ABSTRACT Focus and locus of this research are the public services whereas the object of the research is the administrative services of birth certificate that is the publication of birth certificates. This public service gets a lot of attentions from various parties due to various problems that arise in its implementation, such as the indolence of service, the habits of the people in using agent in accessing services, the emergence of additional costs in service, and other bureaucratic officers behavior which is contrary to ethical norms, even the most crucial thing, it often appears double certificate as a service product. So it causes the problems in society. The method used in this study is a mixed method. This study is a step in the research by combining two forms of research that has existed before; those are the qualitative and quantitative research.The results showed that:The form of the bureaucratic pathology in public services administrative services of birth certificate at the Demographic and Civil Registry Department of Indramayu Regency:the bureaucratic structure is very hierarchical, the abilities of human resources are not optimal yet and the lack of computer-based information services system (online), and the paternalistic cultural environment is marked by the habits of the people in using third parties (brokers), the political system is less democratic whereas attentive civil societies who cannot perform their control functions. Key words: BureaucrateBureaucratic pathologyPublic Service. PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Penelitian
good governance.
2. Masalah Penelitian KAJIAN PUSTAKA 1. Hakikat Birokrasi a) Pengertian Birokrasi officialism (the executive organs of government), (public officials),
b) Patologi Birokrasi status quo (centralized) (counter-productive).
introfectio c) Dimensi Patologi Birokrasi
over regulation
2. Hakekat Pelayanan Publik a) Konsep Pelayanan Publik b) Pergeseran Paradigma Pelayanan Publik Pertama Kedua Ketiga Keempat Kelima
3. Pelayanan Administrasi Akta Kelahiran
METODE PENELITIAN 1. Bentuk dan Tipe Penelitian mixed methods (sequential mixed methods)
mixed methods 2. Teknik Pengumpulan Data sequential exploratory 3. Pemilihan Narasumber (informan) purposive purposive. Operasional Parameter Penelitian
Aspek Kajian
Pengumpu lan Data
Sumber Data
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- - (online) - - - - - - -
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Sumber Data
Pengumpu lan Data
Aspek Kajian
HASIL PENELITIAN DAN PEMBAHASAN 1. Bentuk Patologi Birokrasi dalam Pelayanan Administrasi Pembuatan Akta Kelahiran pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Indramayu a) Struktur Birokrasi yang Sangat Hierarkis
Tabel 4.2:
Hasil Penilaian Responden Terkait Hierarki yang Berlebihan
Tabel 4.3:Hasil Penilaian Responden Terkait Prosedur yang Rigid
Wawancara bulan Oktober 2014
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