Karlovarské memorandum Doporučení Mezinárodního konzultačního kulatého stolu vyzvaných odborníků k porovnání architektonických a kulturně-společenských hodnot měst Západočeského lázeňského trojúhelníku a významných lázeňských měst v Evropě, Karlovy Vary 19. - 21. 5. 2011
Mezinárodní konzultační kulatý stůl expertů k porovnání architektonických a kulturněspolečenských hodnot měst Západočeského lázeňského trojúhelníku a významných lázeňských měst v Evropě (Karlovy Vary, 19.-21. 5. 2011) navázal na odbornou konferenci v německém Baden-Badenu (listopad 2010), na které byly naznačeny zásady k výběru lázeňských míst se společnými kulturně-historickými hodnotami pro sériovou nominaci těchto měst na Seznam světového dědictví UNESCO. Základem odborné diskuse byly odborné studie Lubomíra Zemana a Andrease Förderera. Účastníci Kulatého stolu v Karlových Varech vycházejíc ze svých odborných znalostí a zkušeností a osobní znalosti tří měst Západočeského lázeňského trojúhelníku – Karlových Varů, Mariánských Lázní a Františkových Lázní, konstatují. že : -
díky svému velkorysému klasicistnímu urbanismu je na Seznam světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví UNESCO zapsáno ikonické lázeňské město Bath; mezi historická lázeňská města, která po dobu své existence vytvářela a doposud uchovávají zcela specifické hodnoty materiálního i nemateriálního kulturního dědictví a která odpovídají kritériím požadovaným pro statky nominované na Seznam světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví UNESCO, patří historická lázeňská města zejména na území (v abecedním pořadí): Belgie, České republiky, Francie, Itálie, Německa, Rakouska a Velká Británie; podle principů Úmluvy o ochraně světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví návrhy na zápis kulturních a přírodních statků do Seznamu světového dědictví mohou předkládat pouze suverénní státy, které jsou jejími smluvními stranami, a že lze předložit návrh na zápis pouze takového statku, který je uveden na Indikativním seznamu daného státu; ze shora uvedených zemí mají na svých národních Indikativních seznamech statků určených pro budoucí nominace k zápisu na Seznam světového dědictví uvedena svá vysoce ceněná lázeňská města pouze Belgie a Česká republika. Tato lázeňská města jsou tedy oficiálně deklarovanými kandidáty pro nominaci a jako taková mohou úžeji spolupracovat a koordinovat společný postup. V současné době v nich již probíhá příprava analytických a řídících materiálů jako podkladů pro Management Plan; úsilí o nominaci a následné získání statusu statku zapsaného na Seznam světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví UNESCO musí vycházet z objektivních a mezinárodně uznaných hodnot míst, která všechna tyto hodnoty splňují. Za samozřejmé se považuje, že takovéto město musí mít universálně výjimečnou hodnotu a splňovat podmínku autenticity a integrity stanovenou v Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2008); s ohledem na to, že §§ 137 až 139 Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2008), týkající se sériových nominací, jsou sice zcela zásadní, avšak obecné, soubor doporučení, formulovaných na Mezinárodním
workshopu k technickým otázkám sériových nominací, který se konal v únoru 2010 ve švýcarském Ittingenu, je možné pokládat za základní metodický návod; Západočeský lázeňský trojúhelník je pracovní název, kterým česká strana pracovně označuje trojici lázeňských měst v České republice, tj. Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně a Františkovy Lázně1.
Účastníci Kulatého stolu doporučují: -
primátorovi Karlových Varů, aby s tímto Memorandem byli seznámeni starostové a primátoři lázeňských měst, kteří se sejdou v červnu t.r. na schůzce v Karlových Varech na základě jeho pozvání; posílit vzájemnou mezinárodní kooperaci mezi zainteresovanými městy a zeměmi, zaměřenou na zpracování společné nominační dokumentace. Její vysoká vědecká hodnota a z ní zřejmá připravenost lázeňských měst k uchování jejich kulturního dědictví je podmínkou pro konečný úspěch, jímž by byl zápis evropských historických lázní na Seznam světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví UNESCO; aplikovat pro výběr lázeňských měst do eventuální společné mezinárodní sériové nominace kritéria, která jsou uvedena v Příloze k tomuto Memorandu, a konstatují, že tato kritéria z původního seznamu, který byl pořadatelem Kulatého stolu předložen k diskuzi a který obsahoval 16 lázeňských měst (tj. Baden-Baden (D), Baden bei Wien (A), Bad Ems (D), Bad Nauhaim (D), Bad Pyrmont (D), Bath (GB), Ciechocinek (PL), Luhačovice (CZ), Montecatini Terme (I), Salsomaggiore Terme (I), Spa (B), Vichy (F), Wiesbaden (D) a Západočeský lázeňský trojúhelník, tj. Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně a Františkovy Lázně (CZ)), splňují předložená kriteria například následující lázeňská města (v abecedním pořadí): Baden-Baden (D), Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně a Františkovy Lázně (CZ), Spa (B), Vichy (F); starostům a primátorům lázeňských měst s architektonickým a urbanistickým dědictvím universálně výjimečné kulturně-společenské hodnoty plnícím kritéria uvedená v příloze, aby bez zbytečného odkladu usilovali u kompetentních úřadů svých zemí o zařazení svých měst do národních Indikativních seznamů; vzhledem k tomu, že sériová nominace bude složitým procesem, aby česká strana byla koordinátorem této nominace a berou na vědomí, že česká strana deklarovala svou připravenost ujmout se této role za předpokladu, že s tím budou představitelé dalších zainteresovaných stran souhlasit; starostům a primátorům měst, která budou usilovat o společnou nominaci, stanovili kontaktní místo pro otázky zpracování společné nominace a osobu, která bude za dané město odpovědná za zpracování podkladů pro společnou nominaci (dále jen „odpovědné osoby“); primátorovi Karlových Varů, aby prostřednictvím starostů a primátorů dotčených měst, pokud budou zapsána do národních Indikativních seznamů, svolal zasedání těchto odpovědných osob; Českému komitétu ICOMOS zaslat kritéria (uvedená v příloze) pro zařazení do eventuální sériové nominace, která byla v rámci karlovarského Kulatého stolu projednána a formulována, ústředí ICOMOS spolu se zprávou o cílech a výsledcích tohoto jednání, a to s jeho vlastním komentářem dokládajícím podporu tohoto komitétu navrhnout toto tradiční, ale velmi aktuální evropské lázeňské téma formou
Tento termín poprvé použil J.W.Goethe
mezinárodní sériové nominace na Seznam světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví UNESCO; eventuální společnou nominaci předložit tak, aby v budoucnu mohla být rozšířena o další evropská lázeňská města se světově výjimečnou hodnotou, budou-li si to státy, na jejichž území se tato města nacházejí, přát, a budou-li naplněna kritéria uvedená v příloze; aby centrem a zázemím pro mezinárodní spolupráci při přípravě společné mezinárodní sériové nominace byl Region Karlovy Vary a Město Karlovy Vary; starostům a primátorům dotčených měst, aby pravidelně pokračovali ve společném dialogu o otázkách nominace a aby vytvořili podmínky pro práci a pravidelný dialog odpovědných osob; aby starostové a primátoři pokračovali i v podpoře mezinárodního odborného dialogu o architektuře a urbanismu kontinentálních evropských lázeňských měst.
V Karlových Varech dne 20. 5. 2011
Příloha: Tato příloha je nedílnou součástí Karlovarského memoranda - Doporučení Mezinárodního konzultačního kulatého stolu vyzvaných odborníků k porovnání architektonických a kulturněspolečenských hodnot měst Západočeského lázeňského trojúhelníku a významných lázeňských měst v Evropě, Karlovy Vary 19. - 21. 5. 2011
Kritéria pro výběr do mezinárodní sériové nominace: Poznámka: pořadí kritérií není rozhodující; pro zařazení lázeňského města do série musí být splněna všechny kritéria, s výjimkou kritéria h), které je fakultativní: a. Kritérium universálně výjimečné hodnoty, autenticity a integrity: Každé lázeňské město, které bude usilovat o vstup do série, musí prokázat v souladu s Úmluvou o ochraně světového dědictví splnění podmínky universálně výjimečné hodnoty té své části nebo souboru budov, která přichází v úvahu pro nominaci, a prokázat jejich autenticitu a integritu. b. Historické kritérium: lázeňská města zařaditelná do eventuální série jsou kontinentální města, jejichž architektonický a urbanistický vývoj kulminoval především v 19. století s přesahem do století předchozího i následujícího, (míněno tedy období od Velké francouzské revoluce roku 1789 do počátku 2. světové války roku 1939), c. Funkční kritérium: kontinentální lázeňská města zařaditelná do eventuální série jsou funkčně vymezena lázněmi založenými na přírodních minerálních pramenech. d. Kritérium vybavenosti: lázeňská města zařaditelná do eventuální série jsou města s dochovanými stavbami, které typologicky souvisejí s jejich základním funkčním aspektem, tj. každé lázeňské město v sérii musí obsahovat většinu z následujících typů lázeňských staveb – velké lázeňské budovy integrující ubytovací léčebnou funkci, kolonády, pavilóny, pitné haly, lázeňské domy a jiná lázeňská ubytovací zařízení,
divadla, kasina a jiná zařízení společenského života včetně církevních staveb určených pro různá vyznání; Urbanistická a přírodní kritéria: lázeňská města zařaditelná do eventuální série jsou města jsou města se zachovanou urbanistickou strukturou, tj. každé lázeňské město v sérii musí mít zachovánu původní urbanistickou strukturu, přírodně krajinářské hodnoty prostředí a svého okolí související s jejich lázeňskou a společenskou funkcí, především lázeňské parky a lesoparky, a musí mít vytvořen systém ochrany těchto hodnot. Kritérium kulturně společenského života v historii: lázeňská města zařaditelná do eventuální série jsou města, která jsou schopná doložit svůj mezinárodní kulturní, politický a společenský význam kulminující ve sledovaném historickém období (viz odst.b). Kritérium právní ochrany nemovitého kulturního dědictví: lázeňská města zařaditelná do eventuální série jsou města, které mají v souladu s národními právními předpisy dané země jasně stanoveno území nebo soubor budov, které (který) bude předmětem nominace, a jeho ochranné pásmo. Tyto budovy anebo území musí požívat ochrany podle národních předpisů týkajících se ochrany kulturního dědictví. Fakultativní kritérium kulturně společenského života v současnosti: lázeňská města zařaditelná do eventuální série jsou města schopná doložit svůj mezinárodní kulturně společenský význam v současnosti – např. existencí uměleckých souborů s mezinárodní působností (divadelní soubory, lázeňské nebo symfonické orchestry) a/nebo výčtem pravidelně pořádaných kulturních akcí s mezinárodním přesahem (festivaly, mezinárodní hudební soutěže apod.). Konec dokumentu
Poznámka: Toto je výsledný text Memoranda připravený českou stranou. Připraven je na základě připomínek zúčastněných expertů, neobsahuje však všechny tyto připomínky.
The Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) Memorandum Recommendations of the International Roundtable of Expert Consultants Asked to Compare the Architectural and Social-Cultural Values of the West-Bohemian Spa Triangle and Prominent Spa Towns in Europe, Karlovy Vary, May 19 – 21, 2011 The International Roundtable of Expert Consultants has in the pursuit of its objective, i.e., making a comparison of the architectural and urban values of the West-Bohemian Spa Triangle and Prominent Spa Towns in Europe (Karlovy Vary, May 19-21, 2011), tied onto the conference of experts held in Baden-Baden, Germany (November 2010), where the principles for the selection of spa locations sharing comparable cultural and historical values were set. The foundations of the current parallel discussions rest on studies authored by Lubomír Zeman and Andreas Förderer. The Roundtable’s participants in Karlovy Vary draw from their own professional experience as well as personal familiarity with the three towns of the West-Bohemian Triangle – namely, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, and Františkovy Lázně: state as follows: -
Thanks to its generous Classicist urban characteristics, the iconic spa town of Bath has been entered in the UNESCO World Heritage List; However, the number of historical spa towns that have been over the centuries of their existence forming and preserving their specific and often unique features of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of undeniable excellence and provably qualifying for entry in the UNESCO World Heritage List also includes spas in the following countries (alphabetically): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy; According to the principles of the Treaty on Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection, proposals for inscription in the UNESCO World Heritage List may only be submitted by sovereign countries that are signatories of the Treaty, and the choice of proposed sites is limited to those which are included in the respective National Tentative Lists; Of the above-named countries only Belgium and the Czech Republic have their spas included in their national tentative lists of assets to be nominated to the UNESCO World Heritage List as highly valuable sites. Thus, these spa towns are officially declared candidates for nomination and as such can closely cooperate and coordinate their common pursuit. At the present, they are preparing analytical and supervisory materials as support documentation of the relevant management plan. Their endeavor for a nomination and subsequent gaining of the status of assets registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List has to derive from objective and internationally recognized values of the respective sites, which they have to meet. It is matter of fact that such a town must be of a universally exceptional value and meet the condition of authenticity and integrity set forth in the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2008); In view of the fact that Articles 137 through 139 of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2008) concerning serial nominations, the recommendations formulated at the International Workshop on the Technical Aspects of Serial Nominations held in February 2010 in Ittingen, even though substantially important, may be viewed as our elementary methodological aid.
The term “West-Bohemian Spa Triangle” is a work title that the Czech party uses for the geographical triangle of spa towns, namely, Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, and Františkovy Lázně2.
The Roundtable’s participants recommend as follows: -
That the mayor of the City of Karlovy Vary familiarize the mayors and municipal council presidents of the spa towns concerned with the contents of this Memorandum at their joint session this June in Karlovy Vary by invitation of the mayor of the City of Karlovy Vary; To reinforce international cooperation amongst interested towns and countries with the aim of elaborating a serial nomination documentation. Prerequisite to potential success, i.e., registration in the UNESCO World Heritage List, is the documentation’s high scientific value and evident preparedness of the aspiring towns to preserve their cultural heritage; To apply the criteria applied for the selection of spa towns for the tentative list of candidates presented in the Annex to the Memorandum that the organizer presented to the Roundtable for discussion, which comprised 16 spa towns [namely, Baden-Baden (D), Baden bei Wien (A), Bad Ems (D), Bad Nauhaim (D), Bad Pyrmont (D), Bath (GB), Ciechocinek (PL), Luhačovice (CZ), Montecatini Terme (I), Salsomaggiore Terme (I), Spa (B), Vichy (F), Wiesbaden (D), and the West-Bohemian Spa Triangle /consisting of Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, and Františkovy Lázně/ (CZ)], the required criteria meet e.g. the following towns (in alphabetical order): Baden-Baden (D), Spa (B), Vichy (F), and the West-Bohemian Spa Triangle /consisting of Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, and Františkovy Lázně/ (CZ); The mayors and municipal council presidents of spa towns with architectural and social-cultural heritage sites of exceptional value should not hesitate to promote their cause with the authorities of competence in their respective countries and pursue them to put these towns on the National Tentative Lists; Since a serial nomination is a complex process, the Roundtable’s participants recommend to appoint the Czech partners as the coordinator of the nomination pursuit, acknowledging the Czech partners’ willingness to assume this role, provided that the other stakeholders agree; The mayors and municipal council presidents of the spa towns seeking the serial nomination should designate a contact point and contact persons to work the serial nomination and all the relevant materials (henceforth only “responsible persons”); The mayor of the City of Karlovy Vary is to call a conference of these responsible persons, through the mayors and municipal council presidents, of the towns entered in the respective National Tentative Lists; The Czech Committee of ICOMOS to send the criteria (see Annex) for entry in the serial nomination, as discussed and formulated at the Carlsbad Roundtable, to the central office of ICOMOS, along with a report of the Roundtable’s objectives and results, including a commentary confirming the Committee’s support for proposing this traditional yet very contemporary theme of registration in the UNESCO World Heritage List; To submit the possible joint nomination so, that in the future this nomination could be extended with further European spa towns of the world significant value, if it is a wish
This term was introduced first by J.W.Goethe
of the states, where these spa towns are being located, and if these new candidates fulfill the criteria mentioned in the enclosure. The centre and support place for international cooperation on the preparation of the joint serial nomination would be the Region of Karlovy Vary and the City of Karlovy Vary; The mayors and municipal council presidents of the spa towns are to continue to meet regularly to discuss issues related to the candidacy and create favorable conditions for a constructive dialog of the responsible persons appointed; The mayors and municipal council presidents of the spa towns are to keep expressing their support for these discussions of professionals active in the field of architecture and urban development of European spa towns.
Karlovy Vary, May 20, 2011 Annex: This Annex constitutes an integral part of the Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) Memorandum – Recommendations of the International Consulting Roundtable of Experts invited to compare the architectural and social-cultural values of the towns of the West-Bohemian Spa Triangle and other prominent spa towns in Europe, held May 19 – 21, 2011
Criteria for Selection into International Serial Nomination: Note: The order of the criteria is inconsequential; in order to qualify for nomination in the series, each of the candidates must fulfill all of the criteria, excepting criterion (h) that is optional: a. Criterion of universally exceptional value, authenticity, and integrity: The spa towns aspiring to be included in the potential series have to prove, in accordance with the Treaty on the World’s Heritage Protection, conformity to the condition of universal exceptionality, authenticity, and integrity of the town quarters or building complexes nominated. b. Historical criterion: The spa towns to be included in the potential series are towns whose urban development culminated mainly in the course of the 19th century, starting in the preceding century and reaching into the 20th century (i.e., from the French Revolution in 1789 until the beginnings of WWII in 1939). c. Functionality criterion: The selection of spas to be included in the potential series is limited, functionality-wise, to spas situated around natural mineral springs. d. Provisional criteria: The selection of spas to be included in the potential series is typologically limited, i.e., each of the spa towns in the series has to feature most of typical the following spa structures – large spa complexes, bath houses, colonnades, pavilions, drinking halls, conversation houses, casinos, theaters, and guest accommodations houses, various social-life facilities, including clerical structures of various denominations.
e. Urban structure and nature-related criteria: The spas to be included in the potential series have to be delimited in the respective town’s urban planning, i.e., each of the spa towns in the series has to have a well-preserved structure of urban development, naturally landscaped environment and surrounding areas, primarily in the form of parks and landscaped forests, including a system for maintaining and protecting these valuable sites. f. History-based cultural and social criteria: The spas to be included in the potential series have to prove their international relevance in cultural, political and social contexts culminating during the historical period in point, see (b). g. Criterion of legal protection of intangible cultural heritage: the spa towns to be included in the potential series have to have clearly defined zoning and development plans that comply with the respective country’s legislation on conservation areas, both in terms of territory and individual structures. In other words, the structures and districts in point have to be part of a conservation areas protected by the law as cultural heritage. h. Optional cultural and social (modern era) criteria: The spas to be included in the potential series have to be presented in cultural and historical contexts, e.g., each of the spa towns in the series has to be able to present documentation of its culturally and socially relevant importance of international level – e.g., existence of active artistic ensembles of international relevance (theater groups, municipal and/or symphonic orchestras) or programs of regular cultural events of international importance (festivals, international music contests, etc.). End of the document
Note: This final text of Memorandum was prepared by the Czech party. It is based on invited experts’ comments, though it does not include all of these comments. Follows: Comments received by June 20, 2011 (in English) -
Prof. Dominique Jarrassé: answered, no requirement to fill in or change the Memorandum Paul Simons: answered, no requirement to fill in or change the Memorandum Alberto D’Alessandro: answered, no requirement to fill in or change the Memorandum Luc Peeters: answered, no requirement to fill in or change the Memorandum Volkmar Eidloth: answered, asked for an extra time to be able to submit his statement to the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Baden-Württemberg; no statement was received by August 31, 2011 Prof. Erika Schmidt: answered, comments see next page Lisa Poetschki-Meyer: answered, comments see next pages
Then follows: Comments received after June 20, 2011 (in English) -
Alberto D’Alessandro: Comments see next pages Paul Simons: Comments see next pages (in this booklet a shortened version only)
Comments by Ms. Prof. Erika Schmidt: Comment on the Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) Memorandum as presented by the organizers of the International Roundtable held at Karlovy Vary on May 19 - 21, 2011 While in principle I agree with the statements made in the Memorandum and with the list of criteria for selection into the international serial nomination I recommend an order of precedence for the criteria and definitions as follows: 1. Pre-eminent criterion The spa towns to be included in the series were meeting places of guests mainly from different other countries. Among the guests persons of political influence, intellectual or artistic eminence played an important role, their presence and activities imparting historical importance to the spa. The role of spa towns as a stage for international communication is a phenomenon typical of the "long" 19th Century, which was a time of nationalism. 2. Qualifying criteria - The spa towns to be included in the series offered balneal facilities in outstanding variety and quality of design and materials. These facilities in terms of buildings, and open spaces still nowadays exist predominantly in authentic appearance and fabric, such as they were created during the spa town`s era as international meeting place. - When the spa towns to be included in the series were international meeting places, they offered facilities for social and cultural activities which would have satisfied a demanding metropolitan public of that time. These facilities in terms of buildings, open spaces, urban structure and designed landscape still nowadays exist predominantly in authentic appearance and fabric. - The said facilities still nowadays constitute a substantial and characteristic urbanistic unity within the present day spa town as a whole. These qualities should satisfy the requirements for outstanding universal value. The full historiographic proof of the rank of each spa town in question as a "stage of international communication" in the era of nationalism as well as the full legal protection of all tangible components of the heritage are prerequisites for inclusion in the series. Maybe criterion h of the Memorandum, which points to a generally very welcome quality, should not be discussed in this specific context, because it can hardly contribute to the outstanding heritage value of spas in question. Dresden, den 14. Juni 2011 Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Erika Schmidt Seniorprofessorin Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur Technische Universität Dresden
Comments by Ms. Lisa Poetschki-Meyer: „KARLSBAD MEMORANDUM“ for the candidature of European Spa Towns and 19th century Fashion Spas to the UNESCO World Heritage
The Baden-Baden Position
Foreword The city of Baden-Baden welcomes the willingness of the Czech partners - represented by the city of Karlsbad– to take the lead in the serial candidature of 19th century European spa towns for UNESCO’s world heritage. In the November 2010 special meeting in Baden-Baden a comprehensive and qualified concept was worked out and presented for a serial candidature. The extraordinary importance of cultural and historical elements in 19th century European spa towns was underlined by numerous lectures and word contributions. From a larger number of spas, some criteria were selected as common elements. On the grounds of specific characteristics a number of towns were recommended which are typical places of communication and which should jointly prepare a serial candidature. The attending international ICOMOS members supported this strategy. An important recommendation was to limit the series to a small and representative group, as dubious cases should not hamper the process. It is our objective to win places with a similar cultural and historical background to become international cooperation partners for a serial transnational nomination for the UNESCO world heritage list.
The results of the November meeting and the informal January 2011 meeting of mayors in Paris are the basis for our serial candidature.
Position to the Memorandum
General The results of the special November 2010 meeting entitled “Europäische Kurstädte und Modebäder des 19. Jahrhunderts” and the results of Dr. Andreas Förderer’s comparative study on “Playgrounds of Europe – Europäische Kurstädte u. Modebäder des 19. Jahrhunderts” are the basis for our further efforts about a serial candidature for UNESCOs world heritage. The definition of the relevant criteria for a candidature and for the candidates should be clear and well founded. The list should be short, well balanced and representative, and it should be open for other candidates prepared to prove their qualification Title The round table experts’ recommendations given in Karlsbad on May 19-21.2001 made it plain that comparative analyses should consider not only the architectural importance of spa towns but take a comprehensive view on the material and immaterial heritage, as pointed out during the Baden-Baden meeting. Cultural significance is not to be defined by architecture only. The title of the memo should therefore be modified.
Position as to experts’ recommendations 1, 2, 3:
we agree to the markers 1,2,3
4 As to 4, we wonder why an official candidature should be sent in now, as the definite group is not yet defined. We’d rather suggest to identify the group first and then hand in our joint candidature combined with a general over all management plan and with detailed local management plans of all participant towns. 5
6, 7
Position to the round table experts recommendations 1, 2
we would like to point out that the criteria mentioned for the access to the tentative list of countries must first be accepted by all participants (see below)
as to 4, we would like to mention that it deals not only with towns of extraordinary architectural value but such of internationality and associative cultural values, as expressed in their cultural, historical and architectural forms. By now, there is a number of studies dealing with such phenomena. The candidate towns for the tentative lists of their countries should be able to comply with the criteria we agreed upon for their serial candidature. 5
we partly agree; agreement would mean that those towns only on the tentative list today would form the group. We feel that the group should establish itself on the basis of the joint criteria agreed upon and it should then start work on the joint candidature. The acceptance on the tentative list of each country should be the job and the self commitment of each town. We further suggest to give the clearing function and the clearing partner a clear job description. This includes an organization structure, a time and cost planning binding all participant towns. The steering committee should meet in regular intervals and take into account the organizational, specific and political jobs on a European level. There is some expertise on serial candidatures in Germany (Baden-Württemberg): Limes, Stone age dwellings, Le Corbusier’s works) as well as in Switzerland (stone age dwellings, Le Corbusier’s work). The ICOMOS-presidents of Germany, Austria and Switzerland offered to help with the complicated candidature proceedings while in Baden-Baden. 7 We disagree with 8. Before sending the criteria to ICOMOS, a small group of Experts from the conservation office should determine the qualifying criteria to be given to the towns. These criteria are the basis for the selection of towns determining the serial (s. above).
8 To this criteria list could be attached the results of the round table; not so, however, the study presented before the round table, as from participants view point it does not give the necessary comprehensive concept of internationality of the relevant spa towns in the 19th century. Positions of participating experts should be worked in. Herefore, opinions of conservation experts from Germany should be awaited. 9, 10, 11 agreed
Position as for the annex “Criteria for an international serial nomination”
General Annex is defined as a result of the experts’ round table in Karlsbad on May 19.-21-2011. The experts’ recommendations were integrated in part only. We can therefore not agree with the introductory statement. Criteria As a matter of principle we feel that the concrete criteria are not yet right. The experts’ recommendations should be worked in.
Baden-Baden position to the single criteria: a)
we agree to this text on criterion a with the reservation that universal meaning, authenticity and integrity does not relate to towns or quarters or buildings of value only but that such towns should qualify by other characteristics of universal meaning
we agree to criterion b
we agree to criterion c
we agree to criterion d with the reservation that the typological limitation to buildings of specific purposes is insufficient to describe this phenomenon. A typological limitation appears necessary to prove the integrity of the material heritage. The notion “Kurstadt” unites various functions. The town as a whole must be considered, not just single types of buildings, in order to qualify for cultural and historical importance.
we agree to criterion e with the reservation that a determined architectural and landscaping framework could still be proven today, although the protection need not be part of the criteria but should be part of the management plan. And the defining of this criteria should particularly value the analysis of the architectural structure and its functional coherence.
we agree to criterion f with the reservation that this should be a description of the sociological function of spa towns in the 19th century. The phrasing does not reproduce the results of the experts’ round. This criteria should define the countless social functions concentrating in these “Kurorte”. Places for therapy and healing, political stages, pleasure and leisure places, international gatherings of sorts, inspiration spots for artists or sports and leisure centres – these Kurorte with their transnational exchanges enjoy a
special role all along the 19th century. Here, in a limited framework things are put to a test which later on will engage all society. g) we disagree on criterion g. The instruments to protect and safeguard the architectural heritage are part of the management plans and not of the criteria. h) we partly agree to criterion h. Today’s cultural and social activities are elementary to prove the authenticity of such places; actually, this is a condition to be part of the inner circle of the spa towns with an OUV.
Baden-Baden, den 16.06.2011
Comments by Mr. Alberto d´Alessandro (received after June 20, 2011): The Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) Memorandum Comments to the Recommendations of the International Roundtable of Expert Consultants Asked to Compare the Architectural and Urban Values of the West-Bohemian Spa Triangle and Prominent Spa Towns in Europe, Karlovy Vary, May 19 – 21, 2011
1) Definition of the criteria All the criteria for selection into International serial nomination expressed in the memorandum are acceptable and no specific remarks need to be added. 2) A stronger involvement of the national and governmental UNESCO offices in the settlement of serial objectives: The UNESCO World Heritage Committee is composed of a group of 21 states in the project evaluation committee which evaluate the projects. The 21 States Parties of the current World Heritage Committee are the following: Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Iraq, Jordan, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates. The World Heritage Committee works in cooperation with every State Party to the World Heritage Convention as well as its three Advisory Bodies: ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM, in order to make greater strides in diversifying the World Heritage List and make it truly balanced and representative of the world’s heritage It is known that the technical instruction made by the consultative bodies is considered only as a background document but the final decision is taken by the committee which work on a totally independent way. Some dossier also could have a strongest political approach. It will be therefore important to work/reinforce the link with the national UNESCO offices to provide the strongest support is possible to the serial nomination project. States of candidate cities of the serial nomination should be all aware and supportive to the project to improve the chance for the final nomination. 3) Identify a stronger coordination and managerial plan for the implementation of the project and the network One of the most important aspects will be the coordination of the serial proposal and to define a management plan for the project before and after the evaluation of UNESCO. The candidate cities should demonstrate clearly the capability to manage the project strictly in line with UNESCO requirements for the valorization, safeguarding of the heritage. Following the principle that a serial nomination has to be considered a single nomination as a whole it is quite important to have a well organized managerial framework. This is a quite important aspect considering that if one single part of the project (one city) does not function, the whole project could be retired from the UNESCO list. Furthermore, although transboundary serial nominations are seen as very desirable in fostering international cooperation, which is at the heart of the World Heritage Convention, there is a need to evaluate the benefits they deliver against the resources needed to research, nominate, evaluate and manage the properties.
4) Identify the best “brand” is possible for the nomination (ex.“Les vills d’eaux en Europe” “Thermal capitals of Europe” ) to put in evidence the unicity of the project Putting in value the unicity of this city models and their architecture and history; This cities should be considered as icons in the world culture for what they represent from the architectural, cultural, social point of view, for their special city plan, and seen also as creative , innovation centers for artistic movements (ex. the unique model of Thermae Berzieri in Salsomaggiore Terme probably the most original prototype of eclectic modernism architecture and design applied to a thermal center) . Branding on thermal cities and create a strong cultural message with direct connections beetween the city projects will be the right approach for the final nomination. 5) The three main questions to be answered within the serial nomination project An important principle in relation to serial nominations is that they are evaluated against the same set of criteria, requirements for integrity, authenticity and management as are all other nominations, and carry the same requirements for global comparative analysis. The three following question could therefore be used as a reference to serial: a) What is the justification for the serial approach? b) are the separate components of the property functionally linked? c) is there an overall management framework for all the components? 6) List of cities The suggested list of city candidate cities (up to my personnel experience of thermal heritage) could be the following: 1) Karlovy Vary Spa “Triangle” (Karlovy Vary, Marianske Lazne, Frantiskovy Lazne) 2) Baden Baden and Wiesbaden 3) Budapest 4) Montecatini and Salsomaggiore Terme 5) Vichy 6) Spa 7) Bath The size of the project could create some problem of management it could be therefore necessary to foreseen a reduction of the number of the candidate cities; this should be agreed by the cities themselves (and the correspondent government which support the project) and be in relation to their capacity to invest in the project and afford the expenses of a well established management plan. It is important also to underline that nominations which include sites that make little additional contribution to the overall value of a series as a whole, or which may fail to meet the conditions of integrity, or be unworkably complex in relation to the requirements for protection and management could put at risk the nomination itself. It is therefore important that sites added as part of a serial extension add significantly to the values of the property, even if the sites might not be of outstanding universal value in their own right.
Comments by Mr. Paul Simons (received after June 20, 2011, shortened version in a booklet, full one on a DVD):
It would appear that the most important and significant spa towns of Europe are capable of meeting with elements of the World Heritage Operational Guidelines criteria; most commonly criteria (ii) exhibiting an important interchange of human values, and (iii) bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition, and finally (iv) be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape. In each case, the spa site or town, has to demonstrate beyond any doubt, how its values, qualities, traditions, achievements, management and protection contribute to Outstanding Universal Value as defined by UNESCO. Whilst further agreement and refinement needs to be established as to the OUV of the ‘Great Spas of Europe’ transnational serial bid for World Heritage status an initial application could be submitted in 2012 by those spa towns who have achieved Tentative List status within their respective State Parties. Any transnational serial bid should clearly establish the desire and mechanism by which the transnational membership can be expanded with new entrants at a future date. This should be embraced in a formal intergovernmental agreement between the participating State Parties. The proposal to establish the ‘Great Spas of Europe’ transnational site has significant merit and value. Those promoting the initiative are to be applauded and supported in the collaboration and effort that is required to bring such a proposal to fruition. The potential of future collaboration and that of developing integrated management and training regimes presents a most exciting prospect. The City of Bath wishes to play its full part in this valued initiative.