Peneliti/ Perekayasa :
1. Dr. Nikardi Gunadi 2. Ir. Asih Kartasih Karjadi 3. Sirajuddin, SP.
Judul Kegiatan
Adaptasi Beberapa Klon Kentang Unggul Asal CIP (International Potato Center) di Dataran Tinggi dan Persepsi Petani Terhadap Kuantitas dan Kualitas Hasil
Fokus Bidang Prioritas
1. 2. 3. 4.
Teknologi Pangan Teknologi Kesehatan dan Obat Teknologi Enerji Teknologi Transportasi
5. Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi 6. Teknologi Pertahanan dan Keamanan 7. Teknologi Material Kode Produk Target
Kode Kegiatan
Lokasi Penelitian
Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Penelitian Tahun ke
1 (satu)
Keterangan Lembaga Pelaksana/ Pengelola Penelitian A. Lembaga Pelaksanaan Penelitian Nama Peneliti Utama
Dr. Nikardi Gunadi
Nama Lembaga/ Institusi
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
Unit Organisasi
Kementerian Pertanian
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu No. 517, Lembang, Bandung Barat 40391
Telepon/ HP
022-2786245/ 08122052271
[email protected]
B. Lembaga lain yang terlibat Nama Pimpinan
Ir. Firdaus Hasan, MS
Nama Lembaga
UPTD Balai Proteksi Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Jl. dr. Sam Ratulangi No. 69, Maros 90511, Sulawesi Selatan
Telepon/ HP
0411-371593/ 0811462025
Jangka Waktu Kegiatan
: 8 (delapan) bulan
: Rp. 150.000.000,-
Menyetujui :
Pj. Kepala Balai Penelitian
Peneliti Utama,
Tanaman Sayuran,
Dr. Liferdi, SP., MSi NIP 19701007 199803 1 001
Dr. Nikardi Gunadi NIP. 19560531 198503 1 001
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the important vegetable commodity which is included in the horticultural sub-sector in Indonesia. The potato has also been selected as the priority crop in the strategic plan of research and development program of the Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development (ICHORD), the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) in Indonesia, due to its potential as the alternative source of carbohydrate in food diversification and export commodity. The main potato variety since the 1980’s is Granola which covers 80 to 85% of the potato area in Indonesia. Although variety Granola is susceptible to late blight (Phytophthora infestans), the moderate resistance to PLRV and PVY of Granola appear to have contributed in causing that this variety is grown by most farmers until now in Indonesia. Late blight is the main potato disease especially in the rainy season. Excessive use of fungicides (up to 20 times applications) in one growing period was noted. However, with the recent development which is focused on the food safety and the environmental friendly cultivation, it is required the potato varieties which are resistance to the important disease such as late blight so that it can reduce the use of fungicide and safe to be consumed due to the low pesticide residue. Besides, the demand of processing potato for food industry is increasing recently especially for potato chips. As in the other potato production countries, until recently potato breeding research in Indonesia has not had much success in developing new potato cultivars or varieties that are widely adopted by farmers. Potato breeding is a long term commitment. For example, in temperate countries it is estimated that it takes about 10 years to develop a potato variety from hybridization to variety release. In a tropical country, the variety development time span may be shortened as more than one potato season can be planted in a year, but still it may be taking about 5 to 7 years. In order to shorten the time in obtaining a new potato variety, the introduction method of new potato clones from the International Potato Center (CIP) need to be included in the potato development program. It appears that new potato variety in Indonesia should be comparable to the widely grown variety Granola, in its wide adaptability, its high total and marketable yield and early tuber bulking. The research aims at evaluating the new potato advanced clones introduced by the International Potato Center (CIP) in order to obtain several potato clones 3
which have high tuber yields, either for table potato or processing potato, suitable with farmer’s needs and conditions so that will be sustainable widely adopted by farmers. The experiment was conducted in a farmer’s land in Pattapang village (1500 m asl.), Tinggimoncong sub-district, Gowa district, South Sulawesi from April to September 2012. Twenty new potato advanced clones and two varieties i.e. Granola and Atlantic as control were evaluated using randomized complete block design with three replications. In this research, potato farmers were involved to evaluate the advanced potato clones both at growing period and at harvest. Experimental unit was consisted of three rows of ten plants with planting distance of 0.75 m x 3.0 m. Therefore the total number of potato plants was 30 per plot. All other methods were followed the Standard Evaluation Test (SET) developed by CIP. The research activities were initiated by coordination with the researchers from the Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) and the Institute for Food and Horticultural Crop Protection (IFHP) in South Sulawesi province, in order to select the research location, discuss the activities in the field and also the research assistant. The growth parameters and disease observations were collected by the research assistant and the researcher involved in the project. All other observations such as yield components at harvest and the data of farmers’ evaluation concerning the potato advanced clones were done by the principle researcher and other researcher. In general, there was no specific constraint or problem in conducting the experiment. The strong wind occurred when the potato plants at eight weeks after planting probably could be concerned as the problem. This strong wind including fog with the high humidity in the research location caused the physical damage of most of the potato plants. This condition was also caused most of the potato plants were attacked by late blight (Phytophthora infestans). Some potato advanced clones which were relatively resistance to late blight, were not damage with this condition. Other constraints included the relatively distant of the research location, caused the difficulties in intensive monitoring and observation. The total budget for the research was Rp. 150.000.000,- (one hundred fifty million rupiah) which was allocated for researchers/ assistants honorarium and labour costs 40.9%, materials 16.1%, travel costs 35.8% and other operational costs 7.2%. The budget was managed by the Research Collaboration Division at the Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute (IVEGRI), and given to the researcher in three terms i.e. 30%, 50%, and 20% from the total budget. 4
The results indicated that three potato clones i.e. 393708.31, 388615.22, and 397079.6 gave higher tuber yields per ha which were significantly differed with those of other potato clones evaluated and cv. Granola, the potato variety commonly grown by most farmers in Indonesia. In terms of tuber yields per plant, potato clone 393708.31 showed highest tuber yield per plant (866 g) per plant, which did not significantly differed with those of potato clones 388615.22, 397006.18 and 397079.6, but differed significantly with those of other potato clones evaluated in the experiment. Eight potato clones i.e. 388615.22, 393708.31, 388972.22, 397006.18, 397069.5, 397079.6, 399101.1 and 392822.3, were selected by potato farmers, either at the growing period and/or at harvest. It is suggested that these clones should be further evaluated in different sites and seasons in order to confirm their superiority. Twenty potato advanced clones from CIP evaluated this year were stored in a farmer’s storage for tuber seeds to be evaluated in the subsequent season in order to confirm their superiority. The potato advanced clones selected will be multiplied and developed by a potato seed producer in the area and therefore it is not necessary for the potato farmers in the area to buy the potato seeds from the long distance potato area. With the new potato clones obtained from the research, it is expected that the farmers have more alternative potato clones in their potato production system. Beside, with the new potato clones tolerance to late blight which is caused by Phytophthora infestans, obtained from the research, it is also hoped that the use of pesticide especially fungicides may be reduced so that it is safe for consumption and the environment. The selected potato clones will be multiplied and developed also for other potato area and will be released as new potato varieties.