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The difference between data and information
“Data refers to raw, unevaluated facts, figures, symbols, objects, events, etc. Data may be a collection of facts lying in storage, like a telephone directory or census records. Information is data that have been put into a meaningful and useful context and communicated to a recipient who uses it to make decisions.” (FAO, 1998) 2 Prepared by Trisakti
Data and Information
Data refers quantities, volumes, things, etc. Information, on the other hand, is processed data, which can be very useful for decisionmaking Farmers need information on technical, physical, biological, socio-cultural, institutional, economic and even political aspects . Prepared by Trisakti
Qualitative data
“ How are you feeling today?” Quantitative data
“How many fingers do you have?” 4 Prepared by Trisakti
Qualitative data NCD and Coryza cases
1221 =Newcastle ; 1222 = Coryza
• Nominal scale ( codes)
6000 1221
1222 2000 0 Jan
Feb March April
Knowledge about pigs
• Ordinal scale (ranking) 1=excellent;2=good;3=acceptable; 4=poor; 5=very poor
1 2 3 4 5
5 Prepared by Trisakti
Quantitative data • Discrete data
• Continuous data
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Kualitas/Mutu Informasi Mengukur kualitas dari informasi, bisa dilihat dari 3 pilar yang harus diperhatikan: • Akurat Infromasi dikatakan akurat yaitu informasi harus jelas mencerminkan maksud yang disampaikan dan harus bebas dari kesalahan-kesalahan serta tidak bias atau menyesatkan. • Tepat Waktu Informasi yang dikirimkan dan sampai kepada penerima informasi haruslah tepat waktu dan tidak boleh terlambat • Relevan Informasi dikatakan relevan apabila informasi tsb harus bermanfaat bagi si penerima informasi. Relevansi informasi yang diterima oleh masing-masing penerima sangatlah berbeda-beda. Prepared by Trisakti
Record keeping • Why do we need to keep records ? • What is record keeping? – Identification of animals – Financial expenses – Input/output analysis ( benefit /cost ratio) – Recording farming practices improve.. – Production per day/month/year/season – Demographics of farmers/ communities – Climate: daily temp; rainfall etc
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Cost benefit analysis and productivity Broiler production system Feed, water,buildings Chickens, manure
labour, land, poultry
Question: If productivity= Output/Input. How would you increase productivity in a system? Give an example.
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Participatory Methods Categories: • Motivating people to participate through group and team dynamics, • Situational appraisal, visualization and drawing diagrams, • Interviewing and dialogue with community members, • Scoring and ranking methods • Getting the most accurate data under the circumstances (obtaining data using “appropriate imprecision”) • One of the characteristics of participatory methods is the use of acronyms
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Participatory Appraisal
Participatory Rural Appraisal
Rapid Rural Appraisal
Rapid Urban Appraisal
Rapid Appraisal
Participatory Action Research
Action Research
Action Learning
Action Learning and Rapid Participatory Methods
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Common methods for collecting farm data
Farm Management Survey
Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA)
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
Information Survey
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History of RRA/PRA Conventional approaches to natural resources management (Top-down transfer-of-technology) • 1930-an s/d Pasca PD II: sistem perencanaan pembangunan sangat top down. Paradigmanya = “pembangunan adalah sesuatu yang dilakukan pemerintah untuk rakyatnya”. diakui bahwa introduksi finansial dan teknologi (Revolusi Hijau) mampu meningkatkan produksi, namun hanya petani kaya. Terjadi kesenjangan.
Farming systems research (FSR) (Development of alternative, improved and more participatory approaches) Developed in the second half of the 1970s • perlu pembangunan secara partisipatif (Participatory development). • Pembangunan yang partisipatif menuntut pendekatan yang juga partisipatif Prepared by Trisakti
Farming systems research (FSR) Farmer participatory research (FSR) (Direct involving the ultimate beneficiaries in on-farm research; socioeconomic methods developed to consider the interactions between on-farm and off-farm resource management. Recognize the value of ITK) Developed in the 1980s
Rapid rural appraisal (RRA) (Rapid collection of data by outsiders to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the complexity of rural societies) Prepared by Trisakti
Began in the late 1970s
Rapid rural appraisal (RRA) RRA dikembangkan sebagai respon dari kesadaran bahwa pihak luar (outsiders) seringkali kehilangan (missing) atau salah paham (miscommunicating) dengan masayarakat lokal ketika melakukan kegiatan pembangunan bersama.
Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) (Development of tools that helped farmers to collect, analyze, and present their own data and information) developed out of RRA in the early 1980s
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“suatu metode untuk memahami desa secara partisipatif, dalam hal permasalahan dan upaya antisipasi yang dibutuhkan, dengan berdasarkan pada potensi dan kendala sumber daya yang tersedia”. “sebuah studi sebagai titik awal untuk memahami situasi lokal, yang dilakukan oleh suatu tim multi-disiplin, dimana pertanyaan-pertanyaannya tidak dapat diidentifikasikan lebih dahulu sebagaimana dalam riset konvensional”.
suatu pengalaman belajar bersama secara intensif, sistematis, dan semi-terstruktur yang dilakukan di masyarakat dengan tim multi-disiplin, dimana anggota masyarakat termasuk sebagai peserta aktif (Bechsted, 1997)”. Prepared by Trisakti
Karakteristik PRA
• Interdiciplinary Team - Consists of members with different skills and professional backgrounds. - All members of the PRA team should be involved in all aspects of the study, design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. - The PRA team should always include women and, whenever possible, local people. PRA is a learning experience in which the participants also learn from each other. Prepared by Trisakti
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Karakteristik PRA • Rapid progressive learning, group interaction, and local knowledge PRA is cumulative learning from, with, and by local people, eliciting and using their criteria and categories, and finding, understanding, and appreciating local people’s indigenous knowledge.
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Karakteristik PRA • New roles of experts The PRA methodology is concerned with the transformation of existing activities and practices to improve the livelihoods of local people. The role of the external expert, researcher, extension agent is that of a facilitator helping people to carry out their own surveys and information gathering, thus preparing the ground for action and change. Prepared by Trisakti
Karakteristik PRA • Community participation Involving local people in the PRA survey to greatly facilitate understanding, analysis, and interpretation of collected data.
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Karakteristik PRA • Qualitative data, diversity of information • PRA seeks diversity and differences in a qualitative sense rather than simplifying complexity to quantitative averages and statistical figures. • Accuracy is achieved through drawing from diversified information sources, through crosschecking of data, and other methods for reliability. Prepared by Trisakti
Benefits of PRA methods • Empowerment of the local people • Securing active involvement of the community • Diversification and appreciation of local knowledge, encouraging/enabling the expression and utilization of local diversity while building on ITK • Creating a culture of open learning with each other and with community members • Setting participatory extension program
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PRA can be used for: • General analysis of a specific topic, question, or problem; • Needs assessment; • Feasibility studies; • Identification and establishment of priorities for development or research activities; • Monitoring and evaluation of development or research activities; and • Identification of conflicting interests between groups. Prepared by Trisakti
Apa tujuan PRA ? “.... to enable development practitioners, government officials, and local people to work together to plan Context appropriate programs” (World Bank)
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Sikap yang dibutuhkan dalam PRA: Menghargai dan mempercayai anggota masyarakat, Sabar, tidak tergesa-gesa & tidak mudah menginterupsi, Mendengarkan, bukan memberi kuliah, Perlu kerendahan hati, simpati & solidaritas.
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5 kunci utama dalam mengimplementasikan PRA:
Participation. Teamwork. Interaksi informal dan brainstorming di antara yang terlibat.
Fleksibilitas. Optimal ignorance. Informasi yang cukup, bukan maksimal. Triangulasi. Agar informasi valid
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5 tiang utama PRA : Empowerment. Pengetahuan adalah kekuatan. Respect. Dalam PRA, seorang peneliti menjadi murid (learners) dan pendengar (listeners).
Localization. Gunakan secara ekstensif dan
kreatif sumber daya setempat,
seberapapun terbatasnya.
Enjoyment. PRA sesuatu yang fun, hanya dapat dijalankan dengan fun. Inclusiveness. Beri perhatian yang tinggi terhadap proses, termasuk kepada masyarakat marjinal (lapisan miskin, buta huruf, perempuan, anak-anak, orang-orang tua, minoritas, dll)
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7 PRINSIP DASAR PRA Melibatkan kelompok masyarakat (mewakili) Masyarakat setempat sebagai pelaku utama Penerapan prinsip trianggulasi Berorientasi praktis Optimalkan hasil Santai dan Informal Prinsip demokrasi
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• Triangulation (as a form of cross-checking): Different disciplines
Team Insiders/ outsiders Prepared by Trisakti
Men and women
Triangulation (Various sources of information (diversity), Events/processes Source of information People
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Triangulation A mixture of techniques and tools Interviews/discussions
Tools & techniques Observation
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Strategi lapang PRA: team contract bagi tim untuk menginap di lokasi, melakukan diskusi malam dan brainstorming pagi; the nigh half, karena hubungan yang baik akan terjalin jika tinggal di desa, serta tidur dan makan sebagaimana masyarakat setempat; work sharing; penulisan laporan “kasar” secara cepat di lapang (rapid report writing); presentasi bersama, peneliti dan masyarakat; melakukan transect walks dan observasi secara langsung; pembuatan rangking kesejahteraan dan beberapa peta sosial; wawancara semi terstruktur; wawancara berantai (snowball); pembuatan peta dan model secara partisipatif; pembuatan kalender musiman dan profil aktifitas warga; penyusunan sejarah lokal; pembuatan diagram venn dan jaringan; serta pembuatan matriks dan rangking. Prepared by Trisakti