2016/2017 Issue 18
Editor: Angelica Cvetkovic
A Note from the Head Teacher
Greeting to the SEK Community! I am pleased to share with you Issue 18 of our SEK Budapest Newsletter. I hope that this will be a colourful and entertaining reading as it features photographs from our traditional SEK Budapest Carnival, Valentine's Day Celebration, Grandparent's Day, and many other fun and enriching activities that our student body has taken part in recently. I will also take a chance to highlight that we are proud to say that this year SEK Budapest will be participating in the Green Week Costa Rica program for the first time! We also eagerly await the arrival of our students visiting us from Grantham Preparatory International School, next week. And we have started the preparations for the Sports InterSEK 2017. These are all programs that not only reflect the truly international profile of our great Institution, but also serve to enrich generations and generations of our students through the fostering of understanding, coexistence, and solidarity, in
turn creating world citizens! TO BE BETTER
Kind Regards, Ms. Gabriella Gidró Head Teacher
We invite you to follow us on Facebook and visit our website!
Calendar 16 Feb IB Admission Test for Prospective Students 21 Feb InterSEK Interest Meeting 15:00 23 Feb History Alive 24 Feb 5th Closing Grades 08 Mar Open Day 14 Mar Memorial Day 20 Mar Spring SEK Budapest Marathon SEK Green Week (Costa Rica): February 27 - March 3 For more information check: http://greenweek.sekcostarica.com/
OPINION SECTION SEK Budapest Participates in Green Week Costa Rica for the First Time!
Just a few days and we’re off! Mr. Nicholas, four fellow students and I are all excited about leaving for Costa Rica next Friday for the SEK Green Week 2017. I’ve read every single description which is available online about Costa Rica, and I’ve also bought the National Geographic tour guide to the country. This is the first time that I’ve been given a chance to travel to the Caribbean. What I know for sure is that this program has been popular among SEK schools. We’re staying with host families, and we’re going to be able to discover the wonders of nature every day. We’re also preparing for an adventure tour in different places such as near a volcano which is still active, in a cave, on a white sandy beach and a rope bridge. We’re also excited about going on a boat tour among crocodiles and rafting in wild water – all this surrounded by one of the most biodiverse places on earth with exotic flora and fauna! The whole week’s program sounds like a fantastic experience! Our journey from Budapest will be long; we’ll be leaving from Budapest for San Jose and we’re going to welcome the summer in our winter coats. I think it’ll feel strange to pack shorts, bathing suits, flipflops, suncream and insect repellent in February. I hope that I’ll be able to benefit from what I’ve learnt in my photography course and take awesome pictures about the scenery. Just to be on the safe side, I’ve already set the equipment. I can’t wait to meet all the other SEK students because it’s going to be fun to get to know them all and hear about their lives, cultures and opinions. I must admit it’s getting more and more difficult to concentrate on my studies as my thoughts are already on the plane to Costa Rica. I’m sure it’ll be an unforgettable experience. Hi, Costa Rica, here we come! Viktor Weisz 11IB Student
FEATURES Student Focus Lidia and Ema Latincic ‐ Ice Skating Champions
Emma and Lidia Lantincic have been students at SEK Budapest since Grade 1. Currently Lidia is a hard working 9th grader, thinking about her future in the IB Programme and diligently preparing for it. She is also an active member of the Student Council. Her sister Emma, is now in Grade 8 and a a bright role model to her peers, always ready to help with a smile on her face. Apart from that the sisters are dedicated sportswomen, and proud National Champions in Ice Skating. "We are National Champions and we are so happy that all our hard work is finally paying off. We can't wait to go to International Championships in Austria and the Chzech Republic." Congratulations girls, we are proud of you!
Teacher Focus: Grade 10 Students Interview Ms. Zhao IB Chinese Language Teacher In SEK Budapest, the students enrolling in the IB Diploma Programme have the option to choose three different languages as their first language (Language A) subject. These three languages include: English, Hungarian, and Chinese. English is a popular choice among international students in our school, as well as Hungarian, that is usually chosen by its native speakers. However, Chinese is a relatively new option as the number of Chinese students is increasing. In the following interview, our Chinese Language A teacher, Ms Zhao, answered a few questions about the diploma programme. For the sake of simplicity, the
interviewers are represented by an ‘I’ and the teacher is represented by a ‘T’.
I: First, let us wish you a happy new year. T: 乐! (Happy New Year!) I: We will work on our Chinese with our helpful classmates, but until then let’s start with the questions. I: Where are you from? Which part of the country? T: I’m from China, the Long Jiang Province. I: How do you like Hungary? T: I love Hungary. It’s a very beautiful country with nice people. I: Is this your first year teaching in our school? T: Yes, it is my first year teaching in SEK Budapest, however, I have been teaching as a Chinese teacher in Hungary for a few years now, but now I am a Chinese Language A teacher in the IB programme. I: What made you become a Chinese IB teacher? T: When I was young, I wanted to be a teacher. I worked very hard and finally achieved my dream. Later on, I came to Hungary and kept working as a Chinese language teacher for seventeen years. My love for teaching pushes me to challenge myself, so I became an IB Chinese teacher. I: What do you think are the main differences between Chinese education and the education in our school? Which do you prefer and why? T: The current Chinese textbooks I am using as an IB teacher are very different than the traditional ones. To put it in simple words, the traditional Chinese textbooks are based on basic language knowledge, grammar, reading comprehension, and writing ability. On the other hand, the IB textbooks are focused on literature. I would say that the purpose of the education in the IB is different. I: Do you think it is a good idea for nonChinese students to start learning Chinese? T: Languages are tools used to learn about different ethnic groups’ traditions and customs. Learning a new language or not depends entirely on your interest and curiosity. ‘Interest is the best teacher’ is a Chinese saying. If you have enough interest to learn language, you will have the power to learn it. Of course, power of will is not enough since it isn’t easy to familiarize yourself with Chinese characters. You need to spend at least two or three years to learn the most basic things. If you only want to learn the minimal to keep a conversation, you may be a good speaker in two years, but you must work hard. I: Do you have some suggestions for the future Chinese IB students? T: You have to know what books you have to read in the twoyear programme. If you have time, you have to “chew”
the books. You need to know how to analyse and criticize literature. You should have your own opinions and viewpoints. You need to do an analysis of the writing in your mind. Getting used to analysing texts is a process, especially in Chinese. So you have to develop some good habits of learning. For example, start thoroughly reading books and make some notes next to each paragraph or idea about your thoughts and opinions. This way you will get used to questioning texts. I: Thank you for answering our questions! T: It was my pleasure! From the interview held with Ms Zhao we could learn a lot of things about Chinese, as the language itself, as well as a Language A subject in the IB diploma programme. As the start of the IB programme is approaching, all tenth graders will have to start thinking about their future. This interview is aimed at all the tenth graders who are considering doing the IB and might be interested in Chinese as Language A subject.
Maria Emma Tucci, Bíborka Balázs, Chen Xiying Amy Grade 10
SPOTLIGHT: InterSEK 2017 - Guadalajara, México
Interest Meeting: Tuesday February 21, 15:00pm
Are you ready for InterSEK 2017? It'll be amazing! * Participation open to students from Grade 7 to 11 * The Sports InterSEK is an event that brings students from 15 different countries together who share a passion for sports and international coexistence
* The main goal of the event is to enrich students' physical and social development as well as strengthen cultural bonds and friendships For More Information Visit: http://intersek2017.sek.net/en/ Promo Video: https://youtu.be/ZwmG8s5fSk0
Please contact the school about fees and participation interest as soon as possible.
CURRENT EVENTS AND NEWS Carnival at SEK Budapest February 14, 2017
Valentine's Day Math Activities February 14, 2017
Valentine's Day, being with the first graders, a math lesson...it is surely a MATCH! The First Graders and the Fifth Graders had an opportunity again to practice basic math skills, and they enjoyed counting and coloring together, this time in as part of the Valentine's Day theme. A great knowledge sharing opportunity for both grades! Ms. Kinga Sloan Mathematics Tacher Grade 5 Tutor
The Student Board Surprises Us on Valentine's Day February 14, 2017
Our dear 2016‐2017 Student Board surprised the SEK Budapest student body, teachers, and staff by organizing a secret Valentine's Day Message Service. The students dressed in pink and red colors and delivered the sweet messaged all around the school in true Cupid fashion!
Grade 6 Students Visualize the Works of Arany János February, 2017
A hatodikosok magyar irodalom órán ebben a tanévben részletesen foglalkoztak a ballada műfajával. Ennek kapcsán került terítékre Arany János örökbecsű alkotása, a Rege a csodaszarvasról. Az osztály tanulói az olvasott és hallott művet vizuálisan is megjelenítették. As part of their Hungarian Literature curriculum our Grade 6 students have learned the characteristics and details of the Ballad as a form of verse. In relation to this class material the students read a famous piece by the Hungarian author Arany János, and created their own visual interpretations of it. Furó József Magyar nyelv és irodalom Tanár Hungarian Langiage and Literature Teacher
Int. Business School, Budapest (IBS) Visits SEK Budapest February 10, 2017
Last Friday February 10 was an important day for our Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. Grade 12 students finished presenting their TOK orals as part of the IB Programme requirement, which the Grade 11 students had the chance to observe, and following this the two oldest classes stayed together for a presentation by two representatives of the International Business School, Budapest (IBS). The presentation covered all the necessary admission information and general aspects of the University. It was an interesting experience, which forms part of SEK Budapest's University preparation sessions for upperclassmen. Angelica Cvetkovic Marketing Assistant
Grade 4 Students Visit the Paks Energy Plant January 25, 2017
A 4. osztály január 25én a Paksi Atomerőműben járt. Az objektum egyedülálló és különleges az országban. Mivel a Környezetismerete (Science) tantárgy egyik témáköre a különböző energiaforrások megismerése a látogatás kifejezetten hasznos volt. A diákok látogatást tettek a Látogatóközpontban és az Atomenergetikai Múzeumban. Mindkét helyen érdekes tárlatvezetés volt, melynek során a gyerekek a korosztályuknak megfelelő magyarázatot kaptak az üzem mindennapjaiba. Megtudhatták hogyan állítja elő az atomerőmű az ország villamosenergia igényének
felét, honnan nyerjük a maradék mennyiséget, miért a Duna mellé épült az erőmű és még sok más, érdekes információt.
Mátyás Szabó Primary School Teacher Grade 4 Tutor
Mathematics Success February 9, 2017
I am proud to announce that our 10th grade team gained the 19th place out of nearly 100 in the Mathematics competition "Bolyai" which was held for all the Hungarian speaking students inside and outside of Hungary! The team members who worked together to reach this nice result are: Tucci Emma Mária, Balázs Bíborka, Kiss Polett, Tianyi Xue. Mathematics is rarely considered a team building opportunity but this competition allows us to see the potential this subject has in creating groups of young thinkers. The result of our students show that our students are indeed between the brightest minds of their generation. We will work hard together to make sure that next year our teams bring us good news again. Ms. Mária Kókai Mathematics Teacher
Team Building in Grade 10 with Ms. Réka February, 2017
Sokszor éri a vád a mai oktatást, hogy túl sokat kell magolni, felesleges adatokat kell a diákoknak megtanulniuk, miközben nem hagyjuk őket gyereknek lenni. Nem így a SEKben. Magyartanárként természetesen elsődleges feladatom, hogy bevezessem őket az irodalom rejtelmes, szép, de néha bizony rögös világába, de számomra tanárnak lenni ennél sokkal többet jelent. Kapcsolatot, hitelességet, nyitottságot, odafigyelést, humort. Azt hiszem, minden tanévben vannak olyan órák, amikor félre lehet tenni a füzeteket, tankönyveket, s nem kell törődnünk mással, csak hogy jól érezzük magunkat. Ilyen volt a 10.b osztály egyik pénteki 7. órája, ahol a csapatépítés szellemében felhőkarcolókat kellett építeniük spagettiből és gumicukorból. Miközben a gyerekek "dolgoztak", izgatottságuk rám is átragadt, s őszintén mondom, hihetetlen örömet okozott látni a csillogó tekintetüket, hallani a sok nevetést, figyelni a ötleteléseiket. Lehet, hogy ezen az órán a verstanról nem sokat tanultunk, de az biztos, hogy mindenki számára sokáig emlékezetes marad ez az 50 perc. Külön szeretnék gratulálni a nyertes csapatnak, akiknek sikerült egy kb 1 mes felhőkarcolót építeniük. Kinnel Christian, Lu Beile Béla, Szabó Benjamin, Tianyi Xue (Milán), Tóth Artúr. Ms. Réka Vereckei Literature Teacher
Mr. Christopher's Science Corner Grade 3 Students Make Slime Grade 3 students engaged in the creation of slime in connection with mixtures of materials in Science Class.
Grade 3 & Tornados Grade 3 students received a close view of how a tornado spins on a small scale. They learned how to make a similar experiment at home.
Grade 4 Students Learn About Sound Grade 4 is studying about sound. They learned how to make a straw give vibrations that make funny sounds.
Ms. Réka's Literature Corner Ebben a hónapban a 10.b egyik házi feladata Csokonai Vitéz Mihály modernizálása volt. Lássuk, hogyan szól, mire asszociálnak mai fiataljaink az anno Lillához írott Tartózkodó kérelemről illetve a Tihanyi Ekhóhoz c. versről. Íme a legjobban sikerült alkotások, melyek által megmutatkozik, hogy minden kiskamaszban egy igazi költő veszett el, s nem is kell olyan sok, hogy megmutassák nekünk kreativitásukat. (Az első vers a Tartózkodó kérelem, a második pedig a Tihanyi Ekhóhoz átirata.) Tucci Mária Emma ‐ Képigény
Lázba hoz a szeretetem Amit irántad érzek. Legyél Te a Nurofenem, Tőled csak ennyit kérek! Szemöldököd toppon van Fantasztikus ez az ív, Alakod is hibátlan Kicsit is látni már gyógyít.
Balázs Bíborka ‐ Csokonai‐átirat Egyedül vok, bőgök, mint egy bébi, Cserbenhagyott a koma; Szövegemet sem figyeli senki, Így tolom én szólóba'. Galád, gonosz egytől egyig, Hadd mondhassam nektek szemtől szemig Minden egyes gondomat. Minden egyes gondomat.
Tedd meg amit szeretnék, Egy szelfi elég lenne. Cserébe ez a szívesség Tuti fix visszamenne.
PreSchool Corner P1 and P2 Students Celebrate Grandparent's Day, Valentine's Day, and Carnival!
This Tuesday February 14th our youngest students, the Preschoolers, had a very special celebration at SEK Budapest. Grandparent’s Day! They welcomed their treasured family members by putting on a performance and inviting all the Grandparents to see what they had been learning over the past few weeks. We had the added bonus of also sharing the day with Carnival and Valentine’s Day so we could really extend the love towards
everyone. Days like these are very valuable to us. We don't only get the chance to spend extra time with our loved ones, but we also use this opportunity to extend our classroom activities to achieve the best day possible for our grandparents. Take a look at some of our activities! Hayden Bryant SEK Budapest Preschool Teacher
Welcome Grandparents!
Mr. Patrick's Art Corner Pisti the Artist "Ez egy festmény másolata, de nem az egész. Szerintem egy híres képről csináltam apa egyik könyvéből. Kenőskrétával rajzoltam."
"This is a copy of a painting, but not the whole picture. I think I drew it from a well known painting, from one of the books my dad showed me. I drew it with pastel crayons."
Kàlloy Molnár Pisti, 4th grade
Next Week's Menu
OUR SEK PEERS AROUND THE WORLD Our Day of Glory Winning the Interschools Spirit Cup
Weeks of hard work and dedication on the part of the high school cheerleaders, culture department and the high schoolers themselves led up to the opening performance at Interschools Sports Day this past Friday. To say that, just before BIS was up to display our opening, the cheerleaders were nervous is a glorious understatement. Nevertheless, the anxiety could not have been more misplaced. Every action mimicked by the students was flawless, and for the first time since competing against other schools – courtesy to Mrs Munroe, our head of culture – we were able to carry out perfect formations that could be seen from across the field at the judging panel. The feeling of pride I as a cheerleader experienced and shared with the others cannot be appropriately emphasised as we finished our performance to great applause and cheers. Every student sitting before us in those stands deserved a standing ovation for their discipline and overwhelming unity. We left that field toward the track feeling inspired to make our mark on the day.
Our pride didn’t end there. Throughout the day, while our athletes were participating in their events, BIS cheered the loudest and proudest of all, screaming their spirit across the track for all to hear. The cheerleaders and a great many helpful students from Year 11 kept returning to initiate the war cries, our exhaustion vanishing in the light of all the enthusiasm and effort our fellow students were putting into their cheering. Though the day was incredibly hot and tiresome, all the students of BIS pulled together as a unit to ensure that every other school and all members of staff present on the day knew who we were and that we were proud to be there spurring on our athletes. I’ve been at Blouberg for nearly five years, and in all this time I haven’t seen our school so eager to cheer for their fellows. The big reveal at the end of the day arrived. The cheerleaders up front waited in anticipation as the winners for the spirit and athletic cup were called out. Our school, in a sign of good sportsmanship, cheered on El Shaddai when they claimed the sports trophy. However, when BIS was called up as the winner of the spirit, we all erupted into one triumphant cry as myself and the other cheerleaders raced to claim our reward. I have never seen more pride on the faces of the teachers and on the faces of our high school; we all screamed ourselves hoarse, the euphoria extremely difficult to describe. Every single person cheering that day contributed to our victory, and I can say with confidence that without their efforts, we would not have received the recognition we did. It was one of the most memorable days in the short and humble history of BIS, and we as the matric class cannot be prouder to have been the ones in our final year when Blouberg claimed their first spirit cup. We’re looking forward to next year’s achievements when it comes to Interschools – hopefully our triumph this year will inspire everyone to gain many more. Keelyn Hart
Visiting My Children's School
Last week, we finished our activity "Day of Coexistence". In it, parents visited the school to have a better idea of what a regular day at SEK is all about. Parents walked the school’s facilities, getting to know the new improvements we have made and the ones coming soon. During this day, the parents visit the classrooms of their children and other units of the school in order to have a more complete idea of the daily school dynamics. After the visit, they enjoyed the menu of the day with their children. Candy Abreu Admissions Director
Contact SEK Budapest International School 1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 131. phone: +36 1 394 29 68
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