1. personal information name adress phone born nationality marital status work e-mail
: Joost Hartog (Joop) : Groeneweg 10 4223 MD Hoornaar The Netherlands : 0183 -58 1526 : June 29, 1946 at Sliedrecht, The Netherlands : Dutch : married, two children : University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 11, 1018 WB Amsterdam, phone: +31-20-525 4298/52, fax: +31-20-525 5254 :
[email protected]
2. education 1953-1959 1959-1964 1964-1970
: elementary school, Sliedrecht : secondary school (hbs-A, Dordrecht) : Netherlands School of Economics propedeuse: May 1965 kandidaats: December 1966 doctoraal : May 1970 Specialisation in Economic Theory (prof. van Eijk); electives Regional and Socio-economic research (prof.Klaassen) and Statistical analysis (drs.J.A.Hartog). : Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario Canada December 1971: MA Specialisation in econometrics and labor economics. : Ph.D., Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. dissertation: "Personal income distribution, a multi-capability theory"; promotor: prof.C.J.van Eijk.
3. work experience 1968-1970
: research assistant, prof. van Eijk
: Erasmus University Rotterdam, researcher in the 'vakgroep' Macro-economie, in successive ranks (wetenschappelijk medewerker, 1e klas, October 1 1974; wetenschappelijk hoofd-medewerker January 1, 1978)
April-August: Project Associate, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. USA.
: September 1979 - August 1981, one day per week, at the Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Rijswijk (Governmental Research Agency), advisor on project 'Tertiaire inkomensverdeling' (benefit incidence of government expenditures) 1981 : from December 1981 on, professor of Micro-economics, Universiteit van Amsterdam. 1984 : June - August, Fulbright scholar at School of Education (IFG), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. 1986 : June-August, Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. Canada. 1988 : June-August, Project Associate, The World Bank (Human Resources and Welfare) 1991 : June-August, Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations 1994 : April, Visiting Scholar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 1995 : June-September, Visiting Scholar, Economic Research Center, School of Economics, Nagoya University, Japan 1998 : February-March, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 1999 :October, Erskine Visiting Fellow, Universty of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand :November, Visiting Scholar, Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, Canberra, Australia 2002 :March, Visiting Scholar, Stanford University Graduate School of Business 2003 :January, Visiting Scholar, University of California at Santa Barbara
2004 2005
:March, Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy September-October, Visiting Professor, Institute for Research on Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing, China
4.1 books - Optimale grootte van stadsgewesten, Instituut voor Stedebouwkundig Onderzoek, TH Delft (1971), with P. Engelsman - Personal income distribution, a multicapability theory, Martinus Nijhoff, Boston (1981); reviewed in: Economisch-Statistische Berichten, October 7, 1981, pp. 987-988 (by J. Tinbergen); Economic Journal, September, 1981, pp. 786- 786 (by M. O'Higgins): Journal of Economic Literature June 1982, pp. 625-626 (by S. Lebergott), De Economist, 132 (1984),100-101 (by J.M.M. Ritzen) - Tussen vraag en aanbod, een onderzoek naar het funktioneren van de arbeidsmarkt van 1950 tot 1980, Stenfert Kroese, Leiden (1980). (an empirical study on the Dutch labor market in the postwar period); reviewed in: Economisch-Statistische Berichten, September 16, 1981 (by A. van Ravestein):De Economist, 1981, 129 (3), pp. 429-431 (by J. Muysken); Maandblad voor Bedrijfsadministratie en Organisatie, November 1981, pp. 373-374 (by K. Groeneveld). - Economische aspecten van onderwijs, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1985 (editor, with J.M.M.Ritzen). - Panel data and Labor market studies, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990 (editor, with G. Ridder and J.J.M. Theeuwes). - Trouw aan Adam Smith, (Faithful to Adam Smith), Schoonhoven: Academic Services, 1991, collection of columns written for Trouw, a national newspaper (with J.J.M. Theeuwes). - Capabilities, allocation and earnings, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992; reviewed in: Journal of Economic Literature, June 1993 (XXXI, 2, pp. 911-913), by M. Sattinger; Labor Economics, Oct. 1994 (1,3/4, pp. 392-395), by S. Siebert. - Labour market contracts and institutions, a cross-national comparison, Amsterdam: North-Holland 1993, editor, with J.J.M. Theeuwes. - Creëren van werk aan de onderkant, Den Haag: Welboom, 1997, redakteur, samen met J.J.M. Theeuwes - Corporatism or competition? Labour contracts, institutions and wage structures in international comparison, Cambridge University Press, 1998, with C.N. Teulings; reviewed in: Economic Journal , October 2001 (111, 474, pp. F 802- F 804, by S. Bazen
4.2 Reprints in books - Estimating a hedonic earnings function with a nonparametic method, with H. Bierens, reprinted in A. Ullah (ed.), Semiparametric and nonparametric econometrics, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, pp. 145-172; from Empirical Economics, 1988, 13 (3), pp. 267-294 - Het inkomen van de Nederlandse econoom, with C.M. van Praag and J.G. Odink; in Jaarboek 1995/96, Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, 108-114, Rotterdam: ESB; from Economisch Statistische Berichten, 1996, 81, pp. 13-15 - Comparing migrants to non-migrants: the case of Dutch migration to New Zealand, in: Klaus Zimmermann and Amelie Constant, 2004 (eds), How labor migrants fare, Berlin: Springer Verlag, 97-120; from Journal of Population Economics, 2003, 16 (3), with Rainer Winkelmann - Midassen, in Jaarboek 2003/2004, Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, Utrecht: Lemma/ESB, 85-86; uit ESB, 16 april 2004, p 169 4.3 Articles 1968 - Groei, leefbaarheidsrechten en reallocatie, Economische Statistische Berichten, 2641, April 24, pp. 411-412, with A.S.W. de Vries. 1973 - Bruto en netto, wat kopen we ervoor?, Economische Statistische Berichten, 2904, June 13, pp. 516-521, with W.J. Keller. - Een vergelijking van inkomensmobiliteit naar beroepsgroepen, in: Inkomensnivellering, Preadviezen Vereniging voor de Staatshuishoudkunde. 1974 - Individuele beslissingen en personele inkomensverdeling, in: C. van Dam and P.W. Moerland (ed.), Beslissen, Kluwer, Deventer. - Rente, inflatie en de fiscus, Economisch Statistische Berichten 2965, August 21, 1974, pp. 725-729, with W.J. Keller. 1975 - Economen over sociale zekerheid, Economisch Statistische Berichten 2984, January 8, pp. 28-30. 1976 - Inkomstenbelasting en evenredig nutsoffer, Economisch Statistische Berichten 3041, February 25, with W.J. Keller. - Inkomensongelijkheid naar beroepsgroepen, 1952-1956, Economisch Statistische Berichten 3044, March 17, pp. 273-277.
- Ability and age-income profiles, Review of Income and Wealth, 22 (1), March, pp. 61-74. - Age-income profiles, income distribution and transition proportions, Journal of Economic Theory, 13 (3), December, pp. 448-457. 1977 - Personele inkomensverdeling, een conferentie, Economisch Statistische Berichten 3110, June 29. - On the multicapability theory of income distribution, European Economic Review, 10 pp. 157-171. - Income tax rates and proportional sacrifice, Public Finance, XXXII (3), pp. 321- 332, with W.J. Keller. 1978 - Dutch treat: long-run changes in personal income distribution, De Economist, 126 (4), pp. 521-549, with J.G. Veenbergen. 1979 - Vlaamse economisten over de inkomens- en vermogensverdeling, Economisch Statistitische Berichten 3205, May 23, pp. 508-510. - Determinanten van de personele inkomensverdeling: commentaar, in: Notulen van het Veertiende Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, Inkomens- en Vermogensverdeling, Vereniging voor Economie, March 30 and 31, pp. 36-39. 1980 - Earnings and capability requirements, Review of Economics and Statistics, LXII(2), pp. 230-240. - De individuele waardering van overheidsuitgaven, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Rijswijk. 1981 - Wages and allocation under imperfect information, De Economist, 129 (3), pp. 311-323. - Woonsubsidies in het licht van de welvaartseconomie, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Rijswijk. - Inequality reduction by income taxes: just how much? an investigation for the Netherlands, 1914-1973, Kwantitatieve Methoden, December. - De markt voor koopwoningen in Nederland, Economisch Statistische Berichten 3318, August 19, pp. 795-798, with J.G. Veenbergen. - Inkomstenbelasting en herverdeling 1914-1973, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 66 (3313), pp. 680-682. 1982
- Arbeid in de jaren tachtig: te weinig vraag, te veel frictie, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 67 (3350), pp. 356-363. - Werkgelegenheidsbeleid: naar een nieuw elan?, Bank voor Nederlandsche Gemeenten, 9 (4), pp. 109-111. - 'Inkomensverdeling', 'Personele inkomenverdeling' en 'Werkloosheid', korte artikelen in Encyclopedie van de Bedrijfseconomie, Deventer, Kluwer. - Decentralisatie en de arbeidsmarkt, Beleid & Maatschappij, IX (3/4), pp. 75-80 - Commentaar op: J. Siegers, Op weg naar gelijkheid van mannen en vrouwen binnen de maatschappelijke arbeidsverdeling, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie, 6 (2), pp.33-35. - Sociale zekerheid: kiezen en delen, Openbare Uitgaven, 14 (5a), pp. 4-12; with H.A. Pott-Buter. 1983 - To graduate or not: does it matter? Economics Letters 12, pp. 193-199. - Inequality reduction by income taxes; just how much? An investigation for the Netherlands 1914-1973, Empirical Economics, 8 (1), pp. 9-13. - Tinbergen over inkomensverdeling: een theorie met spanning. Economische Statistische Berichten, 3400, April 13, pp. 314-317. - De onstuitbare opkomst van de werkende gehuwde vrouw, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3435, December 14, pp. 1152-1157, with J.Theeuwes - De vrouw op de arbeidsmarkt, Economenblad, 5 (4), April 27. - Over de doelmatigheid van de arbeidsmarkt, oratie (inaugural lecture), Universiteit van Amsterdam, 16 mei. - Arbeidsmarkt en Beloningsstruktuur, (Labor market and wage structure), Nationaal Programma Arbeidsmarktonderzoek, publikatie nr. 13, Den Haag: Staatsuitgeverij, (with K. Molenaar). 1984 - On the private benefits of subsidies to education, Economics of Education Review, 3(1), pp. 23-35. - Wat is een schooldiploma waard? In: Onderwijs en arbeid, onder redaktie van J. Geurts, Th. de Keulenaar en J. Penders, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger. - On the efficiency of labor markets, De Economist, 132, (3) pp. 279-299. - Gegist bestek, in Sociale Zekerheid en arbeidsverhoudingen, F.G. van den Heuvel e.a., pp. 39-56, Den Haag, VUGA. - Betwistbaarheid: oproer in de economische theorie? Rostra, 111, February, p.12. 1985 - Overscholing? Economische Statistische Berichten, 3493, February, 13, pp.152-156. - Allocatie en Beloning, OSA-Werkdocument nr. 11, Den Haag Organisatie voor Strategisch Arbeidsmarktonderzoek, with H. van Ophem and G. Pfann.
- The emergence of the working wife in Holland, Journal of Labor Economics, 3,1 (part 2), January, Supplement: Trends in Women's Work, Education and Family Building, S235-S255, with J. Theeuwes. - Coördinatie tussen onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt, in: N. van Niekerk, red.: Onderwijs en Bestuur: wat valt te leren? Instituut voor Onderzoek van Overheidsuitgaven, nr. 18, Den Haag. - Earnings functions: testing for the demand side, Economics Letters, 19(3), pp. 281-285, - Onderwijs en economie, hoofdstuk 17 in Onderwijssociologie, een inleiding J.L. Peschar en A.A. Wesselingh (red.), Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff. - Een commentaar op: Arbeidsmarkt en arbeidsorganisaties, in Economische Wetenschap pen: eenheid in verscheidenheid?, J. Muysken, H. Schreuder, red., pp. 151-153, Assen/Maastricht: Van Gorcum. 1986 - Earnings functions: beyond human capital, Applied Economics, 18, (12), 1986, pp. 1291-1309 - Allocation and the earnings function, Empirical Economics, 11(2), pp. 97110 - Met de markt mee? Politieke partijen over werk en inkomen tot 1990, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 1,(3554), 7 mei, pp. 458-465, met J.J.M. Theeuwes. - De neoklassieke visie: frictiewerkloosheid, hoofdstuk 3 in: P.A. Boot en R.A. de Klerk (red.), Werkgelegenheid en werkloosheid, een thematische inleiding in de algemene economie, Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff. - Participations and hours of work: two stages in the life-cycle of married women, European Economic Review, 30, pp. 833-857, with J. Theeuwes. - Comparatief voordeel en de werking van de arbeidsmarkt, report for OSA (with M. Visser). - Een empirische studie naar de arbeidsmobiliteit in Nederland, OSAwerkdocument nr. W32, Den Haag, with E. Mekkelholt and H. van Ophem. - Naar een micro-simulatiemodel voor verdelingsbeleid in Nederland (with E. Laane en J.J.M. Theeuwes), report for Sociaal-Cultureel Planbureau. - Economische aspecten van het onderwijs, probleemverkennings rapport aan SVO (with J.M.M. Ritzen). 1987 - Onderwijsuitval: achtergronden en gevolgen, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 72,3587, pp. 11-17, with G.A. Pfann. - Survey non-response in relation to ability and family background: structure and effects on estimated earnings functions, Kwantitatieve Methoden, 26 (3), pp. 13-26. - (Non)graduation and the earnings function: an inquiry on self-selection, Kwantitatieve Methoden, 26 (3), pp. 27-60, with G.A. Pfann & G. Ridder.
- Onderwijs en arbeidsmarkt, in deel 2b van Onderwijs: Bestel en Beleid, (herziene versie), J. van Kemenade et al (red), with J.J.M. Ritzen, pp. 153237, Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff. - Een empirische studie naar de arbeidsmobiliteit in Nederland, OSA Werkdocument W 32, with E. Mekkelholt and H. van Ophem. - De juiste man op de juiste plaats, doet het ertoe? OSA Werkdocument W33, with M. Visser. - Wat maakt iemand tot een goed econoom? Economenblad, 9 (10), pp. 1-3, with J.G. Odink. 1988 - Education, allocation and earnings in the Netherlands: Overschooling? Economics of Education Review, 7 (2), 185-194, pp. with H. Oosterbeek. - Poverty and the measurement of individual welfare, a review article of A.J.M.Hagenaars' 'The perception of poverty", Journal of Human Resources, Spring, 23 (2), pp. 243-266. - Non-linear regression with discrete explanatory variables, with an application to the earnings function, Journal of Econometrics, with H.J. Bierens. - Toch maar liever mono, in: F.J.M. van Doorne, J.J. Vromen & J.A.M. van Wezel, Interdisciplinariteit, wetenschap en beleid, Leuven-Amersfoort, Acco. - Equity and efficiency in Holland a reconnaissance, in Y. Brenner, ed., Income and wealth distribution in historical perspective, Brighton, Sussex, UK; Wheatsheaf, with J.G. Odink, pp. 190-208. - An ordered response model for allocation and earnings, Kyklos, 41 (1), pp. 113-141 - Arbeidsmobiliteit in Nederland 1957-1985, Tijdschrift voor arbeidsvraagstukken, 4 (3), pp. 65-74, with E. Mekkelholt and H. van Ophem. - Estimating a hedonic earnings function with a nonparametic method, Empirical Economics, 13 (3), pp. 267-294. - Testing the relevance of job search for job mobility, Econometrics Letters, 27, pp. 209-303, with E. Mekkelholt and H. van Ophem. - Job mobility and unemployment duration: results from a sequential mobility model, OSA Werkdocument W 50, with E. Mekkelholt and H. van Ophem. - Grenzen aan het herverdelingsbeleid, Pedagogische Studien, 65 (6), pp. 270-274. - Een hedonische interpretatie van allocatie en beloning, Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraag-stukken, 4 (2), pp. 47-52. 1989 - Theoretical issues in size income distribution policy, in Victor L. Urquidi (ed.), International Economic Association volume on Incomes policies, London: Macmillan, pp. 3-21 (with J.J.M. Ritzen); translated into Spanish in: Victor L. Urquidi (Compilator), Consideraciones teoricas sobre la politica de distribucion del ingreso, London: Macmillan, pp. 19-37.
- Postwar labor mobility: the Netherlands, in A.P. Thirlwall, ed., European Factor Mobility: Trends and Consequences, London: Macmillan, pp. 74-94, with N. Vriend. - (Non-)graduation and the earnings function, an inquiry on self-selection, European Economic Review, 33, pp. 1373-1395, with G. Pfann and G. Ridder. - Ontgroening en buitenlandse migratie, in: J.G.M. Assen and H.J. Heeren (eds.), Ontgroening: proces van aanpassing, Den Haag: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Demografie, pp. 121-133 - Mobiliteit en beloning, OSA Werkdocument W 59, with E. Mekkelholt. - Arbeidseconomie, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 74 (3691), with J.J.M. Theeuwes (with a comment by P. Kooreman and our reply in Economisch Statistische Berichten 3696). - Distribution policies in The Netherlands, in: F. Muller and W.J. Zwezerijnen, The role of economic policy in society, Den Haag: UPR, pp. 1746. - Survey non-response in relation to ability and family background: structure and effects on estimated earnings function, Applied Economics, 21 (3), pp. 387-395 1990 - Labor market policies from a neoclassical perspective: implementing the trinity, in: K. Groenveld, J.A.H. Maks and J. Muysken (eds.), Economic Policy and the Market Process, Austrian and mainstream economics, Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 171-194. - Arbeidseconomie, in: L. van der Geest (red.), Economische theorie: de stand van zaken, Schoonhoven: Academic Services, pp. 211-232, with J.J.M. Theeuwes. - De ontwikkeling van de arbeidseconomie, in J.J. Schippers (ed.), Arbeidsmarkt en maatschappelijke ongelijkheid, Groningen: WoltersNoordhoff, pp. 7-40, with J.J.M. Theeuwes. - Postwar developments in labour economics, in : F. van der Ploeg (ed), Advanced lectures in quantitative economics, London: Academic Press, pp. 313-348, with J.J.M. Theeuwes. - Beloning en allocatie, in: J.J. Schippers (ed), Arbeidsmarkt en maatschappelijke ongelijkheid, Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, pp. 187-212, with H. van Ophem. - Young Mediterraneans in the Dutch labour market: a comparative analysis of allocation and earnings, Oxford Economic Papers, 42, pp. 379-401, with N. Vriend. - De prijs van informatie, een beschouwing over de prijsstelling van het CBS, Openbare Uitgaven, 22 (1), pp. 5-10, with H. Oosterbeek; a reaction by the Director of CBS and our reply in Openbare Uitgaven, 22 (3), pp. 131-139. - Hoe kom je aan een goedkope afgestudeerde? in: P. de Vries (red). Bekostiging en doelmatigheid in het hoger onderwijs, Utrecht: Lemma, pp. 4349.
1991 - Wages and measurement errors, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 20/21, pp. 243-256, with H. van Ophem. - Inkomensbeleid, in: R. Gerritse and C.A. de Kam (eds), Jaarboek Overheidsuitgaven 1991, Schoonhoven: Academic Service, pp. 211-224, with J.G. Odink. - Comments on Vandewalle and Jonzon, in: C. de Neubourg (ed), The art of full employment, Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 469-474. 1992 - An empirical analysis of university choice and earnings, De Economist, 140 (3), pp. 293-309, with H. Oosterbeek and W. Groot. - De doelmatigheid van de sociale zekerheid, in: R. Kloosterman and R. Knaack (eds), Het Nederlandse model, kansen en bedreigingen van de verzorgingsstaat, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 79-94, with W. Groot and H. Pott-Buter. - Arbeidseconomie, in: M.M.G. Fase and I. van der Zijpp (eds), Samenleving en economie in de twintigste eeuw, Leiden: Stenfert Kroese, pp. 269-286. - Het Abraham Kuyper Genootschap, in: J. Dohmen (red), Professoren A/Z, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 287-289. - Arbeid en arbeidsmarkt, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 77, (3849), pp. 220-224, with J.J.M. Theeuwes. 1993 - Towards disentangling supply and demand in a model of wages and job level, in: J.C. van Ours, G.A. Pfann and G. Ridder (eds), Labor demand and equilibrium wage formation, Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 359-376, with H. van Ophem. - Public and private sector wages in the Netherlands, European Economic Review, 37, pp. 97-114, with H. Oosterbeek. - Evaluating Labour market performance, ch. 1 in: Labour market institutions and contracts, a cross-national comparison, Amsterdam: North-Holland (Hartog and Theeuwes, editors), with J.J.M. Theeuwes and S. Polachek, pp. 9-30. - Institutions and the labour market: many questions, some answers, ch. 14 in: Labour market institutions and contracts, a cross-national comparison, Amsterdam: North-Holland (Hartog and Theeuwes, editors), with J.J.M. Theeuwes and R. Flanagan, pp. 414-446. - Postwar unemployment in the Netherlands, European Journal of Political Economy, pp. 73-112 with J.J.M. Theeuwes. - Age, wages and education in the Netherlands, in: P. Johnson and K. Zimmermann (eds), Labour markets in an ageing Europe, CEPR volume, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, with H. Oosterbeek and C. Teulings, pp. 182-210.
- Job complexity and wages, International Economic Review, 34(4), with H. van Ophem and W. Vijverberg, pp. 853-872. - Europa en de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt, in: J. Kremers (red), Inspelen op Europa, Schoonhoven: Academic Service, with J. Theeuwes, pp. 127-143. - Incentivos ao investimento em Portugal - algumas reglexoes, Report to the Central Bank of Portugal, Lissabon, with P. Telhado Pereira, pp 819-837 - The vocational integration and re-integration of individuals into the labour market and their impact on structural change, productivity and growth, Report prepared for the 5th conference of the European Ministers of Labour, Council of Europe, Straatsburg, Raad van Europa, with W. Groot and J. Theeuwes, 53. 1994 - Costs and revenues of investment in enterprise-related schooling, Oxford Economic Papers, 46 (4), pp. 658-675 (special issue on vocational training), with W. Groot and H. Oosterbeek. - Returns to within-company schooling of employees, in: Lisa M. Lynch, ed., Training and the private sector, Chicago: University of Chicago Press for NBER, pp. 299-307, with W. Groot and H. Oosterbeek. - On-the-job search and the cyclical sensitivity of job mobility, European Economic Review, Papers and proceedings, 38 (3/4). pp. 802-808, with H. van Ophem. - Allocation of individuals to job levels under rationing, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 9,(4), pp. 437-451, with G. Ridder and M. Visser. - Naar gelijke kansen voor vrouwen, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 79 (3958), pp. 377-380, with H. Pott-Buter. - Loonvorming in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 79 (3965), pp. 528-533, with R. van Opstal en C. Teulings. - Screening models and education, in: T. Husen and T.N. Postlethwaite (eds), The International Encyclopedia of Education, second edition, section The economics of education, (edited by M. Carnoy and H. Levin), Oxford: Pergamon, with W. Groot - La participación en los costes y beneficios de la farmación de empresas, Revista de Treball, 22, pp. 97-114, with W. Groot and H. Oosterbeek 1995 - Vakbonden en gelijkheid, Inkomensverdeling en economische activiteit, Preadviezen van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, Utrecht: Lemma, pp. 145-161 - Labor market institutions and wage formation in the Azores, Ensaios de Homenagem a Francisco Pereira de Mouva, Lisboa Instituto Superior de Economia e Geatao, Universidade Téchnoco de Lisboa, pp. 819-837, with Jose A Cabral Vieira and Pedro Telhado Pereira - Pulling the Plug, an analysis of mandatory extension in the Dutch system of labour relations, Report to OSA, with Richard Freeman and Coen Teulings, (54 pages)
- De determinanten van integratie na emigratie, Maandschrift Economie, 59, pp. 424-432, with P. Kee 1996 - Het inkomen van de Nederlandse econoom, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 81, pp. 13-15, with C.M. van Praag and J.G. Odink; included in Jaarboek 1995/96, Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, 108-114, Rotterdam: ESB - Lessons from the North European unemployment experience: Northern light or polar night?, in: E. Wadensjö, editor, The Nordic Labour markets in the 1990's, vol 1, part 1, chapter 8, pp. 269-290, Amsterdam: NorthHolland, with J.J.M.Theeuwes - On-the-job search, mobility and wages in the Netherlands: what do we know? in: R. Schettkat (ed), The Flow approach to labor markets, Wheatsheaf, with Hans van Ophem - Kennis van de toekomst, in: Bouwstenen voor het kennisdebat, pp. 49-85, Zoetermeer: Ministerie van onderwijs, cultuur en wetenschappen 1997 - Zorgen voor de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt: een verkenning van beleidsopties, in J. Hartog et al (1997), Creëren van werk aan de onderkant, Den Haag: Delwel Serie Wetenschappelijke Publikaties Nationaal Vakbondsmuseum, pp. 9-29 - Werkverschaffing volgens de Rekenkamer, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 82 (4089), 15-01-97, pp. 44-48; reaktie van René ten Brug en Lauw Simonse in ESB 23-04-97, 82 (4103), pp. 333-334; naschrift, p. 334 - Empirie van de arbeidsmarkt, Rostra Economica, 42 (217), pp. 7-9 - Vrouw en vakbeweging, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 82 (4113), 0207-97, p. 527, column - AVV, spil in't spel, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 82 (4115), 30-07-97, pp. 580-584, with Richard Freeman and Coen Teulings - Explaining the Dutch economic miracle, Policy Options Politiques, 18 (8), pp. 38-41, with J.J.M. Theeuwes - Honderd jaar inkomensongelijkheid, Index, 4 (8), pp. 25-28, with A. van den Berg - Replication and re-analysis, Labour Economics, 4(2), pp. 99-105, with W. Arulampalam, T. MaCurdy and J.Theeuwes - The Dutch response to dynamic challlenges in the labour market, in: H. Siebert (ed), Sectoral structural change and labor market flexibility: experience in selected OECD economies, Tuebingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 151-184, with J. Theeuwes - Inter-industry wage differentials and tenure effects in the Netherlands and the U.S., De Economist, 145 (1), pp. 91-99, with R. van Opstal and C. Teulings 1998
- Wages and labour market institutions in international comparison, in: Isao Ohashi and Toshiaki Tachibanaki (editors), Internal labour markets, incentives and employment, Macmillan Press, pp. 19-48, with C.N. Teulings - A job to match your education: does it matter? in: H. Heijke and L. Borghans (eds), Towards a transparent labour market for educational decisions, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 99-118, with N. Jonker - Escape from cittadella neoclassica: reflections on the work of Aldi Hagenaars, in: S. Jenkins, A. Kapteyn and B. van Praag (eds), The distribution of welfare and household production, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 13-21 - Carriëre? Kermis der karakters! Rostra Economica, 43 (223), pp. 12-13 - Grenzen in de economie, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 83 (4135), 1601-98, 27 (column) - Harde waren of zachte waren?, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 83 (4152), 15-05-98, 391 (column) - Health, wealth and happiness: why pursue a higher education?, Economics of Education Review, 17 (3), pp. 245-256, with H. Oosterbeek - Schiphol, feest voor columnisten, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 83 (4178), 27-11-98, 891 (column) - Overscholing en beloning: waar zijn we en waar moeten we heen? in: Wim Groot c.s., Overscholing en verdringing op de arbeidsmarkt, Den Haag: Welboom, pp. 31-54 1999 - Behind the veil of human capital, OECD Observer, 215, January 1999, pp. 37-39 - Academische Festouvertüre, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 84 (4196), 26/03/99, 223, column - Eurocorporatisme voor de arbeidsverhoudingen? Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 84 (4200), 23/04/99, pp. 304-307, with C. Teulings - If we knew ability, how would we tax individuals? Journal of Public Economics, 72 ( ), pp. 183-211, with E. Plug and B. van Praag - Honderd jaar ongelijkheid; inkomensverschillen sinds het eind van de negentiende eeuw, Ronald van der Bie en Pit Dehing (red), Nationaal Goed, Voorburg, Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, pp. 109-124, with Annette van den Berg - Moedig voorwaarts! Maar waarheen? Bespiegelingen over een kwart eeuw welvaart, Uitgave ter gelegenheid van 25 jaar Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Den Haag: SCP - Suréducation et sous-éducation dans une perspective de formation professionelle, Formation Professionelle, Revue Européenne, 16, Janvier-Avril, pp. 53-58 (also published in the English, Spanish and German versions of the journal). - So, what's special about the Dutch model? Country Employment Policy Reports: The Netherlands, ILO, Geneva, Employment and Training Papers 54
- Wither Dutch corporatism? - Two decades of employment policies and welfare reforms, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 46 (4), pp. 458-487 - Turkish clothing in Amsterdam: the rise and fall of a perfectly competitive labour market, De Economist, 147 (2), pp. 151-181, with A. Zorlu - Comment, on Burda and Dluhosch, Globalisation and European labour markets, in: Horst Siebert, editor, Globalisation and labor, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 208-210 - Private returns to education in the Netherlands: a literature review, Chapter 10 in R. Asplund and P.Telhado Pereira, eds, Returns to human capital in Europe, Helsinki: ETLA for PURE, pp. 209-226 - Hard werken wordt nauwelijks beloond, De Accountant, 106 (2), pp. 94-97, with N. Jonker and Ph. Wallage, - Rendement op scholing stabiliseert, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 4215, pp. 582-583, with J. Odink and J. Smits 2000 - On returns to education: wandering along the hills of ORU land, in: H. Heijke and J Muysken (eds.), Education and training in a knowledge-based economy, Houndmills, UK: Macmillan - Over-education and earnings: where are we, where should we go?, Economics of Education Review, 19 (2), pp. 131-147 - Human capital as an instrument of analysis for the economics of education, European Journal of Education, 35 (1), pp. 7-20 - Hollen en stilstaan, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 85 (4249), 31/0/00, 255 (column) - Economie sans gene, in: H. Abma (red), Inkeer, een onderzoek vanuit literatuur en beeldende kunst, pp. 92-101, Kortenhoef: Stichting Collage - Vocational training and earnings in Portugal, Economia, XXIV ( ), 35-52, with P. Pereira and J. Vieira 2001 - Duale opleidingen: niet enkel beter, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 4291, 86, 19-01-2001, 56-58, with N. Jonker and H. van Ophem - Een droomtax op inspanning, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 4303, 86, 06-04-2001. 308-311, with B.MS. van Praag and E. Plug - Ick liet myzelf van lidt tot lidt in stucken zaegen, Folia, 54 (29), 23-032001, 16-17; reaction in Brieven, 54 (31), 2; - Inter-industry wage dispersion in Portugal, Empirica, 27 (4), 353364, with P. Pereira and J. Cabral Vieira - Changing returns to education in Portugal during the 1980s and early 1990s: OLS and quantile regression estimators, Applied Economics, 33, 1021-1037, with P. Pereira and J. Cabral Vieira - Whither Dutch corporatism? Reprint from Scottish Journal of Political Economy in The Polder model, Athens: The Royal Netherlands Embassy, conference volume, 39-101 (including translation into Greek)
The Netherlands, Chapter 10 in: C. Harmon, I. Walker and N. Westergaard-Nielsen, Education and earnings in Europe, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 179-197, with J. Smits and J. Odink
2002 - Linking measured risk aversion to individual characteristics, Kyklos, 55 (1), 3-26, with Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Nicole Jonker; replication in E. Sheedy (2004), Do attitudes to risk vary by country?, Sydney: Macquarie University Applied Finance Centre - On human capital and individual capabilities, Review of Income and Wealth, 47 (4), 515-540 - Over the hill: the Dutch way out of labour market misery, in: Seija Ilmakunnas and Erkki Koskela, Towards higher employment, the role of labour market institutions, Helsinki: Valtion Taloudellinen Tutkimuskeskus (Government Institute for Economic Research), 169188 - Nederland immigratieland? Nee!, in: H. van Dalen en F. Kalshoven, Meesters van de welvaart, Amsterdam: Balans, 91-103 - Low risk aversion encourages the choice for entrepreneurship: an empirical test of a truism, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 48, 29-36, with J.S. Cramer, N. Jonker and C.M. van Praag - Migration and immigrants, in: Ralph Rotte and Peter Stein (eds), Migration policy and the economy: international experiences, München: Hans Seidel Stiftung, 119-140, with A. Zorlu - Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting: The Netherlands, European Journal of Political Economy, 18 (2002), 317-331, with E. Leuven and C. Teulings - Free education in Sri Lanka. Does it eliminate the family effect?, Economics of Education Review, 21 (6), 623-633, with A. Ranasinghe - Desperately seeking structure, Sherwin Rosen (1938-2001), Economic Journal, 112 (483), F519-F531 - Bargaining regimes and wages in Portugal, Portuguese Economic Journal, 1 (3), 237- 268, with P. Pereira and J. Vieira - Ongegrond, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 87 (4362), 24-05-2002, 403 (column) 2003 - Risk compensation in wages- a replication, Empirical Economics, 28, 639-647, with E. Plug, L. Diaz Serrano and J. Vieira - Comparing migrants to non-migrants: the case of Dutch migration to New Zealand, Journal of Population Economics 16 (3), 683-705, with Rainer Winkelmann - Economie van de taal, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 88 (4397), 21-03-2003, 123 (column) - Education, skill and entrepreneurship, Report to The World Bank, Washington, with Patrick van Balkom and Mirjam van Praag
Economische effecten van immigratie, Ontwikkeling van een databestand en eerste analyses, Rapport aan Ministerie van Financiën, with Han Nicolaas, Arno Sprangers and Aslan Zorlu Wat heeft arbeidseconomen opgewonden? – Een selectieve terugblik, Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie, 25 (1), 81-107, with Jules Theeuwes
2004 - Can students predict their starting salaries? Yes!, Economics of Education Review, 23 (2), 103-113, with D. Webbink - Midassen, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 89 (4431), 16 April 2004, 169 (column); reprinted in Jaarboek 2003/2004, Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde, Utrecht: Lemma/ESB, 85-86 - Migranten: wie komen, wie gaan terug en wie laten hun gezin overkomen?, Bevolkingstrends, 2004-II, Voorburg/Heerlen, 2004, p. 36 – 42, with H. Nicolaas, A. Sprangers en A. Zorlu (UVA) Bevolkingstrends, 2004-II, - Immigranten op de arbeidsmarkt, Voorburg/Heerlen, 2004, p. 45 –53, with A. Sprangers, A. Zorlu and H. Nicolaas - Immigranten op de arbeidsmarkt, Sociaal-Economische Trends, 2004II, Voorburg/Heerlen, 2004, p. 27 – 37, with A. Sprangers, A. Zorlu and H. Nicolaas - Overeducation, wages and promotions within the firm, Labour Economics, 11, 701-714, with Sandra Groeneveld, - Retourmigratiegedrag van recente immigranten, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 89(XXXX), 20 August, 402-404, with A. Zorlu, A. Sprangers and H. Nicolaas 2005 - De arbeidsmarktpositie van nieuwe immigranten, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 90(4451), 28 January, 31-33, with A. Zorlu, A. Sprangers and H. Nicolaas - De bataljons van het onderzoeksleger, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 90 (4454), 25 February (column) - Krimp als groeistrategie, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 90 (4463), 17 June (column) - Proza in China, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 90 (4472), 7 October (column) - Schooling as a risky investment, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen: Mededelingen van de Afdeling Letterkunde, Nieuwe Reeks Deel 68 no 2, (Proceedings Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences) - The effect of immigration on wages in three European countries, Journal of Population Economics, 18(1?), 113-151, with A. Zorlu 4.3 Book reviews
- T. Huppes, Inkomensverdeling en institutionele structuur; De Economist, 126 (4), pp. 568-570, 1987. - J.M.M. Ritzen, Education, economic growth and income distribution, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3173, 27-9-1978, p. 994. - C.P.A. Bartels, Economic aspects of regional welfare, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3169, 30-8-1978, p. 887. - M.D. Ward, The political economy of distribution, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 3279, 5-11-1980, p. 1250. - C.V. Brown, ed., Taxation and labour supply, De Economist, 130 (2), pp. 288-290, 1982 - C. Craig, J. Rubery, R. Tarling and F. Wilkinson, Labour market structure, industrial organisation and low pay, De Economist, 132 (1984), pp. 126-128. - Karlheinz Pohmer, Mikroökonomische Theorie der personellen Einkommens-und Vermögensverteilung, De Economist, 134 (1), pp. 118-119, 1986. - G. Akerlof, An economic theorist's book of tales, De Economist, 134 (1986), 2, pp. 239-241. - Wandelen in de duisternis: de Notitie Inkomensbeleid 1986, Openbare Uitgaven, 18 (2), 1986, pp. 61-67 (met H. Oosterbeek); naschrift bij een 'ingezonden' reaktie van J. Nelissen in 18(3), pp. 140-141 en bij een reaktie van Van Kalmthout en De Vries in idem, 18(5), pp. 233-234. - M. Sattinger, Unemployment, Choice and Inequality, in Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie), 47 (1), 1987, pp. 99-101. - J. van Hoof, De arbeidsmarkt als arena, Beleid en Maatschappij. - B. Nolan, Income distribution and the macroeconomy, in Kyklos. - A. Spithoven, Werkloosheid tussen markt en regulering, Beleid en Maatschappij, XVI (2), 1989, pp. 113-114. - A. Szirmai, Inequality observed, De Economist, 137 (1989), 1, pp. 108-109. - A. Lindbeck and D. Snower, The insider-outsider theory of employment and unemployment, Kyklos, 43 (1990), 4, pp. 678-679 - A. Glebbeek, Perspectieven op loopbanen, Mens en Maatschappij, (1994), 69(2), pp. 220-221. - D.G. Blanchflower and R. G. Freeman (eds), Youth employment and joblessness in advanced countries. Journal of Economic Literature, (2000), 38 (4), pp 965-966 - Geprikkeld hoger onderwijs, Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 86 (4335), 23 november 2001, 910-911 (on Higher Education Reform: Getting the incentives right, CPB-CHEPS) - L. Borghans and A. de Grip, eds, The overeducated worker? The economics of skill utilization, Economics of Education Review (2002), 21 (2), 192-194 4.4 Forthcoming -
Dual track or academic route?, with Nicole Jonker and Hans van Ophem (Applied Economics)
4.8 Discussion papers Discussion Paper Series, Institute for Economic Research, Erasmus University Rotterdam 7402/G Age-income profiles and capability development 7502/G Age-income profiles, income distribution and transition proportions 7504/G Age-income profiles, income distribution and transition proportions, empirical age distributions 7505/G Labor demand as demand for capabilities 7602/G Individual labor supply and personal income distribution 7603/G Personal income distribution, an explicit two-capability model 7705/G Dutch treat: long-run changes in personal income distribution, (with J.G. Veenbergen) 7804/G Alternative specifications of earnings equations, (with J. Berkouwer and J. Tinbergen) 7808/G Job satisfaction, utility functions and worker attributes 7902/G Job mobility, job characteristics and earnings 7904/G Alternative specifications of earnings equations 8007/G Wages and allocation under imperfect information 8101/P On the private benefits of subsidies to education 8105/G Inequality reduction by income taxes: just how much? An investigation for the Netherlands, 1914-1973 8307/G Participation, hours of work and fertility in the Netherlands; some stages in the life-cycle, with J. Theeuwes Discussion Paper Series, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (with W.J. Keller) 7503/P 7603/P
Interest, inflation and taxation Income tax rates and proportional sacrifice
Discussion Papers, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wi., USA 495-78 508-78 119-99
Earnings and capability requirements Labor allocation and wage structure: toward testing the alternatives Whither Dutch corporatism? Or: a turbulent tango for market and state
IFG-Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Individual schooling decisions and labor market allocation: vertical and horizontal sorting; IFG Program Report no. 84-B8, July 1984 Economic Research Center, School of Economics, Nagoya University, International Economic Conflict Discussion Paper: 88 (1996)
Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting: the Netherlands, with E. Leuven and C. Teulings
Research Memorandums, Universiteit Economische Wetenschappen 8205 8316
Allocation and the earnings function Understanding observed regularities in wages and allocation: a neoclassical approach
Vervolgonderzoek Noordbrabantse zesdeklassers, report Universiteit van Amsterdam, with G. Pfann 8405 8413 8519 8523 8619 8620 8709 8716 9027 9114 9212
On specifying, estimating and testing regression models with discrete explanatory variables, with an empirical application to the earnings function, with H. Bierens Earning functions: beyond human capital On labor market allocation: explaining individuals' job level (with Hans van Ophem) Education, allocation and earnings in the Netherlands: overschooling? (with Hessel Oosterbeek) Allocation, earnings and efficiency (with Hans van Ophem) Survey non-response in relation to ability and family background: structure and effects on estimated earnings functions Estimating, testing and applying a comparative advantage earnings function for the US 1969-1973-1977, with M. Tsang Young mediterraneans in the Dutch labor market: a comparative analysis of allocation and earnings, with N. Vriend. Training choice and earnings, with W. Groot and H. Oosterbeek Job complexity and wages, with H. van Ophem and W. Vijverberg Towards disentangling supply and demand in a model of wages and job level, with H. van Ophem
Tinbergen Institute Discussion Papers TI 94-151
On human capital and individual capabilities
TI 95-147
Inter-industry wage differentials and tenure effects in the Netherlands and the US , with R. van Opstal and C. Teulings TI 96-154/1 If we knew ability, how would we tax individuals?, with E.Plug and B. van Praag TI 97-008/3 A look at changes in Portuguese wage structure and job level allocation during the 1980s and 1990s, with J. Cabral Vieira and P. Telhado Pereira TI 97-021/3 Investment in post-compulsory education in Sri Lanka, with A. Ranasinghe TI 97-034/3 Health, wealth and happiness, with H.Oosterbeek TI 98-044/3 Turkish confection in Amsterdam: the rise and fall of a perfectly competitive labour market, with A.Zorlu TI 99-002/3 Changing returns to education in Portugal during the 1980s and early 1990s, with Pedro Pereira and Jose Vieira (also published as Working Paper 336, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Economia TI 2000-013/3 Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting, with E. Leuven and C. Teulings TI 2000-015/3 The effect of immigration on native earnings, with A. Zorlu TI 2001-042/3 Migration and immigrants, with A. Zorlu TI 2002-121/4 Dual track or academic route for auditors: does it matter?, with H. van Ophem and N. Jonker TI 2002-122/3 Earnings risk and demand for higher education, with Luis Diaz Serrano TI 2004-080/3 How risky is investment in human capital?, with H. van Ophem and S. Bajdechi SCHOLAR working paper series WP 10/00 Can students predict their starting salary? Yes!, with D. Webbink Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London 1706 2596 -
Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting: the Netherlands, with E. Leuven en C.N. Teulings Dutch migrants in New Zealand: did they fare well? With R. Winkelmann
IZA Bonn DP 53 DP 208
Inter-industry wage dispersion in Portugal: high but falling, with Pedro Pereira and Jose Vieira Dutch migrants in New Zealand: did they fare well? With R. Winkelmann
DP 426
Do wages really compensate for risk aversion and skewness affection? With Wim Vijverberg DP 640 Dual track or academic route for auditors: does it matter?, with Nicole Jonker and Hans van Ophem DP 641 Earnings risk and demand for higher education, a cross-section test for Spain, with Luis Diaz Serrano DP 642 The effect of immigration on native wages in three European countries, with Aslan Zorlu DP 883 Overeducation, wages and promotion within the firm, with Sandra Groeneveld DP 963 Compensating wage differentials for schooling risk in Denmark, with Luis Diaz Serrano and Helena Skyt Nielsen DP 1355 Is there a risk-return trade-off across occupations? Evidence from Spain, with Luis Diaz Serrano DP 1753 How important is homeland education for refugees’ economic position in the Netherlands?, with Aslan Zorlu CESifo, Munchen WP 363 On a simple survey measure of individual risk aversion, with A. Ferrer-i-Carbonell and N. Jonker WP 1261 How risky is investment in human capital?, with H. van Ophem and S. Bajdechi 5. Contributions to conferences - Age-income profiles, income distribution and transition proportions, Econometric Society European Meeting, Grenoble 1974. - Individual labor supply and personal income distribution. Econometric Society European Meeting, Helsinki 1976. - Alternative specifications of earnings equations, Econometric Society European Meeting, Geneve 1978. - Education and the labor market, a multicapability view, Atlantic Economic Society, Salzburg/Wenen 1979 en Onderwijsresearchdagen, Nijmegen 1979. - Wages and allocation under imperfect information, Econometric Society European Meeting, Aix-en-Provence, 1980. - On the private benefit of subsidies to education, Econometric Society European Meeting, Amsterdam, 1981. - Capabilities, wages and allocation, Econometric Society European Meeting, Dublin 1982. - Wat is een schooldiploma waard? Onderwijs Research dagen 1983, Amsterdam. - Understanding observed regularities in wages and allocation: a neo classical approach; Econometric Society European Meeting, Pisa, 1983 and Nationale Onderzoekdag 1983, Tilburg.
- The emergence of the working wife in Holland, Conference on Trends in woman's work, education and family building, organized by J. Mincer and R. Layard, held in Sussex, England, May/June 1983, with J. Theeuwes. - Analyzing allocation: on the relation between education, job level and wages, Polish-Dutch UNESCO seminar on 'Educational problems and the social and economic development of a country', Warsaw, November 23-25, 1983. - Earnings functions: beyond human capital, discussiedag Interdisciplinaire werkgroep Inkomen Beloning, UvA, 25 mei 1984. - Rotterdamse Monetaire Studies, Garderen, 26-28 april 1984, - conferentie 'Arbeidsmarkt en Kapitaalmarkt' (discussant, reported in: Frank van Empel: Eerherstel voor het marktmechanisme, Stenfert Kroese 1984, pp. 54- 56). - Earnings functions: beyond human capital, Econometristendag 1984, VU 17 april - Econometric Society European Meeting, Madrid, september 1984: - Earnings functions: beyond human capital - Participation and hours of work: two stages in the life-cycle (with J. Theeuwes) - On specifying, estimating and testing regression models with discrete explanatory variables, with an empirical application to the earnings function, with H. Bierens - Economische wetenschappen: eenheid in verscheidenheid?, Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, 21 november 1984, commentaar op Albeda - Econometric Society World Congress, August 1985: Cambridge,Mass. - On labor market allocation: explaining individuals' job level, with H. van Ophem - Duration of unemployment and employment in the Dutch youth labor market, with R. van Opstal and J. Theeuwes - Economic Policy in the Market Process, Success or failure? Symposium organized by Teldersstichting, RuLi and RUG, Slot Zeist, January 1986: Labor Market policies from a neoclassical perspective: implementing the trinity - Interdisciplinariteit, conferentie KHT, commentaar op Van Wezel's bijdrage, 1986 - Postwar labor mobility: the Netherlands, symposium on European Factor Mobility: Trends and consequences" University of Kent at Canterbury, June 30- July 2, 1986, with N. Vriend. - Equity and efficiency in Holland a reconnaissance, Conference on Income and Wealth Distribution in Historical Perspective, University of Utrecht, August 1986 (with J.G. Odink). - Nationale Onderzoekdag 1986, Tilburg, 15 mei: - Allocation, earnings and efficiency (with H. van Ophem) - (Non)-graduation and the earnings function (with G.A. Pfann and G. Ridder - The effect of the demand side on age-earnings profiles (with A. van Slijpe
- Econometric Society European Meeting, Budapest, september 1986: - Allocation, earnings and efficiency (with H. van Ophem) - (Non-)graduation and the earnings function (with G.A. Pfann and G. Ridder - Econometric Society European Meeting, Copenhagen, August 1987, - An ordered response model for allocation and earnings, - Young Mediteraneans in the Dutch labor market, with N.Vriend - Job search and job mobility of Dutch workers: a sequential logit model, with H. van Ophem and E. Mekkelholt. - European Economic Association, Augsburg, September 1989 - Low productivity and social inequality (with J. Theeuwes). - Econometric Society European Meeting, München, September 1989 - Everybody happy? Testing the allocative performance of the labor market, with E. Mekkelholt. - Wages and measurement errors, ENSAE conference on Heterogeneity in Econometrics, Paris, June 1989 (with H. van Ophem). - The art of full employment, Maastricht, September 1989. - European Association of Labour Economists, Lund (Sweden) 1990. - Low productivity and social inequality, with J.J.M. Theeuwes. - European Economic Association, Lisbon, August, 1990. - An empirical analysis of college choice and earnings, with W. Groot and H. Oosterbeek. - Labor market efficiency, NIAS Workshop on Comparing Labor Markets, January 1991 (with J.J.M. Theeuwes and S. Polachek). - Econometric Society European Meeting, Cambridge (UK), September 1991 - Job complexity and wages (with H. van Ophem). - Labour demand and equilibrium wage formation, VU, January 1992, (with H. van Ophem); Towards disentangling supply and demand in a model of wages and allocation. - CEPR conference Economic consequences of European aging, Munchen, April 1992: - Age, wage and education in The Netherlands, with H. Oosterbeek and C. Teulings - European Association of Labour Economists, Warwick, September 1992: - On the sensitivity of unionization effects to the legal and institutional environment, with A. Voskamp. - European Economic Association, Helsinki, August 1993: - Sorting in higher education, with H. Oosterbeek and H. van Ophem. - On-the-job search and the cyclical sensitivity of mobility, invited paper, with H. van Ophem. - European Association of Labor Economists, Maastricht, October 1993: - On human capital and individual capabilities, keynote speech. - A seven country comparison of female participation over 150 years, with H. Pott-Buter. - Aldi Hagenaars Memorial Conference, Leiden, 28-29 August 1994: Unions, corporatism and wage dispersion: the case of the Netherlands, with C. Teulings.
- European Association of Labour Economists, Warsaw, September 1994: Wage formation and labor market flexibility in the Netherlands, with C. Teulings. - The flow approach to labor market analysis, WZB Berlin, December 1994: - On-the-job search, mobility and wages in the Netherlands: what do we know? with H. van Ophem - CEPR conference Imperfections in European Labour Markets, Madrid, February 24-25, 1995: - Wage structure and corporatism, with C. Teulings. - Biwako Conference on Internal Labour Markets, Biwako, Japan, July 1315, 1995: - Wages and labour market institutions in international comparison, with C. Teulings. - Tenth Anniversary Conference, ROA Maastricht, June 6-7, 1996: - A job to match your education: does it matter? with N. Jonker - European Economic Association, Istanbul, August 21-24, 1996 - Health, wealth and happiness, with H.Oosterbeek - Conference on Globalization and the New Inequality, Utrecht, November 1996: - Dutch income inequality in international perspective - Society of Labor Economists, Washington, May 2-3, 1997: - International comparison of wage inequality: an alternative interpretation, with C.N. Teulings - Applied Econometrics Association, Maastricht, May 14-16: - Returns to education: wandering along the hills of ORU land, Keynote Speech - Banco de Portugal, The Portuguese labour market in international perspective, Lisbon, July 18/19, 1997: - Interindustry wage dispersion, evidence from Portugal and other OECD countries, with J. Vieira and P. Pereira - Arbeidsmarktdag SISWO, Rotterdam, September 18, 1997: - Dutch wage formation in corporatist perspective - European Association of Labour Economists Meeting, September 2528,1997: - Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting: the Netherlands, with E. Leuven and C. Teulings - Introduction to the Adam Smith Lecture (Richard Freeman) - NAKE Onderzoeksdag, October 24 1997, Tilburg: - On a simple measure of risk aversion (with N.Jonker) - Institutions, Markets and Economic Performance, December 11/12, 1997, Utrecht: - Dutch wage formation in corporatist perspective - European Society for Population Economics, June 4-6 1998, Amsterdam: - Canonisation of the Tulip Kid?, Keynote speech - ILM Conference, June 15-16, 1998, Aberdeen: - Abilities, skills and competencies: measuring the unmeasurable? Keynote Speech
- Kiel Week Conference 1998, Globalization and Labor, June 24-25, Kiel Institute of World Economics: - comment on Burda /Dluhosch, Globalization and European labor markets - AIAS Conferentie "Euro en werk", Amsterdam, July 1998 - comments on David Soskice, Euro and labour market policy - International Institute of Public Finance Congress, Cordoba, Argentina, August 1998: - If we knew ability, how would we tax individuals? with E. Plug and B. van Praag - European Association of Labour Economists, Blankenberge, September 1998: - Turkish confection industry in Amsterdam: the rise and fall of a perfectly competitive labour market, with A. Zorlu - ILO, Geneva, Country economic policy review workshop, October 1998: - So, what's so special about the Dutch model? - ZEW Workshop "Unemployment in Europe", Mannheim, October 1998" - So, what's so special about the Dutch model? - European Society for Population Economics Conference, Bonn, June 2000: - Dutch migrants in New Zealand: did they fare well? With R. Winkelmann - European Association of Labour Economists and Society of Labor Economists, Milano, June 2000: - The effect of immigration on native earnings, with A. Zorlu International Institute of Public Finance conference, Sevilla, August 2000: - Individualised lump sum taxation: how far can we get? , invited keynote presentation, with B.M.S. van Praag - European Association of Labour Economists, Jÿvaskÿla, September 2001: - Do wages really compensate for risk aversion and skewness affection?, with Wim Vijverberg - Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt Dag 2002, April: Invited Plenary Address: - Economische effecten van migratie - European Economic Association, Venice, August 2002: - Do wages really compensate for risk aversion and skewness affection?, with Wim Vijverberg - European Association of Labour Economists, Paris, September 2002: - Earnings risk and demand for higher education, with Luis Diaz Serrano - International workshop on Income Assistance Programs and the Labour Market, Ponte Delgada, Azores, June 2003 - Income assistance programs and the labour market: the Dutch experience - American Economic Association, San Diego, January 2-4 2004 - School, skills and risk, with W. Vijverberg - EALE, Lisboa, September 9-12, 2004 Compensating wage differentials for schooling risk in Denmark
IZA, Bonn, workshop on Empirical Personnel Economics, November 1820, 2004: Schools, skills and risk - European Economic Assocation, Amsterdam, August 25-27 2005: Wage compensation for earnings risk under heterogeneity, with P.Berkhout and D. Webbink 6. Invited Lectures and seminars - Université de Namur, Belgium, 1975, 1978 (Prof. L. Gevers) - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1978 (Prof. A. Merkies) - Werkgroep Inkomen en Beloning, October 1979, May 1984 - Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (2x), 1982 (Dr. Maks, drs. De Neubourg) - Ministerie van CRM, directie Bijstand, 1982 - Tilburgse Econometristendag, 1982 - Studiedag Nederlands Genootschap voor Sociale Zekerheid en de Nederlandse vereniging voor Onderzoek van Arbeidsverhoudingen, Zoetermeer 1983 - Universiteit van Antwerpen, (UFSIA), with J. Theeuwes, 1983 - Labour allocation and the earnings function, Université de Namur, Belgium, February 1984 - Symposium Onderwijseconomie, May 1984, Tilburg - Inleiding Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Conferentie Akademie Mens- Arbeid, Tilburg, November 1984 - Voorjaarssymposium Instituut voor Onderzoek van Overheids uitgaven: Onderwijs en Bestuur; wat valt te leren? Den Haag, 10 mei 1985 - 'De relatie tussen arbeidsmarkt en sociale zekerheid', kursus Bedrijfsgezondheidszorg UvA-VU, March 1985, February 1986, February 1987, February 1988, January 1989 - Conferentie Nederland in de overgang, Media-Werkgroep, Noordwijkerhout 6-7 maart 1986: Inkomens in de jaren negentig: oude en nieuwe ongelijkheden. - Labour Economics Workshop, University of Western Ontario, London, Ont., Canada, 11 july 1986 - Arhus Business School, Denmark, september 25, 1986 - University of Arhus, Denmark, september 26, 1986 - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, december 4, 1986 - Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, Maastricht: december 15, 1986 - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam: December 1986 - Universiteit van Antwerpen (UFSIA), March 6, 1987 (with J. Theeuwes) - Kadercursus FNV, Bentveld, March 13, 1987 - Intermediair Seminar Bedrijfsopleidingen, chairman, May 7, 1987 - World Bank, Human Resources and Welfare Division, July 1988 - EHSAL, Brussel, October 1989, November 1990, April 1992, March 1993 - University of Stockholm, February 1990 - Arbetslivscentrum, Stockholm, February 1990
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, February 1991 - Universidade Nova, Lisboa, November 1991 - VSB Masterclass Unemployment, Den Haag, December 1991 (with J. Theeuwes) - SELAPO, University of Munchen, December 1991 - Charles University, Prague, March 1992 - FIEF, Stockholm, December 1993 - Universidada Nova de Lisboa, April 1994 - Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, May 1994 - Summerschool on Income Distribution, Bar-Ilan University Tel Aviv, July 1994 - Summerschool Ermes-Université de Paris, September 1994 - NIAS Wassenaar, 'Trends in Scholarship', November 1994 - Management Federation Nagoya, Japan, July 19, 1995 - Osaka Economists Meeting, July 28, 1995 - Economic Research Center, Nagoya University, July 25, 1995 - Gastcollege EHSAL Brussel, December 15, 1995 - gasthoogleraar Economic Research Center, School of Economics, Nagoya University (Japan), June 18 - September 17, 1995 - EUR, February 5, 1995: opening seminar 40th seminar series (Corporatism and wages) - University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, April 17, 1996 - Southern Methodist University, Dallas, April 18, 1996 - Center for Social and Labour Market Studies, Arhus, July 1, 1996 - Hogeschool West-Brabant, Breda, Convocation Speech, September 4, 1996 ("Leer mij ze kennen, die Brabanders") - Challenging neighbours, rethinking German and Dutch economic institutions, conference organised by Ministry of Economic Affairs and CPB, Düsseldorf, September 10-11, 1997, comments on "The labor market and education" - Economic Council of Sweden, Stockholm (Ministry of Finance), October 6, 1997: "So, what's so special about the Dutch model?" - Kring van Amsterdamse Economen, Dies December 19, 1997: Wat is er zo bijzonder aan het poldermodel? - Hoe sterk is LSD?, Collegereeks 1998, Nationaal vakbondsmuseum, February 5, 1998 - On human capital, University of Colombo, Department of Economics, March 10, 1998 - Labour market institutions and labour market performance, University of Colombo- ISS project, March 11, 1998 - Human capital, informal meeting of OECD Ministers of Education, Catshuis (Prime-Minister's residence), The Hague, June 12, 1998 - Veranderingen in de beloningsverhoudingen, symposium Nationaal Vakbondsmuseum, 11 februari 1999 - Europa na de Euro, seminar EHSAL on the occasion of the initiation of the Hubert Detremmerie Chair by EU Comissionar Pádraig Flynn, Bruxelles, March 11, 1999
- University of Wisconsin at Madison, University lecture, March 30,1999: - Corporatism and labour market performance: can the Dutch model be exported? - State University of New York at Albany, April 5, 1999: - Wages and the bargaining regime in a corporatist setting: the Netherlands - IZA, Bonn, July 6 1999: Risk compensation in wages - Summerschool San Sebastian, July 22-24: Human capital: a tool for analysis - Selapo, Universität München, July 27: Risk compensation in wages - University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, Oct 8 , 1999, Labour market institutions and economic performance, Oct 15, 1999, Wage compensation for earnings risk - University of Auckland, New Zealand Oct 22, 1999, Wage compensation for earnings risk - Australian National University, Canberra Nov 16, 1999, Wage compensation for earnings risk - Kortenhoef, Nescio lezing, February 20, 2000: Economie sans gene - Hannover, September 5, 2000 (Ways and means of increasing employment) - The Dutch way: from trough to top in two decades - Athens, October 2, 2000 (Dutch embassy Seminar) - The Dutch Polder Model - European University Institute, Fiesole, October 15, 2000 Risk compensation in wages? - Helsinki, Ministry of Finance, November 24-25, 2000 (Labour market institutions and employment) Uphill: the Dutch way out of unemployment - The Hague, Ministry of Finance, February 7, 2001 (Policies on migrants) Comments on presentation by George Borjas, Harvard - Lisbon, Universidade Nova, March 23, 2001 : Risk compensation in wages ? - Athens, Athens University of Economics and Business, May 11, 2001 Risk compensation in wages? - Amsterdam, De Nederlandse ArbeidsmarktDag, April 23, 2002: Plenaire Inleiding immigratie - Mannheim, ZEW Summer School, May 16-18, 2002: Human capital and risk - Amsterdam, KNAW, June 17, 2002, Themamiddag migratie: Economische aspecten van internationale migratie - Amsterdam, AIAS, September 2, 2002: Summer School Human capital theory - Nijmegen, LUX, October 14, 2002 Voor- en nadelen van immigratie - University of Texas at Dallas, January 9, 2003 Reflections on risk in human capital - University of Aarhus, Project Education as a risky asset, April 2003 How risky is investment in human capital?
Université de Lyon, September 29, 2003 Risk compensation in wages Tilburg University, Immigration workshop, October 23, 2003 Effects of immigrants on native wages UC Santa Barbara, January 14, 2004 Do wages really compensate for risk aversion and skewness affection? Studentenvereniging Economische Faculteit EUR, February 4, 2004: Economische effecten van immigratie KNAW (Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences), Afdeling Letterkunde, February 9, 2004: Schooling as a risky investment Vaste commissie OCW en NWO, Nieuwspoort (“Soeplezing”), March 16, 2004: Immigranten, zorg of zegen? University of Aarhus, March 29, 2004 Do wages really compensate for risk aversion and skewness affection?
- CBS symposium, April 2, 2004: Baanbrekende levenslopen; Arbeidsmarktdynamiek in Nederland -
- Een longitudinaal bestand van immigranten Symposium Studentenvereniging St Olof, Tilburg: Arbeidsmigratie Universität Konstanz, January 12, 2005: Risk compensation in wages LoWER Annual Conference, Mannheim, April 16, 2005; Skilling immigrants, keynote speech WODC Lunch lezing, Ministerie van Justitie, May 18, 2005 Wat weten economen over immigratie? Peking University, September 7 and 14, 2005: Education and risk Beijing Normal University, September 20, 2005 Recent developments in labour market research
7. Research project advisory boards - member advisory committee, 'De kwalitatieve structuur van de werkgelegenheid 1960, 1971, 1977' (on quality of work), NPAO - member advisory committee 'Evaluatie NPAO' - advisor on 'Arbeidsmarkt allocatie en beloning' (labor allocation and wages), NPAO - member advisory committee 'De waarde van huishoudelijk werk'(on the value of household work), SWOKA - chairman advisory committee 'De vraag naar hoger onderwijs' (Demand for higher education), Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen, KU Nijmegen, 1990
- member, 'commissie Ontwikkeling en Onderzoek', Raad voor de Arbeidsmarkt, Sociaal-Economische Raad, 1983-1985 - member Klankbordgroep CSHOB, 1987-1992 - chairman, 'Openbaarheid databestanden', SISWO, 1987 - chairman, Commissie voor Advies Fonds Maatschappijgericht Onderzoek, UvA, 1990-1996 - member Scientific Council SWOV-VU, 1991-1993 - member Wetenschappelijke Raad van Advies SEO, 1997 (?) – present - member Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad IMES, 2001 (?) - member Wetenschappelijke Advies raad AIAS, ? member Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad Evaluatie Arbeidsmarktprogramma’s, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken, 2005 8. Ph.D supervision ('promotor') (31) - G. Evers en A. van der Veen, Pendel, migratie en arbeidsmarkt-participatie, with Prof. A. Kapteyn, Tilburg, May 1986 - H. van de Stadt, The dynamics of income and welfare, June 1988 (with Prof. A. Kapteyn) - H. van Ophem, Theoretical and empirical studies on job mobility, May 1989 - R. van Eck and B. Kazimier, Zwarte arbeid, een empirische en methodologische studie, October 1989, with Prof. P. Venekamp - J.W. de Beus, Markt, democratie en vrijheid, December 1989, with Prof. A.J. Vermaat - F. de Braekeleer, Ramseynorm en regulering van elektriciteitstarieven in Nederland en België, December 1990 - J.P. Elhorst, De inkomensvorming en de inkomensverdeling in de Nederlandse landbouw verklaard vanuit de huishoudproduktietheorie, December 1990, with Prof. J. de Veer - C.N. Teulings, Conjunctuur en kwalificatie, May 1991, with Prof. J.S. Cramer - H. Oosterbeek, Essays on human capital theory, January 1992 (cum laude) - W. Groot, Essays on unemployment and education, May 1992 - H.A. Pott-Buter, Facts and fairy tales about female labor, family and fertility, September 1993, with Prof. S. Gustafsson - P. Kee, The economic status of male immigrants in the Netherlands, October 1993 - E. Mekkelholt, Een sequentiële analyse van de baanmobiliteit in Nederland, October 1993 - H. Maassen van den Brink, Female Labor supply, child care and marital conflict, June 1994, with Prof. S. Gustafsson - M.P. Pradhan, Labour supply in urban areas of Bolivia, October 1994 (KUB), with prof. A. Kapteyn and Dr. A. van Soest. - F.P. van Tulder, Van misdaad tot straf, October 1994
- R. Haagsma, Microeconomic models of gender discrimination in labour markets with asymmetric information, November 27, 1995, with prof. H.N. Weddepohl - J.E. van den Berg, Trade Union growth and decline in the Netherlands, November 29, 1995 - C.M. van Praag, Determinants of succesful entrepreneurship, February, 1996, with J.S. Cramer - K.G. Verhage en W.P. Leunis, Arbeidsrekeningen, Kern van het statistisch systeem over arbeid, April 1996 - C.K. Folkertsma, On equivalence scales, June 1996, with J.G. Odink - M. van der Ende, On the values of jobs and specific training, June 1997, with C.N. Teulings - J.A. Cabral Vieira, The evolution of wage structures in Portugal 1982-1992, April 1999 - A. Ranasinghe, A pearl of great price, the free education system of Sri Lanka, September 1999 - D. Webbink, Student decisions and consequences, September 1999 - B. van den Cruyce, Statistische discriminatie van allochtonen op jobmarkten met rigide lonen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, April 2000, with E. Schokkaert - P.T. de Beer, Over werken in de postindustriële samenleving, June 2001, with C. J.M. Schuyt - N. Jonker, Job performance and career prospects of auditors, June 2001, with J.C. van Ophem - A. Zorlu, Absorption of immigrants in European labour markets,, May 2002, with R. Penninx - J. Levin, Essays in the economics of education, October 2002, with H. Oosterbeek 9. Invited external member dissertation committees (outside Universiteit van Amsterdam) -
A.Hagenaars, RULei D.Kodde, EUR H.Jacobs, EUR Grip, VU J.J.Schippers, RUU G.A. Pfann, RUL A. van Soest, KUB L. Aarts, EUR Ph. de Jong, EUR L. van der Laan, EUR G. Renes, RUL C. Gorter, VU N. van der Sar, EUR L. Broersma, VU
, June 1985 (Prof. Van Praag) , June 1985 (Prof. Ritzen) , December 1985 (Prof. Zuidema) , April 1986 (prof.Knol, referent) , October 1987 (Prof. Nieuwenburg) , June 1989 (Prof. Nieuwenburg) , February 1990 (Prof. Kapteyn) , November 1990 (Prof. Van Praag) , November 1990 (Prof. Van Praag) , February 1991 (Prof. Van der Knaap) , June 1991 (Prof. Theeuwes) , September 1991 (Prof. Nijkamp) , November 1991 (Prof. Van Praag) , February 1992 (Prof. Bierens)
M. Meesters, UvA , May 1992 (Prof. Dronkers) A. van Witteloostuin, RULi , September 1992 (Prof. Maks) H. Vijlbrief,VU , October 1992 (Prof. Den Butter) G. Hebbink, EUR , October 1992 (Prof. Siebrand) P. de Vries, TU Twente , December 1992 (Prof. Boorsma) S. van der Ploeg, KUB , February 1993 (Prof. Dronkers) W. Niessing, EUR , June 1993 (Prof. Van Praag, Dr. Veenman) L. Borghans, RULi , September 1993 (Prof. Heijke, Prof. Palm) S. Ackum, Uppsala , December 1993 (Prof. Holmlund) R. van de Wijngaert,VU, September 1994 (Prof. Den Butter) E. Eggink, EUR , November 1994 (Prof. Van Praag) J. van Ommeren, VU , October 1996 (Prof. Rietveld, Prof. Nijkamp) J.P. van den Toren, RULei, November 1996 (Prof. Theeuwes) M. Vink, TU Twente , November 1997 (Prof. Boorsma) M. Schramm, KUN, , April 1999 (Prof. de Jong) E. Bardasi, EUI Fiesole, October 2000 (Prof. Micklewright) L. Diaz Serano, Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona, February 2001 (Prof. Calonge) F. de Lima, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, March, 2001 (Prof Pereira) S. Groeneveld, EUR , September 2002 (Prof. Veenman) J. Dohmen, Maastricht , May 2003 (Prof. Pfann) B. Kriechel, Maastricht, November 2003 (Prof. Pfann) A. Dupuy, Maastricht, March 26 2004 (Prof. Heijke) 10. Referee
- Referee for European Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Economics of Education Review, American Economic Review, National Science Foundation (USA), Economic Journal, Social Science Research Council (UK.), International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Literature, European Journal of Political Economy, Applied Econometrics, Economica, Oxford Economic Papers, Wheatsheaf Books, Ltd., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Wolters-Noordhoff, Elsevier Publishers, NWO (Netherlands Science Foundation), KNAW (Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences), Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch, Managerial and Decision Economics, Journal of Public Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Labor Economics, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, De Economist, - external tenure referee for: SUNY Binghamton, UC (Irvine), University of Texas at Dallas, Bar-Ilan University 11. Professional activities - chairman, Commissie Werkgemeenschap Micro-economie, 1983-1986 - member, 'Ad hoc commissie Voorwaardelijke Financiering KNAW', 1985 - member, bestuur ECOZOEK, 1987-1990
- member, Verkenningscommissie Inkomensontwikkeling en Collectieve Voorzieningen, NESTOR, 1989-1990 - member, Arbeidsstatistieken, subcommissie Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek, CBS, 1990-1993 - board member, Hennipman Stichting, 1986-1994 - member Commissie Leerwegen, Ministerie van Onderwijs, 1995 - member SGW Selection Committee on Research Funding, 1997 12. Other - organizor, International Symposium on Panel data and Labour market studies, Amsterdam, December 1988, with J.J.M. Theeuwes - organizor, NIAS Project on Comparing Labour Markets, 1990-1991 (including an international workshop), with J.J.M. Theeuwes - organizor conference on Labour market institutions and contracts, European University Institute, Florence, May 1993, sponsered by the EC's SPES program, with J.J.M. Theeuwes - founder and editor of Labour Economics, an international journal, (NorthHolland), with J.J.M. Theeuwes, 1994 -1999 - member editorial board, Labour Economics, 1999 - member, selection committee Fulbright Scholarships, 1992-1993 - member editorial board, European Economic Review, 1991-1996 - member editorial board, Economics of Education Review, 1999- columnist TROUW, a national newspaper, 1988-2000 - member, advisory committee on schooling routes ('Commissie Leerwegen'), Ministerie van Onderwijs en Wetenschappen, 1994 - member editorial board, Journal of Pay and Reward Management (from inception till death, 1994-1996) - member, jury Koninklijke/Shell Prijs, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, 1994 - member Selection Committee, Nederland-Amerika Instituut, 1995 - initiator ESB Special: "Een halve eeuw Theeuwes", 1995 - member, jury Cornelis Ruijgrok Prijs, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, 1997 - board member "Stichting Stimulans" (foundation for job creation), 19962001 - organisor, conference "Corporatism or competition", Tinbergen Institute, May 14-16, 1998, with C. Teulings - Organisor, Conference in honour of B.M.S. van Praag, Measuring welfare and well-being, Tinbergen Institute, August 25-26, 2001, with A. Ferrer-iCarbonell, J. Theeuwes and P. Wakker - Organisor, Conference Assignment and matching models in economics, Tinbergen Institute/KNAW, December 14-16, 2000/01(?), with G. van den Berg, P. Gautier and C. Teulings - member, jury Cornelis Ruijgrok Prijs, Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, 2001 - Columnist GPD, since January 2002
member, jury Christiaan Huygens Wetenschapsprijs 2005, KNAW
13. Research grants and contract research - NPAO, 1981: Brabant-survey - Ministerie van Sociale Zaken, Effects of wage Policy (K. Molenaar), 1981 - SVO: Non-graduation (G. Pfann) - OSA: Mobility (E. Mekkelholt), Allocation (G. Pfann, M. Visser) - ZWO/NWO: Mobility (H. van Ophem), Ethnic minorities (P. Kee), Bolivian Labor Market (Pradhan) - Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid: Effects of schooling and training (W. Groot) - European Commission SPES program, Labour market institutions and contracts (with J. Theeuwes), 1990 - Council of Europe, Vocational integration and re-integration (with W. Groot and J. Theeuwes), 1993 - Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Wages and Labour market flexibility in the Netherlands, with C. Teulings, 1992-1994 - Advisor, 'Committee Minorities' (Commissie Van der Zwan), 1994 - OSA, Mandatory extension, with C. Teulings and R. Freeman (Harvard) - NWO Pionier Project "Scholing, arbeidsmarkt en economische ontwikkeling", Dfl 7 000 000 for 7 years, with D. Mellenbergh, H. Maassen van den Brink & W. Groot - EC program: PURE (Public funding and private returns), administered by Rita Asplund, Helsinki - World Bank, Entrepreneurship, with C.M. van Praag, $ 70,000, 2002/3 - Ministerie van Financiën, Immigranten, asielzoekers (A.Zorlu, Feb-May 2003 - Danish Research Council, partner in a project on Analyzing human capital as a financial investment, Arhus Business School (Helena Skyt Nielsen) 14. Teaching Since 1981, Micro-economics (introductory, intermediate and advanced) and labour economics (intermediate and advanced). Specialised courses for BOFEB (civil servants program), AIAS (Master in labour economics), NAKE (Ph. D. program). 15. Prizes and honours -
elected member, Hollandsche Maatschappij van Wetenschappen ( 1992) elected member, Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (2001) - rated among the “best teachers”, NAKE courses 2000-2001, jointly with Coen Teulings
16. Administration Director of Research, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1998- 2004 (RESAM/ Economics only, since January 2002) Vice-Dean, Faculty of Economics and Econometrics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2003- 2004 Member, Board of the Tinbergen Institute, 1998- 2004 Member Board AIAS, since its foundation Chairman Plaatsing Advies Commissie, EUR, October-December 2004 17. Consulting Deloitte & Touche, Belgium, 2000-2001: Financing education ("Objectiveerbare verschillen") A.J. de Geus, Minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, WTV/WW als arbeidsmarktinstrument, June 24, 2003 Raad voor Werk en Inkomen, November 2004