History - Ancient Greece - Overview
This interactive video clip opens with the professor doing an audition for a documentary on ancient Greece. After a short and relatively dry presentation, Steve walks on to the TV set to liven things up. The rest of the clip is then carried out as a TV talent show with characters from ancient Greek myths and legends performing as contestants. From a content point of view, the professor encourages the students to find out what happens to each character in their respective stories, and the clip ends with an invitation for the students to research this period of history and suggest future contestants for the show. The students work could then be role played in a similar way to the talent show and could be used as a review / critique of the talent show and reality TV genre so popular in today’s mass media. See cross curricular subject content. From an English language point of view each contestant is asked to introduce themselves and talk about themselves and their hobbies. This could be taken as a straight review exercise of general introductions and the giving of personal information, or as an opportunity to use the third person singular when asking concept checking questions about the characters. For example: This is Medusa. She lives on an island. She has got two sisters. She likes snakes....
Suggested pauses
01.08 – Is Steve enjoying the prof’s talk about ancient Greece No
02.02 – Who is the first contestant? Medusa.
What can you remember about Medusa? She likes snakes. She lives on / is from an island in the Mediterranean Sea. She lives with her two sisters. She’s got snakes for hair
02.24 What can Medusa do? She can turn people to stone.
02.34 Write a ‘to do’ list on the board and record the sentence ‘What happened to Medusa’ which you can refer back to once the clip has finished. If time permits, ask the students if they know anything about the story of Medusa and record their thoughts under this question. The students can later add to this and check their facts during a more detailed study of ancient Greek myths.
03.12 Who is the second contestant? King Midas.
What can you remember about King Midas? He likes gold. He’s a king. He likes walking. He likes cooking. He likes eating good food
03.30 What can King Midas do? He can turn things into gold.
03.45 Write ‘What happened to King Midas’ on your ‘to do’ list on the board. If time permits, ask the students if they know anything about the story of Kind Midas and record their thoughts under this question.
04.03 Who is the third contestant? Helen of Troy.
What can you remember about Helen? She likes picking wild flowers. She likes dancing. She likes listening to music.
04.16 Why are Steve and the Prof about to start fighting? They are both in love with Helen.
04.53 Write ‘What happened to Helen of Troy’ on the ‘to do’ list on the board. If time permits, ask the students if they know anything about the battle of Troy and record their thoughts under this question.
05.12 Who is the fourth contestant? Pandora.
What did Pandora say she has got in the box?? All the evil, sadness and sorrow in the world.
05.33 Do you know what was at the bottom of Pandora’s box? Hope
Write ‘What happened to Pandora on your ‘to do’ list on the board. If time permits, ask the students if they know anything about the story of Pandora’s box and record their thoughts under this question.
05.51 Who is the fifth contestant? Achilles
What can you remember about Achilles?
He’s from Greece, He likes exercising. He likes sports. He likes fighting.
06.05 What can Achilles do? He is strong and can lift heavy weights.
06.15 Write ‘What happened to Achilles’ on your ‘to do’ list on the board and ask the following questions. Why did Achilles and said he didn’t feel strong but weak. Because he dropped the weight on his foot/ ankle / heal. If the students answer foot or ankle, ask them if they know a more detailed word than to describe where Achilles weak point is. Heal. (you might wish to draw the students attention to a detailed diagram of the human body and the Achilles tendon, located in the ankle).
End You could choose to research the characters listed on the board, before setting the students the task of choosing contestants for next week’s show. A good way to present this work might be to role play another show of Ancient Greece has got Talent.
Dějepis- Ancient Greece Tento interaktivní videoklip začíná tím, že profesor dělá konkurz na dokument o starověkém Řecku. Po krátké a relativně suché prezentaci, přichází Steve do televize, aby věc oživil. Zbytek klipu se pak odehrává jako televizní talent show s postavami alias soutěžícími ze starověkých řeckých mýtů a legend. Z hlediska obsahu, profesor vybízí studenty, aby zjistili, co se k dané postavě mýtu či legendy pojí. N konci klipu jsou žáci motivováni prozkoumat toto historické období a navrhnout soutěžící pro další show. Žáci pak mohou sehrát podobnou situaci, kterou sledovali v talent show, které je dnes tak mezi diváky tak oblíbená. Z pohledu angličtiny je každý soutěžící vyzván, aby se představil a mluvil o sobě a svých koníčcích, což lze využít k procvičení témat jako je představení se, podání osobních informací a v neposlední řadě procvičení 3. osoby čísla jednotného, např. This is Medusa. She lives on an island. She has got two sisters. She likes snakes....
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu:
01.08 Is Steve enjoying the professor’s talk about ancient Greece? No
02.02 Who is the first contestant? Medusa What can you remember about Medusa? She likes snakes. She lives on / is from an island in the Mediterranean Sea. She lives with her two sisters. She’s got snakes for hair.
02.24 What can Medusa do? She can turn people to stone.
02.34 Na tabuli si můžeme dělat poznámky, ke kterým se vrátíme po skončení klipu, např. ‘What happened to Medusa?’ Pokud čas dovolí, zeptáme se žáků, zda něco vědí o příběhu Medúzy. Jejich
odpovědí poznamenáme na tabuli. Později mohou žáci záznamy na tabuli doplnit o další fakta, která se dovědí z klipu nebo dalšího studia starořeckých bájí a mýtů.
03.12 Who is the second contestant? King Midas.
What can you remember about King Midas? He likes gold. He’s a king. He likes walking. He likes cooking. He likes eating good food.
03.30 What can King Midas do? He can turn things into gold.
03.45 Na tabuli napíšeme otázku ‘What happened to King Midas?’ a pod ní opět zapisujeme odpovědi žáků.
04.03 Who is the third contestant? Helen of Troy.
What can you remember about Helen? She likes picking wild flowers. She likes dancing. She likes listening to music.
04.16 Why are Steve and the professor about to start fighting? They are both in love with Helen.
04.53 Na tabuli napíšeme otázku ‘What happened to Helen of Troy?’ a pod ní opět zapisujeme odpovědi žáků.
05.12 Who is the fourth contestant? Pandora.
What did Pandora say she has got in the box?? All the evil, sadness and sorrow in the world.
05.33 Do you know what was at the bottom of Pandora’s box? Hope
Na tabuli napíšeme otázku ‘What happened to Pandora?’ a pod ní opět zapisujeme odpovědi žáků na otázku, co vědí o příběhu o Pandořině skříňce.
05.51 Who is the fifth contestant? Achilles
What can you remember about Achilles? He’s from Greece. He likes exercising. He likes sports. He likes fighting.
06.05 What can Achilles do?
He is strong and can lift heavy weights.
06.15 Na tabuli napíšeme ‘What happened to Achilles?’ a klademe následující otázky: Why did Achilles said he didn’t feel strong but weak? - Because he dropped the weight on his foot/ ankle / heal. Pokud žáci odpoví foot nebo ankle, zeptáme se jich, zda znají slovíčko pro část nohy, kde měl Achilles slabé místo: 'Do you know a more detailed word to describe where Achilles‘ weak point is?' Heal (zde můžeme pozornost žáků zaměřit na detailní popis lidského těla a Achillovu šlachu)
Závěr Žáci buď mohou vyhledat další informace o postavách, které se objevily v klipu, nebo vybrat nové soutěžící pro příští díl Starověké Řecko má talent.