Lesson 2 Kediaman dan Pekerjaan Living and Working
In this lesson, you will become familiar with the standard types of housing and employment in Indonesia.
1. Look at the pictures below, and listen to the pronunciation of each word. Repeat each word after the speaker.
apartemen/ flat
gedung apartemen
kamp militer
2. Match the Indonesian words on the right with their English equivalents on the left. Replay the audio from the previous section if necessary. Check your answers with the Answer Key. tent
apartment building
gedung apartemen
Notes Punya may be used as a verb (to have, to own, to possess) or as a noun (property, belongings). When used as a noun, punya is synonymous with milik. Saya punya Dia punya Mereka punya
I have She/He/It has They have
Verbs in Indonesian do not change tense. Thus, punya remains punya for the past, present, and future tenses. To distinguish between the tenses, the Indonesian language uses aspectual words, which are words that denote the relationship of the action to the passage of time, especially in reference to completion, duration, or repetition. Some examples include sudah (already) to show completion, sedang for the present, and akan (will/is going to) for the future. Also, look for a time reference in the sentence to indicate the tense. If there is no time reference, then assume the sentence is in the past tense. Saya sudah pergi kesana kemarin. Dia akan pergi kesana besok. Mereka sedang pergi kesana sekarang. Kita pergi kesana.
I already went there yesterday. He will go there tomorrow. They are going there now. We went there.
A number cannot be placed before any Indonesian noun without the use of certain “classifier words” between the number and the noun. This is similar to English, as in a bunch of carrots, a pair of shoes, a flock of birds, and so on. The most common classifier word is buah. It is used for objects. Another common classifier word is orang, which is used for people. For single objects, Se (meaning a or an) is attached as a prefix to the classifier word. Sebuah mobil Dua orang polisi Sebuah hotel Tiga buah apel
a car two policemen a hotel three apples
3. Listen to four short exchanges in Indonesian. Determine the type of residence for each person. Fill in each blank with the appropriate answer. Check your answers with the Answer Key.
A. Bapak Nano Tahapary punya sebuah __________________________. B. Bapak dan Ibu Tobing tinggal di sebuah ________________________. C. Rulli tinggal di _____________________________________________.
D. Nyonya Dewi Alian punya sebuah ____________di ________________.
4. Write a short caption that describes the living arrangement for the people below. Use the correct pronoun and verb form. There is no audio for this task. Answers will vary.
5. Read along as you listen to the native speakers indicate their occupations. Pause the audio and repeat each one. Doctor Nurse Laborer Teacher Student Soldier Mechanic Salesperson Farmer Police officer Waitperson Firefighter Housewife Mayor Fisherman Interpreter
Dokter Perawat/ Jururawat Buruh Guru Siswa Tentara Montir Penjual Petani Anggota polisi Pelayan restoran Anggota pemadam kebakaran Ibu rumah tangga Wali kota Nelayan Penterjemah
6. Circle the more likely profession of the two choices under the photo. Check your answers with the Answer Key.
Perawat (jururawat) atau penjual?
Anggota polisi atau petani?
Pelayan restoran atau ibu rumah tangga?
Tentara atau guru?
7. Listen to the four short exchanges between Indonesian citizens. Translate it into English. Check your work with the Answer Key. A. Nama saya adalah Nano. Saya adalah seorang guru. B. Nama saya adalah Ulam Tobing dan ini adalah Isteri saya. Kami adalah siswa di universitas ini. C. Saya adalah Ani dan saya adalah penterjemah.
D. Saya bapak Suhirman dan saya tinggal di Jakarta. Saya adalah dokter.
8. Listen as four Indonesian citizens describe where they live and what they do for work. Determine what information is missing in the statements below. Fill in the appropriate information. Pause the audio as necessary. Check your answers with the Answer Key. A. Saya nona Fani Tobing dan saya punya ___________________________. Saya adalah perawat. B. Saya Nano Tahapary dan saya adalah anggota polisi. Saya dari Ambon, Maluku. Saya tinggal ______________________ C. Buce Penturi tinggal di Grogol di kota Jakarta. _____________________. D. Nama saya Ida Farida dan saya dari Jogya. Saya seorang dokter dan saya ____________________.
9. Note how to ask for a skilled professional from a group of people: Apa ada seorang dokter/ polisi/ guru disini? (Is there a doctor/police officer/teacher here?)
Now listen to the recording and select the correct professional from the given choices. Check your answers with the Answer Key. A. The speaker requests assistance from a 1. physician 2. police officer 3. interpreter
B. There is need for a 1. nurse 2. teacher 3. interpreter C. The speaker is asking for a 1. doctor 2. nurse 3. fire fighter
End-of-Lesson Tasks
1. In a short paragraph, give a brief introduction of yourself. In Indonesian, list your name, where you are from, where you live, and your occupation.
Vocabulary List Tent Room House Apartment Hotel Apartment building Barracks Camp Doctor Nurse Laborer Teacher Student Soldier Mechanic Salesperson Farmer Police officer Waitperson Firefighter Housewife Mayor Fisherman Interpreter To have Residence Occupation To work Classifiers
Tenda Kamar Rumah Apartemen/ Flat Hotel Gedung apartemen Barak Kamp Dokter Perawat/ Jururawat Buruh Guru Siswa Tentara Montir Penjual Petani Anggota polisi Pelayan restoran Anggota pemadam kebakaran Ibu rumah tangga Lurah Nelayan Penterjemah Punya (mempunyai) Tempat tinggal (kediaman) Pekerjaan Bekerja Sebuah/ Seorang (See grammar notes)
Answer Key Exercise 2 tent room house apartment hotel apartment building barracks camp
tenda kamar rumah apartemen hotel gedung apartemen barak kamp
Exercise 3 A. Bapak Nano Tahapary punya sebuah rumah. (Mr. Nano Tahapary owns a house.) B. Bapak dan Ibu Tobing tinggal di sebuah apartemen.(Mr. and Mrs. Tobing live in an apartment.) C. Rulli tinggal di barak. (Rulli lives in a barrack.) D. Nyonya Dewi Alian punya sebuah kamar di hotel. (Mrs. Dewi Alian rents a room in a hotel.) Exercise 6 Nurse = Perawat Farmer = Petani Waitress = Pelayan restoran Soldier = Tentara/ serdadu Exercise 7 A. Nama saya adalah Nano. Saya adalah seorang guru. (My name is Nano. I am a teacher.) B. Nama saya adalah Ulam Tobing dan ini adalah Isteri saya. Kami adalah siswa di universitas ini. (My name is Ulam Tobing and this is my wife. We are students in this university.) C. Saya adalah Ani dan saya adalah penterjemah. (I am Ani and I am a translator.) D. Saya bapak Suhirman dan saya tinggal di Jakarta. Saya adalah dokter. (I am Mr. Suhirman and I live in Jakara. I am a doctor.)
Exercise 8 A. Saya nona Fani Tobing dan saya punya rumah di kota Jakarta. Saya adalah perawat. I am Fani tobing and I own a house in Jakarta. I am a nurse. B. Saya Nano Tahapary dan saya adalah anggota polisi. Saya dari Ambon, Maluku. Saya tinggal di sebuah apartemen. I am Nano Tahapary and I am a policeman. I am from Ambon, Maluku. I live in an apartment. C. Buce Penturi tinggal di Grogol di kota Jakarta. Dia adalah seorang montir. Buce Penturi lives is Gorogl, Jakarta. He is an auto mechanic. D. Nama saya Ida Farida dan saya dari Jogya. Saya seorang dokter dan saya punya sebuah rumah. My name is Ida Farida and I am from Jogya. I am a doctor and I own a house. Exercise 9 A. Apa ada seorang dokter disini? (Is there a doctor here?) B. Apa ada seorang penterjemah bahasa Indonesia? (Is there an Indonesian language interpreter here?) C. Kami perlu seorang anggota pemadam kebakaran. (We need a fireman.)