Newsletter February 2016
Pers Visit & Interview Management Info : 1. To all parents and members, all payment transactions can only be done in the cashier using Cash or by Credit Card. 2. New Pricelist for Gymnastics & Health Program 2016. 3. Report Card Day for Education Program : 29 February 2016, Start 09.00 AM - Finish (First come first served)
Page Info Noted From Founder
Education Activity
Gymnastics & Health Activity
Education Program
School Info
On Monday, 18th January 2016, Kids Republic School was being visited by mass & electronic media. They would like to have more information about the school curriculum and facilities. Accompanied by the Founder of Kids Republic School, Ms. Zita Anjani, M.Sc., all the journalists had a school tour to get to know more about the school. Overall, they were amazed by Kids Republic school concept by using child friendly facilities in the heart of East Jakarta.
Mr. Keeichi Ogawa Ph.d visit Kids Republic Dr. Keiichi Ogawa is a Professor/ Department Chair in the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies at Kobe University in Japan, where he teaches human capital development and development management. His research interest lies in economics of education, education finance, and education policy/ planning. Mr. Keeichi Ogawa Ph.d visited Kids Republic School to have research for UNESCO / UNICEF about Early Childhood School in Asia Pacific.
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Notes From Founder Dear Parents, Welcome to Kids Republic School, a one stop early learning centre in East Jakarta that specialized in Early Childhood Development. This February edition of our newsletter will give you overviews of what our students had been studying in the past month in each class. Also, we displayed some photographs from enrichments and Montessori activities the students had worked on. Our newsletter will give you new information on what our Gymnastic students were doing for the past month. Not to forget, we often featured sport-related education themed in our column. The newest newsletter segment that we started a couple of months ago was the DIY (Do-it-your-self) activities that both mom and guardians can do at home. We hope you enjoy our new column and new content every month. Dear parents, I have promised you, Kids Republic newsletter will be featuring articles of thoughts from the founders, Me and Futri. We aim to communicate more intensively with you, and share our very deep thought regarding important matters on the topics of parenting, child development, personal life and many more. We deeply hope that you will enjoy Kids Republic Newsletter each month. I would also like to remind parents that Kids Republic newsletter would be distributed via email each month. We also provide hard copy to be read on the spot in the lobby areas. If you have not submitted your emails please do so by contacting our receptionist or email us at
[email protected]. Get featured on our newsletter We are opening a brand new column that will consist of Q&A (Question and Answer) sessions from parents and the public. To ask questions please submit it through
[email protected] with the subject on Newsletter Q&A. We will do selection of questions, and you will be featured in our newsletter. Share your stories with us If you have something to share, whether it is personal parenting stories or toys review or expert opinions. We would be happy to receive and share them to Kids Republic communities. Sharing information is like teaching, it provides healthy mindset to the writer and the reader, so my advice is to start writing and share it with us. To submit your stories please email your draft to
[email protected] with the subject Newsletter Story.
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New York city in Middle East Firstly, let me begin by wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year 2016. I hope that this year will be even brighter for us. In this section, I would like to share my personal experience in the last days of 2015. To celebrate the New Year and school holiday, I went to Dubai with my family. There, I have had some life changing experience throughout my visit to Dubai. Why? Here’s the deal. I have travelled far too many times to many Middle Eastern countries including the holly city Makkah. However, Dubai or UAE (United Arab Emirates) is different. In that city, I experienced something that I haven't had for a while, that is
peace, technology, hygiene, tall and well architected building, amazing landscape, great gardens, wide smooth roads, trees and breeze with flowers, good wealthy people, amazing tourist places and most of all safety. Never in my whole life, in my Middle Eastern trip have I experienced something like this. Dubai is the New York City of the Middle East. I couldn’t believe my own eyes. So I started asking questions to everyone; driver, hotel staff and even strangers. What is going on in this city? How come every single people that I met are clean, wealthy, good manners and educated. What have they done? So here’s the answer, Dubai is a city located in UAE (United Arab Emirates) with a total population of 10 million people roughly. They use a heredity monarchy and federation system as their government system. Which means, they use kings and royal blood system to govern their country. Their main natural resource is oil. The government manages their own natural resources and distributes the output to the people and mostly to build the city because they knew one day their oil will run out, but not the city and civilizations they had build on it. Compared to Indonesia, Dubai was nothing. Indonesia has all the natural resources we could ever ask for. Not just oil but diamonds, gold, several types of oil, natural vegetation, animals and many more. But Dubai? With just oil, they manage to turn dessert into a city so clean and modern. This tells me that the government is filled with intellectual and bright minded people to have done this. Back to Indonesia I was, after 5 long days in Dubai. Dubai enlightened me. I have been sharing my experience to all Kids Republic staff and now to you. My message is, let us hold hands, work together, and make Kids Republic, the Dubai of East Jakarta. The New York city of East Jakarta. Let’s make this school a clean, safe, modern, educated, and well-mannered school in the whole East Jakarta. If Dubai can, so can we! :)
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Notes From Founder Hi Mommies! As promised, artikel kali ini akan membahas tentang parenting style di Amerika. Untuk Mommies yang book-a-holic pasti sudah familiar dengan buku yang membahas detail mengenai perbedaan parenting style di Amerika dan Asia yaitu Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother oleh Amy Chua yang merupakan seorang lawyer dan Professor di Yale Law School. Tak ketinggalan, buku Bringing Up Bebe oleh Paula Druckermen seorang American journalist juga membahas kontroversi perbedaan parenting style di Amerika dan Eropa (French to be precise). Selama di Amerika kedua buku tersebut menjadi buku favorit saya untuk mempelajari teknik parenting yang digunakan disini. Well berikut ini beberapa hal yang saya anggap unik dan berbeda dengan parenting style kita pada umumnya di Indonesia: Sekolah usia dini Usia pra sekolah di Amerika adalah 2,9 tahun. Untuk anak dibawah usia 2,9 tahun umumnya akan dimasukan kedalam program Daycare. Daycare di Amerika umumnya tidak gratis, tuition fee di sini cukup mahal dan dihitung per minggu, tetapi mereka juga menerima subsidized voucher, atau discount khusus bagi keluarga tidak mampu. Tersedia banyak pilihan sekolah untuk anak usia dini di Amerika, baik yang menganut metode Creative learning, Play based, Regio Emillia, Montessori, dll dapat disesuaikan dengan preferensi dari masing-masing keluarga. Pada saat anak menginjak usia 5 tahun, anak diwajibkan untuk memulai formal education yaitu Kindergarten. Ada dua tipe Kindergarten di Amerika yaitu public dan private. Jika ingin memasuki sekolah public maka biaya sekolah gratis alias ditanggung pemerintah. Enrollment dilakukan sekali dan setahun melalui organisasi pemerintah khusus yang akan menentukan dimana anak kita akan bersekolah tergantung dari lokasi district. Di kota Boston sendiri, Boston Public Schools menjamin setiap anak usia 5 tahun akan mendapatkan kuota Kindergarten. Makanan untuk anak Di Amerika para orangtua sangat praktis dalam menyiapkan bekal untuk anak, saya cukup terkejut ketika salah satu teman saya mengatakan bahwa typically ia hanya memasak makanan untuk anak-anaknya dalam waktu 10-15 menit. Sereal atau roti isi peanut butter jelly untuk sarapan/makan siang adalah menu standard. Makan malam pun hanya 1 menu protein (Ayam/Ikan/Daging) dan juga semangkuk salad! Bahkan sangat umum menu makan malam si anak hanya beberapa slice cheese pizza. Cukup berbeda ya Moms, dengan orangtua Indonesia yang biasa menyiapkan menu lengkap (nasi + lauk pauk + sayuran/buah + susu) untuk si anak. Perbedaan lain juga saya temukan yaitu pada Preschool & Daycare orang tua tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa bekal untuk anak. Menu makanan sudah disediakan lengkap oleh pihak sekolah yang tentunya telah sesuai standar Departemen Kesehatan. Berikut ini contoh daily menu yang disediakan:
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Untuk usia 3-5 tahun ada takaran khusus makanan yaitu:
*di Amerika menggunakan satuan cup & Oz (ounce), 1 cup = 8 ounce Teacher – children ratio untuk Preschool & Kindergarten di Amerika adalah 1:10 sehingga anak-anak juga diajarkan untuk mempersiapkan makanan masing-masing dan juga mencuci piring setelah mereka selesai. Oh iya, kebiasaan lain yaitu diwajibkan untuk mengikuti program sikat gigi di sekolah yang dilakukan setelah makan siang. Do It Your Self! Dikarenakan sangat mahalnya jasa Baby Sitter/Asisten Rumah Tangga, most parents do everything by themselves, which is quite amazing! Tidak jarang saya menjumpai seorang Ibu dengan 3 anak Balitanya melakukan grocery shopping. Oleh karena itu hampir seluruh orangtua di Amerika sangat mahir menggunakan berbagai jenis Children Gear seperti Baby Carier, Car Seat, Booster Seat, Stroller, etc untuk memudahkan keseharian mereka. Anak – anak Amerika juga diajarkan sangat mandiri, pada usia 3 tahun mereka umumnya sudah bisa makan, mandi, dan memakai baju sendiri. Untuk usia Kindergarten (5 tahun) anakanak sudah dijemput menggunakan School Bus yang disediakan oleh pemerintah, sehingga parents bisa menghemat waktu untuk mengerjakan hal lainnya. Safety comes first! Hal lain yang cukup membuat saya surpised adalah how well supervised children are here! Peraturan pemerintah mengenai perlindungan anak sangat ketat dan ditegakan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, di Amerika “baby industry” sangat berkembang pesat. Berbagai macam specifically designed for baby products are everywhere! Baby food and utensils, baby gears, baby home proofing, baby furniture, toys for brain development, etc. American loves children! Mereka sangat committed dalam memberikan sarana dan prasarana terbaik bagi anaknya, termasuk dalam urusan keamanan. Satu hal yang cukup unik bagi saya, adalah ketika saya akan pulang dari rumah sakit setelah melahirkan putra kedua saya Abraham Zahavi Rais. Ketika itu saya diberikan setumpuk booklet, pamphlet, brochure dan information page mengenai bagaimana merawat bayi yang baik dan benar. Tak hanya sampai disitu, saya juga diberikan checklist khusus yang menandakan bahwa saya sudah paham dan berkomitmen akan menidurkan bayi dengan benar untuk menghindari resiko SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Berikut ini tipsnya:
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Notes From Founder 1. Always put your infant to sleep on her back. 2. Buy the right bedding. Use a firm mattress and tightly fitted sheets 3. Avoid potential bedding hazards. That means no comforters, bedding, bumper, fluffy blankets, pillows or toys in baby’s sleeping environment. 4. Keep your baby from overheating: No hats, extra clothes or woolly blankets while sleeping. And keep baby’s room at a comfortable temperature for an adult, between 68 to 72 degrees. 5. Snuff out smoke. Never allow anyone to smoke near your baby. 6. Breastfeed. If you’re able, research has shown that breastfeeding may lower baby’s risk of SIDS. 7. AAP recommend sharing a room (with baby in a crib, bassinet or cradle next to your bed) for the first six to 12 months. 8. Be sure baby is up-to-date with vaccinations. *source: Health Care Sistem kesehatan di Amerika, Massachuchets khususnya sudah terbina dengan sangat baik. Untuk anak usia 0-17 tahun, pemerintah menjamin kesehatannya dengan program asuransi bernama Mass Health. Saya mendaftarkan Illiyyuna dan Zahavi secara gratis! Pada kunjungan pertama saya ke rumah sakit, saya dibekali dengan berbagai information pages tentang tumbuh kembang anak dan juga jadwal well baby check up untuk anak usia 0-5 tahun (umumnya rumah sakit sudah memberikan jadwal pertemuan dengan dokter anak untuk 1 tahun kedepan) Saya juga cukup terkejut dengan durasi first check up yang memakan waktu kurang lebih 1,5 jam. Sang dokter mendedikasikan waktunya untuk mengenal profil anak dan juga berkenalan dengan orangtua untuk mengetahui visi misi mereka dalam menjaga kesehatan anak. Oh iya, hal lain yang sangat berbeda dengan Indonesia adalah tidak tersedianya Buku Catatan Kesehatan Anak yang umum kita gunakan. Di Amerika record kesehatan anak dicatat secara online, dan hanya dapat diberikan sesuai permintaan dari orangtua. Freedom with limits! Anak – anak Amerika memiliki kebebasan berekspresi oleh orang tuanya. Disini, mereka di izinkan untuk memiliki pilihan dan juga membuat keputusan sejak dini. Mereka juga diperlakukan seperti orang dewasa yang dibutuhkan opininya seperti kalimat “Do you want juice or water?” “I think that pink dress will look nice on you.” Anak-anak Amerika juga dilatih untuk bersikap sopan sejak dini dari mulai mengatakan Please, Thank You, Sorry, and Excuse me. No wonder, ketika mereka dewasa mereka menjadi orang yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap orang lain seperti memberikan kursi terhadap orang tua dan ibu hamil, mengatakan “Hi” saat melewati orang di jalan dan tak segan membukakan pintu bagi Ibu yang memiliki anak. Saat saya kesulitan mengangkat stroller untuk menaiki kereta, orang yang berjalan dibelakang saya segera membantu dan mencarikan tempat duduk lho! Saat bermain di playground, para Ibu lain juga tidak segan menyapa dan mengobrol perkembangan anak-anak kami, serta menawarkan bantuan jika diperlukan. Orang tua di Amerika juga bersikap egaliter, mereka sangat menghindari kata-kata “because I said so” dan mencoba menjelaskan dengan baik kepada anak.
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Product Review Dear Mommies, Kali ini saya akan sharing mengenai pengalaman saya menyusui Illiy secara exclusively pumping hingga ia berusia 22 bulan karena saya hamil anak kedua. Pernah dengar tentang E-ping moms? That’s me! Berawal dari drama gagal latching on, hingga vonis tongue tie dari salah satu DSA, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk menyusui Illiy menggunakan botol. Berikut ini saya akan sharing tentang tips sukses memompa: Start early! Masa 1-3 bulan pertama setelah melahirkan adalah masa dimana produksi ASI paling melimpah. Manfaatkan masa ini untuk memompa sesering mungkin ya Moms. ASI matang biasanya keluar 2-3 hari pasca melahirkan, jadi untuk Moms yang ASInya belum keluar setelah melahirkan jangan khawatir ya. Untuk working Mommies, masa ini juga bisa dimanfatkan untuk mengumpulkan stock ASI sebelum kembali bekerja nanti. Choose the best pumping products Alat pompa ASI adalah senjata utama bagi Ibu yang berencana untuk memompa sambil bekerja. Percaya deh, peran alat ini sangat menentukan keberhasilan kita untuk menghasilkan produksi ASI yang mencukupi! Saya memilih menggunakan Medela Freestyle karena alat ini mempunyai teknologi 2 fase yang meniru ritme hisapan bayi (cepat-pendek di awal untuk mengeluarkan foremilk lalu berubah jadi lebih panjang untuk merangsang hindmilk), double pumping, kecil dan ringan, tidak berisik, dan tentunya bisa handsfree! Selain itu alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan tote bag Medela, cooler serta ice gel sehingga sangat menunjang bagi ibu bekerja seperti saya. Untuk pelengkapnya, saya memilih PumpEase sebagai handsfree bra dan juga nursing cover dari Bebe Au Lait. Semuanya bisa di dapat di online store Strict to the schedule Saya membuat jadwal untuk memompa at least 3-4 jam sekali, lalu durasi memompa yaitu 15-20 menit (double pumping) Pertahankan jadwal yang konsisten sehingga supply ASI stabil. Jika pada awal memompa hanya mendapatkan sedikit ASI, tidak apa -apa Moms, prinsip ASI adalah supply by demand, sehingga semakin sering kita memompa semakin banyak ASI yang dihasilkan.
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Newsletter Newsletter
Product Review
Storage Penyimpanan ASI juga harus dilakukan secara baik sesuai dengan general guideline manajemen ASI. Saya menyimpan ASI saya di freezer khusus (tidak bercampur dengan bahan makanan lain) yang bisa disewa di berbagai jasa penyewaan freezer. Menyimpan ASIP deep freezer bisa bertahan selama 6 bulan, sedangkan di kulkas dua pintu atau tercampur dengan bahan/makanan lainnya hanya bertahan 3 bulan. Jangan lupa sisakan ASIP cair di kulkas bawah untuk konsumsi pada hari itu, sehingga jika ingin diminum bayi tinggal dipanaskan di bottle warmer. Media penyimpanan bisa menggunakan kantong ASIP atau botol kaca. Saya menggunakan kantong ASIP merk Little Giant karena anti bocor jika ditaruh di freezer, untuk merk Medela atau Linolin saya juga pernah mencobanya tetapi bocor saat dipanaskan di bottle warmer. Oh iya, saya menggunakan bottle warmer merk Tomme Tippe karena bentuknya yang lucu dan ada pilihan panas 0-II. Selanjutnya saya berencana untuk mengganti media penyimpanan dengan menggunakan botol kaca karena lebih murah, tidak bocor dan bisa digunakan berulang-ulang. Jenis botol Jenis botol yang digunakan oleh bayi sebaiknya yang menggunakan wide neck nipple karena menyerupai puting Ibu. Karena Illiy hanya menggunakan media botol, maka saya menggunakan Dr. Brown Natural Flow Standard Neck. Tetapi untuk putra kedua saya, Zahavi saya menggunakan Dr. Brown Natural Flow Wide Neck untuk menghindari bingung puting. Dr. Brown juga memiliki teknologi vent system, yaitu pipa biru alat anti sedak yang juga membantu kelancaran pencernaan anak. Untuk bottle rack saya menggunakan merk Munchkin dan bottle cleanser dari Sleek sangat aman untuk bayi karena 100% food grade. Selain itu saya juga menggunakan strelizer dari Panasonic Dsterile Dish Dryer. Memang namanya dish dryer tetapi justru alat ini paling praktis karena ukurannya besar ideal dipakai sebagai alat sterilisasi perlengkapan MPASI bayi, proses sterilisasi menggunakan uap panas yang kering sehingga perlengkapan hasil sterilisasi sudah kering tanpa harus dilap kering, Banyak minum air putih and most importantly… Be Happy! Selama memompa ASIP selama hampir 2 tahun, saya hampir tidak pernah meminum asupan vitamin atau ASI booster apapun. Bagi saya booster terbaik adalah banyak minum air putih (minimal 3L sehari) dan juga menjaga mood agar selalu happy! Saat sedang di kantor, biasanya saya memompa sambil melihat2 foto dan video Illyyuna J Saat ini Zahavi putra kedua saya berhasil menyusu langsung, yaiy! Tetapi saya tetap memompa karena produksi ASI yang masih melimpah. Akhirnya stock ASIP diminum oleh si Kakak Illiyyuna yang surprisingly masih suka rasa ASI! Rencananya jika stock ASI masih melimpah akan saya donorkan sebelum kembali ke Indonesia. Stay calm, keep pumping Mommies! Love, Futri Zulya, S. M.Bus
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School Update
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Education Program
Mayor Class
In January, our little Mayors went more active in the classroom. They really enjoyed coming to school, meeting their friends and to do all the class routine. They even grew friendship among them. All of this positive energy make them more active and happy at class. In this month, we learnt about weather. We discussed about sunny, rainy, cloudy, and also windy. All the children seemed very happy to learn about it. In this month, we had science and cooking activities. For science, we did experiment about rain using the sponge. This activity provides a great way for the student to learn about real rain. The students were very excited during science activity, because they know about the process of rain and how the wind works. For cooking, we made mango juice and sandwich. Some of the children wanted to try putting mango inside the blender and they were very enthusiastic to do all these activities. In this month, we also learnt weather by art and craft activities. We made the sun, by sticking and painting rainy, bubble print and also making pinwheels. In this activity, they did all by themselves. During show and tell, they brought things that related to our theme, they brought something about weather and also some of students were really glad when they did show and tell. We also have a new friend. His name is Fidel. Welcome to mayor class Fidel, we are eager to know you more!
Governor Animals was our theme in January for our little Governor class. We divided into 4 groups; farm animals, pet, tame animals, and wild animals. Every Wednesday, they brought model of animals for show and tell activity. They also loved to pretend acting as animals during music and movement. Well done children! Art and craft activity We had so many great art and craft activities in this month. First, we drew a chicken. The teacher showed how to draw it, and they followed and added some drawings using their imagination. Next, we made origami pet. They folded the origami paper became dog, cat, rabbit, and fish. They were really satisfied when they could do that. Third, we made bird on the nest. They cut the nest pattern, and they stick the bird, eyes, beak, and the wings into the nest. The last, we made lion king, we stick the head, feet, and tail on the tissue roll paper that already coloured with yellow.
Cooking, gardening, and science First cooking, we made Omelette. Our governor cracked the egg, and added meat and salt. Then they learn how to mix and stir the ingredients together to form a nice soft texture. Next cooking activity was making Spaghetti. The kids cook and enjoy the meals together, we had such a great fun and bonding time. For the first science experiment, we learnt how does a duck stay dry in the water. And for the second science experiment, our governor studied how do polar animals stay warm. They love doing science,
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Minister Class Minister’s students bring a brand new spirit to do a lot of things this New Year. They also tell the teacher that they missed going to school and meet their friends. For this New Year 2016, Minister class’s theme in January was about Animal Planet. They were very excited to get introduced with different kinds of animals for example; Mammal, Bird, Fish, Reptile, and Amphibian. Show & Tell In show and tell activity, the students were encouraged to bring miniature figure or stuff toys. They brought many kind of birds, such as flight bird (eagle, parrot,owl) and filghtless bird (pinguin, ostrich, flamingo). The picture beside was shown the students were so confident to tell about bird which they brought from home. Some of them brought toy animals and books.
Story Telling Every Friday, Minister class has sory telling. In this picture, Ms ovy was telling a story about bird. The book told about kind of birds from the smallest to the biggest, bird from Indonesia and other countries, and flightless birds.
Montessori Activity Montessori activity is the most favorite activity in the classroom. By using Montessori materials, they can explore and learn the all the materials without limit. The picture beside is shown the students learnt about hundred bead chain. In this activity they counted together from 1 until 100. The green pointer was for 1-9 and the red pointer was for 10-100.
Science Experiment
Travelling water was the title for this science experiment. The materials were very easy to get, such as jug with colored water, string, two cups, cellotape, and scissors. The students can try at home with parent’s guidance. First, put the string into the water, press a bit and let it wet. Pour the colored water into a cup. Then join the string to another empty cup using sellotape. Then hold another side of the string, after that lift it and pour slowly into another cup. The water will travel into another cup. The students were amazed when the water travelled to another cup.
In the cooking activity, minister student made honey popcorn. The materials for making honey popcorn were corn, honey, butter, and palm sugar. The first, Ms ratih invited the students to open the butter then put into a pan. Then poured the corn and let the corn pop. After that put the butter, sugar and honey into a pan and stired it. Next, pour it into popcorn. The students were very happy to eat honey popcorn.
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President Class President had “Market” theme in this January. We discussed about traditional market, modern market, floating market and also Indonesian currency too. All students were doing role play about market. Some students were being the costumer and one of them being a seller or cashier. In this month President Class spent a lot of activities, such as music movement, cooking, arts and craft, role play, thematic project, having shop in modern market and working with Montessori materials. Music & Movement President class when having music movement time, they were really happy and enjoyed to dance together. It was so fun! Art & Craft As a part of the theme, president class had arts and craft making “fruits dough”. They made the dough, then shapped it into a fruit and vegetable. They were eager to do it. Good job kids! Cooking Class On the following week, President cooked “Tahu Kukus” and “flourless pancake”. They tried to make it by themselves, poured all the ingredients. After all, they were eating together. Well done. Montessori Class MONTESSORI materials, is most of their part to do every day. Students were eager to work with the materials. All students were busy with the hundred bead chain and static addition. They loved to do it with other friends. Nice work kids!
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Gymnastics & Health Program
Gymnastics Mayor gym
In january we had learnt a lot of activities and new techniques! One of them is baby cartwheel or as we called monkey jump. It’s a jumping movement using hands as a support and using legs to spin like a wheel. For 2 years old children or our little Mayors, we used a hoop as a jump target so they can see and feel the difference before and after they jumped. Although a bit challenging this activity was fun for them. Some of the kids were able to jump side to side easily, but some of them might get a little confused or scared to do it. But, by using a proper way of spoting, we can guide them to do it safely. Great work friends!
Baby gym This technique is using a sticks! The youngest students in our gymnastic program, the baby class, learnt about rhythm this month. Not only that, the coach focussed of teaching the babies how to listen and follow simple instructions, which is very good for their focus and concentration. Out students from baby class also learned how to use their grips for the sticks to enhance their fine motor skill. This game can also build great bonds between baby and the parents. Overall the baby class was learning simple order that they can follow by using a song to attract them, this game is one of many good activities for babies. We totally recommend parents to repeat this activity at home. For more information on skills, please ask our coach They’ll be more than happy to assist you.
Intro to sport Our students in this class are growing in number! We had so much fun activity this month! In order to introduce ladder agility, we developed a new exercise combined by other activities, such as jumping jacks, wall squad and many others. The new skills was intended to build up their muscle and to gain strength well. This month we focussed on core muscle, flexibily, balance, we packed this exrcise in fun way, so they enjoyed the classes. Great work friends.
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President Gym
This 4-6 yeras kids class learned some target skills such as in vaulting, like straight jump with 50cm box using a sping board this month. This skill had a medium – high difficulty level suitable for kids in this class. Some kids were able to do forward roll on the flat floor and backward roll usnig a cheese mat. Great friends! This month, we also focused to enhance their strength with sit up, leg press, tuck hold skin the cat, pull up. This exercise is to support their next target, such as handstand, pull over on bars and other skills. Pre Primary Ballet Out little ballerina doesn’t get tired to surprise us! Pre primary ballet class closed their end of year by performing in Kids Republic Mother’s day celebration using Frosty the Snowman song by Natt King Cole. They used comtemporer movement that combined with partner coreo. Kids Republic students and parents were amazed by their lovely performance! Nice friends! Keep up the great work!
Practice back kicking. The best method for teaching children back kicking is to use "back kick progressions". This means not just kicking on the front (stomach face down); it is important to practice on the back (stomach face up) too. The flutter kick skill practiced on the back transfers nicely to the freestyle flutter kick and for some children it is helpful because their face is not in the water to begin with. In January we learnt diving and swinging the legs and hands. On the previous month, we had learnt to dive in place and swing hands and feet facing pool wall. This month we challenged children with swinging legs and arms in order to move straight ahead with the help from the coach. With instruction and assistance from coaches all students could follow and did it well, so it’s spared the injury and drowning. Themes Dear parents, starting next month gymnastic class will use one theme that will be applied in all classes. Our theme will be super fun and educative all year long. Each month we will use different theme. This will give your child brand new information and also gymnastic skills along the way. Not only that we will be using different games, songs and guess what? We will be incorporating some simple montessori activity during games time! Don’t miss our thematic activity each month. For February, animals will be our theme in gymnastic. We will introduce animals based on their type, such as mammals, reptile, insects, amphibi and also explain their characteristics with pictures. We hope the students will enjoy!
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DIY Activity
Song & Rhyme Music Man I am the music man I come from far away And I can play What can you play I play piano, pia pia piano piano piano (2x) I play drum, bumcy bumcy bumcy bum bumcy bum bumcy bum (2x) I play cymbal, crash bang crash bang crash bang (2x) I play banjo, pling kipling kipling kipling pling kipling ping kipling (2x) The Wiggle Song The Wiggle Song We’re Gonna Shake, Shake, Shake our head (2x) We’re Gonna flap,flap, flap our elbows (2x) We’re Gonna smack,smack,smack our lips (2x) We’re Gonna stomp, stomp,stomp our leg (2x) We’re Gonna wiggle,wiggle,wiggle our toes (2x) We’re Gonna jiggle, jiggle, jiggle our hips (2x)
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Chinese Lantern
Take Me out to the ball game Take me out to the ball game Take me out with the crowd Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks I don't care if I never get back Let me root, root, root For the home team If they don't win it's a shame. Aah For it's one, two Three strikes you're out At the old ball game All I need is just one chance I could hit a home run There isn't anyone else like me Maybe I'll go down in history And it's root, root, root For the home team Here comes fortune and fame 'Cause I knowThat I'll be the star At the old Ball Game
Education Program 1. Swimming Schedule: Tue 9 Feb : 09:00 AM (Governor) Wed 10 Feb : 09:00 AM (Minister & President) Thu 11 Feb : 09:00 AM (Mayor) 2.
Term Break Holiday: 29th Feb-5 March
Gymnastics & Health Program 1.
Welcome to New Term 3
3. Report Card Day: 29 Feb 2016
Mayor Governor Minister President
1. 2. 3. 4.
: Fun with numbers : Musical Instruments : Sport : Continents
Amadeus Elia hasihilan (Minister) 02-02- 1. 2011 2. Satya Wira Libaskara (Governor) (20-023. 2012) Raden Althaf Rameero Andry (Minister) 22- 4. 02-2011 5. Faiza Shaista Sujatmiko (Minister) 10-02- 6. 2011
Firrzna Ravyn R (Governor) 16-02-2012
Aaviela Nasya R (Governor) 16-02-2012
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Cut naqya Mahira Jacoeb (Toddler) 14-022015 Radyatama Kawindra Susman (Toddler) 07 -02-2014 Kaisara Alisha Pratama (Baby Gym) 27-02 -2015 Arkananta Abdul Malik Herlim (Toddler) 23-02-2014 Mentari Jingga (Mayor) 06-02-2013 Jianakara R Rachman (Toddler) 28-022014
Ms. Ovie My interest of teaching has started during my years in college. I volunteered to teach homeless child every week. Witnesses how education means so much for them, motivates me to be a professional in education. Although I graduated from Atmajaya Catholic University, Jakarta emphasis in Human Resource Management, it doesn’t stop me to pursue teaching and making this a career of my choice since I have found teaching very rewarding and challenging at the same time. Based on my teaching experience, I believe in 3 C’s: Communication, Consistenly and Consequences. Through good communication, good relationship will build between teacher and student. Through Montessori, I can apply my teaching philosophy better than before. Children are given freedom to choose things they want to do, but they also have to learn the consequences from the choice they have made. This has to be done consistent in order for them to know since early year of their life that choice they made will affect their life. To improve myself to be a better teacher, recently I’m completing my Diploma in Montessori Education. Dur-
Kids Republic Location
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