Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters
By: YEMIMA ANGGRAENI PRIBADI Student Number: 06 4214 064
When life gives you bite them! and make a funny face.
For My beloved Dad, Mom. and Sandy. My dear Friends and Colleagues vii
Above all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for all blessing and guidance before, during, and until I finished this undergraduate thesis. I would also like to thank Mr. Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, S.S., M.Hum., my advisor, for his patience, guidance, and helps during the writing of this undergraduate thesis, and to Mrs. Anna Fitriati S.Pd., M.Hum, my co-advisor, for reading, correcting, and giving me essential points in order to make this undergraduate thesis better. And I also like to thank all my lecturers in English Letters Department for giving me so much knowledge. My biggest gratitude also goes to my Dad and Mom, the way they encouraged me, trusted me, and their patience made my fears easier to defeat. To one and my only brother Sandy, I thank you for your unseen support that can push me to finish this undergraduate thesis as soon as possible. I always love you with all my heart. Finally lots of gratitudes to all my friends in English Letters, for “Chatter Box” (Andry, Shin, Damay, Sela, and Pricil) and all my 2006 friends for their spirits to finish this undergraduate thesis, it is nice to be their friends. Another gratitude to Pricilla Anindyta, my partner in crime, thank you for always be there no matter what happened. Last but not least, I thank you so much Via for all the helps, I mean it. Let’s fight together!
Yemima Anggraeni Pribadi
PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ..........................................................................................................i APPROVAL PAGE .............................................................................................. ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................ iii LEMBAR PENGESAHAN PUBLIKASI ILMIAH ..............................................iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN ................................................................. v MOTTO PAGE ..................................................................................................... vi DEDICATION PAGE ........................................................................................ vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................................................ix ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ x ABSTRAK...............................................................................................................xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1 A. Background of the Study .........................................................................1 B. Problem Formulation ...............................................................................5 C. Objectives of the Study ...........................................................................6 D. Definition of Terms .................................................................................6 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW .....................................................8 A. Review of Related Studies ......................................................................8 B. Review of Related Theories ....................................................................10 1. Definition of Translation ....................................................................10 2. Theory of Translation Methods ..........................................................11 3. Translation Process .............................................................................17 C. Theoretical Framework ...........................................................................19 D. Research Framework ...............................................................................20 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................23 A. Object of the Study .................................................................................23 B. Method of the Study ...............................................................................24 C. Research Procedure ............................................................................... 24 1. Object of Data ...................................................................................24 2. Data Collection ..................................................................................25 3. Data Analysis .....................................................................................25 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ..............................................................................27 A. Wizardry Terms in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret.................27 B. Methods Applied in Translating Wizardry Terms...................................30 1. Exoticism ...........................................................................................30 2. Cultural Borrowing ............................................................................34 3. Calque ................................................................................................35 4. Communicative ...................................................................................38 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .........................................................................43 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................45 APPENDIX ........................................................................................................47 ix
YEMIMA ANGGRAENI PRIBADI. The Study of Translation Methods in Translating Wizardry Terms in J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2013. Translation is not easy, never was, and never will be. There are many methods and strategies. There are many words, phrases, and sentence that cannot be directly translated. Strategies and methods are used to deliver the message or idea in order to reach an equivalent effect for the readers. This research studies the translation methods used by Listiana Srisanti in translating the wizardry terms in the novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret into Indonesia version, based on Hervey and Higgins’ translation theories. The first problem is the data comparison between SL and TL, served side by side. The second problem analyzed the translation methods used to translate those terms based on Hervey and Higgins’ translation methods; they are exoticism (9 terms), cultural borrowing (3 terms), calque (4 terms), communicative translation (14 terms), and cultural transplantation (none). From the analysis, the most used method is communicative translation. It takes the highest percentage of 47% of the data. Communicative translation is the most suitable method to the translate fiction novel, because it is emphasizing more on the meaning. The form is structured in a way that it is acceptable to the reader. This method helped readers to understand more of the difficult terms in the novel, since not all terms are familiar in Indonesian culture. One method that did not used at all is cultural transplantation method. This method is the opposite end of level from exoticism, but more like adaptation. This method is not sis for suitable to use to translate work-fiction because usually adaptation is used for something real, but in foction novel mostly are unreal, only appear in imagination To be concluded, the best way to translate work-fiction is to use communicative translation, because the method works in way that people easily to understand. Moreover, this method can avoid confusion and misunderstanding the wizardry terms, especially in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret.
PLAGIAT PLAGIATMERUPAKAN MERUPAKANTINDAKAN TINDAKANTIDAK TIDAKTERPUJI TERPUJI ABSTRAK YEMIMA ANGGRAENI PRIBADI. The Study of Translation Methods in Translating Wizardry Terms in J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2013. Penerjemahan tidak mudah, tidak pernah, dan tidak akan pernah. Ada banyak metode dan strategi. Banyak kata-kata, frase, dan kalimat yang tidak dapat diterjemahkan secara langsung. Strategi dan metode digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan atau ide untuk mencapai efek yang setara bagi para pembaca. Penelitian ini mempelajari metode penerjemahan yang digunakan oleh Listiana Srisanti dalam menerjemahkan istilah-istilah yang berhubungan dengan ramuan dalam novel fiksi Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia dalam versi Indonesia, berdasarkan teori penerjemahan milik Hervey dan Higgins'. Masalah pertama merupakan perbandingan data yang digunakan dalam dua bahasa, Inggris dan Indonesia, dan disajikan berdampingan. Masalah kedua menganalisis metode penerjemahan yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan istilah-istilah sihir tersebut berdasarkan metode penerjemahan milik Hervey dan Higgins’; yaitu exoticism (9 istilah), cultural borrowing (3 istilah), calque (4 istilah), communicative translation (14 istilah), dan cultural transplantation(tidakada) Dari hasil analisis, metode yang paling banyak digunakan adalah communicative translation dengan persentase tertinggi 47% dari seluruh data. Communicative translation adalah metode yang paling sesuai untuk menerjemahkan novel fiksi, karena lebih menekankan pada makna. Bentuk kalimatnya disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat diterima oleh pembaca. Metode ini membantu pembaca untuk lebih memahami istilah-istilah asing dalam novel, karena tidak semua istilah tersebut sering digunakan atau akrab dalam kebudayaan Indonesia. Salah satu metode yang tidak digunakan sama sekali adalah metode cultural transplantation. Metode ini tidak cocok digunakan untuk menerjemahkan karya fiksi karena biasanya metode ini digunakan untuk sesuatu yang nyata, tetapi dalam karya fiksi sebagian besar hal adalah hal-hal hanya muncul dalam imajinasi. Sebagai kesimpulannya, cara terbaik untuk menerjemahkan karya-fiksi adalah dengan menggunakan metode communicative, karena metode ini bekerja dengan cara yang efektif untuk membuat karya terjemahan mudah dipahami pembaca. Selain itu, metode ini dapat menghindarkan kebingungan pembaca dalam mengartikan istilah sihir, terutama istilah-istilah yang ada dalam novel Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia.
A. Background of Study In this globalization era, reading is one of the favorite things that is done by many people. By reading, people can understand many things, many topics, even many events. Reading also gives special satisfaction to identify things that they like such as specific information about particular topics or specific story about something such as literary text without any limitations. However, readers will find difficulties when they have to read texts in another language different from their mother tongue. Translation can be a bridge to connect the reader and the language which is different from the reader‟s language. Translation has taken a common yet significant role in literature world. In terms of literature, according to Peter Newmark (1988), translation is specifically defined as rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. In terms of communication, translation can be defined as one type of communication tool that connects two or more different language and, thus, it connects people with different language. It is important to have better understanding about translation, what translation is and what methods are used in translation since nowadays many texts are translated into some different languages to make the reader understand those texts in their language.
When a translator translates a novel into another language, the he has to know the idea of the story and what the author wants to say through the story. The most important thing that the translator may not forget is how they deliver the idea without reducing even more, change the message of the text in the process when they have to translate it into another language. The translator have to consider the details, the accuracy, social context, and the target reader of the text. Nevertheles, producing the closest equilavent effect is not easy at all since two different languages also have different culture. As an example, the Indonesian word canting that refers to a tool in making batik will not have the equivalence in English, because batik and canting are culture-specific terms that exist only in Indonesia. Translator duty is showing what the source language wants to deliver a word in the target language as close as possible, both in the matter of message and understanding of the reader. There is an interesting issue in translating a text, especially in a fiction text that is the use of some specific terms. The use of specific terms in some texts can improve the interesting side of those texts. Specific term is used to mention a term in other word. Even though specific terms give positive effects for the text, it can also make the reader confuse because of its unfamiliarity. Sometimes, the term that is used to explain certain word have no relation with the real meaning of the word itself. It is interesting to analize why the translator translate a certain word using the specific term. By knowing the reason, confusing arguments can be avoided.
Those reasons above become a major reason why translation method is conducted in this study. By knowing what kind of method that is suitable with the process of translating specific terms, readers can get more knowledge about translation proccess, that there are many ways to translate the unknown terms that appeared in a fiction. Besides, by understanding the methods which are used in a text makes readers find what the interesting side of that text is. Translation methods proposed by Hervey and Higgins are choosen by the writer because they have several methods that can be used to translate the wizardry terms in J.K Rowling‟s Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret. In this research, the writer intends to analyse the translation methods that are applied in the famous novel “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret” in translating wizardry terms According to Bloomsbury Journal on July 21, 2009, Harry Potter children‟s books have been translated into over 40 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide. As people know that J.K Rowling is a very creative author, and with no doubt her words choice are very difficult and sometime unique. She often used words adapted from many languages and cultures; she even adapted words from some myth, like Greek and Roman myth. The writer specifically chooses the second series which is “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret” because the writer found many new unknown terms related to „wicthcraft stuff‟. That is why the writer is interested to study about it, to see how far the translation proccess can go and how the translator used the translation strategies to achieve translation equivalent.
Translation becomes really important because it is one of the ways to make people with different mother language can easily understand and enjoy reading the text. Translation process and its result prove that language is developed from time to time. With the right method, the result of translation can be directly delivered to all people in the world without losing its essence. The writer is interested in the cultural issues that appear in the book, because Indonesian culture is not really similar with Western culture so far. There are some fundamental differences between both cultures, as the example taken from the book below; The word broomstick is translated into sapu terbang. Actually the Indonesian meaning of broomstick is batang sapu, or in English, a broom with a long handle and small thin stick at the end, or the handle of a broom. In Indonesian culture, witch stories do not involved flying broomstick as their transportation, they just disappear then reappear in other place in a blink. However, in western culture the witches are always traveling with their flying broomstick, it becomes their characteristic. The translator chooses to use more general word relating to witches story to define the meaning of broomstick. The cultural adaptation makes the meaning changed but make the translation more imaginative. The phenomena above inspires the writer to analyze the way of translating such terms in the book using translation strategies. The writer decided that this topic is worth analyzed because it is important to understand the origin of the term used in the work of translation. The analysis
supported by facts of the significant differences between Indonesian cultures with Western culture. That is why the writer analized further about translation strategies in translating wizardry terms in the book. The writer hopes that this research is usefull for those who wanted to learn about translation strategies, ecpecially for professional translator. The writer choose to analize translation strategies because producing closest equivalence in the target language is very important in translation work. Moreover, by understanding the problem and the strategies in translation, first we know how a word can mean differently and how a word can make such a significant change for a sentence or even for the text itself. Second, we can learn the strategies that are used by professional translators in translating a text, particularly a fiction novel. Finally, we can understand the text itself better and avoid misunderstanding on the message of the text. B. Problem Formulations This study focuses on two problem formulation as follows: 1. How are the wizardry terms in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret translated into Bahasa Indonesia? 2. What methods are applied the most in the translation of special term in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret?
C. Objectives of Study The first research problem is to state the translation of the wizardry terms in both language, English and Indonesia. This research obejctive is to give exact comparison between the SL and TL text. The second research problem is to find out the translation strategies applied in the Indonesian translation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. The research objective is to reveal what strategies are applied due to achieve equivalent effect in the translation proccess of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret from English to Indonesia. This research will give knowledge to recognize and also to determine the strategies on translation based on Hervey and Higgins. Furthermore, this research will be usefull for those who wants to conduct further studies in this field. D. Definition of Terms To avoid different understanding during reading the paper, the analysis will provide some definitions of important words used in the analysis. It will help to make same perception. They are: 1. Translation Newmark stated that translation is an act of rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. (1988) 2. Translation Method/Strategies
Krings defines translation strategy as translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task (1986:18). Loescher in his book Translation Performance, Translation Process and Translation Strategies also says that translation strategy is a potentially conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it. (1991:8). As it is stated in this definition, the “notion of consciousness” is very important in distinguishing strategies which are used by the learners or translator. 3. Wizardry Term according to The Free Dictionary website, wizardry terms are any term related to magic, witching, witchcraft, voodoo, enchantment, sorcery, black art, necromancy, sortilege. ( 4. Source Language Newmark in his book A Textbook of Translation said source language is the language of the text that is to be or has been translated (1988). 5. Target Language Target language is the language of the translated text (Newmark, 1988). 6. Equivalent Effect As stated by Newmark equivalent effect is the same effect (or one as close as possible) on the readership of the translation as was obtained on the readership of the original (1988)
A. Review of Related Studies The studies from some sources below will support the analysis especially to analize the methods used in translation. 1. A Morphological Study of Spell Words in J.K Rowling‟s Harry Potter by Weny Natalia. In her research, Weni Natalia focuses in word formation/ morphological process of the spell words in the novels. She analyzed the use of any affixes in spell words that mighy be used and especially the process of word formation. She used the of word and morphology from Andrew CarstairsMcCharty to analized the spell words, and etymology theory by Lyle Campbell. Since Weni Natalia took almost similar source, the writer find it helpful and and became more determined to analyze the novel, of course with different topics. 2. A Study on the Translation of Christian related terms in the Constitution of the Sisters of Notre Dame by Fransisca Margaretha Kuil. In her research, Fransisca Margaretha Kuil focuses on how the Christian terms in the novel is translated using Hervey and Higgins‟ method of translation. Their methods are used to find out what method and how they are applied in the translation of Christian terms. Fransisca‟s research is very helpful for the writer to analize further about translation method used in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret, because they both are using translation method from Hervey and Higgins.
In this present study, the writer analyzes something different. The writer compares the SL and TL text to find out whether the results of translation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret are having equivalent effect or not. Further, the writer analysed the methods used in translating the wizardry terms and then clasify them. B. Review of Related Theories 1. Definition of Translation According to Larson (1984: 3), translation is transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure. Nida and Taber (1974: 12) define translation as the reproduction in a receptor languageof the closest natural equivalent of the source message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style. While Maurits D.S Simatupang, in his book, Pengantar Teori Terjemahan, stated that translating is transferring the meaning exist in the SL (source language) to the TL (target language), and make it as natural as possible along with the rules of the TL (2003: 3). To analyze what kind of method applied in translating wizardry terms in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret, the writer will use translation method from Sandor Hervey and Ian Higgins. According to Joanna Rek-Harrop in her journal, Cross Cultural Ambiguities , is talking about translations of cultural meaning often used some
'translational relationships,' and 'cultural adequacy.' The degree to which the original cultural perspective of the ST is translated faithfully into the TT varies depends on the method chosen by a translator. Hervey, Higgins and Haywood in their book Thinking Spanish Translation: A Course of Translation Method, Spanish to English are suggested a scale of translation techniques for culture specific concepts: a) Exoticism or cultural borrowing is when the TT retains the original cultural and linguistic features of the SL and is therefore the most faithful to the ST cultural background. The TT might be difficult to understand for public unfamiliar with the ST culture. b) Calque is a literally translated fixed expression which often either does not make logical sense in the TT or its sense is different from the one the ST author had in mind. c) Communicative translation uses communicative equivalents predominantly in terms of fixed expressions. d) Cultural transplantation is when the ST is fully adapted to the TT audience often beyond recognition of being a translation itself. (1995: 20) Proper names is one of wizardry terms features. To translate proper names there are some methods that can be applied. Based on Behnaz Sanaty Pour‟s journal about How To Translate Proper Names based on the theories from Hervey and Higgins‟ book Thinking French Translation (2002) present some strategies for translating proper names:
Exoticism: The name should remain unchanged from the SL to the TL. In this method no cultural transposition is occurred. Transliteration: The name is shifted to conform to the phonic or graphic rules of the TL. Cultural transplantation: The SL name is replaced by the TL name that has the same cultural connotation as the original one. ( The other features of wizardry terms are alliteration and assonance. In his journal about Problems of Rendering Linguistic Devices in Rumi's Poetry, Mahmoud Ordurari states that, Some cases of translation loss, every so often referred to as untranslatability, related to formal features of a text, seems to come about in alliteration, assonance, and ambiguous words. Hervey & Higgins (1992:76) define alliteration as "the recurrence of the same sound/ letter or sound/ letter cluster at the beginning of words (for example, 'many mighty midgets')"; however, when the recurrence of the same sound/ letter or sound/ letter cluster occurs "within words (for example, 'my crafty history master's bathtub')", this is called, according to Hervey & Higgins (1992:76), assonance (original emphasis). (
2. The Theory of Translation Methods a. Translation method of semantic and communicative translation by Peter Newmark According to Peter Newmark, there are two methods of translation, they are semantic translation and communicative translation. Most of non-literary writing, journalism, informative article and books, textbook, reports, scientific and technological writing, non-personal correspondence, propaganda, publicity notices, and popular fiction represent typical content suitable for communivative translation. Different with certain topics like philosophical, religious, political,
scientific, technical and literary, needs to be translated semantically because the original expression of the content itself (Newmark, 1988, p.44). Table 2.1. Semantic and Communicative Translation Semantic Translation Communicative Translation Attemps to render, as closely as the Attemps to produce in its readers an effect semantic and syntactic structures of the as close as possible to that obtained on the SL. readers of the original. Remains within the original culture. Adapts and makes the thought and cultural content of the original more accessible to the readers. More informative but less effective Effective in producing the same effect to the TL readers. More complex, awkward, detailed, Smoother, simpler, clearer, more direct, concentrated and pursues the thought- more conventional, more understandable, processes rather than the intention of the conforms to a particular register of translitter. language Tends to be over-translated Tends to use universal words than the original text (under-translated) Always inferior to its original, since it The translator is trying in his or her own involves loss of meaning. language to write a little better than the original. Translator has the right to correct and Translator has the right to correct or improve the logic and its structures. improve the logic, to replace clumsy with elegant, or at least functional, syntactic structures. Produces an art. Produces a craft. Reproduces the full meaning of the Give priority to message. original, not simply one of its function.
The basic differences beetween communicative and semantic translation are in the stress on message and meaning, reader and author, utterances and though-process, last informative and constantive, but this is more about the matter of emphasis (Newmark, 1981). Newmark also stated that “a translation can be more or less semantic – more or less communicative – even a particular section or sentence can be trated more communicatively or less semantically” (1981, p.40).
The novel Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret can be translated using communicative method but still cannot ignore the original one itself. b. Translation method of cultural issues by Sandor Hervey and Ian Higgins To analyze this research further, some methods from Sandor hervey and Ian Higgins will be used in this research. This following part will be about the theory of translation methods by Hervey and Higgins. Translation is involving the tranposition of thought expressed in one language by one social group into the appropriate expression of another group. In the cultural level, the translation should become an immediate effect on the reader with certain purposes. Hervey and Higgins in their book Thinking of Translation, a course of Translation Method: French-English, have explained more specific about translation methods that relate with the cultural term. Since, religion also involves in cultural term because it has certain belief and tradition. They mention some various kinds of cultural transposition which can be alternative to analize SL-biased literal translation. It means that as a translation tool, cultural transposition can suppres the cultural elements of the source text to make space for the cultural elements of the target text. They propose some degree of cultural transposition that involves the choice of features original to the TL and the target culture in preference to feature with their root in the source culture. The result is to reduce the „foreigness‟ or the specific term in the TL. In some extents, it is „naturalizing‟ into the TL and its cultural setting. The various degree of cultural transposition can be visualized as points along a scale. It starts between the extremes of exiticism which mostly based on source
culture and the other part is cultural transplantation which is mostly based on the target culture. The various degree of cultural transposition can be visualized as points along a scale. It starts between the extremes of exoticism which mostly based on source culture and the other part is cultural transplantation which is mostly based on the target culture. Figure 2.1. Hervey and Higgins‟ Translation Methods
(Hervey et al, 1992:28) i. Exoticism Exoticism is a part of literal translations which has the extreme option in indicating cultural foreignness in a TL. A TL is translated in exotic manner to convey the signal of the exotic source culture and its cultural strangeness. It is a choice to import the linguistic and cultural features from SL to TL. In this process, the adaptation is rarely used to maintain the cultural foreignness (1992:30). The result here is that foreign features remained in the TL. The only possible advantage of the literal translation is its exoticism, but this advantage is cancelled by two things: the obscurity of the TL and the lack of contextual meaning. If there were good reasons for preserving the exoticism, one could diminish these advantages by indirectly signaling in the TL (1992:32). ii. Cultural borrowing
The method is particularly to transfer a SL expression faithfully into the TL. The translator will choose it when it shows impossible to find a suitable TL expression of original for translating the SL expression. A vital condition of cultural borrowing is that the textual context of the TL should make the meaning of the borrowed expression clear. Cultural borrowing will be most frequent in text on history or social or political matters, where the simplest solution is to give a definition of term like „taile‟, „department‟, or „pra-revolution‟, „parlement‟ and then to use the SL word in the TT. (1992:31). Furthermore, when the term of SL has already passed into the TL without significant change of meaning, the constituting standard conventional equivalents of the SL borrowed. In this case, the translator may use significant decision of the TL which equivalent to the SL. For example, such expression as „joie de vivre’, savoir-faire, „sauerkraut‟, „totem‟, taboo‟ can be called as standard conventional equivalents of the corresponding foreign expression. iii. Calque Calque is an expression that consists of TL words and respect TL syntax, but unidiomatic in the TL because it is copied on the structure of a SL expression. In essence, calque is a form of literal translation. A good calque manages to compromise between imitating a SL structure and not offending against the grammar of the TL. Calquing may also be called a form of cultural borrowing, although it replaces the verbatim borrowing of expression as a model of SL grammatical structures. Furthermore, some calqued expressions become standard TL cultural equivalent of the SL. For example are French „poids moucche‟,
calqued on English „flyweight‟; French-Canadian „bienvenue‟ calque in English „you‟re welcome‟. Like all forms of cultural borrowing, calque shows signs of a certain degree of exoticism, bringing into the TL the cultural foreignness and strangeness of the source cultures. (1992:33) iv. Communicative translation It is different from cultural borrowing since the translator may choose for ccommunicative translation. This is often necessary to transfer culturally conventional principle where a literal rendering would be inappropriate. For example, many proverbs, idioms and clichés have readily expressed communication equivalents in the TL. It can be assumed that communicative translation is appropriate in the context because it render the situational impact with the TL expression (1992:32). v. Cultural transplantation Cultural transplantation is the opposite end of level from exoticism which is the extreme form of all translation, but more like adaptations. The whole part in SL is transplanted into the rewritten expression of TL. The theories above are very helpful for the writer to analyze which strategies are suitable to translate the novel. Using those theories for further analysis will make the process of determining translation methode used in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret easier.
3. Translation Process “Translation is a craft consisting in the attemp to replace a written message and or statement in one language by the same message and/or another language.” (Newmark, 1981, p.7). However, the work of translating is not as easy as it sounded. Utterance letter cannot just directly translate a text word by word. There are many considerations that have to be told of, such as the sturcture, the meaning, the cultural difference, etc. That is also one part of translation process. Much of the time is spent by the translator by thinking. In other word, the process of translation is mostly done in the mind of translator. There are 4 process of translating. They are analyse, transfer, restructuring, and evaluation.
Figure 2.2. Translation Process Evaluation and Revision
Original Text of Source Language
Translation Text of Target Language External Process
Analysis Restructuring
Concept, Meaning, Message in Source, Language
Internal process
Concept, Meaning, Message in Target Language
In analysis process, a translator analyze understands the Source Language Text. A translator must analyze and understand the meaningful realtionship between words, gramatical relation, the meanging of its word or word combination, textual meaning, and even contextual. After having completed the process of analysis which involves both grammatical and semantic aspect of the text, it is essential for the results of the analysis to be transfered from the Source Language into the Target Language. This transfer process takes place in a translator‟s. In restructuring process, a translator finds the essential components of words, expression, and their sentence structure. Therefore, the content, meaning, and message of the Source Language can be fully transfered. After transferring the text into Target Language, the result of translation must be evaluated and revised, or rechecked of the target text in terms of correctness with the source text. If a translator feels that there is still awkwardness in the language, he or she must revise it again. This theory on translation process is useful for the writter to understand what is actually going on in the mind of a translator when he or she tries to identify the problem in the Source Language text and, then, find the strategies to be applied in the Target Language text. 3.1 Equivalence The principal purpose of any translation should be to achieve „equivalent effect‟ i.e. to produce the same effect (or one as close as possible) on the
readership of the translation as was acquired on the readership of the orgininal (Newmark, 1981). In doing translation, it is not easy to find an SL word which has a clear one-to-one equivalent in the TL because of the different cultural background in both language. Most language are likely to have equivalents for the more general verb of speech such as say and speak, but many may not have equivalents for the more specific ones. For example, be my guest, would not be equivalent if it is translated into Jadilah tamu saya. It would be equivalent if its is translated into Silahkan. It is translator‟s duty to represent what the Source Language wants to deliver in the Target Language as equal as possible, both in the matter of the message and the reader. Thus, the most important thing in translating a text is transferring the same mesage as the SL produces. Since both languages, English and Indonesian, have different cultural background, it is very essential to find the closest equivalent in the TL, although it does not pay attention on semantic or grammatical aspect. C. Theoretical Framework In this paper, the writer discussed two problems related to the theories and studies by using the translation methods and theories. The first problem formulation focuses on the comparison between TL and SL text. The aim is to identify the exact translation of Wizardry terms in Harry Potter‟s second book. While the second problems in this research focuses on application of Hervey and Higgins‟ method in translating Wizardry terms from English into Bahasa Indonesia. Theories related to the study must be used to accomplish the analysis.
The theories based on Hervey and Higgins‟s translation methods are used to explain the process of translating wizardry terms. There are 5 methods proposed by Hervey and Higgins; exoticism, cultural transplantation, cultural borrowing, communicative translation, and calque. All those methods above are applied in this undergraduate thesis in order to analized the translation process of translating wizardry terms from English into Bahasa Indonesia.
D. Research Framework This research aims to analyze the translation method used to translate Wizardry terms in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. The research is started by collecting the Wizardry terms in the novel. From the data collection, the writer chose some sample for further analysis. The writer took random data to be analyzed further. To achieve precise analysis, the research is divided into two parts. The first section will analyze the translation of wizardry terms in both language, English and Indonesian. The results from the first analysis is used as reference for the second analysis which focuses on the translation method used by Hervey and Higgins. The results of the second analysis are useful to show what methods are used to translate the specific terms in the book, as well as the conclusion of this study. Explanation of the steps of this research will be stated in the following diagram. Description the steps of this research will be described in the following diagram.
Figure 2.3. Research Diagram
SL Text
Result: the most suitable method appropriate to translate the book
Wizardry terms
Analysis part II Further analysis of the Wizardry terms using Hervey and Higgins theory
Indonesian translation in TL Text
Collecting 30 data of Wizardry terms
Analysis Part I Compared the SL and TL text side by side and given brief explanation to the wizardry terms.
A. Object of the Study There are two works analyzed in this research. First, is Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret by J.K Rowling. It was published by Bloomsbury Children‟s Book in July 1998 in UK and June 2, 1999 in the USA. This book received the British Book Awards 1998 Children‟s Book of the Year and was No. 1 in the adult hardback bestseller charts for a month after publication. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret tells about the adventure of Harry Potter in his second year in Hogwarts Magic School. There are many unique terms that are rarely used in our daily world. The second work is Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia, the translated version of Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret, translated by Listiana Srisanti and published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Jakarta in October 1999. The focus of this analysis is the specific terms appeared in the book. Special term could be word, phrase, sentence, or even proper name; Moaning Myrtle for an example. First part of the analysis will be about the comparison between English and Indonesian version, in order to determined the terms are correctly translated or not because they were translated into some different ways.
B. Method of the Study The writer chose to do study library, because of availabity of the source data. Firstly the writer collected data from source book which is using English; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret, then searched for the same data from the same book only in Indonesian version; Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia. Next, the author divided it into several groups according to the function of those terms. The writer also use the help of the English language dictionary; Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary to compare those terms whether or not they are accurately translated into Bahasa Indonesia. To check the Indonesian translation, the writer used the dictionary by Echols and Sadily English-Indonesian Dictionary and/or Indonesian-English Dictionary.
C. Research Procedure 1. Object of Data In this undergraduate paper, to analyze the terms will be used qualitative data from JK. Rowling‟s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret, both in English Version and Indonesian version which translated by Listiana Srisanti, and published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Taken from Matthew B. Miles and A Huberman‟s book Qualitative Data Analysis, the qualitative data is usually in the form of words rather than numbers (1994:1). The writer chose to focused on the meaning of the specific terms by compared the data in SL and TL text. The data of wizardry terms consist of words, phrase and some of them are proper names. The data from SL text are listed and compared with Indonesian
translation, so the data would be in pair in both language, English and Indonesia. The data captured in a sentence is stated in complete sentence and then analyzed to find out the strategies that came along with it. 2. Data collection The writer chose the data of wizardry terms in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret as the main source. The data were taken from all pages in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret from the whole book randomly. The main data are the unusual words used in most of chapter in the book. All the wizardry terms in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret both SL and TL are underlined to help the writer in highlighting the data. Then, the data in the sentences that have been high-lighted will be listed in a column titled „SL‟. Another column is provided to list the page number and articles of the data. The column is divided into three, for numbering, SL data, to TL data. All the data from SL and TL would be analyzed in the next part. In this way, the data of SL will be listed in order of alphabet. Then, the TL data will follow the data of the SL in the next column. This could be useful in the analysis because the translation of those words and the differences can be seen clearly. Table 3.1. Example of Data Collection Code ST 1/9
ST He missed the castle, with its secret passageways and ghosts, his classes (though perhaps not Snape, the Potions master), .....
Code ST 1/9
TT Dia merindukan kastinya, dengan lorong-lorong rahasia dan hantu-hantunya, pelajaranpelajarannya (walaupun mungkin tidak merindukan Snape, guru pelajaran Ramuannya), ....
3. Data Analysis In analyzing the data, the writer used some steps. First of all, the writer listed all specific terms in the SL and TL text in both version to compare. Here, the writer also consulted Oxford Advance Learner‟s English – English Dictionary to find the idea that the author tried to deliver. Then, the writer matched the idea in the Indonesian version by consulting Echols and Sadily English-Indonesian dictionary, so that it would be easier to compare the idea of SL text and the TL text. The writer analyzed the SL and TL text by finding and bold the words, phrases, or sentences.. Next, the data would be analyzed further by finding the translation strategies applied on them based on Hervey and Higgins‟s theory about translation strategies. Next, the data analyzed further by finding the translation startegies applied on them based on Hervey and Higgins‟ theory about translation strategies. The analysis result was put in the table below: Table 3.2. Table for Data Comparison Code ST 2/9
ST ... ,Quidditch, the most popular sport in the wizarding world (six tall goal posts, four flying balls, and fourteen players on broomsticks)
Code ST 2/10
TT Quidditch, olahraga paling populer di dunia sihir, (enam tiang gawang tinggi, empat bola terbang, dan empat belas pemain diatas sapu terbang).
Table 3.3. Table for Example of Data Analysis Code ST 3/27
We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine.
ST 3/31
Kami baru saja menerima laporan mata-mata bahwa Mantra Melayang baru saja digunakan di tempat tinggal Anda malam ini pada pukul sembilan lewat dua belas menit.
Translation Strategy Communicative
In the SL text „Hover Charm‟ is translated into „Mantra Melayang‟ in the TL text. In the story, Dobby the House Elf used the Hover Charm to make a cake floating above Uncle Vernon guest‟s head, to threaten Harry not to come back to Hogwarts. The translator uses the word hover which has meaning to stay in the air in one place instead of floating which means to move slowly on water or in air. The translator uses the word hover to represent the action because both are close in meaning, but not exactly the same, to make it a little bit dramatic. The writer provided the percentage of data analyzed in their classification using the calculation stated below.
X x 100% = N Y X: Number of data in each types of translation Y: Number of all qualitative data selected N: The percentage of translation types and method
This chapter, the writer presents the findings and analysis of the problem stated in Chapter 1. First section, 50 wizardry terms in English and Indonesian version put side by side to compare the translation of each word. The writer is analyzes how is comparison between SL and TL text, and its influence in determining the method useds in the Indonesian translation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. The analysis in the first section is the comparison of the data used in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. Those data are served in. comparison form between English and Indonesian translation side by side. A. Data Comparison in Both Language Code ST 1/9
ST 2/27
ST 3/36
ST 4/218
ST ... ,Quidditch, the most popular sport in the wizarding world (six tall goal posts, four flying balls, and fourteen players on broomsticks) We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine. Load of dung - Dad reckons he was right in You-KnowWho's inner circle. "It's either foxes or a BloodSuckin Bugbear, an' I need the Headmaster's permission ter put a charm around the hen coop."
Code ST 1/10
TT ... , Quidditch, olahraga paling populer di dunia sihir, (enam tiang gawang tinggi, empat bole terbang, dan empat belas pemain diatas sapu terbang).
ST 2/31
Kami baru saja menerima laporan mata-mata bahwa Mantra Melayang baru saja digunakan di tempat tinggal Anda malam ini pada pukul sembilan lewat dua belas menit. Omong kosong – Dad berpendapat dia orang dekat Kau-Tahu-Siapa. “Kalau bukan rubah, tentu momok penghisap darah, dan aku perlu izin Kepala Sekolah untuk bikin pagar sihir sekeliling kandang ayam.”
ST 3/41
ST 4/250
ST 5/335
“... He persuaded Dippet to keep Hagrid and train him as gamekeeper. ...”
ST 5/387
ST 6/27
Mrs. Mason screamed like a banshee and ran from the house shouting about lunatics. The ghoul in the attic howled and dropped pipes whenever he felt things were getting too quiet, .... Behind him walked a Slytherin girl who reminded Harry of a picture he'd seen in Holidays with Hags.
ST 6/30
"I was lookin' fer a FleshEatin' Slug Repellent," growled Hagrid. THE WHOMPING WILLOW MUDBLOODS AND MURMURS. “... Now, after a Kwikspell course, I am the center of attention at parties and friends beg for the recipe of my Scintillation Solution!" “... Now, after a Kwikspell course, I am the center of attention at parties and friends beg for the recipe of my Scintillation Solution!" Professor Binns, glancing up in the middle of a deadly dull lecture on the International Warlock Convention of 1289, looked amazed. "No, it's not," said Hermione. "All we'd need would be some Polyjuice Potion."
ST 9/72
ST 16/200 ST 17/200
ST 7/50
ST 8/208
ST 9/63
ST 10/74 ST 11/115 ST 12/140
ST 13/140
ST 14/163
ST 15/174
ST 16/176 ST 17/176 far, Harry had been forced to play a simple
ST 7/56
ST 8/238
ST 10/84 ST 11/131 ST 12/159
ST 13/159
ST 14/185
ST 15/198
“... Dia membujuk Dippet untuk mempertahankan Hagrid dan melatihnya menjadi pengawas binatang liar. ...” Mr. Mason menjerit seakan melihat hantu dan berlari keluar rumah, berteriak-teriak menuduh mereka gila. Hantu di loteng melolong dan menjatuhkan pipa setiap kali dia merasa suasana terlalu sepi, ... Dibelakangnya berjalan seorang anak perempuan Slytherin yang mengingatkan Harry pada foto hantu perempuan tua jelek sekali yang dilihatnya dalam buku Heboh dengan Hantu. “Aku sedang cari Pembasmi Siput Pemakan-Daging.” kata Hagrid geram. DEDALU PERKASA DARAH-LUMPUR DAN BISIKAN-BISIKAN “... Sekarang, setelah ikut kursus Mantrakilat, aku jadi pusat perhatian di pesta-pesta dan teman-temanku meminta resep Cairan Cemerlang-ku!” “... Sekarang, setelah ikut kursus Mantrakilat, aku jadi pusat perhatian di pesta-pesta dan teman-temanku meminta resep Cairan Cemerlang-ku!” Profesor Binns, mendongak ditengah bacaan super membosankan tentang Konvensi Sihir Internasional tahun 1289, kelihatan kaget. “Tidak, itu bukan tidak mungkin,” kata Hermione. “Yang kita perlukan hanyalah Ramuan Polijus.” BLUDGER GILA ... sejauh ini Harry sudah dipaksa berperan sebagai
Transylvanian villager whom Lockhart had cured of a Babbling Curse,... ST 18/180
"Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, and knotgrass," she murmured, running her finger down the list of ingredients
ST 18/205
ST 19/180
“... Shredded skin of Boomslang, that‟s definitely not in the student‟ cupboard. ” "Silence! SILENCE!" Snape roared. "Anyone who has been splashed, come here for a Deflating Draught - when I find out who did this -"
ST 19/205
ST 21/212 ST 22/79
`A Parselmouth!" said Ron. "You can talk to snakes!" Harry had inherited just one thing from his father: a long and silvery Invisibility Cloak.
ST 21/242 ST 22/321322
ST 23/255
"You know, what the school needs now is a moralebooster.” ... they met Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, who were stocking up on Dr. Filibuster's FabulousWetStart, No-Heat Fireworks, ... Harry wasn‟t suprise to see that the Bloody Baron, a gaunt, staring Slytherin ghost covered in silver bloodstains, was being given a wide berth by the othe ghosts. Unlike the ghost around them, Peeves the poltergeist was the very reverse of pale and transparent. “The Wailing Widow came all the way up from Kent... It‟s nearly time for my
ST 23/293
ST 20/203
ST 24/67
ST 25/145
ST 26/146
ST 27/148
ST 20/233
ST 24/76
ST 25/165
ST 26/167
ST 27/168
penduduk desa Transylvania sederhana yang disembuhkan Lockhart dari Kutukan Gagap ... “Serangga sayap-renda, lintah, mostar, dan knotgrass- tanaman rendah berbunga dadu dan berdaun biru keabu-abuan,” dia bergumam, jarinya menyusuri daftar bahan yang diperlukan. “... Kulit ular pohon, jelas ini tidak ada di lemari siswa. ...” “Diam! DIAM!” raung Snape. “Siapa saja yang kecipratan, ke sini untuk mendapatkan Ramuan Pengempis. Kalau aku tahu siapa yang melakukan ini...” “Parselmouth!” kata Ron. “Kau bisa bicara dengan ular!” Harry hanya mewarisi satu benda dari ayahnya: Jubah Gaib panjang keperakan, yang bisa membuat pemakainya tidak kelihatan. “Kau tahu, yang diperlukan sekolah sekarang adalah pengobar semangat.” “... mereka bertemu Fred, George, dan Lee Jordan, yang sedang membeli „Kembang Api Awal-Basah, Tanpa Panas Dr Filibuster’, ....” Harry tidak heran melihat Baron Berdarah, hantu Slytherin yang pucat dan galak, serta bebercak-bercak darah keperakan, dihindari oleh hantuhantu lain. Tidak seperti hantu-hantu disekeliling mereka, Peeves si hantu jahil tidak pucat ataupun transparan. “Si Janda Meratap datang jauh-jauh dari Kent.. sudah hampir waktunya aku
speech, I‟d better go and warn the orchestra...” Madam Pomfrey was holding a large bottle of something labelled ‘Skele-Gro’ Harry found it peaceful, rather than gloomy, and enjoyed the fact that he, Hermione and the Weasleys had the run od Griffindor Tower, which meant they could play Exploding Snap loudly without bothering anyone, and practise dueling in private. Professor Sprout set them all to work pruning the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs.
ST 28/190 ST 29/229
ST 30/289
ST 28/217 ST 29/262
ST 30/332
memberikan sambutan, lebih baik aku beritahu orkesnya. Madam Pomfrey membawa botol besar berlabel „SkeleGro’- Penumbuh Tulang. Alih-alih suram, Harry menganggapnya damai, dan dia senang sekali hanya dia, Ron, dan Hermione yang tinggal di Menara Griffindor. Itu berarti mereka bisa bermain kartu Exploding Snap dengan seru tanpa mengganggu siapapun, dan berlatih duel tanpa ada yang melihat. Profesor Sprout menyuruh mereka memangkasi dahan dan ranting-ranting kering pohon ara Abbyssinia.
B. Methods Applied in Translating the Wizardry terms The second question will be answered through the description of the first analysis. To analyze the methods applied to translate the wizardry terms in the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret, the cultural transposision of Hervey and Higgins will be used here. The analysis of the method will be stated as follows: 1. Exoticism method Exoticism method is used to give “exotic” nuance to the translation, it also called as “decenterring”. This method is found in some terms in the novel. The writer found 14 terms which are used this method. Code ST 11/115
Code ST 11/131
Translation Method Exoticism
The phrase mudbloods is not familiar in our daily life. It translated into darah-lumpur because that was the closest meaning with the ST. There is no other term suitable to translate the original phrase. It used word to word translation to translate this phrase. Precisely because the translation sounded strange, unfamiliar, it left a unique impression on the word itself. Code ST 21/212
ST `A Parselmouth!" said Ron. "You can talk to snakes!"
Code ST 21/242
TT “Parselmouth!” kata Ron. “Kau bisa bicara dengan ular!”
Translation Method Exoticism
Parseltongue is the language of serpents (as well as other magical serpent-based creatures, like the Runespoor) and those who can converse with them. An individual who can speak Parseltongue is known as a Parselmouth. It is a very uncommon skill, and is typically hereditary. Nearly all known Parselmouths are descended from Salazar Slytherin with Harry Potter being a notable exception. Parselmouth is an imaginative term related to the book only, it cannot be applied in the daily life. This term has no way to be translated into a simple yet obvoius, so the translator left it untranslated, for the sake of exoticism itself. The ideology of this is to foreignize the ST, and it completely achieved in this part. Code ST Code ST 9/63 "I was lookin' fer a Flesh- ST 9/72 Eatin' Slug Repellent," growled Hagrid.
TT “Aku sedang cari Pembasmi Siput Pemakan-Daging.” kata Hagrid geram.
There are two things that need to be highlighted in this part, those are the clause Flesh-Eatin Slug and the word Repellent. Repellent is a substance that is used for keeping insects away from you or in another word in Indonesian is pembasmi serangga. Second is the word Flesh-Eatin Slug. Slug means a small soft creature, like a snail without a shell, that moves very slowly and often eats garden plants. The word slug is also often used as part of the common name of any gastropod mollusc that has no shell. This is in contrast to the common name "snail", which is applied to gastropods that have a coiled shell that is large enough that the soft parts of the animal can retract fully into it. The translator chose to use the word siput because that is the common name for this animal, most of the readers know it. As we all know, slug and snail are herbivorous animals, means they eat plants. In this story, Hagrid‟s slug are carnivorous, they destroyed his cabbage. That is the reason he looked for a repellent. The translation of both words are quite equivalent, because the main idea is the same, even in the story the slug is flash-eating animal, it is just for the matter of readers‟ imagination. The translation of word repellent is also acceptable. The idea of the word, a device (liquid-form) to slay harmful animals, is exactly matched. Code ST 10/74
Code ST 10/84
Willow tree is a tree with long thick branches and leaves, that often grows near water. According to the book, whomping willow is a large, violent tree that
smahses its branches at those who approach it too close. In this part, there are two words that need to be analyzed; the word willow and whomping. Willow tree is known as Gandarusa or Dedalu tree based on dictionary translation, without any addition, change, or modification. It usually live in northern hemisphere, and rarely found in Indonesia. Listiana Srisanti used the exact translation of willow to avoid readers‟ confusion. In case the readers want to know about willow tree or dedalu they will google about it and found exactly what they are looking for, because the real description and its description in the book are closely the same; long thick branches and leaves plus little bit creative imagination. Next to the word whomping. Whomping is from the root of whomp, means (n) a loud, heavy blow or thud; (v) to hit or strike; or (v) to defeat soundly, trounce. As its appearance in the book, this is a giant destructive and dangerous tree, standing all mighty next to the Great Lake. The translator used perkasa as the translation because of its appearance in the book. While the meaning of the word perkasa is kuat dan tangguh serta berani; gagah berani. The representation of the mighty Whomping Willow is more or less matched with the meaning of the word perkasa. In this part there is also a translation shift, from alliteration (Whomping Willow) into regular form of phrase (Dedalu Perkasa). This shift occured because there is no possible term that can be used to translate Whomping Willow. Due to the lack of knowledge about willow/dedalu/gandarusa tree, the writer will give some examples in the appendix section.
2. Cultural borrowing method
This method is particularly to transfer a ST expression faithfully into the TT. Usually, this method is used when it shows impossibility to find a suitable TT expression for translating the original term. Some culturally-loaded terms are borrowed and sometimes are naturalized or transliterated. Code ST 13/140
ST “... Now, after a Kwikspell course, I am the center of attention at parties and friends beg for the recipe of my Scintillation Solution!"
Code ST 13/159
TT “... Sekarang, setelah ikut kursus Mantrakilat, aku jadi pusat perhatian di pestapesta dan temantemanku meminta resep Cairan Cemerlang-ku!”
Translation Method Cultural borrowing
Kwikspell is a correspondence course in beginner's magic run by the Kwikspell Company. The course is designed to help adult witches and wizards brush up on their magical skills. Kwikspell came from the words quick and spell, and translated into mantrakilat. From the original words, the meaning is the same. The translation is faithfully translated from the source text and did not change the meaning.Therefore, the translation is acceptable. Code ST 15/174
ST "No, it's not," said Hermione. "All we'd need would be some Polyjuice Potion."
Code ST 15/198
TT “Tidak, itu bukan tidak mungkin,” kata Hermione. “Yang kita perlukan hanyalah Ramuan Polijus.”
Translation Method Cultural borrowing
Polyjuice Potion is a very complicated potion that allows the drinker to assume the form of someone else. The translation of it became Ramuan Polijus in the pure translation, and can be said that the term of Polijuice Potion is neutralized. The pronounciaton of the Polijuice itself became the basic translation. Another consideration is the sound is matched with Indonesian pronounciation of the word Polyjuice. 3. Calque method Calque method is not used to translate word but sentence or phrase. Also used to translate idiomatic expression from ST to TT. In essence, calque is a from or literal translation. Sometimes calque shows a sign of a certain degree of exoticism, bringing into the cultural foreignness and strangeness of the source cultures. Code ST 4/218
ST "It's either foxes or a Blood-Suckin Bugbear, an' I need the Headmaster's permission ter put a charm around the hen coop."
Code ST 4/250
TT “Kalau bukan rubah, tentu momok penghisap darah, dan aku perlu izin Kepala Sekolah untuk bikin pagar sihir sekeliling kandang ayam.”
Translation Method Calque
One characteristic of calque, sound strange or weird, is appear the phrase blood-sucking bugbear. Bugbear means a thing that annoying people and that they worry about, translated into momok in Indonesian version. Try to imagine the image of blood-sucking bugbear is not easy since in Indonesian culture there is no such a creature like that. The strangeness is in both ST and TT, because the
translator translated it as same as the original text (faithful translation). In other hand, the translator translated it that way to make the translation more interesting for the readers. Code ST 24/67
ST ... they met Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, who were stocking up on Dr. Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks, ...
Code ST 24/76
TT “... mereka bertemu Fred, George, dan Lee Jordan, yang sedang membeli „Kembang Api Awal-Basah, Tanpa Panas Dr Filibuster’, ....”
Translation Method Calque
In this part, there is something different with the other. There is an omition of a word fabulous in the Indonesian version. The word fabulous is actually used to describe that Dr. Filibuster Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks‟ is fantastis or great. Because the omition the word fabulous, the translation became so plain. In the story, Hogwarts-trouble-maker trio (Fred George and Lee Jordan) like to make people wowing them, shake head because of their jokes, creativity, or even their mischievousness. Somehow, the omition make TT became an incomplete sentence, a bit weird. This can be called as faithful translation. Code ST ST 3/36 Load of dung - Dad reckons he was right in You-Know-Who's inner circle.
Code ST 3/41
TT Omong kosong – Dad berpendapat dia orang dekat Kau-Tahu-Siapa.
According to Oxford dictionary, the word dung means solid waste from animals, especially from large ones. “Load of Dung‟ can be translated into stack of dirt
which means something that do not matter, something useless, a non-sense. In Indonesia version it is translated as „omong kosong‟ which means talk about something non-sense, talk about something unimportant. Basically they have a same idea, that is unimportant matter. Therefore, the use of words „omong kosong‟ is acceptable to translate the idiom „Load of dung‟ because they have the same effect on the reader, even though the literal meaning is not the same. That‟s how the idiom worked. Code ST 17/176
ST far, Harry had been forced to play a simple Transylvanian villager whom Lockhart had cured of a Babbling Curse,...
Code ST 17/200
TT ... sejauh ini Harry sudah dipaksa berperan sebagai penduduk desa Transylvania sederhana yang disembuhkan Lockhart dari Kutukan Gagap ...
Babble means sounds of many people speaking at the same time, or talking that is confused or silly and is difficult to understand. In Indonesia it usually called as mengoceh. Different with „gagap‟ or in English it called stutter or stammer, means to have difficultiy speaking because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first sound of some words several times. There is a big differences here. The word babble cannot be translated into gagap, because gagap is more like someone‟s disability in speaking, while babble is unclear sound produced by several people talk in the same time. The translation of the ST is not correct because it changed the idea. Eventhough, when it seen from the side of the story, the translation is still acceptable because it seems that Lockhart had cured a disease, and gagap is a kind of disease too.
4. Communicative method Communicative method is emphasized on the message meaning. The form is structured in such a way that it was acceptable to the TT readers. This method is oftenly used to translate difficult words or phrases to avoid readers‟ confusion. Code ST 8/208
ST Behind him walked a Slytherin girl who reminded Harry of a picture he'd seen in Holidays with Hags
Code ST 20/238
TT Dibelakangnya berjalan seorang anak perempuan Slytherin yang mengingatkan Harry pada foto hantu perempuan tua jelek sekali yang dilihatnya dalam buku Heboh dengan Hantu.
Translation Method Communicative
Communicative method usually comes along with additional explanation or information to make the translation acceptable for the readers. Additional information also used for emphasizing the meaning of the original text (ST). This is one example of communicative translation with additional note. Not many people know about what hags is. Based on dictionary, hags is an ugly and/or unpleasant old woman. In Indonesian culture people is reffering to a figure of Nenek Lampir. To relate it to the story, the translator made the figure of hags become a ghost of ugly old woman. As the reader knew that in every home-room in Hogwarts there are many paintings of the anhestors, former headmasters, famous people, etc and most of the people in the paintings are dead. That is why hags there associated with ghost. The additional note, make the figure of hags more imaginable.
ST “... He persuaded Dippet to keep Hagrid and train him as gamekeeper. ...”
ST 5/335
Code ST 59/387
TT “... Dia membujuk Dippet untuk mempertahankan Hagrid dan melatihnya menjadi pengawas binatang liar. ...”
Translation Method Communicative
First thing comes in mind when thinking about gamekeeper, it must be like a refree in a game. However, the actual meaning of gamekeeper is the person whose job is to take care of and breed wild animals and birds that are kept on private land in order to be hunted. Thus, the actual meaning has nothing to do with any kind of game. Actually a game keeper is like a animal-keeper in the zoo. In the book, Hagrid is the gamekeeper. He had responsibility to take care and protect all creature and plant in Hogwarts area. The Indonesian version, it is translated into pengawas binatang liar. The translation is completely acceptable, because it has been adapted to the character of Hagrid based on the story. Communicative method was very usefull to avoid readers‟ misunderstanding and confusion. Code ST 2/27
ST We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine.
Code ST 2/31
TT Kami baru saja menerima laporan mata-mata bahwa Mantra Melayang baru saja digunakan di tempat tinggal Anda malam ini pada pukul sembilan lewat dua belas menit.
In the SL text „Hover Charm‟ is translated into „Mantra Melayang‟ in the TL text. In the story, Dobby the House Elf used the Hover Charm to make a cake floating above Uncle Vernon guest‟s head, to threaten Harry not to come back to Hogwarts. The translator uses the word hover which has meaning to stay in the air in one place instead of floating which means to move slowly on water or in air. The translator uses the word hover to represent the action because both are close in meaning, but not exactly the same, to make it a little bit dramatic. Code
ST 7/50 The ghoul in the attic howled and dropped pipes whenever he felt things were getting too quiet, ...
Code ST 7/56
TT Hantu di loteng melolong dan menjatuhkan pipa setiap kali dia merasa suasana terlalu sepi, ...
Everybody know about ghost, and most of people believe its existance, seen or unseen. According to Oxford Dictionary, ghost means the spirit of a dead person that a living person believes they can see or hear. It excatly the definition of ghost we all know. Good or bad, it still ghost. Indeed in our culture there are many kinds of ghost, but most of us generalized it as ghost. While ghoul means (in stories) an evil spirit that opens graves and eats the dead bodies in them. In Indonesia, deep inside in Dayak tribe‟s culture, there is a ghost that is almost the same with ghoul, they called it Bumburaya. There is a legend or old myth about it, about a young man named Tanghi, who was adopted by a widower in his village. Someday the widower dead and left him alone with nobody else. At the third night he looked after his adopted father‟s grave, he saw Bumburaya
ferociously digging to find the body in it, try to eat it. It is brief story about Bumburaya, the ghost-eating corpses. ( The translator generalised it and used the word „ghost‟ because not many people know about Bumburaya. Moreover it just a myth, because it is a story that the part of a culture that passed down from generation to generation until now. So the writer concluded that the translation is matched. Code ST 1/9
ST ... ,Quidditch, the most popular sport in the wizarding world (six tall goal posts, four flying balls, and fourteen players on broomsticks)
Code ST 1/10
TT ... , Quidditch, olahraga paling populer di dunia sihir, (enam tiang gawang tinggi, empat bole terbang, dan empat belas pemain diatas sapu terbang).
The word broomstick is translated into sapu terbang. Actually the Indonesian meaning of broomstick is batang sapu, or in English, a broom with a long handle and small thin stick at the end, or the handle of a broom. In Indonesian culture, witch stories did not involved flying broomstick as their transportation, they just disappear then reappear in other place in a blink. However, in western culture the witches are always traveling with their flying broomstick, it becomes their characteristic. The translator chooses to use more general word relating to witches story to define the meaning of broomstick. The cultural adaptation makes the meaning changed, but made the translation more imaginative.
Table 4.4 Finding of Translation Methods
Translation Methods
Number of Data
9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26
14 30
47% 100%
Cultural Borrowing
13, 15, 22
4, 3, 17, 24
4 5
Communicative translation Cultural transplantation
1, 2, 5, 7, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, 30 -
Harry Potter series are a world-wide best seller novels, translated into more than 40 languages. The second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret has many wizardry terms which are signified the witchcrafts world and require good imagination to understand and enjoy it. There are 30 wizardry terms found in the book. Those terms will be analyzed to found out the meaning, the accuracy, and the method used to translate them into Indonesian version. There are two problems that are served here. First is only the comparison between wizardry terms in both language, Indonesian and English. The second problem analyzed the translation methods used to translate those terms. The analysis based on Hervey and Higgins‟ translation methods, they are exoticism (9 terms), cultural borrowing (3 terms), calque (4 terms), communicative translation (14 terms), and cultural transplantation (none). From the analysis, the most used method is communicative translation. It takes the highest percentage of 47% of the data. Communicative translation is the most suitable method to translate fiction novel, because it emphasized more on the meaning. The form is structured in a way that it is acceptable to the reader. This method helped reader to understand more of the difficult terms in the novel, since not all terms are familiar in Indonesian culture.
The second method used the most to translate the novel are exoticism and calque. These methods have a similarity, this methods bring “exotic” nuance to the translated terms but in different way. One method that did not used at all is cultural transplantation method. This method is the opposite end of level from exoticism, but more like adaptation. This method is not suitable to translate work-fiction because usually adaptation is used for something real, but in fiction novel mostly are unreal, only appear in imagination. Cultural transplantation maybe considered as a serious option to use in normal tranlation, since normal translation avoids to used exoticism. To be concluded, the best way to translate work-fiction is to use communicative translation, because the method worked in a way that people easily to understand. Moreover, this method can avoide confusion and misunderstanding the wizardry terms, especially in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret.
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(October 9, 2008) Rek-Harrop, Joanna. Cross Cultural Ambiguities <> (April 13, 2010) Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. London: Bloomsburry Publishing, 2004. Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter dan Kamar Rahasia. (Listiani Srisanti, Trans.). Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007.
A. Table of Wizardry Terms Code ST 1/9
ST 2/27
ST 3/36
ST 4/39
ST 5/335
ST 6/27
ST 7/50
ST 8/208
ST ... ,Quidditch, the most popular sport in the wizarding world (six tall goal posts, four flying balls, and fourteen players on broomsticks) We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine. Load of dung - Dad reckons he was right in You-Know-Who's inner circle. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, The Burrow. “... He persuaded Dippet to keep Hagrid and train him as gamekeeper. ...”
Mrs. Mason screamed like a banshee and ran from the house shouting about lunatics. The ghoul in the attic howled and dropped pipes whenever he felt things were getting too quiet, .... Behind him walked a Slytherin girl who reminded Harry of a
Code TT ST 2/10 ... , Quidditch, olahraga paling populer di dunia sihir, (enam tiang gawang tinggi, empat bole terbang, dan empat belas pemain diatas sapu terbang). ST 3/31 Kami baru saja menerima laporan mata-mata bahwa Mantra Melayang baru saja digunakan di tempat tinggal Anda malam ini pada pukul sembilan lewat dua belas menit. ST 4/41 Omong kosong – Dad berpendapat dia orang dekat Kau-Tahu-Siapa. ST 5/44 Papan miring yang ditancapkan di tanah dekat pintu masuk bertuliskan “The Burrow” - Liang ST “... Dia membujuk Dippet 59/387 untuk mempertahankan Hagrid dan melatihnya menjadi pengawas binatang liar. ...” ST Mr. Mason menjerit seakan 16/30 melihat hantu dan berlari keluar rumah, berteriak-teriak menuduh mereka gila. ST Hantu di loteng melolong 19/56 dan menjatuhkan pipa setiap kali dia merasa suasana terlalu sepi, ... ST Dibelakangnya berjalan 20/238 seorang anak perempuan Slytherin yang mengingatkan
picture he'd seen in Holidays with Hags.
ST 9/63
ST 10/74 ST 11/115 ST 12/140
ST 13/140
ST 14/163
ST 15/174
ST 16/176 ST 17/176
ST 18/180
"I was lookin' fer a FleshEatin' Slug Repellent," growled Hagrid. THE WHOMPING WILLOW MUDBLOODS AND MURMURS. “... Now, after a Kwikspell course, I am the center of attention at parties and friends beg for the recipe of my Scintillation Solution!" “... Now, after a Kwikspell course, I am the center of attention at parties and friends beg for the recipe of my Scintillation Solution!" Professor Binns, glancing up in the middle of a deadly dull lecture on the International Warlock Convention of 1289, looked amazed. "No, it's not," said Hermione. "All we'd need would be some Polyjuice Potion." THE ROGUE BLUDGER far, Harry had been forced to play a simple Transylvanian villager whom Lockhart had cured of a Babbling Curse,...
ST 23/72
"Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, and knotgrass," she murmured, running her finger down the list of ingredients
ST 44/205
ST 24/84 ST 30/131 ST 32/159
ST 32/159
Harry pada foto hantu perempuan tua jelek sekali yang dilihatnya dalam buku Heboh dengan Hantu. “Aku sedang cari Pembasmi Siput Pemakan-Daging.” kata Hagrid geram. DEDALU PERKASA DARAH-LUMPUR DAN BISIKAN-BISIKAN “... Sekarang, setelah ikut kursus Mantrakilat, aku jadi pusat perhatian di pesta-pesta dan teman-temanku meminta resep Cairan Cemerlangku!” “... Sekarang, setelah ikut kursus Mantrakilat, aku jadi pusat perhatian di pesta-pesta dan teman-temanku meminta resep Cairan Cemerlang-ku!”
ST 37/185
Profesor Binns, mendongak ditengah bacaan super membosankan tentang Konvensi Sihir Internasional tahun 1289, kelihatan kaget.
ST 39/198
“Tidak, itu bukan tidak mungkin,” kata Hermione. “Yang kita perlukan hanyalah Ramuan Polijus.” BLUDGER GILA
ST 40/200 ST 42/200
... sejauh ini Harry sudah dipaksa berperan sebagai penduduk desa Transylvania sederhana yang disembuhkan Lockhart dari Kutukan Gagap ... “Serangga sayap-renda, lintah, mostar, dan knotgrasstanaman rendah berbunga dadu dan berdaun biru keabu-abuan,”
ST 19/180
ST 20/203
ST 21/212 ST 22/79
ST 23/255 ST 24/67
ST 25/145
ST 25/145
“... Shredded skin of Boomslang, that‟s definitely not in the student‟ cupboard. ” "Silence! SILENCE!" Snape roared. "Anyone who has been splashed, come here for a Deflating Draught - when I find out who did this -" `A Parselmouth!" said Ron. "You can talk to snakes!" Harry had inherited just one thing from his father: a long and silvery Invisibility Cloak.
ST 47/205
"You know, what the school needs now is a morale-booster.” ... they met Fred, George, and Lee Jordan, who were stocking up on Dr. Filibuster's FabulousWet-Start, NoHeat Fireworks, ... They passed a group of gloomy nuns a ragged man wearing chains, and the Fat Friar, a cheerful Hufflepuff ghost, who was talking to a knight with and arrow sticking out of his forehead.
ST 57/293
Harry wasn‟t suprise to see that the Bloody Baron, a gaunt, staring Slytherin ghost covered in silver bloodstains, was being
ST 73/165
ST 50/233
ST 52/242 ST 56/321322
ST 64/76
ST 72/165
dia bergumam, jarinya menyusuri daftar bahan yang diperlukan. “... Kulit ular pohon, jelas ini tidak ada di lemari siswa. ...” “Diam! DIAM!” raung Snape. “Siapa saja yang kecipratan, ke sini untuk mendapatkan Ramuan Pengempis. Kalau aku tahu siapa yang melakukan ini...” “Parselmouth!” kata Ron. “Kau bisa bicara dengan ular!” Harry hanya mewarisi satu benda dari ayahnya: Jubah Gaib panjang keperakan, yang bisa membuat pemakainya tidak kelihatan. “Kau tahu, yang diperlukan sekolah sekarang adalah pengobar semangat.” “... mereka bertemu Fred, George, dan Lee Jordan, yang sedang membeli „Kembang Api Awal-Basah, Tanpa Panas Dr Filibuster‟, ....” Mereka melewati serombongan biarawati muram, seorang laki-laki berpakaian compang-camping dan memakai rantai, dan si Rahib Gemuk-hantu Hufflepuff yang ceria, yang sedang mengobrol dengan hantu kesatria yang dahinya tertancap panah. Harry tidak heran melihat Baron Berdarah, hantu Slytherin yang pucat dan galak, serta bebercak-bercak darah keperakan, dihindari
ST 26/146
ST 27/148
ST 28/190
ST 29/229
ST 30/289
given a wide berth by the othe ghosts. Unlike the ghost around them, Peeves the poltergeist was the very reverse of pale and transparent. “The Wailing Widow came all the way up from Kent... It‟s nearly time for my speech, I‟d better go and warn the orchestra...” Madam Pomfrey was holding a large bottle of something labelled „SkeleGro‟ Harry found it peaceful, rather than gloomy, and enjoyed the fact that he, Hermione and the Weasleys had the run od Griffindor Tower, which meant they could play Exploding Snap loudly without bothering anyone, and practise dueling in private. Professor Sprout set them all to work pruning the Abyssinian Shrivelfigs.
oleh hantu-hantu lain. ST 75/167
Tidak seperti hantu-hantu disekeliling mereka, Peeves si hantu jahil tidak pucat ataupun transparan.
ST 76/168
“Si Janda Meratap datang jauh-jauh dari Kent.. sudah hampir waktunya aku memberikan sambutan, lebih baik aku beritahu orkesnya. Madam Pomfrey membawa botol besar berlabel „SkeleGro‟- Penumbuh Tulang.
ST 9/217
ST 77/262
ST 80/332
Alih-alih suram, Harry menganggapnya damai, dan dia senang sekali hanya dia, Ron, dan Hermione yang tinggal di Menara Griffindor. Itu berarti mereka bisa bermain kartu Exploding Snap dengan seru tanpa mengganggu siapapun, dan berlatih duel tanpa ada yang melihat. Profesor Sprout menyuruh mereka memangkasi dahan dan ranting-ranting kering pohon ara Abbyssinia.
B. Pictures
Buah Ara Abissinian
Abyssinians Shrivelfigs
Pohon Dedalu
Womping Willow
Irish Banshee
Evil Banshee
Hags (ugly old lady)
Hags (ghost)
Biji Sesawi
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