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Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Agenda 1. Introduction by Mrs Laurette Onkelinx, Vice-Prime Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health 2. The Global challenge of obesity by Stephan Loerke, Managing Director WFA 3. From EU to Belgian Pledge by Chris Moris, Managing Director FEVIA 4. Monitoring process�by Chris Moris, Managing Director Fevia 5. Vision and sharing of views on the local initiative by Prof. Wim Verbeke, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University 6. Commerce and services by Dominique Michel, CEO Comeos 7. Conclusion
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
1. Introduction
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Mrs Laurette Onkelinx Vice-Prime Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
2. The global challenge of obesity
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Who is WFA ? The voice of advertisers worldwide
The WFA is a unique worldwide network of 55 National Advertiser Associations and 67 of the world’s top 100 advertisers.
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
WFA covers 90% of global ad spend
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Obesity has become a global challenge The prevalence of obesity has risen up to three-fold in the last two decades… One in five children in Europe are overweight. – World Health Organization
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
A very complex problem
Exposure to food marketing is one of 106 factors identified
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
No correlation between advertising and childhood obesity levels >According to NGO figures, there is no correlation between exposure to food advertising and childhood overweight/obesity: Country Australia USA Poland UK France Germany Denmark Finland Greece Netherlands Norway Belgium Sweden
Number of Ads per Hour + 34 24 N/A 17 16 14 12 12 12 5 7 7 3
Minutes of Advertising per Hour 13 11 N/A 9 6 5 6 5 5 2 2 1.5-2 1
Percent of Ads That Are For Food 39% 49% N/A 59% 49% 41% 38% 47% 60% 84% 29% 53% 21%
Average No. of Food Ads per Hour 12 11 11 10 8 6 5 6 7 4 2 2 <1
% overweight or obese 21* 33** 19 22 18 15 18 13 31 14 21 18 18
Source: Based on IOTF obesity figures and Consumers International data on advertising Data on Advertising: “A Spoonful of Sugar - Television Food Advertising Aimed at Children: An International Comparative Survey” and “Easy Targets: Survey of Television Food and Toy Advertising to Children in Four Central European Countries”, Consumers International1996 and 1999 Data on childhood obesity levels: 11 countries from IOTF:; *“Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Australian children and adolescents” Magarey et al. - Department of Public Health, Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide. Published in the Medical Journal of Australia in June 2001. ** US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999-2000
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
« We will change our food advertising to children »� EU Pledge signatories 2007
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A challenging policy response 2005: EU Platform for action on diet, physical activity and health = A call to action
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
The EU Pledge: An Industry Commitment
A voluntary initiative by leading food and beverage companies to change the way they advertise to children
No advertising of products to children under 12, except those that fulfill specific nutrition criteria
No communication related to products in primary schools, except those requested by or agreed with school administration for educational use
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Supported by a growing number of companies…
Representing 80% of Food & Beverage TV ad spend in Europe
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…and delivering solid results
-Accenture EU Pledge Monitoring Report 2010
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Political recognition of EU Pledge
‘“An important step in the right direction” Nov 2011
“Monitoring carried out in 2010 shows that (…) self-regulation commitments do have an impact. I am pleased that the companies involved have scaled up this pledge, with a stricter audience definition, an increase in the market coverage and the extension to digital” 28 March 2012 John Dalli, EU Commissioner DG SANCO
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
…and it gets even better
EU Pledge 2.0
• Consumer Goods Forum adopts resolution on Health & Wellness • Extension of the commitment to cover company-owned websites • A tougher definition of advertising to children: audiences with >35% children under 12 off limits
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
It’s an on-going journey…. We commit to continue adapting to a rapidly-changing marketing environment
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Which is inspiring pledges around the world
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
YES but HOW ?
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
3. From EU to Belgian Pledge
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Belgian Pledge ( • • • •
2012 : UBA – COMEOS – FEVIA Belgium is the 3rd European country, after Switzerland and Portugal 33 Belgian signing companies to national engagements ! ongoing and evolutive process
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Belgian Pledge
The Belgian Pledge is an engagement by the food and retail industry : - No commercial communication on TV, Print, Radio and Internet advertising to children <12 on food and drinks that don’t reply to specific nutritional criteria - No commercial communications to students related to food and beverage products in primary schools, except where specifically requested by, or agreed with, the school administration for educational purposes
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Belgian ad spend evol. by economic group
Total Ad spend 2011 3.589 billion EURO
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
4. Monitoring > some key results
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
EU Pledge: Change in children’s exposure (<12 impacts; 2005 baseline)
59% EU population
26% EU population
31% EU population
Overall average
Programmes >50% <12 audeince (restricted products)
-‐ 93% -‐ 83% -‐ 79% -‐ 85%
All programmes (restricted products)
All programmes (all products)
-‐ 56% -‐ 60% -‐ 29% -‐ 48% -‐ 30% -‐ 36% -‐ 21% -‐ 29%
*Different sample of Member States monitored each year. **2009/2010: 11 companies monitored (c. 2/3 of EU food ad market); 2011: 17 companies monitored (c.3/4 of EU food ad market)
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Impact of EU Pledge
2007 : 65% of media spending for Food & Beverage 2012 : 80% of media spending for Food & Beverage
In %
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
EU Pledge: 2011 Compliance Figures (Accenture)
• TV:
• Print: 100% • Online: virtually 100% (2 non-compliant ads found)
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
EU Pledge: 2011 Compliance Figures (Accenture)
• TV: 96.12%
• Print: 100% • Online: 100% Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Monitoring Belgian Primary Schools
Basisscholen : • Snoepautomaat: aanwezig in 0% van de basisscholen • Drankautomaat:aanwezig in 2% van de basisscholen (was nog 4% in 2006). «�In 2006 bieden nog 4 op 10 basisscholen dagelijks frisdranken en/of fruitsappen met toegevoegde suikers aan (via automaten, de kantine, enz….), In 2009 is het regelmatig aanbod van frisdranken in het basisonderwijs quasi verdwenen en biedt minder dan 1 op 5 scholen (18 %) nog frequent fruitsap met toegevoegde suikers aan. Ook het aanbod van light frisdranken, die in 2006 nog in 1 op 4 basisscholen dagelijks werden geschonken, is quasi verdwenen in het basisonderwijs.�» - Bron: indicatorenbevraging 2009 (VIGeZ)��
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Monitoring Belgian Primary Schools
Middelbare scholen : • Snoepautomaat: aanwezig in 28% van de middelbare scholen • Drankautomaat: aanwezig in 62% van de middelbare scholen «�Opvallend is vooral het verschil in aanwezigheid van verdeelautomaten: in het basisonderwijs staan er bijna geen, in het secundair onderwijs zijn deze het meest gesignaleerde distributiekanaal. Zo geeft meer dan 6 op 10 secundaire scholen (62 %) aan te beschikken over een drankautomaat, in het basisonderwijs is dit amper 2 % van de scholen dat hierover beschikt (...).�» - Bron: indicatorenbevraging 2009 (VIGeZ)��
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Monitoring Belgian Primary Schools
Middelbare scholen : • Snoepautomaat: aanwezig in 28% van de middelbare scholen • Drankautomaat: aanwezig in 62% van de middelbare scholen «�(...) Zoals eerder gesteld heef dit uiteraard te maken met de leeftijdsgroep van de leerlingen: leerlingen secundair onderwijs hebben een grotere vrijheid om zelf dranken en tussendoortjes te kopen op school. Vergeleken met 2006 stellen we vast dat het aantal drankautomaten in scholen toch fors is gedaald: van bijna 3 op 4 scholen in 2003 en 2006 naar de 62 % scholen in 2009. Daartegenover staat dat de melkautomaten sterk zijn gestegen: van 1 op 5 secundaire scholen in 2006 naar meer dan 1 op 3 scholen (35 %) in 2009.�»
- Bron: indicatorenbevraging 2009 (VIGeZ)��
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
5. Vision and exchange of views Prof. Wim Verbeke Ghent University, Department of Agricultural Economics
[email protected]
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Regulations on advertising to children
> Europe
Total ban on adver@sing to children under 12 years in Sweden and Norway Restric@ons on food adver@sing to children in UK, France, Ireland UK: ban on adver@sing of foods High in Fat, Salt or Sugar (HFSS food products) Self-‐regulatory codes in Portugal and Spain Focus on Timing and Content of adver@sing Limits on the use of celebri@es and cartoon characters Obliga@on to include public health messages or warnings about possible impacts
> Outside Europe
The Quebec (Canada) ban on adver@sing to children (since 1980’s)
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Regulations on advertising to children
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Regulations on advertising to children
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Effectiveness of regulations on advertising to children
> Reported impacts
-‐ UK OFCOM: 28-‐39% reduc@on in adver@sements for unhealthy foods seen by children -‐ France: 21% of target group altered ea@ng habits as a result of the regula@on -‐ Quebec: 7-‐17 million less fast food meals per year, but only 0.6 kg weight reduc@on -‐ UK OFCOM by EATWELL: no effect on household expenditure on unhealthy foods
> Weaknesses in the evalua@on studies
-‐ Oaen limited to children’s exposure to adver@sing messages -‐ Impact on more relevant outcome variables such as diet and health ? -‐ Self-‐assessments (self-‐reports) of behavioural change -‐ Accoun@ng for possible confounding factors ? -‐ Too recent to evaluate long-‐term effects
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Public support for interventions
Source: EATWELL consumer survey 2011
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Public support for advertising bans relative to other interventions (Belgium, 2011, n=600)
Source: EATWELL consumer survey 2011
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Stakeholder positions
> Generally in favour of food adver@sing bans to children. > However, they recommend a self-‐regulatory approach, such as the present EU Pledge, as a more promising star@ng point and as a valuable alterna@ve compared to mandatory government enforcement. > EATWELL consensus to be presented and discussed at: European Public Health Conference, Malta, 7-‐10 November 2012 EATWELL session on Thursday 8 November 2012 -‐ 8.30-‐11.30h > hdp://‐ conferences/EATWELL_final_workshop_8_November.pdf
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> Measuring effec@veness? >On the long term and on relevant outcome variables: diet and health >Using scien@fically sound methods and as naturalis@c as possible sehngs >While accoun@ng for relevant confounding factors and other influences > (More) effec@ve food adver@sing bans to children: >Wider range of media, channels and programs than those specifically targeted at children >Joint effort by industry, government and other stakeholders in the food chain >Embedded in overall industry marke@ng and public health policies > EU Belgian Pledge: an important first step and commitment to be followed-‐up and monitored
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
6. Verantwoord handel drijven Dominique Michel, Comeos Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
De verantwoordelijkheden van de handel
> We proberen al@jd en overal op een verantwoordelijke manier handel te drijven > Dat uit zich zowel in > Verantwoord aanbod > Verantwoorde communica@e
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Verantwoord aanbod > Waar we een invloed hebben op de producten, zorgen we ervoor dat de eisen die aan de kwaliteit, de gezondheid en het milieu worden gesteld, ook worden gerespecteerd De huismerken in de voeding zijn goed voor 32 procent van het aanbod. Daar heea de handelaar een directe verantwoordelijkheid. Voor de overige 68%, moet hij vertrouwen op zijn leveranciers > Het milieu: In 2003 verbonden we er ons vrijwillig toe het aantal plas@c draagtasjes voor éénmalig gebruik, te beperken. Nu al 2904 ton minder wegwerpzakjes. Streefdoel van -‐90% tegen 2013 is in zicht. 2011: sectorale raamakkoorden met minister Magnede om voor duurzame producten te gaan. O.a. duurzaam hout (doel: 35% aandeel tegen 2018, waar het nu 23% is) en detergenten (minder detergenten gebruiken) Sinds 2007: vrijwillige aqouw verkoop gloeilampen > Gezond voedsel: Restaurantketens bieden gezonde menu’s aan – van veggieburgers tot slaatjes De handelaar past de eigen producten constant aan. 2009: zoutconvenant tussen FEVIA, Comeos en Minister Onkelinx. Zou@nname met 10% verminderen. Wanneer de productsamenstelling wordt aangepast, wordt ook de hoeveelheid suiker of vet opnieuw bekeken
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Verantwoorde communicatie
> We houden rekening met verschillende doelgroepen, en passen onze communicatie daaraan ook aan > Akkoord speelgoed: Geen promo@es of reclame voor één november, voor de feesten van Sinterklaas en Kerstmis, noch voor een periode van zes weken voorafgaand aan het paasfeest sinds 2000 > In 2004: reclamecode FEVIA, UBA en Comeos voor voedingsmiddelen. Beheer en controle: toevertrouwd aan JEP. > 2007: EU Pledge initiatief > 2012: Belgian Pledge
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7. Conclusion
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
think do evaluate act The end is only the beginning…
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle
Thank you ! UBA : Fevia : Comeos :
Sept 11th 2012 @ B19 - Uccle