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PÁLYÁZATI FORMANYOMTATVÁNY / APPLICATION FORM Testvértelepülési és Partnerségi Pályázati Alap / Twinning and Partnership Block Grant fA projekt megnevezése / Title of the project:
VOICES FOR THE FAMILIES A pályázó szervezet megnevezése / Legal name of the Applicant
Family-Home Foundation
A Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program keretében támogatott „Testvértelepülési és Partnerségi Pályázati Alap” című pályázati alap „Twinning and Partnership Block Grant” financed from the SwissHungarian Cooperation Programme Jelölje a megpályázni kívánt komponenst! / Please tick the component
1. 2. 3.
Testvértelepülési kapcsolatok / Town twinning X
Partnerség / Partnership Szociális párbeszéd / Social dialogue
Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
Tartalomjegyzék / Table of content
Oldalszám / Page Projekt Koncepció / Project Concept
Pályázati formanyomtatvány / Application Form
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1. MELLÉKLET / Annex 1 – Pályázó és minden partnerének adatlapja / Data sheet of the Applicant and its Partner 2. MELLÉKLET / Annex 2 - Nyilatkozat az önerő rendelkezésre állásáról / Statement on the availability of co-financing 3. MELLÉKLET / Annex 3 - A projekt költségvetése / Project budget 4. MELLÉKLET / Annex 4 - Logikai keretmátrix / Logical framework 5. MELLÉKLET / Annex 5 - A pályázó nyilatkozata / The declaration of the Applicant 6. MELLÉKLET / Annex 6 - Partnerségi nyilatkozat / Partnership Statement 7. MELLÉKLET / Annex 7 – Közbeszerzések, szerződések – Public procurements, contracts 8. MELLÉKLET / Annex 8 Nyilatkozat az összeférhetetlenségről - Statement on conflict of interest 9. MELLÉKLET / Annex 9 - A pályázó ÁFA nyilatkozata / Declaration on the VAT status of the Applicant
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
A PROJEKT KONCEPCIÓ / PROJECT CONCEPT A „Projekt Koncepciónak“ az alábbi 4 szakaszra kell választ adnia maximum 6 oldalon kifejtve (a betűméret nem lehet kisebb, mint Arial 10-es) / The Concept Note must answer the following 4 sections in a maximum of 6 pages - the font size should not be smaller than Arial 10).
1. A PROJEKT-TEVÉKENYSÉGEK ÖSSZEFOGLALÁSA / SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT ACTVITIES A pályázat rövid összefoglalása / Short summary of the application In Hungary, the number of families in need is constantly growing. (Big families under the poverty line, gypsy families, and single female parents who are bringing up their children alone.) The “Family-Home Foundation” (Családotthon Alapítvány) was established in order to help these families in their social problems. The help of the families can be efficient only if the methods are well organised. Switzerland is at the forefront in the ambitiously organised family support, due to the civil sphere’s age-long traditions that come from below. The main intention of the Small Project (Kisprojekt) is to develop a close partnership between the Family-Home Foundation, the Holy Family Parish in Unterägeri and the Women’s Association of Unterägeri. In Switzerland, the volunteer workers of the Family-Home Foundation report on several public lecture and meetings the problems, challenges, pleasures and worries with which the Hungarian families come across. The purpose of the staying in Switzerland is to get to know, on the example of The Holy Family Parish in Unterägeri, how a Swiss parish, a spiritual caretaker group, a parochial parental correspondent group (Elternbriefgruppe), a fellow- traveller group (Wegbegleitung), a toddler-feast-group (Kleinkinderfeier) and above all, how a women’s association works. The Small Project-to-be is about to set up a stronger relationship for the Családotthon Foundation the Holy-Family Church Családotthon Foundation to developa close partnership with the Holy Family parish and Unterägeri UnterägeriAsszonyegylettel. In Switzerland, the Foundation's volunteer workers Családotthon several public lecturesand meetings describing the problems, challenges, joys, problems with which theHungarian families are facing. The second goal is to share experiences, or. Adaptingmethods experienced in Switzerland, installed in its own working methods and those ofother domestic social and charitable communities to make available. The purpose of the stay in Switzerland to learn the Holy Family Parish Unterägeriexample of how it works in Switzerland for a parish, the spiritual-care group and theparish of Parentmail group (Elternbriefgruppe), the group Útikísérő (Wegbegleitung)Kisgyermekünnep group (Kleinkind erfeier) es most importantly Asszonyegylet(Frauengemeinschaft). The aim of the Women’s Association of Unterägeri is to tackle tasks that crop up in the society and the church, with especial regard to women’s interests, without party orientation, in a non-profit way. The Women’s Association’s duties:
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
It trains women; especially in personal, religious, political, and cultural field. It plays an active role in the life of the parish in cooperation with the parish’s leadership and with the religious community. Their important task is to cultivate personal relationships, show solidarity and mutual assistance and, by these all, to create opportunity for the women’s personality development and self-fulfilment. In Switzerland, the volunteer workers of the Family-Home Foundation – who sing and play on musical instruments in the Olgyay Hangok (Olgyay Voices) as well – during their concert tour in June, will personally get acquainted with the Women’s Association. Within this they will see how the Women’s Association works, what kinds of programs they organize, who the members are and how they recruit new members. What it means to be a member, how the organization is structured, how the financing looks. About the most important occasions a video recording will be made. The experiences and received materials from Switzerland will be analyzed in Hungary, where the Family-Home Foundation will prepare an adequate written summary, guide-book according to the Hungarian claims. The FamilyHome Foundation will arrange lectures and workshops in order to share the experiences and hand it over to numerous local communities, religious communities. Within the Small Project, there will be 25 lectures and workshops. By the creation a bilingual web page anyone will be able to reach these pieces of information, and get in contact to share experiences and ask for help. The web page gives opportunity to the interested ones in Unterägeri and Switzerland as well, to follow up the development of the Small Project. The success of the Family-Home Foundation’s Swiss and Hungarian programs is promoted by the “Hungarian Trapp-Family”, by the Olgyay Voices Band. The band came into being from a 2 big families; in one, there are 16 children while in the other, there are 6 children. Most of the members are at the same time experts in the Family-Home Foundation or volunteer workers there. Project organization: • The priest assistant of the Catholic Parish of Unterägeri (project-team leader) • The chief of the Women’ Association of Unterägeri (professional secretary, Switzerland) • The chief of the Family-Home Foundation (professional secretary, Hungary) • The leader of the Olgyay Voices Family Band (performances) All of them possess long-time experiences and expertise. The project is supported on the Swiss side, by the leadership of the Holy Family Parish of Unterägeri, its spiritual caretaker group and religious community, the Women’s Association of Unterägeri. From the Hungarian side, it is promoted by Family-Home Foundation’s leadership, volunteer workers and sponsors, and well as by the religious community of the Catholic Church in Csemő.
2. RELEVANCIA / RELEVANCE Kérjük mutassa be a pályázat relevanciáját / Please describe to what extent your project is relevant A relevancia bemutatása során kérjük vegye figyelembe a Pályázati Útmutató 1. mellékletében (Értékelési és pontozási táblázat) a relevancia kapcsán értékelt szempontokat, mivel a pontozás az itt leírt információ alapján történik! During the introduction of the relevance please pay attention to the aspects listed in Annex 1 of the Application Guide (Evaluation and scoring grid) related to the evaluation of the relevance, as the scoring is done based on the information provided here!
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
The leadership of the Holy Family Parish of Unterägeri got into contact with the Family-Home Foundation in 2009 in order to get to know Hungarian social projects and to support them according to its options. In April of 2010 there was a week long tour in Hungary for the Holy Family Parish of Unterägeri, where they had two meetings. Since then the two organizations are in touch by e-mail and telephone. The Women’s Association of Unterägeri was established in relation to the promotion of the Hungarian mothers and families which are in social disadvantage. The three sides (The Holy Family Parish of Unterägeri, the Women’s Association of Unterägeri and the Family-Home Foundation) agree that their initiation is in accordance with main aims of the Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Program (exchanging information and experience, know-how, and the best practise principle). Unterägeri can be linked to Hungary by certain people as well. A memorial tablet cherishes the memories of Dr. István Haasz, chaplain general, who worked between 1948 -1973. He is buried here, in Unterägeri. Furthermore, Noémi Héjjné Löricz, who is of Hungarian origin, is now the parish’s priest assistant, since 2005. The Small Project that was handed in the current competition, make it possible to return the visit of the Holy Family Parish of Unterägeri in Hungary 2010, in the representation of the Family-Home Foundation (four experts and four volunteer workers), the parochial religious community of Csemő (2 persons) together with the Olgyay Voices Family Band. The members of the Family-Home Foundation and the parochial community of Csemő will give presentations in Unterägeri, Allenwinden and according to the plans in Baar, Oberägeri about the tendencies of the actual Hungarian social and ecclesiastical situation. In Unterägeri they will be able to examine first hand how the parish and the women’s association is being organised, and how the aid for women and families come real in Switzerland. The fact that the experts and volunteers of the Family-Home Foundation are at the same time the members of the Olgyay Voices Family Band, provides chances for the cities mentioned above to partake in Hungarian cultural experience, to get to know two extraordinary Hungarian big families’ 10 members (between 10 and 55 years old). They provide firsthand information about what kinds of joys and difficulties characterise the life of the Hungarian people, families. Afterwards the Small Project will adapt the last 2 years’ experiences including the observations in Switzerland, and will arrange a series of lectures that will consist of 25 lectures, and will introduce them in Hungary to Hungarian communities. (One part of the lectures especially aims at various groups of the needy such as the blind, care home inhabitants, and orphan homes). In the course of the events as well as at the end those, the represents of the Holy Family Parish and the Women’s Association of Unterägeri will arrive to Hungary, where they can get an inside view of the Family-Home Foundation’s work (helping big families, gypsy families and single mothers). They will evaluate and harmonise the results of the Project together, and then approve the next 2 years’ activities up until the finish of the Project. By this developed complex form the cultural living connection between the two countries will strengthen, the mutual knowledge of the other will deepen which goes hand in hand with mutual understanding.
3. FENNTARTHATÓSÁG / SUSTAINABILITY Kérjük mutassa be a projekt fenntarthatóság / Please describe in what respect the Project will be sustainable
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme A fenntarthatóság bemutatása során kérjük vegye figyelembe a Pályázati Útmutató 1. mellékletében (Értékelési és pontozási táblázat) a fenntarthatóság kapcsán értékelt szempontokat, mivel a pontozás az itt leírt információ alapján történik! During the description of the sustainability please pay attention to the aspects listed in Annex 1 of the Application Guide (Evaluation and scoring grid) related to the evaluation of the sustainability, as the scoring is done based on the information provided here! Kérjük adja meg a projekt fenntarthatósági időszakát (2 évnél nem rövidebb idő), valamint az ennek ellenőrzésére alkalmas indikátort (termék/esemény/tevékenység, stb.). Az itt megadott vállalás a megkötendő végrehajtási megállapodás része lesz. Please make a commitment for the sustainability period of the project (not less than 2 years) and also define the indicator (the product/event/activity, etc.) proving the sustainability. This commitment will be the part of the small project implementation agreement.
Javaslatok a Multiplikátor hatás bemutatására / Proposals for the description of the multiplier-effect Írja le röviden a projekt eredményeinek kiterjesztési lehetőségeit. Például: a jövőben miként lehet minél szélesebb társadalmi csoportokat bevonni a projekt eredményeinek felhasználásába, vagy milyen további tevékenységeket, projekteket generálhat a pályázat sikeres megvalósítása? Describe shortly the possibilities for extension of the project outcomes. For example: beneficiaries - how could wider social groups benefit from the project outcomes, or what further activities or projects could be inspired by the present application? Javaslatok a fenntarthatóság bemutatására / Proposals for the description of the sustainability Határozza meg, és röviden mutassa be, hogy a projekt utánkövetési időszakára milyen tevékenységeket tervezett. A projekt lezárultával kezdődő 10 éves utánkövetési időszakot jellemezze az alábbi két szempontból. Identify and shortly describe follow up actions to be taken. After terminating the implementation of activities foreseen in the framework of this project, a ten-year-long follow-up period will start. Please identify and shortly describe the follow up actions to be taken according to the following aspects of sustainability: 1. Pénzügyi szempontból (A támogatás folyósítása után milyen források fogják biztosítani a projekt fenntartását?) / Financial aspect (How will activities be financed when the grant ends?) 2. Intézményi szempontból (Rendelkezésre állnak-e azon menedzsment struktúrák, amelyek biztosítják a tevékenységek további folytatását?). Lesz-e a projekt eredményeinek “gazdája”? / Institutional level (What management structures will ensure the continuance of project?). Will there be local “ownership” of action outcomes?
The Partners are extrovert; they happily help other similar organizations’ work. This is why the FamilyHome Foundation plans a series of lectures on nation wide level. On these occasions the Foundation presents the Project’s labour to charitable groups that work within the congregations. The Family-Home Foundation will inform the Nagycsaládosok Országos Egyesülete (Big Families’ National Organization) and the Otthon Segítünk Alapítvány (Home Start Hungary) about the project and its achievements. This is expected to render new opportunities for multiplication. By newspaper articles, such as columns in the Új Ember (New Man) daily Catholic newspaper, and by the bilingual web page the information can get to anyone. In this way those, who prefer these kinds of communicational mediums, will be able to get in contact with the Foundation in order to exchange experiences or ask for help. Being present on the Facebook means a further communicational channel, which - according to the experiences - is very popular among the youth. We can say that on the basis of the preliminary plans the scope of the Small Project is nation-wide. Of course, we must count with the spontaneous replication, which we happily welcome beyond the planned ones as well, even if it appears to be years after the project’s termination. The Small Project crucially contributes to an unusually rich exchange of experiences, as well as to the emergence of more direct, personal connections between the Hungarian and the Swiss partner. The contact afterwards can be maintained more easily by e-mail or telephone, in a more expense saver way. The journeys of the given persons can be financed by one’s own resources from time to time.
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
The equipments that are obtained for the sake of the lectures in hand will make other lectures possible to be hold. The materials made in the framework of the Small Project will be utilizable after the end of the Small Project. Later on, the maintenance of the created web page or the presence on the Facebook can be managed by own resources. Both sides which take part in the project are reliable organizations. The Swiss Parish is 300 years old, while the Women’s Association is approximately 100 years old. The Hungarian Family-Home Foundation and the Religious community of Csemő is roughly 20 years old, the Olgyay Voices Band has been working for 15 years. The stable past guarantees the group’s long-range operating. The Project participants’ fix plan is to go on with the common work after the end of the Project and to keep the friendly relationship with one another. To put it in brief, the Project’s sustainability is ten years. The indicators for the partners’ activity are the bilingual web page to be done, the maintenance of the connections that come alive in the course of the lectures between the family helping organizations, and the lectures to be held in afterward period.
4. MÓDSZERTAN / METHODOLOGY Kérjük, mutassa be a módszertant / Please describe your project methodology A módszertan bemutatása során kérjük vegye figyelembe a Pályázati Útmutató 1. mellékletében (Értékelési és pontozási táblázat) a módszertan kapcsán értékelt szempontokat, mivel a pontozás az itt leírt információ alapján történik! During the description of the methodology please pay attention to the aspects listed in Annex 1 of the Application Guide (Evaluation and scoring grid) related to the evaluation of the methodology, as the scoring is done based on the information provided here!
The immediate aims of the Project are to get acquainted with one another’s country, culture and civil sphere, to exchange the best practices and the know-how. We would like to learn a lot by getting to know the structure and the labour of Holy Family Parish of Unterägeri and the Women’s Association of Unterägeri. Our partners get an insight into the operation of the Family-Home Foundation, so as to the situation of the big families, gypsy families, one-parent families as well as to the single mothers’ position. We have learnt a lot from our Swiss partners in the last 2 years as well as currently, in connection with the project management. At the same time we feel that we could give something to them too. The study-tour in Switzerland, with its complement and promoting performances, deepen and establish still closer links between the partners. By the performances the group tries to bring Hungary closer to the Swiss inhabitants, while the members of the Hungarian delegation are given a sample of Switzerland in exchange. Besides these the meetings provide excellent opportunities for each side to get acquainted with the other; the Hungarians can get inside views into the Swiss methods and experiences, while Switzerland can get to know the Hungarian characteristics. The following 3-4 months’ task after the trip in Switzerland is to translate the given materials, to adapt them to the current Hungarian context, and to create a bilingual web page with the Swiss partners’ active cooperation. After the trip in Switzerland, we guarantee that we will share on the web page our own experiences and obtained knowledge that we will be gaining from local the 9-10 month-long lecture giving and workshop holding. During this 9-10 month-long term new connections will be established with Hungarian communities which we will take care of and maintain after the termination of the project as well.
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
The web page makes it possible, for many of the two countries, to follow up the project’s development after its termination, too. It provides a platform to keep in touch, and to create new contacts. In the course of the project and at the end of it, the members of the Swiss partner travel to Hungary, where the two groups together summarize, evaluate the finished work and harmonize the 2 year-long period that closes the project. The roles of the two sides in the project: The Swiss partner during the whole project will play an active role sometimes indirectly, sometimes directly. The Family-Home Foundation in Switzerland as well as at home contributes the project by giving lectures and performances. About the Hungarian series of programmes Switzerland will be informed regularly. The creation of the web page and the video recording is the Family-Home Foundation’s responsibility, but it can rely upon the help of the Swiss partner. Numbers: The number of the programmes in the course of the study-trip in Switzerland, the Hungarian informative, guide-book, the bilingual web page, two videos, lectures in Hungary, the number of the workshops. The Swiss partner’s cooperation guarantees the adequate operation, the long-range planning, and we regard these as added values. The project’ good organization assures the accomplishments of the aims. The dates of the lectures can be designed and the time afterwards insures the chance for multiplication.
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
A. PÁLYÁZÓ ÉS PARTNEREI / APPLICANTS AND PARTNERS A.1 Pályázó szervezet / Applicant Organisation A pályázó szervezet megnevezése / Full legal name of the Applicant
Családotthon a Gyermekekért Alapítvány
A szervezet hivatalos angol neve / Official name of the organisation in English
Home-Family Foundation
Rövidített elnevezés / Abbreviation
közhasznú alapítvány / fontation
Jogi forma / Legal status Törvényes képviselő / Legal representative keresztnév / first name
vezetéknév / last name beosztás / position
Telefon (munkahely) / Office phone
+36 53 592 015
Mobil / Mobile
Olgyay Chairman +36 70 326 3613
[email protected]
Kapcsolattartó – Contact person keresztnév / first name
vezetéknév / last name beosztás / position
Telefon (munkahely) / Office phone
Olgyay fellow worker
+36 20 9387 822
[email protected]
A.2. Svájci partner (kötelező!) / Swiss Partner (obligatory) A szervezet hivatalos megnevezése / Full legal name
Római Katolikus Egyház Unterägeri
A szervezet hivatalos angol neve / Official name of the organisation in English
Roman Chatolic Church, Unterägeri
Rövidített elnevezés / Abbreviation Jogi forma / Legal status
Public community
Törvényes képviselő/ Statutory representative keresztnév / first name
vezetéknév / last name beosztás / position
Telefon (munkahely) / Office phone Fax
+41 41 754 57 77
Burri Plébániai vezető
Mobil / Mobile E-mail
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Svájci-Magyar Együttműködési Program / Swiss-Hungarian Cooperation Programme
A.2. Svájci partner (kötelező!) / Swiss Partner (obligatory) A szervezet hivatalos megnevezése / Full legal name A szervezet hivatalos angol neve / Official name of the organisation in English
Asszonyegylet, Unterägeri Women’s Association Unterägeri
Rövidített elnevezés / Abbreviation Jogi forma / Legal status Törvényes képviselő/ Statutory representative keresztnév / first name
vezetéknév / last name beosztás / position
Telefon (munkahely) / Office phone Fax
Mobil / Mobile E-mail
Roder Chair-woman 079/ 564 74 32
[email protected]
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A.3. Magyarországi partnerek összefoglaló táblázata1 / Summary of the Hungarian Partners A szervezet neve / Legal name of organisation
Family-Home Foundation
Jogi forma / Legal status
Székhely / Location of the HQ
1061 Budapest, Káldy Gyula u. 6.
A.4. Svájci partnerek összefoglaló táblázata1 / Summary of the Swiss Partners A szervezet neve / Legal name of organisation
Jogi forma / Legal status
Székhely / Location of the HQ
Roman Catholic Church Unterägeri
Public community
Women’s Association Unterägeri
Az 1. számú mellékletben meghatározott formában minden egyes projekt partner esetében ki kell tölteni egy-egy 1. MELLÉKLETET / Annex 1 should be filled in for each partner organisation
B. A PROJEKT INDOKLÁSA / JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT B.1 Társadalmi hatás / Impact to the society a. A megvalósítást megelőző helyzet rövid bemutatása, az azonosított társadalmi/gazdasági problémák, különbségek (gap analysis), fejlesztési igények. Short introduction of the situation prior the implementation, the identified problems to be solved b. Milyen tevékenységekre járulhatnak ? What activities are necessary to tackle the identified problems or decrease the differences? c. A partnerek számára a projekt milyen hozzáadott értékkel bír? What is the added value of the project for both partners involved?
The past few years have made it apparent, that managing the economy, politics and the social system causes trouble in Hungary. These problems and shortcomings are present not only on a macroscopic level, but can be seen on the level of individuals as well. More and more families need help and support. Due to loosing their jobs or making bad financial descisions, many families have been forced onto the periphary of society. They may seek help from the government, but in many cases these families do not have the recources or qualifications needed to apply for or get help. There is an enourmous need for non-profit organizations which can offer support and can aid the large number of underprivileged families. It is very important that these non-profit organizations be local, so that members of the organization are familiar with the problems that these families face and so that they may offer long term help that is suited to the individual needs.The project's goal is to even out economic and social inequalities by creating and supporting organizations which are able to deal with these problems. The project aims for continued cooperation and unition. Exchanged visits allow the opportunity to get aquainted with eachother's culture as well as satisfying needs. The Swiss partner appreciates the efforts made by the Familyhome (Családotthon) foundation in presenting the problem-solving methods used by a Hungarian charity organization as well as the families that the organization has supported over a longer period of time, especially the Roma and single parent families of the Csernő area. The Hungarian partners may get to know the ways a local church or a local organization has helped and strengthened the families of a small Swiss town. They will be able to get first hand experience in the methods used as well as the structure of these groups.
B.2. A projekt céljai / Project objectives Kérjük a táblázat kitöltését. / Please fill the table below. A megadott céloknak konkrétnak és ellenőrizhetőnek kell lenniük. A közvetlen projektcél és az eredmények esetében számszerűen mérhető célt kell megadni. Tevékenységenként legalább egy eredményt kérünk megadni. Az itt megadott adatoknak egyeznie kell a
logikai keretmátrixban megadottakkal! The specified objectives shall be concrete and verifiable. The project outcomes and the outputs shall be quantified. Please define at least one output per activity. The information given here must comply with those given in the logical framework matrix!
Átfogó cél / overall objective
Közvetlen projektcélok / Project outcomes
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Célkitűzés / Objective
Indikátor / Indicator
The expansion of the existing partner relationship, cooperation development, and by so doing, the, evening out the inequalities in Hungary and the expanded Europea Union - The emergence of equal opportunity for the intergration of the underpriveleged, especially families, the cooperation between Hungarian and Roma families, women and the physically and mentally disabled. The adaptaion and summarization of the most effective activities of the Unterägeri Parish, the Women's Association and the Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation. Getting aquainted with eachother's organization structures. Workshop, meeting of Swiss partners in Switzerland
Exchanged visits 1 x Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation's representatives in Switzerland 2 x Swiss partner's representatives in Hungary
The Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation's presentations in Switzerland The translation of the Swiss partner's documentation (rules and regulations, history, webpage) into Hungarian
5 presentations, photographs, video 1 Hungarian documentation
The organization of the Hungarian programs, the structure and history of the Unterägeri Parish and the Women's Association, the questions regarding the long term functionality of an association, the most efficient activities The preperation of the Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation's homepage as well as the details of partners, the phases of communication and the availability of the documentation
1 Program-scenario
Aquiring the necessary equipment for the presentations The organizing of the Hungarian presentations, workshops and concerts Organizing advertising pamphlets and brochures
Purchased equipment
Holding workshops and presentations 11
Eredmény 1 / output 1
1 summary of the most effective activities 1 summary of the success of adaptated methods in Hungary 1 Presentation of experiences in both Hungarian and German
1 Homepage
25 venues and dates Advertising in 25 venues 250 A3 posters and 2000 A4 brochues 22 general presentations, 1 presentation with the participation of a Hungarian and a Roma family 1 presentation for children in government care
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Eredmény 1 / output 1
Following the programs, assisted by the Swiss pertners according to the PCDA cycle(virtual meeting through skype) Follow up meeting with the partner's representatives Project conclusion meeting with the partner representatives Editing and cutting of the video documentation of the Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation's presentations Making a video-film of the Hungarian presentations
1 presentation for the sight impaired 25 statements from the hosts of the presentations 3 occasions: compliance of the minute-book 1 workshop 1 presentation 1 Conclusion document Video-film, contact information on the homepage, consulting 5 media groups Video-film, contact information on the homepage, consulting 5 media groups
Az átfogó cél a projekt kivitelezésének hosszú távú hatásait jellemzik. Célkitűzés lehet pl. hosszú távú együttműködés kialakítása partnerintézmények /szervezetek között, adott célterület körülményeinek (pl. közbiztonság, képzés, foglalkoztatás) pozitív irányú változása. / The overall objective characterizes the long-term impact of the project. An objective can be for example the establishment long-term cooperation of partner institutions, the improvement of the conditions in the affected area (e.g. public security, education, employment), future expectations for solid relationship between the two countries, positive perspectives of citizens, etc. A közvetlen projektcélok a projekt eredményeiből származó közvetlen vagy közvetett hatásokat írják le, azt a helyzetet, amely adott területen vagy intézményben bekövetkezik a projekt megvalósítását követően. Célkitűzés lehet ebben az esetben pl.: a támogatott létesítmény kapacitásának növekedése, testvértelepülési kapcsolatok kialakítása, stb. / Project outcomes describe the direct or indirect effects deriving from the outputs, i.e. the situation that evolves in the affected field or institution after the implementation of the project. An objective can be for example the increase of the institutional capacities of the supported institutions, establishment of twin-town relations, etc. Az eredmények kézzelfogható eredményeket jelentenek, pl. konferencia/találkozó/szakmai tapasztalatcsere lebonyolítása X résztvevővel, tanulmány készítése, csereprogram lebonyolítása, eszközök, szolgáltatások beszerzése, építési feladatok végrehajtása. Ezen eredmények létrehozása/megvalósítása közvetlenül a támogatott projekt tevékenységeiből adódnak. / The outputs are tangible results, e.g. organisation of a conference/meeting/professional exchange meeting with the participation of X experts/citizens, elaboration of a study, exchange programme, acquisition of supply, service, implementation of works.
B.3. Célcsoportok / Target groups Melyek a projekt célcsoportjai? A projekt megvalósítása milyen módon van hatással helyzetükre, milyen pozitív hozadékkal bír? Indokolja a célcsoportok és a tervezett tevékenységek kiválasztását. Which are the target groups of the project? In which way the project influences their situation, what added value it has from their point of view? Please explain the choice of the target group and the activities.
Switzerland: The Unterägeri Saint Family Parish's social groups, who will get to know the Hungarian problems that the Familyhome (Családotthon) foundation has dealt with over the years. – The Swiss presentation's attendees who will get to know the situation in Hungary through the examples of two large Hungarian families. (Családotthon foundation. Olgyay Hangok) The Unterägeri Saint Family Parish community as well az the Women's Association will have the opportunity to help the work of the Hungarian partner foundation with their experiences. The shared experiences and the relationships formed here will add to the picture of the Eastern European country that was not so long ago still behind the „iron curtain”. Switzerland has special ties with Hungary that have been appreciated since 1956. Personal ties such as the work of Dr. István Haasz, pastor bishop from 1948 to 1973 (who is also buried in Switzerland), as well as the Hungarian Noémi Lörincz Héjjné,curate of the parish, since 2005.
Hungary: – The Catholic Church community of Csemő – The planned presentations and workshops aim to introduce the Swiss methods used in teaching women, as well as family aiding methods used in personal, religious, political and cultural areas. These methods will be presented to the parish members and social groups that will take part in the Project's work, adapting the introduced methods. Presentations will cover topics such as the daily life of a Parish, and how a group of women take part in the routines of the Parish. Other topics such as how personal relationships are formed, personal responsibility, solidarity and reciprocitated help and how the personal growth and self-realization are encouraged among these women in Switzerland, will be discussed. – For those attending, the presentations will be a cultural program. – Attendees will take part in special programs. The project plans to take the participants to communities where they will meet disabled and underprivileged people: A community for the sight impaired, an elderly people's home, childeren in government care. . The project's main area of activity are the with the Roma and single parent families. The Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation has helped many such families and by adapting the Swiss methods, has reached a far greater level of success.
C. A PROJEKT MEGVALÓSÍTÁSA / IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT C.1. Projekttevékenységek / Project activities
Ismertesse részletesen a közvetlen célok elérését szolgáló projekttevékenységeket. Sorolja fel a B.2-es (A projekt céljai) pontban bemutatott közvetlen célok elérését szolgáló tevékenységeket. Mutassa be részletesen ezen tevékenységeket és indokolja szükségességüket, továbbá jelölje meg az általuk elérni kívánt eredményeket és az egyes szervezetek, partnerek szerepét, felelősségét. Ebből e szempontból ügyeljen arra, hogy ne a Tervezett tevékenységek időbeli ütemezését magában foglaló „D” táblázatot ismételje meg! Please describe activities in accordance with the specific objectives described within the Project Objectives (see section B.2.). Include the title and a detailed description of each activity to be undertaken to produce the results, justifying the choice of the activities and specifying where applicable the role and responsibilities of each partner (or associates or subcontractors) in the activities. In this respect, the detailed description of activities must not repeat the timing of the planned activities (section D) Az egyes tevékenységeket legalább az alábbi tartalommal kérjük bemutatni / Please present the activities at least with the following content: a) a tevékenység megnevezése, sorszáma / Title and number of the activity b) a tevékenység részletes leírása, indoklása (milyen módon kapcsolódik a közvetlen projektcélhoz) / Detailed description of the activity, its justification (how it is connected to the project outcome) c) a megvalósításban részt vevő szervezetek, szakértők, célcsoportok, szerepük, feladatuk / Organisations, experts, target groups participating in he activity, their roles, tasks d) a tevékenység közvetlen (mérhető) eredménye, amelynek elérésén keresztül a sikeres megvalósítás ellenőrizhető, és amely hozzájárul a projekt közvetlen célkitűzésének eléréséhez. Az eredmény teljesülése milyen módon, milyen forrásból ellenőrizhető? / Outputs of the activity (measurable), which can be controlled to evaluate the successful execution, and which contributes to the achievement of the project outcome). e) A tevékenységhez szükséges szállítói/vállalkozási szerződések felsorolása, becsült értéke, a beszerzések indoklása (vegye figyelembe a pályázati útmutatóban a beszerzésekkel, szerződésekkel kapcsolatos elvárásokat). / List and justification of supply/service or works contracts necessary for the implementation of the activity (please consider the expectations regarding the contracting stipulated in the Application Guide).
excursion, assessment (June-July) First, the Hungarian partnership will travel to Switzerland, where a 2 year partnership as well as a friendship will be strengthened. The Hungarian group's foremost priority is to get aquainted with the work of the Unterägeri Parish's and the Unterägeri Women's Association's work concerning aiding families and supporting women. Efficient methods and experiences will be documented and added to the presentations that will be given in Hungary.(3rd activity) During the stay abroad, the members of the Foundation will present the activities of the Hungarian organization at masses held at the Parish and at the workshops. The Olgyay Hangok Family Orchestra will take part at the masses as well as programs organized at the elderly people“s home (Klösterli). We will perform at 5 masses in total. These will be held in Unteräger, Allenwinden, Baar, and Menzingen. During weekdays, the workshops, excursions – parttaken by the swiss partnership's representatives – will allow us the opportunity to get aquainted with the work of the Unterägeri Parish and the Unterägeri Women's Association, as well as getting to know a little bit more about Switzerland. (During this project, all experiences will be documented with photographs and written assesements by our hosts) The realization of this plan will be handled by 4 experts and 4 volunteers from the Hungarian Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation and 2 members of the Csernő Church Community. Organization on the Swiss half, will be done by the Women's Association, the head of the Church Community and its members. The estimated cost of which is HUF 1,9Mio
Translation of material (July-September.) The Unterägeri Women's Association and the Parish have documented operational and functional regulations and guidelines that have not been published in Hungarian. These guidelines may be of great help in optimizing methods of family aid in Hungary. It is of utmost importance, that these documents be available to those who have interest in this area, such as the Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation and the Women's Association. The original Hungarian documents are made available on our homepage. The translation will be done in the frame of an entreprenural contract. The estimated cost of which is HUF 100k 3.
Organization of the Hungarian presentations
The documented Project-work of the excursion in Switzerland will be translated and rewritten to create an adaptation that can be effectively used by the Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation in it's further activities. This documentation will be the basis of the planned presentations and workshops. The processing of these documentations will be done by members of the Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation, as well as the Swiss Women's Association and the Parish. The final documents will be made available on our homepage. 4. plan. Homepage (August-October) We plan to make the documentation of the Project's work available to the general public. To serve this aim, is the planned homepage of the Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation will show dates and times of presentations, workshops, programs, as well as the Foundation's activities and documents. The homepage is kept up to date continuously. The creation of the homepage will be done in the frame of a entreprenural contract of which the estimated cost is HUF 225k 5. plan. Aquiring equipment (July-August) The planned presentations require certain equipments. (The equipments available to us are both out dated and are not the standard of quality needed for a presentation series of this scale) These include the sound equipment (for both presentations and the performing Orchestra; Olgyay Hangok) as well as projection equipment. Due to the fact that the presentations will be documented on camera, a digital camera will be needed as well. These equipments will be in the property of the Familyhome (Családotthon) foundation, and will not only make this presentation series a success, but will allow for the opportunity to organize similar programs in the future. The aquiration of these equipment will happen in accordance with the conditions of the grant. The estimated cost of the required equipment is HUF 550k
6. plan. Program organization
During this period the Project wil be preparing the national presentation series, where it's aims and goals will be presented in the frames of a cultural program (presentations and concerts), herby hoping to draw attention to it's activities. The dates of these programs will be organized through telephone and email communication. The targeted audiences are Catholic Parishes and interested members of the public. Communication with NOE (Nationakl Association of Large Families) members will be made in order to make the presentation series a national success. Volunteers of the Családotthon Foundation will also take part. The dates of this presentation series will be available on out homepage. The estimated cost of the organization of this program is 250 000HUF 7. plan. Press and advertising - (August-Septembert) The appropraite advertising is of utmost importance to the success of the presentation series. For this reason the Project will produce a number of pamphlets and brochures. These will be used during the organization of the program as well as at the presentations and workshops. The presentations themselves will be induvidually advertised on posters, which will be put up at the appropriate sites. The estimated costs of the 250 A3 posters and the 2 000 A4 brochures is HUF 150k. 8. plan. Homepage, webpage expansion and development
Since a monthy number of 2-3 presentations will be held during this period, making these public requires the continuous updating of the homepage. The presentation dates, photographs, documentations and publications will be made available on the homepage. By way of this homepage, the Swiss partnership will be able to take part, oversee, supervise and share advice in connection with further activities of the Project. The estimated cost of which is HUF 225k 9. plan. Presentations and workshops (October-August) The Project will organize 25 presentations over a period of 11 months. 2 to 3 presentations will be held monthly. The planned venues are: Mosonmagyaróvár, Győr, Tata, Keszthely, Veszprém, Piliscsaba, Pilisvörösvár, Budaőrs, Balatonboglár, Budapest (3 presentations), Esztergom, Vác, Cegléd, Abony, Kecskemét, Kiskunfélegyháza, Miskolc, Eger, Miskolc, Szekszárd, Szeged, Baja. (the above venues may still change) The presentation will be held for mainly Church communities, where topics will be in concern with aiding Hungarian families, problems faced and solutions used as well as the introduction of methods used in Switzerland. We also plan 3 presentations for underprivileged groups. The target audience will be: the sight impaired, elderly people's home, children in government care. Photographs and written documentation will be made for all presentations. Head of organization: Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation's selected speaker The parttaking of the Olgyay Hangok Family Orchestra aims to raise the number of participants. The
larger number of parttakers will ensure that more information will be spread. The estimated cost of which is HUF 1,1Mio 10. plan. Program assesment
During the program, all presentations will be assessed according to the plan-do-check-act cycle. The assesment will happen online with the participation of the Swiss Partner. Any advice from their part concerning the presentations will be taken into consideration. 11. plan. Follow up meeting with the representative of the Swiss partner
In December 2001, a representative of the Swiss partner will arrive in Hungary. The Familyhome (Családotthon) Foundation will take this opportunity to share it's experiences and it's assesments concerning the presentations.. 12. plan. Project closing meeting with the Swiss representative
The last presentation will be organized to coincide with the visit of the Swiss representatives, so that they may attend. In the days following the end of the presentation series, we will take the opportunity to do an overall assesment detailing the success of the presentations as well as plans for similar plans in the future. The estimated cost of which is HUF 1 Mio 13. plan. Editing and finilizing the video of the Swiss excursion (November-December) For public viewing and as documentation of the visit to Switzerland, all important moments will be filmed. The video will be edited and cut, and will be available on the homepage for viewing. The estimated cost of which is HUF 50k 14. tev. Cutting and editing the video of the Hungarian programs (July-August) For public viewing and as documentation, the presentations taking place in Hungary will be filmed. The video will be edited and cut, and will be available on the homepage for viewing. The estimated cost of filming and cutting the two videos is HUF 50k.
C.2. A projekt időtartama (min. 3 hónap – max. 15 hónap) / Project duration (min 3 months - max 15 months)
1. A projekt megvalósításának tervezett kezdeti dátuma / Év/Hó/Nap / Year/Month/Day: 2 0 1 Planned starting date of the project: 2. A projekt megvalósításának tervezett befejezési dátuma / Év/Hó/Nap / Year/Month/Day: 2 0 1 Planned end date of the project: A projektek megvalósításának végső határideje: 2013. augusztus 30. The end date of project implementation cannot be later than 30 August 2013 3. A projekt időtartama hónapban számolva / Project duration counted in months 15
Hó / months
C.3. Projektmegvalósítási tapasztalatok / Experience in project implementation Ismertesse, hogy szervezete milyen – más forrásból finanszírozott – projektek/tevékenységek megvalósításában vett részt az elmúlt öt évben. Please indicate whether your organisation took part in any other projects/activities in the past five years that received financing from other Programmes. Kérjük, legfeljebb három projektet soroljon fel! / Please list maximum 3 projects.
1. A projekt címe / Title of project
A projektvezető szervezet neve / Name of lead partner or applicant
Family-Home Foundation
A támogatást biztosító program megnevezése Name of programme providing the grant.
Twinning and Partnership Block Grant
A projekt azonosító száma (amennyiben értelmezhető) / Identification number of the project (if applicable)
A projekt teljes költsége (EUR) / Total costs of project (EUR)
26.750 EUR
A projekt rövid ismertetése / Short description of the project a) A projekt fő célkitűzései és a projekttevékenységek rövid leírása / Main objectives of the project and the short description of the activities b) A Pályázó Szervezet szerepe a projektben / Role of the Applicant in the project c) A projekt időtartama / Duration of the projekt
The Foundation has been actively been involved in aiding csildren and families over the last 20 years. For the last 5 years, the Foundation has not recieved project financing from a grant – our finances were donations which we used to aid Roma families – usually were there were 7-8 children – using the donations to buy cseap houses, pay rent, buy food, building materials, paying bills, giving out donated clothes and household appliances. We also help foster childeren and foster parents in communicating with eachother.
C.4. A pályázó szervezet és partnereinek megvalósítási kapacitása / Capacities of the Applicant and Partners for the implementation of the project C.3.1. Adja meg a pályázó szervezet és partnereinek a projekt sikeres megvalósítását alátámasztó menedzsment és pénzügyi kapacitására vonatkozó leírását. Please describe the capacities of the Applicant and Partners justifying the successful implementation of the project both from management and financial aspects Követendő szempontok: a) Adja meg, hogy munkakörönként hány főt alkalmaz teljes munkaidőben, illetve részmunkaidőben és a projektre fordított munkaidő arányát (a teljes munkaidő %-ában) The number of full-time and part-time staff and the division of work related to the Project (% of the working time) b) Ismertesse, hogy milyen – a projekt megvalósításához szükséges – irodákkal, telephellyel, berendezésekkel, eszközökkel rendelkezik Equipment and offices relevant for the project implementation. c) Milyen forrásokból fogja előteremteni a pályázó az önerőt, és miként tudja biztosítani a projekt során a szervezet likviditását.? What sources will guarantee the own contribution to the project, and how will liquidity be assured during project implementation?
Small is beautiful Our foundation and the Unterägeri Women's Association is working thanks to our voluntary social work, employed personel without any offices. The Unterägeri Saint Family Parish has payed emloyees and offices, but in the case of this project, they won't count on fees. All voluntary work done after the presentation series will be done as voluntary work during the presentations as well. This is equally true for the Unterägeri Women's association. The project and it's high standard execution does require work that is more advanced than our usual tasks and would be hard to deal with for a volunteer. For these tasks – projectmanagment, translation of documents, the organization of Hungarian documents, video cutting and editing, work requiring expert opinions, organizing workshops – will be done on a contract job basis. We plan to sign contracts with external personel who will do accounting, webdesign and maintenence as well as the press design and printing. To reach the aimed high standard, the project is in need of equipment that it momentarily does not have. We have recieved volunteering offers form our donators in Hungary and from Switzerland. We plan to finance our plans from donations and from the recieved advance payment.The Foundation also recieved an interest free loan from a private individual of 1 million HUF for the period of the project.
C.5. Nyilvánosság / Visibility, PR Mutassa be a nyilvánosság biztosítása érdekében tett intézkedéseket. Please describe the measures in order to ensure the visibility of the project.
The small project's history, founding, goals will be available to the public on the planned homepage. The presentations will be held for Parishes and charity, volunteering organizations but are also open to the general public. For this reason, posters and brochures will be made to advertise the presentations. The Project will take up communications with the national press and media companies so that not only those attending, but a larger mass of people come to know our activities. The Swiss programs will be advertised in the Parish newspapers in all the Catholic households in Zug Kanton as well as in the Pfarreiblatt and the homepage of the Women's Association. Pamphlets will be placed at regular venues in Unterägeri as well as venues of the presentations. After the excursion we anticipate more press coverage. In Hungary, all venues will have pamphlets and posters. Where the internet is available or a local newspaper, the programs will be advertised there. After the programs we expect articles and reports to be published on the work of the Project. We plan to take into special concern, the publication of the cultural programs organized for the underprivileged. (The sight impaired, elderly people's home, children in government care) It would be our pleasure to present our experiences, learnings on one of the events hosted by the SWISSCHAM and/or the Embassy. We believe, it would be not only for us, but also for you and your guests a fascinating event.
C.6. Kockázatelemzés / Risk analysis Sorolja fel, hogy milyen kockázatok és akadályok nehezíthetik a projekt megvalósulását. List the possible obstacles and risks. A táblázat bővíthető / The table can be extended.
Kockázati tényező/ Description of Risk
Kockázat súlyossága/ Risk rate 1 – alacsony / low 2 – közepes / medium 3 – magas / high
Valószínűség / Probability 1 – alacsony / low 2 – közepes / medium 3 – magas / high
Take a rest regulary, and change the driver time to time during the travel to and from Switzerland. Otherwise healthy way of life.
Javaslat a kockázat kezelésére Proposal for risk management
Techninal problem
Maintenance of the technical devices, Replacement of the devices, which are not reliable any more. Prepare alternative program for the case of any technical defect. (Contingency plan)
Healthy way of life.
Renouncement of the performance by the host
Complience of the new date Arrangeing of the new location
Deadline shift in the activity points
Realistic timetable, reorganizing
C.7. A program horizontális célkitűzéseinek érvényesülése / Fulfilment of the horizontal objectives of the Programme
A pályázat milyen módon veszi figyelembe a horizontális célkitűzések teljesülését? A fenntartható fejlődés elvének érvényesülése: - a környezetvédelmi károk elkerülése érdekében - a kiegyensúlyozott gazdasági és szociális fejlődésért; Az esélyegyenlőség érvényesülése, a hátrányos társadalmi helyzetben lévők integrációjának elősegítése érdekében (különös figyelemmel a nőkre, roma közösségekre, fogyatékosokra); A támogatás költséghatékony felhasználása A korrupció megelőzése, a közbeszerzési szabályok betartása In what way does the application take the aspects of the horizontal issues into consideration? Principle of sustainable development: - in order to avoid environmental damage - to have a balanced use of economic and social potential; Principle of equal opportunity for disadvantaged groups of society (mainly focusing on women and Roma population and people living with disabilities) in order to promote their integration; Cost-effective use of the grant Prevention of corruption, application of public procurement rules
The values generated by the project will be sustainable by the normally available resources (relations, Hungarian-language materials, website, etc.) In addition, we hope that during the project we will gain additional knowledge from our Swiss partners. One of the main aims of the project is to facilitate the integration of disadvantaged groups of society with particular focus on women, the Roma families and the disabled. The cost of the project will be cotributed by the volunteer work expected to at least 1,200 hours of the “Family-Home Foundation” (Családotthon Alapítvány) not to mention the relationship-building work of the last two years. In addition also the volunteers and employees of the Swiss partners spend hundreds of volunteer working hours, including management support. We are also looking for inexpensive solutions for example accomodation by scout, etc. In addition also the volunteers and employees of the Swiss partners spend hundreds of volunteer working hours, including management support.
C.8. Költségvetés / Project budget A projekt teljes költségvetése / Total project budget Teljes költségvetés Total project budget
Igényelt támogatás Grant requested
Önerő Co-financing
6,444 eFt
716 eFt
Igényelt előleg / Requested advance payment
1,800e HUF (a projekt-költségvetés 25 %-a / 25.% of the project budget)
D. A tervezett tevékenységek időbeli ütemezése / Timing of the planned activities Készítse el a C.1-es pontban felsorolt tevékenységek ütemtervét! A sávos ütemterv segítséget fog nyújtani a projekt megfelelő pénzügyi tervezéséhez és a tevékenységek negyedéves időszakokba történő csoportosításához. Prepare the time schedule of your planned activities listed in point C.1. This table will help you to create the ideal financial plan and to group the activities into quarterly periods. Ssz. /Nr.
A tevékenység leírása / Description of the activity
Családotthon Alapítvány Asszonyegylet Kat. Egyház, Unterägeri
Study trip, reviews (jun-july)
Translation of materials (july-sept)
Hungarian-language compilation of lectures and review (aug-okt)
Családotthon Alapítvány
Web design (aug-okt)
Családotthon Alapítvány
Purchase of equipment (jun-aug)
Organizing programs (aug-sept)
Preparation of printed materials - (aug – sept)
Website expansion and maintance
Lectures and workshops to maintain (okt- aug)
Családotthon Alapítvány
Családotthon Alapítvány Családotthon Alapítvány
(okt – aug)
10. Complying with the program (okt- aug) 11. Follow up meeting representatives of partner (december)
Jelölje be „X”-el az adott tevékenységek által érintett hónapokat. Függőleges vonalak jelzik, a negyedéves jelentéstételi időszakokat. Please tick with „X” the month(s) relevant for the activity The upright lines indicate the interim reporting periods
Tevékenységért felelős szervezet / Organisation responsible for the activity
Családotthon Alapítvány Családotthon Alapítvány Családotthon Alapítvány Családotthon Alapítvány Családotthon Alapítvány Kat. Egyház, Unterägeri
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
12. (aug)
Családotthon Alapítvány Kat. Egyház, Unterägeri Asszonyegylet
13. Finalization of the video clip of the Swisss trip (aug-sept)
Családotthon Alapítvány
Final project meeting with representatives of partner
Finalization of the video clip of the happenings in Hungary
14. (jul – aug)
Bővítse a sorok számát igény szerint! / Increase the number of lines, if necessary!
Családotthon Alapítvány
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
15. x
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. x
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Pályázó és minden partnerének adatlapja (1. MELLÉKLET), beleértve a svájci partnereket is. Data Sheet of the Applicant and its Partner (Annex 1) Nyilatkozat az önerő rendelkezésre állásáról. Statement on the availability of co-financing. A projekt költségvetése (3. MELLÉKLET) Project budget (Annex 3) Logikai keretmátrix (4. MELLÉKLET) Logical framework (Annex 4) A pályázó nyilatkozata (5. MELLÉKLET) The declaration of the Applicant (Annex 5) Partnerségi nyilatkozat (6. MELLÉKLET) Partnership Statement (Annex 6) Feladat-meghatározások szolgáltatásokhoz, technikai specifikációk beszerzésekhez (7. MELLÉKLET) Terms of reference for services, technical specifications for procurement of supply elements (Annex 7) Nyilatkozat az összeférhetetlenségről (8. MELLÉKLET) Statement on conflict of interest (Annex 8) A pályázó ÁFA nyilatkozata (9. MELLÉKLET) Declaration on the VAT status of the Applicant (Annex 9). A pályázónak az adott szervezet törvényes képviselője által hitelesített (dátummal, bélyegzővel, valamint az „eredetivel egyező” szöveggel ellátva) létesítő okirata (alapító okirat, alapszabály, létesítő határozat, jogszabály, stb.) Establishing documents of the Applicant certified by the legally authorized representative of the organization (Memorandum of association, statutes of articles, establishing resolution law, etc.) A pályázó és partnereinek bejegyzést igazoló, 30 napnál nem régebbi, eredeti dokumentuma (cégkivonat, bírósági kivonat, kincstári törzskönyvi igazolás, stb.) Certificate of Legal Status / Copy of the Registration Act or a normalized abridgement of statutes not older than 30 days of the Applicant and Partners A pályázó törvényes képviselője által aláírt, lebélyegzett és dátummal ellátott legfrissebb éves beszámolója (mérleg és eredmény-kimutatás az előző pénzügyi évre). The applicant’s most recent annual report and accounts (the profit and loss account and the balance sheet for the previous financial year) signed, stamped and dated by the duly authorised representative of the Applicant. Megvalósíthatóság tanulmány (ha rendelkezésre áll) / Feasibility study (If applicable)