PCffteriltah Republik lndones~a dan Pemerlntah Repubik Turkr { selanjulllya diseblll sebaqal "Para Pihak" secara bersama·sama aan sebagai "Pihak" secara ters~ndili).
Menyctujui komilmen mereka pada tujuan-tujuan dan prinslp-prinsip Piagam Perterlkatan Bangsa-Bangsa . Monekankan ~Ubunga n pernhabatan dan ke~asama . yang akan dikembangkan dan dil)e!Kual beraasarl
erikan kontrlbusi bagi kepenllngan bersama kedua negara. serta perdamaian dan keamana n dUnta.
Mengungkapkan keu"'ginan mereka untuk lebih mengembangt
industri Pert&hanan aengan memanfaatkan komampuan ilmiah dan teknis mereka di bidang peralatan millter dan persenjataan. Mcmaluhl pronsrp-p
Telah menyepakati hal-h&l sebagai beria.rt
Tujuan d ari Persetujuan ino adalah u11tuk nwmbentuk "kerjasama di bidang lndustri Pertahanall" antara Para PiMl;. dengan mengembangkan kemampuan industri pellahanan kedua negar.o mAialul kerjasama yang lebih efeklif d alam hal pengembangan, produksi, clan pengad~an barang dan jasa Pertahanan v•llll berl
PASAL II RUANG LINGKUP Peiselujuan ini: mencakup dasar dan pri nsip-prinSip ke~asama bilateral "di bld•ng industri Pertahanan· antara Para Pihak. Para Pihak akan memulai kerjasama oesbai dengan peratoran nasional mereka masing-m asing dan prioritas Pertallanan.
PASAL Ill P ENGERTIAN·PENGERTIAN 1. "Persetujuan" berarti Persetujua n Kerjasama lnduslri Perlahanan anlara Pemerinlah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerinlah Republik Turl(i
"lnformosi, Ookumen dan B;lh en·Bahan yang bersifat Rahasia" berMi informasi. dokumen. bahan-baMn dan proyek-proyek dengan tingkat klaslflkllsllet)ih tioggl daripada .. TERBATAs·· yang didefini~i kan sesual dengan peraturan nasronal masing-masiog Para P!hak dalam k eraogka tingkat
keamanan. 3. '"Barang dan Jasa lndu strl Pertahanan" berarti persenjalaan dan perala!an militer, beserta dukungan IOQISiik lerl
"Tonggungan" berarto Mggota keluarga para Persooel Tamu yang mana mereka bertanggung Jawab •esuai dP.ngan huku m nasionalnya {Suamilistri dan anak-anak). 5. " Personel Tamu " berarti personet militer alau sipil yang dUIJg askan oleh Para Pillak di wilayah Pihak lainnya unluk pelaksanaan Persetl4uan ini. 6. " Pejabat Militcr 1 Sipil Senior"' berarti personal senior tlngkal tertinggi dianlara Personel Tamu yang ditugaskan untuk mengawasi k~~Qialall-kegiatan Personel Tamu sebagaimana ke1entuan yang bella~ u dari Negara pengirim dalam kerangka persetujuan lnl.
7. " Jamlnan Kualitas" beraoi ku81ita• dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang seyogyanya terjamin sehlngga dapat menciptakan kuaMias dalam produksi dan jasa sistem Pertahanan. 8. " Kerja sama" berant kegiatan-keglalan berdasarkan prinsip.Pflnslp hubungan timbat balik sesual dengan isu-isu yang dltelapkan sesuai dengan peraturan-perat1>an nasional Para Plhak dalam kerangka persetujuan ini. 9. "Negara Penerlrria" berarti Negara yano menerima personel, bahan dan pellllatan dari Negara Pengirim ke dalam Wllayahnya dalam rangl
Para Pi~ak akan beketjasama dalam bidang induslri peyediaan berbagai ta5llitas yang diperlukan bagl ruang li ngk ~P teknis yaog dibuluhkan oteh Angkatan Berse
Penerapan hasil penelilian t>ersama. peogtlombangan dan proyek produksl
di bi
3. Penelitian. prOduksi dan
Pelaksanaan penelibn bersama aan proyek-proyok pengemMilgan sumber daya ilmiah di bldang lndu,tri pertaMnan oa1am rangka
berdasar~a n
memproduksl perala!an yang dlperlukan balk secara uen;ama-sama alau yang rerkailan antara kedua negara. dan pemenuhan kegiatan-keglatan ini yang akan diatur dalam lingkup pengaluran peiSksanaan di bid ang penehlian dan pengambangan da n teknologl apabila dlkehenda~l uncu~ antara kedua negara. 6. Bantuan timbal bal1k dalam a d3ng produksi
10 Penukaran informasi ilmtah dan teknls. doku men lerkalt dan informast mengenal standar inclustri Pertahanan yang dlgunakan untuk Jaminan kualilas oteh Para Pihalc.. 11.
Kerjasama antara instansi teknis militer. paruaahaan-perusahaan industri bawan otorisasl dari Para Pihal>.
perta~anall dan fasil~as pemelil'la.
Partisipasi dalam pameran industri pertahanan dan simposium yang diseleng~ara k an oteh kedua Mgare.
13. Penjualan atau pembelian yanQ saling menguntungkan dari produk induslri partahanan dan layanan yang ter.edia dan t:>erlebil'l di per$ecliaan Angl
2_ Kegiatan-kegialatJ harus diprakarsai me-lalui tHIIdangan res.mi dikirim oleh ketua bersama Pihak Penerima setidak11ya tiga SE~belum 1anggai yang di sida ng Kom ile Para Pihak harus menilai dan mernbuat kepu•usan untuk mengundang ~g.ata-nega ra kel ig a u n• uk herpa rtisipasi proyek produksi bersama atas kesspakat;:m bersa ma. .3.
4. Pelal<sanaan rincian proyek p.ada bida rtg-b~ ang kerjas.ama. harus diletapkan melalul Protokol yang didasarkan p::~da. perse~ujuan hukum Nasronal Para Pihak. 5. Para Pihak harus. mene!apkan nncJan pelaksanaan mengenai bidanglberb-agai b~ang kerjasama atas dasar dokumen-dokumen sepe-11i perse! uj ua 11 pe Ia k-san aan
KOMITE BERSAMA 1. Komite Bers am a (setanjutnya disebut sebagai "Komite"}, di mana kedua belah pihak ak::~n diwakiti sama oleh anggota Kemenlerian Pertahanan Repl.lblil-". Indonesia dan Kementerian Pertahallal"l Nas.ional 1-{epublik Turki, hams ditetapkan unU.Jk pelaksan aan kerentuan .Pers.e!ujuan ini.
2_ De!egasi Ke mente ria n Pe rtah an afl Na s.ional Repu'o~i k Indo., esia akan di pi mpi n oleh D irektu r JE! ndera I Sara ~a Pert.ah.anafl Kementerian Perlah ar~ an RE!publik lndonesiC~_ sedangkan Delegas.i Kementerian Pef1ahanan Republ1k Turki akan dipimpin oleh Depuh Teknol-ogi dan Koo rdinasi Pertahafl an Nasional dan Oir~k!ur Pi;!!rsenjataan Nasional.
3. Konlak poin yang bertanggung jawab un!uk kegi afan Korn ite ada Ia h;
org~ nisasi
dan koordioas.i
Direkto T ek.notog i d afl Indutlri Direktmat Jer1e1eral Sar~ma Pertahanan Peftan aoan Republik Indone-sia
Depart~men llldus.•ti Pe1'1ahanan Hubungan Luar Negeri. Kemenlerian Per1ahanan Nasional Repubrik Tull:;i, dan
Jumrah anggota dari setiap P1hak da1~m Komi~e lidak boleh melebihi lujuh orang. Be-berapa allli dapat dimi:isukkan dalarn Komite melaksanakan hak yang s.ama dengan a nggo'a Ja i rmya. bi Ia peri u.
s. Pihak T~an Ruma ll berl.anggung jawab untuk org.anisasi pertemual'l dan pelak.sanaan kegia.ta n kesel
6. Sesuai dengan PersetuJuan ini. lugas dan kewajiban Komite adalah sebagai beri kut
Mem1lih dan menentuka.n btdang-bidang ke~as.ama yaflg nyata
Pas aI l V Perset'.Jjua.n 1n•.
b. Pemilihan proyek-pro)'eF:C , yang harus dilaksanakan bersama, dan identifikasi jenis ya 11g paling sesuai dan melode kerjasama da~am pe Ia ksanaa nfl ya .
Pertukara n iMormasi untuk lujuan pemenuhan proposal selama pelak.sana.a.n program bersama.
ke~as am a
d. Presentasi proposal, pendapat-pendapat dan rekome-nc;tasi tentang partisipasi .negara ketiga di::ilam proyek bersama kepada pemerinta h ma:s ing-mi::ising, Persiapan dan edis.i dokumen yang diP@'rlukan c,~ntuk r-ealisasi pr-oyek yang dis.e• uj ui d :;.fl keputus.a rt f. Pengawas an secara periodik a.!as. realisasi proy-ek yang disetujui dan keputusan-kecputusan yang t-ela h d ibua•
!e-ntang usulan amandemen dan panilaian yang harus dalam Pets eh.Jjuan ini untuJ( memberik:;.n solusi dan m~salah- mas8l;sh yaflg timbul da n poelaks.afla.ln p~rselujua n in- dengao memer il<sa nya. dilakc,~kafl
7. Semua lopik-•opik pada agenda Sidang Komi'1e haws. di~n tuka n dan dikaordinasikan ef'atn puluh {60) han sebelum Sidang . Keii.Ja detegasJ akan sa•ing memberrtahultan tentang pertanyaan Oaf! ~5U• I5U yaflg d ib ica ~ kan dal am agenda Sid a ng Komite.
Sid'ang Komile harus dilaksanakan salifiQ bergaotian sesuai ;adwal yang disetujui ber$.ama sekurang-kurang r~ya sek ali dalam tiga ~ahun. Komi!e 1\arus diundang ke :sidang ol el'l ket1.1a delegasi yang t:Jeortanggung jawab untuk arganisasi <:Sari pe11.emuan~tetset:Jut di a~ as seh~ngga untuk memnana~ agenda yai'lg disepakali bersama.
PASAL VII PERLINOUNGAN HAK-HAK KE KAYAAN INTELEKTUAL 1. H::~k dan .kewajiban Para P1hak terk.ait kepemitikan industtial dan kekayaan ioteleklual. hak produksi dalam wi3a}'ah masing -mas-ing, penerimaan lisensi pr-odu~ . penjualan ke negara ke-tiga dan perlindungan paten atas produk-produk
baru dan penemuan yang dlrealisa•ikan dalam kerangka proyek bersama harus dimilki secara t>ersama-sama dan ditenlukan sesuai dengan persetuj.lanpersetujuan pelaksana~ terplsah yang alersama. Prolotot ini harus mempertlmbangkan perat"'an-peraturan dan perjanjian internasional yang b&rtaku mengenai perlmdungan hak k~kaya•n intetektual dl setiap negara. Dalam persetujuan pelaksanaar> ini: prinsip-prinsip dan prosedur-prosetlur yang tetlufaktur, pensadaan, pelayanan teknis dan dukungan personet serta jasa pelayanan IRfrastruktur. dan kewa;ban keuangan maupun hukum ttarus ditenltJI
2. Penyaluran bahan il'ldustri pertahanan dan publibsi pertuka ran inforrnasi yang saling megunlungkan ke Pihak kerga harus denQan persetujuan tertuis dari pemii k asli, Para Pih~k harus menghormatl hak kekayaan intelektuat <1an pembatasan 3. lain mengenal raprod~ksi. dupli~a si. pemanfaatan atau dlstribusi semua bahan. produk tlan dala yang disampaikan oleh P1hak tainnya dalam konleks Perselujoan iru: 4. Dalam rangka mel aksanakan kegi atan alas oe~tujtran·petsetuju an dimaksud, Para Pihak harus memberrkan jaminan bahwa hak-hak kekayaan intelektual. yang dise
Pemindattan. partindungan
PASALIX JAMlNAN KUALITAS Apa!Mia disepaltati oleh kedua Pihak. keojasama pada jaroinan kualitae akan df3tlll dengan peljanfian oeopi$8h antata Paoa Pillak.
PASAL X TANGGUNG JAWAB INTERNASIONAL Ketentuan-kelentuan PersetUJuan ini lidak akan mempengaruhi komilmen Para Pihak yang lombu! dali perjanjian .nternaslonal lainnya dimana negaoa· lainnya sebagai Anggota dan tidak boleh digunakan terhadap kepentinoAn. keama nan dan lntegritas wilayah Negara lain. Tidak ada para Pihak yang tidak menahon diri untuk memenuhi komilmen mereka dalam Persel\4uan ini dengan mengedepankan peratuoan-peoaturan dari Perjanjian lnteona91<>nal lalnnya dimana mereka adatah Anggotanya.
1. Personet tamv dan tangg ungan meoeka harus tunduk pada hukum dan yurisdiksi 1'/egara Penerima. selama merelta ~nggal di negara tersebu( pada sa at masuk. t~gal dan meninggalkan dan kewenangan menanganl tindak pidana dan perdata merup.~kan milik l'legara Penerma. 2. l'legaoa Pengirim ~aws menerapkan atur•n do~iplin !!tat Pe.,OOlet Militer dan Sipil tamu yang tunduk pada Hukum Negara pengirim selama mereka tinggal dl wilaya~ Negara Peneolma
3. Ketentuan-ketentuan Persetujuan oni tetap akan berlaK~ walaupun beotentangan dengao persetu)uan dibawal>rlya kecuai •uatu keten!toan yan(l bertentanqan Ieiah cfnyatakan paaa persetujuan dibawahnya. 4. Personel tamu itu dan tanggungan mereka haous menghorm~ti hukum Nega ra Penerim.a dan lidak akan mencamf"Jri urusan dalam negeri Negara
Penerima baik see.ara lisan maupun tal1u£is, 5. Personet Tamu yang terlibal dalam berbag~>i kegiatan yang tercakup oalam Persetujuan l no harus metnattho hukum nasional Negara Penerlma selima mereka linggal oi wilayah Negara Penetima. Pihak yang berwenang dari Negara Penerima berhak untuk melaksanakan yunsdiksi alliS Peosonet Tamu yang melakukan petanggaran di dalam wilayah Negara F'enerima dan da,p at dihukum dengan ~O
tersebut Apabda 'f\SISdokso yang dotaksanakan dan h ulluman yang diJaluhkan kepada Personet Tamu tersebut lldak d1atur datam kelentuan Negara Peng1nm. meka Pata Pihak aka., m~akukan konsu1tas1 se-cara tesm. untuk menentukan J&n•s hukuman yang seSU
I 81aya peqalanan donas dan uang hall8n persooel yang akan drtugaskan t.rli\Jk kegiatan dalam tongkup Perwo.Jju;~n '"' t"larus ditanggung otel'l Negara
Peng•rn. 2 Personel lamu dan tanggungan mereka yang d1ki"m sesua• dengan ketenwan Persetujuan '"' narus tunduk pada hukum Negara Penerima dalam hal paJak. Bea Cukai. pembellan. pen1uatan dan masatah-masa;ah keuangao terkat dan lain.lain
PASAL XIII ALOKA$1 ANGGARAH 81aya pflbadl hatus ditanggung oleh Para Pi ha~ sesua1 dengan atokaso anggaran untuk pelaksar'\aan Pefsetujuan in1 kecuah Para P1hak membua' Persewtuan yang berlaw3nan
PASAL XIV STATUS PERSONEL DAN AOMINISTRASI 1. Per sonel tamu harus mengln ndan segala macam keg,atan pol~~ d1 datam W>layah Negara Penenma 2
Kekebatao diplomatik 1 hak •sbmewa oldak akan dlberikan ke.oaaa petsonel
tamu dan tanggungan mereka
3 Pe.-SOI'el 1amu t•o:Jak akan dlk&nakan dcnda atas setoap t•oda~an apalllla terkaH IU!Ias-lugas yang o:Jiletapkar'l dalam Per>eiUJuan dan protokot yang akan ditandatangam sesua1 deng~n Persett.Jjusn ri atau yang d1tentuka."'' dalam
Perselutuan 1111. 4 Negara Penenma harus menyod•akan peralalao yar'lg dibuluhkan b1la o•pertvkan selama pelaManaan keg•atan tersebvr
Personal tamu dE\pa' mengena'N:an pakaian se1agarn nas1ona1 mereka di
tempat mereka
PASAl XV HAL·HAL LUAR BIASA 1 Negara Pengtim harus memberlakukan haknya unru1< mamanggil keml>ali personal kehka cilanggap perlu Dalam kasus lersebut. N egara PGnflrima harus mengambil ltlldakao yang diperlukan untut. memenutn proscck.ll 1n1 seoepat mungkrn. 2. Dalam katus kemat&an personol tamu atau tanggun;an me<eka. Negara Penefima harus mengnfounasikan Negara pengtnm. transfer mayat ke: bandara internasional terdekat dan mengarrbtl tangkah-tangkah senitaSt proteklif )"'ng diperlukan PASAL XIII KLAIM GANTt RUG I
t Setoap Pihak wajtb melepaskan serrua klaim ganti rugo mereka terhadap Pnak tainny<> alas kerusakan {terma~uk kel'llangan) yang berdampak kep<>da prQPeiii apapun. yang dimiliko otah mereka dan dtgunakan oleh 3Ilgkatan befseojala mereka. selama ~1/! l anan pelak..naan tugas resmo. kecuali untuk kasos-kasus dimana kerusakan atau kerugoan akibal kelataoan atau drsengaja lertadr kerusal<.lln. Pora Prhak sating menentukan al)akah kerusakan atau kerugran yang dlsebobkan da t;~m rangka pelaksanaan lugs$ resmi. alau ter1adt karena kelalaien olau kerusakan yang disengaja S&tiap Pollak wapb metepaskan semua klaim ganti rugr mer e~a terhadap P1hak ISir"'nya alas cedera atau kema11an personef selama pelak.$al'laan tugas resmi kecuali unluk ttasus·kasus d1 mana cedera <Jtao pensltwa rerJad' 2.
ktH91l& kelalaian atau kerusa'k-an yang d1sengaja
Untuk kasus·kaSo.tSiaon. hukum Negara Peneromo yong bar1alw PASAL XVII PENYELE.SAIAN SENGKETA
I . Setoap sengketa yang ltmbul dar• Petselvjuan tni terkatl penafsoran. alau peOErapannya akan disetesa1kan secare darna. melaru, nego51as• oleh Para Pollak dalam Komtle Ber&ama yang dol>eotul< sebagatmana pada Pasal VI Par<> Prhak Mak membawa sclt&J) sengkel8 yang I tnt but ke pengadttan tnlernas•onal.
2 Dalam hal sengke1a ttdak dapat d•selesaikan berdasarkan ayat 1. sengketa 1ersebut akan d1:selesaikan oleh Para Pahak rnelalu1 saJuran d1plomat1k.
PASAL XVIII AMANDEMEN DAN RE\f~SI Salah sa1u Pihak dapa! men9usull
XX. PASAL XIX JANGKA WAKTU DAN PENGAKHIRAN 1 Masa bertaku efektif Pers-etuJuan int adal.ah 5 tahun Kec\Jal1 s.alah sa1u Pihak menyampa1kan p-emberitahuan pengakh~ran 90 han sebs-lum berakhirnya masa waktu sah.J tahun beriku,nya Perse1uJuan m1 akan 1etap berlaku untuk jangka waktu satu tahun ben kutn ya
Salah satu P1hak dapa1 ml?ngakhin Persetujuan 1n1 set1ap saat dcngan menginmkan pemberitahuan tertul1s kepada Pihak la1nnya melah..Jr salurar1 d1plomatlk Pengakhiran akan mula1 berlaku efekt1f semb1lan putuh (90) har• seJa~ tanggal penenmaan pemberitahuan -oleh Pihak.lainnya.
Hak-hak dan kew-ajiban Para Pihak yaog t1mbul dar1 Persetujuan 1n1 terka11 klaim e1an perllndungan mformas1. dokumen. dan bahan-bahar1 yang ber~afa• rahas1a akan ter"u S berlak.u setelah berakh1mya Parse•uii.Jal"l H'tl.
PASAL XX MASA BERlAKU Pers.etu1uan lnJ mula1 berlaku ef€:ktif se1ak tanqQal peneramaan pernbefitahuan tertui1S terakh1r dan salah sa!u Pihak kepaaa P1hak ia1nnya. melalw saluran d1plomahk yang rnenyatakan bahwa prosedur huk'-'m internal yang d1buuthkan bag1 berlakunya Persetujuan 1m telah diselesa1kan
allt"'BJ.III: IJQ)Oft'£SJA
iLE T\JRIOylt cek ooarak "Tarar mO~te1eken "'Taraflof' ol""'~ anolacaktu): Bitl'elfo~
Milleuer ~a.t11n.n Mdef \lit baQhllkfano1teyid ederek.
t<&f$•1•kll yarar ...~ hak 8$-iUiQ• •lkela one da)'at• daha da gelii tifiteoek ve gU~Iend r-~ecek CIOJ(h.•k ve ~~ bul•9• •hf ktl4!111ntn. OUnya 031•1-• v~ guv• n'O•ne ot
Her 1t.i okeni n yu ru r1 uk1ek1 ka 1\!J n ve me vz uatlann.a tJY\J.I n olarak.
AMA<; 9u Anta~m af\an am ac~.. sawnma sanayi alan1oda1U rnat ve hlzmetlerln o e ~rilrnes1. ure1•m• v& ltHfariO•. hiz.m eder o,e dg,l!temk ve lojisti.Jt: des.l e-X a•anl.arii'KJa daha eckill •-1 blrh!)l ite her iki u t:kenin :sevunma s.anayl keeiljyeUerini ge~re1ek tarallar afSS\nda $8'11Lmrna sanayi alatunda ·~ ~ir1i9i ~amakllr MAODE II KAPSAM
Bu A11 l~a . T(lr(!ltl.a r ar<J s,nd~ "S.avvnma San~y; Alann•da· kar..-•kb ·~ tur1•9• esas ve ilke,errt'l• k-apSal'l"''aktadrr Taranar ·~ br~ ulvsal mevzual ,,e savunma onceohkletine tabi ol<'lr.::~ k g•rec.elderd•r
" Anla$m a ••: Endooez.)'a C\JmhutiyeG H\JkUmetJ ile Tlirk•ye CUmhuriyet• H ul
aras.n<Jaki Sav t~nn'a SanaY' 1• Birll1}1 Aria$;mn,·m.
2 "'Gizlilik Dereceli Bilgi, Beige ve Malzei'IW''; gUvenlik tedblf'leri
.y e r~eves•nde: Mr ~fl,artn
kal'\dt mav4:uallannda tan.mta:non ··tcZMETE OZEL'den dana yUkJCk gizhli.k derec.eSt" e ••nip Dilgo, beige. maiZame • • pro)eY'. 3 "Sovunma Sana y; Mal ve Hizmlltleri" ilgoi lo,ostik deSiek l e blrhkle ' 116hlan ve ul<erl 1e~h1.Za11 ve bunl8rlll ara~t\rma . geh ~tirme ve Oretuni t~.n gerekh malzeM:&yi ve- httmet•. 4 ••ea.ttmakla Vi.ikiirniU OfunJn Aile Bireylerr. kOr'hJk pcrsoncl•n keNt• me..,zuatlll8 gijre yU~rnl(i oJc:tugu a:le fertlenrv.
5 "t
taranann. b\J
anla~man 1o
bulundurduklat• aske1 veya sw11 persooe-11.
.. Kufemll AskotliSiviJ Ki,l• A1'118ftna ka0$arn.nda.. Konuk Persooehn faatiyetlcOOe
nezaref eden ve Gondete'l Oevlet1n lcend1 mevz\lat•na uygun arasmdak.i en kJO&rnll pcrsonen, 7
''Kalite Teminatt'". savunma S•SlQf'l"''lertnin urerim• w h•zmeueriode k.alitenrn tem•n
garan11 e+etl4'11.
8 ·I~ Birli~i" Bu Anl.a.,ma ~etii4J'o'&sin(f&. TaraJ1ann ,.,.11, mevz,ra11arna g6re bellrleni'TII.$ hu$U$Ia, par.alet.ndo mutt-kab•hye.t esas&a••na dayal• faaliyetl~•• aAamtndad•r. 9 "K3bul Eden Devlet": OOrtderen Oevl etu\ pe1$0ntl, maJz.emo ve te~h•:t ahntn 0u Anlafmay• uygulamak amac•yla topraklannda blAundugu Oevlcti 10. ''GCnderen Oevlet- Kabt.A td'en Oevlete bu anla$manJt,• do~n.Atus unda parsonet malzeme ve let;:h•zat gOoderen Oevleti,
11 ••T•knik Hitmatlar'". lavunma sanayi mal.tQmelerin.n gelt$\llimcs•. t¥elrnll, bak1m1 ..-e tad•lat• lie ilg1h ha.me11en rtad~ ed:er
1 H~f tia'IU prog ram. p~ n11 va p~ans.z r>ak•M onar.m t avizyon. modarn.zalyon lmalat. yeoek par~. &let savu,ma ma&z.eme5i. askeri s•stemter teknik gosterimlef 'Ve teknik te(ih1zata li$kln ottak ara~tuma, gefi~tinne . uret•m ve modesn•za syc>n l
ott.enin Siahll Kuvvetlerince
duyiJia'l tekn*
c;ah ~ma
al anlan
uygvn k O'$u!lar•n
sa91anma51. 2 Taraffann toQtaklar.nda askeri to~tu w alan1nda onak ara4t1rrna. prOjttlerl son.u~l(lnt'lln vygutanmas•. 3
geli~dfme ve
Savunma sanayi alarundakl mal vo hizmctlenn am~urllma.s.1. Gretim \10 tasanm1.
4. Ht'r dot• taralltl vQ: mutabtk k.altOd•9• 1i'kdtr
l<.apsamtnda yiiiJtUlm&st.
6. Her iki taraf•n ai'H vQ-•n•n mO(fetr11za.syonun"'n y~n• ~ra savunma sanay, OrOn ve hizmedenn.n r.JtSIIII"n• ve teda nkt alanla.rtnda k¥.!j•l•kl• yard.,.,ra~m a. 7 Sililh ve askeri tekntk ta~ h•.zahn ve b1.1nlann par~talannm dalla da geii$tititme!l ve on.ak uretimi konusunda. aaraflar ara ,!nd3k' Onl8$1tUillafln sorau~a.nd•n ma smm te~vik edimas l
a. Bu Anla!ima
~er~eveslf'ld~ • •r~flar
a,te.smda y ap11an savunma sanay1 UrUn:arinlll"'' tedaftk
vt Orehm anl.a.matartnrn sonu9 andtrdmas1mo te~vtk edilmesi.
9 K~1'11ftt\h .anlaimaya 90re ortak projelerde onak eld e ed•len n•hai u rVtii@ M devletlere sa h ~'·
10 Kahte terninabnda tamtlarca kunan.lan savunma aenay• &tcmdertlaq hat.ktoda brlgt ve llgil dokuman lie bl' msa1ve tak.ntk btlgii&M roubadelres•. 11. Taraflann yetkdil dilh1hnd'a as.keri tektuk kurumla:r. saY\.mma san.ayt firmaJan v& onanm te:sisleri ara stnda ·~ btrlti'i.
12 Her tk• Ulkede d Uzenleneo savunma"la yt ruattar• vtl sempazy41mlara katthm. 13 i~o Ulke stlilhh ku vvetleri envanterioda t'I1Q
1 Taraflar l
2 Faal•yane:r. Kom•tv toptant•sm•n ~ngOnllen tanhtnden en .az ur; ay otlce k9bvl eden taraftn e~ ba~kan•1arahndUtn yap11acak olal\ resmi davet araoi•O• ile Da$1a.htaeak.ttr. 3 Taraflar. U?,lncU O!kelerin on.ak utelim pfoj••~wne davet tdilme$i konusuntl. kar$.. ddt gOre deQerlendirip. karar alaca~Ua tdtt
4 t~ b•r\Ot a1an1ar1na iri~lan uygutaman.n aynnlllar•. 1araf\au, ~ hukuklarmda OngOtLien onay sUre~1erinc labt olacak o1an Uygularr.a Protokollen tie bel·rtenecektir
5 'i b•r1•~ • yape~cakla.n alantalanlara ••~kin u ~u laman.n avr•nhlar•n• Uygutama An\a;malar. v~Noya pt01t>kollerlt- yada ntyet me-kcupla n ...b. dokumantar i:e bel ~cyeceklard• r
MAOOE VI KARMA KOMiTE 1. Bu Aria~m anm hUkVmkHinir'l u)"91.Aanmas. ~·n {lye:len Endonezya Savul"'ma Baj(anh{ll ve lurkiye- Cumhlriyet• Mt3i Savunma Baka nhO• persooehnden me~<1ana gsten va hQt i'-i \af3f•n ~~ dVzeyde temsl e dileGet}i bir Karma Komi1e (Buodan b~~ "Komrte· otarak ~Oiar.dFricKak.tlr.) olu~turul,acaktu,
2. Komllede Endonazya Savuflma Ba'kanltS• neyei•ne Endonezya Gumhuriyeti Savunma Bakanh9• Savunma l~len Gel"'e[ M U(h,H\1 ba~tcanl tl( edecekllr TUflciy~ Cumhuri)'eti Mlli Savunma Bakanh~• heye-nne. Mdli $awl')na Baka"l~ l Mustottat Teknotoj• vQ Kooratf'lasyon. Yatd•mos• ve Mlll'i SiPahJani'TlG D1reldoru ba~kaR 1 k edeoekhr 3 Kotnrtenut f~l•ye1l ern dUz~emek ve koorO'i"te etme.k.ltt goravh 1emas nokta&an End()nQz"yll Cumhunyeti Savunma Bak.an11!) Savunrna l~leri Genel M.Jd'Q(10
4. Kornileye h e1 b•r taraf•fl uye sayl$1 yedryt .;J§m ayacallt•r. Gerekti9inde ta1afla1•n mutanakat•)'la Kom1teye. t.Jyelet 11e $ytu haklara aahlp oJmatt Uzere uzman per&onel C!ah•l QdilebdaCGktlt
5. Ev santb• taraf. topta.-.t•n•n d'vzenlenme ~iod en. sekretel)'altktan ~ruMludur
6. Bu Anla~m iJ kapsam•nda Komltenln gorev v~ yetktle t~ ata§•d.ak.t 91b•d•r a Bu Anla~m arun IV nci.J fAadae~e gore. s.omvt •1 tmiiO• atatn1er1m tespil e1mek ... e lar'lllml8m&k. b. B••hkte ger~ekle~hnl~cek prOJflen se~rne k ve uygulama yOnuyle t-n uygun ~ birri~• f etul ve m ~touar~n• l an• mlam ~. e Mu t~rek progra,llll&nn uygulanmast suasmdaki i ~ btnig, Wkfif•n•n ge~ekleJtmlmes am ac•yla btgtlen rnlbadele eVTI,k. d U~CJnci.i \llkelenl"' orta't projelete kahlmas1 konus.unda).i teklif, tavsty~ ve gOri.i~le o ifgill makam1ara ~unmak. e Onay1anm 1~ pfOJ ~ vt Utaflann ger~e ldelt•nlmeSt t~in gorekl• belgeleriCl haztnanmas. '/e yaz•lmastot saglamak. f Onaylal"'m•~ projelar.-. ve kalanar.n qu?f"~Qt:.le~1•rdmes•ni dOzenh olarak konuol otmek 9 8 1.1 Anla ~man 1n uygulanmas.n• ifiCQiay&~k uygvlama
7 Komle ToplafltiSI gi.mdem•n<Jeka tum k onuiA~r toplant•da n en az 60 (altmt•} gun Ones bel•nenmi' ve koor<J ifl ~ Qodll m•~ orac.a:ktlr He-yet Ba~kanlan Komilec:le gun<JIM'!e 9e1meS1 •s1enen sof\J ve kOI"''ular Nkk•nda bltbtrlerinl haberdar a<JeceklerCJtr
8. Kornile
o!arak f'llutab1k kal1nan tanhlerde- veya en az
b1t o[mak I.Jzere
donu~umlu olarak toplanacakt1r Komi1tt, u.zefind'e- mutab1"k ka11r.m•~ gunt1e.m1 ~on;..~me-k
uzere. soz kQm.Jsu toplantmm du2en1enmes1nden sorumlu 1"11!!-:.oetii'l w~kan1 rarar1ndan lopIa r,t1 ~.a .;.a{II nlac.a k11J.
ve l1krl mulk1ye1, t.endi
1c;:inde Ure~im llaklan , uretim lisans1~1rl ..,oe nlrnoe s1, uyuncu lilk.el ere sail:~, ortalic. ptojele r yer~eves.inde g er~e~le ~ti rd~~u1 bu[u~ lar' ve: )'€ 11i urunleroe a~ patenllenn Korunma s•~ Ia ~lg~li hak 'a'e ~u~urnml ukren b:rlit.te yuklen 11eocet. ve hef blf proje I'Vill yap]laca k .a ~n uygu,ama ani a~ma lar1 i le bellrleni!cek 11r 9u anla~r'T\alar her' bir :u lken1 n \oe Iif ha ktanfla W~k1n yururlukteki mevzuauan VQ u lu £-I .a r .a ra s.1 ar'lla*"ma1ar1 d 1k kate 1 Tar;atlam''l Sin-al
anla~malarda. taraflanfl ara~hrma . geiL~tltme. uret1m, loedarik, ~ekndo; tl1zmet voe personel des.teg1 i[~ alt~.a p1 hizm~11eonndoe-n k.ayn.a klanan mo srarlan ndao d"ogacalc. ka ~ 1~1 k~l boroff ve .alaca"klaf1n1n 1asi1yi! ~Qkh. :.Ol!tl.'l1 ve ~ol'11annG1 ill~kin: esas ~e usuller ile mali ve hukuki yukuml ulu kl~r a:.ot1 n1111 ol.atak be~lrtllec.ek1•r
sa. .~,~ nma
:S-anay1 1IE! 1lg il1 uygut1 rnalzernoe nin veya tararlar ara s1nda ka ~~ hkl1 aeog.~riQf~ b•r tar.afo veri'mes1ve~a ~ay1mlanmas1 ancak as1l yaz111 iil1iylemumk 1,.1n ol~.:;;;~~ktl r b1lg11~nn . I,.I~VIlCI,.I
3 T ararlar bu Anla~ma crer~eves.ind eo
GiZliLiK DERECELi BiLG( BEl!GE. VE MALZEMENifll GUVENLIGl G 1Z lilik derece h bdg1,
be-l~ eo
ve mar.zeo1e-n1 n 1rar'l sien. kan,..1n mas 1 •Je kt~llamln'J as1 Ta rafla r aras1nda bu Anl.a~madan ayn olar.ak iler"ide •mz.a1anmas.1 mut-.rernel Sovunma Sonayi Al;;~~nLnd;;~~ I~ Birl1gi Kapsarn1n.da Mubadele Edilen Gizl~hk Oef~ce-h 8 1191. 8~1g~ ve Mal:temen1n Xorunrnas1 Duzenlemesin.e gore ~ap1lacakt1r. Taraflann g1zhhk der~C@-h t11lq 1. tteol~ eo ve malz:eml! nir'l ku II i3:niii'Tlo s1 veya bunl ano aytga 'a'U ru1mas.1 n1 n onlenme&il'le ili~k•n sorumlulu~lar• bu Ar'lla~ma S.Ono er5e dah1 devam oedecektir.
MADDE IX KALiTE TEMiNATI T a.-aflafca mutablk ka~1 nma s.1 l"lah ndl!. k al•t~ ter.,ma~l li bi rl1gt y.a p1l rnas1 ko llUS.U T amfla.a,as.l nda mu~takil bir An-la jl'na ~I.e- duzenl enecektir
hukUmletl. her tk• u!ken.n taraho dahal oldu{lu
Uluslar~'Ha s•
Anht $m&lardan doAan taahhutlenni etkt!amez vEl di~e-r d !h11eflenn 9kartar•na . gOvenlikler~e ve U!.,e bOtllniOklenne ka1'1 kullantlmaz. $u kaDark•' herhangi biri taraf otdu\}u diO~H Ulus.lararas. Anlli-$ma hukUmcerint Ofl.8 Du Anla~ kl:rKh:me tall mil edilen
{d0$en) taahtultSen ye!V\1 gQIIirmekten kac,namcu
c;•ll.•$\11 t
2. GOnderen DeO/tet KabvJ Eden Oevte! ulkestnd., •ken GOnderen OeYfet H.zmet YasaStna tabi olan mi!.aftr aske.ri parsonQt ve snnl un.suflar uz.eunde f'l'llinhastr dtS•PI•n yatgt ~lkls tne sahip olac.akhr
3 Alt duz~y Anla~malarda~ at..sne bir h,jkQm bulunmadll!)t surece, alt d'Gz&y anta'f«'3Jatla bu Anla~ma huk\lmlelinin ~a:tl~rna11 durumunda. bu Ani8$Ma hukumlet• uygula llacakbr 4 Konul< pt!rsone l ve bakmakla y(lk..brriu olduklar. a ll~ bireylert Kat.ul E<:len Oevle\ yasalanoa 'ayg t 90sterecekltr VI Kab iA Eden Oevte1•n •-;•~lewu~ ktlt•~ma o•tebQ'indekl soz. yazt b~ya nat vb hareketl&r •oeris•nda bt.Autrnayacaklatd•r
5. Bv Arlla~ma ~rc;eveolnde ta aloyene buklnan Konuk P<>rsonel K abul E
1 Bu An la~ kapsam~n<:la yaptlacak faaliye11ere gor tv1e noir~k pel'sonel•n yollul< ve yevm•)•E!'IE:!tl g ilrKter-en Oevt e~ taraftndan kar~tla nacaktll 2. Bu Anla~matlitn hi:lu.n'fenne uygun ole1ak oondenlen k~ potsonel vQ yak•nl~r•. verg,, gumruk. sat.n ama ve $aU~ tie tlgrlt mali konularda . vs. kabul ec:IM devl~hn •lgt!t kanunranl'la 1ab• ol.a~a;kt...
BOTCE TAttSisi Taraflar ak,ine Anlaim.a surece bu Anta~mantn ylii'U laraflar kendi masraflann' bu l~e tahpsan.e gore lcar;.tlayacakttr
1 Koook personel. Kabul 4tden devtel toptaklannda her turlli pohtik faallyetten uzak dutacakur
2 Konuk parsonQI ve yOkUmlu Clokunulma.zt•Mmt•yaz&8r verimey&ceJr.•r
4. Faaliyetio icras• s1ras•nda. luzumlu
Kabul Eden
gerekh te<;htZatl
sa{llayacaktlr 5. Konuk p ersooel. gor~v yetlennd@- kend• m 111r Oniforrnalat1m gi)'eb•lecekletdlr.
MAOOEXV 0LA(;AN0ST0 HUSUSLAR 1. Gbnderen Devlet Qllrekli gotduQu zamal\ p:ers.onelln• geri ~guma hakl>;m• s.akh \t.llar. Kabu1 E den Devlet. boyle bir talebl al d• ~•nOa. bu ~~~m1 n m umi\On of'an en k1sa zamanda
ge(l;eklo¥!'9!i 1\>n gerokS leabrn•ro ai~C~kh• 2 Kol'lv k oersonebn veya yak,nlarti"'H'I oiGmu ha•nde. Kabul E.den Devlet. G ondeo~"en Oev1et• bigilendirec.ek. cenazeyt Glke-sindeki en yakli\ uluSiarata&• t'lavQ!'Ianrna nakredece1( ve tuzu1111u s•IYI• koruma tedbllttrin• alacakt•l MADOE XVI T AZMiNAT TALEPLERi 1 Thi'AIIa;rQ'a.n her bin zarar ve'ja ztyan•n kas•: ve/ve-ya a9•t .rvnaldel'l k•yn,eklandt91 4 vrui'T11a.r hal'll( olmak Oz.ere zarar veya Z•yA'1•n resmi gorev., u;.ras• s•r.;s•n
tom hallerda Kabul Eaen Devlt!t yasal:u. uygulanac.ak11' MAOOE XVII UYUSMAZUKLARJN
1 Bu Anta~man1o yorum&anmasmdan v& uygul.anma:$,nd3n do
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and The Government of the Republic of Turkey (hereinaftf:f' referred to as the Parties by jointly and as. "The Pany· by one side.). Approving their commitments to the objectives and principles of the United Nations Charter, Emphasizing the friendstop and co-operation relatio ns. which shlllt be further developed and suengthened on the basis of principles of mutual interest and equity of rights. shall oontrrbute to the mutual int.,rests of both countries. as weU as to the peace and securi ty of the world.
Expressing their desire to further develop the Defense Industry coopetalion by utilizing their scientific and tecnnicat capabilities in !he field of mi~tary equipment and weapons. Adhering to the principles of reciprocity and mutual respect. Pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulahons of the tw<J Courl bces.
Have agreed on the following issues.
The purpose of this Agreement rs to provide "Cooperation in the field oe Defense Industry" between the Parties. by improving the Defense industry capabilities ot both counlfi!!s mrough a more effective cooperation or'l development. prOduction .'lnd procurement ol defense goods and services i,. the related technical and l~isbc suppor1 fields.
ARTICLE II SCOPE This Agreement: covers the ba'is and principles of bilateral coopetallon "in the field of Defense lndusll)'' between the Parties. The Partie• shall begin to make cooperation in compliance with their own national re9uialions and Defense priorities.
1. "Agreement" means the Defense lnell$lry Cooperation Agreement between T~e Government of the Republic of lndonesi<> and The Govenvnent olthe Republic o t Turkey,
2. "Classified Information , P<><:urnont and Material" means the information. documents. materials and projects willl a classHication level higher than "RESTRICTED" defined in their respective national regulations of tho Parttes within ma framE!'Mlrl( of security measures.
3. "O.fonso lnoostry Goods and ServicOB" means the weapons and military equipment. together wllh the related logistic support. and the material and seNice required for research development and production of those
equipments. 4. "Dependants" means family momoers of the Guest Personnel for whom they are responstb!e to look after in RetorCiance with their own naftonal laws (spouse and children),
5. "Guost Peraonnel" me~ns mifrtary or civil peosonnet that the Parties deploy in the territory of the other Party for implementation of this AgreelY*!nt.
6. " Senior Military/Civil Person" means llle highest-level senior petSOOnei among the Guest Personnel
auigneu to supel'\lise
the activities of the Guest
Personnel as per current laws of the Sendtng Stat& in the framework of the Agreement. 1 .· Quality Assur•nce·· means the qusbties anc activities that should 1>e assured so as to provide the quality of Defense systems production and
servjces. 6. "Co-operation.. means the activities based upon reciprocity principles '" line with the iss~s defined in accordance with national fe9Uiatlons of the Parties in the framewC
9 " Reeeivi ng State" means the Slal e that receives personnel. material and equipment from the Sending State into its own territory for implement atoon of this Aguterrtent.
10. " Sending State" means the Stale that sends personnel. material and equipment to the Receiving State in line with the purposes of this Agreement. 1t ." Technical Services" means aft '*!rvices concerning the development. prOduction. maintenance and modification of Detense industry materials.
COOPERATION AREAS The P8ffes shal l coopetate in the field of dMence induslfy mentioned below: 1. Provision of appropeld defense industry,
4. Provision o f conditions lor joint programs of produ ction. development, technology and mOdernization concetning the defense industry products of t he both Parties, and if agreed upon. also ot the third Countries.
5. lmplamentlltion ol jomt n'>search and d evelopment projects based on scientific resources in the field ol d efense industry lor the purpo s~ or Ploductng the equipment required either jointly or similarly betwoon the two countries. and fulrlllment of these activities i n tho scope of an implementing arrangement in the field of defense research and development and technology if~ is signed between the countries. 6. Mutual assistance In the fields of production and procurement of defense industry products and '*!N ices. as well as the mOderni zation of tools and equipment of the both Parlies. 7. Encouragement ot conclusion of agreements ma de between the Psrtles on further development and joint production of weapons and military techni<:al equipments and their pariS.
8 Encouragement of ccnc:lu$lon ot agreemenls made blllween tile Parties on p
10. Exchange o f sci4lntloc and ~nical informatiOn, the relevant documents • ncr Information about Defense industry standards usl!td for the assuran<"e of the quality by the Paroes.
11 . C~ation between military tecllnical institutions. defense industry oampanles and maintenance facilities, under the authorization of tile Par1les.
12. Participation in the defense industry fairs and S)11111>0$i ums organized by the ball't countries.
13. Mutual sales or purchasing of surplus defense indusi'Y products and seovlc.f avaijable in l he onventory of 1l'te Armed FO
1 In principle, the Parties shall mope
1n1ereatoo by the thi
2. The eCii viliea $hal be initiated lhrough an official invttll\lan sent by rochai
'9' o.ment. 4 . J mptementa~on deta11$, concerning the oo-q>erahon a:eas. shall be defned through lfllllementation Pr~s that shat be subject to the appro-al P
JOINT COMMITTEE 1. A Joint Comminee (hereinafter referred
as ·committee'). where both sides.
sh911 be represented equally by the members of the Ministry of Defence of the< Republic of Indonesia a nd Ministry of Nattonat Defence of the Republic of Turf<ey. shall be estab!Jr.hed for Implementation of Ill& provisions of !his Agre
2. The Delegation of the Ministry of Defense of tile Republic of Indonesia shall De chaired by Director General tor Oefeooe Facility of the Ministry o( Defence of the Republic of IndOnesia. whereas the Delegation of the M lniWy of National Defense of the Republic of Turkey shall be chaired by Deputy Undersecretary for TechnOlogy and COO«
3. The points of contact respons•ble for organization and coordination of the aclivrtln of tile Comminee are; • The Directorate for Technotogy 80<1 lndu!'.!ry of Directorate General fm Defence Facility of !he Ministry of Defence of l he Republic of IndOnesia, and . The Oepanment of Defense Industry Foreign Relations. M inisll)l of National Defense of the Republic of Turl<ey.
4. The number of members of each Party in the Committee shall not exceed wven persons. Some experts may be mcluded ii'o tile Committee e~ercising tile ~me rights with the other rnemb
& The H05\i(l(l Party is responsible for O
6. In accorllance with this Agreement, the authocilies and duties of the Committee are as folloWs: a. Selection and definition of coocrat& cooperation areas as PSI the Anicle N of this Agreerrntnt. b. Selection of projects. which shall be reo~zed jointly, and ~entlnca6on of the most appropriate types and methods of cooperation during the~ implementation. c. Exchange of infe><mation tor the purpose ol fulf•rnenl of coope
6 7. All topics on tile Committee Meeting agenda shall be speofoed and eootd1nated srxty (60) days proor to the meetmg Heads of the delegalions shaD mform each olhe.r aboul the qllastions and ISSl.les tO be put on the agenda in the committee.
8 The Commiltell snail
a~ernal ely galher on mvivally a g 1 e~ date al least once •n Hvee years The CornTIIUee shall be inv••ed 10 the meehng by the head ol dli89 ~t ion tespons.ibfe for organJzat.on ot the above-mentiOned meeting so ss to discuss the mutualy agree
1 The roghts
of the Pa~ un concerning t11eir inclus ~~al and Ml\electual propert•es. the rights of production within their own teiY~Oif'les. rece>pl of pnd determ1ned accord•ng to separate implemenlalion agreements to be mada for eacl1 JOint project. These pwtocols shall taM ir'io cons.1deration th& regvlations ana nternatronal agre-8fl'leflts 1n Ioree regarding lhe prot~on of •nteltectual Pfoper1y rights of eac11 country In lhese agreements. ttte pronciples and proredu<es <elated to IM method of liqu1dalion place time end oondition:s of mutual debts and credits. incu'red due to the
e)(penses re$UIIing from research. development. manulactunng procurement. techn•cal services at\d personnel suppor1 as. wen as tnrrastructure services and lhe and legal obligations shall be spec1hed in delal
2 Ttle release ot d:efe.nce inOvstry mater&at and publication ol motvally eAChanged 1nformation lo a third P3r1Y sllall be available <>nly vnth wr;tten (')()llSent of the ong•nal owner
3 The Parties shall respe<:t lhe Intellectual propet 4. In ordar k» implemeol the acti'libes or respectrve agreements. the Part res should pr0111de assurance thai lhe rights of Intellectual plation of legal right of lhe lh1
Transfer. pt'otec:tiOf"' and ubl•zahon of cJassJfied information. document and mater•al sha:l be regulaled '" accordance w1th a separate arra11gement •f 1I1S ~~gned between the Psrties on ··mutual r;>rotccoion 9Md e•Chaoge of c1assif1ed onformation and materialS 1n the f1eld of defonsa ndustry cooperatton··. Responsibllitoes of the Parties regard1ng preventoon of ctiselosure of classified onformation or utihzati<Jn ol such 1nformetoon. dowment and material shall continue even if thlS Agreemenl is term1naled. ARTICLE IX QUAL ITY ASSURANCE
to case agreed by bOih Partoes. cooperat1on on quality •5sl!rance shall be reg
a separate ag<eement between the Part1es ARTICLE X tNTERNATIONAL LIABILITIES
The ptOYisoons ol th1s Agreement shall no1 affect the commliments of Parries ansO\g ltom o!her •nternat1onat agreemenls to wh1ch tha countries are Parties and shaP not be used aga1nst the 1,..erests. security eno territ()riat ontegrity of othef States. Any ol the Part1es shall nco rQfraln to fulfill tneir comm1tm&nts Ill tl>os Agreement by putltng lorward lha rvgutatoons of the other lnoematoonal Agreement to whoch !My are Part.c>s
1 The guest personnel and their dependants shalt be sUbject 1o the laws <>no Jvri sdicUon of Rec&ivor>g State. al and CMI Judgnents shall ~e1ong to the Receov1n9 State.
2 The S'Jnding Stele stlaiJ have restr1chve diSCiplinary JUrisdicliQn O't'er the guest M1htary and C1v;han Pcrsor"V1cl whO are SUbJeCt to the serwce taw ot the Sending State durong the11 stay n the terro
subardlne-te agreements unless an advafse prov1s1on 1s stated '" those svboron&te egteements.
4 . The guest personnel and their dependants shall respect taws Of me Receiving State and shall not interfere w~h the Internal aff:tirs of the Receiving Stato neither by verbal nor wrinen 5tatements.
5. The guest pe11iOMetlnvolved in the aCti.nties within this Agreement. shalt comply with the domestic law of lhe Receiving State during their period of stay on the Receiving Stl.\te's territory. The authorities of the Receiving State shall have the right to exercise juriwiction <M!r lhe guest peT$0nnel ..;lh respect to the offences committeo within the Rweiving State's territory and punishable by the laws of that State. Where such jurisdiction is exercised and e conviction containong • punishment mat does not exist in the Sending State's legislation is given against the guest personnel. the Parties shall ce>nsult with each other lhrou9h official channels to determine a puNshment which is in compliance with the legosl ation of both Pa~ies.
ARTIClE XII FINANCIAL MAnERS 1. The travel allowances ami daily wagS$ of per soone1 to be !o&s'9ned for the acti-lities in the scope of thos A9reement shall be bome by the Sending Slate.
2. The guest personnel and tl\eir llependanls sent in accordance w~ the of this Agreem ent ahall be subie<:t to the laws of Receivii\Q Slate in
p~ovis ions
terms of taxes. Customs. purchasing, sales and the roopectlve financial issues, etc
ARTICL E XIII BUDGET AlLOCATION The personal expenses shall be b01le by the Parties according to the allocation of the l>udget for implementation of this Agreement unless the Part!~ ma~e an opposite Agreement.
ARTICLE XIV PERSONNEL STATUTE AND ADMINISTRATIVE MAnERS 1. The guest personnel shall be away from all kinds of paiflc actlvitiea withln the territory of the Receiving state. 2. Oiplornatlc immunity/ privi~a shalt not be granted to the guest personnel and their dependants.
3. The guest personnel sllall not be charged e~cept for the dul ie& defined by the Agreement and protocols to be si~ned in accordance with this Agreement or specifoed in this Agreement. 4 . The Receiving State shall provide the reQuired eQuipment wllen necessary during implementation of the activity. 5. The guest personnel shall be able to wear their national unifonns at their assignment plaoes.
1. Tne Sending State shall prevail its right to call back il$ personnel when it deems necessary. In suCh cases. the Receiving State shall ta~e the necessary measures to fulfill this proced ure as soon a$ possible. ~. In case o f death of guest personnel or their dependants. \he Receiving Party s nail inf01m the Sending State. trans fer the corpse to tne nearest lntemational ai<pon and tue tne necessary procective sanilafy n1e11sures.
1. Each Pany shall renounce all their inoeonnificalion claims against 1M other Party for the damages (including the loss of use) caused to any property. owned by them and IISed by their armed forces, during the coii1Se of performance of official dul;&s. except for I he cases where such d amsges or losses oC(;u
SE TTlEM EN T OF DISPUTES 1 Any dts.pu1e ans•ng ou• of ~he ~nteip~etahon or application of ~h•s Agreement shall be settled amicably thmug h neg otiat1ons by 1he Pan ies 1n 1he Comm1nee es1ablished as pe~ Afticle VI. The Part1es shall not r~::sort to any· 1nternational court.
2 In the event that the
is not settled ul'1der paragraph 1. 1t shall be settled by U"'le Parties through diplomatic channets.
ARTICLE XVIII AMENDMENT AND REV!SION Eithet Patty propose amendment or revision of this Agreemen• •n wnt1ng to •he olher Party The Part1es shall commence negobations for the amendment or rev~s10n of 'h1s Agreement wl•hln si::dy (60) d.ays as from the date of 1he rece1p• of the wnU:=:!n proposal sent by the oth-e' Pa fly U no solutiOl'l can be teac.hed 1n fortv-r•ve (45} days. each party car1 be able to termjnate this Agreement w1th 30 days wruton prEJ-hminary declara•,on . Any rev•s1on or amendment agreed upon 1n wntte11 by the Pan•es would be pu1 in1-o erf ect 1rl accotdar'!lce w1tn Article XX
ARTICLE XIX CURATIO ~ AND TERMINATION 1 The duration of lh1S Agreement 1s 5 years Unless Entner of the Party notifies term[nation of U"Je .A.greemen• 90 days pnor to !he end of 1he subsequen~ one-yeat terms. UiiS Agreement shall remam m forc£J for ano1her per1od of one 'fee' 2 E1ther Pany may tmm1nate thi-s Agreernen• at any l1me by notirymg U'1e other Party 1n wr.!1ng through d1plomatic channels . Tetm1nation shall lake effect nmely (90) days after from 1he date of the receip• of such notice by •he o1hef Patty
.3 R 1ghts and obl[gations or the P arhe s s~emm 1(lg from ttus Agreement sha~l con•1nue to appl 'f ror cl a1ms and prmochon of the clas si(Jed infotmat 10n. documents and maten a I alter •he 1erm1 nal1on of 1h1s Agfeemel'1t
T h•s Agreemen.t shall enter into fotce on tile date of 1he rcce1pl of the las~ wr1tten no11fic<~U1on by wh1cn •he Parti-es inrorm each other. through diploma•ic ch af'lnel s. that th-e i ntemal legal procedures requ 1red for Ihe en~ ry 1nto force or the Agre-ement have be en completed.