Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology
Subject: Biology Teacher: Iva Kubištová Student: ………………………………………….. School year: …………../…………
Topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Algae, Spore-bearing plants 8. 9.
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology
Algae, Spore-bearing plants - Task No 1: Taxonomy of Algae. Insert Czech names of taxons. Domain: ……………
Kingdom: …………. ………….
FUNGI ………..
Kingdom: CHROMISTA …………….
Kingdom: PROTISTS …………..
Kingdom: ANIMALS ………….
...................... Chromista
Rostliny oddělení
Algae, Spore-bearing plants - Task No 2: Pigments of Algae. Fill in right names of Algae (Green Algae, Red Algae)
……… contain chlorophyll a, d and phycocyan Like plants, ………. contain chlorophyll a and b and phycoerythrin (secondary pigments can as a primary photosynthetic pigment. trap blue-green light in deep water). Secondary piments are carotenoids and xanthophylls. Doplňte 3 věty o odděleních říše Chromistsa
Hnědé řasy
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology
Algae, Spore-bearing plants - Task No 3: Mosses. Fill in missing parts of scheme. …………………… ………………………
………………………… Algae, Spore-bearing plants - Task No 3: Mosses, Vascular plants. Fill in next names of groups of plants: nonvascular seedless plants (= mosses), vascular seedless plants (=spore bearing plants) 1. 2.
4. 5.
They were very high trees in Cabon and Perm period (Paleozoic era). We have hard coat from this trees now. (…………………………) They have true organs – roots, leaves and stems. (Roots are underground organs that absorb water and minerals. Leaves are photosynthetic organs. Stems are supporting structures that connect roots and leaves, carrying water and nutrients between them. (………………………………) They have vascular tissues – xylem and phloem. (………………………………) A. Tracheids are the key cells in xylem, a transport subsystem that carries water upward from the roots to every parts of a plant. B. Second transport subsystem called phloem. Sieves are the key cells in phloem; it transports solutions of nutrients and carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis in leaves. Nutrients are stored in roots. They have the alternation of generations, but diploid sporophyte is the dominant stage. (………………………………) ………………………. have life cycles that depend on water for reproduction. Lacking vascular tissue, these plants can draw up water by osmosis only a few centimeters above ground. This method of development keeps them relatively small. Each this plant has a thin, upright shoot that looks like a stem with tiny leaves. These are not true stems or leaves, however, because they do not contain vascular tissue.
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology
Algae, Spore-bearing plants - Task No 4: Spore-bearing plants. Connect right letter and number. 1.
…….. live in moist woodlands. They look like miniature pine trees. For this reason they are also called “ground pine”.
…….Other names include candock (applied to branching species only), and scouring-rush (applied to the unbranched or sparsely branched species). The latter name refers to the plants' rush-like appearance; the stems were used for scouring cooking pots in the pans (due to them being coated with abrasive silica)
. …….can lives in areas with little light. They are often found living in the shadows of forest trees, where direct sunlight hardly penetrates the forest´s leafy umbrella. They are found in great numbers in the rain forests of the Pacific Northwest. In tropical forests, some species grow as large as small trees. All …… have delicate leaves.
……. was once a large and ancient group of land plants, exist now as a much smaller group. Ancient …… grew into huge trees – up to 35 meters tall and produced Earth´s first forests.
…………. have life cycles that depend on water for reproduction. Lacking vascular tissue, these plants can draw up water by osmosis only a few centimeters above ground. This method of development keeps them relatively small. Each this plant has a thin, upright shoot that looks like a stem with tiny leaves. These are not true stems or leaves, however, because they do not contain vascular tissue.
A. Mosses – Bryophytes B. Horsetails C. Ferns D. Club mosses E. Seedless Vascular Plants
A. ………… B. ………… C. ………… D. ………… E. …………
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology
Algae, Spore-bearing plants - Task No 5: Plant evolution and adaptation. Read English text and make Czech tasks bellow. Plant evolution and adaptation When scientists compare present-day plants and present-day green algae, they find the following common characteristics: cell walls composed of cellulose cell division that includes the formation of a cell plate the same type of chlorophyll used in photosynthesis similar genes for ribosomal RNA are presented food stored as starch the same types of enzymes in cellular vesicles are presented Plant Adaptations for living in land Cuticle Helps prevent the evaporation of water from plant tissues Acts as a barrier to invading microorganisms Stomata Adaptations that enable the exchange of gases even with the presence of a cuticle on a plant Openings in the outer cell layer of leaves and some stems
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology Vascular Tissues Vascular tissue enables faster movement of substances than by osmosis and diffusion, and over greater distances. Vascular tissue provides support and structure, so vascular plants can grow larger than nonvascular plants. Seeds A plant structure that contains an embryo, contains nutrients for the embryo, and is covered with a protective coat These features enable seeds to survive harsh environmental conditions and then sprout when favorable conditions exist.
Alternation of Generations Gametophyte generation produces gametes. Sporophyte generation produces spores that can grow to form the next gametophyte generation. During plant evolution, the trend was from dominant gametophytes to dominant sporophytes that contain vascular tissue.
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology
Classification of Plants
Czech tasks: 1. Vyjmenujte výsledky pozorování, které naznačují, že vyšší rostliny (Plants) jsou příbuzné zeleným řasám (Green Algae)? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology 2. Vyjmenujte pět adaptací, kterými se vyšší rostliny přizpůsobily suchozemskému způsobu života. Každou adaptaci stručne charakterizujte.
a.______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ b.______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ c.______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ d.______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ e.______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Při střídání generací rostlin (rodozměně - metagenezi) se střídá gametofyt (pohlavní generace) a sporofyt (nepohlavní generace). Doplňte: a. Gametofyt produkuje _____________, které jsou __________________ (doplňte ploidii) b. Sporofyt produkuje _____________, které jsou ____________________(doplňte ploidii). 4. Na základě studia schématu Classification of Plants napište k tvrzení ANO či NE, podle toho zda platí nebo neplatí. a. Mechorosty (Liverworts, Mooses, Hornworts) jsou cévnaté rostliny _________ b. Ostatní rostliny nemají cévní svazky
_ _______
c. Výtrusné rostliny (Nonseedor Spore-bearing Plants) se dělí na pavuně (Club mooses), přesličky (Horsetails) a kapradiny (Ferns)
_ ________
d. Semenné rostliny se dělí na pět skupin.
_ ________
e. Výtrusné a semenné rostliny mají cévní svazky