MONTHLY INFORMATION LETTER For the month of February 2008
Dear Members, On behalf of Management Damai Indah Golf, we wish you: GONG XI FAT CHOI – HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR 7 February 2008 NEW FORMATION OF CLUB COMMITTEE FOR PERIOD 2007-2009 Please kindly be informed that based on Board of Director Decree No. 414/SK/DIG/XII/07, dated 10 December 2007, the new formation of DIG Club Committee for period of 2007-2009 is as following:
Bersama ini kami sampaikan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dewan Direksi No. 414/SK/DIG/XII/07 tertanggal 10 Desember 2007, formasi baru Pengurus Klub Komite DIG untuk periode 2007-2009 adalah sebagai berikut: Honorary Chairman: Ir. Ciputra : Prof. Dr. Haryanto Dhanutirto : Widigdo Sukarman Sutiyoso Chairman : Hatta Rajasa Vice Chairman : Arie H. Soemarno Fransicus Welirang Budiarsa Sastrawinata J. Okuyama Secretary : S. Christine Wiradinata Treasury : Teky F. X. Mailoa Captain : Dr. R.A.P. Lisapaly Member : 1. Oentoro Surya 2. John R. Tjahjadi 3. Tribudi Rahardjo 4. Ignatius Nata Lusjahari 5. Rita Daenuwy The inauguration of Club Committee will be held in conjunction with February Monthly Medal on 23 February 2008 at BSD Course. Pelantikan pengurus Klub Komite akan dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan Monthly Medal bulan Februari pada tanggal 23 Pebruari 2008 di BSD Course. DAMAI INDAH “VALENTINE” GOLF TOURNAMENT In the moment of Valentine Day, DIG once again will hold Valentine Monthly Medal tournament on February 23, 2008 at BSD course. This time of the tournament will use “Stableford format”. You may enjoy your golf game with your friend, spouse or your child. Members are welcome to register their team, each team consist of 2 (two) players. Don’t miss this unforgettable event! There will be special prizes for best dress team and the most unique outfit. For details tournament conditions, please see the tournament sheet enclosed.
Berkenaan dengan hari Valentine, DIG kembali mengadakan tournament Valentine Monthly Medal pada tanggal 23 Februari 2008 di BSD course. Kali ini turnamen akan mempergunakan “format Stableford”. Bapak/Ibu dapat menikmati permainan dengan teman, pasangan atau putra dan putri. Member dipersilahkan untuk mendaftarkan timnya, masing- masing tim terdiri dari dua (2) orang pemain. Jangan lewatkan acara yang tak terlupakan ini! Kami akan menyediakan hadiah khusus untuk tim yang berpakaian terbaik dan pemain yang mengenakan asesoris/kelengkapan paling unik. Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut, Bapak Ibu dapat melihat kondisi turnamen terlampir. The 5th INTERCLUB GOLF GAME WITH GLENMARIE GOLF CLUB On the 7th and 8th of March 2008, DIG will host The 5th Interclub Golf Game with Glenmarie Golf & Country Club (our Reciprocal Club) from Malaysia. The tournament will be held for two (2) consecutive days, 1st day at our PIK Course at 12.00 pm and 2nd day at our BSD Course at 11.30 am. The format is Four Ball - Best Ball - Stableford. Each Club will represent 20 pairs for Men and Ladies and each pairs shall contribute to the overall total points to decide on the winner of the challenge trophy. We would ask Member’s participation on the above event. Member will be charged Rp. 550.000 (fee included 1 t-shirt, 2 rounds caddie fee and golf cart, light lunch for 2 days, dinner and souvenir). All entries must reach the booking officer on or before Monday, 25 February 2008. Reservation will accept on first come first serve. For further info, please contact Synthia Dewi at (021) 537-0290.
Pada tanggal 7 dan 8 Maret 2008, DIG akan menyelenggarakan The 5th Interclub Golf Game bersama Glenmarie Golf & Country Club (DIG Reciprocal Club) dari Malaysia. Turnament akan diadakan dalam 2 hari berturut –turut, hari pertama dilaksanakan di PIK Course pukul 12.00 WIB dan hari kedua dilaksanakan di BSD Course pukul 11.30 WIB. Format pertandingan menggunakan Stableford – Fourball-best ball. Setiap Klub akan diwakili oleh 20 pasangan pegolf pria dan wanita, setiap pasangan akan memberikan kontribusi pada overall total points untuk menentukan pemenang dari piala bergilir. Kami mengharapkan partisipasi Member untuk mengikuti event ini. Member akan dikenakan biaya Rp. 550.000 (termasuk 1 buah kaos, 2 kali caddie fee dan golf cart, light lunch untuk 2 hari, dinner dan kenang-kenangan). Pendaftaran paling lambat hari Senin, 25 Februari 2008. Reservasi dilakukan berdasarkan first come first serve. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi Synthia Dewi di (021) 537-0290. PENALTY FOR NO SHOW MEMBER ON MONTHLY MEDAL We would like to remind that only member who makes reservation get the priority to join Monthly Medal Tournament. No show member for monthly medal tournament are required to make cancellation within forty-eight (48) hours of the tournament date. Cancellation or no-shows with less than forty-eight (48) hours notice will be liable for double entrance fee. We will sending 1st reminder letter on the first occasion. However on the next occurrence, the member will be billed for the appropriate changes. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Kami mengingatkan kembali bahwa hanya member yang melakukan reservasi yang akan mendapatkan prioritas untuk bermain di turnament Monthly Medal, member yang no show harus melakukan pembatalan selambatnya empat puluh delapan (48) jam dari tanggal turnamen. Pembatalan atau no show yang dilakukan kurang dari empat puluh delapan (48) jam akan dikenakan denda sebesar double entrance fee. Kami akan
mengirimkan surat peringatan pertama pada member yang no show, namun apabila terjadi no show yang kedua kalinya kami akan menganakan penalty sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Kami menghargai pengertian dan kerjasama Bapak/Ibu.
Happy Golfing!
S. Christine Wiradinata
DAMAI INDAH “VALENTINE” GOLF TOURNAMENT SATURDAY, 23 FEBRUARY 2008 BUMI SERPONG DAMAI (BSD) COURSE CONDITIONS OF COMPETITION 1. ORGANIZER Organizing Committee of the Damai Indah Golf Member ‐ Guest Monthly Medal. 2. ELIGIBILITY Limited to 160 Members (husband, spouse and children playing members) and maximum 20 Guests recommended by Members. 3. VENUE, DATE & TIME Damai Indah Golf, Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) Course, February 23, 2008, shot‐gun start on 06.30am. 4. FORMAT Four Ball – Best Ball ‐ Stableford Team can consist of Member‐Member, Member‐Guest (Couple, Parent‐Child, Sibling) and different gender (Men‐Men, Ladies‐Ladies, Men‐Ladies) 5. TEES Mixed: Men: White, Ladies: Red Men: White Ladies: Red 6. RULES The competition shall be played in accordance to the Rules of Golf as approved by the USGA and the R & A of St. Andrews, and the local rules of Damai Indah Golf. The competition shall be played over 18 holes. Each Team shall comprise of pairs. Each pair shall contribute towards the overall total points. The winning team shall be the team with the higher total Stableford points. 7. NOVELTY HOLES Hole in One: Hole # 3 (Free airfare Jakarta ‐ Melbourne ‐ Jakarta) for the first achiever. Hole in One: Hole # 7 (LCD TV) for the first achiever. Hole in One: Hole # 11 (Free airfare Jakarta ‐ Shanghai ‐ Jakarta) for the first achiever. Nearest to the pin: Hole # 7 (condition: nearest ball to the pin that rest on green only) Nearest to the line: Hole # 9 (condition: longest & nearest ball that rest near to the line on fairway only) Longest drive: Hole # 13 (condition: longest ball from tee box that rest on fairway only) 8. AWARDS TROPHIES AWARDED: OVERALL Best Gross Overall Team Best Score Overall Team MEN Best Gross Men Team Best Score I Men Team Best Score II Men Team Best Score III Men Team
LADIES Best Score Ladies Team MIXED Best Score Mixed Team (min 2 team) GUEST Best Gross Guest Team 9. SPECIAL “VALENTINE” PRIZES PROVIDED FOR: The Best Dressed Team 1 & 2 The Most Unique Outfit 1 The Most Frequent member participations in Monthly Medal 2007 10. OTHER CONDITIONS a. One (1) member may introduce maximum two (2) guests. b. Every no‐show guest will be charged directly to Member, Rp. 920.000,‐ per guest. c. Member who does not have scorecard record for more than three months shall not be permitted to join a nett score format. d. Player will responsible for all charges occurs if in any condition a marker needs to be assigned for his group (refer to point f). e. The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited during the competition rounds. f. For Mixed & Guest class, minimum 2 (two) pairs in each class. If less than 2 pairs, the pair must be spread into men or ladies pair. 11. REGISTRATION The enclosed form must be completed and submitted to the Booking Office, and the Entry Fee should be paid through bank transfer (Bank Permata, Villa Melati Mas Branch, Account No. 0701187660, beneficiary: PT. Damai Indah Golf, Tbk.), or either of our Courses. Limited to 140 players 12. CLOSING DATE Wednesday, February 20, 2008, or when 160 players have registered. Players canceling after Thursday, February 21, 2008, will not be entitled to a refund of the Entry Fee. 13. FEE MEMBER : Rp 265.000,‐ : Rp. 920.000,‐ GUEST
(Fee includes : caddy fee, golfer insurance, breakfast & lunch buffets, trophies, prizes and 10% VAT, must be paid in advance). 14. FURTHER INFO Please contact our BSD Golf Operations Manager, Mr. Boedijanto at (021) 5370290 or boedijanto@damaiindah‐
REPLY FORM To: Damai Indah Golf Fax: (021) 537‐0282 Attn: Ms. Mia Booking Office I will attend DAMAI INDAH “VALENTINE” STABLEFORD GOLF TOURNAMENT on Saturday, February 23, 2008, at Damai Indah Golf, Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) Course. Format Player’s Name M/G**) Players’s Name M/G**) Mi/Me/L *)
*) Mi: Mixed, Me: Men, L: Ladies **) M: Member, G: Guest
Member’s Signature:
Entry Fee: Member: Rp. 265.000,‐ Guest: Rp. 920.000,‐ *) (Includes Caddy Fee, Breakfast & Lunch Buffet, Trophies/prizes and Golfer Insurance) Limited to the first 160 players registered Please wire transfer your Entry Fee to: Bank Permata, Villa Melati Mas Branch Account No. 0701187660 Beneficiary: PT Damai Indah Golf, Tbk Be sure to direct your Bank to include your NAME with your transfer. Thank you. *) Every no‐show guest will be charged to Member Rp. 920.000,‐
Day: Date: Starting Time: Venue: Pax/Team: Mode: Format:
Friday March 7, 2008 12.00 PM DIG – PIK Course total 40 pax for both team (20 pairs from each team) Stableford Four Ball ‐ Best Ball
Day: Date: Starting Time: Venue: Pax/Team: Mode: Format:
Saturday March 8, 2008 11.30 AM DIG – BSD Course total 40 pax for both team (20 pairs from each team) Stableford Four Ball ‐ Best Ball
RULES: 1. The competition shall be played in accordance to the Rules of Golf as approved by the USGA and the R & A of St. Andrews, and the local rules of Damai Indah Golf. 2. The Inter‐Club competition shall be played over 2 days i.e. two rounds of 18 holes. Each Team shall comprise of 20 pairs for Men and Ladies (final formation will be depend on GGCC’s participation). Each pair shall contribute towards the overall total team points. The winning team shall be the team with the total Stableford points accumulated over the 2 days. 3. Other categories shall be as follows: a. Best overall pairs: 1st to 3rd b. Best GGCC pairs: 1st to 2nd c. Best DIGCC pairs: 1st to 2nd (Note: Each pair is eligible to win one prize only) 4. In the event of a tie, the winner shall be decided on a count back based on the scores of the last 9 holes, last 6, last 3 and last hole. 5. The Organizer reserves the right to amend any of the above rules without notice. The decision made by the organizer shall be final. 6. The draw and starting times for the participants shall be decided by the organizer. 7. All participants must report to the Starter 10 minutes before tee‐off time. 8. All participants must submit the scorecard upon completion of each 18 holes. DIG Members Condition: 1. Club Handicap: ‐ Men: below/or 18 ‐ Ladies: below/or 24 2. Agreed to play for two (2) consecutive days.
To: Damai Indah Golf Fax: (021) 537‐0288 Attn: Ms. Synthia Dewi Membership Department Please register my name on DIG delegation list for the 5th Interclub Golf Game on Friday and Saturday, March 7 and 8, 2008. Name: _____________________________________________ Member No.: ____________________ Handicap Index: _________ Signature:
___________________ Fax: _______________________
T Shirt Size: S
Entry Fee:
Rp 550.000,‐
(Include 1 t‐shirt, 2 rounds caddie fee and golf cart, light lunch and dinner (for 2 days) and souvenir) Please wire transfer your Entry Fee to: Bank Permata, Villa Melati Mas Branch Account No. 0701187660 Beneficiary: PT Damai Indah Golf, Tbk
Be sure to direct your Bank to include your NAME with your transfer. Thank you.