in de jaren negentig met gemiddeld 7 procent gegroeid. Voor de eerste tien jaar van deze eeuw wordt een toename met gemiddeld 6 procent voorzien. De ontwikkeling van het aanbod van overslagfaciliteiten houdt daar gelijke tred mee. De ervaringen en verwachtingen over de periode 1999-2011 geven een toename van gemiddeld 6,5 procent te zien. De grootste toename valt te verwachten in het intercontinentale containerverkeer van en naar Asië en de overslag van containers van het ene zeeschip op het andere. Dat zijn juist de marktsegmenten waarvoor de containerterminal in Vlissingen-Oost geschikt lijkt. Samenwerking In de economische analyse wordt de verwachting uitgesproken dat de WCT vanaf de aankomst van het eerste schip in 2004 binnen tien jaar volledig gebruikt zal worden en winstgevend kan worden geëxploiteerd. De samenstellers achtten samenwerking tussen de havens van Antwerpen, Rotterdam, Zeeland en - in mindere mate - West-Brabant van belang. Deze Rijn-Schelde-Delta-benadering is noodzakelijk om de capaciteit van achterlandverbindingen (via weg, water en spoor) goed te benutten en de vervoersstromen over meerdere havenbekkens te spreiden. De verwachting is dat van elke 100 containers die in Vlissingen zullen worden overgeslagen er 28 over de weg gaan, 28 per binnenvaartschip, 14 per spoor en 30 per kustvaarder. Niet de overslag van de 2 miljoen containers, levert de meeste werkgelegenheid op, maar de behandeling, opslag en distributie van de inhoud. Dat kan 1000 tot 1500 arbeidsplaatsen opleveren.
Three Korean shipowners goes into partnership Three Korean shipowners, Korea Marine Transport Co. (KMTC), Pan Continentel Shipping Co. (Pancon) and CK Line Co., is to expand the Korea-Japan ports service on 1 July with joint partnership. The joint operations, which set out at the Port of Inchon and the Port of Ulsan on 30 June, are covering over 40 Japanese ports including 3 Korean ports which involve the Port of Pusan. Deploying total nine ships on the ports by KMTC (3), Pancon (2) and CK Line (4), these shipowners are looking forward to cutting the original cost for participated shipowners. The shipping schedule provided by the three shipowners is as follows : ¡âPusan - Tokyo - Yokohama - Chiba (3-runs weekly service) ¡âPusan - Yokkaichi - Chiba (before : a weekly service, after : 2-runs weekly service) ¡âPusan - Shimizu (newly lauched, 2-runs weekly service) ¡âInchon - Tokyo - Yokohama - Nagoya (2-runs weekly service) ¡âInchon - Yokkaichi (a weekly service) ¡âUlsan - Shimizu - Tokyo - Chiba - Nagoya - Yokkaichi (a weekly service) ¡âPusan - Kobe - Osaka (3-runs weekly service) ¡âPusan - Mizushima (2-runs weekly service) ¡âPusan - Hiroshima (a weekly service) ¡âPusan - Wakayama - Takamatsu (2-runs weekly service)
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Navy's $99 Billion FY '02 Budget Includes Scaled Back SSGN project
The Navy's $99 billion FY '02 budget reflects a reduction of the SSGN missile sub conversion project to include only two boats, compared to four in the original plan. The SSGN project was to convert four Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines to a strike configuration. The boats scheduled for deactivation starting in FY '03 would be refueled and renovated to carry up to 154 Raytheon [RTN] Tomahawk cruise missiles in place of the Lockheed Martin [LMT] D-5 nuclear weapons currently aboard. Additionally, SSGN conversion would allow for the permanent housing of 66 special operations forces personnel. The reduction to only two boats in the project is a blow to some in the Navy, DoD and on Capitol Hill who strongly endorsed the SSGN conversion project as a way to dramatically increase stealthy strike power. The president himself appeared to endorse the concept during his commencement address to the Naval Academy's class of 2001 in May. A four-boat project would have provided hulls sufficient to cover both major eastern and western theaters of operation. It is unclear whether two hulls would provide complete coverage. Money was needed in FY '02 to head off the deactivation of Tridents scheduled to start in FY '03, Capt. Brian Wegner, the Navy's SSGN project manager, told Defense Daily last month (Defense Daily, May 14). The FY '02 budget provided an additional $30 million to the program, but that funding is merely a placeholder and not sufficient to launch the effort full scale. Therefore, two of the four ships--USS Ohio (SSBN-726) and USS Michigan (SSBN-727)--will be inactivated. We missed the two FY '03 boats, a Navy budget official on Wednesday told reporters at the Pentagon. They will now be inactivated. One factor driving indecision on the way ahead for SSGN is the pending ratification of the U.S.-Soviet START II nuclear arms limitations treaty. Under that protocol, the four Tridents would have been superfluous to the agreed U.S. deterrent force of 14 total ballistic missile subs. Of the four extra boats, USS Florida (SSBN-728) and USS Georgia (SSBN- 729) now remain available for SSGN conversion given the funding provided for the FY '02 budget. The initial scope of the program would have cost about $2.9 billion for conversion of all four ships, according to the Navy's latest estimates. The reduced, two-ship program would cost $1.9 billion, according to another Navy official. General Dynamics [GD] has led the design effort for the SSGN conversion concept. If the project is approved to move forward, the Navy's own shipyards, including the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, N.H., could get involved in the actual conversion work. Other changes have been made in the development of fleet strike capability. The Navy has zeroed funding for the Advanced Land Attack Missile (ALAM) project in FY '02, moving $33 million from that budget line to the existing Land Attack Standard Missile (LASM) program, which is in development with Raytheon.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER LASM is budgeted for $34.5 million in FY '02. In 1999 the Navy launched the ALAM analysis of alternatives, directed by DoD, to find follow-on capabilities to LASM that would meet fully the fire support requirements of the Marine Corps. LASM does not currently meet the full requirement. The analysis of alternatives concluded this month that an improved, rather than all-new, boost-glide technology weapon would be the best candidate for ALAM (Defense Daily, June 12). In addition to LASM, Raytheon's Standard Missile family is also involved in sea-based area and theater missile defense programs, making it virtually the sole long-range attack missile available to the surface warfare community. Lockheed Martin has offered to the Navy versions of its Tactical Missile System (TACMS), which is currently in use with the Army. But, so far, the Navy has kept the TACMS at arms' length for ALAM or other uses. LASM and TACMS are both boost-glide weapons based on existing technologies. Capt. Brian Schires, head of the Navy's land attack warfare branch, noted that improvements to allow the weapons to reach the Marines' required 200-nautical mile range could include larger booster rocket motors, especially in the case of LASM. Both LASM and TACMS, as well as Raytheon's Tactical Tomahawk cruise missile, are capable of hauling the anti-armor submunitions that ALAM was to have used to attack moving vehicle targets. As a future capability for strike, the ALAM was to have been at least half of the firepower that the planned Zumwalt-class (DD-21) destroyer would have brought to the littoral fight. General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman [NOC] are competing for the DD-21 award. DD-21, though delayed some months for additional concept evaluation by DoD, was left in the Navy's FY '02 budget at $355 million for continued program definition and risk reduction efforts. Contract award for DD-21 had at one time been planned for this month. But the service has put the program on hold to allow more time for DoD to conclude a comprehensive review of Navy shipbuilding (Defense Daily, June 4). That review, headed up by DoD acquisition chief Pete Aldridge, is to spell out the structure of the Navy to meet future needs, he told reporters Wednesday. In 1976, Aldridge ran a similar study for then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. In the context of future needs, the DD-21 has so far not impressed some of DoD's reviewers. A conventional force structure study headed by David Gompert of RAND Europe recently reported gave DD-21 low marks for contributing to future littoral strike requirements (Defense Daily, Jun. 25). Gompert noted that while DD-21 was innovative, and perhaps very necessary to meet the nearest term threat projections, the job of striking from the littorals in the future could be better accomplished with fleets of numerous, smaller platforms. His conclusions boosted the Navy's less known hull concept known as Streetfighter--really a family of systems including ships, sensors and aircraft- -that could dominate littoral warfare. The Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Vern Clark and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Jones both recently testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee that the capabilities represented by DD-21 remained important. But neither official gave any assurance that the ship itself would survive
France to help India build sub, missiles
NEW DELHI: India and France have signed an agreement to produce Scorpene class submarines. An agreement to this effect was signed on Thursday by the Indian defence secretary Yogendra Narain. Announcing the agreement, Mr Narain also disclosed that the agreement marked a departure from the usual buyer and seller agreement and is qualitatively different in the sense that the agreement provides for co-production. According to him, this meant that the two countries will now be engaged in joint production not only of the submarines but also of missiles, radars and advanced operation systems.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER The decision was taken after two days of deliberations by a high-powered committee. According to Mr Narain, the Scorpene class submarines are rated better than Agosta submarines acquired by Pakistan in 1999. The Indian submarine is being built at Mazagaon docks in Mumbai. The induction of the Scorpene class submarine will give the navy a new launching pad for missiles. The Scorpene class boats will have the ability to detect enemy ships, according to officials. Apart from the Scorpene class submarines from France, it is known that India has shown an interest in acquiring three nuclear-powered submarines from Russia. According to officials, the nuclear-powered submarine can survive under water for more than 100 days without surfacing. The Scorpene class submarine is also capable of launching ballistic missiles. Since the government of India's decision to allow private sector in the defence industries, France has been showing a great deal of interest in exhibiting its products in India. India is said to have approached France for a blueprint for an aircraft carrier but so far no such action has been taken yet. India's contact with France comes in the wake of PJ-10 anti- ship missiles developed by Indian scientists with help from their Russian counterparts. This is expected to be demonstrated at the Moscow's annual show MAKS 2001 in August this year. The missile was test fired successfully at Chandipur-on-Sea. According to the Russian state-owned company NPO Mashinostroyrnie, the missile had performed 100 per cent to satisfaction of the specified parameters for the flight range and hitting the target accurately. Official sources said NPO Mashinostroyrnie was responsible for designing the 6.9-metre long missile with stealth technology and the propulsion system, while the Indian side provided the onboard computer guidance system. It is expected that the PJ-10 missile may be inducted into the Indian navy, as well as offered for sale to third countries after the completion of all tests. The spokesman for NPO said the PJ-10 will arrive at an appropriate juncture when navies all over the world will be replacing their anti-ship missiles. Whether the French built Scorpene class submarine will be equipped with the PJ-10 anti-ship missiles remains to be seen. According to Nezavisimaya Gazette, a high brow publication in Moscow, "the joint development and successful testing of the PJ- 10 missile is an indication of the strategic realignment in the region." According to the gazette, "The PJ-10 is more than a match for similar missiles with China."
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The yacht which was brought in onboard the Blue Marlin Thursday evening was offloaded in the 8th Petroleum harbour and towed towards Rotterdam Saturday morning by the Kooren tugs RT Magic and assisted by the tugs Triton and Stella. – Photo : Piet Sinke
When the season's first cruise ship Norwegian Sky docked this spring, it was met by protestors calling for stronger environmental controls on the booming cruise business and a goal of making Alaska the first state to regulate the often foreign-flagged vessels. Critics say cruise ships' pollution and dumping of waste into the ocean are why the ships are wearing out their welcome in Alaskan waters
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