Peneliti/ Perekayasa :
1. Ir. Nani Sumarni, MS 2. Prof. Riset Suwandi 3. Ir. Sartono 4. Neni Gunaeni,SP
Judul Kegiatan
Perbaikan Teknologi Produksi TSS (True Shallot
Pembungaan dan Pembijian Bawang Merah Fokus Bidang Prioritas
1. Teknologi Pangan 2. Teknologi Kesehatan dan Obat 3. Teknologi Enerji 4. Teknologi Transportasi 5. Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi 6. Teknologi Pertahanan dan Keamanan 7. Teknologi Material
Kode Produk Target
Kode Kegiatan
Lokasi Penelitian
Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Penelitian Tahun ke
1 (satu)
Keterangan Lembaga Pelaksana/ Pengelola Penelitian A. Lembaga Pelaksanaan Penelitian Nama Peneliti Utama
Ir. Nani Sumarni, MS
Nama Lembaga/ Institusi
Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
Unit Organisasi
Kementerian Pertanian
Jl. Tangkuban Parahu No. 517, Lembang, Bandung Barat 40391
Telepon/ HP
022-82780642/ 08122307664
[email protected]
B. Lembaga lain yang terlibat (dapat lebih dari satu) Nama Pimpinan
Dr. Fajri
Nama Lembaga
BPTP Sulawesi Selatan
Alamat Telepon/ HP Faksimile
Jangka Waktu Kegiatan
: 8 (delapan) bulan
: Rp. 200.000.000,-
Menyetujui :
Kepala Balai Penelitian
Peneliti Utama,
Tanaman Sayuran,
Dr. Liferdi, SP., MSi NIP 19701007 199803 1 001
Ir. Nani Sumarni, MS NIP. 19490516 197805 2 001
In general shallot is cultivated by using bulb. Consequently the cost for bulb seed is expensive spend about 40% of total cost of production. In addition, the quality of bulb seed is low because it takes pathogens from shallot plant it self, that can be lower shallot production, finally. The application of True Shallot Seed (TSS) may overcome that problem. In Indonesia, the application of TSS as a source of healthy seed is not familiar yet. This case happen because the availability of TSS is still limited and the appropriate TSS seed production is not know yet. By improving and developing of the technique of TSS production may overcome that problem. The main problem in producing TSS in Indonesia is the availability of shallot plant to produce flower and seed which is low, especially in lowland. It because of the weather, especially the low photoperiode (< 12 hours) and the high temperature (> 18 oC) are not suitable for flowering initiates. The application of gibberelin acid (GA3) may increase flowering and seed yield of shallot. The field experiments had been conducted in highland Malino-South Sulawesi(1400 m above sea level)) from Frebuari to October 2012, to find out the best shallot variety and gibberelin acid (GA3) application to increase flowering and true seed yield of shallot in high land. The scope of expriment was a comprehensive seed production activities from seed production process
(pra-harvest) to seed
processing process (post-harvest). In the beginning of the research, the researchers informed the purpose of the research and all activities would be done to Assesment Institute for Agriculture Tecknology (AIAT) of South Sulawesi Selatan, and the farmers. They involved in the activity. The earlier experiment was done to determine the treatments.. The follow-up step were supplying shallot bulb seed, vernalization treatment of bulb seed, land preparation, fertilization, silver black plastic mulch application, planting of bulb seed, GA3 application, transparent plastic shelter application, planting of tagetes, observation of plant growth, flowering, fruit set and seed set, and reporting of research result. The constrants of this research implementation were research location was far and budget management was late, that it hampered observation of experiment for Balitsa researchers. The budget of the research was IDR 200,000,000 (two hundred millions rupiahs). The money was managed by Research Collaboration Division in IVEGRI, 4
and given to the researcher in three terms. The research produced an information that will be published in Journal of Horticulture, ICHORD, AARD. The money in the first term was too small, so that it disturbed the activity. Filling on line report was difficult because the database memory was too small. The form of acet was the information of true shallot seed (TSS) production technology that is the tecknology that ready to develop, it cover variety compablity to produce flower and seed, and proper cultivaton application (viz. bulb seed treatment, managements of plant and plant growth environment) to increase flowering and true seed yield of shallot. That information of TSS production tecknology will be disseminated pass through scientific journal as Jurnal Hortikultura. It also can be spreaded by AIAT of South Sulawesi to shallot farmers. The managerial administration was not suitable for vegetable experiment which need more budget in begining of experiment. The Split Plot Design with four replications was used in this experiment. The main plots were two shallot varieties (Mentes and Pancasona). Sub plots were four methods of GA3 applications (no GA3, soaking of bulb seed in GA3 solution before planting, spraying of plants with GA3 solution at 3 and 5 weeks after planting, and combination of soaking of bulb seed + spraying of plants with GA 3 solution). The GA3 concentration of 200 ppm was used. Before planting, bulb seeds (5 g/bulb) were vernalized (10 oC) for 4 weeks. Fertilzation was apllied with doses of 1000 kg NPK 16-16-16/ha and 15 ton/ha stable manure. Tagetes plants were planted surrounding plots to attractive insect pollinator. Observation of plant growth, flowering and seed set were done after 4 weeks plant old.Test of viability and germination of TSS yield was done at seed laboratory. Expected result from this experiment was obtained the appropriate
shallot varieties, and efficient technique of TSS production for
developing shallot production from TSS in South Sulawesi. The information of proper TSS production tecknology can be disseminated and develoved pass through partisipative research that involve shallot farmers. That tecknology can use for producing healthy seed that have high yield productivity. Tecknically, that tecknology can be apllicated in central areas of salllot production in Indonesia. BPTP Sulawesi Selatan is expected become leader for develoving of TSS production and production sistem of shallot wih TSS used.
The coordination synergy of institutional-program was with AIAT of South and Vegetable farmer group in Malino-South Sulawesi area. Researcher from AIAT of South Sulawesi and Balitsa went to the field to observe experiment, periodically. Analyses of data, result report, and result presentation was done by Balitsa researcher. Indicator of coordination synergy success was indicated by existence of good cooperation between IVEGRI and AIAT of South Sulawesi and Vegetable farmer group to conduct TSS production research step by step. Research method of this experiment can be used by AIAT to develop TSS production tecknology in Sulawesi Selatan areas. From this research result was obtained proper TSS production tecknology in high land. That teknology covered variety compablity to produce flower and seed, and proper cultivaton application (viz. bulb seed treatment, managements of plant and plant growth environment) to increase flowering and true seed yield of shallot. By the availability of
proper TSS production tecnology, the shallot farmers can
produce healthy shallot seed their self and not depent on import seed. In long term period, shallot productivity and farmer income increase, production cost and price fluctuation of shallot decrease, and diversication of seed used in shallot production. The tecknology of TSS production need socialized and developed through participative research that involve shallot farmers in other shallot production areas in Indonesia. It is still need suporting from Ristek program to improve TSS production tecknology i.e. increasing of seed set, TSS production in farm scale, post harvest of seed production