Het ensemble « la Cetra d’Orfeo » (De Lier van Orfeus ) is een ensemble voor oude muziek, opgericht door Michel Keustermans. Hun bijzondere aanpak ligt in de samenstelling van hun programma’s die op een levendige en laagdrempelige manier worden gebracht. Hun originele concerten zijn minitieus opgebouwd als een wandeling waarbij de luisteraar zich emotioneel en spiritueel begeleid voelt naar één of meerdere hoogtepunten. Gevormd rond een trouwe kern van kunstenaars, gespecialiseerd in de uitvoeringspraktijk van de XIIIe tot de XVIIIe eeuw, werd de groep erkend als cultureel ambassadeur van de Franstalige Gemeenschap. De voortdurende vernieuwing van hun programmatie laat toe dat zij op regelmatige basis door talrijke fesivals worden uitgenodigd in België, Frankrijk, Italië, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Luxemburg, Spanje, Oostenrijk, Turkije, Indië, Chili en Mexico. Naast traditionele concerten, bouwen hun concert-spektakels zich op rond diverse thema’s die veelal meerdere artisiteke disciplines omhelzen : poëzie, schilderkunst en live-striptekenkunst, historische en hedendaagse dans, draadmarionnetten, jongleurs, solisten en kamerkoor. De kunstenaars die veelal hun medewerking aan de creaties verlenen zijn de choreograaf Lieven Baert, de acteur Bruno Georis, striptekenaars zoals Yves Swolfs en Janry, de regisseur en verhalenverteller François Van Eeckhaute en de marionnettist Caerlynn, .... De musici die de kern van ensemble uitmaken zijn sopranen Caroline Weynants en Marie de Roy, Philippe Malfeyt en Jurgen De Bruyn op luit en gitaar, Hannelore Devaere op harp, Dirk Vandaele op viool, Martin Bauer op viola da gamba, Jacques Willemijns op clavecimbel en Benoit Laurent op hobo. Het ensemble nam diverse CD’s op voor Labels als Arsis, Pavane, Cypres, Avanti Classic, Eole enz... In de herfst van 2012 werd het ensemble uitgenodigd om in Istanbul op te treden naar aanleiding van de Belgische economische missie van Prins Philippe en Prinses Mathilde. In 2013 was La Cetra d’Orfeo ensemble in residence bij Edificio in de Solvay Bibliotheek te Brussel. Ze brachten er 23 concerten gegroepeerd rond 8 thema’s. Het seizoen werd onder de Hoge patronage van Hare Majesteit Koningin Mathilde geplaatst. Voor de volgende tournee naar Turkije, voorzien in november 2014, is La Cetra d’Orfeo de eregast van het XXe Barokfestival van Istanbul.
For your social events and parties, or even for a small training session, we will come to you! Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Photos © Harshad Ickx, Marie Keustermans, RTL-TVI.
Michel Keustermans + 32 2 366 30 57 •(mobile) + 32 476 504 661 •
[email protected] Rue Mathias, 28 • B-1440 Braine-le-Château • Belgium
Lavender’s blue Chansons & Ballades
Elizabethan ballads and old French songs take us into a sweet and tender melancholy, spiced with traditional Irish and Breton music! This programme can also include the participation of Caerlynn, a puppeteer whose 18-string marionnettes are more alive than in nature! Also adapted to young audiences. Marie de Roy, soprano & 5 musicians. •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
C’est pour vous Belle Dame 1598-1599 Le voyage dans le sud de l’Archiduc Albert In September 1599, the new princely couple Albert of Austria, son of Emperor Maximilian II, and Isabella, daughter of the deceased Philippe II of Spain, made their formal entrance to the old ducal Coudenberg Palace in Brussels where they were to live as sovereigns of the Low Countries. Their three-month journey from Valencia to Brussels was a continuum of dazzling receptions and celebrations which lasted for an entire year in Brussels after their arrival. This concert is presented in the form of musical entertainment, with secular pieces of music following on one after the other in a very diverse selection: court music, traditional French chansons and Italian canzonettas, Neapolitan villanelles, madrigals, dances and instrumental pieces. 1 soloist, 7 musicians; in option: 4 dancers with a choreography of Lieven Baert. •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Couleurs Latines Italian, Spanish and South American early XVIIe baroque. Harp and guitar accompany recorder and viola da gamba in this early 17th century rendition: fantaisies, diminutions, fandangos, canarios, folias, gagliardas, where melody and rhythm mix and meld in infinite variations. Hannelore Devaere, triple harp Philippe Malfeyt, guitar and archlute Martin Bauer, viola da gamba Michel Keustermans, recorder Ariane De Bièvre, percussion In option: Jaime Puente and Marie Angeles Hurtado, baroque & flamenco dancers (choreography Lieven Baert) Caroline Weynants, soprano Choir Appassionato (12 singers) •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Vivaldi & Co
Concerti da camera con molti strumenti Vivaldi, Boismortier, JC Bach, Telemann, Haendel, etc... A virtuoso tour where each musician is soloist and tuttiste in turn, interpreting a rich musical palette in a multitude of tones. Michel Keustermans, recorder Benoit Laurent, oboe Alain Pégeot, violin Alain de Rijckere, fagot Angélique Charbonnel, cello Eric Mathot, double bass Jacques Willemijns, harpsichord •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Folias Il Ballo della Folia La Folia is a dance of Portuguese or Spanish origin dating back to the late Middle Ages. It can take many formsand improvisations. Discover this haunting music to the sound of flutes, violins, guitars, tapdancing and castanets: virtuoso Spanish dances (Folia, Canario, Jotta, Gagliarda, Paradetta, Paduana, Vilancico) drinking songs (Willaert, Playford, Dumont, anonymous French, Italian and Spanish), sweet madness («the art of kissing» by Hammerschmidt) and intoxicating madness (Encina, Falconieri, Valente, Vivaldi, «Air de la Folie» Rameau). Caroline Weynants or Marie de Roy; soprano & 5 musicians in option: 6 dancers & 8 musicians •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Two centuries of German baroque from Hamburg Simpson, Rosenmüller, Schutz, Buxtehude, Erlebach, Telemann, Haendel. Caroline Weynants, soprano; Martin Bauer & Ronan Kernoa, violes; Dirk Vandaele, violon; Michel Keustermans, recorders; Jacques Willemijns, positiv organ; Philippe Malfeyt, theorbe •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
J.S. Bach
Tryptique Chamber music with 3 musicians: triosonatas, fantaisies, solo pieces.
G.Ph. Telemann
Pariser Quartett; Tafelmusik Triosonates from Essercizii musici; 4-5 musicians. Jacques Willemijns, harpsichord Hervé Douchy or Ronan Kernoa, baroque cello Michel Keustermans, recorder Benoit Laurent, oboe or Alain Pégeot, violin •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Ay Amor! Ballad Tunes & Spanish music from early XVIIe c. A colourful and stimulating show for a broad public of all ages! Before your very eyes, on a large well-lit stage, you will see and hear the most beautiful English melodies, some amusing and others moving, as well as traditional Irish music and country dances giving the dancers an opportunity to present the dances that were fashionable among the bourgeoisie in 17th century London. Followed by the pride and seduction of twirling skirts, clicking heels and castanets evoking the shimmering colours of 17th century Spain, in harmony with the music of flutes, guitars, string instruments and harps of the period. You will not be able to keep still! Marie de Roy, soprano; 6 musicians; 5 dancers in a choreography of Lieven Baert. •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Joseph Bodin de Boismortier « Les Voyages de l’Amour » (Travels of Love)
Pastoral concertos, chamber music, ballet music. Boismortier composed for both instruments and voices. For the first, he elaborated different combinations of instruments which could be modified according to the availability of players. He composed for amateur groups, which were multplying in the ranks of the rising bourgeoisie, and chose to explore the sounds of several fashionable instruments like the musette, the hurdy-gurdy, the recorder (already out-of-date in France) and the transverse flute; Sunny instrumental programme: French sophistication with Italian passion! Recorder, oboe, hurdy-gurdy, musette de cour, strings, continuo; In option: 4 dancers. •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Jean-Sébastien Bach Cantatas & Double Concerti Soloists, chamber orchestra & chorus Caroline Weynants, soprano solo A large choice between: - Concerto for recorder and oboe from BWV 1060 - Concerto for traverso and recorder from BWV 1043 - Brandenburg Concerti N° 2 & N° 5 - Orchestral B minor Suite BWV 1067 - «Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen» BWV248/5 (Oratorium Tempore Nativitatis Christi) - «Herr Jesu Christ, wahr’r Mensch und Gott» BWV 127 - «Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot» BWV 39 - «Himmelskönig, sei willkommen», BWV 182 - «Schmücke dich, O liebe Seele» BWV 180 - «Triitt auf die Glaubensbahn», BWV 152 - «Gottes Zeit ist allerbeste Zeit» (Actus tragicus), BWV 106 •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Mi Palpita il Cor Discover airs from operas and oratorios by the greatest masters of baroque time Telemann, Haendel, Vivaldi, Purcell, Bach Opéra & oratorios arias, cantatas, concerti Guillaume Houcke, counter-tenor & chamber orchestra •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Mr Henry Purcell & friends Orfeus Britannicus The most beautiful airs, excerpts from masks and stage music; Grounds & dances from “The Division Flute” and from “The English Dancing Master” of John Playford. 1 Soprano with 3 to 6 musicians (recorder, lute & guitar; viola; violin) •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
For young audience •
[email protected] • + 32 476 504 661
Les Musiciens du Nord
Lavender’s Blue
J.-S. Bach
J.B. de Boismortier
Enfer et Paradis
Profano & Sacro