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All Customers PT Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia 17 February 2016 - Third Amendment to Bank Indonesia Circular Letter on Foreign Currency Transactions against Rupiah between Banks and Domestic Parties - Fourth Amendment to Bank Indonesia Circular Letter on Foreign Currency Transactions against Rupiah between Banks and Foreign Parties
Dear valued Customer,
In relation to the issuance of the implementing regulation of BIR No. 17/15/PBI/2015 and BIR No. 17/16/PBI/2015 regarding Third Amendment of Bank Indonesia Regulations regarding Foreign Currency Transactions against Rupiah, namely:
Sehubungan dengan telah diterbitkannya peraturan pelaksana dari PBI No. 17/15/PBI/2015 dan PBI No. 17/16/PBI/2015 tentang Perubahan Ketiga atas Peraturan Bank Indonesia tentang Transaksi Valuta Asing terhadap Rupiah, yaitu:
1. Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 17/49/DPM 1. Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 17/49/DPM tentang Perubahan Keempat atas Surat Edaran regarding the Fourth Amendment to Bank Bank Indonesia No. 16/14/DPM tentang Transaksi Indonesia Circular Letter No. 16/14/DPM regarding Valuta Asing terhadap Rupiah antara Bank dengan Foreign Currency Transactions against Rupiah between Banks and Domestic Parties; and Pihak Domestik; dan 2. Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 17/50/DPM 2. Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 17/50/DPM regarding Third Amendment to Bank Indonesia tentang Perubahan Ketiga atas Surat Edaran Bank Circular Letter No. 16/15/DPM regarding Foreign Indonesia No. 16/15/DPM tentang Transaksi Valuta Asing terhadap Rupiah antara Bank dengan Currency Transactions against Rupiah between Banks and Foreign Parties, Pihak Asing, that have been issued on 21 December 2015, hereby we would like to inform the amendments related to foreign currency transactions against Rupiah between Banks and customers, that apply retroactively as of 7 October 2015:
yang telah diterbitkan pada tanggal 21 Desember 2015, berikut kami sampaikan informasi perubahan terkait transaksi valuta asing terhadap rupiah antara Bank dengan nasabah, yang berlaku surut sejak tanggal 7 Oktober 2015:
A. Underlying Transaction Below are the new provisions related to Underlying Transaction: 1. Investment in the form of Bank Indonesia Securities in Foreign Currency cannot be used as Underlying Transaction for Purchases of Foreign Currency against IDR; 2. In terms of the Underlying Transaction in the form of credit including inter-customer credit provision, below provisions are applicable: a. The loan must have been disbursed; b. The amount of Foreign Exchange Transaction should be no more than the amount of the disbursed loan; c. The value date of Foreign Exchange Transaction should not be longer than the due date of the settlement of the disbursed loan.
A. Underlying Transaksi Berikut ketentuan-ketentuan baru yang berkaitan dengan Underlying Transaksi: 1. Investasi dalam bentuk Surat Berharga Bank Indonesia dalam valuta asing tidak dapat digunakan sebagai Underlying transaksi pembelian valuta asing terhadap Rupiah; 2. Dalam hal Underlying Transaksi berupa kredit termasuk pemberian kredit antarnasabah, berlaku ketentuan: a. Kredit harus telah ditarik; b. Nominal Transaksi Valuta Asing terhadap Rupiah paling banyak sama dengan nominal kredit yang ditarik; c. Jatuh waktu Transaksi Valuta Asing terhadap Rupiah paling lama sama dengan jatuh waktu pelunasan kredit yang ditarik tersebut. 1
3. In terms of Underlying Transaction in the form of Ownership of Foreign Currency Fund in Indonesia or Abroad’ for selling of foreign currency against Rupiah, below provisions are applicable: a. The amount should not exceed the amount of foreign currency ownership; b. If the fund is placed in the instrument that has a maturity date (e.g. TD & NCD) → the maturity date of foreign exchange transaction should not be longer than the maturity date of fund placement; c. If the fund is placed in the instrument that does not have any maturity date (e.g. savings, giro) → i. The maturity date is unlimited; ii. The minimal balance of foreign currency account should be at least equivalent to the amount of forward transaction during the period of forward transaction.
3. Dalam hal Underlying Transaksi berupa kepemilikan dana valuta asing di dalam negeri dan/atau di luar negeri untuk penjualan valuta asing terhadap Rupiah melalui transaksi Forward, berlaku ketentuan: a. Nominalnya paling banyak sebesar saldo dan/atau jumlah kepemilikan dana valuta asing; b. Jika dana valuta asing ditempatkan pada instrumen yang memiliki tanggal jatuh waktu (antara lain berupa deposito dan/atau NCD) → jatuh waktu dari transaksi valuta asing terhadap Rupiah tersebut paling lama sama dengan jatuh waktu penempatan dana tersebut; c. Jika dana valuta asing ditempatkan pada instrumen yang tidak memiliki tanggal jatuh waktu (antara lain berupa tabungan atau giro) → i. Jatuh waktu tidak dibatasi; ii. Saldo rekening valuta asing paling kurang sama dengan nominal transaksi forward sepanjang waktu transaksi forward dimaksud.
B. Settlement of Transactions B. Penyelesaian Transaksi For the settlement of selling transaction of foreign Untuk penyelesaian penjualan valuta asing currency against Rupiah through forward terhadap Rupiah oleh Nasabah kepada Bank transaction in the amount of transaction up to melalui transaksi forward dengan nominal threshold, the following provisions are applicable: transaksi paling banyak sebesar jumlah tertentu (threshold) berlaku ketentuan sebagai berikut: 1. The settlement of the transaction cannot be conducted through unwind of transaction; 2. In the event that there is rollover or early termination of the transaction, it should be supported by Underlying Transaction for the initial selling forward transaction. The full movement of fund for the settlement of the transaction should be conducted at the end of the rollover contract or early termination contract.
1. Penyelesaian transaksi tidak dapat dilakukan melalui pengakhiran transaksi (unwind) 2. Dalam hal dilakukan perpanjangan transaksi atau percepatan penyelesaian transaksi, tindakan tersebut harus didukung dengan Underlying transaksi dari transaksi forward jual awal. Kewajiban pemindahan dana pokok secara penuh dilakukan pada saat berakhirnya perpanjangan kontrak atau kontrak percepatan perpanjangan transaksi.
Hereby we would like to inform amendments related to foreign currency transactions against Rupiah between Bank and customers, in connection with Underlying Transaction, that are effective as of 1 March 2016:
Berikut kami sampaikan informasi perubahan terkait transaksi valuta asing terhadap Rupiah antara Bank dengan nasabah, berkaitan dengan Underlying transaksi, yang berlaku sejak tanggal 1 Maret 2016:
1. In terms of the Underlying Transaction document 1. Dalam hal dokumen Underlying Transaksi in the form of billing evidence of a purchase of merupakan bukti tagihan atas kegiatan pembelian goods from abroad (import), the customer is barang dari luar negeri (impor), Nasabah wajib required to submit a document which shows that menyampaikan dokumen yang menunjukkan the goods are intended to enter and be received bahwa barang tersebut dimaksudkan untuk masuk within Indonesia’s Customs Territory. dan diterima di wilayah Pabean Indonesia. 2. There is an amendment of the types of transaction 2. Terdapat perubahan mengenai jenis Underlying underlying in ‘Attachment IV and Attachment V of Transaksi pada ‘Lampiran IV dan Lampiran V Surat BICL regarding foreign currency transactions Edaran Bank Indonesia tentang Transaksi Valuta 2
against Rupiah between Banks and Domestic Parties’ and ‘Attachment III and Attachment IV of BICL regarding foreign currency transactions against Rupiah between Banks and Foreign Parties’. The amendments are mostly to tighten the types of underlying transaction to minimize the misuse (abuse) of underlying transaction for speculative purposes. The comparison of the types of Underlying Transaction is attached to this SMBCI News.
Asing terhadap Rupiah antara Bank dengan Pihak Domestik’ dan ‘Lampiran III dan Lampiran IV Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia tentang Transaksi Valuta Asing terhadap Rupiah antara Bank dengan Pihak Asing’. Fokus perubahannya adalah memperketat jenis Underlying transaksi guna meminimalisasi penyalahgunaan Underlying Transaksi untuk tujuan spekulatif. Perbandingan jenis Underlying Transaksi dapat dilihat pada lampiran SMBCI News ini.
Both of the regulations can be downloaded from Bank Indonesia Website:
Kedua peraturan tersebut dapat diunduh dari situs web Bank Indonesia:
Thank you for your attention.
Terimakasih atas perhatian Anda.
4. 5. 6.
Photocopy of consultant services contract. 1. Remain in Force Photocopy of employment agreement and other 2. Remain in Force supporting documents between the foreign manpower and business entity. Photocopy of credit/loan agreement or other 3. Credit documents that consist of: relevant debt documents. a. Photocopy of credit agreement (loan agreement) or other relevant debt/credit documents that are able to show the schedule and amount of payment; and b. Photocopy of evidence of credit disbursement that is able to show that there is disbursement of funds, among others, movement of account from creditor to debtor or evidence of fund transfer instruction in the form of MT 103. Photocopy of royalty agreement with the foreign 4. Remain in Force party which is supplemented by other supporting documents. Letter of Credit (L/C) and L/C Amendment. 5. Remain in Force Documents which have claim/collection 6. Documents which have claim/collection characteristics characteristics or which causes payment obligation, or which causes payment obligation, among others: among others: a. Invoice or commercial invoice, with validity of a. Invoice or commercial invoice, with validity until the maximum 12 (twelve) months from the invoice maturity date (due date) of the invoice or commercial issuance date (either that issued by a foreign invoice. party or a domestic party). In the event the invoice has already exceeded the In the event that the invoice being used has maturity/due date, the invoice may be used for 3 (three) months after the maturity/due date by already exceeded 12 (twelve) months since the issuance date, the use of the invoice must be complementing: complemented by: 1) MT 103 which contains information 1) Remain in Force regarding the relevant invoice; and 2) A statement from the customer that 2) Remain in Force foreign currency payment has never been made on the basis of the invoice. b. Debit Note which information therein may be b. Remain in Force verified by the Bank. c. Sales contract with validity which is in line with c. Sales contract which validity and nominal amount are the validity indicated on the contract. Should as indicated on the contract. there be no validity on the contract, the validity shall be maximum 12 (twelve) months since the contract signing. d. List of Invoices that is supported by the d. Remain in Force customer’s statement which contains: 1) Validity of the list; 2) Customer’s responsibility to administer such invoices; and 3) Commitment to provide invoices when needed by the Bank. e. Billing notice or billing/payment schedule which DELETED is generated by the customer’s internal system. f. Tax Invoice or Annual Tax Return (SPT) for tax DELETED payments. 1
I. DOMESTIC PARTIES I.1. UNDERLYING TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE TRADING OF GOODS AND SERVICES IN INDONESIA AND IN OVERSEAS BICL 17/20/DPM BICL 17/49/DPM Effective up to 29 February 2016 Effective as of 1 March 2016 e. Billing notice in Rupiah currency issued by the exporter in overseas which is supplemented by documents that support the veracity / correctness and validity / legality of the transaction, which includes the following information: 1) Evidence of billing in Rupiah currency and payment instructions in foreign currency that are stated in the form of an agreement and / or invoice; 2) Identity of the party that receives payment in foreign currency in the form of an exporter in overseas or other foreign parties designated by the exporter in overseas; 3) Conversion rate on the fund transfer date; and 4) Proof of funds transfer activity in accordance with the information in number 1) up to number 3). Cash Management Agreement or the Standard DELETED Operating Procedure (SOP) that are related to cash pooling and cash sweeping, amongst a branch office or subsidiary company with the head office/regional office of the customers as long as they may be verified by the Bank.
Deed of purchase & sale and proof of ownership of 7. Sale and Purchase Deed and proof of ownership by the the Foreign Party toward the assets related to the Foreign Party on the asset that is relevant to the asset sale in Indonesia which is owned by the Foreign Party sale of the assets in Indonesia owned by the Foreign which purchase of the foreign currency is conducted by Party which purchase of the foreign currency against a domestic party which is given authority by the Foreign Rupiah is carried out by a domestic party that is Party. Furthermore, the foreign exchange funds must authorized by the Foreign Party. be transferred to the foreign party’s account that gives the authority and to be evidenced by a foreign exchange transfer document.
The documents of the sale of the foreign currency 8. Documents of sale of foreign currency against Rupiah against Rupiah originating from the sale of foreign that come from the export proceeds in foreign currency export proceeds, with a validity period not currency, with validity of maximum 12 (twelve) months later than 6 months after the issuance date of the from the transaction date of the foreign currency sale. foreign exchange sale documents.
10. Underlying Transaction Documents for PVA in the 9. Underlying Transaction Documents for Business form of PVA’s net sales to customers in the last 1 Activities in Foreign Currency Exchange (KUPVA) in the form of KUPVA net sales to the customer in the last 1 month. In the event there is a purchase of foreign currency by the PVA’s customers with value month. The Underlying Transaction documents are to be supplemented by a statement which is signed by the exceeding USD25,000.00 (twenty-five thousand US dollars) per month, supplemented by PVA authorized signatories (officers) of KUPVA containing statement signed by the authorized signatories of KUPVA commitment to: the PVA containing PVA’s responsibility to a. administer the sale and purchase documents and / or Underlying Transaction documents of the customer of administer the underlying transaction documents KUPVA; from the PVA’s customers and their commitment to provide the underlying transaction documents of b. provide the documents of Underlying Transactions of the customer of KUPVA when required by the Bank in the PVA’s customers when required by the Bank. the event of foreign exchange purchases by the customer of KUPVA to KUPVA with a value exceeding USD25,000.00 (twenty-five United States dollars) or its equivalent per month. 10. Photocopy of PIB (Declaration of Goods for Import). 2
I. DOMESTIC PARTIES I.1. UNDERLYING TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE TRADING OF GOODS AND SERVICES IN INDONESIA AND IN OVERSEAS BICL 17/20/DPM BICL 17/49/DPM Effective up to 29 February 2016 Effective as of 1 March 2016 11. Photocopy of PEB (Declaration of Goods for Export). 11. The use of official electronic mail or facsimile as additional supporting documents of the Underlying Transaction documents for proof of claim (receivable) may be used as long as the Bank is able to verify the sender of the email or facsimile. B.
UNDERLYING TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS IN THE FORM OF ESTIMATES 1. Estimated needs for school fee/tuition fee and 1. Estimated needs for school tuition and cost of living in living expenses in overseas overseas which is signed on sufficient duty/revenue stamp by the customer. 2.
Estimated cost accommodation.
and 2. Estimated needs for medical expenses and accommodation which is signed on sufficient duty/revenue stamp by the customer.
Estimated cost of travel and accommodation.
3. Estimated needs for travel expenses and accommodation which is signed on sufficient duty/revenue stamp by the customer.
Projected cash flow based on the requirements of 4. Projection of cash flow for the activities of international the users of travel agent’s services and the required trade (exports and imports) and the business activities reserves, as evidenced by information about of travel agent services for a period of the next one current/savings account from travel agent’s year, which is prepared by the Customer and signed by an authorized official of the Customer (to include other business. relevant documents). The projection shall at least contain details of the source of the income and expenditure of foreign exchange that shows the net difference deficiency / excess of foreign exchange on a monthly basis.
Photocopy of Import Declaration (PIB).
DELETED Photocopy of PIB (Declaration of Goods for Import) is CATEGORIZED AS FINAL DOCUMENT
Photocopy of Export Declaration (PEB).
DELETED Photocopy of PEB (Declaration of Goods for Export) is CATEGORIZED AS FINAL DOCUMENT
Purchase documents, among others in the form of 5. Documents for purchases which among others include Purchase Order Confirmation. purchase orders that have been confirmed by the seller and subsequently furnished with proof of delivery of goods.
Pro forma Invoice, which should at least contain information regarding the number and date of the document, name of buyer/importer/goods receiving party/consignee/applicant, name of goods, and total price of all goods.
Sales/Import Projection issued by the Customers (not necessarily be audited but signed by an authorized signatory of the customer) for the period of not more than 1.5 years in the future effective from the transaction date, with maximum nominal amount as much as the historical data of the previous one (1) year.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
7. B.
BICL 17/49/DPM Effective as of 1 March 2016
Proof of ownership of an investment in foreign 1. Remain in Force currency which is issued by the authorities including sale and purchase agreement on investment, among others in the form of shares, bonds, other securities, evidence of dividend distribution, and the results of other investments. Letter of demand deposit account balances on 2. Remain in Force certain transactions that are required by the authorities. Promissory Note to be attached with the relevant DELETED credit/loan agreement. Photocopy of credit agreement (loan agreement 3. Credit documents that consist of: or other relevant debt / credit documents. a. Photocopy of credit agreement (loan agreement) or other relevant debt / credit documents that are able to show the schedule and amount of payment; and b. Photocopy of evidence of credit disbursement that is able to show that there is disbursement of funds, among others, movement of account from creditor to debtor or evidence of fund transfer instruction in the form of MT 103. Evidence that supports the customer’s 4. Evidence of customer’s participation in a tender participation in a tender and provision of and provision of guarantee / bank guarantee in guarantee / bank guarantee in foreign currency. foreign currency. Minutes of General Meeting of 5. Minutes of General Meeting of Shareholders and Shareholders in Rupiah amount for dividend addition of other documents that shows the payment to foreign shareholders. amount of Rupiah for dividend payment to foreign shareholders. Collective investment contract for mutual funds 6. Remain in Force (reksa dana) transactions in foreign currency.
UNDERLYING TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS IN THE FORM OF ESTIMATES A cash flow projection associated with a particular A cash flow projection associated with a particular project for the period of the next 3 years commencing project for the period of the next 3 years commencing from the date of the transaction, which is issued by the from the date of the transaction, which is to be customer and signed by the authorized officials of the prepared by the customer and signed by the customer (by attaching the work contract document authorized officials of the customer (by attaching the work contract document and/or other relevant and/or other relevant documents). documents).
BICL 16/15/DPM Effective up to 29 February 2016 Underlying Transaction Documents that are Final 1.
2. 3.
BICL 17/50/DPM Effective as of 1 March 2016
Evidence of activities of export of goods from 1. Remain in Force Indonesia and import of goods to Indonesia, among others Letters of Credit (L/C), drafts, and invoices. Domestic trade that uses Local L/C (SKBDN). 2. Remain in Force Documents under the criteria of claims or those 3. Documents under the criteria of claims or those which give cause the arising of payment which give cause the arising of payment obligations, such as: obligations, such as: a. Invoice or commercial invoice, with validity a. Invoice or commercial invoice (either that of maximum 12 months after the invoice issued by a foreign party or a party in issuance date (either that issued by a foreign Indonesia) may be used as Underlying party or a party in Indonesia) Transactions under the condition that: i. not matured yet; and/or ii. not paid or settled yet. In the event that the invoice or commercial invoice has exceeded the maturity, the invoice or commercial invoice may be used maximum three (3) months since the maturity by supplementing: i. MT 103 which contains information about the payment of the invoice; and ii. Statement from the Foreign Party that payment of foreign currency has never been done on the basis of such invoice. b. List of invoices to be supported by b. Remain in Force authenticated statement letters from Foreign Parties containing: 1) Validity of the list; 2) Responsibility of the Foreign Party to administer those invoices; and 3) Commitment to provide invoices when required by the Bank. c. Billing notice and/or billing/payment DELETED schedule generated by an internal system of the Foreign Party. d. Tax Invoice or Annual Tax Return (SPT) for c. Tax Invoice or Annual Tax Return (SPT) for tax tax payment. payment through the sales of foreign exchange against Rupiah. Operational Expense from the Representative 4. Operational Expense in Rupiah currency from the Office of a foreign Legal Entity, among others, in Representative Office of a foreign Legal Entity the form of salary payment and utilities account or other foreign institutions, among others, in the form of salary payment and utilities account billing billing (telephone, electricity, gas, and water). (telephone, electricity, gas, and water). A Vostro Account Opening Agreement between 5. A Vostro Account Opening Agreement between the Foreign Party and the Bank for remittance the Foreign Party and the Bank for remittance purposes, MT299, or MT599 that contains a purposes, MT299, or MT599 that contains a statement from the correspondent bank that the statement from the correspondent bank that the available funds will be used for remittance available funds will be used for remittance purposes. purposes to Indonesia. A statement through RMDS and/or SWIFT related DELETED to the purposes of the purchase of foreign 5
II. FOREIGN PARTIES II.1. UNDERLYING TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS FOR TRADING OF GOODS AND SERVICES IN INDONESIAN AND IN OVERSEAS BICL 16/15/DPM Effective up to 29 February 2016 currency in order to facilitate the foreign currency purchase for remittance purposes.
BICL 17/50/DPM Effective as of 1 March 2016 6. Documents that provide information on the needs for foreign currencies for the remittance purposes from Indonesia. 7. Proof of acceptance in Rupiah owned by Foreign Parties for the purpose of repatriation, among others in the form of salary slips and the results of activities of trading of goods and services in Indonesia. Official electronic mail or facsimile as additional supporting documents of the Underlying Transaction documents for proof of claim (receivable) may be used as long as the Bank is able to verify the sender of the email or facsimile. *ONLY TREATED AS SUPPORTING DOCUMENT*
Underlying Transaction Documents in the form of Estimates 1. Cash flow projection to be issued by the Foreign 1. Party (to be signed by an authorized officer from the Foreign Party) for the purposes of payment of operational expenses from the representative office of foreign Legal Entity, among others, in the form of salary payment and utilities account billing (telephone, electricity, gas, and water). 2.
Cash flow projection to be issued by the Foreign Party (to be signed by an authorized officer from the Foreign Party) for the purposes of payment of operational expenses in Rupiah currency from the representative office of the foreign Legal Entities or other foreign institutions, among others, in the form of salary payment and utilities account billing (telephone, electricity, gas, and water). Settlement agreement and sales/purchase order 2. Settlement agreement and sales/purchase order confirmation. confirmation with validity in line with the maturity date.
BICL 17/16/DPM BICL 17/50/DPM Effective up to 29 February 2016 Effective as of 1 March 2016 Transaction Underlying Documents that are Final 1. Evidence of confirmation of the sales or 1. Remain in Force purchases of Commercial Papers, among others in the form of trade confirmation which is conveyed through SWIFT message, Tested Telex, Reuters Monitoring Dealing System (RMDS), or Bloomberg ticket. 2. Evidence of ownership of investment, among 2. Evidence of investment ownership (statement of others shares/stocks, bonds, and other holding), among others, shares, bonds, and other commercial papers, and Resolution of General securities, and resolution of General Meeting of Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) related to the Shareholders (GMS) related to distribution of distribution of dividends and documents related dividends or documents related to the distribution to the distribution of investment return/yield. of the result/yield from investment.
4. 5.
For transactions with hedging nature, Banks must ensure that ownership of the Foreign Party’s portfolio is not less than the Derivatives Transaction on Foreign Exchange against Rupiah Transaction, and the Foreign Party is required to convey a statement of holding at least once in every two (2) weeks. Evidence of credit agreement including its 3. Credit documents that consist of: amendments. a. Photocopy of credit/loan agreement or other relevant documents that are able to show a schedule and amount of payment; and b. Photocopy of evidence of credit disbursement that is able to show that there is disbursement of funds or fund transfer information in the form of MT 103. Evidence of participation of Foreign Parties in 4. Remain in Force tenders and provision of guarantees in Rupiah currency. Documents related to the distribution of 5. Remain in Force inheritance such as evidence of sales of inherited assets and evidence of family relationship with the inheritance provider (such as family card) related to the heirs that reside in overseas as permanent residents (to be supported by relevant documents). 6. Deed of Purchase and Sale, leasing agreement, and/or evidence of the Foreign Party’s ownership toward the assets related to the sale of the assets in Indonesia that are owned by the Foreign Party. A sale and purchase deed, leasing/rental 7. Remain in Force agreement, and/or evidence of ownership by a Foreign Party over the assets related to the sales of assets in Indonesia that are owned by the Foreign Party which purchases of the foreign currencies are conducted by a domestic party that receives power of attorney from the Foreign Party. 7
BICL 17/16/DPM BICL 17/50/DPM Effective up to 29 February 2016 Effective as of 1 March 2016 Transaction Underlying Documents in the form of Estimations The Transaction Underlying documents in the form of Estimations shall include: 1. Memorandum of Understanding and/or 1. Memorandum of Understanding and/or Agreement for the purchases and sales of assets Agreement for the purchase and sale of assets in Indonesia in the context of merger and acquisition in Indonesia in the context of merger and acquisition in line with the prevailing provisions; in line with the prevailing regulations, which have information or to be supplemented by documents that describe the existence of the needs for the purchase or sale of foreign exchange; 2. Documents of estimations regarding the 2. Documents of estimations regarding the return/yield from investment that will be received return/yield from investment that will be received that are to be supplemented by: that are to be supplemented by: a. Evidence of ownership over the investment; a. Remain in Force and b. Other formal information regarding the b. Other official information regarding the investment return/yield that is issued by the investment results that are able to describe company. the amount of the estimated investment results, among others, estimated dividends 3. Documents that state the plan to purchase 3. Remain in Force Commercial Papers among others in the form of SWIFT message, tested telex, tested fax, or RMDS, with the criteria that the Rupiah ownership period shall be maximum three (3) business days excluding the period of the settlement of the purchase of the Commercial Papers. Further, evidence of the realization of the purchases of Commercial Papers shall be conveyed to the Bank.
I. PIHAK DOMESTIK I.1. DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI UNTUK PERDAGANGAN BARANG DAN JASA DI DALAM DAN DI LUAR NEGERI BICL 17/20/DPM BICL 17/49/DPM Efektif Hingga 29 Februari 2016 Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016 A. Dokumen Underlying Transaksi yang Bersifat Final 1. Fotokopi kontrak jasa konsultan. 1. Tetap Berlaku 2. Fotokopi surat perjanjian kerja atau dokumen 2. Tetap Berlaku pendukung lain antara tenaga kerja asing yang bersangkutan dengan badan usaha. 3. Fotokopi surat perjanjian kredit (loan agreement) 3. Dokumen kredit yang terdiri dari: atau dokumen utang terkait lainnya. a. fotokopi surat perjanjian kredit (loan agreement) atau dokumen terkait lainnya yang dapat menunjukkan jadwal dan jumlah pembayaran; dan b. fotokopi bukti penarikan kredit yang dapat menunjukkan adanya penarikan dana, antara lain mutasi rekening dari kreditur kepada debitur atau bukti perintah transfer dana berupa MT 103. 4. Fotokopi perjanjian royalti (royalty agreement) 4. Tetap Berlaku dengan pihak asing yang disertai dengan dokumen pendukung lainnya. 5. Letter of Credit (L/C) dan perubahan L/C. 5. Tetap Berlaku 6. Dokumen yang bersifat tagihan atau yang 6. Dokumen yang bersifat tagihan atau yang menimbulkan menimbulkan kewajiban pembayaran, antara lain: kewajiban pembayaran, antara lain: a. Invoice atau commercial invoice, dengan masa a. Invoice atau commercial invoice dengan masa berlaku berlaku paling lama 12 bulan setelah tanggal sampai dengan tanggal jatuh waktu (due date) invoice penerbitan invoice (baik yang diterbitkan oleh atau commercial invoice dimaksud. Dalam hal invoice telah melebihi tanggal jatuh waktu, invoice tersebut pihak asing maupun pihak dalam negeri). dapat digunakan paling lama 3 (tiga) bulan sejak Dalam hal invoice yang digunakan telah melebihi 12 bulan sejak tanggal penerbitan, tanggal jatuh waktu dengan melengkapi: penggunaan invoice harus dilengkapi dengan: 1) MT 103 yang berisi informasi mengenai 1) Tetap Berlaku invoice terkait; dan 2) pernyataan dari nasabah bahwa 2) Tetap Berlaku pembayaran valuta asing belum pernah dilakukan atas dasar invoice dimaksud. b. Debit note yang informasi di dalamnya dapat b. Tetap Berlaku diverifikasi oleh Bank. c. Sales Contract/Kontrak Penjualan c. Sales Contract/Kontrak Penjualan yang memiliki masa dengan masa berlaku yang sesuai dengan yang berlaku dan nominal yang sesuai dengan yang tercantum dalam kontrak. Apabila tidak ada tercantum dalam kontrak. masa berlaku di dalam kontrak, masa berlaku paling lama 12 bulan sejak penandatanganan kontrak. d. List of invoices yang didukung oleh pernyataan d. Tetap Berlaku nasabah yang berisi: 1) validitas list dimaksud; 2) tanggung jawab nasabah untuk mengadministrasikan invoices dimaksud; dan 3) komitmen penyediaan invoices apabila dibutuhkan oleh Bank. e. Billing notice atau billing/payment schedule DIHAPUS yang dihasilkan oleh sistem internal nasabah. f. Faktur Pajak/Tax Invoice atau SPT untuk DIHAPUS pembayaran pajak. 1
I. PIHAK DOMESTIK I.1. DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI UNTUK PERDAGANGAN BARANG DAN JASA DI DALAM DAN DI LUAR NEGERI BICL 17/20/DPM BICL 17/49/DPM Efektif Hingga 29 Februari 2016 Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016 e. Tagihan dalam mata uang Rupiah yang diterbitkan oleh eksportir di luar negeri yang dilengkapi dengan dokumen yang mendukung kebenaran dan keabsahan transaksi, yang mencakup informasi sebagai berikut: 1) bukti penagihan dalam mata uang Rupiah dan perintah pembayarannya dalam valuta asing yang dituangkan dalam bentuk kesepakatan (perjanjian) dan/atau invoice; 2) identitas pihak yang menerima pembayaran dalam valuta asing berupa eksportir di luar negeri atau pihak asing lainnya yang ditunjuk oleh eksportir di luar negeri; 3) kurs konversi pada tanggal transfer dana; dan 4) bukti kegiatan transfer dana sesuai dengan informasi pada angka 1) sampai dengan angka 3). 7. Cash Management Agreement atau Standard DIHAPUS Operating Procedure (SOP) terkait kebijakan cash pooling dan cash sweeping, antara kantor cabang atau subsidiary dengan kantor pusat/wilayah nasabah sepanjang dapat diverifikasi oleh Bank. 8.
Akta jual beli dan bukti kepemilikan Pihak Asing 7. Akta jual beli dan bukti kepemilikan pihak asing atas aset atas asset terkait dengan penjualan aset di terkait dengan penjualan aset di Indonesia yang dimiliki Indonesia yang dimiliki oleh pihak asing yang oleh pihak asing yang pembelian valuta asingnya pembelian valuta asingnya dilakukan oleh pihak dilakukan oleh pihak domestik yang diberi kuasa oleh domestik yang diberi kuasa oleh Pihak Asing. pihak asing. Selanjutnya, dana valuta asing tersebut harus ditransfer kepada rekening pihak asing yang memberi kuasa dan dibuktikan dengan dokumen transfer valuta asing.
Dokumen penjualan valuta asing terhadap Rupiah 8. Dokumen penjualan valuta asing terhadap Rupiah yang yang berasal dari penjualan valuta asing hasil berasal dari penjualan valuta asing hasil ekspor, dengan masa berlaku paling lama 12 bulan setelah tanggal ekspor, dengan masa berlaku paling lama 6 bulan setelah tanggal penerbitan dokumen penjualan transaksi (transaction date) penjualan valuta asing. valuta asing.
10. Dokumen Underlying Transaksi untuk PVA berupa 9. Dokumen Underlying Transaksi untuk Kegiatan Usaha net jual PVA kepada nasabah dalam 1 bulan Penukaran Valuta Asing (KUPVA) berupa net jual KUPVA terakhir. Dalam hal terdapat pembelian valuta kepada nasabah dalam 1 bulan terakhir. Dokumen asing oleh nasabah PVA kepada PVA dengan nilai Underlying Transaksi tersebut dilengkapi dengan melebihi USD25,000.00 (dua puluh lima ribu dolar pernyataan yang ditandatangani oleh pejabat Amerika Serikat) per bulan, dilengkapi dengan berwenang dari KUPVA yang berisi komitmen KUPVA pernyataan PVA yang ditandatangani oleh pejabat untuk: berwenang dari PVA yang berisi tanggung jawab a. mengadministrasikan dokumen jual beli dan/atau PVA untuk mengadministrasikan dokumen dokumen Underlying Transaksi dari nasabah KUPVA; underlying transaksi dari nasabah PVA serta b. menyediakan dokumen Underlying Transaksi nasabah berkomitmen untuk menyediakan dokumen KUPVA apabila dibutuhkan oleh Bank dalam hal underlying transaksi nasabah PVA apabila terdapat pembelian valuta asing oleh nasabah KUPVA dibutuhkan oleh Bank. kepada KUPVA dengan nilai melebihi USD25,000.00 (dua puluh lima dolar Amerika Serikat) atau ekuivalennya per bulan. 10. Fotokopi pemberitahuan Impor Barang (PIB). 11. Fotokopi pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB). 2
I. PIHAK DOMESTIK I.1. DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI UNTUK PERDAGANGAN BARANG DAN JASA DI DALAM DAN DI LUAR NEGERI BICL 17/20/DPM BICL 17/49/DPM Efektif Hingga 29 Februari 2016 Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016 11. Penggunaan surat elektronik resmi atau facsimile *HANYA SEBAGAI DOKUMEN PENDUKUNG UNTUK sebagai dokumen pendukung tambahan dari DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI YANG BERSIFAT FINAL, TIDAK LAGI TERKATEGORI KE DALAM JENIS DOKUMEN dokumen Underlying Transaksi untuk bukti tagih sejauh Bank dapat memverifikasi pengirim dari UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI YANG BERSIFAT FINAL* email atau facsimile tersebut. B.
DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI BERUPA PERKIRAAN 1. Perkiraan kebutuhan biaya sekolah dan biaya 1. Perkiraan kebutuhan biaya sekolah dan biaya hidup di hidup di luar negeri. luar negeri yang ditandatangani di atas meterai oleh Nasabah. 2.
Perkiraan kebutuhan akomodasi.
Perkiraan kebutuhan akomodasi.
Proyeksi cash flow berdasarkan kebutuhan 4. Proyeksi arus kas (cash flow) untuk kegiatan pengguna jasa travel agent dan cadangan yang perdagangan internasional (ekspor impor) dan kegiatan usaha jasa travel agent untuk jangka waktu 1 tahun ke dibutuhkan, yang dibuktikan dengan informasi rekening koran/tabungan dari usaha travel agent depan, yang disusun oleh Nasabah dan ditandatangani tersebut. oleh pejabat berwenang dari Nasabah dengan menyertakan dokumen terkait lainnya). Proyeksi tersebut paling kurang berisi rincian sumber penerimaan dan pengeluaran valuta asing yang menunjukkan selisih bersih kekurangan/kelebihan valuta asing secara bulanan.
Fotokopi pemberitahuan Impor Barang (PIB).
biaya biaya
dan 2. Perkiraan kebutuhan biaya berobat dan akomodasi yang ditandatangani di atas meterai oleh Nasabah.
dan 3. Perkiraan kebutuhan biaya perjalanan dan akomodasi yang ditandatangani di atas meterai oleh Nasabah.
DIHAPUS Fotokopi pemberitahuan Impor Barang (PIB) DIKATEGORIKAN SEBAGAI DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI YANG BERSIFAT FINAL Fotokopi pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB). DIHAPUS Fotokopi pemberitahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB) DIKATEGORIKAN SEBAGAI DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI YANG BERSIFAT FINAL Dokumen pembelian antara lain berupa purchase 5. Dokumen pembelian antara lain berupa purchase order order confirmation. yang telah dikonfirmasi oleh penjual dan selanjutnya dilengkapi dengan bukti pengiriman barang.
Proforma invoice, yang paling kurang berisi informasi tentang nomor dan tanggal dokumen, nama pembeli/importir/penerima barang/consignee/applicant, nama barang dan harga total seluruh barang.
Sales/Import Projection yang dikeluarkan oleh nasabah (tidak harus audited namun ditandatangani oleh pejabat berwenang dari nasabah) untuk jangka waktu tidak lebih dari 1,5 tahun ke depan terhitung sejak tanggal transaksi, dengan maksimum nominal sebesar data historis 1 tahun sebelumnya.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
7. B.
BICL 17/49/DPM Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016
Bukti kepemilikan investasi dalam valuta asing yang 1. Tetap Berlaku diterbitkan oleh pihak yang berwenang termasuk surat perjanjian jual beli atas investasi antara lain dalam bentuk saham, obligasi, surat berharga lainnya, bukti pembagian dividen, dan hasil investasi lainnya. Surat permintaan penyetoran rekening saldo atas 2. Tetap Berlaku transaksi tertentu yang dipersyaratkan oleh otoritas yang berwenang. Promissory note dengan dilampirkan perjanjian kredit DIHAPUS terkait. Fotokopi surat perjanjian kredit (loan agreement atau 3. Dokumen kredit yang terdiri dari: dokumen utang terkait lainnya). a. fotokopi surat perjanjian kredit (loan agreement) atau dokumen terkait lainnya yang dapat menunjukkan jadwal dan jumlah pembayaran, dan b. fotokopi bukti penarikan kredit yang dapat menunjukkan adanya penarikan dana, antara lain mutasi rekening dari kreditur kepada debitur atau bukti perintah transfer dana berupa MT 103. Bukti pendukung keikutsertaan nasabah dalam 4. Bukti keikutsertaan Nasabah dalam tender dan tender dan penyediaan jaminan/bank garansi dalam penyediaan jaminan/bank garansi dalam mata uang mata uang asing. asing. Risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dengan 5. Risalah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham dan nominal Rupiah untuk pembayaran dividen ke tambahan dokumen lain yang menggambarkan pemegang saham asing. besarnya nominal Rupiah untuk pembayaran dividen ke pemegang saham asing. Kontrak investasi kolektif untuk transaksi reksadana 6. Tetap Berlaku dalam valuta asing.
Dokumen Underlying Transaksi Berupa Perkiraan Proyeksi arus kas yang terkait dengan suatu proyek tertentu untuk jangka waktu 3 tahun ke depan terhitung sejak tanggal transaksi, yang dikeluarkan oleh nasabah dan ditandatangani oleh pejabat berwenang dari nasabah (dengan menyertakan dokumen kontrak kerja dan/atau dokumen terkait lainnya).
Proyeksi arus kas yang terkait dengan suatu proyek tertentu untuk jangka waktu 3 tahun ke depan terhitung sejak tanggal transaksi, yang disusun oleh Nasabah dan ditandatangani oleh pejabat berwenang dari Nasabah (dengan menyertakan dokumen kontrak kerja dan/atau dokumen terkait lainnya).
BICL 16/15/DPM Efektif Hingga 29 Februari 2016 Dokumen Underlying Transaksi yang Bersifat Final 1. 2. 3.
BICL 17/50/DPM Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016
Bukti kegiatan ekspor barang dari Indonesia dan 1. Tetap Berlaku impor barang ke Indonesia, antara lain Letter of Credit (L/C), wesel, dan invoice. Perdagangan dalam negeri yang menggunakan 2. Tetap Berlaku Surat Kredit Berdokumen Dalam Negeri (SKBDN). Dokumen yang bersifat tagihan atau yang 3. Dokumen yang bersifat tagihan atau yang menimbulkan kewajiban pembayaran, antara lain: menimbulkan kewajiban pembayaran, antara lain: a. invoice atau commercial invoice, dengan masa a. Invoice atau commercial invoice (baik yang berlaku paling lama 12 bulan setelah tanggal diterbitkan oleh Pihak Asing maupun pihak penerbitan invoice (baik yang diterbitkan oleh dalam negeri) dapat menjadi Underlying pihak asing maupun pihak dalam negeri). Transaksi dengan syarat: i. belum jatuh waktu, dan/atau ii. belum dibayarkan. Dalam hal invoice atau commercial invoice telah melewati jatuh waktu, invoice atau commercial invoice tersebut dapat digunakan maksimal 3 (tiga) bulan sejak jatuh tempo dengan melengkapi: i. MT 103 yang berisi informasi mengenai pembayaran invoice dimaksud; dan ii. Pernyataan dari Pihak Asing bahwa pembayaran valuta asing belum pernah dilakukan atas dasar invoice dimaksud. b. List of invoices yang didukung oleh surat b. Tetap Berlaku pernyataan yang authenticated dari Pihak Asing yang berisi: 1) validitas list of invoices dimaksud; 2) tanggung jawab Pihak Asing untuk mengadministrasikan invoices dimaksud; dan 3) komitmen penyediaan invoices apabila dibutuhkan oleh Bank. c. Billing notice atau billing/payment schedule DIHAPUS yang dihasilkan oleh sistem internal dari Pihak Asing. d. Faktur Pajak / Tax Invoice atau Surat c. Faktur Pajak / Tax Invoice atau Surat Pemberitahuan Tagihan (SPT) untuk Pemberitahuan Tagihan (SPT) untuk pembayaran pajak. pembayaran pajak melalui penjualan valuta asing terhadap Rupiah. Beban operasional dari representative office Badan 4. Beban operasional dalam mata uang Rupiah dari Hukum asing antara lain berupa pembayaran gaji representative office Badan Hukum Asing atau dan tagihan rekening utilities (telepon, listrik, gas, lembaga asing lainnya antara lain berupa pembayaran gaji dan tagihan rekening utilities air). (telepon, listrik, gas, air). Perjanjian pembukaan vostro Pihak Asing dengan 5. Perjanjian pembukaan vostro Pihak Asing Bank untuk tujuan remitansi, MT299, atau MT599 dengan Bank untuk tujuan remitansi, MT 299, 5
II. PIHAK ASING II.1. DOKUMEN UNDERLYING TRANSAKSI UNTUK PERDAGANGAN BARANG DAN JASA DI DALAM DAN DI LUAR NEGERI BICL 16/15/DPM Efektif Hingga 29 Februari 2016 yang berisi pernyataan dari bank koresponden bahwa dana yang ada akan dipergunakan untuk tujuan remitansi. 6.
Statement melalui RMDS dan/atau SWIFT terkait tujuan pembelian valuta asing untuk memfasilitasi pembelian valuta asing untuk tujuan remitansi.
Dokumen Underlying Transaksi Berupa Perkiraan 1.
BICL 17/50/DPM Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016 atau MT 599 yang berisi pernyataan dari bank koresponden bahwa dana yang ada akan dipergunakan untuk tujuan remitansi ke Indonesia. DIHAPUS 6. Dokumen yang memberikan informasi kebutuhan valuta asing untuk tujuan remitansi dari Indonesia. 7. Bukti penerimaan dalam Rupiah yang dimiliki oleh Pihak Asing untuk kebutuhan repatriasi, antara lain berupa slip gaji dan hasil kegiatan perdagangan barang dan jasa di Indonesia. Surat elektronik resmi atau facsimile sebagai informasi tambahan dari dokumen Underlying Transaksi untuk bukti tagih dapat digunakan sepanjang Bank dapat melakukan verifikasi pengirim email atau facsimile tersebut. *HANYA SEBAGAI DOKUMEN PENDUKUNG *
Proyeksi arus kas yang dikeluarkan oleh Pihak Asing 1. Proyeksi arus kas yang dikeluarkan oleh Pihak (ditandatangani oleh pejabat berwenang dari Pihak Asing (ditandatangani oleh pejabat berwenang Asing) untuk tujuan pembayaran beban dari Pihak Asing) untuk tujuan pembayaran operasional dari representative office Badan beban operasional dalam mata uang Rupiah dari Hukum asing antara lain berupa pembayaran gaji representative office Badan Hukum Asing dan tagihan rekening utilities (telepon, listrik, gas, atau lembaga asing lainnya antara lain berupa air). pembayaran gaji dan tagihan rekening utilities (telepon, listrik, gas, air). Settlement agreement dan sales/purchase order 2. Settlement agreement dan sales/purchase order confirmation. confirmation dengan masa berlaku sesuai dengan tanggal jatuh tempo.
BICL 17/16/DPM BICL 17/50/DPM Efektif Hingga 29 Desember 2016 Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016 Dokumen Underlying Transaksi yang Bersifat Final 1. Bukti konfirmasi penjualan atau pembelian Surat 1. Tetap Berlaku Berharga, antara lain berupa trade confirmation yang disampaikan melalui SWIFT message, Tested Telex, Reuters Monitoring Dealing System (RMDS), atau Bloomberg ticket. 2. Bukti kepemilikan investasi, antara lain saham, 2. Bukti kepemilikan investasi (statement of holding), obligasi dan surat berharga lainnya,dan keputusan antara lain saham, obligasi dan Surat Berharga Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) terkait lainnya,dan keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang pembagian dividen atau dokumen terkait Saham (RUPS) terkait pembagian dividen atau pembagian hasil investasi. dokumen terkait pembagian hasil investasi. Untuk transaksi yang bersifat lindung nilai, Bank harus memastikan bahwa kepemilikan portofolio Pihak Asing tidak kurang dari Transaksi Derivatif atas Transaksi Valuta Asing Terhadap Rupiah dan Pihak Asing harus menyampaikan fotokopi statement of holding paling kurang sekali dalam 2 (dua) minggu. 3. Bukti perjanjian kredit beserta perubahannya. 3. Dokumen kredit yang terdiri dari: a. fotokopi surat perjanjian kredit (loan agreement) atau dokumen terkait lainnya yang dapat menunjukkan jadwal dan jumlah pembayaran; dan b. fotokopi bukti penarikan kredit yang dapat menunjukkan adanya penarikan dana, antara lain mutasi rekening dari kreditur kepada debitur atau informasi transfer dana dalam bentuk MT 103. 4. Bukti keikutsertaan Pihak Asing dalam tender dan 4. Tetap Berlaku penyediaan jaminan dalam mata uang Rupiah. 5. Dokumen yang terkait dengan pembagian waris 5. Tetap Berlaku seperti bukti penjualan harta waris dan bukti hubungan keluarga dengan pemberi waris (seperti kartu keluarga) terkait dengan ahli waris yang telah menetap di luar negeri sebagai permanent resident (yang didukung dengan dokumen terkait). 6. Akta jual beli, perjanjian sewa menyewa, dan/atau bukti kepemilikan Pihak Asing atas aset terkait dengan penjualan aset di Indonesia yang dimiliki oleh Pihak Asing 6. Akta jual beli, perjanjian sewa menyewa, dan/atau 7. Tetap Berlaku bukti kepemilikan Pihak Asing atas aset terkait dengan penjualan aset di Indonesia yang dimiliki oleh Pihak Asing yang pembelian valuta asingnya dilakukan oleh pihak domestik yang diberi kuasa oleh Pihak Asing.
BICL 17/16/DPM Efektif Hingga 29 Desember 2016 Dokumen Underlying Transaksi Berupa Perkiraan Dokumen Underlying Transaksi berupa perkiraan meliputi: 1. Memorandum of Understanding dan/atau 1. Agreement untuk pembelian dan penjualan aset di dalam negeri dalam rangka merger dan akuisisi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku;
BICL 17/50/DPM Efektif Sejak 1 Maret 2016
Memorandum of Understanding dan/atau Agreement dalam rangka pembelian dan penjualan aset di dalam negeri melalui merger dan akuisisi sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, yang memiliki informasi atau dilengkapi dokumen yang menggambarkan adanya kebutuhan pembelian atau penjualan valuta asing. dokumen estimasi mengenai hasil investasi yang 2. dokumen estimasi mengenai hasil investasi yang akan diterima yang dilengkapi dengan: akan diterima yang dilengkapi dengan: a. bukti kepemilikan atas investasi; dan a. Tetap Berlaku b. informasi resmi lainnya mengenai hasil b. informasi resmi lainnya mengenai hasil investasi yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan. investasi yang dapat menggambarkan besarnya perkiraan hasil investasi dimaksud, antara lain estimasi dividen. Dokumen yang menyatakan rencana pembelian 3. Tetap Berlaku Surat Berharga antara lain berupa SWIFT message, tested telex, tested fax, atau RMDS, dengan kriteria jangka waktu kepemilikan Rupiah paling lama 3 (tiga) hari kerja di luar jangka waktu setelmen pembelian Surat Berharga. Selanjutnya, bukti realisasi pembelian Surat Berharga disampaikan kepada Bank.