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26-03-15 14:07
Lesaantekeningen - Change management
03/02/2015 Visions on change: Kotter and others What is the vision on change by Kotter? Kotter: ‘The central challenge is changing people’s behaviour’ and ‘Changing behavior is less a matter of analysis than of feelings’
What is the vision on change by de Caluwe? De Caluwé: There are five different ways of thinking about change; with different languages, and different ways of research and opinions about change Most of the time we don’t see it
What is change management? Change management is an approach to transitioning individuals, teams, organizations or society to a desired future state.
Where exists Kotter's 8-steps change model of? 1. Increase urgency 2. Build guiding teams 3. Get the vision right 4. Communication for buy-in 5. Enable action 6. Create short-term wins 7. Don't let-up 8. Make it stick
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Which 3 main steps are include in Kotter's 8-steps change model? 1. Creating a climate for change 2. Engaging & enabling the organization 3. Implementing & sustaining the change
Which steps are include in de Caluwe change model? 1. History & Driving Factors 2. Change idea 3. Diagnoses 4. Change strategy 5. Intervention plan 6. Interventions 7. Results of the change process
What are the 5 area's of results of the change process? - Characteristics of the process - Characteristics of products, services and operations - Characteristics of interaction - Characteristics of organization and management - Characteristics of people (skills)
Which color's are in the color thinking theory of de Caluwe? - Geeldruk denken - Blauwdruk denken - Rooddruk denken - Groendruk denken - Witdruk denken
Wat betekend geel druk denken? Gericht op politiek - Denken in macht - Draagvlak - Opties openhouden - Netwerken - Alles op papier
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Wat betekend blauw druk denken? Gericht op structuur - Afspraak is afspraak - SMART BSC PI's - Druk brengt mensen in beweging - Declarabele dagen - Targets
Wat betekend rood druk denken? Gericht op Sociaal - HRM denken - Family feeling - Samenwerken - Communiceren - Immaterieel ruilen
Wat betekend groen druk denken? Gericht op leren - Leren - Verbinden - Procesdenken - Mensen op een ander been zetten
Wat betekend wit druk denken? Gericht op filosofisch - Eigenwijs - Zelf kiezen - Panta rhei (uitspraak van de griekse filosoof Heraclitus; alles stroomt of alles is in beweging) - Chaos theorie - Eigen verantwoordelijkheid - Intuitie
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Wat is de see --> feel --> change theory van Kotter? Show people what the problems are and how resolve the problems. They provoke responses that reduce feelings that slow and stifle needed change, and they enhance feelings that motivate useful action
04/02/2015 Why change? Starting a change Why change (by Kotter)? Why change? Kotter puts that change is often obvious, needs no explanation. It’s needed because the world is changing so we have to change as well.
Why fails 70% of change management efforts?
1. Everybody is doing it and can say he/she is a change agent. (not bothered by knowledge or skill). 2. Lack of clarity/differences in understanding of what change is. 3. The lack of methodical framework. 4. Too much focus on solutions. 5. The change agent looks one-sided, his reality is the only truth. 6. Change agent and managers promise more than they can deliver/influence.
Why is an organization unpredictable? Upperflow and the underflow
What is the difference between See-feel-change and Analyse-thinkchange? zie afbeelding
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What are the actions by Kotter's step 1: Establishing a sense of urgency? • Express the need for change • Show the risks if change does not happen • Get a good discussion going on about how to make change and what needs to be changed to get people talking and thinking • Get outside perspective to add merit to the need for change.
05/02/2015 What has to change? What is a diagnosis? Interpreting information
What is the diagnostic process? 1. Data collection 2. Analysing 3. Diagnosis 4. Interventions
What does de Caluwe say about the diagnosis? 1. How do you discover what is going wrong? How do I find answers to questions like: - What exactly is the problem? - How do I uncover/reveal that? - How do I make sense of what I see? - Colors, models 2. Diagnostic steps in a research process - Preliminary phase - Realization phase 3. Sense making: the core problem
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What are the different visions on research? - Research approach -> scientific, facts, objective - Action approach -> people are part of diagnosis, feeling, intuition, focus on factors that can influence the organization
What says de Caluwe about contrasting models? Contrasting model make richer diagnosis (7S model etc .)
What is the preliminary phase of the diagnose? Is the initiator willing to support the diagnostic process? What is the scope of the problem? What has to be changed (change idea)? Who are involved in this change and what do they want? Is there trust and openness?
What is the realization phase of the diagnosis? Zie afbeelding
What is sense making? Information and observations must be given a meaning by intuition, causal loop diagrams, mental maps etc.
What include Kotter's step 2: creating the guiding coalition?
Put together a group of 3-5 people to be the leaders of the coalition. The group must trust each other and be moving in the same direction. Select intelligent leaders and respected people in the organization. Make sure there is a good mix of members from different departments.
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What includes Kotter's step 3: developing a vision & strategy? • Determine the key reasons for change(sense making) • Develop a 2-3 sentence vision statement that explains how you see the future of the organization. • Know how this vision can be executed. • Be able to explain the vision easily.
11/02/2015 Change as a chaotic process Wat is sociaal constructivisme? Eigen belevenis van de werkelijkheid, elke werkelijkheid is waar - Gaat er van uit dat mensen zelf betekenis verlenen aan hun omgeving en dat sociale processen hierbij een belangrijke rol spelen - De werkelijkheid zijn sociale constructies die worden toegekend aan ervaringen - De werkelijkheid wordt geconstrueerd door menselijk handelen.
Wat zijn de kenmerken van een sociaal constructivisme benadering? Zie afbeelding
Wat is een organisatiecultuur? Het patroon van gedragingen van leden van een organisatie waarmee men zich onderscheidt van andere organisaties. Gedeelde waarden, normen en opvattingen
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Wat zijn de eigenschappen van een organisatiecultuur? - Wordt door mensen gedeeld - Wordt door mensen gedragen - Is aangeleerd - Niet onmiddellijk zichtbaar, noch direct beïnvloedbaar - Heeft een duurzaam, stabiel en moeilijk te beïnvloeden karakter
Hoe omschrijft Morgan cultuur? Morganomschrijft cultuur als - Gemeenschappelijke zingeving - Gemeenschappelijk begrip - Gemeenschappelijk gevoel. Cultuur verwijst direct naar een gemeenschappelijke door de leden van de organisatie gebruikte taal, normen en waarden, rituelen en beelden.
Welke 2 vormen van verandering zijn er? Episodisch : eerst wij (management) dan jullie (medewerkers) wij verzinnen het plan en dan moet bij jullie geïmplementeerd worden Continu : wij allemaal tegelijkertijd. Lokale plannen, acties en probeersels vanuit onze eigen positie en blikveld en dan zien we wat het beste is. (Wit druk denken) Als we moeten veranderen , zal ik zelf moeten veranderen
Welke 7 groepen zijn er binnen een organisatie? 1. Positivo's, vertrouwen, leven de verandering 2. Volgers. We moeten wel als iedereen het doet 3. Geen keus je moet wel. Ook management 4. Meelopers: zien het nut , maar zijn onzeker 5. 3de wiel: betrek mij erbij 6. Geisoleerden: we willen wel maar horen niets 7. Rest
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Wat is de Betekenisconstructie? - Betekenisconstructie (Sensemaking1) is wijze hoe we het onbekende structureren om hiermee om te kunnen gaan. - Genereert een mentale kaart die we voortdurend met andere mensen toetsen (m.n. vanuit de dialoog).
Wat is de problematische verander situatie? Wat is er precies aan de hand ? Waar speelt dit? Afbakenen van het probleem. Wie gaat dit voor elkaar brengen ? Waar zit de angel van het probleem ? Waar zit de hefboom voor verandering? Hoe komen tot een haalbaar plan ? Waarmee implementeren we zo’n plan? Kan het met meer van het zelfde ? Wat beweegt mensen hier?
Hoe werkt de organisatiedynamica tijdens organisatie verandering? Zie afbeelding
Wat is het voordeel van Double loop learning? Zie afbeelding
Waar is de lerende organisatie van afhankelijk? - De mate waarin een organisatie leert hangt in hoge mate af van haar organisatiecultuur - In wezen is voor een lerende organisatie een gezond spanningsveld tussen autonomie en autoriteit noodzakelijk - Ontwikkelingsgericht perspectief.
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Welke 3 verander niveaus bestaan er? 1e orde: Passieve internalisatie gewenst gedrag. Kopieren van reeds bestaand gedrag 2e orde: Kennisvergaring door ervaring en reflectie op eigen en onderliggende aannames 3e orde: Leren te leren: ter discussie stellen, deconstrueren en reconstrueren van contexten en onderliggende principes
Welke 4 leiderschap stijlen zijn er? - Participatief - Gezaghebbend - Laissez faire - Directief
Wat zijn de verschillen tussen leiders en managers? Zie afbeelding
Wat betekend leiderschap? - “Leiderschap betekent richting geven en het stimuleren van emotionele betrokkenheid bij die richting en de principes. Als mensen betrokken zijn, hoeven ze niet gemanaged te worden” - “Met leiderschap betrek je iedereen bij het doel en de hoge prioriteiten van het bedrijf of instelling”.
Hoe gaan mensen door een verandering heen? shock, denial, frustration, depression, experiment, descision, integration.
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Hoe ziet een lineair dynamisch systeem eruit? Z=Z(2 kwadraat) + C Je kan patronen beïnvloeden maar niet veranderen
17/02/2015 How can we/who has to change? What is include in Kotter's step 2: Creating the guiding coalition?
Put together a group of people to be the leaders of the coalition. The group must trust each other and be moving in the same direction. Select intelligent leaders and respected people in the organization. Make sure there is a good mix of members from different departments.
Which steerings and visions on steering are there? - Management/control cycle - Change cycle - Learning cycle
Which actors/roles are involved in a change proces?
The initiator: I have an idea, but no money, no power, insufficient means to realize the idea. So I need sponsor(s), people with (in)formal power that legitimize my idea, supporters (no formal power), a champion (responsible for drawing up and coordinating the interventionplan) and people who help with implementing my idea: implementers Finally people will change freely (subjects) or forced (victims) The orchestrator arranges the overall change process
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What is include in Kotter's step 3: Developing a vision & strategy?
Determine the key reasons for change (sense making) Develop a 2-3 sentence vision statement that explains how you see the future of the organization. Know how this vision can be executed. Be able to explain the vision easily.
Welke volgorde heeft het change proces van de Caluwe? - History & driving factors - Change idea - Diagnosis - Change strategy - Intervention plan - Interventions - Results of the change process
Which two parts has the change strategy? We distinguish two parts in crafting a change strategy: first, the analysis of all the diagnostic material by means of six basic questions, and second, choosing a change strategy based on the answers to these questions.
Which possible change strategies are there based on the colors of de Caluwe? - Empirical-rational strategy --> Blue - Power-coercive strategy --> Yellow - Normative reductive strategy --> Green and White - Barter strategy --> Red
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Which six basic questions to the choice of a change strategy are available?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The outcome - What has to change? The diagnosis – What is the present situation? How large is the difference between the desired and present situation? Is there resistance and opposition or is there motivation and energy? Is this what the change agent wants and is capable of? Is it feasible? Can it be realized?
The outcome - What has to change - Characteristics of interaction - Characteristics of organization and management - Characteristics of people - Characteristics of products, services and operations - Characteristics of people
4. Is there resistance and opposition or is there motivation and energy Factors of resistance on organisational level. Distribution of power. Absence of a clear need or desire for change. Scope and complexity of the change. Level of emotions (identity, ideology, policies, working methods). Knowing the nature of resistance is vital to the formation of a change strategy.
03/03/2015 Communication and sensemaking: what when and how? What is the effective communication cycle? Message > send > interpret > feedback
“Tell me , and I will forget . Show me and I may remember . Involve me , and I will understand .”
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What is Kotter's vision on communication during the change process? Goal of communication: to get as many people as possible acting to make the vision a reality.
What advise Kotter about communicating the change process? 1. Talk often about the vision of change. 2. Openly and honestly address people about their concerns and anxieties. 3. Apply your vision to all departments and operations within the organization. 4. Lead by example. • Communicating the vision of change fails for many reasons. Perhaps the most obvious is lack of clarity.
What is de Caluwe's vision on communication during the change process?
• Change processes are perhaps more than anything else a dialogue between those involved. • De Caluwé argues that there is a ‘narrow’ and a ‘broad’ approach. • The narrow approach focuses on communication about the change process (based on Kotter). • Broader approach: change is a process that is created, produced and maintained by and within communication. No change without communication.
What is sense making and communication by de Caluwe? Information giving (one way) Communication (interaction) Sense making: change is a process created, produced and maintained by and within within communication. • ‘For this reason, we feel that communication needs to be an integral part of every intervention plan, and should be consciously managed even before the intervention plan is drawn up.’ • A tool to help achieve this is a planned approach, in which systematic choices are made about message, resources, style, timing, and so on
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Which communication strategy's are possible? Information, persuasion, dialogue, consensus creation
Which choices for organizing communication Zie afbeelding
04/03/2015 Organizational advice and the role of the consultant Contracteren Wat gedaan moet worden in de contracteringsfase is onderhandelen over behoeften, het hoofd bieden aan verdeelde motieven, bezorgdheid over verlies van aanzien en invloed aan de oppervlakte brengen, duidelijkheid verschaffen over alle contractpartners
10/03/2015 Intervention plan What is the definition of intervention and intervention plan? An intervention is: One or a series of organised change activities intended to help an organisation increase its effectiveness An intervention plan is: • An integral • consistent • feasible and • relevant plan for interventions in an organisation aimed at the actual implementation of the intended outcomes of a change
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Making an intervention plan 1. Brainstorming 2. Arranging 3. Detailing
Zie afbeelding
What is Kotters vision on interventions? If you look at step 5 and 6 you can see a guide line for change. You can see these steps as an intervention itself.
What includes Kotter's step 5 : Empower Action? - Identify change leaders whose main role is to display change. Recognize and reward people for making the change happen. Identify people who are resisting the change, and help them see what’s needed. Take action to quickly remove barriers.
What includes Kotter's step 6: Create short-terms wins? • Look for sure-fire projects that you can implement without help from any strong critics of the change. • Don’t choose early targets that are expensive. • Thoroughly analyze the potential pros and cons of your target. • Reward the people who help you meet the targets.
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