Bakrie Tower, 12th floor Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Jakarta, INDONESIA 12940 Website:
Corporate Information
BUMI’S RIGHT ISSUE AND MCB PLAN – ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Jakarta, 12 May 2017 The Company confirms having provided an additional explanation to IDX on its proposed Rights Issue and Mandatory Convertible Bonds. Your attention is drawn to the attached letter, posted on IDX website this morning. We provide an overview of the Company’s Rights Issue and MCB Issue structure to enable provide a complete understanding to the public. BUMI RIGHTS ISSUE& MCB COMPUTATION – AN OVERVIEW
Debt Restructured
Total Rights Issue $2,011,924,522 MCB $639,000,000
FOR RIGHTS ISSUE Share outstanding Rights Issue Preemptive Right Preemptive Right Preemptive Right
No. of New Shares
#of shares
13,235 13,235
26,627,821,052,243 8,457,165,000
28,750,928,802 N/A
36,627,020,427 28,750,928,802 0.785 78 78
shares shares New shares/ 1 existing shares New shares/ 100 existing shares (per one lot) New shares/ 100 existing shares (per one lot)
Every 100 existing shares have the preemptive rights to purchase 78 new shares issued via the rights issue For MCB Share outstanding MCB to issue Unit price MCB units Preemptive Right Preemptive Right
36,627,020,427 8,457,165,000,000 1.00 8,457,165,000,000 230.8996 23,089
shares IDR face value IDR/unit MCB units Units MCB/ 1 existing share Units MCB/ 100 existing share (per one lot)
Every 100 existing shares have the preemptive rights to purchase 23089 units MCB at IDR 1 per unit MCB
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MCB’s have limited Convertibility over tenor of 7 years based on an agreed formula in the Court approved debt Composition Plan.
MCB’s – A COMPANY VIEW MCB’s should be viewed as an entitlement offered by the Company to existing shareholders to enable them prevent future dilution of their stake. This will give them the right to purchase 23089 units of OWK rights (at a denomination of Rp1/OWK unit) for every 100 share (1 lot) they hold. The proceeds then enable the Company to settle the outstanding MCB’s. The recording date for OWK rights is 26 May’17 for the proposed AGM’16 planned for 16 June’17.
For further information, please contact: Dileep Srivastava Director & Corporate Secretary PT Bumi Resources Tbk. Tel (62-21) 5794 2080 Fax (62-21) 5794 2070 email
[email protected]
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No.: 170/BR-BOD/V/17
Jakarta, 12 May 2017
PT INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Tower 1 Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53 Jakarta 12190 Up. : Bpk. Samsul Hidayat Director of Company Evaluation Bpk. I Gede Nyoman Yetna Division Head for Evaluation of Group 1 Companies
Regarding: Additional Explanations of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (”the Company” or ”BUMI”) with respect to Mass Media New Story Referring to letter of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (”the Company”) No.: 161/BR-BOD/IV/17 dated 9 May 2017 regarding the Explanation of PT Bumi Resources Tbk., we wish to furnish further explanation in respect of the previous letter of explanation, as follows: -
Each holder of 100 shares would obtain 78 Series A RIGHTS wherein 1 Series A RIGHT would be entitled to purchase 1 Series B New Share at an Exercise Price of Rp926.16 per share or totaling Rp26,627,821,052,243; and
Each holder of 100 shares would obtain 25 Series B RIGHTS wherein each 1 Series B RIGHT would be entitled to purchase 1 unit of MCB at an Exercise Price of Rp926.16 or totaling Rp8,457,165,000,000. The MCB would be issued in scrip form. MCB must be converted into Series B Common Shares (1) at Conversion Price of Rp1,204 in the first year and second year, (2) in third year, conversion price is: (i) Rp926.16 (ii) average share price of the Company for the previous six-month period prior to the first day of the third year, whichever is lower; and (3) in the fourth year, conversion price: (i) Rp926.16 (ii) average share price of the Company for the previous six-month period prior to the first day of 4th year; whichever is lower; (4) in the 5th year, conversion price: (i) Rp926.16 (ii) average share price of the Company for the previous six-month period prior to the first day of the 5th year; whichever is lower;
Bakrie Tower, 12 Floor Kompleks Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Jakarta 12940 Indonesia Tel (62-21) 57942080 Fax (62-21) 57942090
Since the Company finally decided to issue MCB in scripless form and then held further discussions with KSEI (Indonesia’s Central Securities Depository) in respect of the mechanism of distribution of the Company’s MCB in scripless form, KSEI asked the Company to change the denomination from the initial Rp926.16 to Rp1 per unit of MCB in order to conform to the currenlty available KSEI system. In order to conform to the above process, the structure of LPO of the Company will be as follows: - Each holder of 100 shares will obtain 78 Series A RIGHTS wherein each 1 Series A Right is entitled to purchase 1 Series B New Share at an Exercise Price of Rp926.16 per share or totalling Rp26,627,821,052,243; and -
Each holder of 100 shares will obtain 23,089 Series B RIGHTS wherein each 1 Series B RIGHT is entitled to purchase 1 unit of MCB at an Exercise Price of Rp1 at nominal value of Rp1 per unit of MCB or totaling Rp8,457,165,000,000. MCBs will be issued without physical form (”in scripless form”). MCB must be converted into Series B Common Shares (1) at Conversion Price of Rp1,204 in the first year and second year, (2) in the third year, conversion price: (i) Rp926.16 (ii) average share price of the Company for the previous six-month period prior to the first day of the third year, whichever is lower; and (3) in the fourth year, conversion price: (i) Rp926.16 (ii) average share price of the Company for the previous 6 month-period prior to the first day of 4th year; whichever is lower; (4) in the 5th year, conversion price: (i) Rp926.16 (ii) average share price of the Company for the previous six-month period prior to the first day of the 5th year; whichever is lower;
The change of issuance of MCB from scrip from into scripless from will result in the structure of MCB in LPO V of the Company being adjusted as follows:
Before After
Exercise Price of Ratio of Series B RIGHTS Total Nominal Total units of Series B into MCB Value of MCB MCB RIGHTS (Nominal Value of offered (IDR) MCB) 100: 25 Rp 926.16 9,131,477,499 Rp8,457,165,000,000 100:23.089 Rp 1 8,457,165,000,000 Rp8,457,165,000,000
We hope the above clarifies, and we highly appreciate your kind attention and good cooperation.
Sincerely yours, Dileep Srivastava Director & Corporate Secretary
Bakrie Tower, 12th floor Komplek Rasuna Epicentrum Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Jakarta, INDONESIA 12940 Website:
Informasi Perusahaan RENCANA PENERBITAAN SAHAM BARU (RIGHTS ISSUE) DAN OWK BUMI – INFORMASI TAMBAHAN Jakarta, 12 Mei 2017 Bersama ini diinformasikan bahwa Perseroan telah menyampaikan informasi tambahan kepada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) sehubungan dengan rencana Penerbitan Saham Baru dan Obligasi Wajib Konversi Perseroan. Mohon dapat merujuk surat terlampir, yang telah dimuat Perseroan di situs web Bursa pagi ini. Di bawah ini diberikan gambaran struktur Rights Issue dan OWK Perseroan dalam rangka memberikan pemahaman yang lengkap kepada publik. PERHITUNGAN RIGHTS ISSUE & OWK BUMI – GAMBARAN
Utang yang Direstrukturisasi
Jumlah Saham Baru
Total Rights Issue OWK
$2.011.924.522 $639.000.000
13.235 13.235
26.627.821.052.243 8.457.165.000
36.627.020.427 28.750.928.802 0,785 78 78
28.750.928.802 N/A
saham saham Saham baru/ 1 saham eksisting Saham baru/ 100 saham eksisting (per satu lot) Saham baru/ 100 saham eksisting (per satu lot)
Setiap 100 saham eksisting memiliki HMETD untuk membeli 78 saham baru yang diterbitkan melalui rights issue
UNTUK OWK Saham Beredar OWK yang diterbitkan Harga unit Unit OWK HMETD HMETD
36.627.020.427 8.457.165.000.000 1,00 8.457.165.000.000 230.8996 23.089
saham IDR nilai nominal IDR/unit OWK unit Unit OWK/ 1 saham eksisting Unit OWK/ 100 saham eksisting (per satu lot)
Setiap 100 saham eksisting memiliki HMETD untuk membeli 23089 unit OWK dengan haraga Rp1 per unit OWK
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OWK dapat dikonversi secara terbatas dalam jangka waktu 7 tahun berdasarkan rumus yang disepakati dalam Rencana Perdamaian yang telah disahkan oleh Pengadilan.
OWK – PANDANGAN PERSEROAN OWK harus dipandang sebagai hak yang ditawarkan oleh Perseroan kepada pemegang saham lama (eksisting) untuk menghindari terjadinya dilusi atas kepemilikan saham mereka. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, Perseroan memberikan hak kepada mereka untuk membeli 23089 unit OWK (dengan denominasi Rp1/Unit WOK) untuk setiap 100 saham (1 lot) yang dipegang Dana hasil penerbitan OWK tersebut diharapkan dapat membantu Perseroan melunasi OWK yang belum dilunasi. Tanggal pencatatan hak untuk membeli OWK adalah 26 Mei’17 sehubungan dengan rencana RUPST’16 yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 16 Juni’17.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi: Dileep Srivastava Direktur dan Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Bumi Resources Tbk. Tel (62-21) 5794 2080 Fax (62-21) 5794 2070 email
[email protected]
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