TERM 2 Subject: Year Level:
Humanities Y8
Unit Title: Key Concept:
Population Time, Place and Space; Systems How population changes may contribute to the population welfare and its environment.
Concept Statement: AOI/Unit Question:
Community and Service / Howhas population dynamics influenced the population welfare and its environment?
Summative Assessment:
Students make a letter to a friend to tell him/her how poverty and social stratification has become one of the triggers for populationrelated problems in Indonesia. They have to also include some ideas on how to solve the problems.
Year 8 – Term 2, Semester 1 Subject Year level
Bahasa Indonesia (Language A) 8
Unit title Concept(s)
Filosofi Kopi Form Authors write in different style and readers have their own interpretation about their writing. Human ingenuity/Can life experience influence a writing?
Concept statement AOI/Unit question Assessment Formative Summative
Siswa menulis laporan perbandingan tentang analisa cerpen dari Filosopi Kopi dengan hasil pembicaraan dengan pembaca lain Siswa akan menulis esai dengan menganalisa salah satu cerita pendek dari antologi yang berjudul Filosofi Kopi • appreciate and comment on the language, content, structure, meaning and significance of both familiar and previously unseen ageappropriate oral, written and visual texts • create work that employs organizational structures and languagespecific conventions throughout a variety of text types • use language accurately
TERM 2 Subject: Year Level:
English (Language A) 8
Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: AOI /Unit Question:
Survival of the Fittest How we understand the challenges in our environment will help us to adapt. Time, place and space What does it take to be a survivor? Formative: Students will submit a story board about their play. The story board will center upon the major events in the play, which will include dialogs. Then, with a partner, students will share their story board for peer assessment.
Summative: Students will write a play script about the influence of the settings to character change. They will focus on the four aspects of settings (Place, time, social and economic, and moral and emotional) in order to explore character change. Their play should be about 10 minutes long and has more than two characters.
Don't Drink Too Much by Eitan Loewenstein Stories from the Pound by Eitan Loewenstein 16 in Ten Minutes or Less by Bradley Hayward
Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: AOI /Unit Question:
Summative Assessment:
TERM 2 Islam Religion Year 8 Mukjizat Al-Qur'an Mukjizat Kemukjizatan Al-Qur'an menjadi argumen yang bisa meningkatkan keimanan seseorang dan menjadi salah satu bukti kebenaran AlQur'an. Apa yang membuatmu yakin kalau Al-Qur'an adalah mu'jizat dari Allah. Kriteria B (Fiqh) : Menceritakan pemberitaan ghaib dalam Al-Qur’ an Menjelaskan hikmah dari tokoh-tokoh yang masuk Islam karena mukjizat Al-Qur’an
Kriteria D (Al-Qur'an) : Membaca Al-qur’ an surah Ar-Ruum ayat 1-5 dan surah Yunus ayat 90-92 dengan tartil an surah Ar-Ruum ayat 1-5 dan surah Memahami makna Al-qur’ Yunus ayat 90-92
Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept:
AOI /Unit Question: Assessment:
TERM 2 Catholic Religion Year 8 Sakramen sebagai sarana Allah mendekati manusia Allah masih senantiasa menyertai dan melaksanakan karya keselamatan di tengah umat manusia. Siswa akan mempelajari dan memahami Gereja sebagai tanda dan sarana penyelamatan bagi manusia melalui sakramennya. Dengan mempelajari sakramen-sakramen dalam gereja, siswa diharapakan semakin mendalami dan mengenal dan dapat mengambil peranan secara lebih aktif sebagai warga gereja. Mengapa Allah mendirikan sakramen; Apakah akibat akaibat dari sakramen; Bagaimana cara mendapatkan 'buah-buah' sakramen; Formative : Menyusun pertanyaan mengenai sakrame. Riset mengenai sakramen Sumative : Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru
1. www.katolisitas.org 2. www.imankatolik.or.id 3. www.vatican.va 4. www.ekaristi.org 5. www.carmelia.net
TERM 2 Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: AOI/ Unit Question:
Math Year 8 Beautiful Mind (Algebra and Indices) Key Concept: Development Related Concept: Justification To show and justify how algebra has defined the way we look at math. In what ways has knowledge influenced mathematics? Formative Assessment: Checking algebraic simplification by substitution Algebra Balance Zero and negative indices Summative Assessment: Solving equations using a spread sheet – Students will how to use spread sheets to solve equations. Once they learn they will have to use Excel spread sheet to solve equations. This will show how equations can be used in everyday life. Graphing Linear Equations
https://www.desmos.com/calculator International Mathematics 3 from Pearson
TERM 2 Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: AOI/ Unit Question: Assessment:
P.E Year 8 Basketball Connection Our efforts and commitment to achieve our goals play important in the outcome. How to like Mike ? Students will play and apply tactics, strategies and rules in some more complex performance environments in both individual and group situations. (Assessed on Criteria C). Pendidikan Jasmani VIII http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOcXA1S_VPI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNM8e4qReno www.pecentral.com
Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: Related Concept: AOI /Unit Question: Assessment: Resources
TERM 2 THEATRE Year 8 International Script Writing Form, Function Students learn about the form of script that applied in the theatre industry and they can apply their understanding about the format in their own script of play. Boundaries, Composition, Structure What is the international standard of script? Draft of script for student's own play - Formative Final Script with details of music for student's own play - Summative Screen Play Format Sample www.oscars.org/awards/nicholl/scriptsample.pdf