15 MAY 19 JUNE 2017
JOGJA ART 2017 This guide book is a publication material of JOGJA ART WEEKS 15 MAY - 19 JUNE 2017
Organized by: Heri Pemad Art Management JAW | JOGJA ART WEEKS
Edition: 7500 exp
Printed in Cahaya Timur Offset, Yogyakarta
Published by: Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Jalan Cendana 11 Yogyakarta 55166 Indonesia Phone: +62 274 562628
www.jogjaartweeks.com @2017
Kata Pengantar / Preface
5 8 78 80 102 140 148 160 166 172 Art Exhibition
Music Performance
Film Screening
Kirab Budaya
Kata Pengantar/Preface
Salam hangat, Sebuah kebahagiaan dan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi kami, tahun ini program Jogja Art Weeks berhasil diselenggarakan kembali. Tahun lalu, publik seni Yogyakarta menyambut Jogja Art Weeks dengan gegap gempita. Kami mencatat ratusan acara seni & budaya terselenggara selama periode Mei hingga Juni tahun lalu. Hal ini menjadikan kota ini semakin semarak dan tentunya merangsang kami melahirkan ide-ide kreatif untuk mengemas Jogja Art Weeks lebih baik lagi. Kami memulainya dengan mengumumkan panggilan terbuka pada institusi dan dan kolektif di Yogyakarta untuk menginformasikan agenda seninya untuk dipublikasikan pada booklet Jogja Art Weeks, tanpa dipungut biaya apapun. Aktivitas yang diinformasikan dalam booklet ini meliputi; pameran seni rupa, seni pertunjukan, pertunjukan musik, workshop/lokakarya, diskusi dan tur/kunjungan sepanjang bulan Mei-Juni 2017. Pembuatan booklet ini tentunya tidak dapat terlaksana tanpa dukungan berbagai pihak. Melalui pengantar ini, kami mengucapkan terima kasih pada Dinas Kebudayaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, seniman, kolektif seni & institusi seni serta masyarakat Yogyakarta. Booklet ini dicetak sebanyak 7500 exp dan disebarluaskan pada titik-titik keramaian Yogyakarta. Kami berharap booklet ini dapat menjadi suplemen Anda untuk menikmati Yogyakarta yang berbeda dari biasanya.
Warm regards, It is a joy and pride for us to have Jogja Art Weeks program succesfully organized again this year. Last year, Yogyakarta's art public welcomed Jogja Art Weeks with fanfares. We recorded hundreds of art & cultural events were held throughout May and June last year. It made the city more lively and certainly encouraged us to produce creative ideas to improve the organization of Jogja Art Weeks. We initiated by announcing open call to institutions and collectives in Yogyakarta to inform their art agendas to be published in the Jogja Art Weeks booklet, without any charge. Activities informed in this booklet include; art exhibition, performance art, music performances, workshops, discussions and tours/visits throughout May - June 2017. The booklet production certainly cannot be done without the support of various parties. Through this introduction, we would like to extend our gratitude to the Special Region of Yogyakarta Cultural Office, artists, art collectives & art institutions and the people of Yogyakarta. This booklet is printed in 7500 copies and distributed at public places in Yogyakarta. We hope the booklet can be a supplement for you to enjoy Yogyakarta a bit differently from the usual. Enjoy your art trip! #ArtNengDi #BulanSeninyaJogja
2017 8 Apr BORN PREMATURE 2017 18 May Sebuah pameran tunggal dengan menggunakan seni teknik wood cut dan drawing yang membicarakan tentang isu isu lingkungan hidup di sekitar Kulon Progo. Pameran akan dibuka oleh salah satu petani asal pesisir Kulon Progo dan penuturan dari rangkuman cerita mengenai pameran tunggal ini dengan tema ‘born premature’. Simple Plant adalah Vegan Reso dan Art Space yang mengkhususkan hanya memamerkan karya dengan isu/tema tentang binatang dan lingkungan A solo exhibition of artworks using woodcut technique and drawing, touching the environmental issues around Kulonprogo. Simple Plant is a Vegan Resto and an Art Space specializing in displaying artworks with issues/themes on animal and the environment ARTIST Rangga Lawe OPENING Saturday, 8 April 2017 VENUE Simple Plant resto & art space Jl.Prawirotaman 1 No.32 Yogyakarta 10 AM - 10 PM 0852 2535 5205 (Edwin Roseno)
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 24 Apr Jun 9 2017
ARCHIVE SHOWCASE "Dinamika Ruang Seni Jogja Pasca Boom Seni Lukis"
Archive Showcase yang diselenggarakan tiap dua bulanan merupakan upaya IVAA untuk membicarakan ragam wacana dan dinamika praktik seni rupa. Dan tema untuk periode April-Juni "Dinamika Ruang Seni Jogja Pasca Boom Seni Lukis" berisi arsip yang berasal dari periode sebelum 2008, khususnya mengenai pertumbuhan ruang pamer di Jogja dan ruang-ruang seni yang didirikan oleh seniman pasca 2008. The bi-monthly organized Archive Showcase is IVAA's effort to discuss various discourses and dynamics in the practices of visual art. The theme for AprilJune period is "The Dynamics of Jogja Art Space Post Painting Boom" consisting of archives from the period before 2008, especially on the development of exhibition spaces in Jogja and art spaces established by artists post 2008. OPENING Monday, 24 April 2017 VENUE IVAA Jl. Ireda, Gang Hiperkes, Dipowinatan MG 1/ 188A-B,Keparakan, Yogyakarta 55152 Monday - Friday : 9 AM - 5 PM 0817 9417950 (Whatsapp)
[email protected]
2017 30 Apr ART MEDITATION HOME 2017 30 Jun Pameran ini bertujuan pengenalan seni meditasi dan koleksi dan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan alam sekitar pemilihan tempat dan media yg masih natural dan mengajak siapapun yang peduli melakukan kerja seni yang mengolah media sekitar, seperti tanah, batu, pohon. This exhibition aims to introduce meditation and collection art and activities related to the surrounding nature selection of natural place and media and invites anyone with concerns on art practices that processes the environment medium such as soil, rocks, trees.
ARTISTS Robet kan, Nasirun, (Alm.) S Tedy.D, JAR OPENING Sunday, 30 April 2017 VENUE ROBETKAN ART HOME SPACE, Gunung Sempu,Taman Tirta,Rt 08, Rw 18, Bayaran 011,Bantul ,Yogyakarta
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 2 May 2017 2 Jun
MY FANTASY WORLD MY FANTASY WORLD sebuah pameran karya anak hasil dari penggalian dunia fantasi & inspirasi mereka dengan berbagai macam dinamika dan bentuk medianya. Dunia fantasi tersebut berasal dari pengalaman yang mereka lakukan, perjalanan ketika bertamasya, film yang ditonton, komik, buku bacaan dan dongeng dari orangtua. MY FANTASY WORLD is an exhibition of children's artworks as a result of exploring their worlds of fantasy & inspirations with its various dynamics and form of medium. The fantasy world is derived from their experiences, their journey in a trip, the movies they saw, comics, books and stories told by their parents.
OPENING Tuesday, 2 May 2017 VENUE Tirana house Jl Abu Bakar Ali 22 Kotabaru, Yogyakarta
[email protected]
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May 2017 May 2017
Pameran ini didedikasikan kepada publik sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban terhadap eksistensi dan pengembangan keilmuan bidang seni media rekam khususnya fotografi, program televisi, film, animasi dan game. Pameran ini dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan Dies Natalis XXXIII ISI Yogyakarta 2017 dengan tema seni sebagai ekspresi pluralitas dan perdamaian. This exhibition is dedicated to the public as a form of responsibility to the existence and knowledge development in the field of recording media art especially photography, television program, film, animation and game. The exhibition is held in conjunction to Dies Natalis XXXIII ISI Yogyakarta 2017 with the theme art as an expression of plurality and peace.
OPENING Wednesday, 3 May 2017 VENUE Jogja Gallery Jl. Pekapalan No. 7, Alun – Alun Utara, Kel. Prawirodirjan, Kec. Gondomanan, Yogyakarta 0813 2865 6252 (Irwandi)
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 6 May REPRESENTASI 2017 18 May Representasi merupakan sebuah upaya membaca realitas dari sudut pandang seni rupa. Realitas yang dimaksud adalah lapisan-lapisan kenyataan yang dialami seorang perupa. Mulai dari kenyataan kenyataan personal, sosial, politik dan budaya yang menarik untuk diangkat menjadi sebuah karya seni rupa. Karya mereka merupakan representasi dari apa yang mereka anggap sebagai realitas. Representation is an attempt to read the reality from the perspective of art. Reality here means layers of reality experienced by an artist. Starting from personal reality, social, political and cultural realities interesting to be highlighted in the form of artwork. Their works are representations of what they see as realities. CURATOR Suwarno Wisetrotomo OPENING Saturday, 6 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE PENDHAPA ART SPACE Jl. Ring Road Selatan Tegal Krapyak RT 01, Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0851 0249 2828 www.pendhapaartspace.com
[email protected]
2017 7 May PUTIH DAN HITAM 2017 17 May Pameran Putih dan Hitam dari MJK Art Community Yogyakarta ingin menyajikan karya-karya terbaru dengan dasar pemikiran makna putih dan hitam. Makna putih dan hitam adalah sesuatu yang berbeda dan dapat disatukan dalam suatu karya estetika sesuai kreatifitas dari para seniman. The White and Black exhibition of MJK Art Community Yogyakarta presents new artworks with the basic rationale on the meanings of White and Black. The meaning of White and Black is something that is different can be united in an aesthetic work according to the artist's creativity. This exhibition is participated by 18 artists who will show different creations.
ARTIST MJK Art Community Yogyakarta OPENING Sunday, 7 May 2017, 11 AM VENUE Syang Art Space Magelang Jl. M.T Haryono No. 2, Magelang, Jawa Tengah ( 0293 ) 360963
[email protected]
REFINDING BOROBUDUR #1 2017 7 May May 30 2017 KAMADATU SDI15 adalah sebuah kelompok seniman–seniman Bali yang keanggotaannya bersifat tentatif, dan merupakan salah satu ranting dari komunitas Sanggar Dewata Indonesia (SDI) Yogyakarta. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk mengunjungi kembali mengenai tingkatan tiga ranah atau tiga dunia dalam kosmologi Buddhisme yang ada di Candi Borobudur. Kamadatu merupakan proyek pertama sekaligus tema pameran kali ini. This is an exhibition project of SDI15, held in the Limanjawi Art House. The project aims to revisit the three domains level or the three worlds of Buddhist cosmology in the Borobudur temple. Kamadhatu as the first project is the exhibition theme. ARTIST SDI15 OPENING Sunday, 7 May 2017 VENUE Limanjawi Art House Tingal-Kulon, Wanurejo, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java 0813 2843 2077 (Umar Chusaeni)
[email protected]
2017 8 May 2017 3 Jun
ARTISTS Dede Cipon, Mekelee, Nadia Diandra, Isnain Bahar, Wongky99, Kanosena, Raka Adityatama, Robertosaurus CURATOR Bodhi IA OPENING Monday, 8 May 2017, 8 PM VENUE Asmara Art and Coffee Shop, Jl. Tirtodipuran Yogyakarta 0818 270 884 (Diar)
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 9 May 2017 9 Jun
IN-MATERIAL Pameran Seni Rupa dengan tajuk “In–Material” ini merupakan sebuah presentasi dari eksplorasi – eksplorasi yang dilakukan oleh seniman. Kerja-kerja eksploratif ini tentu menjadi sebuah “soal” yang menarik untuk disimak dan diapresiasi, sebab eksekusi ide yang dimiliki oleh seniman berkelindan dengan pemahaman karakter material yang digunakan juga kematangan teknik dalam proses penciptaannya. Art Exhibition with titled "In-Material" is a presentation of explorations that done by the artists. These explorative works are certainly "questions" interesting to be observed and appreciated, because the "idea execution" by the artists is interconnected to the understanding on the used material, also technique maturity in the creation process. ARTISTS AT Sitompul, Giring Prihayatsono, Gusmen Heriadi, M.A Roziq, Taufik Ermas OPENING Tuesday, 9 May 2017, 4 PM VENUE Ruangdalam Arthouse Jeblok Dk 3 RT 2 No 55 Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0813 3850 6929 www.ruangdalamarthouse.com
2017 9 May 2017 21 Jun
A SERIES OF MINI EXHIBITION Jogja Contemporary mengundang beberapa kurator muda, seniman, komunitas dan ruang seni dari berbagai kota untuk mempersembahkan sebuah pameran yang bertajuk: A Series of Mini Exhibitions. Pameran ini akan terbagi dalam tiga putaran yang masing-masing putarannya akan menampilkan berbagai proyek yang berbeda dari ruang-ruang seni, kurator-kurator muda dan karya-karya terbaru dari seniman-seniman yang berpartisipasi. Jogja Contemporary invited several young curators, artists, communities and artspaces from several cities to present an exhibition titled: A Series of Mini Exhibitions. The exhibition held throughout 9 May - 21 June will be divided into 3 rounds with each round presenting different projects of art spaces, young curators, and new artworks of the participating artists. OPENING Tuesday, 9 May 2017 VENUE Jogja Contemporary KomplekJogja National Museum Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta 0818 260 134
[email protected] [email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 10 May 151617 2017 21 Jun Karya yang terdapat dalam pameran ini dibuat pada tahun 2015, 2016, dan 2017. Pameran yang mengulas tentang berbagai persoalan dalam dunia anak. Mereka yang membawa sifat alamiah seorang anak kecil yang jujur, lugu, lucu, ceria dipertemukan dengan dunia luar—sebuah dunia yang penuh dengan hal-hal baru. Works in this exhibition were made in 2015, 2016, 2017. The exhibition theme reviews various issues in the world of children. Children are naturally honest, naive, fun, happy and they are facing the outside world, a world filled with new things.
ARTIST Sabar Jambul OPENING Wednesday, 10 May 2017 VENUE Tembi Rumah Budaya Jl. Parangtritis Km 8.4 Tembi, Timbulharjo, Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta 0813 2818 0118
[email protected]
2017 10 May FAUX UTOPIAS LIVING LAB VOL. 1 2017 10 Jul Presentasi kerja laborarium terbuka Green Art Space — Greenhost Boutique Hotel bersama para pekarya, designer, seniman dan praktisi lintas disiplin untuk melakukan pembacaan, respon dan intervensi pada tema-tema eskapisme masyarakat urban hari ini. Melalui presentasi yang interaktif kami mencoba menemukan peluang baru dari bahasa seni yang segar, aplikatif dan interaktif. Work presentation of the open laboratorium Green Art Space - Greenhost Boutique Hotel together with artisans, designers, artists and interdisciplinary practitioners in the reading, response and intervention on the escapism themes of the contemporary urban society. Through interactive presentation we attempt to discover new possibilities of fresh, applicative and interactive language of art. CURATOR Ignatia Nilu OPENING Wednesday, 10 May 2017 VENUE Green Art Space | Greenhost Boutique Hotel Jl. Prawirotaman III/629 Yogyakarta 0822 2717 3094 (Ignatia Nilu)
ART EXHIBITION 2017 10 May NGAWE KADANG 4 2017 11 Jun Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel bekerjasama dengan Komunitas Wedangan Yogyakarta, divisi seni rupa dari YSRMI (Yayasan Seni Rupa Mataram Indonesia) menggelar Pameran Seni bertajuk “Ngawe Kadang IV”. Pameran ini akan menampilkan lebih dari 40 karya yang dikreasikan oleh lebih dari 20 perupa. Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel in collaboration with Komunitas Wedangan Yogyakarta, visual art division of the YSRMI (Mataram Visual Art Foundation Indonesian), organizes an art exhibition titled "Ngawe Kadang IV" This exhibition will present more than 40 artworks created by more than 20 artists. ARTIST Kelompok Wedangan Yogyakarta OPENING Wednesday, 10 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel Gallery Sky Lounge, 5th floor Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel Jl. Prawirotaman II/Jl. Gerilya no. 839B Yogyakarta 0856 4355 0226
[email protected]
2017 12 May DEEPEST IMAGINATION 2018 22 Jun Pameran seni rupa dengan tema “Deepest Imagination” menggambarkan keunikan kreasi – kreasi imajinatif seniman, dan atau, menguak konstruksi imajinasi kreatif seniman, baik dalam ide dan gagasannya ataupun visual kreatif yang diproyeksikan melalui bahasa-rupa karya seni. Visual art exhibition with the theme "Deepest Imagination" depicts the uniqueness of artists imaginative creations, and or, revealing the construction of artists creative imagination, both in ideas and concepts or creative-visual projected through artworks' visual language ARTISTS Abdi Setiawan, Afdhal, A.T Sitompul, A.Priyanto Omplong, Azhar Horo, Deskhairi, Giring Prihayatsono, Hojatul, Kokok Sancoko, Rudi Hendriatno, Robi Fathoni, Seno Andriyanto, Taufik Ermas, Wira Purnama, Zulfa Hendra OPENING Friday, 12 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Raintree Gallery House Jl Melati Wetan no 42, Baciro, Yogyakarta 0858 6858 5871 www.theyogyaraintree.com
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
KECIL ITU INDAH, AFTER EDWIN'S Pameran ini diniatkan sebagai pameran atas pameran berjudul sama: “Kecil itu Indah” yang telah 14 kali diinisiasi oleh Edwin’s gallery. Harapannya ada respon kreatif terhadap konsep “karya kecil” atau konsep cash and carry dalam pameran seni rupa. Barangkali sekadar komentar, mempertanyakan, mengkritisi atau justru merayakannya. This exhibition is intended as an exhibition upon an exhibition with the same name: “Kecil itu Indah” that had been held in 14 series by Edwin's Gallery. It is hoped that there is a creative responses to "small artworks" or the concept of cash and carry in art exhibition. It might be in the form of comments, questions, critics or even celebration.
OPENING Saturday, 13 May 2017 VENUE MIRACLE PRINTS jl. Suryodiningratan 34, Yogyakarta 0815 3981 6190 (Ria Novitri)
[email protected] [email protected]
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May 2017 May 2017
SUNGAI Pameran ini memajang karya-karya seni grafis lithografie terbaru karya Sri Maryanto yang dikerjakannya di Studio kampus Akademie der Bildenden Künste (AdBK) München, Jerman, sejak tahun 2012. Ingatan masa kecil tentang sungai menjadi tema sentral pada pameran tunggal lithografie yang kedua ini. This exhibition displays the latest lithography artworks of Sri Maryanto, which he worked on at the studio of Akademie der Bildenden Künste (AdBK) München campus, Germany since 2012. Childhood memories on the river becomes a central theme in his second lithography exhibition. ARTIST Sri Maryanto OPENING Saturday, 13 May 2017, 7.30 PM ARTIST TALK Saturday, 20 May 2017, 2 PM - 4 PM VENUE Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta Jl. Suroto no 2 Kotabaru, Yogyakarta +49 1794879468 (Sri Maryanto Whatsapp)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
THE ART OF NUSANTARA HISTORY The Art Of Nusantara History adalah pengeksplorasian sejarah nusantara,dari para perupa Sanggar Sejati. Pameran akan di laksanakan di Djiwangga Spiritual Resort yang penuh dengan eksotisme yang natural. Menyajikan pemahaman sejarah para perupa,di dalam ego dan karakter masing-masing. The Art Of Nusantara History is an exploration of the archipelago history by artists of Sanggar Sejati. Exhibition will take place in Djiwangga Spiritual Resort filled with natural exotism. Presenting each artist's understanding on history, within each ego and character.
CURATOR Indiria Maharsi, M.Sn, S.Sn OPENING Sunday, 14 May 2017 VENUE Jiwangga spiritual Resort & Resto Jl. Terbaik, Bromonilan, Purwomartani, Klasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta 0812 2757 960 (Harman)
[email protected]
2017 15 May JOGJA EDITIONS 2017 10 Jun Gabungan aktivitas seni grafis, menggabungkan antara pameran dan art fair terbatas yang khusus menampilkan karya-karya cetak grafis terseleksi baik konvensional maupun kontemporer dari seniman Indonesia dan Internasional. A graphic art event, combining between exhibition and closed art fair specifically presenting selected graphic artworks both conventional and contemporary from Indonesian and International artists. ARTISTS International: Deborah Chapman (Kanada), Dimo Kolibarov (Bulgaria) dan Paolo Ciampini (Italia). Indonesia: Agugn Prabowo, Krack Studio, Mohammad Yusuf, M. Muhlis Lugis, Sri Maryanto, Ipong Purnomo Sidhi, Irwanto Lentho, Agung Pekik Hanafi, Ariswan Adhitama, Club Etsa, Survive Garage, Grafis Minggiran, Miracle Prints, Taring Padi. OPENING Monday, 15 May 2017 VENUE Sangkring Art Project Nitiprayan, Rt. 01, Rw. 20, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta 0815 3981 6190 (Ria Novitri)
[email protected]
15 15
May 2017 Okt 2017
ARTISTS Agapetus Kristiandana, Anggar Prasetyo, Agus Kamal, Bambang Pramudiyanto, Djoko Pekik, Hari Budiono, Heri Dono, Ivan Sagito, Jumaldi Alfi, Ketut Susena, Made Budiana, Made Djirna, Made Sumadiyasa, Made Wiradana, Melodia, Mahendra Mangku, Mangu Putra, Nyoman Erawan, Nasirun, Pande Ketut Taman, Pupuk Daru Purnomo, Putu Sutawijaya, Samuel Indratma, Sudarisman, Sucipto Adi, Ugo Untoro, Wayan Cahya, Yunizar, Yuswantoro Adi, Wayan Radika
OPENING Monday, 15 May 2017 VENUE Sangkring Art Space Nitiprayan, Rt. 01, Rw. 20, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan Bantul, YogyakartaInfo ( 0274 ) 381032
[email protected]
pAMERAN SENI BUSANA 2017 15 May May 30 2017 SENYAWA Adalah sebuah pameran wearable art (seni busana) dan mini show yang akan menampilkan karya-karya busana bermuatan dan berkarakter seni rupa yang khas. Wearable art memberikan tawaran sebagai positioning dan ciri khas produk–produk busana dari Yogyakarta. A wearable art exhibition and mini-show that will present fashion works with specific visual art contents and characteristics. Wearable art offers a positioning and characteristics of fashion products from Yogyakarta.
ARTIST Jogja Fashion Forum OPENING Monday, 15 May 2017 VENUE N-Workshop Fashion Gallery & Management Jl. Suryodiningratan 37-B, Mantrijeron Yogyakarta 0817 3388 03
[email protected]
15 19
May 2017 Jun 2017
PAMERAN SENI RUPA KOLASE Kolase adalah pemindahan. Ris akan memajang seni rupa kolase pilihan pada studionya. Selain itu juga ada workshop seni menempel sesuatu di kertas. Terbuka untuk umum dan berbayar, karya yang dibuat akan menjadi milik peserta. Collage is a transfer. Ris will exhibit his selected collage art in his studio. Also, a paper collage workshop. Open for public with registration fee, participants can bring home their works.
ARTIST Ristiyanto Cahyo Wibowo OPENING Monday, 15 May 2017 VENUE Desa Wisata Tembi Jl. Parangtritis No.8, Timbulharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55185, Indonesia 0818 0268 6916
[email protected]
2017 8 May 2017 19 Jun
FRAG OPEN STUDIO & STOCK ROOM #1 Frag Studio & Art Space hadir sebagai laboratorium untuk mengakomodir proses berkesenian yang inklusif/tidak terbatas pada media dan eksplorasi bagi para seniman muda. Frag mengusung ide berproses kreatif dengan memanfaatkan material yang tidak terbatas, dengan harapan terbangunnya hubungan seniergis antara seni dan masyarakat. Frag Studio & Art Space is established as laboratorium accommodating artistic process that is inclusive/ unlimited medium and exploration of young artists. Frag supports the idea creative process by utilizing unlimited materials, with the hope of developing a synergy between art and the community.
ARTISTS Doni Kabo, Danang Hadi, Erwin Baharudin, Adhik Kristiantoro OPENING Monday, 8 May 2017 VENUE Frag Studio & Artspace Sentanan RT 05 Kasongan Bantul Yogyakarta 0813 1404 7113 (Christina Rou)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
HASTA RUPA Hasta Rupa adalah tumpahan ego dari para perupa, menangkap keindahan dalam bingkai masa lampau kejayaan nusantara. Pameran akan di gelar di area Candi Sambisari dengan mengangkat ide para perupa dalam berbagai media, membawa karakter masingmasing, menggerbangi anggunnya warisan leluhur di pintu masuk Candi Sambisari. Hasta Rupa is the expressions of the artists' ego, in capturing the beauty in the frame of the archipelago glorious past. It will be held in Sambisari temple area, highlighting the artists' ideas in various medium, with each of their characters, as a gateway to the elegance of the heritage in the entrance to Sambisari temple. ARTISTS Akuan San Burdaya, Agus Klowor, Eko Mbendol, Doddy TH, Guridwan Budi, Harman art, Ida Ratna Ningrum, Tales Suparman OPENING Monday, 15 May 2017 VENUE Rakai Garung House of Art Jl. Candi Sambisari (20 meter Selatan Candi Sambisari) Sambisari, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta 0822 2128 8189 (San)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
KARYA SENI DAN FASHION Pameran dan presentasi pembuatan bahan fashion dengan memanfaatkan teknik sablon, stensil, digital print. Juga karya karya gambar, lukisan,sketsa, yang merupakan bahan dasar disain yang akan di aplikasikan ke kain atau produk jadi fashion Exhibition and presentation of fashion material production using print screen, stencile and digital print techniques. Also drawings, paintings, sketches, which are the basic design material to be applied on fabric or fashion ready-made products
ARTISTS Dwi Detianto (gilastudio), Aping (tamimi), Tono (tombokangenjogja), Andri (plandB), Ninik (Nstudio) OPENING Monday, 15 May 2017 VENUE Studio Gila Jl. Minggiran 52b
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
ORIGINAL CHANGING Kegiatan pameran seni rupa yang di ikuti tiga negara; Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Singapura. Seniman dari tiga negara akan mempresentasikan karya mereka meliputi lukisan, sketsa dan patung. Ada pula acara sketsa on the spot di ruang pameran yang berlangsung setiap hari selama pameran. Visual Art Exhibition participated by artists of three countries, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore Artists of 3 countries are presenting their works Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, and there will be an on the spot sketching in the exhibition space This activity will be held daily throughout the exhibition period
OPENING Tuesday, 16 May 2017 VENUE Gilda Artroom Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 24 Wirobrajan Yogyakarta 0858 4844 7108 (Robet Kan)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
ARTISTS Ambar Pranasmara, Dodod, Harman OPENING Tuesday, 16 May 2017 VENUE Alun Alun Cafe Jl. Langenastran Lor No. 16 0819 3296 0969 (Ambar Pranasmara)
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 16 May LIFE STORY 2017 22 May Pameran "Life Story" merupakan pameran bersama para perupa yang ke empat kalinya. Pameran ini mengulas tentang cerita-cerita yang terjadi dalam kehidupan. Baik yang dialami atau yang dilihat dan dirasakan sang perupa. Tentunya ini menjadi hal yang penting dan menjadi sebuah pengalaman estetis bagi peserta pameran. "Life Story" exhibition is the fourth group exhibitions of these artists. The exhibition reviews the stories of life. Whether it is experienced, witness or felt by the artists. Certainly this will be an important thing and an aesthetic experience for exhibition participants. ARTISTS Alperd Roza, Arif W, Bambang Wisnu, Fatah Hidayat, Harun AK, M. Aris, Mamik Slamet, Meri Suska, Sabar Jambul OPENING Tuesday, 16 May 2017 VENUE TahunMas Art Room Jl. Raya Kasongan No.223, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 0823 2821 7972
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
PING PROJECT #3 Pada pesta senirupa di Yogyakarta tahun 2017 ini, Ping Project #3 kembali dengan bangga mempersembahkan karya-karya seniman yang progresif dalam perkembangan seni rupa kontemporer Indonesia. Bekerjasama aktif antara seniman kenamaan dengan seniman muda sehingga mampu menciptakan karya-karya berkualitas. In the visual art celebration of 2017, Ping Project #3 returns and proudly presents the artworks of progressive artists in the development of contemporary visual art in Indonesia. An active collaboration between established artists and emerging artists to create quality works. ARTISTS Afdal, Aming Prayitno. Ary Kurniawan, Edo Pilu, Erianto, Indra Dodi, Jumaldi Alfi, M. Irfan, Ridho Rizky, Ronald Aprian, Tommy Wondra, Yunizar, etc OPENING Wednesday, 17 May 2017 VENUES 1. Studio Aruna Yunizar 2. Kiniko Art, Sarang Building #2 Tegal Kenongo 55B, Bugisan Selatan, Tirtonirmolo Kasihan Bantul 0852 7437 6490
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
MEREKA - REKA Pameran ini menempatkan material seperti kayu, daun, rotan, dan mendong sebagai “teks”. Material-material tersebut menjadi pelatuk untuk membicarakan dan mengeksplorasi berbagai persoalan, entah itu sejarah, pendidikan, maupun lingkungan. The exhibition placed materials such as wood, leaves, rattan, and mendong (chinese water chestnut) as "texts". These materials become a trigger to discuss and explore various issues, whether it is history, education, or environment.
ARTISTS Nindityo Adipurnomo, Adek Dimas Ajisaka, Maharani Mancanagara, Zulfian Amrullah OPENING Wednesday, 17 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Galeri Lorong Jl. Nitiprayan Dusun Jeblok RT. 01, Dukuh 3, Tortonirmolo, Kasihan Bantul 0857 9691 4274 (Arham Rahman)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN Adalah upaya rekonstruksi kronik sejarah keluarga yang ditelusuri melalui arsip fotografis, teks naratif dan pengalaman didalam ruang antara. Melalui pameran ini, Widi berupaya mencari peluang baru dari kerja memori manusia akan sejarah keluarganya sendiri yang diwakili oleh medium dan media yang dileburnya menjadi satu, yakni diatas kertas. An chronicle of reconstruction attempts on family history traced through photography archive, narrative texts and experiences in the between space. Widi attempts to discover new possibilities in human memory works on his own family as represented by the medium and media he blends into one, which is on paper. ARTIST Widi Pangestu Sugiono CURATOR Ignatia Nilu OPENING Wednesday, 17 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Indonesian Contemporary Art Networks (Ican) Jl. Suryodiningratan no.39 Yogyakarta 0822 2717 3094 (Ignatia Nilu)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
HORIZON Sebuah agenda rutin tahunan yang menampilkan karya-karya visual beserta proses kreatif dari anggota Komunitas PERAHU Art Connection secara serempak dalam kurun waktu terakhir. Dikemas dalam konsep Open Studio yang merepresentasikan program dan aktivitas komunitas tersebut. An annual agenda presenting visual artworks along with the creative processes of the PERAHU Art Connection Community members simultaneousy in the past year. In the form of an open studio it presents the programs and activities of the community.
OPENING Tuesday, 16 May 2017, 4 PM VENUE Basecamp Komunitas PERAHU Art Connection Jl. MT Haryono Gang Sugiri, Kumendaman RT 18 RW 06 0857 2962 0456 (Wisnu)
[email protected]
17 17
May 2017 Jun 2018
ARTIST Sadoso Rupa Rupa community OPENING Wednesday, 17 May 2017 VENUE Sadoso Rupa Rupa Dongkelan Kauman Rt 07 Jl. Rupa Rupa No 1B Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0819 3296 0969 (Ambar Pranasmara)
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 17 May GOLDEN LANDSCAPE Jun 2 2017 Pameran ini sengaja dihadirkan dengan tujuan untuk menginformasikan kepada audiens terkait ekspresi dari gagasan seniman Lugas Syllabus yang membentuk sebuah “lanscape–pengetahuan” yang diserap, dia endapkan dan dia proyeksikan kembali sebagai produk pengetahuan, bahasa karya seni. The exhibition is intentionally presented with the aim to inform the audience regarding the expression of the ideas of the artist Lugas Syllabus in forming a "landscape of knowledge" that he absorbs, let settle, and reprojected as a product of knowledge, a visual artwork language.
ARTIST Lugas Syllabus OPENING Wednesday, 17 May 2017 VENUE Galeri RJ Katamsi Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Jl. Parangtritis Km 6,5, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0813 3850 6929
[email protected]
2017 17 May SENINJONG #2 2017 28 May Pameran seni rupa yang memasuki tahun ke dua penyelenggaraannya. Seninjong merupakan sebutan untuk pedagang makanan yang memakai tempat keranjang dari bambu dengan cara disunggi dalam menjajakan dagangannya. Ibarat seninjong, pameran ini berusaha menyajikan suguhan karya yang enak untuk dinikmati. A visual art exhibition in its second year of organizing. Seninjong is a term for food peddler using bamboo baskets they carry on top of their head in selling their food, of which all of it are tasty. Just like seninjong, this exhibition attempts to present work of arts pleasant to be enjoyed.
OPENING Wednesday, 17 May 2017 VENUE Plataran Djokopekik Jl. Plataran no.1 Sembungan, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul 0811 258 472
[email protected]
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May 2017 May 2017
INDONESIA Pameran Bakaba VI bertema “Indonesia” (Indonesia dalam tanda kutip) merupakan sebuah tema yang dipilih untuk menelisik kembali makna dari nilai-keindonesiaan kita baik secara pribadi, kelompok, dan etnis/suku hingga rasa nasionalitas. Bakaba VI exhibition and the theme "Indonesia" (Indonesia with quote marks) is selected to reinvestigate the meanings of our Indonesianness value whether in personal, group, and ethnicity to sense of nationality.
ARTIST SAKATO Art Community OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017 VENUE Jogja Gallery Jl. Pekapalan Alun-Alun Utara No.7, Prawirodirjan, Gondomanan 0821 3603 5330 www.sakatoartcommunity.org
[email protected]
18 18
May 2017 Jun 2017
SELFIE FRAME The exhibition hall will be transformed into a space designated for women. Artists who participating in the project will be invited to created ecorative frames. Visitors will have a daily opportunity to take shoots with frames created in the project and post them to social media
CURATORS Zofia Krawiec (Poland), Justyna Gorowska (Poland), SESAMAteam (Indonesia-Poland) OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017 VENUE Jl.Kebayan, RT02 RW3 Jeblog, Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0813 8241 5299
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
ID. 1 “ ID “ adalah ide sekaligus diskursus keindonesiaan, sebuah identitas bersama yang bergerak dinamik dan kritikal dalam rupa tafsir dan rupa amal. Sebuah presentasi dasa karya utama dari 10 peserta utama yang terpilih dan terbatas, berkesan, dan sekaligus penting yang melihat Indonesia sebagai bentangan ide yang belum selesai. “ ID “ is an idea and the same time discourse of Indonesianness, a common identity that moves in dynamics and critical in the form of interpretation and action. A presentation of main ten artworks from 10 main participants that are selected, limited, memorable, and at the same time important in observing Indonesia as a span of unfinished ideas. ARTISTS Galam Zulkifli, Dipo Andy, Yayat Surya, Eddy Susanto, Didik Nurhadi, Aan Arief, Wahyu Santosa, Kadafi, Utin Rini, Win Nawawi OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017 VENUE IniSeum Jl. Nitikan Baru no 76, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 0819 0398 2227
[email protected]
2017 18 May RAJAKAYA 2017 28 May
ARTIST Budi Ubrux OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017 VENUE Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY) Jl Sriwedari No 1 Yogyakarta
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May 2017 Jun 2017
SRENGENGE Langit Art Space mempersembahkan pameran tunggal SRENGENGE, karya lukis Sitok Srengenge. yang berkarakter kuat dan puitis. Pameran akan digelar di dua tempat berbeda. Dibuka oleh Goenawan Mohamad. Langit Art Space presents SRENGENGE solo exhibition, Sitok Srengenge's paintings with strong and poetic character. The exhibition will be held on two different spaces. Officiated by Goenawan Mohamad
ARTIST Sitok Srengenge OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUES 1. Galeri SMSR "CHAOSMOS" Jl. PG Madukismo,Ngestiharjo,Kasihan,Bantul 2. Langit Art Space "SOULSCAPE" Jl. Sonosewu No.16, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 0813 2766 6639 (Pak Como)
[email protected]
Pk 10:00-20:00 WIB
19 Mei 19 Juni 2017 PEMBUKAAN Kamis, 18 Mei 2017 Pk 16:00 WIB
YATS COLONY (Hotel, Bistro, Space) Jl. Patangpuluhan 23 Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta Telp (0274) 375948 www.yats.co
18 19
May 2017 Jun 2017
ECRITURE Écriture adalah pameran tulisan-rupa atau rupatulisan Nirwan Dewanto, penyair dan esais. Pameran ini menampilkan berbagai kutipan dari buku-buku Nirwan yang terbaru—antara lain, Buku Merah (fiksi) dan Museum of Pure Desire (puisi, dalam terjemahan Inggris)—dalam aneka bentuk: grafiti, skrol, light box, kuasi-kaligrafi, arsip, videografi, dan gegambar. Écriture is an exhibition of writings-visual or visualwritings of Nirwan Dewanto, poet and essayist. This exhibition presents various quotes from Nirwan's latest books among them Buku Merah (fiction) and Museum of Pure Desire (poems, English translation)-in various forms: grafitti, scroll, light box, quasicalligraphy, archive, videography and drawings. ARTIST Nirwan Dewanto WRITER Agung Hujatnikajennong OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017, 4 PM VENUE Yats Colony Jl. Patangpuluhan 23, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta 0811 2115 599 (Aviandari Lestari)
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 18 May UNLIMITED 2017 27 May
ARTISTS Kelompok Semut (Dedy Maryadi, Nyoman Agus Wijaya, Khusna Hardiyanto,Ostoe Andre, Yusuf Dilego) OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Indieart House Jl. AS Samawaat No 99 0821 3481 9155
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
ALIBI Dalam pentas pengadilan, tuduhan dilawan dengan alibi. Meskipun seniman bukan terdakwa, kenyataannya memiliki sifat yang sama. Ia mengaku mampu mengarungi dunia nyata, sekaligus ke dunia maya. Jafin secara konsisten melakukan pencatatan mengenai hal ini. menapaki samudra tanda, memberdayakan bukti visual, lalu mencampur adukannya. in the stage of justice, allegation is countered with alibi. Although an artist is not an accused, in reality both has the same traits. He admits to be able to cross the real world, as well as the virtual one. Jafin has consistently recorded this, treading the ocean of signs, empowering the visual evidence and then mixing it up.
ARTIST Justian Jafin Rocx W CURATOR Mikke Susanto OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017, 4 PM VENUE Masriadi Art Foundation Sendangadi Mlati Sleman
ART EXHIBITION 2017 18 May 2017 23 May
PAMERAN SENI RUPA LIMA BENUA CONTEMPORARY ART IN A SACRED SITE OF IMOGIRI Artists from 5 continents are inspired and created arts in Imogiri. Imogiri is a sacred place where kings of Mataram are entombed including Sultan Agung to Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. The two dimensional and three dimensional works are exhibited in Rumah Lebah. An art house in Dusun Kedung Buweng, Wukir Sari Village, Imogiri Sub-district. Location can be found by the map and not far from the cemetery of Mataram Kings Imogiri. ARTISTS Jumaadi (Indonesia/Australia), Janet Haslett (UK/ Australia), Julie Williams (Australia/Singapore), Mbah Bar (Indonesia), Maria Clelia Cereigido (Argentina), Ismanto Wahyudi (Indonesia), Januri (Indonesia), Nugroho Heri Cahyono (Indonesia), Ipong Purnama Sidhi (Indonesia/Australia), Dadi Setiyadi (Indonesia),Tohjaya Tono (Indonesia),M. Shafarin Ghani (Malaysia/Italy) Benedetta Segala (Italy/Malaysia) OPENING Thursday, 18 May 2017, 3.30 PM VENUE Rumah Lebah Dusun Kedung Buweng, RT 2, Desa Wukir Sari, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0878 3988 8078
[email protected]
PAMERAN TUGAS AKHIR 2017 19 May May 20 2017 REMBUYUN Pameran Tugas Akhir REMBUYUN menampilkan kegiatan kesenian berupa Pameran Seni Rupa hasil study oleh siswa SMK N 2 Sewon Yogyakarta. REMBUYUN Final Assignment exhibition presents art activity in the form of Art Exhibition of study results by students of SMK N 2 Sewon Yogyakarta.
ARTIST Students of SMK N 2 SEWON OPENING Friday, 19 May 2017 VENUE Pendhapa Art Space Jl. Ring Road Selatan Tegal Krapyak RT 01, Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0851 0249 2828 www.pendhapaartspace.com
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 19 May 2017 25 May
ARTIST M. Irfan (Ipan) OPENING Friday, 19 May 2017 VENUE Pendhapa Art Space Jl. Ring Road Selatan Tegal Krapyak RT 01, Panggungharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0851 0249 2828 www.pendhapaartspace.com
[email protected]
19 19
May 2017 Jun 2017
ART | JOG | 10 ART|JOG is an annual art event in Yogyakarta, its vision is encouraging and nurturing the new talents in Indonesia fine arts. This year ART|JOG is in its tenth year and it's been establishing its position as the biggest art event in Indonesia. ART|JOG has some programs you shouldn't miss. For example, Commission Work, a program which uses the recent artworks to change the facade of exhibition building, Young Artist Award--an award for the best young artist who participates in ART|JOG, and surely art fair that presents the best artworks from home and abroad.
OPENING Friday, 19 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Rp 50.000,00
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May 2017 Jun 2017
PROCESSIONE DEI MISTERI ‘Processione dei Misteri’, pameran fotografi karya Anastasia Darsono yang merangkum perjalanannya dalam mengabadikan momen religi dan tradisi yang Ia jumpai di beberapa kota di pesisir utara Sicilia, Italia. ‘Processione dei Misteri’, a photography exhibition of the works of Anastasia Darsono who summarized her journey in eternalizing the moments of religion and tradition she saw in several cities on the North coast of Sicily, Italy.
ARTIST Anastasia Darsono OPENING Friday, 19 May 2017, 4 PM VENUE REDBASE Foundation Ds. Jurug RT 02, No. 72 Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0856-8751-186 (Anjali)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
RAW ‘RAW’ merupakan kumpulan citra dan tulisan seniman fotografis, Vanessa Van Houten. Metafor lembut yang mengajak para penonton untuk melihat lebih dekat sisi tersembunyi dari hakekat manusia. ‘RAW’ bagi Vanessa adalah sebuah sajak melodi haiku yang menerangi sebuah momen singkat. Sebuah momen tentang kamu, aku dan kemanusiaan pada umumnya. 'RAW' is a collection of images and writings of the photography artist, Vanessa Van Houten Soft metaphors invite the audience to closely observes the hidden side of human nature. 'RAW' for Vanessa is a melodic haiku that lights up a short moment. A moment about you, I and humanity in common.
ARTIST Vanessa Van Houten OPENING Friday, 19 May 2017, 4 PM VENUE REDBASE Foundation Ds. Jurug RT 02, No. 72 Bangunharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0856 8751 186 (Anjali)
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
Bangunan villa bergaya indische stijl ini memberikan tantangan berbeda dengan ruang galeri biasa, yang umumnya berupa “white cube”, bersifat netral dan pasif, ruanganvilla yang dibangun tahun 1940an ini terasa “berjiwa”. Di sini karya para pematung menjadi harmonis dengan lingkungan alam sekitarnya, atau justru menciptakan kontras untukmembangun sensasi visual tertentu. The indische stijl villa gives a different challenge from the common gallery space, which are generally a neutral and passive "white cube", the rooms of the villa that was built in 1940s feels to have a "soul". Here the works of sculptor became a harmony with the surrounding nature, or actually creates contrasts to build a certain visual sensation.
OPENING Friday, 19 May 2017, 10 AM VENUE Dammara Sculpture and Coffee Bar Jl. Tlogo Putri, RT. 11/ RW. 15, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman 0821 3604 5149
[email protected]
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May 2017 Jun 2017
SUPER/NATURAL Nature, as a subject matter in art-making, is one that has long captured the imagination of artists. Whether defined as intrinsic characteristics, physical forms, or primordial states of being, contemplation often yields unexpected discoveries. SUPER/NATURAL features 18 Singapore contemporary artists, exploring the ways in which their practices mediate with perceptions of nature, reality and systems of belief.
ARTISTS Suzann Victor, Jason Lim, Kumari Nahappan, Ng Joon Kiat, Tang Da Wu, Ian Woo, Angie Seah, Genevieve Chua, Chun Kai Qun, Sarah Choo, Ruben Pang, Chong Weixin, Zen The, Lavender Chang, Warren Khong, Luke Heng, Robert Zhao, Kray Chen OPENING Friday, 19 May 2017, 4 PM VENUE Komplek Pertokoan Aruna Jl. Bugisan, Selatan, Keloran, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0878 3834 7868 (Vindi)
[email protected]
May 2017 Jun 2017
ARTISTS Kara Andarini & Rega Ayundya OPENING Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE Galleri II (Basement) Langgeng Art Foundation Jl. Suryodiningratan 37, Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta 0274 417043 www.langgengfoundation.org
2017 20 May AMOK TANAH JAWA 2017 20 Jun Amok Tanah Jawa adalah sebuah proyek penelusuran Moelyono terhadap sejarah dan persebaran seni pertunjukan di Jawa Timur, khususnya ludruk. Sebagai seniman yang banyak bekerja dengan komunitaskomunitas lokal, Moelyono telah lama banyak bersinggungan dengan pelaku seni tradisi terutama dalam rangka mengangkat dan mendiskusikan narasinarasi subversif bersama warga. Amok Tanah Jawa is a project of Moelyono as he traces the history and disemmination of East Javanese art of performances, especially ludruk. As an artist who had worked with local communities, Moelyono had long interaction with traditional art practitioners in order to highlight and discuss subversive narrations with the community. ARTIST Moelyono in collaboration with Yusuf Muntaha OPENING Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE Galleri I Langgeng Art Foundation Jl. Suryodiningratan 37, Suryodiningratan, Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta 0274 417043 www.langgengfoundation.org
ART EXHIBITION 2017 20 May ANGIN JAWA 2017 12 Jun Angin Jawa merupakan pameran tunggal karya Hary Jaran, seorang seniman instalasi, perupa, pelukis. Kecintaannya terhadap sepeda juga otomotif sedari dulu membuat beberapa karya yang dihasilkan ada yang bersinggungan dengan dunia tersebut. Semua karya seni yang dihasilkan merupakan inspirasi yang datang dari leluhur. Angin Jawa perpaduan antara budaya Jawa dan budaya modern. Angin Jawa is the solo exhibiton of Hary Jaran works, an installation artists, visual artist, painter. His fondness to bycicle and automotive made his works often intersects with those worlds. All his artworks gained inspirations from the ancestors. Angin Jawa is a combination between Javanese culture and modern culture. ARTIST Hary Jaran OPENING Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE Seturan Hotel Jl. Seturan No.13 Catur Tunggal Depok, Yogyakarta 0815 1089 6138
[email protected]
2017 20 May Jul 2 2017
LANGKAH KECIL LANGKAH BESAR Akiq AW mendokumentasikan bagaimana propaganda selama masa Orde Baru hingga kini, melalui artefak relief pose keluarga yang dapat ditemui di desa dan kampung di seluruh Indonesia. Proyek ini melihat bagaimana moda kampanye menjadi sebuah cara untuk menguasai ruang publik dari area pertarungan politik yang heterogen menjadi ruang terbuka yang diatur dan diseragamkan. Akiq AW documented propagandas from the New Order era until today through artifacts of family pose reliefs that could be found in villages and kampongs all over Indonesia. The project sees how this campaign mode can also be a control public spaces from an area of heterogen politic fight into organized and uniformed open spaces. ARTIST Akiq A.W OPENING Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE Ark Galerie Jl Suryodiningratan 36 A, Yogyakarta 0818 0405 6913 (Arsita Iswardhani)
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 20 May HOME SWEET HOME 2017 20 Jun Kesadaran akan pentingnya peranan rumah dalam membentuk karakter seniman kami jadikan sebagai ide untuk menggelar pameran yang bertajuk HOME SWEET HOME. Pameran ini merupakan refleksi akan pentingnya sebuah ruang dalam proses berkesenian. Pameran tersebut juga akan menjadi sebuah pertanda akan kemunculan ruang kolektive yang kami beri nama Ruang Seni Bangunjiwa. The awareness on the important role of home in moulding the artist's character is used as an idea to organize the HOME SWEET HOME exhibition. This exhibition reflects on the importance of space in an artistic process. The exhibition will also serve as a sign on the emergence of the collective space we named Ruang Seni Bangunjiwa ARTISTS Nugroho Heri Cahyono, Nugroho Wijayatmo, Agung Nugroho, Reza D. Pahlevi, Ifat Futuh, Yurisa Adhi OPENING Saturday, 20 May 2017, 3.30 PM VENUE Ruang Seni Bangunjiwa Dusun Lemah Dadi, RT 02/RW 13, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0818 0438 3452
[email protected]
20 ; 21
MAY | 2017
20 May 2017 10.00 AM — 07.00PM Sharing Session, Performance day 1 Raku Firing Process 21 May 2017 03.00 PM — 07.00 PM 03.00 PM | Ceramic Presentation from Ruang Bakar 04.00 PM | Tea Culture’s Talk Session 04.00 PM — 07.00 PM | Tea Afternoon session
Venue | SaRanG Building II Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan Bantul Regency Special Region of Yogyakarta
2017 20 May 2017 21 May
BAKAR KERAMIK KELILING VOL. 3 SOILWORKS! Merupakan presentasi kerja kriya keramik dengan konsep mobile studio dan tungku portable. Bakar Keramik kali ini akan mengelaborasi kerja studio terbuka dan sesi wicara dengan tema yang bersilangan antara budaya tanah pada kriya keramik dan tradisi minum teh di Indonesia. A work presentation of Ruang Bakar studio, a group focusing on ceramics craft works with the concept of mobile studio and portable kiln. Through the theme soilworks, this time will elaborate open studio work and talkshow with theme that insterects between the culture of soil in ceramics craft and the tea drinking tradition in Indonesia. ARTISTS Sigit, Apri Susanto, Dwita Anja Asmara, Arifana Fitri, Dian Hardiansyah, Sidik Purnomo, Trien Iin Afriza, Abdul, Dimas, Fauzan, Noris, Jeni Astuti, serta studio Avatar Eksperimental | collaborate with Ignatia Nilu OPENING Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE SaRang Building II Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 0822 2717 3094 (Ignatia Nilu)
ART EXHIBITION 2017 21 May LINKAGE 20 YEARS OHD MUSEUM 2017 30 Okt ARTISTS Abdi Setiawan, Agung Kurniawan, Agus Kamal, Aming Prayitno, Anusapati, Awiki, Basrizal Albara, Dadang Christanto, Djoko Pelik, EddiE HaRA, Edi Sunaryo, Entang Wiharso, Erica Hestu Wahyuni, F. Sigit Santosa, Faizal, Gusti Alit Cakra, Handiwirman Saputra, Harjiman, Heri Dono, I Made Djirna, I Made Sumadiyasa, I Made Wianta, I Nyoman Erawan, I Nyoman Gunarsa, I Nyoman Sukari, Ivan Sagito, Jumaldi Alfi, Juni Wulandari, Kwee Ing Tjiong, Lucia Hartini, M. Agus Burhan, Mella Jaarsma, Moch. Basori, Narsen Afatara, Nasirun, Nunung WS, Pupuk Daru Purnomo, Putu Sutawijaya, Rudi Mantofani, Subroto Sm, Sudarisman, Sunaryo, Sutjipto Adi, Sutopo, Suwaji, Syahrizal Koto, Tisna Sanjaya, Ugo Untoro, Yunizar, Yusra Martunus, Yuswantoro Adi
OPENING Sunday, 21 May 2017 VENUE OHD museum Jl. Jenggolo 14 Magelang, Jawa Tengah 0293 363420
[email protected]
2017 22 May SENYAWA OPEN STUDIO 2017 10 Jun Adalah kunjungan ke rumah produksi busana tailor-made. N-Workshop yang fully-handcrafted menawarkan konsep produksi dengan pendekatan kekuatan seni busana buatan tangan. Informasi rinci lainnya terkait “seni busana” (wearable art) dapat diperoleh selama masa tur/open studio. Visits to tailor-made fashion production house The fully-handcrafted N-Workshop offers the concept of production with an approach of the strength of handmade fashion. Other detailed information regarding "wearable art" can be attained during the tour/open studio period.
ARTIST Jogja Fashion Forum OPENING Monday, 22 May 2017 VENUE N-Workshop Fashion Gallery & Management Jl. Suryodiningratan 37-B, Mantrijeron 0817 338 803
[email protected]
ART EXHIBITION 2017 22 May 2017 18 Jun
Pameran Sirkuit Bagong Kussudiardja adalah upaya untuk mengenalkan kembali karya-karya Alm. Bagong Kussudiardja dalam peta seni rupa di Indonesia. Bagong Kussudiardja Circuit Exhibition is an attempt to reintroduce the works of the late Bagong Kussudiardja in the visual art map in Indonesia.
OPENING Monday, 22 May 2017, 3.30 PM VENUE Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja Desa Kembaran, RT. 004 / RW. 21, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul (0274) 414404
[email protected]
2017 23 May 2017 31 May
PAMERAN 50 TAHUN OM PASIKOM GM Sudarta alias Om Pasikom adalah kartunis harian Kompas. Karya kartunnya senantiasa menggelitik kita dengan penggambaran sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi segala aspek yang sedang terjadi di masyarakat. Entah itu situasi sosial, budaya, politik, maupun hukum. GM Sudarta or Om Pasikom is Kompas daily cartoonist. His cartoon always tittilates us with description according to the current situation and condition and all aspects of the community. Whether it is social, cultural, political or legal situation.
ARTIST GM Sudarta (Om Pasikom) OPENING Tuesday, 23 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta Jl. Suroto No. 2 Kotabaru, Yogyakarta 0274-560404 | 0856 4344 7463 (M. Wuryani)
[email protected] www.bentarabudaya.com
PAMERAN SENI RUPA 2017 23 May Jun 23 2017 CINTA [LOVE] Lewat bahasa rupa, 18 seniman dalam pameran ini bicara soal CINTA. Cinta kepada apa dan siapa saja, yang abstrak maupun yang kongkret: Tuhan, manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, alam, lingkungan, bangsa, negara, ideologi, kebenaran, dll. Mereka tak bicara hanya pada lingkup jagat amor, namun masuk ke dalam pemahaman yang lebih luas. Through visual language, 18 artists in this exhibition speaks of LOVE. Love to anything and anyone, the abstract and the concrete: God, human, animal, plants, nature, environment, nation, the state, ideology, truth, etc. They are not merely "talking" in the amorous scope, but entering the deeper and wider meanings.
OPENING Tuesday, 23 May 2017 VENUE Padepokan Apel Watoe Jl. Randu Alas 9, Ganjuran 1 (Seganan) Tuksongo, Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah 0813 2730 9999
[email protected] [email protected],
2017 23 May 2017 30 May
Program residensi periode #1 tahun ini melibatkan tiga seniman dari tiga negara, yaitu Kevin van Braak (Belanda), Laura Marsh (New Zealand), dan Yosefa Aulia (Bandung). Sebagai titik kulminasi proses dan gagasan yang dikembangkan oleh para seniman selama masa tinggalnya, akan diadakan presentasi dalam format kreatif yang berlangsung pada minggu terakhir bulan Mei. The period #1 residency program this year involved three artists from three countries, Kevin van Braak (the Netherlands), Laura Marsh (New Zealand), and Yosefa Aulia (Indonesia). As a culminating point of processes and ideas developed by the artists during their residency period, a presentation in a creative format will be held in the last week of May. ARTISTS Kevin van Braak (Belanda), Laura Marsh (New Zealand), Yosefa Aulia (Indonesia) OPENING Tuesday, 23 May 2017 VENUE Cemeti – Institute for Art and Society Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41, Yogyakarta 0274 – 371015 (office)
[email protected]
PAMERAN FOTO HITAM PUTIH 2017 3 Jun Jun 17 2017 CETHO WELO-WELO Pameran seni foto hitam putih “Cetho Welo-welo” memotret aktivitas keseharian dan apa yang tak nampak (seeing the unseen) dari para peserta pameran. Perspektif yang beragam memberikan warna pada hitam putihnya karya. The black and white photography art exhibition "Cetho Welo-welo" portrays the day to day activities and "seeing the unseen" of the exhibition participants. The varied perspectives give colors to the artworks's black and white.
ARTIST Diskom Songo Sidjie – ISI Yogyakarta OPENING Saturday, 3 June 2017 VENUE N-Workshop Fashion Gallery & Management Jl.Suryodiningratan 37 B,Yogyakarta 0817 338 803
[email protected]
2017 3 Jun TANGAN MENCINTAI KAIN 2017 10 Jun "Tangan Mencintai Kain"–cerita tentang motif, warna dan tekstur kain yang dihasilkan dari kecintaan dan ekperimen Caroline Rika Winata, seorang seniman dan desainer tekstil yang berdomisili di Yogyakarta. Rika bekerja di studio WIRU yang didirikannya 10 tahun lalu, fokus pada ikat celup dan batik. "The Hands that Loves the Fiber" story about fiber motifs, colors, and textures produced from the love and experiments of Caroline Rika Winata, an artist and textile designer living in Yogyakarta. Rika works in WIRU studio she founded 10 years ago, focusing on tie dye and batik.
ARTIST Caroline Rika Winata OPENING Saturday, 3 June 2017 VENUE Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta Jl. Suroto No. 2 Kotabaru, Yogyakarta 0274-560404 | 0856 4344 7463 (M. Wuryani)
[email protected] www.bentarabudaya.com
ART EXHIBITION 2017 3 Jun TONEEL 2017 13 Jun
ARTIST Tri Wahyudi OPENING Saturday, 3 June 2017, 8 PM VENUE Indieart House Jl. AS Samawaat No 99 0821 3481 9155
[email protected]
2017 10 Jun THE MADNESS OF ART : GIANT PAINTINGS OF THE LUNATICS 2017 20 Jun Merupakan pameran kolosal menampilkan karya-karya masterpiece berukuran besar dari tiga perupa: Seruni Bodjawati, Wara Anindyah, dan Sri Harjanto Sahid. Audiens dapat mengamati kegilaan, ketekunan, hingga obsesi seniman mewujudkan idenya hingga tercipta karya-karya raksasa bertema imajinatif, di luar batas nalar kehidupan sehari-hari. A collosal exhibition presenting big sized masterpieces of 3 artists: Seruni Bodjawati, Wara Anindyah, and Sri Harjanto Sahid. The audience can enjoy the madness, dilligence, even obsessions of the artists in materializing their ideas and created gigantic artworks with imaginative themes, beyond the logics of daily life. ARTISTS Seruni Bodjawati, Sri Harjanto Sahid, Wara Anindyah OPENING Saturday, 10 June 2017, 8 PM VENUE Galeri RJ KATAMSI Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Jl. Parangtritis Km 6,5, Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0882 1624 0655
[email protected]
12 19
Jun 2017 Jun 2017
LIQUID COLOR Sebuah pemaknaan tentang kesadaran akan potensi yang ada pada personal masing-masing seniman yang mengalir mewarna tanpa bisa dikenadalikan oleh siapa pun. Di sini akan kelompok ini akan mencoba menumpahkan semua potensi warna yang menjadi kekhasan tersebut dengan mengusung tema Liquid Color. An interpretation to awareness of potentials within each of the artist that flows in colors and cannot be controled by anyone. Here the group attempted to pour all potentials of colors that became a characteristic under the theme of Liquid Color.
ARTISTS Roadyn Choerodin, Muji Harjo, Andy Miswandi, Endro Bayu, Sigit Raharjo OPENING Monday, 12 June 2017 VENUE Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta Jl. Suroto No. 2 Kotabaru, Yogyakarta 0274-560404 | 0856 4344 7463 (M. Wuryani)
[email protected]
PAMERAN SENI RUPA 2017 10 May Jun Yes We Are 10 2017 Pameran YES, WE ARE!!! (baca: Ya,Kita!!!) sebagai penegas bahwa rantai terkecil ( pelaku kesenian) yang sebagian besar adalah perupa yang bermigrasi dari asal yang sama, tinggal, berkesenian, di tepat yang sama, masih terus bergerak dan terus berjalan sesuai dengan kapasitas nya masing masing.
ARTISTS Aan Gunawan Dedy Sufriadi Dicky Leos Edi Maesar Edo Pop M Erzane Komroden Haro Iabadiou Piko M Fadhlil M Lugas Sylabus Okatavianus Bakara Riduan Ronald Apriyan Roby Fathoni S Pahlevi Uswarman Hayatuddin OPENING Thursday, 10 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Nalarroepa Ruang Seni Karangjati RT 05, Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta 55184 +62 896 7215 0345 (Rachma) +62 811 254 6376 (Dedy)
ART EXHIBITION 2017 20 May N(ArT)URE Nature and Art 2017 21 May Taman Kearifan UGM (Wisdom Park) dalah sebuah kawasan yang dibangun oleh Universitas Gadjah Mada dengan konsep luar ruangan yang terdiri dari perpaduan antara ruang terbuka hijau, restorasi sungai, taman, fasilitas olahraga dan tempat diskusi, yang di dalamnya merupakan seluruh kesatuan dari beberapa elemen alam yaitu air, angin, udara dan tanah. Wisdom Park UGM dibawah pengelolaan UGM Residence akan mengadakan kompetisi dan pameran mural untuk megajak individu ikut berperan penting dalam pelestarian alam, tema N(ArT)URE – Nature and Art dipilh sebagai penghargaan dari manusia kepada alam semesta melalui seni.
OPENING Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE GOR UGM Jl. Olahraga Taman Kearifan Universitas Gajah Mada 0274 501 1201/+62 896 7647 5505
[email protected]
2017 28 May ART|JOG|10 3, Jun 11, 17 2017
Fringe Programme: Meet The Artist Apa maksud karya, dan bagaimana proses penciptaannya kerap menjadi pertanyaan yang terlintas di benak pengunjung. Meet The Artist memfasilitasi publik untuk berdiskusi secara langsung, serta bertukar gagasan dan inspirasi dalam berkarya dengan seniman-seniman yang terlibat dalam ART|JOG. The meaning of artwork and the process of creation often becomes a question that crossed the mind of the audience. Meet The Artist facilitates public to have direct discussion and exchange ideas and inspirations in creating process with artists involved in ART|JOG. DATE Sunday, 28 May 2017, 3 PM Saturday, 3 June 2017, 3 PM Sunday, 11 June 2017, 3 PM Saturday, 17 June 2017, 3 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0853 4006 4439 (Ama Bahas)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
2017 20 May SADAKO Solo choreographed and performed by Valentine Nagata-Ramos Cie Uzumaki Production: Cie Uzumaki Co productions: Centre de danse du Galion d’Aulnaysous-bois, Initiatives d’Artistes en Danses Urbaines. Support: Initiatives d’Artistes en Danses Urbaines (Fondation de France - Parc de la Villette - avec le soutien de la Caisse des Dépôts et de l’Acsé), Centre de danse du Galion d’Aulnay-sous-bois.
PERFORMER Valentine Nagata Ramos DATE Saturday, 20 May 2017, 7 PM VENUES Institute Francais Indonesia/Lembaga Indonesia Prancis (IFI-LIP) Jl. Sagan, Terban, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta (0274) 547409
NIRA MERAH 2017 20 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE The modern society cycle of change is increasingly dependent to material demands and increasingly cornered people to become the subject to power and lust. The story of Roro Mendut's struggles in maintaining her rights as a fisherman's daughter,wealth and position are not things that can change her mind.
PERFORMER Nimas Dwi Composer : Arini Kumara Vocalist : Endah Laras Musician : Ganggeng Yudana, Praditya Dancer : Angeline Punyk, Duwi Novrianti, Elisa Vindu, Agnes Pamungkas, Harjani Semithami, Mintari, Gusbang Sada, Epy Tex, Raw Angker, Dedi Aprilio, Abu Grey DATE Saturday, 20 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
2017 20 May
Dance performance
new work by PLT Bagong Kussudiardja Jagongan wagen edisi Mei adalah pertunjukan tari yang terinsipirasi dari karya-karya seni rupa Alm. Bagong Kussudiardja. Jagongan Wagen May edition is dance performances inspired by works of the late Bagong Kussudiardja.
DATE Monday, 22 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja Desa Kembaran, RT. 004 / RW. 21, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul (0274) 414404
[email protected]
MELATI SURYODARMO 2017 20 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE The world that inspires me to move my thoughts is the world inside me. The body becomes like a home which functions as container of memories, living organism. The system inside the psychological body that changes all the time has enriched my idea to develop new structures of attitude and thoughts. I try to perceive my surroundings as the fact of the real presence of now, but considering the path of its history. I try to understand the language that are not spoken and open the door of perceptions. I respect the freedom in our minds to perceive things coming through our individual sensory register system.
PERFORMER Melati Suryodarmo DATE Saturday, 20 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
TUBUH DAN IDENTITAS 2017 26 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE “Body and identity” comes from the process of recognizing the body as the reflection of core media about the glimpse of moments that one lives in: how the body being dripped down by the melting wax from canting, what the body feels, how the body dives deep into it, and how the audience imagines such event. All processes turns into a single event; as human being who perceives by his/her identity. It develops as a value which emerges instinctively and experienced personally. PERFORMER Galuh Tulus Utama Fanti Pribadi (Batik Draftsman), Stevanus Novan (Music arranger}, Putut Puji Agusseno (Dalang) DATE Friday, 26 May 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
DHULLL... 2017 26 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE DHULLL... aku yang ada disini, kamu yang dahulu, dia yang jauh mendahului. Yeeyy... kami bahagia, kami bisa memperalat kalian!! DHULLL...I'm here, you that I knew, they who've left us far behind. Yayyy...we're happy, we can fool you!!!
PERFORMERS Komunitas Stupa DATE Friday, 26 May 2017, 9 PM VENUES Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
MANUSIA PORTABLE 2017 26 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Repertoar Manusia Portable tercipta dari fenomena yang sedang hangat saat ini. Sesuatu yang bisa dikatakan kabur atau tidak jelas terlihat, namun bukan bersifat magis atau meta fisik. Kehidupan yang pernah ada, keakraban, kekerabatan dan kedekatan antar manusia kini hanya dapat dirasa dan dilihat pada layar datar 5,5 inci. Tubuh-tubuh manusia ada namun seakan tidak ada. This repertoire is inspired by the recent phenomenon. Something vague or almost invisible, but it is not something magic or metaphysic. The life that we once knew, kinship and intimacy in human interaction, now can only be felt and seen on 5,5 inch flat screen. Human body is still there, but it feels like it's no longer there.
PERFORMER Arie Ersandi Delapan (Music) DATE Friday, 26 May 2017, 9.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
TUMURUNE HAPSARI 2017 28 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Karya ini merupakan bentuk penuangan gagasan tentang penari sintren yang memiliki jiwa ikhlas masing-masing dalam bergerak. This work is a form of the embodiment of the idea about how each sintren dancer has a sincere soul when they move.
PERFORMER Fetriana Rachmawati DATE Sunday, 28 May 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
POLENG 2017 28 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Karya ini bercerita tentang keseimbangan. Dua warna simbol baik dan buruk yang sangat melekat dalam kehidupan menjadi satu bersinergi dalam lembaran kanvas yang menjadisimbol kekuatan. Gagasan awal karya ini yaitu ketertarikan penata tari terhadap salah satu kain batik yang berada di Jawa, yaitu kain poleng. It is about the state of equilibrium. Two colors, the symbol of good and evil, attached to life become one, its synergy on canvas turns into a symbol of power. The choreographer's initial idea in creating this piece came from his interest in one of the batik clothes in Java; poleng. PERFORMER Pulung DATE Sunday, 28 May 2017, 8.50 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
Kau tahu, Bahwa tidak ada yang menarik lagi untuk kita bicarakan dengan tiga jari diatas nampan. Kita saling menjumput ceracau mereka yang berjatuhan di serambi kemudian memindahkan hatihati ke atas bentangan purdah. You know, there's nothing interesting enough for us to talk about with our three fingers on the tray. mutually we pick their babble that falls at the porch then carefully move it on the stretch of purdah. PERFORMER Rendra Bagus Pamungkas DATE Friday, 2 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Pada 2005 mulai intensitas pada tubuh. Beberapa karya pentas tubuh tunggal sebagai sutradara dan aktor, pentas di beberapa kota di Indonesia, juga negara lain seperti Jepang, Singapura, Thailand. Memberikan workshop tubuh di beberapa kota di Indonesia. In 2005 he started to study body intensely. As an actor and a director, he's ever performed the solo body show in some cities in Indonesia and some countries like Japan, Singapore, Thailand. He's also actively doing workshop of body in some cities in Indonesia. PERFORMER Toni Broer DATE Friday, 2 June 2017, 8.55 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Sibar diambil dari penggalan kata sibar-sibar, yang merupakan nama lain dari capung. Karya ini terinspirasi tari Bali yang terletak pada kekuatan mata, salah satunya menyerupai gerakan mata capung. The word Sibar is taken from a word sibar-sibar, and it is an alias for dragonfly. This piece is inspired by Balinese dance, which one of its power is in the eye expressions. One of those expressions, especially the eye movement, is similar to a the eye's movement of dragonfly. PERFORMER Pudak Petak Dance Studio CHOREOGRAPHER Gita Prabhawita DATE Saturday, 3 June 2017, 8.40 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE “Tuhan, terimalah rasa syukur kami atas karunia yang Engkau berikan pada kami. Semoga berkah dan rahmat-Mu selalu memberkati anakku, juga untuk orang-orang yang ada disekitarnya, dan hingga kelak anak keturunannya”. "Lord, please accept our gratitude over the gift that You give to us. May Your blessing and grace always bless my child, and also people around him, and their children's children ". PERFORMER Kinanti Sekar feat. Ethnocentric DATE Saturday, 3 June 2017, 9 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE D U R C H S C H A U T is a German word with two meanings, literally translated with ‘see through’. Mostly it is used to express that you know what someone is up to. The second meaning is that you can look through something because it is transparent. The choreography D U R C H S C H A U T is about these special moments of anticipation in a relationship between two individuals.
PERFORMERS Anna Thu Schmidt, Muhd Asriiwalle Gendra Wisnu Buana (Musician), Kanoko Takaya (Visual artist) DATE Sunday, 4 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Ruang, waktu dan peristiwa menjadi saksi bisu dan akan selalu hadir menemani setiap perjalanan manusia. Space, time and event become the silent witness who always accompany every journey that human beings make.
PERFORMER Bagus Bang Sada DATE Sunday, 4 June 2017, 8.40 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Aku yang lain adalah saya kedua yang berbeda dari aku yang pertama, atau malah saya yang kedua adalah aku yang sebenarnya. The other I is the second I who is different from the first I, or actually it is the second I who is the real I.
PERFORMER Imin DATE Sunday, 4 June 2017, 8.50 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Martinus Miroto lahir di Yogyakarta, 23 Februari 1959. Selain penari dan koreografer, Miroto merupakan pengajar olah tubuh dan koreografi di Institut Seni Indonesia. Ia bergabung dengan Konservatori Tari Indonesia dan belajar dari penari Bagong Kussudiardjo. Martinus Miroto was born in Yogyakarta, February 23, 1959. Besides being a dancer and a choregrapher, he is a teacher of body process and choreography at Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta. He joined Konservatori Tari Indonesia and studied dance from Bagong Kussudiardjo.
PERFORMER Miroto Dance DATE Friday, 9 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Created and conceptualized in 2016, PANCHA, When the flames blaze the caged body, I surrender my soul, I Am…? is a dance series drawing inspiration from expounding female archetypes in relation to the five elements based on Hindu philosophy—wind, fire, earth, water, and aether. Each work in the series is centred on one element, and each element sets the stage for the female archetype who is trapped within social and relational frameworks.
PERFORMER Maya Dance Theatre (Singapore) DATE Friday, 9 June 2017, 9.45 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE THE OTHER SIDE OF DAJANG RINDOE Tradition has become a wall that restrcits woman. But it doesn't mean that we're confined to say what's on our mind. CONSITENCY is a piece that attempts to present the woman's mind shifting about tradition.
PERFORMER Hujan Hijau Dance Lab CHOREOGRAPHER Kiki Rahmantika DATE Sunday, 11 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE “Babanto kakang kawah adi ari-ari tansah mayungi ragaku, lan nglempengake anggonku lumaku”
PERFORMER Hendi Hardiawan DATE Sunday, 11 June 2017, 8.45 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Glundhung bak roda kehidupan, insani yang terselubung sutra norma kehidupan dan direnda seribu karakteryang sulit teruraikan oleh wacana para pujangga. Walau dengan lautan tintadan hamparan gurun kertas, namun semua akan tetap menjadi misteri dalam kehidupan ini. Glundhung is like the wheel of life, the human being wrapped in the silky norm of life and embeded with a thousand of characters which are hard to decipher, even, by the man of letters: the sea of ink and the desert of paper can't contain such mystery in this life. PERFORMER Anggoro Kancil DATE Sunday, 11 June 2017, 9 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Tarian Rai Gedheg melambangkan insan manusia yang kehilangan naluri hati yang positif, serakah akan hak yang bukan miliknya seperti para koruptor, penjarah kekayaan bumi pertiwi, dan segala orang yang tidak lagi mengenal nilai-nilai kemanusiaan. This dance symbolizes the human beings who have lost their positive heart instinct, are greedy for everything that doesn't belong to them. like a corruptor, looter of the motherland, and anyone who no longer recognizes the values of humanity.
PERFORMER STK Management DATE Friday, 14 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Demi Ibu Pertiwi.. Maka inilah jawaban rakyat, Merdeka atau Mati!! In the name of Motherland...this is the people's answer, Freedom or Die!!!
PERFORMER Adi Putra DATE Friday, 14 June 2017, 9.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Graphysical adalah kombinasi dari kata 'Graphy' (catatan) dan 'fisik' (tubuh). Karya tari ini berasal dari kegiatan tubuh dengan koreografi kelompok. Tubuh ini berlari meloncat, berjalan, dan bernafas, menyadari untuk terus bereksplorasi, improvisasi, mengolah tubuh, dan bergerak terus-menerus. Graphysical is a combination of two words, Graphy (notes) and Physical (tubuh). This piece inspired by body activity within group choreography. The body that runs, jumps, walks and breaths, realizes that it still needs to keep on exploring, improving, managing itself and moving. PERFORMER Marshalina Anugraheni DATE Friday, 16 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Ia adalah sosok yang sangat menarik dan inspiratif. Kisahnya bermula ketika pertama kali terjun di bidang seni rupa pada 1973–1977 di Sekolah Menengah Seni Rupa. Awalnya ia tak berniat menjadi penari, namun segalanya berubah ketika ia bertemu dengan Bagong Kussudiarja. He is an interesting and inspirational figure. His story began when for the first time he studied fine art at Sekolah Menengah Seni Rupa in 1973-1976. Actually he didn't inted to be a dancer, but things changed when he met Bagong Kussudiardja. PERFORMER Bimo Wiwohatmo DATE Friday, 16 June 2017, 8.45 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
KOMUNITAS JAZZ MBEN SENEN Acara Jazz Mben Senen berlangsung di pelataran Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta, setiap hadir setiap hari Senin malam. Anak-anak muda pecinta jazz, yang biasa dipanggil dengan sebutan kancaku di Jazz Mben Senen sudah merasa bahwa hari Senin bagi mereka identik dengan Jazz Mben Senen. ORA NGEJAZZ ORA MBOYS. Jazz Mben Senen is held at the parking lot of Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta every Monday Night. Jazz lover youths, commonly referred to as 'kancaku' (my friend) in Jazz Mben Senen have felt that Monday is identical to Jazz Mben Senen. ORA NGEJAZZ ORA MBOYS.
PERFORMER Jogja Jazz community DATE Every Monday, 8 PM – 12 AM VENUE Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta Jalan Suroto No. 2 Kotabaru Yogyakarta
[email protected] @BbyYogya
May 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE HYPNAGOGIA akan menampilkan suatu penggambaran kondisi manusia antara sadar dan bermimpi. Karya ini akan ditampilkan melalui beberapa instrumen musik seperti electric cello, contrabass, harpa, beats, dan suara manusia. Melalui karya ini, kita akan bepergian dari satu alam mimpi ke alam mimpi lainnya melalui suatu perjalanan via telinga, mata, dan rasa. HYPNAGOGIA would present a state of human being, between awake and dreaming. This work would use some instruments like electric cello, contrabass, harp, beats and human voice to convey the idea. This work would take us into a journey from one realm of dream to the other ones through ears, eyes and heart.
PERFORMER Arini Kumara & Lisa Gracia DATE Friday, 16 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id
May 2017
PERFORMER Dr. Tompi, Prof. Tjut Nyak Deviana feat. Sruti Respati, Astri Kusumawardhani DATE Friday, 19 May 2017 VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id
LUMBUNG ARTEMA IN CONCERT 2017 A Tribute To Michael Jackson
Ki Hadjar Dewantara mencetuskan salah satu ajaran yang sampai sekarang menjadi dasar kebudayaan yaitu TRIKON (kontinyu, konsentris, konvergen). Kebudayaan sendiri mencakup ruang lingkup yang luas, diantaranya adalah musik. Pada pertunjukkan ini akan menyuguhkan lagu lagu Michael Jackson dengan perpaduan musik tradisional (gamelan–angklung) dan musik modern tanpa meninggalkan ciri khas adat ketimuran. Ki Hadjar Dewantara established a teaching that until today becomes the basic of culture which is TRIKON (Continutity, Concentric, Convergence) Culture itself covers a wide scope, among it is music. The performance will present Michael Jackson's songs with traditional music (gamelan-angklung) in combination with modern music without leaving the specific character of Eastern tradition.
DATE Saturday, 20 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Balai Budaya Minomartani Tegalrejo RT 32/RW 12, Minomartani, Ngaglik, Sleman 0857 2931 7259
[email protected]
2017 20 May
Solo Konser & Presentasi Riset Musik Noise oleh Indra Menus Presentasi riset hubungan antara skena musik Experimental Noise di Asia Tenggara dengan Jepang oleh Indra Menus yang selama Maret – April 2017 melakukan riset di Filipina, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand dan Jepang melalui program fellowship Asia Center, Japan Foundation. Sekaligus konser solo oleh Indra Menus didukung Mahamboro (saxophone) dan Jandon Banyu (beatbox). Presentation on the research of correlation betwen Noise Experimental music scene in South East Asia and in Japan bu Indra Menus who in March - April 2017 had carried out researchs in the Philippine, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan, through the Japan Foundation Asia Center fellowship program. Also presenting the solo concert of Indra Menus supported by Mahamboro (saxophone) and Jandon Banyu (beatbox).
DATE Saturday, 20 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Kedai Kebun Forum Jalan Tirtodipuran No.3, Mantrijeron 0857 2973 2198
[email protected]
May 2017
Jogja Noise Bombing adalah sebuah kolektif terbuka untuk penikmat maupun pembuat musik noise di Yogyakarta.Di samping menyelenggarakan noise bombing, kolektif ini juga mengorganisir festival internasional tahunan Jogja Noise Bombing Festival. Jogja Noise Bombing is an open collective for the lover and the player of noise music in Yogyakarta. Besides organizing noise bombing, this collective organizes an international festival, Jogja Noise Bombing Festival.
PERFORMER Jogja Noise Bombing DATE Saturday, 21 May 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
May 2017
Kuartet berbahaya dan lucu dari Sewon, pelaku seni rupa yang kelebihan bermain sampai di ranah suara. Mengolah dan memperdengarkan suara relaksasi yang berantakan, mengulang-ulang, kadang membuat emosi. Awalnya adalah pemuja suara eksperimental dari benda elektronik kesayangannya. Pengharap pesta dapat diciptakan dari suara yang ditimbulkan, tapi sistem tata suara kecil menimbulkan makna lain dari harapan This dangerous and funny quartet from Sewon are the fine artists whose their abundance energy of playing drive them to the realm of music. They've been arranging and performing the sound of relaxation that's chaotic, repetitive and sometimes evoking certain emotion. In the beginning they're the worshiper of experimental sound from their beloved electronic devices, hoping that party can be held with the sound they produced, but the small PA system gives another meaning for what they hoped for.
PERFORMER BBDKK DATE Friday, 21 May 2017, 8.55 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id
ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
L’Ensemble Multilatérale 2017 22 May Ensemble Multilatérale menyuguhkan karya-karya besar abad ke-20 dan karya-karya baru komponis generasi masa kini. Ensembel musik kamar ini telah menelurkan sekitar 50 karya dari Regis Campo, Lucas Fagin, Matteo Franceschini, dll. Ensemble Multilatérale kerap diundang di berbagai festival kenamaan di Prancis dan menggelar tur di luar negeri. Ensemble Multilatérale presents the great works of the 20th Century and new works of componists of today's generation. The music chamber ensemble have performed about 50 works of Regis Campo, Lucas Fagin, Matteo Franceschini, etc. Ensemble Multilatérale is often invited to various famous festivals in France and going on international tours.
DATE Monday, 22 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Institute Francais Indonesia/Lembaga Indonesia Prancis (IFI-LIP) Jl. Sagan, Terban, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta (0274) 547409
Maxime Zecchini Concert 2017 24 May Maxime Zecchini, a 35-year-old young pianist. He was the first French pianist to receive a degree from the prestigious "Incontricol Maestro Academy" in Imola. On the occasion of the centenarian of the war 14-18, Maxime Zecchini imagined a program alternating works for only left hand and works for both hands.
DATE Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 7 PM VENUE Institute Francais Indonesia/Lembaga Indonesia Prancis (IFI-LIP) Jl. Sagan, Terban, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta (0274) 547409
Dengan mengusung konsep jam session, semangat yang ingin ditularkan oleh Jazz Mben Senen adalah semangat guyub dan rukun yang menjadi ciri utama masyarakat Jogja. Harapannya, Jazz Mben Senen ingin ‘memasyarakatkan’ jazz. By running concept of jam session, the spirit that this community wants to spread is the spirit of togetherness and harmony which is also the main characteristic of Jogjanese. Hopefully Jazz Mben Senen can popularize Jazz,
PERFORMER Jazz Mben Senen Community DATE Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
DONGENG SEBELUM TIDUR 2017 24 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Michael Asmara is an Indonesian leading contemporary music composer from Yogyakarta. He studied harmony, counterpoint, and music analyses at the Akademi Musik Indonesia Yogyakarta (now Indonesia Institute of the Arts/Institute Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta) from 1980–1983 and composition by self-thought. Asmara has written a range of musical compositions for western instruments and Javanese Gamelan. Patrick Hartono (Makassar, 1988) is a young Indonesian electroacoustic composer and intermedia artist. His art and musical interest use technology and scientific approaches as creative tools. He is also interested in 3-D sound spatialisation, analog/ digital synthesis, psychoacoustic, and visual music. Most of his works use sound of Indonesian traditional musical instrument, computer-generated sound/images, field recordings, underwater photography; transformed, rearranged, modulated by mathematical rules, real time interaction, and controlled random operations. PERFORMER Michael Asmara Violin: Hanny Susilowati, Electronic: Patrick Hartono DATE Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 9.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE
Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
THE MONOHERO 2017 25 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Duo The Monohero akan mementaskan komposisi Escalating Wanderlust,tentang sebuah keinginan mengembara yang perlahan menggebu-gebu. Karya ini bercerita tentang bagaimana seseorang yang mulai bertanya-tanya tentang apa yang terjadi di dalam dirinya, beberapa kegelisahan yang membuat ia diam dan mempertanyakan eksistensi dan jati dirinya kepada “Dia yang ada di mana-mana”. This duo will perform a composition called Escalating Wanderlust. This title represents the slow burning desire to wanderlust. This piece tells a story about a person who starts to questioning what happens inside of themselves, the restlessness that makes him silent and questioning his existence and his true identity to "Him, who is everywhere". DATE Thursday, 25 May 2017, 8 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
SUNGAI 2017 27 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Sungai membawakan musik pop balada dengan sentuhan eksperimental. Terbentuk akhir 2014, Sungai diperkuat oleh Anggito Rahman (gitar, vokal), Stefan Toghas (gitar), Amy Yunto Adi Putra (bass), Irine Winta (vokal), Mawar Rengga (vokal), dan Dimas Budi Satya (perkusi). Sungai bereksperimen dengan kombinasi musik pop dengan tiga vokal berpadu dan perkusi hand-made “Wer-ewer”. Sungai plays a ballad pop music with a touch of experimental element. Formed in 2014, Sungai consists of Anggito Rahman (guitar, vocal), Stefan Toghas (guitar), Amy Yunto Adi Putra (bass), Irine Winta (vocal), Mawar Rengga (vocal) and Dimas Budi Satya (percussion). This band has been experimenting with pop music using three vocals and hand-made percussion from wood, gear, and rubber tire, called "Wer-ewer".
DATE Saturday, 27 May 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
RUBAH DI SELATAN 2017 27 May ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Kami mengeksplorasi bunyi melalui berbagai instrumen yang berkaitan dengan budaya dan tradisi, seperti udupot, karinding, didgeridoo, rainstick, saluang, dan kecapi. Warna musik folk kami masukkan juga dengan menggunakan akustik gitar dan kami kemas semua komposisi instrumen dengan balutan keyboard yang menjadikannya kaya dan menguatkan karakter Rubah di Selatan: Luas megah dalam kesederhanaan. Musically, we've been exploring sounds from various instruments that more or less related to a culture and a tradition. For example, Udupot, Karinding, Didgeridoo, Rainstick, Saluang, Kecapi. Besides, the theme that we pick, the folk music that we play also uses acoustic guitar. And finally we also wrap our instrumental compositions with keyboard to enrich and strengthen the character of Rubah di Selatan. Grand majestic in simplicity.
DATE Saturday, 27 May 2017, 8.55 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
May 2017
Dengan mengusung konsep jam session, semangat yang ingin ditularkan oleh Jazz Mben Senen adalah semangat guyub dan rukun yang menjadi ciri utama masyarakat Jogja. Harapannya, Jazz Mben Senen ingin ‘memasyarakatkan’ jazz. By running concept of jam session, the spirit that this community wants to spread is the spirit of togetherness and harmony which is also the main characteristic of Jogjanese. Hopefully Jazz Mben Senen can popularize Jazz,
DATE Wednesday, 31 May 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Berawal pada tahun 2014 dengan bentuk sebuah band bergenre folk/folklore/pop/eksperimental, mengusung materi dan konsep mengenai realitas, pengalaman personal, lingkungan, dan alam sekitar. Layaknya troubadour yang bertualang mencari makna akan tujuan hidup Ridwan Fatham (Gomex) pada gitar dan vokal, Ikbal Bale pada bas, Billah pada cajon, dan Rudeina Dai pada suling sepakat wiyasa sebuah kelompok musik dengan ahwaya “Ka Awang Awang”. In 2014, a band whose genre is Folk/Folklore/Pop/Experimental started. The material and the concept that they use in their lyrics and music are the reality, their personal experiences, environment and the surrounding. Like a troubadour who travels around to search the meaning of life, Ridwan Fatham (Gomex) on guitar and vocal, Ikbal Bale on Bass, Bilah on Cajon and Rudeina Dai on suling (traditional flute) agreed to form a band and they named it "Ka Awang-Awang".
DATE Thursday, 1 June 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Lagu-lagu Kopibasi bangkit dari hal-hal yang basi, gagasan tumpah menjadi lirik yang jujur dan sebenarnya. Mempertanyakan kebenaran dan kesalahan, memilih turun dan keluar dari trem waktu. Lirik yang termaktub pada selarik kertas dapat dibaca sebagai puisi, atau didengarkan sebagai lagu. Our songs come from a mundane thing, we turn our idea and thought into some honest and real lyrics. Questioning about right and wrong, choosing to get down and get out of the train of time, describing how "lateness" becomes a very subjective matter. For Kopibasi, poetry is so meaningful, the lyrics written on a piece of paper can be read as a poetry, or a song.
DATE Thursday, 1 June 2017, 8.55 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Musikus dan komponis Otto Sidharta lahir di Bandung, 6 November 1955. Selain mengajar di beberapa perguruan tinggi, dia juga aktif di Dewan Kesenian Jakarta sebagai anggota komite musik, memimpin Orkes Simfoni Nusantara, dan menjadi salah satu pendiri Asosiasi Komponis Indonesia, bersama Slamet Abdul Sjukur, Sapto Rahardjo, Ben Pasaribu, dan Djaduk Ferianto. Musician and Composer Otto Sidharta was born in Bandung, November 6, 1955. Besides teaching at some universities, he is also active at Dewan Kesenian Jakarta as the member of music commitee, leading Orkes Simfoni Nusantara and one of the founders of Asosiasi Komponis Indonesia, along with Slamet Abdul Sjukur, Sapto Rahardjo, Ben Pasaribu, and Djaduk Ferianto. DATE Thursday, 1 June 2017, 9.45 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
Sekolah Budi Utama merupakan sekolah nasional dengan umur cukup muda, yang mengedepankan keberagaman budaya, agama, dan lain-lain, serta tiga bahasa yang menjadi unggulan sekolah ini, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, dan Mandarin. Sekolah ini memberikan ruang bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan diri dan berekspresi melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, salah satunya Chinese Drum yang diadakan sejak 2012. Sekolah Budi Utama is a national school that's founded a few years back, that puts forward the diversity of culture, religion etc. and also the learning of three languages (Bahasa, English and Mandarin) as its main interest. This school also provides a room for students to develop and express themselves through extracurricular activities, and one of them is Chinese Drum since 2012. DATE Saturday, 3 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE TrumpetEzra adalah kelompok musik beraliran jazz beserta variannya seperti free jazz, punk jazz dll, yang berfokus pada permainan terumpet yang menawan dari Ezra Deardo Purba. Yang menjadikan kelompok ini menarik dan indah adalah ansambel musikalitasnya, karena memadukan terumpet dengan alat-alat musik tradisi di kepulauan Indonesia. TrumpetEzra is a musical group, jazz style, free jazz, punk jazz, fussion jazz, all genres of jazz, and focus on the beautiful trumpet melody played by Ezra Deardo Purba. What makes it interesting and so beautiful are the musical ensemble, in collaboration between trumpet and combo with the musical traditions of the Indonesian archipelago. DATE Wednesday, 7 June 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE mengawali karya di Yogyakarta sebagai band proyek Komunitas Jazz Jogja – Jazz Mben Senen untuk mengisi acara Ngayogjazz 2015. Nama Tricotado, berarti rajutan dalam bahasa Spanyol dan Portugis, menginspirasi band ini untuk selalu dapat merajut bunyi menghasilkan karya. Tricotado is that started to perform their works in Yogyakarta as a project band of Komunitas Jazz Jogja (Jogja Jazz Community)--Jazz Mben Senen, to perform at Ngayogjazz 2015. By naming themselves Tricotado , from a Spanish and Portuguese, which means knitting, they hope this band can always knit the sound to create the work.
DATE Wednesday, 7 June 2017, 8.55 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
Kelompok ini terdiri dari enam orang pemuda terpilih yang memiliki kepedulian untuk belajar dan melestarikan musik keroncong sebagai nafas dalam bermusik. Hal ini muncul karena sudah semakin sedikit orang muda yang menggemari dan memainkan musik keroncong. This group consists of six chosen young men who care about how to learn and reserve keroncong as the heartbeat in playing music. It is because of the less and less number of youth who like and play that kind of music.
DATE Thursday, 8 June 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Nama Jasmine (Indonesia/Jawa: melati/mlati) di usulkan oleh Arie “Bodong”, mahasiswa Filsafat UGM dengan mengadopsi simbolisme pemakaian bunga melati dalam budaya Jawa. Bunga ini beraroma khas dengan efek terapis yang menenangkan dan memiliki kedudukan terhormat dalam berbagai kebudayaan. Dengan alasan itulah, Jasmine dipakai untuk menamai kelompok musik sederhana ini. It was Arie "Bodong", student of Philosophy at UGM who suggested the name Jasmine (Bahasa/Javanese: melati/mlati) to this band, by adopting symbolism of the use of jasmine in Javanese culture. This flower has a special aroma with a soothing therapeutic effect and holds a respectable position in various cultures. With such reason, we use Jasmine to name this simple band. DATE Thursday, 8 June 2017, 8.35 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
Endah Sri Murwani, atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Endah Laras, lahir di Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, 3 Agustus 1976. Kakak dari penyanyi Sruti Respati ini dikenal sebagai pelantun lagu-lagu keroncong, lagu Jawa, dan salah satu pemeran dalam film Soegija (2012). Endah Sri Murwani, or better known as Endah Laras, was born in Sukoharjo, Central Java, August 3, 1976. The big sister of the singer Sruti Respati is famous for her ability in singing keroncong songs, Javanese songs, and one of the actors in the movie, Soegija (2012).
DATE Thursday, 8 June 2017, 9.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Single termutakhir Skandal, Superfine mengeksplorasi sisi estetika, kesentimentilan, keterusterangan, kenaifan, unsur melodi dan hooks dari band-band dan sosok-sosok pemusik dari Amerika dan Inggris yang beraliran pop alternatif. Selain itu, mereka juga meminjam unsur twist dan sensibilitas dari vibes bandband pop Indonesia tahun pertengahan 90-an. Skandal’s most recent single Superfine exploring the aesthetics, sentimentality, candour, naivety, melodies, and hooks from the American and British alternative pop. In addition, they also borrow from the twist and sensibility of the Indonesian mid 90s.
DATE Saturday, 10 June 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Para ahli kebisingan dari Yogyakarta ini bukan hanya menjadi alternatif bagi yang sedang populer di Jawa saja, namun juga di seluruh Indonesia. Dua pendiri band beranggotakan enam orang ini — Jimmy dan Sony (keduanya lulusan sekolah seni) — berpaling pada Sonic Youth sebagi inspirasi saat bereksperiman menggunakan suara dan struktur musik mereka yang tak berbentuk. These noise merchants from Yogyakarta are not just an alternative to what is happening in central Java but all of Indonesia. The two founders of the six-man group— Jimmy and Sony (both art school graduates)—looked to Sonic Youth for inspiration as they experimented with sounds and an amorphous structure to their music. DATE Saturday, 10 June 2017, 8.55 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
Born on 7 June 1979 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Deeply serious into the music business since 1998. Electronic Music is his main discipline. Also known as midi JUNKIE or WVLV, as a solo electronic music performer. He has managed an electronic music forum called Sound Boutique since 2005. Now he is developing a contemporary gamelan group called Saron Groove in Gayam 16 Community, and playing as DJ in duo called Rancak Arcade. A wearable art exhibition and mini-show that will present fashion works with specific visual art contents and characteristics. Wearable art offers a positioning and characteristics of fashion products from Yogyakarta.
DATE Thursday, 15 June 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Sebuah grup musik yang dibentuk berasal dari beberapa pemuda yang mengagumi musisi-musisi pada era 1950–1970-an. Dari segi musik, Holiday Anna memainkan musik pop dengan menghadirkan sentuhan vintage di dalamnya dengan paduan unsur musik lain seperti swing, jazz bossanova, keroncong, dan rocksteady. This band is formed by some young men who adimre musicians from 50's-70's. Musically, Holiday Anna plays pop music and adding the touch of vintage, and incorporates another music genres like swing, jazz bossanova, keroncong and rocksteady.
DATE Saturday, 17 June 2017, 8.15 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Terbentuk pada April 2016, beranggotakan Desy Nugroho, Endik Barkah, dan Angga Waskita bergenre blues, rock’n roll dan soul funk Formed in April 2016, with Desy Nugroho, Endik Barkah and Angga Waskita as its members, this band plays the music of blues, rock n' roll and soul funk.
DATE Saturday, 17 June 2017, 8.45 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Sebuah karya bertema Changing Perspective yang terinspirasi dari kegemaran Lisa memakan makanan khas Jogja, gudeg. Dengan karya ini, menunjukkan bahwa makanan gudeg yang biasanya dinikmati oleh indera pengecap, dapat juga dinikmati oleh indera pendengar dan pelihat. This piece, with Changing Perspective as its theme, is inspired by Lisa's hobby, which is eating the typical food of Jogja, gudeg. This piece attempts to show that gudeg, which is supposed to be enjoyed by the sense of taste, can also be enjoyed by the sense of hearing and sight. PERFORMER Lisa Gracia feat. Arini Kumara DATE Sunday, 18 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUES Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE NOS merupakan kelompok musik kontemporer yang saat ini mengusung bentuk musik instrumental dengan penggunaan idiom dan instrumen etnik dengan instrumen musik modern/barat. NOS is a contemporary music group that currently plays intrumental music the using of ethnic idiom and intruments with modern/western instruments.
DATE Sunday, 18 June 2017, 8.50 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
ART|JOG|10 DAILY PERFORMANCE Sostenes Alfonsos, born in 1984, currently living in Yogyakarta since 1999. Active DJ-ing since 2007 started in back-to-back format called Mystical Soundsystem and involved in many DIY and DIWO party movement around Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali. He is member of ENERGYROOM one of underground party crew movement in Yogyakarta since 2004
DATE Monday, 19 June 2017, 8.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0812 3732 5329 (Uul)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Cafe Society Cafe Society adalah sebuah bioskop mini yang menawarkan pengalaman kolektif dengan menyajikan film, kuliner dan interaksi sosial dalam suasana yang intim dan nyaman. Beragam jenis film dan kuliner dikurasi oleh Forum Film Dokumenter, MES 56 dan Bakudapan Food Study Group untuk mengemas peristiwa menonton yang sedap. Café Society is a mini cinema that offers a collective experience through film, culinary and social interaction in intimate and cozy atmosphere. Various genres of film and culinary are curated by Forum Film Dokumenter (FFD), MES 56 and Bakudapan Food Study Group in wrapping a delicious experience.
DATE Every Tuesday & Friday, 7 PM – 9 PM VENUE MES 56 Jalan Mangkuyudan, Mantrijeron 0817 4121 369
2017 6 May europe on screen 2017 14 May
DATE 6 – 14 May 2017 VENUE Institute Francais Indonesia/Lembaga Indonesia Prancis (IFI-LIP) Jl. Sagan, Terban, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta (0274) 547409
2017 20 May Fête du cinéma
DATE Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE Institute Francais Indonesia/Lembaga Indonesia Prancis (IFI-LIP) Jl. Sagan, Terban, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta (0274) 547409
May 2017
Setan Jawa is a black and white film accompanied by gamelan orchestra in the background. The original piece of the Indonesia gamelan orchestra in this film was composed by Rahayu Supanggah, and directed by Garin Nugroho. The story begins with a human love tragedy set in early 20th century, when the Dutch colonial system created poverty in the land of Java, and resulted in various tragedy tales which started of tale of the Javanese mystical ritual demon. This film starts with Setyo, a poor young man, who meets Asih from noble family. Setyo's marriage proposal to Asih is cruelly rejected because of his poverty. Feeling hurt with the rejection and frustrated with his poverty, Setyo then decides to seek for wealth through mystical ritual. DATE Sunday, 21 May 2017, 8 PM VENUE Auditorium Sanata Dharma Mrican, Depok, Sleman 0819 3119 1396 (Wartajazz Jogja) 0812 1222 5560 (Vita) 0821 4248 6314 (ARTJOG) www.setanjawamovie.com ADMISSION FEE Rp 75.000,00 (Festival)
ART|JOG|10 2017 23 May Fringe Programme: Open Air Cinema SHORT MOVIES SCREENING 1. Udin Telekomsel - Rein Maychaelson 2. Neng Kene Aku Ngenteni Kowe - Jeihan Angga 3. Rock N Roll - Wisnu Surya Pratama 4. Seserahan - Jason Iskandar 5. Polah - Arie Surastio
DATE Tuesday, 23 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0853 4006 4439 (Ama Bahas)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
ART|JOG|10 2017 30 May Fringe Programme: Open Air Cinema SHORT MOVIES SCREENING 1. Kitorang Basudara - Ninndi Raras 2. Worked Club - Tunggul Banjaransari 3. Friend - Yandi Laurens 4. The Silent Mob - Harvan Agustriansyah 5. Sepatu Baru - Aditya Ahmad
DATE Tuesday, 30 May 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0853 4006 4439 (Ama Bahas)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
2017 6 Jun
Fringe Programme: Open Air Cinema MOVIE SCREENING Mencari Hilal - Ismail Basbeth
DATE Tuesday, 6 June 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0853 4006 4439 (Ama Bahas)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
Jun 2017
Fringe Programme: Open Air Cinema MOVIE SCREENING Tabula Rasa - Adriyanto Dewo
DATE Tuesday, 13 June 2017, 7.30 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0853 4006 4439 (Ama Bahas)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
May 2017
Workshop Kolase Kertas Ristiyanto Cahyo Wibowo, menyelesaikan Mayor Seni Lukis di Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta tahun 2008-2013. Secara formal dan visual, Rist intens berkarya dengan medium Kolase. Kolase adalah pemindahan, menggabungkan antara gambar yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Melalui praktik seni kolase, diharapkan bisa menyadarkan bahwa semua mampu membuat karya seni, terlebih berempati dengan material bekas untuk menjadikan karya seni berkualitas Ristiyanto Cahyo Wibowo studied in the Painting Department of the Indonesian Institute of Art Yogyakarta in 2008-2013. Formally and visually, Rist intensely creating works with collage media. Collage is transfering, combining one image with the other. Through the practice of collage art, an awareness is expected that everyone can make artworks, especially an empathy to used objects and make it a quality artwork.
FASILITATOR Ristiyanto Cahyo Wibowo DATE Monday, 15 May 2017 VENUE Desa Wisata Tembi Jl. Parangtritis No.8, Timbulharjo, Sewon, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55185, Indonesia 0818 0268 6916
[email protected] WORKSHOP FEE Rp 50.000,00
May 2017 Jun 2017
Kelas dan Diskusi Fotografi
15 19
FASILITATOR Kelas Pagi Yogyakarta DATE 15 May - 19 June 2017, 4 PM - 11 PM VENUE Rumah Kelas Pagi Yogyakarta Jl. Brigjend Katamso, Prawirodirjan GM II / 1226, Gondomanan
[email protected]
May 2017
mBatik Asik dengan Canting Elektrik Diawali dengan membuat pola pada selembar kain seukuran saputangan dan syal, menutup kain dengan malam menggunakan canting elektrik sampai pencelupan warna pada kain tersebut. Kegiatan ini akan berlangsung selama empat jam dan hasil bisa dibawa pulang. Start with creating pattern on a piece of fabric the size of handkerchief and scarf, cover it with wax using electric canting, to the color dyeing of the fabric. The activity will run for four hours and you can bring your work home.
FASILITATOR Yoel Fenin Lambert, Ita Budhi & MAESWARA DATE 17, 31 May & 7 June 2017, 9 AM - 11 AM VENUE nDalem Natan Royal Heritage Jl. Mondorokan No.5 Kotagede 0813 2877 2690 (0274) 2840240
[email protected]
May 2017
Workshop Jumputan dan shibori Shibori adalah teknik jumputan dari Jepang, di mana selembar kain dilipat atau diserut lalu dicelup ke pewarna untuk menghasilkan motif unik.Kegiatan ini akan dipandu oleh Yoel fenin Lambert, seorang desainer muda berbakat dari Yogyakarta. Pembuatan shibori ini akan berlangsung selama empat jam, mulai dari pengikatan kain hingga proses pewarnaan. Kain sibori yang sudah jadi dapat dibawa pulang. Shibori is a tie-dye technique from Japan in which a piece of fabric is folded or pulled, and then dipped into the dye to create unique patterns. This activity will by guided by Yoel Fenin Lambert, a talented young designer from Yogyakarta. The making of this shibori will take for four hours, starting from tying the fabric to the coloring process. The finished shibori fabric can be brought home afterwards. FASILITATOR Yoel Fenin Lambert dan Tim DATE 18 May, 8 & 15 June 2017, 9 AM – 11 AM VENUE nDalem Natan Royal Heritage Jl. Mondorokan No.5 Kotagede 0813 2877 2690 (0274) 2840240
[email protected]
20 ; 21
MAY | 2017
20 May 2017 10.00 AM — 07.00PM Sharing Session, Performance day 1 Raku Firing Process 21 May 2017 03.00 PM — 07.00 PM 03.00 PM | Ceramic Presentation from Ruang Bakar 04.00 PM | Tea Culture’s Talk Session 04.00 PM — 07.00 PM | Tea Afternoon session
Venue | SaRanG Building II Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan Bantul Regency Special Region of Yogyakarta
Bakar Keramik Keliling
2017 20 May Episode 3
Bakar Keramik Keliling merupakan sebuah kegiatan dalam rangka bakar keramik sekaligus diskusi ilmu terkait dunia keramik. Aktivitas Bakar Keramik Keliling lebih menitik beratkan pada teknik pembakaran keramik serta aspek-aspek eksperimental gelasir. Ruang berbagi ini terbuka bagi siapapun yang tertarik untuk mempelajari keramik dengan melewati batasbatas konvensional yang sudah ada. Bakar Keramik Keliling is an activity in the world of ceramic burning and also dicussion of knowledge regarding the world of ceramics. The activities of Bakar Keramik Keliling emphasize on the technique of ceramic burning anthe experimental aspects of glaze. This space of sharing is open to anyone interested in learning ceramics beyond the existing conventional boundaries.
FASILITATOR Anggota Ruang Bakar, Pecinta teh DATE Saturday, 20 May 2017 VENUE Sarang Building II Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 0821 3603 5330 0812 2813 9585
[email protected]
Kegiatan ini merupakan aktivitas workshop melukis di atas media kaca, toples merupakan salah satunya. Dipandu oleh Rina Kurniyati yang merupakan seniman lukis dengan media kaca. Workshop ini akan berlangsung selama tiga jam dan hasilnya dapat dibawa pulang. Rina akan memandu workshop ini mulai dari awal proses hingga selesai. This activity is a workshop of painting on glass, and jar is one of them. Guided by Rina Kurniyati who is a painter with glass medium. This workshop will last for about three hours and the results can be brought home. Rina will guide the workshop from the beginning of the process until it is finished.
FASILITATOR Rina Kurniyati DATE 20 May, 3 & 10 June 2017, 9 AM - 11 AM VENUE nDalem Natan Royal Heritage Jl. Mondorokan No.5 Kotagede 0813 2877 2690 (0274) 2840240
[email protected]
Melukis Kaca dan Toples 2017 20 May
May 2017
Melukis dengan Pelukis Kegiatan ini akan dipandu oleh Yustoni Volunteero. Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan selama 4 jam dan akan dipandu dari proses awal hingga lukisan dihasilkan.
FASILITATOR Yustoni Voluntero DATE 21 May, 4 & 18 June 2017, 9 AM - 11 AM VENUE nDalem Natan Royal Heritage Jl. Mondorokan No.5 Kotagede 0813 2877 2690 (0274) 2840240
[email protected]
Melukis Keramik 2017 27 May
Kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan melukis denga media keramik. Kegiatan ini akan dipandu oleh Lelyana Kurniawati yang merupakan seniman lukis dengan media kaca. Kegiatan ini akan berlangsung selama 3 jam dan medianya dapat dibawa pulang. Akan dipandu mulai dari awal proses hingga selesai.
FASILITATOR Lelyana Kurniawati DATE 27 May & 17 June 2017, 9 AM - 12 PM VENUE nDalem Natan Royal Heritage Jl. Mondorokan No.5 Kotagede 0813 2877 2690 (0274) 2840240
[email protected]
Workshop Penulisan 2017 27 May Dr. Nasir Tamara MA, MSc yang merupakan jurnalis, dosen, pendiri Republika dan penulis buku yang sangat terkenal yaitu “Revolusi IRAN”, Indonesia Rising, serta biografi beberapa tokoh nasional. Dr. Nasir Tamara MA, MSc is a journalist, lecturer, founder of Republika and an author of a very ifamous book "IRAN revolution", Indonesia Rising Rising, and the biography of ofther nation's figures
FASILITATOR Dr. Nasir Tamara MA, MSc DATE 27 May & 17 June 2017, 9 AM - 12 PM VENUE nDalem Natan Royal Heritage Jl. Mondorokan No.5 Kotagede 0813 2877 2690 (0274) 2840240
[email protected]
Workshop Jurnalisme Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia Usaha untuk menghidupkan sebuah praktek kerja menulis seni pertunjukan memang dibutuhkan berbagai dukungan dan perhatian. Sanggar Seni Kinanti Sekar dan jalinan.net berinisiatif mengundang kalangan penulis muda untuk duduk bersama membangun pemahaman dan perpektif yang sama dalam merespon gagasan bersama mengenai seni pertunjukan di Indonesia. The attempt to revive a work practice of perfomance art indeed requires various supports and attention. Sanggar Seni Kinanti Sekar and jalinan.net have the initiatives to invite young writers to sit together building understanding and the same perspective in responding the same ideas regarding the art of performance in Indonesia.
FASILITATOR Seno Joko Suyono DATE 27 May 2017 VENUE Pendopo Omah Kalbu Kersan, Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul 0812 2800 2213 (Sanggar Seni Kinanti Sekar)
2017 27 May
Jun 2017
Workshop Instalasi Sebuah workshop instalasi yang menyuguhkan bagaimana cara membuat karya instalasi yang menggunakan media sepeda. A workshop on installation presenting how to create an installation work using a bycicle.
FASILITATOR Harry Jaran DATE Saturday, 3 June 2017, 3 PM VENUE Seturan Hotel Jalan Seturan No. 13 C Sleman
2017 9 Jun Workshop Study Jun 11 2017 Performance Art
Workshop ini merupakan kegiatan studi mengenal tubuh melalui cara pandang yang berbeda. Kesadaran bahwa tubuh merupakan media untuk berekspresi dan berkomunikasi. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk mengenal identitas tubuh danpotensi ketubuhan serta belajar bersama tentang apa itu performance art, dan bagaimana untuk mencapai satu paham yang sama. This workshop is a study activity on recognizing the body through different perspectives. The awareness that the body is a medium of expression and communication. The workshop aims to know the identity of the body, and physical body also learning together on what is performance art, and how to achieve the same understanding.
DATE 9-11 June 2017 VENUE Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (TBY) Jl Sriwedari No 1 Yogyakarta 0857 2647 4937 (Putri Wartawati)
15 19
May 2017 Jun 2017
Give and Give Bertemu langsung dengan perupa, melihat studio dan hasil karya, berdiskusi dan belajar teknik dasar pembuatan karya seni. Meeting the artists in person, tour around the studio and observing the works, discussion and learning the basic techniques of art creating.
HOST Ambar Pranasmara DATE 15 May – 19 June 2017 VENUE Ambar Pranasmara Studio Dongkelan Kauman Rt 07 Jl. Rupa Rupa No.1A Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul 0819 3296 0960
[email protected]
Brunch with Sakato
2017 20 May Artist
Visitors to the 10th edition of ArtJog are warmly invited to an art and cultural morning at Sakato Art Community centre. On this day, the collective artists originated from West Sumatra will open the Sekretariat to welcome visitors and interact with the local and international artistic community.
Refreshment will be served
HOST Sakato Art Community DATE 20 May 2017, 10 AM – 12 PM VENUE Sarang Building II Jl. Kalipakis Rt 05/11 Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul 0812 2747 693 Enquiries -
[email protected] [email protected]
May 2017
N-WORKSHOP SENYAWA Adalah kunjungan ke rumah produksi busana tailor-made. N-Workshop yang fully-handcrafted menawarkan konsep produksi dengan pendekatan kekuatan seni busana buatan tangan. Informasi rinci lainnya terkait “seni busana” (wearable art) dapat diperoleh selama masa tur/open studio. Visits to tailor-made fashion production house The fully-handcrafted N-Workshop offers the concept of production with an approach of the strength of handmade fashion. Other detailed information regarding "wearable art" can be attained during the tour/open studio period.
Host Ninik N-Workshop DATE Monday, 22 May 2017 VENUE N-Workshop Fashion Gallery & Management Jl. Suryodiningratan 37-B, Mantrijeron 0817 338 803
[email protected]
2017 27 May ART|JOG|10
Fringe Programme: Curatorial Tour Program pendamping ini diadakan sebagai sarana untuk ‘memuaskan’ rasa penasaran dan keingintahuan pengunjung. Dipandu oleh tim kurator ART|JOG, pengunjung akan diajak untuk mengelilingi ruang pamer seraya diberikan penjelasan mengenai konsep karya-karya yang ditampilkan. This fringe program is organized as a mean to satisfy visitors' curiosities. Visitors will be guided by ART|JOG curatorial team in a tour around the exhibition space and will be given explanations regarding the concepts of the exhibited works. HOST Bambang ‘Toko’ Witjaksono (curator) Ignatia Nilu (curator)
4, Jun 10, 18 2017
DATE 27 May, 4, 10 & 18 June 2017, 3 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0853 4006 4439 (Ama Bahas)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
2017 6 Jun ART|JOG|10 Fringe Programme: ASRI Historical Tour 13 Jun 2017 Napak tilas perjalanan institusi seni pertama di Indonesia, Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia yang dahulunya menempati situs Jogja National Museum. Bersama seniman senior, Wardoyo Sugianto—peserta tur akan diajak mengeliling setiap sudut yang menjadi saksi bersejarah perkembangan seni Yogyakarta hingga pengaruhnya terhadap dinamika sosial budaya Indonesia. Tracing the history of the first art institute in Indonesia, Indonesian Visual Art Academy (ASRI) that once used the Jogja National Museum building site. Accompanied by senior artist Wardoyo Sugianto, tour participants will visit each corners of the historical witness to the development of art in Yogyakarta that became influential to the socialcultural dynamics in Indonesia. HOST Wardoyo Sugianto DATE 6 & 13 June 2017, 3 PM VENUE Jogja National Museum (JNM) Jl. Prof. Ki Amri Yahya No. 1, Gampingan, Wirobrajan 0853 4006 4439 (Ama Bahas)
[email protected] www.artjog.co.id ADMISSION FEE
Free for ART|JOG|10 visitor
14 21
May 2017 May 2017
PAMERAN SENI INSTALASI SENI DAUR ULANG RECYCLE ART INSTALLATION EXHIBITION Festival budaya ruwahan Apeman Malioboro sejak tahun 2010 dan tahun ini sudah memasuki acara yang kedelapan. Setiap tahun mengangkat tema filosofi Jawa, tahun ini bertemakan garis imajiner DIY "manunggaling kawulo Gusti". Semoga dengan kegiatan ini budaya lokal tetap lestari dan jadi pemicu semangat berkreasi di Malioboro. Ruwahan Apeman Malioboro Cultural Festival since 2010 and this year is the 8th event. Each year we have different themes adopting from Javanese philosophies, this year's theme is imaginary line of special region of Yogyakarta, "manunggaling kawulo Gusti". Hopefully the event see local culture being preserved can trigger the spirit of creation in Malioboro, reminding and nurturing each other. ORGANIZER COMA (COMUNITY OF ART OF MALIOBORO) DATE 14 - 21 May 2017, 9 AM - end VENUE Several spots in Gunung Merapi – Tugu – Malioboro – Parangtritis beach 0817461184 (Arieza Icha)
[email protected]
May 2017 May 2017
STAND KREATIF KOMUNITAS STANDS OF CREATIVE COMMUNITIES Festival budaya ruwahan Apeman Malioboro sejak tahun 2010 dan tahun ini sudah memasuki acara yang kedelapan. Setiap tahun mengangkat tema filosofi Jawa, tahun ini bertemakan garis imajiner DIY "manunggaling kawulo Gusti". Semoga dengan kegiatan ini budaya lokal tetap lestari dan jadi pemicu semangat berkreasi di Malioboro. Ruwahan Apeman Malioboro Cultural Festival since 2010 and this year is the 8th event. Each year we have different themes adopting from Javanese philosophies, this year's theme is imaginary line of special region of Yogyakarta, "manunggaling kawulo Gusti". Hopefully the event see local culture being preserved can trigger the spirit of creation in Malioboro, reminding and nurturing each other.
14 21
DATE 14 May - 21 May 2017, 9 AM - end VENUES Malioboro pedestrian area, north Kepatihan D.I.Y 0817461184 (Arieza Icha)
[email protected]
May 2017
Dalam wujud ritual hantaran satu paket ketan, kolak dan apem sebagai bentuk bersatunya atau manunggalnya antara rakyat dan pemimpinnya, yang mana dalam filosofi Jawa manunggaling kawulo Gusti. In the form of offering rite one package of glutinous rice, sweet stew and apem as a symbol of the unity betwen the people and the leader, which in Javanese philosophy is manunggaling kawulo Gusti.
ORGANIZER COMA (COMUNITY OF ART OF MALIOBORO) DATE Thursday, 18 May 2017, 8 AM - end VENUE District office of each region and the office of Yogyakartan mayor. 0817461184 (Arieza Icha)
[email protected]
May 2017
PANGGUNG SENI ART/CREATIVE STAGE 1. KPJM 2. GIRLI 3. Jathilan 4. Tarian 5. Rastabill 6. Blessed man 7. Pak Wek 8. Betorokolo 9. Perkusi Sarkem 10. Teater Tantra 11. Kopi Nyastro
DATE Sunday, 21 May 2017, 6 PM - end VENUE Parangtritis beach 0817461184 (Arieza Icha)
[email protected]
May 2017
CULTURAL CARNIVAL 1. Gunungan Apem 2. Gunungan Hasil Bumi 3. Gunungan Sampah 4. Kelompok Eling lan Waspada 5. Musik panggung berjalan 6. Kelompok Bendi Parangtritis 7. Kelompok Gardu Action 8. Kelompok Pit Onthel 9. Kelompok foto booth titik nol 10. Bergodo
ORGANIZER COMA (COMUNITY OF ART OF MALIOBORO) DATE Sunday, 21 May 2017, 2 PM - end VENUES Parade start: Mount Merapi - Tugu Yogya - Jalan Mangkubumi - Malioboro (Transit and Start) UPT Malioboro - (Transit and start) Titik Nol - Jalan Brigjend Katamso - Jalan Parangtritis - Gabusan Art Market (Transit and start) - TPR Parangtritis (turnabout) Finish Parangtritis Beach 0817461184 (Arieza Icha)
[email protected]
MUSEUM ANAK KOLONG TANGGA Berada dalam ruangan di bawah tangga hall teater Taman Budaya Yogyakarta membuat museum ini dinamai Kolong Tangga. Koleksinya meliputi mainan & permainan tradisional anak Indonesia dengan tekad memberikan inspirasi, mengajarkan keindahan obyek buatan tangan, menanamkan kesadaran akan kelestarian lingkungan dengan penggunaan bahanbahan alami kepada anak-anak. Perpustakaan Burung Biru dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membaca buku, mendengarkan dongeng, menonton film anak, dan membuat topeng.
Situated in a room under the stairs of Taman Budaya Yogyakarta theatre hall gives the museum the name Kolong Tangga (under the stairs). The collection includes traditional toys & games of Indonesian children with the aim to inspire, demonstrate the beauty of handcrafted objects, to instil awareness in children on environmental sustainability by the use of natural materials. The Burung Biru library can be used to read books, story telling, watching children films, and creating masks. ADDRESS Jl. Sriwedani, No. 1, Yogyakarta (0274) 413528
[email protected] Tuesday–Sunday: 9 AM - 4 PM
MUSEUM BAHARI Museum Bahari didirikan dengan tujuan membuka wawasan & pengetahuan kemaritiman, khususnya bagi generasi muda. Harapannya mereka lebih mencintai laut dan memberdayakan sumber daya kelautan. Di sini, pengunjung dapat mengetahui detail isi anjungan kapal perang dan film dokumenter sejarah TNI AL. Ada pula koleksi alat pertahanan laut seperti: meriam, bom laut, torpedo, alat selam, telegraf, miniatur kapa, peta laut dunia, jangkar dan replika kapal. Museum Bahari was established with the purpose of giving insights and knowledge oof maritime, especially for the young generation. It is hoped that they grow a love for the sea and empower the marine resources. Here, visitors can discover the detailed contents of a warship bridge, and the documentary film of the Indonesian Naval Forces. There are also collections of marine defense equipments such as; canons, torpedoes, diving gears, a telegraph, warship miniatures, the world ocean maps, warship anchor, and warship replica. ADDRESS Jl. R.E. Martadinata, No. 69, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta (0274) 376691 http://bahari.museumjogja.org/id Tuesday–Friday: 8.30 AM – 3.30 PM Open in Sunday & National Holiday
MUSEUM BENTENG VREDEBURG Di Museum Benteng Vredeburg, Anda dapat menyusuri rentetan sejarah mulai Perang Diponegoro (1825—1830) hingga pengakuan kedaulatan kedaulatan Republik Indonesia Serikat (1949). Beberapa pergolakan sejarah yang terjadi di Yogyakarta hingga Orde Baru juga tersaji apik dalam ruang-ruang diorama di museum yang menjadi bangunan benda cagar budaya bergaya arsitektur Belanda ini. In the Vredeburg Fort Museum, you can trace the history of the wars starting from the Diponegoro War (1825—1830) to the recognition of the Federal Republic of Indonesia sovereignty (1949). Several historical turmoils happening in Yogyakarta until the New Order period are also well presented in the diorama rooms in the museum that is also a cultural conservation structure with Dutch architecture style.
ADDRESS Jl. Margomulyo / Ahmad Yani No. 6, Yogyakarta (0274) 586934, 510996 http://kebudayaan.kemdikbud. go.id/ museumbentengvredeburg Tuesday–Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM Open in Saturday, Sunday & National Holiday until 5 PM
MUSEUM BIOLOGI UGM Museum Biologi menawarkan pengalaman bagi pengunjung untuk berpetualang ke dalam keragaman dunia flora dan fauna. Museum ini memiliki sepuluh ruang dengan berbagai koleksi binatang vertebrata, invertebrata, dan herbarium. The Biology Museum offers the visitors an experience of adventure into the diversed world of flora and fauna. The museum has ten rooms with a collection of various vertebrates, invertebrates, and herbarium.
ADDRESS Jl. Sultan Agung No. 22 Yogyakarta (0274) 376740 Tuesday–Friday: 8 AM - 3 PM Close in Saturday, Sunday & National Holiday
MUSEUM CANDI PRAMBANAN Hal menarik dari Museum Candi Prambanan ialah keberadaan peta persebaran Candi Budha yang berada di area Prambanan yang merupakan kompleks percandian Hindu terbesar di Indonesia meliputi; Candi Sewu, Candi Plaosan, dan Candi Sojiwan. Candi-candi yang ada telah sama-sama berdiri meski dalam bentuk pemujaan yang berbeda. Hal itu telah menunjukkan adanya toleransi antar umat beragama yang tersirat dalam kondtruksi percandian di Prambanan.
The interesting part of the Prambanan Temple Museum is the map of Buddhist temple location distribution in the Prambanan compound that is the biggest Hindu temples compound in Indonesia that includes; Sewu temple, Plaosan temple and Sojiwan temple. Those temples existed in the same period despite of the different form of worship/ This shows there is a tolerance between religious communities implied in the construction of Prambanan temples compound.
ADDRESS Jl. Jogja-Solo Km. 16, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta (0274) 496 402 / 496 401 Fax (0274) 496 403 Monday–Sunday: 6 AM - 5 PM
MUSEUM DEWANTARA KIRTI GRIYA Bangunan museum merupakan bekas tempat tinggal tokoh pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara dan diresmikan penggunaannya sebagai museum pada tanggal 2 Mei 1970. Museum tersebut berada di atas lahan seluas 2.720 meter persegi dengan bangunan seluas 300 meter persegi di jantung perguruan Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta. The museum building was the residence of the late figure of education Ki Hajar Dewantara and it was officiated as a museum in 2 May 1970. The museum is situated on a 2,720 meter square land with 300 meter square building at the center of Taman Siswa academy, Yogyakarta.
ADDRESS Jl. Tamansiswa No. 25, Yogyakarta (0274) 377459, 389208 http://dewantara.museumjogja.org/id Monday–Thursday & Saturday: 8 AM - 1 PM except Friday until 11 AM Close in Sunday and National Holiday
MUSEUM GEMBIRA LOKA Kebun Raya dan Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka merupakan tempat rekreasi di Yogyakarta yang menyenangkan dan layak di kunjungi. Berlokasi strategis, tidak jauh dari pusat kota dan mudah dijangkau dengan berbagai alat transportasi, wahana rekreasi yang menempati lahan seluas 20,4 hektar ini diresmikan oleh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX pada tanggal 10 November 1953 dengan koleksi berjumlah 186 jenis satwa dan 350 jenis tumbuhan.
The Botanical Garden and Zoo Gembira Loka is a recreational spot in Yogyakarta that is fun and worth a visit. It is strategically located, not far from the city center and easily reached with various transportation mode, this recreational place utilized a 20.4 hectares land and was officitated by the late Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX on 10 November 1953 with a collection of 186 animals and 350 types of flora.
ADDRESS Jl. Kebun Raya No. 2 Yogyakarta (0274) 373861, 374792 Monday–Sunday: 8 AM - 5 PM
MUSEUM GEOTEKNIK MINERAL Museum ini mempunyai koleksi berbagai jenis mineral, batuan, fosil bahan galian (tambang), maket, dan gambar-gambar yang berhubungan dengan dasardasar ilmu kebumian, ilmu geologi, dan rekayasa ilmu kebumian di bidang teknik pertambangan, perminyakan, serta aplikasi ilmu geologi di bidang pertanian. This museum has a collection of various types of mineral, rock,mining, scale model, and pictures related to basic Geoscience, Geology, Engineering Geoscience in the field of Mine Engineering, Petroleum engineering, as well as the Applied Geology in Agriculture.
ADDRESS Kompleks Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta Jl. Babarsari No. 2, Tambakbayan, Yogyakarta (0274) 486991 Moday-Friday: 7.30 AM - 4 PM
MUSEUM GUMUK PASIR Museum Gumuk Pasir hadir sebagai laboratorium geospasial di pesisir Parangtritis, dan ruang pamer berbagai benda berkaitan dengan ekosistem pesisir pantai. Berbagai jenis bebatuan, pasir, herbarium, dan kekhasan kehidupan pantai menjadi benda koleksi museum.
Museum Gumuk is a geospatial laboratorium in the Parangtritis coast and at the same time a display facility for objects related to the coastal ecosystem. Various types of rocks, sands, herbariums, and specific coastal organisms make the collection of this museum.
ADDRESS Parangtritis, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (0274) 902332, 902336 Monday–Friday: 8 AM - 4 PM Close in Saturday, Sunday & National Holiday
MUSEUM GUNUNG API MERAPI Memiliki semboyan "Merapi Jendela Bumi", museum ini menyajikan fenomena pertumbuhan kubah, pos pengamatan sejak era Belanda hingga era modern & mitos menarik tentang Merapi. Berbagai tipe gunung api dan letusannya dapat dilihat melalui panel museum. Artefak dari letusan Gunung Merapi (2006) berupa bangkai sepeda motor, alat-alat rumah tangga, serta foto-foto erupsi tahun 2010 juga tersajikan dengan apik. With the jargon "Merapi the Window of Earth", this museum presented the phenomenon of domes growth, observation posts since the Dutch era to the modern era and interesting myths regarding Merapi. Several types of volcano and its eruption can be observed in the museum's panels. Artifacts of the 2006 Merapi eruption including the remains of motorcycle, household appliances, and photographs of the 2010 eruption are also well presented. ADDRESS Jl. Kaliurang Km. 22, Dusun Banteng, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman (0274) 869613 http://www.slemankab.go.id/572/museum-gunungapimerapi.slm Tuesday–Friday: 8AM - 3 PM Close in Monday
MUSEUM HM SOEHARTO Museum HM Soeharto dibangun sebagai penanda dan pengingat serta wahana edukasi tentang salah satu tokoh besar dalam sejarah bangsa Indonesia. Di museum ini terdapat Gedung Atmosudiro (nama kakek Soeharto) yang mengisahkan perjalanan Soeharto dari masa kanak-kanak hingga mencapai puncak kejayaannya.
The Museum HM Soeharto was constructed as a marker and reminder and also a mean of education on one of the biggest figure in the Indonesian history. In the museum is Atmosudiro Building (named after Soeharto's grandfather) that tells the journey of Soeharto from childhood to the peak of his era.
ADDRESS Kemusuk, Argomulyo, Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta 0813 9219 6351 Sunday–Monday: 8.30 AM - 5 PM
MUSEUM GEMPA PROF. DR. SARWIDI Museum Gempa ini dibangun atas kesadaran dan keprihatinan bahwa masyarakat Indonesia kurang memiliki kesadaran membangun bangunan yang tahan gempa. Dari hal tersebut, gagasan museum muncul di Universitas Islam Indonesia dengan difasilitasi Center for Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Effect and Disaster Studies (CEEDEDS) UII. Pada tahun 2007 Museum Gempa Prof. Dr. Sarwidi didirikan dan dibuka untuk umum. This earthquake museum is built based on the consciousness and awareness on the lack of awareness in building earthquake resistant buildings of Indonesian society. From there on, an idea emerged about building a museum in Universitas Islam Indonesia, which is facilitated by the Center for Earthquake Engineering and Dynamic Effect and Disaster Studies (CEEDEDS) UII. In 2007, earthquake museum called Museum Gempa Prof. Dr. Sarwidi was established and open for public.
ADDRESS Jl. Malangyudo No. 25, Kaliurang, Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 0815 7806 3445, 0877 3987 0973, 0812 294 0177 www.museumgempasarwidi.org
MUSEUM KAYU WANAGAMA Museum Kayu Wanagama dikelola oleh Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada dan berada di tengah-tengah panorama indah desa Bunder, Gunungkidul. Lokasinya berjarak sekitar 35 kilometer dari kota Yogyakarta, sehingga museum ini terasa natural dan jauh dari hiruk pikuk kota. Museum Kayu Wanagama menyimpan berbagai koleksi kayu dan fosil kayu, serta pohon hidup.
Kayu Wanagama museum is managed by the Faculty of Forestry in Universitas Gadjah Mada, and is located in the middle of the beautiful landscape in Desa Bunder, Gunungkidul. The location is 35 kilometers away from the city of Yogyakarta, therefore this museum has natural vibe and is far from the hustle and bustle of the city. Kayu Wanagama Museum preserves various collection of woods, wood fossils, and living trees.
ADDRESS Hutan Wisata Wanagama desa Bunder, Playen, Gunungkidul (0274) 545639 Monday-Saturday: 8 AM - 2 PM
MUSEUM KARETA KARATON YOGYAKARTA Museum Kareta Karaton Yogyakarta menyimpan berbagai kereta kuda Keraton Kesultanan Yogyakarta yang dirintis pada masa kepemimpinan Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII. Terdapat 22 koleksi kereta, yang sebagian besar diproduksi di Belanda dan menjadi alat transportasi raja sehari-hari. Museum Kareta Karaton Yogyakarta keeps various horse carriages of the Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace that was pioneered under the leadership of the late Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII. There are 22 horse carriages in the collection, mostly produced in the Netherlands and was used as the king's daily transportation.
ADDRESS Jl. Rotowijayan, Kadipaten, Kraton Yogyakarta Monday–Sunday: 9 AM - 4 PM
MUSEUM LINGKUNGAN BATIK ‘JOGLO CIPTO WENING’ Museum Lingkungan Batik "Joglo Cipto Wening" pada mulanya menyimpan koleksi pribadi milik ibu Linda Heri Diyana Bondan Gunawan, dan pertama kali diresmikan pada 18 Maret 2004. Setelah sempat mengalami kerusakan berat akibat gempa Jogja tahun 2006 lalu, museum ini secara resmi kembali dibuka untuk umum oleh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X pada 12 November 2007.
The Batik Environment Museum "Joglo Cipto Wening" began by keeping the private collections of mrs. Linda Heri Diyana Bondan Gunawan, and it was first officiated on 18 March 2004. After it suffered heavy damages due to Jogja Earthquake 2006, the museum was officially reopened for public by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X on 12 November 2007.
ADDRESS Dusun Paseban, Desa Ketandan Tengah, Imogiri, Bantul 0817 411 5621 Tuesday–Sunday: 8 AM - 3 PM
MUSEUM MONUMEN PAHLAWAN PANCASILA Monumen ini menjadi penanda peristiwa kelam perjalanan bangsa Indonesia. Tanda penghormatan atas gugurnya dua perwira Angkatan Darat, Kolonel Katamso dan Letnan Kolonel Soegijono atas kekejaman PKI. Meski telah direncanakan sejak 1986, monumen ini baru dibangun tahun 1988 dan selesai tiga tahun kemudian. Atas dasar surat dari Sekretaris Militer tahun 1988, monumen ini ditetapkan oleh Presiden Soeharto sebagai Monumen Pahlawan Pancasila. The monument signifies a dark era of the Indonesian people. It is a symbol of respect for the passing of two Army officers, Colonel Katamso and Liutenant Colonel Soegijono due to the cruelty of the Indonesian Communist Party. Although it was planned since 1986, it only began being built in 1988 and was finished constructed three years later. Based on the letter of the Secretary of the Military Services, this monument was officiated by President Soeharto as the Monument of Pancasila Heroes.
ADDRESS Jl. Pandega Sakti, Kentungan, Depok, Sleman (0274) 562319 Monday–Saturday: 8 AM - 2 PM Close in Sunday and National Holiday
MUSEUM MONUMEN YOGYA KEMBALI Monumen Yogya Kembali didirikan sebagai penanda peristiwa sejarah mundurnya tentara Belanda dari ibukota Yogyakarta tanggal 29 Juni 1949 dan kembalinya Presiden Soekarno ke Yogyakarta, tanggal 6 Juli 1949. Pendirian Monumen Yogya Kembali diprakarsai oleh Kolonel Soegiarto selaku Wali Kota Madya Yogyakarta pada tahun 1985.
Monumen Yogya Kembali was built to mark the historical event of the withdrawal of the Dutch troops from the capital city Yogyakarta on 29 June 1949 and the return of President Soekarno to Yogyakarta on 6 July 1949. The establishment of Monumen Yogya Kembali was initiated by Colonel Soegiarto as the mayor of Yogyakarta city in 1985.
ADDRESS JL. Lingkar Utara, Jongkang, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman (0274) 868225 www.monjali-jogja.com Tuesday–Sunday: 8 AM - 4 PM Close in Monday
MUSEUM NEGERI SONOBUDOYO Museum Sonobudoyo merupakan lorong penelusuran tradisi dan budaya yang menjadi magnet dalam menguak tradisi budaya kehidupan masyarakat (termasuk masyarakat Jawa) dari masa prasejarah hingga peradaban yang lebih berkembang. Museum Sonobudoyo didirikan oleh Java Instituut, yaitu Yayasan Kebudayaan Jawa, Bali, Lombok, dan Madura pada masa kolonial yang beranggotakan orang asing dan pribumi tahun 1913. Museum Sonobudoyo is the passage to trace the history and culture comprising the magnet in discovering the society cultural tradition (including the Javanese society) from the prehistorical era to the more developed civilization. Museum Sonobudoyo was established by the Java Instituut, a Java, Bali, Lombok and Madura Cultural Institution in the colonial era with members from foreign and indigenous communities in 1913.
ADDRESS Jl. Pangurakan No. 6 dan Jalan Wijilan PB I/2A, Yogyakarta (0274) 385664 www.sonobudoyo.com Monday–Sunday: 8.30 AM - 2 PM
MUSEUM SASANA WIRATAMA MONUMEN PANGERAN DIPONEGORO Museum ini menyimpan berbagai jenis senjata tradisional seperti, keris, tombak, pedang, dll. Terdapat juga tembok berlubang yang menjadi jalan keluar Pangeran Diponegoro untuk meloloskan diri dari kepungan penjajah Belanda. Ada pula koleksi Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono II, mulai dari ketipung dan wilahan bonang panembung yang terbuat dari kayu dan perunggu yang berwarna merah dan kuning, yang semua barang peninggalan-peninggalan tersebut sudah mecapai lebih dari 100 buah.
The museum keeps various traditional weaponries, such as keris, spears, swords, etc. There is also a wall with a hole said to be the escape route of Prince Diponegoro as he fled from the siege of the colonial Dutch army. There are also collections of the late Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono II, from ketipung to wilahan bonang panembung that are made from wood and red and yellow bronze, the total number of these heritance are more than 100 items.
ADDRESS JL. H.O.S Cokroaminoto TR III/430 Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta (0274) 622668 Monday–Saturday: 8 AM - 1 PM Close in Sunday
MUSEUM PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA UNY Museum ini mengelola berbagai macam koleksi; buku sekolah, arsip kependidikan, media pembelajaran, dan masih banyak lagi. Museum Pendidikan Indonesia UNY telah memiliki 5 ruang utama yang diperuntukan untuk; koleksi foto dan peralatan sekolah, tokoh pendidikan, koleksi media pembelajaran, Ruang Apresiasi Karya, dan Ruang Cinema MPI yang memiliki kapasitas 116 tempat duduk dengan kualitas dolby surround sound. The museum manages various collections; school books, education archives, learning media, and many more. UNY Indonesia Education Museum has 5 main rooms dedicated for; collection of school photograph and equipments, figures of education, collection of learning media, Work Appreciation Room, and the MPI Cinema Theatre with 116 seats and dolby surround sound system.
ADDRESS Kampus Pusat Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Jl. Colombo No.1, Karangmalang, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta (0274) 586168, 551259 www.mpi.uny.ac.id Monday–Thursday: 7.30 –AM - 2 PM
MUSEUM PERGERAKAN WANITA INDONESIA Museum bergaya arsitektur Jawa dengan atap berbentuk limasan ini diresmikan Presiden Suharto pada 22 Desember 1983. Perjuangan wanita dalam pembangunan bangsa tergambar dalam dua relief di pendhapa Balai Shinta. Selain patung Tjut Njak Dien dan R.A. Kartini, terdapat pula diorama perjuangan wanita, termasuk adegan Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I, di Pendhapa Dalem Djojodipoeran, 22–25 Desember 1928.
The Javanese styled museum with limasan roof was officiated by President Suharto on 22 December 1983. Women struggles in developing the nation are depicted in the two reliefs of Balai Shinta hall. Aside of statues of Tjut Njak Dien and R.A Kartini, there are several dioramas of women struggles, including the scene of Indonesian Women Congress I, in the Pendhapa Dalem Djojodipoeran, 22–25 December 1928.
ADDRESS Jl. Adisucipto, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman (0274) 587818, 513282, 548721 http://pergerakanwanita.museumjogja.org/id Tuesday–Saturday: 8 AM - 2 PM
MUSEUM PERJUANGAN YOGYAKARTA Museum Perjuangan Yogyakarta memiliki gedung berbentuk silinder, berdiameter 30 meter dan tinggi 17 meter, beratap seperti topi baja, disangga lima buah terap. Arsitektur bangunan ini tampak seperti perpaduan antara gaya Romawi Kuno dengan candi Indonesia. Secara simbolis, bangunan ini menunjukkan bahwa kemerdekaan Indonesia diperoleh dengan perjuangan, bukan merupakan hadiah. Museum Perjuangan Yogyakarta has a cylindrical building with 30 m in diameter and 17 m in height, the roof is a likeness of steel hat, held up by 5 traps. The building architecture seems to be a combination between Ancient Rome style and Indonesian temples. Symbolically, the building shows that the Indonesian independence was gained through struggles, and it was not given.
ADDRESS Jl. Kolonel Sugiono 24 Yogyakarta (0274) 387576 Monday–Friday: 8 AM - 4 PM
MUSEUM PURO PAKUALAMAN Museum Puro Pakualaman diresmikan pada 29 Januari 1981. Museum ini terletak di kompleks Puro Pakualaman, sekitar dua kilometer sebelah timur jalan Malioboro. Pengunjung dapat masuk ke Museum Puro Pakualaman melalui Regol (gapura) Wiwara Kusuma (berhiaskan lambang mahkota Praja Pakualaman dan tanaman lung-lungan). Gapura ini selesai dibangun pada 7 Agustus 1884, pada masa pemerintahan Paku Alam V dan menjadi simbol pengayoman, keadilan, dan kebijaksanaan.
Museum Puro Pakualaman was officiated on 29 January 1981. The museum is located in the Puro Pakualaman complex, approximately two kilometers to the East of Malioboro street. Visitors can enter the Museum Puro Pakualaman through the Regol (gates) Wiwara Kusuma (decorated with the symbol of Praja Pakualaman crown and vines) The gate was finished building on 7 August 1884, under the rule of Paku Alam V and became the symbol of patronage, justice, and wisdom.
ADDRESS Kompleks Puro Pakualaman, Jalan Sultan Agung (0274) 562161 Monday–Friday: 9 AM - 2.30 PM Saturday open until 12 PM
MUSEUM TNI AD DHARMA WIRATAMA Museum Pusat TNI AD “Dharma Wiratama” memiliki koleksi berjumlah 1.780 buah, meliputi senjata, alat komunikasi dan kesehatan, seragam dan tanda jasa, serta atribut-atribut kebesaran TNI AD. Tank jenis Stuart MK I dan MK III buatan Amerika bercat hijau khas TNI AD menjadi simbol kegagahan para pejuang. Dua meriam gunung kaliber 75 milimeter berlapis baja dengan sepasang roda baja di sisi kanan dan kiri masih terawat dengan baik dan tampak kokoh. Indonesian Army Central Museum "Dharma Wiratama" holds a collection of 1,780 items that include weapons, communication and medical equipments, uniforms and military decorations, and the Indonesian Army attributes of glory. Stuart MK I and MK III tanks made by the US with Indonesian Army green paint are the symbols of the valor and bravery of the fighters. Two steel armored mountain canons with 75 milimeter calibres with a pair of steel wheels on its right and left are still well kept and looks solid.
ADDRESS Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 75 (0274) 561417 Monday–Friday: 7 AM - 5 PM Close in Saturday & Monday
MUSEUM PUSAT TNI AU DIRGANTARA MANDALA Museum Dirgantara Mandala berlokasi di kompleks Pangkalan Udara Adisutjipto, Yogyakarta. Museum ini menampilkan koleksi pesawat terbang pertama karya anak negeri yang tidak banyak diketahui umum. Keberadaan museum ini atas gagasan pimpinan TNI AU untuk mengabadikan dan mendokumentasikan seluruh kegiatan dan peristiwa bersejarah di lingkungan TNI AU. Dirgantara Mandala Museum is located in the area of Adisucipto airbase, Yogyakarta. This museum exhibits the collection of the first air crafts made by Indonesian people that are not widely known. The existence of this museum is through the idea of the head of the Air Force Indonesian Army (TNI AU) to perpetuate and document the whole activity and historical events inside the scope of TNI AU.
ADDRESS Kompleks Landasan Udara Adisucipto, Jl. Kolonel Sugiono, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta (0274) 587818, 513282, 548721 http://pergerakanwanita.museumjogja.org/id Tuesday-Friday: 8 AM - 3 PM Saturday: 8 AM - 2 PM
MUSEUM RUMAH SAKIT MATA DR. YAP Memiliki luas bangunan kurang lebih 246 meter persegi dan menempati lahan di Jalan Cik Ditiro 5 Yogyakarta, museum ini memberikan alternatif wisata ilmu pegetahuan, khususnya tentang kesehatan mata. Berbagai peralatan kedokteran milik pendiri Rumah Sakit Mata "Dr. Yap" Yogyakarta, Dr. Yap Hong Tjoen dan Dr. Yap Kie Tiong, dijadikan koleksi museum. With an area of approximately 246 meter squares on Jalan Cik Ditiro 5 Yogyakarta, the museum provides an alternative of science tour, especially regarding eye health. Various medical equipments of the founder of "Dr. Yap" Eye Hospital Yogyakarta, Dr. Yap Hong Tjoen and Dr. Yap Kie Tiong, are made into the museum's collection.
ADDRESS Jl. Cik Ditiro No. 5, Yogyakarta (0274) 547448, 550380, 562054 http://dryap.museumjogja.org/id Monday–Saturday: 9 AM - 3 PM
MUSEUM RUMAH GARUDA Museum Rumah Garuda didirikan pada 17 Agustus 2011 oleh Nanang R. Hidayat, dosen Jurusan Televisi ISI Yogyakarta. Ia mulai mengoleksi bentuk-bentuk garuda sejak 2003 dan hingga sekarang telah mengumpulkan sekitar 300-an koleksi. Nanang melakukan banyak penelitian yang membuahkan narasi tentang burung dan lambang negara, Garuda. Ia berusaha mempublikasikannya kepada khalayak umum melalui Museum Rumah Garuda.
Museum Rumah Garuda was established in 17 August 2011 by Nanang R. Hidayat, a lecturer of the Television Department ISI Yogyakarta. He began collecting forms of Garuda from 2003 until today and had collected about 300 items. Nanang had done many research and created a narrative regarding the bird that is also the state's symbol, Garuda. He attempts to publish it to the public through the Museum Rumah Garuda.
ADDRESS Jl. Sewon Asri (Barat Kampus ISI), Jalan Parangtritis Km 7, Bantul 0818 279 088 (Nanang R. Hidayat)
MUSEUM SANDI Museum Sandi dibangun atas prakarsa bersama antara Kepala Lembaga Sandi Negara Republik Indonesia, Mayjen. TNI Nachrowi Ramli dengan Gubernur Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, pada Juli 2008. Koleksi museum antara lain berupa mesin sandi, mebeler, tag, sepeda, manekin, slide sistem sandi, buku kode, foto-foto, peta (napak tilas sandi), lukisan (kegiatan sandi dalam perundingan), dan sebagainya. The Sandi (Crytpo) Museum is built based on joint initiatives between the head of Indonesian Crypto Institution, Mayjen. TNI Nachrowi Ramli and the Governor of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta on July 2008. The collection in this museum includes crypto machines, furniture, tag, bicycle, mannequin, crypto slide system, crypto book, photographs, maps (the history of crypto), paintings (discussions about crypto), and so on
ADDRESS Jl. Faridan M. Noto No. 21, Kotabaru, Yogyakarta 0812 8889 7813 Monday-Friday: 8 AM - 4 PM Saturday-Sunday: 9 AM - 12 PM
MUSEUM SASMITALOKA PANGSAR JENDERAL SUDIRMAN Meski sakit mendera, Panglima Besar Jenderal Sudirman tetap bergelora memimpin perang gerilya dengan ditandu. Kobaran semangatnya dapat dirasakan di Museum Sasmitaloka, yang diresmikan pada 30 Agustus 1982 di bekas kediaman Jenderal Sudirman saat menjabat sebagai Panglima Besar Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia. Terdiri atas bangunan induk serta dikelilingi bangunan lain di sayap kanan, kiri, dan belakang, museum menyimpan 350 koleksi benda peninggalan keluarga Pak Dirman, yang menjadi saksi perjalanan kehidupannya.
Despite being ill, the Commander in Chief General Sudirman remain strong in leading the guerilla war from his stretcher. His fierce spirit can be sensed in Museum Sasmitaloka, officiated on 30 August 1982 in the former residence of General Sudirman when he was the Commander in Chief of the Indonesian Republic Armed Forces. It consists of main building surrounded by other structures on its left and right and back wings, the museum holds 350 collection objects of the General family heritage, which were a witness of his life journey.
ADDRESS Jl. Bintaran Wetan No. 3, Yogyakarta (0274) 376663 http://pergerakanwanita.museumjogja.org/id Monday–Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM Close in Saturday & Sunday
MUSEUM PURBAKALA PLERET Museum Sejarah Purbakala Pleret dibangun sejak 2007 dan mulai dibuka untuk umum pada tanggal 10 Maret 2014. Museum yang berada di Kawasan Cagar Budaya (KCB) Pleret ini terletak di Jl. Raya Pleret, Kecamatan Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul. Museum ini menyimpan benda-benda koleksi peninggalan Mataram di wilayah Bantul pada umumnya dan Pleret pada khususnya. Prehistoric Museum Pleret was built since 2007 and was opened for public on 10 March 2014. The museum is located within the Pleret Cultural Coservation Area in Jl. Raya Pleret, Pleret Subdistrict, Bantul District. The museum holds collections of Mataram heritage objects in Bantul area in general and Pleret specifically.
ADDRESS Jl. Raya Pleret, Dusun Kedaton, Pleret, Bantul (0274) 387576 http://pleret.museumjogja.org/id Sunday–Monday: 8 AM - 3.30 PM Close in National Holiday
MUSEUM LUKIS AFFANDI Lebih dari 2.000 lukisan Affandi dipamerkan di Museum Seni Lukis Affandi. Bangunan museum dirancang sendiri oleh Affandi dengan bentuk yang sangat unik. Desain atapnya menyerupai daun pisang dan di sekeliling bangunan tumbuh berbagai pohon. Jadi, sepanas apapun cuaca, pengunjung senantiasa merasa sejuk jika berada di lingkungan museum ini.
More than 2,000 of Affandi's paintings are displayed in Museum Seni Lukis Affandi. The museum structure was designed by Affandi himself with a unique shape. The roof designed to resemble banana leaf and various trees are growing around the building. No matter how hot the temperature goes, visitors will always feel coolness within the museum area.
ADDRESS Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 167 (0274) 562593 www.affandi.org Monday–Saturday: 9 AM - 2 PM
MUSEUM TAMAN PINTAR Taman Pintar Yogyakarta adalah sebuah pusat ilmu pengetahuan di bawah pengelolaan Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta yang mulai dibangun dan didirikan pada tahun 2004. Sebagai sebuah science center, pembangunan Taman Pintar dimaksudkan untuk menghadapi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta sebagai komitmen Pemerintah Kota Yogyakarta dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Taman Pintar Yogyakarta is a center for science under the management of Yogyakarta Municipal Government that was began being built and established in 2004. As a science center, the development of Taman Pintar was meant to face the development of science and technology, and as part of the Yogyakarta municipal government commitment to increas the quality of education.
ADDRESS Jl. Panembahan Senopati No. 1-3 (0274) 583 631, 583 713 www.tamanpintar.com Monday–Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM
MUSEUM TAMAN TINO SIDIN Taman Tino Sidin resmi dibuka oleh Menteri Pendidikan & Kebudayaan, Prof. M. Nuh pada 4 Oktober 2014. Sebelumnya, buku Tino Sidin: Guru Gambar dan Pribadi Multi Dimensional diluncurkan oleh Direktur Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Permuseuman, Kementrian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan, Harry Widianto pada 27 September 2014.
Taman Tino Sidin was officiated by the Minister of Education & Culture, Prof. M. Nuh on 4 October 2014. Prior to this, the book Tino Sidin: Drawing Teacher and Multi Dimensional Personality was launched by the Director of Cultural Heritage Conservation and Museum, Ministry of Education & Culture, Harry Widianto on 27 September 2014.
ADDRESS Jl. Tino Sidin 297, Kadipiro, Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul 0812 1530 1188 / (0274) 618846 (Titik Sidin) www.tamantinosidin.net Monday–Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM
MUSEUM TANI JAWA INDONESIA Musem Tani Jawa Indonesia merupakan tempat menyimpan seluruh peralatan dan budi daya tanaman pertanian, baik tradisional maupun modern. Museum didirikan untuk menginformasikan, melakukan, merasakan, memahami, dan mewariskan tradisi tani. Museum menyediakan wahana bagi pengunjung untuk merasakan dan memahami nilai perjuangan, budaya, dan tradisi tani dengan memberi informasi dan melakukan praktek langsung di lahan pertanian. Indonesian Java Farmer Museum is a place keeping a collection of all equipments and agricultural crops cultivation, both the traditional and the modern ones. The museum was established to inform, perform, experience, understand, and passes on the heritage of agricultural tradition. The museum provides a mean for the visitors to experience and understand the the values of agricultural struggles, cultures, traditions through information and direct practice in the farmland. ADDRESS Kampung Tani Candran, Desa Kebonagung, Imogiri, Bantul 0851 0086 5311, 0851 0089 2762 http://tanijawa.museumjogja.org/id Monday–Saturday: 8 AM - 3 PM Close in Sunday & National Holiday
MUSEUM TEMBI RUMAH BUDAYA Museum “Rumah Budaya Tembi” adalah museum yang menyimpan benda-benda warisan budaya Jawa, bermula dari kepindahan Lembaga Studi Jawa (LSJ) ke Dusun Tembi pada 6 September 1995. Koleksi Museum Tembi berjumlah sekitar 3000, seperti keris, tombak, dan pedang. Wayang kulit, buku-buku sastra Jawa kuno: Babad Tanah Jawi, Babad Sundayana, Babad Mangir, dan Babad Pati serta berbagai macam motif batik dan mainan anak tradisional. Museum "Rumah Budaya Tembi" is a museum holding a collection of Javanese cultural heritage objects, it began with Javanese Study Institution (LSJ) moving into Dusun Tembi on 6 September 1995. Museum Tembi collections ammounted to approximately 3,000 including keris, spears, and swords. Leather wayang, ancient Javanese literatures: Babad Tanah Jawi, Babad Sundayana, Babad Mangir, and Babad Pati and various batik motifs and traditional children toys.
ADDRESS Jl. Parangtritis KM 8,4 Dusun Tembi, Timbulharjo, Sewon, Bantul (0274) 368000, 368004 www.tembi.net Monday–Friday: 8 AM - 3 PM Saturday & Monday open until 2 PM
MUSEUM ULLEN SENTALU Ullen Sentalu menghadirkan warisan budaya intangible berwujud karya-karya seni lukis untuk dikomunikasikan secara tangible. Museum ini memiliki konsep “jendela” yang mengungkapkan proses peradaban zaman. Dari karya-karya yang ditampilkan diharapkan dapat membuka celah bagi siapapun untuk memasuki proses peradaban zaman. Ullen Sentalu presents the intangible cultural heritage in the form of paintings to be communicated in a tangible form. The museum has a concept of "windows" expressing the process of civilization era. The displayed works are hoped to be able to open a gap for anyone to enter the process of civilization era.
ADDRESS Dusun Kaliurang Barat, Desa Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman (0274) 895161, 880158 www.ullensentalu.com Tuesday–Friday: 8.30 AM - 2 PM Saturday & Sunday open until 5 PM
MUSEUM UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA Museum Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) mulai dirintis sejak 2000-an dan menjadi embrio pada 19 Desember 2012. Museum UGM merupakan museum yang menarasikan perjalanan sejarah Universitas Gadjah Mada dari masa ke masa. Museum UGM diharapkan menjadi jendela UGM bagi masyarakat yang ingin mengenal lebih dekat UGM sebagai universitas perjuangan, universitas kerakyatan, universitas Pancasila, dan universitas kebangsaan.
Museum Universitas Gadjah Mada was pioneered since the 2000's and became an embrio on 19 December 2012. Museum UGM is a museum narrating the historical journey of the Gadjah Mada University from time to time. Museum UGM is expected to become a window to UGM for the society who wished to know UGM better as the university of struggles, the university of the people, a Pancasila university and university of the nation.
ADDRESS Kompleks Kampus UGM, Bulaksumur Blok D-6 dan D-7 0812 2636 3444 Monday–Friday: 8 AM - 3 PM Close in Saturday, Sunday & National Holiday
MUSEUM UII Museum UII diresmikan Senin, 17 Oktober 2011, bersamaan dengan Purna Pugar Candi Kimpulan Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Islam Indonesia. Bentuk bangunan menunjukkan gagasan baru desain perpustakaan yang melingkar dan di tengahnya terdapat Candi Kimpulan, yang ditemukan saat penggalian pondasi perpustakaan pada Jumat, 11 Desember 2009. Candi menjadi daya tarik pengunjung yang berkeliling ke Museum UII. Museum UII was officiated on Monday, 17 October 2011, along with the Indonesian Islamic University Library Center Purna Pugar Candi Kimpulan. The structure shape showed the new idea in library design in circular and the center is the Kimpulan temple, which was discovered during the excavation for the foundation construction on Friday, 11 December 2009. The temple became a point of attraction that visited the UII Museum.
ADDRESS Jl. Kaliurang Km 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta (0274) 898 444 ext. 2311/2305 Monday–Saturday: 8 AM - 4 PM
MUSEUM WAYANG KEKAYON Diresmikan pada 1991 oleh Gubernur DIY, KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, Museum Wayang Kekayon menyimpan koleksi warisan pusaka dunia berupa puluhan jenis wayang, lebih dari 5.000 koleksi wayang nusantara maupun mancanegara. “Seratus Wayang Kurawa” merupakan koleksi masterpiece yang tiada duanya. Tidak berlebihan bila museum ini menjadi rujukan bagi pecinta kesenian wayang. Officiated in 1991 by the Special Region of Yogyakarta Governor, KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, Museum Wayang Kekayon holds a collection of world cultural heritages in the form of tens of wayang types, and more than 5,000 collections of wayangs from the archipelago and abroad. "One Hunder Kurawa Wayangs" is the only masterpiece collection of its kind. It is not an exaggeration that the museum is a must for lovers of wayang art.
ADDRESS JL. Laksamana Adi Sucipto, Demangan, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta (0274) 379058, 0817 461 551 http://kekayon.museumjogja.org/id Monday–Friday: 8.30 AM - 2 PM Saturday open until 12 PM Close in Sunday & National Holiday