Newsletter Bulletin Sekolah Dyatmika
Inside This Issue 1
Note from Ibu Katie
Note from Ibu Ayu & Ibu Aprile
Update from Ibu Nissa
Letter from Ibu Elizabeth
Sport Update
Calendar Update 2010 - 2011
Note from Ibu Katie (Director)
Pengumuman: Terima kasih banyak kepada semua orang yang telah berpartisipasi dalam survei online orangtua siswa mengenai newsletter sekolah. Masukan ini akan membantu kami dalam pengembangan situs web sekolah yang baru.
Kalender: Harap dicatat Selasa, 30 Nov 2010 adalah hari Karnaval Renang SD: pk 7.55 ‐ 9.30 wita bagi Kelas 1, 2 dan 3 pk 10.00 ‐ 12.15 wita bagi Kelas 4, 5 dan 6 Dalam minggu Galungan, ada 3 hari libur yaitu hari Selasa, Rabu dan Kamis. Kita tetap bersekolah seperti biasa pada hari Senin, 6 Desember dan Jumat, 10 Desember 2010. Hari terakhir semester adalah hari Jumat, 17 Desember 2010 tengah hari.
Announcements: Many thanks to everyone who participated in the online survey for parents regarding the newsletter. This feedback is helping us with the new website development. Calendar: Please note Tuesday, Nov 30th is our SD Swimming Carnival, 7:55 to 9:30 classes 1, 2 and 3 and 10:00 to 12:15 for classes 4, 5 and 6! During the Galungan week, there will be 3 days holiday, on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There will be normal school on Monday December 6th and Friday December 10th. Dismissal at the end of the semester will be on Friday December 17th at noon. Ibu Katie
Note from Ibu Ayu & Ibu Aprile SWIMMING CARNIVAL SD ‐ 30 November 2010 Segera – Penting !!! Mohon pastikan Anda memiliki surat yang berisi informasi tentang Swimming Carnival dengan rencana kegiatannya. Dukungan dan partisipasi orang tua sangat kami harapkan untuk memberikan semangat putra‐putri Anda pada acara tersebut. PENGUMPULAN TETRA PAK – 3 Desember 2010 Mengingatkan kembali, program pengumpulan Tetra Pak Periode ke‐2. Silakan kumpulkan Tetra Pak dan tempatkan pada kontener yang telah disiapkan di setiap kelas. Kami terus menunggu pengumpulan Tetra Pak dari Anda. Green Team dan Eco Bali akan melakukan penimbangan Tetra Pak pada Jumat, 3 Desember 2010. SWIMMING CARNIVAL SD – 30th November 2010 URGENT!!! Please make sure you have received the letter regarding the Swimming Carnival and its schedule. Your participation is expected to support your child during the carnival. TETRA PAK COLLECTION – 3rd December 2010 nd Reminder: 2 Tetra Pak Collection. Please collect your Tetra Pak boxes in the container prepared at every classroom. We’re still waiting for more Tetra Pak boxes from you. The Green Team and Eco Bali will weigh them on Friday, 3rd December 2010. Ibu Ayu & Ibu Aprile Garage Sale untuk Membantu Korban Bencana Alam Pada hari Jum’at 12 November yang lalu, sekolah Dyatmika mengadakan kegiataan kemanusiaan yang ditujukan untuk mengumpulkan dana yang akan disalurkan untuk membantu para korban bencana alam di Wasior, Merapi dan Mentawai. Kami mengadakan acara garage sale, yaitu menjual kembali barang‐barang bekas yang masih layak pakai. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan rasa saling membantu dan meningkatkan kepedulian para siswa terhadap mereka yang kurang beruntung. Walaupun waktu persiapannya cukup sempit, namun dengan bantuan dan kerjasama siswa/i baik yang tergabung dalam OSIS maupun tidak, serta dari seluruh staff dan komunitas Dyatmika, acara ini dapat dengan support terselenggara dengan lancar dan sukses. Para siswa/i, orangtua, guru dan staff menyumbangkan barang‐barang milik mereka yang sudah bersama‐sama tidak terpakai namun masih dalam kondisi yang baik untuk dijual kembali di garage sale. Di samping itu, ada pula yang memberikan sumbangannya dalam bentuk uang tunai. Sungguh sebuah kerjasama yang sangat baik untuk membantu sesama. Kita berhasil mengumpulkan Rp. 20.000.000 dari garage sale ini. Sungguh merupakan angka yang di luar dugaan kami! Hal ini tidak akan bisa tercapai tanpa support dan kerjasama dari semua elemen di dalam komunitas sekolah Dyatmika – mulai dari seluruh staff, orangtua murid, serta tentunya para siswa/siswi Dyatmika. Oleh harena itu, saya mewakili kepala sekolah, anggota OSIS sebagai panitia penyelenggara garage sale ini, ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sedalam‐dalamnya atas support dan sumbangan yang telah diberikan untuk para korban bencana alam. Semoga bantuan dari Sekolah Dyatmika ini dapat bermanfaat dan meringankan beban mereka.
Garage Sale to Help the Natural Disaster Victims Last Friday 12th November, Dyatmika School held a charity event to raise funds for the Wasior, Merapi and Mentawai victims in the form of a garage sale. We were selling used stuff which was still in a good condition and/or working properly. Through this event, the school hopes to nurture students’ compassions and cares to people who are less fortunate than them. Despite the limited preparation time, the help and support from Dyatmika OSIS members and other students, staff and community members made the garage sale a big success. Many students, parents, teachers and staff donated their used stuff for sale. There were others who donated cash too. What a wonderful cooperation it was to help others! At the end we managed to collect Rp 20,000,000 from the garage sale—what an unbelievably great amount of money in such little time! This wouldn’t have been achieved without the support and cooperation of all the elements of Dyatmika community members—the principals, staff, parents and students. Therefore, on behalf of the OSIS as the garage sale committee, I’d like to deeply thank you for all the support and donations collected for the natural disaster victims. Hopefully what Dyatmika gives will bring them some comfort. Ibu Nissa (School Counselor and OSIS Coordinator) Laporan Pandangan Mata: Lomba Pidato UPTD Rumah Pintar Kota Denpasar adalah pusat belajar yang dibangun dan dikelola oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk para pelajar dari sekolah negeri dan swasta. Lokasinya yang berada di jalan Kamboja no 6 dilengkapi dengan perpustakaan, ruang multimedia dengan akses internet dan aula pameran. Pusat belajar ini idak hanya menyediakan fasilitas belajar tetapi juga berusaha untuk mengembangkan program/kegiatan yang akan membantu para pelajar untuk lebih kreatif dan inofatif dengan cara mengadakan serangkaian lomba untuk para siswa sekolah menengah. SMA Dyatmika mengikuti lomba Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan mengirim wakilnya I Dewa Gede Kevinda Thobias – Kelas 10. Topik‐topik pidato yang telah ditentukan berhubungan erat dengan pengembangan budaya Bali oleh sebab itu pada hari Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010 Kevinda siap dengan pakaian tradisional Bali dan menyampaikan pidatonya penuh percaya diri. Sikapnya tenang dalam mengutarakan pidato dengan struktur bahasa dan pilihan kata yang tepat, kesalahan kecil yang terjadi tidak menghambat juri dalam memahami isi pidato terbukti saya melihat para juri mengangguk‐anggukkan kepala sebagai tanda sependapat dengan Kevinda. Saya bersyukur karena meskipun Kevinda menjadi peserta terakhir dari 89 anak dia tidak kehilangan semangat. Terlebih lagi dengan dukungan tambahan dari beberapa guru Dyatmika yang menyaksikan penampilannya yaitu: Pak Tito, Ibu Ayu P. dan Pak Dekna maka Kevinda berhasil meraih juara II. Lomba ini merupakan pengalaman pertama Kevinda namun dia bertekat untuk mencoba lagi dan memenangkan juara I pada lomba‐lomba mendatang. Ibu Elizabeth Permatasari
A Speech Contest Report
UPTD Rumah Pintar Kota Denpasar is a study centre built and organized by Indonesian government for students of public and private schools. Its office on jalan Kamboja number 6 is facilitated with a library, a multimedia room with internet access and an exhibition hall. It does not merely provide the supporting infrastructure but it also develops program/activities that would help students to be more creative and innovative by organizing a series of competition for high schools. SMA Dyatmika signed up for its (English) speech contest represented by I Dewa Gede Kevinda Thobias – Grade 10. Topics of the speech associated with Balinese culture preservation therefore, Kevinda was ready with his Balinese costume on Saturday, 30th October 2010 and delivered his seven minutes speech confidently. He was so composed in presenting his ideas using appropriate tenses and dictions, minor errors did not hamper juries from obtaining the content of his speech for I noticed them nodding their heads as a sign of approval to his ideas. Fortunately, being the last contestant of 89 did not lower his courage. In fact, with the additional support from Dyatmika teachers; Pak Tito, Ibu Ayu and Pak Dekna he managed to win the second place. Although it was his first experience competing against other schools, he is determined to give another try and win the first prize next time. Ibu Elizabeth Permatasari
VOLLEYBALL Week 4 BSSA Dyatmika results: 11‐12 Girls def BIS ‘1’ (2‐0) 13‐14 Girls ‘2’ def BIS ‘2’ (2‐1) 11‐12 Girls def BIS ‘2’ (2‐0) 13‐14 Girls ‘2’ def Green (2‐1) 11‐12 Boys ‘1’ def SIS (2‐1) 13‐14 Boys ‘2’ def BIS (2‐1) 13‐14 Boys ‘1’ def Dyatmika ‘2’ (2‐1) 11‐12 Boys ‘2’ lost BIS (2‐1) Wednesday 1st December – BSSA Semi Finals: 11‐12 Girls: Dyatmika v Sunrise @ Dyatmika (3:00pm) 11‐12 Boys: Dyatmika ‘1’ v Sunrise @ Dyatmika (3:00pm) 13‐14 Girls: Dyatmika v ? @ Dyatmika (3:30pm) 13‐14 Boys ‘1’: Dyatmika v ? @ away team school on West side 9‐10 mixed teams will play a 9‐10 volleyball tournament @ BIS v BIS & SIS (3:00pm) Thursday 2nd December – BSSA Senior volleyball tournament The senior volleyball tournament will be held for the first time this year at Dyatmika (1:00 – 4:30pm) in the Sports Hall and Watilan. Around 50 students from Classes 12, 11, 10 and 9 will be involved from Dyatmika. Teams involved: BOYS: Dyatmika 1,2 & 3; BIS 1,2,3 & 4; AIS 1; Canggu 1;Green 1 GIRLS: Dyatmika 1,2 & 3; BIS 1 & 2; AIS 1; Canggu 1; Green 1 The PTFA will be having a bake sale and selling hot dogs and drinks etc. Please come along and support our teams. There will be no parking inside or outside the sports hall area on this day. BASKETBALL The senior basketball team defeated SMA 7 last Saturday in the Bola Basketball League with the 12 top teams in Denpasar. They play at GOR stadium in Denpasar every Saturday. They are currently in 4th place in a league of 12 School club teams!! Well Done Boys! SWIMMING st The SD/Primary swimming carnival will be held on Tuesday 31 November at Taras Ayung swimming pool. 8:00am – 9:45am ‐ Class 1,2 & 3 (students to go direct to pool at 8:00am) 10:00am – 12:30pm – Class 4,5 & 6 ALL students must wear swim costumes! As house points and ribbons are available for all competitors.
Month Week Sunday
Sekolah Dyatmika
30 Swimming Carnival
1 World AIDS Day
7 Islamic New Year
8 Galungan
14 SMP SMA Parent afternoon Parent afternoon
16 17 TK | SD Newsletter reports home Dismissal NOON
18 Senior basketball GOR Stadium Kuningan
25 Senior basketball GOR Stadium
2 BSSA senior volleyball tournament
3 HS reports home TK Assembly
4 Senior basketball GOR Stadium
10 NO TK |SD Assembly
11 Senior basketball GOR Stadium
Christmas Day
10 11 School New Semester Starts