PUBLICATIES EXPERTISECENTRUM VOOR ONDERWIJS EN OPLEIDING SINDS 2006 2014 Ten Cate O, Mann K, McCrorie P, Ponzer S, Snell L, Steinert Y. Faculty development through international exchange: the IMEX initiative. Medical Teacher 2914. Early Online. DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2014.899685 Ten Cate, O. What is a 21st century doctor? Rethinking the significance of the medical degree. Academic Medicine 2014 Early Online doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000280 Keijsers CJPW, Brouwers JRBJ, de Wildt DJ, Custers EJFM, ten Cate OThJ, Hazen ACM, Jansen PAF. A comparison of medical and pharmacy students' knowledge and skills of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2014. Early Online. Ten Cate O. Competency-Based Medical Education. In: Cockerham WC, Dingwall R, Quah SR (Eds) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hoboken, NJ, USA: 2014, pp 1329-1335. Ten Cate O. AM Last Page: What Entrustable Professional Activities Add to a Competency-Based Curriculum. Academic Medicine 2014;89(4):691 Ten Cate O. Trusting Graduates to Enter Residency: What Does It Take? Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2014;6(1):7-10 Young JQ, van Merriënboer J, Durning S, ten Cate O. Cognitive Load Theory: Implications for medical education: AMEE Guide No. 86. Medical Teacher 2014; 36 (4): 371-384 Soethout MBM, ten Cate OThJ. Beroepsvoorkeuren van studenten geneeskunde. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2014;158:A7410 Ten Cate O, Billett S. Competency-Based Medical Education: Origins, Perspectives and Potentialities. Medical Education 2014; 48: 325–332 Van der Gijp A, Van der Schaaf MF, Van der Schaaf IC, Huige JCBM, Ravesloot CJ, Van Schaik JPJ, Ten Cate ThJ.. Interpretation of radiological images: towards a framework of knowledge and skills. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2014 Early Online DOI 10.1007/s10459-0139488-y Chen HC, Sheu L, O’Sullivan P, ten Cate O, Teherani A. Legitimate Workplace Roles and Activities for Early Learners Medical Education 2014;48:136-145 Hirsh DA, Holmboe ES, Ten Cate O. Time to Trust: Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships and Entrustable Professional Activities. Academic Medicine 2014;89(2):201-204
2013 Van den Broek S, Ten Cate O, Wijnen-Meijer M, Van Dijk, M. Effect of the Bologna bachelor degree on considerations of medical students to interrupt or terminate their medical training. Medical Teacher. Early Online Scheele F, Van Luijk S, Mulder H, Baane C, Den Rooyen C, De Hoog M, Fokkema J, Heineman E, Sluiter H. Is the modernisation of postgraduate medical training in the Netherlands successful? Views of the NVMO Special Interest Group on Postgraduate Medical Education. Medical Teacher 2013 Early Online Wijnen-Meijer M, Van der Schaaf M, Nilissen K, Harendza S, ten Cate O. Essential facets of competence that enable trust in medical graduates: A ranking study among physician educators in two countries. Perspectives on Medical Education 2013 Early Online.
Peters M, ten Cate O. Bedside teaching in medical education: a literature review. Perspectives on Medical Education 2013. Early Online. Van den Berg BAM, Bakker AB, Ten Cate Th.J. Key Factors in Work Engagement and Job Motivation of Teaching Faculty at a University Medical Center. Perspectives on Medical Education. EarlyOnline Raupach T, Vogel D, Keijsers C, ten Cate O, Harendza S. Increase in medical knowledge during the final year of undergraduate medical education in Germany. GMS Z Med Ausbild. 2013;30(3):Doc33.DOI: 10.3205/zma000876 Harendza S, Alofs L, Huiskes J, Wijnen-Meijer M. Ordering patterns for laboratory and radiology tests by students from different undergraduate medical curricula. BMC Medical Education 2013, 13:109 doi:10.1186/1472-6920-13-109. Bouwmeester R, De Kleijn RAM, Freriksen AWM, Van Emst MG, Veeneklaas RJ, Van Hoeij MJW, Spinder M, Ritzen MJ, Ten Cate OThJ, van Rijen HVM. Online formative tests linked to microlectures improving academic achievement. Medical Teacher 2013 Early Online Goveia J, Van Stiphout F, Cheung Z, Kamta B, Keijsers C, Valk G, Ter Braak E. Educational interventions to improve the meaningful use of Electronic Health Records: a review of the literature: BEME Guide No. 29. Med Teach. 2013;35(11):e1551-60. Hauer KE, ten Cate O, Boscardin C, Irby DM, Iobst W, O’Sullivan PS. Understanding trust as an essential element of trainee supervision and learning in the workplace . Advances in Health Sciences Education 2013. EarlyOnline. Elbert NJ, Ten Cate ThJ. Kunstobservatie in het medisch onderwijs – een literatuuronderzoek. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2013;157(25):A6015 1-7 Custers EJFM. Medical education and Cognitive Continuum Theory (CCT): an alternative perspective on medical problem solving and clinical reasoning. Academic Medicine 2013;88(8):Early Online Kusurkar RA, Croiset G, Galindo-Garré F, ten Cate ThJ. Motivational profiles of medical students: Association with study effort, academic performance and exhaustion. BMC Medical Education 2013, 13:87. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-13-87 Ten Cate O, Brewster D, Calman K, Cruess R, Rogers W, Supe A, Gruppen L. Research fraud and its combat – what can a journal do? Medical Education 2013; 47: 638–640 Kusurkar RA, ten Cate O. Education Is Not Filling a Bucket, but Lighting a Fire: SelfDetermination Theory and Motivation in Medical Students. Academic Medicine 2013; 88(6):904 Maggio L, Tannery N, Chen, C, ten Cate O, O’Brien B. Evidence-Based Medicine Training in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Review and Critique of the Literature Published 2006– 2011. Academic Medicine 2013. Early Online Ohm F, Vogel D, Sehner S, Wijnen-Meijer M, Harendza S. History-taking and empathetic communication - two sides of the same coin? BMC Medical Education 2013;13:67 doi:10.1186/1472-6920-13-67 Pangaro L, ten Cate O. Frameworks for learner assessment in medicine. AMEE Guide 78. Medical Teacher 2013. Early Online. Wijnen-Meijer M, ten Cate ThJ, Van der Schaaf MJ, Harendza S. Graduates from vertically integrated curricula. The Clinical Teacher 2013;10:155-159. Hauer KE, Soni K, Cornett P, Kohlwes J,Hollander H, Ranji SR, ten Cate O, Widera E, Calton B, O’Sullivan PS. Developing Entrustable Professional Activities as the Basis for Assessment of
Competence in an Internal Medicine Residency: a feasibility study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2013. Early Online DOI 10.1007/s11606-013-2372-x Wijnen-Meijer M, Van der Schaaf M, Nillesen K, Harendza S, Ten Cate O Essential Facets of Competence That Enable Trust in Graduates: A Delphi Study Among Physician Educators in the Netherlands. Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2013,5:46-53 Ten Cate O. Competency-based Education, Entrustable Professional Activities, and the Power of Language. Editorial. Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2013,5:6-7 Ten Cate O. Nuts and Bolts of Entrustable Professional Activities. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. Journal of Graduate Medical Education 2013,5: 157-158 Wijnen-Meijer M, Van der Schaaf M, Booij E, Harendza S, Boscardin S, Van Wijngaarden J, Ten Cate ThJ. An argument-based approach to the validation of UHTRUST: Can we measure how recent graduates can be trusted with unfamiliar tasks? Advances in Health Sciences Education 2013. Early Online DOI 10.1007/s10459-013-9444-x Kusurkar RA, ten Cate ThJ, Vos CMP, Westers P, Croiset G. How motivation affects academic performance: A structural equation modelling analysis. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2013;18:57–69 Pool IA, Poell RF, ten Cate ThJ. Perspectives on age and continuing professional development for nurses: A literature review. Vocations and Learning: Studies in vocational and professional education 2013. Early Online. Doi 10.1007/s12186-013-9096-2 Wijnen-Meijer M, Burdick W, Alofs L, Burgers C, ten Cate O. Stages and transitions in medical education around the world: clarifying structures and terminology. Medical Teacher 2013, 5:46-53 Hauer KE, Kohlwes J, Cornett P, Hollander H, ten Cate O, Ranji S, Soni K, Iobst W, O’Sullivan PS. Identifying entrustable professional activities in internal medicine training. J Graduate Medical Education 2013, 5:54-59 Jaarsma D, Scherpbier A, Van der Vleuten C, ten Cate O. Stimulating medical education research in the Netherlands. Medical Teacher 2013;35(5):277-281
2012 Monajemi A, Arabshahi KS, Soltani A, Akbari R, Custers E, Hadadgar A, Hadizadeh F, Changiz T, Adibi P. A comprehensive test of clinical reasoning for medical students: an Olympiad experience in Iran. Journal of Education and Health Promotion 2012;1(10):1-5 Ten Cate O. Why receiving feedback collides with self determination. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2012. DOI 10.1007/s10459-012-9401-0 Ten Cate ThJ, Young JQ. The Patient Handover as an Entrustable Professional Activity: Adding Meaning in Teaching and Practice. BMJ Quality and Safety 2012 21: i9-i12. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001213 Kusurkar RA, Croiset G, ten Cate ThJ. Implications of gender differences in motivation among medical students. Letter to the Editor. Medical Teacher 2012, 1, Early online DOI 10.3109/0142159X.2012.737056 Griffioen C, Van Rossum H, Sterman-Vleeschdraager M, Ten Cate O. Gezonderwijs in Nederland en Vlaanderen. 40 jaar Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medisch Onderwijs. Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 2012. 84 pp ISBN 9789031399642
Patricio M, De Burbure C, Costa MJ, Schirlo C, Ten Cate O. Bologna in Medicine Anno 2012: Experiences of European Medical Schools that Implemented a Bologna Two-Cycle Curriculum – An AMEE-MEDINE2 survey. Medical Teacher 2012, 34:821-823 Van Bruggen L, Manrique–Van Woudenberg, Spierenburg E, Vos J. Preferred question types for computer-based assessment of clinical reasoning: a literature study. Perspectives on Medical Education 2012, 1-10, early Online DOI 10.1007/s40037-012-0024-1 Rethans JJ, Grosfeld FJM, Aper L, Reniers J, Westen JH, Van Wijngaarden JJ, Van WeelBaumgarten EM. Six formats in simulated and standardized patients use, based on experiences of 13 undergraduate medical curricula in Belgium and the Netherlands Medical Teacher 2012, 1–9, Early Online. DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.708466 Van Weel-Baumgarten EM, Brouwers M, Grosfeld F, Jongen Hermus F, Van Dalen J, Bonke B. Teaching and training in breaking bad news at the Dutch medical schools: A comparison. Medical Teacher 2012; 34: 373–381 Pool I, Poell R, ten Cate O. Nurses’ and managers’ perceptions of continuing professional development for older and younger nurses: A focus group study. Int J Nur. Stud 2013,50:34-43. DOI information: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2012.08.009 Ravesloot C, van der Schaaf M, Haaring C, Kruitwagen C, Beek E, ten Cate O, van Schaik J. Construct validation of progress testing to measure knowledge and visual skills in radiology. Medical Teacher 2012, 34:1047-1055 Wijnen-Meijer M, Kilminster S, Van der Schaaf M, Ten Cate O. The impact of various transitions in the medical education continuum on perceived readiness of trainees to be entrusted with professional tasks. Medical Teacher. 2012, 1–7, Early Online. DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2012.714875 Sjoukje van den Broek, Marianne van Asperen, Eugène Custers, Gerlof Valk, Olle ten Cate. Effects of two different instructional formats on scores and reliability of a Script Concordance Test. Perspectives on Medical Education 2012; 1(3) 119-128 Eikelboom JI, ten Cate OThJ, Jaarsma D, Raat JAN, Schuwirth L, van Delden JJM. A framework for the ethical review of health professions education research. Medical Education 2012;46(8):731-733 Kusurkar RA, Croiset G, Mann KV, Custers E, ten Cate ThJ. Development of motivation theories and how they relate to development of medical education. Academic Medicine 2012; 87(6):735-743 Ten Cate ThJ. De ratio, de emotie, en het Hawthorne-effect. Selectie voor de geneeskunde opleiding. TH&MA 2012;19(1):6-10 Wolters FJ, Wijnen-Meijer M. The role of poetry and prose in medical education: the pen as mighty as the scalpel? Online prepublication. Perspectives on Medical Education. DOI 10.1007/s40037-012-0008-1 Keijsers CJPW, Van Hensbergen L, Jacobs L, Brouwers JRBJ, De Wildt DJ, Ten Cate OThJ, Jansen PAF. Geriatric Pharmacology Education for Health Professionals and Students: a Systematic Review. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. E-publication ahead of print. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04268.x Ten Cate O. Opening our windows to the world [editorial]. Perspectives on Medical Education 2011. Online prepublication. DOI 10.1007/s40037-012-0004-5 Kusurkar RA, ten Cate ThJ, Vos CMP, Westers P, Croiset G. How motivation affects academic performance: A structural equation modelling analysis. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2012. Online First Publication. DOI 10.1007/s10459-012-9354-3
Ten Cate ThJ, Van de Vorst IE, Van den Broek WES. Academic achievement of students taught by near-peers. International Journal of Medical Education 2012; 3:6-13
2011 Kusurkar RA, Croiset G, Ten Cate ThJ. Twelve tips to stimulate intrinsic motivation in students through autonomy-supportive classroom teaching derived from Self-Determination Theory. Medical Teacher 33(12):978-982 Ten Cate ThJ, Kusurkar RA, Williams GC. 2011. How self-determination can assist our understanding of the teaching and learning processes in medical education. AMEE Guide no. 59. Medical Teacher 33(12):961–973. Driessen E, Kenter G, De Leede B, Scheele F, Ten Cate ThJ. Richtlijn voortgangsgesprek in de medische vervolgopleiding. Tijdschrift voor medisch onderwijs 2011;30(6):S51-62 Ten Cate O, Sargeant J. Multisource Feedback for Residents: How High Must the Stakes Be? J Grad Med Educ 2011; 3(4): 453-455 Ten Cate O. Formación médica y evaluación basadas en las competencias: ¿de qué se trata y cómo puede relacionarse con la realidad de la práctica clínica? Competency-based medical training. Definitions and corelations with real practice. Revista Argentina de Cardiologia 2011;79(5):405-407 Nixon LJ, Aiyer M, Durning S, Gouveia C, Kogan JR, Lang VJ, ten Cate O, Hauer KE. Educating Clerkship Students in the Era of Resident Duty Hour Restrictions. American Journal of Medicine 2011;124(7):671-6. Hodges B, Ginsburg S, Cruess R, Cruess S, Hafferty F, Ho M-J, Holmboe E, Holtman MC, Rees CE, Stern D, ten Cate O, van Mook W, Wass V, Wilkinson T, Wade WB. Assessment for professionalism: Consensus statement and recommendations from the Ottawa 2010 conference. Medical Teacher 2011, 33, (5): 354-363. Kusurkar RA, Ten Cate ThJ, Van Asperen MA, Croiset G.Motivation as a dependent and independent variable in medical education: a review of the literature. Medical Teacher, 33,(5): e242-e262De Laat JM, Vervoordeldonk MM, Boer WH, Ten Cate ThJ. De betrouwbaarheid van toetsen met gecombineerde stellingvragen. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2011;30:44-45 (abstract) De Laat JM, Vervoordeldonk MM, Boer WH, Ten Cate ThJ. De betrouwbaarheid van toetsen met gecombineerde stellingvragen. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2011;30:44-45 (abstract) Custers EJFM, Ten Cate OThJ. Very long term retention of biomedical knowledge in physicians after graduation. Medical Education 2001;45:(4)422-430 Turner NM, Scheffer R, Custers EJFM, Ten Cate OThJ. Use of unannounced spaced telephone testing to improve retention of knowledge after life-support courses. Medical Teacher 2011;33(9):731-737. Smeekens AEFN, Broekhuijsen DM, Sittig JS, Russel IMB, Ten Cate OThJ, Turner NM, Van de Putte EM. Successful e-learning programme on the detection of child abuse in emergency departments: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 2011;96:330– 334. Zijdenbos I, Fick T, Ten Cate O. How we offer all medical students training in basic teaching skills. Medical Teacher 2011;33(1)24–26 Kusurkar RA, Croiset G, Kruitwagen CLJJ, Ten Cate ThJ. Validity evidence for the measurement of the Strength of Motivation for Medical School. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2011; 16:183–195
2010 Custers EJFM, Ten Cate OThJ A solid building requires a good foundation: The basic sciences in the Dutch medical curriculum, 1865-1965. JIAMSE 2010;20(3):261-275 De Laat M, Vervoordeldonk M, Boer W, Ten Cate O. De betrouwbaarheid van toetsen met gecombineerde stellingvragen. Onderzoek van Onderwijs 2010;39(4):68-70 Visser DY, Bootsma AL, Ten Cate ThJ. Kennis, inzicht en toepassing: welke typen toetsvragen passen hier bij? Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2010;29(6)337-346 Van den Broek WES, Muller BS, Dekker N, Bootsma AL, Ten Cate O. Effect of the new Bologna bachelor degree on career considerations of medical students in one medical school. Medical Teacher 2010; 32(12):997-1001 Van Rijen H, Freriksen A, Van Hoeij M, Spinder M, Hols W, Ten Cate O. PodCasting in het BioMedisch Onderwijs. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2010;29(5):284-292 Ten Cate ThJ, Fluit CRMG. Richtlijn Korte Praktijkbeoordeling. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2010;29(5):S103-141 Mulder H, Ten Cate O, Daalder R, Berkvens J Building a competency-based workplace curriculum around entrustable professional activities: the case of physician assistant training. Medical Teacher 2010; 32: e453–e459 Sterkenburg A, Barach P, Kalkman C, Gielen M, ten Cate O. When do Supervising Physicians Decide to Entrust Residents with Unsupervised Tasks? Academic Medicine 2010;85(9):1408-1417 Frank JR, Snell LS, Ten Cate O, Holmboe E, Carraccio C, Swing S, Harris P, Glasgow NJ, Campbell C, Dath D, Harden RM, Iobst W, Long DM, Mungroo R, Richardson DL, Sherbino J, Silver I, Taber S, Talbot M, Harris KA. Competency-based medical education: theory to practice. Medical Teacher 2010;32(8):638-645 Iobst WF, Sherbino J, Ten Cate O, Richardson D, Deepak D, Swing SR, Harris P, Mungro R, Holmboe ES, Frank J. Competency-based medical education in postgraduate medical education Medical Teacher 2010;32(8):651-656 Campbell C, Sherbino J, Ten Cate O, Silver I, Long D, Holmboe E.Competency-based continuing professional development Medical Teacher 2010;32(8):657-662 Ten Cate O, Snell L, Carraccio C. Medical competence: The interplay between individual ability and the health care environment. Medical Teacher 2010;32(8):669-675 Van Mourik MSM, Kamphuis MH, Plantinga NL, Croiset G, Ten Cate ThJ. Kennisniveau van studenten geneeskunde: vergelijking vierjarige en zesjarige opleiding. Tijdschrift voor medisch onderwijs 2010;29(3):191-199 Zijdenbos IL, De Haan MC, Valk GD, Ten Cate OThJ. A student-led course in clinical reasoning in the core curriculum. International Journal of Medical Education 2010;1:42-46. Published June 19, 2010. DOI: 10.5116/ijme.4c18.94a5 Zitter I, De Bruijn E, Simons PRJ, Ten Cate ThJ. The role of professional objects in technologyenhanced learning environments in higher education. Interactive Learning Environments 2010;1-22 iFist article DOI 10.1080/10494821003790863 Raupach T, Hanneforth N, Anders S, Pukrop T, ten Cate O, Harendza S. Differential impact of teaching and assessment format on ECG interpretation skills. Medical Education 2010; 44:731-740
Zitter I, De Bruijn E, Simons PRJ, Ten Cate ThJ. Adding a design perspective to study learning environments in higher education: three case studies. Higher Education 2011; 61:371–386. DOI 10.1007/s10734-010-9336-4 Van Bruggen L, Ritzen M. Assessen van competentiegericht onderwijs. In: De Laat M, Wismans G, Zuylen (red). Virtual action learning en lerend lesgeven met ict. MesoConsult, Biezenmortel, 2010, pp 17-20 Lips JP, Scheele, F, Dijksterhuis MGK, Ten Cate ThJ. Richtlijn bekwaamverklaringen in de specialistenopleiding. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2010;29(2):S53-72 Horsman MA, Ten Cate ThJ. Richtlijn multisource feedback voor de aios. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2010;29(2):S1-52 Custers EJFM. Ontwikkelingen in het medisch onderwijs in de Franstalige landen. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2010;29(2):146-148 Mamede S, Schmidt HG, Rikers RMJP, Custers EJFM, Splinter, TAW, Van Saase, J. Conscious thought beats deliberation without attention in diagnostic decision-making: at least when you are an expert. Psychological Research 2010;74 ePublication ahead of print. DOI 10.1007/s00426-101-0281-8 Knape JTH, Ten Cate ThJ. Nog altijd te oud, te knap, te duur. Medisch Contact 2010;13:582-585 Pool I, Aantjes T, Mulder H. Praktijkleren voor alle verpleegkundestudenten binnen het ziekenhuis op één leest. Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg. 2010 (2): 8-12 Ten Cate O. De student als docent. In: Van Berkel H, Bax AE, Van Hout H (red). Kennis delen en inspireren: toen, nu en in de toekomst. 30 jaar Hoger Onderwijsreeks. Wolters.Noordhoff, Groningen/Houten, 2010, pp 55-59 Wijnen-Meijer M, Ten Cate OThJ, Van der Schaaf F, Borleffs JCC. Vertical integration in medical school: effect on the transition to postgraduate training. Medical Education 2010;44(3):272279 Ten Cate O, Van Dijk M, Van der Vleuten C, Schuwirth L, Scherpbier A, Loting eerlijker dan selectie. De Volkskrant, zaterdag 13 februari 2010. Schijven MP, Reznick RK, Ten Cate OThJ, Grantcharov TP, Regehr G, Satterthwaite L, Thijssen TAS, McRae HM. Competence of surgeons at the start of their professional career: a transatlantic comparison. British Journal of Surgery 2010;97(3):443-449.
2009 Klein Klouwenberg P, Valkenburg M, Bootsma AL, Van Dijk M, Ten Cate Th.J. Traditionele versus virtuele microscopie bij het onderwijs in de histopathologie. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2009; 28(6):261-268 Dijksterhuis MGK, Voorhuis M, Teunissen PW, Schuwirth LWT, Ten Cate ThJ, Braat DDM, Scheele F. The assessment of competence and progressive independence in postgraduate clinical training. Medical Education 2009;43(12):1156-1165 Sonderen MJ, Ten Cate OThJ, Splinter TAW, Postma CT. The Clinical Skills Assessment for Foreign Medical Graduates in the Netherlands. Medical Teacher 2009;31:11,e533-e538 Wijnen-Meijer M, Ten Cate OThJ, Rademakers JJDJM, Van der Schaaf F, Borleffs JCC. The influence of vertical integration in medical school on the transition to postgraduate training. Medical Teacher 2009;31:11,e528-e532 Custers E, Charlin B. Des connaissances organisées efficacement pour les tâches cliniques: comment prépare les étudiants? Pédagogique Médicale 2009;10(suppl1):s6 [abstract]
Zijdenbos IL, Valk GD, ten Cate OThJ. Nested peer tutoring in clinical reasoning. Medical Education 2009;43:1096-1097 Dekker H, Driessen E, Ter Braak E, Scheele F, Slaets J, Van Der Molen T, Cohen-Schotanus J. Mentoring portfolio use in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education, Medical Teacher 2009;31(10):903-909 Kusurkar R, Kruitwagen C, ten Cate O, Croiset G. Effects of age, gender and educational background on strength of motivation for medical school. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2009. Electronic prepublication. DOI 10.1007/s10459-009-9198-7 Mulder S, Bleijenberg G, Verhagen S, Stuyt P, Schijven M, Tack C. Improved competence after a palliative care course for internal medicine residents. Palliat Med. 2009 Jun; 23(4): 360-8 Van der Meijden OA, Schijven MP. The value of haptic feedback in conventional and robot-assisted minimal invasive surgery and virtual reality training: a current review. Surg Endosc. 2009; 23:1180-1190 Persoon MC, Scherpbier AJJA, Oei SG, Meijerink WJHJ, Schijven MP, Schout BMA, Beerlage HP, Hendrikx. Zonder patiënt laparoscopisch leren opereren. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2009 Jan 17;153(3):60-2 Schreuder HW, van Dongen KW, Roeleveld SJ, Schijven MP, Broeders IA. Face and construct validity of virtual reality simulation of laparoscopic gynecologic surgery. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 May;200(5):540.e1-8 Verdaasdonk E, Dankelman J, Schijven M, Lange J, Wentink M, Stassen L. Serious gaming and voluntary laparoscopic skills training: A multicenter study. Minim Invasive Ther Allied Technol. 2009 Jan 1:1-7 Keijsers CJPW, Custers EJFM, Ten Cate OThJ. Verschillen in medische basiskennis tussen studenten in een traditioneel, discipline-gebaseerd curriculum en een innovatief, geintegreerd curriculum. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2009;153(34):16541659 Coffeng LE, Visscher AJE, Ten Cate OThJ. The influence of early clinical experiences on career preference of male and female medical students. Medical Teacher 2009; 31:7,e323-e326 Paul R. Barach, M.D., M.P.H., Anneke J. Sterkenburg, M.D., Cor J. Kalkman, M.D., Ph.D., Matthieu J.Gielen, M.D., Ph.D., Olle J. Ten Cate, Ph.D. Determinants of Supervising Anesthesiologists' Decisions To Trust Residents with Unsupervised Tasks. Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Society Anesthesiologists. Paes EC, Ten Cate O. Meerkeuzevragen met drie, vier of vijf keuzemogelijkheden: wat is beter? Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2009;28(3)124-129 Ten Cate, O. Why the ethics of medical education research differs from that of medical research. Medical Education 2009;43:608–610 Molenaar WM, Zanting A, P.van Beukelen P, de Grave W, Baane JA, J.A.Bustraan JA, Engbers R, Fick ThE, Jacobs JCG, Vervoorn JM. A Framework of Teaching Competencies across the Medical Education Continuum. Medical Teacher 2009; 31:5,390-396 Turner NM, Lukkassen I, Bakker N, Draaisma J, Ten Cate OThJ. The effect of the APLS-course on self-efficacy and its relationship to behavioural decisions in paediatric resuscitation Resuscitation 2009 May 25. PMID: 19473741 [Epub ahead of print] Geesje Spenkelink-Schut, Paul Kil, Olle ten Cate, Helianthe Kort. Physician Assistant Pilotstudie Urologie. De Urograaf. April 2009, pp 6-7
Ten Cate ThJ. Training didactische vaardigheden tijdens studie. Zinvol. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2009;153:B293. Tevens: Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2009;28(3):130-131 Hols WPM, Bloemendaal PM, Bos NR, Quaak MJ, Sijstermans R, De Jong PGM. Twaalf tips voor computerondersteund toetsen in het medisch onderwijs. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs 2009;28(1)4-12[translated from Hols et al 2008] Ten Cate O. AMEE Guide 30 Guide Supplements: Peer–assisted learning: A planning and implementation framework. Guide supplement 30.5 – Viewpoint. Medical Teacher 2009;31(1):57-8 Ilya Zitter, Geert Kinkhorst, Robert-Jan Simons and Olle ten Cate. In search of common ground: A task conceptualization to facilitate the design of (e)learning environments with design patterns. Computers in Human Behavior (2009) doi:10.1016/j.chb.2009.01.001
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