Edinburgh [EDanb(a)ra]
Buckingham Palace [BAKingam PA:Las]
= /stana Ratu (Raja) /nggeris Greece [GRfS] = Yunani
be able to [(bry) Elbal ta/tU] (be) unable to [ ... anElbal ta/til] sit up [SIT...AP] = duduk (tegak) What a pity! [WOT_a PITi] = Sayang! overseas [ouvaSlZ] = /uar negeri (He talked a lot when he was little), and he still does [hrSTIL DAZ] = dan dia masih ban yak berbicara
a baby [BElbi] = bayi a garage [GA:Raj/gaRAJ] Greek [GRfK]
= garasi
= Bahasa Yunani, Orang Yunani
agree on [aGRfy_on] = sependapat tentang she'd love to see her [svld LAV ta sTa/Sf ha] dia ingin seka/i bertemu dengannya stubborn [STABan]
out here [AUT Hie] = di sini
Hullo, gorgeous! [HALou GOjas] = Heto.
whenever [wenEVa] = kapan saja/bi/amana saja
= keras kepa/a
EXERCISE /silah titik-titik da/am percakapan antara Gera/dine Ellis dan /wan di bawah ini dengan sa/ah satu bentuk ungkapan BE ABLE TO. Baca/ah dulu percakapan tersebut seluruhnve. dan carilah ha/-ha/ yang menunjukkan tense man a yang harus dipakai, kemudian tu/iskan/ah percakapan itu dengan /engkap. GERALDINE: Iwan, play the guitar? IWAN: Yes, but not very well. I.. .... play the guitar well when I was young. GERALDINE: Most Indonesians play the guitar, aren't they? IWAN: Yes, that's right.
GERALDINE: And I think Indonesians like parties, don't they?
IWAN: Of course! They have a party whenever they ..
GERALDINE: Yes, Indonesians seem very happy people.
IWAN: Why don't you goto Indonesia for a visit?
GERALDINE: I'd love to, but I ..... IWAN: Oh, I'm sure vou are.Why don't you saveyour money and then you . . . . go.
GERALD/NE: Yes, that's a good idea. I'll save my money and then I go there.
. . n
••• n.n
n . n n ••
1. SUA TU CARA UNTUK MENEKANKAN APA YANG K/TA KATAKAN Jane te/ah mendapat pekerjaan. Da/am siaran kita mendengar Don bertanya tentang pekerjaan itu kepada Jane. Kita mendengar pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti: DON: Did you see the secretary? JANE: No, I saw the Director HIMSELF. DON: Is the salary ( = gaji) good? JANE: No, but I'm going to like the job ITSElF. Da/am bahasa /nggeris ada sejum/ah kata ganti yang berarti sendiri. Kebanyakan dari kata ganti itu berasa/ dari kata yang menunjukkan mitlk, yaitu my/her dsb. + SELF (tungga/) atau SELVES (jamak). Akan tetapi tidBk semuBnYB dibentuk dengan cara demikian. Berikut ini ada/ah kata-kata
59 ganti tersebut. (Kata di sebelah kiri menunjukkan milik.) Apakah saudara dapat melihat ketiga kata yang menyimpang? (Jawabannya dapat saudara lihat di bawah detter berikut.) Bentuk jamak our ourselves [au(a)SElVZ] your yourselves [yoSElVZ] their themselves [dhamSElVZ]
Bentuk tunggal my myself [maiSElF] your yourself [yoSElF] his himself [himSELF] her herself [ha5ElF] its itself [itSELF]
Perhatikanlah, kite memakai kata yourself kalau kite berbicara kepada satu orang, sedangkan yourselves digunakan kalau kite berbicara kepada lebih dari satu orang. Dan di bawah ini kami berikan suatu pola yang berbeda. Dalam contoh ini kata ganti memberi tekanan pada bagian lain kalimat tersebut. Jane bercerita tentang pekerjaannya kepada Don: I spoke to the Director MYSELF· = Saya sendiri berbicara keped« Direkturnya. The Director told me about the job HIMSELF. The secretary sometimes opens the mail HERSELF. All the employees (= semua pegawainya) make the tea THEMSELVES. 'Perhatikanlah susunan katanya berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia.
Kata ganti dalam pole di atas semuanya diberi te*anan.
Seringkali kata personally, dan bukan kata ganti, dipakai dalam kalimat-kalimat seperti di atas; I
spoke to the Director personally.
MENYURUH/MEMINTA/MENYARANKAN SUPAYA SESEORANG MELAKUKAN SESUATU SENDIRI CH RIS: Mum hasn't ironed (> menyeterika) this shirt. BERT: Well. iron it yourself! Kata ganti yourself dan yourselves keduanya dipakai dalam pola kalimat ini. karena kite berbicara secara langsung kepada satu orang atau lebih dari satu orang. Berikut ini beberapa contoh lagi: No one has fixed this Fix it yourself!
No one has done the washing-up............. Do it yourself!
No one has ironed these shirts Iron them yourself!
No one has moved these chairs................. Move them yourselves!
anyone help you fix the lawn mower? ...... anyone help him solve the problem?..... anyone help her write the book? anyone help them mow the lawn?
(Dalam pola yang memakai BY
+ kata
No, No, No, No.
I fixed it (by) myself. he solved it (by) himself. she wrote it (by) herself.
they mowed it (by) themselves.
ganti seperti di etes. kata by dapat dihilangkan.)
(b) SENDIRIAN IWAN: No one sits with Tony in lectures.
CHRIS: No. he sits by himself.
No one lives with her No one works with me................................... No one else went with them to the cinema. No one from the office had lunch with us... No one went swimming with Chris.............. (Dalam pola yang memakai BY dihilangkan.)
She lives by herself.
I work by myself.
They went by themselves.
We had I.u nch by ourselves.
He went by himself.
kata ganti seperti di etes. kata by tidak dapat
60 4. MELAKUKAN SESUATU TERHADAP DIRI SENDIRI Mari/ah kite me/ihat pemakaian lain dari kata-kata ganti tadi. Da/am bahasa /nggeris, kata ganti tersebut dapat dipakai untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu ha/ dilakukan terhadap diri sendiri. baik secara sengaja maupun tidak. (Da/am bahasa Indonesia kita memakai bentuk kata kerja yang berlainan untuk ha/ ini.) Lihat/ah contoh-contoh berikut: I cut myself Tangan. kaki dsb saya terpotong/teriris She hurt herself Badannya cedera He burnt himself Badannya terbakar They served themselves Mereka mengambi/ sendiri Vou taught yourself to play tennis Saudara be/ajar sendiri bermain tenis Da/am po/a di atas kata ganti tidak diberi tekanan. Bandingkan/ah: I spoke to the manager himself DANThe manager hurt himself [ai SPOUK ta dha M~Nija himSELF] [dha M~Nija HaT_(h)imself]
5. BEBERAPA POLA YANG DIPAKAI DALAM PERGAULAN Can I have some more tea? Yes, help yourself ( = si/ahkan ambi/ sendiri). Can I come in? Yes, make yourself at home ( = anggap/ah di rumah sendiri). Can I sit here? Yes, make yourself comfortable ( = di mana saja yang enak untuk saudara). Kata yourself dan yourselves sering dipakai da/am pergau/an: Get yourself something to eat.' ( = Ambillah makanan sendiri.) Help yourselves.
Pour yourself some tea.'
I'll pour some tea for him I'll pour him some tea
I'll pour some tea for myself I'll pour myself some tea
She feels better [syffiTz BETa] = Dia merasa /ebih enak badan (/ebih sehat) she did the shopping [syfOIO dha SVOPing] = dia berbe/anja Fine! [FAIN] = Bagus/ Home again! [HOUM_agen] = Ucapan yang berarti: Sudah sampai di rumah /agi! on the way home [on dha WEI HOUM] = da/am perja/anan pu/ang quite a few [KWAIT_a FVD] = cukup banyak/banyak juga Good on you! [gud_ON yu (ya)] = Bagus! geel [JT) = wah! All my socks have holes in them [OLmai SOKS hcev HOUL.Z....in dham] = Semuakauskakisaya berlubang help yourself (to something) [HELP yaself (ta SAMthing)] {(catatan: Da/am ungkapan make yourself at home [MEIK yaselCat HOUM] ungkapan ini, yourself make yourself comfortable [MEIK yaself KAMFtabal] oisssnvediucepken [yaself]) take care of yourself [TEIK KE9cav yaself] = jaga/ah dirimulheti-heti (you'll have to) look after yourselves [LUK..AFta yoSELVZ] sesuetu, silahkan ambi/ sendiri 2. take care of yourselves.
1. ka/au ka/ian memer/ukan
, .. AND BE READY FOR THESE OtHER WORDS AND PHRASES a finance company [FAlnams kamp(a)ni] = perusahaan pemberi kredit iron [AI9N] = menyeterika a director [daREKta] = direktur mend [MEND] = memperbaiki an employee [emPLOlyi] = pegawai a high salary [HAI SA:L(a)ri] = gaji yang teach-taught-taught [TTC- TOT-TOT] tinggi a (clothes) line [(KLOUDHZ) LAIN] = tali do the washing-up [DO dha WOSYing...AP] jemuran = meneuei piring, panei dsb. a guy [GAl] = orang laki-Iaki/eowok she hasn't finished the washing-up = dia (bersifat tidak resmi: terutems dipakai oleh belum selesai meneuei piring kaum muda)
PART 11:
you're hopeless at figures [YD HOUPlas_at FIGaz] = kamu payah berhitungnya
when you add two and two you always get five [wen YOwfiD TOw_an TOyuw_OLweiz get FAIV] = dua tembsh dua saja ksmu tidak tahu a calculator [KA:Lkyaleita] = mesin hitung in charge of [in CAJ_av] = mengepalai a promotion [praMOUsyan] kenaikan what sort of [WOT SOT_av] = jenis apa (pangkat) a reference library [REFrans laibr(ar)i] mainly [MEINli] = terutama perpustakaan referensi personally [P9sanli] the staff [dha STAF] = staf the fiction section [dha FIKsyan seksyan] = her office voice [hacOFas VOIS] = suara bagian fiksi (buku-buku eerita) "dines't-nv« That's a relief [DHA:TS_a raLTF] = diueapkan a garb~ge ~in [GA~ij bi~] } = tong sampah kalau apa yang dikuatirkan tidak akan terjadi a rubbish bin [RABlsy bin]
PELA YANAN DI AUSTRALIA Di kote-kots Australia, baik besar maupun keclt, susu diantarkan ke rumah setiap hsri, biasanya pagi pagi sekali. Demikian juga surat kabar diantarkan ke rumah oleh agen surat kabar setempat. Di kota-kota besar dan kecil pengantaran pos dilakukan setiap hari juga. Mereka yang tinggal di daerah-daerah terpeneil mungkin tidak menerima kiriman pos setiap hari ketene pengantaran hanya dilakukan setu atau dua kali seminggu, bahkan mungkin lebih jarang lagi di daerah pedslemen. Di kota pengambilan sampah dilakukan satu atau dua kali seminggu. Penduduk mengeluarkan garbage bin (atau rubbish bin) dan meletakkannya di keki-tims di muka rumahnya. Pada malam berinve, truk pemerintah daerah setempat datang untuk mengambil sampah tersebut. Sampah itu selanjutnya dibawa ke tempat pengumpulan sampah. Keesokan harinya penduduk mengambil kembali garbage bin yang sudah kosong dari kaki-lima.
EXERCISES A. Kerjakanlah latihan di bawah ini seperti eontoh berikut. Example: Jane spoke to the Director. Example: Jane spoke to the Director. Answer: Jane spoke to the Director Answer: Jane spoke to the Director himself. herself. t. Jane's going to like' the job. 4. All the employees make the tea. 2. Jane said: "I spoke to the Director." 5. Jane spoke to the Director. 3. The Director told her about the job.
B. Pakailah kata BY + kata ganti baru dalam arti tanpa pertolongan atau sendirian. Lihatlah dulu contoh berikut.
Example: No one helped him fix it. Answer: He fixed it by himself. 1. No one helped him do it. 2. No one sits with her. 3. No one helped them paint it. 4. No one works with me.
Example: No one lives with her. Answer: She lives by herself. 5. No one helped her prepare it. 6. No one helped us solve it. 7. No one went with him. 8. No one must help you do it, Tom.
Isilah titik-titik dalam setiap kalimat di bawah ini dengan kata ganti yang tepat.
Example: I burnt . Answer: I burnt myself. 1. Last week she hurt . 2. You cut with the knife. 3. They served .
5. 6.
He taught to play tennis. He burnt . We introduced . . . . . . . to the new neighbours.
D. Margaret dan Bert Scott serta Chris baru saja tiba di rumah Jane untuk bertamu. Di bawah ini adalah apa yang dikatakan Jane kepada mereka. Lengkapkanlah kalimat-kalimat tersebut dengan ungkapan yang telah saudara pelajari. Ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut semuanya terdapat pada halaman 60. Apakah saudara dapat menemukan ungkapan yang tepat untuk setiap kalimat berikut?
"Hullo, everyone. Come in. Make -.. at home. Sit in this chair, Mum. Make comfortable. I've just made some coffee. I'd like you all to help. . . .. Chris, you're probably hungry, so get ..... . . . .. . ..... I want you all to look . . . .. . ....."
IF = jikB/kalsu
Chris: Iwan:
What will we do tomorrow?
I don't know ... It depends - it depends on the weather:
perhaps it'll be fine, perhaps it'll rain.
IF the weather's fine, we'll go to the beach.
= Kalau udara belk, kite akan pergi ke pantai. Perhaps it'll rain tomorrow. (Kemungkinan di masa yang akan datang.) Well, if it rains, we'll stay at home. (Akibat) SYARAT (condition) + AKIBAT (result) IF it rainS we'LL stay at home If it rains, we'll watch TV. If the TV's boring, we'll switch it off.
SAYA AKAN MELAKUICAN 1Nl I'll catch a bus. . I'll catch a bus. (Perhatikan. dalam pola ini kata so tidak dipakai.) Perhaps I'll have enough time. If so, I'll walk. = If I have enough time, I'll walk. Pola kalimat di atas disebut Conditional!. dan bentuknya ialah: IF + PRESENT TENSE + FUTURE TENSE
BARANGKALI HAL 1Nl AKAN TERJADI Perhaps it'll be fine. = If it's fine, _