Wo k in Progress Work P og ess Basic English Grammar
Wilko Oskam Hogeschool van Amsterdam Version: MMX. 05
Verbs The verb is an important part of the sentence. A verb ((or compound p verb)) tells us something g about the subject of the sentence and expresses actions, events or states of being. He talks too much. She loves to go out. s v o s v o I will plant ten tulip bulbs tomorrow. s v o Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
Verbs My first English teacher was Mr. Brown, but I remember the head master Mr Johnson more vividly. The verb was (simple past tense) refers to a particular person. The verb remember (simple present tense) describes a mental action. Note the sequential order: subject, verb, object 1 Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
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Auxiliary Verbs The most common auxiliary verbs (or helping verbs) are: be: have: d do:
am, are, is, was , were have, has, had did
Modal auxiliary (Modals) are: can, could, may, might, must, should, will, would
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Auxiliary Verbs Als je een zin vragend wil maken en er een hulpwerkwoord in de zin staat dan zet je het hulpwerkwoord voor het onderwerp: She has won the election.
Has she won the election?
He must go home.
Must he go home?
He should wait for his parents.
Should he wait for his parents? t ?
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Auxiliary Verbs Als er geen hulpwerkwoord in de zin staat zet je een vorm van to do voor het onderwerp. p He lies. She works hard. They travel by bus.
Does he lie? Does she work hard? Do they travel by bus?
NB: na een vorm van to do komt altijd het hele werkwoord (infinitive). Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
Auxiliary Verbs Ook in de verleden tijd komt er na een vorm van to do altijd het hele werkwoord (infinitive).
He went It smelled good. He loved her. He worked hard all his life. They forgot to eat the cake.
Did Did Did Did Did
he go? it smell good? he love her? he work hard all his life? they forget to eat the cake?
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Auxiliary Verbs Ook bij de ontkennende vorm staat het hulpwerkwoord centraal. Als je een zin ontkennend wil maken, dien je het woordje “not” achter het hulpwerkwoord te plaatsen. I can smoke a Cuban cigar. cigar He has lost his keys. She has won. The will leave tomorrow.
I cannot smoke a cuban cigar. cigar He has not lost his keys. She has not won. They will not leave tomorrow.
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Compound verbs A compound verb is constructed out of an auxiliary y verb and another verb. His books were sold at an auction. The cup she was looking for is on the table. We will meet them at the airport. (also:meet) He has been shouting for two hours.
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Werkwoorden (Verbs) Vertellen wat je altijd doet. doet Vertellen wat je nu doet. Ve tellen wat Vertellen at je deed. deed Vertellen wat je hebt gedaan of nog aan het h t doen d bent. b t Vertellen wat je zult gaan doen. Minder vertellen.
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Vertellen wat je altijd doet. Simple Present Tense (o.t.t.) • Gewoonte He goes to school at 7.30 every day. • Vaststaand feit Water boils at a 100 degrees Celcius. Celcius • Toekomst Our plane leaves at 5 o’clock. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Simple Present Tense simple pres.
I work You work He/she/it works
do I work? do you work? does he work?
I do not work You do not work He does not work
We work You work They y work
do we work? do you work? do they y work?
We do not work You do not work They y do not work
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Vertellen wat je nu doet. Present Continuous (duurvorm) • Actie duurt kort of is nog aan de gang Who is teaching that lesson? • Aangeven nabije toekomst I am leaving at 4.30.
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The Present Continuous In het Nederlands wordt deze vorm niet gebruikt. gebruikt Om te zeggen dat we ergens mee bezig zijn, of iets aan het doen zijn zijn, gebruiken we de tegenwoordige tijd. Bijvoorbeeld:
They y are p painting g the house. Ze zijn het huis aan het schilderen. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Present Continuous present con.
I am working You are working
am I working? are you working?
I am not working You are not working He is not working
He/she/it is working is he working? We are working
are we working?
You are working
are you working
They are working
are they working
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we are not working you are not working they are not working 15
Vertellen wat je deed. Simple Past Tense (o.v.t.) • Actie is gebeurd of afgelopen. afgelopen He worked here last year. • Tijdsaanduidingen verwijzen naar het verleden. I studied very hard for this exam thirty years ago. ago She left home an hour ago. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
Simple Past Tense In het Engels moet je altijd de simple past tense gebruiken als er een verleden tijdsaanduiding in de zin staat. staat last year, yesterday, in 2001, five years ago, y g , an hour ago. g
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Simple Past Tense In het Nederlands maakt het niet uit of je zegt: Verleden week gaf hij ons een boek. V l d Verleden week k heeft h ft hij ons een boek b k gegeven. In het h Engels l altijd l dd de past tense: Last week he gave us a book.
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Simple Past Tense simple past.
I worked You worked He/she/it worked
did I work? did you work? did he work?
I did not work You did not work He did not work
We worked You worked They y worked
did we work? did you work? did they y work?
We did not work You did not work They y did not work
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Vertellen wat je hebt gedaan of nog aan het doen bent Perfect tense (v.t.t.) to have + past participle • Actie is in het verleden begonnen en duurt nog voort. I have been a teacher for more than thirty years. Ever since his birth raising my son has been my major concern. They have lived here since last week. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Present Perfect Perfect tense (v.t.t.) to have + past participle • Actie is in het verleden gebeurd maar het is niet duidelijk wanneer dat gebeurde. gebeurde Mr. De Boer has phoned about five times. times The plumber has fixed the problem.
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The Present Perfect We use the perfect tense to indicate that there is a connection with “now” now . The action is in the past and has a result now. Au, I have cut my finger. (It hurts) Oh dear, dear I have lost my keys. keys (I cannot get in) I cannot find my students. Have you seen them?
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The Present Perfect We can use the Present Perfect with: Just: Already: y Ever: Never: Yet: Not yet:
She has just phoned. He has already yg gone. Have you ever been to China? He has never flown. Has it stopped raining yet? We have not yet finished.
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The Present Perfect The difference between: gone (to) and been (to) He has gone to Japan. (He is there now) He has been to Italy.
(He has now come back)
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The Present Perfect In het Nederlands wordt de voltooid tegenwoordige tijd van sommige werkwoorden gemaakt met een vorm van het werkwoord zijn (ben /is / zijn). In het Engels is het een stuk makkelijker: de present perfect is altijd met een vorm van to have. Ik ben aangekomen. I have arrived. De prijs is gezakt. gezakt Prices have dropped. dropped De prijzen zijn gezakt. The prices have dropped. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Present Perfect In het Nederlands kun je zeggen: Hij is al drie dagen ziek. ziek Omdat hij nog steeds ziek is moet je in het Engels g de p present p perfect gebruiken: He has been ill for three days. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Present Perfect present perf.
I have worked You have worked He/she/it has worked
have I worked? have you worked? has he worked?
I have not worked You have not worked He has not worked
We have worked You have worked They have worked
have we worked? have you worked? have they worked?
We have not worked You have not worked They have not worked
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Vertellen wat je zult gaan doen The future tense (o.t.t.t.) will + inf. • • • •
Iets dat nog gaat gebeuren – korte termijn planning She will get better soon. Iets dat nog gaat gebeuren. He will graduate next year. I t dat Iets d t zou gaan gebeuren. b We would have made the same mistake. Beslissing op het moment zelf. Ok, I will do it.
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The Future Tense Future t.
I will work You will work He/she/it will work
will I work? will you work? will he work?
I will not work You will not work He will not work
We will work You will work They will work
will we work? will you work? will they work?
We will not work You will not work
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They will not work
The Future Tense /vertaal Ik bel je morgen. / Ik zal je morgen bellen. Wanneer zullen we vertrekken? Ik dacht dat hij zou bellen. (would) De trein vertrekt om drie uur. De uitverkoop begint morgen. We gaan met een Duits bedrijf fuseren. Als ik slaag, geef ik een feest. Als ik aankom, bel ik. Ik e-mail je, zodra ik meer weet. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
I will phone you tomorrow. When shall we leave. I thought that he would phone. zou/zouden / =would zou// zouden hebben = would have
The train leaves at three o o’clock. clock. The sale starts tomorrow. vaststaand programma of rooster
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We are going to merge with an German company. Be going to wordt gebruikt om een voornemen uit te drukken. In dit geval gebruikt het Nederlands “gaan”.
If I pass, I will give a party. When I arrive, I will phone you. I will e-mail you as soon as I know more. Na if,, when en as soon as gebruik g je j geen g toekomende tijd. j (Wel in het andere deel van de zin).
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To sum up present
I work you sell (s)he goes
worked sold went
have worked will work have sold will sell has gone will go
we you they
drove bought looked
have driven will drive have bought will buy have looked will look
drive buy look
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Minder vertellen/
The Passive
The word ‘obfuscation’ means to write or speak in such a way as to look as if you are saying something, but reveal very little. The Irish use “Blarney” to indicate pleasant speech intended to deceive. The Passive to be + past participle Using the passive voice is a common way to say less than people want to read or hear. In the passive voice we say for instance: The bike was stolen. ((to be + p past p participle) p )
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The Passive Voice Most sentences we come across are active sentences, the object carries out the action. It is about: what does the h subject? bj ? Peter wrote the letter. letter s v o This object (the letter) becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The letter was written (by Peter). Peter) s v o Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Passive Voice We use the passive verb when we want to express p what happens pp to the subject. j Who or what causes the action is often unknown, unimportant or deliberately left out. Passive voice: to be + past participle
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The Passive Voice Present simple: Somebody y cleans this room every y day. y s v o This room is cleaned every day. s v Past simple: Somebody cleaned this room yesterday. s v o This hi room was cleaned l d yesterday. d s v Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Passive Voice Infinitive: Somebody will clean the room later. later The room will be cleaned later. later Perfect infinitive: Somebody should have cleaned the room. The room should have been cleaned. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Passive Voive Present perfect: The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned it. The room looks nice. It has been cleaned. Past perfect: The room looks nice. Somebody had cleaned it. The room looks nice. It had been cleaned.
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The Passive Voice Present continuous: Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment. The room is being cleaned at the moment. Past continuous: Somebody was cleaning the room when I came in. The room was being cleaned when I came in.
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Punctuation Full stop(.) Comma(,)
marks the end of a sentence. is used: to mark a natural pause in a sentence. to separate items in listings within a sentence. to separate subclauses from main clauses. clauses to separate mainclauses from mainclauses. Semicolon(;) (;) used to separate p two p parts of a sentence,, if the part that follows could stand on its own as an independent sentence. Colon (:) used to annonce a definition, definition explanation or quotation.
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Punctuation Brackets()
avoid the use of brackets, it is likely to confuse native English readers. Q t ti (“”) always Quotation(“”) l placed l d above b the th quote t att the th opening i of the quotation. Numbers
Dutch: English:
3.450.320,55 3,450,320.55
A comma separates thousand units, a period is used in front of the first decimal.
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Adjectives Adjective (bijvoeglijk naamwoord) usual order:
size age colour where from texture ( made from/of) no n noun A large old red Russian wooden table (from Russia).
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Spellingsregels 1.
In samenstellingen worden woorden zoals full, till, all met 1 l geschreven. greatful, wonderful, beautiful, distasteful, until, always, already
Woorden die eindigen op –ie, ie wordt y voor –ing die – dying lie – lying
De laatste letter wordt bij werkwoorden verdubbeld als de klemtoon op de laatste lettergreep valt en er maar 1 klinker in staat. t t stop – stopped refer – referred permit - permitted travel – travelled occur – occurred submit - submitted maar; develop – developed book – booked cook – cooked (2 klinkers) Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
Spellingsregels / meervoud The general rule for making plurals. 4.
Meervoud wordt gevormd door een –s achter het woord te zetten. school – schools cup – cups book – books emulator - emulators server –servers ook woorden die op een klinker eindigen. employee – employees pizza – pizzas
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tattoo – tattoos
Spellingsregels / meervoud 5.
Zelfstandige naamwoorden die eindigen op –o meervoud mee o d op –oes oes cargo – cargoes potato – potatoes tomato – tomatoes hero – heroes negro – negroes mosquito - mosquitoes
meervoud mee o d op –os os euro – euros studio – studios photo – photos piano – pianos radio – radios casino – casinos video – videos memo – memos disco – discos kilo – kilos burrito – burritos taco - tacos
Sommige S i zelfstandige lf di naamwoorden d k krijgen ij iin het h meervoud d –oes; andere d hebben h bb een meervoud op –os. Hier is geen regel voor.
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Spellingsregels / meervoud 6
Afkortingen krijgen een vaste –s. De afkortingen worden met een hoofdletter geschreven en de meervoud –s met een kleine letter. CFOs
Het meervoud van woorden die eindigen op –y is –ies vacancy – vacancies hobby y – hobbies lady – ladies
company – companies factory y – factories baby - babies
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Spellingsregels / hoofdletters 8
De namen van maanden, weekdagen en feestdagen worden met een hoofdletter geschreven. March h
Monday d
Ch i Christmas Eve
Aardrijkskundige namen, straten, etc worden ook met een hoofdletter geschreven. geschreven The Netherlands, Oxford Street, Heathrow Airport NB. Aardrijkskundige namen hebben in het Engels geen koppelteken. Groot-Brittannië Zuid-Afrika
Great Britain South Africa
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Spellingsregels 10
In het Engels worden veel woorden los van elkaar geschreven, terwijl we in het Nederlands vaak 1 woord gebruiken. televisiegids l i i id videofilm
TV guide id video film
waterfles fl
water bottle b l
cash machine
Heel soms wordt er een streepje gebruikt. schoonfamilie ook:
in laws in-laws x-files
röntgen x-men
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x-ray x ray
Spellingsregels 11
Afbreken van woorden. Probeer woorden zo min mogelijk af te breken. Schrijf ze op de volgende g regel. g Full wordt met dubbel l geschreven. In samenstelling altijd: - ful The car park was full. Successful/ wonderful/ beautiful They stayed till Tuesday We stayed until Wednesday
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Prepositions Prepositions:
expressions/verbal combinations
Ti Time: at 4 oclock in the morning on 2nd April during a periode before an event after an event between 2 and 4 by the end of May
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Prepositions next week last week the next th last the l t week k at the moment (at this very moment ) one evening In front of the house before 6 o’clock just in front of me Just before my very eyes Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
Prepositions at a party/ meeting/school on television on the roof at 23 Bond Street at my request at short notice on application in the long g run one out of 4 Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
Prepositions From: What is it made from? Paper is made from wood. Wine is made from grapes. Where are you from? Wh Where do d you come from? f ? But: The book is made of paper. paper
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Prepositions Off: Take it off Off the coast Hands off of this book Of: The legs of the table T Tower off London L d Capital of England Colour of the door
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Prepositions Besides John, everyone else was there. Except John, everyone else was there. Above sealevel. sealevel Over the table. He is above you; he is your senior. Since last week. For one week. Between you and me. me Among yourselves.
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Your Opinion An opinion is not a fact. Opinions represent your ideas and thoughts on a subject. Strong opinion: I am convinced that …. I am sure that ….. I definetely think that …..
Weaker opinion: From my y point p of view ….. I tend to think that ….. I am inclined to think that …..
Neutral: In my opinion ….. I think that ….. I consider that …..
Do not use: According g to me / us. Use: In my view / I think ….. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
Your Opinion Words you may use to describe your opinion: excellent admirable superb gorgeous stunning g appealing interesting tolerable
unpleasant shocking distasteful poor commonplace p boring atrocioust abominable
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The Text Introduction: The text is about ….. The text goes about … The author of the text claims ….. In the text a description is given of ….. In the article a new way of thinking about IT is described. Body: See clauses etc. Conclusion: In conclusion ….. Finally, …… To sum up ….. The result is that ….. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam
The Text Conjunctions: en maar omdat zodat als
and, as well as, furthermore, besides, too but, however, although, still, nevertheless because cause, because, cause since, since as, as due to, to thanks to so, therefore, as a result, consequently if,, unless,, where,, when
Conjunctions, link clauses. Work in Progress / W.P. Oskam