Škola: Šablona: Název projektu: Číslo projektu: Autor: Tematická oblast:
Název DUMu: Kód: Datum: Cílová skupina: Klíčová slova: Anotace:
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské náměstí 7 III/2 – Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Inovace výuky na GSN prostřednictvím ICT CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0940 Rudolf Dostálek Od Napoleona k jaru národů (evropské a české dějiny 1. poloviny 19. století) The Congress of Vienna VY_32_INOVACE_DE.4.05 26.10.2013 Žáci středních škol Shield against revolution, Holly Alliance, Revolutionary heritage Tato prezentace slouží k výkladu učiva tématu: Vídeňský kongres (v anglickém jazyce)
CONGRESS OF VIENNA • summit of victorious countries (Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal) and France • dealing with post-war configuration of Europe • Summoned by Austrian chancellor Klemens von Metternich
CONGRESS OF VIENNA • Started on 18th September 1814 • According to its conclusion French borders were put back to the previous ones from 1792 • not interrupted due to Napoleon´s return from Elba • Final treaty signed on 9th June 1815
ITS IMPORTANCE • The Congress of Vienna was the first of a series of international meetings that came to be known as the Concert of Europe • an attempt to make a peaceful balance of power in Europe • it served as a model for later organizations such as the League of Nations and United Nations
GAINS OF VICTORS Victorious countries redrew the map of Europe Austria gained Northern Italy, Dalmatia, Istria Prussia got territories in Westphalia, Rhineland and Saarland Sweden obtained Norway Russia gained most of former Grand Duchy of Warsaw and Finland Great Britain got some Dutch colonies (Guyana, Cape Province) and the Island of Malta
RESTORATION • the thrones occupied by Napoleon´s relatives were taken over by original monarchal families • the Bourbons became sovereigns in: • F ………. • S………… • K…………of …………………
RESTORATION • the Savoy dynasty returned to the Kingdom of Savoy • the minor branches of the Habsburgs ascended the thrones of Duchy of Modena and Grand Duchy of Tuscany • the Pope got back the Papal states
Consisted of 35 monarchies and 4 free cities governed by the Federal Assembly its authority was rather restricted limited only to a mutual help at an assault
2 LEADERS – 2 COMPETITORS • chairman position occupied by Austria • Prussia had more economic power • in 1834 Prussia established a duty-free union with most of the other German states with exclusion of Austria • this competition will once lead to a mutual conflict....
HOLY ALLIANCE • After the ultimate defeat of Napoleon the sovereigns of Russia, Prussia and Austria signed a treaty • help to defend the new political and social configuration in Europe • mutual support in fight against any revolutionary ideas or attempts to overthrow any monarchist or Christian system
METTERNICH´S SYSTEM • the system is also called Metternich´s system due to the fact Metternich was its founder and the leader among European diplomats until 1822
SHIELD AGAINST REVOLUTION • Holy Alliance was gradually joined by almost all European monarchs • its armies intervened against revolutionary attempts in 1820ies • Its armies suppressed revolutionary attempts in Spain, Italy, Russia, Poland
HERITAGE OF FRENCH REVOLUTION • some revolutionary ideas were not suppressed by any state persecution • desire of citizens to establish a law state (abolition of aristocratic privileges and serfdom) • freedom of a man can be restricted only by laws (constitution) • laws can be issued only by an elected body (parliament)
DREAM WHICH WILL NEVER COME TRUE? • sovereigns and ministers must be answerable to elected representatives of people according to the constitution • it took almost a whole century (and severe struggle) till these ideas won across European continent……
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