VISI Majalah Ilmiah Universitas HKBP Nommensen Izin Penerbitan dari Departemen Penerangan Republik Indonesia STT No. 1541/SK/DITJEN PPG/STT/1990 7 Pebruari 1990 Penerbit: Universitas HKBP Nommensen Penasehat: Ketua BPH Yayasan Rektor Pembina: Wakil Rektor I Wakil Rektor IV Ketua Pengarah: Ketua Lembaga Penelitian Ketua Penyunting: Prof.Dr.Monang Sitorus, M.Si Anggota Penyunting: Prof.Dr. Monang Sitorus, M.Si. Dr. Richard Napitupulu,ST., MT. Dr. Jadongan Sijabat, SE., MSi Dr. Samse Pandiangan, M.Sc. Dr.Ir. Parulian Simanjuntak, MA. Dr. Budiman Sinaga, SH., MH. Dr. Hilman Pardede, MPd. Lay out: Jadihar Sipayung Tata Usaha: Melli Banjarnahor
Alamat Redaksi: Majalah Ilmiah “VISI” Universitas HKBP Nommensen Jalan Sutomo No.4A Medan 20234 Sumatera Utara – Medan Majalah ini diterbitkan tiga kali setahun: Pebruari, Juni dan Oktober Biaya langganan satu tahun untuk wilayah Indonesia Rp 30.000 dan US$ 5 untuk pelanggan luar negeri (tidak termasuk ongkos kirim) Biaya langganan dikirim dengan pos wesel, yang ditujukan kepada Pimimpin Redaksi Petunjuk penulisan naskah dicantumkan pada halaman dalam Sampul belakang majalah ini
E-mail : visi @
ISSN 0853 – 0203
VISI _____________________________________________________________ Volume 22
Nomor 3
Oktober 2014
Benika Naibaho
Pengaruh Jenis Minyak Goreng dan Lama 1857-1869 Penyimpanan terhadap Mutu Emping Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon)
Fenty Debora Napitupulu
The Speech Of Marhusip (A Case Study of Pre- 1870-1881 Wedding Conversation of Toba Batak Society)
Mariana Br Surbakti
Analisa Fisika Pada Air Sumur Warga Di Sekitar 1882-1890 Lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Namo Bintang
Ance Juliet Panggabean
Mengenal Aspek Kompositoris dalam Komposisi 1891-1906 Sumatran Fiesta Karya Ben M. Pasaribu
Karina M. Brahmana
Hubungan Antara Burnout dengan Persepsi 1907-1919 Terhadap Lingkungan Kerja Psikologis pada Pegawai Administrasi dan Keuangan di Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan
Friska B. Siahaan dan Agusmanto J.B. Hutauruk
Inovasi Model Pembelajaran Pencapaian Konsep 1920-1927 untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Kreativitas Matematika Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika di FKIP Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014
Monang Sitorus
Pengaruh Perilaku Individu Untuk Meningkatkan 1928-1944 Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (Kajian teoritis dari sudut prespektif Ilmu Administrasi)
Leo Simanjuntak
Imunologis. 1945-1962
Majalah Ilmiah Universitas HKBP Nommensen
Puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, oleh kasih dan ridhoNya majalah ilmiah Universitas HKBP Nommensen “VISI” Volume 22, Nomor 3, Oktober 2014 dapat terbit. Pada kesempatan ini, kami mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Saudara yang telah mengirimkan artikel untuk dimuat di majalah ini. Dalam rangka pengembangan kualitas tulisan dan penerbitan serta terjalinnya komunikasi dalam pertukaran informasi ilmiah, kami akan senang hati apabila Saudara berkenan memberikan masukan dan mengirimkan tulisannya untuk dimuat pada edisi selanjutnya. Akhirnya, kami berharap semoga tulisan-tulisan yang dimuat pada edisi ini bermanfaat bagi para pembaca.
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VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 THE SPEECH ACTS OF MARHUSIP (A Case Study of Pre-Wedding Conversation of Toba Batak Society) Fenty Debora Napitupulu ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tindak tutur dalam percakapan masyarakat Batak Toba ketika percakapan awal sebelum acara pernikahan dimulai. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kwalitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah ujaran-ujaran penutur Batak Toba ketika percakapan awal yang disebut acara marhusip berlangsung. Penelitian ini mengelaborasi ujaran-ujaran yang mengandung tindak tutur illokusionari. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur yang muncul dalam acara marhusip adalah asertif sebanyak 33%, direktif 42 %, komisif 18%, ekspresif 4%, dan deklaratif 3%. Tindakan yang muncul adalah meminta sesuatu, mengingatkan, memohon, memerintah, menyetujui, merencanakan, berterimakasih, dan pernyataan. Tindak tutur ilokusionari yang paling dominan adalah direktif. Kebanyakan ujaran-ujaran tersebut berasal dari penutur dari pihak pengantin perempuan. -----------Keywords: speech acts, assertive, directives, commissive, expressive, declaratives
I. INTRODUCTION Language has many functions in use. One of them is as the social interaction tool or human communication. By language, all of the communication process can be recorded. The importance of language is to deliver the information. Besides, people can change information one each others to fulfill their needs. The interaction of the dialog is able to describe the basic social relationship in daily life The experts of sociology and sociolinguistic gave attention in daily language use to form and to keep social relation. In the sociolinguistic, language is not only as the sign, but also as the social system of the certain culture on society. On society, language is influenced by the some factors; they are social status, the level of education, age, the level of economic, genre, etc. Meanwhile, the language form is influenced by situational factors. They are who is speaking, how the language form is, to whom they are talking, when they are talking, where they are talking, and what the problem is. Not so many of Toba Batak people have motivation to make an interaction and not many people are able to speak Toba Batak language well. For young generation of Toba Batak, Toba Batak language or the other traditional language are not so popular. Speaking is the basic activity form done by the people to make a relation. By doing conversation, people can create their minds and feelings. Speaking cannot be separated from units of social activity. One of the unit activities becomes the topic of this research, namely the speech act on Marhusip in Toba Batak society. 1870 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 The study of speech act is assessed by Austin (1962). Pardede (2012: 9) says that speech acts is a range of other actions that can be indicated in the performance of the utterances itself. Scheffrin (1994:365) says that people can do many things to perform speech acts because the rules through with speech acts are realized are part of communicative competence. Competence is formed early, from childhood to adulthood, developed in accordance with the rules of the language as convention in every human community. Grass (1996:127) says that human communication is fundamental to the notion of speech act. While Cohen (1996: 384) said that a speech act is functional unit in communication. Nowadays, some of the young Toba Batak people do not know Toba Batak language well especially those who live in Medan. Even, they cannot pronounce it in a good structure on their daily conversation. They chose to speak each other in Indonesia language for daily conversation although their mother language is Toba Batak language. Of course this cannot maintain the Toba Batak culture in the future. How can they understand Batak Toba culture if they do not know how to speak in Toba Batak language well? Toba Batak society is one of the Batak sub-ethnics. The others are Simalungun, Karo, Mandailing and Pakpak. One of the distinguishing characteristics between the sub-ethnic languages is the existence of dalihan na tolu. In Dalihan na Tolu, it is not the same how people speak as a boru, hula-hula, or dongan sabutuha. The speech act is more often used by hula-hula in a phrase to bless and use a polite expression. While, the speech act of boru refers to request. Boru must obey what hula-hula commands in the certain situation of Toba Batak events. As Dongan sabutuha, they must keep a good relationship and use the good speech act in their daily life. The writer is interested in analyzing how the expression of speech acts used by the Toba Batak society on communicating in Marhusip as prewedding party. Toba Batak society has certain customs system based on Dalihan na Tolu "three-legged stone”. Dalihan na Tolu is the basic life of Batak Toba. Any member of the public act according to the customs of Dalihan na Tolu. Marriage in Toba Batak society is very strong so it is not easy to get a divorce because in the marriage there are a lot of people involved and responsible in it. Normally, one of Toba Batak’s wedding procedure is Marhusip. In Toba Batak culture, Marhusip is one step that must be done in the traditional wedding procession. The literal sense of the Marhusip is "whispering". Marhusip is closed, the results of the negotiations should not be declared even if negotiations failed. In marhata sinamot, the conversation is about the amount of dowry that will be discussed in more detail. In Marhusip not all elements of Dalihan na Tolu attend it. Hula-hula from the two sides usually do not come, but dongan tubu, boru, and dongan sahuta actively participate in the procession. As we know marhusip means as whispering. In this situation people make negotiation between two sides that never know each other. The relation among two side usually connect when their children has loved each other and make a relation to be serious, called wedding party. On Marhusip, usually talked about 1871 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 negoitiation of donwry after they are agree for the decision how much the the money will give to hula-hula where it will be given by parboru. There are so many negotiation will be done on Marhusip and how the party will be done is also talked on Marhusip if there is no relation happen between the two sides before. In other hand, there are so many negotiation will happen on the their dialog. But, if marhusip is held by the two side that ever know before where the prospective bride parents are hula-hula of prospective bridegroom parents where on Batak culture prospective bride is pariban of prospective bridegroom, the relation is very closed. Of course the negotiation will be less than usual Marhusip that Toba Batak society is done. Many of negotiation are less. The dialog focuses on what techniques and how the next event will be done after Marhusip. This is the interesting of the writer to identify the speech acts that occur in Marhusip on Toba Batak society. Most of the young of Toba Batak generation in held the Batak ceremony people who master the Toba Batak language and culture on their ceremony. They just choose to keep silent and better to listen only without trying to take apart in the conversation that occured in that ceremony. Even, they do not understand what Dalihan na Tolu means. They do not know whether they must speak or not, use the umpasa of Batak Toba well and implement Toba Batak language in polite and formal situation, even use the right speech act in the certain situation. The theory of speech act is identified by Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) including: 1. Locutionary Act Locutionary act is the act of uttering a sentence within certain meaning like: It is hot here. Cohen (1996:184) says that the act of locutionary is connected with the water temperature on that place. 2. Illocutionary act Illocutionary act is an act of doing something. The speaker utterances the sentence "it is hot here". 3. Perlocutionary act Perlocutinary act is what is done by uttering the word; it is the effect on the listener, the listener's reaction. The above sentence depends on certain context, the result or action maybe the window will open largely or doing nothing at all. Searle (1969) has set up the following classification of illocutionary acts: 1. Assertive A speech act that commits a speaker to the truth of the proposition is expressed, e.g. reciting a cree 2. Directives A speech act that causes the hearer to take a particular action. e.g requests, commands, advise, etc 3. Commissives Aspeech act that commits a speaker to some future action e.g . promises, oaths, bargains, etc. 1872 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 4. Expressives A speech act that express the speaker's attitudes and emotions towards the proposition e.g congratulation, excuses and thanks 5. Declaratives A speech act that changes the reality in accord with the proposition of the declaration e.g babtisms, pronouncing someone guilty or pronouncing someone's husband and wife. 2. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH The data of this research are utterances of speakers when the conversation of pre-weddding of Toba Batak society called marhusip went on. The data analyzed are the transcript of the conversation. The instrument used in this study is Video Camera to observe the participants doing the conversation and their behavior in speech act of Marhusip in Toba Batak society. The data are collected using the theory of Miles and Huberman’s (1988: 23) model. The two theories are used to analyze the data descriptively. The data are collected through recording the conventional sound of speech act used by the Toba Batak society in Marhusip. Then, the data were converted into a written transcription. There are three steps of collecting the data applied in this study, namely; record the participant’s conversation, transcribe the conversation, and confirm the data as revealed. The data are collected by recording. After that the writer listens to the recording and repeats it more times so it can be understood clearly. The data is reduced by analyzing it into the good transcript and display the data. Here, the data is presented in tables. It aims to present the analysis of how the speech acts are used and more dominant in Marhusip on Toba Batak society. 3. DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS In analyzing the data, the writer uses pragmatic method to analyze the utterances of illocutionary acts by using Searle’s theory. The utterances are identified based on the type of the illocutionary acts. The following are the analysis of some utterances in the conversation: Data 1 : Nuaeng raja dongan sahuta nami, huboto hami sian hula-hula nanidapot muna do angka dongan sahuta nami dison, nga dison be hami amangboru. Boha hamuna dohot rombongan mu, on na ma?
1873 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 English Equivalence : Now, our village community kings, our hula-hula has informed us that you have found our village community here, we are here now amangboru. How about your group, are these all? Data 1 shows directive in a form of asking. The prospective bridegroom speaker asks the prospective bride to get attention to start the conversation and to make sure that the prospective bride groups are ready to start the conversation. Data 2 : Mauliate ma di hamu raja nami hula-hula Marga Sianturi Ianggo hami nunga singkop be hami. English Equivalence: We say thanks to all of you our hula-hula. We are here all now. The types of speech act in the utterance above is expressive in a form of thanking. It show that the prospective bride say thanks to prospective bridegroom groups for they are ready to begin the conversation. Data 3: Mauliate ma amangboru. Jadi dison do hamu nuaeng dongan sahuta nami. Nga tangkas tabereng naeng haroro ni pamoruon nami na ro mandapothon hita tu tonga ni bagasan on. Hupasahat hami ma tu hamu raja dongan sahuta nami songon dia ma angka na biasa taulahon namardongan sahuta hita di luat tambak ta on. English Equivalence: Thanks to our amangboru You are here now our village friends. We have seen exactly that our boru has come to visit us in this house. We give the time to our king village friends to explain about our habbit’s doing as village friends on our community. The types of speech acts in data 3 is directive. It can be seen from the utterance “Hupasahat hami ma tu hamu raja dongan sahuta nami songon dia ma angka na biasa taulahon namardongan sahuta hita di luat tambak ta on. We give the time to our king village friends to explain about our habbit’s doing as village friends on our community. The speaker gives suggestion to village friends speaker. It is a direction what the village friend speaker will do. Data 4 : Jadi mauliate ma di hamu dongan sahuta. On pe tu hamu angka amang boru dohot namboru nami, nunga tangkas dibege hamu soara ni dongan sahuta nami. patangkas hamuma haroro muna songon dia do na naeng sihatahon muna. English Equivalence: Thanks to our village friend. And now to our amangboru and namboru, you have heard the suggestion of our village friends. Please explain us what is your purpose and tell us what do you want to tell about. 1874 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 From the types of speech acts, it is directive in this utterance “patangkas hamuma haroro muna songon dia do na naeng sihatahon muna. Please explain us what is your purpose and tell us what you want to tell about “suggests the prospective bride speaker to explain what is their purpose. Data 5 : Jadi andorang so huhatahon hami haroro nami, asa tangkas. jadi boha do, dongan sahuta majo nian? English Equivalence: Before we tell about our purpose tocome here, we want to know is the turn of village friend the first ? This utterance is directive. The utterance tells that the prospective broom ask whose turn to talk at first. Data 6 :… eh…..Ai so adong dope silehonon muna nuaeng. Jadi haduanma. English Equivalence: there is no one that you will give now. It is for the next. From the types of speech acts, it is assertive. The village community’s speaker says the truth to the the prospective broom about the right one that they must do on next step. Data 7 : Oh ido ate. Jadi mauliate ma. Hula-hula nami, ia hami tung las roha nami, marhahipason hamu dapot hami, songon i nang hami marhahipason. Alai songon dalan nami tiur mandapothon raja i, adong na laho sihusiphonon tu Raja i. Raja nami! Adong hata ni pandohan ni natua-tua “Sai jolo ni nangnang ninna asa ni nungnung ba jolo pinangan ma jolo disungkkun”. Songon singkap ni lampet Raja nami adong dison huboan hami. Ba jolo tapangan ma ra Raja nami ra baru pe anon muse hita manghatai. Songoni ma boa-boa sian hami. English Equivalence: Oh, I see. Thanks. Our hula-hula, we are glad, for we meet you health, like us health too. But as our light way to meet the king, there are something that we want to whisper to our king. Our king! As the parents proverb “ the first is nangnang and then nungnung , eat first and then you ask”. Like the substitute of lappet, here our jing, there is something we bring. So we eat it the first after that we continue to talk, our king. Here is our information. The speech acts in the utterance above is assertive. The utterance “Songon singkap ni lampet Rajanami adong dison huboan hami. Ba jolo tapangan ma ra Raja nami ra baru pe anon muse hita manghatai. ”. Like the substitute of lappet, here our jing, there is something we bring. So we eat it the first after that we continue to talk, our king” suggests the audience to eat first before they begin to talk in Marhusip. 1875 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 Data 8 : Gabe jala horas ma amang boru. Memang ido. Nga marsitandaan hita nasaleleng on. Nauli na denggan ma amang boru. Jadi ima ate. Inama ra, ate. Jolo pasahaton muna ma, anon ma dipatupa. English Equivalence: Many descendant and be health for us amangboru. It is true. We have known each other for several times. It is good amangboru. It is the time. Give it first, and then it will be serve. From the types of speech acts, it is directive. The utterance “Gabe jala horas ma amangboru. Memang ido. Nga marsitandaan hita nasaleleng on. Nauli na denggan ma amang boru. Jadi ima ate. Inama ra, ate. Jolo pasahaton muna ma, anon ma dipatupa. Many descendant and be health for us amangboru. It is true. We have known each other for several times. It is good amangboru. It is the time. Give it first, and then it will serve “ confirms that the relationship between two sides is good and the speaker from the women side suggests the man side to give their tudu-tudu sipanganon. Data 9 : Ba dos rohanta Raja nami. Ba songon dia ma hira na masa. English Equivalence: We are agree each other our king. How will it happen? The types of speech acts is directive. The utterance “Ba dos rohanta Raja nami. Ba songon dia ma hira na masa. We are agree each other our king. How will it happen? shows that the man side asks the habbits that happened on that location from the village friends speaker. Data 10 : Jolo dipatupa ma, ganti ni lampet doi, ba diboan ma tu ahai. English Equivalence: It serves first, the changes of lappet, take it now. From the types of speech acts, it is assertive. The utterance “Jolo dipatupa ma, ganti nilampet doi, ba diboan ma tu ahai. It serves first, the changes of lappet, take it now” shows village friends speaker states their request. Data 11 : Jadi mauliate ma di Tuhanta, mauliate di hita. Tangkas do songon na nidokmuna i pinampul andohor bontar gotana, sada anak sada boru do namardongan sahuta nangpe asing-asing margana iala madabu jarum tu napoppop ndang niida ni mata niida ni roha. Marhite hata ni tondongta nangkinan hira dapot roha do saotik maksud dan tujuan, alai annon pe dipatangkas nasida. Jadi sian i tarida rupani ulaon on ulaon di jabu. Bangkona mai molo ulaon di jabu, molo boi tutu molo tolap sai dongan sahuta do namanungkun. Jadi di hamu tutur nami, ito ma hudok ate. Nunga marpungu hita di jabu namarampang marjual on sigomgom 1876 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 pangisina on, jala nunga butong mangan hita sada paloppa na tabo. Pamurnas tu daging mai, saudara tu bohi pasindak panaili mai sipaniangkon lobi tuhoron nami ma songon daulat ni sipanganon ni bagot ni namarhalto ma narobean horas ma hami antong namanghon tung gandana ma hamu namangalehon. English Equivalence: Thanks for God, and for us too. It is clear that you say the wood cuts the liquid. We have the same son dan daughter as friend’s community although we are different on sure name. if needle falled in plenty of bushes, in cannot be seen by eyes. Through the statement that our family have just told, we have know its meaning and purpose eventhough it will be explained by them next. From their utterance, we can see the describing of home events. If it is held in house, the friend’s community will asked it. Now on for our family, that is all what I want to say. We have together in this house. We have so full for eat te delicious foods that you have brought. Hoping it will become a good health for our body. Big thanks for you that served these foods. May God blesses you. The utterances above contain expressive. The utterances above show that the village’s friend speaker explain about what the woman side ask and then village community feel satisfied for the foods that has been brought to make a blessing words for that situation to show their thanking. After analyzing all the utterances occurring in the conversation of marhusip, then the result of the illocutionary analysis are tabulated as follows: Table 3.1 The Illocutionary Acts of Conversation in the agenda of Marhusip Data Types of Illocutionary Acts Assertive Directive Commisive Expessive Declarative 1 √ 2 √ 3 √ 4 √ 5 √ 6 √ 7 √ 8 √ 9 √ 10 √ 11 √ 12 √ 13 √ 14 √ 15 √ 16 √ 17 √ 18 √ 1877 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1878
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VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1879
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VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Total %
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 41 33%
√ 52 42
27 18%
4 4%
3 3%
Based on the table above, it can be seen that all the illocutionary acts are used by the speakers of Toba Batak speaker in the conversation of pre-wedding called marhusip, namely assertives, directives, commisives, expressives, and declaratives. The most dominant is the directive (42%). 4. CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings above some conclusion can be drawn as followings: 1. The speakers of Toba Batak when interacting with the people from the two sides (man and woman) in the pre-wedding conversation apply the five types of illocutionary acts, i.e assertives, directives, commisives, expressives, and declaratives. 1880 _____________ ISSN 0853-0203
VISI (2014) 22 (3) 1870-1881 2. The most dominant type is directives, then followed by assertives, commissives, expressive, and declaratives. The directives that occurred are asking for something, making warnings, requesting, commandin; assertive are suggesting and explaining; commissive are agreement and planning; expressive is thanking; and declarative is declaration. It means that directive especially asking for something is the most dominat coming from the woman’s side to the man’s side. REFERENCES Austin, John L. 1962. How to do Things with Words. Oxford: Cornell University Press. Cohen, A. D. 1996. “Speech Acts”. S.L. McKay & N.H. Hornberger (Eds). Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Grass & Susan.M. 1996. Speech Acts Across Cultures. New York : Mountun de Ciruyter. Miles, M. B. and Huberman, A. M. 1988. Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage Publication. Pardede, Hilman. 2012. The Analysis of Toba Batak Conversation. Singapore: Singapore International Press. Schiffrin, Deborah. 1994. Approaches discourse. Massa Chusetts: Blackwell. Publisher. Searle, J. 1969. “Indirect Speech Acts”. P.Cole & J. Morgan. (Ed). Syntax and Semantics. New York: Academic Press.
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