1 Subject Year Level Unit Title Key Concept Related Concepts Global Context Statement of inquiry
Inquiry questions
UNIT Briefing Term 3 Year 8
Autobiography Communication
Bahasa Indonesia 8
Character, form, point of view, Personal and Cultural Expression Autobiography dapat ditulis dalam bentuk karangan fiksi dan non fiksi dengan menggunakan sudut pandang dan bentuk yang berbeda Factual: What is an autobiography? How is an autobiography different from a novel? What is a memoir? What makes an autobiography different from a memoir? Conceptual: Why do people write an autobiography? Why do we write using particular words? How can we write our life story in the form of a novel? Debatable: Can writing help us release our unpleasant memories? Can memoirs influence their readers in a good way? Apakah autobiography hanya menampilkan sisi baik saja atau fakta yang sebenarnya dari karakter yang ditulis? Criterion A ii. identify and explain the effects of the creator’s
choices on an audience iii. justify opinions and ideas, using examples,
explanations and terminology Criterion B ii. organize opinions and ideas in a coherent and logical manner iii. use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitable to the context and intention.
2 Subject Year Level Unit Title Key Concept Related Concepts Global Context Statement of inquiry Inquiry questions Objectives
Criterion C i. produce texts that demonstrate thought,
imagination and sensitivity while exploring and considering new perspectives and ideas arising from personal engagement with the creative process Criterion D i. use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence
structures and forms of expression - use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation Formative Assessment: Students compare apart of two texts, “Laskar Pelangi” and “Ainun Habibie,” by commenting on some parts of the novels in order to find the word choice that affects audience. Summative Assessment: Students write a memoir about a particular event in their life. http://homeworktips.about.com/od/paperassignments/a/auto biography.htm http://www.muradmaulana.com/2014/04/perbedaan-biografidan-autobiografi.html Buku Laskar Pelangi Buku autobiografi Habibi Aiunun
Paper Relief Aesthetics
Visual Art Year 8
Expression Personal and Cultural Expression Personal expression may strengthen the aesthetic value of artworks Factual: What can you do to manipulate paper into 3D form? Conceptual: To what extent does the personal expression impact the artwork? Debatable: Is everyone an artist? Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding i. Demonstrate knowledge of the art form studied, including
concepts, processes, and the use of appropriate language iii. Use acquired knowledge to inform their artwork Criterion B: Developing Skills ii. Demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to create, perform and or present art Criterion C: Thinking Creatively iii. Demostrate the exploration of ideas through the developmental process to a point of realization Criterion D: Responding iii. Evaluate the artwork of self and others. Formative Assessment: - Group discussion paper relief or paper sculpture technique - Peer assessment/ reflection on concepts and ideas presented in the process journal - One on one discussion concerning technical, skill based and conceptual issues with the developing work. - In class critique session Summative Assessment: After you have complied your paper explorations you will use at least 5 of these techniques to create a final paper relief that represents your personal stye or work habits. Assessments
Begin by planning out your composition in your sketchbook. Create at least three sketches that are at least 10 cm wide. The types of techniques that you are planning to use should be apparent in your drawing. After you have come up with an idea that you like, begin creating your final project on the illustration board that you are given. Be careful! Neatness counts. Because you will be using only white paper, every little bit of dirt will show if you are not careful. Wash your hands before beginning to work, as well as several times throughout the course of this project in order to keep it clean. Project requirements:
3&4 Subject Year Level Unit Title Global Context Key Concept Related Concepts Statement of Inquiry Inquiry Questions
Interdisciplinary Objectives
1. •Must contain at least 5 different paper alteration techniques. 2. •The techniques must be used as part of a design or pattern. Projects where it looks like paper was just quickly thrown onto the page without any thought will not be accepted. 3. •The white paper must stay white. Cleanliness counts. http://www.artismessy.org/Art2/Paper_Reliefs.html http://www.bertsimons.nl/portfolio/papersculptures/ http://ingridsiliakus.exto.org/kunstwerken/15740131_Kunst10daagse+Berg en.html http://briandettmer.com/ http://miapearlman.com/images.htm http://www.jenstark.com/ http://www.ferrystaverman.com/ English Language and Literature Individuals and Societies Year 8 The Arts of Speech Personal and Cultural Expression Perspective ELL: Purpose and Audience Imperatives InS: Pattern and Trends, Causality, Disparity and Equity Persuasive texts use language to influence behaviour and decisions towards problems around the world. 1. How can a persuasive text influence behaviour and decisions? 2. Is speech an effective way to persuade people? Criteria A: Disciplinary Grounding Demonstrate relevant disciplinary factual, conceptual and/or procedural knowledge Criteria B: Synthesizing Synthesize disciplinary knowledge to demonstrate interdisciplinary understanding
Criteria C: Communicating C1. Use appropriate strategies to communicate interdisciplinary understanding effectively C2. Document sources
Summative Assessment
Formative Assessments
Content Overview
Criteria D: Reflecting D2. Explain the benefits and limitations of disciplinary and interdisciplianry knowledge in specific situiations Students are to be candidates of the local leader who persuade the people to choose them as the leader. They are expected to make a 5-minute-speech on a certain populationrelated problem and its solutions. Through their speech, they have to be able to persuade the people to choose them by evaluating the effectiveness of the solutions (Criteria A, B, C1, C2 and D2) ELL: 1. Analyzing an advertisement (A.R.E practice) 2. Writing the script for the 1st speech 3. Delivering the 2nd speech InS: 1. Create a population dynamic graph and its explanation (Criteria A1, A2 and D1) 2. Create a report about different strategies to solve a population-related problem (Criteria A2, C2, C3, D1 and D4) 1. Define what a persuasive text is 2. Identify and use steps in preparing and performing public speaking 3. Interpret the population dynamics and explain how the dynamics influence the people and environment 4. Explain population-related problems and factors contributes to the problems 5. Analyze and propose effective solutions to populationrelated problems 6. Use speech as a tool to persuade people
Some 1. Public Speaking Training Part I and II, ‘Middle School Public Resources Used Debate Program’ Teachers Guide, p. 52-56. 2. Argumentation, ‘Middle School Public Debate Program’ Teachers Guide, p. 20-21. 3. On Topic Writing, ‘Middle School Public Debate Program’ Teachers Guide, p. 30-32. 4. Lau, Choon Hoon. "Population." Earth Our Home. By Hiong Li Lim. 2nd ed. Sinagpore: Marshall Cavendish Education, 2010. 10-29. Print. 5 Subject SCIENCE (Physics) Year Level 8 Unit Title Waves around us Key Concept Relationship Related Form Concepts Global Context Scientific and technical innovation Statement of Wave can be felt in many forms in our life inquiry Factual: What are waves? What are the examples of waves in our daily life? What are the properties of waves? What are the amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and speed of a wave? What are the types of wave? Inquiry Conceptual: questions How do waves transfer energy and what are the results of this transfer? How are frequency, wavelength, and speed related?
Debatable: Can music be proven to make you smarter? A. Knowing and understanding • Describe scientific knowledge • Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar
B. inquiring and designing • Describe a problem or a question to be tested by a scientific investigation • Outline a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning • Describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how data will be collected C. processing and evaluating • Present collected and transform data • Interpret data and describe results using scientific reasoning • Discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation • Discuss the validity of the method • Describe improvements or extensions to the method D. Reflecting on the impacts of science • Describe the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue • Discuss and analyze the various implications of using science and its application in solving a specific problem or issue • Apply scientific language effectively • Document the work of others and sources of information used Formative Assessment: - Written test (Criteria A) - Student will make an essay/ Article about the application of wave in daily life (Criteria B) Assessments
Summative Assessment: - Experiment (Criterion C and D) Students will conduct an experiment on pendulum in groups to observe the effect of changing a variable (the weight of the pendulum or the length of the string). The experiment will be conducted on the same length of amplitude.
After they conduct the experiment, students have to make a science report to discuss their experiment result. Library book: Interactive science: Sound and Light Website: • http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practicalphysics/transverse-waves-along-rope • http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-physics/wavesalong-line-students • http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/waves • http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/woodwind.html Video: • Wave introduction : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVyHkV3wIyk&list=PLQzaGk0yxEuWrFyKFvOhhpuM4kd0IJD0 Worksheet : provided by the teacher
6 Subject Year Level Unit Title Key Concept Related Concepts Global Context Statement of inquiry
Inquiry questions
Mathematics 8 Fair Games/Statistics and Probability Relationship Representation, quantity Scientific and Technical Innovation The way that data is collected, organized and represented influences interpretation. Factual: Why is data collected and analyzed? How can predictions be made based on data? Conceptual: - What is cumulative frequency? - How to determine central tendency based on the data? Debatable:How do people use data to influence others? Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
- Select appropriate mathematics when solving problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situation - Apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving problems Criterion C: Communicating - Use different forms of mathematical representation to present information - Organize information using logical structure Criterion D: Applying Mathematics in real-life contexts - select appropriate mathematical strategies when solving authentic real-life situations - Explain whether a solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life situation Formative Assessment: Quiz (Criterion A) For formative assessment, there will be a quiz to assess student’s knowledge and understanding. Students have to answer several questions related to statistics and probability.
Data Analysis(Criterion C and D) Students will be given some cases and data (It could be graphs or data table). From the case, students need to interpret the graphs or make a graphs based on the data given. Students need to determine central tendency of the data. Summative Assessment Fair Games- For summative assessment, students are asked to design and create a game. Students will work in a group. The games should be the type of game that you would play at a carnival or amusement park. It cannot be a game that already exists, the game must be unique. Students must be able to explain the probability of the game. McSeveny, Alan, Rob Conway, Steve Wilkes, Michael Smith. International Mathematics for the Middle Years 3. Melbourne: Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd, 2012.
Lappan, Glenda, James T. Fey, William M. Fitzgerald, Susan N. Friel, Elizabeth Difanis Phillips. 2009. What Do you Expect? Probability and Expected Value. Massachusetts: Person.
7 Subject Year Level Unit Title Key Concept Related Concepts Global Context Statement of inquiry Inquiry questions
Web: http://www.mathworksheets4kids.com Physical Education Year 8 Waterpolo Communication Function, systems personal and cultural expression For a team to function effectively, all team members must communicate efficiently and clearly. Factual — How can team members communicate ? Conceptual — How do we play with others ? Debatable — Do we need to understand each other during gameplay ? Crit A ( Knowing and understanding ) : apply physical and health education knowledge to explain issues and solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations Crit B ( Planning for oerformance ) : design and explain a plan for improving physical performance and health Crit C ( Applying and performing ) : outline and apply information to perform effectively Formative Assessment: Students will have formative about basic Waterpolo techniques ; Passing , Blocking, Swimming with the ball, Shooting, Player positions
Summative Assessment: Crit A : Students design a poster and or power point presentation that describe their understanding about waterpolo. Crit B : Students design a training program to improve their waterpolo skills. Crit C : Students will have 7 aside gameplay with different teammate to perform effectively.
8A Subject Year Level Unit Title Key Concept Related Concepts Global Context Statement of inquiry Inquiry questions Objectives
http://www.waterpoloplanet.com/HTML_Jim_pages/js55_shot _doctor_jim.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/7904694/London2012-Olympics-water-polo-guide.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/7904694/London2012-Olympics-water-polo-guide.html http://www.swimming.org/britishswimming/water-polo/ http://www.waterpoloaustralia.com.au/get-involved/waterpolo-explained/ http://www.easternsaintswaterpolo.com/waterpolo---thegame-and-rules.html PSE 3 Year 8 - Year 10 Quality of Life
How can I increase my quality of life? Factual: Conceptual: Debatable: Strand - Self - Student will identify their personal limits and boundaries
needed for good self-care. - Students will assess the effects of important events, both those can and cannot be controlled, upon quality of life. - Students will find the ways or strategies that reflect their own process of solving personal, interpersonal, and/or situational problems. - Students will demonstrate their ability to handle responsibility. - Students will maintain self-regulation and rational behavior in dealing with emotional conflicts and stress. Formative Assessment: (1) ME for Dummies; students are asked to make a booklet about how to handle themselves. The booklet should include the examples of their reaction in different situations, involving different emotional response. They also have to include how they usually regulate themselves in those different situations. The content of the booklet may vary depend on student’s choice of product. (2) Give Me Responsibility; students are asked to interview different adults in order to gain information about others’ perspective about how they do their responsibilities. They are also going to ask about the possible improvement that they can do in order to improve their sense of responsibility. In their interview report, they are going to reflect on themselves using the information they had from the interview and conclude their strategy to handle responsibilities. Summative Assessment: Student Blog; students are asked to submit all of the tasks during the term in PSE 3 in their blog. Different activities done can be recorded through written reflection, video, pictures, etc. Besides that, students are also required to make at least one blog entry per week about what is going on in their life and their reflection on that situation or event. At the end of their blog, they are going to make a conclusion about their perspective of their quality of life. It represent the progress of their selfawareness, their realization of different resources that they have, the effect of different important events upon their life,
their problem solving strategy, their ability to handle responsibility, and how they maintain self-regulation and rational behavior in dealing with emotional conflicts and stress. Brown, K. W. & Ryan, R. M. (2003) The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and Its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84 (4), 822-848.
8B Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Key Concepts: Inquiry
Diener, E., Oishi, S., and Lucas, R.E. (2003) Personality, culture, and subjective well-being: Emotional and cognitive evaluations of life. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 403423. Gross, J. J. & John, O. P. (2003) Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85 (2), 348-362. Linehan, M. M. (2004) Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Handbook. New York: Guilford Press. Reis, H. T., Sheldon, K.M., Gable, S.H., Roscoe, J., and Ryan, R.M. (2000) Daily well-being: The role of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. PSPB, 26 (4), 419-435. Ryan, R.M. & Deci, E. L. (2000) Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55 (1), 68-78. Ryff, C.D. (1989) Happiness is everything, or is it? Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57 (6), 10691081. Personal Social and Education (PSE) 2 Y8 Relationship Healthy relationships involve values such as respect, safety, support, individuality, fairness, equality, acceptance, honesty, trust, and communication. How can I form healthy relationships with those around me?
a. The students will identify and differentiate between the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy friendships b. The students will evaluate the importance of having friendships with peers and adults c. The students will evaluate their skill in order to maintaining friendships d. The students will identify in love feeling and how it influence their life e. The students will discover the good way in expressing love toward good beliefs and values f. The students will understand dating and its consequencies g. The students will identify respect and responsible behavior in dating Formative Assessment: Interviews This assessment will help students to brainstorm ideas regarding healthy and unhealthy relationships. Students will conduct interviews with three adults, asking the interviewees their definitions of healthy and unhealthy relationships. Following that, students will make a report based on their interview results, reflecting on their personal views and the data they obtain. Summative Assessment: Relationship Values Video Students will create a video on a relationship value (respect, trust, loyalty, tolerance, etc) individually. Students are expected to reflect on their existing relationship, describe how they maintain their relationship, explain their problem and difficulties, and how to overcome it until they can reach conclusion about the values in their relationship. They also demonstrate their knowledge of relationship values and apply these in their daily lives. Life Planning Education, Advocates for Youth, Washington, DC Calm Relationships Lesson 4 Alberta Health Service Building Healthy Teen Relationships Curriculum, Idaho Coalition Project.
9 Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Key Concepts:
Islam religion 8 Sejarah Masuknya Islam di Nusantara Peran negara terhadap Agama Manusia sebagai representasi Tuhan (Khalifah) yang di utus untuk menebarkan kebaikan-kebaikan di muka bumi harus memahami hakikat dirinya, karena siapa saja yang memahami hakikat dirinya maka memahami hakikat Tuhan nya (man arafa nafsahu faqad arafa robbahu). Berkaitan dengan tugastugas sebagai khalifah, maka manusia di tuntut untuk mewujudkan cita-cita besar yaitu sebagai penebar Rahmat di muka bumi. Tentu hal ini akan sedikit banyak melibatkan ruang lingkup yang lebih besar yang dalam hal ini adalah sebuah negara. Falsafah Pancasila telah merangkum sebuah gagasan yang menerjemahkan agama dalam sebuah platform yang menjadi bingkai sebuah bangsa (khalifah dalam skala makro). Sehingga dengan nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalam pancasila semakin mengukuhkan bahwa negara mempunyai peran penting di dalam beragama. Negara mempunyai andil besar di dalam kehidupan beragama setiap warga negara nya. Tanpa adanya peran penting negara maka kehidupan beragama di dalam sebuah wilayah akan mengalami tumpang tindih bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan akan terjadi kekacauan atas nama agama.
Related Concepts:
Asas-asas Pancasila dalam perspektif Islam. ”Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa” adalah sila pertama di dalam butir Pancasila, ini mengindikasikan bahwa Pancasila mengangkat nilai-nilai Tauhid di dalam Islam. Islam sebagai Rahmatan lil alamin tentu akan menjadi penopang dasar di dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang Madani sebagai cerminan negara yang “baldatun toyyibatun wa robbun ghofur”
Pemahaman aqidah yang benar, yang di topang dengan ilmu yang cukup akan menjadi pondasi seseorang untuk tidak berpikir picik di dalam menjalankan segala ritual yang berkaitan dengan peribadatan. Global Context:
Statement of inquiry
Memahami bahwa negara sangat berperan di dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang islami, yang tidak hanya tampak dari sisi penampilan tetapi yang lebih utama bagaimana tercermin dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagaimana yang telah di ajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW (Akhlaqul Karimah). Peran negara dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang Madani, sehingga tercipta negara yang baldatun thoyyibatun wa rabbun ghafur (negara yang baik, yang di ridhoi oleh Allah SWT) َ ﷲ َﻭﺃَﻁِ ﻳﻌُﻭﺍ ﺍﻟﺭﱠ ﺳُﻭ َﻝ َﻭﺃُﻭﻟِﻲ ْﺍﻷَﻣْ ِﺭ ِﻣ ْﻧ ُﻛ ْﻡ َﻓﺈِﻥْ َﺗ َﻧ ﺎﺯﻋْ ُﺗ ْﻡ ﻓِﻲ َ } َﻳﺎ ﺃَ ﱡﻳ َﻬﺎ ﺍﻟﱠﺫ َ ِﻳﻥ ﺁ َﻣ ُﻧﻭﺍ ﺃَﻁِ ﻳﻌُﻭﺍ ﱠ ُﺎہﻠﻟ َﻭ ْﺍﻟ َﻳ ْﻭ ِﻡ ْﺍﻵﺧ ِِﺭ َﺫﻟ َِﻙ َﺧﻳْﺭٌ َﻭﺃَﺣْ َﺳﻥ ِ ﻭﻥ ﱠ َ ُﻭﻝ ﺇِﻥْ ُﻛ ْﻧ ُﺗ ْﻡ ُﺗ ْﺅ ِﻣ ُﻧ ِ َﺷﻲْ ٍء َﻓﺭُ ﱡﺩﻭﻩُ ﺇِﻟَﻰ ﱠ ِ ﷲ َﻭﺍﻟﺭﱠ ﺳ ً َﺗﺄْ ِﻭ [59 :ﻳﻼ{ ]ﺍﻟﻧﺳﺎء "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Rasul (Nya), dan ulil amri di antara kamu. Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapat tentang sesuatu, maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Allah (Al Qur'an) dan Rasul (sunnahnya), jika kamu benar-benar beriman kepada Allah dan hari kemudian. Yang demikian itu lebih utama (bagimu) dan lebih baik akibatnya." Beberapa contoh negara yang di hukum di sebabkan karena hal-hal yang melanggar aturan-aturan Tuhan, sebagaimana yang tertuang di dalam ayat berikut ini : ْ ْ ﺕ ﺁَ ِﻣ َﻧ ًﺔ ﻣ ﺏ ﱠ ْ ﺎﻥ َﻓ َﻛ َﻔ َﺭ ْ ﷲُ َﻣ َﺛ ًﻼ َﻗﺭْ َﻳ ًﺔ َﻛﺎ َﻧ ﺕ َ ﺿ َﺭ َ َﻭ ٍ ُﻁ َﻣ ِﺋ ﱠﻧ ًﺔ َﻳﺄﺗِﻳ َﻬﺎ ِﺭ ْﺯﻗُ َﻬﺎ َﺭ َﻏ ًﺩﺍ ﻣِﻥْ ُﻛ ﱢﻝ َﻣ َﻛ َ ﱠ ﱠ ْ ْ َ ُﻭﻥ َ ﻭﻉ َﻭﺍﻟ َﺧ ْﻭﻑِ ِﺑ َﻣﺎ َﻛﺎ ُﻧﻭﺍ َﻳﺻْ َﻧﻌ َ ﷲ َﻓﺄﺫﺍ َﻗ َﻬﺎ ﷲُ ﻟِ َﺑ ِ ِﺑﺄ َ ْﻧﻌ ُِﻡ ِ ُﺎﺱ ﺍﻟﺟ Dan Allah telah membuat suatu perumpamaan (dengan) sebuah negeri yang dahulunya aman lagi tenteram, rezekinya
datang kepadanya melimpah ruah dari segenap tempat, tetapi (penduduk) nya mengingkari nikmat-nikmat Allah; karena itu Allah merasakan kepada mereka pakaian kelaparan dan ketakutan, disebabkan apa yang selalu mereka perbuat. (16: 112) Hadits-hadits yang Memerintahkan untuk Taat kepada Pemerintah Dari Abdullah bin Umar dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda: » َﻋﻠَﻰ ْﺍﻟ َﻣﺭْ ِء ْﺍﻟﻣُﺳْ ﻠِﻡ ﺍﻟﺳﱠﻣْ ﻊُ َﻭﺍ ﱠ َﻓﺈِﻥْ ﺃُﻣ َِﺭ،ٍ ﺇِ ﱠﻻ ﺃَﻥْ ﻳ ُْﺅ َﻣ َﺭ ِﺑ َﻣﻌْ ﺻِ َﻳﺔ،ﺎﻋ ُﺔ ﻓِﻳ َﻣﺎ ﺃَ َﺣﺏﱠ َﻭ َﻛ ِﺭ َﻩ َ ﻟﻁ ِ « َﻓ َﻼ َﺳﻣْ َﻊ َﻭ َﻻ َﻁﺎ َﻋ َﺔ،ٍِﺑ َﻣﻌْ ﺻِ َﻳﺔ “Wajib bagi setiap muslim untuk mendengar dan taat (kepada sulthan), baik dalam perkara yang dia senangi maupun dia benci, kecuali kalau dia diperintah dalam perkara maksiat, maka dia tidak boleh mendengar maupun taat.” (HR. Bukhari 4/329 Muslim 3/1469)
Inquiry questions:
Factual— Saran anda, apa yang seharusnya negara lakukan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang islami? Mayoritas pemeluk agama di Indonesia adalah beragama Islam, menurut anda apa yang bisa pemerintah lakukan untuk menjaga eksistensi pemeluk-pemeluk agama lain? Sejauh mana negara mampu mengatur masyarakat nya untuk membentuk masyarakat yang Islami? Conceptual— Bagaimana peran negara dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang Islami tanpa harus menggunakan asas-asas Islam (hukum perdata) ? Mengapa negara sangat berperan dalam mewujudkan
masyarakat yang Islami? Debatable—
Pentingkah nilai-nilai dasar pancasila dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang adil dan makmur di tengah kemajemukan masyarakat Indonesia namun secara kwantitas mayoritas beragama Islam? Agama dan Negara Islam hadir sebagai pedoman hidup, namun dalam praktek nya dibutuhkan sebuah perundang-undangan yang harus di taati oleh masyarakatnya. Pancasila adalah nilai-nilai dasar yang mampu mempersatukan ditengah kemajemukan bangsa yang besar ini, yang di dalam nya terkandung prinsip tauhid yang dimiliki setiap agama.
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria: Summative Assessment Look at in learning process. Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry:
10 Subject Year Level Unit Title Key Concept Related Concepts
Setelah siswa mampu memahami peran negara dalam kehidupan beragama maka siswa akan dihadapkan kepada sebuah kewajiban untuk mematuhi segala perundangundangan negara dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Cara-cara untuk mematuhi setiap aktivitas yang ada di dalam sebuah negara dengan cara berakhlaqul karimah. DESIGN 8 Design Materials - Laminated personal adornment Communication Form, Resources
Global Context Identities and relationships Statement of Raw materials can be formed in interesting ways to create inquiry custom-made personal items. Factual — What are the properties of acrylic, health and safety? Inquiry Conceptual — How do design communicate? questions Debatable — Should raw materials be used as a personal items? Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing ii. construct a research plan, which states and prioritizes the primary and secondary research needed to develop a solution to the problem iii. analyse a group of similar products that inspire a solution to the problem
Criterion B: Developing ideas i. Develop a design specification which outlines the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data collected. iii. Present the chosen design and outline the reasons for its selection Criterion C: Creating the solution iii. follow the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended explain changes made to the chosen design and the plan when making the solution. iv. present the solution as a whole
Criterion D: Evaluating i. describe detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate accurate data, to measure the success of the solution. Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing Student will learn on how to do Measuring and marking out, cutting, abrading, assembling, finishing. Along with investigating about acrylic properties.
Criterion B: Developing ideas Develops ideas and creates sketches and paper models of the intended product, gathering feedback from the target market to inform development. Presents a final solution that meets the stated needs Criterion C: Creating the solution Follow the plan to create the acrylic adornment, which functions as intended explain changes made to the chosen design and the plan when making the solution and present the solution as a whole
Criterion D: Evaluating Create a relevant testing method whether the product is functioning as intendedft. Use this information to explain the success of the product, how it could be improved. • Acrylic sheet (various colours), coping saws, acrylic cement, engineering files (pahat dan kikiran), drill bits (bor dan mata bor), silicon carbide paper (400/600 grit) (amplas), plastic polish.