TERM 2 Subject: Year Level:
Humanities Y7
Unit Title: Key Concept:
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Change; Systems Innovation and creativity in a business planning can give impacts to the people and environment.
Concept Statement: AOI/Unit Question:
Human Ingenuity /To what extent is it possible to make a profit without exploiting people or the environment?
Proposed outside learning activities (field trip)
1. Inviting guest speakers (entrepreneurs) Visiting POCARI SWEAT company in Sukabumi for their summative assessment investigation
Summative Assessment:
Students make a magazine article about a company profile. They conduct an interview and have an observation to find information about the reason why the owner builds the company, strategies they do to make their product known, the obstacles faced and the solutions used to overcome them, the impact of the company to the people and environment around.
TERM 2 Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: Related Concept: AOI /Unit Question: Summative Assessment:
Mathematics 7 Health (Sets & Probability) Access to education has been undergoing some changes, and these are due to several factors Communication Statistics & Probability How healthy are you? Health : Making a health journal (brochure) consists the application of statistics and probability about health community, also the strategies to maintain healthy lifestyle. The brochure is used to encourage the awareness from society of their lifestyle.
Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: AOI Unit Question: Assessment: Resources
TERM 2 Bahasa Indonesia Year 7 Nuclear Family Relationship Authors may rewrite a story based on their understanding and interpretation. Why do people create and recreate? In the form of a short story, students write a 600-800 words of different version of the novel, Tanah Air Beta, focusing on the plot and the setting (Criteria A,B and C). Novel of Tanah Air Beta by Sefryana Khairil.
Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept:
AOI /Unit Question: Assessment:
TERM 2 CHRISTIAN RELIGION Year 7 God Continous To Work Faith and Believe, Grateful, Love Students learn about the God who works until today ini many ways. God works through birth, illness and healing, and also death. After created the universe, God does not stop working, He continued to work until today. He did all because He loves humans. In this topic, students will describe how does God works through birth, illness and healing, and also death. How does God works until today in many things? Students will make a power point about God who continues to work in our lives and presenting it. 1. Christian Education (Teacher Handbook) Year 7, made by BPK Gunung Mulia - PGI 2. Bible, made by LAI 3. www.sabda.org
Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: AOI/ Unit Question:
TERM 2 English Year 7 Watch out! (The valley of fear) Key Concept: Logic Related Concept: Audience Language changes its structure depending on purpose and audience Who did it? Formative Assessment: Crime scene investigation – (Individual report) (Group Presentation) Students will be put into two teams (defensive and prosecutor). Both teams will be given 45min class period to investigate the crime scene. There will be two fake chalk marks on the ground representing dead bodies. They will have to use detective skill’s to search the crime scene for clues. After they have finished the investigation (crime scene photo analyses, reading letters and so on) they will then have to create an informative report to present to the teacher on what happened at the crime scene and who they think did it. This will later lead to the summative court. (Criterion A and D) Summative Assessment Court – Students will be acting like they will convict the person they believe did the crime. They will present informative reports created by their team of experts (Students) and try to convince the jury that the person either did it or didn’t. This will also show their great communication skills because students will have to take part as an expert or lawyer.
The valley of fear Grammar Videos and Information packs
Subject: Year Level:
TERM 2 Islam Religion Year 7
Unit Title: Significant Concept:
Shalat Konsep : Syukur, disiplin
Bahwa ibadah shalat merupakan bentuk rasa syukur sekaligus kebutuhan manusia, karenanya perlu dilakukan sesuai dengan tuntunan agama..
AOI /Unit Question:
Shalat yang bagaimanakah yang bisa mencegah dari perbuatan keji dan munkar? Kriteria B (Fiqh) : - Mempraktekan shalat dengan benar sesuai ajaran agama islam.
- Membuat essay tentang nilai-nilai social dan individual yang berkenaan dengan shalat,termasuk juga fungsi shalat yang terdapat pada Summative Assessment: surat Al-Kautsar ayat 1-3 dan surat Al-Ankabut [29] : 45 Kriteria D (Al-Qur'an) : Membaca dengan tartil dan menjelaskan tafsir surat Al-Kautsar [108] : 13 dan surat Al-Ankabut [29] : 45
Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept:
AOI /Unit Question: Assessment:
TERM 2 Catholic Religion Year 7 Ekaristi sebagai Puncak Iman Kita Dalam Ekaristi, misteri Keselamatan Paskah selalu diulang dan dirayakan. Siswa akan mempelajari dan memahami Ekaristi sebagai puncak imam katolik. Dengan memahami ekaristi sebagai bagian terpenting kehidupan kita sebagai orang Katolik, siswa diharapkan dapat semakin aktif dalam mengikuti ekaristi * Mengapa Ekaristi menjadi perayaan yang menjadi puncak iman kita? *Jelaskan alat-alat liturgi yang biasa dipakai dalam perayaan ekaristi, fungsi dan maknanya. Formative : Menyusun pertanyaan mengenai liturgi dan ekaristi. Catatan keikut sertaan dalam misa. Riset mengenai ekaristi dan liturgi. Sumative : Siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru 1. www.katolisitas.org 2. www.imankatolik.or.id 3. www.vatican.va 4. www.ekaristi.org 5. www.carmelia.net
TERM 2 Subject: Year Level: Unit Title: Significant Concept: Concept: AOI /Unit Question: Assessment:
P.E Year 7 Healthy Life Style Connection Regular physical exercise and consuming helathy food may create a healthy life style How to be live healthy ? Students wils perform 25 m freestyle swimming (Assessed on Criteria C). Students. Essay writing ; Students will explain how swimming enhance healthy life style ( Assessed on Crition A ) Pendidikan Jasmani VII http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyb8darWmlE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcsUNV5Wo-Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bissLQYrGQ8