Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Repub lik
ingapura, selanjutnya di sebut
"Para Pihak"; Mempertimbangkan kepentingan bersama untuk meningkatkan kerjasama di bidang pendidikan ;
Berkeinginan untuk mengembangkan dan menguntungkan di bidang pendidikan; dan
T unduk kepada peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di mas ing-masing negara, serta prosedur dan kebijakan Pemerintah Republ ik Indones ia dan Pemerintah Republik Singapura mengenai kerjasama pendidikan ;
Tela h mencapai saling pengertian sebagai bcrikut :
PA AL I Tujuan Tujuan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini ada lah untuk meningkatkan kerjasama di bidang pendidikan atas dasar kesetaraan, resiprositas dan sal ing men guntungkan, dan rnen ingkatkan hubungan dan saling pengertian antara Para Pihak.
PASAL 11 Ruang Lin gkup Kerjasama
Para Pihak akan mendorong dan memfasilitasi kerjasama di bidang-bidang berikut: I . Pcrtukaran inforrnasi dan publikasi di ~idang pcndidikan usia dini, dasar, menengah dan tinggi; 2. Pertukaran guru. doscn dan siswa/mahasiswa; 3. Peningkatan kualitas sekolah dan perguruan tinggi melalui usaha kolaboratif seperti hu bungan antar sekolah, program studi bersama, kegiatan siswa sccara bersama; 4. Pengakuan gelar yang diberikan oleh pcrguruan tinggi di Indonesia dan Singapura sebagai pertimbangan untuk masuk ke perguruan tinggi di kedua negara; 5. Pengcmbangan staf termasuk pelatihan guru, kepem impinan dan manajemen ; 6. Bcasis\\a penelitian; 7. Pencl itian bersama dan pcngembangan dosen; 8. Bidang lainnya yang discpakati Para Pihak .
PASAL Ill Lembaga Pelaksa na
Lembaga yang bertanggung jawab untuk pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini, adalah Oepartemen Pendid ikan asional Republ ik Indonesia, dan Kementerian Pendidikan Republik Singapura.
P ASA LI V Pengaturan Tcknis K erjasama dalam kerangka M emorandum Saling Pengertian ini akan diatur lebih lanjut dalam pengaturan tersendiri .
PASAL V Penga tura n Keuanga n Kegiatan-kegiatan yang diatur dalarn Memorandum Sal ing Pengerti an ini dilaksanakan atas ketersed iaan dana dan person ii dari Para Pihak.
PASA L VI Kelompok Kcrja Bersama I. Para Pihak dapat membentuk Kelompok Kerja Bersama untuk mcmfasilitasi pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini; 2. Kelompok Kerja Bersama lersebut diketuai secara bersarna olch Oeparternen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia dan K ernenterian Pendidikan Republik Singapura dengan rnengikutsertakan lembaga-lembaga terkait lainnya, dan bertcmu sekurang-kurangnya sekal i dalam setahun, baik di Indonesia atau ingapura; 3. K elompok Kcrja Bersama tersebut akan mengkaji pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini secara berkala dan melaporkannya kepada Lernbaga Pelaksana.
PASAL VII Perlindungan Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektua l (H AKI) I. Para Pihak sctuju bahwa setiap ll A KI yang tim bul dari pelaksanaan dari perjanjian ini akan dimiliki secara bersama dan: a. Masi ng-masing Pihak akan diijinkan untuk menggunakan H A KI tersebut untuk tuj uan pemeliharaan, adaptasi dan pengembangan HA KI tcrkait; b. Oalam hal I IAKI digunakan oleh sa lah satu Pihak dan/atau lembaga atas nama pemerintah untuk tujuan komersial, Pihak yang lainnya harus mendapatkan bagian roya lti yang adi l ; c. Masing-masing Pihak berhak atas setiap klaim yang dibuat o leh pihak ketiga dalam ha l kepem ilikan dan legalitas dari penggunaan HAKI yang dibawa o leh Pihak tersebut di atas untuk melaksanakan kegiatan kerja sarna di bawah Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini.
2. Dalam rangka pengelolaan setiap kegiatan, para Pihak akan saling menjamin bahwa HAKI yang dibawa oleh salah satu Pihak ke dalam wilayah Pihak lainnya bukan merupakan hasil pelanggaran dari hak yang sah milik pihak ketiga.
3. Jika salah satu Pihak ingin membuka data dan/atau informasi rahasia yang merupakan hasil dari kegiatan kerja sama berdasarkan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini kepada pihak ketiga, Pihak yang membuka rahasia harus mendapatkan ijin terlebih dahulu dari Pihak lainnya sebelum data dan/atau informasi tersebut dibuka; 4. Bilamana salah satu Pihak memerlukan kerja sama dengan pihak lain di luar Indonesia dan Singapura, untuk kegiatan komersial yang dihasilkan dari HAKI yang diatur oleh Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini, Pihak tersebut akan memberikan preferensi kerjasama terlebih dahulu kepada Pihak lainnya, yang dapat ditanggalkan, apab ila Pihak lain tersebut tidak mampu berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan yang sa lin g menguntungkan.
PASAL VIII Pem ba tasan Kegiatan Personil
Para Pihak menjamin bahwa personil yang terlibat dalam kegiatan-kegiatan yang diatur oleh Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini tidak akan terlibat da lam kegiatan politik atau kegiatankegiatan lainnya di Indonesia dan Singapura di luar program kerjasama yang telah disepakati dalam Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. PASAL IX Penyelesaia n Sengketa
Setiap sengketa yang timbul dalam penafsiran dan/atau pelaksanaan Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini akan diselesaikan secara bersahabat melalui konsultasi atau perundingan antara Para Pihak. PASALX Perubahan
Memorandum Sa ling Pengertian ini dapat diubah atau diperbaiki setiap saat dengan kesepakatan tertul is Para Pihak. Setiap perubahan atau perbaikan terse but akan berlaku secara efektif pada tanggal yang disepakati oleh Para Pihak dan merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini. PASAL XI Pemberla kua n, Masa Berlaku da n Pengakhiran
I. Memorandum aling Pengertian ini berlaku sejak tanggal penandatanganan; 2. Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini berlaku untuk jangka waktu 3 (tiga) tahun dan dapat diperpanjang untuk jangka waktu yang sama dengan kesepakatan Para Pihak melalui jalur diplomatik, kecuali salah satu Pihak menyampaikan secara tertulis keinginannya untuk mengakhiri Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini 6 (enam) bulan sebelumnya; 3. Apabila Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini berakhir, pengaturan-pengaturan, programprogram, kegiatan-kegiatan atau proyek-proyek yang dibuat dalam kerangka 3
Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini tctap akan bcrlaku hingga selesa inya pengaturanpengaturan, program-program, kegiatan-kegiatan atau proyek-proye k tersebut, kecuali Para Pihak rnemutuskan lain.
SEBAGAI BUKTI, yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, telah diberi kuasa penuh oleh Pemerintah masing-masing, telah menandatangani Memorandum Saling Pengertian ini.
. DIBUAT dalam rangkap dua di5.l~pol!pada hari ~y~~angga l . ..i.~ ..
. , bulan )Y.r!.~ tahun
dua ribu lima, dalam bahasa Indonesia dan lnggris, kedua naskah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama.
Untuk Pemerintah Republik Indonesia
Signed Bambang Sudibvo Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
Untuk Pemerintah Republik Singapura
Tharman Shanmugaratnam Menteri Pendidikan
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Republ ic of Singapore, hereinafter referred to as the " Parties"; Considering their mutual interest in promoting cooperation in the area of education; Desiring to expand and to intensify mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of education; and Pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulations in their respective countries, as well as the procedures and policy of the Government of the Republic o f Indonesia and the Government of the Republic of Singapore concerning educationa l cooperation; Have reached an understanding as follows:
A RTI CL E l Objective The objecti ve of this Memorandum of Understanding is to develop educational cooperation on the basis of equality. reciprocit) and mutual benefit, and to promote relations and mutual understanding beh,een the Parties.
ARTICL E 11 Scope of Cooper ation The Parties ~hal l encourage and facilitate cooperation on the following areas: I . Exchange of in formation and publication on early childhood, pri mary, secondary anJ tertiary education; 2. Exchange o f teachers, faculty members and students; 3. Schoo l and university/ polytechnic improvement through co llaborative efforts such as schoo l-to-school links, joint programme. joint student activities; 4. Recognition of degrees awarded by Indonesian and Singaporean uni versities in cons ideration for admiss ion to the universities of both countries; 5. Staff deve lopment including teacher, leadership and management training; 6. Research scholarship; 7. Joint research and faculty development initiatives; 8. Other areas as mutual I) agreed upon by the Parties.
ARTICLE Ill Executing Agency The organisation responsible for the execution of this M emorandum of Understanding for the Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall be the Ministry of National Education o f the Republic of Indonesia and for the Government o f the Republic of Singapore shall be the Ministry of Education of the Republ ic of ingapore.
ARTICLE IV Tech nical Arrangeme nts The cooperation under this M emorandum of Understanding sha ll be implemented by concluding specific arrangements.
ARTICLE V Fi na ncia l Arrangemen ts The implementation of the activities under this M emorandum of Understanding is subject to the availability of fund and personnel of the Parties.
ARTICLE VI Join t Working Group I. The Parties may establish a Joint Working Group to facilitate the implementation of this Memorandum o f Understanding. 2. The Joint W orking Group shall be co-chaired by the Ministry o f National Education of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Singapore with participation by other agencies as appropriate, and shall meet at least once an nually, either in Indonesia or Singapore. 3. The Working Group shall review the implementation o f this Memorandum of Understanding regularly and submit the report to the Executing Agencies.
ART ICLE VII Protection of I ntellectual Property Rights I . The Parties agree that any intellectual property arising under the implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding wi ll be jointly owned and: a. Each Party shall be allowed to use such intellectual property for the purpose of maintaining, adapting and improving the relevant property. b. In the event the intellectual property is used by the Party and/or institution on b~hal f of the Gove rnment for commercial purposes, the other Party shall entit le to obtain eq uitable portion of roya lty. c. Each Party shall be liable for an) claim made by any third party on the ownership and legality of the use of the intellectual property rights which is brought in by the aforementioned Party for the implementation of the cooperation activities under this Memorandum of Understanding.
2. The Parties shall indemnify each other that the Intellectual Property Rights brought by the Party into the territory of the other Party for the imp lementation of any project management of activities is not resulted from any infringement of third Party's legitimate rights. 3. If either of the Party wishes to disclose confidential data and/or information resulted from the cooperation activities under this Memorandum of Understanding to any third party, the disclosing party must obtain prior consent from the other Party before any disclosure can be made. 4. Whenever either Party requires the cooperation of another party outside the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Singapore for any commercial undertaking resulted from intellectual property covered by this Memorandum of Understanding, this Party will give first preference of the cooperation to the other Party under thi s Memorandum of Understanding.
ARTI CLE VIII Limita tion of Personnel Activities The Parties shall ensure that their personnel engaged in the activities under this Memorandum of Understanding shall not engage in political affairs and any ventures or activities in Indonesia and Singapore outside the program of cooperation under this Memorandum of Understanding.
ART IC LE IX Settlement of Dispute Any dispute arising out of the interpretation and/or implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be settled amicably through negotiation or consultation.
ARTICLE X Amendment This Memorandum of Understanding ma) be reviewed and amended at any time, by mutual written consent of the Parties. Such revisions or amendment shall come into cffoct on such d:itc as may be determined b) the Parties and shall form an integral part of this Memorandum of Understanding.
ARTICLE XI Entry Into Force, Dura tion And Termination I. This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of its signing. 2. This Memorandum of Understanding shal l remain to have effect for a period of 3 (three) years and may be extended for the same period by mutual consent of the Parties through diplomatic channels, unless either Party noti fies in writing of its
intention to terminate this Memorandum of Understanding 6 (six) months in advance. 3. The termination of this Memorandum of Understanding shall not affect the validity and duration of any arrangements, programs, activities or projects made under this Memorandum of Understanding until the completion of such arrangements, programs, activities or projects unless the Parties decided otherwise.
IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, the Undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Memorandum of Understar;iding. DONE in duplicate a6tin~r.<:on the l4.~ay of jvn~ .. in the year two thousand and five in the Indonesian anaE.nglish languages, both texts being equally authoritative.
For the Government of the ~publ i p of Indonesia
Signed Bambang Sud ibyo Minister of National Education
For the Government of the Republic of Singapore Signed Tharman Shanmugaratnam Minister for Education
This Plan of Operation between the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Singapore hereinafter referred to as the "Parties": Referring to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Singapore on co-operation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as "MoU") signed on the 24 June 2005 in Singapore: Have agreed on the terms/matters stated here under: 1. Interpreta tion. The education cooperation consists of three (3) main areas namely: (i) school-toschool links; (ii) teacher"s training: (iii) university exchanges; and other collaborations.
2. General Provisions 2. 1. School-to-school Links 2. 1.1
Participation in Singapore Youth Festival Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) woulu like to invite top band, musical and dance groups from schools in Indonesia to guest perform at various events of the annual ingapore Youth Festival (SYF), which features performances by brass bands, musical and dance groups of Singapore schools which had emerged top in national competitions. They include: • I dance item for the YF Opening Ceremony Concert Presentation on I July 2005 (duration of item : about 7 minutes) • I instrumental item for the SYF Instrumental Presentation on 6 July 2005 (duration of item : about 8 minutes) • I dance item for the SYF Festival of Dance on 29 Jul y 2005 (duration of item: about 5 - 7 minutes)
2. i.2 Establishing Pa rtner Schools Indonesia Ministry of Nationa l Education (MONE) and Singapore MOE cou Id each select I 0 secondary schools and up to 5 primary schools for the partner schools programme. These could be a mix of schools that includes established top schools as well as schools which are strong in
art and culture, and sports. The partner schools could mutually decide on the types of collaborations that they would like to engage in.
O rganizing Friendly Sports Co m petitions Indonesia MONE and Singapore MOE could take turns to organize friendly sports competitions, involving schools from both countries. Singapore MOE is pleased to host the first competition in 2005. To encourage greater interaction, the sports competition wou ld be between mixed groups of Indonesian and Singaporean students. The proposed types of sports for the competition could include badminton, soccer, sepak takraw, table tennis, tennis, volleyba ll and basketball.
O rga nizing Adventure Ca mps fo r Student Leaders Indonesia MONE and Singapore MOE could each organize an adventure learning camp for student leaders to be he ld simultaneously. Each camp could involve up to I 00 secondary students from both countries, and span across 5 days each.
T eacher 's T raining 2.2.1. Intern ational Leaders in Education Programme National Institute of Education (N IE) will offer up to S places per year to school leaders from Indonesia to attend the International Leaders in Education Programme to be held on 15 - 26 August 2005 (2-week programme).
2.2.2. T ra in-th e-Trainers Prog ra mme N IE could conduct one Train-the-Trainers Programme in the English Language per year for up to 20 Indonesian teachers/trainers.
University Excha nge 2.3.1
University Linkages National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU) could link up with six top universities in Indones ia to collaborate in student and faculty exchange programme, joint research and faculty development initiatives.
Research Schola rship NUS and NTU could offer up to I 0 research scholarships to Indonesian academics to pursue doctorate degrees in various fields.
Other Colla borations 2.4.1
Linkage between T echnical/Vocational Schools a nd Institutions Polytechnics and Institute of Technical Education in Singapore could explore linkages with SMK schools in Indonesia for possible collaborations and exchanges. For a start, there could be exchange of visits between relevant institutions in Indonesia and Singapore so as to gain a bener understanding of each other' s systems.
3. Financial Arrangement
In general. for lhe collaborations under school-to-school linkages, the host country will bear lhc cost of organising the activities, local transport and accommodation. The participating country wi ll be responsible for the cost of international travel. For activities to be undertaken by the partner schools, the funding arrangement would be determined j ointly by the schools involved.
For university-level exchanges, lhc funding arrangement would be determined jointly by the universities involved. Similarly for linkages between technical/ vocationa l schools and inslilulions, the institutions involved will jointly determined lhe funding arrangement for their activities.
4. Term and Termination 4.1. This Plan of Operation shall be effective on the date of signing and shall be valid for a period of 3 (th ree) years unless it is terminated by either Party in accordance with Article X of the M oU; 4.2. Either Party shall be entitled at any l ime at its absolute discretion to terminate the Programme by giving written notice six months beforehand to the other pa11y. Such termination shall not affect any on-going Programme up to the completion of the Programme; and 4.3. Each Party shall ensure thal adequate arrangements have been made to complete all commitments before the Programme is terminated .
S. Settlement of Differences Any differences regarding the Exchange Programme shall be treated in accordance with Article IX o f the MoU.
6. Modification This Plan of Operation may be mod ified by mutual written consent of the Parties. Done in duplicate in ingapore on 24 June 2005 in the English language. Both texts are being equally authentic.
Prof. Or. Ir. Dodi Nandika, MS For The Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia
LG (NS) Lim Ch uan Poh For Mini stry o f Education The Republic of Singapore