Pengantar… "When an individual appears in the presence of others, there will usually be some reason for him to mobilize his activity so that it will convey an impression to others which it is in his interests to convey." (Erving Goffman)
Goffman (1959:86) menyatakan konsep Impression Management sebagai “process by which people in social situation manage the setting and their dress, words and gesture to the correspond to the impression” media massa melipatgandakan pengaruh impression management tersebut (dalam Arrianie, 2010:40). Tujuan – Mempersuasif Cara – Verbal & non verbal
Management impresi (impression management - IM) adalah kegiatan yang dimaksudkan untuk mengkontrol dan mengatur informasi yang dimaksudkan untuk mempengaruhi impresi audiens tentang kita Control = managing, shaping, or adjusting Impression Management is the process by which people control the impression others form of them (Andrew J Dubrin, 2011).
Impression management (IM), describes a central aspect of role theory: how individual actors create, maintain, defend, and often enhance their social identities through assumptions, settings, props, and scripts in a play metaphor (Dillard et al 2000, Goffman 1959, and Schlenker 1980) The motive for this goal is based on the assumption that the target audience’s impressions about the individuals, groups, or organizations become reality of the target audience.
Sinha (2009), "Impression management is an active selfpresentation of a person aiming to enhance his image in the eyes of others" (p.104). Newman (2009), impression management is an “act presenting a favorable public image of oneself so that others will form positive judgments” (p.184)
IM berkaitan dengan permasalahan : Identitas SOCIAL SELF – UNSOCIAL SELF – cara pandang tentang diri (self) Dualistic view of self Identity Management Stages - dramaturgi
Untuk apa ? To be liked To be believe To excuse failure To secure help To hide foult To have followers Than…. Strategies….
The Nature of Social Life: Beberapa metafora penting dalam membahas kehidupan social, diantaranya drama, ritual, permainan dan face (tampilan). “Dramaturgy” adalah model dari analisis social yang menampilkan konsep dramatis seperti performa, props, backdrops, scenery, scripts, scenarios, dan lain-lain. Digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan dan memahami interaksi sehari-hari.
Inter-subjectivity individu terbawa untuk memainkan perilaku mengerti informasi tentang orang lain. When people are trying to control impressions of themselves, as opposed to other people or entities, the activity is called self-presentation
Self terlihat dari penampilan (dressing codes), posisi socioeconomic, konsep diri, sikap terhadap orang lain dan sebagainya. Ditampilkan dalam keseharian. “Self” is a construct (NOT attributes). “Self” is not wholly controlled and decided by its owner. “Self” is partly understood against the overall scene of interaction
Pengalaman social dipahami sebagai konsep ‘frames’, merupakan sumber perubahan, cara untuk menginterpretasikan dan mengorganisasikan data visual.
“Frames are principles of selection, emphasis and presentation composed of little tacit theories about what exists, what happens, and what matters.”(Todd Gitlin, 1980)
Frame selection Frame berkaitan dengan prinsip organisasi yang membentuk pemaknaan dan signifikan atas kejadian social. Membingkai adalah membatasi (bracketing) kegiatan untuk membuktikan beberapa petunjuk yang mengarahkan pada / sesuai dengan keinginan pihak yang membingkai. Pemaknaan akan kejadian, tindakan, penampilan dan seseorang tergantung pada framing – makna tidak berbicara sendiri Pemaknaan didasarkan pada framing, tetapi individu tidak bebas untuk frame experience semaunya sendiri