A. Conclusion
The result of the study showed that majority of the second grade students of MTs Hidayatul Insan Palangka Raya have comprehended about Indonesian and English passive voice. The result of the study showed that there was a positive correlation between the students’ mastery of Indonesian and English passive voice. The correlation was high correlation. The value of correlation coefficient (rxy) was 0,770. Therefore, alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was ignored. The degrees of freedom (df) was found 0,304 < 0,770 > 0,393, it can explain that the value of correlation coefficient (rxy) was bigger than 5 % and it was smaller 1 %. As the result of “r” there was high correlation between the students’ mastery of Indonesian passive voice and English passive voice. The correlation was positive. The calculation of tvalue was 0,757 and ttable was 2,021 it means that if Iftvalue≥ ttable so null hypothesis (Ho) was accepted and tvalue≤ttable so alternative hypothesis (Ha) was ignored. The conclusion showed that between the students’ mastery of Indonesian passive voice and English passive voice has a significant positive relationship. Therefore, if the students understand about Indonesian passive voice, they will be easy to understand about passive voice in English version. But, basically, the students who got good score in Indonesian passive voice not ensure to get good
score in English passive voice. Actually, it was also influenced by positive transfer of learning. B. Suggestion
Based on conclusion of the study above, there are some suggestions that can be considered in the following: 1. For the English teacher The teacher is a motivator and stimulator. The teacher should support the students to improve their knowledge of English subject especially English passive voice and also gave motivation to the students to read and read more literature to increase their knowledge in English passive voice. In other hand, the teacher should know and implement a good method in teaching learning English. 2. For the students The students should be practice any thing that can improve their English passive voice because it is one of the important things in English subject. If we want to master foreign language, we must master our native language first (mother tongue). So, if the students have mastered Indonesian passive voice, they will be master English passive voice also. It is not only material of passive voice but also other materials of English grammar and other skills such as speaking, listening and writing. So, the students’ must enrich their knowledge about English subject. 3. For to the future researcher In this thesis, the writer realized that design of the study was very simple. There are still many weaknesses that could be seen. Therefore, for further researcher is expected that the other researchers can improve this study with the
better design and different object in order to support the result finding. In other word, the other researcher can use this research as the reference for conducting their research.
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