15 februari 2013.
Studieweek Hachaklait Israël voor ambitieuze rundveedierenartsen: Herd health management van top-melkveebedrijven.
Geachte collega, Om diverse redenen willen wij je attenderen op onderstaande studiereis naar Israel, die Vetvice organiseert in samenwerking met dr. Michael van Straten van Hachaklait. Tijdens deze actieve training leert u hoe Israëlische dierenartsen hun intensieve bedrijfsbegeleiding uitvoeren en op doelgerichte wijze met name data- maar ook dierinspecties combineren tot effectieve advisering. We gaan met maximaal 20 rundveedierenartsen, uit diverse landen. Heb je zin, schrijf dan in. Heb je een vriend of kennis die wellicht geïnteresseerd is: sein die dan in. De eerste 12 deelnemers hebben zich reeds aangemeld. Samengevat: - Hachaklait verzorgt op ons verzoek in mei een zesdaagse training Herd Health in Israël. Het programma staat op pag 4. Cursusleider is dr. Michael van Straten. - deze studiereis naar Israel is gepland van vrijdag 17 mei (vertrek Schiphol om 21.05 uur) tot zaterdag 25 mei (aankomst Schiphol om 9.25 uur). Vlucht: KLM, rechtstreeks. - je kunt je vanaf nu inschrijven via de link op pag 5. En meld je inschrijving bij Vetvice:
[email protected] - 06 18 48 12 08. - kosten programma: 2.105 euro als je een slaapkamer deelt en 2.550 euro voor een eigen slaapkamer wenst. Hiermee heb je betaald voor: trainingsprogramma, trainingsmaterialen, maaltijden en hotel. - kosten vlucht: 450 euro. Boeken vlucht: moet je zelf doen! - meer informatie en overleg: neem contact op Jan Hulsen (zie onderaan deze pagina). Hachaklait: Hachaklait is een co-operatie van melkveehouders, met ongeveer 45 rundveedierenartsen in dienst. 85% van de Israelische melkveebedrijven zijn klant. Elk bedrijf wordt 2-3x per week bezocht. Deze dierenartsen zijn zeer gericht op preventief management en “pre-emptive decision making”, dus vooruit denken. Zij verzamelen zeer veel data –wat niet zo bijzonder isen –wat wel bijzonder is- zij analyseren en gebruiken deze data heel efficiënt en effectief. Israël heeft wereldwijd de hoogste melkproductie per koe. Meer info over Hackaklait: http://www.hachaklait.org.il/english.asp Conclusie: Wij hebben er veel zin in. Jij ook? Tot ziens, drs. Jan Hulsen, m.s.m., senior-consultant Vetvice. E-mail:
[email protected] Tel.: 06 18 48 12 08
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== Toelichting door Michael van Straten== Our HH program has a very practical, straightforward approach. It was not imposed on our herds by some university. Nevertheless, we use state of the art statistical and epidemiological tools for analyzing farm data. Before "delivering" our report and advice to the farmer, we as professionals must fully understand the meaning of terms and expressions we use, otherwise we can make serious mistakes. Furthermore, basic hands-‐on work with farm data is possibly the only way a non or intermediate experienced practitioner can get the feeling and appreciate the full meaning of what we will be discussing during the workshop. This all means that a fine balance must be achieved between the following during the workshop: basic knowledge, technical skills and practicality and implementation. After a lot of experience and analysis of in-‐depth evaluations from previous participants we believe we have the right balance. I personally believe it would be wrong to "strip" the workshop from everything that is not a direct "deliverable". On the other hand, it is extremely important to harmonize expectations with the participants: we are offering an intensive workshop on HH according to our system and NOT a professional excursion to Israel. We expect our participants to be interested in the "guts" of HH programs and to be interested in making good sense of farm data in their own countries. Tot ziens/see you, Dr. Michael van Straten, D.V.M., PhD.
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Herd Health workshop, May. 2013, Israel
Hachaklait Veterinary Services May 19th – May 24th, 2013 Israel Following the great success of our last workshop in November 2012, we have scheduled another workshop this coming May (2013). As this workshop was scheduled due to demand we have only few places available. As in previous years the workshop is organized by Hachaklait and conducted by our Department of Herd Health and Epidemiology. Dr. Michael van Straten (DVM, PhD) will serve as the Scientific Coordinator of the workshop. Michael has 14 years of experience as a bovine practitioner in Hachaklait. He is an Epidemiologist and Head of the Department of Herd Health. He also lectures at the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Veterinarians with experience in the care of dairy cows and an interest in Herd Health programs are welcome to join us for this intensive 6-day workshop. The workshop will be held in English (without translation).
The following is a tentative detailed program of the course:
Hachaklait Herd Health Workshop, May 19 - May 24 , 2013: Tentative timetable
Date Day 1May. 19th
Day 2May. 20th
Day 3May. 21st
Day 4May. 22nd
Day 5May. 23rd
Day 6May. 24th
Staff initials OR BS MVS SB CG DB
08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 10:15-11:00 11:15-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-16:00 16:15-18:00 18:00-19:00 20:00-
Introduction Introduction Epidemiology 1 Monitoring
Welcome course & Team Integrated HH systems : The Israeli Experience Data, Variables & presenting them Introduction to monitoring Lunch Break
07:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 11:15-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:15-16:00 18:00-19:00 19:00-20:00
Farm Visit: Large farm Epidemiology 2 Epidemiology 3
08:00-09:00 09:15-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-15:00 15:15-16:00 16:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 19:00-20:00
Epidemiology 4 Workshop 4
08:00-09:00 09:15-10:15 10:30-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-16:00 16:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 19:00-20:00
Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition
08:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 19:00-20:00
Herd Health
08:00-12:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-16:00 16:00-17:00 17:00-18:00 18:00-
Workshop 6 (con)
Name Ofi Reich Benny Sharir, DVM Michael van Straten, DVM PhD Shmuel Buckstein, DVM Chen Gild, DVM Doron Bar, DVM PhD
Farm Visit: Family farm Workshop 1 Social
Workshop 2 Udder Health Workshop 3 Social
Economics Production Workshop 5 Social
Nutrition Workshop 6 Economics
Workshop 6 Economics
Workshop 6 (con) Workshop 6 (con) Social
Monitoring Calving Diseases Dinner Reception: Drinks & Bites
Routine farm visit with Hachaklait vet Measures of association Multivariable analysis: principles & interpretations Lunch Break Multiple regression analysis & Calving diseases Introduction to Udder Health Udder Health Free Evening
Analyzing reproduction data Reproduction Lunch Break Economic aspects of health & fertility Lactation curves Lactation curves Dinner How tough are camels?
Dry Cow & close up rations Lactation rations: Concepts & interpretations Examples & discussion Lunch Break Visit to feed Center Group assignment: Introduction Dinner How much does it cost to be healthy?
Farm Visit: Herd health visit Lunch break Work on group assignment Dinner Work on group assignment/free evening
Presentation group assignment Lunch break Presentation group assignment Summery & final remarks on presentation Course summery Farewell dinner
Position Managing Director Hachaklait Chief Veterinarian Hachaklait Scientific coordinator, Head of the Department of Herd Health, Hachaklait Department of Herd Health, Hachaklait Clinical Nutritionist, Hachaklait Chief Scientist, SCR Engineers, Israel
Registration: The completed registration form (see attached) should be sent until March 1, 2013
Rates of registration: 3400 US$ per person in a single room. 2800 US$ per person in a double room. (Please note that double room pairing will be based on number of participants. In the event paring is not possible, participant will have to reserve and pay for a single room).
Registration fee includes: *8 nights - 17/5/13 until 25/5/13, in THE SEASONS Hotel in Israel, located in Natanya. *Full board, *lectures, *course material (printed & on CD), * 6 week licensed full version of SPSS 19 software, *coffee and tea throughout the workshop, * half day tour all included.
Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer. Please see form attached If a money-transfer is made please attach scanned money order. Final registration will be approved only when the registration fee is received.
For registration press HERE If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us, preferably by e-mail:
Janna Helshtein Daniella Flandra
+972-4-6279625 e-mail:
[email protected] +972-4-6279603 e-mail:
[email protected]
For professional questions regarding the workshop plese contact via e-mail only:
Dr. Michael van Straten
e-mail: vanstraten @hachaklait.co.il
Registration for our November Herd Health workshop will open shortly We will keep you informed!