VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl
[email protected]
The outward bound GIANT 4 passing the inward bound GIANT 2 at the Oude Maas river near Rotterdam. Photo : Aad van Zon ©
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EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS Dozens arrested in on board ferry brawl Six Britons are on their way back to the UK after a fight broke out on a ferry from Newcastle to the Dutch town of IJmuiden. More than 30 police officers were sent to control the situation in which 25 people were arrested. Left : The QUEEN OF SCANDINAVIA one of the ferries which is serving at the route Ijmuiden - Newcastle Photo : Piet Sinke © The other 19 involved have been allowed into the Netherlands. The fight broke out after a row between English and Scottish football fans. A number of German tourists were also involved in the massive brawl. Police say they have not arrested any of them. No one was injured in the fight but police were deployed to prevent further outbreaks of violence.
GOUTA DETAINED IN CHINA Panamanian Ship Detained in E. China for Safety Measures A Panamanian ship that failed to carry out a new international protocol requiring all ships to be equipped with anti-terror systems has been detained in Penglai City, a coastal city in east China's Shandong Province. The ship, registered as "GOUTA", is a refrigerator vessel with 2,462 tons of capacity. It was heading from Panama to Penglai port this month when the local maritime safety administration found it lacked international security certificates or temporary international security certificates. The ship could only leave the port after obtaining the necessary security certificates, according to authorities with the local maritime safety administration. An international protocol took effect on July 1 this year to ensure anti-terror safety measures for international ships and harbors. Under the protocol, over 60,000 international ships and 20,000 international harbors will have to be equipped with anti-terror systems and related maritime safety administrations could detain or take other imperative measures on the ships without anti-terror systems.
Rotterdam als cruisehaven in opkomst Rotterdam krijgt woensdag bezoek van de Queen Mary II, het grootste cruiseschip ter wereld. De komst van het 71 meter hoge en 344 meter lange gevaarte bewijst dat de stad aantrekkelijker wordt als cruisehaven. ,,We hebben de afgelopen jaren veel gezaaid en zien nu voorzichtig een groen tapijtje'', zegt directeur Mai Elmar van Cruise Rotterdam. De stad was al bekend met grote passagierschepen. Vanaf de Cruise Terminal vertrokken sinds 1873 circa 800.000 immigranten met boten van de Holland-Amerika Lijn (HAL) naar andere continenten. ,,Rotterdam was een soort Schiphol op water'', aldus Elmar.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 Pas eind jaren negentig ontstond bij het stads- en havenbestuur de ambitie om zich als cruisebestemming te profileren. Rotterdam knapte de vervallen Cruise Terminal op en baggerde de kade aan de Kop van Zuid uit. Elmar kreeg de opdracht contacten te leggen met de grote rederijen. Sindsdien doen de cruisereuzen 's werelds grootste goederenhaven steeds vaker aan. Het begon met vijf bezoeken in 2002. Dit jaar leggen zeven cruiseschepen aan, en voor volgend jaar zijn 21 zogeheten 'calls' binnen. Rotterdammers zijn er apetrots op. Vorig jaar liep de hele stad uit toen twee schepen tegelijkertijd in de haven lagen. ,,Traditioneel is er een enorme band met passagiervaart. Bijna iedereen heeft wel een familielid dat bij de HAL heeft gevaren'', verklaart Elmar de 'gekte' rond dat bezoek. Woensdag volgt waarschijnlijk een nieuwe oploop als de Queen Mary II binnenvaart. Ze is dan ook een bijzondere verschijning. Het schip kostte 632 miljoen euro en kan 2650 passagiers en 1200 bemanningsleden herbergen. In de vertrekken hangt voor een slordige 4 miljoen euro aan kunstwerken. De Queen Mary II krijgt in het Rotterdamse een warm onthaal van pleziervaartuigjes, spuitende blusboten, muziekkorpsen en een koor. Rond het bezoek gelden strenge veiligheidsmaatregelen. De politie wil geen mededelingen doen over hoe de Queen Mary II in verband met de terreurdreiging wordt bewaakt, maar zeker is dat het schip goed in de gaten wordt gehouden. De cruises geven Rotterdam een aardige economische impuls. De overwegend Amerikaanse en Canadese toeristen spenderen per bezoek gemiddeld 450.000 euro. Volgens Elmar kan Rotterdam als cruisehaven nog verder vooruit. Na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 bleven de boekingen een tijdje achter, maar inmiddels groeit de markt met 4 tot 5 procent per jaar. Het is niet de bedoeling om Amsterdam naar de kroon te steken, benadrukt Elmar. De hoofdstad ontving vorig jaar 86 zeeschepen en dit jaar worden er 94 verwacht. ,,Alle toeristen willen bij hun eerste bezoek aan Europa Amsterdam zien'', zegt de directeur. ,,Maar, 80 procent van de reizigers in deze markt boekt nog een keer en verlangt dan wat anders. Wij zijn zo eigenwijs om ze naar Rotterdam te willen halen.'' Elmar bestrijdt dat de toeristen bij aankomst meteen een bustour naar Amsterdam boeken. ,,De meeste mensen bezoeken oude plaatsen als Dordrecht, Gouda, Delft en Kinderdijk. De stadstours langs de musea, Delfshaven en de architectuur zijn ook populair. En de Amerikanen zijn gek op shoppen.'' Elmar denkt dat de Europese toeristen ook best voor cruisevakanties zijn te porren. ,,Het idee over cruises is dat de passagiers rijke bejaarden zijn en dat je de hele dag zit te eten. Maar een vakantie is al vanaf een paar honderd euro te boeken. Je kunt bovendien heel actief zijn door aan boord te sporten, uit te gaan en in de omgeving tours te boeken.'' Op 31 juli komt een nieuw cruiseschip naar Rotterdam. De Westerdam vaart op zijn 'maiden trip' naar Nederland. Het bezoek maakt deel uit van de strategie van eigenaar Holland America Line om de band met de stad aan te halen. De inmiddels in de Verenigde Staten gevestigde rederij opent dezelfde dag een permanente tentoonstelling in het Maritiem Museum over de geschiedenis van de HAL.
CASUALTY REPORTING NEDERLANDERS BERGEN SCHIP BIJ DENEMARKEN Bergers van Multraship Salvage uit Terneuzen keerden zondag uit Denemarken terug na afronding van de succesvolle berging van de bulkcarrier “Petimata ot RMS”. Het Bulgaarse schip, geladen met zo'n 35.000 ton Potash, strandde op 9 juli j.l. op een ondergrond van stenen en zand voor de Deense kust ter hoogte van de Great Belt. Het schip was onderweg van
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 Ventspils naar Santos, Brazilie. De Nederlandse bergers verkregen de bergingsopdracht en stuurden direct een bergingsteam ter plaatse onder leiding van Leendert Muller.
Boven : The MULTRATUG 7 houd de PETIMATA OT RMS vast terwijl de lading wordt gelost in de APOLLOGRACHT Photo : Multraship Terneuzen © Het schip was zodanig vastgelopen dat er alvorens het kon worden vlotgetrokken ca. 6.800 ton lading alsmede 1.000 ton bunkers moesten worden gelost om de diepgang te verminderen en het risico op eventuele milieuverontreiniging te minimaliseren. Naast het bergingsteam, bestaande uit o.a. bergingsinspecteurs, een nautisch ingenieur en duikers, werden de sleepboten Multratug 7, Michael en Norsund ingezet. De lading werd met een kraanschip in het vrachtschip “Apollogracht” van de Nederlandse rederij Spliethoff gelost, de bunkers werden overgepompt in een tanklichter. Op vrijdag 16 juli was er voldoende lading gelost om het schip vlot te kunnen trekken. Daarna werd het schip naar een ankerplaats gesleept alwaar een uitgebreide inspectie door de bergingsduikers werd uitgevoerd. Het schip bleek geen noemenswaardige schade te hebben opgelopen en kreeg toestemming om de haven van Kalundborg op te lopen, alwaar de geloste lading en bunkers weer terug in het schip geladen konden worden. De 9 dagen durende bergingsoperatie werd zondagmiddag 18 juli afgerond. Het schip kan haar reis naar Brazilie op eigen kracht vervolgen. De “Petimata ot RMS” strandde precies een maand na de bulkcarrier “Domiat”, een soortgelijk schip wat eveneens voor de Deense kust strandde en door Multraship Salvage werd geborgen.
Zeiljacht zinkt na botsing op Westerschelde Een Noors zeiljacht is in de nacht van zondag op maandag op de Westerschelde gezonken na een aanvaring met een vissersschip. De twintig opvarenden van het plezierjacht zijn allemaal in veiligheid gebracht. De bemanning van de Nederlandse kotter kwam met de schrik vrij, aldus de politie. Door de aanvaring is een van de twee vaargeulen tussen Antwerpen en de Noordzee voorlopig gestremd. Als het houten jacht is geborgen, wordt de vaarroute weer vrijgegeven. Onduidelijk is nog hoe lang dat gaat duren. Vooralsnog levert het gezonken jacht geen problemen op voor de scheepvaart. Schepen kunnen hun route via een omweg vervolgen. Het zeiljacht en het vissersschip kwamen ter hoogte van Vlissingen door nog onbekende oorzaak met elkaar in aanvaring. Kort daarna zonk het jacht en belandden de passagiers, leden van een scoutinggroep uit Noorwegen, in het
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 water. De kustwacht haalde hen uit het water.
Yard slots to open Japanese builders have been holding 70 VLCCs-worth of berth space that now looks set to hit the market. Shipyards in Japan are facing up to the possibility of losing out on a $5.5bn contract to build a floating runway for Tokyo's Haneda airport. A competitive bid from Japanese marine construction company Penta-Ocean Construction is being tipped as the likely winner of the contract. If Penta-Ocean lands the deal, then dozens of newbuilding slots in 2006 will unexpectedly become available for merchant shipbuilding orders this autumn. And there could be some uncomfortable consequences for the shipping markets. Brokers say some Japanese yards have already started to take provisional orders for merchant ships to be built in berths that had been reserved for the construction of huge floating runway sections. The yards had been decribed as "dead cert" winners of the contract as they were backed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure&Transport, which has subsidised research into the new offshore technology dubbed "Mega-float" by its designers. One Tokyo broker told TradeWinds: "Some shipyards are already assuming that they are not building the floating runway sections and are planning cover for berth space." Newbuilding berths in 2006 and 2007, amounting to about 70 VLCCs of space, had been held back by shipyards in anticipation of building the floating sections. Each section is roughly the size of a VLCC and, to achieve the necessary precision, must be built in a dry dock. A consortium of major and medium-size Japanese shipbuilders and steel makers are now bidding for the runway project. Major builders like Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries were lined up to build seven or eight sections each. Smaller yards were to contribute two or three sections each. Several factors are now working against the Japanese yard consortium. Steel prices have increased rapidly, making the shipyards' bids less competitive. And cost has become an increasingly important factor. The Japanese government is highly cost conscious and has already cut its budget by¥20bn ($184m) by reducing the planned height of the terminal. In addition, the competing Japanese land-based construction companies are short of work and desperate to build the Tokyo air terminal. The land construction companies are planning to team up with marine construction companies, like Penta-Ocean, to offer a hybrid design, which employs the already proven land-fill technique in combination with a pier-type system. Shipyards are unlikely to be prepared to take a loss on the Mega-float project at a time when shipbuilding prices are on the rise. It has even been privately suggested that the yards are only bidding for the runway project to meet an obligation to the government for receiving subsidies to develop Mega-float. Although the amount of yard space that would be freed up is considerable, brokers are playing down the possible effect on the market. They believe the impact will be nothing like the sudden arrival of 70 free VLCC newbuilding berths. They say that in many cases shipyards already have contingency orders in place.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 The very short lead times, especially for the 2006 deliveries, might also force yards to reshuffle delivery slots rather than attempt to build ships in a matter of months. The future supply-and-demand scenarios suggest the dry-bulk and tanker markets would not suffer too badly from the addition of a few extra ships but it is a different story for the container market. A number of Asian lines that have missed out in the rush to order in Korea could now be contenders for the sudden openings in Japan. Market analysts already expect up to 1.4 million teu of boxship capacity to be built in 2006, expanding the containership fleet by 15% in just one year. Brokers are already warning that if this tonnage arrives at the same time as demand growth slows, as happened in 1998 and 2001, the implications will be dire. If another pile of mega-containerships are added in the equation, 2006 could be an absolute nightmare.
TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail :
[email protected] Telex : 24390 wosh nl
Spanish cruise liner in Maltese harbour every Friday
Maltese people looking for a one-week Mediterranean cruise have the answer waiting at the Valletta Harbour every Friday in the form of New Flamenco, a Spanish cruise-liner that tours the ports of Tunis, Barcelona, Nice, Rome and Naples. Mondial Travel has entered into a part-charter agreement with Travelplan, the liner’s operator, to allow Maltese passengers to board the New Flamenco in July, August and September. The ship passes through the Maltese harbour every week, which makes it very convenient for the Maltese. It results in a practical and hassle-free holiday, said Mondial Travel managing director Martin Degiorgio. The Spanish atmosphere includes lively entertainment which the Maltese usually enjoy, he said. This makes a great family holiday as children under 16 board for nothing.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 The prices are very attractive with adults saving Lm60 on brochure prices. Discounted prices for the one-week cruise start from Lm299, plus taxes, per person for a twin cabin, said Mr Degiorgio. The third and fourth paying adults in a cabin get a 50 per cent reduction. He explained that when a liner visits a non-EU port, such as Tunis, the whole ship is exempt from VAT. The ship’s itinerary also introduces Malta to many foreigners who were previously unaware of the island’s charm. Mr Degiorgio said that often foreign passengers did not know much about Malta, so their visit here turns out to be a pleasant surprise.
By : Michael vd Meer – Evergreen Netherlands The "Hatsu Envoy" arrived on Saturday July 17th, 2004 for the first time in Rotterdam. However the vessel is 2 years old already, it's the first Hatsu Marine vessel calling Europe and it's the biggest Evergreen Group vessel of the fleet calling Europe ever. The "Hatsu Envoy" will make 2 trips on Evergreen's CEMService, N.Europe-Italy- Far East/China and will call Rotterdam again on September 10th, 2004. The ship is 299,90 meters long, 42,8 meters wide and her maximum draft is 13,5 meters. She is able to carry 6332 TEU's. The vessel is able to maintain a cruising speed of 24,5 knots, powered by a single long stroke diesel engine of 66120 h.p.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 Hatsu Marine is the British sister of Evergreen, established in January 2002. All Hatsu Marine vessels flying the British flag, the Taiwanese crew is trained and licensed to sail a British flagged vessel.
Terminal and Hatsu Marine colleagues of Evergreen Netherlands.
A welcome party was held onboard the vessel on Saturday afternoon, accompanied by the ships master, officers, ECT
IMC hot for floaters Singapore-based IMC Group is getting into the floating storage sector with orders for two floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) hulls at Samsung Heavy Industries. Samsung Heavy Industries, One of the FPSO has been ordered by a joint venture between IMC and Japanese FPSO specialist Modec. A second hull has been ordered for IMC's own account. The suezmax-dimensioned FPSOs are planned to have a storage capacity of between 1m and 1.4m barrels. The first hull is due for delivery in July 2007. No financial details have been disclosed but a similar sized unit at Samsung last year by Australian energy concern Woodside for $60m. The joint venture, IMC-Modec JV1 Pte, looks to have stolen a march on sector rivals by ordering the two hulls now. The shortage of delivery berths resulting from the recent boom in newbuilding activity has become a bottleneck for FPSO contractors. IMC and Modec said they had established the joint venture company in order to “secure the early delivery of an FPSO hull that will be deployed to a project in the near future”. Neither party was willing to disclose where the first FPSO will be deployed, but one industry expert suggested it may be for Murphy Oil’s Kikeh project off Malaysia.
FARSTAD FIXES ASIAN TONNAGE OFFSHORE support specialist Farstad Shipping has entered into a number of contracts for vessels in Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam worth at least NKr165m (US$24m). The Lady Astrid and Lady Caroline have been fixed for a firm period of 9 months with Santos and Woodside, starting in last half of September this year. There are options for a further 9-10 months. The vessels will be used in connection with drilling operations in the Bass Strait and on the northwestern coast of Australia supporting the drilling rig "Jack Bates". The Far Grip and Lady Caroline
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 have been fixed to tow the drilling rig Ocean Patriot from South Africa to New Zealand. After arrival New Zealand, Far Grip will continue to support the rig during its employment there, and later in Australia until September 2005. Meanwhile Lady Cynthia has extended her contract in Vietnam for JVPC for one year, starting September 2004 when the existing contract expires. In addition, agreement for one option year has been made. In total, this has a contract value of approx NOK 165 mill for the firm periods. Farstad has 20 of its 49 vessels in the Asia/Australia areas, and all, except 3-4 vessels, are on period contracts to oil companies in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.
SALES BULKERS Hong Kong-based and Oslo-listed Jinhui Shipping has sold the 74,200-dwt bulkers Jin Tai and Jin Kang (both built 2002) to S Livanos-controlled Sun Enterprises for $29.5m and $27m respectively. The Oshima-built sisters were the biggest vessels in the Jinhui fleet. The sales appear to be an opportunistic move for bulker specialist Jinhui. The two ships were on its books at a net value of $20.68m and $19.98m respectively TANKERS Berlian Laju Tankers is said to have purchased the 91,000-dwt tanker Zoras (built 1983) from Aegean Ship Management. The ship, which was built at China Shipbuilding, fetched $11m. Aegean bought the vessel as Enalios Skiron in June 2002 for only $5.2m. The 11,500-dwt, Finnish-controlled, ice-class products/chemical tanker Melkki (built 1982) is said to have been sold to OW Bunkering of Denmark. The Valmet-built ship changed hands for $4.85m. Chandris of Greece is said to have sold the 45,000-dwt, Weser-built products tanker St Michaelis (built 1981) to a Russian buyer for $6m in a bareboat/hire-purchase deal. US-based Sea Oil is said to be the buyer of the 62,000-dwt tanker Cabo Tamar (built 1990). Last week the ship was reported sold for some $13m. A Korean buyer is said to have paid $1.5m for the 2,800-dwt, Shin Kurushima-built tanker Miyo Maru (built 1988). An undisclosed buyer is said to have paid $2m for the 4,500-dwt, Atlantis-built tanker Meridian Sun (built 1990). GAS CARRIERS Brokers say the 5,000-cbm, Fukuoka-built gas carrier Silver Dream (built 1997) has been sold to Samos Steamship of Greece for $10m. GENERAL CARGOSHIPS The 6,000-dwt general cargoship Elsa (built 1985) is said to have been sold to a Middle East-based buyer for $2.5m. CONTAINERSHIPS A German buyer is said to have paid $13m for the 1,162-teu, Polish-built boxship Lukas (built 1993).
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Crystal Pool goes to Korea for chemical tankers Ulsan-based INP Shipbuilding has secured its first Finnish tanker contract. Crystal Pool says it has ordered two 9,950-dwt, stainless-steel ice-class 1A chemical tankers at the Korean yard for delivery in March and July 2006. No price was disclosed but broking sources say each vessel is costing close to $20m. The deal is said to include two options."It is the first time that we are ordering ships at INP," said a Crystal spokesman. "The newbuildings are part of our expansion plan." Crystal Pool intends to employ the newbuildings on routes between Baltic and North Sea ports. The company owns six other stainless-steel chemical tankers of 12,000 dwt. The average age of its fleet is less than nine years.
Photo : Risto Brzoza ©
A small, private shipyard, INP is currently constructing four 8,500-dwt stainless-steel chemical tankers for Schoeller Holdings of Germany and two 6,300-dwt chemical tankers for Wonsild & Son of Denmark. Schoeller is due to take delivery of its first ship in December 2004 and the remaining three vessels in April, August and December 2005. Wonsild's tankers are set to arrive in November 2004 and March 2005.
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The Portugese frigate NRP Alvares Cabral (F 331) steams alongside USS La Salle (AGF 3) as part of a formation of U.S. Navy and other multi-national warships during Majestic Eagle 2004. Majestic Eagle is a multinational exercise being conducted off the coast of Morocco.
MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet
[email protected] http://www.multraship.nl
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The GIANT 4 departed from Zwijndrecht bound for Norway Photo : Michael Kodde ©
And later taken over by the ALPHONSE LETZER after passing the Botlek bridge Photo : Hans de Jong – Martime Pictures ©
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The MCT ALMAK arrived at the BP Finnart at the Clyde to pick up a cargo of reformate. Photo : Tommy Bryceland Scotland ©
The SAUDI PRINCE is the former WONOSOBO of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd. The WONOSOBO was built in 1955 at the vd Giessen Krimpen ad Ijssel shipyard, was transferred to the Nedlloyd July 1st, 1970 but kept her original name, during November 1977 the vessel was sold to Saudi Arabia and renamed in AL DAMMAN , later she was renamed in SAUDI PRINCE, August 28th 1984 the vessel was sold for scrap at Bombay Photo : Coll. Piet Sinke ©
…. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. PSi-Daily Shipping News
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Beachy Head near Eastbourne in position 50° 44' 0 N 00° 14'.50 E is one of the Lighthouse at the English coast in the English Channel, in the past a famous anchor location for the “salvage tugs” waiting for their “prey”. Photo : Maarten Meeuwisse ©
*****History of the Beachy Head lighthouse ***** In 1902 under the direction of Sir Thomas Matthews, the Trinity House Engineer-in-Chief, the lighthouse was brought into service, sited about 165 metres seawards from the base of the cliffs. It took two years to complete and involved building a cofferdam and a cableway from the top of the cliffs to carry materials down to the site. 3,660 tons of Cornish granite were used in the construction of the tower with a height of 43 meters, which is giving a height of the light of 31 meters above mean highwater, an electric lamp was installed in 1960 and the lighthouse was automated during 1983 when an 10.4 Watt Filament Lamp was installed, equipped with an 1st order 920 MM optic which rotates in a bed of mercury, the caracter of the light is 2 White flashes every 20 seconds, the lighthouse is sending out 880,000 candelas intensity which make the lighthouse visible for 25 nautical miles.
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SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail:
[email protected]
SCHEEPVAARTBERICHTEN AALSMEERGRACHT 19 pas Kp Leeuwin nr Adelaide, ACHTERGRACHT 19 te Puerto La Guaira, ADMIRALENGRACHT 19 20 w Kp Cuvier nr Fremantle, ALBLASGRACHT 19 15 o Normanby Isl nr Port Alma, ALDEBARAN 19 te Stettin, ALERT 19 30 o Arklow nr Sevilla, ALEXANDERGRACHT 18 200 zo Timor nr Dampier, ALLIANCE 23 verw te Vlissingen, ANDROMEDA 19 te Aberdeen, ANET 19 pas Mallorca nr Livorno, ARCHANGELGRACHT 19 25 nw Ouessant nr Teesport, ARKLOW SAND 19 150 n Pasajes, ARTISGRACHT 20 te Bonny, ATLASGRACHT 19 120 nw Galapagos Isl nr Napier, BANJAARD 19 te Marsaxlokk, BORNRIF 19 vn Rotterdam nr Hull, CHRISTINA 21 verw te Westdorpe, CLIFFWATER 18 vn Rotterdam nr Liverpool, COOL EXPRESS 18 45 o Valencia nr Tarragpona, CORAL ISIS 18 50 n Finisterre nr Sines, CORAL MEANDRA 19 t a Mongstad, CORAL MILLEPORA 19 te Brofjorden, CORAL RIGIDA 19 te Yosu, CRYSTALWATER 19 75 zw Brest nr Aviles, DANIELLA 18 75 nw Kreta nr Perziche Golf, DEO VOLENTE 19 thv Cadiz nr Immingham, DEPENDENT 19 te Gandia, DIEZEBORG 19 te Reykjavik, DOGGERSBANK 18 pas IJmuiden nr Kantvik, DOLFIJN 20 verw te Fowey, DUTCH AQUAMARINE 19 te Porto Torres, DUTCH EMERALD 19 te Stade, DUTCH ENGINEER 19 te Antwerpen, DUTCH FAITH 19 vn La Coruna nr Bilbao, DUTCH MARINER 19 te Antwerpen, DUTCH MATE 19 60 w La Coruna nr Rotterdam, DUTCH NAVIGATOR 19 te Tenerife, PSi-Daily Shipping News
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 DUTCH SPIRIT 19 te Teesport, EDAMGRASCHT 18 600 zo Cook Isl nr Tauranga, EEMSDIEP 19 85 ono Tunis nr Antwerpen, EEMSGRACHT 19 te Mobile, EGELANTIERSGRACHT 19 te Port Moresby, EGMONDGRACHT 19 100 zo Str Messina nr La Spezia, ELANDSGRACHT 19 1250 no Hawaii, ELSA 19 te Barbados, ELSEBETH 19 te Kaapstad, EMERALD 28 verw te Zeebrugge, EMMAGRACHT 18 360 zo Taiwan nr Lianyangang, ESPIRT 19 te Diliskelesi, EUROGRACHT 19 te Cork, FAIRLIFT 19 pas Key Biscane nr Newportnews, FAIRPARTNER 19 100 z Ibiza nbr Schiedam, FAST SUS 19 te Pasajes, FLINTERBORG 18 pas Gibraltar nr Patras, FLINTERDUIN 19 50 nw Mantyluoto nr Pasajes,
FLINTERSKY 19 120 zo Corpus Christi nr Philadelphia, (Photo : Ko Rusman) FLINTERSPIRIT 19 te Dakar, FRIESEDIJK 21 verw te Londen, GLOBE 19 40 no Athene nr Vasto, GOTLAND 20 verw te Parnua, GRACHTBORG 19 te Aveiro, HAPPY BUCCANEER 23 verw te Melbourne, HAPPY RIVER 19 te Grenas, INGER 18 150 n La Coruna nr Calais, IVER EXACT 20 verw te Puerto La Cruz, IVER EXPERIENCE 18 te Nassau, IVER EXPORTER 19 te Tokuyama, JAGUAR 19 70 z Taranto nr Ancona, JAOCBUS BROERE 18 30 w Lissabon nr Berre, JFJ DE NUL 18 te Lunskoye, JO ASK 18 22 wzw Kaapstad nr Durban, JO CEDAR 18 400 ozo Yokohama nr Yokohama, JO LONN 18 12 z Panama nr Yokohama,
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 JUMBO VISION 19 150 nno Massawa nr Suez, KASTEELBORG 19 te Kokkola, KEIZERSBORG 19 te Casablanca, KONINGSBORG 19 pas Kopenhagen nr Agadir, LADON 19 140 o Sicilie nr Aviles, LAURIERGRACHT 18 220 n Dampier nr Kawasaki, LOOIERSGRACHT 19 50 zw Gran Canaria, LOOTSGRACHT 19 te Anadyr, MAGDALENA GREEN 19 te Taranto, MAKIRI GREEN 18 200 nnw San Juan nr Savannah, MARINUS GREEN 19 140 w Kreta nr Iskenderun, MARISSA GREEN 18 1240 ozo Hongkong nr Singapore, MARJA 19 te Emden, MARLENE GREEN 18 90 zo Monrovia, MARNEBORG 19 60 z Setubal nr Kantvik, MATHILDE 19 thv Skagen nr Seaham, MCL MOSCOW 19 20 z Shanwei nr Hongkong, METSABORG 28 verw te Philadelphia, MICHIGANBORG 19 60 w Azoren nr Izmir, MIGHTY SERVANT-3 19 690 nw Kaapstad nr Singapore, MISSOURIBORG 19 300 w Gibraltar nr Casablanca, MOEZELBORG 19 te Toledo, MORRABORG 19 140 no Sable Isl nr Motril, MSC BALTIC 19 in Zwarte Zee nr Poti, MSC DARDANELLES 20 verw te Novorossiysk, NEDLL AFRICA 22 verw te Jakarta, NEDLL ASIA 19 in Suezkanaal, NEDLL CLARENCE 18 84 no Vitoria nr Salvador, NEDLL CLEMENT 18 88 wzw Buanaventura nr Guayaquil, NEDLL HONGKONG 19 380 zw Nagasaki nr Pusan, NEDLL OCEANIA 22 verw te Jeddah, NES. 19 120 zzo Stockholm nr Delfzijl, NORMED BREMEN 19 in Ionische Zee nr Izmir, NORMED GEMLIK 18 70 zo Alicante nr Hamburg, NORMED IZMIR 19 te Gemlik, NORMED ROTTERDAM 129 70 zo Sao Vicente nr Elevsis, NORTHERN EXPLORER 19 te Davao, ORANJEBORG 19 350 zzo Newfoundland nr Eemshaven, P&O NEDLL ROTTERDAM 25 verw te Singapore, PANDA 19 te Bilbao, PAUWGRACHT 18 te Kimitsu, PELAGIA 19 70 nnw Beirut, PRINSENBORG 20 verw te Nemrut Bay, RADEPOORT 19 pas Bahama Strait nr Miami, RADESINGEL 19 te Puerto Plata, RHONEBORG 19 150 zw Manilla, SAMBRE 19 t a rede Haifa, SCHELDE TRADER 19 50 z Osaka nr Nagoya, SCHELDEDIJK 19 dste Rotterdam, SCHIPPERSGRACHT 19 te Munguba, SIRRAH 19 pas Kiel nr Bremerhaven, SLOTERGRACHT 18 510 no St John's nr Newport,
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 123 SLUISGRACHT 19 320 o New York nr Stephenville, SMITWIJS LONDON 19 360 o Ho Chi Minh City nr Singapore, SMITWIJS ROTTERDAM 19 480 wzw Bombay, SNOEKGRACHT 19 35 nw Guernsey nr Baltimore, SOMERS ISLES 19 vn Hamilton nr Fernandina, SPAARNEGRACHT 19 te Gibraltar, STELLA LYRA 19 vn Alesund nr Fawley, STELLA NOVA 19 30 w Lissabon nr Arzew, STELLA POLARIS 18 vn Rouen nr Leixoes, STELLA PRIMA 18 30 z Isla Formentera nr Porto Torres, SWAN 18 pas Kithira nr Rochefort, THEODORA 18 te Port Jerome, TORNE 19 te Oslo, TRANSPORTER 19 t a Paranagua, TRAVELLER 19 300 nno Socotra nr Suez, TROUT 19 te Duinkerken, UAL AFRICA 19 40 w Dakar nr Malabo, UAL TEXAS 19 145 nw Luanda nr Luderitz, VARNEBANK 19 50 w Brest nr Dundee, VECHTBORG 19 te Kemi, VELOX 19 pas Malaga nr Rotterdam, VICTORIABORG 19 pas Kopenhagen nr Menominee, VIRGINIABORG 19 500 z Reykjavik nr Detroit, VISSERSBANK 19 50 z Malaga, VLIEBROG 19 40 z Landsend nr Antwerpen, VLIEDIEP 27 verw te Bizerte.
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