Strength. Performance. Passion.
CEO Awards
Customer Centric Culture
PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk
CEO Awards 2013
Your Idea. Our Future.
From the Editor It’s tough when markets change and people within a company don’t, because innovation will readily distinguish between a leader and a follower.
Sulit bagi perusahaan bila perubahan pasar tidak diimbangi perubahan karyawan. Karena inovasilah yang membedakan pemimpin pasar atau pengikut. Inovasi seiring-sejalan dengan pembelajaran. Mereka yang berpuas diri dengan keberhasilan menganggap apa yang mereka lakukan hari kemarin cukup untuk hari esok. Albert Einstein pernah berujar, “Jika yang kita lakukan sama seperti yang biasa dilakukan, yang kita dapat pun sama seperti biasanya” Jangan bertanya apa yang pelanggan mau lalu berusaha memenuhi kemauan tersebut, karena begitu yang pelanggan inginkan tersedia, mereka ingin sesuatu yang baru lagi. Pertanyaan berikut terus kita ajukan: “Kita harus bagaimana untuk terus menyenangkan pelanggan?”
Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday is sufficient for tomorrow. As Albert Einstein once said “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”. You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it right, they’ll want something new. Every day we are saying: “How can we keep this customer happy?”
“Kita harus bagaimana untuk terus berinovasi, karena jika tidak, kita akan tertinggal.”
“How can we get ahead in innovation by doing this, because, if we don’t, somebody else will.”
Seperti itulah semangat CEO Awards, ajang bagi karyawan dengan kinerja dan prestasi tertinggi untuk maju dan menyumbangkan sekaligus mewujudkan ide inovatif mereka.
That’s the spirit of our CEO Awards, which is to give an opportunity to our best and brightest talents to rise up; to contribute their innovative ideas; and to implement them so they become a reality.
Dalam Berita Kita kali ini dua rekan pemenang CEO Awards tahun lalu menjelaskan pemikiran di balik ide inovatif mereka, yang mudah-mudahan dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi semua.
In this issue of Berita Kita, two of your colleagues, who won last year’s CEO Awards, share the thoughts behind their innovative ideas, so as to inspire us all.
Informasi lengkap CEO Awards 2013 kami muat di sini. Jadi, bersiaplah menjadi pahlawan super berikutnya!
Details for the CEO Awards 2013 can be found in this edition. So be prepared and be ready to become the next superheroes!
Diah Sasanawati, Corporate Communications Manager
Diah Sasanawati, Corporate Communications Manager
Cerita Sampul Manajemen senior dan pemenang CEO Awards pada final Gala Ceremony 2012 yang diadakan bulan Januari. Untuk kompetisi 2013, baca artikelnya di halaman 4. Cover Story Senior management and CEO Award Winners at the finals of the 2012 Gala Ceremony in January. For 2013’s competition, see story, page 4. —————————
12 Customer Centric Culture
04 CEO Awards
14 OH&S
02 Milestones
- Ide Besar Perlu Perjuangan Besar Why Great Ideas Need Great Submissions - Bersama Dua Staf Inovatif Lain Two More Super-Innovators Speak Out
08 Producton
A New Day For ‘A Day in the Life Of …’
Health Expo Sita Perhatian Narogong Health Expo Popularity Proves Contagious
16 Tuban
Potret Tuban Snapping Up Tuban
Perbaikan Kinerja Nar1 Tertinggi di Dunia 18 People NAR1 Most-Improved Result a WorldKartini Customer Care beater Making Their Mark in Customer Care
May 2013
Eamon's Perspective CEO Awards: Kami Ingin Anda Sukses Bagi saya ada dua jenis ide inovatif. Jenis pertama adalah yang banyak kita dengar. Yang termasuk jenis ini adalah ide yang “benar-benar radikal”, ide yang “mengubah dunia” – industri terkait maupun permintaan pasar atau konsumen bisa berubah total seiring kemunculannya. Ambil contoh telepon selular atau Google. Keduanya termasuk penemuan yang berdampak luar-biasa besar terhadap kehidupan di era moderen. Selain ide kategori pertama, ada lagi ide kategori bagus. Yang dimaksud di sini inovasi bertahap, hasil pemikiran di luar kelaziman yang mampu meningkatkan sistem dan proses kerja. Inovasi jenis kedua biasanya tidak menarik perhatian sebanyak ide golongan pertama meski sama pentingnya; seandainya inovasi skala kecil cukup banyak dan cukup sering dilakukan, dampaknya sangat besar terhadap efisiensi, kesinambungan dan laba perusahaan. Program semacam Holcim Leadership Journey, Customer Culture Excellence atau EARN tidak akan berjalan tanpa inovasi. Holcim sadar bahwa kedua jenis inovasi sama-sama bermanfaat; itu sebabnya perusahaan membentuk departemen Organisational Performance Improvements dan juga menyelenggarakan kegiatan tahunan CEO Awards. Tujuan CEO Awards adalah untuk mendorong dan mendukung semangat berinovasi personil Holcim. Setiap tahun, para manajer, termasuk saya sendiri, wajib meluangkan waktu di tengah kesibukan kerja untuk menilai ide yang masuk, mengevaluasi mana yang layak mendapat penghargaan dan kemudian melihat hasil pengembangannya. Kriteria untuk kegiatan tahun lalu diperketat sehingga lebih berat bagi sebagian besar peserta. Tapi persyaratan baru bukan penghalang bagi mereka untuk terus mengajukan ide menarik. Perubahan kriteria bukan untuk menghalangi Anda mengirimkan gagasan hebat. Yang kami ingin adalah ide tersebut Anda evaluasi dengan metode perencanaan usaha moderen. Proses evaluasi sangat besar manfaatnya untuk melihat apakah ide Anda layak dijalankan. Dari inspirasi yang biasa-biasa saja bisa muncul gagasan luar-biasa. Line manajer Holcim sendiri akan menyampaikan sebanyak mungkin saran bagaimana memperbaiki ide Anda.
Why We Want You to Succeed: The CEO Awards In my experience, innovative ideas come in two forms. First, there are the ones that we tend to hear about most often. These ideas are the “truly radical” ideas, the “game changers”, because they can change the way an entire industry works and what a market or a customer demands. Think about the invention of mobile phones, or the development of Google, for example, and you will get an idea of how great an effect these inventions have had on our modern lives. But there are also other good ideas, the incremental innovations we can make by thinking outside of the box and improving the detail of our systems and processes. These innovations don’t often get the same exposure as the bigger, game changing ideas, but they are just as important; if there are enough of them and they are made frequently enough, they can have dramatic effects on a company’s efficiencies, general sustainability and the bottom line of our business. Without such innovations, initiatives like the Holcim Leadership Journey, Customer Culture Excellence and EARN could never work. At Holcim, we realize the value of both kinds of innovations; that’s why we have an Organisational Performance Improvements department, and it’s also why we have the annual CEO Awards. The idea of the CEO Awards is to nurture and support innovation in Holcim. Holding them every year forces managers like myself to take time out from our busy schedules to judge and properly evaluate such awards and then to celebrate them. We had a very good response to last year’s awards, despite newer, stricter criteria on applications, which I know was challenging for many entrants. But while the criteria is tougher, it doesn’t mean we don’t want you to share your great ideas with us. What we do want you to do, is to evaluate your idea using a modern business planning approach. This process is extremely useful because it allows you to justify your good ideas; and it can take an small inspiration a very long way. On our part, Holcim line managers will try and give you as much constructive feedback on your ideas as possible.
Intinya, kami ingin ide Anda dapat diterapkan. Jadi, daftarkan diri Anda mengikuti CEO Awards. Bukan tidak mungkin ide bagus yang Anda miliki satu waktu nanti mampu mengubah dunia.
In short, we really want to see your great ideas get implemented. So, please, take the CEO Awards challenge. You never know, your good idea may even change the world!
Eamon Ginley
Eamon Ginley
Berita Kita May 2013
Talking Business at the Briefing
Business Briefing dengan format baru pertama kali diselenggarakan tahun ini di pabrik Ciwandan pada 29 April, dan mendapat tanggapan positif dari para karyawan. Business Briefing diadakan di masing-masing departemen, dengan lebih banyak interaksi. Topik bahasan antara lain kondisi perusahaan dan langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil. Pada kesempatan tersebut karyawan juga diberi kesempatan mengajukan pertanyaan dan memberi masukan.
The new format of the Business Briefing proved a hit with its first audience of the year, the staff of Ciwandan Plant who attended the update on April 29. With briefings now organised and presented by each department area, the more interactive sessions update staff on the current state of the business, map out important steps in the journey ahead, and provide a forum to ask questions and provide feedback.
Tuban's Empowering Environment on Show at IndoGreen Expo Kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat dan pelestarian lingkungan yang diadakan Holcim mendapat sorotan pada acara IndoGreen Forestry Expo April lalu. Di sana Uko Wijaja, Tuba Project Environment Superintendent, dan Indriani Siswati, Project Communications Tuban, menyampaikan presentasi bertajuk “Community Empowerment Around the Plant”. Dalam ulasan selama 40 menit dan sesi tanyajawab, keduanya menjelaskan bahwa tim proyek Tuban mengikutsertakan warga sekitar pabrik dalam berbagai program pelestarian lingkungan dan peningkatan taraf ekonomi masyarakat. Holcim’s community development and environmental practices were centre stage at the latest IndoGreen Forestry Expo in early April, with Uko Wijaja, Tuba Project Environment Superintendent and Indriani Siswati, Tuban Project Communications, giving a joint presentation, “Community Empowerment Around the Plant.” During the lively, 40-minute talk and Q&A session, pair explained how the Tuban Project involved local villagers around the factory in programmes that improved the environment and increased local incomes.
Berita Kita May 2013
Celebrating the Spirit of Kartini Paduan modern dan tradisional tampak pada perayaan Hari Kartini, pejuang emansipasi wanita, 21 April silam. Karyawan wanita hari itu mengenakan kebaya tradisional ( foto searah jarum jam: Jamsostek, Tuban, dan Narogong). Karyawan pria rupanya tidak mau ketinggalan – beberapa di antara mereka datang dengan pakaian khas tradisional. A collision of traditional and modern took place on April 21, as women across the organisation wore kebaya (photos clockwise: Jamsostek, Tuban and Narogong) to mark the life of Kartini, the distinctly non-traditional pioneer of women’s rights. Taking advantage of the equal opportunity to look their best, some of the men also took part, with several staff sporting traditional costumes.
Get Down! It's Fitness Funky Time
Sustainable News in Focus
Karyawan Narogong terlihat antusias bergoyang mengikuti musik funk dan dangdut pada tanggal 8 Mei. Pukul 8 pagi Rabu itu mereka dengan penuh semangat menarikan gerakan yang pernah populer dulu dalam film Saturday Night Fever. Kegiatan olah raga pagi dijadwalkan Corporate OH&S untuk memperkenalkan pola hidup sehat kepada karyawan. Besarnya antusiasme peserta menandakan mereka sangat peduli kesehatan.
Media berkala terbitan Holcim Group kini tampil dengan format baru dengan nama Holcim Focus. Sebagai pengganti Holcim News lama yang terbit triwulanan dalam bentuk cetak, Holcim Focus dikemas lebih ringkas, menggunakan media berita elektronik (e-news publication). Format demikian dipilih karena efisien, ramah lingkungan, tepat waktu tiba di tangan karyawan dan lebih fleksibel – jumlah berita yang dimuat dapat disesuaikan kebutuhan. Edisi kedua April (dalam gambar) telah terbit; dan dapat dimintakan dari manajer masing-masing karyawan. Holcim Group’s new Holcim Focus newsletter won’t be found lying on a news rack, but it’s still news you can use. The new streamlined, one hundred percent e-news publication replaces the old quarterly hardcopy of Holcim News with a timely format OH&S Awards Leading the wa that is efficient, sustainable y to excellence and flexible – shrinking or growing to fit the news of the moment. The second April edition (pictured here) is now out. To read it, contact your line manager.
Focus Strength. Performan
ce. Passion.
Holcim Focus
Fitness, funk and even some dangdut collided with a thumping modern soundtrack on May 8, as Narogong staff limbered up during an morning aerobics session and proved beyond doubt that 8am on Wednesday is not an impediment to breathless, line-danced displays of the moves made famous in Saturday Night Fever. Organised by Corporate OH&S, the morning exercises are designed to promote healthy living choices, and judging by the enthusiastic turnout, the message is being taken on board.
No. 2 April 2013
Concrete com mitm to customer exce ent llence
Completion of Slovakia’s highway R1
Berita Kita May 2013
Adding value
Toronto Innovative solut ions for U Condo proje ct
CEO Awards
CEO Awards 2013:
Why Great Ideas Need Great Submissions Putaran pertama CEO Awards 2013 mulai dibuka 15 April hingga 31 Juli 2013. Pada penyelenggaraan tahun kedua dengan kriteria baru, panitia ingin ada peningkatan jumlah usulan proyek yang layak-aplikasi. Dan karyawan diharapkan siap ikut. Dengan dibukanya pendaftaran tahap pertama, Bernard Permatista dan tim juri dipastikan sibuk dengan proses seleksi selama beberapa bulan ke depan. “Jumlah pendaftar biasanya banyak,” jelas Bernard yang menjabat sebagai Corporate Development and Innovation Manager. “Bisa mencapai 100 untuk setiap putaran.” Baginya tahap penilaian tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan. “Justru ini salah satu sisi kerja paling menyenangkan – banyak sekali ide bagus yang masuk dan kami evaluasi. Saat saya bergabung dengan Holcim dan melihat langsung usulan yang lolos ke babak final 2012, hal itu merupakan perkenalan yang membanggakan terhadap perusahaan ini. Menurutnya, CEO Awards 2013 tetap berlangsung dengan proses pendaftaran yang mendetail seperti tahun lalu. Peserta harus menentukan siapa yang menjadi klien internal atau klien langsung mereka – umumnya dari kalangan Holcim sendiri – dan mengkaji masukan yang mereka dapat selama tahap pengembangan ide. “Fokus kami masih klien di lingkungan sendiri karena ide yang bagus biasanya sulit diterapkan jika pengembangannya tidak melibatkan pihak yang langsung terkait,” tambah Henry Vienayoko Customer Centric Culture Development Manager. “Selama klien internal kita bantu dengan solusi, efek positifnya akan dirasakan oleh semua yang terlibat, dan pelanggan Holcim pun diuntungkan nantinya.” Untuk proses seleksi diterapkan metode manajemen proyek moderen, dan peserta harus membuat “kalkulasi” untuk ide yang diajukan.
Berita Kita May 2013
Rencana perlu dilengkapi dengan perkiraan biaya-manfaat serta daftar risiko yang berpotensi muncul pada tahap implementasi dan langkah untuk menekan risiko tersebut. Beberapa peserta tahun lalu memberi masukan bahwa para pendaftar umumnya menganggap kriteria yang diterapkan lebih berat dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya; karena itu ada “ide yang sangat menarik dan cukup spektakuler” terpaksa tidak dapat diimplementasikan hanya karena persyaratannya kurang lengkap. Bernard menjelaskan, semua
line manager harus menandatangani formulir pendaftaran sebelum aplikasi dimasukkan, dan ia berharap sekali personil yang memiliki gagasan yang layak diikutsertakan mau mendaftarkan diri kembali. “Metode manajemen proyek ikut mengasah kemampuan kita,” jelasnya. “Kami ingin konsep peserta benar-benar dapat dijalankan, baik dari segi teknis maupun sisi bisnis,” lanjutnya. “Jika peserta mampu membuat konsepnya sesuai persyaratan di atas, dampaknya bagi mereka akan sangat besar.”
Seputar CEO Awards 2013 • Fokus utama adalah klien dengan kriteria manajemen proyek • Ide bagus yang sebelumnya tidak dapat diaplikasikan dapat dan harus didaftarkan kembali TAPI • Agar berpeluang menang, aplikasi harus lengkap; jadi pastikan formulir sudah diisi dan dilengkapi • Formulir isian wajib dilihat dan di-acc terlebih dulu oleh Line Manager • Mereka dan tim CEO Awards akan menjawab semua pertanyaan yang masuk • Selamat mengikuti dengan penuh semangat inovasi
This month sees the launch of the 2013 CEO Awards, from 15 April to 13 July. In the second year of the new entry criteria, the organisers want to increase the number of the concepts accepted for implementation. Are you ready for the challenge? With the entries now open for round one of this year’s CEO Awards, key organiser Bernard Permatista and his jury will have a lot on their plate during the next few months. “The entry rate for the awards is typically impressive,” says the Corporate Development and Innovation Manager, “and we often get in excess of 100 ideas in each round.” However, he admits the selection process isn’t all hard work. “Actually, this is one of the favourite parts of my job – it’s fascinating evaluating the ideas presented, there’s so many of high quality– what I saw in the 2012 finals was a really heartening introduction to the business.” Bernard says 2013’s CEO Awards will continue with the more detailed submission process began last year, with a strong focus on identifying one’s direct, or internal customers often within the Holcim organisation
and evaluating their feedback during the development of an idea. “We’re staying with the focus on direct customers because good ideas don’t travel well if they aren’t carefully developed with the people they directly affect,” adds Henry Vienayoko, Customer Centric Culture Development Manager. “When you deliver solutions to your direct customers, the positive effects flow down the chain and Holcim’s end customers also benefit.” The selection process also includes a modern project management approach with candidates having to “run the numbers” on their ideas. This includes carrying out a cost-benefit estimate of their plans, identifying potential risks in implementation and working out how to mitigate these risks. After listening to feedback from some of last year’s entrants, Bernard
CEO Awards 2013 Key Facts • Have a strong customer focus and use a project management criteria • Great ideas not implemented last time can and should be resubmitted BUT • Winning ideas need completed forms: check your application is complete • Complete entries must be viewed and approved by Line Managers first • They and the CEO Awards team can answer any questions you may have • Good luck, and may the spirit of innovation be with you
Idea & Concept Development
says general perceptions are that the criteria were tougher than previous years and that a number of “very interesting and quite spectacular ideas” weren’t implemented. He notes that line managers must sign off on applications before they are entered, and strongly encourages people with good ideas not implemented last time to re-enter the process.
Batch 1 (13 Weeks) (Start: 15/04; End: 13/07)
Batch 2 - 14 Weeks* (Start: 15/07 ; End: 19/10)
Jury evaluation
Nominations for
of Implemented Ideas
30th of January 2014: Implementation Result Presentation to Jury
Batch 1 – 13 Weeks* (Start: 29/07 ; End: 19/10)
of nominated ideas
Focussing on the direct customer has many positive effects down the line, says Henry Vienayoko, Customer Centric Culture Development Manager —————————
“Using a project management approach is a challenge for us to develop ourselves,” he says. “What we’re asking, is can you make your concept really work in practise, both technically and in a business,” he says. “These are vitally important skills that can take you a long way.”
CEO Awards 2013 Schedule
Jika kita fokus pada klien langsung, banyak pihak akan merasakan efek positifnya, kata Henry Vienayoko, Customer Centric Culture Development Manager.
Batch 2 – 12 Weeks (Start:16/09 ; End:25/01)
15th of April: Launch New CEO Awards 2013
CEO Award Ceremony Innovation Performance Award
31st of January 2014: Idea Presentation to BOD The CEO Awards 2013 Gala Night * Take Longer due to IdulKita Fitri Holiday Berita May 2013
CEO Awards
Yanuar dan Asidiq bersama karya inovatif mereka. Yanuar and Asidiq with their winning projects. —————————
Two More Super-Innovators Speak Out
Dua karyawan lain bicara tentang proyek yang juga meraih penghargaan 2012. Yanuar Ardi dan Asidiq Riziqi beserta rekan-rekannya keluar sebagai pemenang untuk kategori Innovation Performance. Kepiawaian berkomunikasi dan bermusik dimanfaatkan Yanuar, dari Technical Marketing Department, untuk membuat media kreatif dan menarik yang menyoroti tiga keunggulan Semen Serba Guna. Sedangkan Asidiq, dari Bag PlantLogistics, membuat ukuran baru kantong semen Holcim Serba Guna isi 40kg. Berkat rancangannya, jumlah kantong yang robek selama pengiriman kini jauh berkurang. BK: Yanuar dan Asidiq, dari mana anda berdua mendapat ide untuk proyek CEO Award yang lalu?
Yanuar: Saya ditugasi mencari tahu pendapat konsumen tentang produk Holcim yang mereka pakai. Untuk itu saya perlu tahu apa saja
Berita Kita May 2013
kelebihan kita. Sayangnya, ketika ditanya apa keunggulan semen Serba Guna, jawaban dari personil di berbagai unit tidak selalu sama padahal tim pemasaran sudah menetapkan tiga keunggulan tahun 2011 lalu: pemakaian air lebih sedikit, mudah diaplikasikan dan tahan lama. “Pasti ada yang salah!” saya pikir dan teringat ‘Reality Bites’. Dari situlah muncul ide untuk membuat media komunikasi tadi; tujuannya agar semua karyawan, di unit mana pun, mampu memberi jawaban standar setiap kali ditanya. Asidiq: Saya dan rekan-rekan merasakan sulitnya menangani semen sak Serba Guna 40kg yang lama. Kantong gampang melengkung lalu robek dan
akhirnya pecah. Banyak masalah timbul selama pengiriman hingga ke tangan konsumen. Yang pasti, semen terbuang-buang. Tampilan produk juga jadi tidak menarik, dan tumpahan semen berisiko menimbulkan persoalan lingkungan maupun keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. BK: Bagaimana cara memilih mitra dari unit lain, dan apakah masukan dari mereka menunjang?
Yanuar: Cara penyampaian yang tidak tepat akan membuat orang keliru menangkap pesan kita. Jadi saya tidak mungkin bekerja sendiri. Harus ada masukan dan izin dari orangorang yang ahli di tim Group
Marketing Communications, dan juga dari rekan-rekan di Corporate Communications dan Branding. Dari merekalah saya mengumpulkan ide untuk selanjutnya dievaluasi dan dikomunikasikan. Syukurlah mereka suka dengan ide yang saya ajukan; pandangan kami sama. Asidiq: Masalah sak semen bukan hanya dibahas teman-teman di
bag plant dan logistik karena ternyata konsumen, distributor dan karyawan gudang juga menyinggung soal ini. Desain kantong yang baru tentu perlu diuji-coba; awalnya kami memang khawatir, tapi setelah mendapat masukan yang sangat positif dari banyak pihak, kami yakin desain yang kami buat pas!
Two more winners from the 2012 competition talk candidly about their projects. They are Yanuar Ardi and Asidiq Riziqi and his team, who each took home a CEO Award and one for Innovation Performance. Yanuar, from the Technical Marketing Department, used his talents in communications and music to design a creative and memorable communications campaign on the three key selling points of Serba Guna Cement. Meanwhile, Asidiq, from Bag PlantLogistics, developed new dimensions for Holcim 40kg Serba Guna bags, which dramatically reduced breakages down the supply chain. BK: So Yanuar and Asidiq please tell us what inspired your projects? Yanuar: My job is to research what Holcim’s final users think of our products. So I need to know what our strengths are. But when I quizzed
different Holcim people in the organisation about what the key selling points of Serba Guna cement were, I wasn’t getting a consistent message, although marketing had already decided on the points in 2011. They are – less water, fast working time, and long lasting durability. I thought “okay, ‘Reality Bites!’” and set out to design a communications package that would make sure the same message was going out from everyone in the company, wherever they worked. Asidiq: With my team, it was clear that the old Serba Guna 40kg bags were a challenge. They tended to sag a bit in their old dimensions, which meant they split more easily
and broke. This caused a series of problems down the supply chain. Obviously a big concern was wastage, also presentation problems, as well as the environmental and health and safety concerns that you get with any dust spills.
Masing-masing proyek meraih penghargaan utama. Each project won both main prizes. —————————
BK: So how did you both identify your cross-functional partners and how did their feedback help your project? Yanuar: If you don’t communicate a message in the right way, you can really confuse people, so I couldn’t do this alone. I needed the advice and approval of experts in the Group Marketing Communications team as well as Corporate Communications and Branding to collect my ideas, assess them and to help me communicate them. Thankfully they liked my ideas, so we were all on the same page. Asidiq: The problems with the bags was not only something we talked about in the bag plant and logistics, we also heard about them via feedback from end customers, our distributers, as well as people in warehousing. After designing the new bags, we certainly had to trial them and we were a bit nervous. But the very positive feedback we received told us we’d got it right!
Berita Kita May 2013
NAR1 Most-Improved Result a World-beater Prestasi internasional dicetak unit tanur NAR1 tahun ini setelah ditetapkan oleh Group sebagai unit tanur dengan perbaikan kinerja tertinggi kedua dari 132 unit yang dioperasikan Holcim di seluruh dunia. Pak Encim, Nar 1 Production, Kiln Patroller (kiri), berbincangbincang dengan Slamet Waluyo, kiln maintenance team leader. Kedua tim saling bekerja sama. Pak Encim, Nar1 Production, Kiln Patroller, (left) talks with Slamet Waluyo, kiln maintenance team leader. Both teams work together closely. —————————
Apa rahasianya? Menyingkirkan “bad actors” dan “bottlenecks” dengan improvement berkelanjutan, kata tiga anggota tim lintas-fungsi dari departemen production dan maintenance. Salah seorang Process Engineer, Wahyu Dwicahyo, menjelaskan kepada Berita Kita bagaimana mereka mampu meningkatkan kinerja setelah sebelumnya meraih peringkat ketiga terbaik untuk tahun 2011. “Proses perbaikan tidak pernah berhenti,” jelasnya. “Perbaikan harus terus dilakukan karena produksi pun berjalan nyaris tanpa henti. Semua terkait; tidak jarang perbaikan di satu bagian memunculkan masalah di bagian lain.” Berita Kita May 2013
Menurut Sarwanto, Kiln Production Superintendent NAR1, penghargaan ini erat kaitannya dengan keberlanjutan. “Peningkatan unit harus konsisten. Jangan sampai tahun ini hasil kita bagus, lalu tahun berikutnya kinerja unit menurun, karena pasti penilaian akan berkurang.” “Bagi saya bukan menjadi beban,” tambah Irvan Darmawan, Engineering Support, menjawab pertanyaan BK, “tapi sebuah tantangan.” Untuk meraih peringkat atas tahun 2012 lalu, tim production dan maintenance menjalin kerja sama yang baik. Karyawan produksi menangani hambatan pada sistem sementara tim
maintenance mencari tahu sekaligus menangani akar masalah penyebab munculnya “pengganggu”, dalam hal ini masalah peralatan dan mesin yang terus muncul sehingga pengoperasian unit harus dihentikan. Perbaikan yang merupakan bagian dari Improvement Journey di unit tersebut dan membantu tim menuai prestasi tinggi tahun 2012 adalah: • Kerja clinker cooler meningkat karena kontrol kualitas suku cadang terjamin dan aktivitas pemeliharaan dilaksanakan dengan cara yang benar; pengoperasian pun dilaksanakan sebaik mungkin – berkat langkah di atas, shutdown kiln yang diakibatkan sistem cooler kini jauh lebih jarang – dari 29 kali pada periode 2008-2010 yang membuat unit kehilangan 260 jam operasi, menjadi hanya 3 kali pada tahun 2012 dengan hanya 10 jam total sistem harus dimatikan • Upgrade kiln feed system untuk mengurangi frekuensi downtime dan untuk menaikkan production feed rate • Efisiensi kerja preheater ditingkatkan dengan memodifikasi guide fan dan melebarkan drop chute • Upgrade kiln burner untuk memperbesar clinker reactivity dan overall production rate • Instalasi refractory diperbaiki dengan hasil sangat baik: sepanjang tahun 2012 tidak ada kiln brick yang rusak • Outlet duct pada preheater diganti dengan yang lebih baik • Untuk mempertinggi thermal substitution rate (TSR), dipasang schenk dozing system untuk bahan bakar alternatif. Tahun ini, jelas Wahyu, yang akan tim lakukan adalah meningkatkan thermal substitution metric rate di NAR1 dan menekan dampak lingkungan yang dihasilkan unit produksi. “Beruntung bagi kami, tidak hanya kinerja peralatan yang terus meningkat dalam proses ini, tapi juga kemampuan personil tim,” ujar Irvan. “Selama koordinasi berjalan baik, dan dengan kemauan keras, saya kira kami mampu mempertahankan prestasi!”
This year saw the NAR1 Kiln achieve a result of global proportions, with Group ranking it the group’s second-most improved production line from more than 132 kilns worldwide. The secret to their success? Getting rid of “bad actors” and opening up bottlenecks through continuous improvement, say three members of a cross-functional team from production and maintenance. Wahyu Dwicahyo, a Process Engineer, pauses and strokes his beard when asked how his team managed to improve on their result for the second year running, after a third most-improved ranking in 2011. “In our work, improvements are always an on-going process,” he says. “They can’t stop because production rarely stops. Everything is connected, so often an improvement we make in one place can lead to a problem somewhere else.” There’s also an important sustainability aspect to the award, explains Sarwanto, NAR1 Kiln Production Superintendent. “The idea is for a kiln to achieve consistency. It’s not enough to get a good result one year, and then fall back the year later; we get marked down if this happens.” “I wouldn’t call that pressure,” adds Irvan Darmawan, Engineering Support, in response to a BK question, “it’s just challenging,” he says, grinning.
To get the top result in 2012, production and maintenance worked closely together, with the former focussing on system bottlenecks and the latter identifying and eliminating the root causes of “bad actors” – repeat problems with equipment and machinery that cause shutdowns. The important improvements that led to the 2012 result, part of the plant’s Improvement Journey are: • Improved Clinker cooler reliability by implementing spare parts quality assurance and a proper maintenance programme; also achieving excellence in operation - This decreased kiln shutdowns in the cooler system dramatically – from 29 instances, or 260 hours lost, during 2008-2010, to only three shutdowns, totalling 10 hours in 2012 • Upgrades to the Kiln feed system to reduce downtime and improve the production feed rate • An Improvement to Preheater efficiency by modifying the guide fan and enlarging the drop chute • An upgrade of the Kiln Burner to improve clinker reactivity and the overall production rate • Better refractory installation, a significant result; with no Kiln brick failures during 2012
• An upgrade of the outlet duct in the Preheater • Installing a Schenk dozing system for alternative fuel resources to achieve a higher thermal substitution rate (TSR). This year Wahyu says the team is focused on improving NAR1’s kiln’s thermal substitution rate and increasing the production line’s environmental credentials.
Tim di luar ID Fan NAR1 yang baru saja menjalani serangkaian perbaikan. The team stand outside the NAR1 ID Fan which has undergone a series of improvements. —————————
“Fortunately for us, it’s not just the equipment that’s been constantly improving but also the skills of our people,” Irvan says. “With the right coordination, and a bit of willpower, I think we can do even better!”
Left to right: Sarwanto, Irvan and Wahyu. —————————
Berita Kita May 2013
EARN – Energy Activation across Regional Networks From the Desk of the PMO
The Battle For The Benchmark By Raju Goyal, Vice President - Technical Services
Kita Perang! Bukan perang sebetulnya, tapi penaraan mati-matian yang harus kita menangi dengan cara apapun (dengan menjadi yang terbaik di antara unit yang lain). EARN adalah kompetisi persahabatan yang diikuti OpCo dengan tujuan yang bermanfaat. Program diselenggarakan untuk mendorong kita menekan konsumsi energi Holcim Indonesia semaksimal mungkin melalui peningkatan efisiensi di lima pilar pokok EARN – Pengadaan Batubara, Geocycle, Energi Panas, Energi Listrik dan Penurunan Clinker Factor – tanpa mengorbankan kualitas, keselamatan atau keberlanjutan usaha. Sebenarnya EARN bukan peperangan melawan perusahaan lain melainkan peperangan melawan diri sendiri karena kita harus sekuat tenaga memaksimalkan efisiensi sekaligus meminimalkan limbah dan pemborosan dengan senjata yang ada: inovasi, pelaksanaan, keuletan dan kerja sama. Sebelum maju bertempur kita tentu perlu strategi, peta medan tempur dan data tentang sumber daya serta kemampuan dan kinerja mereka. Untuk mencapai target di atas, belum lama ini EARN Project Management Team: • Menyiapkan posko di pabrik Narogong, Ciwandan dan Cilacap • Mulai mengembangkan sistem informasi canggih untuk mendata dan memantau berbagai program HIL; sistem akan mulai diaplikasikan Juni (informasi lainnya masih rahasia) • Melatih para jenderal untuk menghadapi pertempuran, kelima EARN coaches, dalam empat kali pelatihan yang dibawakan pakar dari luar • Melaksanakan dua kali pelatihan khusus untuk karyawan tentang salah satu wilayah musuh EARN, Clinker Factor. • Mengumumkan kemajuan HIL dalam pertempuran: sejauh ini kita telah berhasil mencapai target triwulan pertama, yakni penghematan 20% untuk 2013 – prestasi yang membuat OpCo lain segan. Langkah pertama sudah bagus, tapi pertempuran EARN masih panjang dan baru saja dimulai. Kita semua harus bekerja sama, berani dan memegang teguh tujuan. Sampai kesempatan berikut: Raju Goyal, EARN PMO kalian, undur diri.
Berita Kita May 2013
It’s War! Okay, perhaps not war, let’s just call it a robust game of benchmarking, which we must win at all costs, (achieved through best-in-class performance). To update you: EARN is an initiative in which OpCos indulge in some friendly competition, for a good cause. Our objective is to do our outmost to reduce Holcim Indonesia’s overall energy consumption, by increasing efficiencies across EARN’s five key pillars – Coal Sourcing, Geocycle, Thermal Energy, Electrical Energy and Clinker Factor Reduction – all without compromising our quality, safety or sustainability. In truth, EARN is less of a battle against others and more of a war within ourselves, as we strive to maximise efficiencies and eliminate waste, while the some of the key weapons at our disposal are innovation, execution, perseverance and cooperation. Of course, if you plan to go into battle, you need a strategy, a map of the battlefield and a measure of your resources, capability and their progress. To achieve this the EARN Project Management Team recently: • Set up War Rooms in our key operating areas, Narogong, Ciwandan and Cilacap plants, • Began developing a sophisticated information system for tracking and monitoring HIL initiatives, to be implemented in June (if I told you more right now, I’d have to kill you) • Trained our key generals for the fight, the five EARN Coaches, during four sessions with external experts • Conducted two special training sessions to our employees, in one of EARN’s key battlegrounds, Clinker Factor improvement • Announced an early achievement in the battle: we met our Q1, 20 percent targeted saving in 2013 – and other OpCos are now trembling in fear at our prowess. We’re off to a cracking start, but the battle for EARN will be a long one which has barely begun. We’ll all need to work together, be brave and hold true to our cause. Until next time: this is Raju Goyal, your EARN PMO signing off.
iShare Update
Inspiration: Yes! Copy-Paste, Uh-uh... By Lucci Rahayu, Holcim Academy Information Systems Coordinator
Mulai bulan ini, meski tidak tetap, Berita Kita akan menampilkan kolom iShare, wadah berbagi informasi. Berikut tulisan Lucci Rahayu yang bertanggung jawab di Knowledge Management. Dengan dimulainya putaran pertama kompetisi CEO Awards 2013, banyak karyawan Holcim bersiap memutar otak mencari ide untuk meraih penghargaan. Sebetulnya ada lagi yang bisa mereka lakukan. Gunakan fasilitas iShare. Ada lebih dari 32.000 dokumen berbagai topik yang diunggah ke portal tersebut oleh personil OpCo Holcim di seluruh dunia. Tapi harap diingat, meski boleh-boleh saja mencari inspirasi di iShare sambil menguji orisinalitas ide, kita tetap harus mengandalkan otak sendiri.
Seputar iShare: •
Pada bulan Maret 2013, karyawan Holcim Indonesia masuk daftar enam besar pengguna iShare terbanyak di seluruh dunia (tidak termasuk HTS).
Ada 32.881 dokumen yang tersimpan di iShare tapi hanya 1% yang berasal dari Holcim Indonesia. Mulai Juli 2013, program bincang-bincang keliling iShare "2PM with iShare & iTalk" akan diselenggarakan di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Program berikut: 5 Juni 2013, Jamsostek Lounge (Kantor Pusat), pukul 2 siang
Welcome to the first of an irregular column on the iShare knowledge sharing platform by our resident responsible in Knowledge Management Lucci Rahayu. With round one of 2013’s CEO Awards competition opening this month, many Holcim employees will be scouring their brains for the winning idea that will help them win the big prizes. But they shouldn’t stop there. With more than 32,000 documents uploaded from Holcim Opcos’ worldwide detailing a wide range of topics, the iShare portal represents Holcim’s collective brain, and it’s a great place to start your thinking process. But beware – while iShare may be a good place to find initial inspiration, and to check on the originality of your good idea – it’s not a replacement for your own brain.
Dalam aturan CEO Award jelas disebutkan • bahwa ide harus asli, hasil pemikiran karyawan sendiri, dan bukan hasil copas dari unit lain di bawah Holcim Group. Ide yang didaftarkan • peserta pasti diperiksa, dan ide hasil copas pasti akan dihapus dari daftar. BERSIH: Salah satu kewajiban OpCo untuk mempertahankan nama baik perusahaan adalah menjaga kebersihan truk. Tidak mudah memang, tapi unit di Vietnam punya solusi ampuh yang sekaligus dapat menekan jam kerja dan tenaga. Ingin tahu lebih banyak? Ketik Hubungi:
[email protected] “Truck Wash Bay” di kolom cari data iShare. CEO Award rules clearly Sampai di sini dulu bahasan tentang iShare. Kini giliran anda untuk state that ideas must be “original” to the employee and not “copyberbagi informasi. Sampaikan ide, usulan atau temuan menarik pastes” from other parts of the Holcim group. Entries are checked maupun pertanyaan ke ishare.helpdesk
[email protected]. for this kind of thing, and a copy-paste is likely to result in a “delete” of your awards chances. Just sayin’. A CLEAN CONCEPT: Keeping our trucks clean is one way all OpCos must protect the brand, but it isn’t always easy. Vietnam has adopted a nifty truck-wash solution that is saving them many man-hours. Want to know more? Go to iShare search and type in “Truck Wash Bay” That’s all for now. We’ve shared with you, so now it’s your turn. Send any good ideas, upload proposals, interesting finds or questions to ishare.helpdesk idn@
Berita Kita May 2013
Customer Centric Culture
Bagi Peppy, kerja sebagai frontliner sangat berat. Peppy found the demands of a frontliners job were challenging. —————————
A New Day For ‘A Day in the Life Of …’ Kita semua tentu pernah menyaksikan program TV realita yang menampilkan dua sosok bertukar tempat selama sehari; ada pilot yang menjadi jurumasak, atau pengusaha menjadi pengurus rumah tangga. Kelakuan mereka sering membuat kita geli. Ada yang mengganggap tayangan semacam itu tidak lebih dari hiburan, tapi Maria Samperuru, yang biasa dipanggil Peppy, tidak sependapat. “Mengapa program sejenis banyak ditonton orang? Karena kita umumnya ingin merasakan sesuatu yang baru, entah dalam karir atau di bidang lain,” jelasnya yang saat ini bekerja sebagai CCE Knowledge & System Manager. “Ada memang tayangan yang tidak bermutu, tapi dari program yang bagus kita bisa belajar banyak tentang usaha, dan bagaimana usaha tersebut berjalan. Orang yang menjadi tokoh dalam acara tersebut pun tentu merasakan manfaat dan pengalaman baru.” Itulah sebabnya Peppy dan salah seorang rekan, Deananda Sudijono, Head of Marketing and Customer Loyalty, berencana menghidupkan kembali program
Berita Kita May 2013
“A Day in the Life of...” produksi Commercial Directorate, yang hingga pelaksanaan yang terakhir pada 2011 mengikutsertakan sekitar 30 manajer di bagian tersebut. Konsep pokok ‘A Day in the Life of...’ tidak berubah, jelas Peppy. Seseorang dari salah satu unit di perusahaan ditempatkan di unit lain untuk mengamati kerja rekan di sana, lalu mengerjakan tugas di unit tersebut, dan selanjutnya menjelaskan apa yang ia alami. “Program diselenggarakan sebagai eksperimen untuk mengatasi kebuntuan komunikasi antarbagian,” lanjut Peppy, yang pernah sehari menjadi front liner di Customer
Care. Tugas staf di bagian tersebut ternyata sangat berat, sama sekali di luar perkiraannya. “Mereka menerima telepon sambil mengetik data, dan pada saat bersamaan bisa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan sekaligus melalui media yang berbeda-beda,” jelasnya. “Dan saya menyerah ketika mencoba menjawab telepon masuk – pembimbing harus membantu mengetik selama saya bicara dengan penelepon. Sejak itu saya sangat menghormati kerja teman-teman di CC.” Kali ini Dea dan Peppy ingin program dapat diikuti semua staf di direktoratnya, dan jika semua berjalan lancar, departemen lain akan dilibatkan. Sesuai fokus
Customer Centric Culture, peserta diberi waktu satu atau dua hari untuk bekerja sama dengan klien internal mereka. Tapi peserta juga boleh minta ditempatkan di salah satu unit yang dapat menunjang perkembangan karir mereka. Untuk program baru nanti, tugas di unit lain akan dianggap sebagai pelatihan oleh Holcim Academy, dan pengalaman kerja paling menarik akan diliput media seperti Berita Kita atau Holcim TV.
“Partisipasi dalam program masih bersifat sukarela; jadi kami akan upayakan kegiatannya menarik dan tidak membosankan,” tutur Dea. “Mengingat konsep masih dalam pengembangan, kami ingin mendapat masukan dari para calon relawan.”
“The reason these programmes are popular is that most of us crave new experiences, to some extent, whether in our jobs or elsewhere,” says Peppy, CCE Knowledge & System Manager. “While some are trashy, the best such programmes can actually tell us a lot about a particular business and how it works, they’re also providing a personally rewarding and refreshing experience to the people who take part. “
The overall concept of a ‘Day in the Life Of...’ remains the same, Peppy says. A person from one part of business function goes to another function to observe what their colleagues and attempts to do a task and then reports back on their experience.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap seputar kegiatan atau memberikan masukan kepada Peppy dan Dea, silakan email mereka ke
[email protected] atau deananda.
[email protected].
We’ve all seen the reality TV shows where people change places for a day – a pilot tries out as a chef, or a businessman becomes a butler – and laughed the often amusing results. But while some people would dismiss such programmes as little more than light entertainment, Maria Samperuru, a.k.a. Peppy, doesn’t agree – well not entirely.
With this in mind Peppy and her colleague Deananda Sudijono, Head of Marketing and Customer Loyalty, are planning to reinvigorate the Commercial Directorate’s “A Day in the Life Of...” programme, which last involved around 30 of the department’s managers in 2011.
We’re still developing the concepts, and we’re keen to hear from potential volunteers. Deananda Sudijono, Head of Marketing and Customer Loyalty
“The old idea was primarily an experiment in silo breaking to see what would come out of it,” adds Peppy, who herself spent a day working as a front liner in Customer Care and was blown away by the demands of the job. “They were talking to people while typing stuff about the call in, and often juggling responses to several enquiries on different media at the same time,” she says. At the end of the day, I
tried to take a call, but my mentor had to do the typing while I did the speaking. I’ve really respected CC since then,” she says. This time around, Dea and Peppy are planning to widen the programme to all staff at the directorate initially, with scope to bring in other departments if the idea catches on. In line with the Customer Centric Culture focus, the switch will commonly feature people spending a day, or perhaps two, working with their direct or internal customers. However, candidates will also be able to request a position that fits with their planned career aspirations. The idea is that the time spent on the programme will be counted as training by Holcim Academy, with media like Berita Kita or HolcimTV featuring the most interesting experiences.
Fenny (kiri) memberi arahan kepada Peppy yang tengah mengikuti program A Day in the Life of ... a Customer Care Frontliner pada tahun 2011. Fenny (left) mentors Peppy as she experiences A Day in the Life Of... a Customer Care Frontliner in 2011. —————————
“This time the programme is voluntary, so to ensure it’s a success, we’re trying to make the experiences as varied and as interesting as possible,” Dea says. “We’re still developing the concepts, and we’re keen to hear from potential volunteers.” To find out more about the programme or give your feedback to Peppy and Dea, email
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Berita Kita May 2013
Health Expo Popularity Proves Contagious Tanpa promosi berlebihan, Health Expo dibuka 3 Mei silam di luar klinik kesehatan Narogong. Dalam waktu singkat, pengunjung berdatangan ke stan yang ditata menarik untuk mendapatkan informasi kesehatan.
Left to right: Halilintar, Berce and Sugiharto. —————————
Pak Berce Pramurianto dijumpai Berita Kita tengah melihat-lihat penjelasan yang ditampilkan panitia. “Stan dibuka tadi pagi, karena itu saya ke sini jam makan siang,” jelasnya. Ia, yang kini berusia 39 tahun dan bekerja di Maintenance Shift Team, memutuskan untuk mengambil tes darah cuma-cuma dengan bantuan Juru rawat Klinik, Sugiharto. “Informasi yang mereka gelar sangat bermanfaat, dan tes ini untuk mengetahui kondisi saya sejak pemeriksaan terakhir tahun lalu,” lanjutnya.
Berita Kita May 2013
Halilintar Cahya Buana, Electrician, yang bekerja satu tim dengan Pak Berce, juga mengikuti tes untuk memeriksa apakah kadar kolesterol, asam urat, protein dan fungsi ginjalnya dalam batas normal. “Rasanya saya tidak punya masalah kesehatan, dan olah raga pun rutin,” ujar Halilintar. “Saya penasaran bagaimana hasil tesnya nanti.” “Informasinya menurut saya sangat bagus – mudah dicerna dan membantu staf memahami berbagai kondisi kesehatan berikut gejalanya.”
Dr Kiki Sutjahyo, Occupational Health Coordinator Holcim, yang menjadi penyelenggara kegiatan dalam rangka Hari K3 Internasional April lalu, memang berharap karyawan menyadari pentingnya kegiatan tersebut. “Masukan dari mereka memang kami tunggu-tunggu,” jelasnya, “karena tujuan utama expo adalah menarik perhatian karyawan sekaligus menyadarkan mereka akan gangguan kesehatan yang biasanya muncul. Jadi karyawan dapat memantau sendiri kondisi mereka; menjadikan mereka ‘dokter untuk diri sendiri’.”
Diakui Dr Kiki, sebagaimana disampaikan kepada karyawan sebelum pemeriksaan, hasil cek darah instan tidak terlalu akurat untuk mengetahui kadar kolesterol pasien, misalnya. Tapi, lanjutnya, pemeriksaan tersebut menggugah minat karyawan dan membuat mereka sadar. Diharapkan nantinya mereka ingin tahu lebih jauh tentang kondisi kesehatan mereka. “Tidak ada vaksin untuk penyakit diabetes, darah tinggi atau jantung, tapi kita bisa mencegah datangnya gangguan. Cara terampuh adalah mencari tahu kemudian menindaklanjuti apa yang kita tahu.”
Opening with little fanfare outside Narogong’s medical clinic on May 3, Narogong’s Health Expo, a colourful and informative stand on personal health quickly saw a steady stream of visitors. Pak Berce Pramurianto, was one staff member browsing the materials on display when Berita Kita arrived. “I noticed it this morning and I thought I’d pop in after lunch,” said the 39-year-old member of a Maintenance Shift Team, while signing up for free blood test from Clinic Nurse Sugiharto. “The materials here are very good and the blood test is a good way for me to see my progress since the medical check-up last year,” he said. Halilintar Cahya Buana, an Electrician from the same team, had also signed up for the test, which spot checks levels of cholesterol, uric acid, protein and basic kidney function to see whether the results fall within a broadly normal range. “I don’t really have any health problems that I’m aware of right now and I exercise quite a lot,” Halilintar says, “So I’m quite interested in seeing my test.”
The two men's comments are music to the ears of Dr Kiki Sutjahtyo, Holcim’s Holcim’s Occupational Health Coordinator , who organised the event in response to International Health & Safety Day in April. “Feedback like that is exactly what we had hoped for,” she says, “because the expo’s main aim is to create interest among staff about their personal health and raise awareness about common ailments so people are better able to monitor their own conditions, what I like to call ‘being your own doctor’.”
Dr Kiki admits the blood test is not highly accurate for readings like cholesterol, something that patients are told prior to testing. However, she says the check does pique people’s interest and get them thinking, which she hopes will lead them onto further discoveries. “After all, there are no vaccinations for diabetes, hypertension or heart disease, and yet they are all preventable. The best defence we have against them is knowledge and the will to act on what we know.”
Pemeriksaan darah gratis di lokasi menggugah minat karyawan untuk mencari tahu lebih banyak tentang kondisi kesehatan mereka, kata Dr Kiki (kiri atas). The free blood test offered on site, is a good way to pique people's interest about personal health says Dr Kiki (top left). —————————
Kedua karyawan menganggap informasi yang ditampilkan sangat bermanfaat.
“I’m also impressed by the quality of the information here – it’s accessible and helps you learn about different medical conditions and recognise their symptoms.”
Both men were impressed by the information on display. —————————
Berita Kita May 2013
Snapping Up Tuban
Menilik dari karya yang masuk, kompetisi terakhir di Tuban ternyata menarik minat banyak personil proyek penggemar fotografi. Peserta bukan hanya mereka yang sudah kawakan, kata Indriani Siswati dari Project Communications Tuban. "Berhubung lebih banyak pendaftar tahun ini, tema foto yang masuk juga lebih beragam, dan ada peningkatan jumlah personil yang ikut menilai foto peserta." Kompetisi berikutnya pada akhir tahun mendatang akan dibagi menjadi beberapa kategori khusus, jelasnya. As the results of Tuban’s latest photo competition show, the concept has really taken off among general project staff, not just experienced snappers, says Indriani Siswati, Tuban Project Communications. “A lot more people entered this year, and this led to more varied subjects, and many more people taking part in the audience vote.” The next round of the competition later this year will involve specialized subject categories, she says.
Berita Kita May 2013
Clockwise from above: Cloud Above the Preheater (Satyo Tamtomo), Caterpillar (Hendra Tjahyono), Oasis Lake (Rum Karimak), Everything Started from Zero (Taslim), Nuclear Effect near Preheater (Ristanto), Safety First (Satyo Tamtomo), Jetty Construction (Ferry Baqdiono), More Complicated than a Five Star Hotel (Imam Supangat). Facing page: the winners: 1. Ninja Tubafa 1 (M. Junaedi). 2. Working Together (Joko Lono Edi). 3. Jetty (Adi Putro).
Berita Kita May 2013
Left to right: Lisa, Irene and Nana. ——————
Berita Kita May 2013
Making Their Mark in Customer Care Industri semen biasanya identik dengan dunia laki-laki. Karyawan pria memang masih mendominasi di unit produksi, tapi departemen lain tampaknya mulai dirambah kaum hawa. Berita Kita mewawancarai tiga karyawan Customer Care perihal pekerjaan, sumber inspirasi dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Mereka adalah Irene Octaviani Purba, Lisa Tri Utami, dan Trisna Rhamdhaniyati, yang biasa dipanggil Nana. BK: Pertama Irene. Apa tugas terberat di Customer Care? Irene: Saya staf back-liner yang tugasnya menangani permintaan informasi dari pelanggan. Mereka umumnya ingin memperoleh jawaban atau solusi sesegera mungkin dari kita. Untuk mencari solusi atau menjawab pertanyaan, kami adakalanya harus berkonsultasi dulu dengan departemen lain, jadi kepada mereka harus dijelaskan prosesnya sehingga mereka mau bersabar. Asalkan kita benar-benar menyimak, mereka akan tahu bahwa kita mengerti masalahnya
dan kita akan membantu mereka mencari solusi. Pelanggan biasanya lebih tenang bila tahu kita peduli. Lisa juga staf back-liner sementara Trisna front-liner. Anda berdua belum lama bergabung dengan Customer Care. Apa pendapat anda berdua tentang pekerjaan di sini? Lisa: Kami bekerja keras namun kami juga tidak lupa bersenangsenang. Saya senang di sini karena seluruh tim bekerja dengan baik; atasan maupun rekan-rekan sangat mendukung. Masih banyak yang harus saya pelajari dari rekan-rekan; banyak seluk-beluk perusahaan yang ingin saya ketahui. Hal itu sangat perlu jika kita ingin bekerja tanpa hambatan dan ingin menambah wawasan, bukan semata-mata menjalankan tugas.
Nana: Sebelumnya saya adalah staf pusat pelayanan pelanggan salah satu perusahaan telekomunikasi. Pekerjaan di sini berbeda jauh. Di tempat lama, saya harus memberi jawaban yang standar sesuai petunjuk – biasanya untuk pertanyaan yang sifatnya umum seperti cara mengganti nada panggil. Masing-masing staf menerima 250 telepon masuk setiap hari. Kami akhirnya merasa seperti robot dalam bekerja. Di sini beda. Karena disini setiap agent harus bisa menghandle semua customer inquiries yang masuk melalui 5 media (telepon, sms, email, fax dan website) pada saat bersamaan dengan batasan waktu atau SLA. Namun, dengan segala tantangan tersebut situasi kerja menjadi semakin menantang, bersemangat dan jauh lebih menarik. Kondisi sekarang jauh lebih baik dibanding kondisi di tempat lama!
The cement industry has traditionally been male dominated. But while this is still true on the factory floor, it’s changing there and in other parts of the business. Berita Kita speaks to three staffers in Customer Care about their jobs, what’s inspiring and what’s challenging. Introducing Irene Octaviani Purba, Lisa Tri Utami, and Trisna Rhamdhaniyati, a.k.a. Nana BK: So Irene, tell us first, what’s the most challenging thing about working at Customer Care? Irene: I’m a back-liner, who deals with customer queries, and our customers generally want quick answers or solutions from us. Because a query or a problem can involve other departments, it’s important to manage their expectations by explaining the process. It’s also very important to listen to them carefully, and make sure they are aware you
care about their problem and that you’re going to help them to find a solution. This can really have an effect on their mood.
company. That’s important because I want my job to be enjoyable and professionally rewarding, it shouldn’t be just work.
Lisa, you’re also a back-liner, while Trisna you’re a front liner. You both joined Customer Care recently. What are your impressions of this job so far?
Nana: I had previously worked at a call centre in a telecommunications company but it’s very different here. In my previous job, everything we didn’t was scripted – it was answers to basic questions like how to change your ringtone, and we each took something like 250 calls every day. In the end everyone felt a bit like robots. While here it’s far more interesting because it’s more challenging. It’s so much better than where I was before!
Lisa: We certainly work hard here, but we also play hard, we are having fun. Right now I’m happy because we have a good team; and my boss and my colleagues are very supportive. There’s also a lot of people to learn from and things to find out about the
Berita Kita May 2013
Staff Deployment
Movement AO Suciartuko
Cahyaji Pawaka
Ferry Samuel Sigid
Mandireng Pambudi
From West Java Warehouse Superintendent to Cil Bag Operation Head
From Cil Purchasing Superintendent to Tuban Purchasing & Inventory Head
Martin Pardede
From Ciwandan Operation Superintendent (Acting) to Ciwandan Operation Superintendent
From Drilling & Blasting Crew to Nar Dispatch & Bag Plant Elec&Inst Team
From Preventive Maintenance Engineer (Acting) to Preventive Maintenance Engineer
From Territory Sales Officer to Business Advisor
Muhammad Yanuar Ardi Prasetio
Paulus Andika Setia Prabowo
Sarno Wiryatno
Ummu Azizah Mukarnawati
From Nar Buyer to Sourcing Specialist
From Dozer / Loader Operator Shift Clay Quarry to Dozer / Loader Operator
From Nar Shift Fire and Rescue Brigade to Nar Shift Fire and Rescue Brigade Leader
From R3-Technical Support Coordinator to Brand Officer
From Juru Mudi to Clay Crusher Plant Panelman Shift
From Dozer / Loader Operator to Cil HE L/S Qry Ops&Cr Shift Team Leader
From Cil Electrical Engineering to Org. Performance Improvement Coach
From Cil Limestone Crusher Patroller to Cil Limestone Crusher Panelman
From Tuban Community Relations Manager to Corporate Csr Manager
New Hires Budi Prasetyo
Hadi Irawan
Hario Rahardi
Idham Maulana
Kanafi Wijayanto
Najib Wahab Mauludin
HE Preventive Maintenance Team Member
Ciwandan Waterway Team Leader
Real Chandra
Org. Performance Improvement Coach
Berita Kita May 2013
Inter-Intra Based Controller
Inter-Intra Based Controller
Rini Lestari Widyastuti
EARN Project Analyst
Customer Care Officer Frontline
Senior Sourcing Specialist
Yakub Marulita Tambunan Inter-Intra Based Controller
Quiz D R
Berita Kita May Wordfind 'CEO Awards' Kata-kata (berbahasa Inggris) dalam rubrik Wordfind Berita Kita edisi ini diambil dari dua artikel CEO Awards 2013 dan 2012 di halaman 4-7, dari kolom iShare dan dari Perspective Eamon Ginley. Gunakan kata-kata tersebut untuk menjawab pertanyaan di bawah ini, dan dapatkan hadiahnya. Semua kiriman jawaban yang benar akan diundi untuk mendapatkan hadiah dua TV, dua lunch box set, dan dua jam tangan. Kirimkan jawaban Anda paling lambat 13 Juni 2013 ke
[email protected] atau melalui pos/mailbag ke Redaksi Berita Kita di Menara Jamsostek Lantai 15 Jl. Gatot Subroto 38 Jakarta. Pemenang akan diumumkan di BK edisi Juni mendatang. All the words in this edition of Berita Kita can be found in the two stories on the 2013 and 2012 CEO Awards on pages 4-7, the article on iShare and in Eamon Ginley’s Perspective. To win great prizes find the words in the puzzle and then use them to answer these easy questions. All correct entries will be put into a draw to win prizes of two TVs, two lunch box sets and two watches. Please send answers to
[email protected] or via post/ mailbag to Berita Kita at Menara Jamsostek, 15th Floor, Jl. Gatot Subroto 38, Jakarta, by June 13, 2013. Winners will be announced in BK June. 1.
2. 3. 4.
Untuk setiap babak, jumlah usulan proyek yang masuk biasanya lebih dari ini. Normally they get in excess of this number of entries every round. Nama belakang salah seorang anggota panitia. Last name of a key organiser. Kata lain dari internal customers. Another word for internal customers. Staf menganggap proses seleksi tahun lalu ... Perceptions about the process last year was that it was: Manajer yang akan membantu dan membimbing anda. A manager who is supposed to help and guide you.
11 . Ide harus diuji di mana? Taking this approach means your idea should be tested in what kind of environment? 12. Ide bagus yang sebelumnya tidak dapat diaplikasikan dapat dan harus diapakan? Great ideas not implemented last time can and should be what? 13. Film apa dari era 1990-an yang dimaksud Yanuar? A 1990s movie Yanuar refers to? 14. Mitra yang perlu diidentifikasi dalam kegiatan ini. Partners that need to be identified in the awards. 15. Jika komunikasi keliru, kita akan membuat orang ... What you do to people when you get communication wrong. 16. Perubahan apa yang dilakukan Asidiq pada kantong semen? The thing Asidiq changed in the bags were their…. 17. Dengan perubahan tadi, apa yang jauh berkurang? His change meant what was dramatically reduced? 18. Tempat untuk mencari inspirasi atau memastikan ide adalah ... A good place to look to find inspiration or check your good idea: 19. Tapi jangan lakukan ini jika tidak ingin ide kita ditolak. But if you go there, don’t do this or your idea will get rejected. 20. Menurut Eamon ada ide yang ... Some ideas are truly this, Eamon says. 21. Tapi diingatkannya pula bahwa ide yang termasuk kategori ini juga penting. But he also reminds you not to forget the importance of these ideas. Pemenang Kuis BK Edisi Maret-April 2013 Hadiah 2 TV: 1. Bambang Budi Hidayat - Information Technology Dept 2. Ari Wirawan - Corporate Relationship Hadiah 2 Lunch Box Set: 1. Melisa Budiman - Technical Dept 2. Rita Tuhali - National Sales Hadiah 2 Jam Tangan: 1. Suguna Kumar - Electrical Engineer 2. Irene Purba - Customer Care
Aplikasi pendaftaran harus ... Entries to the awards must be: 7 Efek positif dirasakan hingga ke ujung ... What are the positive effects flowing down? 8. Apa yang menjadi fokus utama ajang penghargaan? The awards have a strong focus on what? 9. Apa kepanjangan P dalam PMA? What is the P in PMA. 10. Menurut Bernard, peserta sebaiknya melihat proses aplikasi sebagai … Bernard says the application process should be seen as this …
Berita Kita May 2013
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