EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Smit haalt styreen uit gezonker Ievoli Sun ROTTERDAM (ANP) - Het Rotterdamse bergingsbedrijf Smit Tak heeft dinsdag de lading styreen geborgen van de chemische tanker Ievoli Sun. Het Italiaanse schip zonk vorig jaar oktober voor de Franse kust tijdens een zware storm. In totaal haalde Smit Tak 3000 ton styreen uit de tanker, aldus een woordvoerder van het bergingsbedrijf. Dat zou betekenen dat er 1000 ton uit is gelopen. Styreen is een grondstof voor plastic. De lading was van Shell. Smit Tak werkte bij de berging samen met het Noorse bedrijf Mohn. De klus is nog niet helemaal geklaard. Er moet nog 180 ton stookolie uit het schip worden gehaald. Dat neemt nog een paar weken in beslag, zo meldde een woordvoerder. Smit Tak kreeg de door de Franse autoriteiten goedgekeurde opdracht van de Britse verzekeringsgroep P&I Club. Met de berging van de lading styreen werd zes weken geleden begonnen. Het bergingsbedrijf uit Rotterdam wil niet kwijt hoeveel geld er met de opdracht is gemoeid. Het wrak blijft vermoedelijk liggen op de bodem, zo'n 70 meter onder de zeespiegel. De ligplaats zou geen gevaar opleveren voor het scheepvaartverkeer
Angstige momenten in storm voor bemanning Cotrans IV DEVENTER, 22-5-2001 - Het met 1000 ton zand uit Duitsland geladen beunschip Cotrans IV is donderdagavond in zwaar weer op het IJsselmeer bij de Rotterdamse Hoek in moeilijkheden geraakt. Overkomende golven vervulden het, in verhouding met de beun, ‘ te grote ruim’ , waardoor de kop van het schip steeds dieper wegzonk. ‘ Op een gegeven moment hing het er om’ , zegt schipper Cor de Ruiter. ‘ Ik heb de kop toen buiten de tonnen aan de grond gezet.’ ‘ Samen met de buurman, lag ik die avond bij de Ketelbrug. De voorspelling was dat de wind ‘ s nachts zou afnemen. Op een gegeven moment brak de hemel open. Ik had met de buurman van het semi beunschip Linquenda afgesproken samen te gaan’ , zegt De Ruiter. ‘ Hij zou een oppertje geven. Maar op een gegeven moment kreeg hij last van roeruitval en kon niet meer langszij blijven. Het was vreselijk weer. De Linquenda kwam een paar keer dwars op de golven te liggen. Af en toe werkte zijn roer wel, dan weer niet. Hij had ook een probleem met zijn hydrauliek.’De Linquenda slaagde er uiteindelijk in op eigen kracht naar Lemmer te komen. De Cotrans begon daarna water te maken. De Ruiter riep herhaalde malen een voorbijvarende tanker op, om de twee schepen te helpen, maar die voer door. ‘ Met een wijde boog om ons heen.’ Tot de nek toe Om erger te voorkomen zette de schipper rond 22 uur de Cotrans IV met de kop aan de grond. ‘ Ik lag met de wind pal achter, maar kon het schip op een gegeven moment niet meer houden. Hij waaide steeds verder dwars. Voor lag het schip al tot de bovenkant van de bulp in het water. Het lukte niet
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER om de kont weer in de wind te krijgen. Ik heb toen een slag in de rondte gemaakt. Op het moment dat het schip dwars op de golven lag sloeg de stuurboord stuurhutdeur er uit. Het water sloeg naar binnen, dat waren angstige momenten.’ Mark Mazereel van het te hulp gesnelde bergingsbedrijf BTS uit Lelystad, hielp de schipper de deuropening dicht te timmeren met een tafelblad. Uiteindelijk lukte het de Cotrans IV met de kop in de wind te krijgen. Mazereel en een opvarende van de reddingboot uit Lemmer gingen in overlevingspakken naar voren om de klep voor vlaklozing te openen. Af en toe tot de nek in de golven verdwijnend probeerden ze de hendel van de klep om te zetten. Dat lukte in eerste instantie niet. Pas na meerdere pogingen en met behulp van een flinke koevoet kregen de hulpverleners de hendel om en de klep open. Nu kon het zand er aan de onderkant uitlopen en ging de kop weer drijven. ‘ Met een Tojo pomp (speciale zandpomp red.) hebben we daarna nog dertig kuub zand gelost’ , zegt Mazereel. ‘ Ik was doornat. Op een gegeven moment ging mijn GSM en maakte ik even mijn pak open, dat had ik dus beter niet kunnen doen.’De sleper Jumbo van BTS heeft de Cotrans IV uiteindelijk geassisteerd tot Lemmer. (HH)
Philippine Navy tracking ships hear Scarborough shoal Philippine navy vessels are tracking the activities of a number of foreign vessels encroaching on waters claimed by Manila in the South China Sea. President Gloria Arroyo made the annoucement, but did not identify the flag of the intruding vessels, or say what type were seen around Scarborough Shoal. Visiting the fleet headquarters near Manila, Mrs Arroyo praised the navy for its patrols to ward off encroachments around the shoal, located off the main Philippine island of Luzon. Last month Beijing and Manila agreed to take steps to ease recent heightened tensions over the shoal, which China also claims as part of its territory. The Philippine navy has boarded 14 Chinese-flagged fishing boats off the disputed shoal so far this year and confiscated their catch of giant clams and other endangered marine products.
Cocaine Seized From Disney Ship Crew ORLANDO, Fla.--Three crewmen of a Disney cruise ship have been arrested at Port Canaveral, central Florida, on charges of trying to smuggle cocaine off the vessel, the U.S. Customs Service said on Wednesday. Customs agents spotted packages bulging from the trouser legs of the men as they carried out a routine inspection of passengers and crew disembarking from the Disney Magic on Saturday. The men were found to have packages of cocaine taped to their legs. A total of 6.6 pounds of cocaine was seized worth approximately $60,000 wholesale. Pedro Woods, 33, and Brent Andrews, 28, both from St. Vincent, and Rohan Walters, 30, from Jamaica, were arrested. The Customs Service said it was the first significant drug seizure off a cruise ship in Port Canaveral, an Atlantic coast port which mainly serves the Caribbean cruise ship industry.
Missing' oil tanker reaches Dubai port MUMBAI: The hue and cry raised in shipping circles over the alleged disappearance of an oil tanker has now come to an end with the ship having reached Dubai on Wednesday, according to the Kandla Port police station. The drama arose when the ship was reported to be missing and the 13-member crew having been kidnapped. The managing agency of the ship even lodged a First Information Report (FIR) in the
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER Yellowgate police station here on May 16 alleging that offences of kidnapping and abduction had been committed. However, the local police said they could not investigate the case here because no illegal act had been committed off the Mumbai coast. After registering the FIR, the papers were sent to the Kandla Port police in Gujarat. The 1,000 tonne tanker, M.T. Meera, is owned by Paco Shipping Company, a South American firm and flies the Honduras flag. The ship was chartered to Global Commodities Trading Impex which is owned by Mr Nilesh Bansal. When it reached Kandla port in Gujarat on April 19, the master of the tanker was substituted with another and the ship left for Dubai on May 10. However, since it did not reach there till May 16, Mr Satnamsingh Sahi, proprietor of Sitara Shipping Ltd (SSL), lodged an FIR. It takes a maximum of six days for a ship to reach Dubai from Kandla. In the FIR, SSL which manages the ship, named Mr Bansal and Mr T.R. Patel, a partner in another firm alleging that there was an attempt to commit piracy of a sea-going vessel and kidnap the 13-member crew. The SSL even alleged that offences of kidnapping and attempt to abduct had already been committed. However, when contacted, Mr Bansal denied all these charges and stated that there were certain disputes between him and SSL. The vessel was reported to be carrying 892 tonnes of high speed diesel when it reached Kandla port. The dispute may take several twists and turns before it is resolved, the police said.
SHIPYARD NEWS Cammell Laird receives offer for yard Shipbuilder Cammell Laird, which is in receivership, has had an offer to buy its Teesside yard, giving a glimmer of hope for workers fearing further job cuts. “An offer to take over the Teesside yard only has been received. Negotiations continue,”said a spokeswoman for the receivers PricewaterhouseCoopers. A spokesman for the GMB trade union, which has a strong presence among Cammell Laird employees, said that a party led by Eric Welsh – a former executive at the Teesside yard – had made the offer. PricewaterhouseCoopers declined to identify the party behind the offer, or provide financial details on it. Cammell Laird, whose main yard was established in 1824, announced over 500 job cuts in recent months after it entered receivership when a series of cancelled orders hit its finances, causing it to suspend trading in its bonds and shares. It said last month that it would mothball the Teesside plant. The receivers’spokeswoman said the offer was for the site in its current state, but she declined to provide further details.
Sarawak clinches Brooke Dockyard Management of Brooke Dockyard will pass to Sarawak Shipyard and Engineering in December, announced Sarawak Infrastructure Development and Communications Minister Datuk Wong Soon Koh.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER In the last few years, Brooke Dockyard has evolved into a specialist yard for fabrication of oil and gas offshore structures while pursuing shiprepair and shipbuilding business. In the first four months of the year, the yard's net profit increased to RM 8.05million from RM 740,000 for the whole of last year. Brooke Dockyard recently delivered a milestone RM 78million offshore satellite oil production platform to Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd and Esso Production for installation in offshore Terengganu. The Brooke Dockyard was first set up in 1912 as part of the government workshop then active in the repair of government vessels and machinery as well as private vessels. In 1932, the operation of the dockyard passed under the control of a management board until the state government enforced the Brooke Dockyard and Engineering Works Corporation Ordinance. In 1977, the Brooke Dockyard became a fully owned government statutory body. It is at present the biggest dockyard cum fabrication yard in Sarawak.
ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES Boskalis versterkt positie in Midden-Oosten met alliantie Papendrecht - Koninklijke Boskalis Westminster nv ('Boskalis') maakt bekend dat zij de eerder aangekondigde alliantie met Archirodon Group nv ('Archirodon') per 22 mei 2001 heeft geëffectueerd. Boskalis heeft een belang verworven van 30% in Archirodon, een internationale maritieme aannemer met een sterke positie in het Midden-Oosten. De alliantie is een belangrijke versterking van de strategische positie van Boskalis in het Midden-Oosten en omringende gebieden. Het belang in Archirodon zal in 2001 enkele procenten aan de winstgroei van Boskalis bijdragen. Archirodon is gespecialiseerd in het aannemen en uitvoeren van waterbouwkundige werken. De onderneming, die sinds de jaren zestig actief is in het Midden-Oosten, heeft in 2000 een jaaromzet van US$ 223 mln gerealiseerd, met een nettowinst van US$ 16,6 mln. Archirodon heeft een uitstekende reputatie, professioneel management en een zeer concurrerende bedrijfsvoering. Het bedrijf heeft een omvangrijk materieelpark en ca. 5.000 medewerkers in dienst. Met deze alliantie kan Boskalis turn key bagger- en waterbouwprojecten aannemen in samenwerking met een sterk gepositioneerde, competitieve partner, zowel in het Midden-Oosten als in het Middellandse Zeegebied, het Indiase Subcontinent, Noord- en West-Afrika. Naast een sterkere marktpositie en een breder produktenpakket, levert de alliantie voor beide partijen synergie op in marktbewerking en operationele activiteiten. Boskalis heeft een duidelijke groeistrategie die gericht is op versterking van haar marktpositie. De onderneming is sinds de tachtiger jaren met gemiddeld meer dan 10% per jaar gegroeid en het beleid is gericht op voortzetting van deze trend. Boskalis is een internationaal opererend concern met een leidende positie op de wereldmarkt van baggerdiensten. De kernactiviteiten van Boskalis zijn aanleg en onderhoud van havens en vaarwegen, creatie van land in water en bescherming van kusten en oevers. Met tien belangrijke thuismarktposities in Europa en daarbuiten richt de onderneming zich op alle in het baggeren voorkomende diensten. Boskalis heeft de beschikking over een veelzijdige vloot van meer dan 300 units en is actief in circa 50 landen, verspreid over 5 continenten. Boskalis heeft ruim 3.000 medewerkers in dienst.
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GRIMALDI NAPLES OPENS ANTWERP TERMINAL Grimaldi Group of Naples opened its very own terminal on the left side of Antwerp port. The terminal is in a 50 - 50 joint venture with Mexico Natie called Antwerp Euro Terminal. The concession extends to 67 hectares and phase one covering the tarring of 20 hectares and building of 600 metres of wharf is now complete, 6,2 million euros have already been invested. Left : The new Grande Argentina entering Antwerpen port on March 9th , 2001 ( Photo : Piet Sinke )
The weekly Euromed service will reach fullprogrammed capacity in the second quarter of this year with the introduction of the last two Grande Europa class vessels called Grande Scandinavia and Grande Ellade. The addition of these two vessels brings their number to five ro-ro multipurpose, 19,500 ton vessels with a speed of 20 knots and capacity for 2,500 cars, 2,000 lane metres for ro-ro and 300 containers. In cars only they can carry 4,650. The ships replace Fides and Spes, which will be transferred to Adriatic Lines services.
P&O NEDLLOYD AND UNICORN DIRECT SERVICE TO ANGOLA Global container line and logistics operator, P&O Nedlloyd, together with Unicorn Lines are expanding their services to West Africa with the introduction a new three-vessel service running between South Africa and Luanda, Angola. The service will be phased in at the end of May, calling weekly at South African, Namibian and Angolan ports. The service rotation includes Durban, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Walvis Bay, Luanda, Walvis Bay, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Durban. Commenting on the new service, Iain McIntosh, Marketing Manager of P&O Nedlloyd says, "This is a significant development for P&O Nedlloyd with its new partner Unicorn Lines and we look forward to working closely with them in building an even better product for our clients in Southern Africa." P&O Nedlloyd will be transshipping all Luandan cargo from Asia into this service at Port Elizabeth. Our existing WACCON (Asia - West Africa) service will no longer call at Luanda, but will now call Abidjan weekly, the first port call after Durban. With transshipment via Abidjan, we will be able to offer wider West Africa coverage to Luanda and other ports such as Apapa, Cotonou, Lome, Tema and Douala, Takoradi and San Pedro. McIntosh says that the feeder service provides Angolan importers with a transit time of 23 days from Singapore to Luanda. The feeder service also covers imports from Asia to Cape Town, with a transit time of only 17 days from Singapore.
NAVY NEWS British, German navy vets mark 60th anniversary of Bismarck sinking LONDON (AP) - Veterans of one of the great naval chases of the Second World War met Tuesday to remember the pursuit and destruction of the German battleship Bismarck, which went down in the Atlantic 60 years ago. "In the water we thought it was the end of life and what we remember today, after all these years, is the terror of it all," said Heinz Steeg, 86, the lone German veteran at the event. He was joined by 97 Britons who took part in the battle.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER Some survivors were upright and some bent over walking sticks and there were many medals on their chests as they gathered at the Imperial War Museum. "We thought this would be the last chance, as many of the survivors are not in good health and their ships' associations are being disbanded," said Robert Crawford, the museum's director-general. The 38,000-tonne Bismarck, the mightiest warship in the world when commissioned in 1940, and the pride of the German navy, steamed with the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen into the Atlantic in May 1941 to attack convoys of food and equipment from North America that kept Britain alive. To fight them, the British committed eight battleships and battlecruisers, two aircraft carriers, 11 cruisers, 21 destroyers and six submarines, as well as aircraft that flew more than 300 sorties and dropped nearly 60 torpedoes. On May 24, southwest of Iceland, the Bismarck sank the battlecruiser Hood, which the British had believed invincible. Of its crew of over 2,000, only three survived. British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill ordered the Bismarck sunk, and British ships caught up with it in the mid-Atlantic. On May 26, a British torpedo wrecked the Bismarck's steering gear, jamming its rudders so it could only go around in circles. The ship's commander radioed a message: "Ship incapable of manoeuvring. Will fight to the last shell." The next day, British ships poured shells and torpedoes into the Bismarck. Only 115 of the more than 2,200 crew survived as the enormous ship went down. Steeg, from Hamburg, Germany, was a petty officer electrician in Bismarck's engine room and one of the 24 crew still alive. "Our ship was very beautiful. It had a very big punch and very good technology, so we were optimists," Steeg said. "But when we sank the Hood we did not feel triumphal. We knew the British would be determined to sink us." "It felt like a rabbit running from a fox." Steeg was picked up by a British ship and became a prisoner of war. He shook hands Tuesday with Henry Mottershead, 82, a petty officer on the British carrier Victorious. "This is the first time I've met any German involved," Mottershead said. "We don't hate each other. There is a comradeship among men who go to sea, whichever side they are on." Kenneth Pattisson flew the open-cockpit Swordfish that is believed to have dropped the torpedo that crippled Bismarck. "It was a huge and wonderful looking ship but all along its side were gun flashes, firing at us, so we couldn't admire the view," he said.
HAVE A LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING SITE FOR SHIPPING INFO AND PICTURES OF SHIPS AROUND HOEK VAN HOLLAND AT : http://home.soneraplaza.nl/qn/prive/j.vander.klooster/index.html
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