PÉTER CSERNE University of Hull, Law School Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom +44 (0)1482 465923
[email protected]
APPOINTMENTS 2012– Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Hull, School of Law, United Kingdom 2014–15 Honours Stage Coordinator, member of Learning and Teaching Committee 2013–14 Library Representative, member of Research Committee
2009–11 2001–12
Assistant Professor, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Lecturer, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law Department of Legal Philosophy, Budapest, Hungary (on leave 2003–4, 2005–7, 2009–11)
QUALIFICATIONS 2005–08 PhD in Law, magna cum laude, University of Hamburg, Germany 2003–04 LLM (European Master in Law and Economics) with distinction, University of Hamburg, Germany 1996–2001 MSc in Economics, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Budapest, Hungary 1995–2001 JD (doctor iuris) summa cum laude, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest NON-DEGREE COURSES 2007 Summer School in Law and Economics, Study Centre Gerzensee, Switzerland 2005 Autumn School in Law and Economics, Haifa University, Israel 2005 Summer School in Law and Economics, University of Hamburg 1998–99 Erasmus exchange student, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium VISITORSHIPS AND RESEARCH STAYS 02/16–07/16 University of Toronto, Faculty of Law 10/15–01/16 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, Budapest 03/10– 03/10 University of Oxford, Institute of European and Comparative Law 02/10–02/10 Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg 01/07–05/07 Columbia University, School of Law, New York 10/04–11/04 Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna GRANTS 2012 2005–07 2003–04
ZiF (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research), Bielefeld, competitive grant for conference organization Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), doctoral scholarship University of Hamburg tuition fee waiver for LLM studies
FELLOWSHIPS BY INVITATION 2011–16 fellow, The Young ZiF, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld 2009– Tilburg Law and Economics Centre (TILEC). Senior research fellow 2009–11; extramural fellow 2012– 2009–11 HiiL (The Hague Institute for Internationalisation of Law), as post-doctoral researcher in project on Convergence and Divergence of National Legal Systems: coping with the challenges of globalization 2002– István Bibó Centre for Advanced Studies, Budapest 1996–2001 Invisible College, Budapest 1
TEACHING University of Hull Comparative Law (undergraduate lectures and seminars, 2012–) Contract Law (undergraduate lectures and seminars, 2012–) Introduction to Law and Economics (undergraduate and postgraduate, 2012–) Jurisprudence (undergraduate seminars, Spring 2013) Legal Skills (undergraduate lectures and seminars, Fall 2012) Values and Law (undergraduate lectures and seminars, 2014–) Haim Striks School of Law, College of Management, Rishon Le Zion, Israel Contract Law and Economics (intensive undergraduate course, Visiting Professor, 2011) Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin Comparative Law and Economics (undergraduate lectures, Erasmus Visiting Professor, 2009) Tilburg University Business Law and Economics (postgraduate lectures, 2009–11) Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law Comparative Legal Cultures (undergraduate lectures, 2008–09) Economics and Politics of the Welfare State (undergraduate optional module, 2007–08) Sociology (BA in international administration programme, 2007–09) Communication (BA in international administration programme, 2007–09) Game Theory and the Law (undergraduate optional module, PPCU, 2003) Philosophy of Law (undergraduate optional module in English, Spring 2012) Introduction to Law and Economics (undergraduate optional module in English, Spring 2012) Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy (undergraduate lectures and seminars, PPCU, 2001–12) Theory of the State; History of Political Thought (undergraduate lectures and seminars, 2004–12) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES FUNCTIONS IN SCHOLARLY ASSOCIATIONS Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theorists, cee-forum.org (cofounder; co-ordinator 2010–13; member of advisory board 2013–) Felix Somló Society for Practical Philosophy (co-founder, member of the Board) Hungarian Association for Law and Economics (co-founder, member of the Board) Juris North: Legal and Political Philosophy Discussion Group (Hull coordinator) MEMBERSHIP IN SCHOLARLY ASSOCIATIONS Society for European Contract Law (SECOLA) European Association for Law and Economics IVR (International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy) UK section EDITORSHIP AND EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERSHIP
co-editor, Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theory Yearbooks (Peter Lang) member of Editorial Board, Economics Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship (Springer) member of International Advisory Board, On Ethics and Economics (Rowman&Littlefield) member of Editorial Board, Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies – Acta Juridica Hungarica REFEREEING for publishers: Hart Publishing, Edward Elgar 2
for journals: Állam- és Jogtudomány, CESifo Economic Studies, European Journal of Law and Economics, Homo Oeconomicus, Journal of Institutional Economics, Journal of Social Philosophy, Közgazdasági Szemle [Review of Economics], Law and Method, Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Review of Law and Economics, Review of Sociology, Theory and Practice of Legislation research proposals: OTKA [Hungarian National Research Fund], European Research Council (Horizon 2020) CONVENOR OF CONFERENCES Law and coercion: the role of public and private enforcement in law, Amsterdam Centre for Law and Economics, University of Amsterdam, 10–11 December 2015 What is law for? 5th MetaLawEcon workshop, University of Debrecen Faculty of Law, Hungary, 11–12 December 2014 What is welfare? Can we measure it? 4th MetaLawEcon workshop, Institute of Applied Ethics, University of Hull, 28–29 November 2013 Empirical knowledge, common sense, and legal cognition, 3rd MetaLawEcon workshop, ZiF (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research), Bielefeld, Germany, 23–24 November 2012 MetaLawEcon 2.0: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Law and Economics. Special Workshop at the 25th IVR World Congress on Legal and Social Philosophy, Johann-WolfgangGoethe-University, Frankfurt, 15 August 2011 MetaLawEcon: TILEC Workshop on the Foundations of Law and Economics, Tilburg University, 26 November 2010 Second Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law, Budapest, 21–22 May 2010 RESEARCH INTERESTS jurisprudence, law and economics, contract law and theory, theory and methods of comparative law, rational choice theory, history of legal and political thought LANGUAGES English German French Hungarian Italian Dutch
reading fluent fluent fluent mother tongue intermediate intermediate
speaking fluent fluent advanced mother tongue intermediate beginner
writing fluent advanced advanced mother tongue beginner beginner
Sense and Nonsense in Law and Economics: Empirical Science, Practical Philosophy, and Legal Doctrine (Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar 2016) under contract, to be submitted Sep 2016
Közgazdaságtan és jogfilozófia Rendszertelen áttekintés a jog gazdasági elemzésének elméleti és módszertani alapjairól [Economics and Philosophy of Law: An Unsystematic Overview of the Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Economic Analysis of Law; in Hungarian] (Budapest: Gondolat 2015) 384 pp. [recta ratio] ISBN 978-963-693536-8
Freedom of Contract and Paternalism Prospects and Limits of an Economic Approach (New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012) x + 194 pp. [Perspectives from Social Economics], ISBN 978-0-230-34029-9
Edited volumes, special issues and thematic blocs 4.
The Concept of Welfare: Politics, Ethics and Economics. Thematic section, International Journal of Social Economics 42 (2015) 5, 422–458
The Rule of Law and the Challenges for Jurisprudence, co-ed. with MIKLÓS KÖNCZÖL and MARTA SONIEWICKA (Frankfurt, etc.: Peter Lang 2014) 148 pp. [Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theory Yearbooks 3] ISBN 978-3-63164381-5
Empirical Knowledge, Common Sense, and Legal Cognition. Special issue, Theory and Practice of Legislation 1 (2013) 3, 387–542
National Legal Systems and Globalization New Role, Continuing Relevance, co-ed. with PIERRE LAROUCHE (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press & Berlin, New York: Springer 2013) x + 388 pp., ISBN 978-90-6704-884-2
Legal and Political Theory in the Post-National Age, co-ed. with MIKLÓS KÖNCZÖL (Frankfurt, etc.: Peter Lang 2011) xii + 196 pp. [Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theory Yearbooks 1] ISBN 978-3-631-61582-9
Theatrum legale mundi Symbola Cs. Varga oblata, co-ed. with ISTVÁN H. SZILÁGYI, MIKLÓS KÖNCZÖL, MÁTÉ PAKSY, PÉTER TAKÁCS, SZILÁRD TATTAY (Budapest: Societas Sancti Stephani 2007) xvi + 674 pp. [Xenia; Philosophiae Iuris; Bibliotheca Iuridica. Libri Amicorum 24] ISBN 978-963-361-789-2
Contributions to books 10.
‘Models of Human Behaviour in Economics, Policy and the Law’ in Neue Ordnungsökonomik, Hrsg. Nils Goldschmidt, Joachim Zweynert (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2016, forthcoming) [Untersuchungen zur Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik]
‘Facts and Norms in the Behavioural Assumptions of Law’ in Facts and Norms in Law: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Legal Method, ed. Sanne Taekema, Wouter de Been & Bart van Klink (Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar 2016, forthcoming)
‘Formalism in Judicial Reasoning: Is Central and Eastern Europe a Special Case?’ in Central European Judges under the European Influence: The Transformative Power of the EU Revisited, ed. Michal Bobek (Oxford: Hart Publishing 2015) 23–42 [EU Law in the Member 4
States] 13.
‘Making Sense of Nudge-Scepticism: Three Challenges to EU Law’s Learning from Behavioural Sciences’ in Nudge and the Law: A European Perspective, ed. Alberto Alemanno, Anne-Lise Sibony (Oxford: Hart Publishing 2015) 279–299 [Modern Studies in European Law]
‘Freedom of Contract’ in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, ed. Jürgen C. Backhaus (Berlin: Springer 2014), ch 108. Online, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_538-1, http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4614-7883-6_538-1
‘Objectivity and the Law’s Assumptions about Human Behaviour’ in Objectivity in Law and Legal Reasoning, ed. Jaakko Husa, Mark van Hoecke (Oxford: Hart Publishing 2013), 171– 193
‘The Recodification of Private Law in Central and Eastern Europe’ in National Legal Systems and Globalization New Role, Continuing Relevance, ed. Pierre Larouche, Péter Cserne (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press & Berlin, New York: Springer 2013), 45–88
‘Courts and Expertise: Consequence-Based Arguments in Judicial Reasoning’ in National Legal Systems and Globalization New Role, Continuing Relevance, ed. Pierre Larouche, Péter Cserne (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press & Berlin, New York: Springer 2013), 89–109
‘Conclusions’ with PIERRE LAROUCHE in National Legal Systems and Globalization New Role, Continuing Relevance, ed. Pierre Larouche, Péter Cserne (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press & Berlin, New York: Springer 2013), 371–383
‘Between “Metaphysics of the Stone Age” and the “Brave New World”: H.L.A. Hart on the Law’s Assumptions about Human Nature’ in Jurisprudence and Political Philosophy in the 21st Century: Reassessing Legacies, ed. Miodrag Jovanović, Bojan Spaić (Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2012), 71–87 [Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theory Yearbook 2]
‘Import, Export, and Multilateral Translation: Methodological Lessons from an Economic Analysis of Paternalism in Contract Law’ in Interdisciplinary Research in Jurisprudence and Constitutionalism, ed. Stephan Kirste, Anne van Aaken, Michael Anderheiden, Pasquale Policastro (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2012), 129–151 [ARSP Beihefte 127]
‘Consequence-based Arguments in Legal Reasoning: A Jurisprudential Preface to Law and Economics’ in Efficiency, Sustainability, and Justice to Future Generations, ed. Klaus Mathis (Berlin, New York, etc.: Springer 2011), 31–54 [Law and Philosophy Library 98] 30
‘Duress’ in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Second Edition Volume 6: Contract Law and Economics, ed. Gerrit de Geest (Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar 2011), 57–79
‘Policy Considerations in Contract Interpretation: The Contra proferentem Rule from a Comparative Law and Economics Perspective’ in Contract Theory – Corporate Law, ed. Radhika Gavvala (Hyderabad: ICFAI University Press 2009), 66–104 [Amicus Books] Judicial reference to working paper version in Oxonica v. Neuftec [2008] EWHC 2127 (Pat) para 90, notes 16 and 17
‘Paternalism in Policy: Prospects and Limitations of an Economic Analysis’ in Die Unsicherheit der Väter Zur Herausbildung paternaler Bindungen, Hrsg. Malte-Christian Gruber, Sascha Ziemann (Berlin: trafo Wissenschaftsverlag 2009), 285–303 [Beiträge zur Rechts-, Gesellschafts- und Kulturkritik Band 9]
‘How to Use Philosophy, Economics and Psychology in Jurisprudence: The Case of 5
Paternalism in Contract Law’ in Theatrum legale mundi Symbola Cs. Varga oblata, ed. Péter Cserne, István H. Szilágyi, Miklós Könczöl, Máté Paksy, Péter Takács, Szilárd Tattay (Budapest: Societas Sancti Stephani 2007), 67–91 [Xenia; Philosophiae Iuris; Bibliotheca Iuridica. Libri Amicorum 24] 26.
‘From Law to Social Science and Back Again – the First Step. Remarks on the Juristic Origin of Some Weberian Concepts’ in Ius Unum - Lex Multiplex Liber amicorum Studia Z. Péteri dedicata. Studies in Comparative law, Theory of State and Legal Philosophy, ed. István H. Szilágyi, Máté Paksy (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2005), 457–473 [Philosophiae Iuris; Bibliotheca Iuridica. Libri Amicorum 13]
Articles and review essays 27.
‘When is Nudging Legal’ Toqueville Review, forthcoming
‘Introduction: Legislation, Legal Episteme, and Empirical Knowledge’ [editorial] Theory and Practice of Legislation 1 (2013) 3, 387–393 DOI: 10.5235/2050-8840.1.3.387
‘On the Necessity of Necessity: An Economic Analysis of Contracts Concluded in a Situation of Need’ with ÁKOS SZALAI Silesian Journal of Legal Studies 2 (2010), 11–25
‘Policy Arguments before Courts: Identifying and Evaluating Consequence-Based Judicial Reasoning’ Humanitas Journal of European Studies 3 (2009), 9–30
‘Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker, A Legal Theory Without Law. Posner v. Hayek on Economic Analysis of Law’ [review essay] European Business Organization Law Review 9 (2008) 3, 497–506 DOI 10.1017/S1566752908004977
‘Reasons for Limiting Freedom of Contract: Questions of Philosophy and Policy’ [review essay] Jogelméleti Szemle/Journal of Legal Theory IV (2003) 1, http://jesz.ajk.elte.hu/cserne13.html
Miscellaneous 33.
‘Editorial’ [to themed section The Concept of Welfare: Politics, Ethics and Economics] International Journal of Social Economics 42 (2015) 5, 422–423
‘Behavioural Public Policy, ed. Adam Oliver’ [book review] European Journal of Risk and Regulation 5 (2014) 2, 375–377
‘Introduction’ [with MIKLÓS KÖNCZÖL and MARTA SONIEWICKA] in The Rule of Law and the Challenges for Jurisprudence, ed. Péter Cserne, Miklós Könczöl, Marta Soniewicka (Frankfurt, etc.: Peter Lang 2014), 9–13
‘Verzweifelt objektiv. Tagebuchnotizen und Briefe des ungarischen Rechtsphilosophen Felix Somló (1873–1920), Hrsg. A. Funke und P. Sólyom’ [book review] Archiv für Rechtsund Sozialphilosophie 99 (2013) 3, 441–445
‘Preface’ & ‘Introduction’ [with PIERRE LAROUCHE] in National Legal Systems and Globalization New Role, Continuing Relevance, ed. Pierre Larouche, Péter Cserne (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press & Berlin, New York: Springer 2013), v–vi & 1–5
‘Series Preface’ [with JÜRGEN BUSCH, MICHAEL HEIN, MIODRAG JOVANOVIC and MARTA SONIEWICKA] & ‘Introduction’ [with MIKLÓS KÖNCZÖL] in Legal and Political Theory in the Post-National Age, ed. Péter Cserne, Miklós Könczöl (Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2011), v– vii & 1–4
‘Diskussion zu Dieter Schmidtchen und Filippo Ranieri’ & [with MARTINA SAMWER] 6
‘Diskussion zu Stefan Grundmann / Andreas Hoerning und Urs Schweizer’ & ‘Diskussion zu Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci / Hans-Bernd Schäfer’ [discussion summaries] in Ökonomische Analyse der europäischen Zivilrechtsentwicklung Beiträge zum X. Travemünder Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse des Rechts (29. März bis 1. April 2006), ed. Thomas Eger, Hans-Bernd Schäfer (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2007), 71–73 & 478–479 & 550–553 40.
‘In Memoriam László Bertalan’ [obituary] Review of Sociology 9 (2003) 1, 69–74
‘Epistemology, Social Theory, Social Research’ [book review] Review of Sociology 7 (2001) 1, 143–150
Working papers 42.
‘Law and Morality in the Regulation of Contracts: Lessons from Ancient Rome’ with GERGELY DELI TILEC Discussion Paper No. 2009-037
‘The Normativity of Law in Law and Economics’ German Working Papers in Law and Economics Vol. 2004: Article 35
‘Jogalkotási javaslatok megfogalmazása a jogtudományban’ [Proposals for Legislation in Legal Scholarship] with GYÖRGY GAJDUSCHEK in A jog tudománya Tudománytörténeti és elméleti írások, gyakorlati tanácsokkal [Legal Studies: History and Theory of Legal Scholarship, with some Practical Advice], ed. András Jakab, Attila Menyhárd (Budapest: HVG-ORAC 2015), 79–100
‘»A kőkorszak metafizikája« és a »szép új világ«: Herbert Hart a jog emberképéről’ [‘The metaphysics of the stone age’ and the ‘brave new world’: Hart on the law’s view of man] in Herbert L. A. Hart jogtudománya kritikai kontextusban [The Jurisprudence of H.L.A. Hart in Critical Context], ed. Lajos Cs. Kiss (Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó 2014), 325–339
‘Társadalmi normák, jog, közpolitika’ [Social norms, law, and public policy] in A bizalmatlanság hálójában A magyar beteg [In the Web of Mistrust: The Hungarian Patient], ed. László Muraközy (Budapest: Corvina 2012), 37–55
‘A jogosultságok helye a racionális döntések elméletében’ [Locating rights in rational choice theory] in A szabadság felelőssége Írások a 65 éves Dénes Iván Zoltán tiszteletére [Freedom and Responsibility: Essays in Honour of Iván Zoltán Dénes], ed. Ferenc Pénzes, Sándor Rácz, László Tóth-Matolcsi (Debrecen: Debrecen University Press 2011), 27–37
‘A jogosultságok konceptualizálásának és modellezésének lehetőségei a racionális döntések elméletében’ [Conceptualising and modelling rights in rational choice theory] in Jogosultságok Elmélet és gyakorlat [Rights: Theory and Practice] ed. Krisztina Ficsor, Tamás Győrfi, Miklós Szabó (Miskolc: Bíbor 2009), 63–73 [Prudentia Iuris 27]
‘Szerződésértelmezés hermeneutika és jogpolitika között. A contra proferentem szabály’ [Contract interpretation between hermeneutics and policy: the contra proferentem rule] Iustitia kirándul Tanulmányok a »jog és irodalom« köréből [Iustitia on Excursion: Essays in Law and Literature], ed. Balázs Fekete, István H. Szilágyi, Miklós Könczöl (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2009), 209–227 23
‘A közteherviselés (70/I. §)’ [The duty to contribute to public revenues] in Az Alkotmány 7
kommentárja [Commentary to the Hungarian Constitution], ed. András Jakab (Budapest: Opten Kft. 2009), 2693–2710 & 2nd ed. (Budapest: Századvég 2009), 2645–2662 51.
‘Jogdogmatika versus policy’ [Doctrine and policy in law] & ‘Hozzászólás: Jogi heurisztika’ [A note on heuristics in law] in Jogdogmatika és jogelmélet [Legal Doctrine and Legal Theory], ed. Miklós Szabó (Miskolc: Bíbor 2007), 58–67 & 264–266 [Prudentia Iuris 26]
‘A jog gazdasági elemzésének diszciplináris helye a jogtudományban és perspektívái Európában’ [Law and economics as a legal discipline and its perspectives in Europe] in Jogelmélet és önreflexió [Legal Theory and Self-Reflexion], ed. Tamás Nagy and Zsolt Nagy (Szeged: Pólay Elemér Alapítvány 2007), 235–245 [A Pólay Elemér Alapítvány Könyvtára 16]
‘Állam és gazdaság: Az állam gazdaságtudományi elemzései’ [The State: economic issues and analyses] in Államtan Az állam általános elmélete II. [Staatslehre A General Theory of the State. Vol. 2], ed. Péter Takács (electronic edition, 2005[–2006]) ch. XVII.B
‘Államelmélet és játékelmélet. Miről szól az alkotmány közgazdaságtana?’ [Game theory and the theory of the state: an outline of constitutional economics] in Monumentum aere perennius Tanulmányok Péteri Zoltán tiszteletére [Studies in Honour of Zoltán Péteri] ed. Balázs Fekete and Sarolta Szabó (Budapest: n. p. [Magyar Összehasonlító Jogi Egyesület] 2005), 53–69
‘A racionális döntések elméletének helye a jogelméletben’ [How to use rational choice theory in legal theory?] in Államelmélet – Politikai filozófia – Jogbölcselet Országos tudományos konferencia [Theory of the State, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law], ed. Péter Szigeti (Győr: Universitas-Győr Kht. 2005), 245–272
‘Gazdaság és jog II.’ [Economy and the law] in István H. Szilágyi – Péter Cserne Társadalmi-jogi kutatások Előadások a jogi antropológia és a jogszociológia köréből [Socio Legal Studies: Lectures in Legal Anthropology and Sociology of Law], 3rd ed. (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2005), 151–181; [reprint] in Társadalmi-jogi kutatások Egyetemi jegyzet [Socio Legal Studies: Lecture Notes], ed. István H. Szilágyi (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2012), 155–185
‘Richard A. Posner’ in Fejezetek a jogbölcseleti gondolkodás történetéből [The History of Legal Philosophy] ed. Miklós Szabó, 2nd ed. (Miskolc: Bíbor 2004), 299–311 [Prudentia Iuris 12]
‘Köznemesi felkelő vagy következetlen forradalmár? Szabó Ervin és Révai József Kossuthértelmezései’ [Gentry insurrectionist or inconsistent revolutionary? Ervin Szabó and József Révai’s interpretations of Kossuth] in A bűnbaktól a realista lényeglátóig A magyar politikai és tudományos diskurzusok Kossuth-képei 1849–2002 [Kossuth’s Figure in the Hungarian Political Discourse and Historiography], ed. Iván Zoltán Dénes (Budapest: Argumentum – Bibó István Szellemi Műhely 2004), 65–97 [Eszmetörténeti könyvtár 1]
‘Kapitalizmus és szocializmus Bibó István gondolatrendszerében’ [István Bibó on Capitalism and Socialism] in Doktori iskola, Prelegálások II. [Faculty Lectures and Essays by PPCU Law] ed. László Komáromi (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2003), 63–75
Articles and review essays 60.
‘Kapitalizmus és szocializmus Bibó István gondolatrendszerében’ [István Bibó on Capitalism and Socialism] Világosság 52 (2013), 291–301
‘Jogelmélet jog nélkül?’ [Legal Theory without Law?; review essay] Miskolci Jogi Szemle 3 8
(2008) 2, 149–159 62.
‘Jog, jogászat és jogtudomány hatása Weber módszertani nézeteire’ [The impact of law, lawyering, and jurisprudence on Weber’s methodological views] Századvég 2008/3 (No. 49), 3–26
‘Szerződési szabadság és paternalizmus: adalékok a szerződési jog közgazdasági elemzéséhez’ [Freedom of contract and paternalism: a contribution to the economics of contract law] Századvég 2006/3 (No. 41), 41–78
‘Posner és a privacy. Az információszabadság néhány problémája a jog gazdasági elemzésének szemszögéből’ [Posner on privacy: an economic analysis of freedom of information] Kontroll 2005/1, 72–87
‘Gazdaság és jog viszonya a marxista jogelméletben és a jog gazdasági elemzésében’ [The relation of ‘economy’ and ‘law’ in Marxist legal theory and in law and economics] Világosság XLV (2004) 4, 49–63
‘Gazdaság és jog viszonya a marxista jogelméletben és a jog gazdasági elemzésében: néhány kritikai szempont’ [Economy and law: a critique of Marxist legal theory from a rational choice perspective] Jogelméleti Szemle/Journal of Legal Theory IV (2003) 4, http://jesz.ajk.elte.hu/cserne16.html
‘Harmadik utak. Néhány szempont Röpke és Bibó összevetéséhez’ [Third Ways: Röpke and Bibó on Socialism and Capitalism] Magyar Tudomány CIX, new series XLVIII (2003) 6, 726–737
‘Az univerzalizmus partikularitása. Losonczy István a mulasztási bűncselekményekről’ [The Particularity of Universalism: István Losonczy on Crimes by Omission] Jura [Pécs] 9 (2003) 1, 50–58
‘A kétharmados törvények helye a magyar jogforrási hierarchiában’ [Qualified Majority and the Hierarchy of Sources of Law in Hungary] with ANDRÁS JAKAB Fundamentum 5 (2001) 2, 40–49
‘Gary Stanley Becker, a preferenciák és a közgazdaságtan imperializmusa’ [Gary Stanley Becker, Preferences, and the Imperialism of Economics] Szociológiai Szemle 10 (2000) 1, 113–127
Miscellaneous 71.
‘Az Alkotmánybíróság határozata az ingatlanokat terhelő vagyonadóról. A jogbiztonság követelménye az adótörvényekkel szemben’ [The Hungarian Constitutional Court on real estate tax: Legal certainty in tax law. Case note] Jogesetek Magyarázata 1 (2010) 3, 12–17
‘Az alkotmánybíróság és a közgazdasági érvelés’ [Constitutional Courts and Economic Reasoning] Fundamentum IX (2005) 4, 75–77 & [reprint] in Élet és Irodalom 50 (February 17, 2006) 7, 3
‘A Bertalan László emlékkönyvről’ [Review of Módszertan, gazdaság, társadalom In memoriam Bertalan László, ed. Dezső Helmich and Zoltán Szántó (Budapest: Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány 2004)] Szociológiai Szemle 15 (2005) 2, 100–107
Tanulási kézikönyv [a] Jogbölcselet záróvizsga felkészítő tantárgyhoz 2002/2003. II. félév [Student Manual for the Final Exam in Legal Theory, Spring 2003] (Budapest: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Kar Informatikai és Távoktatási Intézete 2003) 108 pp. 9
‘Beszámoló a Bertalan László emlékkonferenciáról’ [Report on a conference in memory of László Bertalan] Szociológiai Szemle 12 (2002) 2, 151–156 40
Tanulási útmutató [a] Jogelmélet (záróvizsga felkészítő) tantárgyhoz 2001/2002. II. félév [Student Guide to the Final Exam in Legal Theory, Spring 2002] (Budapest: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Kar Informatikai és Távoktatási Intézete 2002) 84 pp.
‘Csontos László: Ismeretelmélet, társadalomelmélet, társadalomkutatás’ [book review] Szociológiai Szemle 11 (2001) 2, 113–119
‘A forradalmak racionalitása és előreláthatatlansága’ [The Rationality and Unpredictability of Revolutions] Ítélet [Judgement. Student Journal of PPCU Faculty of Law] 2 (December 15, 1999) 14, 14–15
Other contributions 79.
GÜNTHER ELLSCHEID ‘A természetjogi gondolkodás struktúrái’ [excerpted Hungarian translation of ‘Strukturen naturrechtlichen Denkens’ (2004)] & ‘The structure of natural law thinking’ [English abstract] Iustum Aequum Salutare 8 (2012) 1, 19–38 & 183; republished in Ratio Iuris Szövegek a természetjogi gondolkodás tanulmányozásához, ed. Máté Paksy – Szilárd Tattay (Budapest: Pázmány Press 2014), 31–52
ULRICH DROBNIG ‘A szociológiai kutatás módszerei a jogösszehasonlításban’ & ‘Jogösszehasonlítás különböző gazdasági rendszerek jogrendje között’ [proof-reading of Hungarian translations of ‘Methods of sociological research in comparative law’ & ‘Comparing laws of states with different economic systems’] in A jogösszehasonlítás elmélete Szövegek a jelenkori komparatisztika köréből [The Theory of Comparison: Current Texts on Comparative Law], ed. Balázs Fekete (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2006), 37– 43 & 159–66
[editorial contribution] Államtan Írások a XX. századi általános államtudomány köréből [Theory of the State: 20th Century Texts on the State], ed. Péter Takács (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2003) xvi + 962 pp. [Jogfilozófiák]
RUDOLF SMEND ‘Az állam mint integráció’ [The State as Integration; Hungarian translation of an excerpt from Verfassung und Verfassungsrecht (1968/1928)] in Államtan Írások a XX. századi általános államtudomány köréből [Theory of the State: 20th Century Texts on the State], ed. Péter Takács (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2003), 183–223 [Jogfilozófiák]
CARL SCHMITT ‘A birodalmi elnök mint az alkotmány őre’ [The President as the Guardian of the Constitution; Hungarian translation of an excerpt from Der Hüter der Verfassung (1931)] in Államtan Írások a XX. századi általános államtudomány köréből [Theory of the State: 20th Century Texts on the State], ed. Péter Takács (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2003), 260–288 [Jogfilozófiák]
DOUGLASS C. NORTH ‘Az állam neoklasszikus [gazdaság]elmélete’ [Hungarian translation of ‘A Neoclassical Theory of the State’ (1986)] in Államtan Írások a XX. századi általános államtudomány köréből [Theory of the State: 20th Century Texts on the State], ed. Péter Takács (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2003), 738–751 [Jogfilozófiák]
GARY S. BECKER ‘Verseny és demokrácia’ [Hungarian translation of ‘Competition and Democracy’ (1958)] in Államtan Írások a XX. századi általános államtudomány köréből [Theory of the State: 20th Century Texts on the State], ed. Péter Takács (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2003), 752–757 [Jogfilozófiák]
JAMES M. BUCHANAN ‘Szerződéselvűség és demokrácia’ [Hungarian translation of ‘Contractualism and Democracy’ (1982)] in Államtan Írások a XX. századi általános államtudomány köréből [Theory of the State: 20th Century Texts on the State], ed. Péter Takács (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2003), 758–766 [Jogfilozófiák]
ALASDAIR MACINTYRE ‘A közjó politikai és szociális struktúrái’ [Hungarian translation of ‘Political and Social Structures of Common Good’ (1999)] in Közösségelvű politikai filozófiák [Communitarian Political Philosophy: A Reader] ed. Ferenc Horkay Hörcher (Budapest: Századvég 2002 [2003]), 97–112
[proof-reading] Hayek és a brit felvilágosodás Tanulmányok a konstruktivista gondolkodás kritikájának eszmetörténeti forrásairól [Hayek and British Enlightenment. Studies on the Intellectual History of the Critique of Constructivist Thought], ed. and introd. Ferenc Horkay Hörcher (Budapest: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem 2002) xviii+114
PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED COMMENTS 1. Model-building, idealisation and reductionism in law and economics (Work in Progress Seminar, TILEC, Tilburg University, 16 December 2015) 2. A stílus mint analitikus eszköz a jogtudomány(ok)ban? [The concept of “style” in legal analysis] (Jog és stílus: Arisztotelésztől Zweigertig [Law and style – From Aristotle to Zweigert] workshop, Institute for Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 5 November 2015) 3. Comment on “Making sense of a nonsense. Representation of the ‘rights’ of future generations” by Szilárd Tattay (Work-in-progress seminar, Institute for Legal Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 8 October 2015) 4. When and why is nudging extra-legal? (‘Nudges: New Normativity in the Public Sphere?’ workshop at MANCEPT conference on political philosophy, University of Manchester, 2 September 2015) 5. Judicial Styles in a Global Legal Market: Do They Persist? Do They Matter? (7th Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theorists, University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, 28 March 2015) 6. “National” interest, opportunism, “sincere” cooperation: approximating legal and social scientific conceptualisations of loyalty in European Union – Member State relationships (The national interest in European Union law and governance, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Legal Studies, Budapest, 3 July 2014) 7. Formalism and Policy Arguments in Judicial Reasoning: Is Central Europe a Special Case? (“Central European Judges Under the EU Influence” European University Institute, Florence, 12 May 2014) 8. Formalism and Policy Arguments in Judicial Reasoning: Is Central Europe a Special Case? (6th Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theorists, University of Zagreb, 9 May 2014) 9. Making Sense of Nudge-Scepticism: Three Kinds of Limits to EU’s Law Learning from Behavioural Sciences (Nudging in Europe, conference, University of Liege, 13 December 2013) 10. Judicial styles in a global legal market: Do they persist? Do they matter? (seminar on Territorial Laws in a Global Era, University of Helsinki, 22 November 2013) 11. Comment on “Allocation of Fault in Contract Law” by Osnat Jacobi and Avi Weiss (30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, University of Warsaw, 27 September 2013) 12. Should Law Resist Behavioural Economics? Import and incompatibilities (30th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, University of Warsaw, 26 September 2013) 13. Modelling agency and norm-following in economics: meta-theoretical remarks on reductionism and instrumentalism (‘Thinking the economy’ workshop at MANCEPT conference on political philosophy, University of Manchester, 6 September 2013) 14. The Weber–Hart nexus and beyond (5th Central and Eastern European Forum for Legal, Political and Social Theorists, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, Greifswald, 3 May 2013) 15. From legal history through descriptive sociology to legal theory: Weber, Hart and beyond (Legal theory and legal history, UK IVR conference, Queen Mary, London, 12 April 2013)
16. Law, Policy, and Empirical Research: Import and Incompatibilities (research seminar, Birmingham Law School, 13 March 2013) 17. Economic Models of Rule-Following and Moral Behaviour (Young ZiF meeting on law, crime, and morality, Bielefeld, 19 January 2013) 18. Should Law Resist Behavioural Economics? Two incompatibilities (8th Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Rome 3, 15 December 2012) 19. Should Law Resist Behavioural Economics? Two incompatibilities (Empirical knowledge, common sense, and legal cognition. 3rd MetaLawEcon workshop, ZiF, Bielefeld, 23 November 2012) 20. Should Law Resist Behavioural Economics More than Mainstream Economics? (University of Hull Law School Senior Seminar, 30 October 2012) 21. Facts and values in the law’s assumptions about human behaviour: how and why legal doctrine resists behavioural economics (Law and Economics in Europe – Foundations and Applications, Universität Luzern, 20 April 2012) 22. Judicial Reasoning, Judicial Policymaking, and the Rule of Law (4th Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists, International School for Social and Business Studies, Celje, Slovenia, 23 March 2012) 23. Objectivity in Law, Economics, and Psychology – Are They Related? (‘What kind of objectivity for law?’ Workshop, University of Palermo, 9 March 2012) 24. Models of Human Behaviour in Economics, Policy, and the Law (‘Perspektiven einer neuen Ordnungsökonomik’ – Conference, Ettersburg, Germany, 10 December 2011) 25. Contracts and Morality in Ancient Rome: Lessons from and for Law and Economics (2nd CESifo Conference on Law and Economics, München, 3 December 2011) 26. Comment on ‘Bottom-Up: A Law-making Process’ by Romain Espinosa (2nd CESifo Conference on Law and Economics, München, 3 December 2011) 27. Társadalmi normák, jog, közpolitika [Social norms, law, public policy] (Conference on Trust in Public Institutions, University of Debrecen, 25 November 2011) 28. Facts and values in the law’s assumptions about human behaviour: how legal doctrine resists behavioural economics (9th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association, Universität Bonn, 29 October 2011) 29. Facts and values in the law’s assumptions about human behaviour: how legal doctrine resists behavioural economics (Work in Progress Seminar, TILEC, Tilburg University, 12 October 2011) 30. Modelling and justifying paternalism in economics: the 'eliminative redefinition strategy' (Le paternalisme: vrai renouveau ou retour en arrière? Interdisciplinary workshop, Université de Nancy 2, 5 October 2011) 31. Facts and values in the law’s assumptions about human behaviour: how legal doctrine resists behavioural economics (2nd International Law and Economics Symposium, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, 30 September 2011) 32. Comment on “Economics – A Science without Conscience?” by Friedrich Heinemann (28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Hamburg University, 23 September 2011) 33. Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning: a jurisprudential preface to law and economics (28th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Hamburg University, 23 September 2011) 34. Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning: a jurisprudential preface to law and economics (25th IVR World Congress on Legal and Social Philosophy, Johann-WolfgangGoethe-University, Frankfurt, 19 August 2011) 13
35. Legal theory, legal policy, and the law’s assumptions about human behaviour (25th IVR World Congress on Legal and Social Philosophy, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University, Frankfurt, 18 August 2011) 36. Jogalkotás és jogtudomány: elméleti megfontolások [Legislation and legal scholarship: theoretical considerations] (Hatékony kormányzás és jogalkotás [Efficient Governance and Legislation], conference, Corvinus University Budapest, 17 June 2011) 37. Objective Law, Objective Legal Theory, and the Law's Assumptions about Human Behaviour (6th Scandinavian-Benelux Symposium on Legal Theory, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, 9 June 2011) 38. Jogalkotási javaslatok megfogalmazása a jogtudományban [Proposals for legislation and legal science] (A jog tudománya [The Tasks of Legal Science], conference, Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law, Budapest, 12 April 2011) 39. Herbert Hart and “the metaphysics of the Stone Age”: the theoretical status of law’s assumptions about human behaviour (3rd Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists, University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, 25 March 2011) 40. Az alkotmány közgazdaságtana [Constitutional economics] (Constitution-Making in Hungary and elsewhere, conference, Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 20 December 2010) 41. Law and Morality in the Regulation of Contracts (Legal Theory and Human Rights workshop, European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights, Venice, Italy, 18 December 2010) 42. Comment on “Game Theory and Legal Interpretation” by Wojciech Zaluski (MetaLawEcon: TILEC Workshop on the Foundations of Law and Economics, Tilburg University, 26 November 2010) 43. A fogyasztói hitelek szabályozása – paternalizmus a szerződési jogban? [Consumer Credit Regulation as Paternalism in Contact Law?] (Consumers on the Credit Market: Behaviour and Regulation, conference, Corvinus University, Budapest, 5 October 2010) 44. Jogtudósok tipológája? [Comment on “Role Models of Legal Scholars” by András Jakab] (Faculty seminar, Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law, Budapest, 4 October 2010) 45. Comment on “Private Ordering in Light of the Law: Achieving Consumer Protection through Payment Card Security Measures” by Edward Morse and Vasant Raval (Economic Governance and Competition: The Pros and Cons of Private Ordering in the Shadow of the Law, TILEC workshop, Tilburg University, 1 October 2010) 46. Social protection through contract law? The case for an interdisciplinary approach (Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Law and Social Protection, Berliner Arbeitskreis Rechtswirklichkeit: Interdisziplinäres Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft, Berlin, 17 September 2010) 47. Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning: a jurisprudential preface to law and economics (Philosophy of Law Colloquium, Tilburg University, 3 September 2010) 48. Comment on “Why Efficient Harmonization Can Fail” by Erin A. O’Hara (Harmonisation and Diversity in European Contract Law: TICOM Conference, Tilburg University, 5 March 2010) 49. The Hungarian Civil Code Project (Research seminar ‘Aktuelle Stunde’, Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg, 17 February 2010) 50. Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning and the quality of law (Hamburg Lectures in Law and Economics, Hamburg University, 28 January 2010) 51. Consequence-based arguments in legal reasoning (Work in Progress Seminar, TILEC, 14
Tilburg University, 6 January 2010) 52. Law and Morality in the Regulation of Contracts: Lessons from Ancient Rome (7th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association, IAAEG Universität Trier, 5 December 2009) 53. Comment on “Political Bias Blunt and Subtle: The US NLRB versus the German Federal Labor Court” by M. Bodah and M. Schneider (7th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association, IAAEG Universität Trier, 4 December 2009) 54. Harmonisation, Competition, Emulation: Three Mechanisms of Convergence in Law (Harmonisation, Competition, and Fragmentation: An Integrated Perspective on European Private Law on European Private Law, research seminar, University of Helsinki, 3 December 2009) 55. Contracts and Morals: Towards an Economic Analysis of Immoral Contracts in Ancient Rome (26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, LUISS, Rome, 19 September 2009) 56. Comment on “The Genius of Roman Law from a Law and Economics Perspective” by Juan Javier Del Granado (26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, LUISS, Rome, 18 September 2009) 57. Policy arguments before courts: The role of economic reasoning in judicial procedures (Post-doctoral Conference in Law and Economics, Graduiertenkolleg Recht und Ökonomik, Universität Hamburg, 18 July 2009) 58. Policy arguments before courts: The role of consequentialist reasoning in judicial procedures (Seminar on Legal and Economic Reasoning, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, 13 May 2009) 59. Policy arguments before courts: The role of consequentialist reasoning in judicial procedures (Central and Eastern European Forum of Young Legal, Social and Political Philosophers, Silesian University Katowice, 2 May 2009) 60. The Constitutional Political Economy of Constitutional Courts: A Research Agenda (EMLE Annual Conference in Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, 13 February 2009) 61. Comment on “Economic Criteria for Criminalization” by Katarina Svatikova (EMLE Annual Conference in Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, 13 February 2009) 62. A jogosultságok konceptualizálásának és modellezésének lehetőségei a racionális döntések elméletében [Conceptualising and Modelling Rights in Rational Choice Theory] (Jogosultságok: Országos jogelméleti konferencia [Rights: Hungarian national conference on legal philosophy], University of Miskolc, 5 December 2008) 63. Comment on “Miscalculating Welfare” by Michael B. Dorff and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan (25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Haifa University School of Law, 26 September 2008) 64. On the necessity of necessity: an economic analysis of contracts concluded in a situation of need (25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Haifa University School of Law, 24 September 2008) 65. Freedom of Choice and Paternalism in Contract Law: Prospects and Limits of an Economic Approach (2nd Law, Economics and Psychology Seminar, ETH Zürich, 23 May 2008) 66. A közteherviselés (70/I. §) [The obligation to contribute to public revenues] (Conference on the Hungarian Constitution, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law, Budapest, 13 Dec 2007) 67. Policy considerations in contract interpretation: the contra proferentem rule from a comparative law and economics perspective (5th Annual Conference of the German Law and 15
Economics Association, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 1 Dec 2007) 68. Policy considerations in contract interpretation: the contra proferentem rule from a comparative law and economics perspective (3rd Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, Bocconi University, Milan, 9 Nov 2007) 69. Constitutional Courts and Economic Policy in Transition: the Hungarian Experience (Conference on Law and Economics in the Context of Development, SOAS London, 30 Sep 2007) 70. Policy considerations in contract interpretation: the contra proferentem rule from a comparative and economic perspective (24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Copenhagen Business School, 13 Sep 2007) 71. How (not) to use philosophy, economics and psychology in jurisprudence: the case of paternalism in contract law (23rd IVR World Congress on Legal and Social Philosophy, Jagellonian University, Krakow, 4 Aug 2007) 72. Constitutional Courts and the Limits of Economic Policy: Reflections on the Hungarian Experience (23rd IVR World Congress on Legal and Social Philosophy, Jagellonian University, Krakow, 2 Aug 2007) 73. Contract Regulation between Paternalism and Freedom of Contract: A (Behavioural) Law and Economics Perspective (World Conference of the Law and Society Association, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 25 June 2007) 74. Constitutional Courts and the Limits of Economic Policy: Reflections on the Hungarian Experience (Constitutions and Markets: Max Weber Programme Conference, European University Institute, Florence, 14 June 2007) 75. Comment on “Judge-Made Contracts – Reconstructing Unconscionable Contracts” by A. Hatzis and E. Zervogianni (4th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association, University of Kassel, 3 Dec 2006) 76. The (behavioural) law and economics of contract regulation: explaining procedural limits to freedom of contract (4th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association, University of Kassel, 2 Dec 2006) 77. Jogdogmatika versus policy [Doctrine and Policy in Law] (Jogdogmatika és jogelmélet [Legal dogmatics and legal theory]: Hungarian national conference on legal philosophy, University of Miskolc, 10 Nov 2006) 78. The (behavioural) law and economics of contract regulation: explaining procedural limits to freedom of contract (2nd Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, LUISS, Rome, 20 October 2006) 79. How (not) to use behavioural economics in justifying paternalism: methodological issues and some applications in contract law (Behavioural and Experimental Law and Economics: Applications and Methodology, University of Haifa, 27 June 2006) 80. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law: a law and economics perspective (Graduate Workshop, Institute for Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, 17 February 2006) 81. Comment on ‘Mandatory rules in contract law’ by A. Menyhárd, K. Mike, Á. Szalai (EMLE Annual Conference in Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, 10 February 2006) 82. A jog gazdasági elemzésének diszciplinális helye a jogtudományban és perspektívái Európában [Law and economics as a legal discipline and its perspectives in Europe] (A jogelmélet mint diszciplína [Legal theory as a discipline], Hungarian national conference on legal philosophy, University of Szeged, 4 February 2006) 83. Comment on ‘Uncertainty and the legal process’ by B. Deffains and G. Dari-Mattiacci (2nd German–French Talks in Law and Economics, Center for Law and Economics, University 16
of Saarbrücken, 3 December 2005) 84. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law: a law and economics perspective (2nd German–French Talks in Law and Economics, Center for Law and Economics, University of Saarbrücken, 2 December 2005) 85. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law: a law and economics perspective (1st Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Law and Economics, University of Siena, 26 November 2005) 86. Freedom of choice and paternalism: some methodological problems in the economic analysis of contract law (3rd PhD Conference in Economics. Research in Economics: The Importance of Methodologies in Social Sciences, University of Turin, 8 September 2005) 87. Freedom of choice and paternalism in contract law: a law and economics perspective: research ideas (Graduate Workshop, Institute for Law and Economics, University of Hamburg, 2 June 2005) 88. The Normativity of Law in Law and Economics (EMLE Annual Conference in Law and Economics, University of Ghent, 19 February 2005) 89. A racionális döntések elméletének helye a jogelméletben [How to use rational choice theory in legal theory] (Hungarian national conference on legal philosophy, University of Győr, 4 September 2004) 90. Gazdaság és jog viszonya a marxista jogelméletben és a jog gazdasági elemzésében: néhány kritikai szempont [Economy and Law. A Critique of Marxist Legal Theory from a Rational Choice Perspective] (Workshop on Marxist Legal Theory, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Budapest, 8 February 2003)