Lesson 15 Di Sekolah At School
In this lesson, you will learn about the Indonesian education system and learn vocabulary that relates to schools and student activities.
1. Listen to the dialogue while you read along in the workbook. Siapa nama anda? What is your name?
Nama saya Marla Tahapary. My name is Marla Tahapary.
Berapa umur anda? How old are you?
Saya berumur 16 tahun. I am 16 years old.
Dimana anda pergi ke sekolah? Where do you go to school?
Saya pergi ke SMA Negeri II, Jakarta. I go to State High School II, Jakarta
Anda duduk di kelas berapa? What grade are you in?
Saya di SMA kelas 1. I am in the 11th grade.
Anda belajar apa saja? What are you studying?
Saya belajar matematika, Inggeris, biologi, musik, sastera dan sejarah. I am studying mathematics, English, biology, music, literature, and history.
Apa kelas kesukaan anda? What is your favorite subject?
Kelas kesukaan saya adalah biologi. My favorite subject is biology.
Apa anda siswa baik? Are you a good student?
Ya, saya dapat nilai-nilai baik. Yes, I get good grades.
Kapan anda akan tamat? When will you graduate?
Saya akan tamat dalam 2 tahun. I will graduate in two years.
Anda akan berbuat apa sesudah tamat? Saya akan ke college untuk jadi dokter. What will you do after you graduate? I want to go to college and become a doctor. Cultural Notes Indonesia has two education systems. The general education system prepares students to go to college. The students whose parents can afford to send their children to college typically attend these schools. The vocational school system trains students in various skills, which enables them to enter the work force upon completion. There are many reasons why one takes the vocational tract; however, financial considerations often play a part in the decision. There are four levels of education: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)
Elementary School, Sekolah dasar (SD), grades K-6 Middle School, Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), grades 7-9 High School, Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), grades 10-12 College or University, Sekolah Tinggi (ST)
These schools offer various college degrees. The length of time to complete a degree depends on the degree requirements. Note: Students must pass school and state exams in order to go on to a secondary school and to a university. 1st Grade 2nd –6th Grade
Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2-6 SD
7th Grade 8th-9th Grade
Kelas 1 SMP Kelas 2 SMP
10th Grade 11th -12th Grade
Kelas 1 SMA Kelas 2 SMA
Note: If you want to say, “I am in the sixth grade,” you say, “Saya duduk di kelas 6” (literally, “I sit in class six.”)
2. Study these new vocabulary words. Listen to each word and repeat after the speaker. Class Library Desk Chair Blackboard Chalk Pen Pencil Paper Notebook Computer Printer Keyboard Monitor Tape recorder Teacher Student/Pupil Grade Test/Exam Homework Dictionary Subject(s) Elementary Middle/ Junior high
Kelas Perpustakaan Meja Kursi Papan tulis Kapur Pena Pinsil Kertas Buku catatan Komputer Printer Kibor Monitor Tep rekorder Guru Murid/ Siswa Kelas, followed by the level (for example, kelas 3) Testing/ Ujian Pekerjaan rumah (PR) Kamus Kelas, followed by the subject (for example, kelas matematik) Sekolah Dasar S.D Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP
High school College/University Major Degree To graduate A graduate English Indonesian Math History Music Biology Chemistry Literature Art Geography Good student Schedule Busy schedule To listen To write To put...down To raise To take To take notes To answer The answer To ask a question The question To teach To study Doctor Lawyer Waiter Waitress This/These That/Those
Sekolah Menengah Atas SMA Sekolah Tinggi Jurusan Gelar Tamat Tamatan Bahasa Inggeris Bahasa Indonesia Matematika Sejarah Musik Biologi Kimia Sastera Seni budaya Ilmu bumi Siswa pandai Jadwal Jadwal penuh Dengar/ Mendengar Tulis/ Menulis Letak/ Meletakan Angkat/ Mengangkat Ambil/ Mengambil Tulis di kertas Jawab/ Menjawab Jawaban Tanya/ Bertanya Pertanyaan Ajar/ Mengajar Ajar/ Belajar Dokter Pengacara/ Ahli hukum Pelayan restoran laki-laki Pelayan restoran wanita Ini Itu
Grammar Notes What grade are you in? I am in the third grade. She is in the seventh grade. He is an elementary school teacher.
Anda duduk di kelas berapa? Saya duduk di kelas 3 SD Dia duduk di kelas 2 SMP Dia adalah guru SD.
The “to be” verb adalah is rarely used when speaking. Adalah is never used for adjectives.
Notice the use of the preposition di (in, or, on, or at). Dia duduk di kelas 1. Dia guru di sekolah itu.
She is in the first grade. She is the teacher at that school.
Apa, which literally means “what,” is used in sentences that ask questions. However, when it is used in an interrogative, it takes on the meaning of a question marker rather than a word. Apa dia mengajar di Sebuah College? Apa anda suka membaca di rumah?
Does he teach in a college? Do you like to read at home?
Apa is also used as a noun modifier to ask “what kind” or “what sort.” When used in this way, it also acts as a question marker, but it is placed behind the noun and at the end of the sentence. Ini buku apa? Anda sedang membaca buku apa? Dia orang apa?
What kind of book is this? What book are you reading? What nationality is he?
The preposition pada (in, on, or at) is used when the subject is time related. Pada jam 4:00 sore Pada tanggal 2 Juni
At 4 o’clock in the afternoon On the second of June
Affixes: Circumfixes: ke + verb or adjective + an produces a noun Suka (to like) becomes kesukaan (the favorite). pel/ pe/ per + verb + an produces a noun Ajar (to teach or to study) becomes pelajaran (the lesson). Tanya (to ask) becomes pertanyaan (the question). Prefixes: ter + adjective indicates a superlative Malas (lazy) becomes termalas (the laziest). Dia siswa termalas di kelas ini. (He is the laziest student in this class.) Baik (good) becomes terbaik (the best). Melody siswa terbaik di kelasnya. (Melody is the best student in her class.) Adjectives: Noun modifiers, such as adjectives and possessives, always follow the word they modify. The relative pronoun yang (the one, whose, or which) sometimes intervenes. Melody seorang siswa yang pandai. Dia seorang guru yang baru.
Melody is a smart student. She is a new teacher.
Kelas baru Siswa malas Siswa yang malas
New class Lazy student The student who is lazy
Negatives: Bukan (no or not) is used to negate nouns and pronouns. Saya bukan siswa, tetapi guru. I am not a student but a teacher. Tidak (no or not) is used to negate verbs and adjectives. Dia tidak pergi ke sekolah itu. He does not go to that school. Murid-murid itu tidak malas. Those students are not lazy. Moyo siswa tidak baik. Moyo is not a good student.
3. Listen to the following dialogues and answer the questions. Check your answers with the Answer Key. A. Dimana anda bersekolah? ________________________________________________________________________
B. Anda duduk dikelas berapa? ________________________________________________________________________
C. Anda belajar di kelas-kelas apa saja? ________________________________________________________________________
D. Apa kelas kesukaan anda? ________________________________________________________________________
E. Apa anda siswa baik? ________________________________________________________________________
F. Kapan anda akan tamat? _______________________________________________________________________
4. Listen to a student talk about her class schedule. Take notes and use the information to answer the questions below. See the Answer Key for a translation. Play Audio A. What is the student’s name? _________________________________________ B. Where does she go to school? ________________________________________ C. What is her major? _________________________________________________ D. What is her schedule on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday? ___________________________________________________________________ E. Does the student have a job?__________________________________________ F. When does the student do most of her studying? __________________________________________________________________ G. What does the student want to do after she completes her schooling? __________________________________________________________________ 5. In Indonesian, list the items you might expect to find in a classroom. Use the vocabulary list to check your answers. 6. Translate the following classroom instructions into Indonesian. Check your answers with the Answer Key. A. Listen to the recording and take notes. _______________________________________________________________________ B. Time is up. Put your pencils down. _______________________________________________________________________ C. Write your answer on the chalkboard. _______________________________________________________________________ D. You have one hour to take the exam. _______________________________________________________________________ E. Raise your hand if you have a question. _______________________________________________________________________
7. Read the following paragraphs in English and Indonesian. Find out where the paragraphs differ and write those differences down in the space provided. Check your work with the Answer Key. A. My name is Yanti Sutirin. I am originally from Surabaya, but now I live in Jakarta. I’m in the sixth grade. I have many friends. I’m the best literature student in my class. I like English, reading, and basketball. A. Nama saya Yanti Sutirin. Saya dari Surabaya tetapi sekarang tinggal di Jakarta. Saya duduk di kelas empat. Saya punya banyak teman. Saya bukan siswa yang baik di kelas sastera. Saya suka bahasa Inggeris, membaca dan main bola basket. B. My name is Opek Noya. I am originally from Ambon, but now I live in Jakarta. I’m not the best student in school, but I like math and science. B. Nama saya Opek Noya. Saya dari kota Ambon, tetapi tinggal di kota Jakarta. Saya adalah siswa yang terbaik di sekolah saya, dan saya suka matematika, bahasa Indonesia dan sains. C. My name is Fanni Tobing. I was born on April 13, 1989. I am in the eighth grade. The classes I like are music, photography, and American history. I would like to be a doctor, a photographer, or a lawyer. C. Nama saya Fanni Tobing. Saya lahir pada tanggal 13 April , 1989. Saya duduk di kelas 1 SMP. Saya suka kelas musik, tetapi tidak photograpi. Saya sedang belajar sejarah negara Amerika. Saya ingin menjadi dokter, atau pengacara.
End-of-Lesson Tasks
1. List the items you take with you to class each day and some of the items that are in your classroom.
2. Write a short paragraph describing your current class schedule or a previous class schedule from high school or college. Describe your course of study, your favorite subjects, and your favorite instructors. Alternatively, you may interview someone else about his or her classes.
Vocabulary A graduate Tamatan Art Seni budaya Biology Biologi Blackboard Papan tulis Busy schedule Jadwal penuh Chair Kursi Chalk Kapur Chemistry Kimia Class Kelas College/University Sekolah Tinggi Computer Komputer Degree Gelar Desk Meja Dictionary Kamus Doctor Dokter Elementary Sekolah Dasar S.D English Bahasa Inggeris Geography Ilmu bumi Good student Siswa pandai Grade Kelas, followed by the level, (such as kelas 3 for “third grade”) High school Sekolah Menengah Atas SMA History Sejarah Homework Pekerjaan rumah (PR) Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Keyboard Kibor Monitor Monitor Lawyer Pengacara/ Ahli hukum Library Perpustakaan Literature Sastera Major Jurusan Math Matematika Middle/ Junior high Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP Music Musik Notebook Buku catatan Paper Kertas Pen Pena Pencil Pinsil Printer Printer Schedule Jadwal Student/Pupil Murid/ Siswa Subject(s) Kelas, followed by the subject (such as kelas matematik for “math class.” Tape recorder Tep rekorder Teacher Guru
Test/Exam That/Those The answer The question This/These To answer To ask a question To graduate To listen To put...down To raise To study To Take To take notes To teach To write Waiter Waitress
Testing/ Ujian Itu Jawaban Pertanyaan Ini Jawab/ Menjawab Tanya/ Bertanya Tamat Dengar/ Mendengar Letak/ Meletakan Angkat/ Mengangkat Ajar/ Belajar Ambil/ Mengambil Tulis di kertas Ajar/ Mengajar Tulis/ Menulis Pelayan restoran laki-laki Pelayan restoran wanita
Answer Key Exercise 3 A. Dimana anda bersekolah? - Saya duduk di S.D Negeri Permata. B. Dikelas berapa anda duduk? - Saya duduk di kelas 6. C. Anda belajar di kelas-kelas apa ? - Matematika, bahasa Indonesia, sains, ilmu bumi, bahasa Inggeris dan olah raga. D. Apa kelas kesukaan anda? - Ilmu bumi dan bahasa Inggeris. E. Apa anda siswa yang baik? - Biasa-biasa. Saya pandai (lit., smart) sekali di bahasa Inggeris tetapi tidak di matematika. F. Kapan anda akan tamat? - Tidak untuk 6 tahun lagi.
A. Where do you go to school? I go to Permata Elementary School. B. What grade are you in? I am in the sixth grade. C. What subjects are you studying? Math, Indonesian, science, geography, English, and physical education. D. What is your favorite subject? Geography and English. E. Are you a good student? So-so. I’m very good at English but not at math. F. When will you graduate? Not for six more years. Exercise 4 Nama saya Ama Sarwono. Saya siswa di Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta. Jurusan saya bahasa Inggeris. Satu hari saya suka untuk menjadi penterjemah. Saya punya jadwal penuh. Pada hari Senin, Rabu dan Jumat saya ada di kelas dari jam 8:00 pagi sampai 4:00 sore, lalu saya pergi bekerja dari jam 5:00 sampai jam 10:00 malam. Saya bekerja di restoran sebagai pelayan rumah makan. Pada hari-hari Selasa dan Kamis saya hanya ada di kelas dari jam 10:00 pagi sampai siang, tetapi saya juga bekerja di perpustakaan di sore hari. Saya belajar pada umumnya di akhir minggu dan pagi-pagi sekali. My name is Ama Sarwono. I am a student at Trisaki University. My major is English. Someday, I would like to be an interpreter. I have a busy schedule. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I am in class from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and then I go to work from 5:00 to 10:00. I work at a restaurant as a waitress on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I only have class from 10:00 to noon, but I also work at the library in the afternoon. I study mostly on the weekends and early in the mornings.
Exercise 6 A. B. C. D. E.
Dengar tep rekorder dan tulis di kertas (lit., write on the paper). Waktu habis (lit., time is finished). Letakan pinsil anda. Tulis jawaban di papan tulis. Anda punya waktu 1 jam untuk mengikuti ujian. Angkat tangan kalau anda punya pertanyaan.
Exercise 7 A. My name is Yanti Sutirin. I’m from Surabaya, but now I live in Jakarta. I’m in sixth grade. I have many friends. I’m the best student in literature in my class. I like English language, reading, and basketball. A. Nama saya Yanti Sutirin. Saya dari Surabaya tetapi sekarang tinggal di Jakarta. Saya duduk di kelas empat. Saya punya banyak teman. Saya bukan siswa yang baik di kelas sastera. Saya suka bahasa Inggeris, membaca dan main bola basket. Differences: the grade she is in and the statement of her being a good student. B. My name is Opek Noya. I’m from Ambon, but I live in Jakarta. I’m not the best student in school, but I like math and science. B. Nama saya Opek Noya. Saya dari kota Ambon, tetapi tinggal di kota Jakarta. Saya adalah siswa yang terbaik di sekolah saya, dan saya suka matematika, bahasa Indonesia dan sains. Differences: the statement about him being the best student in his school and his preference of the subjects he likes and dislikes (In the Indonesian text, he likes Indonesian language class, math, and science. In the English text, he likes math and science.) C. My name is Fanni Tobing. I was born on April 13, 1989. I’m in the eighth grade. I like music class, photography, and American history. I would like to be a doctor, photographer, or a lawyer. C. Nama saya Fanni Tobing. Saya lahir pada tanggal 13 April, 1989. Saya duduk di kelas 1 SMP. Saya suka kelas musik, tetapi tidak photograpi. Saya senang belajar sejarah negara Amerika. Saya ingin menjadi dokter, atau pengacara. Differences: her preference in the classes she is taking and the statement about her grade level (In the Indonesian text, she is in the eighth grade, and in the English text, she is in the seventh grade.)