TEACHERS' BELIEF OF HOW TO DEVELOP STUDENTS TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL ENGLISH LEARNERS A Thesis Presented to The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M. Hum) in English Language Studies
by Dewanti Ratna Pertiwi 116332025
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This is to certify that all the ideas, phrases, and sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else’s idea, phrase, or sentence without proper references.
Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama
: Dewanti Ratna Pertiwi
Nomor Mahasiswa
: 116332025
Demi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:
TEACHERS' BELIEF OF HOW TO DEVELOP STUDENTS TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL ENGLISH LEARNERS Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan. Dengan demikian saya memberikan hak kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta. Pada tanggal: 12 Februari 2014
Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, praise be to Allah the Almighty and the most Merciful that because of His blessings I could finally finish my thesis to attain the degree of Magister Humaniora in English Language Studies. I would like to express my highest gratitude and appreciation to my thesis advisor, Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. who has been very helpful, kind, and patient in giving me advice, ideas, guidance, assistance, and their valuable time during the process of writing this thesis. I also wish to express my sincere thanks to my lecturers, F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., Dr. J. Bismoko, Dr. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A. (Hons), Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, and Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A. for their countless knowledge during my study. My deep gratitude also goes to my parents, parents-in-law, sister, and brothers-in-law for their loving, support, and encouragement during the process of writing the thesis. Then, I need to thank my friends in PBI C UNY academic year 2006 for all the tight friendship we have, all friends, and classmates in English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University for the priceless moment and people whose name I could not mention. Last but not least, my special gratitude goes to my gorgeous husband Latiful Fadli for the love, patience, and supports during my study. For my adorable new born baby Deswara Salsabila Latif, thank you for accompanying me in every single process of accomplishing this study. vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... ADVISOR’S APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................ DEFENSE APPROVAL ....................................................................................... STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ...................................................................... LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PUBLIKASI ............................................................ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ..................................................................... LIST OF CODES AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................... LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................
i ii iii iv v vi vii x xi xii xiii xiv
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background ..................................................................................................... 1.2 Problem Identification .................................................................................... 1.3 Problem Limitation ........................................................................................ 1.4 Problem Formulation ..................................................................................... 1.5 Research Goal ................................................................................................ 1.6 Benefit of the Study .......................................................................................
1 4 7 7 8 8
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Review ........................................................................................ 9 2.1.1 Teachers’ Belief in English Teaching ......................................................... The nature of beliefs ................................................................................ The source of teachers’ beliefs ................................................................. The role of teachers’ beliefs .....................................................................
9 9 12 14
2.1.2 Factors Influencing Teachers’ Belief about Successful English Learners ... Teacher education .................................................................................... The current English curriculum in Indonesia ........................................... Curriculum of 2006 .............................................................................. Curriculum of 2013 ...............................................................................
16 16 19 20 23
2.1.3 Successful English learners ........................................................................ 25 Learner variables ..................................................................................... 27 Learning variables .................................................................................... 32
2.1.4 Junior High School Students ....................................................................... 42 The characteristics of junior high school students ................................... 42 The teaching of English to junior high school students ........................... 44 2.2 Related Studies ............................................................................................... 49 2.3 Theoretical Framework .................................................................................. 50 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................. 3.2 Nature of Data ................................................................................................ 3.3 Research Setting and Participants ................................................................... 3.4 Data Collection Method ................................................................................. 3.4.1 In-Depth Interview ...................................................................................... Construction of in-depth interview questions guideline .......................... Management of in-depth interview data .................................................. 3.4.2 Classroom Observation ............................................................................... 3.5 Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 3.5.1 Account of Teachers’ Individual Beliefs .................................................... 3.5.2 Account of Teachers’ Shared Beliefs ..........................................................
53 54 54 55 55 56 57 61 64 65 66
3.6 Trustworthiness ............................................................................................. 68
CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Schooling ....................................................................................................... 4.2 Professional Coursework ............................................................................... 4.3 Contextual Factor ........................................................................................... 4.4 Classroom Practice ......................................................................................... 4.4.1 Communicative competence ....................................................................... 4.4.2 Grammar ..................................................................................................... 4.4.3 Involvement ................................................................................................ 4.4.4 Learning awareness ...................................................................................... 4.4.5 Learning strategy ......................................................................................... 4.4.6 Character education .................................................................................... 4.4.7 Motivation .................................................................................................. 4.4.8 Age .............................................................................................................. 4.4.9 Personality ................................................................................................... 4.4.10 Gender ...................................................................................................... 4.4.11 Meta cognition .......................................................................................... 4.4.12 Autonomy .................................................................................................. viii
69 73 92 93 93 97 98 100 102 103 105 107 107 109 110 114
4.4.13 Culture ...................................................................................................... 4.4.14 Aptitude ..................................................................................................... 4.4.15 Language mastery ..................................................................................... Vocabulary ............................................................................................. Pronunciation ......................................................................................... Error correction ...................................................................................... 4.4.16 Language skills .......................................................................................... Listening ................................................................................................. Speaking ................................................................................................. Reading .................................................................................................. Writing ...................................................................................................
116 118 120 120 121 123 124 124 126 128 130
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 5.2 Implication ..................................................................................................... 5.2.1 For English Teachers.................................................................................... 5.2.2 For Policy Maker ........................................................................................ 5.3 Suggestions ...................................................................................................
133 135 135 137 137
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 139 APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 145
Figure 2.1 Relationship among beliefs, principles, and practices ......................................... 15 Figure 2.2 Teacher education program .................................................................................. 18 Table 2.1 Core and basic competence .................................................................................. 24 Figure 2.3 Meta cognition model .......................................................................................... 30 Figure 2.4 Classroom reading performance .......................................................................... 36 Figure 2.5 Theoretical framework ......................................................................................... 52 Table 3.1 Sample of questions in the in-depth interview ..................................................... 57 Table 3.2 Sample of interview transcription ........................................................................ 60 Table 3.3 Sample of observation note .................................................................................. 62 Figure 3.1 Data analysis procedure ...................................................................................... 65 Table 3.4 Sample of Individual Account (Mr. Inu) .............................................................. 66 Table 3.5 Sample of participants’ shared accounts .............................................................. 67
Grammar Translation Method Computer-Assisted Language Learning Test of English as a Foreign Language Asia and the Pacific Program of Educational Innovation for Development KTSP Kurikulum Satuan Pendidikan (School based curriculum) BSNP Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (Board of national education standard) Perpem Peraturan pemerintah (Government’s regulation) IT Information technology UTK Ujian Tingkat Kompetensi (Competence level test) UMTK Ujian Mutu Tingkat Kompetensi (Competence level quality test) SL Second Language EFL English as a Foreign Language ICARE Introduction, connection, application, reflection, extension Depdiknas Depatemen pendidikan nasional (Board of national education) UK United Kingdom NP Noun Phrase VP Verb Phrase CLT Communicative Language Teaching CBI Content Based Instruction JHS Junior High School IRF Initiating, Responding, Follow up TEFLIN Teaching of English as a Foreign Language JETA Jogja English Teachers Association Obs Observation
1. Appendix 1: Interview Guidelines ................................................................... 145 2. Appendix 2: Interview Transcription ............................................................... 149 3. Appendix 3: Observation Field Notes .............................................................. 219 4. Appendix 4: Shared Beliefs and the Interpretation .......................................... 237 5. Appendix 5: Individual Beliefs and the Interpretation .................................. 243
ABSTRACT Pertiwi, Dewanti Ratna, 2014. Teachers' Belief of How to Develop Students to Become Successful English Learners. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies, Graduate Program, Sanata Dharma University. The role of English as a foreign language drives it to be an interesting case to study. The case is not only in its linguistic aspects but also in its pedagogical and psychological aspects. One of the interesting matters in TEFL is the teachers who are considered as the highest organizers holding authority in classroom management. As English teachers, they have met a number of phases and cases including being English learners, being teachers, joining teachers’ forums, and practicing teaching techniques. These aspects direct them to hold particular beliefs toward the best assumption influencing their teaching. This research attempts to answer What is teachers’ belief of how to develop students to become successful English learners? The beliefs are observed by considering its affecting aspects: schooling, professional coursework, contextual factors, and classroom practice. To answer the research question, the study employed a phenomenology research study with two data sources: interviews and classroom observations. This study involved three junior high school English teachers from three different schools to represent various perspectives about developing successful English learners. The teachers were interviewed once and the classroom activities were observed twice. The interpretations from the interview were reported to the teachers to confirm, ensure, and convince that the interpretations are in line with the teachers meant. The findings of the research reveal four points. First, in terms of the teachers’ schooling, the teachers believe that English is learnt as a means of communication. As a foreign language, it needs special treatments to learn since some problems may appear in learning it especially when English is regarded as a school subject in the final examination. Second, in terms of professional coursework, the teachers believe that their pedagogical value becomes the basic foundation in exploring and implementing any efforts to develop their professional development which affects on how they develop successful English learners. Third, in terms of contextual factor, the teachers believe that a teacher’ forum and teacher certification are the programs which the teachers think give a positive contribution for professional teacher development. Fourth, in terms of classroom practice, successful English learners are best developed using integrated technique, that is combining some parameters to develop at the same time and separated technique as the enrichment. Keywords: teacher, belief, successful learner
ABSTRAK Pertiwi, Dewanti Ratna, 2013. Teachers' Belief of How to Develop Students to Become Successful English Learners. Yogyakarta: English Language Studies, Graduate Program, Sanata Dharma University. Peran bahasa Inggris sebagai sebuah bahasa asing menjadikan hal tersebjut menarik untuk dikaji. Ini tidak hanya terletak pada aspek kebahasaan namun pada aspek pedagogi dan psikologi. Salah satunya adalah guru yang dianggap sebagai pemegang peran tertinggi dalam manajemen sekolah. Sebagai guru bahasa Inggris, mereka telah mengalami sejumlah tahapan dan hal di antaranya menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris, menjadi guru bahasa Inggris, mengikuti forum pengajar bahasa Inggris, dan mempartikkan teknik mengajar. Aspek-aspek tersebut membuat para guru memegang keyakinan terhadap beberapa asumsi yang dianggap merupakan terbaik dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menyelidiki Apa keyakinan guru dalam mengembangkan siswa menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil? Keyakinan ini ditinjau dengan mempertimbangkan aspek yang berpengaruh yaitu sekolah, pendidikan profesi, faktor kontekstual, dan kegiatan kelas. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan dari penelitian ini, penelitian fenomenologi dikembangkan menggunakan dua sumber data yaitu wawancara dan pengamatan kelas. Penelitian ini melibatkan tiga guru Inggris SMP dari tiga sekolah untuk menggambarkan berbagai perspektif tentang pengembangan pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil. Wawancara dilakukan satu kali dan pengamatan kelas dilakukan dua kali. Interpretasi dari hasil wawancara dilaporkan kembali kepada para guru untuk menkonfirmasi, meyakinkan, dan memastikan bahwa interpretasi tersebut sesuai dengan yang dimaksud para guru saat wawancara. Terdapat empat penemuan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, dalam hal sekolah, guru meyakini bahwa bahasa Inggris merupakan alat komunikasi. Sebagai bahasa asing, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris memerlukan perlakuan khusus karena beberapa kendala mungkin muncul terutama dalam ujian nasional. Kedua, dalam hal pendidikan profesi, guru meyakini bahwa nilai pedagogi menjadi pondasi dasar dalam mengeksplorasi dan menerapkan berbagai usaha untuk mengembangkan diri secara professional yang berdampak pada bagaimana mereka mengembangkan pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil. Ketiga, dalam hal faktor kontekstual, guru meyakini bahwa forum dan sertifikasi guru merupakan program yang mampu berkontribusi positif dalam pengembangan guru profesional. Keempat, dalam hal kegiatan kelas, pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil paling tepat dikembangkan xiv
menggunakan teknik terintegerasi yaitu menggabungkan beberapa parameter untuk dikembangkan secara bersamaan dan teknik terpisah sebagai pengayaannya. Kata kunci: guru, keyakinan, pembelajar yang berhasil
The first part of this research is written to describe the background of the problems containing the issues related to teachers’ belief of how to develop students to become successful English learners. This chapter covers the foundation of the thesis research. It includes background, problem identification, problem limitation, problem formulation, research goal, and research benefit.
1.1 Background A person learns the first language earlier than the second language and foreign language. A first language (sometimes called as mother tongue) is different in each region. It is learnt without having a particular course because it might come from the closest environment. Sometimes learning the first language is not called as a process of learning but a process of acquisition. In addition, a second language is varied in each country. It is learnt when a person gets involved in particular occasions requiring a formal language to communicate such as in training and school. Meanwhile, foreign language is learnt by following a particular language education program such as an English course and English subject at school. The position of English as an international language encourages some societies think that mastering a foreign language is seen as beneficial base for a person’s future. As we know, English has the highest number of speakers universally. The position of English as the largest language used in the world affects English teachers
in expanding circle countries to have various beliefs. It might be due to their earlier learning experiences, teacher training courses taken at school, and their cultural backgrounds. Investigating the phenomenon about teachers’ belief in order to develop the students to become successful English learners is necessary to create better English learners. In this study, investigating the beliefs in the context of junior high school level is expected to give description and interpretation on what values the teachers hold and do to develop successful English learners. Junior high school level is chosen since it is the first level in which English is regarded as a compulsory subject and the learners have unique characteristics in terms of transitional phase that is they are to leave the childhood and start the adulthood. There are a number of aspects determining a successful English learner. Ellis (2008) describes the characteristics of good English learners. Firstly, competence in using language form is considered as the important dimension for an English learner. Secondly, as language is used as a means of communication, an English learner should be able to use English as a means communication. As a teacher, she can help learners to concern with the fluency followed by the accuracy such as delivering a speech (Nunan: 2004). Thirdly, a good English learner keeps activeness and creativeness of completing a task designed to help learners achieving a particular learning goal. In this case, the teachers facilitate active learning and encourage experiment for new expansion. Fourthly, learning focuses not only on the result but also the process, thus, a good English learner is characterized by the awareness of the learning process. Fifthly, in undergoing the learning process, a good English learner
is able to use particular strategies flexibly either for long term goals or task to hand. The teachers can help learners to discover ways of learning that work best for them. In addition, a competence to set objectives for the learners and the selected techniques to achieve the objectives support the development of successful learners. Some factors affect the formation of teachers’ belief. Ivone (2005) mentions that English teachers’ belief in Indonesia is influenced by teachers’ background, particularly childhood. As we know, in Indonesian curriculum, started from Curriculum of 1947 (Rencana Pembelajaran 1947) until Curriculum of 1975, the curriculum described the application of Classical Humanism model. The purpose of learning was limited to transferring knowledge. English was taught by memorizing rule and vocabulary and translating the language instead of using it in communication. The following curriculum, Curriculum of 1984, changed the paradigm by adopting Reconstructionism model in which learning aims at producing human to have good behaviour. In this model, students were treated as the subject of learning process who observed, classified, until reported the result of the learning activity. In 1994, the curriculum changed into Curriculum of 1994. It was seen as the combination of the previous curriculums for activating students’ self-actualization mentally, physically, and socially as stated in the Progressivism model. The students were supposed to use their English in communication. From 2002 to now, Indonesia starts using New Pragmatism model emphasizing on students’ competency, orienting learning outcomes, applying various approaches and methods, using various learning sources (not limited in teachers’ capacity), and assessing learning process and achievement.
1.2 Problem Identification Teachers’ belief determines the success of a teaching and learning process. Internal factors (from the teachers itself, e.g. experience, psychology) and external factors (from other board, demand from particular institutions, e.g. government’s campaign on character building) affect the teachers’ belief formation. In relation to English teaching and learning, the teachers question on how English teachers should teach English as a foreign language and how they develop the students to become successful English learners. Along the time, a number of experts attempt to give various definition of belief. In one of the more extensive reviews of teachers’ belief, Pajares (1992) points out that belief is rarely operationalized in studies and thus it is difficult to separate from reveal and investigate. He posits that belief is seen based on evaluation and judgment. Bernat and Gvozdenko (2005) highlight belief is a psychological case by which human use their understandings, premises, or propositions about the world so that they feel something regarded as the true one. More specifically, Luft and Roehrig (2007) describe belief has interrupted memory, high personality, and information concluded from personal experiences, cultural sources, and containing evaluative, emotive, and affective components. Based on the definitions, the operational definition of belief will be the result of observing, understanding, proofing a principle and use it in a particular occasion as regarded to be right and applicable one. In investigating teachers’ belief in the way they develop their students to become successful English learners, it is necessary to have a look at types of beliefs.
Richards and Lockhart (1996: 32-42) propose types of beliefs consist of “beliefs about English, learning, teaching, the program and the curriculum, and language teaching as a profession”. Firstly, talking beliefs about English is crucial since each individual may have different perspective about English. For some English instructors in a course, English is seen as a medium to earn money. Differently, people studying abroad (in English speaking countries) English is likely used as a means of communication. In addition, some people may say English is language of colonialism. Secondly, people might have different points of view about learning. One of the possible emerging views is about English teachers’ concept. Some teachers may say that learning is accomplishing mark record to get as perfect score as possible. Or, learning is likely seen as grabbing knowledge and materials from the teachers. These predicted beliefs affect the way teachers select the best technique, exposure, type of expected students, learning style, and teaching strategies. Thirdly, beliefs about learning are closely related with beliefs about teaching. Teachers use their beliefs about learning in formulating beliefs about teaching. Beliefs about teaching are reflected in the way teachers define their role in the classroom, teaching methods, teaching resources, effective teaching, and qualities of a good teacher. Fourthly, beliefs about the program and the curriculum can be the indicators toward teachers’ action. As we know, a program and curriculum are determined by the government which is put into a policy. Beliefs about how the teachers think and do related to a program and curriculum are reflected on the way they take an action
toward supporting cases in their teaching. Such as, recently, government develops character education by integrating it into the instruction. This program influences the teachers in preparing the instructional materials. The teachers are required to use instructional materials which integrate the character education into the materials. Fifthly, teachers might have different perception on language teaching as a profession, i.e. the way teachers see their occupation. Teachers’ teaching activity in a different institution even in the same one likely has different reflection about their occupation due to the concept of professionalism. The beliefs about this language teaching are reflected on the way teachers characterize English teaching as a profession and think about the required training for the professionals, professional development, rewarding aspect, and evaluation. Successful English learners are assigned when they achieve the standards in either pedagogic or non-pedagogic aspects. In pedagogical aspect, Ellis (2008: 708) points out some characters of a successful learner, i.e. having ability to use language form and communication function, actively get involved in a task, be aware of the significance of learning process, and use the strategy flexibly. Similarly, Depdiknas (2006) decides three aspects should be met by a good junior high school student in learning English, i.e. developing communicative competence, developing awareness, and understanding the correlation between nation and culture. Meanwhile, based on Curriculum of 2013, a successful learner should achieve the learning goals of having appropriate
implementation. To be a successful learner, awareness of being autonomous is required. Scharle and Szabo (2000) argue that autonomy is essential for successful
language learners as even though they have spent much time in the classroom, still they need to learn by practice on their own. To identify teachers’ belief on how to develop successful English learners, this is essential to know what the teachers believe related to the indicator about successful English learners in Indonesia and globally. Moreover, is important to relate what the teachers say and what the teachers do. Therefore, the research applies a qualitative method. It assists education practitioners to take the benefits of the teachers’ belief model which can improve the quality of teaching and learning process. In this research, interpretive phenomenology is applied to give description and interpretation about how to develop successful English learners. 1.3 Problem Limitation Nowadays, English is taught in Indonesia in almost all levels of education, starting from very young learners to university students. Considering the limitation in terms of time, area, and methodology, this research attempts to focus on junior high school scope as this level is seen as ideal phase where English starts becomes a compulsory subject. Moreover, junior high school students are in the transition phase between childhood and adult in which they need special treatment to teach. Therefore, it can be assumed that the teaching and learning have unique phenomena to investigate. 1.4 Problem Formulation With regard to the identified problems and the limitation of the identified problems, the research question framing the current study is What is teachers’ belief of how to develop students to become successful English learners?.
1.5 Research Goal The goals in doing the research are to reveal, describe, and interpret junior high school teachers’ belief. It may be derived from what the teachers say and do about their beliefs as a result of their constructed experience, observations, training, and other ideas of how to develop their students to become successful English learners. The different beliefs are included into teachers’ individual belief whereas the similar beliefs are included into teachers’ shared belief. 1.6 Benefit of the Study This research is expected to contribute to the improvement in teaching and learning of English in Indonesia. Theoretically, this research aims to reveal, describe, and interpret teachers’ belief in developing students to become successful English learners. The investigation result of teachers’ belief here is expected to give valuable information as a means of teachers’ foundation in their professional teaching, reflection, evaluation, and improvement. Practically, this research is expected to help English teachers in developing their students to learn better. In investigating teachers’ belief, some real conditions might be found in teaching and learning activity and what the teachers do to help their students learn better. By looking at those samples of real phenomena either shared or individual beliefs and the teachers’ action, other English teachers can reflect it in their teaching and learning activity to develop successful English learners.
In this part, I present three parts; theoretical review, review of related studies, and theoretical framework. In the theoretical review, I elaborate the relevant theories of teachers‟ belief in English teaching, the teaching of English to junior high school, and successful English learners. Meanwhile, in the review of related study part, I summarize the findings of some research then extracts each then looks for the comparison among others. Furthermore, I present the theoretical framework in the last part. 2.1 Theoretical Review 2.1.1
Teachers’ Belief in English Teaching Investigating teachers‟ belief can contribute information related to English
instruction. Liao (2007) proposes that the study of teachers‟ belief is necessarily used as the predictors to investigate the situations and decisions they make. The nature of beliefs The term belief is admitted as an uneasily defined term because it has many branches to talk about and unlimited scopes. Senior (2006: 12) defines belief as “personal convictions (passions) about language teaching and learning that teachers are able and willing to express”. It is influenced by teachers‟ background that makes them decide toward elements in language teaching and learning. Language teachers differ extremely in the amount to which they articulate why they teach in the ways they do and why they behave in certain ways in their professional work field. Some believe that learning should be done as effectively and efficiently as possible. After
one learning program lasts, they have to prepare the following lesson without having reflection. Meanwhile, some other teachers likely have beliefs that reflection is necessary used in improving the quality of language teaching and learning. Notwithstanding the uneasily defined term, discussing a belief can use an assumption. Liljedahl (2010) describes beliefs using an analogy that beliefs are as if a scene which figures out dissimilar viewpoints. In other words, a belief is actually resulted from different ways a person stands point an object. Similarly, Richards and Lockhart (1996) argue that beliefs are regarded as the extraction of what the teachers understand and assume to be the right one. One of the difficulties in examining teachers‟ belief is that they are not directly observable. Therefore they can only be inferred from teachers‟ behaviours in the classroom. Aspects of classroom practice which reflect teachers‟ belief are teaching approaches, types of materials, and types of activities (Richards: 1998). Teaching approaches may vary among teachers such as teacher-centred or learner-centred, monolingual or bilingual, focus on fluency or focus on accuracy, etc. The chosen approaches are resulted from what teachers understand and believe to be correct one, for example, the application of teacher-centred approach which reflects teachers‟ belief that effective language learning is more successful using teacher-centred than other approaches. In addition, types of materials may vary in the form of locally produced, authentic materials, multimedia, etc. For some education practitioners, authentic materials are considered to be the most appropriate one as it has been used in the real context. However, teachers may choose multimedia materials to be the most
appropriate one since it is more up to date and modern. These two conditions show how materials reflect teachers‟ belief. Meanwhile, teachers may use different types of activities like presentation, discussion, pair work, group work, games, role play, etc. In teaching and learning case, there is a tendency that an old-fashioned teacher tends to use traditional activity (one-way activity) such as teacher-explains and students-listen. The teacher in this occasion posses the concept that one-way activity is regarded to be the most effective in language learning. On the other hand, a developing teacher prefers to use two way activities and more communicative one, such as discussion and pair work. Both contrastive conditions reflect how teachers‟ belief is put into their action in choosing the appropriate activities. A number of factors affect the formation of different beliefs among English teachers. Richards and Schmidt (2002: 541) argue that teachers‟ belief are affected by “experience, observations, training and other sources and serve as a source of reference when teachers encounter new ideas, sometimes impeding the acceptance of new ideas or practices”. As an idiom, experience is the best teacher, experience is seen as the major factor in beliefs either as teachers or learners since teachers prove the strength and weakness of having particular beliefs. Beliefs are constant as they structure a system. As we know, a system is very likely to be fossilized. Even though beliefs are seen as a constant thing, feeling dissatisfaction, phenomenon shift, and dynamic condition affect teachers change their beliefs to make a better condition. Bailey in Richards et al. (2001) proposes some factors that influence teachers change their beliefs. Dissatisfaction with the current situation and
the connection of a new idea with the teacher‟s own situation affect teachers to shift their beliefs with the proper one. In addition, a change is derived from a change in the teaching context such as the themes of the teaching materials. In carrying out their responsibilities, teachers are required to do number of government‟s demand to be a professional teacher. In doing so, there are some criteria made by the government to fulfil, such as minimum 24 lesson hours teaching each week. This case also influences teachers to change their beliefs. Furthermore, a change is influenced by a realization of something based on his or her experiences as a learner and a conflict between the teachers‟ new beliefs and their practices. In conclusion, teachers‟ belief refers to what teachers assume as the correct one which is influenced by the experience from internal and external factors in doing their teaching responsibility. There is no absolute correct and incorrect in formulating beliefs. The properly admitted belief is the one which is born out to be effective in language learning and has sufficient theoretical foundation. The source of teachers’ beliefs Teachers‟ belief may be dynamic. It is influenced dominantly by the practical things instead of theoretical things. A teacher tends to change their beliefs under the influence of their fellow teachers actual teaching practice or their own teaching practice (Kagan: 1992). Nevertheless, a number of sources of teachers‟ belief exist in teaching work field. The idea of investigating belief is supported by the theory proposed by Borg (2012) who mentions that in order to understand what teachers do in meeting an effective language learning, it is not enough to know their behavior. Researchers need to observe what they believe, know, feel, and do.
Teachers‟ belief reveal in each English teacher due to several factors. Kindsvatter, Willen, and Ishler in Richards and Lockhart (1996) suggest the sources of teachers‟ belief. Before being teachers, all teachers have gone through a phase in which they were learners. The manifestations about how they were taught contribute to forming their beliefs about teaching. Moreover, teaching experience can be the primary source of teachers‟ belief. By witnessing how a method works for a particular group of students might lead to the beliefs about such a method. In addition, within a school, an institution or a community, certain teaching styles or methods may be preferred. Hence, a method or an approach rooted in a community or a school system for quite some time might be taken for granted as the most effective. Another source is some teachers are likely to have a preference for a particular teaching method or activity simply because it matches their personality. New finding and approach based principles encourage teachers form their beliefs. Teachers drive their beliefs due to new finding on principles in language education. The existing approach and method also direct teachers‟ belief. For example teachers who feel comfortable learning using Grammar Translation Method (GTM) are likely to apply this method as well in their teaching activity. Convincingly, experience is determined to be the broad factor formulating beliefs. Richards and Rodgers (2001) add that teachers‟ approaches are formulated at the same way they expand their experience and knowledge. This process portrays an established approach which reflects their beliefs, values, principles, and experiences. In other words, teachers‟ experiences either as learner of a training or program or as teachers themselves is considered as the big factors fostering beliefs. Nevertheless,
Marland (1995) opposes by arguing that the way teachers were taught does not merely influence their beliefs. It is more due to their personal experience especially as teachers. Overwhelming factors formulate teachers‟ belief. A belief which is also called as a cognition is derived from “schooling, professional coursework, contextual factors, and classroom practice” (Borg: 1997 as cited in Borg: 2003). Schooling factor in this case includes a training program which was experienced by a teacher during her/ his role as a learner and a teacher at the past. A belief may be formed and changed as there is a contextual factor, professional coursework, and classroom practice. The teachers need to adapt what they have believed and what they need to do in a particular context. Teachers may believe that a GTM is old fashioned but in preparing their students to have a TOEFL, a GTM may be a must to teach. The role of teachers’ beliefs Teachers‟ belief is acknowledged to play roles on their classroom practices and professional development. Kuzborska (2011: 102) mentions that “teachers‟ belief influences their goals, procedures, materials, classroom interaction patterns, their roles, their students, and the schools they work in.” More detail, Richards (1998) highlights that a crucial source of teachers‟ classroom practices is their belief structure. Its structure includes the information, attitudes, values, expectations, theories, and assumptions about teaching and learning that they construct from time to time then extract it then put it into their classroom. Another function of teachers‟ belief is being the fundamental role in the process of teacher development. Richards, et al. (2001) utter that teachers‟ belief facilitates
the process of conceptualizing teachers‟ professional work. The belief is used as an indicator in promoting themselves either their development inside the place where they work in carrying out their teaching responsibility (school, university) or outside (seminar, workshop, training). In line with Richards, et al., in making a decision, teachers use their beliefs as the main indicator. It is based on the nature of extraction process that belief is the value people get and hold as the most appropriate one. This assumption is cited by Bandura, 1986; Dewey, 1933; Rokeach, 1968 in Nash and King (2011). In addition, Atkin (1996) states that a belief formulates the creation of principles and practices of a teacher or the environment where the teacher works in. She describes the relationship among beliefs, principles, and practices as follows.
Figure 2.1 Relationship among beliefs, principles, and practices by Atkin (1996)
In the figure, beliefs are put in the same circle with core values since beliefs and values both become the indicator source of decision making. 2.1.2
Factors Influencing Teachers’ Belief about Successful English Learners A number of factors affect the creation, development, and change of teachers‟
belief. The factors start staying in teachers‟ lives since they are in an education program until when they are already being a teacher. According to Borg‟s conceptual framework in Borg (1997), teachers‟ professional coursework which they take from their educational program becomes one of the factors influencing their belief. Therefore, the first factor to discuss is teacher education. Furthermore, to be able to teach better and develop successful English learners, teachers need to know the concepts and indicators of successful English learners stated in the curriculum and the variables of successful English learners. Thus, the second factor to discuss is English curriculum in Indonesia which focuses on the two current English curriculums and the third factor is about successful English learners which focus on the variables. Teacher education It is well known that the quality and extent of learner achievement are determined primarily by teacher knowledge and competence. Therefore, it is required a program to enable high quality of English teaching and learning by advancing knowledge about teaching, spreading good practice, and enhancing equity for the students which is called as teacher education. As Borg (2003) says about teacher cognition, schooling which includes teacher education and experience become a shaper of teachers‟ belief. Teacher education is a program which is related
to the development of teacher proficiency and competence that would enable and empower the teachers to meet the requirements of the profession and face the challenges. It includes all formal and non-formal activities and experiences which assist teachers holding their responsibilities as a member of educational profession more effectively. The development of teacher knowledge has been cultivated through professional development
Spelman and Rohlwing (2013) argue to
counter professional development, the new professional learning models are designed as lifelong, collaborative learning processes that support a job embedded, learner-centered approach. The new model emphasizes the need for educators to take active roles in their professional learning and development. This movement away from the traditional professional development model emphasizes the need for schools to become learning communities that support the growth of both teachers and students. According to Darling-Hammond & Branaford in Darling-Hammond (2006), to prepare a qualified teacher, a teacher education program should teach about 1) knowledge of teaching, 2) knowledge of learners and their development in social context, and 3) knowledge of subject matter and curriculum goals as described in the following figure.
Figure 2.2 Teacher education program by Darling-Hammond (2006) From the table, it can be seen that in preparing teachers for a changing world to reach a vision of professional practice requires two phases, that is teaching and also learning. In terms of teaching, the teachers should teach as a profession to prove that they have competence and commitment in the instructional program. While teaching, the teachers should also learn pedagogical value in the context of democracy that is positioning the quality of human rights in which teachers learn to teach without authoritarian. This classification is supported by Crandall (2000) who mentions that recently teacher education emphasizes on three things, i.e. 1) practical experiences consisting of teaching practice and curriculum material development, 12) classroom-
centered management, and 3) teachers‟ belief (cognition) in language teacher education. In line with Crandall, Borg in Simpson (2011) proposes themes characterizing teacher education including teacher cognition, knowledge base for teacher education, knowledge about language, reflective practice, practicum, and teacher research. Furthermore, APEID (Asia and the Pacific Program of Educational Innovation for Development) in 1990 mentions the impacts of teacher education. Teachers at all levels of provision (primary, secondary, vocational and non-formal) require regular opportunities for further study, for both personal and professional growth through teacher education program. This is intended to maintain their commitment and motivation, update knowledge and skills toward new curriculum and teaching materials, and have access to a reorientation program if they wish to move into a different field of teaching. The current English curriculum in Indonesia One of the ways to always keep the quality of education better and more up to date is concerning the quality of curriculum. Curriculum is something dynamic which becomes the root of education program. As a part of curriculum in general, the focus of language curriculum development is selecting what knowledge, skills, and values students learn in educational program, what experiences should be provided to convey intended learning outcomes, and how teaching and learning can be planned, measured, and evaluated (Richards, 2001). Richards and Rodgers (2001) add that the elements in a language curriculum development form interacting system network; the choice of one element determines and affects other elements.
The dynamics of curriculum likely influences teachers in developing successful English learners as curriculum determines the indicators should be reached in an English program. In relation to the need of English education improvement, Indonesia has gone through some curriculum changes following what happened universally. Broadly, there are five curriculum changes in Indonesia; Curriculum of 1968 and before, Curriculum of 1975, Curriculum of 1984, Curriculum of 1994, and competency based curriculum. The last curriculum, competency based curriculum is classified into four curriculums; version 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2013. Considering the up to date-ness of curriculum development, this research describes, compare, and interpret the essence of the last two recent curriculum, curriculum of 2006 and 2013.
Curriculum of 2006
Curriculum of 2006 is well known as school based curriculum (KTSP= Kurikulum Satuan Pendidikan). Derived from the name, the focus of Curriculum of 2006 is giving autonomy for the educational institution (school) to develop the curriculum as much as possible based on government regulations, graduate standard of competence and standard of content (Depdiknas: 2008). The standard of content includes the minimum material scope and the minimum competence standard to achieve minimum graduate competence at particular education level nationally. Whereas graduate standard of competence is used to do a measuring and determine learners‟ graduate. It is nationally applied however the achievement may depend on the school condition. In relation to English subject at junior high school level, the goal of English instruction in Curriculum of 2006 is to develop communicative competence in
spoken and written form to achieve functional literacy level. Functional literacy for junior high school students is able to communicate in a spoken and written form in a daily life context. Secondly, English learning is intended to develop awareness about the nature and significance of English to improve global competition power. The third, the goal of English instruction is to develop learners‟ understanding about the relation between language and culture (Depdiknas: 2006). In order to achieve the goals, scopes of English instruction need to be covered. School based curriculum includes three scopes for junior high school level. The first scope is competence in terms of discourse that is identifying and producing spoken and written text. The second is competence in identifying and producing functional text, monologue, and essay which consists of procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative, and report. The third scope is supporting competences including 1) linguistic competence in using grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and punctuation, 2) socio cultural competence in using expression, 3) strategic competence in solving possible problems in communication, and 4) discourse competence in using tools to produce a discourse. Besides identifying the scopes of English instruction, a standard of content is spelt out into standard of competence and basic competence. The standard of competence is determined based on the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each standard of competence in a language skill is described more in some basic competences. Determining the success of a curriculum cannot be seen only from the final achievement but also see the process inside. Therefore, standard of process is
proposed according to Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional RI No. 41 Year 2007. Standard of process is defined as criteria about learning implementation at an educational program to achieve graduate standard of competence. It includes learning process planning, learning process activity, learning achievement assessment, and learning process control. In the learning process planning, some tools need to prepared, such as syllabus and lesson plan. Furthermore, the elements in the learning process activity include ideal number of learners in a class, classroom management, textbook, and teaching and learning procedure. The result of instruction can be reviewed by a teacher using test and non-test assessment, spoken and written assessment, observation, portfolio, homework, or project. In a process of conducting school based curriculum, it also requires learning process control. It is divided into control, supervision, evaluation, report, and follow-up action. The next standard characterizing school based curriculum is the standard of assessment. BSNP (2007) defines standard of assessment as a benchmark used to collect and manage information to determine learners‟ achievement. The tools to assess learners‟ achievement in school based curriculum are in the form of daily assignment, mid-term examination, semester examination, up grading examination, school examination, and national examination. The principles of assessing learners‟ achievement are genuine, objective, fair, integrated, open, comprehensive, continuous, systematic, based on criteria, and accountable. The techniques of assessment can use test, observation, individual or group assignment, homework, and project.
Boards who are responsible for assessment are teacher, educational
institution, and government.
During the implementation of Curriculum 2006, there is a breakthrough to develop students‟ not only students‟ competence but also their character. It is inspired by law No. 20 Year 2003 Chapter 3 that national education is intended to develop competence, character, and national civilization. Thus, government started to develop character education integrated in the school subjects in 2010. Character education is not only law and government demand but also religion demand. Kemendiknas (2011) describes that character education is carried out to 1) develop multicultural human life, intelligent, 2) develop intelligent national civilization and be able to contribute to human life development, and 3) develop peaceful, creative, and independent citizen and able to socialize with other nations harmonically. The more attempts to realize character education is executed in the Curriculum of 2013.
Curriculum of 2013
According to Kemendikbud (2012) Curriculum of 2013 is well known as outcomes-based curriculum (Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi). Different from Curriculum of 2006, Curriculum of 2013 gives more portions toward the process and character education. Besides, Curriculum of 2013 is structured by core competence and basic competence. Core competence is the operation of graduate standard of competence, i.e. required quality of a learner after finishing an educational program in the form of behavior, knowledge, and skill (affective, cognitive, and psychomotor). It is structured as organizing element of basic competence which is divided into vertical (among grade in a program) and horizontal (among subject in a grade) basic competence.
Based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No. 54 2013, the graduate standards of competences for junior high school students are categorized into three aspects. Firstly, in terms of behavior dimension, a student should have faithful, noble, intelligent, confident, and responsible behavior in interacting effectively in social and natural environment in society scope and the existence. Secondly, in knowledge dimension, a student should have factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge in science, technology, art, and culture with humanism, nationalism, and civilization concept related to real phenomena. Thirdly, in terms of skill dimension, a student should have effective and creative thinking and behaving ability in abstract and concrete field based on what is learnt as school and other typical resources. Values of character education are integrated in the core and basic competence of Curriculum of 2013. It can be seen from one of the competences of 9th grade as follows (Kemendikbud: 2013). Table 2.1 Core and basic competence Core Competence 2. Respecting and comprehending honesty, discipline, responsibility, care, politeness, confidence in interacting effectively with social and natural environment in society scope and the existence.
Basic Competence 1.1 Respecting politeness and care in communicating among individual with teacher and class/ schoolmates. 1.2 Respecting honesty, discipline, confidence, and responsibility in communicating transactional expression with teacher and class/ schoolmates. 1.3 Respecting responsibility, care, cooperation, and peace in communication functional expression.
The learning scope for 7th and 8th grade it includes 1) texts (label, list of goods, sign, notice, personal invitation, congratulating card, recount, announcement, narrative,
descriptive, and song), 2) text structure of interpersonal, transactional, and functional literacy, 3) listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill of interpersonal, transactional, and functional literacy, 4) elements of literacy, 5) very short and simple phrase, and 6) modality with meaningful expression. Meanwhile, for 9th grade, the scope includes 1) texts (factual report, scientific, procedure, narrative, and advertisement in interpersonal, transactional, and functional literacy, 2) text structure of interpersonal, transactional, and functional literacy, 3) listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill of interpersonal, transactional, and functional literacy, 4) elements of literacy, 5) very short and simple phrase, and 6) modality with meaningful expression. To achieve the goal, Curriculum of 2013 is completed with the standard of process and standard of assessment. The standard of process in Curriculum of 2013 includes learning process planning, learning process implementation, learning achievement assessment, and learning achievement control. The standard of assessment in Curriculum of 2013 is the criteria about mechanism, procedure, and instrument of students‟ achievement. The assessment can be obtained through authentic assessment, self assessment, portfolio based assessment, assignment, midterm semester examination, final semester examination, competence level test (UTK=Ujian Tingkat Kompetensi), competence level quality test (UMTK= Ujian Mutu Tingkat Kompetensi), national examination, and school examination. 2.1.3 Successful English learners Another factor, beside the curriculum, that is likely to shape the beliefs in developing successful English learners is the concept of successful English learners.
Naiman et al. in Ellis (2008: 708) uses the term „good‟ to show the quality of successful. He mentions that “good language learners use a mixture of analytical strategies for attending to form and experiential strategies for realizing language as a means of communication.” Learners have a number of strategies and maintain the strategy/ ies to achieve long term goals and certain task to accomplish right away. Hence, Ellis proposes five characteristics of good language learners. The first and second is that language learners maintain the focus of language form and communication function. The third is that they will get involved in a task actively. The fourth, learners are aware of the significance of learning process. The last, learners are able to apply strategies flexibly to accomplish particular tasks. In the same way, Brown (2001) uses the term „good‟ to show the quality of successful. He identifies relevant factors contributing the success of English learners They are 1) discovering their own technique in learning English, 2) arranging information about language, 3) resourceful in using grammar and word, 4) using chance as maximally as possible to practice English inside and outside the classroom, 5) understanding expression by context not by single word meaning, 6) using mnemonics and other tools and strategies to help recalling what is already learned, 7) identifying errors and making errors work for the learning improvement, 8) using linguistic knowledge including mother tongue and SL knowledge to learn EFL, 9) utilizing contextual signs, 10) attempting to make reasonable guesses, 11) attempting particular tricks to keep talk going in dialogue, and 12) study various types of conversation and text and modify their language based on the context of formality.
Considering that the focus of the research is for junior high school teachers in Indonesian context and the nature of learning English is for a global communication the concept of successful English learners in this study are constructed of factors exist in Indonesia as well as in global context. Successful English learners concept is elaborated on learner variable, and learning variable. Learner variables Basically, learner variables are indicators which have already attached to a learner. Grifftiths (2008) cites that a successful English learner should have high motivation, proper school age, preferred learning style, proper personality, gender regard, metacognition, developed autonomy, appropriate personal learning beliefs, cultural experience, and language aptitude. The first learner variable is a motivation. It becomes the basis for a learner does something. In the scope of English instruction, motivation appears as the reason why a learner learns English. Motivation is classified into two; intrinsic and extrinsic (Brown: 2001). Intrinsic motivation is an intention derived from a learner her/ himself learns English. It is mostly shaped as a result of self awareness toward the importance of English for her/ his future life and self improvement, for example participating in a speaking club because of finding the activity enjoyable and playing a scrabble because of finding it exiting. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation occurs when a learner is stimulated to get involved in an instruction to get reward or avoid punishment, for example memorizing lists of vocabulary to get high mark and submitting home assignment on time not get mark reduction.
The second learner variable is learners‟ age. The age of students is a major factor in making decision about how and what to teach. It affects English learners in terms of cognitive development. Harmer (2001) categorizes learner age into young children, adolescents, and adult learners. Similarly, Piaget in (Ormrod: 2011) proposes four stages of cognitive development. Sensory motor stays from birth to 2 years old. In this phase, a child‟s system is limited to motor reflexes at birth. In preoperational stage (2 to 7 years old), a child acquires representational skills and especially language. In the following stage, concrete operational stage (7 to 12 years old), a child is able to understand concrete problems and take multiple perspectives into account. The last, in formal operational stage (12 to adult) a child is capable of logical, theoretical, and abstract cognitive operations. A successful English learner should have a preferred learning style. MyersBriggs in Montgomery and Groat (1998) classifies learning styles into four. The first style is learners who are keen on the orientation to life. This group of learners is divided into those who enjoy in group interaction and application (extroverted) and enjoy working alone to make concepts and ideas (introverted). Secondly, learners like to make perception. Learners in this group might use sensing in organizing facts, data, and routine. In addition, learners may use intuitive to manage impressions but do not like routine. Another style classification is decision making. In making decision, learners may use thinking and feeling. Ones who use thinking will behave objectively and logically. On the other hand, learners who use feeling in making decision will behave subjectively. The last style category is attitude to outside world. In this group of learners, they tend to make judgment and perception. In making
judgment, planning and control are more dominating while in making perception, spontaneity and adaptive styles are more dominating. It is not enough to have good intelligence to be successful English learners without proper personality. Personality has typical characteristics among person and distinguishes one person to other from the behavior, attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and feelings. Personality factors influencing people in learning language are self-esteem, inhibition, anxiety, and risk taking which can contribute to motivation and the choice of learning strategies (Richards and Schmidt: 2002). The following learner variable is the gender. There are some differences between female and male student in the context of language instruction. According to Brown (2001), research highlights that female and male typically use language differently. Women have frequently used more concessive language than men and tend to talk less in a mixed sex conversation. Henes (1994) adds that research points out more female students follow patterns used in an instruction than male students. Hingley in Graham (1997) supports that girls are generally encouraged to be more conscientious than boys. Considering gender composition within group is necessary to ensure that all group members gain equal experience as unbalance gender composition affect the success of group work. One factor distinguishing proficient and less proficient English learner lies in the conscious ability to evaluate what have been mastered and not yet mastered and the ability how to struggle in achieving self improvement. The ability is well known as meta cognition. In EFL context, teachers should provide classroom activities that enhance meta cognition ability. Ghonsooly and Eghtesadee (2006) states that learners
who can use meta cognition effectively are aware to hold their responsibility in planning, monitoring, evaluating, and self correction to their learning. Dawson (2008) describes model of meta cognition chain as follows.
Figure 2.3 Meta cognition model by Dawson (2008) From the figure, students with meta cognition ability are able to identify learning objectives, select particular strategies to achieve the objectives, monitor the chosen strategies, manage (add or change) a number of strategies to achieve the learning objectives, and the last, evaluate the selected strategies. The action in developing the meta cognition can be in the form of realizing learning problems and have sensitivity to solve the problems. In solving the problems, the students are independently finding the preferred strategies. As the nature of a learning domain in which it is not limited in the classroom area, students with meta cognition solve the learning problems independently either by making a use of any learning sources or asking other more competent people (teachers). Thus, an active student facilitates his/her meta cognition development.
To be a successful English learner, she/ he should be autonomous. Autonomy is frequently close to awareness and responsible. When a learner is aware of her/ his responsibility, autonomy starts attaching to her/his learning. Scharle and Szabo (2000) define autonomy as “freedom and ability to manage one‟s own affairs which entails the right to make decisions as well.” Farell and Jacobs (2010) mention that autonomy is the key role that learners hold to be success in their education. Autonomy in this case does not mean learners work alone but they are able collaborate with their peers to move away from dependence on the teacher to independence. Learners need to be trained as autonomous learners since even though it has been enough to have much learning through classroom context, there is always plenty more they will need to learn by practice on their own. Belief in a language instruction is not only a value owned by teachers but also students. Appropriate learner belief encourages successful English learner development. Understanding learner beliefs in this context is crucial, since it has been noted that successful learners develop aware beliefs about language learning processes, their own abilities, and the use of effective learning strategies, which have a facilitative effect on learning. According to Kern, Weinstein, and Peacock in Bernat and Lloyd (2007) argue that learner beliefs tend to be stable, strongly seized, and resistant to change. Thus, it is necessary to guide learners in order to have appropriate learning belief. Promoting learners to be successful need to see their environment. It is closely related to the culture they experience. The cultural dimension of language learning is an important dimension of second language studies. In foreign language teaching the
culture of the language may be taught as an integral part of the curriculum. Cole in Brooker and Woodhead (2010) argue that children acquire language at the same time they acquire culture. For example, in asking for help from an older man it is more polite to say „Could you help me?‟ instead of „Help me!‟ In this case, culture teaches the speakers to use more polite expression in talking to older people. Haynes and Zacarian (2010) argue that learning a language involves learning the norms of the culture in which the language is used. For example, a text describing students in senior high school in UK who elects class officers may teach how democratic process in UK is. The last element of learner variables is language aptitude. Unlike motivation, interest, and intelligence, aptitude is natural. Richards and Schmidt (2002: 285) state that “Language aptitude appears as the natural ability to learn a language. A person with high language aptitude can learn more quickly and easily than a person with low language aptitude. It is structured as a combination of various abilities, such as oral mimicry ability (the ability to imitate sounds not heard before), phonemic coding ability (the ability to identify sound patterns in a new language), grammatical sensitivity (the ability to recognize the different grammatical functions of words in sentences, and the ability to infer language rules.” Learning variables Different from learner variables, learning variables are such elements to be mastered by a learner while learning a language. Proposed by the same author, Grifftiths (2008) mentions that learner variables consist of vocabulary, grammar, language function, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, writing, teaching/ learning method, strategy instruction, error correction, and task completion.
Developing those learning variables in the post modern era is often conducted in integrated way, mostly integrating the for language skills with associated skills such as knowledge of vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and syntax (Oxford: 2001). She proposes two forms of integrated skill instruction, i.e. content-based instruction and task-based instruction. However, the practice of integrated skills instruction can be the combination of some variables, such as 1) integrating vocabulary, grammar, into reading and writing, 2) integrating language function and pronunciation into listening and speaking, and 3) integrating other four variables-teaching/ learning method, strategy instruction, error correction, task completion- into any variable. Developing the first variable, vocabulary, includes word meaning, how words extend their use, how words combine, and the grammar of words (Harmer: 2001) . In a word meaning case, the point of word meaning is not necessarily the same as what it suggests as sometimes words have different connotations so it often depends on the context it occurs. For example, „table‟ can mean 1) a kind of furniture with legs which we can write on and 2) small boxes drawing to list information. A word can also have be stretched and twisted to fit different context and different uses through extending word use such as in „The ticket price went up and I went up the stairs. The first „went up‟ means increase while the second „went up‟ means move to the upper position. Even though a word can stand as single item, more words can occur in two or more item groups though word combination (collocation). For example, „fast asleep‟ is an acceptable collocation but „fast awake‟ is not. Talking about the grammar of words, part of speech and word class are the points of this rule. For example, „Rebecca has some books‟ and „Rebecca has some furniture‟. The word
„book‟ has plural form as it belongs to countable noun on the other hand the word „furniture‟ does not. The second learning variable that is used to describe how words can change their forms and be combined into sentence is grammar. The most familiar tool in grammar is tree diagram where language learner can know structure of words in a sentence. A simple tree diagram basically consists of NP (noun phrase) and VP (verb phrase). An NP contains a D (determiner) and an N (noun). A VP consists of a V (verb) and an NP (noun phrase). There are of course many other unit rules on grammar such as tense and morphemes. As the main purpose of using a language is to communication, learning language function is seen as a necessary point in learning variable. Harmer (2001) proposes four elements determining what kind of language function speaker can use including setting, participants, gender, channel, and topic. Language function in English subject in Indonesian curriculum is divided into interpersonal and transactional use. Woods (2010) argues that interpersonal expression is used to establish, maintain, and signal relationships between people whereas transactional expression focuses on the message for turn taking, topics, and discourse management. In relation to communication especially oral form, pronunciation is one of the factors that make it understandable. According to Brown (2001) the goal of learning pronunciation correctly is being able to produce correct intonation (falling and raising), accent, stress, and rhythm. Some factors may constrain learners in learning pronunciation, i.e. learners‟ native language, age, exposure, innate phonetic ability,
identity and language ego, and motivation for good pronunciation. Gilakjani (2011) adds other factors; accent, attitude, instruction, and personality. In order to learn pronunciation, all of those aspects should be taught communicatively through conversation, drilling, expert guidance, and critical listening. Language skills in learning variables become the media which are possibly used to integrate the development of other variables. Language skills are distinguished based on the cycle (spoken and written cycle) or the process sequence (receptive and productive skill). Based on the process sequence, listening is the first skill employed in communication. Harmer (2001) differentiates listening skill into extensive and intensive listening. Extensive listening takes place outside classroom space. Its purpose is to give more opportunities in developing listening skills including vocabulary and grammar development. In order to encourage extensive listening, teachers can have learners perform a number of tasks, such as recording their responses toward they hear, fill in report form, and summarize the contents of a tape. Another listening type is intensive listening which is sometimes called as live listening. To encourage intensive listening, teachers may have some activities, like reading aloud, storytelling, interviews, and conversation. In terms of spoken (oral) cycle, speaking is employed as the productive skill of listening. The same as language function, the matters of speaking are basically divided into interpersonal and transactional dialogue. The ability to speak fluently requires not only knowledge of language features but also the ability to process information and language spontaneously. To encourage learners speaking activities,
Harmer (2001) proposes classroom speaking activities, i.e. acting from a script, communication games, discussion, prepared talks, simulation, and role play. After employing spoken cycle skills, written cycle skills are revealed. Reading skill is determined as the receptive skill of written cycle. Brown (2001) distinguishes classroom reading performance into oral and silent reading as the following figure.
Figure 2.4 Classroom reading performance Oral reading is more appropriately implemented at the beginning level. It can be used as an evaluative check on the pronunciation and attract students‟ attention if the teachers want to highlight particular segment of a reading passage. On the other hand, silent reading is more appropriate for advanced level. The intensive reading may attract students‟ attention to more complex aspect of a passage, such as grammatical forms, discourse markers, and other details to understand the text. Similarly, extensive reading is carried out to achieve a general understanding of longer text usually for pleasure reading such as book, long article, and essay.
In communicative framework, writing is considered more complicated language skill than the other three. Different with speaking, the result of writing is scripted, requires correct spelling, punctuation, coherent, and cohesion. To help students writing accordingly, Grenville (2001) proposes six steps of working on writing. They include getting ideas, selecting ideas, outlining ideas into the best order, drafting beginning ideas to the end, revising the draft, and editing the grammar, spelling, and paragraph. In relation to English curriculum in Indonesia, writing is basically divided into writing functional text, monologue, and essay. To develop learning variables, learning and teaching method plays important role. There are two English learning teaching models in the pre modern era; Grammar-Translation (GTM) and Audiolingual Method. According to Byram (2004) Grammar-Translation Method was developed around eighteenth and nineteenth century, based on the method of studying Latin and Greek adopted by European in the Middle Age. This language teaching method deals with transferring grammatical rules and translating the written text of foreign language into a particular mother tongue based on grammatical analysis. It is also known as Classical method, Traditional method or Readings method. The GTM runs by focusing on the reading and activity with less attention to speaking and listening (Richard & Rodgers 2001). It aimed at developing logical thinking, intellectual capacities to attain a generally educational and civilizing effect and developing an ability to read original text in the language concerned as well. Audiolingual method is used in the Unites States and other countries from 1950‟s until 1960‟s, and still used in some programs today. The structural view of
language is the view behind the audio-lingual method. It emphasizes in mastering the building blocks of language and learning the rules for combining them. In the implementation in the classroom dialogues and drill are the main activities since this method tend to focuses more on listening rather than three other skills (writing, reading and speaking). Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is regarded as the model of English learning teaching in the scope of new pragmatism. In this approach, what is meant by language is a system in expressing the meaning. The learning theory of this approach is regarded as activities that involve real communication, in which language is used for carrying out meaningful task and is meaningful to the learners, promote learning. The process of expressing the meaning in communicative language learning runs by doing exercise. The knowledge of expressing meaning is acquired by interacting and communicating. The resources of knowledge are gained from the language skills and functions and also through the interaction. The main objective of CLT is that learners will learn language as a means of expression therefore they can expressing both values and judgements and they can learn to express the function that best meet their own communication need as well. According to Littlewoods (1981), there are two major activities type in CLT. The first one is functional communication activities which aimed at developing certain language skills and functions and the second is social interaction activities, such as conversation and discussion, dialogues and role plays. The scope of Communicative approach can be included: Text-based Language Teaching, Contentbased Instruction (CBI) and Contextual Language Teaching.
Text based language teaching-also known as genre based language teaching-is a post of communicative language teaching approach. It uses text as the media of teaching language. In text based language teaching, language occurs as whole texts which are embedded in the social context in where it is used. People learn language through working with whole texts. Students acquire knowledge by analyzing from the outlined perspective and involving the use of synonyms, paraphrasing, gapfilling, text construction, and so on. Content-based Instruction (CBI) refers to a program in English as a second language in which the focus is on the content information that they will require in regular classrooms such as math, geography, or biology. CBI is developed under two principles, first, people learn a second language effectively when they use the language in contextual information. The second, CBI reflects learners‟ needs for learning a second language. The objectives of CBI are triggering and building up presented English language skills, obtaining learning skills and strategies that could be applied in future language development opportunities, building up general academic skills appropriate to university studies in all subject area as well as expanding students‟ understanding of English-speaking users In Contextual Language Teaching, language is seen as a contextual concept related to the real world. By learning a language students acquire knowledge by searching the relationship between the information of a language and students‟ current environment. The teaching learning process aimed at facilitating the students so they can acquire knowledge and skills in meaningful context such as home and
community and also encouraging students in directing their own learning, monitoring their own progress as well as learning together as well as from each other. Another learning variable is strategy instruction. It is a powerful studentcentered to teaching to transform weak learners into students who know how to learn and apply their knowledge and skills actively across various learning environments. Luke (2006) proposes three elements in sequence in implementing a strategy instruction, i.e. maximizing the tools and techniques that efficient learners use to understand and learn new materials or skill, managing already identified knowledge to be more meaningful for learners pre-requisite knowledge, and recalling the information or skill later in different context. In a learning process, learners do not always do in the right track. They sometimes make error thus teachers need to do error correction. A number of techniques can be done in doing error correction. Teachers are obviously welcome to select appropriate error correction techniques proposed by Loewen (2007) based on type or error learners make. One technique that has received considerable attention recently is recasting. A recast correctly reformulates a student‟s incorrect utterance while maintaining the central meaning of the utterance. Furthermore, prompting can be used as other alternative in error correction. In prompting, the teacher does not provide the correct form but rather attempts to get the student to self-correct. Another type of error correction is the provision of metalinguistic information regarding the error. With this technique, it is more certain that the learners will notice the correction. While error correction in meaning-focused activities seems to be beneficial for learners, there are still some considerations. Too much error correction
can discourage learners‟ development and shift the primary focus from communication to linguistic forms. The last element of learning variable is task. Task is considered as an important element in language learning as task gives comprehensible input for language acquisition. Nunan (2004: 4) defines a task in pedagogical context as “a piece of classroom work that involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing, or interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning and in which the attention is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form.” Basically task is distinguished into real life tasks such as making a telephone call, giving directions to somebody in the street, planning a vacation, application to a job and pedagogical task such as positioning hour and minute hands of a model clock, naming parts of a body. In a task completion, learners have two roles, i.e. as a monitoring participant who provides opportunity to notice how language is used in communication and as a risk taker and innovator who train for critical meaning guess from the context and ask for clarification. To sum up, successful English learners have three parameters which may overlap the other parameters mentioned previously. I define successful English learners as students who are able to accomplish the learning activity, practice English for communication, and have meta cognition. Accomplishing the learning activity, the students are expected to achieve every learning objective successfully so that they are able to communicate in English orally and in the written form and capable to manage their ability using meta cognition. Considering the parameters, the term
„developing‟ implies making the students aware of the significance of learning, able to communicate, and have meta cognition ability. 2.1.4
Junior High School Students As a subject of the research, theoretical concept about teaching English to
junior high school students is necessary to be presented in this chapter. The discussion is distinguished into the characteristics of JHS students and the foundation of teaching English to junior high school (JHS) students. The characteristics of junior high school students Junior high school (JHS) level is a grade in which the students experience mass transition. It is regarded as one of the difficult transitions in human life as at the same time students are adapting to cognitive changes, hormonally induced physical, emotional that effect their psychology, and, they suddenly enter new educational environments that are typically less encouragement, larger, more structured, more competitive, and more demanding academically. JHS students are generally expected to be more independent and responsible for their own assignments as well as other commitments. Considering the cognitive development, in general students of JHS as proposed by Piaget‟s perspective belong to formal operations stage (age 11 or 12 through adulthood (Ormrod: 2011). Based on the theory, students in this stage are able to think concepts that have little or even no basis in concrete reality, prefer active over passive learning experiences, prefer interaction with peers during learning activities, and respond positively to opportunities to participate in real life situations. In terms of thinking development, they can logically recognize abstract thing and foster
scientific reasoning such as formulating hypothetical ideas, formulating multiple hypotheses, and separating and controlling variables. From psychological point of view, students of JHS start knowing the concept of personality and search for identity. In, it is mentioned that JHS students increasingly behave in ways associated with their sex. It is seen from the way they feel reluctant to work in group with friend in different sex but concern about peer acceptance (mostly with the same sex). In terms of personal mood, they swing very unpredictably thus are more sensitive in personal criticism. The theories are supported by Brown (2001) in more collaborative way. The first, JHS students increasingly experience intellectual capacity of abstract operational thoughts. The second, attention spans are increasing as a result of intellectual maturation however due to many distraction, it can be easily decreased. The third, students very often find problems about ego, self-image, and self-esteem. The fourth, in relation to grammar and vocabulary JHS students become adult-like in their ability to make a switch from the „here and now‟ concept of immediate communicative contexts. To help JHS students on the proper tract of transition mass, Niesen and Wise (2004), teachers and schools can do the following action. The first is encouraging students‟ participation in extracurricular activities in the form of organizations, teams, and club to provide place that will contribute positively for their learning. The second is encouraging parents‟ involvement. Teachers and schools can keep in touch with students‟ parents in monitoring students‟ behaviour as school time is limited. The third is making a school as a community resource centre. School can not only
become a place to study but it should provide a centre of stress management and conflict resolution. The fourth, to avoid relationship gap, teachers and school should provide opportunities for students to know each other. It can be done through getting students involved in service activities such as picking up trash around the school, conducting a car wash to raise money for a class wide social activity, training students in peer mediation, or providing a child care training for students. The teaching of English to junior high school students English is regarded as a foreign language in expanding circle countries in which it is used in formal education (Graddol: 2006). In relation to post modernism era, the teachers of English are required to apply a strategy in which the students are not regarded as the object of learning. Riddell (2003) says that knowing subject is not enough to be a successful English teacher. The teachers should be able to give interesting lesson, be passionate, and encourage students make progress. Doing it so makes English learning activity as the process by which students‟ experience changes not only in cognitive ability but also in behavior, knowledge, and skills which come about through practice and instruction. Learning emphasizes on development, thinking process, active process, and making decision. Hutchinson in Jordan (1997) quotes learning a language is not merely a matter of linguistics knowledge. However, some teachers still believe that the goal of learning is that students are able to do a test correctly. To minimize the impact of this belief, there are some techniques teachers may use, i.e. pair and group work to minimize the stress of speaking in front of the whole class, structure tasks to enable learners to show what they do know rather than what they do not, give
learners time to think and work out answers, put more emphasis on the progress of getting the answer rather than the product of the right answer, and make interest, fun, and variety primary considerations in the design of tasks and activities, not just an added bonus. Facing the reality, there is sometimes misconception that the main goal of learning English is not for communication in some countries including Indonesia. Smith (1976), then, makes further assumption which provides pedagogical basis for learning an international language as cited in McKay (2002:12). The assumption is “learners of an international language do not need to internalize the cultural norms of native speakers of that language”. Afterwards, the ownership of an international language becomes filtered into educational goal of learning an international language is to enable learners to communicate their ideas and culture to others. This assumption influences the concept of English instruction in Indonesia which starts at very beginning level; very young learner until adult learner. As one of the education program, teaching of English in junior high school has some special characteristics. Firstly, teaching English to JHS students should consider the cognitive aspects and psychological development of the transition mass. Secondly, Indonesian government campaign on character education should be integrated in the instruction. Thirdly, English instruction should refer to curriculum dynamic. In some references, there several teaching methods, approaches, and techniques mentioned. Langer et al. (2000: 3) argue some features of effective English instruction. Firstly, have “students learn skills and knowledge in multiple lesson
types”, In other words, teachers assign integrated tasks or activities in the purposed context to bring skills and knowledge together. Secondly, “teachers integrate test preparation into instruction”. Teachers as the main board in giving instruction cooperate with principals and district-level coordinators working together collaboratively to identify the blueprints of particular tests and then integrate demanded skills and knowledge into the instruction. Thirdly, “teachers make connections across instruction, curriculum, and life”. This technique is similar to content based instruction (CBI). Teachers build web connection among subject and students‟ daily life. Fourthly, “students learn strategies for doing the work”. The advantage of this feature is able to develop students‟ autonomy and meta-cognition simultaneously. What teachers need to do are dividing tasks into segments and providing guiding strategies to do and think a number of works. Fifthly, “students are expected to be generative thinkers”. As Krashen‟s theory on comprehensible input, teachers provide tasks slightly beyond students‟ present competence which stimulate students‟ creativity and critical knowledge and skills. Sixthly, “classrooms promote cognitive collaboration”. In this condition, students are not used to work individually but engaged in teamwork. They are expected to bring their personal, cultural, and academic knowledge into interaction that they are able to think particular issues from multiple perspectives. Another idea is proposed by Allison and Rehm (2007). They report several sequences of effective teaching strategies based on their research toward middle school in multicultural and multilingual classrooms. It is stated that the most effective teaching strategy falls upon using visual. It includes the use of teaching aids
and pictures. The following teaching strategy is assigning peer tutoring that promotes communication, motivates students, and facilitates learners accomplish higher levels of achievement simultaneously developing friendship among students. The third strategy is conducting cooperative learning. Crandall (1999) cites that cooperative learning benefits to problem solving tasks and build teamwork while students enhance literacy and language acquisition. Besides, cooperative learning facilitates intellectual autonomy since students interact and collaborate with friends to success a task. In terms of evaluation, using strategy in form of alternative modes of assessment is seen as an effective strategy. The modes may consist of projects, exhibitions, journals, demonstrations, observations, and portfolio. Besides considering techniques and strategies to teach JHS students effectively, it is necessary to discuss character education in this part. The ideal of integrating character education is derived from Rencana Aksi Nasional Pendidikan Karakter 2010 which states that character education is elaborated into value, behavior, and moral education to develop students‟ ability in making a decision and controlling behavior in daily life accordingly. The characters are derived from the values of religion, Pancasila, culture, and national education goal. These include (1) religious, (2) honest, (3) tolerance, (4) discipline, (5) work hard,(6) creative, (7) independent, (8) democratic, (9) curiosity, (10) the spirit of nationality, (11) love the country, (12) rewarding achievement, (13) friendly/ communicative, (14) love of peace, (15) joy of reading, (16) care for the environment, (17) social care, and (18) responsibility.
Dealing with curriculum dynamic, nowadays there are two kinds of curriculums used as guidance in English instruction in Indonesia, i.e. Curriculum 2006 and Curriculum of 2013. A number of schools starts implementing Curriculum of 2013 in the form of pilot implementation and the rest still use Curriculum 2006. Based on standard of content (2006), there are three purposes of English teaching and learning in junior high school level. The first is to develop communicative competence either in spoken or written form to achieve functional literacy level. The second purpose is to develop students‟ awareness on the nature and significance of English to improve competitive power in global society. The last is to develop students‟ understanding of the relationship between nation and culture. Differently, as this year Curriculum of 2013 is still implemented as a pilot program, the focus is for grade seven of JHS. There are four core competences to reach in Curriculum of 2013. The first core competence is religious behavior; responding and implementing religious value based on students‟ religion.
second is social behavior; respecting attitude (honest, discipline, responsible, care, polite, curious, confident, tolerant, internal motivation, healthy life pattern, and environmentally sound) in interacting effectively with social environment and nature in the scope and existence. The third core competence is knowledge; understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) in science, technology, art, culture, and humanism with concept of religion, nation, nationality, and civilization about visible phenomena and occurrences. The last core competence is skill; trying, managing, and presenting various things in concrete domain (using, analyzing, stringing up, modifying, and making) and abstract domain (writing, reading,
counting, drawing, and composing) based on what students learn at school and from theoretically related various resources. In conclusion, teaching English for junior high school students requires English teachers to condition the uniqueness of transition mass into interesting package. The first, cognitive aspects and psychological development of JHS students in general are in transition of being a kid to being adult which require teachers to assign more teamwork project based learning instead of individual assignment. From character education point of view, teachers are required to integrate more values into instruction content (materials) and activity to guide the transition mass of JHS students on the right value. Regarding curriculum dynamic, teachers are required to keep the instruction appropriately to reach the goal in curriculum. In Curriculum 2006, the standard of content is analyzed into functional literacy competence, global competitive power, and national culture goal. Meanwhile the core competence in Curriculum of 2013 is formulated into religion, social behavior, knowledge, and skill.
2.2 Related Studies In this part, I reviewed some related studies concerning in the similar fields. The foci are varied into teacher perception of classroom talk and teachers questions and follow up in IRF (initiating, responding, follow up) sequence. A study conducted by Hartanto (2010) concerns teacher perception of classroom talk at vocational school. He finds that classroom talk by teacher can be perceived as a kind of tool that conveys teachers‟ teaching activities such as “asking
questions, explaining, correcting, criticizing, encouraging, giving direction, and giving information.”(pp. 69). The effectiveness of classroom talk occurs when teachers consistently and intentionally use English during teaching and learning activities. The data in this research were gathered using progressive qualitative method in which the participants share their live-experience. The data were collected through literary observations, and interview. The second related study is about teachers‟ belief on teachers questions and follow up in IRF (initiating, responding, follow up) sequence. Iskandar (2009) finds that in teaching, teachers integrate values and norms. Besides, they should know and care about students‟ affective aspects. In relation to teaching, teachers believe that learning is “a process involving acquisition of knowledge and skill of subject matters as well as social norms and values”. (pp. 186). In terms of teachers‟ follow up, they agree that it could likely contribute positive and negative effects. The beliefs in this research were investigated using interviews, classroom observation, documents, stimulated recall interviews, and filed notes.
Theoretical Framework The structure of theory in this research is derived from Borg‟s model (2003)
about teachers‟ cognition. There, it is clarified that teachers‟ belief stands under cognition dimension which embraces the aspects of knowledge, theories, attitudes, images, assumptions, metaphors, conceptions, and perspectives. The aspects enable teachers form their behaviour and thought and put into their teaching practice.
Several factors are identified affecting teachers‟ belief, i.e. schooling, professional coursework, contextual factors, and classroom practice. The schooling is such experiences as a result when teachers learn a particular language. These experiences formulate teachers‟ perception of teaching in the professional coursework that is values the teachers hold in developing their professional development. The values include how they take a role in the instructional activity, teach effectively and efficiently, and formulate the instructional objectives. Furthermore, contextual factors which are not related directly to the teaching and learning process such as society, institution demand, learners‟ background, and standardized tests also influence teachers‟ belief in this research, . As a result, these contextual factors determine what classroom practice teachers hold. In this study it is identified that the contextual factor related to the problem is teachers‟ forum. On the contrary, the formulated belief also influences professional coursework and classroom practice. The classroom practice is the most complicated part in this framework since it consists of how the teachers develop successful English learners‟ parameters, that is students who are able to accomplish the learning activity, practice English for communication, and have meta cognition. Above all, the description how the factors relate each other is presented in Figure 2.5.
Schooling Experience as a learner
Professional Coursework Experience as a teacher
TEACHER COGNITION (BELIEF) of how to develop students to become successful English learners
Contextual Factor Teachers‟ forum
Classroom Practice Teaching techniques
Figure 2.5 Theoretical framework
The discussion of research methodology is presented in this chapter to describe how the study is conducted in order to answer the research question. It includes the (1) research design, (2) nature of data, (3) research setting and participants, (4) data collection methods, (5) data analysis, and (6) trustworthiness. 3.1 Research Design This study attempts to answer the research question What is teachers’ belief of how to develop students to become successful English learners?.The qualitative approach was selected for this study as a way to provide insightful and through investigation of attitudes, beliefs, and strategies the teachers use in regards to develop successful English learners. Specifically, the research applies a phenomenological study to conceptualize teachers’ belief in developing students to become successful English learners by identifying the phenomena toward how they are perceived by the doers (teachers) in a particular context. According to van Manen (2007) phenomenology is a project reflecting the lived experience derived from consciousness of human existence which is thoughtful thoroughly and sensitive to the life-world exploring how human involvement with their world. Creswell (2007) adds that the data in phenomenology can be collected from individuals with related experience through qualitative data collection techniques. In this research, in-depth interview and observation were chosen as the techniques.
3.2 Nature of Data The data collected in this research consist of detailed information about teachers’ belief which include narrative from the in-depth interview and field notes from the classroom observation. The narrative data were described and interpreted and used as the main data sources to investigate teachers’ belief of how to develop students to become successful English learners. Meanwhile, the field notes are used as the trustworthiness to validate the beliefs identified from the interview toward teachers’ classroom practices. 3.3 Research Setting and Participants This part includes place, time, and involved people in the research. Related to research setting, Holliday (2002) proposes that it should have criteria of relevance, boundedness, accessibility, and having sufficient data. Considering the criteria, I chose a setting in Yogyakarta. The study was conducted in three junior high schools which were used to get high average English mark in national examination. I assume the three schools could represent the population with high, middle, and low achievement. The participants in this study were three English teachers with different length of teaching experiences. I call them as research informants since my main data were from the in-depth interview. They were under the pseudonyms of Anggi, Lilin, and Inu. Anggi and Lilin are female teachers while Inu is a male teacher. Anggi has been teaching English for about 27 years. She graduated from English department. During her career, she taught several junior high schools and an established English course in Yogyakarta. Besides, she actively participates in several forums such as
international workshop (TEFLIN), English teacher association (JETA= Jogja English Teacher Association), seminar and teacher’s exchange to teach Indonesian in Australia. The second informant, Lilin was quite young. She has been teaching English in one junior high school for about four years. She participated in some seminars and teacher discussions. The last informant, Inu has been teaching English for about 18 years in several schools. He joined some seminars and workshops as well to get input in his teaching practice. 3.4 Data Collection Method There were two types of data collection methods in this research, i.e. in-depth interview and classroom observation. The interview was regarded as the main data collection method while the observation method was used to triangulate the main data. The two methods were done by considering Pajares’ (1992) concept that belief cannot be observed directly. One way to interpret belief is observing what people say, intend, and practice. 3.4.1 In-Depth Interview According to Scott and Morrinson (2005), interviewing is a conversation to find out what interviewees think, say, and do and how researchers interpret the telling. In a phenomenological research study, an interviewer explores topics to uncover the informant’s views about particular phenomena. The questions in an indepth interview belong to semi-structured which are prepared in the form of major point and then the interviewer asks using snowballing way in which the interviewer asks further questions to clarify the responses.
There were three informants involved in the in-depth interview of this study. The interviews were done in Indonesian to enable teachers to state their responses more clearly even though some responses were answered precisely in English. The first interview was conducted for Inu on April 1, 2013 followed by Lilin on April 6, 2013 and the last was Anggi on April 9, 2013. The questions remained the same exploring teachers’ background, professional coursework, contextual factor, and classroom practice. The description of the interview questions can be seen in Appendix 1. From the interviews, two big classifications emerged, i.e. individual beliefs and shared beliefs. Individual beliefs are these owned by each teacher differently meanwhile shared beliefs are those held by more than one teachers. Construction of in-depth interview questions guideline I prepared a list of interview questions guidelines based on the various theoretical sources. The questions were classified into four categories as stated in the theoretical framework, i.e. schooling, professional coursework, contextual factor, and classroom practice. The schooling part covered information related to the experience of the teachers who became the research participants when they became the learners of English. The schooling part identified the nature of a language and the benefit of learning it. Furthermore, the professional coursework section contained information about the teachers’ experience when they became teachers in relation to keeping their professional development. Meanwhile, the contextual factor part presented perspectives which were not directly related to the teaching and learning process but might influence the teachers’ teaching practices. The last part, classroom practice provided data on how the teachers implemented techniques in developing successful
learners’ parameters. In conducting the interview, I used lists of questions as the guidance in throwing the questions to the informants and gave snowballing responses toward the required clarification answers. The sample of questions is presented in Table 3.1 and the complete questions can be seen in Appendix 1. Table 3.1 Sample of questions in the in-depth interview Category Schooling Professional coursework Contextual factor Classroom practice
Questions How do you define a language? How about the nature of English? How do you teach effectively and efficiently? How is the concept of learning in your classroom? Have you ever been the participants of a teacher’s forum? How do you develop your students’ communication skill? How do you develop your students’ grammar competence?
The questions were provided in Indonesian and I conducted the interview in Indonesian as well in order to ease the informants in giving the answers since even though they are English teachers it is often difficult to express their mind in English. Considering the qualitative study with snowballing technique, not all lists of prepared questions were rigorously used. They were adapted and adopted based on the situation so adding and omitting occurred if necessary. The adding actions were done when I needed more clarifications toward the answers. Meanwhile, the omitting actions were done when the teachers already stated or implied the information which was not asked yet. Management of in-depth interview data In managing the interview data, firstly I consulted the instrument (list of interview questions) to the supervisor to make sure that the questions were on the
track. The supervisor gave a number of suggestions that I revised the instruments. At the first, the scope of instruments did not ask the learner and learning variables yet as the parameters of successful English learners included learner and learning variables. Thus, I added both aspects in order to suit to the construct. As the instruments were ready, I had to manage the time to interview my informants. I asked permission to the administrative office and told what the research would be like in order to meet the appropriate informants. It was not easy to be able to match the time with the informants since it was planned to be conducted close to the national examination schedule. Even though the informants came from the different schools (state and private schools), all of them became the people in charge in preparing final examination so I had to wait until they had available time. After the administrative cases were completed, I met each informant of the three informants to make an appointment in conducting an in-depth interview. I interviewed each informant once and did an additional appointment each to share my interpretations based on the previous interview. The first interview was conducted for Mr. Inu on April 1, 2013. He taught grade seven at that time. The interview was taken place at the school language laboratory because other rooms were noisy that I could not record the interview well. He was around 45 years old. He graduated from a private reputable university which is good at English education program. He is a smart and creative teacher. In his teaching, he likes using multimedia and recording in the classroom activity very often to document the activities. He has become the person in charge of the school very often in serving student teachers from some educational institutions for their
teaching practices that he is very friendly and open-minded. He has quite long teaching experience that is about eighteen years. The second interview was conducted for Mrs. Lilin on April 6, 2013. She taught grade nine at that time. The interview was taken place at the school lobbying room. It was quite crowded as the position was in front of the main entrance door that the recording sometimes was annoyed. She was around 28 years old. She graduated from a university which is good at English education program as well like Mr. Inu. She has quite short teaching experience still. Since she was still young, she looked very energetic. She started teaching English in that school in 2009. Even though she belongs to a junior teacher, she has good teaching dedication. She had been trusted to handle grade nine students who would face final examination. Moreover, she has close relationship with her students. While she was being interviewed, some students greeted her using English closely and shook hand like peers. The last interview was conducted for Mrs. Anggi on April 9, 2013. She taught grade seven at that time. The interview was taken place in her room. Since she became a vice principal of curriculum affair, her room was separated with the general teachers’ room. It was only for the curriculum boards; for 3 teachers that I could record the interview well. She is a very active English teacher. She joins many forums and the most inspiringly is an annual Australian teacher exchange. Like the two other informants, she graduated from the same university which is good at English education program. Fortunately, she is the only informant with master degree in this study.
Interviewing the informants, I got their views on how to develop successful English learners. The result of the interview was varied in some aspects that I should elicit further. However, in managing the interview transcription, I wrote all the statements as exactly similar as possible with what the informants shared. I did not omit the unneeded statements to keep the originality of the interview data. They were put into tables using code Q for the question delivered by me and A for the answer shared by the teacher informants. Here is a sample of the interview and the complete one is put in Appendix 2. Table 3.2 Sample of interview transcription Interview 1 April 6, 2013 SMP X Yogyakarta Mrs. Lilin Transcription R: Good morning, Mrs. xxx. T: Good morning. R: Well, today I will interview you as my thesis data resource entitled Teachers’ Belief in Developing Students to Become Successful English Learners. Q1. The first question, how long have you been teaching English and what encourages you to be an English teacher? A1. I started my career at junior high school in 2009, April 1, 2009 exactly, so it is about four years. And then, what encourages me to be an English teacher is because I graduated from English education, so I think I have learnt to be a teacher that’s why I use my knowledge. Q2. Well, did you enter English education because of your external or internal motivation? A2. Because I have been keen on English since I was in the junior high school. At that time it seemed that I was bored of exact subjects, honestly, so I was more interested in a social science and I found that I had a competence in English so when I graduated from the senior high school I decided to enter English education.
The data revealed two kinds of data categories, namely shared beliefs and individual beliefs. After I finished managing all the interpretations of the interview data, I made the trustworthiness by sharing the interpretations data to the informants. This procedure was conducted to confirm, ensure, and convince that the interpretations were in line with what the informants meant in the interview. 3.4.2 Classroom Observation Observation is a necessary method in all kinds of qualitative research including phenomenology. Scott and Morrinson (2005) state that observation in educational research is intended to listen, watch, and record what informants do in their practical activity. In this study, I did observation twice toward each informant. There were only two informants observed; Anggi and Inu since Lilin moved to an elementary school in Semarang after I finished making the interpretation of the indepth interview. The results of the classroom observation were put in the field notes containing the description of what teachers did, students did, and the atmosphere of instruction activity. The complete field notes are presented in Appendix 3. After the in-depth interview was conducted, I began to prepare the triangulation step, i.e. classroom observation to confirm the interview data through the informants’ teaching practices. The classroom observations were conducted in August. Since Mrs. Lilin was placed to Semarang by her school institution, the observations were conducted for two teachers only, i.e. Mr. Inu and Mrs. Anggi with twice observations each so there were four observations altogether. To triangulate Lilin’s interview data, I found out some similar beliefs between hers and other informants.
The first observation was conducted for Mrs. Anggi. Since in this academic year she taught grade nine, the observation was taken place at grade nine too. The first observation turn was taken place in Class 9.3. It was done on Friday, August 23, 2013 from 08.30 a.m. to 09.55 a.m. The second observation in Mrs. Anggi’s class was conducted on Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 08.50 a.m. to 10.10 a.m. This second observation made me really curious because it was conducted in Class 9.CI.2, an accelerated class of the school. The atmosphere was quite different with the regular classes since the students were better-prepared to have more rapid learning speed. The following observations came upon Mr. Inu. Since he taught grade seven, the observation was directed to Class 7.1 on Saturday, August 24, 2013 at 08.40 a.m. to 10.25 a.m. and Class 7.5 on Wednesday, August 28, 2013 at 10.30 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. During the observation, I kept writing on the phenomena occurred into a field note. After the observations finished, I began to transcribe my field notes. The transcriptions were made into tables to ease in analyzing them. The table has three columns, i.e. time, descriptions, and comment. Table 3.3 is the sample of observation notes and the complete note is put in Appendix 3. Table 3.3 Sample of observation note Mrs. Anggi Class 9.3 29 students (19 females and 10 males) SMPN Z Yogyakarta Friday, August 23, 2013 08.30 am. – 09.55 am. This school is located in the centre of Yogyakarta city. It is one of the most favourite junior high schools in Yogyakarta Special Province. That is the place where I relied on to get the data needed. I made appointment with the teacher already to join her class in the third and fourth period. It starts at 8.30 am but I arrived there at 8.15. I waited the teacher for about 15 minutes then we went to the class together. Entering the class, some students were still busy with their previous lesson, i.e. electronics.
They were still drawing the sketch of electricity flow but some students were ready to have English lesson. Time 08.40
Description Comment After the students sat quietly, the teacher asked She looked their condition, “How are you today?” The confidence and close students answered enthusiastically. to the students. The teacher told the students not to repeat the action doing other subjects’ assignment in other lesson schedules because it has been their responsibility to finish in the correct time. She asked me to introduce myself as an observer in the learning activity.
She reviewed previous materials about functional text. She intentionally called the genre as a functional text instead of a short functional text as not all functional texts are short. She asked the students to close their books and put them aside then asked some questions about functional texts. Some students responded the questions voluntarily but some were pointed. She emphasized not to be afraid of making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about functional text.
She developed students’ awareness and confidence while checking their meta cognition.
The field notes are used to triangulate the data obtained from the in-depth interview. The second column in Table 3.3, for example, supports the data obtained about how the teacher developed students’ awareness as well as checked their meta cognition.
3.5 Data Analysis After collecting the main data and secondary data, I analyzed, described, and interpreted the data qualitatively. In this case, I adapted qualitative data analysis framework proposed by Creswell (2007). There are six procedures adapted consisting of (1) managing data, (2) reading and memoing, (3) classifying, (4) describing, (5) interpreting, and (6) representing and visualizing. However, some steps were abolished. In the first step, managing data, I compiled all files, i.e. interview transcripts and field notes all together. The interview transcripts were signed using initial, Q for question and A for answer. In the second step, reading and memoing, I read and memo all transcripts and field notes to get conceptual idea in the form of texts. In the following step, classifying, the texts were classified into themes and subthemes. After that, I described and interpreted the conceptual ideas into shared and individual beliefs and made the interpretation of both categories. In the last stage, I presented the data into a detailed narrative to present phenomenological description. The procedure of data analysis is presented in Figure 3.1.
Managing Data
Audio Recordings & Transcriptions
Field Notes
Reading and Memoing
Themes & Subthemes
Individual Beliefs
Shared Beliefs
Narrative Accounts Figure 3.1 Data analysis procedure
3.5.1 Account of Teacher’s Individual Beliefs Based on the result of in-depth interview, all informants tended to show different beliefs about how to develop successful English learners. This different belief is called an individual belief. The individual beliefs derived from the in-depth interviews and observations were interpreted and managed into table consisting of four tables; category, response, indicator, and interpretation. Here is the sample and the complete one is put in Appendix 5.
Table 3.4 Sample of Individual Account (Mr. Inu) Mr. Inu’s Individual Beliefs Indicator
Teacher’s A8. Certification belief about program of course his/her influences my teaching status
Certified teacher regulation influences teacher to do his/ her best teaching performance.
In relation to teacher’s background, not only teacher education and experience that influence teacher’s works but also teacher development which is admitted in the form of certification.
Teaching and learning condition
Heterogeneous of students’ competence does not constrain successful learner development as long as there is fun interaction.
He does not mind with the heterogeneous students’ competence. It is very normal phenomenon to face.
A9. Personally, I enjoy interacting with my students... Even though I have many students with various competences, I can find the solution that is using a middle course.
The sample of individual belief in Table 3.4 explains teacher’s point of view about teaching and learning condition. I did not include the questions and put the responses only in order to focus on the shared points. The indicator was made by making a summary of the responses whereas the interpretation was formulated by making a general conclusion from the indicator. 3.5.2 Account of Teacher’s Shared Beliefs After the individual accounts of each informant were finished, I organized the accounts of shared belief by finding similar responses. Shared accounts of this study were made similarly with the individual beliefs. They were put into four columns.
The first column is the category containing the reference of the belief. The second column is for the indicator containing my interpretations derived from the responses related to the category. The third column contains catalogue. It shows the codes of informants’ responses showing the beliefs. The last column is the interpretation derived from the indicator. Table 3.5 shows the sample of informants’ shared accounts and the rest can be seen in Appendix 4. Table 3.5 Sample of informants’ shared accounts Category Teacher’s intention
Indicator All informants view that teacher’s self intention supports the success of teaching.
Catalogue Inu Q1-A1 to Q4A4 Lilin Q1-A1 to Q2A2 Anggi Q1-A1 to Q5-A5
Interpretation Realize self awareness about the nature of teaching. inner motivation
Teacher’s forum All informants view that involvement teacher’s forum, such as seminar, workshop, and training supports the success of teaching.
Inu Q5-A5 to Q6-A6 Lilin Q3-A3 to Q4A4 Anggi Q6-A6 to Q15-A15
Supplement to open mind and get recent information through teaching forum.
Teacher’s belief All informants view that Inu Q16-A16 about the nature the nature of a language Lilin Q11-A11 of EFL is a means of Anggi Q31-A31 communication.
Means of communication not to get high score in final examination because it belongs to compulsory subject.
Table 3.5 represents how shared beliefs are organized. I did not include the responses into the table to focus on the summary of responses which are put in the indicator part. Nevertheless, I included the catalogue to ease checking where the responses were from. The codes used in the catalogue consist of the informants’ initial and number of questions and answers. In Table 3.5, column 1, teachers’ shared beliefs about intention are derived from all informants, namely Mr. Inu’s interview of
question and answer 1 until question and answer 4, Mrs. Lilin’s question and answer 1 to 2, and Mrs. Anggi’s question and answer 1 to 5. The three informants said that intention supports the success of teaching thus it can be interpreted that self awareness about pedagogy leads teachers’ inner motivation which contributes in the teaching achievement.
3. 6 Trustworthiness Realizing the trustworthiness of the findings, it is necessary to triangulate the data. Cohen, et al. (2007) state that triangulation refers to the use of two or more approaches of investigation to collect data in the study of some aspects of human behavior to give supporting evidence. Neuman (2000: 124-125) proposes four types of triangulation, “i.e. triangulation of measures, triangulation of observers, triangulation of theory, and triangulation of method.” In this study, I chose triangulation of method by taking multiple measures of the same phenomena that the focused aspects can be seen, i.e. interview and classroom observation. The main data that I got from the in-depth interview were confirmed using a follow-up interview to ensure and convince that my interpretations were in line with what the informants meant in the interview. Afterwards, I compared the data with the field notes taken from the observations in order to get suitable data.
This chapter aims to present the description and interpretation of the data qualitatively as a result of data analysis. All data were presented in the form of words and sentences as a qualitative research study should be. The data in this study present two kinds of beliefs i.e. the individual beliefs and the shared beliefs of how to develop successful English learners. The individual beliefs contain the description of each of the three informants while shared beliefs containing similar beliefs between or among the three informants. The components of the data which are used as the references are classified into schooling, professional coursework, contextual factor, and classroom practice (Borg, 2003). 4.1 Schooling Beliefs investigated in the schooling part discuss the information about the teachers‟ cases related to their experience as a learner. Schooling identifies teachers‟ beliefs about the nature of a language, the benefit of learning it, the constraints of learning it, and the solution of the constraints. Regarding the nature of a language, all informants agree that the nature of a language is a means of communication. Language is not regarded as materials to learn as it is a subject but it is purely learnt to be able to communicate appropriately. A language is used for communication so the emphasis is indeed to understand and interact each other hence practices should have more portions…(Inu, A16). A language is of course a means of communication. (Lilin, A11). 69
… Well, the soul of a language is a means of communication, can communicate through more than one modes, written and oral… (Anggi, A31). Concerning the nature and position of EFL and the instruction in Indonesia, three informants have different concepts. Lilin states that as a foreign language, teaching and learning English need special treatments. She believes that the nature of EFL as an absolute foreign language affects the technique it is learnt and taught. She considers the technique as the major factor influenced by the EFL instead of other elements such as media and curriculum. English is still an absolute foreign language not second language at all so I think it indeed for the instruction needs particular and special treatments. (Lilin, A12). Related to the problems in EFL instruction, on her point of view, English is easy to learn, but on the students point of view, moreover for the 9th graders, it is likely difficult particularly on the vocabulary aspect. From her statement, it can be inferred that she considers final examination is such a big problem in EFL learning. Vocabulary is seen as the most difficult matters to learn as the appearance is unpredictable. ...on my point of view it is easy but for my students especially grade nine because government‟s demand is the final examination, vocabulary is very difficult for them because sometimes they can find strange vocabulary in the examination. (Lilin, A13). Furthermore, Inu articulates his belief in a different point of view. He mentions learning English is important in a globalization era to communicate with foreigners moreover a lot of information sources are written in English. It can be
interpreted that for him, EFL is learnt not because it belongs to a compulsory subject and to pass final examination but to equip a human future development in the globalization era. Here, he realizes the goal of learning as a base for learners‟ self actualization. ... is an international language so I think it is important to interact internationally and in the globalization era there are a lot of books written in English. (Inu, A17).
He adds the problem of EFL instruction in Indonesia lies on the environment which does not always provide a facility to practice. In other words, the problems do not exist in terms of materials, curriculum, or human resources but the environment that only provides very small scopes. Hence, the schools as well as the students themselves join a number of English courses. … basically it is not difficult. What makes difficult is because of the environment. English instruction is conducted in short times in class so after being out from the classroom the students do not have English environment anymore. To create supported environment, school sends the students to a particular English course or hold an English extracurricular activity. (Inu, A20-A21). Furthermore, Anggi with her national and international experiences describes learning English in Indonesia is like a vicious circle. In her perspective, government as the policy maker has already decided English as a foreign language compulsory subject for junior and senior high school level. It is intended to make Indonesian human resources are equal to other human resources in the world. In Anggi‟s point of view, a policy maker can expand further goals of learning English, i.e. to make Indonesian human resources more qualified such as equipping international
Olympiad participants able to communicate in English and equipping students to study abroad as quoted in the statement below. Well, it is like a vicious circle. The policy maker includes English as a compulsory subject and it will make Indonesian human resources at least equal to the other human resources around the world, in the world. Nevertheless, the policy maker forgets that it is not enough. That language itself can be used to equip Indonesian generations to be more qualified. (Anggi, A33-A34). Different with Lilin and Inu, she does not find problems in learning English. She states English is a subject which is not difficult to learn. It depends on how to facilitate the teaching and learning activity, “Now, it depends on the facility and facilitator ... (Anggi, A40).” In relation to Lilin‟s belief that English instruction needs special treatments and Anggi‟s belief that English instruction depends on the learning facility, Inu shows his teaching practice reflecting his two colleagues‟ beliefs. In Observation 3, it can be seen that Inu used various teaching media as stated in the following field note. The teacher greeted the students and they answered it. The teacher observer and I introduced ourselves and asked for permission to observe their learning activity that morning. Some were still busy with other things. While they were preparing the lesson, the teacher prepared his teaching media, i.e. laptop, LCD projector, and speaker since they would have listening section. (Observation 3, 10.30) Besides, he also gave freedom to the students to use any kinds of media and materials as stated in the following field note. Some students were busy with their laptop because the materials were not only provided in the form of printed book but also in the form of electronic book. (Observation 3, 10.30)
From the informants‟ explanation, it can be interpreted that the nature of EFL and the instruction in Indonesia reveal some points. The first, as a foreign language, English needs special treatment to learn for the uniqueness. Besides, vocabulary is considered to be the most difficult problem because the appearance in the passage especially in the final examination is very unpredictable. The third, EFL is useful to communicate in globalization era and as a source to learn new knowledge since lots of books are written in English. The constraint of EFL instruction is the environment which is limited on the classroom activity. The fifth, EFL instruction is not in line with the decided goal that is making human qualified. Government as the policy maker does not provide the mechanism of achieving that goal because it still uses mark in final examination as the indicator. 4.2 Professional Coursework In this section, the teachers‟ experience and perspective concerning to how they keep professional development under professional coursework are discussed. The discussion includes what encourages the teachers being English teachers, what they do to be successful teachers, and how they describe their teaching and learning condition. What encourages them to be English teachers is seen as an influential factor in the teachers‟ spirit formulation in carrying out their teaching responsibility. This motivation will then affect on the follow-up efforts to be successful teachers. Meanwhile, teaching and learning condition discusses the teaching activity which is considered as an ideal condition by the teachers.
The first point to discuss is teachers‟ intention. The teachers‟ intention is likely derived from the teachers‟ experience during their phases as English learners at school and teacher education. As Richards and Rodgers (2001) argue that teachers‟ experience and knowledge formulate beliefs, values, and principles, all informants view the same idea. They share that teachers‟ self intention supports the success of teaching. I felt comfort being an English teacher. I chose English because at the first I did not know what department I should choose till I tried taking English education and I found my interest in it. Overall I enjoyed teaching English (Inu, A1-A4). I became an English teacher because of my own intention. When I was a student, I found a boredom of exact science therefore I decided to enter English education as one of social science fields (Lilin, A1-A2). First of all, I was interested in English because of the English songs. I learnt the lyrics and I liked singing an English song. Secondly, my father supported me to love English and it worked. He was an English lecturer and at that time I wanted to continue his mission. Basically, I love English because English is very interesting (Anggi, A1-A5). From this view, it can be interpreted that having self awareness about the nature of teaching develops intrinsic motivation that becomes a strong foundation to be a successful teacher. The teachers‟ efforts to be successful are indicated by number of factors, namely, how they teach effectively and efficiently and how they play roles. The teachers‟ understanding about their roles is usually implemented in their teaching practices. Harmer (2001: 58-62) quotes a teacher has roles as “controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, participant, resource, tutor, and observer”. Concerning the teachers‟ roles, two informants have the same view about teacher‟s roles that a
teacher should be able to play as a source of information (Lilin A38, Anggi A92). The same view is also proposed by two informants, i.e. teacher‟s role as a learning partner (Inu A39, Lilin A38). Talking about teachers‟ role, however, Lilin states more that generally, a teacher plays roles as a facilitator, knowledge contributor, and partner. Teachers‟ role I think can be as a facilitator, knowledge contributor, partner, and the like (Lilin, A38). Being a facilitator, a teacher provides a facility of the students‟ learning needs to make the learning activity easier such as providing learning materials and media. In addition, as a knowledge contributor, a teacher plays transferring information to formulate students‟ declarative and procedural knowledge. Meanwhile, as a partner, a teacher positions herself horizontally as the students‟ mates in the learning activity such as a students‟ peer in practicing a dialogue. Being a partner enables the students do not feel reluctant to share about their learning problems to ask if necessary. At the same way, Inu believes that a teacher plays role as an actor, model, and partner. For me, as an actor, model, and then as the most importantly as a friend, a friend under control of course ... (Inu, A39). A role as an actor is effectively played when the learning is focused on practicing a role play and a dialogue to play a figure‟s character so that a role as a good model can be at the same time done. Meanwhile, a role as a friend is similar with Lilin‟s view on teacher‟s role as a partner. In Observation 2 (09.55), he practiced a role as a good model as observed in the following note.
Zahra‟s group finished doing rehearsal. He asked Zahra‟s captain to choose other group to perform the rehearsal next. The captain chose Group 3 to perform. The third performance came into Group 6, the fourth performance was for Group 5, and the last was from Group 2. The rehearsal worked smoothly. The teacher checked either group or individual performance to make them ready in the real performance. He gave feedback and input toward their pronunciation, expression, mimic, gesture, and tone. He also gave a model of singing a song performance (Observation 2, 09.55). At that moment, the teacher did a rehearsal of performing a song. The rehearsal worked smoothly. The teacher checked either group or individual performance to make them ready in the real performance. He gave feedback and input toward their pronunciation, expression, mimic, gesture, and tone. He also gave a model of singing a song performance. As for Anggi, a successful teacher should play flexible roles depending on the situation. As a source of information, a teacher has to have broader knowledge in any subject matters. It depends on the situations, yeah. Sometimes a teacher must be a source of information, that‟s why the teacher has e… has to have broader knowledge in anything not only in his or her subject matters. At now, all subjects are learned or taught integrated and they have a kind of correlation between one subjects with the other subjects. And the project now, most of e… some schools conduct certain kind of projects which involve more than one subject matter which is called as cross-curricular project.... (Anggi, A 92) Practicing a role as a source of information appears in her classroom activity recorded in Observation 1 (09.00) when she asked other students to express their mind to make a formulated distinction among notice, caution, and warning as stated in the following field note.
She asked the students to distinguish among notice, caution, and warning. A student answered reluctantly and whispered her tablemate to clarify her incomplete answer. She asked other students to express their mind too to make formulated distinction among notice, caution, and warning. She gave some materials about other functional text (Observation 1, 09.00). In conclusion, the teachers believe that teachers‟ roles support the theory proposed by Harmer (2001) as “controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, participant, resource, tutor, and observer”. The beliefs vary relying on the condition. In this study, generally teachers‟ roles are classified into two, a vertical and horizontal role. From Lilin‟s response, it can be inferred that Lilin can play roles proportionally in giving a hand toward her students. She believes that a teacher has vertical and horizontal roles in developing students. The vertical role is played when she pays attention that students need her help as a source of information. On the other hand, the horizontal role is played when she also realizes that the students need a partner. Inu shares teachers‟ role as an actor because learning language practice requires lots of roles. For example in learning transactional dialogue students need to practice a dialogue which needs number of actors‟ roles. A teacher should be able to play as a model as well because the teacher becomes a source of information. Besides, a teacher should play a role as a partner in order to get closer with the students and create natural interaction. Completing the perspective, Anggi states that a success in playing their roles leads teachers to be successful teachers. As mentioned before, being flexible encourages the success. It is very conditional indeed that teachers should adjust their roles based on the students‟ need.
Teachers‟ roles lead teaching activity run effectively and efficiently. Three informants seem have different views about how to teach effectively and efficiently. Lilin states an effective teacher is a teacher who never gives up and be consistent with the values she/he holds. Meanwhile, an efficient teacher is a teacher who contributes much in her/ his professional. Effective of course never gives up and consistent the held values. (Lilin, A45). Yeah, what principles the teachers have that is efficient. (Lilin, A46). Efficient of course form teachers‟ point of view is giving much contribution … (Lilin, A47) In addition, she says to be professional, a teacher should be open-minded, open to any information, and knowledge from others moreover nowadays government has certification program. Differently, Inu regards an effective and efficient teacher should be a flexible person in teaching the students rather than a strict person. She/ he should know when to keep discipline and fun. ... to ease students follow the lesson, we have to create relaxing situation, humour, but if the students cannot keep their respect we have to be discipline and strict. ... (Inu, A41). This statement is supported by his belief on an ideal learning condition in which he emphasizes on fun and relaxing situation. The belief is reflected in Inu‟s teaching practice in Observation 2 (at 08.40, in Appendix 3). Since it was August 24, 2013, he asked student number 24 to lead the class greeting the teacher. Unfortunately, the student was absent.
He asked the captain then. The captain kept silent looked confused. He said, “Setelah liburan lebaran kenapa pada lupa ucapan salam kepada guru? Come on, ayo diingat kembali bagaimana member salam kepada guru.” He then asked Ian, a male student who had stayed in Australia for about 4, 5 years. Ina could lead his friends greet the teacher and the teacher replied friendlily. He briefly described about some values should the students learn mostly thoroughly in the Curriculum 2013, i.e. to be creative, autonomous, and active (Observation 2, 08.45). Since that day was August 24, 2013, he asked student number 24 to lead the class greeting the teacher. Unfortunately, the student was absent. He asked the captain then. The captain kept silent looked confused. He smiled. He was not angry and asked Ian, a male student who had stayed in Australia for about 4.5 years thus Ian is good at English. In Observation 3 (at 11.03), Inu showed his similar teaching style. He asked the students to answer some comprehension questions. They had various answers. He reminded them to be careful with the punctuation and spelling. He moved around to monitor the students‟ work friendlily and was open-ended with the students‟ responses. Furthermore, with her annual experience of teaching Indonesian for Australian in Australia and involvement in some teachers‟ forums, Anggi defines a successful teacher with a number of descriptions. First, a successful teacher is a teacher who never regards low and slow learners but struggling learners. Having this perspective, she is always motivated to develop the struggling learners to be successful learners.
...I will concern more to struggling learners. (Anggi, A49). ...I will not regard them as low learners, slow learners. Come on, you have to struggle because you belong to struggling students... (Anggi, A50). For her fast learners, on the other hand, she positions them to be the teacher‟s assistance for their classmates. Yeah, so they are proud of being my assistance.... (Anggi, A52). In Observation 4 (09.50) she gave comment and feedback for every group presentation as stated in the following field note. The presentation ended. The teacher gave comment and feedback for every group. She reviewed how every group presented, the goodness and the badness such as the pronunciation, eye contact, and power point design. She asked all groups to repeat the presentation on the following meeting. Most students were regretful since they were not successful in delivering the presentation but the teacher encouraged them not to give up and always improve their English. (Observation 4, 09.50) Besides, in her point of view, a teacher should be open-minded in facilitating students to learn outside school time including letting them to text message personally using English and so does the teacher. ...Sometimes I improve their English by texting. They are not allowed to text me in Indonesian. It must be in English. No matter they make mistake because I will correct it.... (Anggi, A56). In addition, she gives example one of her habits which can help her vocabulary development that is watching movies. To be successful, she emphasizes speaking skill and gives home assignment, individual project, and in a group project. One of the projects is movie review in which the student criticizes the movie and presents it in front of the class. She also says that an effective and efficient teacher in
developing successful learners must not do spoon feeding but let the students confirm what they mastered and not yet mastered autonomously. Yeah, that‟s it. Not always do spoon feeding. Give the tool to fish instead of the real fish. Let them always confirm.... (Anggi, A97). According to the teachers‟ descriptions, it can be interpreted that successful teachers are indicated by a number of views. From Lilin‟s statement, it indicates that the teacher‟s spirit of keeping her efforts on the track on and on leads an effective teacher development. As we know, the term „effective‟ in this case means giving effect so in her point of view, effect appears when a teacher never gives up and always keeps the value. The word „efficient‟ in nature means doing an action in a short time. However, from Lilin‟s statement it indicates that she does not see „efficient‟ from time point of view but using as large opportunity as possible to complete her responsibility professionally. Having internal and external status also becomes the indicator of s successful teacher. An internal status for her point of view is being open-minded to any information and knowledge whereas an external status is a certificated teacher who keeps the professional development consistently. As for Inu, an effective and efficient teacher is closely related to his roles in the class as a partner. Being a partner means the gap between students and teachers is closer. It reveals fun situation which enables the students to learn more comfortably. Furthermore, Anggi formulates more indicators of successful teachers. Trying to be a successful teacher she assumes that there are no slow learners but struggling learners. Slow in her point of view is stuck without any efforts to get better while
„struggling‟ means the students attempt to get better. Seeing the fact that sometimes the fast learners may feel neglected because the teacher is busy with the struggling learners, she implements a breakthrough by involving the fast learners as a learning assistance especially being a leader in a group work. Besides, in line with Lilin‟s view on an efficient teacher, equipping students with as much foundation as possible indicates the effort of a successful teacher. The third point in professional coursework part is how the teachers create learning and teaching condition. Learning is the process by which learners are expected to be able change their behavior, knowledge, skills, and other determined goals (Richards and Schmidt: 2002). Looking that definition, it is necessary to conceptualize learning in order to have a strong guidance to conduct an appropriate learning activity which supports to develop successful learners. This section first explores the teachers‟ beliefs about the learning process followed by the learning focus. Two informants have the same view that fun situation is seen as an ideal learning atmosphere (Inu A35, Lilin A28). Both informants correlate learning process as the mechanism of how brain achieves the messages from the senses. Both agree that relaxing atmosphere is the most convenient condition to conduct a learning activity. I like creating relaxed situation, making humour with my students but still I keep the learning values... (Inu, A35). It should be fun. Also when I ask my students they always say that the learning activity should be fun (Lilin, A28).
Inu‟s principle is shown in his teaching practice in Observation 2 (08.40, Appendix 3). He asked the captain of the class to lead his friends to greet the teacher. However, since the students had just very long holiday, the captain forgot how to do so. The teacher smiled and asked another student to do so. Seeing this condition, the teacher was not angry. He motivated the students to always learn in spite of holiday by describing some values they should implement in relation to Curriculum 2013 policy, i.e. creative, autonomous, and active. Differently, Anggi says that an ideal learning process should have an interaction between the facilitator and the learners equally. ... I think when there is a „tik tok‟, interaction between the facilitator and the learners equally... (Anggi A59). She also views the concept of effective English learning is like learning to speak; listening, imitating, and producing. It is also important to introduce English starting from kindergarten level so that the students can learn English from the very basic age. …the best technique is like learning to speak. Theoretically like that, isn‟t it? So, repeat first, listen, and imitate. So, from imitating we can produce language. But sometimes we don‟t realize it. If do it consciously, structurally, it can be guaranteed that children are able to use English since they are very young. That‟s why, now, in kindergarten level we have English. (Anggi A86). Anggi‟s belief is reflected in her teaching practice in Observation 1 (Appendix 3). In the observation (08.45), she did not want to dominate the learning interaction. She asked the students to close their books and put them aside then asked some questions about functional texts as stated in the following field note.
She reviewed previous materials about functional text. She intentionally called the genre as a functional text instead of a short functional text as not all functional texts are short. She asked the students to close their books and put them aside then asked some questions about functional texts. Some students responded the questions voluntarily but some were pointed. She emphasized not to be afraid of making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about functional text. (Observation 1, 08.45) From the previous description, it can be summed up that the teachers‟ beliefs about learning process are distinguished into three. The first perspective sees to meet the learning goal it is necessary to create supporting learning atmosphere. Inu and Lilin emphasize relaxed situation, fun, and humour. Strict, serious, and rigid situation will instead make students afraid and difficult to follow the lesson. The second, integrating materials is included because language is a means of communication in which can be collaborated with other materials like the principle of content based instruction. The third perspective, Anggi assumes an ideal learning condition is created when there is a reciprocal process and no one is more dominating the interaction. To learn English effectively, she proposes three phases learning process; see (listen)-imitate-practice. To be effective, it is also recommended to learn English from very early level education such as kindergarten. The next discussion is the learning focus. All informants, in general, view that one of the focuses of learning is to get knowledge (Inu A34, Lilin A37, Anggi A57). I think all aspects should be covered, at least the students get new knowledge and then develop it ... (Inu, A34).
Of course to get knowledge based on the standard of graduate and the curriculum (Lilin, A37). It should be integrated. Getting knowledge, ... (Anggi, A57). Besides that general view, each informant also holds the individual beliefs. Lilin views learning focus for the 9th graders is to use the strategies in graduate standard to get high mark whereas for 7th & 8th graders is to get knowledge especially communication ability. For grade nine students, the learning focus is to use the strategies based on the standard of graduate (Lilin, A36). As for grade seven and eight, the learning is focused to get knowledge... (Lilin, A37). In addition, Inu shares his belief that the focus of learning is to master knowledge and language skills and develop them in practice. ... at least students get knowledge and then develop it because knowledge is dynamic not static so students are expected after learning English they can practice it. (Inu, 34). Besides, he emphasizes that practices should have more portions than theories in learning English. It, in general, should be conducted by practicing English as much as possible and creating supported environment. I use more practices. So, in my mind, I want all students get involved in practice, writing, reading, speaking, listening... (Inu, A37) Yes, we indeed suggest for successful learning we use more practices and create supported environment. (Inu, A43). Inu‟s belief appears in his teaching practice in Observation 2 (08.50). He reviewed previous materials and checked students‟ homework. He asked one representative of each group to write down the homework on the board. Some students were reluctant and one of them said, “Kamu aja, aku takut salah e” pointing their classmate. Seeing this condition, he said, “Gak papa, salah itu belajar” and counted down 10 to 1. If no representative came at the
front, they would get a penalty. One student got a problem; her board marker did not work and said, “Duh Pak, spidolnya macet”. Seeing this condition he reminded the students about their classroom contract that each student has to have a printed dictionary, a grammar book, an exercise book, and a board marker (Observation 2, 08.50). Besides, at 09.45, the teacher did a rehearsal for the following singing performance. He assigned this project to facilitate more practices which was more fun as stated in the following field note. Break time ended and the lesson continued but some students were not in condition. He said, “Sit down and be quiet, please. Let‟s continue our lesson”. He reminded about next meeting agenda that is performance on singing an English song in group. It would be recorded so he asked the students to practice a rehearsal before the recorded performance (Observation 2, 09.45).
Similarly, Anggi holds a perspective that the focus of learning English is to get new knowledge, practice language skills, get mark, learn value, and learn foreign culture in an integrated way. Integrated. Getting knowledge, practicing skills, getting mark, and learning values (Anggi, A57). Yes, learning a language means we also learn the culture and the culture itself can be classified into some parts… (Anggi A58). To facilitate transferring of knowledge, she in Observation 1 (09.00 in Appendix 3) asked the students to distinguish notice, caution, and warning as stated in the following field note. She asked the students to make a distinction among notice, caution, and warning. A student answered reluctantly and whispered her tablemate to clarify her incomplete answer. She asked other students to express their mind too to make formulated distinction among notice, caution, and warning. She gave some materials about other functional text. (Observation 1, 09.00)
To facilitate language skill practice she in the teaching period in Observation 4 had a presentation activity particularly to develop speaking skill. Her efforts to facilitate learning culture do not appear since the observation was only conducted twice and the materials do not really focus on promoting cultures. The teachers‟ views about the learning focus remain the same although each in the same way proposes an individual view that is getting knowledge. In the shared beliefs, all agree that learning is intended to get knowledge. Meanwhile, in the individual beliefs, firstly, Lilin classifies her shared belief into two. For the seventh and eighth grade students, the knowledge is used to be able to communicate well using English while for the ninth grade students the knowledge is used to achieve high final examination mark. For Inu, furthermore, learning is a process to meet the goal that language is a means of communication, so it is focused on mastering knowledge and language skill and developing them in practice. He strongly holds a perspective that a practice is very significant in learning a language thus he always gives more portions toward practical sections instead of the theory. Interestingly, Anggi argues that besides getting knowledge and practicing language skills, learning is also intended to learn a foreign culture. It can be summed up that Anggi shares three learning focuses covering pedagogy (getting new knowledge, practicing language skills,) and non pedagogy (learning culture of other countries). An ideal learning and teaching atmosphere is expected to support developing successful English learners. Naiman et al. in Ellis (2008) uses the term „good‟ to
show the quality of successful. He proposes five characteristics of good language learners. The first and second is that language learners maintain the focus of language form and communication function. The third is that they will get involved in a task actively. The fourth, learners are aware of the significance of learning process. The last, learners are able to apply strategies flexibly to accomplish particular tasks. In relation to this study, the data reveal various views about the characteristics of successful learners. Two informants have the same view about the indicators of successful learners that is students are able to graduate from junior high school with high final examination mark (Inu A25, Lilin A20). This belief is in line with the theory proposed by Ellis (2008) on the last characteristic of a successful learner that a successful learner is able to accomplish particular tasks. For the researcher, final examination consists of number questions to answer, thus she equalizes questions as tasks. For Lilin, this belief is especially held by the ninth grade students whereas for her point of view, generally, a successful English learner is a student who can reach his/her individual learning target which may different among others. Successful when they reach the target they decide. So, it depends on the students. For junior high school usually they want to graduate with high mark of final examination. (Lilin, A20). Inu added his belief that EFL instruction is intended to be able to communicate internationally and equip human future development. This belief also reflects the theory written by Ellis (2008) that a successful learner is able to use language for
communication. He said that a successful learner is indicated by his/her ability to use English either spoken of written form after the students are taught, as quoted below. ... I think a student who can practice communicating either spoken or written after I teach the materials. (Inu, A24). Inu also emphasizes, although not strongly, that to measure a successful English learner, all aspects need to be assessed. It is not only the final examination but also the other aspects including the students‟ behaviour, attitude in affective aspect, and real work practice in psychomotor aspect. .. so, every assignment and work is submitted. I manage it in my folder so that all aspects can be assessed. (Inu, A33). More comprehensively, Anggi considers more on the psychological point of view. She says that successful English learners are indicated by their high motivation, interest, and awareness that they need to learn English. … they have motivation, interest, and know they need English. (Anggi, A41). To realize the development of successful learners, she always makes a learning contract at the beginning of the academic year. The contract will be regarded as a classical agreement that all students and the teacher agree to cooperate together in succeeding learning goals. Besides, she emphasizes speaking skill as the most important skill to practice to support students to become successful learners. She considers speaking skill is more spontaneous and the most frequently practiced in communication. Her emphasis on speaking skill appears very often in her teaching practices especially in Observation 4 (in Appendix 3) in which she taught a class of
acceleration program to have a presentation about descriptive text. She gave most of the times for her students to practice speaking. … so, when I first attend the class every year, I don‟t teach. Hmm. I tell them our program for a year. I ask them to cooperate to finish the program together. I also say that speaking is the most important skill in learning activity because it is spontaneous. Other skills can be learned but speaking is spontaneous. (Anggi, A43). In conclusions, the three teachers view the indicators of successful learners in different ways. Lilin with her four years teaching experience thinks that a successful learner is those who can reach the individual target, but generally pass the examination successfully as what government requires every year. She believes that her students are successful when they graduate from junior high school with high final examination mark. This view is in line with Inu. However he adds the indicator by putting communicative competence s the learning goal to achieve. In his point of view, both government‟s demand and the nature of language as a means of communication should be mastered by successful learners. Anggi, differently, holds the perspective that a learner is indicated successful by the existence of motivation, interest, and awareness. Concerning the language skill mastery, students are regarded successful when they master speaking skill well. This indicates that she, the same as Inu, considers communicative ability as the indicator of successful learner. The second point related to a learner is how the teachers‟ beliefs about effective and efficient learners. Two informants hold the same perspective that is students who ask critically when they find learning problems or difficulties (Inu A27, Anggi A44).
I think an effective and efficient student is the one who is active. An active student learns more quickly and if he does not understand he responds quickly asking the learning problem to the teacher (Inu, A27). Effective and efficient students are those who often ask critically about the learning difficulties they find... (Anggi, A44). Besides, Inu completes his view that is an effective and efficient learner is an active learner who finds out various learning sources independently. In other words, the student has self awareness about the preferred learning sources to facilitate the learning activity. In the same way, Anggi completes her view about an effective and efficient student that is to encourage critical questions from the students, she always permits the students ask anything. Despite sometimes unwell thought questions she gives an example of well thought questions. This technique in her point of view is able to encourage the students learn more effectively. In a different way, Lilin says that effective and efficient learners hold high motivation and awareness as quoted in Those with high motivation, by all means high motivation and openminded. And awareness too, I think.(Lilin, A22). Regarding the views of effective and efficient learners, the three informants reveal two different orientation, meta cognition based and psychology based. Inu and Anggi seem to have a meta cognition principle in defining effective and effective learners. Like the nature of meta cognition, effective and efficient learners, in Inu‟s and Anggi‟s perspective, are able to reflect what the students have known and not known and actively attempt to fill the unknown gap. On the other hand, Lilin uses a psychology based principle to define effective and efficient learners. The students, in
her point of view, belong to effective and efficient learners when they have high motivation and awareness and being open minded. 4.3 Contextual Factor In this part, a case indirectly related to learning and teaching activity is examined. I formulate a teachers‟ forum as a contextual factor in this study because the teachers‟ forum indirectly correlates to learning and teaching activity but may influence them. Getting involved in a teachers‟ forum is regarded as the following action held by each teacher having teaching intention. The same as teachers‟ intention, all informants view that a teachers‟ forum, such as a seminar, workshop, and training support the success of teaching (Taken from Inu Q5-A5 to Q6-A6, Lilin Q3-A3 to Q4-A4, and Anggi Q6-A6 to Q15-A15). ... Seminar and workshop can make me able to manage the class better (Inu, A5-A6). I got illumination from the teachers‟ forum. The knowledge gave positive influence even though not totally affected me... (Lilin, A3-A4). Regional, national, and national forum can increase my independence, improve and update my ability in teaching English (Anggi, A6-A15). Besides, Inu states his individual belief on the recent program namely certification program. He states it also influences a teacher to do his/ her best in the teaching performance as quoted in “Certification program of course influences teaching performance” (Inu, A8). From the teachers‟ statements, either shared or individual beliefs, it can be inferred that a teachers‟ forum and teacher certification program are such programs which the teachers think give a positive contribution for the professional teacher development.
4.4 Classroom Practice To investigate teachers‟ belief thoroughly in this study, the last point to discuss is classroom practice. It becomes the biggest part of discussing teachers‟ belief of how to develop successful learners since it relates to the practical and technical actions done by the teachers directly to the students in the instruction. To determine a successful learner, a number of parameters are required. Each parameter is used to evaluate every learner‟s achievement related to the parameter. In this part, the learner parameter is derived from four outlines; general parameter, government parameter, learner variable, and learning variable. Firstly, In general parameter part, based on Ellis (2008), there are five parameters to discuss namely communicative competence, grammar, students‟ involvement, learning awareness, and learning strategy. Meanwhile, government parameter in this study is limited on the character education. Thirdly, in learner variable as proposed by Grifftiths (2008), the researcher summed up motivation, age, personality, gender, meta cognition, autonomy, culture, and aptitude. The last parameter classification is about learning variables which are summed up into vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and error correction. 4.4.1 Communicative competence Regarding communicative competence, it is generally agreed that the informants have different individual perspectives. To begin with, Lilin brings up her belief that to develop communicative competence, a teacher should develop both spoken and written skills. For spoken skills, a teacher can hold English Day program
with fine punishment. The students are required to use English during the learning activity. Once they use non English terms, they will be fined. Meanwhile, for written skills, a teacher can have a project such as English magazine. Yes, I applied English Day when I taught RSBI program. One non English word they have to pay. (Lilin, A60). ... I had my students make a written product but once more it is for RSBI at the past. I always assigned them to make a magazine... (Lilin, A62). In the same way, Inu distinguishes two efforts of communication development, namely spoken and written. He states that to develop students‟ communicative competence, a teacher should be able to facilitate written and spoken cycle skills development. In developing spoken skills, a teacher should be able to develop students‟ micro speaking skills namely pronunciation, vocabulary, and mental. Whereas in developing written skills, a teacher should be able to develop students‟ grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. ... I develop two types of communication, spoken and written. For spoken, I integrate pronunciation, vocabulary, and mental... For written communication, I integrate grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. (Inu, A45). ... usually I record it so we can see about the eye contact, we evaluate also the pronunciation... (Inu, A46). Inu‟s effort in developing spoken communicative competence appears in Observation 2 (09.45). He practiced his effort to develop students‟ mental to prepare students‟ performance. He said, “Sit down and be quiet, please. Let‟s continue our lesson”. He reminded about the following meeting agenda that is performance on singing an English song in group. It would be recorded so he asked the students to practice a rehearsal before the recorded performance. After that, he also gave
feedback and input toward their pronunciation, expression, mimic, gesture, and tone. He also gave a model of singing a song performance. Still in Observation 2 (08.50), In this case, he integrated grammar with writing skill. Differently, Anggi emphasizes the communicative competence only on the spoken form. Even, she thinks developing communicative competence is the same as developing speaking skill and regards a good learning and teaching condition occurs when the students speak up. Students are really welcome to speak up in English step by step. Sometimes she needs to help them translate certain difficult terms and expressions. From the entire classroom observation, it can be clearly seen that she gave more portions on speaking skill. She did explaining, reviewing, motivating, error correcting, and other teaching actions orally more often than using writing media. One of the proofs can be seen in Appendix 3, Observation 1 (08.45). Anggi asked the students to close their books and put them aside then asked some questions orally about functional texts. Some students responded the questions voluntarily but some were pointed. She emphasized not to be afraid of making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about functional text. This belief is in line with her statement as follows. ...Along my teaching period, I always let the students speak up... (Anggi, A22). From the explanations, it can be interpreted that all informants hold a belief that communicative competence delivers meaning in communication. Two
informants, Lilin and Inu have similar shared belief that communicative competence has two forms, namely spoken and written. Meanwhile, Anggi just focuses on spoken form to develop communicative competence. For Lilin, real practice is seen as an appropriate technique to develop communicative competence instead of assigning task. For oral communication, she believes giving a rule to speak full English in a particular time and fining for the non English terms are the best way to develop communicative competence. It is due to the natural, spontaneous, and contextual practice the students use in speaking. In addition, she believes assigning a big project such as making an English magazine with agreed theme and topic is seen the best way to develop written communicative competence. It is due to the time needed in completing a written project is quite long so the students can develop their competence accordingly while creating meta cognition autonomously. As for Inu, since there are two types of communication, that is spoken and written, he puts micro skills into consideration. He develops the micro skills which support spoken and written communication to construct spoken and written communication well. Besides, he does an evaluation of spoken communication by reflecting students‟ achievement that is by assessing students‟ recording. While for Anggi, she believes that the nature of communication is speaking. So, developing speaking occurs simultaneously with developing communicative competence. The three beliefs enrich the theory proposed by Brown (2001) that communicative competence emphasizes meaning as the goal of communication. In delivering the
meaning, he formulates some supporting components, namely, organizational competence (grammar) and pragmatic competence (language function). 4.4.2 Grammar Even though grammar based instruction has no longer existed, grammar is considered to be an important thing in language learner development. In relation to a grammatical competence, the data reveal two major perspectives that teaching grammar is ideally conducted through integrated and separated way.
informants have the same view that teaching grammar can be done through integrating a grammar material into a particular language skill (Inu A47, Anggi A103). I usually use integrated technique... (Inu, A47). I usually integrate grammar when I discuss a topic. Sometimes through reading... (Anggi, A103). On the other hand, two informants have another same view that teaching grammar can be done through drilling or putting it in one special session. In this case, Inu shares two kinds of beliefs that is teaching grammar through integrated and separated techniques (Inu A47, Lilin A65). I usually use integrated technique followed by separated... (Inu, A47). Using drill... (Lilin, A65). To sum up, teaching grammar, in the informants‟ point of view is best done through integrated way followed by separated drilling. Integrated way is done to see the context example while drilling is to give enrichment. These beliefs strengthen Brown (2001) that teaching grammar can be done through inductive (integrated) and
deductive (separated). He argues that inductive is more appropriate in most contexts since it can keep the natural language acquisition, facilitate interlanguage development, facilitate communicative competence, and lead students to discover rules. 4.4.3 Involvement Learning and teaching process is considered to be ideal when there is an interaction between the teacher and the students. In other words, students‟ involvement contributes the success of learning and teaching activity. In fact, the students‟ involvement does not remain the same among students. Some are very active, active enough, and passive. In relation to the students‟ involvement, the informants in this study have their similar and different perspectives. Two informants have the same view that giving reward can involve students actively (Lilin A67-69, Inu A50). Lilin proposes to improve students‟ involvement actively, she stimulates them using motivation that is giving reward and mark for any assignment. Motivate them. Students will be active when they know I will assess it. (Lilin, A67). Some students are introvert, they are not active if the task is not assessed, but some are active whether it is assessed. But, most of them are active for mark. (Lilin, A68). In the same way, Inu has a perspective that he involves both active and passive students by giving a lot of opportunities and feedback. Feedback as a reward is given for any volunteer and correct response in an assignment while feedback as a fun punishment such as singing English song is for incorrect response.
I give a lot of opportunities to practice. For active students, it doesn‟t matter but for passive students, it is difficult so once more I give opportunities for the active volunteers that they will get extra mark…. (Inu, A50). Based on the observation it can also be seen that Inu encourages the students to get involved in the learning activity actively as stated in the following field note. He asked the students to move to homework Number 2. As Number 1, he asked one representative of each group to come in front. He asked the students who had not yet participated to take turn writing down on the board (Observation 2, 09.10). He asked the students who had not yet participated to take turn writing down on the board. Similarly, Anggi also opens more opportunities to practice. She involves the students using group work consisting of the heterogeneous students and point certain students randomly based on the attendance list. This belief is reflected in her teaching practice particularly which was seen in Observation 4 (Appendix 3). In this teaching activity, she assigned presentation for the whole lesson hour. The class had presentations on the concept of descriptive text. Having a presentation session, all students got involved in the learning activity. She also did an evaluation toward the group as well as individual achievement so that each student could do a self reflection. From the perspectives mentioned previously, it can be concluded that for Lilin, developing external motivation is seen as the best technique to involve students actively. She realizes the fact that not all students are aware of the significance of learning process. So, some should be extra encouraged to get involved in a learning process. That is the normal condition if the teacher should promise a reward for
activating the students. As for Inu with his fun style says that opportunity and feedback are two inseparable things in involving students actively. Students are the learning centre so widening more opportunities to practice as the learning emphasis followed by giving feedback is best implemented to involve students actively. Whereas for Anggi, group work and random call roll are the two best techniques. In group work, she mixes heterogeneously fast learners and struggling learners so there will be a taking and giving process and transferring of knowledge and motivation. As we know, fast learners tend to be active. By group work, it is expected the struggle learners will be active as well. The random call roll is chosen as it is considered as a fair technique. It looks forcing but good technique. The three beliefs are correlated each other. It is stated by Richards and Renandya (2002) that students may not get involved since they feel anxious. The solution is giving as large opportunity as possible for students to take part in learning activity. Group work reveals to be a strategy to open more opportunities in which the passive students can decrease their anxiety in the group which is smaller than classical context. 4.4.4 Learning awareness To develop successful learners, students are required to have awareness about the need of learning. Depdiknas (2006) states that English learning is intended to develop awareness about the nature and significance of English to improve global competition power. In relation to this issue, the interview data reveal that all informants use a technique that is telling information to develop students‟ awareness.
Lilin in her teaching practices develops students‟ awareness about the significance of learning process by sharing a figure‟s experience which can master English well and use English for her/ his career successfully. I like telling about my friend’s experience who works in a non-governmental organization and then meet foreigners. I tell them that English is useful.... (Lilin, A72). From Inu‟s statement it seems that he has the same perspective with Lilin. He develops awareness by telling something but he tells a story containing awareness and also motivation of learning process instead of a figure‟s experience. … I tell them, but actually tell them to direct their motivation to develop their awareness…. (Inu, A53). Likewise, Anggi develops awareness by describing the philosophy related to the learning material as the opening and then coming into the learning materials. I imitate Mr. Bismoko‟s technique. In teaching, he always uses a philosophy first and then direct it into the materials…. (Anggi, A112). From the previous description, it can be summed up that teachers‟ beliefs about how they develop learning awareness are basically by giving oral suggestions. Lilin believes it can run successfully by telling a true story about the significance of the learning process. She expects the students will be more aware by giving a conditional situation when English becomes the only media to communicate. Inu correlates awareness and value. Value in his point of view can be taught by discussing the content of moral value in a story. Anggi sees awareness is derived from knowing the essence or core or nature and the advantage. Having strong awareness may contribute better understanding toward the learning materials.
4.4.5 Learning strategy In every classroom occasion, it is avoidable that students hold various learning strategies. Therefore, facilitating this phenomenon is regarded as an important thing to succeed developing successful learners. Two informants in this study have the same view that using various media like audio, video, movie, and power point can accommodate various learning strategies (Lilin A76-79, Inu A54). Specifically, Lilin uses the term flexible to accommodate various learning strategies. It is very heterogeneous so it cannot be accommodate entirely. (Lilin, A76) I facilitate them unintentionally. For final examination, I use drill... (Lilin, A77). Movie, but only the quotation to complete power point, and then video usually taken form YouTube... (Lilin, A79). In the same way, Inu uses various teaching media to facilitate the students‟ learning strategies. I use audio, video, and power point also. I use power point especially when I need to explain a particular text or genre. (Inu, A54). Inu‟s belief is reflected in his teaching practice. Based on the data observation in Observation 3 (10.30), he used various media to teach listening as stated in the following field note. The teacher greeted the students and they answered it. The teacher observer and I introduced ourselves and asked for permission to observe their learning activity that morning. Some were still busy with other things. While they were preparing the lesson, the teacher prepared his teaching media, i.e. laptop, LCD projector, and speaker since they would have listening section (Observation 3, 10.30).
Furthermore, Anggi with her style to always keep closer with her students gives freedom to the students whether to make a note or just listen along the learning activity based on their preferred learning strategy. I don’t force them. I always emphasize, „I‟m here your facilitator, I‟m the source of information, sometimes when I say something whether you need it or not (Anggi, A114). Whether you want to write it or not, or you just want to listen to me and look at me… alright. The point is when I test you, you can make it. That‟s it. So, up to them to use auditory, audio-visual, and kinaesthetic (Anggi, A115). Thus, during the Observation 1 and 4, the researcher never found she told the students to make a note or listen to her. She totally freed the students to use any learning strategies. In conclusion, regarding the learning strategies, two teachers focus on the media to facilitate while one teacher focuses on the students‟ freedom to maximize students‟ preferred strategies. Lilin and Inu particularly, have strong beliefs about the importance of employing various media to facilitate various learning strategies. Anggi adds that facilitating various learning strategies is best done by giving freedom and believing students that they are mature enough to decide what to do in expanding their learning scope. These beliefs are in line with the theory of learning strategies proposed by Richards and Renandya (2002). It is stated that teachers should tailor strategy to lead the real and communicative needs for the learners. 4.4.6 Character education Based on law No. 20 Year 2003 Chapter 3, national education is intended to develop competence, character, and national civilization. Having learners with
proper character education is regarded as the side effects of instructional implementation. Thus, the government started to develop character education integrated in the school subjects in 2010. After the rule of character education was issued, character education became an interesting issue in Indonesian education. This is due to the challenge to implement it in education nowadays in order to develop qualified human resources. As how language skill is taught, all informants view that character education can be successfully developed when it is integrated in the learning process through its content (materials) and activities. To develop the students‟ discipline, I gave a penalty for every late assignment submission. In terms of politeness, I asked them not to use a taboo term in their communication especially in the social media (Lilin, A80-A85). One of the characters I develop is discipline. I gave my students a kind of test to be taken home. They did it at home and assigned by their parents. I mean to develop discipline and honesty through this activity. For the late submission, I reduced their mark (Inu, A57-A58). I think some characters can be integrated in the learning process, such as honesty, cooperation, care, and appreciative (Anggi, A117-118). Inu, specifically, highlights that the weakness of character education is that it cannot be assessed objectively. ... we can only try our best to integrate it into the learning process. It doesn‟t matter whether it is well implemented in their real life or not as long as we have tried our best.... (Inu, A56). Interestingly, Anggi proposes a technique to evaluate character education development. She evaluates students‟ character education development through homework or project. Through this technique, for example, she can evaluate honesty
value in case once she finds a similar homework or project among students or they make a plagiarism. Character education indeed becomes a new breakthrough in Indonesian education. That‟s why it reveals various problems either the implementation or the evaluation. Nevertheless, the informants in this study support character education program. They think it is best developed through integrating it with learning materials instead of putting it in a separated occasion. The evaluation proposed indicates that character education is best assessed using qualitative technique that is giving verbal feedback about certain value developed through a number of assignment and project.
4.4.7 Motivation Similar to awareness, having strong motivation either external moreover internal motivation leads successful learners‟ development. In relation to motivation development, two informants have the same view that giving reward can increase motivation especially external motivation (Lilin A86, Inu A59). Lilin, particularly, shares her experience that both internal and external motivation should be developed simultaneously. She regards internal motivation as awareness, thus developing it results in the internal motivation development. For Inu, he regards a volunteer student as an internally motivated student. ... for external motivation, yes it is by giving mark. While internally, it is by developing their awareness, let‟s say giving a case study how if they meet foreigners but they don‟t know English. (Lilin, A86).
To motivate my students, I give extra mark for the volunteers. I select the top three volunteers for the extra mark. I believe it will encourage them to be the volunteers in participating in the learning activity (Inu, A59). For Anggi, she does not distinguish internal and external motivation. Her belief is reflected in the classroom observation (Observation 4, 08.55). She tends to give encouragement to develop motivation as stated in the following field note. She called the first group to have a presentation. While the group was preparing the media (laptop, LCD projector) other groups were preparing their own presentation. They sat in group and did a brief rehearsal. She told the students to show their best so they did not need to repeat the presentation. She also said that she was a demanding teacher different with other teachers who felt satisfied enough easily with the students‟ achievement. She did it to make the students always upgrade their ability and improve their competence so when they face more complicated cases about English they are readier. (Observation 4, 08.55) From the previous description, it can be interpreted that to some extents developing awareness leads developing motivation and on the other way around. Lilin has already understood about the concept of internal and external motivation. From her explanation, it can be inferred that she realizes that junior high school students still have a strong mark oriented principle. Therefore, she gives a reward to increase the external motivation. This perspective builds up the theory of Brown (2000) which mentions that rewarding becomes one of the students‟ orientations in taking part in learning activity. On the other hand, developing internal motivation is more challenging. She attempts to touch another factor that is students‟ awareness first. She believes developing students‟ awareness especially about the significance of learning will develop internal motivation at the same time. This belief explains the theory proposed by Brown (2001) that a teacher can increase the learners‟ goal to
increase students‟ inner motivation. Giving reward is also done by Inu. Meanwhile, for Anggi giving oral suggestion contributes to her students‟ motivation development. 4.4.8 Age Teaching junior high school students means teaching people who stand in the transition phase. They are in phase of teenagers that is in the transition of childhood and adulthood. Therefore, Brown (2001) says that teaching teenagers requires very special set of consideration not only pedagogy but also psychology sides. One of the internal factors influencing students‟ learning development is their maturity which is mostly determined by their age. However, based on the interview, all informants view that students‟ age does not affect the success of developing successful learners. What happens in the informants‟ classroom is it is more on the maturity of the students which is influenced by many factors instead of students‟ age (Lilin A87, Inu A60, Anggi A119). ...Age doesn’t really influence because when they are in the class there so many parameters to determine and age I think doesn‟t matter.(Lilin, 87). ...Yes, age is influencing but mental is more influencing.... (Inu, A60). … As actually I am interested in psychology, I can determine students‟ character by seeing the way they speak. Still, speaking is number one. So, age doesn’t affect the development…. (Anggi, A119). 4.4.9 Personality In line with the character education, excellent in language competence will be more qualified if the students keep their personality appropriately. Knowing students‟ personality may help teachers establish appropriate classroom activity to
increase students‟ achievement (Richardson & Arker, 2010). In relation to junior high school students and personality, Heaven, et al. (2009) state that school setting becomes the important social context in which the personality development formed. In this study, two informants share a similar belief by correlating personality with politeness. Lilin states that a polite personality will influence the quality of a successful English learner. I emphasize that students should use polite expressions either their language or their attitudes because by having these they can have let‟s say a complete package, excellent in the lesson and good in personality (Lilin, A88). In the same way, Anggi correlates personality with politeness. She says that to develop students having good personality, she gives them opportunity and space to get closer with her under politeness value. Doing so, she can monitor students‟ personality. ... you have to know well about ethics. You can call me “Mbak”, but outside the classroom context.... (Anggi, 122). Inu uses the same technique of developing motivation to develop students‟ personality. He describes that the students have various types of personality such as trouble maker, good learning concentration, and diligent. To improve inappropriate personality, he gives advice and positive input. … sometimes serious, having good concentration, but sometimes trouble maker. I suggest them not to make negative attitude. If they are already out of control, I usually ask for counseling and guidance teachers‟ help…. (Inu, A61). In his teaching practice the researcher saw how he developed personality to respect and appreciate each other as stated in the following field note.
While checking Zahra‟s group member individually, he asked other students to pay attention to the performance because they looked busy preparing their own rehearsal. Observation 2 (09.45) Developing personality, according to the teachers is closely related to politeness and value. Two teachers, Lilin and Anggi hold the same view that politeness contributes personality development. For them, when the students can use language politely and have polite attitude in using the language, the students are regarded having good personality. Therefore, they teach polite expressions and how to use it in the context either in the classroom or outside. In addition, Inu believes that personality includes all values, not only politeness. Thus, he gives suggestion and positive input to keep all values in the learning activity. 4.4.10 Gender Discussing gender and learning context it is basically agreed that female students seem to be more diligent, careful, and discipline. In relation to language learning, female students are more conscientious in using language than male students (Brown, 2001; Henes, 1994; Graham, 1997). These perspectives are also held by the three informants about gender in relation to successful learners‟ development. All informants view that female students tend to show more positive attitudes than male students. The female students are closer with me than male students. (Lilin, A89). I think female students are more serious, careful, and generally they tend to show better than male students. (Inu, A64). In my class, male students are closer because they need me more than female students who basically tend to be outstanding. (Anggi, A124).
Considering gender composition within a group it is necessary to ensure that all group members gain equal experience as unbalance gender composition affect the success of group work. Hence, Anggi treats female and male students fairly. In Observation 1 (09.10), the researcher saw she checked students‟ homework and treated the female and male students fairly as stated in the following field note. She checked students‟ homework about the differences between „risk‟ and „consequence‟. She pointed one female student to write down the homework on the left row of the whiteboard and one male student on the right side (Observation 1, 09.10). 4.4.11 Meta cognition To evaluate students‟ mastery autonomously, it is necessary to develop their meta cognition, that is awareness to hold their responsibility in planning, monitoring, evaluating, and self correction to their learning. Concerning to meta cognition, two informants have a similar view that assigning student reflection section can develop students‟ meta cognition (Lilin A90, Inu A66). Lilin, specifically, says to develop meta cognitive aspect, she uses analytical logical thinking and awareness of self reflection. She also believes autonomy encourages the process of self reflection because after doing reflection the students will do a follow up effort. I think I use more logical analyses on memorizing and understanding. For example, in grammar, we use logical analytic. And then, I improve their awareness to reflect what they have understood. Basically, if they don‟t understand I let them to find out as much information as possible or ask me. If they have understood, I ask them to implement their understanding (Lilin, A90).
Likewise, Inu has the same perspective with Lilin. He develops meta cognition by giving students‟ reflection and conducting concept checking. ... I give them assignment to read. After that I give opportunity to ask related questions. If there is no question, I go on the following assignment to check their understanding so that they can measure their understanding. ... So, we have recheck and confirmation (Inu, A66). His belief about meta cognition can be seen in his teaching practice recorded in Observation 2 (09.00) as stated in the following field note. He discussed types of times as the base of tense distinction. He asked some students. One answered, “Morning, afternoon, evening, evening, and night, Sir”, the second student answered, “a.m. and p.m., and the third student, that is Ian, a student who had stayed in Australia answered, “future, present, and past” (Observation 2, 09.00) From the observation above, it can be seen that the students practiced evaluating process in the meta cognition development. Besides, in Observation 3 (10.45) it can be seen he checked students‟ understanding about introducing themselves from the video by asking number of questions as stated in the following field note. He checked students‟ understanding about introducing themselves from the video by asking number of questions. One of them is, “What do the students do in the video?” One student raising his hand answered, “Introducing themselves, Sir” (Observation 3, 10.45). In completing the perspective about meta cognition, Anggi describes to develop and check meta cognitive aspect, she gives students sufficient opportunity, facilities, and media to find out reasonable reasons why such kind of things happen so they are ready to face global world with good personality to actualize themselves. The fields to develop meta cognitive aspects can be anything not merely English language.
... I give facility and media to find out reasonable reasons why such kind of things happens. So, when the theory is applied, I am sure they unconsciously develop themselves and there will be well equipped students and able to compete globally.... I always bring up self actualization theory.... So, I am not only an English teacher because I teach them to actualize.... (Anggi, A125). In Observation 1 (08.45), the researcher found how Anggi practiced developing meta cognition as shown in the following field note. She asked the students to close their books and put them aside then asked some questions about functional texts. Some students responded the questions voluntarily but some were pointed. She emphasized not to be afraid of making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about functional text (Observation 1, 08.45). From that observation, it can be seen that the students practiced monitoring process in developing meta cognition. In conclusion, meta cognition is developed to check the students‟ comprehension autonomously. The beliefs of how to develop meta cognition revealed were in line with the characteristics of junior high school students. In this study, the teachers believe that meta cognition is effectively developed using assignment since it can reflect students‟ understanding and inductive teaching method. This technique can facilitate the characteristics of junior high school students who prefer being active to passive (Ormrod: 2011). Lilin has the perception that meta cognition is best developed using three phases; thinking, reflecting, and responding. These phases also support junior high school students characteristics namely they can logically recognize abstract thing and foster scientific reasoning
such as formulating hypothetical ideas, formulating multiple hypotheses, and separating and controlling variables (Ormrod: 2011). In relation to thinking phase, even though language belongs to social science, it can be analyzed logically. In addition, meta cognition is best developed using reflection. In this case, the teacher believes by developing sense of awareness, students are able to reflect their competence simultaneously. As a follow up action after reflecting phase, students are encouraged to practice what to do next in order to accomplish their meta cognition. For Inu‟s point of view, he lets the students to do a personal and individual reflection. He sees every individual as a unique single person who has different capacity which cannot be compared each other. So, meta cognition is personal and individual. Meanwhile, Anggi thinks that meta cognition drives awareness and autonomy by giving inductive way of thinking that is letting students investigate and formulate a case in any subject matter. These teachers‟ perspectives about meta cognition enrich the theory of Richards and Renandya (2002) that meta cognitive strategies are derived from autonomous students as they are to organize, evaluate, and plan their learning. Meta cognition checking in the teachers‟ teaching practice, still however, conducted dependently. From the observations it can be seen that the students tend to be unable to develop meta cognition autonomously yet. This is due to meta cognition is mastered after the students have very adequate sense of autonomy.
4.4.12 Autonomy Having a sense of autonomy is essential to drive a successful learner development. It is due to a learning context cannot be limited by classroom session only. Hence, the students need to be able to make use as large opportunity as possible to learn by themselves without teachers‟ guidance. Related to the autonomy development, each informant holds a different individual perspective. Lilin shares to develop students to become autonomous learners, she gives a periodic individual homework and project. It is intended to facilitate students‟ learning opportunities outside the classroom. Using homework, of course (Lilin, A91). Project is always done individually (Lilin, A92). Inu, differently, with his excellent IT literacy, takes source of learning materials into account. He develops autonomy by giving as large space as possible namely giving particular website addresses to find out the students‟ learning materials. He believes it can facilitate his students to be autonomous effectively since nowadays the students are really close to the Internet and it contains unlimited information. I encourage them to develop themselves as far as possible. When I still taught RSBI, I made use Internet in teaching. I gave the website addresses for them to search.... (Inu, A67). Another Inu‟s belief appears in Observation 2 (09.45). He stimulated students to be a volunteer in answering questions even though this effort failed as shown in the following field note.
He offered each group to be the volunteer to perform at the first, “Kelompok mana yang mau maju pertama? Ini melatih kesadaran dan kemandirian kalian lho”. No one wanted to perform at the first, so the teacher did a lottery (Observation 2, 09.45). Anggi, furthermore, states that autonomy is best developed in grade 8 so in grade 9 they can learn autonomously to focus more on final examination. Being autonomous is really helpful to prepare final examination since the students need to have more times to prepare outside the classroom context. I find difficulties in developing autonomy. When I attempt to direct them to be autonomous, suddenly they have to prepare final examination. So, ideally, autonomous learners are developed in grade 8 (Anggi, A128). From the explanation, it can be summed up that autonomy leads students to be independent, master meta cognitive strategy, and be able to enlarge learning opportunity. Based on the description, it can be interpreted that Lilin has a strong belief about autonomy. In her point of view, autonomy is best developed using an outclass assignment. It is because the outclass assignment requires longer time and more complicated processes in accomplishing so the students can develop their autonomy. The outclass assignment is also regarded decreasing students dependence toward the teacher and increasing their independence to find out as much information as possible related to the lesson. Inu, in addition, thinks giving a bridge to enlarge learning opportunities in the form of giving website addresses of learning materials may develop students‟ autonomy. Interestingly, Anggi has a different point of view. She does not explain the method to develop autonomy but states the best phase to develop it is in grade 8. She considers in this phase the students have already had the
pre-requisite knowledge and not yet demanded by final examination. It indeed contributes final examination preparation. The teachers‟ beliefs about autonomy that it is best developed using an outclass assignment completes the theory proposed by Farell and Jacobs (2010). They mention that autonomy leads students to move from being dependent to the teacher to be independent accomplishing their work either individually or with their group. 4.4.13 Culture Learning a language is not yet complete without learning the culture. It is related to the set of practices and values that mark a particular nation or group. Culture and language combine to form what is sometimes called as discourses such as ways of talking, thinking, and behaving that reflect one‟s social identity. Lilin develops students‟ cultural knowledge by integrating culture into English material. She compares how the cultures in a particular places with others. …By comparing. I prefer comparing. I ask them to see how the culture here and there. Once more, I share my friend‟s experience going abroad because I have never been there (Lilin, A93). Lucky me, I have friends going abroad so I can tell my students how culture in certain countries my friends ever visited and compare especially about the politeness (Lilin, A94). In the same way, Inu does integrating cultural knowledge into the learning materials. He describes how politeness in certain countries using expressions of language function. He also explains politeness using Javanese language concept which has Ngoko and Krama. To be able to touch cultural knowledge for junior high school level I think it is quite difficult. So, I just integrate it in the learning materials especially
about politeness. I use assumption how polite expressions like what we have in Javanese like Ngoko and Krama… (Inu, A71). Uniquely, integrating cultural knowledge has been the focus of learning for Anggi‟s perspective. So, it does not a matter anymore for Anggi to include cultural aspects into learning materials. Yes, learning a language means we also learn the culture and the culture itself can be classified into some parts. I usually focus on customs and ethics of the culture. (Anggi, A58). From the previous descriptions, it can be inferred that all teachers share the same view that culture and learning material integration is an effective way to develop students‟ awareness about culture. It is in line with Cole in Brooker and Woodhead (2010) who argue that children acquire language at the same time they acquire culture. Politeness becomes a focus of learning culture because it is related to the use of language expressions appropriately. Lilin, with her experience of having friends going abroad says that integrating culture and lesson is best done by comparing two or more cases. It is done to find out the knowledge instead of better and worse value. Such expressions, attitudes, and behaviours, maybe good in one place but inappropriate in other places. Therefore, knowing the culture in one place only is not enough. It should be compared to the cultures in other places to avoid a cross culture misunderstanding. As for Inu he correlates the culture of a country with the politeness accepted in it. While for Anggi, with her experiences going abroad annually she feels it is not a new thing for her teaching because she always strives for integrating cultural knowledge whenever there is an opportunity. She focuses more
on introducing the customs and ethics of a culture since these aspects are influenced on the use of a language. 4.4.14 Aptitude A learner likely brings a language aptitude and some maybe not. Richards and Schmidt (2002) state that students‟ language aptitude is indicated by some abilities owned by a language learner namely oral mimicry ability, phonemic coding ability, and grammatical sensitivity. Having language aptitude can support a learner to master English speedier than others since it relies on the natural ability to learn a language, not including intelligence, motivation, and interest. To some cases, language aptitude is not realized owned by a learner therefore as a teacher, she/ he is required to stimulate identifying students‟ students‟ aptitude so that the students can maximize it in order to be successful English learners. In relation to stimulating language aptitude, Lilin does a treatment involving her students to an English competition outside the school which can stimulate their aptitude. ... I send the students to join a competition (Lilin, A96). Inu does a different technique to stimulate language aptitude. He gives a soft push and force in an assignment or project which can stimulate students showing their aptitude. Besides, he encourages the students to join English extracurricular activity. ... Firstly, I compliment them that the students are basically smart but because maybe there are some students are spoiled, I think their aptitude does not appear so they need a push to stimulate their aptitude... I also facilitate them through an extracurricular activity. (Inu, A72).
Similarly, Anggi stimulates language aptitude using a number of materials and then ask the students to identify the characteristics. ... Not all people are capable to learn a language easily. So, talent is helpful in this case. We can feel the difference when we learn idiomatic expression for example. A learner with aptitude will learn more easily. ... So, I tell the students that aptitude really exists and it will facilitate a language learner to be successful.... (Anggi, A130). In conclusion, the teachers‟ beliefs about language aptitude remain the same that it contributes successful learners‟ development. To maximize it, a number of efforts need to do in order to stimulate identifying students who have language aptitude. Lilin says aptitude is a natural modal for students in learning something. Some people may not realize their aptitude due to it is not well stimulated. Therefore, stimulating aptitude is important to appear someone‟s aptitude. She believes involving students in such competition can stimulate their aptitude. It can be inferred that the competition context is very challenging because they have to place the first position. So, they will try as best as possible in order to win the competition. Observing their efforts in joining competition, it can reveal students‟ aptitude. What Inu believes about language is different with Lilin. He states that not all learners realize the existence of their language aptitude. For him, identifying it needs a long process. So, by giving soft push and force in an assignment or project it enables learners show their aptitude. Similar with Inu, Anggi holds a view that language aptitude can be identified using a case study for the students and teach them using inductive way of thinking.
4.4.15 Language mastery Vocabulary Vocabulary is an element in learning a language which becomes the foundation to create larger form such as phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, and discourse. Concerning to developing students‟ vocabulary, two informants have the same view that it can be done through drilling and memorizing lists of vocabulary (Lilin A14 & A98, Inu A73). In developing students‟ vocabulary, I always have a drilling section... (Lilin, A14 & A98). For vocabulary, I give assignments special about vocabulary. Sometimes the students memorize nouns, parts of speech, adjectives, and verbs... (Inu, A73). Both teachers think that vocabulary is effectively developed using separated drilling and memorizing even though memorizing places the lowest level in bloom taxonomy. On the contrary, Anggi proposes a strategy to develop vocabulary using integrated way. She develops vocabulary with other skills or assignments so that it is more practical, contextual, and functional. Integrated with other skills and home assignment. So I always ask them to use certain words which are similar but not identical. It‟s not the same. So when you want to replace delay and postpone it is not always the same. ... It‟s fine in this context you can make it by replacing delay and by replacing delay, delay, and postpone... (Anggi, A131). Her statement is supported by her teaching practice as revealed in the following field note. She reviewed examples of greeting cards. Students answered kinds of greeting cards actively.
Sometimes she corrected students‟ mistakes classically and individually especially about the word forms (Observation 1, 08.50). In Observation 1 (08.50), Anggi reviewed examples of greeting cards. Students answered kinds of greeting cards actively. Some students answered kinds of greeting cards incorrectly in terms of word forms. She corrected students‟ mistakes classically and individually about the word forms in the greeting cards. The previous discussion reveals that teachers have dual conceptions in developing vocabulary, namely separated and integrated technique. The separated vocabulary teaching is conducted through drilling and memorizing lists of vocabulary separated from the context. On the other hand, the integrated technique is conducted in other skills and assignment so that the students can see the use in a context. These dual conceptions support the theory stated by Hunt and Beglar in Richards and Renandya (2002). They quote either separated or integrated teaching technique is beneficial for developing vocabulary. They distinguish teaching vocabulary using separated learning as explicit learning and integrated learning as independent strategy development. Pronunciation In producing a language, especially in a spoken cycle, pronunciation becomes an indicator of successful learning. Mispronouncing might cause misunderstanding so the communication does not run smoothly. In relation to developing students‟ pronunciation, two informants have the same view that developing students‟
pronunciation is effectively developed by integrating it into a particular skill such as vocabulary and reading (Lilin A99, Anggi A134). Yeah, I integrate it in the conversation section (Lilin, A99). I integrated it when the students learn vocabulary and reading skill (Anggi, A134). In Observation 4 (09.50), Anggi integrated pronunciation with speaking skill. At that time, her students had presentation sections for the whole lesson period. The presentation ended. The teacher gave comment and feedback for every group. She reviewed how every group presented, the goodness and the badness such as pronunciation, eye contact, and the power point design. She asked all groups to repeat the presentation on the following meeting. Most students felt sad but the teacher encouraged them not to give up and always improve their English. (Observation 4, 09.50) Different with Lilin and Anggi but the same as his technique in developing vocabulary Inu develops pronunciation using separated drilling namely listening and repeating technique. Yes, pronunciation I use listen and repeat. I ask them to pronounce the words first, if they make mistakes I correct them (Inu, A78). In Observation 2 (09.55), Inu shows another belief in developing pronunciation, namely by assigning group singing performance. … The rehearsal worked smoothly. The teacher checked either group or individual performance to make them ready in the real performance. He gave feedback and input toward their pronunciation, expression, mimic, gesture, and tone. He also gave a model of singing a song performance (Observation 2, 09.55). The three perspectives shared by the informants basically deduce that they develop students‟ pronunciation deductively and inductively. These points of view bear the theory written by Gilakjani (2011). He states in order to learn pronunciation,
all of those aspects should be taught communicatively through conversation, drilling, expert guidance, and critical listening. Error correction In a learning process, making mistakes is considered as a normal process. Therefore, the teachers need to correct the mistakes using various techniques. Inu distinguishes error correction based on the mistake. He does error correction in conversation in four ways. They are classically right away, classically delayed, individually right away, and individually delayed. Sometimes classically I do error correction after the students finish doing the task but sometimes I also do direct error correction in the process of doing the task (Inu, A79). In the observation, Observation 2 (09.55) the researcher found out he checked either group or individual performance to make the students ready in the real performance. He gave feedback and input toward their pronunciation, expression, mimic, gesture, and tone. Anggi with her interest in psychology does error correction indirectly. In her point of view, correcting errors can be regarded not as a fully correction but an input given flexibly. Classical error should be corrected classically and individual error should be corrected individually as well. It depends on the mistake. If the mistakes will be epidemic in the class, sorry I would like to interrupt you for a while, I will I want to give you a kind of input. It is not correction but it is a kind of input, just because I really care about you... (Anggi, A135). Besides, the researcher also saw in Observation 1 (08.50) that
Sometimes she corrected students‟ mistakes classically and individually especially about the word forms (Observation 1, 08.50). From the previous description, it can be summed up that being a good teacher should be able to treat students‟ mistake as a normal process and be flexible in correcting the mistakes. Correcting n error does not mean blaming and crossing the errors. It is more on giving the positive input that may encourage betterment. In relation to the techniques, there are four kinds of corrections can be taken flexibly, namely classically right away, classically delayed, individually right away, and individually delayed. The teachers‟ beliefs about error correction are in line with the theory stated by Loewen (2007). He mentions that in correcting error, the teacher can do recasting (reformulating a student‟s incorrect utterance while maintaining the central meaning of the utterance), prompting (teacher does not provide the correct form but rather attempts to get the student to self-correct), and provision of meta linguistic information regarding the error that is showing the error directly. 4.4.16 Language skills Listening In a language skill cycle, listening places the first phase as a receptive skill in the spoken cycle. The data reveal that all teachers consider the effective media to facilitate listening skill development. All informants view that audio and video are two appropriate media to develop students‟ listening skill (Lilin A101, Inu A80-82, Anggi A136).
Lilin, particularly, integrates listening skill with speaking skill as the productive skill of spoken cycle. So far, we use audio and sometimes video. Usually we follow up the materials in the audio and video in the speaking session (Lilin, A101). Inu adds that language laboratory is the most appropriate place to have a listening section. He also encourages students to develop listening skill autonomously therefore he provides the copies audio of listening sections followed by the comprehension questions to be taken home by the students so that they are more ready to have the listening section in the class. This school already has a laboratory. But, for a while, because almost every student brings laptops school, I just teach listening in the class. Sometimes I copy them audio and then they work autonomously or I give them homework. (Inu, A80-A82). What Inu did is in line with Harmer (2001) about extensive listening that the teacher can record students‟ responses toward what they hear, fill in report form, and summarize the contents of a tape. In Observation 3 (11.17), Inu integrated listening skill with pronunciation. At that time, he taught listening skill about self introduction. He wrote down some information in “Introduction themselves” such as name, family, hobby, age, school, address, favourite food, favourite drink, and favourite colour. Then, he asked the students to pronounce the information with correct pronunciation. The students still made a mispronunciation especially in falling, raising, short, and long voice. He gave suggestion to the students how to use dictionary related to correct pronunciation. (Observation 3, 11,17)
Similarly, based on Anggi‟s statement, she develops listening skill using a song, short monologue text, and dialog because those media and materials are more contextual. First, I use a song. Then short monologue text. Then dialogue and so on. We also have TOEIC class to train students‟ sensitivity. (Anggi, A136). What Anggi believes is in line with Harmer (2001) about intensive listening that to develop listening skill, teachers may have some activities, like reading aloud, storytelling, interviews, and conversation. In conclusion, the choice of media becomes a consideration in developing listening skill. Based on the previous explanations, it is agreed that basically there are two effective media namely audio and video. Furthermore, it is mentioned specifically that the audio and video can be in the form of a song, monologue, and dialogue. In relation to teaching technique, listening can be integrated to develop autonomy that is assigning homework from the materials copied from the teachers. Speaking As the productive skill of spoken cycle, developing speaking skill requires a number of techniques. From the data, it can be seen that developing speaking skill is a challenge for the teacher due to its spontaneous, fluency, and accuracy which become the indicators of speaking achievement. As mentioned previously, Lilin integrates speaking skill to listening skill. While Inu, he thinks performing in front of the class individually is seen as the effective way to develop students‟ speaking skill. By doing so, he can evaluate students‟ speaking mental, gesture, and facial
expression. He also integrates speaking with writing such as in a project of practicing a drama. He has the students write the script and then practice it in front of the class. I tend to ask the students to perform in front of the class simultaneously to train their mental. I have students who are very talkative outside the class but silent in the learning activity that‟s why I ask them perform. Besides, it can also train their expression, and how to interact with the audience (Inu, A83). Interestingly, Anggi feels that she does not need to have a separated speaking skill development occasion because she has already held a belief that speaking becomes her priority in developing communicative competence. Moreover, she always emphasizes speaking skill in the teaching and learning activity. So, as mentioned in part of developing communicative competence, she requires her students to always speak up in English. She does not insist them to speak perfectly as she always helps correcting the mistakes. I don‟t like to be in a grave yard. I would like you to say anything. And I can help you out when you need me because if you don‟t produce anything it is really difficult for me to know how to help you out. (Anggi, A16). ...Along my teaching period, I always let the students speak up.... (Anggi, A22). In Observation 1 and Observation 4, it can be seen that Anggi always encouraged her students to speak up. In Observation 1 (08.45) for example, Anggi reviewed the previous materials about a functional text orally. She intentionally called the genre as a functional text instead of a short functional text as not all functional texts are short. She asked the students to close their books and put them aside then asked some questions about the functional text. Some students responded the questions voluntarily but some were pointed. She emphasized not to be afraid of
making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about the functional text. Meanwhile, in Observation 4, she allocated all the lesson period for her students to have presentations. Regarding the views of speaking skill development, the three teachers have different perspectives. Lilin mentions that speaking is effectively developed when it is integrated with the receptive skill, listening skill. She does not really pay attention on the practical technique. Differently, Inu shares his belief on the practical technique namely using classroom performance as it can train the micro skills needed in speaking, namely mental, gesture, and facial expression. At last, Anggi does not develop speaking skill intentionally through teaching the materials but she positions it as the compulsory skill in the teaching and learning activity and communication to master. Inu‟s and Anggi‟s beliefs are in line with Harmer (2001). To encourage learners speaking activities, he proposes classroom speaking activities, i.e. acting from a script, communication games, discussion, prepared talks, simulation, and role play. Reading Reading for some teachers becomes a skill which needs special treatments to develop especially grade 9 students since this skill is the one and the only skill employed in the final examination. In this study, two informants have the same view that reading skill is effectively developed if it is divided into two, reading aloud (develop pronunciation) and reading comprehension (Inu A85-A86, Anggi A138).
I divide reading skill into some meetings because I classify reading into reading for comprehending and reading aloud to integrate pronunciation (Inu, A85-86). Inu, particularly, believes that since reading is the skill assessed in national final examination, reading skill should have major portion than other three skills. Yeah, because the fact is like that. For final examination, it only employs reading different with senior high school which involves listening skill (Inu, A87). Without considering reading as the skill employed in final examination, Anggi develops reading skill by dividing it into two as well; reading aloud focusing on pronunciation and reading for comprehension (extensive and intensive reading). Reading for comprehension then is extended into text analysis to develop structure of the text and the grammar. This enriches Brown‟s theory (2001) which distinguishes reading into intensive and extensive reading. Well, reading is divided into intensive reading and extensive reading. We also have reading aloud to check pronunciation. For intensive reading, we start with comprehension questions. After that, we discuss the text analysis including the grammar (Anggi, A138). As what she does in developing spoken cycle, Lilin integrates reading skill with writing skill. Again, she does not share the practical technique but the portion between reading and writing. She says that to develop reading and writing skill, focuses more for the 9th graders as they will face national examination. For the 7th and 8th graders, it can be fair with other 2 skills. Of course I allocate more time for reading skill for grade 9 students. But for grade 8, it can be fair of course (Lilin, A103).
From the previous discussion, it can be interpreted that there are two factors influencing teachers‟ beliefs about developing students‟ reading skill, namely government‟s demand and the technique. Inu and Lilin share the same view that developing reading is influenced by government‟s demand on the final examination program thus the teachers give more attentions to the reading skill. This treatment is directed especially for grade 9 students. Whereas, for grade 7 and 8, reading skill is fairly developed with other three skills. Differently, Anggi does not pay attention on the final examination demand. She puts reading skill development fairly with other three skills. She distinguishes it into two parts, namely intensive and extensive reading. She also integrates it with other micro language skills, such as pronunciation and grammar. Writing In a language skill cycle, writing places the last phase that is the productive skill of written cycle. Grenville (2001) proposes six steps of working on writing. They include getting ideas, selecting ideas, outlining ideas into the best order, drafting beginning ideas to the end, revising the draft, and editing the grammar, spelling, and paragraph. In relation to English curriculum in Indonesia, writing is basically divided into writing functional text, monologue, and essay. For some teachers, developing writing skill seems difficult because it needs micro writing skills such as spelling, punctuation, coherence, and cohesion. Concerning to this case, two informants have the same view that writing skill is effectively developed if it is developed using an assignment and project (Inu A88-89, Anggi A141).
I prefer giving assignment or project. Like writing a review on certain works (Anggi, A141). In Observation 1 (09.45) Anggi integrated grammar with writing skill. She checked students‟ sentences. She checked students’ sentences. Some did grammatical mistakes. She corrected the mistakes right away in front of the class (Observation 1, 09.45). Similarly, Inu develops writing skill by giving an assignment, homework, or project in which he can pay attention on the grammar and context. I integrate writing with grammar. I give them homework to write a recount text about their experience for example. There, I can check the context and grammar (Inu, A88). In Observation 2 (08.50), Inu also integrated writing with grammar. After all groups finished writing down all of their homework, he checked the answer. He wrote down the question of the homework and translated it in Indonesian (Observation 2, 08.50). For Lilin, as mentioned in the part of reading skill previously, she does not share about the practical technique but she describes that she integrates it with the reading skill and positions it fairly with other skills. To summarize, the data in this study reveal that the teachers develop writing skill using an assignment and project. It can be interpreted that assignment and project are chosen as they require longer time, carefulness, process, and more complicated phase to accomplish. To sum up, successful English learners in the teachers‟ belief in this study are characterized into three points. The first, successful learners have a proper character value as it is integrated in the instruction. Having the values, successful learners are not only good academically but also personally. The second, successful learners are
able to maximize learner variable that is a number of indicators which already attached to every learner before the learners experience a learning program. The third, successful learners are able to develop learning variable that is a number of indicators to be mastered by a learner in a learning program.
This chapter contains three sections, namely conclusion, implication, and suggestion. The conclusion is derived from the investigations and also as the answer of the research question. It also presents implication for the teachers and the policy makers. The last part, suggestion is presented to provide encouragement for further research. 5.1 Conclusion According to the literature review and the data analysis, successful English learners are defined as students who are able to accomplish the learning activity, practice English for communication, and have meta cognition. Accomplishing the learning activity, the students are expected to achieve every learning objective successfully so that they are able to communicate in English orally and in the written form and capable to manage their ability using meta cognition. In addition, the findings indicate that teachers’ beliefs of how to develop students to become successful learners are influenced by the four factors presented in the conceptual framework of this study. The factors consist of 1) the schooling phase which is achieved from the teachers’ experience as a learner, 2) the professional coursework which is achieved from the experience as a teacher, 3) the contextual factor which includes the teachers’ forum and 4) the classroom practice which
includes the teaching techniques. The four factors altogether support how the teachers develop their students to become successful English learners. The schooling part covers information related to the experience of the teachers who became the research participants when they became the learners of English. The teachers believe that to develop successful English learners, the teachers should have learnt English as a means of communication. In relation to developing successful learners, the language is taught intentionally to enable the learners communicate. Furthermore, the professional coursework section contains information about the teachers’ experience when they became teachers in relation to keeping their professional development. The informants of the study have the perspectives that the teachers’ pedagogical values develop intrinsic motivation which becomes a strong foundation to be a successful teacher. This condition contributes to explore and implement any efforts to develop teachers’ professional development which affect on how they develop successful English learners. Meanwhile, the contextual factor part presents a perspective which is not directly related to the teaching and learning process but may influence teachers’ teaching practice. The teachers believe that a teacher forum and teacher certification is the programs which the teachers think give positive contribution for professional teacher development. The last part, classroom practice provides data on how teachers implement techniques in developing successful learners’ parameters which are classified into
general parameter, government parameter, learner variable, and learning variable. To develop successful learner parameters, the teachers believe using more portions of integrated techniques followed up by separated techniques as the enrichment is seen as the effective way to develop the parameters. Integrated in this case is the combination of two or three parameters in which one of them is possibly to conduct a contextual learning activity such as pronunciation and speaking, grammar and writing, and vocabulary and reading. The separated technique is proposed as the enrichment after the integrated has been done. 5.2 Implication The study brings some implications on the teaching practice of how to develop students to become successful learners. Teachers as the board who manages the classroom activity directly should make improvement in developing their students. The policy maker, in addition should be able to design a well thought and managed regulations to develop successful English learners. 5.2.1 For English Teachers In an instructional program, teachers become the highest stake holder in managing classroom activity. Hence, it is necessary to have adequate knowledge about teaching universally. They should be able to develop themselves in terms of self intention and professional development rather than only conduct their responsibility because of policy maker’s demand. The development includes how to always keep their awareness based on the accepted value, be open minded with
current dynamic trends, and understand of the philosophical theories which become the foundation of teaching practice. The awareness to keep the value will influence teachers’ beliefs in thinking and deciding what they do in teaching practice. It is related to the norm prevailing in the society that education becomes one of the institutions which improve human quality. It is also affected by the status of English as a foreign language in which it has cultural values to learn. Some of the cultures are accepted in Indonesian context and some should be adapted, however. In addition, educational world is developing character education to improve the quality of human being’s character. Having awareness to keep the value will contribute in shaping teachers’ character to be a good figure for their students. Another implication refers to teachers’ character of being open-minded. As the source of information and model for their students, it is highlighted that teachers should be open minded with everything occurs in educational world. It is due to education is related with dynamic knowledge and technology. Being fanatical of one principle only and refuse up to datedness of new breakthrough will make the teachers left behind and unable to position them as a new breakthrough carrier. The last implication is about teachers’ understanding toward the philosophical theories. Practice without a philosophical theory is weak. As the planner, organizer, and evaluator of all classroom activities, having rich knowledge becomes fundamental principle to transfer the theories into practice in developing successful learners.
5.2.2 For Policy Maker Teachers, indeed, have the biggest capacity in managing classroom activity. However, they need higher board to supervise what they have gone through during the professional development and the influencing factors in the teachers’ beliefs including schooling, professional coursework, contextual factors, and classroom practices (Borg: 2003). The higher board needed in this case is the policy maker since this board holds the highest position toward the policy formulation and development. Supervision is needed to monitor the implementation of the policy and ensure that the policy runs on the right track. The supervision includes monitoring on how the teachers hold theoretical knowledge of developing students to become successful learners which lead the teachers to translate the theories into their teaching practice and equipping how to bring the theories into practice. 5.3 Suggestions In this part, the researcher would like to provide suggestions for further researchers to study similar field. Firstly, in terms of point of view, it might be challenging to conduct a research study on students’ belief. As we know, today’s education program is proposed to be student-centered in order to activate more students’ involvement; therefore, studies on their beliefs would make it possible to involve their perspective to provide positive input toward underlying problems of English education.
Secondly, in relation to the scope of sample and population, further study should involve larger scopes. The informants in this study are from schools having the first third high rank of final examination. More schools with various academic achievements are needed to draw conclusion and make decisions more generally. Moreover, other indicators beside final examination Thirdly, referring to the level of education, research for different level is likely to conduct to find out different perspectives. Each education level has different characteristics. Therefore, conducting similar research for kindergarten, elementary school, and senior high school level might give more varieties on how to develop students to become successful learners in other levels.
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Appendix 1 Interview Guideline
Schooling 1. Menurut Bapak/ Ibu, bahasa secara umum itu apa? 2. Bagaimana dengan bahasa Inggris? 3. Sebagai bahasa asing di Indonesia, bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu menggambarkan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing di Indonesia? Apa manfaat belajar bahasa Inggris? 4. Menurut Bapak/ Ibu, apakah bahasa Inggris sulit dipelajari? Kira-kira, bagian apa yang dianggap kebanyakan Bapak/ Ibu dan siswa paling sulit dipelajari? 5. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengatasi kendala tsb?
Professional Coursework 6. Berapa lama Bapak/ Ibu mengajar bahasa Inggris? Apa yang mendorong Bapak/ Ibu menjadi guru bahasa Inggris? 7. Di dalam Bapak/ Ibu mengajar selama ini, bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu guru berperan? 8. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengajar secara efektif dan efisien? 9. Bagaimana konsep pembelajaran Bapak/ Ibu? 10. Bagaimana fokus pembelajaran di kelas Bapak/ Ibu? 11. Penekanan seperti apa yang sesuai untuk mendukung pembelajaran bahasa mereka? 12. Bagaimana gambaran umum kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas Bapak/ Ibu? 13. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mendeskripsikan siswa Bapak/ Ibu di kelas? 14. Apakah deskripsi tersebut sudah merupakan kondisi ideal pembelajaran dan pengajaran? Mengapa demikian? 15. Bagaimana kondisi siswa Bapak/ Ibu yang menurut Bapak/ Ibu berhasil? 16. Bagaimana mereka belajar secara efektif dan efisien?
Contextual Factors 17. Apakah Bapak/ Ibu pernah berpartisipasi dalam forum seminar atau workshop? Bagaimana pengaruh kegiatan tersebut terhadap pengajaran Bapak/ Ibu?
Classroom Practice 18. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa? 19. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan kemampuan tata bahasa siswa? 20. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu melibatkan siswa secara aktif? 21. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan kesadaran pentingnya proses belajar? 22. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan strategi belajar siswa? 23. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan pendidikan karakter? 24. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan motivasi? 25. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan usia? 26. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan kepribadian? 27. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan gender? 28. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan metakognitif? 29. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan otonomi? 30. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan budaya? 31. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan bakat? 32. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan kosa kata? 33. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan pengucapan? 34. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan mendengarkan? 35. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan berbicara? 36. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan membaca? 37. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan menulis? 38. Bagaimana Bapak/ Ibu mengembangkan pembenaran kesalahan? 148
Appendix 2 Interview Transcription
Interview 1 April 6, 2013 SMP X Yogyakarta Mrs. Lilin
Transcription R: Selamat pagi Ibu xxx. T: Selamat pagi. R: Pada pagi hari ini saya akan mewawancarai Ibu sebagai sumber data tesis saya yang berjudul Teachers‟ Belief in Developing Students to Become Successful English Learners. Q1. Pertanyaan pertama Ibu, berapa lama Ibu mengajar bahasa Inggris dan apa yang mendorong Ibu menjadi guru bahasa Inggris? A1. Saya memulai karir saya di SMP xxx sejak tahun 2009 tepatnya sejak 1 April 2009, jadi kurang lebih empat tahun. Kemudian yang mendorong saya untuk menjadi guru bahasa Inggris karena memang saya lulusan PBI, jadi saya pikir saya sudah belajar untuk menjadi seorang guru jadi saya menggunakan ilmu yang saya dapat. Q2. Oke. Masuk PBI-nya sendiri apakah ada external motivation atau dari Ibu sendiri? A2. Karena saya sudah menyukai bahasa Inggris sejak saya SMP, kemudian di waktu SMA saya mendapat semacam kejenuhan akan mata pelajaran eksak honestly, jadi saya waktu itu lebih tertarik pada ilmu sosial dan saya menemukan bahwa saya punya kompetensi dalam bahasa Inggris jadi ketika lulus SMA saya memutuskan untuk masuk ke PBI. Q3. Baik, pertanyaan kedua Ibu. Pernahkan Ibu berpartisipasi dalam forum seperti seminar, workshop, atau training, dan seberapa jauh kegiatan tersebut memengaruhi kegiatan belajar mengajar Ibu? A3. Belum begitu banyak, hanya beberapa kali. Belum bisa, masih bisa dihitung dengan jari tangan. Lingkupnya kota saja, jadi lebih banyak di bedah SKL, seperti itu, lalu yang pernah saya ikuti yang berbau sedikit internasional itu ketika pembicaranya itu seorang native speaker itu yang mengadakan itu kalau tidak salah Pearson Education. Nah, itu pernah sekali. Jadi pada intinya partisipasinya belum begitu banyak.
Q4. Seberapa jauh Ibu, aktifitas tersebut memengaruhi kegiatan belajar mengajar Ibu? A4. Saya mendapatkan beberapa illumination, pencerahan, ya ilmu sedikit banyak tentunya lalu tidak totally affected me, no. tapi hanya ya yang bagus yang saya serap, yang misalnya oh sama dengan saya, saya biarkan seperti itu. Q5. Lalu Ibu, bagaimana gambaran kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas Ibu? A5. Gambaran dari pandangan saya, saya kurang tau gambaran dari siswa tapi saya merasa kelas saya baik-baik saja dan fine-fine saja. Q6. Jumlah siswanya Ibu satu kelas? A6. Satu kelas tidak sama, untuk kelas 9 itu ada 44 lalu ada yang 42, sedangkan untuk kelas 8 kami ada 39 dan ada yang 40, jadi tidak sama satu kelas dengan yang lain. Q7. Bagaimana Ibu mendeskripsikan kondisi siswa Ibu? Mendeskripsikan dari segi akademisnya? A7. Sangat beragam dan variatif. Saya boleh bilang bahwa pembagian pengelompokan kelas ini belum, bukan tidak, belum mendukung saya banyak dalam kegiatan bahasa Inggris karena pengelompokan ini tidak berdasar kemampuan akademik mereka, jadi ada yang pintar, pintar sekali, kemudian ada yang kurang, kurang sekali, sehingga kadang-kadang menjembatani itu itu yang sangat menantang atau susah. Q8. Berarti kelasnya sangat heterogen ya Bu? A8. Sangat heterogen dan bervariasi sekali. Q9. Oke. Lalu apakah kondisi tersebut ideal? A9. Iya, wacananya sih karena itu sudah keputusan sekolah ya, jadi sekolah menerima sekian siswa kemudian membaginya menjadi 6 kelas dan mau tidak mau kami harus menerima jumlah seperti itu. Menurut pendapat saya pribadi, berkaca pada ketika saya berada di PBI semester awal, itu kan karakternya ya masih karakter anak-anak remaja ya, 17-18 tahun, jadi waktu itu kami satu kelas kurang lebih hanya 25 sampai 30, jadi saya pikir jumlah ideal ya maksimal 30, menurut saya.
Q10. Lalu apakah ada semacam group course setiap Ibu mengajar? A10. Untuk kegiatan seperti itu ya, belajar bersama atau proyek bersama. Terkadang di dalam kelas kadang di luar kelas. Q11. Baik Ibu, pertanyaan selanjutnya, menurut Ibu, bahasa itu apa, Ibu? A11. Bahasa tentu saja alat komunikasi. Q12. Baik. Lalu kedudukan bahasa asing di Indonesia dalam hal ini adalah bahasa Inggris. Menurut Ibu, bagaimana menggambarkan kedudukan bahasa Inggris di Indonesia dan bagaimana ibu mempelajari dan mengajarkan bahasa Inggris? A12. Bahasa Inggris masih menjadi bahasa asing absolutely, bukan bahasa ke dua sama sekali, sehingga karena dia adalah bahasa asing dan dikenal sebagai bahasa asing, karena bukan bahasa ke dua, saya pikir memang untuk pengajarannya membutuhkan treatment-treatment yang tertentu dan khusus. Misalnya, katakanlah kalau untuk sebagai contoh misalnya Singapore yang menurut saya bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa ke dua ya, materi yang digunakan bisa dalam bentuk content based, jadi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk tiap mapel, misalnya geografi sekaligus bahasa Inggris, tapi untuk kita di sini tentu saja bahasa Inggris harus dipisah, seperti itu, jadi pembelajaran sendiri, independent, dan tentu saja menurut saya lebih khusus, seperti itu.
Q13. Oke. Lalu Ibu, bagaimana menurut Ibu tentang bahasa Inggris, apakah hal itu sulit dipelajari? Dan kira-kira bagian apa yang dianggap siswa itu menjadi bagian yang sulit dipelajari? A13. Kalau menurut saya tidak. Of course on my point of view I have no idea, tetapi ketika lebih kurang share untuk yang kelas 9 karena tuntutan pemerintah itu, mereka di UN ya, melihat karakteristik soal UN itu lebih banyak di vocab, di penguasaan kata. Karena iya. Vocab itu asing di telinga mereka, mereka belum pernah kenal dengan vocab itu, seperti itu. Q14. Bagaimana Ibu mengatasi kendala tersebut? A14. Kalau untuk vocab saya memang di kelas selalu ada drill. Kalau tahu satu dosen saya yang bernama Pak Purba. Beliau itu punya metode di kelas vocab beliau itu ada drilling vocab, jadi kami para siswa diberi daftar kata kemudian dihafalkan
Q15. Pertemuan selanjutnya harus hafal? A15. Iya, tidak hafal juga, tapi bertambah. Seperti itu. Hanya itu kata-kata yang saya gunakan kan kata-kata yang memang dari bawah, yang mulai dari daily, what is it, crop circle seperti itu, jadi kalau untuk membantu mereka juga saya pikir tidak banyak emmm tidak banyak kata juga yang bisa diberikan.
Q16. Satu minggu berapa Ibu, yang harus dihafal? A16. Kurang lebih ada sekitar 70-an. Q17. Terbukti efektif efisien? A17. Efisien ketika kata itu muncul di soal, ketika kata lain yang muncul otomatis mereka tidak bisa jadi sebenarnya kalau kita membicarakan masalah UN itu kan strategi kami, guru itu kan memprediksi kira-kira kata yang keluar apa ya, jadi ketika pemerintah bilang oh „besok itu tesnya ini‟ kita kan ngambil strategi kalau bilang ini kira-kira pertanyaannya ini. Kita meraba-raba. Jadi bukan memerintah, pokoknya ini keluar, kalau itu lebih mudah. Itu karena seperti itu yang terjadi.
Q18. Tapi siswa cukup antusias Ibu, untuk menghafal sejumlah kata? A18. I have to say that they are motivated to course. Jadi ketika saya bilang kalau itu dinilai mereka akan sangat…dan itu memang menjadikan nilai kuis ya, jadi kuis vocab itu pada akhirnya nanti saya rata-rata kemudian di akhir semester menjadi salah satu nilai yang masuk perhitungan untuk nilai raport. Q19. Berarti sering ya Ibu menemui, ketika diberi tugas, „Ibu masuk ke nilai tidak? A19. Selalu. They ask me that…biasanya mereka tanya „dinilai nggak miss?‟ oh ya tentu saja. Motivasinya seperti itu. Q20. Ekstrinsik motivation. Oke. Pertanyaan selanjutnya Ibu, pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil di kelas Ibu itu seperti apa? A20. Yang berhasil adalah ketika target yang diincar itu terlaksana. Itu tergantung si pembelajar sih Mbak, dia targetnya apa. Tiap individu berbeda ya. Kalau untuk anak SMP otomatis lulus sekolah dengan nilai UN yang bagus, targetnya itu. Tapi untuk pribadi yang lain berbeda.
Q21. Lalu tentang kemampuan mereka sendiri Bu, kalau Ibu mempunyai belief tersendiri, dulu Ibu pernah menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris juga, kalau Ibu pribadi bagaimana? Ibu bisa mengatakan pembelajar yang berhasil dan menurut Ibu sendiri bagaimana? A21. Untuk detik ini, iya. Saya berhasil karena saya bisa menggunakan language function dengan maksimal. Tapi saya tidak tahu mungkin besok saya bertemu dengan Mr. Obama dan saya tidak bisa berkomunikasi itu beda. Nah untuk detik ini saya pikir saya berhasil. Q22. Lalu bagaimana siswa ibu yang berhasil tadi belajar dengan efektif dan efisien? A22. They learn with high motivation. Those have high motivation, dengan motivasi yang tinggi dan mau membuka diri. Q23. Bagaimana dengan awareness mereka, Bu? A23. Awareness juga. Q24. Meskipun kadang awarenessnya karena nilai? A24. Karena negara kita seperti itu, karena kita berpatokan pada UN jadi kita lebih ke produk akhir daripada proses jadi mau tidak mau kita telah menciptakan generasi yang harus lihat nilai. Evaluasi sebenarnya. Q25. Kembali ke demand pemerintah, as the higher stake holder, sebagai pembuat keputusan juga Bu? A25. Iya Q26. Baik, pertanyaan selanjutnya Ibu, siswa xxx ini di UAN 2012 nilai rata-rata bahasa Inggrisnya peringkat 3 teratas Yogyakarta. Apakah Ibu bisa mengatakan bahwa siswa SMP xxx telah berhasil menjadi pembelajar bahasa? A26. Kalau dilihat dari nilai bagus UN itu sukses maka saya bilang sukses, tetapi kalau saya bilang the real di dunia nyata saya boleh bilang dan saya berani bilang bahwa masih banyak siswa saya yang malu untuk berkomunikasi. Q27. Karena bahasa adalah untuk berkomunikasi ya Bu? A27. Iya tentu saja, untuk komunikasi lisan dan secara spontan mereka masih harus mengasah kepercayaan diri padahal mereka memiliki teori yang bagus jadi mereka
lebih ke apa, saya lupa istilahnya David Nunan, knowledge mereka lebih bukan ke procedural knowledge. Q28. Lalu bagaimana konsep pembelajaran di kelasIbu? A28. Should be fun. Kalau ditanya mereka, mereka pasti pinginnya yang fun. Kalau dari gurunya, kalau dari saya ya fun, fun for both teacher and students. Q29. Siapa yang lebih menjadi center Bu? A29. Tidak ada, jadi kami saling, menurut saya… Q30. Yang sudah Ibu lakukan? Kedua belah pihak begitu… A30. Untuk kelas 9 of course dependent with me. Kalau kelas 8 saya ingin lebih menjadi partner dalam belajar tidak selalu TTT, Teacher Talking Too much, jadi apa ya, jadi kedua belah pihak bisa belajar satu sama lain. Q31. Kelas 9? A31. Iya. Karena untuk UN. Tapi meskipun demikian kadang-kadang di kelas saya memang mereka saya kondisikan berkelompok dulu, mereka saling belajar dulu, tapi pada akhirnya memang guru harus mendekati. Q32. Di kelompoknya sendiri, tetap heterogen ya Bu, tidak homogen? Ada grade 1, grade 2, lalu kemudian Ibu lebih mendekat ke grade yang lebih bawah? A32. Iya seperti itu tetapi sekarang untuk pembagian kelas sudah diranking Q33. Sejak kapan ini Bu, untuk menghadapi UAN? A33. Iya, untuk kelas 9 saja tidak untuk kelas 8 dan kelas 7, jadi per mapel, 4 mapel itu kita lihat mana yang lemah lalu nanti kita kelompokkan yang paling lemah itu di kelas ini Q34. Tapi setiap bidang studi disendirikan? Misalnya kalau bahasa Inggris kelasnya nanti, A34. Kami ambil dari yang nilai rata-ratanya,,, kelemahannya memang seperti itu ya, jadi ada yang bagus bahasa Inggris lalu dia masuknya, tapi kita lihatnya seperti ini, jadi misalnya 5 terbawah di bahasa Inggris 5 terbawah di matematika. Gimana sih menjelaskannya emmm gimana ya Mbak menjelaskannya. 5 terbawah…rata-
rata ya. Q35. Rata-rata 4 itu ya berarti? A35. Iya, rata-rata 4. Tapi ada korelasinya. Korelasinya seperti ini, biasanya itu memang ketika dia tidak bagus di mapel ini dia di mapel yang lain juga tidak,,kalau kami lihat kecenderungannya seperti itu. Q36. Lalu fokus pembelajaran di kelas Ibu seperti apa? A36. Kalau kelas 9 ya strategi latihan-latihan sesuai dengan SKL. Q37. Kalau untuk yang kelas 7 & 8 Ibu? A37. Of course ya untuk ilmu, sesuai dengan SKL dari pemerintah juga, sesuai dengan kurikulum yang kami kembangkan. Juga tidak dari pemerintah tetapi lebih ke belajar untuk berkomunikasi. Q38. Kalau pandangan Ibu tentang seorang guru, bagaimana Ibu menempatkan posisi Ibu terhadap siswa? A38. Peran guru, saya pikir peran guru bisa fasilitator, bisa penyumbang ilmu, bisa rekan kerja, teman, jadi saya pikir berbagai macam
Q39. Di luar context classical activity, apakah Ibu juga membuka semacam waktu atau momen khusus jika mereka berkonsultasi seputar mata pelajaran? A39. Absolutely. Saya bilang you can ask anything about English outside the class, tapi ya hanya satu dua tidak semuanya termotivasi. Q40. Kira-kira kenapa Bu, karena mungkin malu dianggap saya tidak bisa atau bagaimana? A40. Salah satunya mungkin, atau mereka lebih percaya pada guru mereka di luar. Q41. Oh banyak yang ikut les di luar? A41. Tentu saja, di Real English, ELTI, private, itu sudah rahasia umum Mbak ya, banyak sekali les-les seperti itu menjamur di jogja, ya mungkin di kota-kota di Indonesia lah. Saya pikir itu malah sedikit menohok guru, guru yang,,,okay it‟s better not not trust. Q42. Tapi apakah dengan begitu mereka mendapati itu gara-gara mereka les di
luar, Ibu? A42. Belum ada research tentang hal itu, tapi saya pikir kami ya saling berkontribusi lah, tentu saja kami yang di sekolah berkontribusi karena saya pikir pembelajaran menurut saya adalah pendidikan yang sesungguhnya tidak hanya di dalam sekolah, yang terjadi di kehidupan mereka. Dipersilakan untuk…Ya, untuk menggali potensi silakan, ya nggak salah. Karena di sekolah sendiri, katakanlah mereka ingin mencoba berkomunikasi dengan native, sekolah kan belum bisa mengakomodasi seperti itu. Absolutely kalau mau ikut di ELF atau di Real English, silakan, kalau masih punya keuangan, silakan. Q43. Lalu bagaimana Ibu mengajar agar efektif dan efisien dalam membentuk siswa menjadi a successful English learner? A43. Yang saya lakukan? Q44. Iya, yang sudah Ibu lakukan. A44. Can you repeat the question? Q45. Okay, bagaimana cara Ibu mengajar siswa yang efektif dan efisien agar mereka menjadi pembelajar yang berhasil? A45. Efektif tentu saja yang tidak pantang menyerah, yang konsisten dengan nilai yang saya pegang. Q46. Nilai value ya Bu? A46. Ya prinsip apa yang dia punya, seperti itu, itu yang efektif. Kemudian untuk yang efisien, efisien parameternya apa? Q47. Let‟s say kemampuan berkomunikasi siswa, juga misal tingkat keberhasilan siswa bisa menembus nilai UAN? A47. Yang efisien tentu saja yang, ah gimana ya, dari segi guru ya ya tentu saja yang berkontribusi banyak, tetapi sekali lagi yang berkontribusi banyak itu yang seperti apa, mungkin lebih baik bertanya ke siswanya. Karena sebagi guru saya sudah berkontribusi banyak tetapi entah apakah mereka, apakah ini benar-benar working, I have no idea. Q48. Lalu metode apa yang Ibu terapkan di kelas sekarang untuk mengembangkan siswa menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil?
A48. Task-based tentu saja dan text-based. Karena dari pemerintah kan sudah task-based ya. Kalau skill-based lebih saya gunakan di kelas 8, jadi saya suka sekali teaching ya I love teaching them practice, role-playing, ya seperti itu. Q49. Kalau mereka practice Ibu, sedikit ingin tahu tentang kelas 8, apakah mereka menggunakan text ataukah sudah berani lepas dan nanti ada spontaneous expressions? A49. Nah kalau spontan belum, tergantung Mbak, jadi di kelas regular itu belum. Tapi di RSBI itu bisa jalan. Q50. Oh di sini masih ada kondisi kelas RSBI? A50. Masih ada karena kami belum, apa, kami masih ada beberapa wilayah sampai akhir tahun. Memang kemarin di Mahkamah Agung kan dibubarkan tetapi kan tidak secepatnya, jadi biar nanti manajemennya enak, jadi nanti di akhir tahun baru tahun ajaran depan reguler semua. Q51. Di RSBI semuanya spontanitas? A51. Spontan itu kita, tetapi di reguler itu harus sesuai dengan script. Jadi ketika spontan misalnya saya menyediakan satu situasi, it takes time. Much time. Belum lagi memberi semangat, itu memang butuh waktu. Itu dialogue-based misalnya, kamu kamu jadi petugas hotel kamu telefon coba. Q52. Ada perbedaan nggak Bu, treatment di RSBI dengan kelas regular? Atau selamanya Ibu menggunakan full English, atau bilingual, atau lebih dominan bahasa Indonesia? A52. Di pengantar itu lebih dominan bahasa Indonesia tentu saja, dengan pilihan kata yang lebih tinggi di RSBI, dan pilihan kata yang ada di tes juga lebih tinggi yang di RSBI. Rata-ratanya kan lebih tinggi yang di RSBI. Q53. Berapa Ibu? A53. 78. Q54. Kalau yang reguler? A54. 75. Q55. Oke, lalu mungkin Ibu mempunyai saran atau tips terhadap, untuk guru di luar Pangudi Luhur untuk pengembangan siswa menjadi sukses to English learners?
A55. Open minded, open to any information, knowledge from others. Ya sekali lagi open-minded, ya itu tuntutan ya, apalagi sekarang sedang gencar-gencarnya UKG, itu memengaruhi sertifikasi, tapi ya saya pikir itu akan saya pribadi belum menerima ya tapi saya pikir itu akan memacu. Q56. UKG stands for? A56. Uji Kompetensi Guru apa ya, eh sorry maaf, ada penilaian. Uji Kompetensi Guru yang nanti ada penilaian juga yang dilakukan oleh dinas, apakah guru ini masih kompeten untuk menerima sertifikasi atau tidak, dalam arti, apa itu, tunjangan sertifikasi.
Q57. Jadi yang sudah mendapatkan tunjangan bukan berarti aman selamanya tetapi harus? A57. Oh iya, itu yang saya dengar terakhir ketika saya hadir di sosialisasi PPG dengan Dinas. Mulai tahun depan sepertinya akan dilakukan seperti itu dan saya sudah mengobrol dengan pengawas, Bu Endang, pengawas di Yogyakarta untuk bahas Inggris. Bahwa segala aspek pengajaran bahkan dari menyiapkan administrasi pun harus bagus sehingga di kelas juga harus bagus. Jadi saya pikir memang tuntutan pemerintah ke depan. Q58. Dari semua sisi harus termonitor dan terevaluasi? A58. Iya, dan harus produktif karena para guru kan mendapatkan tunjangan, harus ada tanggung jawabnya. Q59. Bagaimana Ibu mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi siswa Ibu? A59. Komunikasi lisan atau tulisan? Q60. Iya dua-duanya. A60. Oh ada English day di kelas RSBI, ketika mereka memproduksi satu bahasa non English they have to pay. Q61. How much? A61. Rp 100.00 per word. Tapi saya belum ngecek lagi setelah libur paskah ini, karena saya sempat cuti hamil jadi setelah masuk saya belum cek lagi dan itu efektif
di semester satu, semester dua sepertinya belum konsisten lagi. Q62. Lalu bagaimana dengan berkomunikasi dengan tulisan, Ibu? A62. Kami meminta siswa untuk membuat produk tulisan, sekali lagi untuk kelas RSBI ya Mbak. Kelas RSBI saya selalu menugaskan mereka untuk membuat majalah. Sayang sekali tidak ada di sini, saya menyimpannya di rumah tapi hasilnya luar biasa, jadi majalah bahasa Inggris yang isinya itu empat genre, apa, empat jenis text itu mereka mengumpulkan itu lalu mereka harus wawancara guru lalu mereka membuat iklan, it‟s fun. Q63. Sekali lagi RSBI ya? Yang reguler belum? A63. Belum. Sayang sekali ya. Q64. Kemudian untuk mengembangkan grammar mereka, Ibu, meskipun sekarang bukan grammar-based tapi tetap grammar penting ya? A64. Iya. Q65. Bagaimana Ibu mengembangkan? A65. Dengan drill, pelatihan biasa, saya menggunakan buku Betty Schrampfer Azar. Q66. Oh yayaya, yang hitam atau biru tua itu ya Bu? A66. Ya. Biru ya. Q67. Bagaimana Ibu melibatkan siswa secara aktif? A67. Memberi motivasi mereka seperti itu. Siswa akan aktif ketika meraka tahu itu dinilai. Q68. Seperti yang di awal tadi ya Bu? A68. Ada beberapa karakter yang tertutup, tapi ada juga beberapa yang nilai nggak dinilai tetap maju. Iya, tetapi sebagian agak besar itu mereka akan aktif ketika tahu itu dinilai, jadi susah. Mau gimana lagi. Q69. Itu masalah ya Bu? Mungkin lebih baik jika mereka sadar ini penting untuk pengembangan bahasa mereka sendiri.
A69. Tapi sekali lagi gurunya memang harus memberi motivasi juga untuk, apa ya, tugas guru juga, ketika siswa tidak suka dengan bahasa Inggris mungkin gurunya yang terlalu stritck. Q70. Tidak fleksibel? A70. Iya, kontribusi yang tidak bagus kan, itu tugas guru juga untuk membuat murid menyukai. Q71. Ada nggak Bu cita-cita pengen siswanya itu memiliki keinginan sendiri lalu bagaimana Ibu mewujudkan itu? A71. Tentu saja setiap guru bercita-cita ya, bahwa mendidiknya pasti termotivasi untuk ada kesadaran sendiri. A72. Bagaimana Ibu memotivasi mereka? Dengan oral suggestion begitu? A72. Saya suka memberi cerita tentang pengalaman. Tapi saya justru suka bercerita mengenai pengalaman teman. Jadi ada beberapa teman saya yang bekerja di LSM kemudian bertemu dengan orang asing, so I‟d like memberitahu mereka bahwa bahasa Inggris berguna, atau saya berangkat dari tidak dimungkiri anak-anak sekarang itu suka, Korean-based itu ada tetapi mereka juga gandrung sekali dengan yang namanya One Direction, apalagi yang cewek, kalau yang cowok mungkin band atau film, jadi apa ya, mereka melihat siapa sih yang asing lalu diberikan situasi juga, kalau kamu ketemu sama dia tidak bisa bahasa Inggris apa yang terjadi? Nah seperti itu. Kalau kelas 9 Mbak, mereka akan termotivasi mendekati UN, entah kenapa itu yang terjadi. Jadi anak kelas 9 itu secara otomatis, oh iya ding mau UN. Q73. Jadi terkait masih ada keputusan UN ya Bu, sehingga mereka termotivasi dengan tersendirinya? A73. Tetapi motivasinya menjadi mendapatkan nilai yang bagus kan .Yang membuat prihatin adalah ketika mereka tidak memberi nilai, they do not tell the process. Q74. Hanya pada hasil? A74. Iya, hanya pada hasil, padahal itu pilihan ganda, pilihan ganda itu saya pikir tidak begitu mengukur kemampuan mereka, tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk gambling kan? Misalkan ABCD, dia milih D dan itu benar, belum tentu dia tahu bahwa D itu benar. Ah aku pilih D ah, dan itu benar dan itu dinilai benar.
Q75. UAN untuk saat ini kan hanya 60% ya Bu, bagaimana pandangan Ibu tentang keputusan ini? 60% UAN kemudian 40% ke UAS ya, nilai sekolah. Apakah porsi UANnya harus diturunkan kemudian USeknya dinaikkan atau bagaimana menurut Ibu? A75. Menurut saya itu cukup fair, itupun ya…cukup fair lah Mbak. Q76. Apakah siswa Ibu memiliki strategi belajar yang bermacam-macam, atau ratarata homogen? Mereka suka belajar dengan kondisi yang tenang, membaca kemudian dikasih pertanyaan? Atau apa ada yang mereka ingin santai atau dengan diiringi musik, atau bagaimana Ibu? A76. Itu heterogen sekali, tapi karena klasikal disini jadi tidak semua bisa diakomodir. Q77. Bagaimana Ibu menjembatani bermacam-macam strategi belajar tersebut? A77. Saya tidak dengan sengaja menjembatani, jadi eeeee yang saya lakukan selama ini ya untuk yang UN memang lebih ke drill soal, jadi jeleknya saya memang terkadang saya membawa mereka ke arah yang saya suka, OK sekarang kita ini itu. Q78. Dan mereka nyaman juga Ibu? A78. No complain. I assume they‟re fine. Q79. Oke, bagaimana dengan kelas 8. Ibu aktif menggunakan semacam media power point atau movie? A79. Oh ya, of course, movie cuplikan buat tampilan aja, power point iya, kemudian video, biasanya ada beberapa video yang diunduh dari Youtube. Tapi kita belum bisa menggunakan film, karena bahasa film itu, apa ya, saya lebih suka menggunakan film dikit, karena kalau video komunikasi seperti itu kan terkadang masih kaku, Hi how are you?, it‟s like, kaku sekali. Tapi kalau film sudah „Okay, morning‟ Q80. Lalu bagaimana dengan pendidikan karakter, bagaimana Ibu mengintegrasi pendidikan karakter ke dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris? Bisa berjalan semua Ibu, ke-18 nilai? A80. Honestly saya belum membuat instrument penilaian bahwa pendidikan karakter itu sudah berjalan atau belum, kalau yang saya lihat ya harapannya
berjalan tetapi belum bisa diukur. Q81. Pengembangan karakter dalam bahasa Inggris apakah dengan mengumpulkan tugas terlambat ada penalty? A81. Oh tentu saja jadi supaya anak lebih disiplin kemudian saya minta mereka tidak menggunakan kata-kata yang tabu mereka sering sekali menggunakan katakata itu, mereka suka sekali, di Twitter, di Facebook di status mereka. Q82. Anda berteman dengan mereka ya Bu? A82. Iya. I don‟t follow them tapi saya suka menginvestigasi mereka. Kita lihat, di kelas seperti apa dia, di luar itu luar biasa bikin statusnya. Dan kadang-kadang kata-katanya itu kata-kata yang bagus. Q83. Tapi mungkin nggak karena mereka tidak tahu kalau itu terlalu tabu? A83. Ketika di kelas mereka hanya tertawa, they know, saya tidak tahu tapi saya mempercayainya, saya pikir mereka, karena ketika mereka, ada semacam rasa puas ketika mereka berhasil menulis itu, itu yang saya tarik saat ini tapi kenapa ini, hanya ikut-ikut saja ya, jadi belum tentu seperti itu, tidak. Q84. Oke, ada nilai lain Ibu, ada karakter lain yang Ibu kembangkan? Terutama di group work ya? A84. Oh tentu saja, sopan santu ya tentu saja, dengan guru, dengan teman, saya pikir hanya itu. Ya dari apakah mereka mengerjakan tugas atau tidak. Q85. Kalau itu masuk ke dalam materi Ibu, misalnya naratif kemudian ada moral value nya seperti itu? A85. Iya ada moral value. Q86. Oke, lalu tentang variabel pembelajar Ibu. Bagaimana Ibu mengembangkan motivasi? A86. Mengembangkan motivasi? Emm. Baik internal maupun eksternal. Kalau eksternal mungkin dengan nilai itu tadi ya, kalau secara internal biar internal motivation mereka berkembang ya misalnya kesadaran yang itu tadi, coba kalau kamu ketemu orang luar negeri. Q87. Oke, salah satu jalannya seperti itu ya. Lalu siswa itu masuk ada yang
mungkin ke SMP usia 11 tahun hingga 13 tahun ya Bu, rata-rata? Bagaimana kondisi siswa berdasarkan usianya? A87. 12 mereka masih.., their average number 14. Usia tidak terlalu berpengaruh ya Mbak. Karena ketika sudah di kelas ya parameternya macam-macam dan usia saya rasa tidak berpengaruh. Q88. Lalu bagaimana dengan kepribadian mereka? A88. Saya menekankan bahwa siswa harus menggunakan ekspresi yang sopan, baik kata-kata maupun perilaku nya karena dengan hal tersebut siswa memiliki istilahnya paket komplit, cerdas di pelajaran dan kepribadiannya baik. Q89. Lalu Ibu apakah mereka sering merasa saya perempuan saya harus… A89. Tidak ada insiden disini kecuali karena memang lebih dekat dengan saya, beda dengan cowok. Q90. Bagaimana dengan kemampuan metakognitif mereka Ibu? A90. Metakognitif mereka, logika analisa seperti itu lebih banyak di ingatan, pemahaman ya. Misal grammar, kita menggunakan logika lewat,,,grammar kebanyakan logika. Ada lagi peningkatan kesadaran apa yang mereka sudah dan belum pahami sehingga terrefleksi pada belajar mereka. Intinya kalau belum paham silakan mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin atau bertanya kepada saya. Kalau sudah paham diterapkan pemahamannya. Q91. Lalu agar mereka menjadi autonomous learner Ibu, bagaimana Ibu mensiasatinya? A91. PR tentu saja. Q92. Ada semacam project di tiap semester? A92. Project selalu diselesaikan individu, sendiri.
Q93. Bagaimana kemudian Ibu mengintegrasi budaya dalam bahasa Inggris? A93. Budaya? Dengan cara meng-compare, kalau saya lebih sering mengkomparasi, coba lihat, kalau di sana seperti ini. Sekali lagi saya share cerita teman saya, bukan saya, I have never been abroad jadi saya belum secara langsung.
Q94. And your friends mostly have? A94. Pentingnya itu. Karena saya punya teman-teman yang luar biasa jadi saya berterimakasih kepada mereka sehingga saya merasa melakukan riset, kamu culture nya seperti apa sih, biar bisa saya share ke anak-anakku, jadi mereka, oh ternyata seperti itu tidak sopan, oh yang seperti itu tidak sopan. Q95. Ada semacam lomba tahunan atau semesteran Ibu tentang bahasa Inggris untuk mengasah bakat mereka? A95. No. Q96. Atau mungkin juga lomba di luar? A96. Oh lomba di luar ada. Kalau kami yang mengadakan hanya untuk SD, welcome, tapi kalau untuk level SMP biasanya kami ikut di luar. Q97. Ada drill sebelumnya? A97. Persiapan tentu saja ada. Q98. Lalu bagaimana Ibu mengembangkan vocab? A98. Drilling. Q99. Tadi menggunakan drilling. Bagaimana dengan pengucapan, Ibu? A99. Iya, menggunakan conversation. Q100. Alright. Bagaimana Ibu melakukan correction error, apakah on the spot, individually ataukah classically Ibu? A100. Kalau speaking setelah mereka praktek, classical, karena supaya semua orang tahu, semua anak tahu, writing individually langsung di tempat mereka.
Q101. Listening berjalan dengan baik, Ibu? A101. So far iya.kami menggunakan audio and sometimes video sebagaimana mestinya..
Q102. Dan apakah ada foreigner yang didatangkan? A102. Belum.Turis mungkin saja mereka diminta kesini, tapi kami study tour saja, kami ke Bali. Q103. Bagaimana dengan membaca Ibu, mengingat membaca sebagai aspek yang sangat mendominasi ujian nasional? A103. Lebih sering memang kami alokasikan waktu untuk skill yang satu itu, tentu saja di kelas 9 sangat sering, kelas 8 fair dengan 3 skills yang lain tentu saja. Q104. Menulis? A104. Menulis juga sama. Q105. Ujian sekolahnya itu ada? A105. Ada. Tahun ini saya ambil yang naratif. Q106. Oke, baik Ibu, terimakasih atas waktunya, selamat siang. A106. Sama-sama.
Interview 2 April 1, 2013 SMP Y Yogyakarta Mr. Inu Transcription Q1. Baik Bapak, ke pertanyaan yang pertama seputar background Bapak, yang pertama, berapa lama Bapak mengajar bahasa Inggris di SMP yyy? Dan apa sebenarnya dorongan bapak menjadi guru bahasa Inggris di sini? A1. Ya kalau di SMP yyy sendiri saya saya mulai mengajar tahun 2004, sekitar 9 tahun, tapi sebenarnya sebelumnya sudah mengajar bahasa Inggris sejak tahun 1995. Q2. Dorongan Bapak menjadi guru bahasa Inggris? A2. Ya memang kalau memang dorongannya apa saya juga tidak begitu tahu tapi karena saya kuliahnya di jurusan bahasa Inggris ya secara otomatis ilmu yang saya kuasai itu pendidikan bahasa Inggris dan ya saya terapkan ilmu yang saya dapat di perguruan tinggi tersebut.
Q3. Tapi bukan karena ada paksaan dari orang tua atau pihak lain ya Pak? A3. Bukan, karena sebelumnya juga saya tidak ada gambaran mau jadi apa, bekerja di mana ya, karena kebetulan ketika dapat ilmunya di perguruan tinggi tentang pendidikan bahasa Inggris ya ilmu itulah yang saya terapkan. Q4. Selama ini merasa nyaman jadi guru bahasa Inggris atau ada penyesalan menjadi guru bahasa Inggris? A4. Oh nyaman, senang bisa menikmati kita bisa berinteraksi dengan siswa dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris. Q5. Baik, selama Bapak menjadi guru bahasa Inggris pernahkah Bapak berpartisipasi dalam forum semacam seminar atau workshop? Lalu bagaimana forum tersebut memengaruhi kegiatan mengajar Bapak di SMP? A5. Ya pernah beberapa kali mengikuti seminar dan workshop.
Q6. Tingkatnya apa Pak? A6. Tingkatnya tingkat kota, seingat saya tingkat kota dan ya pengaruhnya memang positif bagi pengajaran hanya karena seminar dan workshop itu cenderung banyak yang secara teoretis itu yang kita hadapi kan belum tentu sama dengan teori yang disampaikan. Tapi paling tidak ya bisa membuat kita bisa mengelola kelas dengan lebih baik lagi. Q7. Dan Bapak sudah termasuk certified teacher ya Pak? A7. Iya. Q8. Berarti di pendidikan certified teacher tersebut sedikit banyak memengaruhi kinerja Bapak, benar demikian? A8. Iya. Tentu saja. Q9. Lalu pertanyaan selanjutnya Bapak, gambaran umum kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas Bapak itu seperti apa? A9. Ya kalau dari saya pribadi ya sebenarnya cukup menyenangkan berinteraksi dengan anak-anak, ya memang secara classical itu untuk satu kelas itu siswanya banyak, tapi yang penyebaran kemampuan siswa itu bermacam-macam, ada yang bisa memahami dengan cepat, yang sedang dan yang lambat, jadi kita ya cari jalan tengah mana kira-kira yang bisa mengikuti dan memahami apa yang kita ajarkan. Q10. Siswa Bapak lebih cenderung homogen atau heterogen Bapak? A10. Cenderung heterogen, jadi ada yang kemampuannya memang tinggi, ada yang menengah, dan banyak juga yang di bawah menengah. Q11. Kalau dari Bapak secara pribadi lebih senang mengajar dalam keadaan siswa yang homogen atau heterogen Bapak? A11. Ya memang kalau kita ingin enak mudahnya ya homogen, sudah tahu tingkatan umum sehingga menentukan kegiatan yang kira-kira diikuti semuanya itu lebih mudah, tapi karena heterogen ya kita harus bisa mencari jalan tengah agar yang cepat itu tidak paham, maksudnya ya tidak bosan dan anak yang kemampuannya lambat itu juga tidak stres, tidak tertinggal. Q12. Bagaimana dengan kondisi idealnya, Pak?
A12. Ya kalau menurut saya karena menghadapi kenyataan siswa banyak dengan kemampuannya yang heterogen tersebut ya kita seharusnya secara bijaksana bisa mengambil jalan tengah, jadi mencari biar tidak terlalu lambat juga tidak terlalu cepat jadi kita memperhatikan kenyataan yang kita hadapi pada siswa kita di kelas, dengan kelas-kelas yang lain kan belum tentu sama kemampuan anak. Q13. Iya, untuk katakan siswa yang kemampuannya lebih cepat dibanding yang lain apakah ada semacam pengayaan Bapak? Demikian juga siswa yang kemampuannya kurang adakah semacam kelas tambahan atau treatment khusus untuk kelompok tersebut? A13. Ya sementara ini tidak ada, yang kami sarankan ke anak-anak ya yang memang kurang paham itu saya harapkan untuk bertanya, banyak bertanya apa yang belum dipahami, bagi yang memang sudah kemampuannya cepat itu ya saya sarankan untuk banyak baca-baca atau mungkin dari tempat lain kan banyak variasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kalau memang disitu ada hal yang belum bisa dimengerti bisa ditanyakan, jadi saya hanya membuka kesempatan bagi anak untuk konsultasi jika memang perlu dipahami. Q14. Selama ini berjalan baik atau mereka merasa terlewatkan atau malu, canggung untuk bertanya tentang kendala atau kesulitan belajar mereka Pak? A14. Ya kadang-kadang ada di luar kelas yang konsultasi ya kita kita dalam keadaan santai, anak-anak bertanya ya kita jawab, tetapi kalau di dalam kelas ya mungkin anak merasa malu dengan temannya atau bagaimana, ya tidak begitu banyak pertanyaan. Kalau di luar kelas kadang-kadang anak ada yang bertanya sampai secara rinci mendetail ya kita layani. Q15. Iya, Bapak terbuka begitu ya Pak. Baik, lalu untuk menjembatani katakan kedua kelompok tersebut apakah Bapak sering mengelompokkan mereka homogen mixed dengan heterogen atau homogen sendiri heterogen sendiri saat pembelajaran Bapak di group working? A15. Kita campur saja, nah kadang-kadang kan juga ada pembelajaran kelompok, tugas kelompok ya kita buat kelompok itu secara heterogen biar mereka bisa bersosialisasi ya, yang pintar dengan yang kurang pintar, ya bisa mencoba saling belajar. Q16. Sekarang menurut Bapak bahasa itu apa Pak? A16. Bahasa menurut saya ya alat yang digunakan untuk komunikasi, jadi
penekanannya memang komunikasi kan saling tahu saling memahami bisa berinteraksi sehingga penekanannya memang pada prakteknya, tapi karena ini terkait bahasa Inggris, bahasa negara lain ya tentu memiliki aturan yang harus dipelajari dalam menggunakan bahasa tersebut dengan baik ya. Q17. Lalu apa manfaat belajar bahasa Inggris itu sendiri menurut Bapak dan harapan Bapak terhadap siswa-siswa Bapak? A17. Ya karena bahasa Inggris itu merupakan bahasa asing perlu kita ketahui dan merupakan bahasa internasional ya saya anggap penting karena kita mau tidak mau ya harus bergaul secara internasional, arus globalisasi ini kita mau tidak mau dengan orang-orang dari negara lain dan kebanyakan kan mereka itu menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan juga banyak ilmu pengetahuan yang sumbernya dari buku-buku yang juga menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehingga saya anggap penting karena ya itu tadi, untuk bergaul secara internasional dan bisa mempelajari ilmu-ilmu yang terus berkembang. Q18. Ada semacam program pertukaran siswa atau baik siswa SMP 8 yang ke luar negeri atau siswa luar negeri yang belajar ke SMP 8 Bapak? A18. Ya baru-baru ini saya mendengar nanti itu ada rencana pertukaran pelajar, tapi ini baru diprogramkan. Q19. Pernah ada siswa asing Bapak, yang sekolah di sini? A19. Ya pernah, waktu itu ada siswa dari Jepang belajar di SMP Negeri 8 ya karena memang orang tuanya sebenarnya ibunya dari Jogja bapaknya dari Jepang, ya memang siswa tersebut bahasa yang dikuasai ya hanya bahasa Jepang, bahasa Indonesia tidak bisa, bahasa Inggris juga tidak bisa. Jadi hambatannya dari bahasa saja, tapi waktu itu hanya bertahan 1 tahun kemudian dipindahkan oleh orang tuanya.
Q20. Lalu menurut Bapak apakah bahasa Inggris itu sulit dipelajari? Dan apabila iya, kira-kira bagaimana yang dianggap siswa Bapak itu menjadi kendala dalam belajar? A20. Ya kalau secara pribadi tidak begitu sulit, tapi sebenarnya secara umum juga sulit, yang menyebabkan sulit itu sebenarnya karena lingkungannya menurut saya, karena bahasa Inggris dipelajari di kelas 2 berapa menit ya mungkin bisa praktek berbahasa Inggris di kelas, tapi begitu keluar dari kelas lingkungan kita itu tidak memungkinkan untuk mengembangkan bahasa Inggris tersebut karena
sebagian besar siswa kan dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia atau berbahasa Jawa sehingga pembelajaran praktek yang pernah diajarkan di dalam kelas itu akhirnya di luar kelas tidak dilanjutkan, itulah yang akhirnya menjadi kenyataan penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang sedikit. Q21. Lalu solusi untuk kendala tersebut apa Bapak? A21. Ya kami mengarahkan ke ekskul. Untuk ekskul bahasa Inggris memang ada tapi kan yang mengikuti kegiatan tersebut hanya siswa-siswi yang menginginkan saja jadi tidak semua mengikuti dan memang program dari sekolah itu ada kegiatan bahasa Inggris yang diwajibkan khusus kelas 7 jadi anak-anak dikursuskan ke lembaga kursus bahasa Inggris ya, seminggu satu kali. Q22. Dan itu membawa pengaruh yang cukup signifikan atau bagaimana Bapak? A22. Ya pengaruh tentu ada tapi sepertinya nggak begitu signifikan juga kalau saya amati efek bagi siswa, karena banyak dari siswa mengalami kesulitan dan juga kadang dalam mengikuti kursus dari luar kurang cocok dengan kulturnya atau gimana, bagaima siswa merasa bosan. Q23. Mengenai materi di ekskul tersebut apakah materi pelajaran pagi atau materi di luar kurikulum Bapak? A23. Ya kalau di ekskul cenderung materi di luar mata pelajaran, jadi sementara ini kegiatan ekstrakulikuler bahasa Inggris yang dilaksanakan di lingkungan sekolah itu cenderung menitikberatkan ke kemampuan berbicara ya, speaking, karena sekaligus kita juga mempersiapkan siswa SMP 8 kalau-kalau mungkin ada undangan tawaran lomba sehingga kita akan memprioritaskan anak-anak yang mampu dan kita pantau perkembangan anak itu Q24. Baik, kondisi siswa Bapak yang menurut Bapak berhasil? A24. Ya pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil kalau dari pendapat saya ya anak yang begitu selesai diajari kemudian paham dan bisa mempraktekkan baik dalam menulis maupun dalam berbicara, kemudian anak juga berani berbicara bahasa Inggris. Q25. Kalau dilihat dari hasil UAN-nya Bapak, apakah dengan nilai UAN di atas rata-rata itu dianggap berhasil atau melalui proses pengamatan secara progress siswa tersebut dianggap berhasil? A25. Ya barangkali kalau secara umum kalau nilai UANnya di atas rata-rata itu
dikatakan berhasil tapi kalau menurut pendapat saya sebenarnya kan bahasa Inggris itu ada beberapa hal atau keterampilan yang perlu dikuasai, ya ada menulis, berbicara, membaca, tapi sementara ini indicator untuk UAN itu kan hanya kemampuan kemampuan membaca saja, jadi kada anak ada yang kemampuan membaca memahami soal kosakatanya kan, tapi ya ketika praktek berbicara anak itu nggak bisa sama sekali jadi barangkali keberhasilan itu keberhasilan di bagian membaca, secara umum ya saya rasa ya belum tentu berhasil itu. Q26. Sudah cukup bahagiakah Bapak dengan keputusan dari Depdiknas dengan melibatkan 40% nilai UAS kedalam nilai UAN atau ya cukup semuanya nilai UAN saja bersumber dari nilai UAN lalu nilai UASnya tidak perlu dilibatkan? Atau perlu meningkatkan presentase nilai UAS kemudian nilai UANnya lebih ditekan? A26. Ya karena kita itu hanya yang praktek di lapangan ya, aturannya pemerintah bagaimana ya kita senang-senang saja yang penting semua itu fair, karena ya mungkin pemerintah mengambil kebijakan agar siswa juga semuanya bisa lulus dengan lancar sehingga itu prakteknya, dan juga kalau menurut saya kalau hanya mengandalkan nilai UAN itu juga kurang fair karena mungkin saat ujian itu juga belum tentu kondisi siswa sama-sama prima, kan mungkin pas sedang sakit, pas sedang ada hal-hal yang mengganggu, jadi hasil UAN juga tidak mencermikan semuanya kemampuan yang sesungguhnya yang dikuasai siswa, mungkin prosentase itu tadi ya. Q27. Bagaimana siswa Bapak belajar dengan efektif dan efisien? A27. Ya sebenarnya yang efektif dan efisien kalau menurut saya itu anak yang aktif sebenarnya ya. Emang kalau kenyataan di kelas belum tentu semua siswa itu aktif, jadi kalau anak yang aktif cenderung diajari itu lebih cepet nangkap dan juga kalau tidak paham itu cepat bereaksi untuk bertanya ya, jadi anak-anak yang aktif itu betul-betul hasilnya itu ya efektif dan efisien, tapi kalau yang hanya diam saja, kalau ujian selesai ya selesai ya. Q28. Karena guru tidak bisa membaca fikiran mereka Pak ya, jadi kalau mereka tidak respon guru pun tidak tahu sejauh mana pemahaman mereka. Bagaimana dengan siswa yang mandiri bapak? Tidak hanya aktif di kelas tapi juga mencari sumber lain sehingga mereka datang sudah dengan bekal yang cukup, bagaimana dengan yang tersebut Bapak? A28. Ya saya justru memotivasi siswa untuk seperti itu, jadi saya kadang menyarankan anak jangan hanya mengandalkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di
kelas, mungkin sekarang itu di internet itu materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris jauh lebih banyak dan bervariasi, jadi saya justru mendorong anak-anak untuk berusaha seperti itu, bilamana itu ada kesulitan silakan konsultasikan, silakan tanyakan, jadi saya mendorong tidak hanya di dalam kelas saja, dan bahkan selama ini banyak anak yang sudah bertanya konsultasi itu bukan sekedar terkait dengan apa yang saya ajarkan, bahkan ada anak yang dominan kursus bahasa Inggris, tapi kenapa kesulitannya permasalahannya justru ditanyakan dalam kelas, itu sering, sering saya jumpai anak-anak itu. Itu kan terbalik. Ya saya ya balik bertanya, kenapa tidak ditanyakan sewaktu di bimbel, di tempat kamu kursus? Tapi ya sudah karena saya pertimbangannya anak itu memerlukan solusi ya saya jawab dan bila ada anak yang bertanya saya jawab menjelaskan itu, saya anggap anak yang tidak bertanya itu belum tentu tahu tapi dengan mendengarkan penjelasan saya itu jadi tahu. Itulah keuntungannya ada yang bertanya, anak yang diam pun paling tidak, tahu. Q29. So far SMP yyy ini kan terkenal dengan sekolah favorit dan dari UAN 2012 rata-rata bahasa Inggrisnya peringkat 2, Bapak. Apakah dengan demikian Bapak menganggap bahwa siswa Bapak sudah termasuk pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil? A29. Ya bagi saya kalau hanya nilai UAN itu sekali lagi bukan pasti indikator keberhasilan siswa, karena itu tadi, siswa kan sekarang banyak dengan sistem instan kan, menjelang ujian diperbanyak dengan drill, waktunya ditambah sehingga betul-betul fokus untuk latihan-latihan terbaik dengan soal-soal ujian, itu barangkali bukan berarti anak betul-betul menguasai bahasa Inggris, instan ya kadang-kadang saat itu saja bisa tapi setelah itu ya pada proses pembelajaran kan kelihatan. Buktinya ada dari SD itu anak-anak juara dari sekolah-sekolah favorit tapi ketika pembelajaran bahasa Inggris itu ya anak itu sepertinya pasif, nggak dong, padahal dari nilai masuknya cukup bagus-bagus, barangkali itulah indikator UAN/UNAS itu bukan mencerminkan kemampuan yang sebenarnya.
Q30. Tapi saya dengar juga SMP yyy memenangkan beberapa lomba bahasa Inggris dan pernah mengalami sekolah RSBI, berarti mengarah ke berhasil dong Pak pembelajarannya? A30. Ya, kalau lomba itu kan suatu kompetisi yang betul-betul real ya, tapi kalau saya katakan kalau hanya UAN/UNAS itu kan cenderung ke penguasaan kemampuan membaca saja, jadi praktek kemampuan lain kan belum tentu, tapi kalau lomba-lomba yang khususnya pidato bahasa Inggris, pidato, itu kan banyak hal yang bergabung disitu, pengucapannya ya bagus, pemahaman penggunaan kata nya bagus, pemahaman tata bahasanya bagus, dan juga mental
anak itu tidak down. Ya, mental anak juga sudah bagus, karena selama ini kalau hanya anak pintar bagian membaca tapi ketika berbicara itu mentalnya nggak bagus ya itu tadi. Q31. Baik. 9 tahun di SMP yyy, Bapak. Menurut Bapak, mereka secara umum berhasil atau tidak? A31. Ya kalau untuk prosentase ya saya katakan cukup berhasil. Q32. Baik. Lalu kondisi pembelajaran di kelas Bapak seperti apa, Bapak? A32. Kondisi pembelajaran memang untuk saya itu siswa senang, siswa paham, dan muncul keberanian, mental siswa itu terbangun sehingga berani mempraktekkan karena sementara ini kan karena saya rasakan masalah mental kurang terbangun kadang-kadang untuk mengatur jadwal latihan kan sulit, sulitnya tidak ada yang mau maju itu lho, guru harus menunjuk nama siswa padahal sebenarnya saya utamakan siswa yang mau mengerjakan, praktek, tanpa ditunjuk itu lebih. Cuma kadang sulit ya dengan terpaksa kami menunjuk. Q33. Sering nggak Pak mendapat pertanyaan dari siswa „Pak, ini tugasnya dinilai atau tidak?‟ A33. Saya jarang. Ya pernah ada yang bertanya tapi ya saya tunjukkan faktanya saya misalnya PR saja saya pakai penilaian, jadi semua yang dikumpulkan anak coba saya cek, kan anak ya suka asal-asalan kan mungkin dikira barangkali saya dikira guru nggak melihat hasilnya, jadi meskipun ngumpul tapi nggak mengerjakan ya nilainya ya nggak ada disitu. Q34. Kaitannya dengan mental dan mungkin nanti berkembangnya ke karakter building ya Pak, lalu fokus pembelajaran itu untuk apa, Bapak? A34. Saya rasa ya semuanya itu tercakup, paling tidak siswa mendapat ilmu baru kemudian mengembangkan karena ilmu kan bersifat berkembang tidak hanya ini terus, sehingga siswa diharapkan setelah bahasa Inggris paham diajari kemudian bisa mempraktekkan. Q35. Lalu strategi yang Bapak gunakan untuk mendorong, mengembangkan dan akhirnya mewujudkan siswa Bapak menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil seperti apa Pak? A35. Ya strategi ya kalau saya istilahnya tarik ulur lah, ya melihat keadaan siswa, kan saya suka menciptakan situasi yang relaks, bercanda juga, mungkin
dengan bercanda dengan humor juga saya masukkan unsur-unsur pembelajaran, jadi kadang anak kalau dalam hal humor bercanda itu nggak kerasa, sebenarnya itu dipaksa tapi nggak kerasa, tapi kita tidak selamanya seperti itu karena itu tadi, siswa satu kelas itu banyak mungkin macem-macem ya kadang harus bertindak keras, tegas, mengikuti aturan permainan jadi saya harap pada siswa kalian harus tahu kapan harus berbicara, kapan harus mendengarkan. Q36. Jumlah siswa satu kelas berapa, Bapak? A36. Sekarang rata-rata per kelas 30 siswa. Q37. Lalu penekanan seperti apa yang sesuai untuk mendukung pembelajaran mereka Pak? A37. Ya saya usahakan banyak praktek, jadi dalam pikiran saya itu karena yang ingin yang harusnya bisa itu semua siswa, jadi saya libatkan siswa banyak praktek saja, praktek menulis, praktek membaca, praktek bicara, praktek mendengarkan, jadi saya melibatkan siswa banyak praktek, kalau mungkin ada kesulitan ya kita terangkan lagi. Q38. Kalau tentang sitting arrangement-nya apakah mereka saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris tetap kursi berjajar atau kadang incidental membentuk lingkaran atau seperti apa Pak? A38. Ya karena kita di kelas ya seperti itu, kalau bagi saya sebenarnya tidak banyak berpengaruh ya karena konsentrasi siswa tidak hanya dipengaruhi tentang model tempat duduknya bagaimana, juga untuk mengatur meja kursi itu kan perlu waktu, pertama, kedua juga menimbulkan suara berisik mengganggu kelas lain apalagi ini kelasnya itu bertingkat, itu kalau di atas digeser-geser yang bawah itu pasti sangat terganggu suaranya. Kalau pendapat saya itu. Karena yang kelas itu setelah digeser itu harus mengembalikan lagi itu. Iya, kalau saya ya malah nggak efektif. Jadi yang penting konsentrasi siswa, sitting begitu tapi konsentrasi siswa, minat siswa itu. Q39. Bagaimana Bapak berperan dalam kegiatan mengajar selama ini?. A39. Kalau bagi saya ya peran saya sebagai aktor, sebagai model, kemudian sebagai teman yang penting, teman ya teman dalam artian ada pembatasan, mungkin saya kalau di luar kelas betul-betul berteman dengan anak-anak, suka bercanda. Q40. Tapi mereka tetap ada respect nya ke Bapak ya?
A40. Iya, ya kita harus tahu diri yang dimaksud teman itu bagaimana, maskud saya teman itu agar perasaan siswa tidak terlalu canggung, seakan-akan satu apalah, satu level dengan anak-anak kalau di luar, tapi kalau di kelas ya aturannya kan harusnya tetap kita patuhi. Q41.Lalu apa yang Bapak lakukan agar pengajaran Bapak efektif dan efisien? A41.Ya kita harus melihat situasi, karena pembelajaran bahasa Inggris itu sebenarnya cenderung sulit, kalau kita terlalu misalnya kaku, tegang, terlalu disiplin ya mungkin anak kan tegang, jadi sulit untuk bisa menerima, jadi kita perlu relaks, ya disambi bercanda humor itu, tapi kalau keadaannya mungkin kita amati kok terlalu nyeleweng, kan kadang-kadang anak kalau bercanda suka nyeleweng seenaknya ya kita kembalikan lagi ke tugas, yang penting anak tidak terlalu kemana-mana nyelewengnya, menyesuaikan dengan keadaan. Q42.Lalu mengenai metode Bapak, metode atau teknik seperti apa yang Bapak/ Ibu terapkan di kelas dalam mengembangkan siswa agar menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil? A42.Yang di kurikulum kan text-based ya, tapi sekali lagi kita di lapangan itu sulit kalau hanya mengikuti itu, ya kita menyesuaikan saja, jadi menyesuaikan mana kemampuan siswa yang perlu diperkuat, jadi semua saya coba padukan dengan melihat kenyataan di lapangan di kelas terkait dengan kemampuan siswa ya supaya paham, kita menyesuaikan. Q43. Ada nggak Pak saran untuk guru-guru bahasa Inggris yang lain tentang konsep mengembangkan siswa menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil? A43. Ya memang kalau kita menyarankan untuk keberhasilan bahasa Inggris yang baik ya kita gunakan banyak-banyak bahasa Inggris, dan yang penting juga lingkungannya dibuat untuk siswa terbiasa mempraktikkan bahasa Inggris. Q44. Ada English day, Bapak, di sekolah ini? A44. Sebenarnya dulu juga ada, English day ada, English day ada tetapi kenyataannya tidak efektif, bahkan guru-guru pun sebenarnya ada English day. Pernah, karena nggak efektif ya kelanjutannya ya sudah, jalan sendiri-sendiri, karena gurupun banyak yang pakai bahasa Jawa ya, apakah kita akan memaksakan itu, makanya itu tadi lingkungan sangat berpengaruh untuk pengembangan bahasa Inggris.
Q45. Lalu aspek successful learner atau pembelajar yang berhasil bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan atau memaksimalkan aspek kemampuan berkomunikasi? A45.Ya karena memang tujuan penguasaan bahasa itu pada akhirnya kan untuk berkomunikasi, jadi komunikasi ada dua macam baik secara lisan atau secara tulis jadi yang saya kembangkan kalau untuk yang kemampuan bicara atau pengucapan bagi siswa dan juga penguasaan vocabulary, dan juga kalau untuk yang bicara itu mau tidak mau juga harus mentalnya itu dipersiapkan, untuk latihan di depan umum itu yang sulit dan kemudian untuk kemampuan komunikasi tertulis ya mau tidak mau itu harus ditambah terkait dengan tata bahasa, terkait dengan grammar, karena selama ini text-based itu kebanyakan hanya membaca text saja tapi penjelasannya tidak terkait dengan grammar itu, begitu juga di buku-buku pelajaran itu jarang, memang disitu tidak ada pembelajaran secara khusus tentang grammar tapi akhirnya berimbas pada kemampuan menulis siswa itu, karena grammar nya nggak paham tata bahasanya nggak ngerti, ya sudah asal tulis saja, nah itu saya tekankan ke anak-anak kalau untuk komunikasi bahasa Inggris itu ada dua, kemampuan bicara kalian harus menguasai pengucapan pronunciation dan kosa kata, dan juga berlatih karena dalam bahasa Inggris juga harus berekspresi, kemudian satu lagi kemampuan menulis, kalian mau tidak mau harus menguasai kosa kata kemudian disitu ada yang disebut spelling, tulisannya yang bener kemudian lebih luas lagi tentang grammar, nah tidak hanya tulisan tapi susunannya nggak benar ya maknanya mungkin beda. Q46. Tentang pengembangan mental anak, seberapa sering Bapak melakukan atau mengevaluasi kemampuan mereka berbicara? Apakah setiap pertemuan harus ada kelompok yang maju kemudian practice conversation kemudian yang lain sebagai audience memberi feedback atau seperti apa? A46. Biasanya disini saya kalau kemampuan bicara, praktek bicara, jadi ada individual kemudian ada kelompok, biasanya saya rekam itu sehingga kita lihat kembali, jadi khususnya yang sedang praktek itu saya minta betul-betul memperhatikan terkait dengan misalnya tatapan bicara saat bicara itu juga kita evaluasi dan kadang-kadang ada pronunciation yang perlu diperbaiki, kalau kita rekam di video kan bisa kita evaluasi. Q47. Berbicara tentang kemampuan tata bahasa atau grammar, bagaimana Bapak mengembangkannya? A47. Misalnya kita fleksibel saja ya, karena itu tadi, mungkin secara teoretis menghendaki begini tapi di lapangan itu kita fleksibel saja memahami kira-kira
kesulitan anak itu yang mana sehingga itulah coba kita perbaiki, karena kalau kita hanya sekedar mengikuti teori atau kita paksakan ya sama saja menyiksa siswa itu, jadi kita fleksibel melihat kesulitan siswa, itu yang perlu kita ikuti. Q48. Ada nggak Pak selain task atau assignment tertentu yang itu fokusnya di grammar saja? Tidak ke teks juga ke language function? A48. Ada. Kadang saya menyuruh siswa memberi tugas misalnya pelajari tenses present tense, present tense sendiri kan ada empat, ada simple, continuous, perfect, maupun perfect continuous tense, salah satunya ya itu khusus terkait grammar saja. Q49. Dan nanti ada assessment tentang grammar itu? A49. Ya, kita coba menulis contoh kalimat, kita coba pemahaman siswa gunanya tense ini untuk apa. Q50. Lalu bagaimana Bapak melibatkan siswa secara aktif? Baik yang sudah aktif maupun yang belum aktif. A50. Ya untuk secara aktif memang saya itu tadi, banyak memberi kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan, tapi kalau siswa yang memang sudah terbiasa aktif sebenarnya nggak masalah, hanya mengaktifkan yang belum biasa aktif ini yang sulit sehingga saya sekali lagi memberi kesempatan sebagai sukarelawan maju tanpa ditunjuk, tapi kalau nggak ada yang maju secara sukarelawan ya terpaksa kita tunjuk dan saya ada strategi itu kalau yang majuk tanpa ditunjuk sebagai sukarelawan mengerjakan tugas di depan salah, nggak ada masalah, kemudian kita jelaskan, tapi kalau maju secara terpaksa dengan ditunjuk salah itu saya minta menyanyikan salah satu lagu berbahasa Inggris. Ternyata dari situ anak ya banyak yang termotivasi mengerjakan, itu hasilnya salah ya oke, yang jelas sudah ada rule kan. Tapi kalau yang terpaksa ditunjuk ya saya minta. Dari situ efeknya ada. Q51. Ada semacam reward atau yang,,,oke kamu aktif mendapatkan smiley atau star, additional mark? A51. Kalau saat ini memang tidak ada, dulu pernah saya coba itu ada hadiah berupa snack, tapi karena pada waktu itu pas UNAS stop. Q52. Dan mereka cukup merasa diapresiasi? A52. Ya mereka senang.
Q53. Lalu bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan kesadaran pentingnya proses belajar? A53. Ya saya untuk ke arah situ sering kali, kadang-kadang sebagai guru bahasa Inggris kadang anak saya beri cerita dulu, jadi saya beri cerita dulu, jadi saya cerita tapi arahnya sebenarnya hanya untuk memotivasi membentuk kesadaran siswa bahwasannya pertama kalian perlu paham dulu, menguasai, kemudian coba dipraktekkan karena kalau banyak indikasi nilai tinggi anak hanya drill tetapi sebenarnya tidak paham, akhirnya kita ketika mengikuti proses pembelajaran mereka itu hanya bingung saja, jadi kalau nggak paham silakan bertanya. Q54. Kita akui bahwa banyak sekali siswa itu memiliki strategi belajar yang bermacam-macam ya Pak, begitu juga dengan siswa Bapak, lalu bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan hal tersebut? A54. Ya selama ini itu semua sudah ada ya, ada audio, misalnya listening itu kita ada audio, kemudian ada yang dipadukan yang didengar dan dilihat itu, video ada, kemudian power point juga suatu saat kita perlu menjelaskan khususnya terkait dengan text tentang genre, juga ada power point kita padukan semuanya. Q55. Pemerintah belakangan ini sedang gencarnya mengkampanyekan pendidikan karakter dan integrasi dalam pelajaran. Bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan hal tersebut ke dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris? A55. Itu tadi, saya kadang bercerita pada anak tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris itu sebenarnya untuk memasukkan karakter anak, misal salah satunya disiplin ya, rajin, bertanggungjawab, sehingga mereka harus itu tadi, kalau sudah masuk ke anak ya diharapkan belajarnya disiplin, jujur, dan bisa jadi untuk memasukkan karakternya itu sebenarnya membuat kesadaran anak dengan bercerita meskipun tidak dengan bahasa Inggris, itu tadi kalau kita langsung berceritanya langsung dengan bahasa Inggris kadang-kadang anaknya saja nggak dong bahasa Inggrisnya, jadi ya karakternya malah tidak tercapai, mendingan kita itu ya ini, mengajukan informasi campuran pakai bahasa Inggris dan pakai bahasa Indonesia. Q56. Kalau yang masuk ke materi tersebut Bapak, apakah bisa memaksimalkan beberapa values, kalau nggak salah ada 18 values ya Pak di pendidikan karakter itu ke dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris? A56. Ya sebenarnya bisa saja itu, tapi kan apakah siswa dengan kita mencoba memasukkan karakter itu penerapannya seperti itu, itu ya ya kita berusaha saja,
berusaha untuk memasukkan pendidikan karakter tersebut tapi apakah betulbetul masuk di pahami kemudian didapatkan siswa, itu ya berikutnya, paling tidak berusaha saja dulu ya, ada pasti kalau kita lakukan berulang-ulang ada. Q57. Ada assessment khusus yang menekankan sendiri pendidikan karakter? A57. Ya salah satunya karakter kedisiplinan itu, anak-anak yang diberi istilahnya seperti ujian ya terkait dengan janji siswa, karena yang saya perintah dibawa pulang diisi kemudian ditanda-tangani orang tua, itu saja karakter disiplin dan jujur dari siswa. Q58. Berarti ada semacam reduction juga kalau siswa terlambat mengumpulkan tugas? A58. Ya dengan terpaksa kalau terlambat ya, biar fair, karena kalau kita nggak fair itu ya malah kesulitan sendiri, ya sudah terlambat toh alasannya apa, karena mungkin alasannya sakit ya kita maklumi, sebelumnya anaknya ada tapi nggak mau ngumpul, tahu-tahu begitu tugas mau dikembalikan baru ngumpul ya ada. Q59. Berbicara tentang variabel siswa, Bapak. Satu variabel diantaranya adalah motivasi siswa, bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan motivasi siswa? A59. Untuk memotivasi siswa ya kadang-kadang saya beri nilai plus bagi siswa yang mau mempraktekkan mengerjakan tugas dengan volunteer, jadi biasanya di situ biasanya ada urutan nama-nama siswa dan nomor siswa yang mengerkan tugas. Mungkin saya ambil tiga, tiga yang pertama saya beri nilai plus, yang berikutnya ya sudah, banyak cara untuk memotivasi siswa tapi kadang-kadang cara yang satu dengan yang lain mungkin belum tentu efeknya itu sama. Q60. Lalu mengenai usia mereka sendiri, Bapak. Kadang mereka ada yang masuk SD usia 5 tahun dan kadang ada yang 7 tahun. Bagaimana Bapak memandang hal tersebut dan memaksimalkan kemempuan mereka juga mungkin terdapat perbedaan, ini masuk sekolahnya terlalu dini atau ini mungkin pas, bagaimana Bapak? A60. Ya karena kita mengelolanya secara klasikal ya mau tidak mau ya campur, tapi kadang-kadang kan kita di luar kelas kita ngobrol dengan anak, kadang ada juga yang kemarin itu sempat mendatangi rumahnya maupun dengan orang tuanya ya memang usia mau tidak mau kadang-kadang berdampak pada mental siswa. Ada yang bilang usianya sudah itu tapi kok mentalnya masih jauh di bawah, ada yang usinya di bawah tapi mentalnya sudah tinggi, baik, ya ini bukan hanya masalah usia tapi mental anak itu.
Q61. Bagaimana dengan kepribadian anak, Bapak? A61. Untuk pribadi anak-anak memang ya kita uji, kadang serius, kadang konsentrasi bagus, tapi kadang ada anak yang ya jadi trouble maker temannya sendiri, ini kadang-kadang secara khusus di kelas itu ya saya ulang secara umum ya, jadi saya nasihati belajar yang baik mungkin yang suka berantem, membuat gaduh, ganggu temannya, itu ya diterapkan di kelas jangan lakukan itu, memang kepribadian anak macam-macam dari 30 siswa kan tidak sama, jadi secara umum saja kita nasihati di kelas. Kalau mungkin itu keterlaluan mungkin itu ya ada petugas kita. Q62. Dan selalu ada trouble maker, Pak di kelas? A62. Ya ada saja. Q63. Itu fenomena wajar ya? A63. Iya fenomena waja. Cuma ya itu tadi kalau saya pas santai, relaks ya kadang anak-anak lupa sehingga lupa kalau kadang keras kadang galak tapi mungkin kalau ada kejadian seperti itu saya tindak kita perlu membinanya. Q64. Kondisi gender di kelas Bapak cukup berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan belajar mereka? A64. Ya ada dampaknya juga, kalau yang amati kalau yang siswa perempuan itu cenderung serius, teliti, dan secara individual cenderung lebih bagus, secara umum lah ini ya. Q65. Kalau perbandingan di kelasnya sendiri, Bapak. Apakah yang perempuan juga lebih banyak daripada yang laki-laki? A65. Cenderung seimbang, mungkin ada selisih 2-3 tapi kebanyakan memang perempuan ini, di kelas banyak perempuannya. Q66. Bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan dan memaksimalkan metakognitif mereka Bapak? A66. Ya memang itu tadi, anak kadang saya beri tugas untuk membaca kemudian setelah lain waktu saya beri kesempatan untuk bertanya dulu, kalau tidak ada yang bertanya ya mungkin kita coba tugas yang kita berikan itu coba dipraktekkan mungkin ditulis di papan tulis, baru di situlah kemudian anak yang tidak bertanya juga belum tentu ngerti sebenarnya, nah dari mengungkapkan
tugas yang disampaikan itulah kita baru tahu itu kesulitan siswa tentang ini, tidak paham tentang ini sehingga dari situlah kita menjelaskan karena kalau tiba-tiba kita menjelaskan kan juga belum tentu ya, mungkin kita jelaskan sebenarnya anak sudah tahu pas kita tidak jelaskan sebenarnya anak nggak tahu, jadi kita mencari bagian mana yang anak sebenarnya belum tahu itu tadi. Jadi semacam recheck atau konfirmasi. Q67. Bagaimana dengan aspek otonomi, Bapak untuk menjadi otonomous learner? A67. Itu tadi, saya mendorong anak mengembangkan diri seluas-luasnya yang lalu waktu masih ada RSBI itu kan bisa juga belajar untuk memakai internet, jadi saya tinggal membimbing anak-anak belajar dengan internet alamat-alamat web terkait pembelajaran bahasa Inggris silakan kamu mengembangkan disini lebih banyak cari materi di internet, jadi mungkin yang sadar dan rajin itu cenderung akan dapat lebih banyak itu materinya, pengetahuannya juga lebih banyak, kadang ada yang tidak dipahami dia bertanya itu. Q68. Dengan status tidak adanya RSBI sekarang kan tidak berjalan lagi Pak? A68. Ya mungkin kalau di lingkungan sekolah ya tidak hanya kita, saya kebetulan kan kadang-kadang kalau materi yang bisa saya download ya saya download, tapi saya pesen kalau di rumah ada koneksi internet, tapi kebanyakan anak kan pada punya modem. Iya, silakan aja dikembangkan seluas-luasnya dan sampaikan pertanyaan. Q69. Ada siswa yang kadang tidak PD di kelas, bagaimana Bapak mengatasinya? A69. Ya ini kesulitan tersendiri ya. Q70. Banyak tidak siswa Bapak yang tidak PD? A70. Ya ada juga, tapi barangkali kalau dirata-rata ya 30%-an ya memang kita memotivasi. Kemampuan bahasa itu sebetulnya untuk kita lihat sendiri ya, nanti kalian yang menggunakan sendiri sehingga dilatih dari sekarang, memang yang tidak PD itu ya terpaksa dipaksa untuk banyak berlatih khususnya kalau berbicara itu tapi kenyataannya ketika praktek bicara khususnya kalau berkelompok itu biasanya tidak PD itu memunculkan kejutan itu, praktek bicaranya bisa, ekspresinya juga bisa sebenarnya kalau secara berkelompok, apalagi tugas speaking itu ada sebetulnya ada dua macam yang saya rekam sendiri kegiatan di kelas, saya nilai kemudian saya beri tugas lagi kegiatan yang
sama tapi kamu membuat video merekam di luar kelas silakan saya beri waktu tiga minggu, anak-anak kan sudah diajari tentang multimedia, ketika tugas itu dikumpulkan akhirnya muncul juga kreatifitas anak, tetapi ada juga siswa itu yang seadanya itu di kelas dan di luar kelas ya sama saja, ya itu tadi untuk kepercayaan memunculkan kreatifitasnya itu yang biasanya diam kita beri kesempatan tugas di luar ya jadi bagus. Q71. Bahasa itu merupakan suatu budaya manusia ya Pak atau salah satu bagian dari budaya. Bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan budaya ke dalam aspek bahasa Inggris? A71. Ya budayanya penekanannya kalau saya memang untuk tingkatan SMP untuk sampai ke tingkatan budaya memang kayaknya agak sulit ya, karena memang itu tadi budaya itu harus anak paham dulu akhirnya bisa, kita ya hanya kadang menyelipkan kita belajar bahasa itu sebenarnya sekaligus mempelajari budaya orang lain misalnya terkait sopan santun, terkait penggunaan ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris, jadi kadang saya menjelaskan kalau sopan santun polite expression itu membuat padanan dengan bahasa Jawa, kadang saya jelaskan dengan bahasa Jawa kalau bahasa Jawa itu kan ada tingkatannya, misalnya kromo, kromo saja kan ada yang kromo alus, kromo inggil, saya menjelaskannya seperti itu karena kalau politeness bagi siswa sepertinya nggak ada efeknya, ini di perasaan kamu ucapan orang lain itu sopan nggak bagi kamu, efek respon perasaanmu marah atau enggak kalau,,karena ya itu tadi kalau sampai budaya itu akhirnya kan mengarah ke efek perasaan yang menggunakan bahasa, ya memang tingkatannya kalau untuk SMP masih agak, ya cuman mungkin budaya salah satunya kalau bahasa Inggris kalau misalnya ketemu orang lain kita sampaikan greeting, dikasih sesuatu sampaikan ucapan terimakasih, thank you, nah itu saja sebenarnya sudah budaya kan beda dengan budaya kita, kita ya hanya diam saja, ya itu saja unsur-unsur yang simple yang bisa saya masukkan ke dalam. Q72. Pertanyaan selanjutnya Bapak. Siswa tentu mereka sudah memiliki bakat terbukti dari kadang ada siswa yang ternya tidak kita perhatikan tetapi justru hasilnya ketika diberi tugas di luar kelas mereka bagus, bagaimana Bapak mewadahi hal tersebut? A72. Ya pertama memang saya sampaikan ke anak-anak apa adanya ya, saya puji mereka bahwasannya anak-anak SMP 8 itu anak-anak yang cerdas, anakanak yang bagus, tetapi, saya beri kata tetapi, tetapi Karena mungkin ada yang suka dimanja sehingga bakat potensinya itu nggak muncul, dan anak kalau dibuat dalam keadaan terpaksa itu biasanya lebih kreatif dan potensinya akan muncul, nah disitu sebenarnya, kenyataannya kalau anak dikondisikan agak
kepepet itu bakatnya kelihatan, atau kita itu ya biasa-biasa santai saja ya sudah potensinya nggak akan muncul, ini sudah saya alami ternyata kalau dipaksa itu bisa juga dalam belajar terpaksa, potensinya muncul bakatnya muncul, terkait bakat penyaluran itu tadi ada ekstrakulikuler silakan mengembangkan. Q73. Lalu tentang variabel pembelajarannya, Bapak. Tadi di strategi Bapak mengembangkan menjadi pembelajar yang berhasil adalah spoken nya ditekankan pada vocab, pronunciation, kemudian written nya pada grammar dan pada spelling. Lalu kalau khusus tentang vocab sendiri bagaimana Bapak mengembangkannya? A73.Ya kosa kata kadang saya kadang saya kasih tugas juga. Tugas khusus vocab begitu. Nah, vocab misalnya menghafal kata benda, dulu terkati part of speech itu terkait kata benda kata sifat dan ada juga yang menghafal kata kerja cuma kata kerja itu sendiri ada bentuk 1,2,3 ya saya minta itu hafalkan kemudian artinya apa, setelah itu coba di kelas kami praktekkan masing-masing saya beri kertas berisi verb 1 misalnya, sudah ini kamu isi verb 2 verb 3 dan artinya. Ada semacam kolom, cuma anak sudah ada kata kerja bentuk 1 nya, meneruskan bentuk 2, 3 dan artinya, dari situ kan kelihatan oh kemampuan anak berbeda, ada nilainya bisa 45 ada yang sampai 20% lebih susah, mungkin memori siswa hafalannya itu kurang excellent. Q74. Kalau di dalam mata pelajarannya, Bapak? A74. Dalam mata pelajarannya kadang memang dari awal anak saya sarankan dari kelas 7 semester 1 itu saya sarankan anak menyiapkan kamus, jadi anak menyiapkan kamus kemudian menyiapkan buku grammar, memang penekanannya saya itu anak siap, maksudnya dalam pembelajaran di kelas itu siap, masalah beli masalah pinjam terserah kalau saat belajar itu siap, ini kalau pas membaca teks kalau ada latihan barangkali membaca atau kosa kata ya saya beri kesempatan anak menggunakan kamus tapi dengan syarat, kalau di situ dalam teks ada kata yang tidak tahu artinya silakan dilingkari atau digarisbawahi dan tulis artinya apa disitu, syaratnya anak menulis arti kata yang belum diketahui itu, nanti kalau memang di kamus nggak ada silakan Tanya. Q75. Seandainya mereka langsung, „Bapak, acceptable itu apa?‟ Bapak langsung menjawab atau „cari di kamus dulu‟? A75. Ya karena saya penekanannya melibatkan siswa ya saya tanya, bawa kamus tidak? Nah coba dicari ada nggak, nah anak akan mencari kemudian ternyata ada artinya apa, nah anak kan otomatis menemukan sendiri, kalau kira-kira di kamus ada cari dulu kalau nggak ada silakan tanya.
Q76. Itu sudah menjadi rutinitas Pak? A76. Iya, cenderung begitu saya, jadi dari kelas 7 saya sarankan begitu tapi ya namanya siswa ya. Q77. Ada konsekuensi jika tidak membawa kamus? A77. Ya sementara ini, ya efeknya kan cuma anak tahu kalau nggak bawa kamus kan anak kerepotan. Q78. Bagaimana dengan pronunciation, Bapak? A78. Ya pronunciation kadang listen and repeat mungkin anak membaca dulu sekiranya nggak pas saya benarkan. Q79.Saat mereka praktek mungkin conversation mungkin in front of the class, jika ada pengucapan yang salah bagaimana tindakan Bapak? A79.Ya kita perbaiki, kadang-kadang saya membuat catatan oh anak ini begini, setelah selesai saya tulis. Secara klasikal saya minta anak tersebut mengucapkan kata ini, kan cenderung berulang-ulang sama kalau mengucapkan salah itu, kadang-kadang ya kalau perlu saat itu juga ya kita cut kita perbaiki dulu, kalau seperti itu kan sudah menggganggu konsenstrasi anak. Q80. Bagaimana dengan listening skill, Bapak? A80. Listening skill ini di sini sudah ada lab yang memadai ya. Tapi sementara ini saya belum menggunakan lab karena seperti kemarin kan hampir semua siswa itu membawa laptop sendiri sehingga untuk keperluan listening kadang saya cukup di kelas, kadang-kadang anak saya kopikan audio kemudian anak mengerjakan sendiri-sendiri, kadang-kadang anak saya beri PR listening dengan saya beri kopian audio, tolong dengarkan di rumah. Q81. Dan ada soalnya? A81. Ada yang langsung soal ada yang belum, cuman audio aja anak mendengarkan mungkin beberapa hari berikutnya kita tes. Q82. Dengan audio yang sama? A82. Audio yang sama, jadi akan ketahuan nanti tidak semua siswa itu belajar menggunakan, ada yang betul-betul menggunakan ada yang enggak, paling
enggak ketika di kelas bisa digunakan, jadi variasinya itu saja, saya beri PR saya beri audio. Q83. Skill kedua, Bapak. Setelah mendengarkan kita berbicara, bagaimana Bapak memaksimalkan kemampuan bicara siswa? A83. Ya itu siswa cenderung saya minta untuk maju ke depan kelas karena sekaligus ini melatih mental anak, kadang kan anak kalau duduk ngomong cerewet tapi ngomong malu ya saya hanya memberi tahu anak yang ingin ngomong ke depan, yang ingin berbicara tentu saya minta anak praktek di depan kelas Karena pertama melatih mental juga kemudian kedua itu tadi ekspresi anak juga kita latih, ketika speaking itu bukan sekedar suaramu keluar dari mulut tapi juga intonasi ketika bicara dengan orang, berinteraksi, ekspresi itu juga penting. Q84. Menggunakan script atau tanpa script, Bapak? A84. Ya kan kadang-kadang anak sudah menulis dulu, jadi tentu hafal, kemudian ada juga yang belakangan naratif untuk kelompok kan ada anak yang membuat rule dulu, disitu saya nilai untuk writing nya, script nya, kemudian praktek di dalamnya saya nilai untuk speaking nya. Q85. Lalu seperti yang Bapak sampaikan tadi reading menjadi aspek evaluasi demand dari pemerintah dalam artian reading harus menjadi major focus dong. Bagaimana Bapak mengembangkan reading skill nya? A85. Ya reading skill ya kadang saya membagi pertemuan, reading saya bagi dua, ada reading written buat bacaan kemudian ada reading aloud juga. Q86. Sekalian untuk pronunciation? A86. Iya. Nah reading aloud ini kadang anak saya beri tugas juga, silakan di situ sudah ada bacaan di rumah baca kemudian rekam suaramu, jadi kadang reading aloud nya itu kadang PR saya suruh membaca teks tertentu kemudian suaranya direkam, nah kemudian lain waktu dikumpulkan audionya, saya minta mengumpulkan file. Q87. Apakah dengan demikian reading menjadi anak emas pak di antara empat skill yang lain? A87. Ya karena faktanya juga begitu, karena apa, untuk ujian nasional kan aslinya hanya pada reading saja penekanannya karena belum ada, kalau SMA mungkin listening sudah ada, SMP ya reading saja.
Q88. Bagaimana dengan skill writing, Bapak? A88. Skill writing ya itu tadi mungkin terkait pengajaran tata bahasa, saya beri PR untuk menulis, misalnya recount tulis pengalamanmu, jadi ya dari situ nanti kita cek juga tata bahasanya, konteks waktu atau tenses nya juga. Q89. Ada wall magazine atau wadah untuk hasil writing mereka? A89. Ya kalau wall magazine ini tidak ada, wall magazine kadang-kadang muncul kalau ada lomba saja, kalau dibuat secar khusus kita terlalu banyak yang diurusi, hasil karya siswa tulisan siswa kita kumpulkan, tapi kan kemarin saya juga banyak memberi tugas itu pengumpulannya lewat internet jadi tugas itu masih ada di computer jadi bisa kita lihat, kadang kalau yang print out tulisan tangan itu kan kadang-kadang selesai kita lihat kita koreksi kan entah dimana nanti, hilang. Q90. Baik. Tentang seandainya siswa melakukan kesalahan misalnya bagian grammar atau pronunciation bagaimana strategi Bapak. Apakah ada yang on the spot correction atau nanti dulu, kita delayed correction dulu? A90. Biasanya itu cenderung langsung karena itu juga menyangkut konteks ya, kalau mungkin recount kan lampau sehingga kata kerjanya begini, juga terkait kan secara tidak kita duga kadang muncul yang disebut misalnya gerund, kenapa kata kerja ini harusnya bentuk –ing, karena itu tadi konteksnya gerund, gerund itu apa takutnya kita melebar ke masalah yang lain jadi meluruskan itu juga penting. Q91. Di dalam formative dan summative evaluation nya, nilai proses dan nilai hasinya, tugas pasti cukup andil dalam skor mereka ya Pak. Bagaimana Bapak me-manage tugas siswa? A91. Ya me-manage tugas siswa ya cuman melakukan daftar di laptop saya lalu saya beri istilahnya pemberitahuan ke anak masalah tugas saya tidak mengejar nggak ngerjakan nggak apa-apa tapi nilai saya bolong tapi nilai itu nanti dibagi semua yang ada, kan kalau terkait dengan nilai tes, ulangan, bagi yang belum mencapai nilai 80 saya beri kesempatan untuk perbaikan dua kali, tapi tentu itu hanya untuk mengambil nilai KKL saja, kalau sampai dua kali tidak mencapai KKL ya sudah. Ya this is final answer, thank you Bapak atas informasi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi saya sekali lagi saya ucapkan terimakasih, selamat siang. Selamat siang.
Interview 3 April 9, 2013 SMP Z Yogyakarta Mrs. Rini
Transcription Q1. Selamat pagi, Ibu. Eee..Pada kesempatan kali ini saya mau menginterview Ibu seputar teacher‟s belief about how to develop students to become successful English learners. Mohon Ibu berkenan menjawab. A1.Baik saya akan mencoba menjawab sejauh yang saya bisa ya Mbak. Q2.Baik untuk pertanyaan pertama. Berapa lama Ibu mengajar Bahasa Inggris dan apa yang mendorong Ibu menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris? A2.Oke. Saya mengajar sejak 1986 jadi sekarang ini sudah 20 tahun 3 bulan. Lalu yang mendorong saya untuk menjadi guru Bahasa Inggris e… mungkin dulu saya pernah cerita saya sebenernya tidak tertarik jadi guru awalnya karena saya ingin jadi Psikolog tapi karena ayah saya dosen Bahasa Inggris dan sejak SMP saya itu selalu mencoba membuat diri saya mendapatkan nilai bagus dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris karena malu kalau dapat nilai jelek. Lama kelamaan jadi tertarik. Awalnya saya tertarik Bahasa Inggris dari lagu. Ya dari lagu, lagu-lagu lama. Lagu-lagu tahun 69 70-an gitu kan.Nah, kebetulan tante saya itu suka menyanyi, saya juga kebetulan seneng nyanyi. Lagu yang pertama bikin saya tertarik adalah May Way, Frank Sinatra itu. Lalu saya juga mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris dari lagu Greenfield, lagu-lagu lama itu. Ya, itu. Dorongan kedua berasal dari ayah saya. Karena saya ingin meneruskan karya beliau sebagai dosen Bahasa Inggris, hanya bedanya institusinya jauh lebih rendah, gitu. Yang jelas karena Bahasa Inggris itu sendiri bagi saya sesuatu yang sangat menarik. Karena apa, eee dari waktu ke waktu ketika kita membicarakan sesuatu kita harus memikirkan tenses yang tepat. To make more… to make the conversation more impressive ya. Begitu, yang pertama. Yang kedua, ungkapan-ungkapan bahasa Inggris itu ketika disampaikan dalam kondisi-kondisi tertentu, itu betul-betul mengena, jadi memiliki soul atau feel, jadi feel-nya kena banget. Ya, chemistry-nya kena. Yang menyaingi saya pikir hanya bahasa Jawa, bahasa Jawa yang di mana kosa kata nya yang hampir sama. Kalau kita menggambarkan sesuatu action suatu kondisi bisa berbagai cara itu, oke. Q3. Pertama mengajar langsung di level SMP atau . . . A3.Ya, SMP.
Q4.SMP mana, Ibu? A4. Saya dulu mengajar pertama kali di SMP 2 Prambanan. Jadi, karena pingin jadi Psikolog itu daftar UGM ndak masuk lalu saya daftar S1 UNY waktu itu tidak masuk juga. Q5.Karena? A5.Saya kurang tau. Nilainya kurang sedikit. Pada waktu itu belum ada semacam bina lingkungan bahawa ayahnya di situ anaknya mesti masuk gitu lo, nggak nggak nggak ada waktu itu. Kan waktu itu rektor UNY Almarhum Bapak Fembriarto itu kan sangat keras. Itu, jadi kalau kurang ya kurang, gak masuk ya gak masuk. Gitu, terus pada waktu itu saya diberi tahu oleh ayah saya toh, kamu ngambil D2, itu? program. Itu, itu crash program dari pemerintah nanti setelah lulus kamu malahan bias dapat pekerjaan, langsung kamu tu bias jadi pegawai tanpa tes. Nah, itu yang membuat saya tertarik. Oh ya udah, berarti level D2 itu eee worthed gitu loh. Di saat kita kuliah udah diberi uang saku 550 waktu itu untuk satu tahun, tahun 83. Jadi kami kuliah ndak bayar tapi tiap tahun dapat uang 550.000 masih ada juga dana untuk fotocopy waktu itu, tu. Begitu selesei, eee… selesei waktu itu kami selesei eh wisuda di bulan November 1985, Januari 1986 saya sudah bekerja sebagai? di SMP 2 Prambanan itu. Jadi prosesnya cepet sekali, Noveber awal rampung, Desember ngurus dokumen dan sebagainya dan sebagainya, wawancara, lalu eee… semacam penempatan-penempatan begitu. Nah, Januari saya sudah langsung ditempatkan di sekolah di mana saya mengajar. Q6.Lalu pertanyaan selanjutnya Ibu. Ibu selama 27 tahun berpartisipasi dalam forum misalkan seminar atau workshop karena saya dengar Ibu sering ke luar negeri. Sejauh mana Ibu, aktivitas tersebut atau agenda tersebut mempengaruhi pengajaran Ibu? A6.Baik. Dulu saya masih baru ru sama sekali itu yang membuat saya menjadi lebih pinter dibandingkan dengan sesamanya gitu karena kebetulan waktu itu tahun 88 ada seleksi ataupun pelatihan sistim pengujian, Sisjian, di mana Sisjian itu tidak semua guru bisa masuk di situ, memang dia ajukan oleh sekolah. Lalu, bagi yang bersertifikat dimasukkan ke dalam tim penyusun soal Ujian Nasional saat itu. Q7.Ooh, Ujian Nasional. 88 Ibu usia berapa Ibu? A7.88 itu ya saya usia 25. Ya, 88. Kemudian kali pertama saya terlibat dalam scope di luar sekolah. Kemudian moment eee kedua yang membuat saya menambah wawasan adalah PKG, Pelatihan Guru gitu. Itu yang diselenggarakan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi dulunya namanya ya. Itu, juga saya mengikuti kegiatan itu. Kemudian kalau seminarseminar, itu seminar kecil-kecil, dulu seminar kecil-kecil. Ya, itu misalnya bagaimana itu
tadi menyusun soal dan sebagainya, masih dalam scope nya seperti itu, menulis buku. Q8.Udah ada SKKD? A8.Belum ada, waktu itu belum ada. Jaman itu belum ada. Yang ada baru ngublek ulek soal itu, terus itu tadi, jadi menmencermati… mencermati perkembangan kurikulum. Kan, kurikulum waktu saya mengalami kurikulum 78. Ya. Yang pertama saya masuk mengajar itu pakai kurikulum 78, itu yang penyempurnaan dari PPSP. E eh… PPSP itu ya, di situ. Lalu dalam perjalanannya saya mengalami juga kurikulum 84. Q9. Iya, CBSA A9. E eh… CBSA itu yang di mana nanti pendekatannya memakai Communicative Approach itu kan. E eh. Terus setelah itu kurikulum 94, 2004, 2006 KBK, itu kan, terus sampe yang KTSP ini, KTSP yang sekarang ini. Lalu, nanti ke depan kurikulum 2013 kan gitu. Nah, hal-hal yang meng-influence saya untuk pengembangan diri saya selain seminar-seminar ataupun pelatihan-pelatihan terstruktur . . . Q10.Forum JETA… A10.Belum ada. Waktu itu JETA belum lahir, belum, belum lahir. Itu yang saya… bisa menambah kepercayaan diri saya meng-improve meng-update kemampuan saya pada sekitar tahun sembilah puluh… sembilan puluh empat, nggih, 94 itu ada lagi beasiswa untuk studi lanjut di D3. Q11.Oow Ibu tadi pendidikan D2 dulu ya. A11. D2 dulu, he eh, D2. Terus pada tahun 94 ada 80 kursi yang disediakan bagi guru oleh Direktorat PMPTK waktu itu. Karena persyaratan minimal guru SMP D3, saya ikutan. Dites, Mbak. Ya, melu tes ngrebutke 80 kursi itu tadi. Q12. Lolos? A12. Lolos. Ya. Lalu kami, saya merasakan kuliah di IKIP. Kalau D2 saya itu di Sarjana Wiyata. Q13. Oke. A13.Oke. Jadi, D3 saya di IKIP. Terus waktu itu kuliahnya special karena pagi kami mengajar, sehingga kuliahnya seminggu 3 kali, Rabu, Jumat, Sabtu… dari jam 2 sampe
jam 9 malam. Jadi yang membuat kami itu seneng karena semuanya, satu, semuanya guru, kedua ketika istirahat sholat Maghrib itu kan panjang ya 1 jam, sekaligus kita makan malam gitu kan. Itu biasanya kami makan malem di angkringan depan IKIP itu kan kalau angkringan lesehan gitu lalu kuliah lagi. Itu selesei kami hanya memenuhi SKS kekurangannya kan… itu kami selesaikan dalam jangka waktu 2 tahun dengan tugas-tugas paper begitu, tatap muka dan paper. Lalu selesai, pada waktu kami selesai kami wisuda bulan Oktober ada beasiswa lagi untuk S1 dengan prasyarat Index Prestasi minimal 3. Nah, kebetulan waktu itu isih rodo mlethik utekku dadi dadi D2 D3 itu. Saya 3,29. Saya di atas, jadi udahlah saya ngglinding masuk. Q14.S1 di? A14.S1 di IKIP juga. Itu ndak mbayar juga, Mbak. Jadi, selama hidup saya sekolah itu ndak mbayar kecuali S2 kemarin terpaksa mbayar wong mundur. Q15. Karena mundurnya? A15.Karena mundurnya, bukan karena apa. Itu, udah. Jadi, saya baru mendapatkan gelar kesarjanaan tahun 98. 98 Oktober itu wisuda. Nah, pada saat saya ngambil S1 9, era 96 98 saya ya nglitik, Mbak, iseng-iseng waktu itu ada tawaran untuk menjadi guru, recruitment guru dari guru. Nah, kan, recruitment guru dari guru oleh LBPP Lia sekarang. Jadi, dulu saya pernah di Lia. Sekarang namanya LBPP, kalau dulu kan LB, LB Lia. Saya iseng karena dIbutuhkan 16 orang. Saya ikutan, pokoke sing kiro-kiro isih nganggo tes iseh tur wani tu kan. Nekat, saya ikut. Desember, saya masuk. Pas saya masuk di Lia, pas saya juga harus kuliah. Padahal, untuk menjadi guru di Lia itu di training satu setengah bulan penuh setiap sore, setiap sore itu dari jam 3 sampe jam 9 malam. Jamnya tu sama dengan jam kuliah kami. Jadi, saya pinter-pinternya curi-curi waktu. Ketika ini ijin, lari ke sini. Di Gowongan, waktu itu masih di Gowongan. Jadi, ikut training kembali lagi ke kampus ngerjain itu dan sebagainya. Dan ternyata, Tuhan itu Maha Baik ternyata, memberikan kemudahan, artinya begini… yang saya dapat di training itu teori yang saya dapat di sekolah. Teori yang saya dapatkan di kampus, implementasinya saya dapatkan di training. Begitu seterusnya, sehingga saya sempet bertahan di Lia itu untuk menjadi guru di sana sejak Januari 96, nggih, Januari 96 sampe kemarin 2008 itu baru lepas dari Lia untuk berkembang di tempat lain. Nah, di sana itu, kenapa saya menganggap saya dipintarkan juga dari Lia. Satu, karena trainingnya itu terstruktur, grammar-grammar thok, lalu teaching method teaching method aja. Lalu eee… technique to teach vocabulary, all about vocabulary, all about techniques, eee… teaching teachnique using movie. Nah, lalu kita suruh practice. Ada ada pe… peer teaching juga persis seperti itu. Dan bagusnya di sana, setiap se setiap putaran batch, apa ya tadi, kalau misalnya in-take kan 1 program selesei 3 bulan, itu nanti kami di evaluasi di tes lagi oleh senior kami. Nek ra wangun dukke levele
le mulang. Nah, itu lo, itu yang memotivasi saya harus sustain, saya harus bagaimana menjaga sustainability-nya supaya nggak ngedrop, mosok isin wis mulang tekan Intermediate tiba-tiba mak tlusur… kembali ke level Basic. Berarti kowe ra tau sinau, kan begitu. Nah, dengan adanya saya sekolah, saya juga memotivasi anak-anak saya. Karena ketika anak-anak itu ulangan semester atau mid, saya juga lagi mid. Jadi, kita kalau sinau bareng, Mbak. Saya, anak-anak, gitu itu. Sampe kemarin ya kuliah mereka juga. Jadi, bentuk-bentuk motivasi yang membuat saya kenapa semakin cinta dan semakin ingin mengembangkan English learning and teaching di Indonesia. Q16. Oke, langsung scope Indonesia ya, bu. Pertanyaan selanjutnya, Ibu, bagaimana gambaran umum kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas Ibu? A16. Baik. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas saya, satu… saya tidak suka kelas diem. Saya selalu bilang bahwa mereka e… I don‟t like to be in a grave yard. I would like you to say anything. And I can help you out when you need me. Because if you don‟t produce anything it is really difficult for me to know how to help you out. Q17. You are not a magician. A17. Ya, itu makanya kan kita tidak bisa main telepati, kebatinan, nggak bisa. Jadi, prinsip saya di kelas sejak saya moving ke sini. Ooo ya, saya belum cerita ya. Saya di Prambanan 5 tahun terus 90 Desember itu saya pindah dari sana karena ada formasi di sini. 91 Januari saya moving ke sini. Betul-betul sesuatu yang shocking bagi saya waktu itu karena dari kelas di mana saya mengajar bahasa Inggris dengan medium bahasa Jawa, SMP 2 Prambanan, dengan teknik di mana saya ingin me..membuat mereka down to earth ke lingkungan mereka, tanah pertanian, anak-anak kadang nggak masuk sekolah karena membantu orang tuanya jualan di pasar hari-hari pasaran, gitu. Itu langsung di sini anakanak dari kalangan menengah ke atas, dosen ke atas. Itu memang pertama shock saya, shock.Nah, keberhasilan saya di Prambanan itu saya hanya pakai 1 lagu, Mbak. Eh, dua, dua. Jadi untuk menarik mereka belajar Bahasa Inggris mesti saya begini, „Ayok anakanak sekarang kita nyanyi lagu Ndemok. The more we get together, together... The more. Itu buka ndemok lo nak, tapi the more. Ayo sekarang ucapkan the more.‟ Dan seterusnya. Itu anak-anak seneng sekali latihan pronunciation lewat lagu. Terus yang kedua, ketika mereka sudah letoy, lemes, saya ajari Old McDonald had a farm… Q18. Iya iya ooo . . . A18.Ya, itu. Binatang-binatangnya tak sesuaikan degan binatang-binatang yang mereka miliki di rumah. Sehingga, pelajaran bahasa Inggris itu selalu ditunggu oleh mereka. Meskipun ketika mentok, wes gemes kae ora iso, nganggo boso Jowo.
Q19. Kan justru Content-Based dong, Bu? A19. Tak based banget to. Tak based banget. Nah, kemoving ke sini, saya sempet di pandang sebelah mata oleh murid-murid SMP zzz. Alah guru seko ndeso we, gitu. Tapi, saya paham itu hak mereka, hak untuk seperti itu. Bahkan ketika saya masuk ke kelas pertama kali, nama mereka itu saling dituker, Mbak. Perempuannya ada 12, eh 22, cowoknya 18. Jenenge dijolne kabeh. Cah 18 ki yo le iso ijolan 18, gitu lo. Sing cah 22 yo ijolan 22. Jadi ketika panggil nama A ternyata yang ngacung C, gitu… Selama 2 minggu, saya tahan-tahankan itu. Gemes saya. Tapi setiap kali saya istirahat saya mesti kelilingkeliling di kelas-kelas itu. Saya amati, sebetulnya kalau panggil itu seperti apa, siapa sih sebetulnya namanya. Nah, memasuki minggu ketiga saya sudah bisa pasang taring di situ. Tak panggil sesuai namanya. Dan ketika ulangan waktu itu kan masih Grammar-Based. Grammar-Based banget jadi e… 90 meskipun masih Communicative Approach tapi grammar sangat penting juga. Nah, itu tak sikat nggon grammar. Saya berikan, „Coba,‟ e saya misalnya yang sederhana “when we put the article, it means something which is very certain and if you are sure about it, put the article on it, if not itu masih sangat common.‟ Nah, bahasa yang kaya gini itu tak teske. „Apa bedanya in hospital and in the hospital?‟ sejauh itu tak jejelke, kui cah pinter og. Pikiran saya seperti itu. Dan… Q20. Faktanya? A20. Works. Anak-anak yang tadinya itu setengahnya melecehkan itu malahan jadi teman. Sering di luar jam itu jadi teman, tanya gitu. Belum pernah lho ketemu guru yang kaya gini. Karena ya itu tadi medeni to. Nah, tahun demi tahun itu saya kembangankan. Tahun 94 saya mulai mengembangkan, karena saya lebih suka speaking dari pada skills yang lain. Kalau reading itu standard saya pikir di mana-mana ya ming podo ming tergantung teksnya yang beda. Speaking itu kan sangat menarik, bagi saya karena saya akan tahu varian-varian, filler-filler yang mereka pakai, gitu. Itu yang membuat saya tertarik sama speaking. Lalu bagaimana to improve the students‟ speaking saya memakai teknik drama, role-play in drama. Nah, 2 teknik ini saya pelajari ketika saya di-training di LIA gitu lho. Dapet dari situ, kulak, diterapke neng kene. Nek kurang apik nanti direvisi balekke meneh di tempat kita kulakan. Saya pagi ngajar, malem mengajar di LIA dari jam 9, eh jam 5 sampe jam 9 malem. Seminggu… kalau e jadwal saya Senin, Rabu, Jumat itu jam 5 sampe jam 9. Kalau Selasa Kamis itu jam 5 sampe jam 7. Sabtu kadang-kadang masih suka tak isi jam 2 sampe jam 4. Karena saya nggak ingin lepas juga dari sana. Itu betul-betul memberikan apa ya… spirit untuk seluruh sel-sel hidup saya karena di sini kosakata yang saya ajarkan pada anak SMP masih terbatas, saya sendiri butuh improve my vocabulary. Nah, di sanalah saya tempatnya, gitu. Q21. Belajar juga ya…
A21. Betul. Dan saya mempelajari ilmu-ilmu yang lain juga. Karena ketika saya mengajar kelas Intermediate 2, 3, dan 4, itu kan sudah mulai sediki-sedikit ke paper writing lalu presentation. Nah, rata-rata pesertanya kan mahasiswa. Saya selalu tanya „What‟s your educational background?‟, „A... Ah. I‟m from forestry management.‟ „Okay. I‟m curious about what‟s forestry management, managing people or managing forest, or managing what?‟ Saya bilang gitu. Ketika mereka harus presentasi, „You don‟t need to think about anything, just write anything in line with your educational background.‟ Nah, di situ sebetulnya mereka nggak sadar bahwa tak ambil ilmunya. Ketika mereka presentasi, saya punya buku pintar. Jadi saya paham sedikit mengenai forestry management, paham sedikit mengenai marine biology, e international relation, dan seterusnya. Itu, itu cara saya belajar dan mengembangkan diri. Q22.Wow. Lalu deskripsi siswa Ibu di kelas bagaimana, Bu? Untuk yang sekarangsekarang ini. A22.Untuk yang sekarang-sekarang ini? Saya sejak dulu sampai sekarang itu ndak banyak bedanya, Mbak. Jadi mereka memang saya bebaskan untuk ngomong. Saya selalu mengatakan. Q23. Dan mereka tidak reluctant ya, Ibu? A23. Awalnya iya. Tapi saya sering gojegi begini o, kadang-kadang ketika mereka meletakkan sesuatu di meja, meskipun dengan bahasa Inggris ngawur dulu yang penting mereka berani ngomong dulu, gitu terus nanti tak botulin dikit-dikit, „Whose tek is this?‟ „Apa, Miss?‟ „Whose tek, ndeke sopo? Whose itu bener tapi tek. Jadi, whose pen is this? Coba kamu tirukan, bukan whose tek lagi ya…‟ Nah, dari situ. Lalu mereka mulai o… ternyata ngomong itu ndak sulit. Dan saya selalu tanamkan pada mereka „Say what you wanna say, kalau kamu think it over, over, and over semakin nggak berani because you will feel reluctant, or hesitate to make a mistake because of the grammar. Itu. Q24. Oke, ini salah satu belief-nya Ibu dalam mengajar, Bu? A24. Betul. Q25. Alright. Dan akhirnya siswa pun terbentuk belief mereka juga. A25.Iya. Q26. Oke… pertanyaan selanjutnya, bagaimana gambaran kegiatan belajar mengajar di
kelas Ibu? A26. Baik. Saya akan berbicara dari 2 sisi ya… Q27. Oke Q27. Tentunya saya akan berbicara dari sisi subject-nya dulu. E…students sebagai learners itu kan yang kita utamakan. Nah, sekarang yang penting dari sisi siswa itu sendiri ketika kondisi itu harus menjadi ideal, satu, mereka need, need to learn English, if not nothing. If it is just the school programme or compulsory in curriculum government issued or something, no. Government issues, nothing. Jadi, yang pertama they need it. The second one. Q28. Need it for score or need it for self-improvement? A28. Ada 2, ada 2. If it is just needed for score, drilling is the only one way. Ya. Tapi kalau need it for self-improvement, ya, of course not only about drilling but also they want to know more about meaning. When we draw something we don‟t need to care about meaning, only the pattern. That‟s it. Gitu kan? So, yang kedua they have to have a kind of interest, why English? Why am I interested in learning English? Because you like watching movie, because you like listening English songs, or what? Q29. Because they want to go abroad? A29. Nah, because they want to go abroad or something else. Itu dari sisi siswanya. Ketika mereka sudah punya minat, punya interest, otomatis motivasi akan terbentuk. Dan ketika motivasi itu terbentuk, maka mereka akan selalu merasa senang ketika mereka berada di kelas, and the class atmosphere will be lively, the real class. And the teacher won‟t find difficulties in bringing the outside works in the class. Itu, itu belief saya. Dari gurunya, kondisi ideal, saya melihat most of my colleagues just apa ya… instead of saying not to be don‟t want to improve themselves, no no, not that. Too evil if I say that, kayaknya ya. At least ya they have to know how to make the class interesting, at least. Itu saja. Atau itu dia udah jalan pasti dia juga punya motivasi akan belajar juga dari kelas itu. Tapi kalau kita bicara masalah ideal, berarti dia juga harus have enough knowledge. Not only about English, has their subject, but also about the other fields, subjects. English is a means to learn something else. Nah, itu yang nggak banyak saya temukan di antara my colleagues. Tapi mereka sudah bekah-bekuh disik wah ndadak sinau geografi, wah ndadak… Jadi, idealnya guru siap dengan sangu yang banyak itu tadi, their knowledge, their enthusiasm, ya. And also their curiousity and their motivation to alaway improve themselves,keep up with the phase of work improvement, especially not only about the not only about the
teaching method but also about the knowledge and anything around us. Gitu. Q30. So, they should be open-minded. A30. Yeah. Q31. Oke, baik. Next question, Ibu. Menurut Ibu tadi Ibu menyampaikan English itu kan sebagai medianya ya tapi content-nya kan bisa dari subject lain. Nah, kalau menurut Ibu, defnisi atau gambaran bahasa itu seperti apa? A31. Oke. Bahasa secara umum ya. Berarti tidak hanya berlalu untuk bahasa Inggris, bisa bahasa Jerman, Belanda, Itali. Oke. Kembali ke ruhya bahasa itu sendiri bahwa Language is a means of communication, can communicate through more than one mode, ya written writtenly and orally. Jadi only about the mode, the way how. But about the content, we can pick up any kinds of subject matters to be communicated. Because in life, when we talk to others, we don‟t only talk about one thing, itu. Q32. Even in a very small scope. Q32. Iya. Hu uh. That‟s why language is the window to knowledge. Q33. Nah, lalu sebagai bahasa asing di Indonesia, dalam hal ini adalah bahasa Inggris. Bagaimana Ibu menggambarkan bahasa Inggris posisinya saat ini di Indonesia? Apa manfaat yang bisa me… bisa siswa Ibu petik dari belajar Bahasa Inggris? A33. Oke. Ini seperti lingkaran setan kalau saya bilang. Q34. Kenapa, Bu? A34. Gini, kalau dari sisi penyusun kebijakan, the policy maker, English itu memang sebagai compulsory subject and it will make Indonesian human resources at least equal with the other human resources around the world, in the world, gitu ya. Itu yang yang dari sisi fungsinya, fungsionalnya bahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Sehingga kenapa itu diletakkan di dalam kurikulum kita sebagai bahasa asing wajib. Itu. Namun demikian, si policy maker tadi lupa bahwa tidak hanya sekedar itu yang dibutuhkan. Bahwa bahasa itu sendiri bisa juga dipakai sebagai it can be used to equip Indonesian generations, ya, to be… apa ya… maksud saya menjadi lebih berisi gitu lho. Q35. Qualified?
A35. Qualified, iya. Intinya kadang-kadang begini anak-anak kita itu pintar. Ketika dalam kompetisi internasional dia kalah hanya karena dia nggak bisa berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Q36. Itu sangat disayangkan. A36. Eman-eman banget. Sehingga kenapa kok kita ini dibilang SDM kita kalah dengan Vietnam. Not at all. Saya seringkali mengikuti international conference, kemarin barusan pulang dari Bali juga acara Pearson itu, international conference. I don‟t think that they are smart, hanya memang karena mereka sudah dibentuk oleh kondisi sosial di negaranya masing-masing bahwa mereka harus open-minded bahwa mereka punya mimpi ketika ada di perguruan tinggi segera cari beasiswa untuk studying ke US. Itu, yang pemerintah kita ini kurang pintar. Kenapa sih kok, ini ngomong sedikit politik, kok yang di… sedih saya kalau kadang-kadang, dari pemerintah luar sendiri itu jadi kan mereka menyisihkan sekian prosen untuk memberikan grand buat anak-anak Indonesia sebetulnya. Tapi kan grand itu larinya kepada orang-orang yang sebetulnya nggak butuh. Maaf ya, karena kekerabatan. Kecuali kalau memang. Q37. Masih ada sedikit nepotisme. A37. Ya, nepotisme, he eh. Kecuali kalau memang, misalnya saya, aku setahun duwe kunci wes tau tak buka. Saya sudah pergi ke mana-mana itu akses saya lebih mudah. Tapi yang tidak sama sekali? Nah itu kan yang sangat tidak adil. Sehingga, diberikannya kepada kerabat-kerabat mereka lah, si policy maker itu. Makanya tidak akan berkembang. Lalu ketika ada finance, support finance, itu justru dikembangkannya bukan pada e… konteks pendidikan atau pertahanan dan keamanan, pada perdagangan. Nah, itu kan kenapa kok perdagangan? Karena tenaga kerja Indonesia itu murah. Nah, ini kalau kita sedikit ngomong soal politik. Sorry. Saya gemes saya, saya itu ndak terima ndak terima banget saya. Seharusnya, dengan posisi negara kita yang mau merambah ke abad ke sekian, bahasa Inggris ini menjadi mata pelajaran strategis untuk membuka wawasan siswa baik dari e… pendidikan menengah sampai pendidikan tinggi. Seperti SMP kan masuk dikdas oh, pendidikan dasar, pendidikan dasar malahan. Q38. Dikdasmen… A38. A… SMP masuk, ehe… SMA masuk dikmen. Dikdas itu SMP masuk dikdas, karena wajar kita 9 tahun. Nah, jadi seharusnya mereka dibukakan wawasannya kamu belajar Bahasa Inggris itu ra mung nggo golek biji cah, tapi untuk berani bersaing dengan saudara-saudarmu dari negara-negara yang lain, dari Afrika misalnya. Kenapa mereka berhasil? Karena jalan dibuka. Kita? Ditutup, hanya diayem-ayemi pokoknya skor UN mu
harus bagus. Itu. Eh! kalau sudah bicara UN, itu tu. Wis to karena kita tes di luar itu ora ditakokke ko UN mu piro? UN nya 10 tapi nggak bisa ngomong sama juga bohong kan? Karena yang mereka lihat kan performance. Jadi, saya berharap ke depan entah setelah saya usia berapa besok aku nggak tau, posisi bahasa Inggris kita ini bisa seperti di negara-negara seperti Singapura, Malaysia, bahkan Vietnam. Itulah kenapa mereka menjadi tenaga kerja mereka itu lebih bagus dari pada kita. Q39. Lebih dihargai… A39. Eeh. Karena meskipun aksen mereka lucu wong Vietnam kui tapi mereka ngomongnya fluent banget, fluent. Lucu aksennya, gitu. Q40. Oke, pertanyaan selanjutnya ya, Bu. Lalu, Ibu, apakah bahasa Inggris sulit dipelajari? A40. Ndak. Tinggal sekarang mau atau tidak mau dan tergantung pada facilitate... facilitator-nya. Ketika English teacher as a facilitator itu friendly, ya, sharing smiling face all the time and ready to help the students out when they need, everything will be alright. Karena saya sudah buktikan, dulu waktu SMP zzz belum jadi SBI seperti ini tahun 90-an something itu anak-anak kan kalau ngomong masih susah makanya saya pakai teknik roleplay dan di situ saya pakai sebagai saya pakai sebagai e… tugas akhir S1 saya, melalui melalui role-play. Karena anak-anak secara tidak sadar tidak mau memerankan dirinya sendiri, mereka memerankan tokoh yang ada di situ dan mereka lebih bebas untuk mengungkapkannya. Ketika dikembalikan lagi ke track-nya lebih mudah. Itu, yang saya percaya. Q41. Lalu Ibu, bagaimana kondisi siswa Ibu yang menurut Ibu berhasil? A41. Deskripsinya? Yang jelas tadi sebagian tadi sudah ya. Mereka memiliki motivasi, interest, lalu need tadi, ada need dan mereka anu, apa ya… having… ini masih hubungannya sama motivasi, inner… their inner motivation to practice more and more, itu terus. Q42. They are aware? A42. Ya, mereka sadar bahwa e English can make me e I can speak English if I do, if I practice, I make use of the vocabulary, I learn with my mate or my schoolmate and teacher and class in a real life. Q43. Oke, bagaimana kemudian posisi nilai, Ibu? Apakah itu sebagai let‟s say
secondary… secondary objective atau bagaimana? A43. Bagi saya iya. Bagi saya pribadi lo, Mbak. Mungkin kalau temen guru yang lain beda. Kalau saya seperti itu. Jadi saya selalu ketika masuk kelas setiap kali awal taun masuk kelas itu saya nggak mengajar. Saya cerita dulu… setahun ke depan kita akan ketemu dan ini program kita, tolong cermati. E... tolong bantu saya supaya program ini bisa dilaksanakan karena fokus saya most to speaking than to the other skills. Your writing is also important, but to me, your speaking is also most important than writing, karena writing bisa dipelajari. Tapi speaking itu spontan, spontaneously dan kadang-kadang e… apa ya, unpredictably. Kita maunya begini, oh! tapi ternyata „Do you have a hand? misalnya. „Can you give me a hand?‟ nah, itu kan? Q44. Alright. Next question, karakter siswa Ibu yang belajar dengan… belajar bahasa Inggris dalam hal ini secara efektif dan efisien seperti apa, Ibu? A44. Satu, eh… di kelas itu mesti antusias ya, antusias dan mereka banyak bertanya. Memang untuk melatih anak-anak bertanya dan memberikan pertanyaan yang menthes itu juga butuh kesabaran. Kadang-kadang pating clebung sak karepe wudhele kae yo wis, dirungokke sik. Q45. Awal-awal iya nggak papa… A45. Iya, tapi kan setelah mereka tau bahwa… oh, ternyata cara a… apa yang saya butuhkan itu ini bukan hanya sekedar pertanyaan main-mainan. Nah, itu pernah terjadi. Ketika dulu itu saya mengajar di LIA, tapi ini bukan anak-anak ya tapi sudah orang dewasa sebetulnya karena itu PEMDA Magelang, ada yang muda ada yang tua. Waktu itu saya memperkenalkan anu apa… „It sounds good.‟ gitu lo.„What we go, e… what if we go swimming on Sunday?‟ „It sounds good.‟ „Do you wanna join? „Sure! What time?‟ nah, saya kan begini, „Sure! What time?‟ „What what if we go at 8?‟ „Oh, no. It‟s too early.‟ „9?‟ „Okay, good. Will you pick me up?‟ „Sure. I will pick you up at e… 8.45.‟ Q46. „Okay. I‟ll be waiting.‟ A46. Nah, itu, begitu begitu. Kan dengan saya mengatakan sounds good, sounds good. Itu ada lo yang nanya, „Bu, tanya. Apa bedanya sounds good dengan sound system?‟ Mati ora. Itu kejadian bener, Mbak. Q47. Ibu langsung ketawa atau… a… A47. Nggak, saya… saya saya takut kalau men me tertawa ntar dikira ngece ya. „Baik,
bagaimana Bapak Ibu sekalian, boleh saya terangkan bedanya sounds good dengan sound system?‟ „Okay. Sounds good ini dari sisi sedikit grammar ya.‟ Saya mengatakan gitu. „Dari sisi konstruksinya sudah beda, ini kata sounds diikuti oleh kata adjective, good. Yang sementara yang ini sound diikuti oleh noun, system. Jadi ini dari kelasnya, ibaratnya kalau kita bicara soal keluarga sudah beda, ini keluarganya Pak Abdul ini keluarganya ini. Itu dari konstruksinya. Sekarang dari meaning, Bapak Ibu ketika melihat sound system lalu gambarannya pasti itu. Tapi kalau sounds good itu mesti sulit menggambarkan, bentuknya seperti apa. Nah, kita bantu saja dengan kata good, good itu kan berarti oke. Sounds, nah di situ berarti kedengarannya. Gitu.‟ „Gitu ya, bu?‟ Jadi, saya juga haduuuh super sabar, tapi itu yang mempercayai saya. Jadi, saya selalu antisipasi. Di sini saya diplonco sama anak-anak waktu mereka bikin naskah role-play. Kan saya pakai lotere ya, ada… tragedy, happy ending, gitu terus apa apa apa gitu kan mereka dapet, waktu itu dapetnya tragedy. Itu ya le nggawe ya tertatih-tatih betul. Terus mereka tu tanya, „Miss miss, aku tu nggak tau lho dari kemarin tak cari… sampai situ nggak ada lho. Ini ceritanya aku bikin naskah bapaknya itu tukang pijet buta itu lho, Miss, bawa tongkat. Terus dia itu mencari nafkah untuk menghidupi keluarganya. Nanti kami action-kan, itu kami acting.‟ Gitu ya. „Terus tiba-tiba ketika ketika hujan bapak ini baru akan berteduh, dia menginjak kabel listrik yang putus karena hujan itu, nah dia kesetrum. Nah, aku mumet Miss mau cari kata kesetrum itu apa dalam bahasa Inggrisnya?‟ Dua hari saya cari karena memang tidak ada. Q48. Apa ya, Bu,ditanya bahasa Inggrisnya, shocked by electricity begitu? A48. Electrocuted… electrocuted. Itu tak belan-belani saya waktu itu ada training Global Partner dengan trainer dari Amrik. Dia juga tadinya mencari juga ndak ada. Terus saya beri gambaran, „E… the condition is like this, this one, this one, and that one.‟ „Ok, electrocuted.‟ Electric shock itu setrumnya. Nek aku kestrum, „Oh, no. I am electrocuted.‟ Q49. Oke, oke… ya, pertanyaan selanjutnya. Dengan seperti itu, Bu, pernyataan yang barusan Ibu sampaikan apakah siswa-siswi Ibu sudah termasuk memiliki kriteria pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil? A49. Belum sepenuhnya… belum seluruhnya. Ketika saya di dalam kelas, kalau anak-anak itu sudah ada pada kategori 80… ke atas itu biasanya sudah saya abaikan. Kenapa? Karena saya mau konsen pada yang struggling… Q50. Di bawah 80? A50. He eh, he eh… saya saya tidak akan menganggap mereka itu low learners, slow learners… ya. „Come on, you have to struggle because you belong to struggling students.‟ Ben de‟e nggoleki, maksude struggling ki opo, gitu. Saya tidak akan memberikan, „Apa
Miss, Miss, maksudnya seperti….‟ „Coba buka kamusnya.‟ Cuman kalian itu lho kadangkadang aku sedih. Anak-anak Indonesia itu terlalu Pe-De, rumangsane wis kamus mlaku, jadi do ra butuh kamus. Kalau mbawa yo ming kamus kecik-kecik, kamus yang didownload ke HP itu kan satu kata satu meaning atau Alfalink. „Saya tu nggak suka lo Alfalink.‟ Saya bilang gitu. „Buang itu Alfalinkmu, besok bawa kamus yang tebel, yang Oxford. Di situ ada beberapa kategori yang harus kalian pelajari. Sambil tak ajarin kalian itu membaca kamus.‟ Q51. Iya.Simbol-simbol yang bagi mereka asing… A51. Itu, itu… Nah, anak-anak yang sudah bagus-bagus, yang di atas 80, jadi masuk kategori 91 ke atas itu pasti ada to di dalam kelas itu selalu saya jadikan asisten. Ya… Q52. Mereka tetep merasa improve juga ya, Bu. A52. Ya, jadi mereka ada suatu kebanggaan bagi mereka being my assistance, gitu loh. „Can I assist you Miss.‟ „Ya, ya, why don‟t you.‟ So when I make a… ask them to team up, itu yang 91 ke atas itu musti tak pasang leader. Selama mereka masih belum bisa nyampur dewe tak urutkan, 91 ke atas leader, leader, leader. Lalu turun ke 86 90 ratakke wae, ben. Cuman kerja kita capek, capek banget karena ketika masuk kelas kita monitoring. Yo nek sing bocah ora iso kan ming nunut, gitu lho. Apa kamu to yo kaya anu to… kaya Javanese proverb, Istri pada jaman Ibu Kartini dulu kan opo… itu to? Suwargo nunut, neroko katut. Nah, pie nek karepe neng neroko pie kamu? Moso? „Nah, coba sekarang berupaya. Coba deh, kamu misalnya kalau temanmu ini bicara masalah dialognya, you think about the property you need to perform, e… to be needed for your performance, why don‟t you?‟ Yang kamu timbangane nglamun, pikirkan mengenai lagu apa yang bisa dipakai sebagai background.‟ Gitu ya. Q53. And it works? A53. Works. Tapi sekarang begitu anak-anak itu testing me, my style maksud saya, yaitu ada sisi negative dari kondisi ini. Lalu mereka cenderung untuk comparing me with other teachers. Q54. Ooh… ada teacher? A54. Lalu kalau..
Q55. Emoh kalau nggak dapet Ibu, atau emoh karena… A55. Iya. Q56. Jadi maunya sama Ibu? A56. Eeh, saya mendem. 10 kelas, mabuk, gitu kan. Karena saya tidak hanya mengajar, Mbak. Saya kadang-kadang improving their English by texting, they are not allowed to text me in bahasa Indonesia. It must be in English. Salah yo ben tak benerke. Itu yang saya terapkan setiap ketika saya membantu teman-teman saya yang non-English teacher untuk improve their English itu melalui itu. Q57. Oke. Aduh SMS saya masih pakai bahasa Indonesia ya. Pertanyaan selanjutnya, Ibu. Menurut Ibu, bagaimana e… fokus pembelajaran bahasa Inggris? A57. Integrated. Getting knowledge, practicing skill, getting mark, learning value. Q58. Semuanya harus tercapai? A58. Ya, karena learning language means we also learn the culture, and culture itu sendiri itu masih bisa dipecah-pecah. Culture secara umum kan kita hanya baru melihat dari cangkang luarnya. Walaupun nanti di situ nanti ada custom, ya kan? Ada juga nanti etik. Nah, kalau kita bicara masalah culture, wes kui. Q59. Kalau proses pembelajaran di kelas Ibu seperti apa, Ibu? A59. Proses pembelajaran saya di mana di situ terjadi tik-tok, interaction between the facilitator and the learners equally. Nah, ini yang susah. Kalau saya hanya tadi mengatakan there must be a kind of tik-tok, nah tik-tok itu istilah intertainment ya… Interaction between the facilitator and the learners, titik. Itu semua orang sudah melakukan. But, equally, nah ukuran equally ini sendiri itu sangat sangat apa ya… detil sebetulnya. Kita bisa mengatak itu equally, ketika kedua belah pihak itu merasa get something. Kalau yang merasa mendapat sesuatu itu hanya siswanya thok. Q60. Atau gurunya aja… A60. Atau gurunya thok, itu belum. Itu yang saya percayai, gitu. Jadi, ketika saya masuk kelas, I have to learn something today. I will learn something today with the students in the class, from the students in the class. Itu.
Q61. So do the students. A61. Ya, gitu. Jadi, saya selalu menyempatkan 3 ato 5 menit untuk sharing bareng-bareng baru hal-hal baru yang kemarin baru saya dapet pet. Misalnya kalau saya pergi keluar kan paling seneng motretin notice notice… itu kan sampe uwakeh itu kan. Oh, ternyata ini to, ternyata ini. Pertama dulu yang saya ajarin ke anak-anak saya nonton film Herculles itu, waktu Herculles… oh, nggak nggak nggak. Siapa itu… oh, musuhnya, kan waktu itu Mutan sama Zena ya, Zena, terus dia mengatakan „Oh, you are like a heaven.‟ Nah, itu saya belajar dari film juga.„You are like a heaven. That‟s why so many people willing to help you out.‟ Yang dimaksudkan you are like a heaven, you are really beautiful. Itu saya pelajari dari situ. Tak rungokke, terjemahane opo. Saya belajar dari si penterjemah film. Q62. Subtitle-nya… A62. Ya, sama tadi malem saya juga belajar karena nonton. Q63. Ibu masih sempat nonton? A63. Ee em. Itu untuk refreshing. Kan saya langganan Indovision itu kan karena nek TV Indonesia kan dari pada ndilalah. Kalau TV TV Indonesia itu kaya nangis-nangisan ra nggenah gitu to. Kalau itu kan cetho. Itu. Nah, saya belajar „Give me a hit.‟ Q64. Give me, gimme... A64.„Give me a hit. I‟m a criminal mind.‟ „It is not just like you know, not just like e… it is not just like handshake and how do you do.‟ Ternyata apa itu maksudnya? Not just like handshake and how do you do. But we have to know someone deeper and deeper. Q65. Bukan basa basi? A65. Ya. Idiomatic expressions, handshake and how do you do. Padahal ketika kita ngomong… konteks kita dalam bahasa Indonesia, basa-basi mesti sing muncul lip service. Yang lip service itu wong nek molor to, bermulut manis untuk mempengaruhi orang lain, can be different. Itu masih sampe sekarang. Semalem saya belajar itu. Give me a hit tak cateti. Q66. Oke, nice sekali. Saya jadi siswa Ibu, boleh? A66. Ah, boleh. Kita saling membantu aja saling sharing aja.
Q67. Pertanyaan selanjutnya ya, Bu. Jenis kegiatan pembelajaran atau strategi… gaya belajar seperti apa yang Ibu terapkan untuk mengembangkan siswa menjadi pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil. A67. Maksudnya pakem itu? Di luar pakem gitu to? Q68. Ya… di luar yang Ibu sampaikan tentang speaking tadi. A68. Baik. Saya selalu memberikan home assignment dan home assignment itu berbeda. Contoh kecil. Q69. Projek atau… A69. Projek. Itu, e… can be both individually or group. Gitu. Nah, si projek itu saya nggak mau yang seada-adanya. Kita tau persis bahawa ketika kita belajar tentang advertisement atau advertisement itu kan itu itu itu itu. Ora menarik nganggoku, wis podho ning endi-ndi. Sekarang anak-anak tak tambahi satu poin. „Find out at least 3 advertisement or advertisement from internet and find why do you think it really interesting and attracted and… if you refer to the theory what thing you don‟t find in a list of the theory.‟ Q70. Crit… criticism? A70. Nah, betul sekali. Saya lebih suka ke criticism. Q71. Wow, SMP, Ibu? A71. Sederhana, Mbak. Tak kasih tunjuk ini. Tapi memang pertama ya nangis-nangis. Yo ben. Q72. Heh, Miss. kok susah… A72. Nangis-nangis. Nah, ini. Ini misalnya semacam ini. Dengan susunan grammar yang belum bener, yo ben wae ngopo. Q73. But for man is brochures. Good. A73. Saya bilang sama anak-anak itu I‟m… I‟m demanding not to make you down, just little I really love you, encourage you, and make you smarter. Nah, saya bilang gitu. Q74. I… I plus 1.
A74. E…em. Meskipun satu satu lah. Tapi nanti menemukan, ora koyo sing biasane. Kalau gak unik tak balekke kok, Mbak. Q75. Ehehehe… nyari lagi… A75. Iya. Itu pun tak kasih nilai. Udah ya. Q76. Iya. A76. Selain itu mereka juga harus memperkaya diri melalui film. Jadi, projek semester itu ada movie. Tapi saya arahkan movie-nya yang scope anak-anak. Yang kemarin saya pakai untuk kelas C-I itu harus kartun, harus kartun. Saya review make narrative, narrative through movie. Itu grup, ya. Pilih, lalu sudah saya berikan gambaran film-film bagus yang kartun itu biasanya milik Disney. Contohnya ada… sebelumnya saya memang muter film dulu. Salah satunya Brother Bear, itu kan bagus. Filosofinya bagu…s banget kan. Orang Indian seperti itu lalu ada akhirnya si elang itu terbang dan sebagainya. Lalu film Up, itu kan juga bagus. Nah, lalu mereka tak suruh milih. Dari situ, mereka analyse, saya guide. Dari, jadi semacam kita itu kalau di kampus ya… analisis novel atau drama itu lo. Jadi, the leading characters-nya apa, supporting characters-nya apa, characterize and charac… eh,characteristics and characterization tak lebokke, secara sederhana. Lha itu, mereka menyusun itu dalam bentuk presentasi. Mereka presentasi. Q77. Wow. A77. Ada treat-nya, jalan-jalan boleh. Q78. Hhehehe… I‟m curious to watch their performance, actually. A78. He….m. udah habis, tapi saya nyimpen itu e… presentasinya anak-anak masih tak simpen. Nanti bisa dilihat meskipun ya masih ada beberapanya… yakin saya. Tapi paling tidak kan ketika mereka presentasi, selalu saya bilang „You are the only one expert.‟ Q79. Oke. A79.„Be perfect.‟ Itu saja. Tahun lalu saya memegang kelas regular. Saya ndak berani langsung nglumpat ke situ karena tekniknya kan beda ya ketika memegang kelas SBI dan kelas reguler. Kalau kelas SBI kan memang sudah penuh dengan criticism itu tadi, analytical and critical thinking itu harus. Kalau regular kan masih sempit. Lalu saya piye ya carane ketika ngangkat mengenai ads, advertisements, saya lotere juga. Ada food and
baverage, ada public service, lalu ada gadget lalu ada mungkin e… new inventions dan seterusnya dan seterusnya. Lalu saya bilang, „You have to make something which haven‟t ever being existed dan apa yang terjadi? Ketika yang dapet gadget presentasinya bisa buku sepatu yang bisa dipakai untuk nyetel video. Nggak tau dia dapet dari mana. Berandai-andai. Kan mereka kalau IT wis paham. Ada yang gak bisa ketulis kalau nggak pakai powerpoint boleh nggak? Boleh, asal ada medianya. Mereka bikin itu makanan. Kan yang diceritakke sebenernya bola-bola coklat, tapi di situ ditambahi jahe. Jadi, dia anu… apa, present the way to make it, kemudian ada sampling-nya gitu. Didhum sak kelas, yo ben nek podho rampung maem ya ndak papa. Q80. Em… iya. ini HP saya harus mulai rekam awal Bu. A80. Iya silakan. Saya kalau ngomong lama ya. Q81. Nggak papa, Ibu. Saya juga belajar dari interview ini… Pertanyaan selanjutnya, penekanan seperti apa yang sesuai untuk medukung pembelajaran bahasa mereka? A81. Penekanan? Oke. Q82. Sedikit, Ibu. Tadi udah menyampaikan intinya express your mind, speak up, be confident. A82. Yang kedua. E… yang berikutnya, mereka harus sadar bahwa this is not, this one is not our own language. Itu. Sehingga, upayakan memakai bahasa Inggris yang dipakai oleh yang punya, gitu lo. Natural in a natural way. How? Pasti pertanyaannya „How?‟anakanak kan… „Terus gimana, Miss?‟ „Ya itu tadi, kamu seneng nyanyi to? Terus kalau seneng nyanyi kenapa sih milihnya kok lagu Inggris, bukan lagu bahasa Indonesia?‟ „Karena kita suka melodinya.‟It is not, it e… mungkin tidak hanya, it is not only a matter of melody, but also… I suggest you to learn the content, the message sending across through that song. Itu, itu akan memperkaya kamu dan membuat bahasa Inggrismu itu natural. Pasti. Karena mereka buat lagu itu sesuai ekspresi yang mereka dapatkan perasaan yang ada pada dalam hati mereka diekspresikan dalam bahasa mereka. Itu. Q83. Oke. A83. He eh… lalu saya berikan contoh ketika saya ke Australi setiap tahun dari tahun 2004 kan saya mengajar bahasa Indonesia. Nah, itu kan memang, tapi ya sederhana lah, tidak seperti UKBI (Uji Kompetensi Bahasa Indonesia) Dewe wong Indonesia yo bijine elek kok. Q84. Iya, apalagi mereka.
A84. Lumayan. Itu, saya akan mengajar ada prefix, infix, suffix. Nah, itu kan biasa kalau cah SD itu. Waktu itu ada 1 peserta sepuh itu. Dia ngajar .Saya titik titik tidur bayiku, lalu ngisi. Tau nggak jawabannya apa? Meniduri bayiku. Itu saya ceritakan pada anak-anak bahwa in a process of learning we will do the same way. Jadi kamu jangan takut. Sama seperti ketika mereka itu membedakan kata tenang sunyi. Dalam konteks ketika ruang kelas gaduh, kamu akan menenangkan supaya kamu e… kamu ikut tenang dan kamu bisa ngomong pasti mengatakan „Tenang, tenang. Ayo, diem.‟ Kita kan begitu, otomatis because it is our own language. Tapi mereka, tidak. „Sunyi, sunyi. Kalau tidak sunyi saya lenyap.‟ Lah, mati nuh. „Quiet, please. If you don‟t, if you are not quite, I‟m gone.‟ Mereka kan biasa. Itu di-translate, Bu Novi banget e, eh… Bu Novi ya? Q85. Tapi kalau translation iya, Bu Novi. A85. Iya, Bu Novi banget. Word power translation, nggak ada dynamic shape-nya, nggak ada pragmatic shape-nya. Nah, itu saya ajarkan kepada mereka. „Oh, ya ya, Miss, ya.‟ Sekarang ini jadi kita merasa sekarang di sini ketika kalimat kita wagu, Miss, kita sudah bisa ng-enter, oh… ini mesti bukan ini kok, aneh kok ini katanya. Ini bukan yang ini, gitu. La itu emang saya bentuk ketika mereka belajar bersama saya. Sayur asem, sayur bening, sayur lodeh, terlalu asin, terlalu pedes, terlalu manis. Ayo coca, yang mana. Oh, iya ya, kok aneh ya. Gitu. Q86. Okay. Menurut Ibu, cara terbaik untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris itu seperti apa dan bagaimana memaksimalkan cara tersebut, Ibu? A86. Ah… cara terbaik itu seperti halnya kita belajar berbicara. Kalau teorinya memang begitu kan? Jadi menirukan dulu, ya. Lalu dari listening, lalu imitating, lalu producing. Hanya itu kadang-kadang tidak disadari. Itu kalau kita melakukan itu consciously, terstruktur, maka dijamin anak-anak itu sejak kecil wis iso bahasa Inggris. Itulah kenapa sekarang ini ada Kindergarten yang sudah pakai English. Q87. Pre-school. A87. Pre-school, itu udah bagus-bagus kan? Anak kecil-kecil kaya anaknya Dedy Corbuzier kemarinwaktu di Hitam Putih. Ya. „Which one do you like, Mom or Dad? Why do you like Dad more than Mom?‟ gitu. Itu langsung kok, langsung thes thes thes…Nah, apa jadinya kalau generasi Indonesia bisa begitu semua. Itu butuh peran kita, selalu facilitator. Tinggal permasalahannya sekarang willing to do or not willing to do that. Q88. Kan di SD sekarang justru dihapus, Ibu.
A88. Sing nggawe kurikulum payah. Itu yang kemarin itu adu…h saya sempet ketika sosialisasi kurikulum 2013 saya kan mewakili sekolah ya di Balai Kota sama Pak Ramlan opo sopo kae tekok, „Bahasa Inggris dihapus?‟ „Bukan dihapus, bu, ya, tapi tidak dimasukkan ke dalam struktur tapi setiap sekolah apabila SDM nya mampu, boleh. Karena apa? Yang ditinjau dari penyusun kurikulum karena itu tadinya masuk itu terus sak-sake gitu lo. Dadi Inggris e yo ming Inggris Jowo. Nek ketemune Inggris Jowo le pinter kapan, gitu lho. Jadi maksudnya dia gitu. Itu untuk itu untuk shorting that the primary school which will conduct the activity have to have the qualified facilitators. Itu yang dia jawab. Q89. Tapi itu share kemarin. A89. Jane… de‟e entuk sing koyo ngono. Sing neng kene apik kok. Sing loro neng gon aku apikan, Mbak. Karena memang pemerintah itu sukanya ngawur. Nggeret mindahke ceblokke wong wong nandur pari kok, nandur pari misalnya nandur pari kok neng kebon. Haruse kan di sawah. Nah, itu lho, yang paradigmanya. Q90. Prosedur… A90. He eh, prosedurnya ngawur. Jadi dia nggak lihat, gitu. Mereka ki nggolek praktise nggolek sing tertulise tok nggak lihat performance-e. Yang menurut saya kadang-kadang empet. Kepengin hengkang jadi guru PNS. Q91. Oya. A91. Nah saya bebas bersuara. Q92. Ehhehehe… seperti Ibu Siti Khodijah. Okay. Selama ini bagaimana peran Ibu dalam proses belajar mengajar? A92. It depends on the situations, ya. Sometimes a teacher must be a source of information, that‟s why the teacher has e… has to have broaden knowledge in anything not only in his or her subject matters. At now, all subjects are learned or taught integratedly and they have a kind of correlation between one subject with the other subjects. And the project now, most of e… some schools conduct certain kind of projects which involve more than one subject matter which is called as cross-curricular project. Cross-curricular project, itu yang jadi mimpi saya. Kunjungan ke pengunungan Karst misalnya, saya sering ngomong sama Pak Ris di sini. Itu bisa dilihat dari berbagai tinjauan. Geografi, tanah bertanahnya to. Terus…
Q93. Tanamannya… A93. E eh, itu nanti bisa. Bisa sama hubungannya sama biology. Terus ketika di situ banyak orang berkunjung otomatis kondisi sosial masyarakatnya kan bertambah. Dari sisi sosiologi mikir, ekonomi mikir, bahasa paling penak, ambil dari sisi laporannya. Gitu, kan? Dari sisi mata pelajaran yang lain bisa dicari juga. Bagi orang-orang yang nggak bisa berkunjung ke lokasi e… in person itu temen-temen yang pinter TIK bisa membuat sebuah simulasi yang seperti layaknya sungguhan.nah, itu yang dimaksud dengan crosscurricular project. Kalau sekolah, kalau sekolah-sekolah itu mampu melaksanakan itu, top. Berarti memang sudah terintergrasi. Itu yang akan menjadi ruhnya kurikulum 2013. Q94. Semoga bisa berjalan. A94. Ada sedikit gambaran to? Ide a… saya melihat seperti itu. Cuma sekarang sekolahsekolah itu satu, SDM nya ada mampu atau tidak? Q95. Open-minded dulu, Ibu. A95. Yang jelas itu. Nah, kui. Ha…h, mengubah pola pikirnya memang susah. E eh. Q96. Lalu... bagaimana Ibu mengajar agar efektif dan efisien membentuk successful learners? A96. Efektif dan efisien? Q97. Iya. A97. Ya, itu tadi. Tidak harus selalu spoon feeding. Kasih pancingnya kok nggolek iwak dewe. Biarkan mereka selalu confirm, konfirmasi. „Oh, this‟s a kind of fish, Miss.‟ „No. not that one. Ya, put it back.‟ And they try to find it out. Q98. Find it again. A98. Find it again. And then show… jadi di situ yang saya maksud tadi ada interaksi yang equal. Jadi yang ini tidak keep terus, yang di situ tidak make terus. Dan dengan adanya interaksi yang equal seperti itu tidak hanya e konteks formal yang terbentuk tapi yang informal juga terbentuk. Q99. Kita kerepotan ya dibantu bawa tasnya. Okay. Next question. Ini sepertinya sudah…
A99. Saya njawab lompat-lompat tadi ya? Q100. Iya… Ibu, nggak masalah. Ada saran, Ibu, untuk your colleagues about successful… developing successful English learners? A100. Iya, saran saya yang pertama ya itu tadi, improve themselves, itu harus. Improve. It is a kind of government policy, because you really need it, because your inner demand, because you are aware that if I don‟t improve myself I will be put aside and just sit there. Q101. Left behind? A101. Left behind and won‟t get involved in a party. Ini yang mau saya maksud. Saya selalu bilang kaya gitu. Jane kasar lo jane. Q102. Tapi idealnya memang seperti itu, Ibu. Saya pernah baca kurikulum Finlandia, persis apa yang Ibu sampaikan bahwa jangan hanya scoredemand, bahasa ya hanya bener-bener untuk komunikasi either oral or written. Ok. Kemampuan komunikasi sudah terjawab. Ok, kemampuan tata bahasa, Ibu. A102.Grammar? Q103. Iya. A103. Saya biasanya masukkan ketika saya membahas satu topik. Itu kan melalui reading ya. Kadang-kadang kan saya masuk melalui reading, thes. Reading, nah di situ kan ada beberapa mungkin yang saya suka bahas di situ kan tenses-nya. Saya berangkat dari yang kecil, noun phrase. „Noun phrase itu sendiri nak, itu konstruksinya banyak.‟ Saya memang selalu bilang begitu. Ada yang… ada yang disebut degan noun adjunct ada yang noun and noun, adjective and noun, ada yang lain-lain juga. Nah, ini panjang… seperti ini itu noun phrase. Kita mulai dari articles, cemplungke neng kono dengan yang lebih sederhana. Lalau saya biasanya berikan latihan satu kalimat itu dibedah. Awalnya dari, e… dengan cara yang sangat sederhana saya garis bawahi jawabannya. Jadi, mereka membuat question words questions. Mereka mau pakai word who when whose, ya where, how dan seterusnya. Itu baru dari sisi membuat kalimat. Kalau mereka sudah bisa jitu, sampai kesitu, itu baru e… deconstructing sentence, ini masuk… kelompok ini masuk apa, noun phrase, yang ini apa. Nah, ketika ada… he eh, „Ketika ada susunan seperti ini, ini disebut dengan….‟ „Nggak tau, Miss.‟ sisihkan. Lalu nanti saya akan menerangkan clause. Clause itu kan macem-macem. Jadi, saya mengajarnya memang itu campur, Mbak. Grammar tetep tak kuatkan, tapi sesi tersendiri dengan mengambil contoh satu teks. Dan itu nanti menjadi tugas anak-anak, saya ada beberapa tugas itu analysing exposition text. Pak Aris nyuwun
tulung Pak Aris. Analysing exposition text itu sampe detil itu. Saya tugas-tugas anak-anak saya banyak. Jadi, kalau nanti panjenengan ngersakke, dan saya selalu bilang „Saya tidak akan damping kalian. Teori sudah saya berikan, kerjakan. Karena ini individual project and I know which one e… who is not cheating and the one who is cheating. Ya, and I‟ll be waiting for your email at 12 midnight. More than 12… Q104. No… okay. Berarti sekalian memasukkan pendidikan karakter juga, Ibu, untuk disiplin, jujur? A104. Betul. Betul. Tapi mereka nggak enak hati ketika nyontek. Karena mereka pernah ada… tahun berapa ya, ya ya tiap tahun masih ada yang kaya gitu. Waktu mereka bicara masalah animal, itu sing 1 ki di menceritakan tentang Crocodile yang satu Alligator. Tapi Alligator itu tulisanne persis karo Crocodile. Lah, nddak tak nilai to. Yang lain tak bagikan, terus anak itu kan terus datang. „Bu, punyakku, Miss punyakku kok nggak dikembalikan?‟ „Coba kamu duduk.‟ Yang, yang satu datang lagi. „Saya tidak akan ngapangapapin, saya cuma ingin kalian cerita Who will be… who will… who was writing the original text? Itu aja. Tolong jawab satu pertanyaan saya. Itu. Karena dengan itu… kalin menjawab itu saya baru bisa bantu kalian memberikan nilai. Sepanjang itu tidak terjawab, maka mohon maaf aku nggak bisa ngasih kamu nilai. Pikirkan, tak tinggal dulu ya.‟ Q105. Kamu sih, kamu sih… A105. Wes, akhire ngaku. Anaknya sekarang, anaknya sekarang sudah punya anak itu malahan. Itu. „Kelingan, dadi mbiyen aku kelingan bangetaku nyontek to, bu. Terus akhire aku nulisi tiger.‟ Tulisanmu dewe, macan menurut persepsi kamu. Itu malahan worth it dari pada kamu nulis Alligator tapi tulisane Crocodile. Jadi, saya memang seperti itu cara… rodo kenceng maka saya bilang „I‟m too demanding, do you hate me? I‟m happy.‟ Ya, coba. Mungkin sekarang aku belum memi… memikirkan bahwa apa yang saya bilang itu akan berguna untuk aku di masa yang akan datang after you are in years 12, I guarantee that you will be coming finding me out and hug me. Q106. Happen? A106. Ya. Q107. Ooh… Ibu. A107.Ya. Ternyata bener. Q108. Ehehehehe…. Next question. Bagaimana Ibu melibatkan siswa secara aktif?
A108. Yang tadi? Q109. 91 A109. He eh, he eh, he eh…. Q110. Selain itu bu, ada cara yang lain? A110. Attendance list. Q111. O… ya, ya. Jadi tidak tidak…randomly, Ibu, ya? A111. Ramdomly, terus muter tempat duduk. Q112. Oke. Bagaimana juga Ibu mengembangkan e… students‟ awareness tentang learning process? A112.Ya, oke. Di situ sedikit e… filosofis. Saya mengambil tekniknya Pak Bismoko. Beliau ketika akan mengajar kita di kelas itu kan selalu memakai filosofinya dulu. Ketika kita belajar tentang metode penelitian, itu kan beliau selalu memberikan dasar-dasarnya dulu bahwa, bahwa orang belajar itu, mempelajari sesuatu itu karena kita atau tadi itu ingin, ingin tahu curiousity ketika melihat pertama kali kita memiliki persepsi tentang itu. Tapi jangan… jangan di dianggap bahwa persepsi kalian itu benar. Dan setelah itu baru kalian konfirmasi dengan teori. Caranya tau dapet teori dari mana? Baca. Caranya baca, kok dapat naskahnya dari mana? Browsing internet, boleh dan seterusnya. Nah, itu sebuah proses belajar dari yang utuh, tidak diada-adakan. Karena memang kebutuhan otak kita, e, sorry kebutuhan e… keinginan untuk memenuhi rasa ingin tahu kita tentunya sudah disesuaikan dengan kapasitas otak kita juga. Itulah, itulah e… keagungan Tuhan di mana kepala kita yang kecil ini bisa diisi dengan banyak hal. Kamu bisa bikin seratus kamar atau seribu kamar di situ. Ini untuk sastra, ini untuk film, ini untuk i…tu bisa semua. Tergantung yang terakhir sekali, saya selalu bilang „Kamu mau atau tidak?‟ Saya selalu mengatakan seperti itu. Jadi itu, sebuah proses belajar menurut versi saya. Ada beberapa teori kan? Belajar bisa consciously unconsciously itu kan… Q113. Acquisition and learning… A113.Acquisition and learning itu kan. Q114. Okay. Right.Oke. Lalu siswa pasti memiliki strategi belajar yang bervariasi ya, bu.
Bagaimana Ibu menjembatani fenomena tersebut? A114. Saya tidak memaksakan kehendak. Jadi, saya selalu bilang bahwa „I‟m here your facilitator, I‟m the source of information, sometimes when I say something whether you need it or not. Q115. Whether you want to write it or not… A115. Whether you want to write it or not, or you just want to listen to me and look at me… alright. The point is when I test you, you can make it. That‟s it. Jadi terserah pada kalian.Jadi di situ saya juga cerita learning style itu ada macam-macam, ada auditory, audio-visual, and kinaesthetic. Yang begini begitu begini begitu… Q116. Tentang ini, bu, sekarang. Apakah ke 18 itu bisa diaplikasikan? A116. Nggak. Q117. Oke, berapa, Ibu? A117. Kalau saya saya melihat dari 18 unsur yang ada itu itu memang ada yang bisa di… kolabora… diintegrasikan ya. Yang jelas yang pasti paling tidak itu bisa kita implementasikan dalam pembelajaran di kelas yaitu kejujuran, itu tadi… Q118. Kerja sama? A118. Ya, itu pasti karena Cooperative Learning, ya, kerja sama. Lalu kepedulian, apresiasi. Nah, ini anak-anak kita ini yang paling rusak itu kan di apresiasi. Kan heran, anak-anak ini kalau saya jaman sekolah ngomong diem. Saya nggak tau kenapa, saya nggak tau kenapa. Mungkin suatu saat perlu ditanya kenapa sih kok, kok seperti itu. Mungkin mereka pertama mulai takut mengatakan takut, tapi mungkin juga ada yang lain juga., tapi mengapa mengatakan bahwa ada beberapa diantara mereka ketika diinterview mengatakan… karena saya kalau menanyakan sesuatu itu jadi sebagai wujud timbal balik. Itu kan juga perlu diajarkan juga pada anak-anak. Padahal le nulis dadi pirang-pirang lembar iki mengko Mbak. Q119. Nggak masalah Ibu. Karena memang harus snowballing, dan deep information, Ibu. Oke. Next question, sekarang tentang variable learner, Ibu. Usia, Ibu. Kadang ada yang SD nya akselerasi atau mungkin nggak akselerasi tapi secara usianya akselerasi. Apakah muncul efek dari hal tersebut, Ibu?
A119. Ya. Itu biasanya saya mengenali mereka jadi ketika saya masuk kelas yang pertama kan mereka suka yaa, itu. Karena gini, Mbak. Saya dari dulu ya, dari tadi bilang saya pingin ke psikologi. Saya bisa mengenali karakter dari mulut saya melalui gaya mereka bicara dan berlagak lagu. Jadi ketika mereka… saya masuk kelas pertama kali, masih speaking nomer satu. Di situ langsung bisa saya kelompokkan iki cahe gedhi awake ming cilik oh, jadi dia masuk kelompok ini. Jadi catatan itu sudah termemori di sini. Q120. Di awal-awalnya ya, Bu. A120. E…eh. Ketika nanti harus team up, team them up, itu sudah tak pecah. Dan mereka akan beranjak benjadi matang menjadi manusia yang saya inginkan dalam konteks pembelajaran bahasa khususnya. Dan bayangan saya masa depan anak ini mau jadi apa, itu telah melalui tahapan itu. Setelah saya kelompokkan mereka akan berkembang. Itu. Q121. Okay. Nice. Belajar sudah. Lalu bagaimana Ibu mengembangkan kepribadian siswa, Ibu? A121. Baik. Itu tadi, melalui sikap-sikap kita tentunya ya. Saya selalu bilang bahwa, bahwa begini „You can call me Mbak.‟ Q122. Oh, sure? A122. Ya, ada beberapa. If we are not in class, tapi kamu harus tahu persis bahwa etika, pemantapan itu penting. Nah, di situlah yang akan membentuk kepribadian kita juga untuk bisa menempatkan diri kita di berbagai situasi. Oh, caranya ketika ngomong di lingkungan ini bahasanya itu. Saya mengikuti dulu setelah itu kamu akan kembangkan. Jadi tidak gambang kromong. Jadi saya selalu begitu saja. Sederhana, Mbak. Cuman itu saja kalau saya. Q123. Oke, kontekstual ya, Bu. A123. Iya he eh. Nanti mereka akan berkembang sendiri tentunya. Q124. Tentang gender, ada kendala nggak Bu selama mengajar? A124. Nggak, nggak, nggak. Cuman biasanya saya nek lanang ki luwih cedhak karena biasanya yang outstanding itu kan lebih banyak ceweknya. Tapi selalu saya juga memotivasi anak-anak yang cowok itu. Apakah ini e gambaran dari penduduk duniakah? Saya bilang gitu. „Kamu itu sebetulnya kamu itu sebetulnya lebih smart lho… cuman karena batasan etika berbagai latar belakangnya itu yang lain sosial sosiologi atau
apakah yang lain itu, itu e… membuat kami yang perempuan ini tidak mendapat kesempatan sebanyak kalian tapi masalah tough-nya kita menang. Saya bilang gitu. Q125. Bagaiman dengan aspek metakognitif, Ibu? Q125. Saya sepakat dengan itu. Karena kita kan nggak mungkin mak cus gitu kan nggak to. Jadi kan memang itu tadi, jadi seperti membentuk sesuatu itu kan lalu mereka diberikan sarana atau wahana untuk menemu, menemukan reasonable reasons why such kind of things happened? Ya, such kind of thing happen, itu. Jadi, ketika teori ini diterapkan di kelas saya yakin anak-anak itu secara tidak sadar secara akan membentuk dirinya sendiri sesuai dengan keinginan kita sebagai guru itu tadi. Dan nanti hasilnya akan muncul anak-anak yang betul-betul merasa cukup terbekali bahasa Inggrisnya, mampu bersaing di dunia global dengan kepribadian yang bisa umpan papan dan dia bisa ingin selalu belajar. Karena selalu saya ciptakan nuansa persaingan, bukan dengan sesamanya karena itu nanti kalau dengan sesamanya akan nanti ada negatifnya nanti ada threat itu kan, lalu ada anxious dan seterusnya. Saya selalu „Ayok, saya masih cari beasiswa lo ya, kamu mau milikmu tak rebut?‟ ah kalau yang itu aku tau. Saya selalu bilang gini, gini gini. Saya selalu bawa-bawa teori. Self-actualization. Ada itu Mbak, jadi kan ada kebutuhan dasar, menengah sampai ke yang paling atas adalah self-actualization. Nah, I‟m now in the process of this one. Hierarki Marslow itu selalu saya bawa-bawa di kelas untuk membekali mereka. Jadi, m mereka selalu menganggap saya itu ndak hanya guru bahasa Inggris. Karene diiringi sing liane… Q126. BK juga… A126. He eh. Itu ada, „Kalian yang tertarik psikologi bisa belajar ini, belajar dari Gardner multiple intelligences. Vygotsky, seterusnya dan seterusnya.‟ „Duh, Miss, beratberat.‟ Tapi murid kan ada yang pinter, dan dia bacaannya sudah sejauh itu. Q127. Kelas berapa, Ibu? A127. Sekarang sudah di kelas 3 SMA. Tapi waktu dia kelas 3 SMP di sini waduh, dia memang my spirit. Ketika saya down saya butuh referensi ini „Apa to, bu?‟ dia emang anaknya gitu. Ya nilai rapotnya aja 100 semua. Q128. Ya ampun, perfect sekali. Oke, next question. Tentang pengembangan dan pemaksimalan menjadi autonomous learners, bagaimana, Ibu? A128. Nah, ini masih sulit. Ketika saya sedang mencoba berupaya untuk anak-aak itu menjadi autonomous learners, tiba-tiba mereka sudah harus terpotong lalu harus nyiapkan
UN. Makanya nggak gitu seneng sama UN. Idealnya untuk membentuk anka-anak itu menjadi autonomous learner itu di kelas 8. Kelas 8… Q129. Iya, agar ketika di kelas 9… A129. Di kelas 9 itu tinggal jalan setengah, satu semester to, karena setelah itu mereka harus sudah focus ke UN. Tapi kalau yang, anak-anak yang kuat memang wadahe cukup itu tadi, jadi. Q130. Oke, bagaimana dengan aspek bakat, Ibu? A130. Setuju saya juga dengan itu. Saya setuju dengan bakat itu karena sebetulnya untuk belajar bahasa itu tidak semua orang bisa lho, karena itu talent… talent juga. Jadi banyak, sing wis kok aku ora iso ngrasakke yo bedane opo. Ketika kita harus berbicara masalah idiomatic expression tadi, apa kowe ora ngrasakke kui ki maksude iki. Jadi, missleading terus missleading terus. Saya bilang, bakat itu memang ada bagi seorang pembelajar bahasa dan itu akan betul-betul menjadi kendaraan yang sangat akan membantu si pembelajar bahasa tersebut untuk bisa menjadi successful language learner. Kalau saya masuknya lain, karena dulu SMA nya IPA, tapi mungkin ternyata setelah say telusuri diri saya sendir mungkin saya juga memiliki bakat bahasa. Itu ka. Jadi memang saya termasuk manusia aneh. Q131. Tentang pengembangan vocabulary, Ibu? A131. Integrated dengan skill yang lain dan dalam tugas tadi, home assignment. Jadi saya selalu, kan sudah saya ajarkan memakai istilah ini kembar tapi nggak identik. It‟s not the same. So when you want to replace delay and postpone tidak selalu bisa. Gitu. Nah, ini kamu harus mulai bisa. Jadi, merasakan, jadi anak-anak itu tak kon nyicipi bahasa itu tadi. It‟s fine in this context you can make it by replacing delay and by replacing delay, delay, and postpone. Tapi kan dalam konteks yang lain tidak bisa. Itu. Makanya kalau kia belajar vocabulary jangan isolated tapi put it in the context. Q132. Berarti Ibu tidak pernah mentarget hari ini 30 vocab… A132. Oh, no no no no. Saya nggak pernah kok minta anak-anak… Itu nueun tulung Pak Aris… menghafalkan anak-anak saya minta menghafalkan, nggak. Q133. Di Bloom Taxonomy, memorizing paling bawah. A133. Oh, ya. Ya. Saya pinginnya anak-anak itu bisa pakai. Jadi ketika saya di kelas bahas
tentang soal misalnya. „Oke, e… this word can be best replaced by the word. What, what is it? Cover, web, or what? Cover, cover itu hanya segini lo…Web itu keseluruhan. Nah, ini yang mana?‟ seperti istilah significant, and important, itu kan meh podho essensial. Essensial, significant, and important they are all similar. In of essensial can be replaced with the significant one. Significant means e… the whole, not only the surface but wholeness. Jadi lebih dalem, lebih kerasa. Q134. Tentang pronunciation? A134. Ya, melalui vocab juga, melalui membaca. Q135. Ketika ada, e… mistake apakah Ibu langsung mengambil on the spot membenarkan atau nanti, secara klasikal atau dua duanya? A135. It depends on the mistake. Kalau itu mistake itu akan menjadi wabah di kelas, itu saya biasanya langsung, „Sorry I would like to interrupt you for a while, I will I want to give you a kind of input. It is not correction but it is a kind of input, just because I really care about you. Apa itu tadi kamu bilang apa itu tadi? Coba diulang lagi. Masak sih seperti itu?‟ kan mesti seperti itu. Q136. Oke. Tentang listening, Ibu, bagaimana Ibu memaksimalkan skill tersebut? A136. Pertama melalui lagu. Lalu baru memasuki teks e… teks monolog pendek. Itu. Lalu nati dialog ndan seterusnya. Kenapa anak-anak ini dulu selalu saya minta mereka untuk ada kelas khusus yaituTOEIC, ya kelas kelas TOEIC untuk anak-anak ini unyuk latihan kuping. Q137. Sudah level TOEIC ya, Bu? A137. Ya. Q138. Kemudian dengan skill membaca dan menulis… A138. Membaca? Oke.Right, reading. Reading itu ada intensive reading dan extensive reading, ada reading aloud itu untuk for checking pronunciation ya. Nah, yang untuk intensive reading itu kan kita lalu mulai dari comprehension questions dulu kan? Baru setelah itu kita bedah bentuk e… text analysis itu selalu saya berikan juga. Dari situ saya akan mencakup di dalamnya ada nanti masuk grammar… Q139. Generic structure?
A139. Tapi saya tidak suka pakai istilah generic structure.Saya lebih suka memakai istlah structure. Itu kan istilah Indonesia karena mereka sendiri kurikulum aslinya itu nggak ada generic structure. Ya, structure, the generic structure of the text. Nanti di Amerika istilahnya udah beda lagi. Nanti kalau anak-anak kita terbiasa dengan generic structure, ndilalah mereka dibawa orang tua mereka jebret ke sana bingung. Narrative kok di sini istilahnyya nggak generic structure ya. Itu kan membedakan. Saya apa ya… what is a lah. Yang jelas meraka tau bahwa the text is constructed through these structures. Yang depan buang. Saya paling nggak suka, maaf ya, ini personal dengan istilah kurikulum, he eh. My personal belief, istilah kurikulum yang ini yaitu dengan adanya short functional text, the functional text is not always short. Iya, agree. Jadi saya lebih suka mekai istilah functional text. Terus ini tadi generic structure, no, pakai aja istilah structure. Q140. Iya juga ya, bu. Dan Ibu akan memaksa kita, oh, ini bukan short functional text, karena ini panjang. Di productive-nya juga. A140. Nah, itu nanti kalau ketemu anak-anak pintar-pintar seperti di sini, „Miss, how come is it a kind of a short functional text? Whereas it is not short.‟ Kalau be quiet, bisa kita sebut short functional text. Q141. Lalu bagaimana dengan mengembangkan writing skill, Bu? A141. Saya lebih sering memberikan assignment atau project ya mbak. Jadi semacam cerita tentang crocodile tadi, lalu review buku untuk kemudian dipresentasikan. Q142. Oke. Ee….m sudah Ibu, sudah terjawab di depan tadi.
Appendix 3 Observation Field Notes
Observation 1 Mrs. Anggi Class 9.3 29 students (19 females and 10 males) SMPN Z Yogyakarta Friday, August 23, 2013 08.30 am. – 09.55 am.
This school is located in the centre of Yogyakarta city. It is one of the most favorite junior high schools in Yogyakarta Special Province. That is the place where I relied on to get the data needed. I made appointment with the teacher already to join her class in the third and fourth period. It starts at 8.30 am but I arrived there at 8.15. I waited the teacher for about 15 minutes then we went to the class together. Entering the class, some students were still busy with their previous lesson, i.e. electronics. They were still drawing the sketch of electricity flow but some students were ready to have English lesson.
Time 08.40
After the students sat quietly, the teacher asked She
their condition, “How are you today?” The confidence and close students answered enthusiastically. The teacher told the students not to repeat the action doing other subjects‟ assignment in other lesson schedules because it has been their responsibility to finish in the correct time. She asked me to introduce myself as an observer in the learning activity.
to the students.
about She
functional text. She intentionally called the students‟
genre as a functional text instead of a short and confidence while functional text as not all functional texts are checking their meta short.
She asked the students to close their books and she emphasized on put them aside then asked some questions about speaking skill to lead functional texts. Some students responded the interactive questions voluntarily but some were pointed.
and learning process.
She emphasized not to be afraid of making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about functional text.
She reviewed examples of greeting cards. She was very open Students answered kinds of greeting cards minded with students actively.
various answers.
Sometimes she corrected students‟ mistakes She
classically and individually especially about the correction flexibly. word forms.
vocabulary integrated with other aspects. She reminded the students to raise their hands She first before answering the questions.
students‟ responsibility.
She asked the students to make a distinction She checked students‟
among notice, caution, and warning. A student meta cognition. answered
her This
tablemate to clarify her incomplete answer.
becomes the phase of
She asked other students to express their mind knowledge transfer. too to make formulated distinction among notice, caution, and warning. She gave some materials about other functional text.
She moved to reviewing gerund. The students She
recalled their understanding about gerund. Some students‟ motivation. students looked confused and she said,” You look confused, but no problem. Confused means learning”. She also used her gestures actively to review the nature of gerund.
She checked whether the students brought She
sufficient dictionary. She said,” Please bring students‟
printed and complete dictionary. I don‟t like about the need of digital or electronic dictionary because it has no bringing
complete information and examples”.
their learning. 09.10
She checked students‟ homework about the She
differences between „risk‟ and „consequence‟. treating students in She pointed one female student to write down terms of gender. the homework on the left row of the whiteboard and one male student on the right side. 09.15
The bell was ringing. She offered students to go She
on the lesson and put the break time at last or democratic value. have a break first. Most students said “Go on ma‟am”, and the lesson went on.
After some students wrote down their homework She
on the board, she tried to formulate the concept students‟ confidence. of „risk‟ and „consequence‟ together with the students. She asked students‟ own words to formulate to make it easier to understand and she helped writing the formula. She said that the students were free to formulate it in other words. She gave number of examples how to use „risk‟ She used philosophy and „consequence‟ in the context to distinguish to them.
describe a concept.
She never asked the students to write, not to She freed students‟ write, or listen the explanation as long as they learn understand the lesson.
learning strategy.
She asked students to make sentences using She
„risk‟ and „consequence‟. She called students students‟ randomly focusing those who had not yet involvement. participated in the class to write down their sentences on the board. One of the students said,” Miss, saya takut She kalimatnya salah e”.
students‟ confidence.
She responded, “Don‟t worry. Gak papa, nanti
kita cek sama-sama”. 09.45
She checked students‟ sentences. Some did She grammatical
the grammar into writing
mistakes right away in front of the class.
skill. She
correction classically. 09.55
The class ended. The teacher greeted the students and reminded about the following materials to prepare. The students answered teacher‟s greeting.
Observation 2 Mr. Inu Class 7.1 32 students (16 females and 13 males, 3 students were absent) SMPN Y Yogyakarta Saturday, August 24, 2013 08.40 am. – 10.25 am.
Almost the same as the previous school, this school is located in the centre of Yogyakarta city as well. That is the second place where I relied on to get the data needed. I made appointment with the teacher already to join his class in the third and fourth period. It starts at 8.35 am but I arrived there at 8.15. I waited the teacher for about 20 minutes. When I arrived and found out Class 7.1, I heard his voice teaching in Class 7.3. I waited him finish teaching while spying his teaching style in the class veranda. The bell was ringing, I saw him leaving the class. I called him and we entered Class 7.1 together. Entering the class, some students were still busy with something else.
Time 08.40
Since it was August 24, 2013, he asked student He entered the class number 24 to lead the class greeting the teacher. enthusiatically. Unfortunately, the student was absent.
He asked the captain then. The captain kept silent students‟ motivation, looked confused. He said, “Setelah liburan need, and awareness. lebaran kenapa pada lupa ucapan salam kepada The students did not guru? Come on, ayo diingat kembali bagaimana feel reluctant greeting member salam kepada guru.”
the teacher.
He then asked Ian, a male student who had stayed
in Australia for about 4, 5 years. Ina could lead his friends greet the teacher and the teacher replied friendlily. He briefly described about some values should the students learn mostly thoroughly in the Curriculum 2013, i.e. to be creative, autonomous, and active.
He reviewed previous materials and checked He
students‟ homework. He asked one representative students‟ confidence of each group to write down the homework on the and encouraged them board. Some students were reluctant and one of to be more sensitive, them said, “Kamu aja, aku takut salah e” pointing responsible,
their classmate. Seeing this condition, he said, reactive. “Gak papa, salah itu belajar” and counted down 10 to 1. If no representative came at the front, they would get a penalty. One student got a problem; her board marker did not work and said, “Duh Pak, spidolnya macet”. Seeing this condition he reminded the students about their classroom contract that each student has to have a printed dictionary, a grammar book, an exercise book, and a board marker.
After all groups finished writing down all of their He
homework, he checked the answer. He wrote grammar in writing down the question of the homework and skill. translated it in Indonesian.
He discussed types of times as the base of tense He checked students‟ distinction. He asked some students. One meta cognition. answered,
evening, and night, Sir”, the second student answered, “a.m. and p.m., and the third student, that is Ian, a student who had stayed in Australia answered, “future, present, and past”. 09.10
He asked the students to move to homework He activated students‟ Number 2. As Number 1, he asked one involvement
representative of each group to come in front. He encouraged both fast asked the students who had not yet participated to and take turn writing down on the board. 09.15
learners to be active.
The bell was ringing. He asked the students to have a break. The students had a break.
Break time ended and the lesson continued but He
some students were not in condition. He said, “Sit students‟ readiness to down and be quiet, please. Let‟s continue our perform. lesson”. He reminded about next meeting agenda that is performance on singing an English song in group. It would be recorded so he asked the students to practice a rehearsal before the recorded performance. He offered each group to be the volunteer to He
perform at the first, “Kelompok mana yang mau students‟ autonomy. maju pertama? Ini melatih kesadaran dan kemandirian kalian lho”. No one wanted to perform at the first, so the teacher did a lottery. Zahra‟s group got the first turn. The rehearsal did He
not work really well. Some students did not students‟
memorize the lyrics and felt embarrassed to sing, aptitude, so
individual responsibility,
performance. While
confidence. Zahra‟s
member He
individually, he asked other students to pay students‟ personality attention to the performance because they looked to busy preparing their own rehearsal. 09.55
appreciate each other.
Zahra‟s group finished doing rehearsal. He asked He
Zahra‟s captain to choose other group to perform students‟ the rehearsal next. The captain chose Group 3 to pronunciation, perform. The third performance came into Group correction,
error and
6,the fourth performance was for Group 5, and motivation. the last was from Group 2. The rehearsal worked He played as a good smoothly. The teacher checked either group or model. individual performance to make them ready in the real performance. He gave feedback and input toward their pronunciation, expression, mimic, gesture, and tone. He also gave a model of singing a song performance. 10.25
The rehearsal ended at the same time the class He
was over. The teacher reminded the following students‟ week performance that every group should responsibility. prepare everything well moreover it would be recorded using handy cam.
Observation 3 Mr. Inu Class 7.5 32 students (18 females and 14 males) SMPN Y Yogyakarta Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10.30 am. – 11.45 am.
This is my second time doing the observation in SMP Y Yogyakarta as the triangulation data. I observed the same teacher but in different class. I made appointment with the teacher already to join his class in the fifth and sixth period. It starts at 10.25 am but I arrived there earlier, at 10.10. I went to Class 7.5 in which the class was still having religion lesson. The bell was ringing and the English teacher came. He entered the class. At the same time the class would be observed by another English teacher from SMP N Y Yogyakarta too for PKG (Penilaian Kinerja Guru). I met the teacher observer at the class veranda and we entered Class 7.5 together.
Time 10.30
Description The teacher greeted the students and they He
Comment used
answered it. The teacher observer and I introduced media in his teaching. ourselves and asked for permission to observe their learning activity that morning. Some were still busy with other things. While they were preparing the lesson, the teacher prepared his teaching media, i.e. laptop, LCD projector, and speaker since they would have listening section.
Some students were busy with their laptop because He gave freedom to the materials were not only provided in the form of the students to use printed book but also in the form of electronic any kinds of media book. 10.40
and materials.
He asked the students to watch the video in the He
LCD projector. They looked enjoyed watching the material
sample (video)
video. Some students laughed since it was very which have similar funny. The video is a good example for the context
students‟ condition since it shows children in Indonesian students. Japan practiced introducing themselves. As we know, Japan and Indonesia are English foreign language countries. Moreover, the video shows students with different level of ability in English. Some are very excellent, fair, and low therefore the students can reflect their ability. 10.45
about He
introducing themselves from the video by asking students‟
developed meta
number of questions. One of them is, “What do the cognition. students do in the video?” One student raising his hand answered, “Introducing themselves, Sir”. He continued with the next questions checking He
students‟ comprehension but they kept silent. He students‟ confidence. asked them not to be afraid of making mistakes and feel confidence on whatever they wanted to say. He asked them to mention kinds of information He included in the introduction by saying the students‟ expressions and then they guessed what it was cognition.
developed meta
such as, “My name is”, they said, “Name”, “I like mother, father, brother, sister”, they responded, “Family”, and “I like cookies”, they answered, “Favorite food”. 10.47
Suddenly the electricity was off. He worried about He was creative in it since actually he still had many to watch. In that making decision what condition, he could not force the students to watch to do in teaching in the video. He decided to review the information the and
“Introducing condition.
themselves”. He checked students‟ understanding about the topic randomly and welcomed questions. After that, he gave students worksheet. He distributed
comprehension questions related to the previous video. 11.03
some He
comprehension questions. He reminded them to be teaching punctuation careful with the punctuation and spelling.
listening and writing skill. He moved around monitoring students‟ work and He
found one student made a misspelling. He wrote correction classically. the misspelling „childer‟ on the board and discussed with the students. 11.08
While doing the assignment, one of the students He was open-minded asked, “Pak, boleh buka kamus tidak?” and he toward
answered, “Silakan boleh. Manfaatkan fasilitas development. He let yang ada asal milik sendiri”. He moved around the students use any
again. The students enjoyed doing the assignment. kinds learning media They used various media; printed dictionary, including of gadget laptop,
electronic under his control.
dictionary. He opened the windows since some students felt He students‟
very hot.
responded condition
and need reactively. He continued moving around. While moving He
around, he reminded the students to always bring a students‟
dictionary, a grammar book, an exercise book, and and responsibility. a board marker as those equipments are essential in their learning activity.
progress, He
“Sampai nomor 2 sudah selesai?””Belum”, students work. students answered. He wrote down some information in “Introduction He
themselves” such as name, family, hobby, age, pronunciation
school, address, favorite food, favorite drink, and listening skill. favorite color. Then, he asked the students to pronounce
pronunciation. The students still made a mispronunciation especially in falling, raising, short, and long voice. He gave suggestion to the students how to use dictionary related to correct pronunciation. 11.30
He continued moving around. While doing it, one He was open-minded of the students asked, “Pak, kalau jawabannya with
tidak sama persis boleh. Aku sering pakai JHS variation used by the daripada junior high school. Disingkat gitu boleh, students. Pak?” Another student asked, “Pak, yang benar color atau colour?”. He explained the answer. He welcomes various terms as long as they have similar meaning. Besides, he let the students to use abbreviation and British or American English. 11.40
He continued moving around and found one He
student made a mistake. He wrote down the correction classically mistake and discussed it classically. “Coba semua without
perhatikan kalimat „My hobby is playing football the student‟s name and
kalian that made a mistake
bagaimana?” The students laughed and some to develop students‟ whispered, “Swimming pool ki rak kolam renang confidence. to?” The teacher explained,” Ini yang swimming pool artinya apa to? Kolam renang kan? Jadi lebih baik pool nya dihilangkan ya”. 11.45
He asked whether the students still had difficulties. He
Unfortunately the bell was ringing. He ended the students‟ autonomy. lesson and gave home work to finish all that day‟s class assignment to be submitted the following week.
Observation 4 Mrs. Anggi Class 9.CI.2 SMPN Z Yogyakarta Saturday, August 31, 2013 08.50 am. – 10.10 am.
This is my second time doing the observation in SMP Z Yogyakarta as the triangulation data. I observed the same teacher but in different class. I made appointment with the teacher already to join his class in the third and fourth period. It must start at 08.30 but the teacher came late since she was not really feeling well. We entered the class at 08.50. The students had presentation agenda about report text that day. This section is intended to develop students‟ meta cognition and autonomy.
08.50 She greeted the students and the students replied She let the students to enthusiastically. This class belongs to acceleration bring any media to class so the atmosphere looks different with the facilitate the learning regular classes. It is more convenient. Most activity. students brought laptops to facilitate their learning activity. She opened the lesson and said that day‟s agenda, i.e. presentation. She told the students that I would join their class and let me introduce me. 08.55 She called the first group to have a presentation. She While the group was preparing the media (laptop, students‟
developed motivation
LCD projector) other groups were preparing their and awareness about own presentation. They sat in group and did a brief the need of learning
rehearsal. She told the students to show their best English. so they did not to repeat the presentation. She also said that she was a demanding teacher different with other teachers who felt satisfied enough with students‟ achievement. She did it to make the students always upgrade their ability and improve their competence so when they face more complicated cases about English they will be readier. 09.00 This was the time for the first group to present. It She
consists of six students. The leader greeted the correction audience
error after
introduce lesson classically not
themselves. The group talked about earthquake as to
the report text example. Student 1 opened the concentration. presentation. He described about the general classification. Student 2 talked about further explanation
distinguished the difference between general classification in a report text and identification in descriptive text. Student 3 defined what earthquake is. She said that the keyword of a definition is there is a word „is‟. Student 4 talked about part 1 of description part. He explained the cause of an earthquake. He pronounced the word „occur‟ incorrectly, then the teacher wrote it in her paper to discuss. Student 5 talked about part 2 of description part. She explained the characteristics of an earthquake. Student 6 talked about part 3 of
description part. He explained the type of an earthquake. He pronounced the word „caused‟ incorrectly and the teacher again wrote it in her paper to discuss. The last, the leader gave a conclusion statement about the presentation. During the presentation, some presenters brought She
small note and some did not. Other students were effective and efficient sometimes noisy preparing their own following learning activity. presentation and the teacher reminded them to keep presentation run well. 09.20 There were three following groups presented report text. The presentation flow was similar with the first group. 09.50 The presentation ended. The teacher gave comment She
and feedback for every group. She reviewed how students‟ motivation. every group presented, the goodness and the badness such as pronunciation, eye contact, and the power point design. She asked all groups to repeat the presentation on the following meeting. Most students felt sad but the teacher encouraged them not to give up and always improve their English. 10.10 The class ended.
Appendix 4 Shared Beliefs and the Interpretation
Teachers’ Shared Beliefs Category Teacher‟s intention
Indicator All respondents view that teacher‟s self intention supports the success of teaching.
Catalogue Inu Q1-A1 to Q4A4 Lilin Q1-A1 to Q2A2 Anggi Q1-A1 to Q5-A5
Interpretation Realize self awareness about the nature of teaching. inner motivation
Teacher‟s forum involvement
All respondents view that teacher‟s forum, such as seminar, workshop, and training supports the success of teaching.
Inu Q5-A5 to Q6A6 Lilin Q3-A3 to Q4A4 Anggi Q6-A6 to Q15-A15
Supplement to open mind and get recent information through teaching forum.
Teacher‟s All respondents view Inu Q16-A16 belief about the that the nature of a Lilin Q11-A11 nature of EFL language is a means Anggi Q31-A31 of communication.
Teacher‟s belief about the indicator of a successful English learner
Two respondents have one same view that graduating from junior high school with high final examination mark is one of indicators of a successful English learner. Teacher‟s Two respondents have belief about an one same view that effective and students who ask efficient learner critically when they find learning
Inu Q25-A25 Lilin Q20-A20
Inu Q27-A27 Anggi Q44-A44
Means of communication not to get high score in final examination because it belongs to compulsory subject. There is a gap between the nature of EFL and the learning.
Correlates with meta cognition
problems or difficulties are the characteristics of an effective and efficient learner. Teacher‟s All respondents view belief about that one of the focuses learning focus of learning is to get knowledge. Teacher‟s Two respondents have belief about one same view that learning creating fun situation process can succeed learning process.
Inu Q34-A34 Lilin Q37-A37 Anggi Q58-A58
The similar belief is getting new knowledge.
Inu Q35-A35 Lilin Q28-A28
Teacher‟s Two respondents have belief about a one same view about teacher‟s role teacher‟s roles that a teacher should be able to play as a source of information. One same view is also proposed by two respondents, i.e. teacher‟s role as a learning partner.
Lilin Q38-A38 Anggi Q92-A92
As the mechanism of how brain achieves the messages from the senses, the teacher agree that relaxing atmosphere is the most convenient to conduct a learning activity. Teacher is the stake holder of a classroom. So being a source of information should be maintained. Secondly, to support relaxing atmosphere, a teacher should play a role as students‟ learning partner.
Teacher‟s belief developing students‟ grammar
Inu Q39-A39 Lilin Q38-A38
Two respondents have Inu Q47-A47 in one same view that Anggi Q103-A103 teaching grammar can be done through integrating grammar
Integrated followed by separated drilling. Integrated to see the context example. Drilling to give
Teacher‟s belief involving students actively
material into particular language skill. Two respondents have another same view that teaching grammar can be done through drilling or putting it in one special session. Two respondents have in one same view that giving reward can involve students actively.
Inu Q48-A48 Lilin Q65-A65
Inu Q50-A50 Lilin Q67-A69
To make students active, there should be a stimulant. Two teacher have the same belief the stimulant is reward. It is in line with the age phase of junior high school students who like competition in getting the best mark or attention from the teacher.
Teacher‟s belief facilitating various learning strategies
Two respondents have Inu Q54-A54 in one same view that Lilin Q76-A79 using audio, video, movie, and power point can accommodate various learning strategies.
Various media involving various senses can facilitate various learning strategies.
Teacher‟s belief developing students‟ character education
All respondents view Inu Q57-A58 in that character Lilin Q80-A85 education can be Anggi Q117-A118 developed successfully when the it is integrated in the
Integrated instead of separated.
learning process. Teacher‟s All respondents view Inu Q60-A60 belief about that students‟ age Lilin Q87-A87 students‟ age does not influence the Anggi Q119-A119 success of developing successful learners. It is more on the maturity of the students. Teacher‟s belief developing students‟ motivation
Two respondents have Inu Q59-A59 in one same view that Lilin Q86-A86 giving reward can increase motivation especially external motivation.
The success of a learner is not totally determined by the age but maturity.
The same as activating students, giving stimulant in the form of reward may develop external motivation.
Teacher‟s All respondents view Inu Q64-A64 belief about that female students Lilin Q89-A89 students‟ tend to show more Anggi Q124-A124 gender positive attitudes than male students.
Female students as the nature of gender tend to show better psychological characteristics.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ meta cognition
Inu Q66-A66 Lilin Q90-A90
Reflection used to measure each student‟s meta cognition.
Inu Q73-A73 Lilin Q98-A98
Separated technique.
Two respondents have one similar view that assigning student reflection session can develop students‟ meta cognition. Teacher‟s Two respondents have belief in one same view that developing developing students‟ students‟ vocabulary vocabulary competence can be competence done through drilling and memorizing list of vocabulary.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ pronunciation
Two respondents have Lilin Q99-A99 one same view that Anggi Q134-A134 developing students‟ pronunciation is effectively achieved by integrating it into particular skill.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ listening skill
Inu Q81-A82 Lilin Q101-A101 Anggi Q136-A136
The teaching media is audio and video
Inu Q85-A86 Anggi Q138-A138
Reading is develop by distinguishing it into two micro skills.
Teacher‟s Two respondents have Inu Q88-A89 belief in one same view that Lilin developing writing skill is Anggi Q141-A141 students‟ actively achieved if it writing skill is developed using assignment and project.
Writing in the form of works so that students can process it in comprehensive process.
All respondents view that audio and video are two appropriate media to develop students‟ listening skill. Teacher‟s Two respondents have belief in one same view that developing reading skill is students‟ effectively developed reading skill if it is divided into two, reading aloud (develop pronunciation) and reading comprehension.
Appendix 5 Individual Beliefs and the Interpretation
Mrs. Lilin’s Individual Beliefs Category Response Teaching A5. Gambaran umum dari and learning pandangan saya, saya condition kurang tahu gambaran dari siswa tapi saya merasa kelas saya baik-baik saja dan fine-fine saja. A6. Satu kelas tidak sama, untuk kelas 9 itu ada 44 lalu ada yang 42, sedangkan untuk kelas 8 kami ada 39 dan ada yang 40, jadi tidak sama satu kelas dengan yang lain. A7. Sangat beragam dan variatif. Saya boleh bilang bahwa pembagian pengelompokan kelas ini belum, bukan tidak, belum mendukung saya banyak dalam kegiatan bahasa Inggris karena pengelompokan ini tidak berdasar kemampuan akademik mereka, jadi ada yang pintar, pintar sekali, kemudian ada yang kurang, kurang sekali, sehingga kadang-kadang menjembatani itu itu yang sangat menantang atau susah.
Indicator Students‟ classification has not yet supported the teacher in teaching English as the number is so large and very heterogeneous.
Interpretation She believes homogeneous is better. Class with small number of students is better
Teacher‟s belief about the nature of EFL
A12. Bahasa Inggris masih menjadi bahasa asing absolutely, bukan bahasa ke dua sama sekali, sehingga karena dia adalah bahasa asing dan dikenal sebagai bahasa asing, karena bukan bahasa kedua, saya pikir memang untuk pengajarannya membutuhkan treatmenttreatment yang tertentu dan khusus. Misalnya, katakanlah kalau untuk sebagai contoh misalnya Singapore yang menurut saya bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua ya, materi yang digunakan bisa dalam bentuk content based, jadi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk tiap mapel, misalnya geografi sekaligus bahasa Inggris, tapi untuk kita disini tentu saja bahasa Inggris harus dipisah, seperti itu, jadi pembelajaran sendiri, independent, dan tentu saja menurut saya lebih khusus, seperti itu.
As a foreign language, teaching and learning English need special treatment.
She believes that the nature of EFL as an absolutely foreign language affects the technique it is learnt and taught. She considered technique as the major factor influenced by the EFL instead of other elements such as media, curriculum.
Teacher‟s belief about problems in EFL
A13. …. Of course on my point of view I have no idea, tetapi ketika lebih kurang share untuk yang kelas 9
On the teacher‟s point of view, English is easy to learn, but on
From her statement, it can be inferred that she considers
karena tuntutan pemerintah itu, mereka di UN ya, melihat karakteristik soal UN itu lebih banyak di vocab, di penguasaan kata. Karena iya. Vocab itu asing di telinga mereka, mereka belum pernah kenal dengan vocab itu, seperti itu.
students point of view, moreover for the 9th graders, it is likely difficult particularly on vocabulary aspect.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ vocabulary
A14. Kalau untuk vocab saya memang di kelas selalu ada drill. Kalau tahu satu dosen saya yang bernama Pak Purba. Beliau itu punya metode di kelas vocab beliau itu ada drilling vocab, jadi kami para siswa diberi daftar kata kemudian dihafalkan
To improve students‟ vocabulary, the teacher holds a drilling technique; giving list of vocabularies to memorize.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ motivation
A18. I have to say that they are motivated to course. Jadi ketika saya bilang kalau itu dinilai mereka akan sangat…dan itu memang menjadikan nilai kuis ya, jadi kuis vocab itu pada akhirnya nanti saya rata-rata kemudian di akhir semester menjadi salah satu nilai yang masuk perhitungan untuk nilai raport.
Students are more motivated and enthusiastic in doing an assignment when it is assessed.
A20. Yang berhasil adalah Generally,
final examination is such a big problem in EFL learning. Vocabulary is seen as the most difficult matter to learn as the appearance is unpredictable. Unlike what is promoted in the post-modern era to use mixed method in EFL instruction, she still believes memorizing as the best technique in mastering vocabulary.
a She
belief about the indicator of a successful English learner
ketika target yang diincar itu terlaksana. Itu tergantung si pembelajar sih Mbak, dia targetnya apa. Tiap individu berbeda ya. Kalau untuk anak SMP otomatis lulus sekolah dengan nilai UN yang bagus, targetnya itu. Tapi untuk pribadi yang lain berbeda.
successful English learner is a student who can reach his/ her individual learning target. For junior high school students, mostly the students want to graduate from junior high school with high national final examination mark.
beliefs in relation to indicator of successful learner. The first, belief related to English for Specific Purposes that every individual is learner successful when they achieve their own formed and decided their own target. The second, a learner is considered successful when they can meet governments‟ demand, i.e. graduating from school with high mark of final examination. Both indicators, from her point of view might be fulfilled simultaneously as both likely influence each other.
Teacher‟s A22. Those with high The Based on belief about motivation, dengan motivasi characteristic of experience, an effective yang tinggi dan yang mau an effective and effective
her an and
and efficient membuka diri. learner A23. Awareness juga.
efficient English learner is having high motivation and awareness.
Teacher‟s belief about the indicator of a successful English learner
To many indicators people can make about a successful English learner. Two of them are national examination mark and the use of English in the real world. On the national examination mark point of view, the school where the teacher teaches got the third rank in the average English mark in Kota Yogyakarta in 2012. It can be
A26. Kalau dilihat dari nilai bagus UN itu sukses maka saya bilang sukses, tetapi kalau saya bilang the real di dunia nyata saya boleh bilang dan saya berani bilang bahwa masih banyak siswa saya yang malu untuk berkomunikasi.
A27. Iya tentu saja, untuk komunikasi lisan dan secara spontan mereka masih harus mengasah kepercayaan diri padahal mereka memiliki teori yang bagus jadi mereka lebih ke apa, saya lupa istilahnya David Nunan, knowledge mereka lebih bukan ke procedural knowledge. A28. Should be fun. Kalau
efficient learner holds high motivation and awareness. She looks at the learner‟s psychological factor instead of pedagogical factor such as having high mark in the assignment and examination. The indicator of a successful learner can also be seen from the interaction between students and teacher. For students who will face final examination indeed the teacher plays dominant role as a source. However, for the lower graders, it should be done reciprocally. Moreover, the indicator can be seen from real world communication point of view beside high final
ditanya mereka, mereka pasti pinginnya yang fun. Kalau dari gurunya, kalau dari saya ya fun, fun for both teacher and students. A29. Tidak ada, jadi kami saling, menurut saya… A30. Untuk kelas 9 of course dependent with me. Kalau kelas 8 saya ingin lebih menjadi partner dalam belajar tidak selalu TTT, Teacher Talking Too much, jadi apa ya, jadi kedua belah pihak bisa belajar satu sama lain. Tapi kalau kelas 9 ya mau tidak mau gurunya yang berperan lebih banyak. A31. Iya. Karena untuk UN. Tapi meskipun demikian kadang-kadang di kelas saya memang mereka saya kondisikan berkelompok dulu, mereka saling belajar dulu, tapi pada akhirnya memang guru harus mendekati.
Teacher‟s A32. Iya seperti itu tetapi belief about sekarang untuk pembagian
seen that the students were successful to be English learners. However, on the real world use, they were not yet successful English learners because they emphasized more on declarative knowledge instead of procedural knowledge. An ideal learning process should be fun for both teacher and student. For the 9th graders, the teacher becomes source of knowledge more because they will face national examination. However, for other graders, the teacher becomes learning partner. In facing national
examination mark.
She believes that grouping students
strategy to kelas sudah diranking prepare national A33. Iya, untuk kelas 9 saja examination tidak untuk kelas 8 dan kelas 7, jadi per mapel, 4 mapel itu kita lihat mana yang lemah lalu nanti kita kelompokkan yang paling lemah itu di kelas ini
examination, the school groups the students based on their ability classically based on students placement test from the highest until the lowest A34. Kami ambil dari yang to make it easier improving nilai rata-ratanya,,, in kelemahannya memang their ability. seperti itu ya, jadi ada yang bagus bahasa Inggris lalu dia masuknya, tapi kita lihatnya seperti ini, jadi misalnya 5 terbawah di bahasa Inggris 5 terbawah di matematika. Gimana sih menjelaskannya emmm gimana ya Mbak menjelaskannya. 5 terbawah…rata-rata ya.
based on their level of intelligence is an effective and efficient technique to help them preparing final examination. Using this technique, the faster learner can get enrichment and the slow learner can get remedial treatment.
A35. Iya, rata-rata 4. Tapi ada korelasinya. Korelasinya seperti ini, biasanya itu memang ketika dia tidak bagus di mapel ini dia di mapel yang lain juga tidak,,kalau kami lihat kecenderungannya seperti itu. Teacher‟s A36. Kalau kelas 9 ya Learning focus It can be inferred belief about strategi latihan-latihan for the 9th that Lilin
learning focus
sesuai dengan SKL. A37. Of course ya untuk ilmu, sesuai dengan SKL dari pemerintah juga, sesuai dengan kurikulum yang kami kembangkan. Juga tidak dari pemerintah tetapi lebih ke belajar untuk berkomunikasi.
Teacher‟s A38. Peran guru, saya pikir belief about peran guru bisa fasilitator, teacher‟s bisa penyumbang ilmu, bisa
graders is to use the strategies in graduate standard to get high mark whereas for 7th & 8th graders is to get knowledge especially communication ability.
classifies learning focus based on the students‟ condition and demand. She thinks there is a shift of learning focus along the learning process. She believes when the students are not in position of preparing examination, it is the time to get knowledge especially related to the nature of a language that is communication ability. However, when the students are in the last grade of an educational program, it is the time to make a shift on learning focus, that is to prepare final examination in order to achieve as high mark as possible. Generally, a From her teacher plays response, it can roles as a be inferred that
rekan kerja, teman, jadi facilitator, Lilin can play saya pikir berbagai macam knowledge roles contributor, and proportionally in partner. giving a hand toward her A39. Absolutely. Saya students. She bilang you can ask anything believes that a about English outside the teacher has class, tapi ya hanya satu vertical and dua tidak semuanya horizontal roles in termotivasi. developing students. The vertical role is played when she pays attention that students need her help as a source of information. On the other hand, the horizontal role is played when she also realizes that students need a partner. Teacher‟s A42. Belum ada research Learning context She holds a belief belief about tentang hal itu, tapi saya is not limited on that educational is private pikir kami ya saling the school area, not only limited course berkontribusi lah, tentu saja so having a on school area. kami yang di sekolah private course Students are berkontribusi karena saya (lesson) outside encouraged to pikir pembelajaran menurut the school is an join such private saya adalah pendidikan ordinary thing to lesson outside the yang sesungguhnya tidak improve school to enlarge hanya di dalam sekolah, students‟ ability. their opportunity yang terjadi di kehidupan in practicing mereka. Dipersilakan English. Even
untuk…Ya, untuk menggali potensi silakan, ya nggak salah. Karena di sekolah sendiri, katakanlah mereka ingin mencoba berkomunikasi dengan native, sekolah kan belum bisa mengakomodasi seperti itu. Absolutely kalau mau ikut di ELF atau di Real English, silakan, kalau masih punya keuangan, silakan.
Teacher‟s belief about an effective teacher
A45. Efektif tentu saja yang tidak pantang menyerah, yang konsisten dengan nilai yang saya pegang.
An effective teacher is a teacher who never gives up and be A46. Ya prinsip apa yang consistent with values, guru punya, seperti itu, itu the yang efektif. Kemudian principles she/ he holds. untuk yang efisien, mmmm
though there is no study investigating the advantages of taking a private course, she believes that it contributes positively toward students English proficiency. She realizes that sometimes school cannot accommodate each student want because mostly education is run based on the curriculum so it is normal that students take a private course to meet their want and target. From the statement it indicates that the teacher‟s spirit of keeping her/ his efforts on the track on and on contributes in forming an effective teacher. As we know, effective in this
case means giving effect so in her point of view, effect appears when a teacher never gives up and always keeps the value. Teacher‟s belief about an efficient teacher
A47. Yang efisien tentu saja yang, ah gimana ya, dari segi guru ya ya tentu saja yang berkontribusi banyak, tetapi sekali lagi yang berkontribusi banyak itu yang seperti apa, mungkin lebih baik bertanya ke siswanya. Karena sebagi guru saya sudah berkontribusi banyak tetapi entah apakah mereka, apakah ini benar-benar working, I have no idea.
An efficient teacher is a teacher who contributes much in her/ his professional.
The word „efficient‟ in nature means doing an action in a short time. However, from Lilin‟s statement it indicates that she does not see „efficient‟ from time point of view but using as large opportunity as possible to complete her/ his responsibility professionally.
Teacher‟s belief in implementin g teaching method
A48. Task-based tentu saja dan text-based. Karena dari pemerintah kan sudah task-based ya. Kalau skillbased lebih saya gunakan di kelas 8, jadi saya suka sekali teaching ya I love teaching them practice, roleplaying, ya seperti itu.
A teacher can use task-based and text-based method as government requires and skill-based method especially for 8th graders.
She distinguishes teaching method based on students‟ level, she adapted and adopted the method based on students‟ teaching demand. Since grade eight is
regarded as those who have enough pre-requisite English foundation but not yet concentrated on preparing final examination, this grade is considered as the appropriate level to implement skill-based method in order to increase practice opportunity. On the other hand, grade seven and grade nine are seen as not really appropriate grade to implement skill-based method as grade seven still dig lot of foundation material whereas grade nine are prepares to face final examination that is more appropriate using test-based method.
Teacher‟s belief about a successful English teacher
A55. Open minded, open to any information, knowledge from others. Ya sekali lagi open-minded, ya itu tuntutan ya, apalagi sekarang sedang gencargencarnya UKG, itu memengaruhi sertifikasi, tapi ya saya pikir itu akan saya pribadi belum menerima ya tapi saya pikir itu akan memacu. A56. Uji Kompetensi Guru apa ya, eh sorry maaf, ada penilaian. Uji Kompetensi Guru yang nanti ada penilaian juga yang dilakukan oleh dinas, apakah guru ini masih kompeten untuk menerima sertifikasi atau tidak, dalam arti, apa itu, tunjangan sertifikasi.
To be professional, a teacher should be open minded, open to any information, and knowledge from others moreover nowadays government has certification program.
Lilin considers a successful teacher is a professional teacher. She/ he is characterized by having internal and external professional status. An internal status for her point of view is being openminded to any information and knowledge. Whereas, an external status is a certificated teacher who keeps the professional development consistently.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ communicat ive competence
A60. Oh ada English day di kelas RSBI, ketika mereka memproduksi satu bahasa non English they have to pay.
To develop communicative competence, a teacher should develop both spoken and written skills. For spoken skills, a teacher can hold English Day with fine punishment. For
She distinguishes communication into spoken and written communication. From her explanation, it can be interpreted that real practice is seen as an appropriate technique to
A61. Rp 100.00 per word. Tapi saya belum ngecek lagi setelah libur paskah ini, karena saya sempat cuti hamil jadi setelah masuk saya belum cek lagi dan itu
efektif di semester satu, written skills, a semester dua sepertinya teacher can have belum konsisten lagi. a project such as English A62. Tidak ada wall magazine. magazine. Belum ada. Tapi kami meminta siswa untuk membuat produk tulisan, sekali lagi untuk kelas RSBI ya Mbak. Kelas RSBI saya selalu menugaskan mereka untuk membuat majalah. Sayang sekali tidak ada di sini, saya menyimpannya di rumah tapi hasilnya luar biasa, jadi majalah bahasa Inggris yang isinya itu empat genre, apa, empat jenis text itu mereka mengumpulkan itu lalu mereka harus wawancara guru lalu mereka membuat iklan, it‟s fun.
develop communicative competence instead of assigning task. For oral communication, she believes giving a rule to speak full English in a particular time and fining for the non English term are the best way to develop communicative competence. It is due to the natural, spontaneous, and contextual practice the students use. In addition, she believes assigning a big project such as making an English magazine with agreed theme and topic is seen the best way to develop written communicative competence. It is due to the time needed in completing a
written project is quite long so the students can develop their competence accordingly while creating meta cognition autonomously. Teacher‟s A65. Dengan drill, In developing She believes belief in pelatihan biasa, saya grammar, a traditional developing menggunakan buku Betty teacher can use technique, that is students‟ Schrampfer Azar. drilling drilling is the best grammar technique. way to develop competence grammar competence. Teacher‟s A67. Memberi motivasi belief in mereka seperti itu. Siswa involving akan aktif ketika meraka students tahu itu dinilai. actively A68. Ada beberapa karakter yang tertutup, tapi ada juga beberapa yang nilai nggak dinilai tetap maju. Iya, tetapi sebagian agak besar itu mereka akan aktif ketika tahu itu dinilai, jadi susah. Mau gimana lagi. A69. Tapi sekali lagi gurunya memang harus memberi motivasi juga untuk, apa ya, tugas guru juga, ketika siswa tidak suka
To improve students‟ involvement actively, a teacher can give motivation by giving reward or mark for any assigned task.
External motivation is seen as the best technique to involve students actively. Shea realizes the fact that not all students are aware of the significance of learning process. So, some should be extra encouraged to get involved in a learning process. That‟s the normal condition if the teacher should
dengan bahasa Inggris mungkin gurunya yang terlalu stritck. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ awareness
A72. Saya suka memberi cerita tentang pengalaman. Tapi saya justru suka bercerita mengenai pengalaman teman. Jadi ada beberapa teman saya yang bekerja di LSM kemudian bertemu dengan orang asing, so I‟d like memberitahu mereka bahwa bahasa Inggris berguna, atau saya berangkat dari tidak dimungkiri anak-anak sekarang itu suka, Koreanbased itu ada tetapi mereka juga gandrung sekali dengan yang namanya One Direction, apalagi yang cewek, kalau yang cowok mungkin band atau film, jadi apa ya, mereka melihat siapa sih yang asing lalu diberikan situasi juga, kalau kamu ketemu sama dia tidak bisa bahasa Inggris apa yang terjadi? Nah seperti itu. Kalau kelas 9 Mbak, mereka akan termotivasi mendekati UN, entah kenapa itu yang terjadi. Jadi anak kelas 9 itu secara otomatis, oh iya ding mau UN.
promise a reward for activating the students. To develop awareness of the significance of learning process, a teacher can share a figure‟s experience who can master English well and use English for her/ his career successfully.
To develop students‟ awareness, she believes it can run successfully by telling a true story about the significance of learning process. She expects the students will be more aware also by giving a conditional situation when English the one the only media to communicate.
A73. Tetapi motivasinya menjadi mendapatkan nilai yang bagus kan .Yang membuat prihatin adalah ketika mereka tidak memberi nilai, they do not tell the process. A74. Iya, hanya pada hasil, padahal itu pilihan ganda, pilihan ganda itu saya pikir tidak begitu mengukur kemampuan mereka, tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk gambling kan? Misalkan ABCD, dia milih D dan itu benar, belum tentu dia tahu bahwa D itu benar. Ah aku pilih D ah, dan itu benar dan itu dinilai benar. Teacher‟s belief in facilitating various learning strategies.
A76. Itu heterogen sekali, tapi karena klasikal disini jadi tidak semua bisa diakomodir.
A teacher should be flexible in accommodating various learning styles such as power A77. Saya tidak dengan using sengaja menjembatani, jadi point and movie. eeeee yang saya lakukan selama ini ya untuk yang UN memang lebih ke drill soal, jadi jeleknya saya memang terkadang saya membawa mereka ke arah yang saya suka, OK
Being flexible is the term used by Lilin to state her belief about facilitating various learning strategies. She thinks by being flexible she is able to accommodate all students‟ learning strategies fairly.
sekarang kita ini itu. A79. Oh ya, of course, movie cuplikan buat tampilan aja, power point iya, kemudian video, biasanya ada beberapa video yang diunduh dari Youtube. Tapi kita belum bisa menggunakan film, karena bahasa film itu, apa ya, saya lebih suka menggunakan film dikit, karena kalau video komunikasi seperti itu kan terkadang masih kaku, Hi how are you?, it‟s like, kaku sekali. Tapi kalau film sudah „Okay, morning‟ Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ motivation
A86. Mengembangkan motivasi? Emm. Baik internal maupun eksternal. Kalau eksternal mungkin dengan nilai itu tadi ya, kalau secara internal biar internal motivation mereka berkembang ya misalnya kesadaran yang itu tadi, coba kalau kamu ketemu orang luar negeri.
Giving reward may increase external motivation. Developing students‟ awareness of the significance of learning may increase internal motivation.
She has already understood about the concept of internal and external motivation. From her explanation, it can be inferred that she realizes that junior high school students still have a strong mark oriented principle. Therefore, she gives reward to increase external
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ personality
A88. Saya menekankan bahwa siswa harus menggunakan ekspresi yang sopan, baik kata-kata maupun perilaku nya karena dengan hal tersebut siswa memiliki istilahnya paket komplit, cerdas di pelajaran dan kepribadiannya baik.
A polite personality will influence the quality of a successful English learner.
motivation. On the other hand, in developing internal motivation, it is more challenging. She attempts to touch another factor that is students‟ awareness first. She believes developing students‟ awareness especially about the significance of learning will develop internal motivation at the same time. She thinks students‟ personality is developed when they realize the value of politeness. Therefore, she teaches how to express politely and behave politely to develop students‟ personality. She does it because she
concerns the reality that nowadays, there are more and more students are very excellent in intelligence but low at personality.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ meta cognition
A90. Metakognitif mereka, logika analisa seperti itu lebih banyak di ingatan, pemahaman ya. Misal grammar, kita menggunakan logika lewat,,,grammar kebanyakan logika. Ada lagi peningkatan kesadaran apa yang mereka sudah dan belum pahami sehingga terrefleksi pada belajar mereka. Intinya kalau belum paham silakan mencari informasi sebanyak mungkin atau bertanya kepada saya. Kalau sudah paham diterapkan pemahamannya.
To develop meta cognitive aspect, a teacher can use analytical logical thinking and awareness of self reflection. The teacher also believes autonomy encourages the process of self reflection because after reflecting students to do a follow up efforts.
In developing successful learners, meta cognition is used to check students‟ comprehension autonomously. She believes meta cognition is best developed using three phases; thinking, reflecting, and responding. In relation to thinking phase, even though language belongs to social science, it can be analyzed logically. In addition, meta cognition is best developed using reflection. In this case, teacher
believes by developing sense of awareness, students are able to reflect their competence simultaneously. As a follow up action after reflecting phase, students are encouraged to practice what to do next in order to accomplish their meta cognition. Teacher‟s belief in developing autonomous learner
A91. PR tentu saja.
To develop students to A92. Project selalu become diselesaikan individu, autonomous learners, a sendiri. teacher can give periodic individual and group homework and project.
She has a belief that autonomy is best developed using outclass assignment. It is because outclass assignment requires longer time and more complicated process in accomplishing so the students can develop their autonomy. Outclass assignment is also regarded decreasing
students dependence toward the teacher and increase their independence to find out as much information as possible related to the lesson. Teacher‟s belief in integrating culture and lesson
A93. Budaya? Dengan cara meng-compare, kalau saya lebih sering mengkomparasi, coba lihat, kalau di sana seperti ini. Sekali lagi saya share cerita teman saya, bukan saya, I have never been abroad jadi saya belum secara langsung. A94. Pentingnya itu. Karena saya punya temanteman yang luar biasa jadi saya berterimakasih kepada mereka sehingga saya merasa melakukan riset, kamu culture nya seperti apa sih, biar bisa saya share ke anak-anakku, jadi mereka, oh ternyata seperti itu tidak sopan, oh yang seperti itu tidak sopan.
To integrate culture into English learning, a teacher can compare how the culture in a particular place with others.
From her statement it can be interpreted that integrating culture and lesson is best done by comparing two or more cases. It is done to find out the knowledge instead of better and worse value. Such expression, attitude, and behavior, maybe good in one place but inappropriate in other places. Therefore, knowing culture in one place only is not enough. It should be compared to culture in other places to avoid
cross culture misunderstanding.
Teacher‟s belief in maximizing students‟ aptitude
A96. Oh lomba di luar ada. Kalau kami yang mengadakan hanya untuk SD, welcome, tapi kalau untuk level SMP biasanya kami ikut di luar.
Involving students to English competition outside the school can stimulate their aptitude.
Language aptitude is a natural modal for students in learning something. Some people may not realize their aptitude due to it is not well stimulated. Therefore, stimulating aptitude is important to appear someone‟s aptitude. She believes involving students in such competition can stimulate their aptitude. It can be inferred that the competition context is very challenging because they have to place the first position. So, they will try as best as
possible in order to win the competition. Observing their efforts in joining competition, it can be seen students‟ aptitude. Teacher‟s A100. Kalau speaking belief in setelah mereka praktek, correcting classical, karena supaya students‟ semua orang tahu, semua error anak tahu, writing individually langsung di tempat mereka.
Error correction in speaking can be done after the session classically in order not to disturb students‟ concentration and every student can identify it. Error correction in writing can be done right away individually as it is more effective.
She distinguishes error correction based on the way the product is showed. As we know, there are two productive skills; speaking and writing. Since the product of speaking is mostly performed, the error correction is best done classically after the performance. On the other hand, since writing product is usually submitted, the error correction is best done individually right away.
Teacher‟s A101. So far iya.kami Audio and video She integrated belief in menggunakan audio and are proportional spoken cycle
developing students‟ listening and speaking skill
sometimes video sebagaimana mestinya. Biasanya apa yang ada di media tersebut kemudian kami follow up speaking nya, jadi integrated.
media to develop listening skill. Speaking skill is developed after listening skill is mastered as the productive activity.
skills development. Listening is a receptive skill so it is develop preceding speaking skill. Considering the best media used, since both skills are related with sound, audio and video are seen the best media to develop both skills.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ reading skill
A103. Lebih sering memang kami alokasikan waktu untuk skill yang satu itu, tentu saja di kelas 9 sangat sering, kelas 8 fair dengan 3 skills yang lain tentu saja.
To develop reading and writing skill, a teacher can focus more for 9th graders as they will face national Teacher‟s A104. Menulis juga sama. examination. belief in th developing A105. Ada. Tahun ini saya For 8 graders, it can be fair students‟ ambil yang naratif. with other 2 writing skill skills.
She considers the demand from students‟ level. For grade 9, because they will face final examination, reading and writing can be more focused because both skills are employed in final examination. Differently, for other grades, grade 7 and 8 can be developed fairly with spoken cycle skills.
Mr. Inu’s Individual Beliefs Category Response Teacher‟s A8. Program belief about sertifikasi tentu his/her saja memengaruhi status
Indicator Certified teacher regulation influences teacher to do his/ her best teaching performance.
Interpretation In relation to teacher‟s background, not only teacher education and experience that influence teacher‟s works but also teacher development which is admitted in the form of certification.
Teaching A9. Ya kalau dari and learning saya pribadi ya condition sebenarnya cukup menyenangkan berinteraksi dengan anak-anak, ya memang secara classical itu untuk satu kelas itu siswanya banyak, tapi yang penyebaran kemampuan siswa itu bermacammacam, ada yang bisa memahami dengan cepat, yang sedang dan yang lambat, jadi kita ya cari jalan tengah mana kira-kira
Heterogeneous of students‟ competence does not constrain successful learner development as long as there is fun interaction.
He does not mind with the heterogeneous students‟ competence. It is very normal phenomenon to face.
yang bisa mengikuti dan memahami apa yang kita ajarkan. Solution for problems of heterogeneo us students
A12. Ya kalau menurut saya karena menghadapi kenyataan siswa banyak dengan kemampuannya yang heterogen tersebut ya kita seharusnya secara bijaksana bisa mengambil jalan tengah, jadi mencari biar tidak terlalu lambat juga tidak terlalu cepat jadi kita memperhatikan kenyataan yang kita hadapi pada siswa kita di kelas, dengan kelas-kelas yang lain kan belum tentu sama kemampuan anak.
The solution to teach very heterogeneous students‟ competence is by using middle level competence as the indicator and parameter.
Take the average parameter as the indicator so the fast and struggling learners can both follow the lesson. If still the struggling learners need more attention, take it.
A13. Ya sementara ini tidak ada, yang kami sarankan ke anak-anak ya yang memang kurang paham itu saya harapkan untuk bertanya, banyak bertanya apa yang belum dipahami, bagi yang memang sudah kemampuannya cepat itu ya saya sarankan untuk banyak baca-baca atau mungkin dari tempat lain kan banyak variasi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kalau memang disitu ada hal yang belum bisa dimengerti bisa ditanyakan, jadi saya hanya membuka kesempatan bagi anak untuk konsultasi jika memang perlu dipahami.
A teacher needs to allocate time and attention and be openminded for students with low competence.
Teacher‟s A17. Ya karena Learning English is Learning EFL is not belief about bahasa Inggris itu important in intended for passing the nature of merupakan bahasa globalization era to final examination. It
asing perlu kita ketahui dan merupakan bahasa internasional ya saya anggap penting karena kita mau tidak mau ya harus bergaul secara internasional, arus globalisasi ini kita mau tidak mau bergaul dengan orang-orang dari negara lain dan kebanyakan kan mereka itu menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan juga banyak ilmu pengetahuan yang sumbernya dari buku-buku yang juga menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehingga saya anggap penting karena ya itu tadi, untuk bergaul secara internasional dan bisa mempelajari ilmu-ilmu yang terus berkembang.
communicate with is to equip human foreigners moreover a future development lot of information in globalization era. sources are written in English.
Teacher‟s A20. Ya kalau One of the problems in The problems do not belief about secara pribadi learning English is exist in terms of
problems in tidak begitu sulit, EFL tapi sebenarnya learning secara umum juga sulit, yang menyebabkan sulit itu sebenarnya karena lingkungannya menurut saya, karena bahasa Inggris dipelajari di kelas 2 berapa menit ya mungkin bisa praktek berbahasa Inggris di kelas, tapi begitu keluar dari kelas lingkungan kita itu tidak memungkinkan untuk mengembangkan bahasa Inggris tersebut karena sebagian besar siswa kan dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia atau berbahasa jawa sehingga pembelajaran praktek yang pernah diajarkan di dalam kelas itu akhirnya di luar kelas tidak
environment which does not always provide facility to practice English.
material, curriculum, or human resources but the environment that only provides small scopes. Thus, school as well as the students themselves join number of English courses.
dilanjutkan, itulah yang akhirnya menjadi kenyataan penguasaan bahasa Inggris yang sedikit.
Teacher‟s belief about the indicator of a successful English learner
A21. Ya untuk ekskul bahasa Inggris memang ada tapi kan yang mengikuti kegiatan tersebut hanya siswa-siswi yang menginginkan saja jadi tidak semua mengikuti dan memang program dari sekolah itu ada kegiatan bahasa Inggris yang diwajibkan khusus kelas 7 jadi anakanak dikursuskan ke lembaga kursus bahasa Inggris ya, seminggu satu kali.
To create supported environment, school can send their students to a particular English course or hold an English extracurricular activity.
A24. Ya pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang berhasil kalau dari pendapat saya ya anak yang begitu selesai diajari kemudian paham dan bisa mempraktekkan
A successful English Communicate in learner is categorized spoken and written as a learner who is able form. use English either in written or spoken form after he/ she is taught.
baik dalam maupun berbicara, kemudian juga berbicara Inggris. Teacher‟s belief about an effective and efficient learner
menulis dalam anak berani bahasa
A27. Ya sebenarnya yang efektif dan efisien kalau menurut saya itu anak yang aktif sebenarnya ya. Emang kalau kenyataan di kelas belum tentu semua siswa itu tim, jadi kalau anak yang aktif cenderung diajari itu lebih cepet nangkap dan juga kalau tidak paham itu cepat bereaksi untuk bertanya ya, jadi anak-anak yang aktif itu betul-betul hasilnya itu ya efektif dan efisien, tapi kalau yang hanya diam saja, kalau ujian selesai ya selesai ya.
An effective and efficient learner is an active learner who tends to understand the materials faster, feels free to ask any difficulties, and finds out various learning sources independently.
A28. Ya saya justru memotivasi siswa
In line with meta cognition, an effective and efficient students realize what they have known and not yet known and do efforts to meet the gap.
untuk seperti itu, jadi saya kadang menyarankan anak jangan hanya mengandalkan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas, mungkin sekarang itu di internet itu materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris jauh lebih banyak dan bervariasi, jadi saya justru mendorong anakanak untuk berusaha seperti itu, bilamana itu ada kesulitan silakan konsultasikan, silakan tanyakan, jadi saya mendorong tidak hanya di dalam kelas saja, dan bahkan selama ini banyak anak yang sudah bertanya konsultasi itu bukan sekedar terkait dengan apa yang saya ajarkan, bahkan ada anak yang dominan kursus bahasa
Inggris, tapi kenapa kesulitannya permasalahannya justru ditanyakan dalam kelas, itu sering, sering saya jumpai anak-anak itu. Itu kan terbalik. Ya saya ya balik bertanya, kenapa tidak ditanyakan sewaktu di bimbel, di tempat kamu kursus? Tapi ya sudah karena saya pertimbangannya anak itu memerlukan solusi ya saya jawab dan bila ada anak yang bertanya saya jawab menjelaskan itu, saya anggap anak yang tidak bertanya itu belum tentu tahu tapi dengan mendengarkan penjelasan saya itu jadi tahu. Itulah keuntungannya ada yang bertanya, anak yang diam pun paling tidak, tahu.
Teacher‟s belief about the indicator of a successful English learner
A33. Saya jarang. Ya pernah ada yang bertanya tapi ya saya tunjukkan faktanya saya misalnya PR saja saya pakai penilaian, jadi semua yang dikumpulkan anak coba saya cek, kan anak ya suka asalasalan kan mungkin dikira barangkali saya dikira guru nggak melihat hasilnya, jadi meskipun ngumpul tapi nggak mengerjakan ya nilainya ya nggak ada disitu.
All aspects affective, psychomotor, or cognitive should be assessed in learning English.
To measure a successful English learner, all pedagogical aspects need to be assessed. Not only the final exam but other factors including students‟ behavior, attitude in affective aspect and real work practice in psychomotor aspect.
Teacher‟s belief about evaluation management
A91. Ya memanage tugas siswa ya cuman melakukan daftar di laptop saya lalu saya beri istilahnya pemberitahuan ke anak masalah tugas saya tidak mengejar nggak ngerjakan nggak apa-apa tapi nilai saya bolong tapi nilai itu nanti
Formative and summative evaluation should be backed up well by the teacher. Moreover, remedial session is important to improve students‟ competence.
He adds about evaluation management that it should backed well so all aspects can be measured in order to achieve the learning goal.
dibagi semua yang ada, kan kalau terkait dengan nilai tes, ulangan, bagi yang belum mencapai nilai 80 saya beri kesempatan untuk perbaikan dua kali, tapi tentu itu hanya untuk mengambil nilai KKL saja, kalau sampai dua kali tidak mencapai KKL ya sudah. Teacher‟s belief about the focus of learning
A34. Saya rasa ya semuanya itu tercakup, paling tidak siswa mendapat ilmu baru kemudian mengembangkan karena ilmu kan bersifat berkembang tidak hanya ini terus, sehingga siswa diharapkan setelah bahasa Inggris paham diajari kemudian bisa mempraktekkan.
The focus of learning is to master knowledge and language skills and develop them in practice.
In line with the measurement of a successful learner, learning is a process to meet the goal, so it is focused on mastering knowledge (cognitive goal), language skill and develop them in practice (Psychomotor goal), and behavioral values (affective goal)
Teacher‟s A35. Ya strategi ya To develop a To meet the learning belief about kalau saya successful English goal, it is necessary learning istilahnya tarik ulur learner, a teacher can to create supporting
lah, ya melihat keadaan siswa, kan saya suka menciptakan situasi yang relaks, bercanda juga, mungkin dengan bercanda dengan humor juga saya masukkan unsurunsur pembelajaran, jadi kadang anak kalau dalam hal humor bercanda itu nggak kerasa, sebenarnya itu dipaksa tapi nggak kerasa, tapi kita tidak selamanya seperti itu karena itu tadi, siswa satu kelas itu banyak mungkin macem-macem ya kadang harus bertindak keras, tegas, mengikuti aturan permainan jadi saya harap pada siswa kalian harus tahu kapan harus berbicara, kapan harus mendengarkan.
create relax situation, fun, and humor by integrating learning materials.
atmosphere, Inu emphasizes relax situation, fun, humor, and integrating learning materials. It can be inferred that he considers psychological aspect in teaching. Strict, serious, and rigid situation will instead make students afraid and difficult to follow the lesson. Integrating materials is included because in language is a means of communication in which can be combined with other materials like in content based instruction.
Teacher‟s A37. Ya saya Practices should have Because the nature belief about usahakan banyak more portions than of a language is a
learning emphasis
praktek, jadi dalam theories pikiran saya itu English. karena yang ingin yang harusnya bisa itu semua siswa, jadi saya libatkan siswa banyak praktek saja, praktek menulis, praktek membaca, praktek bicara, praktek mendengarkan, jadi saya melibatkan siswa banyak praktek, kalau mungkin ada kesulitan ya kita terangkan lagi.
Teacher‟s belief about learning emphasis
A43. Ya memang kalau kita menyarankan untuk keberhasilan bahasa Inggris yang baik ya kita gunakan banyakbanyak bahasa Inggris dan yang penting juga lingkungannya dibuat untuk siswa terbiasa mempraktikkan bahasa Inggris.
learning means of communication, practices should have more portions than the theories.
To develop successful learner, English learning in general should be conducted by practicing English as much as possible and create supported environment
Teacher‟s belief about teacher‟s roles
A39. Kalau bagi A teacher should play saya ya sebagai role as an actor, model, aktor, sebagai and partner. model, kemudian sebagai teman yang penting, teman ya teman dalam artian ada pembatasan, mungkin saya kalau di luar kelas betulbetul berteman dengan anak-anak, suka bercanda. A40. Iya, ya kita harus tahu diri yang dimaksud teman itu bagaimana, maskud saya teman itu agar perasaan siswa tidak terlalu canggung, seakanakan satu apalah, satu level dengan anak-anak kalau di luar, tapi kalau di kelas ya aturannya kan harusnya tetap kita patuhi.
Teacher‟s belief about an effective and efficient teacher
A41.Ya kita harus melihat situasi, karena pembelajaran bahasa Inggris itu sebenarnya
A teacher should be a flexible person in teaching the students rather than a strict person. She/ he should know when to keep
Actor because learning language practice requires lots of roles. For example in learning transactional dialogue students need to practice a dialogue which needs number of actors‟ roles. A teacher should be able to play as a model as well because the teacher becomes a source of information. Besides, a teacher should play role as a partner in order to get closer with the students and create natural interaction.
Teacher‟s role as a partner may support developing effective and efficient teacher.
cenderung sulit, discipline and fun. kalau kita terlalu misalnya kaku, tegang, terlalu disiplin ya mungkin anak kan tegang, jadi sulit untuk bisa menerima, jadi kita perlu relaks, ya disambi bercanda humor itu, tapi kalau keadaannya mungkin kita amati kok terlalu nyeleweng, kan kadang-kadang anak kalau bercanda suka nyeleweng seenaknya ya kita kembalikan lagi ke tugas, yang penting anak tidak terlalu kemana-mana nyelewengnya, menyesuaikan dengan keadaan. Teacher‟s belief in implementin g teaching methodolog y
A42.Yang di kurikulum kan textbased ya, tapi sekali lagi kita di lapangan itu sulit kalau hanya mengikuti itu, ya kita menyesuaikan saja, jadi
A teacher should be able to use mixed methods in teaching English depending on the focus of learning even though government requires text-based curriculum.
Mixed method is chosen as the best methodlogy to facilitate various teachiung matters and various learning strategies instead of text-best which he sees as the an
menyesuaikan mana kemampuan siswa yang perlu diperkuat, jadi semua saya coba padukan dengan melihat kenyataan di lapangan di kelas terkait dengan kemampuan siswa ya supaya paham, kita menyesuaikan. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ communicat ive competence
A45.Ya karena memang tujuan penguasaan bahasa itu pada akhirnya kan untuk berkomunikasi, jadi komunikasi ada dua macam baik secara lisan atau secara tulis jadi yang saya kembangkan kalau untuk yang kemampuan bicara atau pengucapan bagi siswa dan juga penguasaan vocabulary, dan juga kalau untuk yang bicara itu mau tidak mau juga harus mentalnya itu dipersiapkan, untuk latihan di depan
unflexible method.
To develop students‟ communicative competence, a teacher should be able to facilitate written and spoken cycle skills development. In developing spoken skills, a teacher should be able to develop students‟ pronunciation, vocabulary, and mental. Whereas in developing written skills, a teacher should be able to develop students‟ grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.
Since there are two types of communication, that is spoken and written, he puts micro skills into consideration. He develops micro skills which support spoken and written communication to construct spoken and written communication well. Besides, he does evaluation of spoken communication by reflecting students‟ achievement, that is by assessing students‟recording.
umum itu yang sulit dan kemudian untuk kemampuan komunikasi tertulis ya mau tidak mau itu harus ditambah terkait dengan tata bahasa, terkait dengan grammar, karena selama ini text-based itu kebanyakan hanya membaca text saja tapi penjelasannya tidak terkait dengan grammar itu, begitu juga di buku-buku pelajaran itu jarang, memang disitu tidak ada pembelajaran secara khusus tentang grammar tapi akhirnya berimbas pada kemampuan menulis siswa itu, karena grammar nya nggak paham tata bahasanya nggak ngerti, ya sudah asal tulis saja, nah itu saya tekankan ke anakanak kalau untuk komunikasi bahasa Inggris itu ada dua,
kemampuan bicara kalian harus menguasai pengucapan pronunciation dan kosa kata, dan juga berlatih karena dalam bahasa Inggris juga harus berekspresi, kemudian satu lagi kemampuan menulis, kalian mau tidak mau harus menguasai kosa kata kemudian disitu ada yang disebut spelling, tulisannya yang bener kemudian lebih luas lagi tentang grammar, nah tidak hanya tulisan tapi susunannya nggak benar ya maknanya mungkin beda. A46. Biasanya di sini saya kalau kemampuan bicara, praktek bicara, jadi ada individual kemudian ada kelompok, biasanya saya rekam itu sehingga kita lihat
In evaluating speaking skill, a teacher may do it individually and in group by evaluating students‟ recorded speaking practice.
kembali, jadi khususnya yang sedang praktek itu saya minta betulbetul memperhatikan terkait dengan misalnya tatapan bicara saat bicara itu juga kita evaluasi dan kadang-kadang ada pronunciation yang perlu diperbaiki, kalau kita rekam di video kan bisa kita evaluasi. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ grammar competence
A47. Misalnya kita fleksibel saja ya, karena itu tadi, mungkin secara teoretis menghendaki begini tapi di lapangan itu kita fleksibel saja memahami kirakira kesulitan anak itu yang mana sehingga itulah coba kita perbaiki, karena kalau kita hanya sekedar mengikuti teori atau kita paksakan ya sama saja menyiksa siswa itu,
In developing grammar, a teacher can integrate it into a text or teach it in separated way.
Either integrated and separated techniques are used to develop grammar competence. Integrated see the the use in a context. Separated as the enrichment
jadi kita fleksibel melihat kesulitan siswa, itu yang perlu kita ikuti. A48. …. Kadang saya menyuruh siswa memberi tugas misalnya pelajari tenses present tense, present tense sendiri kan ada empat, ada simple, continuous, perfect, maupun perfect continuous tense, salah satunya ya itu khusus terkait grammar saja. Teacher‟s A50. Ya untuk belief in secara aktif involving memang saya itu students tadi, banyak actively memberi kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan, tapi kalau siswa yang memang sudah terbiasa aktif sebenarnya nggak masalah, hanya mengaktifkan yang belum biasa aktif ini yang sulit sehingga saya
A teacher can involve active and passive students by giving a lot of opportunities and feedback. Feedback as a reward for any volunteer and correct response when it is doing an assignment and feedback as a fun punishment such as singing English song for incorrect response.
Opportunity and feedback are two unseparable things in involving students actively. Students is the learning centre so widening more opportunities to practice, as the learning emphasis followed bt giving feedback is best implemented to involve students actively.
sekali lagi memberi kesempatan sebagai sukarelawan maju tanpa ditunjuk, tapi kalau nggak ada yang maju secara sukarelawan ya terpaksa kita tunjuk dan saya ada strategi itu kalau yang maju tanpa ditunjuk sebagai sukarelawan mengerjakan tugas di depan salah, nggak ada masalah, kemudian kita jelaskan, tapi kalau maju secara terpaksa dengan ditunjuk salah itu saya minta menyanyikan salah satu lagu berbahasa Inggris. Ternyata dari situ anak ya banyak yang termotivasi mengerjakan, itu hasilnya salah ya oke, yang jelas sudah ada rule kan. Tapi kalau yang terpaksa ditunjuk ya saya minta. Dari situ efeknya ada.
Obs I (09.10) He asked the students to move to homework Number 2. As Number 1, he asked one representative of each group to come in front. He asked the students who had not yet participated to take turn writing down on the board. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ awareness
A53. Ya saya untuk ke arah situ sering kali, kadangkadang sebagai guru bahasa Inggris kadang anak saya beri cerita dulu, jadi saya beri cerita dulu, jadi saya cerita tapi arahnya sebenarnya hanya untuk memotivasi membentuk kesadaran siswa bahwasannya pertama kalian perlu paham dulu, menguasai, kemudian coba dipraktekkan karena kalau
To develop awareness of the significance of learning process, a teacher can tell a story containing awareness and motivation of learning process.
He correlates awareness and value. Value in his point of view can be tught by discussing the content of moral value in a story.
banyak indikasi nilai tinggi anak hanya drill tetapi sebenarnya tidak paham, akhirnya kita ketika mengikuti proses pembelajaran mereka itu hanya bingung saja, jadi kalau nggak paham silakan bertanya. Teacher‟s belief in facilitating various learning strategies
A54. Ya selama ini itu semua sudah ada ya, ada audio, misalnya listening itu kita ada audio, kemudian ada yang dipadukan yang didengar dan dilihat itu, video ada, kemudian power point juga suatu saat kita perlu menjelaskan khususnya terkait dengan text tentang genre, juga ada power point kita padukan semuanya.
A teacher can use audio, video, and powerpoint to facilitate various learning strategies.
Obs II (10.30) The He used various media teacher observer in his teaching. and I introduced ourselves and asked for permission to
In relation to teaching method (mixed-method), various learning strategies are normal phenomena in an instructional process. Using mixed and various media is bes applied to solve it.
observe their learning activity that morning. Some were still busy with other things. While they were preparing the lesson, the teacher prepared his teaching media, i.e. laptop, LCD projector, and speaker since they would have listening section. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ character education
A55. Itu tadi, saya kadang bercerita pada anak tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris itu sebenarnya untuk memasukkan karakter anak, misal salah satunya disiplin ya, rajin, bertanggungjawab, sehingga mereka harus itu tadi, kalau sudah masuk ke anak ya diharapkan belajarnya disiplin, jujur, dan bisa jadi untuk memasukkan karakternya itu sebenarnya membuat kesadaran
A teacher can use a story to integrate character education though it cannot be assessed objectively yet.
Integrated, because when it is very unlikely to be developed in separated technique. So, integrate it with learning materials.
anak dengan bercerita meskipun tidak dengan bahasa Inggris, itu tadi kalau kita langsung berceritanya langsung dengan bahasa Inggris kadang-kadang anaknya saja nggak dong bahasa Inggrisnya, jadi ya karakternya malah tidak tercapai, mendingan kita itu ya ini, mengajukan informasi campuran pakai bahasa Inggris dan pakai bahasa Indonesia. A56. Ya sebenarnya bisa saja itu, tapi kan apakah siswa dengan kita mencoba memasukkan karakter itu penerapannya seperti itu, itu ya ya kita berusaha saja, berusaha untuk memasukkan pendidikan karakter
tersebut tapi apakah betul-betul masuk di pahami kemudian didapatkan siswa, itu ya berikutnya, paling tidak berusaha saja dulu ya, ada pasti kalau kita lakukan berulang-ulang ada. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ personality
A61. Untuk pribadi anak-anak memang ya kita uji, kadang serius, kadang konsentrasi bagus, tapi kadang ada anak yang ya jadi trouble maker temannya sendiri, ini kadang-kadang secara khusus di kelas itu ya saya ulang secara umum ya, jadi saya nasihati belajar yang baik mungkin yang suka berantem, membuat gaduh, ganggu temannya, itu ya diterapkan di kelas jangan lakukan itu, memang kepribadian anak
Students have various types of personality such as trouble maker, good learning concentration, and diligent. To improve inappropriate personality, teacher can give advice and positive input.
Oral suggestion he chooses to develop students‟ personality. ?? No giving real model and example or integrate it in the learning process.??
macam-macam dari 30 siswa kan tidak sama, jadi secara umum saja kita nasihati di kelas. Kalau mungkin itu keterlaluan mungkin itu ya ada petugas kita. A63. Iya fenomena wajar. Cuma ya itu tadi kalau saya pas santai, relaks ya kadang anak-anak lupa sehingga lupa kalau kadang keras kadang galak tapi mungkin kalau ada kejadian seperti itu saya tindak kita perlu membinanya. Obs I (09.45) While checking Zahra‟s group members individually, he asked other students to pay attention to the performance because they looked busy preparing their own rehearsal.
He developed students‟ personality to respect and appreciate each other.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ meta cognition
A66. Ya memang itu tadi, anak kadang saya beri tugas untuk membaca kemudian setelah lain waktu saya beri kesempatan untuk bertanya dulu, kalau tidak ada yang bertanya ya mungkin kita coba tugas yang kita berikan itu coba dipraktekkan mungkin ditulis di papan tulis, baru di situlah kemudian anak yang tidak bertanya juga belum tentu ngerti sebenarnya, nah dari mengungkapkan tugas yang disampaikan itulah kita baru tahu itu kesulitan siswa tentang ini, tidak paham tentang ini sehingga dari situlah kita menjelaskan karena kalau tiba-tiba kita menjelaskan kan juga belum tentu ya, mungkin kita
To develop meta cognitive aspect, a teacher can have a self student reflection and conduct concept checking.
Let the students do personal and individual reflection. He sees every individu as a unique single person h=who has different capacity which cannot be compared each other. So, meta cognition is completely personal and invidual.
jelaskan sebenarnya anak sudah tahu pas kita tidak jelaskan sebenarnya anak nggak tahu, jadi kita mencari bagian mana yang anak sebenarnya belum tahu itu tadi. Jadi semacam recheck atau konfirmasi. Obs I (09.00) He discussed types of times as the base of tense distinction. He asked some students. One answered, “Morning, afternoon, evening, evening, and night, Sir”, the second student answered, “a.m. and p.m., and the third student, that is Ian, a student who had stayed in Australia answered, “future, present, and past”. Teacher‟s belief in developing autonomous
A67. Itu tadi, saya mendorong anak mengembangkan diri seluas-luasnya
To develop students to become autonomous learners, a teacher can give as large space as
Give a brige to fish instead of giving a fish may develop students‟ autonomy.
yang lalu waktu masih ada RSBI itu kan bisa juga belajar untuk memakai internet, jadi saya tinggal membimbing anakanak belajar dengan internet alamat-alamat web terkait pembelajaran bahasa Inggris silakan kamu mengembangkan di sini lebih banyak cari materi di internet, jadi mungkin yang sadar dan rajin itu cenderung akan dapat lebih banyak itu materinya, pengetahuannya juga lebih banyak, kadang ada yang tidak dipahami dia bertanya itu.
possible by giving particular website addresses to find out learning materials.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ confidence
A70. Ya ada juga, tapi barangkali kalau dirata-rata ya 30%-an ya memang kita memotivasi. Kemampuan bahasa itu
To develop students‟ confidence, a teacher can give a homework, take-home assignment or project.
He adds confidence as an important factor in developing successful learners. He said it can be done thorugh giving taken home work either homework,
sebetulnya untuk kita lihat sendiri ya, nanti kalian yang menggunakan sendiri sehingga dilatih dari sekarang, memang yang tidak PD itu ya terpaksa dipaksa untuk banyak berlatih khususnya kalau berbicara itu tapi kenyataannya ketika praktek bicara khususnya kalau berkelompok itu biasanya tidak PD itu memunculkan kejutan itu, praktek bicaranya bisa, ekspresinya juga bisa sebenarnya kalau secara berkelompok, apalagi tugas speaking itu ada sebetulnya ada dua macam yang saya rekam sendiri kegiatan di kelas, saya nilai kemudian saya beri tugas lagi kegiatan yang sama tapi kamu membuat video merekam di luar kelas silakan
assignment, or project. Doing so, related to meta cognition, a student have more time to know themselves and measure what they have known and not yet known and let decide what to do next as a struggling effort to better learner.
saya beri waktu tiga minggu, anakanak kan sudah diajari tentang multimedia, ketika tugas itu dikumpulkan akhirnya muncul juga kreatifitas anak, tetapi ada juga siswa itu yang seadanya itu di kelas dan di luar kelas ya sama saja, ya itu tadi untuk kepercayaan memunculkan kreatifitasnya itu yang biasanya diam kita beri kesempatan tugas di luar ya jadi bagus. Teacher‟s belief in integrating culture and lesson
A71. Ya budayanya penekanannya kalau saya memang untuk tingkatan SMP untuk sampai ke tingkatan budaya memang kayaknya agak sulit ya, karena memang itu tadi budaya itu harus anak paham dulu akhirnya bisa, kita ya hanya
To integrate culture into English learning, a teacher can describe how politeness in a certain country using expressions or language function as Javanese have like Ngoko and Krama.
He correlates culture of a country with the politeness factor in it.
kadang menyelipkan kita belajar bahasa itu sebenarnya sekaligus mempelajari budaya orang lain misalnya terkait sopan santun, terkait penggunaan ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris, jadi kadang saya menjelaskan kalau sopan santun polite expression itu membuat padanan dengan bahasa Jawa, kadang saya jelaskan dengan bahasa Jawa kalau bahasa Jawa itu kan ada tingkatannya, misalnya kromo, kromo saja kan ada yang kromo alus, kromo inggil, saya menjelaskannya seperti itu karena kalau politeness bagi siswa sepertinya nggak ada efeknya, ini di perasaan kamu ucapan orang lain itu sopan nggak
bagi kamu, efek respon perasaanmu marah atau enggak kalau,,karena ya itu tadi kalau sampai budaya itu akhirnya kan mengarah ke efek perasaan yang menggunakan bahasa, ya memang tingkatannya kalau untuk SMP masih agak, ya cuman mungkin budaya salah satunya kalau bahasa Inggris kalau misalnya ketemu orang lain kita sampaikan greeting, dikasih sesuatu sampaikan ucapan terimakasih, thank you, nah itu saja sebenarnya sudah budaya kan beda dengan budaya kita, kita ya hanya diam saja, ya itu saja unsur-unsur yang simple yang bisa saya masukkan ke dalam. Teacher‟s A72. Ya pertama Giving a soft push and Not all learners belief in memang saya force in an assignment realize the existence maximazing sampaikan ke anak- or project can stimulate of language aptitude.
students‟ aptitude
anak apa adanya students showing their For him, identifying ya, saya puji aptitude related to it needs a long mereka language. process. So, by bahwasannya anakgiving soft push and anak SMP 8 itu force in an anak-anak yang assignment or cerdas, anak-anak project it enables yang bagus, tetapi, learners show their saya beri kata aptitude. tetapi, tetapi karena mungkin ada yang suka dimanja sehingga bakat potensinya itu nggak muncul dan anak kalau dibuat dalam keadaan terpaksa itu biasanya lebih kreatif dan potensinya akan muncul, nah disitu sebenarnya, kenyataannya kalau anak dikondisikan agak kepepet itu bakatnya kelihatan, atau kita itu ya biasa-biasa santai saja ya sudah potensinya nggak akan muncul, ini sudah saya alami ternyata kalau dipaksa itu bisa juga dalam belajar terpaksa,
potensinya muncul bakatnya muncul, terkait bakat penyaluran itu tadi ada ekstrakulikuler silakan mengembangkan. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ vocabulary competence
A73.Ya kosa kata kadang saya kadang saya kasih tugas juga. Tugas khusus vocab begitu. Nah, vocab misalnya menghafal kata benda, dulu terkati part of speech itu terkait kata benda kata sifat dan ada juga yang menghafal kata kerja cuma kata kerja itu sendiri ada bentuk 1,2,3 ya saya minta itu hafalkan kemudian artinya apa, setelah itu coba di kelas kami praktekkan masingmasing saya beri kertas berisi verb 1 misalnya, sudah ini kamu isi verb 2 verb 3 dan artinya. Ada semacam kolom, cuma anak
Eventhough memorizing places the lowest level in bloom taxonomy it still becomes the effective way to develop students‟ vocabulary. Secondly, dictionary checking is another alternative one.
He thinks separated drilling is an appropriate technique in developing vocabulary.
sudah ada kata kerja bentuk 1 nya, meneruskan bentuk 2, 3 dan artinya, dari situ kan kelihatan oh kemampuan anak berbeda, ada nilainya bisa 45 ada yang sampai 20% lebih susah, mungkin memori siswa hafalannya itu kurang excellent. A74. Dalam mata pelajarannya kadang memang dari awal anak saya sarankan dari kelas 7 semester 1 itu saya sarankan anak menyiapkan kamus, jadi anak menyiapkan kamus kemudian menyiapkan buku grammar, memang penekanannya saya itu anak siap, maksudnya dalam pembelajaran di kelas itu siap, masalah beli masalah pinjam terserah kalau saat
belajar itu siap, ini kalau pas membaca teks kalau ada latihan barangkali membaca atau kosa kata ya saya beri kesempatan anak menggunakan kamus tapi dengan syarat, kalau di situ dalam teks ada kata yang tidak tahu artinya silakan dilingkari atau digarisbawahi dan tulis artinya apa disitu, syaratnya anak menulis arti kata yang belum diketahui itu, nanti kalau memang di kamus nggak ada silakan Tanya. A75. Ya karena saya penekanannya melibatkan siswa ya saya tanya, bawa kamus tidak? Nah coba dicari ada nggak, nah anak akan mencari kemudian ternyata ada artinya apa, nah anak kan otomatis menemukan sendiri,
kalau kira-kira di kamus ada cari dulu kalau nggak ada silakan tanya. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ pronunciatio n
A78. Ya pronunciation kadang listen and repeat mungkin anak membaca dulu sekiranya nggak pas saya benarkan.
Teacher‟s A79.Ya kita belief in perbaiki, kadangcorrecting kadang saya students‟ membuat catatan error oh anak ini begini, setelah selesai saya tulis. Secara klasikal saya minta anak tersebut mengucapkan kata ini, kan cenderung berulang-ulang sama kalau mengucapkan salah itu, kadang-kadang ya kalau perlu saat itu juga ya kita cut kita perbaiki dulu, kalau seperti itu kan sudah mengganggu konsenstrasi anak.
To develop pronunciation, a teacher can use listen and repeat technique.
Again, separated drilling is used in developing pronunciation.
Error correction in He applies flexible conversation can be and various error done in four ways. correction. They are classically right away, classically delayed, individually right away, and individually delayed.
Obs I (09.55) …. 307
The teacher checked either group or individual performance to make them ready in the real performance. He gave feedback and input toward their pronunciation, expression, mimic, gesture, and tone. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ listening skill
A80. Listening skill ini di sini sudah ada lab yang memadai ya. Tapi sementara ini saya belum menggunakan lab karena seperti kemarin kan hampir semua siswa itu membawa laptop sendiri sehingga untuk keperluan listening kadang saya cukup di kelas, kadangkadang anak saya kopikan audio kemudian anak mengerjakan sendiri-sendiri, kadang-kadang anak saya beri PR
Language laboratory is the most appropriate place to have a listening section.
He considers the place and media instead of the technique.
listening dengan saya beri kopian audio, tolong dengarkan di rumah. A81. Ada yang langsung soal ada yang belum, cuman audio aja anak mendengarkan mungkin beberapa hari berikutnya kita tes.
A teacher can copy the audio of listening section followed by the comprehension questions to be taken home by the students so that they are more ready to have listening class.
A82. Audio yang sama, jadi akan ketahuan nanti tidak semua siswa itu belajar menggunakan, ada yang betul-betul menggunakan ada yang enggak, paling enggak ketika di kelas bisa digunakan, jadi variasinya itu saja, saya beri PR saya beri audio. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ speaking skill
A83. Ya itu siswa cenderung saya minta untuk maju ke depan kelas karena sekaligus ini melatih mental
Performing in front of the class individually is seen as the effective way to develop students‟ speaking skill. The teacher can
He considers the technique and assessment in developing speaking skill. He integrates speaking with
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ speaking and writing skill
anak, kadang kan anak kalau duduk ngomong cerewet tapi ngomong malu ya saya hanya memberi tahu anak yang ingin ngomong ke depan, yang ingin berbicara tentu saya minta anak praktek di depan kelas karena pertama melatih mental juga kemudian kedua itu tadi ekspresi anak juga kita latih, ketika speaking itu bukan sekedar suaramu keluar dari mulut tapi juga intonasi ketika bicara dengan orang, berinteraksi, ekspresi itu juga penting.
evaluate students‟ writing in the form speaking mental, of project and gesture, and facial assignment. expression.
A84. Ya kan kadang-kadang anak sudah menulis dulu, jadi tentu hafal, kemudian ada juga yang belakangan naratif untuk kelompok kan ada anak yang
Projecting a drama in a group work can facilitate speaking and writing skills; speaking skill from students‟ performance and writing skill from the script they make.
membuat rule dulu, disitu saya nilai untuk writing nya, script nya, kemudian praktek di dalamnya saya nilai untuk speaking nya. Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ reading skill
A87. Ya karena faktanya juga begitu, karena apa, untuk ujian nasional kan aslinya hanya pada reading saja penekanannya karena belum ada, kalau SMA mungkin listening sudah ada, SMP ya reading saja. Teacher‟s A88. Skill writing belief in ya itu tadi mungkin developing terkait pengajaran students‟ tata bahasa, saya writing skill beri PR untuk menulis, misalnya recount tulis pengalamanmu, jadi ya dari situ nanti kita cek juga tata bahasanya, konteks waktu atau tenses nya juga.
Since reading is the skill assessed in national final examination, reading skill should have major portion than other three skills.
A teacher can develop writing skill by giving assignment, homework, or project in which the teacher pays attention on the grammar and context.
A89. Ya kalau wall
He considers the demand of final examination which requires reading skill more so reading skill is more focused than other three skills.
magazine ini tidak ada, wall magazine kadang-kadang muncul kalau ada lomba saja, kalau dibuat secara khusus kita terlalu banyak yang diurusi, hasil karya siswa tulisan siswa kita kumpulkan, tapi kan kemarin saya juga banyak memberi tugas itu pengumpulannya lewat internet jadi tugas itu masih ada di computer jadi bisa kita lihat, kadang kalau yang print out tulisan tangan itu kan kadang-kadang selesai kita lihat kita koreksi kan entah dimana nanti, hilang.
Mrs. Anggi’s Individual Beliefs
Category Teaching and learning condition Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ speaking skill Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ communicative competence
Response A16. Baik. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas saya, satu… saya tidak suka kelas diem. Saya selalu bilang bahwa mereka e… I don‟t like to be in a grave yard. I would like you to say anything. And I can help you out when you need me. Because if you don‟t produce anything it is really difficult for me to know how to help you out. A22.Untuk yang sekarang-sekarang ini? Saya sejak dulu sampai sekarang itu ndak banyak bedanya, Mbak. Jadi mereka memang saya bebaskan untuk ngomong. Saya selalu mengatakan.
Indicator Students are required to speak up in teaching and learning activity to express their mind so the teacher is able to know how to help them out.
Students are really welcome to speak up in English step by step. Sometimes the teacher needs to help them translate certain difficult terms and expressions. She Obs I (08.40). After the looked confidence students sat quietly, the and close to the teacher asked their students. condition, “How are you today?” The students answered enthusiastically. The teacher told the students not to repeat the action doing other
Interpretation She believes an ideal learning condition is indicated by active students who speak up actively. It doesn‟t mean a class with noisy atmosphere but both students and teacher interact each other. She appreciates students who struggle to speak in English. Even though sometimes she needs to help giving the English term for certain expressions, she believes it can develop speaking skill and communicative competence
subjects‟ assignment in other lesson schedules because it has been their responsibility to finish in the correct time. She asked me to introduce myself as an observer in the learning activity.
simultaneously. From the observation, it can be seen that she is a confident teacher in helping her students and looks close to them and the students do too.
Teaching learning condition
and A27. Tentunya saya akan berbicara dari sisi subject-nya dulu. E…students sebagai learners itu kan yang kita utamakan. Nah, sekarang yang penting dari sisi siswa itu sendiri ketika kondisi itu harus menjadi ideal, satu, mereka need, need to learn English, if not nothing. If it is just the school programme or compulsory in curriculum government issued or something, no. Government issues, nothing. Jadi, yang pertama they need it. The second one teacher should create atmosphere.
An ideal learning and teaching condition has two points of views; from student and teacher. Firstly, the students are aware that they need to learn English either for short goal; achieving high mark or long goal; self improvement. Having motivation and interest will make them comfort in learning English and the class atmosphere will be lively, the real class. By doing so, the teacher will not find difficulties in bringing the outside works in the class. Secondly, the teachers should be able to create interesting atmosphere and have enough knowledge, curiosity, motivation to learn not only about English but also
Besides, the teacher said that an ideal teaching condition appears when both teacher and students can cooperate creating that ideal situation as for her both are fairly strong in affecting the success of learning.
other fields. English is a means to learn something else. They should always improve themselves; keep up with the phase of work improvement, especially not only about teaching method but also about the knowledge and anything around them.
Teacher‟s A33. Oke. Ini seperti belief about the lingkaran setan kalau saya nature of EFL bilang. A34. Gini, kalau dari sisi penyusun kebijakan, the policy maker, English itu memang sebagai compulsory subject and it will make Indonesian human resources at least equal with the other human resources around
Learning English in Indonesia is like a circle of devil. The policy maker already decided English as a foreign language compulsory subject in order to make Indonesian human resources are at least the same as
She sees EFL learning in Indonesia is a dilemma. The global goal and national goal is contradictive. In global perspective, English learning in intended to
the world, in the world, gitu ya. Itu yang yang dari sisi fungsinya, fungsionalnya bahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Sehingga kenapa itu diletakkan di dalam kurikulum kita sebagai bahasa asing wajib. Itu. Namun demikian, si policy maker tadi lupa bahwa tidak hanya sekedar itu yang dibutuhkan. Bahwa bahasa itu sendiri bisa juga dipakai sebagai it can be used to equip Indonesian generations, ya, to be… apa ya… maksud saya menjadi lebih berisi gitu lho.
other human resources in the world using mark indicator. Actually policy maker can expand further goal of learning English, i.e. to make Indonesian human resources more qualified such as equipping international Olympiad participants able to communicate in English and equipping students continue their study abroad. Government as the policy maker should also provide grant for qualified human resources however sometimes the grant does not go into the right man. It is sent to the policy maker relations. Moreover, support finance is used to improve other fields such as trading instead of education.
improve human life quality such as preparing language competence to face global interaction. Ironically, even though government already know it and position English as a compulsory subject, government measures the success of English learning using mark resulted from final examination.
Teacher‟s belief about problems in EFL learning
A40. ... Tinggal sekarang mau atau tidak mau dan tergantung pada facilitate... facilitator-nya. Ketika English teacher as a facilitator itu friendly, ya, sharing smiling face all the time and ready to help the students out when they need, everything will be alright. Karena saya sudah buktikan, dulu waktu SMP 5 belum jadi SBI seperti ini tahun 90an something itu anakanak kan kalau ngomong masih susah makanya saya pakai teknik roleplay dan di situ saya pakai sebagai saya pakai sebagai e… tugas akhir S1 saya, melalui melalui roleplay. Karena anak-anak secara tidak sadar tidak mau memerankan dirinya sendiri, mereka memerankan tokoh yang ada di situ dan mereka lebih bebas untuk mengungkapkannya. Ketika dikembalikan lagi ke track-nya lebih mudah. Itu, yang saya percaya. Teacher‟s A41. Deskripsinya? Yang belief about the jelas tadi sebagian tadi indicator of a sudah ya. Mereka
English is a subject which is not difficult to learn. It depends on how to facilitate the teaching and learning activity.
Along her teaching experience and practice, it can be inferred that EFL learning is a matter that is easy to do. All the problems in teaching can be solved using existed facilities. She believes the solutions have already existed in the world to solve the problem in EFL.
Successful English From her learners have explanation, it motivation, can be
successful English learner
memiliki motivasi, interest, lalu need tadi, ada need dan mereka anu, apa ya… having… ini masih hubungannya sama motivasi, inner… their inner motivation to practice more and more, itu terus.
interest, and awareness that they need to learn English.
concluded that she sees the success of EFL learning is determined mostly by psychological factors, e.g. motivation, interest, and awareness instead of pedagogical aspects such as high mark of assignment and examination.
A43. ... Bagi saya pribadi lho, Mbak. Mungkin kalau temen guru yang lain beda. Kalau saya seperti itu. Jadi saya selalu ketika masuk kelas setiap kali awal taun masuk kelas itu saya nggak mengajar. Saya cerita dulu… setahun ke depan kita akan ketemu dan ini program kita, tolong cermati. E... tolong bantu saya supaya program ini bisa dilaksanakan karena fokus saya most to speaking than to the other skills. Your writing is also important, but to me, your
Making learning contract at the beginning of the academic year may facilitate successful learning. Regarding speaking skill as the most important skill to practice it may support students to become successful learners as speaking skill is more spontaneous whereas other skills are not.
Further, it can be inferred that she emphasises and gives priority to speaking skill as the most basic skill in developing successful learners. She considers speaking skill is the most spontaneous and most frequent skill employed in communication.
speaking is also most important than writing, karena writing bisa dipelajari. Tapi speaking itu spontan, spontaneously dan kadang-kadang e… apa ya, unpredictably. Kita maunya begini, oh! tapi ternyata „Do you have a hand? misalnya. „Can you give me a hand?‟ nah, itu kan? Teacher‟s A44. Satu, eh… di kelas belief about an itu mesti antusias ya, effective and antusias dan mereka efficient banyak bertanya. Memang learner untuk melatih anak-anak bertanya dan memberikan pertanyaan yang menthes itu juga butuh kesabaran. Kadang-kadang pating clebung sak karepe wudhele kae yo wis, dirungokke sik. A45. Iya, tapi kan setelah mereka tahu bahwa… oh, ternyata cara a… apa yang saya butuhkan itu ini bukan hanya sekedar pertanyaan main-mainan. Nah, itu pernah terjadi. Ketika dulu itu saya mengajar di LIA, tapi ini bukan anak-anak ya tapi sudah orang dewasa sebetulnya karena itu PEMDA Magelang, ada
An effective and efficient student learns enthusiastically and asks the teacher whenever she/ he have a learning problem critically.
Letting students asking unwell thought questions then giving example of well thought questions are effective ways to train them giving qualified and critical questions.
She believes effectiveness and efficience of a learner is indicated by the response they make in attending the lesson either when they already comprehend the material or have a problem. In other words, an effective and efficient learner has good meta cognition. She doesn‟t mind with ungrammatical utterances said by students in responding the
yang muda ada yang tua. Waktu itu saya memperkenalkan anu apa… „It sounds good.‟ gitu lo.„What we go, e… what if we go swimming on Sunday?‟ „It sounds good.‟ „Do you wanna join? „Sure! What time?‟ nah, saya kan begini, „Sure! What time?‟ „What what if we go at 8?‟ „Oh, no. It‟s too early.‟ „9?‟ „Okay, good. Will you pick me up?‟ „Sure. I will pick you up at e… 8.45.‟ A46. Nah, itu, begitu begitu. Kan dengan saya mengatakan sounds good, sounds good. Itu ada lo yang nanya, „Bu, tanya. Apa bedanya sounds good dengan sound system?‟ Mati ora. Itu kejadian bener, Mbak. Teacher‟s A49. Belum sepenuhnya… belief about the belum seluruhnya. Ketika indicator of a saya di dalam kelas, kalau successful anak-anak itu sudah ada English teacher pada kategori 80… ke atas itu biasanya sudah saya abaikan. Kenapa? Karena saya mau konsen pada yang struggling… A50. He eh, he eh… saya saya tidak akan menganggap mereka itu
lesson. she sees this phenomenon as a process of learning.
Never regarding that some students are low and slow learners but struggling learners can lead the development of successful learners. Every student should have a printed and qualified dictionary
The other indicator proposed by Anggi is she never regards the existence of slow learners but strugging learners. Slow in her point of view is stuck without anny
low learners, slow learners… ya. „Come on, you have to struggle because you belong to struggling students.‟ Ben de‟e nggoleki, maksude struggling ki opo, gitu. Saya tidak akan memberikan, „Apa Miss, Miss, maksudnya seperti….‟ „Coba buka kamusnya.‟ Cuman kalian itu lho kadang-kadang aku sedih. Anak-anak Indonesia itu terlalu PeDe, rumangsane wis kamus mlaku, jadi do ra butuh kamus. Kalau mbawa yo ming kamus kecik-kecik, kamus yang di-download ke HP itu kan satu kata satu meaning atau Alfalink. „Saya tu nggak suka lo Alfalink.‟ Saya bilang gitu. „Buang itu Alfalinkmu, besok bawa kamus yang tebel, yang Oxford. Di situ ada beberapa kategori yang harus kalian pelajari. Sambil tak ajarin kalian itu membaca kamus.‟ Teacher‟s A52. Ya, jadi mereka ada belief about the suatu kebanggaan bagi response mereka being my toward assistance, gitu loh. „Can I students who assist you Miss.‟ „Ya, ya,
rather than a digital and electronic dictionary as the printed one provides more information.
efforts to get better while struggling menas the students attempt to get better. One of the technique she uses in picking struggling learners is require them to equip with standard dictionary as one of sources of learning materials.
Students who have very high mark can be teacher‟s assistance for their classmates.
Seeing the fact that sometimes fast learners may feel neglected
have high mark why don‟t you.‟ So when I make a… ask them to team up, itu yang 91 ke atas itu musti tak pasang leader. Selama mereka masih belum bisa nyampur dewe tak urutkan, 91 ke atas leader, leader, leader. Lalu turun ke 86 90 ratakke wae, ben. Cuman kerja kita capek, capek banget karena ketika masuk kelas kita monitoring. Yo nek sing bocah ora iso kan ming nunut, gitu lho. Apa kamu to yo kaya anu to… kaya Javanese proverb, Istri pada jaman Ibu Kartini dulu kan opo… itu to? Suwargo nunut, neroko katut. Nah, pie nek karepe neng neroko pie kamu? Moso? „Nah, coba sekarang berupaya. Coba deh, kamu misalnya kalau temanmu ini bicara masalah dialognya, you think about the property you need to perform, e… to be needed for your performance, why don‟t you?‟ Yang kamu timbangane nglamun, pikirkan mengenai lagu apa yang bisa dipakai sebagai background.‟ Gitu
because the teacher is busy with struggling learners, she implements a breakthrough by involving fast learners as learning assistance especially being a leader in a group work.
ya. Teacher‟s A56. Eeh, saya mendem. belief about a 10 kelas, mabuk, gitu kan. successful Karena saya tidak hanya teacher mengajar, Mbak. Saya kadang-kadang improving their English by texting, they are not allowed to text me in bahasa Indonesia. It must be in English. Salah yo ben tak benerke. Itu yang saya terapkan setiap ketika saya membantu temanteman saya yang nonEnglish teacher untuk improve their English itu melalui itu.
Teacher‟s belief about the focus of learning Teacher‟s belief in integrating culture and lesson
A58. Ya, karena learning language means we also learn the culture, and culture itu sendiri itu masih bisa dipecah-pecah. Culture secara umum kan kita hanya baru melihat dari cangkang luarnya. Walaupun nanti di situ
Teacher should be open-minded in facilitating students to learn outside school time including letting them to text message personally using English.
Successful learner is best developed harmonically with developing successful teacher. A successful teacher is indicated by being openminded. She sees this factor as the main affecting factor. Doing so, leads the teacher to be a flexible teacher who can ajust themselves conditionally as there are unlimited dynamics in EFL.
The focus of learning English is to get new knowledge, practice language skills, and learn foreign culture in an integrated way.
She peoposes three learning focuses covering pedagocic (getting new knowledge, practicing language
nanti ada custom, ya kan? Ada juga nanti etik. Nah, kalau kita bicara masalah culture, wes kui.
Teacher‟s belief about ideal learning process
A59. Proses pembelajaran yang ideal menurut saya di mana di situ terjadi tiktok, interaction between the facilitator and the learners equally. Nah, ini yang susah. Kalau saya hanya tadi mengatakan there must be a kind of tik-tok, nah tik-tok itu istilah intertainment ya… Interaction between the facilitator and the learners, titik. Itu semua orang sudah melakukan. But, equally, nah ukuran equally ini sendiri itu sangat sangat apa ya… detil sebetulnya. Kita bisa mengatak itu equally, ketika kedua belah pihak itu merasa get something. Kalau yang merasa mendapat sesuatu itu hanya siswanya thok.
skills,) and non pedagogic (learning culture of other countries). The third point represents her belief about integrating culture to lesson as well. An ideal learning process should have interaction between the facilitator and the learners equally.
Teacher‟s belief about teacher development
A63. Ee em. Itu untuk refreshing. Kan saya langganan Indovision itu kan karena nek TV Indonesia kan dari pada ndilalah. Kalau TV TV Indonesia itu kaya nangisnangisan ra nggenah gitu to. Kalau itu kan cetho. Itu. Nah, saya belajar „Give me a hit.‟ A64.„Give me a hit. I‟m a criminal mind.‟ „It is not just like you know, not just like e… it is not just like handshake and how do you do.‟ Ternyata apa itu maksudnya? Not just like handshake and how do you do. But we have to know someone deeper and deeper.
Watching a movie can increase vocabulary and expression development for the teacher so she/ he can teach the students using more various vocabularies and expressions.
In relation to developing successful teacher, it can be supplementd by allocating time to watch a movie. It enables increasing vocabulary and expressions used in communication as mentioned previously, she believes that speaking is regarded as the main significant skill in language development. A movie is better because it shows natural context in which more representing real communication example.
Teacher‟s A68. Baik. Saya selalu belief about a memberikan home successful assignment dan home teacher assignment itu berbeda.
To develop successful learners, a teacher can emphasize on
In addition to the previous explanation, it can be inferred
Contoh kecil. A69. Projek. Itu, e… can be both individually or group. Gitu. Nah, si projek itu saya nggak mau yang seada-adanya. Kita tau persis bahawa ketika kita belajar tentang advertisement atau advertisement itu kan itu itu itu itu. Ora menarik nganggoku, wis podho ning endi-ndi. Sekarang anak-anak tak tambahi satu poin. „Find out at least 3 advertisement or advertisement from internet and find why do you think it really interesting and attracted and… if you refer to the theory what thing you don‟t find in a list of the theory. A70. Nah, betul sekali. Saya lebih suka ke criticism. A76. Selain itu mereka juga harus memperkaya diri melalui film. Jadi, projek semester itu ada movie. Tapi saya arahkan movie-nya yang scope anak-anak. Yang kemarin saya pakai untuk kelas C-I itu harus kartun, harus kartun. Saya review make
speaking skill, give home assignment, individual project, and in a group project. One of the project examples is movie review where the student criticizes the movie and presents it in front of the class.
that Anggi does not rely on the result of final examination as the indicator of a successful teacher. She exactly believes emphasising speaking skill encourages successful learner. In addition, enlarging learning scope that is giving home assignment and project to train students comprehension. Home assignment takes more times and challenging so it can lead students to be autonomous.
narrative, narrative through movie. Itu grup, ya. Pilih, lalu sudah saya berikan gambaran filmfilm bagus yang kartun itu biasanya milik Disney. Contohnya ada… sebelumnya saya memang muter film dulu. Salah satunya Brother Bear, itu kan bagus. Filosofinya bagu…s banget kan. Orang Indian seperti itu lalu ada akhirnya si elang itu terbang dan sebagainya. Lalu film Up, itu kan juga bagus. Nah, lalu mereka tak suruh milih. Dari situ, mereka analyse, saya guide. Dari, jadi semacam kita itu kalau di kampus ya… analisis novel atau drama itu lo. Jadi, the leading characters-nya apa, supporting characters-nya apa, characterize and charac… eh,characteristics and characterization tak lebokke, secara sederhana. Lha itu, mereka menyusun itu dalam bentuk presentasi. Mereka presentasi. A82. Yang kedua. E… To support students Besides, yang berikutnya, mereka learning a teacher equipping harus sadar bahwa this is can give emphasise students with as
not, this one is not our own language. Itu. Sehingga, upayakan memakai bahasa Inggris yang dipakai oleh yang punya, gitu lo. Natural in a natural way. How? Pasti pertanyaannya „How?‟anak-anak kan… „Terus gimana, Miss?‟ „Ya itu tadi, kamu seneng nyanyi to? Terus kalau seneng nyanyi kenapa sih milihnya kok lagu Inggris, bukan lagu bahasa Indonesia?‟ „Karena kita suka melodinya.‟It is not, it e… mungkin tidak hanya, it is not only a matter of melody, but also… I suggest you to learn the content, the message sending across through that song. Itu, itu akan memperkaya kamu dan membuat bahasa Inggrismu itu natural. Pasti. Karena mereka buat lagu itu sesuai ekspresi yang mereka dapatkan perasaan yang ada pada dalam hati mereka diekspresikan dalam bahasa mereka. Itu. Obs I (09.03). She checked whether the students brought sufficient
on expressing mind, confidence, and awareness that English is other‟s countries‟ language.
She developed students‟ awareness about the need of
much foundation as possible indicates a successful teacher. The foundation are both pedagogical and non pedagogical.
dictionary. She said,” bringing sufficient Please bring printed and dictionary to help complete dictionary. I their learning. don‟t like digital or electronic dictionary because it has no complete information and examples”. Teacher‟s A86. Ah… cara terbaik itu belief about an seperti halnya kita belajar effective berbicara. Kalau teorinya English memang begitu kan? Jadi learning menirukan dulu, ya. Lalu dari listening, lalu imitating, lalu producing. Hanya itu kadang-kadang tidak disadari. Itu kalau kita melakukan itu consciously, terstruktur, maka dijamin anak-anak itu sejak kecil wis iso bahasa Inggris. Itulah kenapa sekarang ini ada Kindergarten yang sudah pakai English. A87. Pre-school, itu udah bagus-bagus kan? Anak kecil-kecil kaya anaknya Dedy Corbuzier kemarinwaktu di Hitam Putih. Ya. „Which one do you like, Mom or Dad? Why do you like Dad more than Mom?‟ gitu. Itu langsung kok, langsung thes thes thes…Nah, apa
One of the effective ways to learn English is like learning to speak; listening, imitating, and producing. It is also important to introduce English start from kindergarten level.
She proposes three phases in an effective learning process; seeimitate-practice. To be effective, it is also recommended to learn English from kindergarten level.
jadinya kalau generasi Indonesia bisa begitu semua. Itu butuh peran kita, selalu facilitator. Tinggal permasalahannya sekarang willing to do or not willing to do that. Teacher‟s A92. It depends on the belief about a situations, ya. Sometimes teacher‟s role a teacher must be a source of information, that‟s why the teacher has e… has to have broaden knowledge in anything not only in his or her subject matters. At now, all subjects are learned or taught integratedly and they have a kind of correlation between one subject with the other subjects. And the project now, most of e… some schools conduct certain kind of projects which involve more than one subject matter which is called as crosscurricular project. Crosscurricular project, itu yang jadi mimpi saya. Kunjungan ke pengunungan Karst misalnya, saya sering ngomong sama Pak Ris di sini. Itu bisa dilihat dari berbagai tinjauan. Geografi, tanah
A successful teacher should play flexible roles depending on the situation. As a source of information, she/he has to have broader knowledge in any subject matters.
A successful teacher succeeds in playing their roles. As mentioned before, being flexible encourages the success. It is very conditional.
bertanahnya to. Terus… Teacher‟s belief about an effective and efficient teacher
A97. Ya, itu tadi. Tidak harus selalu spoon feeding. Kasih pancingnya kok nggolek iwak dewe. Biarkan mereka selalu confirm, konfirmasi. „Oh, this‟s a kind of fish, Miss.‟ „No. not that one. Ya, put it back.‟ And they try to find it out.
An effective and efficient teacher in developing successful learners must not do spoon feeding, let the students confirm what they mastered and not yet mastered.
To be effective and efficient, a teacher should respond what effective and efficient learners do. At the part of effective and efficient learner it is mentioned that they are regarded as effective and efficient when they respond anthusiatically in attending the lesson and ask questions for learning problems. On the other hand, effective and efficient learner is those who have meta cognition. Thus, a successful teacher is those can facilitate meta cognition development.
Teacher‟s A103. Saya biasanya belief in masukkan ketika saya developing membahas satu topik. Itu students‟ kan melalui reading ya. grammar Kadang-kadang kan saya competence masuk melalui reading, thes. Reading, nah di situ kan ada beberapa mungkin yang saya suka bahas di situ kan tensesnya. Saya berangkat dari yang kecil, noun phrase. „Noun phrase itu sendiri nak, itu konstruksinya banyak.‟ Saya memang selalu bilang begitu. Ada yang… ada yang disebut degan noun adjunct ada yang noun and noun, adjective and noun, ada yang lain-lain juga. Nah, ini panjang… seperti ini itu noun phrase. Kita mulai dari articles, cemplungke neng kono dengan yang lebih sederhana. Lalau saya biasanya berikan latihan satu kalimat itu dibedah. Awalnya dari, e… dengan cara yang sangat sederhana saya garis bawahi jawabannya. Jadi, mereka membuat question words questions. Mereka mau pakai word who when whose, ya where,
To be successful, teacher can teach grammar in integrated way with particular language skills.
She believes in integrated process to develop any matter.
how dan seterusnya. Itu baru dari sisi membuat kalimat. Kalau mereka sudah bisa jitu, sampai kesitu, itu baru e… deconstructing sentence, ini masuk… kelompok ini masuk apa, noun phrase, yang ini apa. Nah, ketika ada… he eh, „Ketika ada susunan seperti ini, ini disebut dengan….‟ „Nggak tau, Miss.‟ sisihkan. Lalu nanti saya akan menerangkan clause. Clause itu kan macemmacem. Jadi, saya mengajarnya memang itu campur, Mbak. Grammar tetep tak kuatkan, tapi sesi tersendiri dengan mengambil contoh satu teks. Dan itu nanti menjadi tugas anak-anak, saya ada beberapa tugas itu analysing exposition text. Pak Aris nyuwun tulung Pak Aris. Analysing exposition text itu sampe detil itu. Saya tugas-tugas anak-anak saya banyak. Jadi, kalau nanti panjenengan ngersakke, dan saya selalu bilang „Saya tidak akan damping kalian. Teori sudah saya berikan,
kerjakan. Karena ini individual project and I know which one e… who is not cheating and the one who is cheating. Ya, and I‟ll be waiting for your email at 12 midnight. Obs I (09.45). She checked students‟ sentences. Some did grammatical mistakes. She corrected the mistakes right away in front of the class.
Teacher‟s belief evaluating character education
A104. Betul. Betul. Tapi in mereka nggak enak hati ketika nyontek. Karena mereka pernah ada… tahun berapa ya, ya ya tiap tahun masih ada yang kaya gitu. Waktu mereka bicara masalah animal, itu sing 1 ki di menceritakan tentang Crocodile yang satu Alligator. Tapi Alligator itu tulisanne persis karo Crocodile. Lah, nddak tak nilai to. Yang lain tak bagikan, terus anak itu kan terus datang. „Bu, punyakku, Miss punyakku kok nggak dikembalikan?‟ „Coba kamu duduk.‟ Yang, yang satu datang lagi. „Saya tidak akan ngapangapapin, saya cuma ingin kalian cerita Who will be… who will… who was writing the original text? Itu aja. Tolong jawab satu pertanyaan saya. Itu. Karena dengan itu… kalian menjawab itu saya baru bisa bantu kalian memberikan nilai. Sepanjang itu tidak terjawab, maka mohon maaf aku nggak bisa ngasih kamu nilai. Pikirkan, tak tinggal dulu
A teacher can Integrated .. evaluate students‟ character education development through homework or project such as once the teacher finds a similar homework or project among students, she/ he can evaluate honesty value.
Teacher‟s belief involving students actively
ya.‟ A105. Wes, akhire ngaku. Anaknya sekarang, anaknya sekarang sudah punya anak itu malahan. Itu. „Kelingan, dadi mbiyen aku kelingan bangetaku nyontek to, bu. Terus akhire aku nulisi tiger.‟ Tulisanmu dewe, macan menurut persepsi kamu. Itu malahan worth it dari pada kamu nulis Alligator tapi tulisane Crocodile. Jadi, saya memang seperti itu cara… rodo kenceng maka saya bilang „I‟m too demanding, do you hate me? I‟m happy.‟ Ya, coba. Mungkin sekarang aku belum memi… memikirkan bahwa apa yang saya bilang itu akan berguna untuk aku di masa yang akan datang after you are in years 12, I guarantee that you will be coming finding me out and hug me. A110. Attendance list. A teacher can in involve students to be active using A111. Ramdomly, terus group work muter tempat duduk. consisting of heterogeneous students and
Group work and random. Group work mixed heterogeneously among fast learners and
pointing certain students randomly based on attendance list. Obs I (09.35). She asked She activated students to make students‟ sentences using „risk‟ and involvement. „consequence‟. She called students randomly focusing those who had not yet participated in the class to write down their sentences on the board.
Teacher‟s belief developing students‟ awareness
A112.Ya, oke. Di situ in sedikit e… filosofis. Saya mengambil tekniknya Pak Bismoko. Beliau ketika akan mengajar kita di kelas itu kan selalu memakai filosofinya dulu. Ketika kita belajar tentang metode penelitian, itu kan beliau selalu memberikan dasar-dasarnya dulu bahwa, bahwa orang belajar itu, mempelajari sesuatu itu karena kita atau tadi itu ingin, ingin tahu curiousity ketika melihat pertama kali kita
To develop awareness of the significance of learning process, a teacher can describe the philosophy related to the learning material first then come into the learning material.
struggling learners. There will be take and give, transfer of knowledge and motivation. Fast learners tend to be active. By group work, it is expexted the struggle learners will be active as well. Randomly is seen as a fair technique. It looks forcing but good technique. Awareness is derived from knowing the essence or core or nature and the advantage.
memiliki persepsi tentang itu. Tapi jangan… jangan di dianggap bahwa persepsi kalian itu benar. Dan setelah itu baru kalian konfirmasi dengan teori. Caranya tau dapet teori dari mana? Baca. Caranya baca, kok dapat naskahnya dari mana? Browsing internet, boleh dan seterusnya. Nah, itu sebuah proses belajar dari yang utuh, tidak diadaadakan. Karena memang kebutuhan otak kita, e, sorry kebutuhan e… keinginan untuk memenuhi rasa ingin tahu kita tentunya sudah disesuaikan dengan kapasitas otak kita juga. Itulah, itulah e… keagungan Tuhan di mana kepala kita yang kecil ini bisa diisi dengan banyak hal. Kamu bisa bikin seratus kamar atau seribu kamar di situ. Ini untuk sastra, ini untuk film, ini untuk i…tu bisa semua. Tergantung yang terakhir sekali, saya selalu bilang „Kamu mau atau tidak?‟ Saya selalu mengatakan seperti itu. Jadi itu, sebuah proses belajar
menurut versi saya. Ada beberapa teori kan? Belajar bisa consciously unconsciously itu kan… Obs II (08.55) She called the first group to have a presentation. While the group was preparing the media (laptop, LCD projector) other groups were preparing their own presentation. They sat in group and did a brief rehearsal. She told the students to show their best so they did not to repeat the presentation. She also said that she was a demanding teacher different with other teachers who felt satisfied enough with students‟ achievement. She did it to make the students always upgrade their ability and improve their competence so when they face more complicated cases about English they will be readier. Teacher‟s belief facilitating various learning strategies.
A114. Saya tidak in memaksakan kehendak. Jadi, saya selalu bilang bahwa „I‟m here your facilitator, I‟m the source of information, sometimes
She developed students‟ motivation and awareness about the need of learning English.
To facilitate various learning strategies a teacher can give freedom to the students whether to make a
Believing students that they are mature enough to decide what to do in expanding
when I say something whether you need it or not. A115. Whether you want to write it or not, or you just want to listen to me and look at me… alright. The point is when I test you, you can make it. That‟s it. Jadi terserah pada kalian.Jadi di situ saya juga cerita learning style itu ada macammacam, ada auditory, audio-visual, and kinaesthetic. Yang begini begitu begini begitu… Obs I (09.23). She never asked the students to write, not to write, or listen the explanation as long as they understand the lesson. Teacher‟s A121. Baik. Itu tadi, belief in melalui sikap-sikap kita developing tentunya ya. Saya selalu students‟ bilang bahwa, bahwa personality begini „You can call me Mbak.‟ A122. Ya, ada beberapa. If we are not in class, tapi kamu harus tahu persis bahwa etika, pemantapan itu penting. Nah, di situlah yang akan membentuk kepribadian kita juga
note or just listen their learning along the learning scope. activity based on their preferred learning strategy.
To develop students‟ having good personality, a teacher can give them opportunity and space to get closer with the teacher under politeness value.
Personality supports teacher package. Excellence in pedagogy and personality. Personality can be trained by keeping in touch with other people, respecting elder people.
untuk bisa menempatkan diri kita di berbagai situasi. Oh, caranya ketika ngomong di lingkungan ini bahasanya itu. Saya mengikuti dulu setelah itu kamu akan kembangkan. Jadi tidak gambang kromong. Jadi saya selalu begitu saja. Sederhana, Mbak. Cuman itu saja kalau saya. A123. Iya he eh. Nanti mereka akan berkembang sendiri tentunya. Teacher‟s A125. Saya belief in sepakat dengan itu. developing Karena kita kan nggak students‟ meta mungkin mak cus gitu kan cognition nggak to. Jadi kan memang itu tadi, jadi seperti membentuk sesuatu itu kan lalu mereka diberikan sarana atau wahana untuk menemu, menemukan reasonable reasons why such kind of things happened? Ya, such kind of thing happen, itu. Jadi, ketika teori ini diterapkan di kelas saya yakin anakanak itu secara tidak sadar secara akan membentuk dirinya sendiri sesuai dengan keinginan kita sebagai guru itu tadi.
To develop and check meta cognitive aspect, a teacher can give students sufficient opportunity, facilities, and media to find out reasonable reasons why such kind of things happen so they are ready to face global world with good personality to actualize themselves. The fields to develop meta cognitive aspects can be anything not merely English
Meta cognition drives awareness and autonomy. Giving inductive way of thinking. Let students investigate and formulate a case in any subject matter. Can combine content based instruction to teach meta cognition.
Dan nanti hasilnya akan language. muncul anak-anak yang betul-betul merasa cukup terbekali bahasa Inggrisnya, mampu bersaing di dunia global dengan kepribadian yang bisa umpan papan dan dia bisa ingin selalu belajar. Karena selalu saya ciptakan nuansa persaingan, bukan dengan sesamanya karena itu nanti kalau dengan sesamanya akan nanti ada negatifnya nanti ada threat itu kan, lalu ada anxious dan seterusnya. Saya selalu „Ayok, saya masih cari beasiswa lo ya, kamu mau milikmu tak rebut?‟ ah kalau yang itu aku tau. Saya selalu bilang gini, gini gini. Saya selalu bawa-bawa teori. Self-actualization. Ada itu Mbak, jadi kan ada kebutuhan dasar, menengah sampai ke yang paling atas adalah selfactualization. Nah, I‟m now in the process of this one. Hierarki Marslow itu selalu saya bawa-bawa di kelas untuk membekali mereka. Jadi, m mereka selalu menganggap saya
itu ndak hanya guru bahasa Inggris. Karene diiringi sing liane… Obs I (09.00). She asked the students to distinguish among notice, caution, and warning. A student answered reluctantly and whispered her tablemate to clarify her incomplete answer. She asked other students to express their mind too to make formulated distinction among notice, caution, and warning. Teacher‟s A128. Nah, ini masih belief in sulit. Ketika saya sedang developing mencoba berupaya untuk autonomous anak-anak itu menjadi learners autonomous learners, tibatiba mereka sudah harus terpotong lalu harus nyiapkan UN. Makanya nggak gitu seneng sama UN. Idealnya untuk membentuk anka-anak itu menjadi autonomous learner itu di kelas 8. Kelas 8… A129. Di kelas 9 itu tinggal jalan setengah, satu semester to, karena setelah itu mereka harus sudah focus ke UN. Tapi kalau yang, anak-anak
To develop students to become autonomous learners, a teacher can do some efforts ideally when they are in grade 8 so in grade 9 they can focus more on national final examination.
It is best developed in grade 8. Have already had the pre-requisite knowledge and not yet demanded by final examination. It indeed prepares final examination.
yang kuat memang wadahe cukup itu tadi, jadi. Teacher‟s A130. Setuju saya juga belief in dengan itu. Saya setuju maximizing dengan bakat itu karena students‟ sebetulnya untuk belajar aptitude bahasa itu tidak semua orang bisa lho, karena itu talent… talent juga. Jadi banyak, sing wis kok aku ora iso ngrasakke yo bedane opo. Ketika kita harus berbicara masalah idiomatic expression tadi, apa kowe ora ngrasakke kui ki maksude iki. Jadi, missleading terus missleading terus. Saya bilang, bakat itu memang ada bagi seorang pembelajar bahasa dan itu akan betul-betul menjadi kendaraan yang sangat akan membantu si pembelajar bahasa tersebut untuk bisa menjadi successful language learner. Kalau saya masuknya lain, karena dulu SMA nya IPA, tapi mungkin ternyata setelah saya telusuri diri saya sendiri mungkin saya juga memiliki bakat bahasa. Itu kan. Jadi memang saya termasuk
Language aptitude Case study and can be stimulated inductive way to develop of thinking. successful language learners, i.e. by giving number of materials then ask the students to identify the characteristics.
manusia aneh. Teacher‟s A131. Integrated dengan belief in skill yang lain dan dalam developing tugas tadi, home students‟ assignment. Jadi saya vocabulary selalu, kan sudah saya competence ajarkan memakai istilah ini kembar tapi nggak identik. It‟s not the same. So when you want to replace delay and postpone tidak selalu bisa. Gitu. Nah, ini kamu harus mulai bisa. Jadi, merasakan, jadi anakanak itu tak kon nyicipi bahasa itu tadi. It‟s fine in this context you can make it by replacing delay and by replacing delay, delay, and postpone. Tapi kan dalam konteks yang lain tidak bisa. Itu. Makanya kalau kia belajar vocabulary jangan isolated tapi put it in the context. A132. Oh, no no no no. Saya nggak pernah kok minta anak-anak… (Itu nyuwun tulung Pak Aris…) menghafalkan anak-anak saya minta menghafalkan, nggak. A133. Oh, ya. Ya. Saya pinginnya anak-anak itu bisa pakai. Jadi ketika
A teacher can Integrated, no develop vocabulary drilling and with other skills or memorizing. assignments so that it is more practical, contextual, and functional.
saya di kelas bahas tentang soal misalnya. „Oke, e… this word can be best replaced by the word. What, what is it? Cover, web, or what? Cover, cover itu hanya segini lo…Web itu keseluruhan. Nah, ini yang mana?‟ seperti istilah significant, and important, itu kan meh podho essensial. Essensial, significant, and important they are all similar. In of essensial can be replaced with the significant one. Significant means e… the whole, not only the surface but wholeness. Jadi lebih dalem, lebih kerasa. Obs I (08.50). She developed vocabulary integrated with other aspects. Teacher‟s belief in correcting students‟ error
A135. It depends on the mistake. Kalau itu mistake itu akan menjadi wabah di kelas, itu saya biasanya langsung, „Sorry I would like to interrupt you for a while, I will I want to give you a kind of input. It is
Correcting errors can be regarded not as fully correction but an input given flexibly. Classical error is correcting classically and individual error is
Correcting error does not mean blaming and crossing the error. It is more on teh positive input that may encourage
not correction but it is a correction kind of input, just because individually I really care about you. (personally). Apa itu tadi kamu bilang apa itu tadi? Coba diulang lagi. Masak sih seperti itu?‟ kan mesti seperti itu. Obs I (08.50). Sometimes she corrected students‟ mistakes classically and individually especially about the word forms.
A136. Pertama melalui lagu. Lalu baru memasuki teks e… teks monolog pendek. Itu. Lalu nanti dialog dan seterusnya. Kenapa anak-anak ini dulu selalu saya minta mereka untuk ada kelas khusus yaituTOEIC, ya kelas kelas TOEIC untuk anak-anak ini untuk latihan kuping.
Developing listening skill can use a song, short monologue text, and dialog because those media and materials are more contextual.
Choice of media is the most considerable thing in developing listening skill.
Teacher‟s A138. Membaca? Oke. belief in Right, reading. Reading developing itu ada intensive reading students‟ dan extensive reading, ada reading skill reading aloud itu untuk for checking pronunciation ya. Nah, yang untuk intensive reading itu kan kita lalu mulai dari comprehension questions
To develop reading skill, a teacher can divide it into two, reading aloud focusing on pronunciation and reading for comprehension (extensive and intensive reading).
Integrated with other micro language skills, such as pronunciation and grammar.
Teacher‟s belief in developing students‟ listening skill
dulu kan? Baru setelah itu kita bedah bentuk e… text analysis itu selalu saya berikan juga. Dari situ saya akan mencakup di dalamnya ada nanti masuk grammar… A139. Tapi saya tidak suka pakai istilah generic structure.Saya lebih suka memakai istlah structure. Itu kan istilah Indonesia karena mereka sendiri kurikulum aslinya itu nggak ada generic structure. Ya, structure, the generic structure of the text. Nanti di Amerika istilahnya udah beda lagi. Nanti kalau anak-anak kita terbiasa dengan generic structure, ndilalah mereka dibawa orang tua mereka jebret ke sana bingung. Narrative kok di sini istilahnyya nggak generic structure ya. Itu kan membedakan. Saya apa ya… what is a lah. Yang jelas meraka tau bahwa the text is constructed through these structures. Yang depan buang. Saya paling nggak suka, maaf ya, ini personal dengan istilah kurikulum, he eh. My personal belief,
Reading for comprehension then is extended into text analysis to develop structure of the text and the grammar.
istilah kurikulum yang ini yaitu dengan adanya short functional text, the functional text is not always short. Iya, agree. Jadi saya lebih suka mekai istilah functional text. Terus ini tadi generic structure, no, pakai aja istilah structure. A140. Nah, itu nanti kalau ketemu anak-anak pintarpintar seperti di sini, „Miss, how come is it a kind of a short functional text? Whereas it is not short.‟ Kalau be quiet, bisa kita sebut short functional text. Teacher‟s A141. Saya lebih sering belief in memberikan assignment developing atau project ya mbak. Jadi students‟ semacam cerita tentang writing skill crocodile tadi, lalu review buku untuk kemudian dipresentasikan.
To develop writing Long term skill, assigning project and assignment and assignment. project and then ask the students to present it is considered as an effective technique.