A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education
By Ceria Berlanda Bamularti Student Number: 111214097
A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education
By Ceria Berlanda Bamularti Student Number: 111214097
This work is so important to me. I dedicate this work to my family who always support me no matter what.
Matthew 21:22 “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”
Bamularti, Ceria Berlanda. (2015). The Perceptions of PGSD English Club Students on the Use of Role Play in Developing Speaking Skill. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. This research aims to find out the perceptions of PGSD English Club students on the use of role play in developing their speaking skill. Speaking is the most important skill in language learning. Primary School of Teacher Education or Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) of Sanata Dharma University provides English Club to help students to develop their speaking skill. The technique used in teaching-learning activity to develop the students‟ speaking skill is role play. The use of role play provided the new experiences to the students in speaking English. Therefore, from the experiences of the students in using role play as the technique, the researcher tried to discuss and understand the importance of the role play and how the students perceived the use of role play. There is one research problem in this research. The research problem is „what are the students‟ perceptions on the use of role play in developing speaking skill?‟ In order to solve the research problem, the researcher used mixed methods in conducting this research. The data was collected by using two research instruments. Those research instruments are questionnaire and interview. The first thing to do in collecting the data was that the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students of English Club PGSD Class 2 PGSD 3. After the students answered all questionnaires, the researcher conducted the interview with four students. The results of this research showed that the students had good perception in using role play as the technique in developing their speaking skill. The students answered the statements stated in questionnaire positively. They believed that role play helped them in developing their speaking skill. Moreover, based on the experience, they also believed that role play became an appropriate technique used in teaching-learning activity, especially in speaking class of English Club PGSD. Keywords: perception, role play, speaking, learning motivation
Bamularti, Ceria Berlanda. (2015). The Perceptions of PGSD English Club Students on the Use of Role Play in Developing Speaking Skill. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan persepsi mahasiswa English Club PGSD tentang penggunakan role play dalam mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara. Berbicara adalah keterampilan yang paling penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) Universitas Sanata Dharma menyediakan English Club untuk membantu para mahasiswa mengembangkan keterampilan mereka dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Teknik yang digunakan di dalam aktivitas pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara adalah role play. Penggunaan teknik role play memberikan pengalaman baru bagi mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Dengan demikian, dari pengalaman mahasiswa dalam penggunaan role play sebagai teknik, peneliti mencoba untuk mendiskusikan dan memahami pentingnya role play dan bagaimana mahasiswa memberikan persepsi tentang penggunaan role play. Terdapat satu rumusan masalah di dalam penelitian ini. Rumusan masalah tersebut adalah „Apa saja persepsi mahasiswa tentang penggunaan role play dalam mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara?‟ Untuk menyelsaikan rumusan masalah, peneliti menggunakan penelitian campuran untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan 2 instrumen. Instrument penelitian tersebut adalah kuesioner dan wawancara. Hal pertama yang dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah dengan membagikan kuesioner pada siswa English Club kelas 2 PGSD 3. Setelah para siswa menjawab semua pertanyaan di kuesioner, peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan empat siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa para siswa memiliki persepsi yang baik dalam penggunaan teknik role play sebagai teknik untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara. Para siswa menjawab semua pernyataan secara positif. Mereka percaya bahwa role play membantu mereka dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Terlebih lagi, menurut pengalaman, mereka juga percaya bahwa role play menjadi teknik yang tepat digunakan dalam aktivitas belajar mengajar khususnya di kelas speaking di English Club PGSD. Kata kunci: perception, role play, speaking, learning motivation
With the accomplishment of this thesis, I would like to express my deepest and great gratitude to my Lord, Jesus Christ, who always supports me, loves me abundantly, strengthens me, and guides me so that I can accomplish this thesis well. When my zeal is going down, He is always near me until everything happens as well as His plan. I also take this opportunity to thank all people who made a contribution in my academic life so far. I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to my advisor, Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., Ed.M., who has been patiently guiding me in doing this thesis and whose tireless efforts have made this dream a reality. I am very indebted to her for her patience, encouragement, care, help, motivation, and advice from the beginning of the research until the accomplishment of this thesis. No amount of words can express my sincere gratitude for her unending support during the research period. I also thank all the lecturers of English Education Study Program for teaching me during my study from the first semester until the last semester in Sanata Dharma University. I would also deliver my best thanks to Rm. G. Ari Nugrahanta, S.J., S.S., BST, M.A. as the chairperson for giving me the chance to conduct the research in Program Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar. I am also sending my deepest thanks to Teresia Dian as the tutor of English Club PGSD who also gave me chance to conduct my research in her class. Not to forget, I also thank all students of Class 2 PGSD 3 for their cooperation and kindness in helping me to ix
collect the data. I also take this opportunity to thank my entire extended family. This thesis would not have been possible without the wise advice, prayer, patience, and everlasting love of my father, Umarwoto and my mother, Sumtini. I would like to thank my older brothers Andreas and Bedesta, my younger sister Depra, and my sisters-in-law Dian and Nanik, who have been my ridiculous supporters and whose time is greatly compromised during my studies. My best regards also go to my best partners, friends and listeners who always support me. They are Wednes, Rani, Wulan, Ishom, and Eci. My gratitude also goes to my friends who always teach me and give me some suggestions. They are Vivin, Elisa, Gustin, Dian, and Susan. All of them are always coloring my days. I would appreciate their time for the laugh, love, and every single moment we share together. My thanks are also given to my classmates for the crazy and joyful moment during the learning process. The last but not least, I would like to deliver my special thanks to my heartthrob for the love, time, care, and support so that I can finally accomplish my thesis. I thank him for always being so patient in waiting and in having the differences between us. Lastly, my warm regards go to all of those who have made a positive contribution in my life.
Ceria Berlanda Bamularti x
TITLE PAGE .....................................................................................................
APPROVAL PAGES .........................................................................................
DEDICATION PAGE ....................................................................................... iv STATEMENT OF WORK‟S ORIGINALITY ..................................................
PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ................................................... vi ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... vii ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... xi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xiv LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................
A. Research Background ........................................................................
B. Research Problems ............................................................................
C. Problem Limitation ...........................................................................
D. Research Objectives ..........................................................................
E. Research Benefits ..............................................................................
F. Definition of Terms ...........................................................................
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELETED LITERATURE ................................... 11 A. Theoretical Description ..................................................................... 11 1. Perception ..................................................................................... 11 1.1 Perception on Learning........................................................... 13 2. Speaking Skill ................................................................................. 14 2.1 Teaching Speaking for EFL....................................................... 18 3. Role Play ........................................................................................ 18 4. Motivation ..................................................................................... 21 xi
4.1 The Definition of Motivation .................................................... 21 4.2 The Relation of Motivation to Learning Performance .............. 22 4.3 How Role Play Can Influence Students‟ Motivation to Speak . 23 B. Theoretical Framework .................................................................... 24
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY .................................................................... 26 A. Research Method ................................................................................ 26 B. Research Setting .................................................................................. 27 C. Research Participants ......................................................................... 27 D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique....................................... 28 E. Data Analysis Technique .................................................................... 31 F. Research Procedures ........................................................................... 33
CHAPTER IV RESEACH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ........................... 35 A. Research Results ................................................................................ 35 B. Discussion ............................................................................................ 47
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................... 57 A. Conclusions ...................................................................................... 57 B. Recommendations ............................................................................ 58
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 61 APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 65
Table 3.1 Sample of the Questionnaire Form ................................................... 30 Table 3.2 Questionnaire Blueprint ..................................................................... 30 Table 4.1 The Distribution of Responses to Students‟ Perception on the Use of Role Play ........................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.1 The Percentage of Total Responses of the from Questionnaire ........ 44
Appendix 1 Questionnaire .................................................................................. 65 Appendix 2 Interview Question .......................................................................... 67 Appendix 3 Questionnaire Result ....................................................................... 68 Appendix 4 The Transcript of Interview............................................................. 70 Appendix 5 Students‟ Answer in Open-Ended Questions .................................. 75 Appendix 6 Sample of Students‟ Questionnaire ................................................. 79
Chapter I provides the background information and the rationale of the research. This Chapter is divided into six parts. Those parts are research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms used in the research.
Research Background English has an important role since most of the information resources,
such as from internet, advertisement, or even announcement are in English. Harmer (2007) states that there is no doubt that English is a vital linguistic tool for many business people, academics, tourists, and citizens of the world who wish to communicate easily across nationalities. Therefore, that is the proof that English is used in many fields. It can also be concluded that English has been learned in every aspect of modern life such as education, politics, economics, and science. Thus, English as the international language should be mastered by many people because many formal activities will use English as the communication to others. Many countries set English as a second language and foreign language (Barbara, 2001). In Indonesia, English is considered as a foreign language in which English is used only for formal level such as in school, university and occupation field. There are four skills that should be learned in English as a foreign language. Those four skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 1
2 Speaking becomes one of the skills that is required to be developed in learning English. Considering the important role in communicating using English, speaking can be one of the most important and affective thing needed by people to accomplish. Ur (1996) states that speaking seems intuitively the most important skill among all the four skills. Therefore, speaking skill will be discussed the most in this research. Speaking and writing belong to productive skills. Besides, there is also receptive skill. In this case, listening and reading belong to receptive skills. Davies (2014) states that productive skill is the ability to communicate actively in the foreign tongue, through speaking and writing. To make the speaking skill increased, speaking skill should be practiced regularly. It is also explained that speaking is often the skill upon which a person is judge (McDonough and Shaw, 2003). Thus, people must have good speaking ability because speaking is a product of language that becomes people‟s criterion to see someone‟s language skill rather than from listening, reading, and writing. However, many people feel that speaking in a foreign language is harder than the others skill (Nunan, 2003). As the researcher stated, in Indonesia, English has been decided as one of the important subjects in school and university. Also, the government expects that the students are able to master English as means of communication, transfer communication, and knowledge development. Nowadays, the existence of International School becomes a proof that the usage of English is more developed in Indonesia. Most of international schools have the higher standards of teachers than the national schools do. The teachers must have good skill in English 2
3 especially when they are speaking because they will use English to teach the students in international school. Realizing the existence of international school, many teachers should be ready to compete with others. Therefore, this case makes a concern for some universities to pay more attention in using English. Sanata Dharma University emphasizes English proficiency for all students from English and non-English majors. For non-English majors, there should be requirement test before they graduate from this University. This test is called spoken English competency test (Tes Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris). In order to graduate from Sanata Dharma University, the students should pass this test. Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) is one of the study programs which prepares the primary school teacher candidate. The aim of this study program is to obtain the Primary School Teacher Education Study Program bachelors which are broad-minded, and adequate in both professional and academic competence. In other words, the teacher candidates should graduate with good skills. One of the skills that should be mastered is English speaking skill. It has been stated that some international schools in Indonesia use English as the language in teaching-learning process. Therefore, there is one test that should be taken by the students of PGSD in order to measure to what extent English is mastered by the students. In accordance with the preparation, Primary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) has created a program named English Club. This is the program which is cooperatively done by PGSD and English Language Education. It is because the teachers or the tutors of this program are from English Language 3
4 Education Study Program. English Club is the compulsory program which should be taken by the students of PGSD in the first semester up to fourth semester. The aim of this program is to facilitate the students to enhance the students‟ English ability, especially in speaking skill. Therefore, the students can express their ideas with less fear and doubt. Besides, they can also graduate with good English speaking skill. Since becoming a foreign language, the students of English Club PGSD are not accustomed to speaking English. In this research, the researcher chose Class 2 PGSD 3 as the research participants. The number of 2 in Class 2 PGSD 3 means that the students are from semester 2. Based on the observation in English Club class 2 PGSD 3, the tutor of English Club PGSD met some difficulties when she was teaching using English. The students were not motivated to speak English. The students still used Bahasa Indonesia when they asked a question or permission. Previously, the tutor had explained how to ask permission in English. The reason why students did not use English was because they were afraid of making mistakes. They would be more comfortable if they had conversation in English with their friends. It was because they could practice together with less fear of making mistakes. The result of midterm test also showed that the students of English Club PGSD had low motivation in using English. From this case, it can be concluded that students‟ low motivation to speak English more becomes a serious problem. Therefore, the teachers have the big role to motivate the students to learn English as enjoy as they can so that they can also use English in daily conversation very often. The most important thing as the teacher or tutor is to 4
5 make the students speak. Besides, the tutors should be able to give interesting technique while they are teaching in order to make the students that motivated in learning. Therefore, they can be free to speak in giving their ideas. As a result of observation that has been done, there were some problems concluded that the tutor faced when they were teaching in English Club. The first problem was that the students spent a lot of time to listen than to talk. If the tutor asked them to speak in English, they only spoke very short, even they sometimes answered using Indonesian. It was because they were from non-English major. The second problem was that the students still pronounced some words incorrectly and also made many grammatical errors in speaking. They did not know how to speak correctly. They tended to be confused in choosing the words. The next problem was that the students had limited vocabulary. It was because they forgot the vocabulary that had been learned in Senior High School. The last problem was that the students needed much time to speak English because they were not sure about their speaking ability. Based on the conversation, some students said that they did not like English because English was very difficult. By these problems, the tutor have big role to overcome those problems. There are a lot of factors that can influence learning activities. Two of important factors that can influence the success of speaking class are teaching technique and perception of the technique used in teaching-learning activities. The problem of speaking class does not only come from the technique used by the tutor but also from the students. They are too shy to express their ideas. It is because they have lack of vocabulary. The use of teaching techniques becomes 5
6 one of the factors that influence learning process. In this learning process, the tutor used a technique named role play. According to Joyce and Weil (1996) role play is a teaching strategy that emphasizes the social nature of learning and see cooperative behavior as stimulating students. By doing role play, the students will get much opportunity to speak. Role play can help students to practice an actual dialogue. As explained by Nunan (2003), role play also provides learners practice speaking the target language before they must do in the real environment. This technique can also encourage shy students to be more active in the learning activity. The tutors use this technique because this technique is suitable from English Club students to develop their speaking skill especially to make them enjoy and like learning English. Therefore, from of the problems stated, the researcher conducted the research to know to what extent role play can affect the students speaking ability from their perception.
Research Problem English Club is a compulsory program which should be taken by the
students from Primary School Education Study Program (PGSD). By having this program, the students are supposed to be primary school candidates who master English well. In order to help students reach the goal, the tutors of English Club use role play as the teaching technique to develop their English especially in speaking and to make the students like studying English. Based on the problem described in the background of the research, one research problem is formulated 6
7 as follows: What are the students‟ perceptions on the use of role play in developing English speaking skill?
Problem Limitation This research tried to find the students‟ perception about the use of role
play in developing English speaking skill. It was because the researcher found some problems that were faced by the tutor of English Club when she was teaching the students. Therefore, this research is aimed to solve the problems by giving some questions to the students related to their perceptions in using role play as the technique in teaching-learning activities. The researcher would see to what extent role play helps the students of English Club PGSD Class 2 PGSD 3 in developing their English speaking skill. This research took place in English Club PGSD in the academic year of 2014/2015. This research was limited for the students of English Club PGSD Class 2 PGSD 3. This class consists of 24 students who belonged to this research as the research participants. The researcher chose this class because it applied role play in teaching-learning activities.
Research Objectives Realizing the importance of the use of role play as teaching technique in
English Club, the research is intended to focus on some objectives. The objective of the study is to find out the perception of the second semester students of PGSD who take English Club. Specifically, the study is aimed to see the opinion of the students towards the use of role play in their learning process. The study is also 7
8 aimed to identify some suggestions from the students. In other words, the study focuses on the ways to enhance the use of role play in English Club. The suggestions are meaningful for it can foster a better performance in English Club.
Research Benefits It is expected that the research gives some benefits to the English Club
students of Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. Besides, by doing this research, the researcher also hopes that it is also beneficial for the tutors who teach in English Club. 1.
English Club students of Primary School Teacher Education Study Program The researcher hopes that this research will give contribution to English
Club students of Primary School Teacher Education Study Program. The first contribution is that the students know and understand more about role play. By understanding about role play, it is expected that the students enjoy learning English so that they can improve their speaking skill. The second contribution is that they can express freely while they do the role play. They can speak what they want to speak without any doubt. 2.
The Tutors of English Club By knowing the students‟ perceptions about the use of role play, the tutors
of English Club are expected to develop the technique. Teaching technique is very important to give high motivation to students in learning English. Therefore, if the students give some negative perceptions, the tutor should find other techniques 8
9 which are more interesting than role play. Also, the tutors are expected to be able to give inspiration to other tutors in creating other strategy in order to make students have the higher motivation in learning English. The tutors should be able to create the strategy and to choose the technique as interesting as possible to grab students‟ attention and to give the higher motivation to the students.
Definition of Terms One of the most notable things about the title of the study is that the title is
constructed from several keywords. Those keywords need clear definition. Therefore, it will not be misunderstanding in this research. 1.
Perception The first keyword in this research is perception. There are a lot of
definitions about this term. According to Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnely (1985), perception depends entirely upon information in the 'stimulus array' rather than sensations that are influenced by cognition. Besides, Robbins (2005) stated that perception is an individual process to organize and interpret the sensory impression in order to give meaning in the environment. Therefore, it is related to the research which gives interpretation about role play in increasing English speaking skill. In this research, perception is seen as the way person interpret the information whether it is good depend on the person‟s mind. 2.
Role Play Role play is an activity where students are assigned an untrue from which
they have to improvise some kind of behavior toward the other character in the 9
10 exercise (Paulston & Bruder, 1976). In this case, teacher gives some direction about the characters and situation that must be done by the students. In other words, students are asked to play the part of someone else. Besides, Lucatoni (2002) states that role play can be very enjoyable for students and provide excellent opportunities for using language in real life situation. It means that role play can develop students speaking skill in their real life. In this reasearch, role play is the technique in which the students play a role as someone else in order to train their speaking skill. 3.
Speaking Skill According to Nunan (2003) speaking is a communication in an oral way
for interactional purposes, to make social relation and transactional purposes. Through speaking, people can express their ideas, thoughts and feeling orally. In this research, speaking skill means the ability of the students to speak English. In this case, the students are expected to give some perceptions about the use of role play in increasing their speaking skill. 4.
Motivation The key to the succesful learning is that the students must have higher
motivation to speak English. As explained by Pintrich and Schunk (2008), motivation influences students‟ behavior in classroom. Motivation is something that gets us going, keeps us working, and helps us complete the tasks (Pintrich & Schunk, 2008). Therefore, in this research, motivation means something that from inside or outside that stimulates desire of people to do something.
This chapter contains of review of related literature. The theories will be explained deeper in this chapter. Those theories will be used to be basis of the study and to solve the research problems of this research as stated in Chapter I This chapter is divided into two sections. Those are theoretical description and theoretical framework.
Theoretical Description This part discusses some important theories which are used in research
discussion. There are four main aspects which will be discussed in this part. Those are theory of perception, speaking, role play, and motivation. 1.
Perception There are a lot of definitions of perception. The understanding of
perception can be derived from some sources. According to Fleming and Levi (1993), perception is the process whereby one becomes aware of the world around oneself. Meanwhile, according to Hilgard et al. (1975), perception is the process where people organize and interpret the stimuli in the environment. Sometimes, the environment can influence the way of people in giving perception. Hardy and Heyes (1994) state that “the basic form of perception is people‟s born talent; meanwhile perceptional ability is the result of learning, which is determined by the environment”. It can be concluded that perception itself is personal cognitive 11
12 process of interpreting something and it can be derived from the environment where the people live and then one of the people‟s senses will catch the stimuli and they will interpret it based on their own perception. Perception as a process of interpreting of objects and other things can be influenced by stimuli. Davidof (1975) states that stimuli of perception derived from individual and outside of the individual. Szilagyi and Marc (1980) state that there are three factors which influence a person‟s perception. Those three factors are attributes of the object which consists of stimulus, motion and physical size attributes of the situation which consists of environment or work situation, and attributes of the person which consists of the characteristic of the person. Those factors influence the way of person in giving perception. Besides, Davidof (1975) shortens the factors that influence someone‟s perception into two; the first is internal factor and the second is external factor. a. Internal factor relates to individual. Those factors include the feeling, experience, and ability in thinking. Each person has different personal experience and ability toward things around them. Thus, personal experience takes important role toward the perception. b. External factors are from environment and stimuli. If the stimuli that appear in society clear enough then human‟ perception will be accurate but if the stimuli do not clear then the perception maybe will inaccurate. Those theories of factors that influence someone‟s perception are similar. They are related to each other. Therefore, by giving perception, people will produce a meaningful experience of the world.
13 People give some perceptions based on their feeling of subjectivity and their experiences in the past. Therefore, it is possible if people do not give the same perception about particular things, even though the object is the same. Gibson and Pick (1979) also state that there is connection between perception and experience. It means that perception and experience are related to each other. However, perception is not always formed by the experience of someone. There is another possibility to form perception that is based on others‟ opinion. As stated before, stimuli can affect someone‟s perception. When the stimulus from others is strong, this situation could affect someone‟s perception without any experience which comes from him or her. In this research, perception means as the response of the use of role play to form some meaningful information to the learning process. If the students have positive experience, they would form positive perception on the use of role play in learning speaking. Perception that is formed by experience is stronger than perception formed by sensation or stimuli (Santoso, 2000). 1.1
Perception on Learning This part is discussed the connection between perception and students‟
activity in learning. As stated by Champbell et al. (2001) there are five elements of language teaching-learning activities implementation that bulid students‟ perception. Those elements are (1) The way how the teacher teaches the students, (2) What the teacher wants the students to learn, (3) how the students learn, (4) What the students learn, and (5) What the purpose of learning language
14 (Champbell et al, 2001). This statement means that perception on learning relates to the beliefe and concept about knowledge or message. 2.
Speaking Skill It is necessary to define what speaking is in order to have understanding
about speaking. Nunan (2003) explains that speaking is the productive oral skill. Besides, Paulston and Bruder (1976) define speaking as a competency to communicate in the target language. People who communicate the message, they may have certain expectation as the response of person to whom they are addressing it. Speaking makes the understanding of all information delivered easily. In addition, according to Chaney (1998) speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non verbal symbols, in a variety of context. Mastering the art of speaking skill is the most important aspect of learning a foreign language, and success is measured in terms of ability to carry out a conversation in the language (Nunan, 1991). There are several functions of speaking. Acording to Brown and Yule as cited in Nunan (1991), two basic language functions in speaking are transactional function and interactional function. It means that the concern of the first function is to transfer information and the second function is maintenance speech of social relationship. Meanwhile, Richards (2008) explains that there are three functions of speaking. Those are speaking as interaction, speaking as transaction, and speaking as performance. Richards (2008) explains that as interaction, speaking also means a conversation to others. Interaction is defined as greeting and telling story. The
15 main function is how speakers wish to present themselves to each other rather than on the message that want to be delivered. This function plays social role. In this case, according to Nunan (1991) the function is included as instructional function. The second function of speaking is as a transactional process. It refers to the situation where the focus is on what is said or done (Richards, 2008). From this case, it could be seen that the focus between the first function and the second function are different. The last function is as performance. It refers to public speech. The focus of this function is in the content of the message which wanted to be delivered by the speakers to the audiences (Richards, 2008). In this research, speaking means the activity of the students to present the language orally, to deliver the ideas, feeling, purpose, and thought. It emphasizes on the interaction, communication and understanding each other. It can be concluded that speaking skill is the power or skill in presenting the language orally to interact and communicate with others. One of the activities which can be applied in classroom is simulation and role play (Harmer, 2007). Simulation and role play are the activities which stimulate a real life for students as if they were doing so in the real world (Harmer, 2007). There must be some characteristics in order to get successful speaking ability. The characteristics are learners talk a lot, participation is even, motivation is high, and language is on the acceptable level (Ur, 1996).
16 a.
Learners talk a lot It means that the learners can talk as much as possible. In fact, the period of time allotted to the activity is occupied by learners‟ talk.
Participation is even It means that all members get chance to speak and distribute the contribution when the teacher asks the students to make a group discussion.
Motivation is high Eagerness to speak comes up to the learners because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about.
Language is on acceptable level Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easily,
comprehensible to each other, and acceptable level of language accuracy. Speaking is the ability to use language in ordinary way by speech. It also means that learners use language which is understandable. When people speak, they construct the ideas in words, express their perception, their feeling, and their intention. If the learners do not have skill, understanding of the language, acknowledgement of the language, they cannot grasp meaning of the speaker‟s mean. Therefore, people who want to speak English well, besides learning, they need to practice it. According to Ur (1991) there are some problems faced by learners in speaking activities. Those problems include the lack of theme to be spoken, inhabitation, the low of participation, and the use of mother tongue.
17 a. The lack of theme to be spoken Some learners get difficulties in thinking the structure when they want to say. They think much about the construction of the sentences which will be spoken. Besides, they have no motivation to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling they should be speaking. b. Inhibition Unlike listening, reading, and listening activities, speaking requires some real time exposure to an audience. Learners are often inhibited about trying to say something in foreign language in the classroom. They worry about making mistakes; they are shy of the attention that their speech attracts. c. The low of participation This problem is compounded by tendency of some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at all. d. The use of mother tongue Usually, most of learners share the same mother tongue in class. If they are talking in small groups, it can be quite difficult to keep using the target language. Hedge (2011) states that students sometimes are nervous speaking in front of others and occur through nervousness because they are unused to demand for speaking in public. The problem may also come from the teacher. The teacher would be in the position of controlling a set of strategies that would help the students improve their speaking ability.
18 2.1
Teaching Speaking for EFL It is important to see how the teacher should teach the EFL learners
especially in speaking. Speaking for EFL is important yet it also becomes complex problem for the teachers. Richards and Renandya (2002) explain that Learning to speak foreign language requires more than knowing its grammatical and semantic rules. Learners must also acquire the knowledge of how native speakers use the language in context of structured interpersonal exchange. It is clear that speaking requires the ELF learners‟ deep understanding of how English is used based on context of interaction. In order to help EFL learners improve their speaking ability, a teacher shpuld have the right strategy to teach the EFL learners in the classroom. Hedge (2011) gives some tips for improving speaking. They are: keeping the activity fun and simple, having a back up plan for the entire class, reflecting on what the techers do to help students improve their speaking skill, not to overdue speaking activities in one lesson. Those tips can be used by teachers to help the EFL learners have good speaking skill. 3.
Role Play Role play is defined as an activity which involves students‟ participation
in speaking, use certain situation and make students release their ideas ( Joyce and Weil, 1996). Ladousse (1996) believes that a role play gives students more opportunity to use language in elaborate dialogues within culturally relevant and significant contexts. These explanations indicate that role play is closely related to the ability to produce language in authentic conversation. In addition, role play demands the cultural awareness and allows students to act out their knowledge.
19 The shared experiences and engagement in role play and acting help pupils to develop the essential language skills of speaking and listening (Line, 1997 in Thompson and Evans, 2010). According to Lucatoni (2002) role play can be enjoyable for learners and provide excellent opportunities for using language in real life situation. Role play provides the students with a simple activity and a meaningful exercise. In doing role play, the students are not only trained to practice their speaking skill, but also learn a social aspect. Paulston and Bruder (1976) believe that role play is an exercise where the students are assigned to play some kinds of behavior. Meanwhile, Hedge (2011) describes role play as a speaking activities which involves dialogues, settings, situations, and roles which are made by teachers. Furthermore, role play also invites students to experience how to use the language by themselves. According to Oyabu in Haruyama (2010) role play is suitable for making an environment in which students are not silent but rather can naturally speak in. Doff (1990) also explains that role play is a way to bring situation from real life into the classroom activity. Using role play as a technique in learning process gives some benefits, they are: role play is a fun technique, role play allows students to have some experiments with language they learn, the students will have a chance to apply some kind of expression which is usually ised in target language conversation (Doff, 1990). The next benefit is that role play provides special opportunity to go beyond what has been taught in class and to draw on the full range of their language competencies. Role play also engages the
20 learner physical activity. It means that role play forces students to have some kind physical movement. Students have to act as the role that is given. The other benefit is that role play allows student to express the students who have sense of humor. As one of teaching technique, role play gives the students opportunity to express themselves freely (Doff, 1990). The last benefit according to Doff (1990), role play offers good listening practice. It means that when other students are doing role play in front of the class, the others should listen to what they are performing. Ladousse (1996) also explains about the reason why role play is beneficial to use in learning process. Those reasons include: a. Role play puts students in situation in which they are required to use any roles of relationship to develop their sociolinguistic competence. b. Through role play, teacher can train the students in speaking skills in any situation. c. Role play helps many shy students by providing them with a mask. In the role play, students pretend as someone else. d. The students can enjoy their imagination because role play is fun. e. Role play is one of communicative techniques which develops fluency in language students, which promotes interaction in the classroom and which increases motivation. According to Ladousse (1996) there are several types of role play: a. Roles which correspond to a real need in the students‟ lives. b. Roles which the students may or may not have direct experience
21 c. Roles which few students will ever experience directly themselseves, but which are easy to play because the students have such vast indirect experience. d. Fantasy role, which are fictitious, imaginary, and possible even absurd. 4.
Motivation Motivation is described in this section. There are three parts that will be
discussed. Those are the definition of motivation and the relation between motivation and learning and performance, and the last is about how role play can influence students‟ motivation to speak English. 4.1
The Definition of Motivation Woolfolk (2013) defines motivation as an internal state that arouses,
directs, and maintains behavior. Besides, Mouly (1973) explains that motivation is a state of tension directing behaviors toward the attainment of a goal. Those definitions mean that motivation is something that directs behavior toward a particular goal. Meanwhile, Pintrich and Schunk (2008) explain that motivation is a process which involves two main elements such as goal and activity. There are two kinds of motivation; intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation (Pintrich & Schunk, 2008). Courage and willingness are included as intrinsic motivation. On the other hand, external motivation comes from external factor that influences a person attitude toward something. Reward or punishment can be something that influence motivation. Woolfolk (2013) also states that motivation stems from factors like interest or curiosity is called intrinsic motivation. When students are motivated, they do not need incentives of punishment to make them work because
22 the activity itself is rewarding. When students do something in order to earn reward, avoid punishment, please teacher, or some other reason, they experience extrinsic motivation (Woolfolk, 2013). 4.2
The Relation of Motivation to Learning and Performance Harmer (2007) states that learning English might be just an obligation. For
this reason, the English teachers meet some difficulties because of lack of motivation of the students. It also happens when the teacher or tutors teach in English Club Program. Students who are studying English in non-English speaking country need to start with the motivation from themselves (Finnochiarro, 1974). In this case, the teachers have the big role to motivate the students to learn English as enjoy as they can so that they can also use English in daily conversation very often. In order to make the students familiar with English, the tutors in English Club use English all the time while they are explaining. However, in teaching-learning process, a good communication using English is still difficult to make the students fully understand about the materials. According to Matthews, Spratt and Dangerfield (1985) many conversation classes fail because the students are insufficiently motivated to speak, too few students participate and the teacher does most of the talking. Thus, the most important thing as the teacher or tutor is to make the students speak. Besides, the tutors should be able to give interesting technique while they are teaching in order that students motivated in learning. Therefore, they can be free to speak in giving their ideas without any fear.
23 Teacher and students have to be aware that motivation gives a great influence in the successful leaning. Motivation can influence what, when, and how people learn (Pintrich and Schunk, 2008). Meanwhile, good relationship and learning situation that is made by the teacher can make a successful learning process. Dornyei (2001) states: A successful learning process requires motivational teaching practice. It uses teacher‟s role in the learning process where teacher has to meet this four characteristics: (a) Creating the basic motivational situation (b) Generation initial motivation (c) Maintaining and protecting motivation and (d) Encouraging positive retrospective self- evaluation (p. 30). Successful learning affects the students‟ perception on the lesson which has a significant effect toward the students‟ motivation. 4.3
How Role Play Can Influence Students’ Motivation to Speak English Increasing students‟ motivation to speak can be done by various ways. The
very first way that can be used is experiential learning. This is the method in teaching-learning activity to help students in improving their knowledge and skills through their experiences. Cahyani (2003) believes that when the students find a comfortable learning situation, it leads to an enjoyable learning situation and makes them more motivated. Role play enables people to experience and achieve in a way that their normal work might not. Through role play, the students experience themselves a certain condition, which is close to their life. The second way to increase students‟ motivation is by creating interesting task. A speaking task called as an interesting one when it is related to the students‟ lives and highlights ways learning can be applied in real life situations (Lumsden,
24 1994). Furthermore, Doff (1990) also explains that role play is a way to bring situation from real life into the classroom activity. The third way to increase students‟ motivation to speak is by providing them with an enjoyable learning situation. It means that teacher should create a fun activity. Role play is one of fun activities. It frees the students to relax and let them enjoy class activity. It is supported by the theory of Ladousse (1996) that role play is fun because students can enjoy their imagination.
Theoretical Framework In theoretical framework, the researcher tried to relate the theory and this
research. The research is about the students‟ perception on the use of role play. Based on Hilgard et al. (1975), perception is the process where people organize and interpret the stimuli in the environment. The students‟ perceptions are important since they influence students‟ motivation to learn and behave in the learning activities. On the other hand, the techniques of teaching are also important to facilitate the teaching-learning process. The implementation of role play refers from the shared experiences and engagement in role play and acting help pupils to develop the essential language skills of speaking and listening (Line, 1997 in Thompson and Evans, 2010). To answer the first research problem, the researcher used the theory from Hardy and Heyes (1994) stated that “the basic form of perception is people‟s born talent; meanwhile perceptional ability is the result of learning, which is determined by the environment”. The students can give their perception about the use of role play in their class.
25 Role play as a technique in learning speaking also brings some perception for the students. The students perceive role play as a good technique if they have good experience about it. As Lucatoni (2002) stated, role play can be enjoyable for learners and provide excellent opportunities for using language in real life situation. The analysis of motivation can answer to what extent role play can help students in improving students‟ speaking ability in English. The researcher used theory from Dornyei (2001). The others theories will be explained more in the discussion.
In this chapter, the researcher presents the methods of the study to solve the problems stated in Chapter I. In addition, there is also the description of outlines of the procedure in gathering and analyzing the data. There are six parts in Chapter III, they are: Research Method, Research Setting, Research Participants, Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique, Data Analysis Technique, and Research Procedures.
Research Method This research was conducted to figure out how role play developed
students‟ speaking skill of English Club in PGSD class 2 PGSD 3 based on their perceptions. In conducting the research, the researcher used the combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The combination is called mixed methods research (Johnson & Christensen, 2012, p. 50). Further, Johnson and Christensen (2012) state that quantitative research relies on the collection of numerical data (p. 33). Meanwhile, qualitative research is the research used to understand people‟s experiences and to express their perspectives (Chritstensen & Johnson, 2012, p. 33). Similarly, Creswell (2015) also states that one of characteristics in quantitative data is to collect the data in the form of number using instruments with preset quation and response (e.g., quastionnaire) (p. 13). In qulitaive research, the data is collected based on words (e.g., interview) from small 26
27 numbers of indibiduals (Creswell, 2015, p. 15). Quantitative and qualitative data might employ similar approaches, such as interview and questionnaire (Creswell, 2015, p. 19).
Research Setting This research was conducted in the even semester Academic Year of
2014/2015 starting on May until June 2015. The researcher conducted the research every Thursday at 9 a.m to 11 a.m. The setting of this study was the English Club PGSD class. The class that was conducted from the research was class 2 PGSD 3.
Research Participants The population which was used in this research was the students of
Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) who were taking English Club in the academic year of 2014/2015. There were six classes of English Club. In this case, the research participants in this research were the students from class 2 PGSD 3 of English Club PGSD. There were twenty four students from this class who were asked to fill in the questionnaire. For one thing, class 2 PGSD 3 of English Club PGSD was chosen because the tutor of English Club used more role play as the technique in teaching speaking. After distributing the questionnaires to the students, the researcher also had the interview. The researcher chose four students in order to gain more data
28 information. Besides, this interview was done in order to verify, recheck, and clarify the data from the questionnaires.
Instruments and Data Gathering Technique A research instrument is defined as the tool for gathering the data. There
are several major types of instruments. The researcher used the combination of questionnaire and interview as the research instrument. For quantitative research, questionnaire was used as the instrument whereas, for qualitative research, interwiew was used as the instrument. Gall et al (2003) state that both questionnaire and interview are used in educational research to collect data which relates to the experience, opinions, interests, and the like. Thereby, the consideration of choosing the combination between questionnaire and interview as the tools for gathering the data is those two instruments fit to the purpose of the research. 1.
Questionnaire The first technique used in gathering the data was questionnaire. The
questionnaire used in this research consisted of two parts. The first part was closeended question and the second part was open-ended question. Gall et al (2003) explain that in questionnaire, the subjects of the research are asked the same questions. It means that they respond to the questions by writing, or by marking an answer sheet. Some advantages in using questionnaire according to Gall et al (2003): a) the cost of sampling respondents is not really expensive, b) the time required to collect the data is much less. There are two types of questionnaire;
29 they are open-ended and closed-ended questionnaire. Close- ended questionnaire provides the participants with the answer. This is the reason why the participants were asked to choose the most suitable answer that fit on them. Open- ended questionnaire enables the participants to answer the questions freely. In this case, the researcher used the combination of those two kinds of questionnaire. In this research, the researcher distributed questionnaire to twenty four students in English Club class. The first part of questionnaire was close-ended question which consisted of fifteen items. Meanwhile, the second part was openended question which consisted of three items. In the second part, the students were not given such idea or option to answer but they could freely answer the questions given based on their experiences. As a result, those items covered the answer for the research problem. The questionnaire was designed in the form of statements which has scale for each statement to measure the frequency of agreement. The scale used in this research was Likert Scale. Likert scale is the scale which typically asks for the extent of agreement consists of a five-point scale ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree” (Gall et al, 2003). In this research, the researcher omitted the undecided item because it can give misunderstanding for the respondents and it did not contribute any responses. In this research, there were fifteen statements in close- ended question and three questions in open-ended question. The data collection was done by distributing the questionnaire to the students after they experienced their learning process using role play. Then the
30 students were asked to fill in the questionnaire sheets and answer the open-ended items. On the same day, the questionnaires should be submitted to the researcher. Having collected the questionnaire, the researcher could start working on the data and analyze the data. The following table below was the example of the table in the questionnaire. Table 3.1 Sample of the Questionnaire Form No
Role Play helps you to speak more fluent
Table 3.1 shows the sample of the questionnaire form used in this research. In this table the researcher tried to explain the example of the statement in close-ended question. Besides, this table also explains the ranging of scales in which “SD” is for “strongly disagree”, “D” is for “strongly disagree”, “A”, is for “agree”, and “SA” is for “strongly agree. Table 3.2 Questionnaire Blueprint Questions 1-7
Indicators Students‟ perception on the use of role play
Form Close-Ended
The students‟ experience after doing role play
Review on the students‟ opinion about the use of role play
Table 3.2 shows the questionnaire blue print. In this table, the researcher tried to explain the distribution of indicators in questionnaire. It can be seen from
31 the table that number 1 to 7 is related to the student‟ perceptions about the use of role play. Meanwhile, statement number 8 to 15 is related to the students‟ experience after doing role play. This table also explains the open-ended question in the questionnaire. There were three number is the open-ended questions. Those three numbers consisted of the review on the students‟ opinion about the use of role play. 2.
Interview The researcher also chose interview as the instrument to gather the data. It
was obvious that interview helped the researcher to gather information related to the research objectives. Interview is a process of oral question (Gall et al, 2003). By doing the interview, the researcher can also find out the additional information that is missed (Maxwell, 2013). In the interview, the researcher can address about personal questions related to the experiences. Maxwell (2013) also states that through the interview, the researcher can also check the accuracy (e.g from questionnaire or observation). The researcher chose four students from English Club PGSD class 2 PGSD 3 to be the participants in the interview. There were six items of the interview list. In this case, the four students took their turn to meet the researcher one by one. The researcher asked the students about the six items of the interview list. The researcher also used the recording to record the interview. After the interviews have done, the researcher started summarizing the data of the interview. By doing this way, it was also possible for the researcher to start analyzing the data.
32 E.
Data Analysis Technique In supporting this research, there were two kinds of data. The first data
was derived from questionnaire while the second data was from the interview. The result of questionnaire was applied in tables. Meanwhile, the result of the data from interview was presented in descriptive forms. The researcher analyzed the data from the answers of questionnaire and from the interview research question comparing to some theories which was written in chapter two. The researcher counted the average score to determine the major response of each statement to find the result of the data from the close-ended questions. The presentation of numbers from questionnaire in close-ended question was aimed at making the description data clearer. The researcher also analyzed the result of the close-ended answer by making it into percentage to make it easy to measure and represent the result of the data. Having collected the questionnaires, the researcher analyzed them by recording all the data in table and discussed them based on the frequency. The researcher counted the percentage of the answer by using the following formula:
× 100 %
x = The number of the students who choose the degree of agreement n = The total number of all the students The researcher analyzed the data provided from the open-ended questions and the interview in order to collect the data from the interview. It was
33 summarized in paragraph and contrasted as well as compared. Then, the researcher made the conclusion based on the data obtained.
Research Procedures In conducting this research, the researcher used several steps. These steps
were: 1. Defining the problem and finding the theories The very first step of this research was to formulate the research problem. The problem statement of this research asked about what the students‟ perceptions are. Finding the theories also included as the first step in conducting this research. The researcher noted all of the information related to the problems, especially the theory. 2. Designing the research and the data collection instruments By the research question defined, “what” of the research has been established. In this step, the researcher started to about who, where, when, and how related to the research. After that, the researcher started thinking about the instruments used to collect the data. As a result, the researcher decided to use questionnaire and interview as the instruments of this research. 3. Collecting the data In this step, the researcher did the activity in collecting the data a. Distributing the questionnaires The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students in the last meeting.
34 b. Conducting the interview The researcher conducted the interview to the students after they answered the questionnaire. The researcher conducted the interview using video recorder. 4. Analyzing the data The researcher began to analyze the data. The data which was analyzed was from questionnaire and interview. The researcher used Likert scale in analyzing the data from questionnaire especially from close-ended question. Meanwhile, the data from interview and open- ended questions were analyzed by coding. 5. Generating and interpreting the findings and discussion and final research report The data were obtained from questionnaire and interview. In this step, the researcher started to interpret the findings by presenting the explanation from the result of the data. After interpreting the finding, the researcher then drew conclusions based on the findings. After all the procedures done, the researcher made the final report of the research. 6. Reporting Directly Based on the result of the research, the researcher presented the thesis in front of the lecturers.
This chapter presents the research results and discussion of the research about the use of role play in increasing students‟ English speaking skill from their perceptions. This chapter also discusses the answers of research questions which are formulated in the problem formulation. This discussion is divided into two major parts. The first part presents the results of this research. Meanwhile, the second part provides the discussion. Each analysis of the research problems was discussed and strengthened by theories written in the review of related literature.
Research Results This part consists of the results of the questionnaires and the interview
from the students. Therefore, there were quantitative data and qualitative data. The quantitative data was from questionnaire and the qualitative data was from interview. The results of the questionnaires and interview were based on the students‟ experience during learning activities by using role play as the technique. The research problem of this research focused on the students‟ perception on the use of role play in developing their English speaking skill. There are two parts in the results. The first is from the questionnaire and the second is from the interview.
36 1.
Questionnare The questions which were related to this problem consisted of fifteen
questions. There was degree of agreement that should be chosen by the students based on their experiences. Those were “strongly disagree”, disagree”, “agree”, and “strongly disagree”. On the last meeting, the questionnaires were distributed by the researcher. To be detailed the researcher presented the data using the table. This table presented the percentage of the result from questionnaires.
Table 4.1 The Distribution of Responses to Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Role Play
Statement I am interested in doing role play as the teaching technique in teaching- learning activity.
Role play is effective technique in helping me to develop speaking skill.
I feel more creative in choosing words after doing role play.
4. 5.
Degree of Agreement SD D A SA (%) (%) (%) (%) 62.5%
Role play makes me speak naturally. Role play helps me to speak fluently.
Role play makes me speak accurately with good grammar.
Role play can facilitate us to speak English with friends.
Role Play can help me to learn speaking in any situation.
I enjoy learning speaking through role play.
SD (%)
D (%)
A (%)
SA (%)
I am very pleased in playing the role as someone because I can speak more through.
I can experience the improvement of my English speaking ability through role play.
I can experience the improvement of my fluency in English speaking ability.
The use of role play can develop my confidence when I speak English.
Through role play, I am motivated to speak English continually.
Through role play, I get lots of new words.
The first statement was about students‟ interesting in doing role play. The data showed the percentage of the students who answered “strongly disagree”, “disagree”, “agree”, and “strongly agree”. Most of the students chose “agree”. They agreed that role play was interesting technique to use in teaching-learning activity. This statement is proven by the percentage of the students who agree that role play was one of the interesting techniques to teach English, especially to help them in increasing their English speaking skill. It was 62.5% of the total respondents or 15 students out of 24 students agreed with the statement. Besides, nine students or 37.5% of the students chose “strongly agree”. There were no students who chose “disagree” and “strongly disagree”. Fleming and Levi (1993)
38 stated perception is the process whereby one becomes aware of the world around oneself. Therefore, from the first statement, it can be shown that most of the students had good perception on the first statement. The students were aware that role play was the interesting technique used in teaching-learning activity. The next statement which was written in number two was about the effectiveness of the use of role play according to their own experiences. The researcher found that most of the students of PGSD from class 2 PGSD 3 agreed with the statement. The data showed that eighteen students of 75% of the students agreed with the second statement. Meanwhile, six students or 25% of the students chose “strongly agree”. Finding the result of the data, the researcher knew that students had good perception. Most of them believe that role play was the effective technique to learn speaking. From the result of the data, no one chose “disagree” and “strongly disagree”. The statement number three was about the students‟ creativity through role play. Students should chose whether or not their creativity was improved through role play. The researcher found that most of the students experienced the development of their creativity through role play. It was proven by the result of the data which was showed that fifteen students or 62.5% of the students chose “agree”. Furthermore, there were eight students or 33.3% of the students chose “strongly disagree”. However, in this statement, there were only one student or 4.2% of the students chose “disagree”. He or she thought that role play did not give him/her contribution in developing his or her creativity.
39 The students also believed that through role play, students could speak naturally. Nunan (2003) states that speaking is the productive skill. Therefore, in order to have good speaking skill, the students should product or generate their speaking as natural as possible. The result of the data showed that fifteen students or 62.5% of the students agreed with the statement. Besides, six students of 25% of the students chose “strongly disagree”. On the other hand, three students or 12.5% of the students chose “disagree”. Those three students felt that they could not speak naturally after experiencing the role play. The statement number five was about the fluency of the students through role play. The researcher found that most of the students believed that role play could increase students‟ speaking fluency. Chaney (1998) stated that speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non verbal symbols. Therefore, if the students speak fluently, they can share the meaning of their speaking well. The result of the data from questionnaire showed that seventeen students or 70.9% of the students agreed with the statement. There were also five students who chose “strongly agree”. It was the proof that students had good perception in this statement. On the other hand, there were only two students or 8.3% of the students chose “disagree”. The two students felt that role plat could not help them in increasing their fluency. Paulston and Bruder (1976) define speaking as a competency to communicate in the target language. It meant that students should speak accurately. From the statement number six, the students believed that role play can increase them to speak English accurately. The data showed that 7 students or
40 29.2% chose “strongly agree”. There were also 10 students or 41.6% agreed with the statement. From the result of the data, it could be seen that students had good perception in this statement. However, the data also showed that there were 7 students who chose “disagree”. Although they practiced speaking accurately through role play, they could not still speak well. The statement number seven stated “Role play can facilitate students to speak English with friends”. From this statement, the researcher found the result of the data that all of the students believed that through role play they could practice their speaking with their fiends. It was proven that seventeen students of 70.8% of the students chose “agree”, whereas eight students or 29.2% of the students chose “strongly agree”. Hedge (2011) describes role play as a speaking activities which involves dialogues, settings, situations, and roles which are made by teachers. From this theory, it was clear that dialogues in role play involved more than one student. The statement number eight stated “Role Play can help students to learn English speaking in any situation”. From the data, it was found that 62.5% of the students or 15 students agree with the statement that role play help them to speak in the real or any situation. Meanwhile, 25% of the students or 6 students chose “strongly agree” However, from the data, 3 students or 12.5% of the students chose “disagree”. From this result, the theory from Joyce and Weil (1996) was proven. They stated that role play was defined as an activity which involved students‟ participation in speaking, used certain situation and made students
41 release their ideas. Those three students did not feel the experience of the use of role play. The next statement which was in number nine stated about the interest of the students in using role play. The result of the data showed the same as the result of the statement in number eight which stated “Role Play can help students to learn English speaking in any situation”. The data showed that 25% of the students or 6 students chose “strongly agree” and 62.5% of the students or 15 students chose “agree”. Therefore, almost all students agreed with the statement that they were interested speaking in English because of role play. However, only 3 students were not interested to role play as the teaching technique in making them speak English. In role play, students must play the role of someone else. This statement related to the statement number ten. From the data, it was found that 25% of students or six students chose “strongly agree”. It stated that students were happy in playing the role of someone else. Besides, 58.3% of students or fourteen students agreed with the statement. 83.3% of the students experienced happiness and enjoyment while playing the role of someone else. However, there were only 4 students or 16.7% of the students chose “disagree”. The statement number eleven stated “I can experience the improvement of my English speaking ability through role play.” It was found from the data that 7 students or 29.2% of the students chose “strongly agree”. They believed that through role play, they felt the development of their speaking ability in English. Meanwhile, fourteen students or 58.3% of the students agreed with the statement.
42 Ladousse (1996) believed that through role play, teacher can train the students in speaking skills. However, there are three students or 12.5% of the students chose “disagree”. The statement from number twelve was about “I can experience the improvement of my fluency in English speaking ability.” This data showed that from the statement number twelve, it was found that 20.8% of the students or five students chose “strongly agree”. Moreover, 62.5% of the students or fifteen students agreed with the statements. They are believed that through role play, they could increase their fluency in speaking. It was affirmed by the theory of Ladousse (1996) that role play is one communicative technique which develops fluency in language students. Yet, four students or 16.7% of the students chose “disagree”. They felt that their fluency did not increase through role play. Most students experienced that through role play, they could be more confident. The statement number thirteen was about the students experience in using role play to increase their speaking fluency. It was found from the data that 62.5% or five students chose “strongly agree”, whereas eighteen students or 75% of the students agreed with the statement. Ladousse (1996) stated that role play helps any shy students by providing them with a mask. It was also explained that students can be more confident through role play. Yet, there was only one student or 4.2% of the students who chose “disagrees” in the statement. The next statement which was in number fourteen related to the motivation. It was stated whether students were motivated to speak English through role play. The data showed that 33.4% of the students or eight students
43 strongly agree with the statement. Meanwhile, 58.3% of the students or fourteen students agree with the statement. Most students were motivated to speak English through role play. Ladousse (1996) also explains that role play is one communicative technique which develops fluency in language students, which promotes interaction in the classroom and which increases motivation. However, there were only 8.3% of the students chose “disagree” which meant only two students. The last statement of the close-ended question in the questionnaire was about the vocabulary. It was stated whether the students could get new vocabulary through role play. It was found that seven students or 29.2% of the students chose “strongly agree”. Besides, fourteen students or 58.3% of the students agreed with the statement. Most of the students who chose “agree” and “strongly agree” got new words through role play. However, there were only three students chose “disagree” in the last statement. The first question of open-ended question in questionnaires asked about the opinion of the students in experiencing learning teaching using role play. Most of the students believed that role play was effective to be used in learning process. They believed that role play was very interesting and fun technique. As stated by Ladousse (1996), the students can enjoy their imagination through role play because it is fun technique. Based on the interview conducted by the researcher, it was found that 4 students who were interviewed believed that role play was one of the teaching techniques which was very interesting and fun. This statement is strengthened by the theory from Ladousse (1996).
44 The second question from the open-ended question in questionnaires also answered the research problem. The question asked about the changing of the students after experiencing role play in their learning activities. Almost 75% of the students answered that through role play, they could memorize something better. Meanwhile, they could act upon freely without any doubt because role play can train them to speak in front without any fear of shyness. Also, 85% of the students also answered that after doing role play, they could know how to pronounce some words correctly. The main change was that now their English speaking ability was increased and they could be more confident. This is the figure which explains the total response of the percentage from the questionnaire. Figure 4.1 The percentage of total responses from questionnaire
27.2% strongly agree agree
disagree strongly disagree
Figure 4.1 shows the percentage of total responses from the questionnaire. In Szilagyi and Marc (1980), there are three factors which influence a person‟s
45 perception. Those three factors are attributes of the object which consist of stimulus, motion and physical size attributes of the situation which consist of environment or work situation, and attributes of the person which consist of the characteristic of the person. Based on the data from the questionnaires, students‟ perceptions about the use of role play in developing their English speaking skill were good. It was proven by the data found by the researcher. The data found that 62.8% of the students chose agree, 27.2% of the students chose “strongly agree”, and only 10% of the students chose “disagree”. Therefore, it can be concluded that the students had positive perception through role play. From the data which was gathered by the questionnaires gave the opinion about the effectiveness on the use of role play. They agreed that role play was an effective technique which was suitable to be used as a language teaching technique in the class. They stated that role play helped them in increasing their fluency in speaking English and their creativity because they play the role to become someone else. Besides, they stated that by doing role play, they could practice speaking in English with their friends and speak naturally without any fear. In conclusion, the students believed that from their perception, role play helped students in developing their speaking ability. 2.
Interview Interview is a process of oral question (Gall et al, 2003). By doing the
interview, the researcher can also find out the additional information that is missed (Maxwell, 2013). There were six questions which were asked by the
46 researcher to the interviewees. This part showed the findings of interview conducted by the researcher. 1. What kind of difficulties that you face when you are learning English? From this question, 3 students answered the same. All of them said that English was difficult. They found difficulties when they were learning English. They said that English was difficult because when they are leaning English, they should memorize many words. Besides, they did not master grammar well. They also said that the most difficulty when they were learning English was when they wanted to speak. They said that speaking was very difficult. They did not know how to speak because of lack of words, grammar, and pronunctiation. “…tapi cara ngomongnya itu mbak yang sulit” (student 3) 2. What do you think about the use of role play? This question relate to the students opinion about the use of role play. 4 students said that the use of role play in teaching-learning activity was very good. Besides, the use of role play was interesting. By doing role play, students could see the improvement of their speaking skill. Two students said like: “Pendapat saya tentang penggunaan role, sangat bagus karena dengan penggunaan role play, mahasiswa bisa aktif dan menurut observasi saya kemampuan berbahasa dan berbicaranya sedikit bisa terlihat meningkat mbak”( student 1) “Menurutku lebih menarik ya mbak, daripada dijelaskan terus menerus sama guru”(student 2) 3. What are the benefits after doing role play? This question asks about the benefefits that students got after experiencing role play. Students said that they got many advantages through the ue of role play
47 as the technique in teaching-learning activity. They said that they were more confident, they knew how to pronounce some words. Besides, they also got some new words. They also said that role play helped them to speak more fluent. “Iya dong mbak, khususnya peningkatan sedikit speaking aku mbak. Jadi tambah semangat buat belajar bahasa Inggris.” ( student 3)
4. Are you motivated to speak English more after doing role play? From this question, the students answered that after experiencing role play, they are motivated to speak English more. It was because through role play, their speaking skill is developed little by little. “Iya mbak, ya walaupun masih banyak yang salah, tapi aku dah ada sedikit peningkatan lah mbak dalam berbicaranya” (student 1) 5. Do you have suggestions in order to make the improvement on the use of role play? This question asks the students some suggestions in order to make the use of role play improved. They said that it would be better if role play for the next will use property. Therefore, the use of role play becomes more interesting
Discussion In this section, the researcher presented the detailed description based on
the research results from the previous section. This part presented the discussion of the data analysis in order to answer the research problem. The data analysis was discussed and strengthened by theories written in the review of related literature. Based on the research problem, the researcher tried to find out the
48 perceptions of PGSD English Club students about the use of role play in developing their speaking skill. As already discussed in the Chapter II, Hilgard et al. (1975) state that perception is the process where people organize and interpret the stimuli in the environment. The research problem deals with the students‟ perception about the use of role play in increasing students‟ speaking skill. From the statements listed in the questionnaire, there were fifteen statements for close-ended question and three questions for open-ended questions. The fifteen statements in close-ended questions would answer the research problem. The research problem was about the students‟ perception on the use of role play. 62.8% of the students as the respondents had good perceptions on the use of this technique as learning activities in the class. This statement was proven from the most majority options were “Strongly Agree” and “Agree”. By knowing the result of the data, it could be found that all of the students believed that role play was the technique which was interesting. Students can express themselves. 100% of the students had good perception in statement number one. Students could interpret themselves by answering the statement. According to Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnely (1985), perception is a cognitive process that individuals use to interpret the world around them. Therefore, from the first statement in the questionnaire, students used their cognitive process so that they can interpret what was in their mind. They could answer “agree” and “strongly agree” based on their own perception.
49 Paulston and Bruder (1976) stated that people who communicate the message, they may have certain expectation as the response of person to whom they are addressing it. From this theory it is known that students should have good communication in English as the target language. The researcher found that from the result of the data collection, all of the students believed that role play was the effective way to help students in speaking English. Chaney (1998) states that speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non verbal symbols, in a variety context. From this statement, it could be concluded that role play includes as the use of verbal and non verbal symbols. Based on the interview with the four students, they also said that role play was the effective way to help students in increasing their speaking skill. They explained that the word “effective” meant that they could understand better about speaking and how to speak in a good way through speaking. Students also had agreement that role play was the way in making students creative. Role play is defined as an activity which involves students‟ participation in speaking, use certain situation and make students release their idea ( Joyce and Weil, 1996). It means that role play helps students in increasing students‟ creativity. Four students who were interviewed also explained that through role play they could feel more creative than before. They could make the conversation as creative as they could. It was also supported by the theory from Doff (1990). As one of teaching technique, role play gives the students opportunity to express themselves freely (Doff, 1990).
50 The next statement stated about role play that could increase students to speak naturally. From the results on the table, it could be found that students had good perception in the statement. According to Oyabu in Haruyama (2010) role play is suitable for making an environment in which students are not silent but rather can naturally speak in. On the other hand, only two students did not agree with the statement. According to Ur (1991) there are some problems faced by learners in speaking activities. Those problems include the lack of theme to be spoken, inhabitation, the low of participation, and the use of mother tongue. This problem was also faced by those two students. Therefore, they could not give good perception in this statement. Paulston and Bruder (1976) define speaking as a competency to communicate in the target language. People who communicate the message, they may have certain expectation as the response of person to whom they are addressing it. Richards (2008) explains that there are three functions of speaking. Those are speaking as interaction, speaking as transaction, and speaking as performance. Richards (2008) explains that as interaction, speaking also means a conversation to others. Interaction is defined as greeting and telling story. In this case, role play can be one of the interaction kinds between people. Ladousse (1996) believes that a role play gives students more opportunity to use language in elaborate dialogues within culturally relevant and significant contexts. The result of the statements number five which was about “Role play can increase students‟ speaking fluency” showed that students believed that role play could increase their speaking fluency. It was supported by the theory which explained that role
51 play is one of communicative technique which develops fluency in language students (Ladousse, 1996). Mastering the art of speaking is the most important aspect of learning a second language, and success is measured in terms of ability to carry out a conversation in the language (Nunan, 1991). The statement in number six explained that role play can increase students to speak English accurately. The data showed that 70.8% of the students the students believed in the statement. It was proven by the result of the data. The result of the data in the last statement also showed that most of the students chose “agree” and “disagree. Role play puts students in situation in which they are required to use any roles of relationship to develop their sociolinguistic competence (Ladousse, 1996). It means that role play facilitate students to practice English speaking with friends. From the data above, it can be concluded that students had good perception related to their experience in using role play as the learning technique to increase their speaking ability. Gibson and Pick (1979) also state that there is connection between perception and experience. It means that perception and experience are related to each other. Perception that is formed by experience is stronger than perception formed by sensation or stimuli (Santoso, 2000). Therefore, by giving perception, people will produce a meaningful experience of the world. The students who had good perception on the use of role play in speaking class were able to enjoy doing role play. Moreover, by doing role play, students felt that it gave them advantages to practice their speaking ability to make improvement in their learning. The students also interpreted role play as a good,
52 effective, interesting, and exiting learning technique. Four of the students who were interviewed also stated that role play was the effective technique to help students in increasing their speaking ability. They said that based on their experiences, role play helped them to speak in front. Through role play, they learned a lot in improving their speaking skill, such as pronunciation, arrangement of conversation, and how to deliver it well. The students who had positive perception on the use of role play in increasing their speaking skill were able to enjoy the activity as a teaching technique in the class. Also, by the result of the data from the students as the respondents, it can be found that students could develop their speaking ability through role play. The function of speaking as stated by Richards (2008) is that role play is the activity to perform in front of people. This relates to public speaking. The focus is to deliver message from the speaker to the audience (Richards, 2008). Role play can be one technique to improve speaking ability. Therefore, students can have good speaking ability in their performance as the function of speaking stated by Richards (2008). As the result of questionnaire, role play also helped students to speak in any situation. It could be found that 87.5% of the students believed that role play could help them to speak in any situation. According to Lucatoni (2002) role play can be enjoyable for learners and provide excellent opportunities for using language in real life situation. Doff (1990) also explained that role play is a way to bring situation from real life into the classroom activity. The next data showed that 87.5% of the students agreed that they were interested in using role play as the technique to help them speak in English. It was
53 proven by the result of the data in the table that. Using role play as a technique in learning process gives some benefits, they are: role play is a fun technique, role play allows students to have some experiments with language they learn, the students will have a chance to apply some kind of expression which is usually used in target language conversation (Doff, 1990). Role play provides students with a simple activity and a meaningful exercise. Therefore, they are interested in doing role play. Paulston and Bruder (1976) believe that role play is an exercise where the students are assigned to play some kinds of behavior. Therefore, students should play the role as someone else. The next result of the questionnaire showed that students are pleased to play the role as someone. Role play also engages the learner physical activity (Doff, 1990). It means that role play forces students to have some kind physical movement. Students have to act as the role that is given. Richards and Renandya (2002) explain that Learning to speak foreign language requires more than knowing its grammatical and semantic rules. Learners must also acquire the knowledge of how native speakers use the language in context of structured interpersonal exchange. Therefore, the learners or the students should have deep understanding how to use English well, especially how to speak English well. Therefore, through role play, students or learners could improve their speaking skill. It was proven by the the result of statement number eleven which explained that most of the students experience the improvement of their speaking ability through role play. Four students who were interviewed also said that through role play, their
54 speaking ability was improved. They could speak a lot. They practiced speaking with their friends without any command from the teacher. Acording to Brown and Yule as cited in Nunan (1991), two basic language functions in speaking are transactional function ad interactional function. It means that the concern of the first function is to transfer information. In order to give clear information, someone should speak fluently. Students can get fluency, if they practice continually. In this case, role play is used to help students get the fluency in speaking English. Based on the result of the data, most of the students believed that they experienced fluency in their speaking through role play. Students who were interviewed also said that through role play, they can practice speaking and they thought that they were more fluent than before although they were still learning. When students speak in front of people, they should have confidence. Therefore, they can deliver the message clearly without any fear. Ur (1996) explaines that one of problems faced by learners in speaking activities is inhibition. It means that learners are often afraid of saying something in foreign language in the classroom. They worry about making mistakes; they are shy of the attention that their speech attracts. Based on the result, it was found that most students agreed with the statement. The statement stated that through role play, students could get confidence when they are speaking in front. It was also affirmed by Ladousse (1996) that role play helps shy students to speak in front of people. The students who were interviewed also said that role play helped them in having confidence. They were not shy to speak in front because they were not
55 alone and they performed with their friends. The two students said that to have confidence to speak in front, the first thing to do was speaking in front with friends. Talking about motivation, English teachers met some difficulties because of lack motivation of the students. According to Matthews, Spratt and Dangerfield (1985) many conversation classes fail because the students are insufficiently motivated to speak, too few students participate and the teacher does most of the talking. Motivation can influence what, when, and how people learn (Pintrich and Schunk, 2008). The result of the data showed that most of the students were motivated to speak English through role play. Only some students did not agree with the statement. Those students chose “disagree” because they felt that English was still difficult. Based on the interview to the four students, they said that English was the difficult subject because they should memorize all the structure and verb. They also said that it was difficult because they should pronounce the words correctly. However, as time went by, they were motivated to speak English and learn English because the teacher used interesting technique such as role play in the teaching-learning activity. Dornyei (2001) states: A successful learning process requires motivational teaching practice. It uses teacher‟s role in the learning process where teacher has to meet this four characteristics: (a) Creating the basic motivational situation (b) Generation initial motivation (c) Maintaining and protecting motivation and (d) Encouraging positive retrospective self- evaluation (p. 30). In this case, role play is the technique to increase the students‟ motivation to speak English. Previously, students had good perception in the use of role play,
56 and for that, they are motivated to use role play as the technique in helping them to increase their speaking ability. In order to have good speaking ability, students should master many words or vocabulary. Therefore they can speak without any long space. When people speak, they construct the ideas in words. Ur (1996) also states that the characteristic of successful speaking was that learners talk a lot. In order to talk a lot, students should have vast vocabulary. Students gave positive respond to the last statement. Most of the students agreed that through role play, they got some new words. Therefore, they can add the collection of vocabulary known by them.
Chapter five consists of two sections, namely conclusions and recommendations of the research. The first part deals with the conclusions of the research. The second part deals with the recommendations for the students, the tutor of English Club, and the next researchers.
Conclusions The researcher conducted a research which the aim was to find out the
students‟ perceptions on the use of role play and to know to what extent role play become an appropriate way to improve the students‟ English speaking skill. Based on the result of questionnaires and interview with some students in order to answer the two research problems, the researcher found that all the students in the class had positive perceptions about the use of role play in increasing their English speaking skill. Most of the students agreed with the positive statements that were written in questionnaires. By the results of the data and the discussion on the previous chapter, the reseracher drew a conclusion that students had good perception on the use of role play in developing their English speaking skill. By doing role play, the students can experience their improvement. However, according to the interview, they were more confident in practicing speaking with their friends then with the tutor. They did the tasks given by the tutor seriously. They were more confident to 57
58 speak in front of people. By doing role play, students have good interaction between the tutor and their friends. Based on the conclusion, it can be implied that role play can be applied in the process of teaching learning especially in language learning. Role play can be used as the technique used in speaking class for the next classes in English Club. There was improvement of the students according to the students‟ experience in using role play. Based on the students‟ perception, role play can help them in developing their self confidence, fluency, and vocabulary mastery. Therefore, teaching speaking by doing role play technique is an effective way to use in English Club PGSD. It was also proven by the students‟ perception that role play gave some advantages to them. However, it was not easy to conduct the role play in big class. Therefore, the use of role play might not always be successful for the next. It depends on how the teacher or the tutors deliver the technique.
Recommendations In
recommendations. 1.
English Club Tutors Most of the students had positive perceptions about the use of role play as
a language teaching technique. Therefore, the English Club tutor should always use role play to teach the students, especially in teaching speaking, due to the fact that role play helps students to use language from the situation set by the teacher. By using role play, the students are able to explore themselves. Role play also
59 increases the students‟ confidence because while doing role play, students do not need to speak alone. It should also be better if the English Club tutors give clear explanation and instruction about the role play. Thus, the students understand what they should do without any confusion. Besides, it would be better if the English Club Tutors ask students to prepare the property so that students can have a good performance. If so, the English Club Tutors should give the explanation the day before the students have performance. Therefore, the students can prepare and perform the role play well. The other recommendation for the English Club Tutors is that it would be better if the tutors give the example how to do role play in a good way before they ask students to do role play. The tutors should be able to make students interested in the material by giving the interesting example of what the students should do. Therefore, the students will be interested and motivated in learning English through role play. The English Club Tutors should also be more creative and innovative in giving the situation in order that the students do not feel bored. Based on the students‟ recommendations from the questionnaires and interview, the tutors of English Club PGSD should combine using role play and games in learning activities. In other words, they want to use role play while the role play itself is a game. 2.
The Students Based on the results of questionnaires, the English Club students of
Primary School Teacher Education believed that role play gave many benefits. They could not only improve their speaking skill, but also their self-confidence.
60 Therefore, it would be better if the students have enough time to practice. They should prepare everything for their performance as the day before the performance starts to make the best performance. If the students do not understand the instruction, they should ask the teacher until they can understand. Besides preparing the property, the students should prepare the language itself. It could be the grammar, the diction, and the pronunciation when they are practicing. The students should also be more disciplined in time in order that the teaching learning process using role play can start and finish on time. When the students are performing role play, the other students should not be noisy. They should listen and watch the performance of their friends. After doing role play or after role play has finished, the students should often practice English conversation with their friends in order to make students more fluent in speaking English. 3.
The Next Researchers The next researchers who are interested in conducting the similar research
may use this research as one of the references and additional information. It is recommended that the next researchers should pay attention to the students‟ progress during the research so that all of the students can improve their motivation in learning English. The next researcher should add more aspects of the role play technique and be more detailed. The next researcher is also expected to use role play technique in any level in order that the students are to be better in speaking English, especially in pronunciation, grammar, and fluency.
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62 Gibson, E. J. & Pick, A. D. (1979). An ecological approach to perceptual learning and development. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Donnely, J. H. (1985). Organizations: Behavior, structure, and processes. Plano, TX: Business Publications, Inc. Hardy, M., & Heyes, S. (1994). Beginning psychology: A comprehensive introduction to psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching (4th ed.). Harlow: Pearson Longman ELT. Haruyama, J. (2010). Effective practice of role play and dramatization in foreign language education. Tokyo: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Hedge, T. (2011). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hilgard, E. R., Atkinson, R. C., & Atkinson, R. L. (1975). Introduction to psychology (6th ed.). New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. Johnson, B. & Christensen, L. (2012). Educational research: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Joyce, B., & Weil M. (1996). Models of teaching (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Ladousse, G. P. (1996). Role play: Resources books for teacher series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lucatoni, P. (2002). Teaching and assessing skills in English as a second language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lumsden, L. (1994). Strategies for increasing motivation. Retrived August 15th, 2015, from /> Matthews, A., Spratt, M., & Dangerfield, L. (1985). At the chalkface: Practical technique in language teaching. Harlow: Pearson Longman ELT. Maxwell, J. (2013). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
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66 Appendix 1 Questionnaire KUESIONER Kuesioner ini dibuat sebagai salah satu instrumenn dalam penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi para siswa English Club PGSD tentang penggunaan role play untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa inggris. Jawablah semua pertanyaan dan pernyataan sesuai petunjuk yang diberikan. Jawablah pernyataan di bawah ini dengan memberikan tanda (√) pada kolom yang tersedia berdasarkan tingkatan setuju atau tidaknya terhadap pernyataan yang diberikan dengan keterangan nilai 1 untuk sangat tidak setuju, 2 untuk tidak setuju, 3 untuk setuju, dan 4 untuk sangat setuju!
No. Mahasiswa : No 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pernyataan Salah satu teknik pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang menarik adalah role play. Role play adalah salah satu teknik yang efektif untuk belajar berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Role play meningkatkan kreatifitas pada siswa. Role play adalah salah satu teknik yang dapat membuat siswa berbicara secara alami. Role play dapat meningkatkan kelancaran siswa dalam berbicara bahasa inggris Role play dapat meningkatkan siswa untuk berbicara bahasa inggris secara tepat. Role play memberikan fasilitas untuk berlatih bahasa Inggris dengan teman Role play dapat melatih siswa untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dalam situasi apapun Saya sangat tertarik belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris melalui teknik role play. Saya sangat senang memainkan peran sebagai orang lain melalui role play. Saya dapat merasakan peningkatan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris setelah belajar menggunakan role play. Penggunaan role play memudahkan saya untuk lebih fasih dan lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.
67 13
14 15
Penggunaan role play meningkatkan kepercayaan diri saya ketika berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, Melalui role play, saya termotivasi untuk lebih banyak berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris Melalui role play, saya mendapatkan banyak ungkapan- ungkapan baru untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini sesuai dengan pengalaman yang anda miliki!
1. Setelah menggunakan teknik role play dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang keefektifan teknik tersebut dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar bahasa inggris?
2. Dalam hal apa saja perubahan yang kamu alami setelah menggunakan teknik role play sebagai teknik pembelajaran bahasa Inggris? Berikan pengalaman anda!
3. Supaya role play lebih efektif untuk digunakan sebagai teknik pembelajaran untuk kelas selanjutnya, apa saja saran yang dapat kamu berikan untuk meningkatkan mutu teknik tersebut?
68 Appendix 2 Interview Questions Pertanyaan untuk interview 1. Kesulitan- kesulitan apa saja yang siswa hadapi di kelas ketika belajar bahasa inggris? 2. Bagaimana pendapat siswa tentang penggunaan role play? 3. Apakah role play efektif digunakan sebagai teknik belajar mengajar untuk meningkatkan kemapuan berbicara? Mengapa efektif? 4. Apa saja manfaat yang kamu dapatkan setelah menggunakan role play sebagai teknik pembelajaran bahasa inggris? 5. Apakah kamu termotivasi untuk berbicara bahasa inggris setelah menggunakan teknik role play sebagai pembelajaran? 6. Apakah ada alternative lain yang lebih menarik selain role play yang kamu harapkan untuk diterapkan di kelas sehingga memotivasi siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam berbicara bahasa inggris? 7. Adakan saran atau pesan untuk peggunan role play selanjutnya?
69 Appendix 3 Questionnaire Result No
Salah satu teknik pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang menarik adalah role play.
Role play adalah salah satu teknik yang efektif untuk belajar berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.
Role play meningkatkan kreatifitas pada siswa.
1 (SD) %
2 (D) %
3 (A) % 62.5
4 (SA) % 37.5
Role play adalah salah satu teknik yang dapat membuat siswa berbicara secara alami.
Role play dapat meningkatkan kelancaran siswa dalam berbicara bahasa inggris
Role play dapat meningkatkan siswa untuk berbicara bahasa inggris secara tepat.
Role play memberikan fasilitas untuk berlatih bahasa Inggris dengan teman
Role play dapat melatih siswa untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dalam situasi apapun
Saya sangat tertarik belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris melalui teknik role play.
Saya sangat senang memainkan peran sebagai orang lain melalui role play.
Saya dapat merasakan peningkatan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris setelah belajar menggunakan role play.
Penggunaan role play memudahkan saya untuk lebih fasih dan lancar dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.
Penggunaan role play meningkatkan kepercayaan diri saya ketika berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
70 14
Melalui role play, saya termotivasi untuk lebih banyak berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
Melalui role play, saya mendapatkan banyak ungkapan- ungkapan baru untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.
71 Appendix 4 The Transcript of Interview Notes R : Reseacher S : Student
Student 1 R : Menurut kamu bahasa inggris itu sulit nggak sih? S : Kalau menurut aku mbak, bahasa inggris itu sedeng, ada yang sulit ada yang enggak R : Kenapa kamu bilang sedeng? Menurut kamu yang sulit yang mana yang nggak sulit yang mana? S : Kalau aku sih mbak lebih suka membaca dan mengerjakan soal gitu mbak daripada harus ngomong sama orang, karena itu sulit buat aku mbak , kalau ada orang ngajak aku ngomong pake bahasa inggris, aku ngerti apa maksudnya mbak, tapi sulit buat ngejawabnya dengan bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar R : Jadi maksud kamu kesulitan yang dimaksud disini yang kayak gmana sih? S : Ya grammarnya mbak, karena kalo ngmong itu kan harus pake grammar yang baik, selain itu vocab juga, intinya ngomongnya itu lho mbak susah R : Nah, kan kemaren km udah ngerasain pake role play ya, gimana pendapatmu tentang penggunaan role play? S : Menurutku lebih menarik ya mbak, daripada dijelaskan terus menerus sama guru,lebih asyik juga mbak, kita juga lebih terbuka untuk belajar berbicara gitu mbak , ya lebih tepatnya lebih termotivasi R : Dari kamu sendiri melalui role play yang udah dipakai untuk teknik pembelajaran mendapatkan manfaat apa saja? S : Aku lebih percaya diri mbak, nggak takut untuk salah ketika ngomong didepan karena melalui role play pun kita masih berproses, aku juga merasa lebih sedikit lancar dalam berbiara bahasa inggris walaupun belum sepenuhnya sempurna R : Menurutmu ada alternative lain nggak yang bisa dipakai untuk pembelajaran selain role play yang kamu harapkan? S : Enggak mbak, malah sebaiknya role play di tambah lebih baik lagi dan dikemas lebih menarik R : Saranmu bagaimana agar role play lebih menarik? S : Biar bisa totalitas harus pakai properti R : Role play bagus pake teks apa tanpa teks?
72 S
: Spontan dong mbak, terus mbak, akan lebih baik kalau role play itu nggak dadakan mbak, jadi kita bisa lebih belajar dan medalami peran yang sesungguhnya : Ohhh, jadi sekarang apakah kamu sudah termotivasi untuk mau berbiara bahasa inggris setelah menggunakan role play? : Iya mbak, ya walaupun masih banyak yang salah , tapi aku dah ada sedikit peningkatan lah mbak untuk kelancarannya
Student 2 R : Menurut kamu bahasa inggris itu sulit nggak? S : Sulit mbak, malah paling sulit dan lebih sulit daripada matematika R : Kenapa kamu bilang sulit? S : Karena pengalaman saya waktu SMA, nilai bahasa inggris saya paling jelek diantara semuanya R : Apakah Cuma gara gara nilai kamu bilang sulit? Itu sih karena kamu nggak belajar S : Saya udah belajar mbak, tapi sulit untuk dipahami karena harus menghapal banyak mbak kosakatanya, belom lagi rumus pembuatan kalimat juga R : Kamu bilang kan sulit, ada sisi gampangnya nggak sih bahasa inggris itu? S : Nggak ada mbak, semua sulit R : Paling sulit diantara yang palit sulit apa? S : Ngomong nya mbak, selalu ragu dan bingung R : Ohh jadi gimana harus ngomong nya ya? Lalu, kesulitan kesulitan apa saja yang kelas ini hadapi ketika belajar bahasa inggris? S : Vocab, grammar, sama ngomongnya itu mbak, kadang kami bingung mau mengutarakan apa yang ada dipikiran R : Kemarin kan udah belajar pakai teknik role play ya, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang pengunaan role play? S : Pendapat saya tentang penggunaan role, sangat bagus karena dengan penggunaan role play, mahasiswa bisa aktif dan menurut observasi saya kemampuan berbahasa dan berbicaranya sedikit bisa terlihat meningkat mbak, walaupun masih agak berantakan, dan dengan penggunaan role play ini, temen temen yang tadinya tidak mau berbicara sama sekali, mereka bisa sedikit lebih berani berbicara karena role play. R : Manfaat yang kamu rasain dengan penggunaan role play ini? S : Pengucapan lebih ngerti, ngomongnya juga lebih pd juga mbak, terus lebih sedikit lancer mbak R : Kalau untuk kemampuan berbicaramu sendiri secara umum?
73 S
: Lebih baik, walaupun peningkatannya belum drastis, tapi saya merasakan ada peningkatan dalam diri saya ketika berbicara bahasa inggris : Apakah menurutmu role play bisa melatih rasa percaya diri untuk berbicara di depan umum? : Menurutku bisa mbak, karena role play kan harus ditampilkan di depan orang. : Apakah kamu sekarang sudah termotivasi untuk berbicara bahasa inggris? : Sudah mbak, tapi mungkin baru di depan teman- teman saja : Role play itu kan salah satu teknik pembelajaran yang digunakan ,kamu pasti juga tau berbagai macam teknik untuk pembelajaran, apakah ada alternative lain selain role play untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang bisa dipakai untuk kelas EC selanjutnya khususya untuk meningkatkan berbicara? : Kalau khusus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara, saya rasa role play sudah jadi alternative yang bagus untuk dipakai mbak : Apa saja saranmu dalam penggunaan role play selanjutnya? : Media pembelajaran lebih banyak lagi, dan menggunakan property mbak, sama dikasih rentan waktu untuk menghapal teksnya mbak, kalau role play pakai teks kan agak aneh juga : Jadi, kamu seneng pakai role play? dan apakah kamu termotivasi untuk berbicara bahasa inggris sekarang? : Iya mbak : Ok, terimakasih
Student 3 R : Menurutmu bahasa inggris itu sulit nggak? S : Sulit mbak, R : Kenapa sulit? S : Karena susah buat menangkap langsung artinya mbak, perlu waktu untuk berpikir R : Itu kan kesulitan secara umum gitu ya, kalau secara poin-poin gitu apa aja menurutmu khususnya kelas ec? S : Menangkap apa yang disampaikan tentornya mbak, karena pakai bahasa inggris terus dan cepet, R : Selain itu? S : Grammar mbak, terus ngomomg pakai bahasa inggris mbak, pengucapan juga
74 R S R S
: Kamu pd nggak ngomong di depan? : Pd mbak : Pendapat tentang penggunaan role play sendiri apa? : Sangat bagus mbak, karena dengan penggunaan role play itu mhaasiswa bisa berpikir kreatif untuk bagaimana caranya bisa melakukan hal itu dengan kata lain memainkan peran sebagai orang lain mbak, dan role play kan tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris kita mbak, jadi kita harus bisa menggunakan role play sebaik mungkin sehingga tujuan dari enggunaan role play itu tercapai mbak. : Manfaat yang kamu dapatkan seletah penggunaan role play ini apa? bagaimana dengan speaking mu? : Cukup meningkat mbak menurutku, terus sama lebih pd berkali lipat gitu : Apa kamu ada alternative lain selain role play untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran khusunya untuk meningkatkan speaking? : Story telling mbak , itu juga melatih kita untuk berbicara mbak : Setelah penggunaan role play ini, kamu jadi semangat dan buat belajar bahasa inggris dan berbicara bahasa inggris nggak? : Semangat mbak : Kamu ada saran untuk penggunaan role play selanjutnya? : Role playnya dikasih waktu mbak, sama pakai property mbak biar lebih seru
Student 4 R : Bahasa Inggris itu sulit nggak sih? S : Lumayan lah mbak R : Kalau kamu bilang lumayan, berarti ada sulitnya ya? Kesulitan- kesulitan apa saja yang kamu hadapi di kelas ketika belajar bahasa inggris? S : Bagaimana berbicara bahasa Inggris mbak, sebenarnya saya suka pelajaran bahasa Inggris, tapi cara ngomongnya itu mbak yang sulit R : jadi lebih ke speaking nya ya? S : Iya mbak, speaking nya sama listening juga lumayan sulit mbak R : Proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas ini kan sering gitu ya pakai role play, Bagaimana pendapat mu tentang penggunaan role play? S : Bagus sih mbak, cukup menarik dan menyenangkan, cukup seru juga, karena kadang kan ada selingan humor gitu ketika temen maju ke depan untuk tampil. Selain itu juga bener- bener siswa harus mau berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan dengan situasi yang diberikan sama gurunya mbak, itu bikin kita jadi kreatif, ya walaupun kadang kita malas untuk
berfikir, tapi mau nggak mau yak an kita kudu berpikir bagaimana kita harus bisa tampil yang baik di deoan teman- teman yang lain mbak. : ohhh gitu, terus menurut kamu sendiri, kamu pribadi mendapatkan manfaat nggak sih dari penggunaan role play ini? : Iya dong mbak, khususnya peningkatan sedikit speaking aku mbak. Jadi tambah semangat buat belajar bahasa Inggris. Tapi emang aku udah suka sama bahasa Inggris dari dulu sih mbak. Selain itu juga lebih pd aja tampil di deapn, ya Cuma di depan teman- teman sih mbak. : Jadi, apakah kamu benar- benar termotivasi untuk berbicara bahasa inggris khususnya juga berbicara bahasa Inggris setelah menggunakan teknik role play sebagai pembelajaran? : Iya dong mbak, kan dari awal udah suka juga mbak : Apakah ada alternative lain yang lebih menarik selain role play yang kamu harapkan untuk diterapkan di kelas sehingga memotivasi siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam berbicara bahasa inggris? : Kalau untuk kelas semacam speaking gitu mbak, aku pikir role play udah jadi teknik yang tepat mbak : Kamu punya saran atau pesan untuk peggunan role play selanjutnya? : Kalau saran sih mungkin dikasih waktu yang lumayan lama mbak, biar bisa ndalemin peran kita masing- masing gitu, terus juga pakai mediamedia gitu mbak biar totalitas : Oke, terimakasih ya.
76 Appendix 5 Students’ Answer in Open-Ended Question 1.
Setelah menggunakan teknik role play dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang keefektifan teknik tersebut dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris?
Siswa 1: Dengan menggunakan role play, saya dapat lebih mudah untuk belajar berbicara Siswa 2: Role play memang sangat efektif khususnya untuk belajar meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara Siswa 3: Teknik role play sangat efektif dalam belajar bahasa Inggris biarpun itu sederhana, tetapi sangat bermanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Siswa 4: Iya, role play sangat efektif, karena membuat si pelaku role play untuk berfikir kreatif dan belajar banyak hal Siswa 5: Menurut pendapat saya, efektif sekali teknik role play ini jika digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris karena membuat saya tergugah untuk lebih banyak berbicara Siswa 6: Efektif sekali , sangat bagus, dan menarik, serta kreatif Siswa 7: Efektif, karena dengan penggunaan teknik role play dapat membuat siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris lebih tertarik Siswa 8: Efektif, dalam artian sangat membantu karena bisa saya bisa belajar bahasa Inggris dengan lebih asyik, sehingga mahasiswa yang pasif bisa menjadi lebih sedikit aktif Siswa 9: Sangat efektif, bagus, menarik Siswa 10: Sangat efektif karena meningkatkan keinginan atau ketertarikan siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris Siswa 11: Sangat efektif Siswa 12: Sangat efektif Siswa 13: Bagus, membantu siswa dalam mengakap pembelajaran khususnya speaking, serta meningkatkan kreativitas Siswa 14: Sangat efektif, dengan itu mahasiswa bisa belajar sambil acting Siswa 15: Sangat efektif dan bagus, karena mudah dipahami Siswa 16: Cukup efektif, karena dapat memotivasi utuk terus belajar bahasa Inggris terutama speaking Siswa 17: Role play sangat efektif dalam pembelajaran di EC dan sangat menyenangkan Siswa 18: Role play sangat efektif, karena saya menjadi berfikir lebih cepat Siswa 19: Cukup efektif, karena meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara saya dalam bahasa Inggris Siswa 20: Cukup efektif Siswa 21: Sangat membantu
77 Siswa 22: Sangat efektif, karena dapat membantu berfikir cepat dan menambah kosakata baru untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris Siswa 23: Sangat efektif karena saya lebih dapay berbicara secara alami menggunakan bahasa Inggris Siswa 24: Sangat efektif, karena saya merasa lebih lancer dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris
Dalam hal apa saja perubahan yang kamu alami setelah menggunakan teknik role play sebagai teknik pembelajara bahasa Ingris? Berikan pengalaman anda!
Siswa 1: Kami bisa belajar dengan mudah berbicara bahasa Inggris secara spontan dan langsung. Siswa 2: Saya lebih pede ketika berbicara, lebih lancer sedikit, lebih berani untuk berbicara di depan kelas Siswa 3: Lebih percaya diri, berani berpendapat, lebih santai, mendapatkan cara untuk lebih mudah berbicara bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari- hari Siswa 4: Lebih mengerti grammar dan banyak vocab Siswa 5: Hal yang berubah dalam diri saya adalah kemampuan untuk berbicara dengan bahasa Inggris meningkat sedikit demi sedikit Siswa 6: Bisa sedikit demi sedikit untuk setiap kata Siswa 7: Perubahan yang saya alami adalah dapat saling menunjukkan kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris Siswa 8: Saya pendiam kalau sudah pelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan teknik ini saya berani ngomong dan tidak membenci pelajaran Inggris lagi Siswa 9: Hal berbicara bahasa Inggris meningkat Siswa 10: Dalam hal acting/ memperagakan sosok artis yang terkenal Siswa 11: Susah namun bisa membuat pengalaman agar nantinya bisa berbahasa Inggris Siswa 12: Lebih mengerti Siswa 13: Lebih mengerti bahasa Inggris, paham dan cukup bisa berbicara sedikit Siswa 14: Bisa menjadi orang lain, memerankan perna menjadi orang lain, mendapat ungkapan atau kata baru yang sebelumnya belum diketahui Siswa 15: Lebih paham dan pd dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris Siswa 16: Kepercayaan diri, karena semuanya masih belajar, jadi tidak perlu takut salah Siswa 17: Saya lebih percaya diri dan yakin untk berbicara dan mengutarakan pendapat
78 Siswa 18: Kami bisa belajar berbicara bahasa Inggris tanpa teks dan tanpa membuka kamus sehingga kami mendapat vocabulary baru Siswa 19: Lebih bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan leancar dan cukup tepat walaupun belum baik Siswa 20: Percaya diri dan kerjasama Siswa 21: Lebih pede , kreatif, berani, dan bisa berbicara secara alamiah tanpa suruhan lagi Siswa 22: Saya bisa berfikir lebih kreatif dan cepat Siswa 23: Mendapat kosakata baru yang beum diketahui Siswa 24: Memudahkan saya menghafal dan kebenaran membaca Inggrisnya
Supaya role play lebih efektif untuk digunakan sebagai teknik pembelajarna untuk kelas selanjutnya, apa saja saran yang dapat kamu berikan untuk meningkatkan mutu teknik tersebut?
Siswa 1: Diberikan role play yang lebih menarik lagi Siswa 2: Agar totalitas lebih bagus apabila memakai properti Siswa 3: Mungkin di setiap pertemuan role play harus dilakukan supaya menjadi lebih terbiasa walaupun itu merupakan hal yang sederhana Siswa 4: Melakukan role play sebagai media belajar untuk melatih anak berfikir kreatif dengan menggunakan properti Siswa 5: Menggunakan alat peraga agar lebih menarik Siswa 6: Lebih kreatif lagi untuk menyajikan materinya Siswa 7: Lebih sering dipakai dan diberikan pada siswa Siswa 8: Dipadukan dengan teknik yang lain yang mengasyikkan dan lebih seru sehingga seperti role play Siswa 9: Hal berbicara bahasa Inggris meningkat Siswa 10: Berikan fasilitas yang menarik Siswa 11: Lebih dikreatifkan lagi dalam role play dan lebih ditingkatkan lagi contohnya dengan memberikan fasilitas yang bisa digunakan untuk menunjang performance role play Siswa 12: Dipadukan dengan banyak permainan yang dapat menjadi bahan belajar Siswa 13: Terus dikembangkan teknik ini Siswa 14: Lebih diarahkan lagi dijelaskan lebih lanjut. Saat role play dimulai jangan main- main, harus lebih serius, dan sesuai dengan peran yang dimainkan Siswa 15: Saat role play dimulai harusnya mahasiswa tidak membaca teks sehingga bisa terlihat lebih alami. Teks untuk role play dipanjangkan dan didukung dengan property serta mimic yang baik
79 Siswa 16: Lebih ditingkatkan metodenya Siswa 17: Jika dalam bentuk kelompok, usahakan semua kelompok turut bekerja Siswa 18: Sebaiknya lebih diisi dengan permainan yang mengacu dalam pembelajaran agar tidak bosan Siswa 19: Lebih dipadukan serta dengan teknik permainan yang lebih banyak Siswa 20: Lebih dikembangkan lagi Siswa 21: Lebih ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan media atau properti Siswa 22: Diberikan waktu dan jeda agar bisa menghafal dengan baik serta menggunakan properti Siswa 23: Dibuat lebih menarik lagi, fasilitas digunakan, waktu untuk menghafal lama Siswa 24: Mengajari Bahasa Inggris menggunakan role play agar murid lebih mudah belajar bahasa Inggris
80 Appendix 6 Sample of Students’ Questionnaire