VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl
[email protected]
Crowley’s LEADER assisting the KENAI in the Port of Los Angeles Photo : Rich Salter ©
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Dockwise SWAN delivered the floating crane (ex Kaisei) in Rio de Janeiro on 26th June after a voyage from Japan. The floating crane was owned by YORIGAMI in Japan and was loaded in Kobe, the crane is sold to Maua-Jurong yard in Rio de Janeiro. The crane pontoon with a weight of 6900 ton measured a length of 110 meter, beam of 39 mtr and a depth of 7 mtr, the boom has a length of 125 mtr Photo’s / info : Hans Jansen – Dockwise ©
Murmansk tug management slated
MURMANSK Shipping Company has been accused of ‘illegal and inefficient’ management of the Russian state-owned icebreaker fleet, according to a just-completed report by the Accounting Chamber, the state watchdog agency in Moscow. The check of the shipping company's books was conducted between March and May this year by Chamber auditor, Mikhail Beshmelnitsyn. Currently valued at Rb9.3Bn ($321M), the fleet includes two nuclear-powered and nine diesel-electric icebreakers, including a Canadian-built tug acquired last July. Contract documentation for the transfer of the fleet from state to commercial management in 1998 is inadequate, the Chamber report claims. Revenues of Rb2.26Bn ($75.3M) were misaccounted, and inefficient maintenance has left the nuclear icebreaker Siberia idle since 1992.
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Top : The icebreaker YAMAL seen at this file photo in Murmansk 10-2001 – Photo : Piet Sinke © The Chamber also objected to the transfer of revenues of $7.4M to ‘foreign companies’ for summer passenger cruises to the North Pole on board the nuclear icebreaker Yamal. Shipping company officials delayed a response to Fairplay questions. However, a website posting criticised the Chamber for leaking the charges to the press without providing an official report to the company for comment. The company claims the reason for the lay-up of the Siberia is that the state has yet to provide $50M for installation of new steam generators
Haven is klaar voor nieuwe veiligheidsregels
Door Alexander Bakker Komende donderdag verandert de maritieme wereld. Vanaf die dag gelden er wereldwijd strenge veiligheidseisen, voorlopig te beginnen voor schepen en haventerminals. Wie niet meedoet, loopt de kans buitenspel te worden gezet. Rotterdam is er klaar voor. Rotterdam - Vandaag beschikken 125 van de 142 haventerminals en openbare kades in Rotterdam over goedgekeurde veiligheidsplannen. De laatste 17 volgen in de loop van deze week, is de verwachting. ,,Dat is een compliment waard aan alle betrokkenen,'' meent verantwoordelijk directeur ir. P. Struijs van het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam. Links: De RPA 11 welke patrouilleerd door de Rotterdamse haven Foto : Piet Sinke © Het compliment geldt in zijn ogen zijn medewerkers die de invoering van de International Ship and Port Facility Security-code (ISPS) hebben voorbereid én de mensen van het toetsingsteam, die de plannen hebben beoordeeld. In de voorbereiding is een internettoepassing ontwikkeld waarmee alle havenbedrijven eenvoudig hun plan kunnen maken. Ook andere havens maken hiervan gebruik. De nieuwe veiligheidseisen zijn formeel opgelegd door de internationale maritieme organisatie IMO, maar zijn gedicteerd door de Verenigde Staten als onderdeel van hun strijd tegen terreur. Ook de Europese Unie heeft de eisen overgenomen in een speciale verordening. Nederland heeft de eisen
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 verpakt in een nieuwe Havenbeveiligingswet, die al wel door de Tweede Kamer is goedgekeurd, maar nog wacht op behandeling in de senaat en publicatie in de Staatscourant. De nieuwe regels vereisen een deugdelijke beveiliging van haventerreinen. Die beveiliging moet nauwkeurig zijn omschreven, personeel moet worden getraind, er moet per terminal een veiligheidsofficier zijn aangewezen en er moeten maatregelen zijn getroffen om bij situaties van verhoogde veiligheid voldoende beveiligingspersoneel op de been te brengen.
Scepsis Er heerst in de maritieme wereld veel scepsis over de ISPS-code. Volgens een laatste opgave van de IMO beschikken 1065 van de in totaal 6582 haventerminals over een goedgekeurd veiligheidsplan. Van ruim 21.000 schepen die in aanmerking komen voor een International Ship Security Plan heeft pas eenderde een certificaat. De bijna achthonderd Nederlandse schepen hebben, op een tiental na, later deze week wel zo'n bewijs van goedkeuring. Het is vooral de Amerikaanse kustwacht die heeft gedreigd streng te zullen optreden tegen niet gecertificeerde schepen of schepen die lading hebben opgehaald bij niet-gecertificeerde terminals. Volgens directeur Struijs van het Havenbedrijf zal voorlopig 'proportioneel' met de handhaving van de ISPS-code worden omgegaan. Het is al langer gebruikelijk dat schepen hun komst in de Rotterdamse haven 24 uur tevoren melden. Nieuw is dat het veiligheidsniveau van de laatste tien aangelopen havens moet worden opgegeven. Struijs: ,,Wij kijken of zo'n schip is gecertificeerd of niet. Als dat niet het geval is, dan mag het schip onder voorwaarden naar binnen.'' Wie niet aan de regels voldoet, krijgt te maken met de zeehavenpolitie en de inspectiedienst van het ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat. Wie ook nog eens uit een niet-gecertificeerde haven komt, die heeft het zichzelf bijzonder lastig gemaakt. Minimaal veroorzaken de extra inspecties oponthoud en dat kost geld. ,,Bij alles houden we de proportionaliteit goed in de gaten,'' belooft havendirecteur Struijs. ,,Bovendien, niemand, geen enkel schip, is voor ons verdacht totdat wij specifieke informatie van de Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst hebben ontvangen. Wij kijken niet naar de lading. Dat is een zaak van de douane, die voor controle en inspectie zijn eigen risico-analyses maakt.'' Struijs weet dat naast Rotterdam ook de concurrerende havens Antwerpen en Hamburg de invoering van de ISPS-code serieus hebben opgepakt en uitgevoerd. Hij heeft er bij havenwerkgeversorganisatie Deltalinqs en bij de Rotterdamse cargadoorsvereniging op aangedrongen dat in havens waar voor Rotterdam bestemde lading vertrekt, de zaken op orde zijn. ,,Gelukkig heeft Rotterdam kwalitatief hoogwaardige klanten,'' geeft hij aan. ,,Ik reken op weinig problemen.''
Kosten De invoering van alle veiligheidsmaatregelen heeft veel geld gekost. Deltalinqs heeft becijferd dat de Rotterdamse havenbedrijven honderd miljoen euro hebben moeten investeren. Wereldwijd, is in Australië berekend, is 2,6 miljard dollar geïnvesteerd en bedragen de jaarlijkse kosten 1,5 miljard dollar. Daarbij wordt aangetekend dat alle maatregelen ook leiden tot verbetering van efficiëncy en tot een vermindering van vijftig miljoen dollar aan schade door maritieme diefstal en fraude. Veel havenbedrijven willen de kosten doorberekenen aan klanten. Daarnaast moeten overheden opdraaien voor de extra kosten die worden gemnaakt bij hogere veiligheidsniveau's. ,,In Rotterdam zijn we al jaren bezig met actie tegen georganiseerde criminaliteit,'' zegt Struijs. ,,Wie daar in meedoet, heeft nu weinig extra moeten investeren. Wie nog niet heeft meegedaan, heeft een inhaalslag moeten maken. Als Havenbedrijf hebben we alle bedrijven gratis het ISPS- computerprogramma aangeboden en er zijn ook bij ons veel mensen bezig geweest met de voorbereiding van de maatregelen en de toetsing van alle plannen. In onze optiek is een goede beveiliging niets meer dan goed ondernemerschap. De haven moet niet alleen veilig zijn, maar ook betrouwbaar.''
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Elf gewonden bij ongeluk met zwavelzuurtanker in Hamburg Elf personen zijn maandagavond in de haven van Hamburg gewond geraakt toen een tankschip met zwavelzuur omsloeg na een aanvaring met een containerschip. De tanks van het gekantelde schip bleven onbeschadigd, maar via beluchtigingsgaten stroomde toch een deel van de lading van 960 ton naar buiten. Negen havenwerkers en twee politieagenten raakten door de dampen gewond aan hun luchtwegen, aldus de brandweer. Ook stierven vissen rondom het schip. Het dubbelwandige tankschip sloeg om doordat na de aanvaring een deel van de ruimte tussen de binnen- en de buitenwand vol water was gelopen, aldus de eigenaar, de Norddeutsche Affinerie.
CASUALTY REPORTING ARTOMORO I (BELIZE) A rescue team was searching for at least five people still missing after cargo ship Atmoro I (? general cargo Artomoro I, 411 gt, built 1980, not Atmoro I as reported in issue of June 3), operated by PT Surya Timur Sejahtera, capsized in the waters off the eastern island of Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province. Fourteen victims survived the accident that occurred on Friday (May 28) in bad weather, rescuers in the NTB capital of Mataram said yesterday. The vessel capsized at about 2000 hrs near Moyo island while sailing from Surabaya to Wangaipu, East Nusa Tenggara. It left Surabaya at about 1000 Thursday carrying cargo that included two cars and a truck, and a range of merchandise. The ship was manned by at least 19 crew members, including the master, who was among the survivors, said Mataram Search and Rescue Agency head Ida Bagus Gde Budisma. Officials at the Surabaya port said that in addition to the 19 crew members, the ship was also carrying 30 passengers when it left the port. However, this was denied by Budisma. He quoted the master identified as Anthon, as saying the ship capsized after being struck by strong waves in waters off Sumbawa. Budisma said five of the survivors were rescued by another cargo ship travelling from Waingapu to Surabaya. The survivors were taken to a hospital in Surabaya for treatment. Eight other survivors picked up by the rescue team were later transferred to Surabaya by car, in coordination with the vessel's operator. Another survivor, identified as Petrus Nongo from Sumba, was found by fishermen in the waters near Belanting village north of Lombok island, after spending three days and nights in the sea. He is currently receiving medical treatment at the Selong General Hospital in East Lombok. Budisma could not say why information on the accident was only received on Sunday. It may have been because the ship's radio was not working. He said the search was continuing for the five missing crew members four days after the accident.
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail :
[email protected] Telex : 24390 wosh nl
Safmarine introduces new Indian Ocean Service
SAFMARINE, a subsidiary of Maersk, has begun marketing a new weekly fixed-day shipping service between the Middle East, the Indian Ocean Islands and South Africa. The new service - which will be known as the Indian Ocean Service (IOS) - offers, according the carrier, unmatched transit times between South Africa and the Middle East and extensive port coverage of the Indian Ocean Islands, which include Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and the Seychelles . The service also offers Safmarine customers alternative options to the East Mediterranean and North African markets, with transshipment of cargo via Salalah. Top : The SAFMARINE ANTWERP seen arriving in the Europort – Photo : Piet Sinke © "The introduction of this new service will offer significantly increased service levels on the Indian Ocean trade. For example, the increase in reefer capacity will be of benefit to South African fruit exporters - particularly small volume shippers - with an eye on expanding their foothold in the Middle East market," said Safmarine's liner director and CEO-designate, Ivan Heesom-Green. "The service's favourable transit times will dramatically shorten the time from tree to the point of discharge." The port rotation on the IOS is: Salalah-Port Reunion, Port Louis, Taomasina, Durban, Salalah. Four vessels with an average capacity of 620 TEU will be deployed on the service, which is an A P Moller-Maersk operated service. According to Mr Heesom-Green, the IOS complements Safmarine's Samba service that links South America with South Africa and the Middle East.
Superfast posts encouraging growth
SUPERFAST Ferries’ daily Rosyth, Scotland-Zeebrugge, Belgium service is proving increasingly popular with hauliers from Scotland and northern England as an alternative to using routes from the Humber or further south. The company reports that freight traffic has risen by 40% in the first five months of this year compared with the corresponding period in 2003. This is despite the reduced schedule operated during February and March because of extended refits on its Superfast IX and Superfast X, which involved installation of additional cabins, conference facilities and eating areas at a cost of £3M ($5.5M). Superfast director Yannis Criticos described the freight growth as a “tremendous increase”, but he added: “we need to remember that we were starting from a relatively low base.” Since starting operations in May 2002, the service has carried 60,000 freight units, which equates to about 1.2M tonnes. This is well below the equivalent volumes on Superfast’s other northern European service between Finland and Germany. Growing haulier support for the service is expected to continue
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 especially after March next year when the EU’s Working Time Directive comes into force.
Top : The SUPERFAST X departs from Zeebrugge bound for Rosyth – Photo : Piet Sinke ©
Edinburgh cruise terminal planned A new £15M ($27.4M) cruise terminal is being planned in Edinburgh, Scotland by Forth Ports to be incorporated as part of the new waterfront developments taking place around Leith and Granton. A spokesman for the company told Fairplay the project is at a very early stage. “Forth Ports is talking with Edinburgh City Council regarding the development,” she said. The new terminal will be located close to the existing Ocean Terminal tourism and retail complex where the Royal Yacht Britannia is based. A major redevelopment of the Edinburgh waterfront has been underway for some time and the terminal will be an integral part of this huge scheme. Forth Ports owns 350 acres of land which will be used as part of the development but the new terminal is seen as being a key facility to enhance Edinburgh’s attraction as a cruise destination. The new terminal will be inside the Leith dock system and will accommodate ships of up to 70,000gt, such as Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth 2, which is visiting next month. Large vessels anchor offshore and passengers are brought ashore by launch. It is understood that Forth Ports hopes to apply for planning permission for the terminal by the end of the year.
Camillo Eitzen goes shopping
NORWEGIAN bulk shipping group Camillo Eitzen, shares in which started trading on the Oslo bourse today after a NK301M ($45M) share issue, has started shopping right away and acquired stakes in 16 vessels in two separate deals. Eitzen has acquired a 25% stake in Pamar K/S for NK42.8M. Pamar is to acquire nine product tankers from Stelmar for $106.7M, of which $88.3M will come from loans. The tankers, ranging in size from 37,600dwt to 46,100dwt were built in 1987-89 and will be chartered back to Stelmar for five years at $58,750 a day. Eitzen has also acquired Naviera Quimica, which operates seven chemical carriers ranging in size from 3,500dwt to 7,500dwt from three companies controlled by John Fredriksen. The purchase price is $47M, of which borrowing accounts for $33M. Naviera Quimica operates in niche markets in southern Europe. Earlier this month, Eitzen acquired Bergesen’s 15% stake in Sigloo Gas, a company that operates small LPG carriers, at an undisclosed price.
Short-sea blow on Mediterranean
A long-awaited short sea project that would have linked the French port of Fos with Savona in Italy has been dropped. The shipping companies involved in Société des Autoroutes Maritimes du Sud (SAMS) – Sudcargos, CMA CGM, Marfret, SNCM, CMN and Dreyfus – were unable to attract trucking companies to join them. Brussels had earmarked €880,000 ($1M) in aid as part of the Marco Polo initiative but a request for a further €9M from the government was rejected “because SAMS could not win commitment from the trucking companies”. The plan was to run a daily ro-ro service between the ports using two 80-trailer-capacity ships in a bid to reduce road traffic between France and Italy by 5%. Observers said the trucking companies did not think the scheme was flexible enough and would not save sufficient time and money. SAMS says it might re-launch this project using an existing car carrier service between Fos and Civitavecchia, Italy, which could be used to carry trucks as well. Failure of the
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 Fos-Savona plan is seen as a major set-back for the ‘motorways of the seas’ initiative that aimed to tackle chronic congestion on certain Mediterranean roads.
PANAMA PORTS BOOMING PANAMA’S container terminals report rapid growth and continued expansion plans. “In the first five months of this year containerized cargo has increased by 33% in relation to the previous year, while Ro-Ro cargo has increased by 82%,” said Patrick Avice, Vice-president of Operations of Manzanillo International Terminal, the company that operates the Port of Manzanillo, “This is a tendency that will continue on the increase and will require us to carry out further expansion in order to attend to the volume of cargo,” he added. Manzanillo, at the Atlantic end of the Panama Canal, has become not only a container transhipment centre, but also a car and heavy equipment transport hub. The port receives an average of 26 Ro-Ro ships a month and 160 container vessels. This has attracted international automobile and heavy equipment building companies to use Panama for storage and distribution of their equipment in the region. Meanwhile productivity of three new panamax container cranes on Dock 14 at the Port of Balboa in Panama has been more than 32 movements an hour with the first ships attended, the operator, Panama Ports Company (PPC) has reported. The ports of Balboa (Pacific) and Cristobal (Atlantic) at either ends of the Panama Canal are both operated by Panama Ports Company, a subsidiary of Hutchison Whampoa, of Hong Kong. The Port of Balboa has also attracted additional lines, including such as Mitsui-OSK Lines and ZIM.
Port of LA adds two police patrol boats to fleet THE Los Angeles Board of Harbour Commissioners unanimously approved a contract with SAFE (Secure Around Flotation Equipped) Boats International for two, state-of-the-art Port Police patrol boats that are to be used to protect and maintain the port's borders and boost waterside security. The vessels will cost approximately US$800,000 and are funded in part by the Transportation Security Administration's latest round of federal grants. The US Coast Guard uses identical boats, which feature full, 31- and 36-foot cabins and a lightweight construction that allows a faster response time. "Adding the SAFE Boats will provide uniformity with current Coast Guard maritime safety and security teams," said George Cummings, the Port's Director of Homeland Security. "These modern boats uphold our integrated approach to security operations within the Port of Los Angeles." The two rapid-response boats will be used to patrol the Port's 3,300 acres of water, which spans 43 miles. The Los Angeles Port Police is the only US police force dedicated exclusively to port activities. Port Police enforce all federal, state and local laws applicable to port responsibilities, including cargo protection, pollution investigation, vessel traffic control and narcotics interdiction.
Chang elected Evergreen chairman KUO-CHENG Chang has been elected chairman of Evergreen Marine Corporation (Taiwan) Ltd, and assumed his new position on June 24. Mr Chang replaced Captain Shiuan-Yu Kuo, who will continue to serve as vice group chairman of the Evergreen Group, responsible for overseeing Evergreen Group business in marine and aviation in North America. At its annual meeting on June 24, the company's board of directors and supervisors were re-elected. Mr Chang, who joined the Evergreen Group in
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 1983, has held numerous position within the company. Prior to his election he held management positions in Evergreen America Corporation, EVA Airways Corporation and Evergreen International Corporation. He currently serves as chairman of EVA Airways and is a vice group chairman of the Evergreen Group
Senator Lines launches Montreal-Europe service LONG established on the Port of Montreal's Mediterranean trades, Senator Lines has entered the Canada-Europe trade through weekly sailings linking Montreal, Antwerp and Hamburg. The Bremen-based carrier has slot chartered space on the three 1,500-TEU vessels deployed on the recently-launched joint Europe Canada Express Service by CMA-CGM, Zim Israel Navigation Company and Lloyd-Triestino. "This is our answer to the wish of our longstanding customers to supply a fast and reliable connection to the northern European markets, including Scandinavia and the Baltic region, with Canada," said Hans-Hermann Mohr, chief executive of Senator Lines. Since the early 1990s, Senator Lines has offered a container service between Montreal and Mediterranean ports, primarily transporting western Mediterranean cargo to Canada and the US Midwest on two loops and a weekly schedule. "The Senator Lines service further strengthens Montreal's position as the leading gateway on the East Coast of North America for the transatlantic trade," commented Michel Turgeon, spokesman of the Montreal Port Authority. During the first four months of this year, Montreal's container traffic was up 12% from a year earlier at 373,590 TEU. "2004 is emerging as another record container year," Mr. Turgeon said.
NAVY NEWS HER MAJESTY'S SHIPS ARRIVE IN VLADIVOSTOK Her Majesty's ships unit arrived in Vladivostok, the Russian Pacific Fleet's main base, on Monday.
Top : The RFA A 269 GREY ROVER – Photo : Coll. Piet Sinke The unit is made up of the destroyer Exeter and auxiliary tanker Grey Rover, the Pacific Fleet's press service told RIA Novosti. The British Navy men's visit will last until July 2. On the last day of the visit the Peter the Great Bay in the vicinity of Vladivostok will host a joint exercise on communications, maneuvering and rescue of a ship in distress. The schedule of the British seamen's stay in Vladivostok includes visits to the fleet commander and the city administration and laying of wreaths to the Pacific Fleet's Battle Glory memorial. The Royal Navy's delegation will attend the graduation ceremony of the Service members Retraining Center in the Far Eastern State Technical University. The retired officers' retraining in the center is funded by the British Ministry of Defense. The center trains the officers to be managers in various business spheres. The British seamen will have tours around the city and hold sports competition with the Admiral Makarov Pacific Naval College's cadets.
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The German tug TAUCHER O WOLF 3 arrived with the former German landing craft L 769 ZANDER from Wilhelmshaven at the New Waterway bound for Dordrecht. Photo : Michel Kodde ©
MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet
[email protected] http://www.multraship.nl
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The NAUTICA arrived in the port of Amsterdam Photo : Joop Marechal ©
Seatrade’s SPRING BOK arrived in Rotterdam Photo : Jan Verhoog ©
The CEMSEA is the former FLINTERLAND, seen here arriving in Rotterdam , the vessel is converted by her new owner into a cement carrier Photo : Michel Kodde ©
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The JORDAN II was seen in Santos (Brazil) – Photo : Silvio Roberto Smera © The JORDAN II is one of the SD-14 type of vessels with a DWT of 14.600 ton, she was built in 1988 under yard number 160 at the CCN yard in Niteroi (Brazil) under the name TUCURUI, in 1989 she was renamed FAR STAR until 1992 when she got the name HORIZON, in 1994 BLUE HORIZON and her present name JORDAN II she got in September 1995. The vessel measures a length of 140 mtr with a beam of 20.4 mtr
OLDIE – FROM THE SHOEBOX A picture made September 2nd, 2000 at Piraeus anchorage of the tug MACEDONIA destroyed by fire. If anybody have more info about this tug please let me know Photo : Piet Sinke ©
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AIRCRAFT / AIRPORT NEWS Opening of Baiyun Interntional Airport delayed THE new Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, originally due to open on June 21, is now expected to begin operations later this summer. According to airline sources, some equipment at the new facility is not quite ready for operations, with the baggage handling systems of particular concern, reported the Financial Times. According to the UK newspaper, a recent test identified about 150 problems, including glitches in the communication and transport systems. But earlier this month China's statecontrolled media was reported to have said most of the hitches had been resolved and the remaining "petty problems" would be cleared up by opening day. Baiyun, which will have annual capacity for 25 million-27 million passengers and one million tonnes of cargo by 2010 and 80 million passengers and 2.5 million tonnes of cargo by 2030, is trying to woo international parcel delivery services and airlines crucial to its success. Air France, Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa are among the carriers due have regular services to and from Baiyun
Korean Air to convert up to 20 747s into freighters
KOREAN Air signed an agreement with Boeing on June 25 for up to 20 kits that convert 747-400 passenger airplanes into freighters, making the carrier the third Boeing 747-400 Special Freighter programme customer.
Photo : A Korean Air Boeing 747-4BF5 Freighter – Photo : Brenden © A Boeing-approved modification centre will convert the first airplane, which will be re-delivered to Korean Air in August 2006. Korean Air's Aerospace Division will convert the remaining airplanes. "The 747-400 Special Freighter allows us to increase our cargo revenue with a cost-effective solution and also improves the residual value of these airplanes," said M G Kim, managing vice president of Purchasing for Korean Air Lines. The converted airplanes are in addition to the two new 747-400 Extended-Range Freighters Korean Air ordered earlier this month. Those newly produced freighters are scheduled for delivery
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 during 2005. Korean Air currently operates 17 Boeing 747-400 freighters. During the next decade it wants to become the world's largest cargo operator as Asia's cargo market expands.
JetAfrika mag niet meer in Nederland vliegen De Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat heeft de vliegmaatschappij JetAfrika uit Swaziland de toegang tot het Nederlandse luchtruim ontzegd. Bij controle van het enige vliegtuig van de maatschappij, vorige week in Rotterdam, bleek dat het toestel enkele technische mankementen vertoonde. Verder waren de radionavigatiekaarten achterhaald en was er kans op beschadiging van de elektrische bedrading door lekkages in de airconditioning. JetAfrika vloog in opdracht van Acvila Air uit Roemenie. De Inspectie heeft behalve de luchtvaartautoriteit in Swaziland ook de Roemeense autoriteiten om opheldering gevraagd
Luchtvaart heeft zich hersteld van SARS en Irak De luchtvaartsector heeft zich volledig hersteld van de negatieve gevolgen van de longziekte SARS en de oorlog in Irak. De eerste vijf maanden van dit jaar lag het passagiersvervoer 19,4 procent boven het niveau van dezelfde periode in 2003. De maatschappijen hebben zelfs meer reizigers vervoerd dan in 2000, het laatste 'normale' jaar voor de luchtvaart. Dat heeft de internationale organisatie voor de burgerluchtvaart IATA dinsdag laten weten. Vergeleken met 2000 groeide het wereldwijde passagiersverkeer 8,8 procent. Vooral op Aziatische routes werden veel meer mensen vervoerd. Drie jaar geleden joegen de terroristische aanslagen in de Verenigde Staten reizigers massaal het vliegtuig uit. Vorig jaar brak SARS uit in Azië en begon de oorlog in Irak. Wel maakt de IATA zich grote zorgen over de hoge olieprijzen. Als een vat olie meer dan 33 dollar kost, levert elke stijging van 1 dollar de sector een verlies op van 1 miljard dollar op jaarbasis.
Explosie in vliegtuig op luchthaven Istanbul Op een vliegveld van de Turkse stad Istanbul heeft zich dinsdag in een vliegtuig een kleine explosie voorgedaan waardoor een persoon gewond is geraakt. Dat meldde het Turkse persbureau Anatolië dinsdag. De klap deed zich voor toen schoonmakers bezig waren het toestel te reinigen nadat alle inzittenden van boord waren gegaan.
RIJNMOND WEATHER Vooruitzichten van woensdag t/m zaterdag: Af en toe zon en vrijwel dagelijks enkele buien. Middagtemperatuur dalend naar 18 graden. © Ed Aldus 2004 Maximumtemperatuur: Minimumtemperatuur: Zonnekans in %: Neerslagkans in %: Neerslag in mm: Windrichting kracht:
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WO-30 DO-01 22 19 13 14 40 30 60 20 0 2 ZW-3-5 ZW-4-5
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VR-02 18 12 30 60 4 ZW-4-6
ZA-03 18 12 30 50 2 ZW-4-6
The Tug MARZAMI – Photo : Ferry van Rijsbergen ©
SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail:
[email protected]
SCHEEPVAARTBERICHTEN ALBLAS 29 pas ZOrkney nr Vastervik, ALERT 29 170 zw Brest nr Runcorn, ALPHONSE LETZER 29 60 wzw Alesund nr Hammerfest, ALSERBACH 29 vn Newport, LAURIERGRACHT 28 vn Portland nr Fremantle, ANKERGRACHT 28 te Munguba, ANTJE K 28 vn Tarragona, APOLLOGRACHT 28 50 w Casablanca nr Gandia, ARKLOW RALLY 29 te Ellesmere Port, ARKLOW SAND 29 te Bromborough, ARKLOW SURF 29 pas Ouessant nr Bayonne, ARROW 30 verw te Lissabon, ARTISGRACHT 29 te Livorno,
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 BALTICBORG 29 65 w Pori nr Haraholmen, BANJAARD 29 vn Piraeus nr Istanbul, BETTINA K 29 vn Aveiro, BORNRIF 29 te Varberg, BOTERDIEP 28 te Sete, BRO GALAXY 29 vn Belfast, BRO GEMINI 30 verw te Whitegate, BRO GENIUS 29 te Leixoes, BRO GLOBE 29 vn Brofjorden, BRO GLORY 28 vn kalundborg, BRO GRACE 29 te Faeroe Islands, BRO GRANITE 30 verw te Gothenburg, BRO GRATITUDE 30 verw te Fawley, CITO 28 te Terneuzen, CLIFFWATER 29 15 n Algiers nr Fawley, COOL EXPRESS 28 t a rede Port Elisabeth, CORAL ISIS 28 65 w Esbjerg nr Antwerpen, CORAL MILLEPORA 28 te Brofjorden, CORAL RIGIDA 29 vn chiba nr Kaohsiung, CORLA RUBRUM 29 210 zzo Shanghai nr Mailiao, CRYSTALWATER 29 vn Immingham nr Rotterdam, DANIEL K 2 verw te Sevilla, DEO VOLENTE 28 thv Tunis nr Hopa, DOCK EXPRESS-12 29 100 w Corsica nr Tuzla, DOGGERSBANK 29 te Tolkkinen, DUTCH EMERALD 29 60 w Vigo nr Barcelona, DUTCH ENGINEER 29 32 nw Hoek vn Holland nr Rotterdam, DUTCH FAITH 29 30 z Mallorca nr Porto Torres, DUTCH MARINER 29 te Rotterdam, DUTCH PILOT 29 te Hemiksen, DUTCH PROGRESS 29 te Tees, EDAMGRACHT 29 530 zo Bermuda nr Panamakanaal, EENDRACHT 28 pas Wight nr Yarmouth, EGBERT WAGENBORG 29 te Bordeaux, EGMONDGRACHT 28 1200 z Sumatra nr Suez, ELKE-K 29 te Le Treport, EMERALD 29 te Tauranga, EMMAGRACHT 28 vn Fremantle nr Weipa, ESTIME 29 te Antwerpen, EUROGRACHT 28 rede Piombino, FAIRLOAD 29 90 zo Tenerife rn Conakry, FAST SUS 29 te Howdendyke, FLINTERBALTIC 29 te Rauma, FLINTERHAVEN 29 20 zw Kemi nr Tornio, FLINTERSPIRIT 29 ste kemi, FLINTERZEE 29 pas Hirsthals nr Antwerpen, GRACHTBORG 29 vn Wismar nr Rahja, HAPPY BUCCANEER 28 te Yokohama, HAPPY RANGER 29 800 o Hawaii, HAPPY ROVER 28 te Rouen, HEEMSKERCK 28 te Durban, ICE STAR 29 vn Nordenham,
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Photo : Piet Sinke ©
IJSSELBORG 29 te Golcuk, IJSSELDIJK 29 te Hamburg, IKIENA 29 t a Pasajes, ILSE K 2 verw te Rotterdam, IVER EXACT 3 verw te Houston, IVER EXCEL 29 te Point a Pierre, IVER EXPERIENCE 28 te San Jose, IVER EXPORTER 29 te Singapore, JACOBUS BROERE 28 te Teesport, JFJ DE NUL 29 370 w Mindoro, JO ASK 28 95 w Lissabon nr Luanda, JO CALLUNA 28 700 zw Punta Delgada nr Rio Haina, JO SYPRESS 28 40 wzw Key West nr Houston, JOHN PAUL- K 4 verw te Torshaven, JUMBO SPIRIT 29 te Albany, JUMBO VISION 29 te Abu Dhabi, KASTEELBORG 29 pas Finisterre nr Casablanca, KEIZERSBORG 29 50 n Rozenburg nr Hamburg, KINNE 29 te Lidkoping, KLOSTERTAL 1 verw vn St Petersburg, KONINGSBORG 29 rede Piraeus, LADON 29 pas Ouessant nr Constanza, LECKO 29 te Ronnskar, LEMMERGRACHT 29 200 nno Recife nr Santander, LOMBOK STRAIT 29 22 zw Cape Agulhas nr Kaapstad, LURO 30 verw te Cadiz, MAGDALENA GREEN 29 160 z Lagos nr Taranto, MAINEBORG 29 te Almeria, MAKIRI GREEN 28 360 no Martinique nr Belem, MARIANNE K 29 vn Ravenna, MARIE CHRISTINE 29 te Hull, MARINUS GREEN 29 te Houston, MARJA 29 pas Ouessant nr Gent, MARNEBORG 28 vn Mantyluoto nr Harnosand, MCL MOSCOW 29 te Ulsan,
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 METSABORG 28 op North Atlantic nr Kokkola, MICHIGANBORG 29 te Albany, MOEZELBORG 28 18 zw Stavanger nr Svendborg, MORRABORG 29 90 zw Bishop Rock nr Philadelphia, MSC BALTIC 29 t a Piraeus, MSC DARDANELLES 30 verw te Burgas, NEDLL AFRICA 28 pas Portugal nr Cagliari, NEDLL EUROPA 29 550 w Sumatra, NES. 29 o rede Humber nr gunness, NORMED HAMBURG 29 60 no Tunis nr Malta, NORMED ROTTERDAM 29 pas Almeria nr Antwerpen, NORTHERN EXPLORER 29 te Davao, ORANGE KLIPPER 29 pas Panamakanaal nr Dutch Harbour, P&O NEDLL VERA CRUZ 28 t a Port of Spain, PACIFIC 29 425 w Great Nicobar Isl nr Davao, PAUWGRACHT 28 20 o Sabah nr Kaohsiung, PELAGIA 29 79 nw Port Said, POOLGRACHT 29 260 w Boston nr Sept Iles, PRINSENBORG 29 te Palamos, RADESINGEL 29 te Port Everglades, RIFGAT 29 te Kubikenborg, ROYAL KLIPPER 2 verw te Santa Marta, RUFINIA 5 verw te Hull, SABINIA 29 te Tilbury, SAMBRE 29 te Haifa, SANTA MARIA 28 530 no Caicos Isl nr Portsmouth, SCHELDEDIJK 29 vn Duinkerken nr Le Havre, SCHELDEGRACHT 28 960 z Flores nr Kotka, SCHIPPERSGRACHT 29 ste Botwood, SIROCCO 29 90 n Finisterre nr Barcelona, SLUISGRACHT 29 te Rauma,
Top : The SMITWIJS SINGAPORE – Photo : Piet Sinke ©
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DAILY SHIPPING NEWSLETTER 2004 – 105 SMITWIJS SINGAPORE 28 540 zw Azoren, SNOW STAR 29 vn Randers, SPAARNEGRACHT 28 400 nw Azoren nr Gandia, SPIEGELGRACHT 29 te Baltimore, SPRING PANDA 28 vn Camden nr Sto Tomas, SPUIGRACHT 28 te Rauma, STELLA POLARIS 29 33 w Ouessant nr Gijon, THEODORA 29 90 zw Brest nr Petit Couronne, TORNE 29 vn Casablanca nar Rouen, TRANSPORTER 29 100 n Isla Margarita nr Paranagua, TRINITAS 29 pas Dover nr Immingham, UAL AFRICA 29 40 no Harwich nr Newcastle, UAL EUROPE 28 te Houston, UAL TEXAS 29 200 nnw Dakar nr luba, VECHTBORG 29 te Tornio, VELOX 29 vn Huelva nr La Coruna, VIRGINIABORG 29 te Milazzo, VLIEBORG 28 op Lake Michigan nr Gary, VOLVOX IBERIA 29 te Folkestone, VOORNEBORG 29 69 n Inebolu nr Mriupol, VOSSDIEP 29 40 no Valetta nr Ashdod, WALSERTAL 30 verw vn St Petersburg, WESTERBORG 29 pas Ristna nr St Petersburg, ZEUS 29 500 nno AOren nr Cleveland, ZILLERTAL 7 verw te Belfast.
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