1 Themasessie vluchtelingen Frans van Hoek Marieke Hanekamp2 Wat in deze sessie? Strategisch Kader Terugkoppeling sessie in Brussel Brainstormen in su...
Themasessie vluchtelingen Frans van Hoek Marieke Hanekamp
Wat in deze sessie?
Strategisch Kader Terugkoppeling sessie in Brussel Brainstormen in subgroepen
Strategisch Kader
EU-beleid en doelstellingen Horizontale prioriteiten KA2, p.118
Inclusive education, training and youth: in line with the Paris Declaration, priority will be given to actions addressing diversity in (formal and nonformal) education and training, developing social, civic, intercultural competences and media literacy, combating discrimination and segregation, tackling bullying, reducing disparities in learning outcomes affecting learners with disadvantaged backgrounds in particular through innovative integrated approaches. This should also involve enhancing the access, participation and performance of disadvantaged learners and facilitating their transitions: between different levels and types of education and training; from education/training to the world of work; and/or from one employment to another. Given the critical context, particular attention will also be given to support projects involving refugees, asylum seekers and migrants and/or focusing on the topic of the refugees' crisis in Europe.
Nationaal en regionaal:
Nederlands EU voorzitterschap eerste helft 2016: Migranten en radicalisering op de agenda Nationale en regionale overheid en stakeholders zijn zeer betrokken!
Instellingsbreed Mogelijke opties: · Facilitating the integration of refugees into the education system and society as well as into the labour market · Exchange and utilization of innovative concepts from partner countries · Increasing the visibility of European support through Erasmus+
Analyse van de groep vluchtelingen Support voor vrijwilligers Snelle diplomawaardering en erkenning competenties Draagvlak in gemeenschappen Extra geld? …
Opdracht U gaat in subgroepen met elkaar in gesprek en brainstormt aan de hand van een aantal vragen:
Kansen voor ve en/of mbo binnen E+? KA1 of KA2? Welke good practises van projecten zijn er in Nederland en in Europa? Partners? Wat heeft u nog nodig van het Nationaal Agentschap?
Welcome culture and Human Rights • media support to fight fears obligations to be promoted within • Teachers/trainers addressing the issue and the countries to fight fears of citizens giving examples of good practices
Cross sectoriality
involvement of the non-formal sector and cooperation between the formal and non-formal sector, e.g. working with volunteers (training of volunteers, couple classes with refugees, couple VET learners with refugees etc) connections between schools and the nongovernmental sector; inclusion of Universities, e.g. as language course or translation providers
• validation centres to be decided at national level • social programmes at national level to deal with content/quality for easier recognition
Meeting in Brussel 6 okt Needs/challenges
Integration of adults : AE
• Taking advantage of the "flexibility" of the AE organisations (and in particular non-formal organisations) to mobilize (more than the formal sector) ; • Valorisation via Transnational cooperation activities (TCAs): thematic approach ; • Make E+ more visible (cf. conference proposed by DE NAs).
Meeting in Brussel 6 okt Needs/challenges
All fields : Valorisation, promotion and dissemination of actions
• materials needed to transfer knowledge: project kits for intercultural learning and teaching methods (goals – tools) • sharing the experiences of schools that are already experienced in dealing with migrants/refugees/children of foreign backgrounds • valorising good initiatives : • Incentives for staff through recognising acquired competences when abroad • Recognition in the curriculum/honour of staff and learners for "citizenship" initiatives • NAs may need to promote the existing platforms more to stakeholders as a resource for addressing refugee/migrant issues. • Better sharing of experiences between NAs through working groups, thematic seminars and TCA to focus on specific topics ("content related").