Lesson 9 Kebiasaan dan Tata Krama di Rumah Customs and Courtesies in the Home
In this lesson, you will become familiar with the customs and courtesies one uses in the typical Indonesian home. You will learn the proper etiquette for visitors and what you might expect from your Indonesian hosts.
Selamat Datang di Rumah Kami!
Welcome to our home!
1. Listen to the following introductions as you read along.
Nano Tahapary:
My name is Nano Tahapary. I’m the head of the household. Nama saya adalah NanoTahapary. Saya adalah kepala rumah tangga ini. This is Santi, my wife. Ini adalah Santi, isteri saya. This is Rully, my first son, and this is Bruce, my second son. Ini adalah Rully, anak nomor satu saya dan ini Buce, anak nomor dua saya. This is Mr. and Mrs. Manto Suhirman, my neighbors. Ini adalah bapak dan ibu Manto Suhirman, tetangga-tetangga saya. These are my friends, Mala Alian and Fanni Tobing. Ini adalah teman-teman saya, Mala Alian dan Fanni Tobing.
Sgt. Jones:
It’s very nice to meet you. My name is Sergeant Jones. I’m the patrol leader. Senang bertemu anda. Nama saya adalah Sersan Jones. Saya adalah kepala bagian patroli. This is my interpreter, Evans. This is my driver, Brown. These are my soldiers. Ini adalah penterjemah saya, Evans, ini adalah supir saya, Brown, dan ini adalah tentara-tentara seregu saya.
Grammar Notes The verb adalah (to be) is rarely translated in Indonesian. Its use is optional. Note that it is not used with adjectives. She is hungry. We are from the U.S. I am Sergeant Jones. They are my soldiers.
Dia lapar. Kami dari A.S. Saya (adalah) Sersan Jones. Mereka (adalah) tentara regu saya
Possessives: Like adjectives, possessives follow the nouns they modify. They are my soldiers. They are my children. Your coffee
Mereka (adalah) tentara regu saya. Mereka (adalah) anak saya. Kopi anda
Cultural “Do’s and Don’ts” in Indonesia Certain body language can be very offensive to Indonesians. For example, crossing your arms across your chest or standing with your hands on your hips can be interpreted as aggressive behavior, especially when talking to older people. Also, it is a very serious offense to sit with your feet on the table. Do not beckon someone with a bent index finger. Instead, extend your right hand and make a motion using the cupped fingers turned downward. Do not point with your forefinger, but use instead your right thumb for pointing. The left hand is considered the “unclean” hand; therefore, use your right hand when giving or receiving things if it is possible. If you have to use your left hand, say “maaf” (excuse me). And, never touch the heads of older people, even if you mean to be playful. Make certain to ask your guest to eat or drink when you serve food. The guest politely waits until the host verbally offers the food by saying silahkan (please). And, when you are a guest, be sure to wait to eat or drink until you are asked by your host. Remember to greet the head of the household first when visiting in an Indonesian home. Shake hands when arriving and when leaving with the members of the household. Remember to give deference to the elderly by beginning with them. Avoid public displays of strong emotion or displeasure. Indonesians are not comfortable at public displays of romantic hugging and kissing. And, loud voices are considered very offensive. The more important and controversial a subject, the quieter the voice is likely to become.
2. Read these new terms while listening to them and repeat them after the speaker. Head of the household Neighbor Friend Patrol leader Interpreter Driver Soldier Smoke/ To smoke cigarettes Cigarettes Hungry Thirsty To sit Good Come in/ Go out Please Family Welcome
Kepala rumah tangga Tetangga Teman Pemimpin patroli Penterjemah Supir Tentara Merokok Rokok Lapar Haus Duduk Baik Masuk/ Keluar Silahkan Keluarga Selamat datang
Thank you Now United States
Terima kasih Sekarang Amerika Serikat
3. Listen to the dialogue while reading along. Pause or replay sections as needed and then translate the dialogue into English on the lines provided. Check your work with the Answer Key.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
__________________________________ Silahkan masuk.
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
__________________________________ Terima kasih.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
__________________________________ Silahkan duduk! Silahkan minum kopi!
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
__________________________________ Terima kasih, saya akan.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
__________________________________ Bagaimana kopinya?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
__________________________________ Ini enak sekali, terima kasih.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
__________________________________ Apa anda merokok? Apa anda mau rokok?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
___________________________________ Tidak, saya tidak merokok.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
___________________________________ Apa anda lapar? Silahkan, ambil makanan.
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
____________________________________ Terima kasih.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
____________________________________ Anda dari mana?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
____________________________________ Kami dari A.S.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
____________________________________ Apa anda sudah menikah?
Sgt. Jones: Sersan Jones:
_________________________________________ Ya, sudah empat tahun sekarang.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
_________________________________________ Apa anda punya anak?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
_________________________________________ Saya punya satu anak wanita. Dia berumur dua tahun.
End-of-Lesson Tasks
1. Act as an interpreter between an Indonesian and the patrol leader for a group of U.S. Army soldiers. Translate the following questions into Indonesian and then answer the questions. a.) What is your name? b.) Where are you from? c.) Where are you staying? d.) Are you the head of the household? e.) Who is this? f.) Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? g.) Do you have any children? h.) Are you married?
Vocabulary Cigarettes Come in/ Go out Driver Family Friend Patrol leader Good Head of the household Hungry Interpreter Neighbor Now Please Smoke/ To smoke cigarettes Soldier Thank you Thirsty To sit United States Welcome
Rokok Masuk/ Keluar Supir Keluarga Teman Pemimpin patroli Baik Kepala rumah tangga Lapar Penterjemah Tetangga Sekarang Silahkan Merokok Tentara Terima kasih Haus Duduk Amerika Serikat Selamat datang
Answer Key Exercise 3 Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
Please come inside. Silahkan masuk
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
Thank you. Terima kasih.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
Please sit down. Have some coffee. Silahkan duduk! Silahkan minum kopi. (lit., please drink some coffee)
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
Thank you, I will. Terima kasih, saya akan.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
How is the coffee? Bagaimana kopinya?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
It is very good, thanks. Ini enak sekali, terima kasih.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
Do you smoke? Would you like a cigarette? Apa anda merokok? Apa anda mau rokok?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
No, I don’t smoke. Tidak, saya tidak merokok.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary: Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
Are you hungry? Please, have some food! Apa anda lapar? Silahkan, ambil makanan. (lit., please get the food) Thank you. Terima kasih.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
Where are you from? Anda dari mana?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
We are from the U.S. Kami dari A.S.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
Are you married? Apa anda sudah menikah?
Sgt. Jones: Sersan Jones:
Yes. For four years now. Ya, sudah empat tahun sekarang.
Nano Tahapary: Nano Tahapary:
Do you have children? Apa anda punya anak?
Sgt Jones: Sersan Jones:
I have a daughter. She is two years old. Saya punya satu anak wanita. Dia berumur dua tahun.
Terima kasih. Ya, silahkan.
Rulli Tahapary: Bagaiamana keluarga anda sekalian? Tentara:
Baik sekali, terima kasih.