Privak, beleggingsvennootschap met vast kapitaal naar Belgisch recht
Quest for Growth investeert GBP 1.500.000 in Syntaxin Ltd, een Britse onderneming die zich toelegt op de ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen.
Voor meer informatie:
QUEST MANAGEMENT NV Dhr. René Avonts, Gedelegeerd bestuurder Tel: +32 (0)16 28 41 28 Fax: +32 (0)16 28 41 29 QUEST MANAGEMENT NV Dr. William Brooks, Senior Investment Manager, Life Sciences Tel: +32 (0)16 28 41 28 Fax: +32 (0)16 28 41 29
QUEST FOR GROWTH investeert in £ 1,5 miljoen (€ 2,1 miljoen) in Syntaxin Ltd, een Brits bedrijf dat zich toelegt op de ontwikkeling van geneesmiddelen. De investering kadert in een totale investeringronde van £ 16 miljoen (€ 23 miljoen). Andere investeerders zijn de initiële investeerder Abingworth en de nieuwe investeerders Life Science Partners, SR-One (GSK) en Johnson & Johnson Development Company.
About Syntaxin Ltd
Syntaxin Ltd is een nieuw opgericht bio-farmaceutisch bedrijf dat zich zal toeleggen op onderzoek en ontwikkeling van nieuwe geneesmiddelen op basis van bacteriële Toxines voor de behandeling van chronische ziekten. Het bedrijf ontstond in 2005 als spin out van het UK Health Protection Agency, met investering door Abingworth Management Ltd. De pijplijn van het bedrijf is gebaseerd op exploitatie van krachtige farmaceutische eigenschappen van sommige bacteriële eiwitten, in het bijzonder van exotoxines. De best gekende exotoxines zijn de botulinum toxines, die een langdurige blokkering van de neurotransmissie door cholinergische zenuwen veroorzaken. Door het wijzigen van de celgerichte specificiteit van deze moleculen wil Syntaxin lang werkende geneesmiddelen ontwikkelen om zo celsecretie te voorkomen in een reeks celtypes, om zo de behandeling van chronische pijn, ademhaling- en stofwisselingsziekten te bewerkstelligen. De techniek waarop de pijplijn van Syntaxin gefundeerd is, is gebaseerd op decennia lang onderzoek aan het Health Protection Agency in Porton Down. Dit onderzoek, het huidige onderzoeksteam en de bestaande portefeuille van eigendomsrechten is door de HPA aan Syntaxin overgedragen bij oprichting van de onderneming.
Persmededeling Over QUEST FOR GROWTH
Quest for Growth richt zich op Europese groeiaandelen in diverse sectoren, zoals halfgeleiders, telecommunicatie, software, elektronica, informatietechnologie biotechnologie, gezondheidszorg en nieuwe materialen. Quest for Growth belegt zowel in genoteerde als in niet genoteerde bedrijven. Quest for Growth was de eerste privak in België en is een beleggingsinstelling, genoteerd op de continu markt van Euronext Brussel. De privak, opgericht bij Koninklijk Besluit van 18 april 1997, is een beleggingsinstrument dat particuliere beleggers een passend kader wil bieden om in niet-genoteerde vennootschappen en groeibedrijven te beleggen. De privak “Quest for Growth” wordt beheerd door Quest Management NV.
Deze mededeling is geen aanbod tot verkopen of een aanzetten tot kopen van aandelen van de hoger genoemde maatschappijen, in dewelke QUEST FOR GROWTH geïnvesteerd heeft. Deze aankondiging geldt enkel als mededeling. De aandelen van de bedrijven waarnaar verwezen wordt in dit document zijn niet geregistreerd onder de United States Securities Act of 1933 en mogen enkel aangeboden of verkocht worden in de Verenigde Staten na effectieve registratie of uitdrukkelijke vrijstelling van registratie. Deze persmededeling kan toekomstperspectieven bevatten die risico en onzekerheid inhouden. Alhoewel QUEST FOR GROWTH denkt dat deze toekomstperspectieven gebaseerd zijn op redelijke veronderstellingen, kan geen zekerheid verstrekt worden dat deze projecties ook bewaarheid zullen worden.. Elk zulk toekomstperspectief moet gezien worden in de wetenschap dat huidige gebeurtenissen en resultaten kunnen afwijken van deze perspectieven als gevolg van onder andere politieke, economische of wettelijke wijzigingen in de marken in dewelke de bedrijven waarin QUEST FOR GROWTH investeert actief zijn of in de aandelenmarkten waarin deze bedrijven genoteerd zijn. De lezers worden verwezen naar het prospectus dat werd gepubliceerd naar aanleiding van het openbaar bod tot intekeningen waarin verwezen wordt naar het risicoprofiel van QUEST FOR GROWTH.
QUEST FOR GROWTH NV Privak, beleggingsvennootschap met vast kapitaal naar Belgisch recht Lei 19, bus 3 B-3000 Leuven - Tel: +32 (0)16 28 41 28 - Fax: +32 (0)16 28 41 29
[email protected]
SYNTAXIN RAISES £16M TO ADVANCE DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL DRUG PIPELINE Oxford, UK, 31 October 2007: Syntaxin Ltd (“Syntaxin” or “the Company”), a biopharmaceutical company developing novel biologic drugs that control cell secretion, today announces that it has raised £16 million in a Series B fundraising. The round was co-led by new investors SR One, the venture capital arm of GSK, one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, and LSP (Life Science Partners) with additional funds from Syntaxin’s existing shareholders, Abingworth. New investors Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation (JJDC) and Quest for Growth also participated in the financing. Syntaxin’s novel biologic drugs will address unmet clinical needs in the treatment of pain, nervous, respiratory and metabolic disorders. The Company’s technology generates novel proteins that target selected cells, resulting in potent and sustained control of aberrant secretion of hormones or signalling molecules that contribute to disease. The funds raised will be used to advance the development of Syntaxin’s biologics pipeline towards clinical proof of mechanism and reinforce its dominant technology position. Deborah Harland, General Partner at SR One, said: “Syntaxin’s discovery platform provides a unique approach to the development of a new class of biopharmaceutical products with potential application across a broad range of indications. We are impressed by the progress made to date and look forward to working with Syntaxin’s experienced and talented management team and our fellow investors to build a business of significant value.” René Kuijten, General Partner at LSP, commented: “We are very excited to become a shareholder of Syntaxin especially because of the combination of a novel and commercially validated technology platform with an in-house pipeline of promising products.” Patrick Doyle, Chief Executive of Syntaxin, said: "To have secured a significant round of financing from a well respected group of life science investors is a real vote of confidence in our technology and programmes. We are now in an ideal position to advance our product candidates to the clinic and broaden the potential of our technology.” As a result of the investment Syntaxin’s Board of Directors is now made up of: Andrew Sandham (Chairman), James Abell (Abingworth), Deborah Harland (SR One), Rene Kuijten (LSP), Zeev Zehavi (JJDC) and Patrick Doyle (Syntaxin). Syntaxin recently moved to its laboratories at The Quadrant, Abingdon,near Oxford, having been founded at the Health Protection Agency at Porton Down. The HPA remain shareholders. --ends--
Enquiries: Syntaxin Ltd Patrick Doyle, Chief Executive
Tel: +44 (0)1235 552112
Financial Dynamics Julia Phillips Emma Thompson
Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 3113
About Syntaxin ( Syntaxin Ltd is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the discovery and development of new medicines derived from bacterial toxins to treat chronic diseases. The Company was created in 2005 as a spin out from the UK Health Protection Agency, with funding from Abingworth Management Ltd. The Company’s product pipeline is based on exploiting the potent pharmacological properties of a family of microbial proteins, known as exotoxins. The best known are the botulinum toxins, which cause a prolonged block to neurotransmission by cholinergic nerves. By changing the cell-targeting specificity of these molecules, Syntaxin is developing novel biologics that selectively control aberrant secretion from specific cell types involved in pain, neuromuscular, respiratory and metabolic diseases. These engineered proteins are typically potent and long acting, which are necessary properties for the treatment of chronic disease. Syntaxin’s core technology is based on decades of research at the Health Protection Agency, Porton Down which has provided the company with a dominant intellectual property portfolio. About SR One ( SR One Limited is GlaxoSmithKline' s independent corporate healthcare venture fund. The Fund' s mission is to invest globally in emerging biotech companies that are focused on drug discovery, drug development or delivery and have the potential to make products that will offer a dramatic benefit to patients. SR One is committed to making investments that can provide attractive returns and significant strategic value. Since its founding in 1985, SR One has invested over USD 500 million in more than 120 companies located in the USA and Europe. Today, there are about 30 private and public companies in the SR One portfolio. The SR One team includes eight investment professionals based in the USA and Europe and has experience that spans venture capital investing, business development, Wall Street, pharmaceutical R & D, medical practice and business start-ups. For more information, please visit About Abingworth ( Abingworth is an international life sciences investment firm active on both sides of the Atlantic with offices in London, Cambridge (UK), Menlo Park (California) and Boston. Founded in 1973, the company invests across all stages of development, including early-stage as well as public companies. Abingworth has funds under management of over $1.25 billion. For more information, please visit
About LSP ( LSP (Life Sciences Partners) is a leading independent European venture capital firm, providing private equity financing to early- to mid-stage life-science companies. Since the late 1980s, LSP’s management has invested in a large number of highly innovative enterprises, many of which have grown to become leaders of the global life-science industry. For example, LSP was a founding investor in Crucell, DNage, Qiagen, Rhein Biotech and Pharming. With EUR 400 million under management and offices in Amsterdam, Munich and Boston, LSP is one of Europe’s largest and most experienced specialist life-science investors. About Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation ( Organized in 1973, Johnson & Johnson Development Corporation (JJDC) is the venture capital subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. JJDC makes private equity investments in venture funded health care companies. Portfolio companies include those in the fields of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, diagnostics and consumer products. JJDC also leads and manages internal investments in selected promising technologies. For more information, please visit About Quest for Growth ( Quest for Growth is a Pan-European investment company that invests in European technologybased growth companies in a broad range of industrial sectors such as information technology, semiconductors, telecommunications, software, electronics, biotechnology, medical devices, health-care and new materials. Quest for Growth invests in quoted and unquoted companies.